Introduction Thank you for buying this Guide. If your just browsing in a bookstore looking for a new skill or something to pass the time, then you have found yourself the right book. If you’re just looking for a novel or something to keep you warm, then put this book back and go on your way. I have made this book for one simple reason and that reason is in this small story. I was walking around my town in one of those outdoor malls. I went to a bookstore and was looking around. First I went to see if there are any new zombie books and after wards I went to the Occult part of the store. There I found many books about witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan, 2012, History, and more. But there were only a very small part for Tarot. A few decks, some books about Tarot Spells, and that was it. I was shocked to see only a few books on Tarot and none about learning how to do Tarot. I left the store, without buying, and went home to get started on this book. I hope that once you’re down reading the book you'll beg for more with the cards. That is my goal when you take your time reading. This book was made for you to get a grab on Tarot and understand how to use them right and have your own way in them. This shouldn't take very long to read, which my point was so you can learn all you can and then go have fun with your new skill, so if you don't have time then you can use up 5 minutes on a page. About the Author I am Nash Su and I am only 18 years old. Not very old but I still had about 6 years of doing Tarot. Out of those little years I picked up some useful tricks and hints. When I was in school some people wanted Tarot readings and others wanted to learn how to do

Pocketbook Starters Guide on Tarot

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I have written this guide to be used and shared so you can understand how to use tarot.

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Thank you for buying this Guide. If your just browsing in a bookstore looking for a new skill or something to pass the time, then you have found yourself the right book. If you’re just looking for a novel or something to keep you warm, then put this book back and go on your way. 

I have made this book for one simple reason and that reason is in this small story. I was walking around my town in one of those outdoor malls. I went to a bookstore and was looking around. First I went to see if there are any new zombie books and after wards I went to the Occult part of the store. There I found many books about witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan, 2012, History, and more. But there were only a very small part for Tarot. A few decks, some books about Tarot Spells, and that was it. I was shocked to see only a few books on Tarot and none about learning how to do Tarot. I left the store, without buying, and went home to get started on this book.

I hope that once you’re down reading the book you'll beg for more with the cards. That is my goal when you take your time reading. This book was made for you to get a grab on Tarot and understand how to use them right and have your own way in them. This shouldn't take very long to read, which my point was so you can learn all you can and then go have fun with your new skill, so if you don't have time then you can use up 5 minutes on a page.


About the Author


I am Nash Su and I am only 18 years old. Not very old but I still had about 6 years of doing Tarot. Out of those little years I picked up some useful tricks and hints. When I was in school some people wanted Tarot readings and others wanted to learn how to do Tarot. But when we had time together they wanted to do something else. My family line is rich with Tarot reading. My father has learned and done Tarot. My mother has too and also her mother and her grandmother. What can I say, it runs in my blood and I believe it helps me understand Tarot more. My Tarot deck is called, Fenestra by Chatriya. It is a lovely deck and I truly praise it. This is my 3rd deck, kind of sad really. I guess that is what happens when you’re new. My first one was Fenestra also, but the rain ruined it. My 2nd one was in Greek so I can't remember the title. Also remember when you’re looking for a deck see what language it is. I gave that away to a dear from that was moving away. Then I bought myself anew Fenestra because I really liked it. Besides Tarot, I am a Wiccan that is kind of leading towards Pagan. I had a bad start because I went to a Magick website, bad mistake. They don't really teach you anything useful besides the fact that they can proof you wrong and that their right. Enough about me, I'll let you read this book now.


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Chapter 1: History in Tarot


Before you can start picking up the Deck and doing readings, you need a little history of the cards. If you are more into the history then doing Tarot then I am sure there are a few other books about it. All I am going to tell you is how Tarot got started and the invention of the cards.

