Pogo y Aguante Nº 28 (English Version)

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English version of the 28º edition of the magazine "Pogo y Aguante". With interviews to Domination, Calibre Zero and Ricardo Gutierrez and a lot more. If you want be part of "Pogo y Aguante" like review´s writer, send a e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected]

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Ideas, Design, Production and Interviews

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Orsi Interview with Ariel (Domination) .................................. 4

The Pogo: Noiseground Festival .......................................... 6

Interview with Richard Lazarus (Calibre Zero) ....................... 9

The Archives: Aorta .............................................. ................. 11

Interview with Ricardo Gutiérrez ......................................... 13

Gallery ............................................... ................. 15

Tracklist: Darius Kullock / Emmanuel Arevalo .................. 23

Contributors to this edcición:

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Thanks for the call, I was very surprised. It is very gratifying that people follow bothering to spread the Heavy Metal. I am very grateful.

-Contanos How it was formed and what is the style of Domination. We make Classic Heavy Metal, Power Metal something even thrash. The band formed in 2010; We had a project with the drummer and the singer got sick we days before a date. For what Denis knew from other bands and I said if I gave a hand sing some songs. Two songs are learned, rose to sing and was automatic: we look and said "this is the training," and a few weeks we started rehearsing as Domination. It gave very fast.

'It's not common for new bands appear to make Heavy Metal Classic. What do you think this is? And why did they choose this style? True, the classic Heavy Metal bands are not having as much height as other times, but I think it's something the years. A couple of years back of Thrash 90s and became fashionable. I think it's something that comes in all styles, ranging changing and styles that had become neglected. At three we always enjoyed and We continue to defend what is ours.

Lately the bands compete to see who's playing faster. Yes, that's true. As at the time was who is the heaviest. Remains in each join this game and keep the rest or try to do his thing.

With respect to "Doom in Nation" is a concept album. Decinos what it is and how they did it. It is a concept album based on a story that was created on the civil revolution Russian. Throughout the disc will tell the story of Max, a character invented it, who is hired to infiltrate enemy command and go

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annihilating the great posts. Denis is Russian and one day in the hall told us that he would like sing a song in their language, in Russian. Had already been talking about doing a concept album but he had never thought about what topic. And when Denis said that, it occurred to me that had to do something that has to do with Russia. Then we began to read, research and began to build on that. Do not try to make a true story because there I think we corresponded. We wanted to do something you want to listen, do something has not been here.

How was the reception of the people to the disc? The media has treated us very well, the album was very well received. A people still hits a little to be sung in English, and there are issues that are in Russian. We are a new band, none comes from a band of renown, and costs more. But outside is amazing the way they treated the disk. Not set out both what it is what he did before the band focus more on the product you have. From Spain we get a lot of Reviews and messages congratulating us for the disk; we had a review of Germany. Outside was very well received. For us it is the first time we sing in English, for 10 years I play and never I had done something in English, and no other musicians. Being English open much out doors. Thanks to that, to us was we opened the door to go to present the album in Europe next month.

Why places are going to be playing on the tour? The European tour we have divided into two parts; the first part is from Eastern Europe, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary; and the other part is all of Spain. Based do Spain and we will go through the cities, we have about 9 dates for Spain. The tour in total there are about 25 shows in almost 3 months. The idea is to see how the move is there and learn. And if there is any possibility to stay there. Denis, our singer, is already living in Spain.

A salute to the people who keep doing endurance. Keep holding on to the wing, the radios, the fanzines. Often goes through a simple click, and that's a big help. Let's help the metal continues to grow.

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The Underground congregate: Noiseground in Uniclub

The local movement under heavy had been demanding since a long time, a regular meeting alternative Metal For All, which would allow the heavy community provide for growth and glimpse the fruits of the ongoing struggle. And third consecutive year, the festival appeared resplendent Noiseground to take by assault that void of belonging, and fill in dark and deep sounds Hearts nearly 1300 members of the Metal fervent cause.

The meeting point was selected, as in the above two issues, the Uniclub renovated and almost foolproof. Cozy without being suffocating, and owner of a sound strong and forceful, the former Babylon vibrated for 3 days with 19 of the best bands of country and around on Stoner, Doom, Death, Prog, Sludge, and other herbs. Framed within the emotional label Rock Valve, the weekend of 5, 6 and 7 September left his indelible mark among the cracked streets of Buenos Aires.

