Mobile hydrogen carbonate acts as proton acceptor in photosynthetic water oxidation Sergey Koroidov a , Dmitriy Shevela a,1 , Tatiana Shutova b , Göran Samuelsson b , and Johannes Messinger a,1 a Department of Chemistry, Chemical Biological Centre and  b Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå University, S-90187 Umeå, Sweden Edited by Pierre A. Joliot, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France, and approved March 4, 2014 (received for review December 13, 2013) Cyanobact eria, algae, and pla nts oxi diz e water to the O 2  we breathe, and consume CO 2  during the synthesis of biomass. Al- though these vital processes are functionally and structurally well separa ted in photos ynthe tic organi sms, there is a long-d ebate d role for CO 2 /HCO  3  in water oxidati on. Using memb rane-inlet mass spectrometry we demonstrate that HCO  − 3  acts as a mob ile proton acceptor that helps to transport the protons produced in- side of photos yst em II by wat er oxidat ion out into the chlor o- plast s lumen, res ult ing in a lig ht- dri ven produc tion of O 2  and CO 2 . Depletion of HCO  − 3  from the med ia leads, in the absenc e of added buffers, to a reversible down-regulation of O 2  production by about 20%. These findings add a previ ously unidentif ied compo- nent to the regu lat ory net wor k of oxyg eni c phot osyn the sis and conclude the more than 50-y-long quest for the function of CO 2 / HCO  3  in photosynthetic water oxidation. carbon dioxide  |  bicarbonate  |  proton release  |  oxygen evolution  | water splitting O  xygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants leads to the reductio n of atmosph eric CO 2  to en- ergy-rich carbohydrates. The electrons needed for this process are extracted in a cyclic, light-driven process from water that is split into dioxygen (O 2 ) and protons. This reaction is cata- lyzed by a penta-μ-oxo bridged tetra-manganese calcium cluster (Mn 4 CaO 5 ) within the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of pho- tosystem II (PSII) (14). The possible roles of inorganic carbon, C i ðC i = CO 2 ; H 2 CO 3 ; HCO  − 3  ; CO 23  Þ, in this process have been a contro ver sial issue eve r sin ce Otto War bur g and Günter Krippahl (5) reported in 1958 that oxygen evolution by PSII strictly depends on CO 2  and therefore has to be based on the photolysis of H 2 CO 3  ( Kohlensäure ) and not of water. These first experiments were indirect and, as became apparent later,  were wrongly interpreted (68). Several research groups fol- lowed up on these initial results and identified two possible sites of C i  interaction within PSII (reviewed in refs. 912). Functional and spectroscopic studies showed that HCO  3  facilitates the reduction of the secondary plastoquinone electron acceptor (Q B ) of PSII by participating in the protonation of Q 2B  . Binding of HCO  3  (or CO 23  ) to the nonheme Fe between the quinones Q  A and Q B  was recently confirmed by X-ray crystallography (3, 13, 14). Despite this functional role at the acceptor side, the very tight binding of HCO  3  to this site mak es it imposs ible for the activity of PSII to be affected by changing the C i  level of the medium; instead inhibitors such as formate need to be added to induce the acceptor-side effect (15). Consequently, the water- splitting electron-donor side of PSII has also been studied in- tensively (for recent reviews, see refs. 11 and 12). Although a tight binding of C i  near the Mn 4 CaO 5  cluster is excluded on the basis of X-ray crystallography (3, 14), FTIR spectroscopy (16), and mass spectrometry (17, 18), the possibility that a weakly bound HCO  3  aff ects the acti vit y of PSII at the don or side remains a viable option (reviewed in refs. 10 and 19). In the present study using higher plant PSII membranes, we specifically evaluate a recently suggested role of weakly bound HCO  3  , namely, that it acts as an accep tor for, and transport er of, protons produced by water splitting in the OEC (20 22). Results Time-resolved isotope-ratio membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (TR-MIMS) allows simultaneous on-line detection of various dissolved gas molecules with high sensitivity. This method, in  which the gas molecules contained in the sample enter the vac- uum of the mass spectrometer via pervaporation through a gas- permeable membrane, is therefore ideally suited to test the ef- fect and mechanism of HCO  3  intera ction with PSII (23, 24). The TR-MIMS experiments presented below were performed either in on-line or off-li ne mode . The commonl y used on-line approach leads to a strong HCO  − 3  depl etion of the sampl es owing to the consumption of CO 2  by the mass spectrometer and the interconversion of all C i  species. In contrast, the off-line approach allows the experiments to be performed at well-defined HCO  3  level s (ambient or deplete d). The two techn iques are illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. Effects of Mild HCO  3  Deple tion on PSII Activit y.  To confirm that HCO  3  is of fun cti ona l relevance for pho tos ynt hetic wat er splitting under our mild HCO  3  -depletion conditions we moni- tored O 2  evolution of PSII by off-line TR-MIMS at ambient  ðC + i  Þ and C i -depleted conditions  ðC i  Þ . In these experiments an ap- proximately 20-fold reduction in C i  levels was achieved by bub- bling sample solutions, electron acceptors, and H 18 2  O (97.6%)  with CO 2 -depleted air inside a sealed septum vial (25). The sample suspensions were then transferred into gas-tight syringes Significance Photosynthesis by cyanobacteria, algae, and plants sustains life on Earth by oxidizing water to the O 2  we breat he and by converting CO 2  into biomass we eat, burn, or use otherwise. Altho ugh O 2  production and CO 2  reductio n are functi onall y and structurally well separated in photosynthetic organisms, there is a long debated role of CO 2 /HCO  3  in water oxidation. Here we demon strate that HCO  3  acts as mobil e acceptor and transporter of protons produced by photosystem II, and that depletion of HCO  3  leads to a reversible down-r egulation of O 2 production. These findings add a pre viousl y uni dentif ied component to the regulatory networks in higher plants, algae, and cyanobacteria and conclude the long quest for the function of CO 2 /HCO  3  in photosynthetic water oxidation. Author contributions: S.K., D.S., T.S., G.S., and J.M. designed research; S.K. and D.S. per- formed research; J.M. conceived experiments; S.K., D.S., G.S., and J.M. analyzed data; and S.K., D.S., and J.M. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. 1 To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail:  [email protected]  or [email protected] . This article contains supporting information online at  www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1323277111/-/DCSupplemental . www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1323277111  PNAS Early Edition  |  1 of 6      B      I      O      P      H      Y      S      I      C      S      A      N      D      C      O      M      P      U      T      A      T      I      O      N      A      L      B      I      O      L      O      G      Y

