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  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    Poetic Guidance for a Healthy

    Heart, Mind, Body,

    & Soul

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    Poetic Guidance for a

    Healthy Heart, Mind,Body, & Soul

    Daniel Henderson

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced in any other form without written

    permission from the author.


    2002 by Daniel Henderson

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    I want to dedicate this book to my best friend,

    my wife and soul mate Nicole. She truly is my

    internal love and I thank God for blessing me

    everyday with her presence of love and touch.

    She has inspired me to be all that life has to

    offer for which I would not want to experience a

    single moment without her.

    Thank you my Love!

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    Introduction ix


    A Poets ThoughtMy Life as a Poet 1



    Sacred Heart 5

    Have You 8

    Reflections on A Pond 9

    Myself Within 12



    Friendship 16

    Friends 17

    Lessons Learned 20

    Colliding Souls 23


    Love & Trust

    To Trust 27

    My Trusted Friend 30

    Heart-Sewn Love 33

    Image of Love 36

    Passionate Love 37Sweet Art of Mine 38

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    Giving Heart

    Successful Life 42

    Gift of Joy 45

    The Gift 48

    Passion 51

    Tender Heart 54

    VISorrow Days

    Lonesome Solitude 58

    Parted Love 59

    Sorry, Again 62

    Hear My Song 65

    Silence 68

    Inner Strength 71


    Spiritual Ways

    Grace and Guidance 75

    The Word 78

    Fearful Soul 81

    Light upon Horizon 84


    Motivational Spirit

    Belief 88

    Knight Within 89

    Inner Challenge 92

    Funny Life 94

    IXOne Last Thought

    Light So Shine 99

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    Throughout our lives, we struggle with personal

    change that occurs slowly and at times without

    warning. The changes that have occurred in my

    life have turned the ocean tides on several

    occasions. Some of these very special changes

    have created insight into my own misfortunes and

    eye-opening struggles, which have allowed me tolook at the world through different eyes, and feel

    the world with a different heart.

    This book was written from true-life experiences

    felt and lived during a period in my life when

    searching for the answers didnt always result in

    resolution. It wasnt until later that I completed this

    journey of restless thoughts; it was my faith in God

    and my growing relationship with Him that brought

    me to a true ongoing understanding of who I am.

    Allowing me to experience the sorrow and

    happiness of others and myself has created a

    wonderful sense of growth within my own heart.

    Most of the poetry I have written has been given

    to the ones who inspired the words as a gift to their

    heart. It is this gift that feeds my poetic inspiration

    for life.

    Inspired as poetic guidance for a better life for

    others as well as myself I have includedthroughout the book journal pages upon which to

    reflect your thoughts. Capturing your thoughts and

    feelings will allow you to personalize this book

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    around your life. So enjoy creating and

    developing a better you, or should I say a

    healthier heart, mind, body, and soul.

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    A Poets Thought

    For cherished thoughts, beloved

    feelings, and life within. My

    precious thanks, Oh Lord.

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    Seeking words of heart and souls

    Painful feelings surround

    Living others inside oneself

    So helpful how profound

    Indeed you see within my heart

    Open to ones so dear

    Given forth love and hope

    Away with saddened fear

    For joy within provided soul

    Painful feelings subside

    Breathe of air so fresh within

    Now keeps my soul alive

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    My Life as a Poet, describes thoughts and

    feelings that are true to my heart. The deep

    feelings for other lives as well as my own allow me

    to write from within my heart and soul with poetic

    melody. Opening up and exposing my own heart

    to the pain and laughter of others can be difficult

    to express in writing, sometimes becoming painful

    to live out in words. It is these words I love to share,

    take hold, feel and write about. By providing my

    melody of thoughts, the reader opens their heart

    and lives out the exposed feelings within.

    My poetic life, best described as saddened joy. A

    fresh breath taken in daily by knowing that the gift

    of life is so precious. To feel saddened justifies howimportant and precious life is. The ability to feel life

    to its fullest within my heart is the most beloved life

    I can live. I will continue to live for others within the

    poetic realm of my gift expressed from within my

    heart, mind, body, and soul.

    To live is to give too, share with, and care for

    others. So live for others; it may become the

    doorway to many close and dear relationships.

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    From within yourself, live and be


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    Saddened tears come over me

    Darkness suddenly disclosed

    Hurt deepens within my heart

    Gut-twisted sickness I loathe

    To imply this way I feel

    Only few I trust to share

    But revealed within myself

    The feelings I must beware

    So stored away none to know

    Myself only truths reveal

    The sacred life of ones heart

    Given time it too shall heal

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    Quite often, I feel emotions sacred only to my

    heart. Others may appreciate what Im feeling by

    providing help and understanding towards my

    thoughts, but this is not always the answer. Reliving

    my feelings allows recollection of thoughts and

    experiences from the past. To first think, feel, and

    understand my feelings allow me to mend and

    create self-reliance within my heart. At times, I

    receive no answers to my question, but while

    thinking over the event, calm comes over my

    heart and mind.