Day 1: Age, present and


19:30 was the time appointed for that with pristine punctuality, the marathon would its kickoff. Colvero deployed its instrumental distortion eminence As the redoubt was filling gradually, then give way to the Eccentric Orchestra Devils, who surprised with his aesthetic proposal: all faces of the members painted red, with the additive of horns to represent a look unmistakable demonic. The starter strong night wine served hands Cobra Sarli, who struggled with technical difficulties but could provide a trail of ruthless power, wherein said closure was blaring with the almost parodic "Car Drug Route Nena ".

The most anticipated concert of the day was when the club was near the maximum capacity. The Ancients, under the leadership of "Duck" Larralde (Sauron) on voice, and David Iapalucci (Anomaly) and Sergio "Tano" Conforti (recent ex-Avernal) in guitars, demonstrated once again his great news, as re-confirming bands of the moment. A set that cruised between tracks on the EP "Simple" and that He will come for his first CD, never lower the decibels, and left the audience ecstatic largely satisfied. The closure, no offense, seems to have fallen short.

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Chainsaw came from Uruguay with its compendium of cliches Punk setentoso led by frontman clichés addict, who just needs to be dyed blonde for become the River Plate and deteriorated version of Iggy Pop. These were ending the evening during the show, demonstrating eloquently than that Friday should have been completed by the "super band" Metal National Under.

Day 2: Possession Progressive

On Saturday it was somewhat more lenient with frightened neighbors surrounded the Abasto area, as it clusters found with more nuanced progressive, dense and psychedelic tinge. Mondo Dromo, recent draft Deer Records, launched the ancestral trip, and was followed by the dream hang Stilte. A leader dressed in goggles and white apron, equipped with its unusual theremin, gave an afternoon note also witnessed the sonic malevolence Altar, a band whose itinerary live performances wears either just read it. Bringing essence of Stoner in his veins, Brazilians Fuzzly rounded a compact set and sharp, which was supplemented with masterly Sutrah, old friends of the move.

When the cover of darkness and uncertainty was of a local adjacencies with more women than usual (in harmonious result with bands they were to come), Sick Porky people hit the stage and stomped. The eclectic sextet populated his recital with acclaimed songs from "The disembodied" CD coming presenting seamless for months. The final tandem had its definition with the glittering appearance Poseidotica possibly the only band festival with serious projection outside the realm of heavy metal. Despite the absence (for personal) reasons violero Rua Santiago, the quartet become momentarily trio managed to deliver a flawless show from the start with "Hydrophobia" until closing with a new theme, which apparently would be called "Aeroblus". One band without vocals but with a lot to say, put the finishing touches on a second date was found with a high stick well, and knew over it without problems.

Day 3: New Dragonauts in the Underworld

The last day of the festival will be remembered surely as Sunday that Dragonauta Avernal and presented their new formations, but these were not the only highlights of the evening. The rawness of The Dragula, a trio that has the distinction of having in his aggressive drummer also efficient singer, started implementing actions that would be taken by full instrumental melodies 3 milligrams. Subsequently, Narcoiris shook the Uniclub to topics of "The first enemy of man," and left the room conditioning for Metalcore irascible and implacable Anomaly.

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The final stretch is felt in the air, and Buffalo cut the tension with the unsustainable flow of "Upstream". The charisma of Claudio "The Pastor "Filadoro, undisputed king of the riffs murderers in the local heavy music, catalyzed with listeners accustomed oscillating between laughter and rhythmic trance. The announcement of the impending reissue "Hurricane Season" (2003 disc debut) was the perfect excuse for a set perfect. At 21:15 the hangings of stage opened to reveal a the big questions of the night: the rabid feature a frontal of the best Death Metal bands South America as sustenance, and voice imposing hellish forward Cristian Rodriguez, Avernal exhibited their new members; Sebastian Barrett on guitar (mate Cristian FinduMonde) and Franki Cañardo on bass (viola and voice Undermine), replaced the "Tano" Conforti and Mow Houdin (both in The Ancients) respectively, and fulfilled their task with such passion and suitability. The band celebrates its 20 years of brutality still removing roots of each enclosure that dares stand in its path.

With a confluence of nostalgia for the experience and satisfaction with what has been achieved, the Farewell arrived at the hall of Uniclub perched Dragonauta ship. The longer historical exponent of national Doom also offered a fresh face, after output bassist and singer, "El Topo" Armetta. The roles developed by the Massacre former Palestine were split between the return of original vocalist Federico Wolman and Poseidotica bassist Martin Rodriguez. This provision suggests one new direction for the group, which presumably will return to the path of the lyrics, the it came away as they approached to the purely instrumental level. The preponderance of the successes of "Omega Pentagram" and "Inverted Cross" concocted a gloomy, severe, electric final show, as befits Dragonauta. The street Currents slowly began to fill with metalheads who desagotaban club surfeit of good heavy music, and with a single request in mind: the Noiseground Festival still present for many years.