No one really knows who first came up with reading cards to gain insight on things, but you can thank the Chinese for getting it started. They're the ones that do stick readings, palm readings, I Ching (coin readings), and more. In 1375, Europe started to do readings as well. From there it spread to Spain, North Africa, Egypt, and more. It was the 1788 when there was a published Tarot deck used specifically for divination. That was, what most say, the first real Tarot deck. Because way back then people mainly use Tarot as playing cards then doing divination.

Each Tarot deck has 78 cards with a Major and Minor Arcana. The Major has 22 cards and the Minor has 56. The Minor are made up in 4 different parts called the Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentagrams.

People now days think that Tarot is part of the Wiccan/Pagan religion. If not then they just think it is part of some religion that is bad and evil. The truth is, Tarot isn’t Satanist work or Wiccan work. Of course I am not saying none of them use Tarot at all, I am just saying Tarot wasn’t born in those religions. But because the major of people using tarot are Wiccans, Pagans, Shamans, Satanist, and more people will think it is now part of their religion. If something was made for religion reasons, then it is part of the religion. If it wasn’t made for religion reasons but being used by mainly those people in one religion, does it mean it is now part of their religion? That is the question that really isn’t asked or answered. But when you’re going through court because it is a religion act then you can use that question to stump them and make them think of the matter a little more. Like “To Kill a Mockingbird,” It is a court where an African American is being judged for rapping a woman. This woman happened to be white and the story takes place in the 1930’s. Everyone knows he didn’t touch her and that it was her husband (might be her father) that hit her and made up the story that the African American did it. At the end, the Judge threw him to jail. This is just a little lesson for you if you do go to court for Tarot reasons. Even if your right they might still throw the hammer down on you.


Chapter 2: What Each Card Means


Each card means something different and yet sometimes the same thing. Like Death, part of the Major set, means an end in a cycle and a start of something new. The Minor set, like in chapter 1, has 4 different parts. The Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentagrams mean different things. The Swords sometimes mean pain or being trapped, while the Cups will sometimes mean healing and freedom. The Wands sometimes mean wisdom and journey. The Pentagrams sometimes mean

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money or gifts. Now if you have not noticed yet that I used "sometimes" in all four. It's because they will not always mean those kinds of things. For example the 6 of cups will mean pain, sorrow, and not healing. The entire Minor has 14 cards in each area. Ace is the first, and then it is 2-10 and then the page, knight, queen, and king. When you pick out your own deck there should be a small book that tells you what each card means. I have noticed that in each deck, the cards can mean something else then another different deck. There is something extra too, yes there might be 78 cards and you might be thinking that there are 78 different meanings by now. But there are 156 different meanings in each Tarot deck. How? Because there are an right side up meaning and a downright side meaning. The downright I like to call the "Reversed card." Normally the reversed card means the opposite side of the right side up card. For example the Lovers, it means love and more love. When it is reversed then it means cheating or a end in love. Another example is The Tower; right side up can mean chaos, ruin, and running away. When it becomes reversed it means pain. When I get the Tower I like to explain it with the picture. You can do that with all of the cards then to read from the book.


Chapter 3: How to use Tarot


Tarot can be used in different ways; if you’re into Wicca then you can make a circle with the cards. You can also use them to tell how your day is going to be by pulling one card out and reading it. There is even Tarot spells, I never done any of them but they might be useful to you. Even Tarot spreads, which are mainly used today, are helpful and even used to make money.

To make a circle with them all you need to do is pick out the cards you need for it. Like if you’re doing a money spell and need a circle then choose the pentagrams and some that has to do with protection. If you’re not so sure about how to make a circle then do not try this and read up on it. Like trying to see how a mouse trap works can really hurt your fingers.

All you need is a deck and some wisdom with Tarot. Just shuffle then pull out a card. Look up it and there you have it your day is awesome! This is a very simply trick and shouldn’t take very long to do. It is best used doing the mornings then the afternoons.

Spreads are well known in Tarot and is mostly the reason why people do Tarot. When someone wants to do Tarot for the first time, then they will do the Sword and the Cross (it has many names like the Celtic Cross). It looks like this.