    Dont misunderstand; its good to share our

    feelings and seek help. I have trustworthy people

    within my life that I turn to when my needs exceedmy ability to understand. When I share my feelings

    with others, I choose someone that will lead me

    down the right path to emotional healing and


    Within the poem Sacred Heart I was lost, but I

    knew the answer. It was within this that I decided

    to act upon my answer and to live with my


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    Have you ever felt time as it slowly passed by?

    Like a shadow cast by a dark moving sky

    Feelings of desperation thoughts of needing moreRunning through ocean tides trying to reach the


    Have you craved to rise from your sad despair?

    To tear down the walls of fear and beware

    To build confidence within lifting up and above

    Changing your ocean tides to happiness and love

    Gather all self-pity fear and loneliness you feel

    Bury it deep beneath you in a green grassy fieldAbsorb the beautiful serenity of this field within

    Feel the cool breeze of life, hair blowing in the


    Live this freedom of happiness as it begins to grow

    Smile with everlasting joy as it begins to show

    With the Lord as your shepherd, take command of


    Lords strength and love guiding your precious


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    Staring into my eyes reflected in a pond

    Unanswered feelings were revealed

    Memories of childhood held the answer

    Breaking down my lonely shield

    I remember my childhood carefree and young

    Full of life and full of fun

    Running and playing the day passed by

    Warm beneath the glowing sun

    Life was simple to this bold little child

    The small world in his hands

    Conquering challenges it was simple you see

    With a childs heart walking the land

    I stare at the reflection the pond looking back

    The eyes so tired on me

    Where is that child my eyes dont reveal?

    The pond has no answer you see

    The childs in your heart pumping life into thee

    Creating the answers you ask why

    For that precious child you must seek no more

    For that precious child is still I

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    The memories of my childhood show pictures of

    happiness. As a boy living in the country, I raised

    everything from frogs to caterpillars. My

    playground was the fields surrounding my parents

    home and every tree, bush, and ditch provided a

    lost land of discovery. I was the Lewis & Clark of

    my surroundings. Discovery was an adventure not

    a fear, chances created excitement not stress,

    and everyday when school let out I could not waitto see what would happen next. Where does it go

    and what happens to the forgotten life I once

    lived? It is incredible how easily we loose this heart

    of a child. As we get older and life slaps down its

    ugly hand, we lose trust in our surroundings. Our

    playground becomes our battleground and we

    find ourselves fighting for everything within a land

    we used to feel at home in.

    Oh yes, I am older, scared from past lifeexperiences, caution leads my every step and

    wisdom grows with every breath but Im still that

    same child. Im still the original creation that God

    made me and its up to me to hold on to what

    was created in me. To let this die within would be

    a tragedy of self-destruction that I must defend.

    In September of 1998, while sitting at a park

    watching a friend play soccer, I experienced a

    feeling that gives truth to my belief. It was a cool

    autumn day, with scattered clouds above and thesmell of winter in the air. During that moment, a

    feeling overwhelmed my heart, a combination of

    sadness and a reminder of how life should be felt.

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    It was the memory of a park I used to play in as a

    child and the happiness I felt within.

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    To search throughout deepest thought

    For felt with tender heart

    The innermost so which I hide

    For outer masks I part

    Searching on I start to liveMyself for this I find

    Shared with all now inward out

    Myself portrayed with time

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    As I look back upon the memories of my own life,

    I find that changes occur as life unravels within

    me. The changes seem unstoppable within my life

    as it unfolds. Therefore, as I face changes in life, I

    remember one aspect. Be myself and allow the

    changes to help create who I am. As the poem

    Myself Within expresses, I laid down my outer

    masks and stopped trying to be someone I was


    I have had to learn to be myself during the many

    changes that have occurred during my life. I left

    home at the age of nineteen to protect my

    country in the military, facing different cultures

    and personalities, always defending who I thought

    I was. In reality I was defending someone I was

    not, in an attempt to protect myself fromuncertainties of life.

    Now as time continues to pass on, I find that life

    never stops developing my inner self. Life, in fact,

    continues to develop other areas that I probably

    thought never existed, allowing life to develop

    changes within.

    So open up the heart and soften the shields,

    which will allow changes to develop within andthroughout.

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    For those who call on me as their

    friend, I too shall love, honor, and


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    What do friendships mean to me?

    To trust, give, help and care for

    To love forgive support and stand up for

    To accept completely without prejudice to bare

    When sad and hurt the pain well share

    Foundation of honesty building the bridge

    Connecting the life line we live within

    So open your heart to a special soul

    Developed with time a friendship will grow

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    What does our friendship mean to me?

    I seek to share my thoughts

    Feelings of acceptance and need

    Sharing our lives Ive sought

    I open my heart and down my shields

    Building trust upon a thread

    Woven with time the relationship grows

    Soon a rope bonds our friendship instead

    To share our lives with ones we love

    True meaning of this is revealed

    I give the greatest gift of all

    With my life our friendship is sealed

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    The friendships that we create and the friendships

    that are lost throughout our lifetime develop the

    special one-on-one memories that we carry dear

    within our hearts forever.