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Here we are content with the upcoming album. So thanks for the promotion

What is Calibre Zero? Calibre Zero is a band of Quite powerful Rock, Rock Heavy influenced by bands like Black Sabbath, Red Baron, in line with bands as Hermetic and Almafuerte. The band was born in 2007 with Antonio Cuenca (drums), Peter Pelaez (bass), Miguel Lazaro (Guitar) and Ricardo Lazarus (voice). We have Published 4 discs, makes a just few weeks out the back and we will rotate throughout the Americas, from the US to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia; and in Europe where we have just released the disc with a German label, Europe and Japan, and a Spanish stamp for Spain.

What is this new album for the band? It is a very important step because the last three years were spent spinning primarily and this album has to mean a before and after. We will see how to grow the band with promotion and touring. We think we've done a very good job and we think people will like it. So far the reviews have been very good and are very happy with the end result is an album that we like much. We are also happy for the first reviews in the media communication being excellent. So do we expect grow as a band and we can continue to work in the best way future.

- What are you going to find people to listen to the album? I think the record is in line with what we were doing until now, Of course everything has improved because time will adjust the tastes and details. It is a very powerful album, we believe that letters have a content important things to say. People will find 11 songs with good choruses, good melodies, good lyrics, good guitar riffs, good riffs. Anyway, I think it's a good job and they liked it before I think they'll like it even more. And for those who do not know us, I think it is a

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- What do they talk the lyrics to "In Their Boots"? They are social letters, trying to reflect the problems that people normal across the world, the common ground we have. They also play more personal matters, things related to daily life. Not everything is political, there are also more rockin, funniest topics; but overall we are a band social content, without falling into simplistic nor easy monotheisms or slogans. We do not like telling people what to think, but throw a idea and that people think about it. That's the theme of Calibre, always has been. Profess more to build than to destroy, so our vision is usually more positive yet still critical today.

- Why did you choose this name for the record? "In Their Boots" is an expression that exists for many years. Already Iron Maiden had used and Hell's Angels. It is an expression that reflects very well the situation we are living in Spain and probably in many parts of the world which is to say that we must fight to the last breath. You can not pay one nor give up. For life is rather complicated, political to the middle classes are taking us to a very complex way and you have to fight and never give up hope. And die with his boots on.

- What do I plan to do now, after the release of the album? The first thing is spinning all over Spain, and have had a couple of dates here. Us left Madrid and many other cities. And as the album was released in Europe, contracting agency is already working for a European tour probably in April or May next year. Keep doing recitals Spain festivals in summer, from June to September and the end of the year we to embark on a new tour in America.

Thank you for the support and good vibes, to continue doing endurance Calibre Zero. Greetings to everyone and a hug from Madrid all Calibre Zero to "Veins of Steel" and "Pogo and Stamina" and all supporting Best Metal. A hug for all of Argentina.

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The band formed in 1998 in Ciudadela, Buenos Aires, Daniel De Tullio (Bass and vocals), Mariano Pampín (guitar) and Diego Burgess (drums), who executed a frantic Heavy Metal, worthy of the ears of fans of V8 Motörhead. In February 2001 edit get "Continue Fighting", his first material which included six songs written (including "Holocaust" "Keep Fighting", "Through Time" and "Aorta") plus the classic V8 "Metal Brigades". Just over a year later, in May 2002, again include these songs on their first full-length album, to which was titled "From Hell". Whoever told also with songs like "With you will not be able", "Out of Memory", "Feel the Metal" and closed with "Rainbow in the Dark" always reminded of Ronnie James Dio. This album edited again in 2006 with a bonus track: "Impersonal Life" by Hermetic. May 2004 is recording "Prisoner of your punishment" that confirmed all the good that we had heard in previous works: a viola aggressive with catchy riffs, strong bases and lyrics hardened, making songs that everyone should hear, "Loser" "Time," "Walk Hard," "Social Slave," "A Light" and "Liberator" closing with a faster version of "Electric Eye" by Judas Priest. The band were each more entrenched on the scene national metal and seemed to nothing could stop her, not even leaving his Pampín guitarist Mariano, who after his release would go through Metalepsia and Machining to reach its current bands: Vulcanor and Pride Fissure; and who was replaced by Nicolas Martinez. As if this change was not enough, the band was joined by Ignacio Fernandez on bass, freeing the voice Daniel De Tullio.

