Still Waters 2012 collection Stephanie Spiers

Poems and Paints 2012

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Poetry and paintings chapbook

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Page 1: Poems and Paints 2012

Still Waters

2012 collection

Stephanie Spiers

Page 2: Poems and Paints 2012

Rising Brook Writers

e-PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR The right of S M SPIERS to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 & 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 I painted all the pictures, I wrote all the poems.

First Edition 2012

Cover picture:

Oil on cardboard

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Stephanie Spiers

2012 Collection

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oil on canvas **

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A Drum: A Big Drum!

When my time is come

I want . . .

no old frauds wailing in embroidered sashes,

no medieval mumbo-jumbo,

no part-time taxi drivers picking their noses,

no gritty-fingered sandboxes,

no trolling out of superstitious belief systems

which have been long superseded

as irrelevant.

No, I want a drum!

A big drum,

banging loud

to shout

this unbearable suffering is over.

Then leave me quiet

with the good earth above and below

and squirrels, field mice and rabbits for company.

Dec 2008 after a funeral service

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oil on canvas ***

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A Price Too High (Carers’ Rap)

When the price demanded by love is too high,

long days - short days - years passing by,

Carers holdfast: taking up the slack,

sleeves rolled up, they’re on their jack.

Unqualified nurses’ demanded sacrifice.

‘Try more tea dear, come on be nice!’

Teetering on the edge of personal abyss,

Wailing inside, keening for what they miss.

With no let up on the morrow,

just another day of toil and sorrow.

Slogging hard from early light,

at every frustration and another fight.

Carers always die first, statistics show

worn out, defeated, always on the go.

While unburdened, the ‘cared for one’

happily lives on and on and on and on.

Not ‘Voluntary’ work! Just unpaid.

Bowed and broken: nerves shot and frayed.

Shattered, living on a different planet,

Every sacrificial hour tested to the limit.

Caring isn’t a choice, it’s not a ‘vocation’.

There’s no chance of a fat promotion,

no direct lines of communication.

No-one sane signs up for tribulation.

Without respite, without let up,

day in, day out. Over-spilling cup,

losing their own life’s inner beauty,

caught on a spiral of love and duty.

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Ink and pencil sketch

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Heritage: Going . . . Going . . . GONE!

They’ve ceased discussing History,

in the red-brick university.

The Bard’s ‘To be or not to be?’

too non-PC, apparently.

If bearded undergraduate don’t hear of every past mistake,

and lessons learn, and errors make,

burning midnight oil when eyes do ache,

so canst appreciate verily true from tawdry fake.

The board of sage Dons from on high

determined in wisdom: ‘But Why Oh Why?’

Leaving dusty tomes sleeping long years to lie

unopened! Fragile heritage for sure will slowly die!

No more Henry! No more Bess!

Forgotten Cromwell, and all his mess.

Cousin Mary’s gone too, and all head-less,

but I never liked her anyway! Must confess!


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oil on canvas ***

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Blue shirt with a white collar

The day we met you wore a midnight blue shirt

with a white collar and a striped silk tie.

I was captivated by your brown-velvet voice,

smooth as butter-cream, vowels melting,

baritone slow, oozing concern, sincere and caring.

I fell in to trouble deep within, in that moment

of clarity, acknowledging a need for solace.

But, looking back that was half-a-lifetime ago

when the blood stirred and blossom was on the tree.

Before the loss of an innocent.

Before rejection and declining second-best,

before weary years of non-commitment.

Before that absolute betrayal.

Before the shame of shared denial

as others intervened leaving their mark.

Without a battle, without a shout,

you and I slipped through each others‟ fingers

leaving behind only a catalogue of regret

and no hope for a happy ever after.

June 2009

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oil on canvas board

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Ariel Hierarchy

Rated „Poor man‟ of nobility,

on the cusp the Tercel stands,

while Sparrow Hawk is tranquillity,

tithed priest o‟er all their lands.

Servant of all and yet false knave,

overseer Kestrel on high flies,

sentinel messenger to the brave,

for those who‟ll listen to his lies.

Lanner sits beneath the salt,

„Bring succour Lanneret,‟ the lowly squire.

Aloof Gerfalcon stands beyond fault,

regale the monarch hailed by choir.

Proud Peregrine envies all,

Bastard Hawk shares in conspiracy.

Earls and their Barons watch the falls,

o‟ the hooded and belled aristocracy.

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Pencil sketch

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Jupiter Ascending

Winter comes:

thoughts turn evermore to death.

The good light is gone.

Depression hovers in the eaves,

fog lingers on the leaves.

Heavy dewfall on grass stays all day.

Leaves fade to gold and russet: a debt to pay.

Jupiter is leaving, ascending in the night sky

trailing its moons: visible to the naked eye.

October threatens, arriving with umbrellas.

Flooding and misery follow in its wake.