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Each spot means something, kind of like it is asking a question and the card is the answer. Every spread answers a question. Some will be asking a question from you or the person that is asking for the reading. If you’re not sure how to read a spread then there are a few tricks you can do. When you do buy a tarot deck then do readings only for yourself. This way you can get a hang with it and also the cards will know your energy. Once you feel you are good enough then you can read other people. Here is an example, on the Sword and Cross spot 2 (which is the problem, what is crossing you) I get the 3 of swords. I know that the 3 of swords is pain and sorrow. So I would say, "Your problem is that you cannot let go of your problems or that you’re going through more trouble than normal." Remember, there are many answers in Tarot. To bypass this, the person has to tell their story. Sometimes, the cards will be linked together. If they do then it means you’re doing a nice job. If they are not then it doesn't mean you’re doing a poor job. Over the years of doing Tarot I learn some things that could hurt your readings. Of course all Tarot readers do their spreads differently. If you’re the type that lets them shuffle your cards like me then you should at least read my rules. If not then you don't have to. They have to shuffle until they feel it is ready to be set down. Don't let them bend your cards. Have them hand you the deck themselves so that it is not on its side. I had a few readings and when they did that it went bust. Also, this is a rule that I learned, when the cards are lay out don't let anyone touch them. After sometime have past this rule will be your passion. The reason is because when someone touches the cards in middle of a reading it will ruin the reading! I heard it can ruin the person that is getting the reading in some way, like his or her future or whatever the spread was about.

When I start my readings with someone else I normally start by shuffling my deck (without bending the cards) to be sure that some will be right side up and reversed. Once I feel it is right I hand them my deck so they can shuffle it anyway they want if it doesn’t bend my cards (if you

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do something else then you can do that). They can think of their question while doing it or whisper it to the cards. Once they feel it is down they hand me one end of the deck and I use that one end to start. I don’t turn the deck or reshuffle anyway. I start laying down the cards on the right spots in order (A lot of people, but not all, number the spots in their spreads. This tells you where to place the first card and then the next until you get the right pattern.). The spread should be facing you not the person that is getting the reading. This helps you read it better. Some spreads will let you start on any number/spot. If you’re not so good in tarot yet then it is best to start with 1 then go up. When I am explaining the spot of the spread I always use examples. I never say, “This is what is happening.” More like, “This is what might be happening.” They can give you a hint of what the card is saying or if you know them enough you can hit the mark. When the spread is becoming sad I try to switch it from its meaning. Sometimes it is good to be wrong then to be right. Once I am finished with the spread I try to review the spread so they can have a better understanding in it. Then I put the cards together and back into my bag.


Chapter 4: Choice is Important!


After you understand a bit of Tarot, you can buy yourself a deck. Now you can do this any time and if you already have one then you can skip this chapter. Go to a place with a wide spread to choice from. Bookstores have some but not very many. An Occult store might have a bit more and will sometimes accept requests. Look at all of the decks and buy the one that is calling you out. If none do then you can try online, but it isn't a very good place and trusty if you do. Don't buy used decks. The reason is because if they have already been used then they won't work very well to you. Of course... if you do then you can cleanse the energy by burning sage and wash the deck with the smoke. There are other ways to do it, but that is the best way to cleanse without damaging them. There are so many different types from size, topic, language, and ways. My friend in high school, which I called my mother, does tarot readings as well.

Her tarot deck is smaller than a normal size, best for her to use. The reason is because her hands are small and it is easier to shuffle. Another one of my friends really liked vampires so she bought a vamp deck. Another friend has a different way in reading tarot. He would use his or use someone else deck. Each friend stands out in those qualities. Everyone always get shocked that I let the other person shuffle. Enough with the stories for now, there are 3 Major styles in Tarot. Language is more than a minor. Size shouldn't matter much, but sometimes it is easier to read a smaller or larger deck then a normal size. Topic is important! The reason is because the more you love your deck the more it accepts your energy. It also gives you more passion on your work. I am a big fan of zombies, but that doesn't mean that I have a zombie deck because I have a greater passion for old ways. The way you do readings is all up to you. I have seen people do them with necklaces. I guess the necklace takes there energy and put it over the deck. Another person just takes your energy and shuffles for you. Whatever way you want just remember that there is no single right way in tarot. Just do a way you like and feel it is the best way.