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All this involved the release of "Without Fear or Hope", his work more professional and better managed, edited by Seal from Imaginary Records. A great album that from start to finish, you fly wig with the purest Heavy Metal with songs like "I observe," "Heading Down "," Neverland "," Spirit of Steel "and" Inside the Soul. " The cover chosen this time is an excellent rendition of the tango metalera "Three Hopes" the great Enrique Santos Discépolo's. " The recording of video for the song "I'm one more" finished the catapult in his career, to the point that Daniel De Tullio launch his solo album, entitled or more nor less than "In Solitude" in 2011. It seemed that it was just beginning and in the middle of its height, is Aorta dissolved, leaving the impression that there was still much more to give.

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-Contanos A little bit about your beginnings in music. I started in music since childhood, at about 9 or 10 years. I started playing

battery until age 14 electric guitar came to my house and started trying

asking guitar playing and watching. By that time he had already discovered the

Rock, Metal. The first bands I listened to were bands like Queen and those are my

influences. As I was not allowed to have a battery at home, I got involved with guitar

From that meeting we had and from there I became a guitarist, so to speak.

And how this project came about?

This project was born in the time it leaves the disk Temple, which is one of the disks

speaking more important to me, in fact it is my favorite album. Besides being

laburo fascinated with Walter Giardino, which for me is one of the best guitarists

I also became fascinated with the voice of the disk (Norberto Rodriguez). Then, with the passage

the years, I always had the dream that Norberto could sing any of my songs. I lived for a while in Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, and I had the opportunity to meet NorbertWith time came a friend, had the best wave and a couple of years ago I asked

Norberto if I wanted to sing some of the songs I had in mind to record; and he did

said yes to the best wave. We've played together in a couple of scenes, I have invited

to play here. It occurred to me to do some of my songs and thought to the voice of Norbert which I loved because it is a dream I had years ago.

How you define your musical style?

I think I'm a rock guitarist, can play several things. I'm never thinking about whether it is more or less heavy, if you have more

or less distortion, or if it is heavier and more rock. I like it much the Rock in general; I can hear from the Ramones to

Deep Purple, from Maiden to Megadeth, Maalmsteen, Rata Blanca. I love everything, I am a lover of Rock culture in general. People can define it as you want, Hard Rock, Heavy Rock or

want to call it, that is something that I leave on behalf of the people.

'As for the lyrics, What do they talk?

Own songs like "Illusion" is a mystery, a challenge, which speaks of things in life, talking to each and everyone can be interpreted as you want. "Soul Bar" is

a song that is clearly dedicated to a rock in particular.

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But generally I do not speak or explain to people of every letter, because I think people

entitled to have their own fantasy of the lyrics, which have their own point of view. I compose letters in and out; can be real things or things that only happen in my

head. It's pretty hard to explain how come the songs, because they happen and

Suddenly you have a song.

What do you plan on doing in the near future?

Continue playing, recording, do more dates. Being an independent musician, like me

and many of the province and across the country, trying to do things on our

account and is a little hard but the paddle and took the Rock on.

Vos you were in Buenos Aires, how do you see the move of the province regarding over there?

Some things are different. In Buenos Aires they are more15 million people, capital and the Suburbs. Therefore, 1% of the population is a lot, and if that 1%

listening to a band and are many. Here we are

much less; there is less demand, fewer places to

play. The scene, the Rock is generally quite fallen. Today, mediocrity is something you earn, but gives

a kick. Listens and Tinelli you see a celebrity

are recognized by government bodies, see bands

not have to be where they are, the only music

is promoting mediocrity, and Rock to the side, when the Rock is and has been much more in all

variants. The Rock does not have the place it deserves in this country, like the Rock is always the

resistance and that is the best of Rock resisting by sentiment and not for money, which I looks great and I like being part of that. People, tell him to support the regional rock bands, local bands under Argentine; they go to concerts without prejudice, there are many good bands. Also

I invite you to come to my website where you can download my new album for free, voiced by Norberto Rodriguez ricardorock.com and I hope you enjoy it. Hopefully

at some point you can be playing there. Long live Rock and Roll.

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con Damián Porro (Dogma)01/11/2013, Cipolletti

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con Damián Porro (Dogma)01/11/2013, Cipolletti

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Under the slogan: "If tomorrow you cut the ears What are the last 10 songs you hear? actors bring us the list of 10 songs that marked their existence

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Send list of 10 songs from your life

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Not to us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory,

In your mercy, and for thy truth. Why people have to say:

Where is their God? Our God is in heaven;

Everything you wanted to have done.

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

They have mouths, but they speak not; Eyes have they, but they see not;

They have ears, but they hear not; Noses have they, but they smell not;

They have hands, but they handle not; They have feet, but they walk

They speak through their throat. Like them are the ones that do,

And anyone who trusts them.

(Psalm 115: 1-9)