    It saddens my heart at times when I look over my

    life and remember past friends. Some have

    moved on to new chapters in their lives, and some

    have passed away leaving sweet memories in our

    hearts. I remember the times we spent sharing,

    laughing, crying, and sometimes just sitting in silent

    thought together. There have been times when I

    have returned to places where memories were

    created and reminisced about the past. I feel thesadness of loss but also the sweet joy of once

    sharing their life. I miss those friends but I cherish

    the friends that now share my life. I thank them for

    their presence and the precious time we have so

    little of that, they choose to share with me.

    Friendship is and always shall be, dear to my

    heart, a created bond between ones that love,

    trust and accept you.

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    Why my friend why does it take

    Lessons learned to realize

    To ones so dear not giving love

    My actions I do despise

    My selfish needs I too regret

    Unable to share the pain

    My heart so hard now holding back

    For this I am to blame

    Thank you my friend eyes now clear

    The picture you helped me see

    The love I feel taken for granted

    How precious you are to me

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    It seems to me, and maybe it doesnt hold true

    for all, that people have a tendency at some

    point within relationships to take someone dear to

    their heart for granted. I know this personally, you

    find yourself feeling comfortable with someone.

    Your relationship becomes an unconditional

    acceptance of each other with certain thoughts

    or actions exposed with less discretion, and therelationship begins to grow apart. Communication

    breaks down to a point where the ones involved

    no longer talk about the simple thoughts or

    possibly, no longer speak at all.

    The poem Lesson Learned speaks of a friend

    that was strong enough to seek out the answer.

    Not being afraid of speaking the truth, they

    expressed their concerns to me. I appreciated

    their truthfulness as well as caring enough toconfront the issue. With my heart, I gave thanks

    and asked for forgiveness.

    I feel what is written in the previous poem

    Friendship is an important message to repeat.

    Even though I may fail at times within my own

    heart, I strive very hard to live my life according to

    what the message expresses.

    Friendship is to trust, give, help, and care for. To

    love, forgive, support, and stand up for. Truefriends accept each other for who they are with

    great love and admiration.

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    Lives bonded friendship sewn,

    Special souls collide

    Given trust so confidence

    Inner hearts confide

    Few we meet on counted handOnes so lived within

    Always sealed thou deepest heart

    Friendship Ill defend

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    What is it to join in friendship? I have always been

    one who shares his life with others. I enjoy meeting

    new people, creating relationships and

    surrounding myself with others with whom I enjoy

    sharing my life and who seem to bring out the best

    in me.

    Now there is also another level of friendship; you

    might call them your best friends. They are the

    special souls you connect with, with deep trust

    and love. When all is lost you can always turn to

    these people without fear of un-acceptance.

    They sincerely love you for who you are and would

    protect you no matter how high the stakes.

    Colliding Souls was inspired by, and isdedicated to, the people whom I consider my

    best friends. I cannot say that I have a long list of

    these types of friends; they are like finding gold of

    unlimited value, the unlimited value that only a

    best friend would understand.

    With great dedication to the ones who have

    always shown me true love and acceptance, my

    life I would give, for no other gift would show my


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    To love is to live, so in life, I shall


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    We live our lives

    To trust and give

    We live for others

    To trust and forgive

    We talk and listen

    To trust and share

    We open our hearts

    To trust and care

    We share our lives

    To trust this way

    With ones we love

    Well trust each day

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    Trust; the single most important word! The

    Webster Dictionary defines trust as, assured

    reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth

    of someone or something. As defined, it gives no

    feeling to what trust really means. For example, to

    share with someone a feeling or event in my life,something that makes me happy or sad, maybe

    the sharing of silence. The feeling of comfort you

    receive from a trusted friend is a feeling greater

    than words can express. It is this connection that

    provides an unconditional faith that can last a


    To receive someones trust is a great honor. The

    giving of their trust makes me feel special in their

    life, a feeling that I care for with all my heart. It isalso fear of mine to break someones trust, losing

    that bond that takes so long to build, but within

    seconds can be lost. I know within my heart the

    pain that is felt from being failed by a trusted

    friend. It hurts deeper than where the heart lives,

    as if lost within your soul, a reminder hidden and at

    times difficult to forget or forgive. So I pray that I

    can forgive, for someday I may stumble and fall.

    To my trusted friends, thank you, for your trust

    provides comfort in my life.

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    To search throughout ones day to day

    Few trusted hard to find

    Provided gift of ones true soul

    For this held dear to mine

    Thou given trust thine connectedPrecious to my heart

    Protected soul thy trusted friend

    Till lifes end will I part

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    How does someone describe the true, innermost

    heart-trusted relationship? Is it possible to create

    such a bond within todays world, where

    selfishness and greed affects so many lives? Can

    two souls connect with a common appeal

    towards sharing and giving?

    It is difficult to search and find such relationships.

    In fact, its unique how these relationships occur,

    brought together by Gods will to nourish each

    others souls. You never realize its coming, as time

    passes in our daily lives, it occurs like lightning,

    striking down upon us without warning, no sound,

    just a flash, and there it is, two souls bonding, an

    inner connection sharing their lives together withthe utmost inner trust and respect. A friendship, so

    special, that you would sacrifice your life to save

    the other.

