Pokemon Learning League I Messages

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  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Pokemon Learning League

    I Messages

    Written By

    Timothy Whitfeld

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    (Episode opens with Cilan, Ash, Pikachu, Iris and

    Axew walking around in the National Park in Johto

    on a clear, blue afternoon. here are no clouds in

    the sk!, a s"all bree#e is blowing and there are"an! people $ Poke"on going about. Ash looks

    o%er to the audience and casuall! speaks to the".&

    Ash (casually): Hey there!

    Pikachu (casually): Pika!

    "ilan (casually): Hello!

    Iris (casually): Hi!

    A#e$ (casually): A#e$!

    "ilan: This Park sure is %eauti&ul isn't it

    Iris: It sure is! The o$ers are *retty and it's nice

    and calm!

    (he! continue onwards. 'inutes later, the! arri%e

    in a clearing, where theres a white bench perched

    under a tree, a trash cans right next to it, )owers

    $ grass are growing on the side and a patch of


    Ash: Hey guys $hat do you say $e do some

    training here

    "ilan: +ure Ash!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Iris: ,eah! I don't see $hy not!

    A#e$: A#e$!

    Ash: All right let's get started! +ni-y I choose you!

    +ni-y: +ni-y!

    Iris: "ome on out .molga!

    .molga: .molga!

    "ilan: It's time Pansage and +tunfsk!

    Pansage: Pansage!

    +tunfsk: +tunfsk!

    "ilan: All right! I $ant you t$o to try and e-ade as

    many o& each other's attacks as you can!

    (*tun+sk +res a ball of brown sludge fro" its

    "outh at Pansage, who u"ps up and e%ades the

    attack, which explodes after hitting the ground.

    hen, he releases "ultiple gold seeds surrounded

    in a light green aura fro" its "outh at *tun+sk,

    but it bounces out of the wa!.&

    "ilan: All right -ery good!(Pan o%er to Iris.&

    Iris: .molga I $ant you and A#e$ to gi-e each

    other your %est shots!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    (E"olgas bod! beco"es outlined in light green

    and she puts her hands together in front of her.

    hree green-!ellow orbs of energ! appear in

    between her hands and separates the", +ring theorbs at Axew, who dodges the". hen, he raises

    his claws in the air and one )ashes white. hen,

    he tries to scratch at E"olga, who dodges his

    claws while lea%ing behind a white trail of energ!.&

    Iris: Way to go you t$o!

    (Pan o%er to Ash.&

    Ash: All right guys! /on't hold %ack and let it out!

    (he! both nod in agree"ent. he leaf at the end

    of *ni%!s tail gets surrounded b! a wa%! light

    green aura. *he then slashes her tail at Pikachu,

    while lea%ing a green trail of energ! behind, but heleaps out of the wa! and her tail sla"s into the

    ground. hen, he releases a powerful bolt of

    !ellow electricit! at *ni%!, but she leaps up o%er

    the bolt and lands back on her feet.&

    Ash: ,eah! That's the $ay to do it!

    (he! continue to spar o. /ater on, the! spar o

    against dierent opponents.&

    "ilan: 0ur Pokemon are really en1oying themsel-es

    right no$!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Ash: ,ou said it "ilan!

    (E"olgas bod! beco"es surrounded in !ellow

    sparks of electricit! and then she +res "ultiple

    bolts of !ellow electricit! at Pansage. 0e leaps out

    of the wa!, but the attack accidentall! hits *ni%!.

    *he turns and glares at E"olga.&

    +ni-y: +ni-y2

    (*he lashes out a 1ine whip at E"olga. *he gets

    hit and then start +ring bolts of electricit! back at*ni%!. he! then both start to lash out at each

    other. *ni%! +res ra#or-sharp lea%es at E"olga,

    but she 2uickl! ho%ers the", accidentall! cutting

    up parts of the patch grass $ )owers. All the

    while, the trio looks on.&

    Iris: Ash get +ni-y to cut that out2

    Ash: I $ill $hen you tell .molga to sto*2

    (*ni%! and E"olga continue +ghting on while the

    others tr! to cal" the" down, but the! all either

    accidentall! get hit or pushed aside, while doing

    so"e da"age to the section of the park the!re in.

    E%entuall!, the! both fall to the ground, co"pletel!

    exhausted. Ash and Iris run o%er to the".&

    Iris (worried&: .molga are you okay

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    .molga (exhausted&: .molga!

    Ash (concerned&: ,ou doing okay +ni-y

    +ni-y (tired&: +ni-y!

