Polite sources on vaccines You can find polite sources on vaccines – namely, every government in the world, every major public health org in the world and the global scientific and medical consensus drawn from respectable journals. Some of the governments even have publicly funded health care systems but in-depth detail on that one is another story for another blog post. If you are interested in further information now though, please check out the Wikipedia article on this . If you aren’t that interested then all you need to know for now is that there are certain people who would have you believe that some governments are deliberately buying from evil corrupt pharmaceutical companies in order to poison their population….just so that they can pay AGAIN to fix their citizen’s health issues. That makes no economical or financial sense at all and this is from the same people who tell you to #FollowTheMoney – and we’ll explore that particular idea later on .

Polite sources on vaccines Web viewPhilippines (Thank you, ... the simple conclusion that there is very little overlap between anti-vaxxers and parents of vaccine ... girls with Turner’s

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Polite sources on vaccines

You can find polite sources on vaccines – namely, every government in the world, every major public health org in the world and the global scientific and medical consensus drawn from respectable journals.

Some of the governments even have publicly funded health care systems but in-depth detail on that one is another story for another blog post. If you are interested in further information now though, please check out the Wikipedia article on this.

If you aren’t that interested then all you need to know for now is that there are certain people who would have you believe that some governments are deliberately buying from evil corrupt pharmaceutical companies in order to poison their population….just so that they can pay AGAIN to fix their citizen’s health issues. That makes no economical or financial sense at all and this is from the same people who tell you to #FollowTheMoney – and we’ll explore that particular idea later on.

Now then, those of you who wish to see polite information on vaccines will be provided with a list of various places you can see that. The rest of the class will be waiting here for you when you have finished.

Every sovereign state in the world

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic (CAR) Chad

Chile China Colombia Comoros Democratic Republic of the   Congo Republic of the   Congo Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Cro a tia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia / Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea -Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary

Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland / Republic of Ireland Isr ael Italy Jam aica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco

Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Pan ama (Thank you, Panama For Real) Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines (Thank you, Wikipedia – footnotes at the bottom are useful) Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles

Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and Northern

Ireland United States of America (USA) (The whistle-blower documents are here but

you may need a free google dropbox account.) Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City (Holy See) Venezuela Vietnam Yemen

Zambia Zimbabwe

By the way, you can compare EU vaccination schedules for yourself if you go here.

Public Health Organisations – mostly national

Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA;   Brazil)

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC;   Canada)

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC;   People's Republic of China)

Public Health England (  England)

Institut de veille sanitaire (InVS;   France)

Robert Koch Institute (  Germany)

Hellenic Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention (  Greece)

Centre for Health Protection (CHP;   Hong Kong)

National Centre for Disease Control (  India)

Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS;   Italy)

National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID;   Japan)

Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI;   Norway)

Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS;   Peru)

National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC;   Philippines)

Health Protection Scotland, (  Scotland)

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC;   South Korea)

Instituto de Salud Carlos III (  Spain)

Public Health Agency of Sweden (  Sweden)

Centers for Disease Control (  Taiwan)

Public Health England (  England)

NHS Health Scotland (  Scotland

Public Health Wales (  Wales

U.S. Centers for Disease Control (  United States)

Epidemic Intelligence Service   United States)

U.S.-Mexico Border Infectious Disease Surveillance Project

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Public Health Wales (  Wales)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Central American Region (CDC-CAR;   Guatemala,   El Salvador,   Nicaragua,   Costa Rica,   Panama,   Belize)

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC;   EU)


European programme for intervention epidemiology training (EPIET)


Health Threat Unit

World Health Organization (WHO;   United Nations)

Major health orgs

Other Polite Pro-Vaccine Sources

Shamelessly stolen from Skeptical Raptor’s list of “Pro-vaccine websites that I love”.

Voices for Vaccines (Nice post on SR’s blog here)Shot of preventionRed Wine & Apple Sauce on vaccinesValue of VaccinesPKIDS on vaccinesCHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)Vaccine News DailyI Speak of Dreams (SR)The Pediatric InsiderEvery governmentEvery major health org of every country around the worldThe consensus of respectable, peer-reviewed medical journals, doctors, researchers and scientists.