    The poem My Trusted Friend, so unique and

    special, expressed from the heart. How fortunate

    our lives would be if only one would strike upon the

    life we live. For if so, cherish it as if you have one

    day to live, for tomorrow may never come.

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    Hearts separate love unites

    Amongst forsaken souls

    Joined within destined vow

    Forever love I pose

    Trusted touch given thee

    Casting inward doubt

    Beloved gift heart and soul

    This my lifes about

    When time comes death taken

    Earthly life from me

    Heart sewn love joined within

    Heavenly felt in thee

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    To love is to cherish a soul, to give and share your

    heart with a precious life. To give forth your best

    with every step you take and every word you

    speak. Heart-Sewn Love is the love you give to a

    special someone, vowing your love for each other

    forever. Call it magic. Call it what you will, I call it

    destined love. You may part from each other for a

    period of time or forever, but your love lives on,

    surviving in each others heart, kindling memories

    of life together.

    It is precious love you share with ones living within

    your heart, sharing a part of you that shall never

    be returned. Creating a lifetime survival of food for

    both to live on, devoured by trust and love,

    destined to be together as one, forever.

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    I saw you love as sun rose night

    So felt your love of warm sunlight

    I heard your voice as winds passed through

    Your scent I smell of flower bloom

    This given day my thoughts dont hideYour image love that I confide

    The winds of life the light of day

    Your flower blooms my love this way

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    Passionate love so within

    Never like Ive known

    Laying warmth upon your soul

    Felt within my own

    Feeling such so providesPassion for my love

    Heart I give myself to thee

    Forever from above

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    Sweet Art of Mine

    To create, Sweet Art of mine,

    Upon my canvas with oils divine

    Beautiful strokes of color true

    Shown within our hearts anew

    Love released on canvas stains

    Visual reflection now remains

    The base upon our lives reveal

    A blessing from God is now our seal

    So now displayed for all to see

    This visual story of love for thee

    Perpetual souls float high above

    An eternal pool hearts one with love

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    Defining love would be unjustified, but come with

    me as I express the love that fills my heart. This is

    the love that supplies my air; it gives me solid

    ground to walk upon and a safety net to capture

    my fall. This love is the love I feel for my beautiful

    wife Nicole, my soul mate, my best friend, my one

    true love throughout eternity.

    This I express for you, My Love!

    As my heart feels and my mind speaks, I am

    drawn to her like energy connecting our souls

    together. I feel her laughter and her pain. Her

    heart moves me; I am exposed to her touch, and I

    am taken by her eyes. The love of her innocent

    eyes expressing the passion she feels inside warms

    my love for her. I spread my arms apart, exposing

    my heart to the painful daggers of life. Eventhough I have felt daggers swung to close by past

    loves, I fear nothing! I feel warmth of trust within.

    Blinded by love? No! Love with blindness. I close

    my eyes and trust her, exposing my weakness and

    providing my strength trusting her with all my soul.

    This energy produced by love is a force

    understood by no one. To describe a feeling so

    strong can only be created by love itself. She feels

    my energy and I feel hers. I now understand, I now

    feel love as a whole. Energy so strong it createsevery emotion a person can feel, the emotions

    that create human life.

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    Money earned cloths you wearStyle of car you drive

    Hillside house black caviar

    Success is what you strive

    Material success sad but true

    Temporary feeling indeed

    Seeking deeper heart within

    Success grown planted seed

    Others lives you must careOpen heart youll give

    Honest driven daily ways

    Trusting life youll live

    Looked upon with greedy eyes

    Lonely life youll feel

    Felt upon with loving eyes

    Successful lives are sealed

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    What is the key to success? Is it the ability to look

    on life with a smile, or is it personal gain by not

    losing sight of what is important in life? Some may

    think status, money, and material possession is the

    golden ticket to happiness. Some may look on life

    with a grim face, ready to protect their self-worth

    and self-perseverance. Whatever road I decide to

    take will not be my own but a life of trust in Gods

    faithful guidance.

    There was a time when I allowed success to run

    my life. I placed work in front of my personal

    values. Friends can change along with the

    monetary value we place on our lives, resulting in

    many less fortunate friends being left behind.

    Sometimes along with the change of responsibility

    comes a change of personality. Life can become

    less fun and less genuine. I forgot where I once

    stood and how I once felt during those times ofneed.

    I now believe deep within my heart that

    everyone should strive to live the most successful

    life possible. But my successful life now relates to

    others as well as myself. Some of my most

    memorable gratifying moments were the result of

    hard work followed by great success. But success

    is not complete without others to share it. Amongst

    all my success, I strive very hard not to lose sight ofwhat is most important; genuine thankfulness to

    God for his blessings within my successful and

    personal life.