PNAS-2014-Koroidov-1323277111 (1)

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  • Mobile hydrogen carbonate acts as proton acceptor inphotosynthetic water oxidationSergey Koroidova, Dmitriy Shevelaa,1, Tatiana Shutovab, Gran Samuelssonb, and Johannes Messingera,1

    aDepartment of Chemistry, Chemical Biological Centre and bDepartment of Plant Physiology, Ume Plant Science Centre, Ume University, S-90187Ume, Sweden

    Edited by Pierre A. Joliot, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France, and approved March 4, 2014 (received for review December 13, 2013)

    Cyanobacteria, algae, and plants oxidize water to the O2 webreathe, and consume CO2 during the synthesis of biomass. Al-though these vital processes are functionally and structurally wellseparated in photosynthetic organisms, there is a long-debatedrole for CO2/HCO

    3 in water oxidation. Using membrane-inlet

    mass spectrometry we demonstrate that HCO 3 acts as a mobileproton acceptor that helps to transport the protons produced in-side of photosystem II by water oxidation out into the chloro-plasts lumen, resulting in a light-driven production of O2 andCO2. Depletion of HCO

    3 from the media leads, in the absence of

    added buffers, to a reversible down-regulation of O2 productionby about 20%. These findings add a previously unidentified compo-nent to the regulatory network of oxygenic photosynthesis andconclude the more than 50-y-long quest for the function of CO2/HCO 3 in photosynthetic water oxidation.

    carbon dioxide | bicarbonate | proton release | oxygen evolution |water splitting

    Oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, algae, and higherplants leads to the reduction of atmospheric CO2 to en-ergy-rich carbohydrates. The electrons needed for this processare extracted in a cyclic, light-driven process from water thatis split into dioxygen (O2) and protons. This reaction is cata-lyzed by a penta--oxo bridged tetra-manganese calcium cluster(Mn4CaO5) within the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of pho-tosystem II (PSII) (14). The possible roles of inorganic carbon,CiCi =CO2;H2CO3;HCO 3 ;CO23 , in this process have beena controversial issue ever since Otto Warburg and GnterKrippahl (5) reported in 1958 that oxygen evolution by PSIIstrictly depends on CO2 and therefore has to be based on thephotolysis of H2CO3 (Kohlensure) and not of water. Thesefirst experiments were indirect and, as became apparent later,were wrongly interpreted (68). Several research groups fol-lowed up on these initial results and identified two possible sitesof Ci interaction within PSII (reviewed in refs. 912). Functionaland spectroscopic studies showed that HCO 3 facilitates thereduction of the secondary plastoquinone electron acceptor (QB)of PSII by participating in the protonation of Q2B . Binding ofHCO 3 (or CO

    23 ) to the nonheme Fe between the quinones QA

    and QB was recently confirmed by X-ray crystallography (3, 13,14). Despite this functional role at the acceptor side, the verytight binding of HCO 3 to this site makes it impossible for theactivity of PSII to be affected by changing the Ci level of themedium; instead inhibitors such as formate need to be added toinduce the acceptor-side effect (15). Consequently, the water-splitting electron-donor side of PSII has also been studied in-tensively (for recent reviews, see refs. 11 and 12). Althougha tight binding of Ci near the Mn4CaO5 cluster is excluded on thebasis of X-ray crystallography (3, 14), FTIR spectroscopy (16),and mass spectrometry (17, 18), the possibility that a weaklybound HCO 3 affects the activity of PSII at the donor sideremains a viable option (reviewed in refs. 10 and 19).In the present study using higher plant PSII membranes, we

    specifically evaluate a recently suggested role of weakly bound

    HCO 3 , namely, that it acts as an acceptor for, and transporterof, protons produced by water splitting in the OEC (2022).

    ResultsTime-resolved isotope-ratio membrane-inlet mass spectrometry(TR-MIMS) allows simultaneous on-line detection of variousdissolved gas molecules with high sensitivity. This method, inwhich the gas molecules contained in the sample enter the vac-uum of the mass spectrometer via pervaporation through a gas-permeable membrane, is therefore ideally suited to test the ef-fect and mechanism of HCO 3 interaction with PSII (23, 24).The TR-MIMS experiments presented below were performedeither in on-line or off-line mode. The commonly used on-lineapproach leads to a strong HCO 3 depletion of the samplesowing to the consumption of CO2 by the mass spectrometer andthe interconversion of all Ci species. In contrast, the off-lineapproach allows the experiments to be performed at well-definedHCO 3 levels (ambient or depleted). The two techniques areillustrated schematically in Fig. 1.

    Effects of Mild HCO 3 Depletion on PSII Activity. To confirm thatHCO 3 is of functional relevance for photosynthetic watersplitting under our mild HCO 3 -depletion conditions we moni-tored O2 evolution of PSII by off-line TR-MIMS at ambient C+i and Ci-depleted conditions Ci . In these experiments an ap-proximately 20-fold reduction in Ci levels was achieved by bub-bling sample solutions, electron acceptors, and H182 O (97.6%)with CO2-depleted air inside a sealed septum vial (25). Thesample suspensions were then transferred into gas-tight syringes


    Photosynthesis by cyanobacteria, algae, and plants sustains lifeon Earth by oxidizing water to the O2 we breathe and byconverting CO2 into biomass we eat, burn, or use otherwise.Although O2 production and CO2 reduction are functionallyand structurally well separated in photosynthetic organisms,there is a long debated role of CO2/HCO

    3 in water oxidation.

    Here we demonstrate that HCO 3 acts as mobile acceptor andtransporter of protons produced by photosystem II, and thatdepletion of HCO 3 leads to a reversible down-regulation of O2production. These findings add a previously unidentifiedcomponent to the regulatory networks in higher plants, algae,and cyanobacteria and conclude the long quest for the functionof CO2/HCO

    3 in photosynthetic water oxidation.

    Author contributions: S.K., D.S., T.S., G.S., and J.M. designed research; S.K. and D.S. per-formed research; J.M. conceived experiments; S.K., D.S., G.S., and J.M. analyzed data; andS.K., D.S., and J.M. wrote the paper.

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

    Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.1To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected].

    This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1323277111/-/DCSupplemental.

    www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1323277111 PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 6






  • and illuminated with white light for 10 s to induce O2 formationby water splitting in PSII. The O2 production was assayed byinjecting the sample into the MIMS cell that contained a bufferof the same composition and pH, but extremely low dissolved gasconcentration owing to the constant removal of gas by the massspectrometer via the membrane inlet. Comparison of the C+i andCi traces in Fig. 2 shows that the O2 yield of the C

    i sample is

    20% lower than that of the C+i sample. Reversibility of the effectwas established by exposing Ci samples for 20 min to air beforeillumination in the syringe (C+i samples). A similar inhibitionwas achieved if the Ci depletion was performed by bubbling withN2, and a rapid (2 min) recovery was seen after Ci was added inabsence of O2 in form of NaHCO3 powder (Fig. S1). Theseexperiments confirm that HCO3

    enhances the activity of PSII.

    HCO 3 Acts as Proton Acceptor.According to a recent proposal, theactivating role of HCO 3 on PSII demonstrated above may becaused by the ability of HCO 3 to act as a base for protonsproduced by photosynthetic water oxidation (2022). If thisproposal is correct, then the transiently formed H2CO3 shoulddecay according to Reaction 1 into water and CO2:

    HCO3 + H+ H2CO3 H2O + CO2: [1]

    The CO2 should then be released from PSII simultaneously withO2 and must be detectable with TR-MIMS, because a maximumof four CO2 per O2 can be expected in the absence of any other

    proton acceptors. Fig. 3 displays the results obtained by using theconventional on-line approach, that is, by illuminating PSII sus-pensions inside the MIMS cell by a series of 50 saturating xenonflashes fired at 2 Hz. Because all mass peaks give the sameresults, Fig. 3 displays for clarity only the traces at mass-to-charge ratios of m/z 36 18O2 and m/z 48 12C18O2, which de-tect CO2 and O2 with about the same high sensitivity (see Fig. S2for the other traces). Under these conditions only light-inducedO2 evolution, and no CO2 formation, is seen (Fig. 3, experiment1). However, a 200-fold amplification of the CO2 trace revealsa very small light-induced rise in the m/z 48 trace (Fig. 3, UpperInset). Although small, the effect was reproducible and a light-induced heating artifact could be excluded by the inhibitionof PSII turnover with the herbicide 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) (Fig. 3, experiment 2). The more than200-times smaller amplitude of the light-induced CO2 produc-tion vs. O2 evolution by PSII explains in part why the CO2 for-mation by PSII was not reported previously. However, this verysmall CO2 production may also call into question its biologicalrelevance.During the above on-line TR-MIMS experiments the samples

    need to be degassed in the MIMS cell for 2040 min to reacha stable baseline. This leads to an almost complete removal ofdissolved CO2 from the solution (see data in Fig. 1). Owingto the interconversion of all Ci species (Reaction 1) this alsoresults in very low concentrations of HCO 3 in the sample sus-pension (17), which may significantly reduce light-induced CO2

    Fig. 1. Schematic view of the on-line and off-line TR-MIMS setup. For on-line experiments PSII membranes were loaded into the home-built MIMS cell anddegassed for 2040 min until stable baselines for all detected gases were reached (Lower Right). This leads to a nearly complete depletion of the samples of Ci.The sample was then illuminated with xenon flashes or by continuous white light from a slide projector. In off-line measurements the PSII membranes wereilluminated inside of gas-tight syringes, that is, at well-defined Ci levels (ambient or depleted), and then injected into buffer of identical composition and pHthat was thoroughly degassed in the MIMS cell.

    2 of 6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1323277111 Koroidov et al.

  • formation by PSII compared with in vivo conditions. We there-fore performed off-line TR-MIMS experiments in which thedark-adapted PSII membranes were illuminated at ambientlevels of CO2/HCO 3 in gas-tight syringes with 100 xenon flashes(2 Hz). For the detection of the light-induced gas formation thesamples were then injected rapidly (0.5 at 1 ms between illumination and in-jection. Importantly, the time-dependent equilibration shows that

    Fig. 2. Dependence of water splitting in PSII on the Ci concentration of themedium. PSII membranes were illuminated with continuous white light ofa slide projector for 10 s inside of gas-tight syringes and then injected intothe MIMS cell. The C+i trace was obtained at ambient Ci-concentration,whereas the Ci trace was recorded at a 20-times-reduced Ci concentrationthat was reached by purging PSII sample with CO2 absorber (PCDA220M;Puregas). The reversibility was demonstrated by exposing a Ci sample for 20min to air (C+i trace). The final chlorophyll concentration was 50 g (Chl)ml1, the H182 O-enrichment was 10%, and the medium contained 1 mM MES(pH 6.3), 15 mM NaCl, and 2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] and 0.25 mM 2-phenyl-p-benzoquinone (dissolved in DMSO) as electron acceptors. The average oftwo to three repeats is presented.

    Fig. 3. Simultaneous on-line TR-MIMS measurements of O2 and CO2 pro-duction by PSII. O2 (blue traces) and CO2 (green traces) evolution of dark-adapted spinach PSII membranes [0.3 mg (Chl)mL1] induced by 50 satu-rating flashes at 2 Hz (trace 1). The arrows indicate the start of illumination.The inset displays the CO2 evolution with 200-fold amplification. Trace 2shows the same measurements after inhibition of PSII with the herbicideDCMU (80 M). The amplitudes of the traces for CO2 and O2 can be directlycompared, because our set-up detects both gases with nearly equal sensi-tivity. The measurements were performed in a buffer containing 3 mM MES(pH 6.3) in the presence of 1 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] as exogenous electron acceptor.Final H2

    18O enrichment was 10%. One representative result out of two tothree repeats is presented.

    Koroidov et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3 of 6






  • HCO 3 accepts protons produced by water splitting at sites withinPSII that are not equally well accessible for the larger MES buffermolecules (i.e., that the CO2 production is primarily a PSII-specificeffect, rather than caused by a simple pH change of the medium).

    DiscussionHCO 3 Interaction with PSII in Vitro. The data in this study wereobtained with isolated PSII membranes from spinach. This madeit possible to study the effects of HCO 3 on PSII activity withoutthe need to consider indirect effects from related processes suchas the carbon sequestration mechanisms (CCMs) operational inmany algae and cyanobacteria (31). Our results clearly demon-strate that illumination of higher-plant PSII membranes withvisible light induces both O2 and CO2 evolution, and that theyield of CO2 depends both on the concentrations of HCO 3 andMES in the sample suspension. Quantitation of the signals inFig. 4A reveals the production of about four CO2 molecules perPSII (Methods). Therefore, we can exclude the possibility thatthe light-induced CO2 production is due to the release of HCO 3from its binding site at the nonheme iron. Collectively our datademonstrate conclusively that exchangeable HCO 3 acts asa base for protons produced by PSII during water splitting.Special pathways or channels have been discussed for guiding

    protons away from the water-splitting Mn4CaO5 cluster (32, 33).We show that HCO 3 can compete for protons from watersplitting with up to 300 times higher MES concentration (at 10mM MES) and that the CO2 yield observed is time-dependent(Fig. 4 and Fig. S5). We therefore propose that HCO 3 is able topenetrate more deeply into PSII to accept protons than MESmolecules, which are not present in vivo. Inspection of the 1.9-

    PSII crystal structure (3ARC code) reveals that HCO 3 shouldindeed be able to penetrate easily into the entrance regions of allpostulated channels; some channels are even wide and flexibleenough to allow glycerol molecules to penetrate far inside (32,33). In contrast, access to these channels for the even larger MESmolecules would be more restricted. Once HCO 3 accepts aproton it decomposes according to Reaction 1, and the CO2 isreleased from the channel and is either detected by MIMS orconverted back to HCO 3 by equilibration with water and buffergroups in the lumen, or with the artificially added MES buffer.This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 5. These equilibrationprocesses likely lead to the delayed detection of CO2 com-pared with O2 that is visible in the on-line experiment displayedin Fig. 3.We suggest that owing to the comparatively weak binding in

    the channels, which is required for the proposed function asmobile proton acceptor and carrier, HCO 3 does not have a highenough occupancy at any particular site to be observable in thecrystal structures. It is noted that in vivo the buffer capacity ofthe lumen of chloroplasts was estimated to be 0.81.0 mM (pH6.48.1) and suggested to be due mostly to stationary groups suchas proteins and lipid head groups (34), and not to mobile bufferssuch as MES added here at low concentrations to minimize thebulk pH changes. In vivo the role of HCO 3 for the activity ofPSII may therefore be even more pronounced than observedduring the experiments shown in Fig. 2.

    Fig. 4. Simultaneous off-line TR-MIMS measurements of O2 and CO2 pro-duction by PSII. Dark-adapted PSII membranes (1 mg Chl/mL) were illumi-nated inside of a gas tide syringe with 100 xenon flashes and then injectedinto the MIMS cell either as fast as possible with our current set up (

  • Biological Relevance. Higher plants take up CO2 for carbon fixa-tion by Rubisco via opening their stomata. Therefore, they donot possess special CCMs. In contrast, algae and cyanobacteriaacquire CO2 in the form of HCO 3 from water, where its con-centration is often very low. This requires CCMs that consistof several transporters to channel HCO 3 through the variousmembranes, and of carbonic anhydrases that allow for effi-cient HCO 3 /CO2 interconversion (31, 35). The discovery ofthe PSII-bound Cah3 carbonic anhydrase (cia3 gene product)in Chlamydomonas reinhartii (22, 36, 37) raised the questionof whether this carbonic anhydrase together with HCO 3 arerequired for PSII function, or whether they are part of theCCM mechanism that provides the nearby Rubisco with CO2.Despite numerous experiments this point remained unresolved(21, 22, 35, 38). Although PSII membranes isolated from spinachalso possess some carbonic anhydrase activity (6, 8), there ispresently no evidence for a carbonic anhydrase directly con-nected to higher-plant PSII, and there is also no need for a CCMfunction (discussed above). Our finding that under continuousillumination the activity of PSII is nevertheless dependent on theHCO 3 concentration of the buffer therefore demonstrates thatHCO 3 directly affects the activity of PSII. It is noted that theability of HCO 3 to capture protons will affect the H

    +/e ratioowing to the loss of some CO2 into the stroma, unless this isprevented by subsequent reformation of HCO 3 via equilibrationwith stationary buffers in the lumen, which is strongly acceler-ated by carbonic anhydrases.Although HCO 3 cannot be viewed as a cofactor of water

    oxidation in PSII, our experiments do clearly demonstrate that itaffects its activity. As such, a feedback loop can be envisionedbetween CO2 fixation in the stroma and water oxidation at theluminal side of PSII: At high CO2 levels in leaves the gas will betaken up into the alkaline stroma of the chloroplasts and trappedby conversion into HCO 3 . Stromal carbonic anhydrases convertit back into CO2 when the residual CO2 is consumed by Rubiscofor carbon fixation, or when it gets lost by diffusion into the lu-men, where it will be also partially trapped as HCO 3 . Thisleaching of CO2 through the thylakoid membrane into the lumenallows PSII to sense the Ci level in the stroma. At high Ci levelsin the chloroplasts many electrons can be used for CO2 fixation,and HCO 3 in the lumen activates PSII so that it produceselectrons at maximum efficiency. In contrast, at low CO2/HCO 3levels fewer electrons are needed, and the down-regulation ofPSII by 20% (or more) helps to mitigate an overreduction of theplastoquinone pool, which reduces the risk of producing reactiveoxygen species that are known to be damaging to enzymes in-volved in photosynthesis (3941). Future studies will be neededto elucidate whether such a feedback loop is indeed operational.

    SummaryThe light-induced CO2 formation by PSII and the dependence ofCO2 evolution on the concentrations of Ci and added buffer inthe medium demonstrate conclusively that HCO 3 acts as mobileproton acceptor of PSII. The data in Fig. 2 show that the lack ofthis component leads under stress (continuous strong light) toreduced oxygen evolution by PSII (21, 22). Because strictly al-ternating electron and proton removals from the OEC seem tobe an inherent and crucial part of the mechanism of water oxi-dation in PSII (42, 43), it seems very likely that this function ofHCO 3 developed early during evolution and can be found in allO2-evolving organisms (44). This dependence of PSII activity onHCO 3 concentration may also allow for a feedback regulationwith the CalvinBensonBassham cycle, which uses the electronsand protons from water splitting for CO2 reduction to biomass.

    MethodsSample Preparation. PSII membranes (BBY type) were prepared from freshleaves of Spinacia (S.) oleracea following protocols described earlier (45, 46).

    Typical rates of O2 evolution for spinach PSII membranes were 400500 mol(O2)mg (Chl)

    1h1. After isolation, the PSII membranes were frozen bydropping small aliquots into liquid nitrogen. The samples were then storedat 80 C until used. Before the measurements, the samples were thawed inthe dark on ice and diluted to the desired concentrations with MES mediumcontaining 200400 mM sucrose, 35 mM NaCl, and 110 mM MES/NaOH atpH 6.3 (or 5.5).

    TR-MIMS Measurements. TR-MIMS measurements were performed with anisotope ratio mass spectrometer (FinniganPlus XP; Thermo) that was con-nected via a dry ice/C2H5OH cooling trap to a home-built membrane-inletcell of 150- or 175-L volume (depending on stir bar used) (47). The sample inthe cell was separated from the vacuum (3 108 bar) of the mass spec-trometer via a 1-cm-diameter inlet that was covered by a 25-m-thick siliconmembrane (MEM-213; Mempro) resting on a porous Teflon support ( 10mm). In the mass spectrometer the gases were ionized by electron impactand separated by a magnetic sector field into a seven-cup Faraday detectorarray for simultaneous detection of 16O2 (m/z 32), 16O

    18O (m/z 34), 18O2 and36Ar (m/z 36), 40Ar (m/z 40), 12C16O2 (m/z 44), 12C

    16O18O (m/z 46), and 12C18O2(m/z 48). The simultaneous recording of argon (m/z 40) served as a control.The MIMS cell was thermostated to 20 C. During the measurements thesample suspensions were stirred constantly at high speed with a magneticstir bar. Before the assays the sample suspensions (or buffers) were degassedfor 2040 min until an only slightly sloping baseline was reached. On-linemonitoring of light-induced O2 and CO2 evolutions (Fig. 3) was done by il-lumination of the dark-adapted PSII membranes inside the MIMS cell witha train of 50 short saturating flashes (2 Hz) provided by xenon flash lamp(LS-11304, 5-s half-width; PerkinElmer). Off-line measurements of light-induced O2 and CO2 evolutions were performed by excitation of the dark-adapted PSII membranes inside a gas-tight 250-L Hamilton syringe andsubsequent injection of the illuminated sample into the cell filled with thethoroughly degassed buffer solution of the same composition and pH. Forthe experiments displayed in Fig. 4 50-L PSII sample suspensions [1 mg(Chl)mL1] were illuminated with 100 xenon flashes (PS 302, 2 Hz, lightpack FY-604 15-s half-width; EG&G). For controls, 50-L aliquots of dark-adapted PSII sample suspensions were injected into the MIMS cell (Fig. S3).The light-induced O2 and CO2 signals were calibrated by the injection ofdefined volumes of air-equilibrated buffer (284 M O2 and 15.4 M CO2 at20 C, pH 5.0) into the same medium (www.engineeringtoolbox.com/oxygen-solubility-water-d_841.html and http://co2now.org/current-co2/co2-now/). TheCO2/PSII ratio was determined by dividing the calibrated CO2 concentrationby the PSII reaction center (RC) concentration, assuming 250 Chl/RC. Theanalysis of the MIMS spectra was performed by using Origin software.


    3 -Depletion Procedure and Monitoring of Ci Levels. Ci was removedfrom the PSII sample suspension containing H182 O and electron acceptors bymeans of 30-min flushing with CO2-free air that was generated by a PuregasPCDA220M instrument, in which compressed air is directed through a des-iccant chamber containing an adsorbent material for CO2.This Ci-depletionprocedure led to a 20-fold decrease of the CO2 level (0.8 M) withoutdecreasing the oxygen level compared with samples containing ambient CO2and O2 levels owing to exposure to air (C

    +i media; 15.4 M). To avoid

    contamination of Ci-depleted Ci media with atmospheric CO2, the de-pletion procedure and all following sample handling and incubation stepswere performed inside sealed septum vials. This procedure resulted in ourCi -depleted PSII membranes. For reversibility measurements the C

    i -depleted

    suspension of PSII membranes (80 L) was incubated for 20 min in air. Fora better equilibration with atmospheric CO2, the sample suspensions werecontinuously stirred in a septum vial with an opened cap.

    The CO2 and O2 concentrations in CO2-depleted air were determined bymonitoring the oxygen and carbon dioxide content of the C+i and C

    i sample

    solutions. For this, the 50-L aliquots of the C+i and Ci media were injected

    into degassed MES buffer (pH 6.3) in the MIMS cell.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.We thank Govindjee, A. Stemler, and V. V. Klimov formany stimulating discussions on bicarbonate effects over the years, G. Hanfor help with PSII sample preparation, U. Sauer and E. Sauer-Eriksson fordiscussions on the accessibility of PSII channels for HCO3

    , W. Junge for valu-able comments on the manuscript, and the Max Planck Institute for ChemicalEnergy Conversion for the loan of the isotope ratio mass spectrometer.Financial support was provided by Vetenskapsrdet (J.M. and G.S.), Energi-myndigheten (J.M.), Kempe Stiftelse (J.M. and G.S.), the Strong ResearchEnvironment Solar Fuels (Ume University), and the Artificial Leaf ProjectUme (Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation).

    Koroidov et al. PNAS Early Edition | 5 of 6






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    6 of 6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1323277111 Koroidov et al.

  • Supporting InformationKoroidov et al. 10.1073/pnas.1323277111SI TextCalculation of the CO2 and HCO

    3 Fractions in the Buffer Solutions.

    For estimation of the fractions of carbonates in particular form atpH 6.3 and 5.5 the following equations were used:

    CO2 =1+K1=H++K1K2=H+2

    1HCO 3 = 1+ H+=K1 +K2=H+


    The K1 and K2 values for 20 C were taken from ref. 1. Theresults are compiled in Table S1.

    1. Harned HS, Davis R (1943) The ionization constant of carbonic acid in water and thesolubility of carbon dioxide in water and aqueous salt solutions from 0 to 50. J AmChem Soc 65(10):20302037.

    Fig. S1. Dependence of water splitting in photosystem II (PSII) on the inorganic carbon (Ci) concentration of the medium. PSII membranes were illuminatedwith continuous white light of a slide projector for 10 s inside of gas-tight syringes and then injected into the membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) cell(20 C). The C+i trace was obtained at ambient Ci concentration, and the C

    i trace was recorded at a 60-times-reduced Ci concentration that was achieved by

    purging sample solution with N2 inside an N2-filled glove box [based on the depletion factor for 16O2 (m/z 32)]. Rapid reversibility was demonstrated byaddition NaHCO3 powder (to give a final concentration of 0.5 mM) to a C

    i sample (C

    i + 0.5 mM HCO

    3 trace). The time between NaHCO3 addition and il-

    lumination was about 2 min owing to the sample handling in the dark in an N2-filled glove box. The chlorophyll concentration was 50 g (Chl)mL1, theH182 O-enrichment was 10%, and the medium contained 1 mM MES (pH 6.3) and 15 mM NaCl. The measurements were done in the presence of the followingelectron acceptors: 2 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] (dissolved in H2O) and 0.25 mM 2-phenyl-p-benzoquinone (dissolved in DMSO). The average result of two repeats ispresented.

    Koroidov et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1323277111 1 of 3

  • Fig. S2. Relative signal intensities of nonlabeled (m/z 32, 16O2 and m/z 44, 12C16O2) and

    18O-singly labeled (m/z 34, 16O18O and m/z 46, 12C16O18O) iso-topologues of O2 and CO2 and argon signal (m/z 40,

    40Ar) that were monitored simultaneously with the 18O-doubly labeled isotopologues shown in traces 1 ofFig. 3. The spectra are colored individually according to their m/z values. The onsets of flash illumination (50 saturating xenon flashes, 2 Hz) are marked byarrows. The values shown in parentheses at the traces represent the relative amplification of the Faraday cups of the mass spectrometer.

    Fig. S3. Off-line time-resolved (TR)-MIMS measurements of the O2 and CO2 content in dark-adapted PSII sample suspension before (trace 1) and rapidly (

  • Fig. S4. Difference MIMS signals of O2 level in PSII membrane fragments measured as 18O2 (at m/z 36) rapidly (