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Picking a deck is the easy part, if you went to the right store. After you get your deck you need still need to claim it as your own. But what does that mean to you? If you buy it then it is yours, but for it to be truly yours it must accept you as the reader. Think of it as the deck has its own soul and will power. It must likely does because it collects the energy of the person and orders the cards to the right spot (even though you’re the one or their the one that is shuffling it) to give the right prediction. So yeah just think it has its own will for now. For it to accept you as the reader you can do a number of things. Like either keep reading yourself over and over or like I did or pour your energy into the deck that gives the deck a signature. Some people just buy, use, and then get upset for it not being right. Don’t be one of those people. Tarot takes time but yet it doesn’t. Yes I used up 6 or so years in Tarot readings, but that isn’t like I am the master or still weak at it. Every day I learn something new and a new way on making my readings better and on the spot. That is why this book is small, so you can read all the info and understand as fast as you can without harming your understanding.


Chapter 5: Protection


Tarot cards are made to take in energy. Even when you’re not doing any readings! Some decks might come with a bag to put your cards in. If not then you better go get one. Black cloth I find works best, of course you can pick your favorite color as well.

Color Chart

Red: Strength, health, vigor, lust, and danger.

Orange: Encouragement, adaptability, stimulation attraction, plenty, kindness.

Yellow: Knowledge, learning concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort.

Green: Finances, fertility, luck, success energy, charity, growth rejuvenation, ambition, counteract greed and jealousy, herbal.

Blue: Tranquility. Understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, and protection during sleep.

Purple: Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality, tension, high ideals, spiritual protection and healing, protective energy.

Black: Negation without reflecting, banishing evil or negativity.

White: Purity, consecration, meditation, divination, exorcism, full moon, healing, peace, spiritual strength.

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Gray: Balance, neutrality, used in erasing, canceling.

Pink: Healing, Familial or emotional love, friendship, affections, banishing hatred.

Brown: Grounding, trees, concentration, telepathy, spells to locate lost objects, protection of the familiars, pets.

Silver: Purity, moon, treasure, values, unconscious mind.

Gold: Wealth, financial wisdom, conscious mind, attracting happiness.


I hope this helps you in understanding on picking your bag for your deck.

The bag will protect it from outside energies, which are good. But there are more dangers then that! You have to protect it or find a way to protect them from those threats. For example, rain. It can damage your cards bagged or not. So you have a choice to leave them home or try to hide them from every drop by a plastic cover or in a car. Also don't let anyone use your deck. I heard stories from my Tarot friends that if another tarot reader uses your cards it can ruin them for good. Which means you might have to buy a new deck.

 Protection your deck is like protecting your life. You don’t want to buy a new deck because that will mean you have to do so much work. Also I take my deck as my best friend. When I lost my deck due to rain I was sad and angry at myself. It felt like I lost something of myself and at the same time that I could never get it back. It wasn’t until later on that I bought myself a new deck to replace it. Someday, something is going to happen to your deck and you have to be ready for it. If you’re a kid with disapproving parents then you have it hide it from them or they might throw it away or even worse, burn it. If your grown up then your deck maybe safer than being a child. But you have to be sure it doesn’t get robbed by anyone else. There are tons of ways to damage your deck and yourself even. There are laws that you shouldn’t mix religion with school, for those that are still in school. Sadly they count Tarot as part of the Wiccan way. There are even some hate groups, or just one person, that will try to fight you because of your deck. This doesn’t mean you have to hide your deck everywhere you go because it gives you limits. You just have to be careful with whom do your readings with and where.