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    Joy and laughter given to us

    A gift not all bestow

    A given gift within yourself

    Responsibilities you must know

    Joy given to others at their expense

    The laughter you may create

    The feelings damaged with that joy

    The consequence you shall reap

    Give forth the joy and laughter to all

    To all who need a smile

    Remove the selfish humor within

    Which creates unforgiving style

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    Looking back on the lesson described by the

    poem Gift of Joy brings back unwanted

    memories. You dont always realize the impact

    you have on people surrounding you. One wrong

    word or bad joke can damage a persons

    feelings, possibly damaging the relationship. I can

    say with great honesty how fortunate I am,

    realizing something that for years I took for

    granted. Im talking about people, what theyremade of, who they are, and what they represent

    in life. At times, looking back through my

    memories, I provided joy for others at the expense

    of someone elses feelings. Never did I once stop

    to think how it affected the person being laughed

    at. Some may say Its just in fun; I dont mean

    anything by it, so what, were friends. They know

    Im just joking. But it does matter; it matters to the

    singled-out person being laughed at.

    It wasnt until a friend of mine told me one day as

    I joked with others; Yea, its funny, at my

    expense! While the small group of people

    laughed at my last comment, I experienced a

    feeling I had never felt before. Seeing how it hurt

    my friends feelings, I was ashamed! Ashamed to

    have hurt, embarrassed, and upset my friend. It

    was at that point my heart sank deep within. I

    apologized and explained, in front of the small

    group of people, that I would never treat him or

    anyone else like that again. A lesson, indeed, waslearned. That night I drove to a quiet location,

    picked up my book and began to write. Still

    saddened by my actions, I wrote until I finished the

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    poem. The next day I shared what I had written

    and my heart was opened. It is my wish that others

    benefit from my mistake and misfortune. Indeed, a

    lesson was learned.

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    No greater gift a person can give

    Than the gift of acceptance and need

    A feeling of want expressed in the eyes

    Relationships grown from this seed

    Please suffer not desiring this gift

    From the ones you love so dear

    Turn your desires into showers of giving

    Raining down on all without fear

    So plant the seed gift of acceptance

    That honors the love you know

    Allow it to grow within their heart

    Spreading love throughout their soul

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    The poem of broken relationships and broken

    hearts, struggles of someone seeking love and

    acceptance from another. Lost without

    answers, I wrote, The Gift to help seek out the

    truth. As a giving soul, I can only give from

    myself; I dont have the ability to give to myself

    from someone else. I can ask, even beg foracceptance, but if their heart says no, its lost.

    Some people learn to accept the way a person

    gives, even if selfishness is the central motive. In

    addition, some, heart-broken and saddened

    within, wait, they wait for the day to come,

    living in pain and sorrow over lost acceptance.

    This is a difficult pain to accept when you so

    dearly desire a persons love and kindness.

    The answer lies within me, not in the person Iseek. I must give my heart for them to feel. I

    must accept them for who they are with open

    arms. Allow the feeling of accepting love to veil

    their heart providing warmth within. If, after

    giving my heart, the person decides not to

    accept me, I will live in peace with myself. I

    provided everything that a loving person can

    give. I gave myself within.

    To suffer no guilt, I must forgive, accept, and

    expect nothing in return, but the knowledge ofthe truth that my gift was given.

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    Passion for life passion for soulsLike white scattered skies above

    Floating slowly clouds so share

    Stories of sadness and love

    Solutions appear deep within

    Forms beauty you shall confide

    Feelings you see within the clouds

    Your passion disclosed inside

    My cloud above rained down uponTears form heart-shown eyes

    Feelings surround my gift in life

    This passion I cannot hide

    Sadness I feel gives joy revealed

    For pledged Ill claim to bare

    Passion for souls my heart within

    In life this gift Ill share

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    Passion, just spoken alone sounds powerful.

    Now apply it to your life and see what change

    you create as a result. Man did not fly to the

    moon due to mere luck it required passion and

    innovation. It required living out a dream not just

    dreaming it. Now combine your passion with

    the people that surround you. Impassionate

    people will crave to be near you, they will

    recognize that there is something different

    about you something they desire as well.

    Passionate people will recognize this strength

    and surround themselves with your energy. This

    energy is comforting; it is a way of looking at life

    that not everyone understands and shares.

    It is an epidemic that we all should try to catch.

    Start with asking yourself one questionWhat

    excites me? Figure it out, draw energy off it and

    apply the same excitement to everything youdo. That is passion. We all have passion for

    something but can we apply it to most things

    we do? Can we capture that energy and apply

    just a little to the things were not passionate

    about. Its a tall order and I fail at times keeping

    that fire ablaze but I believe that something is

    better than nothing. Fight with passion, fight for

    your family, fight for your friends, and fight to be

    the best you can be in everything you do!

    Can you feel what Im saying? Do you want to

    live? Then get passionate with life!

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    Heart so tender love bound soul

    Shared with ones so dear

    Sacred gift of trust within

    Felt not unknown fear

    Lives so bond this given time

    Oneness shining lightFor God-given shared throughout

    Thy soul with loving sight

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    How can we live without a tender heart? I truly

    believe that without love and trust, a true

    relationship cannot flourish. The same is true for

    our heart, for without love it can grow cold and

    hard. A person eventually loses the ability to

    care for and nourish other lives.