    (he! look at the da"age left b! the +ght. Patches

    of grass $ )owers are cut to pieces, the park

    bench is dented $ broken in so"e spots, the trash

    cans been crushed $ knocked o%er with so"e

    trash spilled out and a broken tree branch hangs

    o%er the bench. Iris turns o%er to Ash in frustration$ agitation.&

    Iris ()ustered&: 0h no$ look at $hat ha**ened2

    This is all your &ault Ash2

    Ash: My &ault2

    Iris: I& you had told +ni-y to sto* this $ouldn'tha-e ha**ened2

    Ash: 0h no2 ,ou should'-e told .molga to sto*2

    Iris: ,ou kno$ you really need to sto* %eing such a


    Ash (retaliating&: 3o ,04 need to sto* %eing a kid2Iris: (gasps in shock.& What did you call me2

    Ash: ,ou heard me2 ,ou're a kid2

    Iris: ,ou are so immature2

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Ash (counters&: Well you're more immature than


    Iris: 0h yeah2

    Ash: ,eah2

    (he! both argue back and forth. 3ifteen "inutes

    later, the!re still arguing. 4e pan o%er to see

    Cilan, Pikachu and Axew looking on with


    "ilan (worried&: 0oh this is not looking $ell!

    Pikachu (agreeing&: Pika!

    A#e$ (agreeing&: A#e$!

    Iris: ,ou $ant to kno$ $hat your *ro%lem is2 ,ou

    al$ays 1um* into action %e&ore you think things


    Ash: .#cuse me2 Well you can't stand to %e

    around ice5ty*es %ecause o& $hat they do to

    dragon ty*es2

    Iris: Well you'-e got some ner-e telling me that2

    Ash: ,eah and you can %e -ery im*ulsi-e andstu*id sometimes2

    Iris: 4gh2 I can't stand you Ash2

    Ash: Well I don't care a%out $hat you think2

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Iris: All right that's it2 I don't $ant to see or s*eak

    to you anymore right no$2

    Ash: 0kay fne2

    (he! both turn their backs to each other and

    stand back to back in co"plete silence.&

    "ilan: 0h %oy!

    A#e$: A#e$!

    Pikachu: Pika!"ilan: I think I %etter call 6uinn to see i& he can

    hel* out $ith this!

    (0e pulls out the PokePilot fro" his pocket, turns it

    on and calls 5uinn, but 6iana appears on screen


    /iana: Hey "ilan! What's u*

    "ilan: 4h hey /iana! Where's 6uinn

    /iana: 0h he had a &e$ things to do so he asked

    me to fll in &or him!

    "ilan: 0h all right then!(*he looks around the da"aged area and notices

    Ash $ Iris still standing in place.&

    /iana: My goodness $hat ha**ened o-er there

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    "ilan: Well $e $ere training our Pokemon %y

    letting them s*ar o7 against each other!

    /iana: ,eah!

    "ilan: Then .molga and +ni-y started fghting

    each other and did a lot o& damage to this *art o&

    the *ark!

    /iana: I see! Well are they all right

    "ilan: 0h they're okay! But then Ash and Iris

    really got hostile o-er the damage then $ent on a

    tangent a%out each other's &aults and no$ aren't

    s*eaking to each other!

    /iana: 0h dear!

    "ilan: +o I need to kno$: do you ha-e any ideas

    on ho$ to settle this

    /iana: ,es I do! To hel* them settle the argument

    you need to tell them to use I messages!

    "ilan: Huh Ho$ are I messages going to $ork


    /iana: Let me e#*lain! Basically it's a statementthat &ocuses on $hat you &eel a%out someone's

    %eha-ior and it states a *ro%lem $ithout %laming

    that *erson &or it!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    "ilan: 0kay $hat's the frst thing to %e done

    /iana: The frst thing to do is to identi&y the

    *ro%lem at hand so you can try and $ork out ho$

    to f# it!

    "ilan: 0kay $hat else

    /iana: The ne#t thing is you need to kno$ ho$ to

    &eel a%out the situation!

    "ilan: What

    /iana: ,eah! I kno$ it sounds ridiculous %ut $hat

    it means is you need to recogni8e $hat you &eel

    $hen the *ro%lem occurs!

    "ilan: All right anything else

    /iana: The last thing is to ask o& a solution! Telling

    someone $hat your solution is $ill let them kno$

    not to do a certain thing again!

    "ilan: Well it seems an I message can $ork $ell!

    /iana: It can %e e7ecti-e i& it's done right so I'll

    sho$ you an e#am*le o& one!

    "ilan: All right /iana!

    (Pan up to an upper panel, showing two people in a

    heated argu"ent.&

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    /iana: 0kay here's an e#am*le o& t$o *eo*le in an

    argument and you're going to tell me $hat you

    think that *erson is going to say in her I message!

    Are you ready "ilan

    "ilan: ,es I am!

    /iana: 9ood! Here $e ha-e a girl $ho is arguing

    $ith her &riend! +he has %een told that $hat she

    did $as $rong and she didn't kno$ it $as! Ho$ do

    you think she should start her I message

    "ilan: I think she should start $ith I don't like it

    $hen I'm not told certain things!;

    /iana: 0kay! 3o$ she's &eeling u*set a%out it!