Oh and universal, widespread scientific fraud can be empirically demonstrated in a simple process: 1)Select a sample size of all the studies you claim are fraudulent, 2)hire some independent scientists, 3)keep your scientists in the dark about who is hiring them and 4)Have the scientists meticulously replicate the studies.

If data has been fraudulently fudged then you can demonstrate it by following the same methodology and study design – this is what science does. Alternatively, you could follow the table below and see where that takes you.

If science is only controlled by who pays for itIf vaccines… But the funders

have….And scientists think the funder has…

Then the results should be…

Cause autism No financial interest either way

No fi Vaccines cause autism

Don’t cause autism “ “ “ “ Vaccines don’t cause autism

Cause autism NFIEW Financial interest in vaccines causing autism

Vaccines cause autism

Don’t cause autism NFIEW Financial interest in vaccines not causing autism

Vaccines don’t cause autism

{financial interest in vaccines causing autism,no financial interest} {financial interest in vaccines causing autism,financial interest in vaccines causing autism} {financial interest in vaccines causing autism,finiacial interest in vaccines not causing autism} {finiacial interest in vaccines not causing autism,no financial interest} {finiacial interest in vaccines not causing autism,financial interest in vaccines causing autism} {finiacial interest in vaccines not causing autism,finiacial interest in vaccines not causing autism}

You make an anti-vaxxer by injuring a pro-vaxxer’s child!!!!!/Every anti-vaxxer was pro-vaccine once.

Three-quarters (75%) of parents decide which vaccines to give their kid before becoming pregnant. According to this, 9% of the general population are anti-vax . Among parents, it’s 13%.

In addition , most vaccine injury stories are just that. A causal glance around alleged vaccine stories and the sites that collect them will show you things like SIDS being called a vaccine injury despite the inverse correlation autism being called a vaccine injury despite the plethora of studies that show otherwise.

We will be examining the plethora later on to see which studies were funded by pharmaceutical companies and which weren’t.

And no, there aren’t too many coincidences – there is a picture shown below for that.

So, according to the two sources above:

13% of parents are anti-vax87% of parents aren’t anti-vax.


0.75 x 87 = 65.25%0.25 x 87 = 21.75%

0.75 x 13 = 9.75% 0.25 x 13 = 3.25%

Do you make an Anti-Vaxxer by injuring a Provaxxer's Child?

Parents who decide to vax be-fore kid is bornParents who decide to vax after kid is bornParents who decide not to vax before kid is bornParents who decide not to vax after kid is born

Do you see that tiny little purple slither representing 3.25%? That contains parents who have decided not to vaccinate after a vaccine injury. Notice: “Contains”, not “is”. As you can see from the chart and the citations– most of the parents who don’t vaccinate (green) decide on omitting that course of action long before the child is born, let alone vaccine-injured.

The reality is that most of the believed vaccine-injuries simply are not vaccine injuries. Vaccine injuries do exist but autism and SIDs simply aren’t vaccine injuries. Neither SIDs nor autism falls within the class of “vaccine injuries” even though vaccine injuries exist. The autism epidemic and SIDs are often both perceived to be vaccine-injuries, for example. The reality is that the autism epidemic doesn’t exist. As for SIDs…..vaccinated kids have less SIDs.

The stark reality is that the vast majority of anti-vaxxers do not have vaccine-injured children. In contrast, the vast majority of parents with vaccine-injured children are very aware that their children depend on herd immunity to keep them healthy so very few of them are anti-vax.

This of course leads readily to the simple conclusion that there is very little overlap between anti-vaxxers and parents of vaccine-injured children along with the fact that there simply aren’t enough vaccine injuries happening for that to be true.

What is a possibility is that you make an anti-vaxxer by the parent believing that their child is vaccine-injured. However, no amount of belief makes something a fact and no, neither autism nor SIDs are listed as a side-effect – they are both listed as “Adverse Events without regard to causality.” Since there is no positive correlation with either the vaccine/autism or vaccine/SIDs pairs, it is obvious that neither are vaccine injuries.


Why are pro-vaxxers such bullies?