Chapter 6: Spreads


It was Chapter 3 in where you heard and learned how to somewhat use spreads. I am going to give you some spreads, some I found or gain from friends, and some I made myself. The first few spreads are easy and fun. The last two might be a little bit hard for you but it is good to see other kinds of spreads. At the end I have written something about “spread books” and once you looked over those spreads it might be a good idea to write the ones you like or all of them. They are yours to have if you wish it.

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One Card Spread



The card that you lay out could be your simple answer for your day or to an question you have. I don't normally do this, unless they really want one and I am almost out of time, because it doesn't answer it fully.


Astarte's Own Spread



1. The past. How it relates to the question

2. The present. This defines the present situation as it relates to the question

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3. The future. Outcome* if not changed

4. Below. Working against you

5. Above. What is helping you

6. Helpers. Someone that is helping


This spread is a good one that I like to do. It tells you that answer and how to avoid being in ruin. The word "Outcome*" is a common word in spreads. It means what you may get at the end or what may happen. Whenever you want to know the outcome of a question like, "Will I be rich?" or someone else. Just use this spread and it won't let you down.

 Hearth Spread

Card 1 and 2: East- Perceived- Querent Issue

Card 3 and 4: South- Observed- Others Issue

Card 5 and 6: West- Desired- Wishes Issue to be

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Card 7 and 8: North- Potential- Way Issue could be

Meanings may vary with individual interpretation of the four directions.

It is true that every spread “May vary” but when a spread says that then it means there is a higher chance it could be wrong.

The Passion Spread

1. What excites me at my very roots2. What supports my passion3. How to keep my passions burning hotly4. How do I keep from blazing out of control

I find this spread useless to me… Even though it says “My” it could mean you or the other person. The reason why I find it useless is because I don’t need to know what burns my passion. Of course to you or someone else it could be a different story. If you’re not sure how this can be useful then look at it this way. If someone is losing points in their relationship, aka falling out of love, then they can use this to refuel their passion towards the other person. I had a person asked

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for this reading and it didn’t show her how to keep it up, but it was saying that someone used her and controlled her. So this isn’t just about how to keep your or their passion up.


1. Body-personal history, your genetic heritage, roots and backgrounds.2. Mind feelings- aspects on what or who you are right now3. Spirit- Conscience, your guardian angel, and inner wisdom

This spread works very well if you want to know more about yourself or who you are. A few friends had asked for this spread and they learned something about them that they didn’t know. So if you are someone that likes to learn more about themselves or know someone that does that then this spread will work well.

Vladimir Putin

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1. Object being viewed2. Physical vision. How it is seem3. Mental vision. Humanized4. Emotional vision5. Mystical vision. Unseen aspects of the last 3

This spread is more of how to see your life. It answers what you see in your question. For example, if I asked what is my family to me then I should see how I show how I am around them, how I feel. And what I truly think of them. Of course you can ask how this person sees you and not the other way around, which makes this useful.

Twisting Path

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1. The first decision2. The first false path3. Second decision4. Second false path5. Your true destination

The twisting path is a weird spread. To tell you the truth, I never seen anything like it before and I have seen a lot of spreads. It just uses 5 cards total and each card response to the next. Card 1 is the starting point of the story and after your done reading it you go on to finish the story by reading card 2. Now that you understand the spread I can tell you what it is used for. When I was in high school one year, a lot of my friends were going to college. They were not sure what to do or how their life was going to play out so they asked for this spread. This spread was made to tell you 3 things, not 5. Just think 1 and 2 are one card, also think the same with 3 and 4. The first decision just means what path they have picked and the false path is what that choice led them. Just be good or bad, but normally they want to know their true destination. This means their final point on what they want to see. This is normally good but sometimes it can get bad and not good to hear.

