United Nations in Reference to India EARLY YEARS India signed declaration with United Nations on 1 January 1942 at Washington. India also participated in important UN conferences between 25 to 26 April 1945. After world wars nations sought peace organizations so as to maintain world piece . India during this period was at it’s verge of British rule and made it’s move towards complete independence. During early years of independence India was still in it’s developing phase and was in immediate need of worldwide protection and support it’s economy. During this period India was surrounded by many hostile nations who wanted to cease this opportunity and invade India due to it’s weak political and economical conditions. To overcome this situation India needed an organization so as to safeguard it’s interests. At international level India was still having a very unambiguous status though few recognitions were given by some nations such as Japan, Russia, Singapore etc. In the preliminary formation of United Nations India played a major role as in the early years of formation of United Nations as UN was battling against colonialism and apartheid. India stood by UN and supported it in it’s mission. India acquired a great status as it was the founding member of the non aligned movement and this cemented the position of Indian in UN. At this time India was the most outspoken critics of apartheid and colonialism. India was the first country to raise the subject of racial discrimination in South Africa at UN in the year 1946. India’s role at UN Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was the first woman to be elected as the president of the UN General Assembly. She got elected in 1953 and played an active role at UN. India performed actively at UN meetings and supported many movements initiated by UN. One of theses movement to end the arms race which was known as International disarmament movement so as to establish global peace, harmony and prosperity.

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United Nations in Reference to India


India signed declaration with United Nations on 1 January 1942 at Washington. India also participated in important UN conferences between 25 to 26 April 1945. After world wars nations sought peace organizations so as to maintain world piece . India during this period was at it’s verge of British rule and made it’s move towards complete independence. During early years of independence India was still in it’s developing phase and was in immediate need of worldwide protection and support it’s economy. During this period India was surrounded by many hostile nations who wanted to cease this opportunity and invade India due to it’s weak political and economical conditions. To overcome this situation India needed an organization so as to safeguard it’s interests. At international level India was still having a very unambiguous status though few recognitions were given by some nations such as Japan, Russia, Singapore etc.

In the preliminary formation of United Nations India played a major role as in the early years of formation of United Nations as UN was battling against colonialism and apartheid. India stood by UN and supported it in it’s mission. India acquired a great status as it was the founding member of the non aligned movement and this cemented the position of Indian in UN. At this time India was the most outspoken critics of apartheid and colonialism. India was the first country to raise the subject of racial discrimination in South Africa at UN in the year 1946.

India’s role at UN

Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was the first woman to be elected as the president of the UN General Assembly. She got elected in 1953 and played an active role at UN. India performed actively at UN meetings and supported many movements initiated by UN. One of theses movement to end the arms race which was known as International disarmament movement so as to establish global peace, harmony and prosperity.

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Korean War and POWs

India played a major role in resolving the Korean war and acted as a mediator on behalf of the United Nation so as to relieve the Korean prison of wars and establish peace between North Korea and South Korea.

Other activities

Independence of colonized countries and non self governing territories was also an important issue for India. India gave a thrust to this movement to decolonize the colonized countries and help them in achieving their independence.A major role was played by India to focus on the economic growth of developing countries including itself so as to stabilize their economic condition. It favored global trade and commerce so as to improve the economies.

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International PoliticsAnd India

UN Funds

India timely contributes to UN international funds so as to aid in programs launched by UN. India contributed 16 million dollars in the year 2009. India also contributes in United Nations Democracy Funds

UN Security Council

India has been elected seven times to the UN security council and served it’s best during it’s tenure. Now India seeks permanent membership of the UN Security Council. These demands are being raised by many developing countries and they have also proposed to increase the number of members in security council from 15 to 25. India seeks permanent membership in the Security Council on the following basis

1. India a fast growing economy2. World’s largest liberal democracy3. Third largest in purchasing power4. Third largest army

Politics in Security Council

Washington Post reported that in the year 1955 India was offered permanent seat. But this offer made by the United States and Soviet Union was denied by the Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru (as said by the report)Mr. Nehru stated in the Lok Sabha that no such offer was presented to India. He clearly statedThere has been no offer, formal or informal, of this kind. Some vague references have appeared in the press about it which have no foundation in fact. The composition of the Security Council is prescribed by the UN Charter, according to which certain specified nations have permanent seats. No change or addition can be made to this without an amendment of the Charter. There is, therefore, no question of a seat being offered and India declining it. Our declared policy is to support the admission of all nations qualified for UN membership.

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International OppressionsUnited Nations has several times criticized Indian policies and activities as a part of it’s international politics. Many times due to international policies our nation have been oppressed by some powerful nations. Some of them have been discussed below.

1974 Ban on India

On 18 May 1974 India conducted it’s first nuclear tests at Pokhran. These nuclear tests were conducted in a very secretive manner so as to avoid International attention. The nuclear test was conducted underground under the supervision of highly experienced Indian scientists. As this news reached other nations an International Ban was announced by the United States of America which lasted only for few years. India was alleged with breach of International Ban treaty and a very criticizing statements were given other nations specially Pakistan who cried out loud for protection of their country and serious action against India. Some of the statements given by other nations are as following.

China Referring to India's three nuclear tests on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said that the government "expresses grave concern about India conducting nuclear tests." Zhu said, Indian nuclear testing "runs against international trend and is detrimental to the peace and stability of the South Assian region." On 13 May the Chinese government stated that it was "shocked and strongly condemns" the Indian nuclear tests and called for the international community to "adopt a unified stand and strongly demand that India immediate stop development of nuclear weapons."

Israel Israel will not condemn India for conducting nuclear tests, nor will it publish an official response to the tests. Unofficially, Israeli representatives said that, "Israel has signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and calls on all countries in the world to sign it." The unofficial comment is not published, but is quoted by Israel's official representatives at home and abroad.

Japan Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said that the nuclear tests were "extremely regrettable," and announced that Japan would cut off all aid, except humanitarian aid, to India.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said, "I wish to assure the nation that Pakistan has the capability to respond to any threat to its security . We will take all necessary measures to safeguard our �security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national interests." (AP, 12 May 98)

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United Kingdom Defense Minister George Robertson said, "it is not a helpful move and not a good day for the world as a whole. The repercussions are obvious and ominous. It is very worrying for the international community."

United Kingdom Defense Minister George Robertson said, "it is not a helpful move and not a good day for the world as a whole. The repercussions are obvious and ominous. It is very worrying for the international community."

United Nations A spokesman for Secretary General Kofi Annan said that Annan "learned with deep regret of the announcement that India had conducted three underground nuclear tests." The spokesman said that Annan was "concerned that the latest testing is inconsistent with the pattern which has been firmly endorsed by the international community."

United States President Bill Clinton stated that the Indian nuclear tests "were unjustified. They clearly create a dangerous new instability in their region. And, as a result, in accordance with United States law, I have decided to impose economic sanctions against India."

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Critical AnalysisPOSITIVE NOTION

United Nations works for the development and peaceful sustenance of all the countries minimizing conflicts and friction between nations.

UN helps in growth of trade worldwide

Humanitarian aids necessary for survival are provided by UN

Many organization working for worldwide health concerns are under UN

UN is equipped with peace keeping forces to fight terrorism and tyranny in other nations.


United Nations is not a democratic organization

Some of it’s policies are only for the benefits of few nations

Permanent five members have high influence on decisions on the organization

High interference is there by UN in personal matters of countries

UN security council is influentially controlled by United States of America

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United nations is a great organization helping many nations to grow and prosper. It is a mediator between nations so as to solve any conflicts and act as a medium of communication amongst nations. But this organization is lead by some powerful nations and have an influential position in the council. Due to this reason other small nations feel difficulties in expressing there situations and problems. Permanent 5 members are the only permanent full-fledged members of UN and UN security council. Sometimes due to international politics only for the sake of betterment of some developed nations many unfair policies are prevalent which is hampering the soul of this organization.