Politic s Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 Italy $400 $100 $200 $300 $500 GermanS tates $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

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Page 1: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400




$100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400













$500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy

Page 2: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Politics - $100

This terms refers to a person who wants drastic, immediate change.

What is Radical?

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Page 3: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Politics - $200

This term refers to a person who wanted constitutions to be created and freedoms extended to include press, speech, etc.

Who is a liberal?

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Page 4: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Politics - $300

This term refers to an individual who would prefer to keep the status quo and not experience any change.

What is a conservative?

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Page 5: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Politics - $400

This term means self-rule.

What is autonomy?

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Page 6: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Politics - $500

Tsar Alexander III was referred to as this type of ruler because he responded immediately to the challenges of governing.

What is a reactionary?

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Page 7: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

German States - $100

This German state was considered the most powerful and it led the way to unification.

What is Prussia?

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Page 8: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

German States - $200

This man was the first kaiser of unified Germany.

Who was Wilhelm I (William I)?

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Page 9: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

German States - $300

This was a deliberate attempt to free the German people from the control of the Catholic Church.

What is Kulturkampf?

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Page 10: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

German States - $400

This was the first step toward unification, the creation of an economic union free of trade barriers between the German states.

What is the Zollverein?

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Page 11: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

German States - $500

This man said, “The great questions of the time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisions—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood.”

Who was Otto von Bismarck?

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Page 12: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy - $100

The Congress of Vienna returned control o of the various Italian city-states to different European powers. This country held the most territory and had the most control in Italy.

What is Austria?

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Page 13: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy - $200

He became the first king of a unified Italy in 1871.

Who was King Victor Emmanuel II?

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Page 14: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy - $300


Page 15: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy - $400

This man led the Red Shirts in the campaign that unified Italy.

Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?

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Page 16: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy - $500

This country promised to aid the revolutionaries in Italy who were fighting Austria by sending supplies, troops, etc.

What is France?

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Page 17: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Latin America - $100

This man was nicknamed the “Black Napoleon” for his military skills.

Who was Toussaint L’Ouverture?

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Page 18: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Latin America - $200

Spanish colonies saw their opportunity to rebel against Spanish rule when this man invaded Spain in 1808.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

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Page 19: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Latin America - $300

This man gave a famous speech, known as “El Grito de Dolores” to encourage the mestizos and indigenous people of Mexico to rebel against Spain.

Who was Miguel Hidalgo?

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Page 20: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Latin America - $400

This revolutionary leader was in charge of the “Army of the Andes” and successfully liberated Peru, Chile as well as Argentina.

Who was Jose de San Martin?

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Page 21: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Latin America - $500

Simon Bolivar was the President of this short lived South American country.

What is Gran Colombia?

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Page 22: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Austria – Hungary - $100

This ruling family was responsible for governing the empire and held the crown in both countries.

Who were the Hapsburgs?

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Page 23: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Austria – Hungary - $200

Although Austria & Hungary shared an emperor, each had its own parliament & its own prime minister. This form of government was known as this.

What is a dual monarchy?

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Page 24: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Austria – Hungary - $300

Many of the Balkan territories controlled by Austria had once been part of this Empire that had begun to decline in the 1600s.

What is the Ottoman Empire?

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Page 25: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Austria – Hungary - $400

This man was the Emperor of Austria-Hungary.

Who was Franz Josef?

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Page 26: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Austria – Hungary - $500

The “powder keg of the Balkans” refers to the volatility of the country due to the almost 15 different ethnic groups that were part of the empire. This event caused the “spark” that set off the “powder keg”.

What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

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Page 27: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Russia - $100

This tsar was responsible for freeing the serfs in a declaration he made in 1861.

Who was Alexander II?

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Page 28: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Russia - $200

One of the reforms made by Alexander II was to allow local governments to make laws, build schools, etc. These local governments were known as this.

What is a zemstov?

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Page 29: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Russia - $300

Under Alexander III, Russian Jews were subject to anti-Semitic attacks known as this.

What are pogroms?

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Page 30: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Russia - $400

Nicholas II was forced to allow the Russian revolutionaries to create a legislature. This legislature was known as this.

What is the duma?

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Page 31: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Russia - $500

This quote describes the leader of Russia. “After a performance of the ballet 'Tsar Kandavl' at the Mariinsky Theatre, I first caught sight of the Emperor. I was struck by the size of the man, and although cumbersome and heavy, he was still a mighty figure. There was indeed something of the muzhik [Russian peasant] about him.” .

Who is Alexander III?

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Page 32: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Daily Double Specify Your Wager!

Page 33: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

Italy – Daily Double ?

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When this man was appointed as Prime Minister of Piedmont in 1852, his primary goal was unification. He died 3 months after the Italian kingdom was completed.

Who was Count Cavour?

Page 34: Politics Latin America Austria- Hungary Russia $100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400

People – Final JeopardyThe following quote was made by this man “…the

house of Habsburg-Lorraine, perjured in the sight of God and man, had forfeited the Hungarian throne…”

Who was Louis Kossuth?