Unknown Power

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1. Is the crust of power. What is may bring2. Is the crust of power. What it may do3. Is the curst of power. What it may help4. Is the curst of power. What it may do harm5. Is the inner power. What it will bring6. Is the inner power. What it will do7. Is the inner power. What it will help8. Is the inner power. What it will do harm

This spread I made myself because I had a question and none of the spreads I found could answer it. This spread was made to see what kind of power or skill the person has and how it

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does that is by tell you what it hurts, helps, bring, and do. I have done this spread a few times, and to tell you the truth it helps on understand it but won’t tell you what it is. This spread isn’t just for finding someone with power, it can also help that person understand the value of their power. Remember, it isn’t always a power it can be skill, strength, wits, and maybe even more. All spreads, not just this one, will pick the strongest energy. That is why you have to shorten the list by giving it a question to answer. If they know their power it helps to tell them of that power.

The Ankh

1. Current impulses and energies2. Current impulses and energies3. Early causes4. What triggered it5. Higher perceptions6. Necessary conclusions7. The next step

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8. Surprising experiences9. The results

That’s right! It is shaped as an Ankh, cleaver huh. Sadly I didn’t make it and I didn’t add it to this book for you to use. This is just to show you that spreads can be used to draw an item to call its strength and wisdom. If you don’t know what an Ankh is it is okay, but if you want to use this then you better do your research. I have only done this once and it was so-so on the reading. The fun part in Tarot, that I believe, is finding things out yourself. Gaining knowledge on something hidden without anyone helping you.

Short Story Plot

1. Narrator2. Outer face of the main character3. Inner face of the main character4. Beginning5. Middle6. End7. Minor character8. Minor character9. Major theme

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Having trouble coming up with a story? Have writers block or stuck on what to do? This spread was made to help you create a story out of thin air! If you truly understand how to do this you can write a great story out of the blue if you’re good in writing. I never done this spread myself and I believe the only ones that are going to do this know how to write a story and understand each spot. So I am not going to explain how to use this, what I will say is that this will give you a random story out of your will. Yes you can pick some and get rid the rest and yes you can just use the theme. But what is the point in just using half of the spread?

Relationship Spread



1. How you see yourself (hint: if you’re doing it for someone else then it means that person)

2. How you see your partner

3. How you feel for him/her

4. What stands between you two

5. How your partner sees you

6. How your partner feels for you

7. Challenge of the relationship


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I don't like relationship spreads, because it can get ugly really fast. But I always have some in my book whenever I need them. Oh and if it does get ugly tell them that they don't have to believe in the cards. That they can think they are dead wrong. I say this because they might break up just because it was a bad reading.


Inner Light

Created by Nash Su



1. You/querent (hint: querent means... the person being read)

2. Is querents heart. (hint: What is true to them, they're soul and way of life)

3. & 4. Arms of light. What your hands are

5. Querent strength

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6. Querent weakness

7. Querent fears of doing

8. Querent joys

9. Secrets


Made it myself and even tested it out on a few people. Warning: If you’re just starting then save this for later. I am only sharing because it is the easiest and funniest spread I made. Card 9 works, but not as you'll expect. I guess I wasn't stating which secret, because it could be something that they never noticed before.


The Tree of Life


Side note: Use in divining answers to questions about the natural world.


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1. Goals or ambitions of the querent. What desires are at work. Issues with goals.

2. What forces add a 2nd influence to the situation.

3. What influence affects the querent.

4. The unseen.

5. Forces in the present which direct bearing on the question.

6. The future.

7. How the querent may affect or avoid.

8. Represents the area.

9. Worries.

10. Outcome.


This spread is the only spread I know that has a limit. You can only do this spread once per year. Not once per person, but one per tarot reader. The history of the Tree of Life goes as far to the Jews. So if you want to do some reading on that I gave you a place to start.


Now that you have gotten used to seeing different spreads that answer different questions you can find or make your own spread book! The spread book is the same size as a diary. You can get a notebook but they don't protect your work very much. Try to get a hard cover so it can last years and years. Remember that this will hold all your spreads and your notes. You want to keep those so you can learn how to do better readings. How I set mine up was that I skipped the first two pages, if you write in pen or pencil it may smear, before recording my spreads. I also used the rest of the space empty for any notes I'll want to leave for that spread.