Cut back the brambles, grub up the marrows.

Candle the pumpkins, store the windfalls, make

haste. Chop logs. Light the fires.


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Pencil and oil pastel sketch

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Blighted Blighty

Do dim green light bulbs really work

or are we all going blind in gloomy-murk?

Is veggie salad really ever a trend setter,

swapping cheesy burgers for rocket and feta?

When a wobbly size 22 is now the norm

and cross-your-heart bras are going down a storm.

Turn off standby: what a joke

whoever came up with that one was a bloke!

Spent chip fat running bespoke four-by-fours

how long before oil-conversion‟s on statute laws?

Melting arctic glaciers not much fun „tis true

nor congestion charges to clear air that‟s blue,

but, if solar panels would catch the sun,

why are they so pricy? Sort it out! Come on!

„n if rooftop copper heats up cold water

didn‟t we, shouldn‟t we, really aughta

have pipes slapped up on the roof of every home

as ubiquitous as a garden gnome?

Blue bins, green bins, purple bins and brown

mar street corners in every town.

Pavement junk-food debris rots amidst vomit stains

and removing chewing gum defies the best of brains.

Plastic boxes and cardboard cartons pile up high

a mountain of rubbish, rises, kissing the sky

as landfill sites finally give up the ghost

the stink of corruption drifts breezily off the coast.

Ahhh . . . to be leaving England‟s

green(ish) unpleasantly smelling land.

Eco-Warriors are right; bless their all-seeing eyes,

a kick in the pants would pull us down to size!

Stop griping and bitching and pulling faces,

get off lazy butts and stop scratching places

unseen by others

except by girlfriends, or our mothers,

for England Expects - so heed the call

and switch that light off in the hall . . . March 2009

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watercolour on canvas

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Control : Alt : Delete

The road to oblivion

is milestoned by selective memory.

The knack of targeting

negative recollection hard to acquire.

The gift of non-recall

a boon on the slide of decline.

If only transgression and trespass

could be wiped from conscious thought.

If only error and omission could

be erased from the personal data store

by control : alt : delete . . .

15 June 2009

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oil on board — work in progress**

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Scruffy and smelly

that‟s Billynomates

Red-rimmed eyes and hungry belly

that‟s Billynomates

Nits and an un-ironed shirt

that‟s Billynomates

Deep inside hold all the hurt

that‟s Billynomates

Black eye and runny nose

that‟s Billynomates

Arms on desk: a short doze

that‟s Billynomates

Dirty socks and no PE kit

that‟s Billynomates

Punching and scrapping: another hit

that‟s Billynomates

Scratching, scratching: ever thinner

that‟s Billynomates

No dinner money, no dinner

that‟s Billynomates

No school trip: no swimming fees

that‟s Billynomates

No shoelaces, dirty knees

that‟s Billynomates

No knickers nor vest

that‟s Billynomates

Missing the Sats tests

that‟s Billynomates

Mum‟s drunk, dad‟s gone

that‟s Billynomates

Childhood dragging on and on

that‟s Billynomates

April 2011

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Pencil and pastel sketch

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Web Eye

There‟re two WebCams broadcasting live from Market


voyeurs in Iceland and Japan can gaze at matchstick-men

who stand and stare.

on the web of waves. Who‟s watching these huddles of

faceless folks:

kissing in the rain; late and running; walking slow and

telling jokes?

Every twenty seconds. Flick, flick, and a hypnotic scene


our life, yours and mine, ticking relentlessly by that all-

seeing static range:

looking south towards Eastgate Street and County Cham-


and then north west across the square – but who‟ll


Who will care?

It can‟t happen here

It can‟t happen here


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oil on board ***

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Stafford Common - Sunday Morning Car Boot –

(Dedicated to the Sunday morning heroes out in all


Littered with the detritus of other people‟s lives

each wonky table a kaleidoscope of memory:

toys a baby threw from its pram

being traded to buy baguettes of ham.

Schoolboys with a come-and-buy look in their eye,

desperate for old Ted to morph into a warrior guy

Polish, Urdu, French and Shelta voices mingle and fade

into the melting pot of common trade.

A bargain is struck over a handshake

by the proud new owner of a „vintage‟ rake

no doubt made in Taiwan last week

with knock-off DVDs: well worth a peek!

Roly-poly mothers haggle over second-hand shoes

crushing buniony toes into phony Jimmy Choos.

Sad stick-thin girls with pushchairs and straggly locks

counting the pennies for ice-creams and chocs.

Chipped and sorry, a flying Beswick duck all on its own,

and two rows further on another waits sadly alone,

and right at the end on row twenty three,

for just 50p,

the tiniest duck to reunite all the three.

July 2009

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oil on board

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Without Closure

Uncle George disappeared,

gone without a trace.

His mother fretted when Grandpa


and George didn‟t show his face

at the funeral.

