POI with Writing Units Per Grade Level Grade Level Units of Inquiry Writing Workshop Units Reception SA = 2 1. Senses (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Launching the Writing Workshop (SA) 2. Materials (How the World Works) UNIT 2: Writing for Readers (SA) 3. Transport (How We Organize Ourselves) UNIT 3: How-To-Books : Writing to Teach Others 4. Solar Systems (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 4: Persuasive Writing of All Kinds: Using Words to Make a Change 5. Life Cycles (Sharing the Planet) Looking Closely: Observing, Labeling, and Listing Like Scientists * 6. Music in Our Hearts (How We Express Ourselves) Music in Our Hearts: Writing Songs and Poetry* Grade 1 SA = 1 1. Personal History (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 1: Small Moments: Writing with Focus, Detail, and Dialogue 2. Four R’s (Sharing the Planet)  UNIT 2: Nonfiction Chapter Books 3. Healthy Choices (Who We Are) UNIT 3: Writing Reviews 4. Creating Stories (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 4: From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction 5. Community Helpers (How We Organize Ourselves) Writing How-To Books* (SA) 6. Changing Earth (How the World Works) Science Information Books about Liquids, Solids, and Gases* Grade 2 SA = 2 1. Relationsh ips (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Craft 2. Forces and Motion (How the World Works) UNIT 2: Lab Reports and Science Books 3. Historical People (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 3: Writing About Reading (SA) 4. Cultural Celebrations (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 4: Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages 5. Ecosystems (Sharing the Planet) Information Books: Using Writing to Teach Others All about Our Favorite Topics* 6. Trade (How We Organize Ourselves) Independent Writing Projects Across the Genres* (SA) Grade 3 SA = 1 1. Role Models (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Crafting True Stories 2. Finite Resources (Sharing the Planet) UNIT 2: The Art of Information Writing (SA) 3. Advertisements (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 3: Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials 4. Inventions/ Innovations (How the World Works) UNIT 4: Once Upon a Time: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales 5. Maps/Visual Representations (How We Organize Ourselves) Poetry: Writing, Thinking, and Seeing More* 6. Recent Discoveries (Where We Are in Place and Time) Information Writing: Reading, Research, and Writing in the Content Areas* Grade 4 SA = 2 1. Government (How We Organize Ourselves) UNIT 1: The Arc of Story: Writing Realistic Fiction (SA) 2. Electricity/ Energy (How the World Works) UNIT 4: The Literary Essay: Writing About Fiction (SA) 3. Migration (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 3: Bringing History to Life 4. Human Rights (Who We Are) UNIT 2: Boxes and Bullets: Personal and Persuasive Essays 5. Fine Arts (How We Express Ourselves) Poetry Anthologies: Writing, Thinking, and Seeing More* 6. Biology (Sharing the Planet) Information Writing: Writing about Topics of Personal Expertise* Grade 5 SA = 1 1. Flight (How the World Works) UNIT 1: Narrative Craft (SA) 2. Civilizations (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 2: The Lens of History: Research Reports 3. The Body (Who We Are) UNIT 3: Shaping Texts: From Essay and Narrative to Memoir 4. Water/Confli cts (Sharing the Planet) UNIT 4: The Research-Bas ed Argument Essay 5. Visual Images (How We Express Ourselves) Journalism* 6. Exhibition (How We Organize Ourselves) Information Writing: Reading, Research, and Writing in the Content Areas* *Alternate units from the If…Then…Curriculum  books at each grade level. An overview of these units are outlined in the books, however, the team will be responsible for drafting the teaching points and the sessions. Samples of alternate unit plans are on the server in the Writing Workshop folder. SA = Stand Alone

POI With WW Units

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POI with Writing Units Per Grade Level

Grade Level Units of Inquiry Writing Workshop Units



SA = 2

1.  Senses (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Launching the Writing Workshop (SA)

2.  Materials (How the World Works) UNIT 2: Writing for Readers (SA)

3.  Transport (How We Organize Ourselves) UNIT 3: How-To-Books: Writing to Teach Others

4.  Solar Systems (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 4: Persuasive Writing of All Kinds: Using Words to Make a Change

5.  Life Cycles (Sharing the Planet) Looking Closely: Observing, Labeling, and Listing Like Scientists*

6.  Music in Our Hearts (How We Express Ourselves) Music in Our Hearts: Writing Songs and Poetry*

Grade 1

SA = 1

1.  Personal History (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 1: Small Moments: Writing with Focus, Detail, and Dialogue

2.  Four R’s (Sharing the Planet)   UNIT 2: Nonfiction Chapter Books

3.  Healthy Choices (Who We Are) UNIT 3: Writing Reviews

4.  Creating Stories (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 4: From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction

5.  Community Helpers (How We Organize Ourselves) Writing How-To Books* (SA)

6.  Changing Earth (How the World Works) Science Information Books about Liquids, Solids, and Gases*

Grade 2

SA = 2

1.  Relationships (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Craft

2.  Forces and Motion (How the World Works) UNIT 2: Lab Reports and Science Books

3.  Historical People (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 3: Writing About Reading (SA)

4.  Cultural Celebrations (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 4: Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages

5.  Ecosystems (Sharing the Planet) Information Books: Using Writing to Teach Others All about Our Favorite Topics*

6.  Trade (How We Organize Ourselves) Independent Writing Projects Across the Genres* (SA)

Grade 3

SA = 1

1.  Role Models (Who We Are) UNIT 1: Crafting True Stories

2.  Finite Resources (Sharing the Planet) UNIT 2: The Art of Information Writing (SA)

3.  Advertisements (How We Express Ourselves) UNIT 3: Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials

4.  Inventions/Innovations (How the World Works) UNIT 4: Once Upon a Time: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales

5.  Maps/Visual Representations (How We Organize Ourselves) Poetry: Writing, Thinking, and Seeing More*

6.  Recent Discoveries (Where We Are in Place and Time) Information Writing: Reading, Research, and Writing in the Content Areas*

Grade 4

SA = 2

1.  Government (How We Organize Ourselves) UNIT 1: The Arc of Story: Writing Realistic Fiction (SA)

2.  Electricity/Energy (How the World Works) UNIT 4: The Literary Essay: Writing About Fiction (SA)

3.  Migration (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 3: Bringing History to Life

4.  Human Rights (Who We Are) UNIT 2: Boxes and Bullets: Personal and Persuasive Essays

5.  Fine Arts (How We Express Ourselves) Poetry Anthologies: Writing, Thinking, and Seeing More*

6.  Biology (Sharing the Planet) Information Writing: Writing about Topics of Personal Expertise*

Grade 5

SA = 1

1.  Flight (How the World Works) UNIT 1: Narrative Craft (SA)

2.  Civilizations (Where We Are in Place and Time) UNIT 2: The Lens of History: Research Reports

3.  The Body (Who We Are) UNIT 3: Shaping Texts: From Essay and Narrative to Memoir

4.  Water/Conflicts (Sharing the Planet) UNIT 4: The Research-Based Argument Essay

5.  Visual Images (How We Express Ourselves) Journalism*

6.  Exhibition (How We Organize Ourselves) Information Writing: Reading, Research, and Writing in the Content Areas*

*Alternate units from the If…Then…Curriculum  books at each grade level. An overview of these units are outlined in the books, however, the team will be

responsible for drafting the teaching points and the sessions. Samples of alternate unit plans are on the server in the Writing Workshop folder.

SA = Stand Alone