After you get all of that done and ready to play cards you'll see other troubling things as well helpful. Here is a heads up; when you’re about to do readings make sure you don't have anyone to interrupt you. And another helpful tip, if you see another tarot reader reading for someone... well don’t butt in! It is very rude and you won't like it if they did that to you.


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You are now down with this book; remember this was written for people that wants to learn Tarot reading. I have written a few stories of times I went through, enjoy.


P.s. I hope you have fun with your new skill.

Chapter 7: Making Spreads

Do you believe you understand Tarot so much that you can create your own spreads? I highly doubt it, but just in case you do try I don’t want to leave you empty handed. In spread making there are 7 things you need to consider.

1. The question2. How many cards3. The order of the cards4. Any trick you need5. What the spots mean6. Check again7. Then test

Each of those is import in making a good spread that will work for you and anyone that uses it. Still think that it is easy? Well of course it is because it doesn’t mean how many you have to check off, it matters on how well your spread is going to be.

The first one is the question. You should have a reason to be making this spread and that reason is your question. After searching high and low for a spread that can answer your question and found none you have a reason to make one. The reason why you pick a question is because every spread answers a question. Not only that but because if you had a good reason to make it then you will have a good reason to finish it. You can never start something without having some passion in there that is burning until the very end. But how do you find this question? Well looks like you got yourself one. If you’re not sure what needs to be answered then make a spread that will give you questions!

The 2nd is how many cards are needed in this spread. That is a hard question to answer really… It matters on how in depth you want the spread to answer the question. Lesser cards mean you just get a plain answer, the more cards means you get a complex answer. Either is good or bad, you just have to find a balance to get the right answer that you can understand and accept. I made a spread that skipped this step. But I had to make the 3rd complex and hard to do. Let’s use 6 cards for getting a question spread

3rd is the order of the cards. Now what does that mean to you? Simple, everything. You can never skip this step because the spread is ordering the cards to the right spot. This step is hard and also fun once you passed the hard part. The hard part is trying to pick the picture for it. Remember the

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spread chapter where I gave you tons of spreads? Each spread has a picture over it showing where and when to place each card. At the end you can see a picture or a pattern. This is imported because if you just pick a box shape for the spread you might get a weird answer. For this question getting spread lets use the shape of the Question Mark!

Number 4 can be skipped because it is the tricks of the spread. Not every spread has tricks and not every spread needs a trick. But what is this trick I am speaking of? It is basically something the reader has to do before putting down the cards. Some spreads require only the Major Arcana while the others might need you to pick out one card that is the meaning of the question they have or who the person is. I call this tricks because they act like a trick, they are annoying and sometimes fun. When you do find a spread that has a trick then you need to remember it! I found myself shuffling the deck and doing the spread to read the first card saying, “Picking out one card that means you before starting.” I found this weird trick that lets you double the spread. It is a moon shape and if you want to be more in depth you can put down more than one moon. Let’s not add a trick to the question getting spread.

Now that you have the spots, picture, and question you can give each spot a meaning that will help your question. For our spread I am going to make the number one card the tip of the hook on the question mark. It will mean The tip of the question. The next will be on top of the mark and it will mean what is above this question. 3rd that is on the right side of the mark will mean why the need to ask. The 4th is the tail that will mean what is grabbing you to this question. 5th is the end of the tail which means the root of the question and the 6 is the ball of the mark which will be the outcome of the question (which should give you the question).

After all that I will check my spread and add or take away anything to make it right.

The final step is to test it out. If you have no one around then you can do it with yourself. Of course, just like writing an essay, you won’t find many errors or mistakes. If you do it to someone else then you will find what you need to fix and hopefully update it.