Have you met the pro-vaccine bullies? They’re everywhere..or are they? No. No. What do pro-vaxxers do? Make mean internet comments at worst, for the most part and make no attempt to silence anti-vaxxers/pro-vaccine-safety advocates. Challenge, yes. Call names, yes. But silence? No. Now, yes, there are probably are pro-vaccine bullies and pro-vaxxers who…. Erm… “don’t suffer fools gladly” would be the polite phrasing. But the distribution is quite marked. And no, the bomb threat and bullying isn’t what you think it is.

However, hostility attribution bias is a thing.

Vaccine Adjuvants   (Additives)

There is some interesting info here and here


Autism and Vaccines

As of 7 March 2014 , there were seventy-five studies refuting the vaccine-autism link. By 11 th March 2014 , this number had increased to over one -hundred studies that showed vaccines don’t cause autism . In other words, nobody ’s ignoring parents who claim their kids become autistic after being vaccinated but rather, the reality is that scientists looked and looked for a causative link only to find that it* simply wasn’t there. This is not at all the same thing as just dismissing it as coincidence because of refusing to admit a causative link .

The real reason is that the simple reality is that autism just is not a vaccine injury http://www.wellwithin1.com/MMR.pdf .

I will examine the studies at some point (However , that is another story for another blog post) to see which were funded by pharmaceutical companies and then which authors belonged to pharmaceutical companies at some point . However , that is another story for another time.

As you can see from the above list – there are vaccines without thiomersal being looked at (as a LAV vaccine, MMR never contained thiomersal and doesn’t now and vaccines beside the MMR being looked at e.g. Pentavac)

Before reading that other blog post, please be clear whether or not there are too many coincidences and whether there is really an autism epidemic. Please familiarise yourself

with Gadad et al (funded by a group that has a financial interest in finding that vaccines cause autism!) Baxter et al and studies listed in memes prior to reading that post.

*The Destefano et al paper uses the “hidden data” from Thompson.

Thanks to LOS for the illustration about coincidences and thanks to Just The Vax for the list of studies

Fainting (Syncope)

Given that there are circumstances in which no vaccine is given but fainting occurs nonetheless, it’s clearly not a vaccine injury. Possibly a needle injury given that this occurs because of blood draws too.

Febrile Seizures after Childhood Vaccinations

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Conclusions: Immunisations are associated with a halving of the risk of SIDS. There are biological reasons why this association may be causal, but other factors, such as the healthy vaccinee effect, may be important. Immunisations should be part of the SIDS prevention campaigns.

SIDS cases were immunised less frequently and later than controls. Furthermore there was no increased risk of SIDS in the 14 days following immunisation. There was no evidence to suggest the recently introduced hexavalent vaccines were associated with an increased risk of SIDS. This study provides further support that immunisations may reduce the risk of SIDS.

There’s this, too.

Are there too many coincidences?

Thimerosal   (Preservative used in Some Flu Vaccines)

Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System

Vaccines During Pregnancy

Vaccine recalls

Historical Vaccine Safety Concerns

Isn’t natural immunity better?

Why don’t you present both sides?

The NVICP and how it works.

Vaccine mandates like SB277 are unconstitutional


Vaccine mandates are against the Nuremberg Code

Godwin gambit

Vaccines are solely for Big Pharma’s profit

Vaccine injury stories

Toxins in Vaccines

Mercury in vaccines

Aluminium (“the heavy metal”) in vaccines


I’ve done my research!

Do your own research!

Herd immunity is just a theory!

What about all the unvaccinated adults?

My Child, My Choice

If vaccines work then why are you afraid of my unvaccinated children?

If vaccines work then why are most of the people who get sick vaccinated?

My Child HAS protection from minor illnesses – it’s called an immune system.

Just eat well.

The diseases were in decline BEFORE the vaccines.

Sanitation and hygiene

Pro-vaxxers believe…

Homeopathic vaccines are better than toxic allopathic vaccines

Vaccine-study results are paid for!


Andrew Wakefield was cleared!

VAERS – what it’s for

VAERs – what it’s not for

Why correlation =/= causation

Logical fallacies seen in vaccine-injury stories in general

Why analogies (like carseats) DO work

These diseases are rare!

I will not set my child on fire to keep yours warm!

Forced Vaccines

Some parents can’t homeschool

SB277 makes homeschooled kids vaccinate.