    I know this is true. Ive lived it. I have turned

    away complete lives from my once cold heart,closing off my ability to share and love. If it were

    not for the miracle of almost losing my life, I

    could have lost many dear memories with

    futures to create. Time passed, but I was able to

    rekindle my love for God and my life. It is

    possible to love, share, and care for people as a

    lifes passion, not a convenience.

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    The appreciation of happiness is

    nurtured by sadness.

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    Lonesome solitude pain I feel

    Oh my heart cries out inside

    Nourish my pain of lonely wounds

    Too hard for me to hide

    Memories of time so hard to see

    Alls left the feelings in my heartLaughter joy and pain we shared

    No longer while were apart

    Within your dreams you feel my words

    Worry not my darling sleep tight

    Until such day you return Ill wait

    With memory of my kiss goodnight

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    My heart blood soaked with love

    Bleeding pain within

    Twisted gut sickened throughout

    Here it comes again

    Alone without your eyes on mine

    Love so shown withinLost without your life in I

    Here it comes again

    Your tender smile innocent sweet

    Joy revealed within

    Saddened without your smiles for me

    Here it comes again

    Silence surrounds my life without

    Sharing thoughts within

    Your voice I hear inside my heart

    Here it comes again

    Our friendship bond given true

    So throughout again

    Honored true till your return

    Heart felt deep within

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    eyes etched in my mind. I fall asleep with comfort

    felt within, knowing that one day she shall return.

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    I know within guilty thought

    For time shelters pain

    I feel throughout sickened heart

    Drenched forth sorrowed rain

    With opened eyes somber soul

    Reveals sight foreseenLifted strength with tender touch

    My love given thee

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    My heart so lost words not found

    Confused I cant speak

    Conscious searching endless thoughts

    Answers which I seek

    My heart sheds tears eyes revealed

    Sadness deep unknownLonging sharing living words

    This my saddened song

    If thou hear the song I cry

    Carried by the wind

    Pray my heart a mended day

    Love so felt within

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    Saddened within, I reach out for help without

    gesture and without sound. Lost without

    answers, I search within my soul, the instrument

    of poetic music. As the song plays in my

    thoughts, my heart feels the words of comfort

    and pain. To live this way allows me to become

    passionate within my own life, as well as others.

    Feeling lost and searching for the words to mymusic, I was lonely and afraid with no one to

    turn to. This buried me in sorrow and I began to

    write the poem, Hear My Song. The answers

    developed within the lines of my poetic

    thoughts. I realized this later, while reading over

    the poem. The answer appeared and my heart

    received it. The longing in my heart to share my

    poetic words creates sadness within. This

    sadness in my heart creates the poetic melody

    for my life and others.

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    The poem, Silence, is a lonely word for a

    broken heart. To search for answers to the

    questions stored deep within the mind, which is

    nourished by the heart with feelings of the

    unknown, wondering from day to day whether

    or not your silent pain will be replaced with

    happiness and contentment.

    Within the poem, Silence, I wondered,searching for the answer that would relieve the

    heavy load carried upon my heart. At times,

    opening myself to criticism from others, I

    struggled to make things right within myself.

    Being someone who reaches out to others

    when theyre in need, I naturally tried to reach

    out to myself. My struggle was for naught, for I

    was left in silence with only the unknown to

    remind me of what I felt inside. As I continued

    upon my journey, I prayed for answers. I

    begged for the pain to subside and relieve my

    soul of the unhappiness inside.

    I now try not to hold on to the feelings that eat

    me alive like cancer. It is better to expose myself

    from the outside to someone I trust rather than

    rot away from the inside all alone. Even though

    at times this type of exposure is risky, my answer

    always comes to me and silence becomes

    relaxation within my heart and mind, and my

    soul is now at rest.

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    Overcast oh somber night

    Lost this given day

    Memories dark enclosed

    Joyful life once way

    So prevails given strength

    Life protected soulLifted up heart so filled

    Inner strength thou show

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    It almost seems inevitable, the pain and

    suffering of life placing its hand upon our

    shoulders. As life reveals its secrets to me, I find

    myself searching for answers. Sometimes my

    answers come as puzzles, piece-by-piece, first

    connecting pieces together from the outside,

    eventually working my way to the center of my

    heart, making me whole. For its lifes difficult

    struggles that strengthen my ability to survive.

    Life has its way of protecting itself from

    emotional pain and suffering. Life at times can

    become difficult, running into walls of struggling

    times. While attempting to climb over my painful

    walls, I may reach out with fear, crying, How

    can I survive this? Im never going to make it.

    Well, I can and I will. There is an inner-strength

    within us all. This strength armors us against the

    difficult struggles that nature brings down upon

    our lives. Even when life seems to be falling

    apart, leaving us stranded and alone, our inner

    strength prevails with mighty waves of comfort.

    This inner strength is my Lord and Savoir Jesus

    Christ who I place all my faith.

    As written within the poem, Inner Strength,

    even the most somber night didnt prevail over

    the rising sun, bringing forth to life a new day.