Uncle George, mother‟s brother

always a bit of a lad.

Had a family bust up in ‟53,

in hindsight Ma thought it sad,

with him vanishing.

Leaving all his friends behind,

abandoning his mom and dad.

Broken hearted Gran went next,

all her hopes and dreams went


no consolation.

Even his sister felt the loss

despite a lifetime of sibling nag.

Georgy porgy; short trousers

grazed knees playing on the slag

heap from the pot bank.

„Whose moon is it?‟

He‟d ask from the coal shed roof.

„Full of draft questions,‟

said our Peachy, her voice aloof

but tears threatening.

Peachy never gave up hope

one day he‟d get in touch.

Always jumped at every knock,

anxiety blighted her life so much:

was he murdered?

What fate had befallen George?

Bonny black-eyed Irish youth

full of trouble and wild schemes,

a ronk „un and that‟s the truth,

but so missed.


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oil on canvas board ***

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December Drowning

Through life now she wanders lonely:

trudges, brought low, along streets and

passing bright houses,

where never once a friendly face peers out.

No kindly host, no golden saviour.

Under leaden skies, beneath bus shelters,

she cowers shivering. Dithers in the rain.

Continuous bombardment by cares that hammer

and beat with every blow.

Worries stretched in never-ending thud

along the margins of every hour of every day.

Ten thousand queuing in a dance,

tossing inside her every dreamscape.

Shopping trolley, abandoned by taxi rank,

too cold to wait longer. Wanders away. Unloved.

Shouting voices inside her leer.

Inadequate. Inadequate. Inadequate.

Oh, for the quiet bliss of solitude:

tempting, dark glass-still waters beckon.


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oil on canvas

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Latch Key Kids

Latch key kids against the wall,

blow on their hands, watch snow fall.

Rough bricks rub against their backs

cold, wet flakes soak their packs.

Red raw faces, remote and steadfast,

sodden salt crisps their only breakfast.

Lads with trousers holed at the knee,

loud girls huddle, two and three.

Legs so thin, knees so huge,

matted hair washed by the deluge.

Drops blinked by a deep, sad eye,

with grief remembered, youth gone by.


oil on canvas

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oil on board

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Arreverderci Sorrento 1980

Lacrima Christi! The Tears of Christ.

A full bodied red; ripened and matured in oak

with an age of its keeping.

Red, red wine.

Deep as the reflections on a glass smooth lake,

as the setting sun turns the world to gold

before it says good-night.

Born on the slopes of Vesuvius, its latent fire

explodes on the tongue in a quick violence of sensation,

only to as quickly die exhausted and spent,

given over to weeping.

A pure expression of emotion, pulled from lava-blackened


dragged through sun-burnt vines to the swelled and

bursting grape.

Lacrima Christi doesn‟t travel well outside The Bay

of Napoli

without a spilling of its tears.


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oil on canvas board — work in progress**

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Freecycle: The Old Gates

Scrap metal. Lying in the hedge. Skeletal.

Wrought iron. Wider than a man‟s height.

A resource for canine confinement:

our dog laughed and jumped over

from a sit. Long gone now.

Hard to paint. Too many curls and curlicues.

Airforce blue. Sprayed. Made such a mess.

more on the concrete and the broad

leaves than on the uprights.

Sad reminders of happier times.

Given away: saved from landfill

to start a new life with a young family

to keep their dog in, apparently ...


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oil on canvas ***

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Veteran: Homeless

Forgive his trespasses,

dwell not on fault and lapses:

enduring in an oblivion of silence,

soaked in sin, a tired broken hero.

Bottle‟s constant friend: scarred warrior,

battered against life‟s shore.

Caring of his dispersed brood.

Weeping much, giving of his best.

Penniless and giving of his all.

Deprived and asking nothing in return:

held in low regard:

loving, giving, caring, kind.

Let of this be our memory.


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oil on canvas board

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oil on canvas board

Of Daughters: Past, Present & Future Perfect

She, the only one true, who is lost:

deserted by and gone

beyond, to a place unknown.

She, one step away, who avoids:

distressed and damaged

beyond redemption, stays away.

She, in-law, who is still to come:

wary and afraid,

uncertain and jealous without reason.

She, blood of blood, long awaited:

renewed and perfect,

lineage continued. The wheel turns.

November 2008

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oil on canvas board

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I hope you have enjoyed this wander

through some of

my poems and paintings.

If you have ever fancied picking up a brush,

or writing a poem,

it is never too late to start.

There is everything to gain

and nothing to lose.

Some of these pictures have been

commissioned**, some

have been on show via

Stafford Art Group Exhibitions***

or at various local outlets

including the County Show Ground.

I also have a blog and a poetry column

“Got the T-shirt”

at www.openwriting.com

All the poems included here have been

published previously elsewhere.

Thank you for taking an interest.

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oil on canvas board