SB277 mandates the entire CDC schedule

No Jab No Pay forces Australians to vaccinate

When we’re proven right…

I’m pro-SAFE-Vax

Has anti-vax name

Lies about vaccines

Vaccines are toxic

The EPA limit proves vaccines are dangerous

Nine questions that stump every pro-vaccine advocate

Vaccines should be 100% safe.

Where there is a risk, there must be a choice.

Gaileo Gambit.

Science was wrong before

I don’t believe in coincidences!

There are people paid to ruin careers!

Speaking up about the dangers of vaccines gets you fired!

List of anti-vax doctors

Why are you so nasty about this?

Vaccines are injected straight into the bloodstream!

Vaccines bypass the mucosal membranes!

Injection is not ingestion!

Why do we vaccinate infants for Hep B?

Why don’t you use your real name?

There are too many coincidences!

Won’t too many vaccines overwhelm my child’s immune system?

If vaccines are so safe then why has the government paid out for vaccine injuries?

Paul Offit

Paul Offit said that a newborn can respond up to 10,000 vaccines at one time!

Paul Offit’s vaccine increased the risk of insucepption

Paul offit voted on the use of his own vaccine

Paul Proffit

Paul Off-it

People who have reasonable concerns about vaccine safety…

Think for yourself/Sheep…

But Freedom of religion…

But Freedom of speech…


30 studies proving vaccines cause autism!

22 studies proving vaccines cause autism!

122 studies proving vaccines cause autism

100 studies proving vaccines cause autism!

Vaccines cause autism!

Why is there an epidemic of autism?Why doesn’t the CDC or equivalent call autism an epidemic?Why are you so nasty about this?

Autism is exactly like mercury poisoning!

Why is autism listed as a side effect?

Why are you so mean about this?

There has never been a single study comparing general health of the unvaccinated vs vaccinated.

Watch VAXXED and you’ll see!

VAXXED proves….

Mercury in vaccines is neurotoxic!

Vaccines shed and cause disease!

Vaccine proponents use ad hom fallacies too!

You don’t know what REAL autism is like – you’re too high functioning!


The package insert….

Vaccines have never eradicated a single disease

Pro-safe vaxxers have stopped Americans receiving unnecessary vaccinations!

Read the research of Tenpenny, Mercola et al.

Doctors who explain clearly the dangers of vaccines

Predatory and low-impact journals

#CDC whistleblower

There was a conspiracy against Andrew Wakefield by Brian Deer

Pro-vaxxers - #HearThisWell

Some anti-vaxxers are reasonable…

American kids receive 2-3 times the vaccines of other countries

Informed consent

We’re vaccine sceptics.

The flu vaccine contains way more mercury than the EPA limit!

One-size-fits-all vaccination schedule

We’re pro-choice!

Coercion isn’t informed consent!

I didn’t get as many vaccines as my children did!

Vaccine mandates aren’t Libertarian!

Conflicts of interest!

Parents know their children!

The thimersoal in the MMR vaccine caused….

The Amish aren’t vaccinated and have no autism!

This is a myth.

Once you start questioning the safety of vaccines…

Nobody knows about VAERs/The NVICP

Take the entire infant schedule weight adjusted for an adult if the vaccines are so safe


Opinions can’t be wrong

The NVIC says…

The Australian Vaccination Network say…

Vaccines are unnatural

I don’t like formaldehyde in vaccines

Doesn’t my child’s vaccination status only affect me?

The diseases are harmless!

Polio epidemics were due to pesticides and DDT

Vaccines are not properly studied!

If vaccines were as safe as all that then we wouldn’t be discussing it!!!!

Tenpenny had a bomb threat!!!!

Gender-selective thimersoal toxicity

Well, we know that diagnoses of autism are more common in boys but that is not necessarily the same thing as autism being more common in boys. There could be factors that account for differential diagnosis rates that have nothing to do with the actual rates of the developmental disability.

However, if we assume that this is the case arguendo…the when comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children to see if autism is more common in vaccinated children (it’s not) – we would expect to have turned up an interesting finding by accident. Namely, that there should be less of a gender difference in unvaccinated children.

However, it is usually the mercury that is blamed, ignoring the fact that elements aren’t compounds.

So we could look at other exposures to elemental mercury and then we’d expect to see a gender difference drop off as fewer children are exposed to the old-style mercury thermometers. Then we would adjust for routes of administration.