    Now look into the window of your own soul, for

    faith and guidance will reveal your innerstrength, so provided by our Lord and Savior.

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    As my life shines on, In Gods

    eyes I shall live my life!

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    Feeling sadness my tender heart

    So fragile our lives can be

    Take me Lord from my despair

    Casting darkness over me

    Confused in thought we may feel

    To punish ourselves with blameFighting feelings so deep inside

    Afraid of facing the pain

    Grace and guidance the Lord provides

    So open your heart to him

    Trusting faith He will provide

    The love and comfort within

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    Living bodies our souls do wear

    Protecting the life within

    Love, happiness pain we share

    Upon this world were in

    Pressures of life getting you down

    Sometimes to hard to bareForget not lifes precious gift

    God given for all to share

    The sacrifice that Jesus gave

    Everlasting life God provides

    By asking the Lord into your life

    Born again youll feel inside

    So bow and pray for guidance sought

    Within your heart feel the Lord

    Give forth your faith felt within

    Living your life upon the Word

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    The poem The Word, is a reminder and a

    turning point in my life. Shortly after writing the

    poem Silence and after sinking as deep into

    sorrow as I could bear, a helping hand reached

    out and helped me. Pulled from the depth of

    sorrow, I prayed, returned to church, and

    thanked the Lord for the hand that lay upon

    me. I failed within my own life and with my

    relationship with the Lord. I had forgotten thereason I was here and whom I should be living

    for, then I became revived in His word.

    I now use this poem as my priority check on

    life. I still backslide at times with my relationship

    with the Lord but with the words of this poem

    repeating in my thoughts I soon remember the

    importance of what the Lord sacrificed and the

    thankfulness I have for the gift that He gave. So

    as I continue to bow and pray for guidance, I

    feel the Lord in my heart and soul giving my life

    to Him on faith alone, knowing that He will

    receive me.

    God led me to a special friend and that friend

    led me back to the Lord. Miracles happen in

    many wonderful ways.

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    Change of sight oh hollowed eyes

    Your heart seeks deep within

    Blood shed tears forever more

    Living lonely wet with sin

    Lost mankind screaming pain

    Hell cast devoured fireEternal loss within their death

    Gods grace upon now desired

    Forever late shed from grace

    Gods gift was turned away

    Guilt sorrowful ridden pain

    Their now everlasting day

    Listen now with fearful soul

    Afraid to sleep this night

    Find the Lord within your heart

    Gods salvation guiding light

    For born again you shall wake

    Lifted up with tender heart

    Now saving grace eternal life

    Given gift, God wont part

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    There are moments in life where you stop and

    take heed. Something happens and youre

    suddenly aware of how dangerous life is. You

    realize that life is not a guarantee on earth, that

    life is very fragile and delicate. I have gambled

    many times with my life, but thanks to my

    Guardian Angel, Im still alive. It was during one

    of these eye-opening occurrences that I felt a

    deep sorrow within. It was sorrow that reachedout to others. It reminded me of how I felt about

    the worlds relationship with the Lord. How often

    I meet people who are living their life not

    knowing the Lord personally. I took this for

    granted and I failed to touch other lives with

    what I felt within my heart. Fearful Soul is the

    poem that scares me straight any time I veer off

    the path of righteousness. A reality check that

    reminds me that Im not the one in control, for

    without the Lord, I am lost. This passage was the

    road to my righteousness, for no longer am I lost.

    For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord

    will be saved. Romans 10:13 (i.e. NIV)

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    Sometimes hard daily ways

    Saddened with oneself

    Thought of ending life within

    Weakened tears of help

    Justified you feel inside

    Ending life so dearGiven time light so shined

    Cleansing painful fear

    Your darkened night ending soon

    Light upon horizon

    Given forth this newly day

    Living eyes so rising

    Looked upon God so loved

    Looking down on thee

    Precious life within yourself

    Clearly you will see

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    Life is difficult at times, struggling with stress,

    fear and feelings of unimportance. With this

    pain, we search for answers within. For some the

    answer is ending all their struggles by ending

    their own life, removing something so precious

    from earth at the means of there own hands.

    Some may not give their life a chance to repair

    itself, to mend their broken heart. It may seem

    as though darkness has covered their life withno way out and any sign of light at the end of

    the tunnel.

    I am here to say there is light at the end of the

    tunnel. The sun will rise and a new day will begin

    and so will your life. Troublesome times given a

    day will seem less troublesome. I live my life this

    way every day, and God is my light at the end

    of the tunnel. He gives me the strength to

    survive, guiding me through my life with the

    word of the Bible and the Holy Spirit within my


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    To become is to desire and

    conquer with your heart, mind,

    body, and soul.