I hope that this little lesson will help you understand on making a spread. When you make many spreads then you can write a book and sell them or just give them away. It is all up to you, of course some people don’t like to give away their secrets and keep the best for themselves at times.


Chapter 8: Stories

This is just a little bonus chapter for anyone that likes short stories. You don’t have to read this but a few of my stories have some lessons I haven’t used in the other chapters. There about my years in Tarot and what happened. I am not good at writing stories but I am good at telling them.


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When I first got my spread book I was happy. I was only 15 I believe and only had a few collected. It is a hardcover, black painting, and a skull in the front. Great timing too because that was when "Death Note", an anime, was hot in my school. In fact, it was so hot my group of friends named, and sometimes dressed, each other characters of the show. When "L" saw my spread book, she asked if she can see it. She wrote, "Light Yagami Dies when misa touches him. -L" After a year someone else took it and wrote, "Stephanie Meyers death by bull-rape." Yup, good times.


This one was a shock and a sad story. One day when I was 16, I did a reading on myself. Just a normal reading to see what is up. Well I got the 10 of Swords. In my deck it means death, dying. I saw it as I was going to die soon. SO I told my friends and my shaman friend told me, "It could mean something else." She was right, it did mean something else. 2 weeks later I heard news that one of my friends mother died. It was hard for me because I was being selfish thinking it was myself. That was a hard lesson to take in.


I have this friend, still do, that loves tarot readings. I thought it will be great for practice and all. I got tired of it a month later. She and I could only chat online you see. She is a Brit and I was in America. (Yes tarot can work online but it is very weak) So I told her, "I won't give you any more readings until you send me a rock." She questioned first and I had to give her an answer. I told her I need one so she can seal her energy in them so I can tap into them when I am giving her a reading. (I am not sure if I am the first person that has done that but it works very well) After awhile she talked me into giving her a reading for 5 rocks. Then she sent me 3 rocks and it took its time! Somewhere in a month it finally came and the rocks where grand to my eyes. To this day I still use them for her readings.


The school year was over and a lot of my friends wanted to party at an Asian food place. I did a few readings on my friends, but this one kid didn't believe in the Tarot. So for his fun I did one. I wasn't even to the middle when his eyes showed him shock with surprise. I was really proud of myself t make a non believer into a believer.


When I went to A-kon (Not the rapper but the place with anime) for the first time I was shy. I never saw so many people at once. A day later I was walking around the booths, moneyless, with my not so moneyless friends. I noticed that a booth was doing tarot readings for 10 dollars each. I was stunned by how pricey it was. They must be really good or just a scam. Since I was part of the VC group I had to work... for free. So I used up almost all, even when I was off the clock, at the manga Library. Yelling at random people with random words. Once in awhile I'll get a person or a group that wanted a reading. At first they asked how much and I said it is free. My friends still said I should of made money off of that, but at that time I didn't want their money.

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When I was dating a girl, which now I regret, I was hanging out with her friends. They did Magick and Tarot readings in a way. Well one night I was with her in the park with some of her friends. We were bored and cold. Then this one guy came up, was one of her friends I haven't meet before, asked us to do a relationship reading. I said no but she said yes. He went out and did the reading by shuffling and using his necklace. Not letting her touch the necklace but just putting it on the deck. It went out as a bad reading and I was mad for once. She kept on asking why I was mad and her friends was trying to explain that all tarot readers do readings differently. I find it funny that they never asked why I was mad but just assumed. Then I told her, "I am not bad because he did it differently then I normally do. But what I am upset about is that he did a reading for both of us even though one of us said no. A relationship spread or any spread that does two people, epically when they are together, needs both agreement." It is very rude to do a reading on someone that doesn't want a reading. Because it isn't for querent but mainly for you the tarot reader.


Those are only some of my stories and I am semi proud of them and keep them all in my heart. I am sure you'll gain a lot of stories that you'll be dying to share one day. And if you don't find a liking to the Tarot then I am sure your looking for something else.