475 Policy DM45: South Norwood and Woodside Development Management policies

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Policy DM45: South Norwood and Woodside

Development Management policies


Detailed Proposals

24 Station Road

Reference number

Postcode Size of site Site description

Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

97 SE25 5AG 0.05ha Vacant plot adjacent to

supermarket Urban High

Terraced houses and cottages;Urban Shopping


Option 1

Preferred option

Option 2

Alternative option

Description of option Residential development with a retail unit

Justification for option The redevelopment of this site could help to meet the need for new homes in the borough. The site lies within the Primary Shopping Area of South Norwood District Centre and so retail is an acceptable use. The Sustainability Appraisal recommends that the impact of the proposal on the conservation area is mitigated through the heritage and townscape assessment.

Phasing of development 2016 - 2021

Evidence of deliverability Site is subject to developer interest and a planning application is likely soon with the landowner looking to develop the site themselves

No reasonable alternative option


Number of homes 12


Land adjacent to Croydon Sports Arena, 243 Albert Road

Reference number

Postcode Size of site Site description

Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

121 SE25 4QL 6.53ha Former Ryelands Primary School and Arena grounds

Urban Medium Green

Infrastructure;Institutions with associated grounds

Option 1

Preferred option

Option 2

Alternative option

Description of option Secondary School

Justification for option The site is of a suitable size for a secondary school, is in an area that has a high demand for school places and can make a significant contribution to meeting this demand. The Sustainability Appraisal identies that a proportion of the land (the car park area), is Metropolitan Open Land and any proposed development should seek to ensure that any loss of loss open land is mitigated through alternative provision.

Phasing of development 2016 - 2021

Evidence of deliverability Site forms part of Educational Estate Strategy

Number of homes n/a

No reasonable alternative option



Paxton House, 9 Cargreen Road

Reference number

Postcode Size of site Site description

Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

137 SE25 5AE 0.13ha A 4-storey derelict office

building Urban High

Compact houses on relatively small plots;large buildings with surrounding

space;Large houses on relatively small plots

Option 1

Preferred option

Option 2

Alternative option

Description of option Residential development

Justification for option Office use is not protected in this location and redevelopment of the site to residential would help to meet the need for new homes in the borough.

Phasing of development 2016 - 2021

Evidence of deliverability Site has planning permission and landowner is likely to develop the site themselves

Number of homes 22

No reasonable alternative option



Land and car park at rear of The Beehive Public House, 45A Woodside Green

Reference number

Postcode Size of site Site description

Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

486 SE25 5HQ

0.15ha Amenity land & car park Urban Medium

Compact houses on relatively small

plots;Terraced houses and cottages;Urban Shopping


Option 1

Preferred option

Option 2

Alternative option

Description of option Residential development

Justification for option Residential development will help to meet the need for new homes in the borough

Phasing of development Post 2026

Evidence of deliverability Site has no known developer interest and the Council will need to work with landowner to bring it forward

Number of homes 7 to 25

No reasonable alternative option



Alternative sites

Ref. no.

Site name Postcode Size of

site Site


Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

Reason why site is not a

preferred option


South Norwood Methodist

Church, Suffolk Road

SE25 6EG

0.13ha Church and

hall Urban High

Large buildings in an urban

setting;Large buildings with well defined

building line and adjacent to other


The site is an operational community

facility and there is a presumption

against non-community uses

A263 2-8 Woodside

Green SE25 5EU


Garage buildings

workshops and yard

Urban Medium

Industrial Estates;Large buildings with well defined

building line and adjacent to other buildings;Terraced houses and


The site is an operational scattered

employment site and there is a presumption against non-employment


A354 Rear of, 118-148 Tennison Road

SE25 5NE

0.75ha Electricity sub-

station Urban Medium

Institutions with associated

grounds;Terraced houses and


Site is unlikely to come forward for

development due to difficulty in replacing the existing function provided by the



Ref. no.

Site name Postcode Size of

site Site


Suburban, Urban or Central


Public Transport

Accessibility of area

Local character of area

Reason why site is not a

preferred option


Selhurst Park Stadium Car

Park, Whitehorse Lane

SE25 6PU


Sainsbury's and Crystal

Palace FC car parks

Urban Medium

Retail Estates & Business &

Leisure Parks;Terraced

houses and cottages

Site is unlikely to come forward for

development due to difficulty in replacing the existing function provided by the







Alternative Options Borough Boundary