We could also compare kids that get given fish to kids who aren’t given fish – there is still mercury in fish. So if it is mercury that’s causing the problem then the group that gets given more fish should show more of a gender difference. Then we could adjust for routes of administration. We would need to control for other factors though.

In the unlikely scenario that the gender difference is turned up through these means, it would be interesting to study whether it has to do with the Y chromosome creating a risk or whether Barr Bodies protect girls or whether the effect has something to do with having the only X chromosome being a maternal one.

Kids with chromosomal abnormities [I am using abnormalities in the strictest sense of not typical] here would be most helpful in this study since there are certain things that we would expect.

The table is simply to give a general overview – it is not an exhaustive list!

If the gender difference is… Then we would see it in… But not in….Created by a Y chromosome 47, XXY/47, XYY 45,X0, 47, XXProtection from Barr Bodies 47, XY/47, XYY 45, X0, 46, XYOnly-maternal-X Some 45,X0*/46, XY 47,XXY, 46, XX

*As always, double-check my sources.

But you can see that if it’s to do with the lack of (and as genetics is happenstance, there is no blame to be distributed) Barr Bodies then we would expect girls with Turner Syndrome to “look like” boys in our study in terms of diagnoses.

It’s to do with boys receiving XX foetal tissue when they’re XY!

No. First of all, kids do not receive foetal tissue - the needle simply isn’t big enough. It is listed on the package insert because it was used in the making of the vaccine. In other words, foetal tissue is in vaccines in the same way that manure and earthworms are in your apple juice.

Second, we’d see the same issues in girls with Turner’s syndrome who are X0. Second, the boys’ bodies “know” what an X-chromosome looks like.

If you don’t understand this just yet…that will all be clear in just a moment. Try to think back to your biology lessons on blood types. You may remember being told that A is dominant over O, B is dominant over O, O is recessive to both A and B and that A&B are co-dominant.

That picture shamelessly filched from Wikipedia shows you the phenotype of various blood types. Now, we can explore the genetics of blood type and then we’ll compare that to boys and girls in just a moment – first, we need to look at an illustration of genotypes – which was also found from Wikipedia.

When looking at this picture – you can see that the father has AO genotype and his phenotype is Blood Type A (represented in the other diagram with circles on the end of the lines). You can also see that the mother has a BO genotype and her phenotype is Blood Type B (represented with squares on the other end of the lines).

The first child, a boy, receives an A allele from his father and an O allele from his mother making him AO just like his father (Circles). The second child, a girl, receives an A allele from her father and a B allele from her mother thus making her AB – a new phenotype! The third kid, a boy, inherits an O allele from his father and a B allele from his mother thus making him BO just like his mother (squares). The fourth kid receives an O allele from his father and another one from his mother thus making him OO or O-blood-type. That’s the one with nothing on the end.

As you can see from the first diagram, there is nothing on the end of that youngest girl’s red

blood cells hence why O blood types are sometimes referred to as Universal Donors. (Bombay types aside).

If you’re still confused, blood types are as easy as doughnuts and sprinkles and I must thank ThePenguinProf for this video and image since it’s not mine.

Now that you have watched that video, let us plunge bravely onwards! The next step is to learn about how blood transfusions work and how they don’t. That is an Australian site hence the .au at the end.

Notice that Australia is green in both pics.

Right…now that has been done…do you remember how we could give blood from someone with an OO blood phenotype to someone with an AA/AO genotype leading to an A phenotype without many problems? Yes, by the same reasoning that we can give AO types OO without problems, XX types could be given to boys XY

By the way, blood is given IV (yes, directly into the bloodstream) and vaccines are administered IM or SC.

So, to recap, the problems with “XX foetal tissue causes autoimmune issues in boys” premise is:

1)The needle simply isn’t big enough for foetal tissue in the first place2)Nope, genetics doesn’t work that way.3)Where are all the extra vaccinated boys with autoimmune issues? Scientists have looked .

Science has been wrong before!

Parents know best!

No-one is trying to force parents NOT to vaccinate their kids.

Take an English class!

I know for 100% certain that my child was vaccine-injured!!

I know in my heart that my child was vaccine-injured!!

Useful links:
