School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham Newsletter Date: 27 th March 2013 Issue: 16 Dear Parents, We would like to share with you the results of our recent accreditation. Please find attached to the email the full accreditation report. Following the IPC accreditation PDO School was found to be Mastering in 8 out of 9 criteria. However to achieve the status as being an IPC Mastering school you need to be awarded Mastering in all 9 criteria. As a result PDO School was judged to be ‘Developing’. Below is the conclusion and award as stated in the full accreditation report: “The accreditation team agrees with the school’s own judgements about its performances at Mastering level in relation to eight out of the nine criteria. For the criterion on the implementation of the brain-friendly elements of the IPC, the accreditation team recognises elements of Mastering but judges that the school’s overall performance in this criteria as currently at Developing level.” In response to our accreditation Martin Skelton, who established the IPC wrote: “We know the combination of the hard work, rigour and enthusiasm and time that you have put into developing the implementation of the IPC to support learning in your school. It is obvious that an enormous amount of good and exciting things are happening.” Clearly as a school we are disappointed that we did not reach Mastering status but we are also incredibly proud of the progress that we have made and the challenges that we have overcome to be awarded Mastering in 8 out of 9 criteria. We are now in the process or putting together a clear action plan which will target those aspects of the brain-friendly criteria that we need to focus on. Following a telephone conference with both Martin Skelton and Graham Reeves from WCL, we discovered where the judgements lay with regards to brain friendly learning. The highlighted cells are the accreditation team’s judgements: PDO School PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website: www.pdoschool.com Tel: (+968) 24675864

PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

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Page 1: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham


Date: 27th March 2013 Issue: 16

Dear Parents,

We would like to share with you the results of our recent accreditation. Please find attached to the email the full accreditation report.

Following the IPC accreditation PDO School was found to be Mastering in 8 out of 9 criteria. However to achieve the status as being an IPC Mastering school you need to be awarded Mastering in all 9 criteria. As a result PDO School was judged to be ‘Developing’. Below is the conclusion and award as stated in the full accreditation report:

“The accreditation team agrees with the school’s own judgements about its performances at Mastering level in relation to eight out of the nine criteria. For the criterion on the implementation of the brain-friendly elements of the IPC, the accreditation team recognises elements of Mastering but judges that the school’s overall performance in this criteria as currently at Developing level.”

In response to our accreditation Martin Skelton, who established the IPC wrote:

“We know the combination of the hard work, rigour and enthusiasm and time that you have put into developing the implementation of the IPC to support learning in your school. It is obvious that an enormous amount of good and exciting things are happening.”

Clearly as a school we are disappointed that we did not reach Mastering status but we are also incredibly proud of the progress that we have made and the challenges that we have overcome to be awarded Mastering in 8 out of 9 criteria. We are now in the process or putting together a clear action plan which will target those aspects of the brain-friendly criteria that we need to focus on. Following a telephone conference with both Martin Skelton and Graham Reeves from WCL, we discovered where the judgements lay with regards to brain friendly learning. The highlighted cells are the accreditation team’s judgements:

PDO School PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website: www.pdoschool.com Tel: (+968) 24675864

Page 2: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Implementation of the brain-friendly elements of the IPC Beginning Developing Mastering

Most teachers and classroom assistants in the school are aware of

some of the implications of brain research for learning and classroom


All stakeholders in the school are aware of the implications of brain

research for learning and classroom practice.

All teachers and classroom assistants in the school are able to talk at an

appropriate level about those aspects of brain research that are well-

founded and those that are less so. Teachers are aware that the design of the IPC incorporates elements that are

derived from brain research.

Teachers know which elements of the IPC are derived from brain research

and can identify them.

Teachers can identify clearly those aspects of the IPC that emerge out of brain research and can articulate how

and why. Teachers have an awareness of

learning styles and multiple intelligences and make some attempt

to use them in their classroom practice.

Teachers’ own knowledge and skills in, and awareness, of brain-friendly

learning are continually developing.

Teachers have deep insights into the nature of intelligence and multiple

intelligences and can apply these in the classroom.

Teachers know about the key brain-friendly elements of the IPC (entry

point, knowledge harvest, explaining the theme, research tasks and

recording tasks) and make some attempt to implement them

throughout each unit.

Children have experience of each of the five key brain-friendly elements of

the IPC (entry point, knowledge harvest, learning styles, multiple

intelligences and research/record) in most units.

The five key brain-friendly elements of the IPC (entry point, knowledge harvest, learning styles, multiple

intelligences and research/record) are consistently and deeply implemented.

Most teachers share with their children some information and ideas related to

brain-friendly learning.

Teachers share with their children information and ideas related to brain

friendly learning.

Children are able to think about and adapt their own and others’ learning

on the basis of their awareness of brain friendly elements.

From our discussions with both Martin and Graham it was clear that we need to gain a greater understanding and that although some teachers already have this we need to ensure that all teachers and classroom assistants are able to do this. In order to ensure that as a school we are able to attain Mastering in all five aspects we are in the process of organising additional brain friendly training for all members of staff.

We hope you all have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you for the start of term three on 13 April 2013.

Kind regards,

The PDO School Team Swimming

Please note swimming will start again the week beginning 20th April. The Milepost 1 Swimming Gala was a great success and the children really enjoyed it. Many thanks to all those parents who supported this event.

Page 3: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Learning in P4L


In IP4L we have been learning to write shape poems in Literacy. We have analyzed different poems and looked at the layout, punctuation and descriptive words.

We have learnt how to write our

own shape poems.

We have learnt how to use alliteration.

We have learnt how to use adjectives.

Read our fantastic shape poems. Can you work out what shapes our poems should be, from the descriptions we have written?

It is a sun.

It is yellow.

It is a circle.

It looks like a ball.

It is bright.

It feels hot.

By Abir

I can float carefully.

I am colourful.

I am made of plastic.

My string looks like a tail.

I am very shiny.

Blow me up then I am as round as a ball.


Bouncing balloons burst on birthdays.


By Timo

Wrinkly wet skin.

Floppy flippers and sharp beak.

A shell as hard as stone.

Swiftly swims through

the crystal clear sea.

Paddles away in the crashing waves.

In search of jellyfish, wherever it goes.

By Daniela

Woof! Woof!

Dirty dogs dig down deep.

As hairy as a carpet.

It has a wet nose.

Woof! Woof!

They chase cats.

The little ones are cute.

Big ones are scary.

Woof! Woof!

By Marijn

Can you write your own shape poem?

Page 4: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Learning in PN Sarah

We have learnt how to use


Crunchy, crunchy juicy apples.

As round as the sun.

Smells like a fresh Spring day.

It is sweet and it is two different colours.

Falls off the tree in Autumn.

By Naya and Bhumika

It is a sphere made of pentagons.

As hard as stone and steel.

The football is flying fast with fun friends.

Bang! Kick! Smash! Crack! Pass.

The smell makes me think of the wet grass.

By Max and Radja

My kitten, as soft as a fluffy ball,

Just like silk.

Purring to herself,


Hilariously playing, quite a joy to look at.

It’s my kitten, friendly and fair.

By Anna

Woof! Woof!

There are different types of dogs.

Hairy, quite fluffy and soft.

Dirty dogs dig down deep.

Woof! Woof!

As hairy as a carpet.

Dogs have wet noses,

Which they use to smell cats,

Chasing them and barking.

Woof! Woof!

By Ivar and Veerle

We have learnt to use similes.

Cats have fluffy fur and tickly tails.

They are as soft as silk.

Cute cats chase chickens with sharp claws.

Meow! Meow! Hunting cats go,

With wiggly ears and furry fur.

Meow! Meow! Goes the street cat.

Cats have long whiskers.

Meow! Meow! Meow!

By Eliysa

Super smooth shell and big green body.

Moves with floppy flippers,

through the wavey water.

Sharp short beak crunching coral.

The round black eye searching for juicy jellyfish.

By Keno

Cats have fluffy fur and a tickly tail.

They are as soft as silk.

Cute curious cats chase chickens and have sharp claws.

Meow! Meow! Meow! Hunting cats go,

With swinging tails, wiggly ears and furry fur.

Meow goes the street cat with long whiskers.

Meow! Meow! Meow!

By Vidya

Page 5: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Learning in Pre-Nursery with Miss Sarah

Our current IPC unit is ‘Let’s Pretend’ with a focus on traditional tales.

For our Entry Point we made necklaces, crowns and mirrors for our dressing up

corner. We love dressing up!

We learnt to make bread just like ‘The Little Red Hen.’ We

learnt what different ingredients

are needed and here we are with

sticky fingers making the dough.

Page 6: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

We learnt the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We practiced our jigsaw and

sticking skills whilst putting together a big and a small turnip.

We acted out parts of the story.

“They pulled and they pulled but they couldn’t pull up the enormous turnip!”

‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ went ‘trip, trap, trip trap’ across the bridge and escaped from the big troll who was going to gobble them


We learnt to make our own stick puppets and a bridge to help us to act out the story.

We cooperated during group work to paint our

big gingerbread men. We then gave them eyes, mouths and

buttons. The gingerbread man shouts “Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me

I’m the gingerbread man!”

Page 7: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Learning focused questionnaire PDO School 2013

All parents were asked to complete a learning focused questionnaire via the web. Please find below a summary of your responses. Should you have any comments please feel free to share these with the Leadership Team.

1. Which year group is your child in at present?

The questionnaire was accessed 159 times and completed 115.

2. My child enjoys learning at school Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Disagree Number of responses 51 56 8 0 0

Percentages 44.3% 48.7% 7% 0% 0%

3. My child regularly talks about what they have been learning about in class

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 18 68 25 4 0

Percentages 15.7% 59.1% 21.7% 3.5% 0

4. I believe that my child’s learning is appropriate for his/her age

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 28 63 17 7 0

Percentages 24.3% 54.8% 14.8% 6.1% 0%

5. I believe that the learning offered at school challenges my child enough

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 16 58 34 9 0

Percentages 24.3% 54.8% 14.8% 6.1% 0%

6. I am happy with my child’s development in the English/Dutch* language

* please add comment which is applicable for main language stream Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Disagree Number of responses 37 63 13 2 0

Percentages 32.2% 54.8% 11.3% 1.7% 0%

Page 8: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

7. I am happy with my child’s development in mathematics Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Disagree Number of responses 10 45 52 9 0

Percentages 8.7% 39.1% 45.2% 7.8% 0%

8. I am happy with my child’s development in other subjects

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 17 72 25 2 0

Percentages 14.8% 62.6% 21.7% 1.7% 0%

9. I am happy with my child's opportunity to learn mother tongue

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 13 19 50 24 11

Percentages 11.3% 16.5% 43.5% 20.9% 9.6%

10. I am happy with my child’s opportunity to learn an additional language

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 25 34 38 16 2

Percentages 21.7% 29.6% 33.0% 13.9% 1.7%

11. The school cares about my child’s learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 38 66 11 0 0

Percentages 33% 57.4% 9.6% 0% 0%

12. The school supports and encourages the development of my child’s personality

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 39 55 20 1 0

Percentages 33.9% 47.8% 17.4% 0.9% 0%

Page 9: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

13. I am happy with the specialist support the school provides for my child’s learning needs Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Disagree Number of responses 20 42 47 7 1

Percentages 17.4% 36.5% 40.9% 6.1% 0.9%

14. The learning culture in the school is stress free

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 41 54 15 5 0

Percentages 35.7% 47% 13% 4.3% 0%

15. My child has friends that support his/her learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 14 49 42 7 3

Percentages 12.2% 42.6% 36.5% 6.1% 2.6%

16. My child is encouraged by the school to develop a positive attitude towards other cultures

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 42 59 14 0 0

Percentages 36.5% 51.3% 12.2% 0% 0%

17. After school clubs add another positive dimension to my child’s learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 28 58 28 1 0

Percentages 24.3% 50.4% 24.3% 0.9% 0%

18. I am happy with my child’s access to after school clubs

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 28 55 29 2 1

Percentages 24.3% 47.8% 25.2% 1.7% 0.9%

Page 10: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

19. I am happy with how my child’s written reports inform me about how his/her learning is developing

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 25 57 26 6 1

Percentages 21.7% 49.6% 22.6% 5.2% 0.9%

20. My child’s written reports help me support my own child’s learning by setting learning targets

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 24 59 27 5 0

Percentages 20.9% 51.3% 23.5% 4.3% 0%

21. I am happy with the opportunities given to involve myself with my child’s learning in school

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 30 58 24 3 0

Percentages 26.1% 50.4% 20.9% 2.6% 0%

22. The school environment is supportive of good teaching and learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 36 66 12 1 0

Percentages 31.3% 57.4% 10.4% 0.9% 0%

23. I am happy with my child’s access to the school’s computers to support his/her learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 19 59 34 4 0

Percentages 16.5% 51.3% 29.6% 3.5% 0%

24. I am happy with the way ICT (Information Communications Technology) is used to support

learning Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Disagree Number of responses 19 52 38 7 0

Percentages 16.5% 45.2% 33% 6.1% 0%

Page 11: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

25. I am happy with the resources the teachers have at their disposal to ensure great learning can take place

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 17 70 26 3 1

Percentages 14.8% 60.9% 22.6% 2.6% 0.9%

26. The school library is a good resource that supports my child’s learning

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 41 63 10 1 0

Percentages 35.7% 54.8% 8.7% 0.9% 0%

27. I am happy with the sporting facilities and opportunities for my child’s development

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 24 61 24 6 1

Percentages 20.9% 53% 20.9% 5.2% 0.9%

28. I am happy with the information I received about the school prior to my child starting

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 23 68 19 3 2

Percentages 20% 59.1% 16.5% 2.6% 1.7%

29. I am confident that my child will make the transition to their next school with relative ease

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Number of responses 18 64 30 2 1

Percentages 15.7% 55.7% 26.1% 1.7% 0.9%

Safety First in Cars

Please could we remind all parents that when the school barrier is closed you are not allowed to park in front of it. It is vital that this is kept clear as it is an emergency access. Should you have young children in the car at collection time our advice would be to arrive early before the barrier is closed so that you have less distance to walk.

Page 12: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham

Pyjama Day

A big thank you to everyone that participated in pyjama day today. It was a great success and we raised in excess of 130 OMR for the Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities.

Intentions for the academic year 2013 – 2014

Many thanks to all those parents that responded with their intentions for the next academic year. The deadline for this was today 27 March 2013.

Dates for your diary

Please find below important dates that are coming up soon. A reminder that all term dates are available on the school website www.pdoschool.com .

Date Event 27th March End of Term 2 and Pyjama Day 13th April Start of Term 3 27th April After School Activities begin

1st – 5th June Half Term 3rd July End of Term 3

Page 13: PO Box 81, Muscat 100 Sultanate of Oman Website:  · Dogs have wet noses, Which they use to smell cats, Meow! Meow! Meow! Chasing them and barking. Woof! Woof! By Ivar and Veerle

School Year 2012-2013 Issue 16 – The PDO School Newsletter is compiled by Claire Bonham