P0LYV1NYLPYRR0UD0NE Safety in numbers If there's another chemical that can be used as safely in a larger number of applications than polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), we haven't come across it. This extraordinarily versatile acetylene derivative finds utility in dozens of applications across many industrial and consumer markets: pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, adhesives, beverages, cosmetics, toiletries, detergents, soaps, electrical applications, fibers, textiles, lithography, photography, paper manufacture & processing, veterinary products, oil well drilling, and on, and on... Itself non-toxic, PVP complexes with a variety of other substances in myriad Ways to render them less harmful and more useful. Physiologically inert, it is employed safely in hundreds of prod- ucts destined for human use. Polyvinylpyrrolidone. PVP We've tried to represent its range in our painting but we ran out of canvas. We will not, however, run out of PVP We manufacture it in two domestic locations; and supply it through a worldwide network of subsidiaries. Nor will you run out of ideas on how you can use PVP in your business. Not if you think about it. Think about it. Then request our brochure on PVP and/or samples. Call or write our local sales office today, or GAF Corporation, Acetylene Chemicals Department, 140 West 51 Street, New York, N.Y 10020. (212) 621-5277 ••••ii^iirf A c e t y l e n e C h e m i c a l s CIRCLE 19 ON READER SERVICE CARD


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Page 1: POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE Safety in numbers

P0LYV1NYLPYRR0UD0NE Safety in numbers

If there's another chemical that can be used as safely in a larger number of applications than polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), we haven't come across it.

This extraordinarily versatile acetylene derivative finds utility in dozens of applications across many industrial and consumer markets: pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, adhesives, beverages, cosmetics, toiletries, detergents, soaps, electrical applications, fibers, textiles, lithography, photography, paper manufacture & processing, veterinary products, oil well drilling,

and on, and on. . . Itself non-toxic, PVP complexes with a

variety of other substances in myriad Ways to render them less harmful and more useful.

Physiologically inert, it is employed safely in hundreds of prod­ucts destined for human use.

Polyvinylpyrrolidone. PVP We've tried to represent its range in our painting but we ran out of canvas. We will not, however, run out of PVP We manufacture it in two domestic locations; and supply it through a worldwide network of subsidiaries. Nor will you run out of ideas on how you can use PVP in your business. Not if you think about it.

Think about it. Then request our brochure on PVP and/or samples.

Call or write our local sales office today, or GAF Corporation, Acetylene Chemicals Department, 140 West 51 Street, New York, N.Y 10020. (212) 621-5277

••••ii iirf Acetylene Chemicals CIRCLE 19 ON READER SERVICE CARD