Points To Consider Before You Try To Lose Weight For The Hundredth Time

Points To Consider Before You Try To Lose Weight For The Hundredth Time

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What type of an eater are you? Do you tend to eat too much when you get emotional? Are you a snack junkie? Is over reacting just a normal part of your routine? You are also probably an expert when it comes to the latest in dieting. Many women attempt to lose weight several times in their lifetime. The struggle lies is losing it, maintaining it, and keeping it off.

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Page 1: Points To Consider Before You Try To Lose Weight For The Hundredth Time

Points To Consider

Before You Try To Lose

Weight For The

Hundredth Time

Page 3: Points To Consider Before You Try To Lose Weight For The Hundredth Time

What type of an eater are you? Do you tend to

eat too much when you get emotional? Are you

a snack junkie? Is over reacting just a normal

part of your routine? You are also probably an

expert when it comes to the latest in dieting.

Many women attempt to lose weight several

times in their lifetime. The struggle lies is losing

it, maintaining it, and keeping it off.

To avoid this proverbial roller coaster and the

emotional anxiety that follows, consider the

following four sets of questions before starting

yet another weight loss regimen.

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1. What has brought you back to this place


What did not work for you before? What was

wrong with your previous plans? What made

you lose your motivation? What was difficult

about your last program? Be honest with

yourself when answering these questions. This

is not an attempt to make you feel guilty, but

an opportunity to do some introspection.

Laziness and a lack of willpower are poor

answers. What can you incorporate in your plan

to help you feel energized? What parts of the

last plan made you lose motivation and fail?


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2. Will you be able to set aside time to put

towards this goal?

If adopting a new lifestyle is a priority for you,

you need to set aside time for some changes in

your routine. Consider keeping a record of the

food you eat in a diary or journal. This will help

you look for patterns. You are going to have to

look at forming new habits and put them in

place of your old, unhealthy ones.

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3. If you hit roadblocks, what will motivate

you to overcome them?

What helps you get back on track when things

get difficult? Does having accountability,

getting rewards and receiving feedback

motivate you? How can your plan be devised so

that you are more likely to stay on it? Click here

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4. Do you feel ready to try out new techniques

to reach your goal?

Before you begin, you need to do some

introspection and look at situations and

variables that can throw you off of your path to

success. Try and seek out for a support system

in your friends, spouse, online group etc. that

can help you get through the challenging points

in your plan.

Before you start another weight loss routine,

take some time out and do some introspection.

Examine the variables and triggers that lead to

overeating and snacking. Talk to your friends

and family and do some research into proven

effective methods of weight loss. Keep a food

journal or diary and track what you eat in a day.

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We all know losing weight is a challenge, but

make weight loss a goal for you, and not for

others. Always consult a medical professional

before attempting a weight loss technique.