Pobble365: Daily Focus 1 | Page Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day! Crash! Sick sentences! These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help? There had been a crash. The helicopter was broken. Lawrence was hurt. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Pobble365: Daily Focus Crash!

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Pobble365: Daily Focus

1 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!


Sick sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

There had been a crash.

The helicopter was broken.

Lawrence was hurt.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

2 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

A New World 2

Story starter! Continue this story:

She had already travelled so far, yet still had so much further to go. This was just the beginning of her journey.

She began today like every other: sitting with her line in the water, hoping to catch a bite for breakfast.

It had been over three weeks since she had seen another person, three weeks since the land had disappeared…













Pobble365: Daily Focus

3 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!


Question time!

What different animals can you see in the picture?

Is everything in the picture as you remember from the real Cinderella story?

Where is Cinderella going?

How do you think she is feeling?













Pobble365: Daily Focus

4 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

A Musical Land

Perfect picture!

Think of another musical instrument, and imagine

a new land grows from it. Can you draw and

describe what this new place might look like?








Pobble365: Daily Focus

5 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

A New Way to Travel

Story starter! Continue this story:

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No – it’s the magnificent eco-friendly flying machine ‘Zepper 2016’!

A new and innovative way to travel has this very week been invented by London based inventor, Samuel Diggle.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

6 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

The Coming Storm

Sentence challenge!

Can you describe what it is like to be caught in a storm?

Try to use your senses to describe what you can see, hear, smell, taste and feel.

You might also try to describe how you might be feeling, such as tense, afraid, alone.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

7 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Solitary Existence

Sick sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

The house sat on a rock in the middle of a lake. Trees surrounded the lake. Ben dived into the water.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

8 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Moon Landing

Perfect picture!

Imagine you are exploring the surface of the moon as an astronaut. Can you draw and then write about what you might see?







Pobble365: Daily Focus

9 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Nellie the Elephant

Sick sentences!

These sentences are 'sick' and need your help to get better.

The elephant walked across the ground. A tiger lay on the suitcase. It was hot. The sky was grey.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

10 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

The Greatest Library 2

Story starter! Continue this story:

The books had minds of their own…

This was no ordinary library.

Books about knights and castles would gallop all over the library, bravely and boldly ordering the other books around. Books about wild animals would occasionally roar and bite other books. The ones containing stories set in

the winter would often shiver, covering their neighbours with snow and frost.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

11 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

About to Hatch…

Sentence challenge!

Verbs are action/doing words. Look at my writing below. Can you find the verbs and replace them with more exciting vocabulary? Can you add some adverbs to the sentences too?

Out of nowhere, oddly shaped objects came down from the sky. They went into the sand with a loud thump.

A group of people walking along the beach saw the objects, and walked towards them.

A crack went on the surface, and the gathering crowd made a noise.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

12 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Cat’s Eyes

Story starter! Continue this story:

In the inky blackness of the shadows, she blended in perfectly. Her saucer-like eyes and sleek whiskers were all that could be seen.

She was deliberately hiding; her colour and keen sight were her greatest allies. What she had glimpsed at the other side of the candlelit room was troubling, and arching her back, she prepared to move in an instant…













Pobble365: Daily Focus

13 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Angry Bird

Question time!

What do you think the bird is angry about?

What kind of bird is it?

Do birds have feelings like humans?

What do you think the bird is looking at?

What different colours can you see on the bird?













Pobble365: Daily Focus

14 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Taking Shelter

Story starter! Continue this story:

It was another stiflingly humid day in the rainforest. The rain was a welcome and refreshing break from it. Dylan could hear a rumble of distant thunder: a sure sign that this was just the beginning of the storm. Holding a large leaf over himself, he sat comfortably on the tree stump. Raindrops drummed on the flat surface of the leaf like impatient fingertips, but Dylan didn’t mind.

He stared into the forest, wondering when his

companions would return…













Pobble365: Daily Focus

15 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Wise Old Owl

Sentence challenge!

Can you write (and then record) a conversation between Amy and the owl?

Remember to use inverted commas to mark the speech, and start a new line when there is a new speaker!













Pobble365: Daily Focus

16 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Please Look After This Bear

Question time!

Who is the bear on the platform?

Why is he all alone at a train station?

Who wrote the tag around his neck?

What lies beneath his bright, red hat?

In what way is this bear similar/different to a ‘normal’ bear?

What will happen to the bear next?













Pobble365: Daily Focus

17 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

The Never Ending Tunnel

Sentence challenge!

‘Spindly branches like fingers’ is an example of a simile. Can you think of other similes to describe the trees or the tunnel?

E.g. The tunnel’s walls were green like_________.

The tree branches swayed in the wind like________.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

18 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Top of the Beanstalk

Sick sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

Jack climbed the beanstalk. The giant stood at the top. Jack was scared. The giant was

really big.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

19 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Down the Rabbit Hole

Sentence challenge!

Can you write a descriptive paragraph to describe the girl’s descent through the tunnel? Can you include rhetorical questions in your writing?













Pobble365: Daily Focus

20 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Flight Club

Story starter! Continue this story:

Flying is supposed to be fun, right?

Poppy often dreamed about what her first flight would be like. She’d imagined it was like being a bird; free and weightlessly drifting through the clouds.

The first part of the journey had been exactly as she’d hoped it would be. Jasper agreed, signalling his enjoyment by barking enthusiastically from the co-pilot’s seat.

Things were about to take a drastic turn for

the worse…













Pobble365: Daily Focus

21 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

Hey Diddle-diddle

Can you add adjectives and adverbs to the following paragraph?

Hey diddle diddle,

The _____ cat and the ______fiddle,

The _____ , _____ cow jumped _______ over the ______ moon.

The little , ______ dog laughed _______

To see such sport

And the _____, ______ dish ran away with the ______ spoon.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

22 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!

The Creators

Sentence challenge!

Fronted adverbials

A fronted adverbial goes at the beginning of a sentence. It describes the verb in the sentence. It describes where, when and how.

E.g. During the day, they started to build.

By sunset, it was already 200 metres high.

Can you write your own sentences using

fronted adverbials?













Pobble365: Daily Focus

23 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!


Sick sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help? Could you add an adverb?

The bird watched the wasp. It had a big beak and green eyes. The sun shone on the bird’s feathers.













Pobble365: Daily Focus

24 | P a g e Remember to check the weekly plan to see which activity to do on which day!


Sentence challenge! Verbs are action/doing words.

Which sentence(s) contains two verbs?

The forest had become overgrown.

She could see animals sitting on the grass.

The sun shone brightly through the trees.

As she walked, the trees swayed from side to side.

Write your own sentences about the picture.

Try to include exciting verbs in your writing.