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    An inner thought within your mind

    An inner feeling within your heart

    A plan of action written down

    Into reaction built from the ground

    I believe this is true from my heart life will pursue

    Gathering gifts spreading truth to who believe

    So believe in your heart and what it is you desire

    For your gifts of need you too shall receive

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    Swallow gut feelings of unlike despair

    Rotting determination on the face in your mirror

    Shed away shyness like a snake sheds a skin

    Leaving trails of silence revealing changes


    Clear away filth that absorbs your airBreathe in confidence develop armor to wear

    Complete yourself with a sword and shield

    A knight you become inner confidence


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    To believe in yourself is to become confident

    within showing your true self without fear, to love

    yourself and love others with a passion for life. I

    once was ignorant of how to have proper self-

    assurance. I was confident but arrogant and my

    belief in myself was for myself. Selfishness and

    arrogance was my ticket to unhappiness. What I

    thought was my ticket up was my ticket down

    and I paid for it. As the poem, Belief states, lifehas its way of rewarding you, but dont forget,

    you reap what you sow and I reaped it. I had to

    clear away the filth within so I could breathe in

    new confidence with a driving force of belief for

    others. I soon learned to love others with a

    giving confidence that spread throughout other

    lives in ways I cannot describe.

    Believe in yourself and become a Knight

    within, protecting others from the arrogance of

    life that so many times rains down upon us.

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    Physical growth within ourselves

    Flexibility and strength aside

    The will to lift your inner self

    To conquer a challenge inside

    To hide behind this fear within

    Holding back what you conspireAfraid of facing the end result

    Putting out your burning desire

    Challenge yourself from this youll feel

    Inner strength within youll find

    The ability to rise above yourself

    Conquering your heart and mind

  • 8/8/2019 poetic guidance


    Im sure everyone can remember a time when

    theyve wanted to quit. Whatever the

    challenge was, it became tough, creating a

    feeling that tested their will to complete the task

    at hand. I wrote, Inner Challenge to remind

    myself every time I was being tested to

    continue, not to quit and to successfully finish. I

    know within my own life the same test has been

    given when the fear of starting a task hascreated a wall for me to climb. I have to

    challenge myself, putting myself in the limelight,

    forcing myself to act. I know that its easy to

    make excuses for why I shouldnt do something,

    but it is not easy to make excuses for why I quit.

    If I start the task at hand, I know my inner

    strength will take over to help me complete my

    challenge. So find within yourself what part of

    you is stronger, your ability to start or your ability

    to finish. This will make it much easier to

    strengthen you weakness and become

    successful in your own inner challenges.

    Inner challenge creates inner growth; are you


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    Its funny to me this life were about

    Peoples thoughts feelings and such

    How different we are inside and out

    Similarities at times indeed

    Its funny to me how we worry of life

    Daily events lifes unpaved roadRelaxed I feel taking moments in stride

    Lifes simple to me you see

    Its funny to me this smile I wear

    To laugh at lifes daily ways

    This given burden that I can bare

    These daily ways Ill be

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    I couldnt think of a better way to complete

    this chapter. To focus on what creates

    happiness within and fuels the energy of my

    inner motivation for life, the smile I wear, and

    the laughter I feel inside. I love the challenges

    and the pain that creates my continuous

    growth within. I love that life is funny; there are

    no guarantees, no promises of smooth sailing.

    Take the next wave and have fun. Rememberwhat it was like as a child, laughing and having

    fun, not taking life so seriously all the time. It is

    my belief and it works for me. It is almost

    impossible to be upset and wear a smile at the

    same time. Yes, it feels uncomfortable at first,

    but I persist and soon my feelings inside start to

    subdue. It reminds me that life is meant to be

    lived happy, so enjoy it, live it, and love it. Be

    responsible, but not stressed out. Remember

    that a smile a day keeps no one away.

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    It is God-given this life we live.

    What we do with our lives is up

    to each one of us so live life to

    the fullest for the Lord, yourself,

    and others. From this you will be

    richly rewarded with passion for


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    Mindful strain heart descent

    Struggled human life

    Selfish love broken heart

    Darkened blinded sight

    Seek within heart felt love

    Caring eyes appearClearing sight you shall see

    Through this darkened fear

    Given forth selfless life

    Gifted caring way

    Light so shine outward love

    From this given day

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    It is my prayer and my hearts desire that the

    words written within this book have touched

    your heart in some emotional and passionate

    way. I know for myself that the experience of

    writing and the emotions that created the

    words has had a life-changing effect on my life.

    To feel the passion of life was once work for me.

    I had to force myself to feel and allow the

    feelings to express inward, as well as outward.This kind of expression is not easy within this

    world. Some will consider this act as a sign of

    weakness, for the strong would not allow this to

    unveil. I have found this to be true in my

    environment. The growth within my heart and

    soul has shown me a larger perspective on life. I

    feel and understand people with more of an

    open heart and a giving hand. I love people

    without expecting love in return and I

    appreciate the life that God has given me. As I

    continue to help others with my poetic

    guidance I pray that my own inner-growth will

    continue to flourish. So, flourish within your own

    growth and reach out and touch someone

    within your life. As I finish with the last four lines of

    the poem, Light So Shine, I pray for you a

    better life and a healthier heart, mind, body,

    and soul.

    Giving forth-selfless life gifted caring way, light

    so shine outward love, from this given day.

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    Poetic Guidance for a Healthy

    Heart, Mind, Body, & Soul

    Thank you and blessings to you all!

    Daniel Henderson

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