    What do you think she should say here

    "ilan: +he'll *ro%a%ly say 3ot kno$ing a%out

    certain things $ill get me in a lot o& trou%le and it

    annoys me!;

    /iana: 9ood! Lastly she thinks o& a solution! What

    do you think she's going to say

    "ilan: +he might say I $ould *re&er it i& you $ould

    let me kno$ a%out these things ahead o& time!;

    /iana: All right! That $as really good "ilan!

    "ilan: Thanks /iana!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    /iana: 3o *ro%lem! Well I %etter %e going! 9ood

    luck $ith settling the argument!

    "ilan: 0kay see you!

    (0e turns the PokePilot o, puts it back in his

    pocket and goes o%er to Ash and Iris, who are still

    standing silentl! $ are seething with anger $


    "ilan: Hey guys

    Both: (!elling&WHAT2

    "ilan: Whoa calm do$n! I ha-e something to tell


    (Cross fade to six "inutes later, where hes

    +nished explaining.&


  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    (Cut to a split screen, showing Ash and Iris in a

    listening position, read! to hear each other out.&

    "ilan (1.7.&: 0kay Iris and Ash are going to say

    $hat their *ro%lem is and you're going to say $hat

    you think each o& them should say in their I

    messages! All right! Let's get started!

    Iris: Ash told me that I can't stand ice ty*es

    %ecause o& $hat they do to dragon ty*es! What do

    you think I should say a%out it (*he casuall!

    waits for an answer fro" the %iewers for one and a

    half seconds.& I hate it $hen *eo*le %ring it u*!;

    All right!

    Ash: Iris had called me a kid! What do you think I

    should say a%out that (0e casuall! waits for an

    answer fro" the %iewers for one and a halfsecond.& I really don't like it $hen she calls me

    that!; All right!

    Iris: All right I $as -ery insulted %y $hat he said!

    What do you think I should say here (*he casuall!

    waits for an answer fro" the %iewers for one and a

    half seconds.& .-ery time someone %rings it u* Ifnd it -ery annoying = insulting and it gets me

    ustered!; 0kay then!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Ash: 0kayI got -ery annoyed %y it! What do you

    think I should say here (0e casuall! waits for an

    answer fro" the %iewers for one and a half

    seconds.& Whene-er she calls me that I get -eryannoyed %y it and I &eel like she doesn't res*ect me

    as a trainer!; 0kay!

    Iris: 3o$ I $ant to say $hat my solution is! What

    do you think it should %e (*he casuall! waits for

    an answer fro" the %iewers for one and a half

    seconds.& I'd really a**reciate it i& it $ould sto*getting %rought u* = used to get me agitated!;

    >ery $ell!

    Ash: 0kay $hat do you think my solution should

    %e (0e casuall! waits for an answer fro" the

    %iewers for one and a half seconds.& I $ould like

    her to sto* calling me a kid and start res*ectingme more as %oth a trainer = &riend!; All right!

    (6issol%e back to the trio and Ash casuall! speaks

    to the audience.&

    Ash (casuall!&: Thanks a lot guys!

    Pikachu: Pika!

    (Ash and Iris turn around and face each other.

    he! now each take a deep breath in.&

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    Iris (e"barrassingl!&: Ash a%out $hat I said to you

    earlier! I really didn't mean any o& that stu7!

    Ash: It's all right Iris! I didn't mean $hat I said


    Iris (heartfelt $ truthfull!&: And I'm sorry &or all

    those times I called you a kid! ,ou may act silly

    %ut you'-e got a good heart and you're a really

    skilled trainer!

    Ash (honestl! $ "eaningfull!&: Thanks Iris and I'msorry a%out $hat I said a%out your &ear $ith ice

    ty*es! I kno$ that you'll get o-er that someday

    and %ecome a great dragon master!

    Iris (touched&: Wo$ Ash! That's really means a lot!

    (he! both reach their ar"s out $ gi%e each other

    a handshake, and then a friendl! hug. Cilan,

    Pikachu and Axew co"e o%er to the".&

    "ilan: Well it's nice to see you t$o fnally got

    e-erything settled do$n!

    Pikachu (agreeing&: Pikachu!

    A#e$ (agreeing&: A#e$!

    Iris: "ilan thanks &or recommending that to us!

    Ash (concurring&: ,eah!

  • 7/27/2019 Pokemon Learning League I Messages


    "ilan: 3o *ro%lem you t$o!

    (he! turn o%er to the audience.&

    All (casuall!&: Thank you guys!

    Pikachu: Pika!

    A#e$: A#e$!

    (6issol%e to "o"ents later, where we see the

    three tr!ing to +x up the section. Cilan cleans up

    the spilt trash $ +xes up the can, while Ash $ Irisare +xing up the park bench.&

    "ilan: Well that $as certainly an interesting

    e*isode! /id you en1oy it (0e casuall! waits for

    an answer fro" the %iewers for one second.& 0h

    all right then! We'll see you ne#t time!

    (he! casuall! wa%e goodb!e to the %iewers and

    the! resu"e on working. he scener! fades to

    black ending the episode.&