PM Interview Questions

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Project Management Interview Tips

For some people, interviewing for a position may be harder than performing the work that comes with a new job. Interviewers search for different qualities, characteristics and skills in each person they hire, and you may find different requirements for the same position at different employers. A construction project manager is responsible for handling a team and overseeing a specific task, and interviewers will look for key information during an interview.

Job-Specific Questions

Some interviewers will ask specific questions regarding project managing in general. These questions can include: In your opinion, what are the most important tasks a project manager performs? What information does a project manager need about his workers or the project at hand to be successful? Where in your work or education history have you acquired the skills and information to perform successfully in this role? Regardless of the position, many companies will ask you questions regarding your relationship to the company. Interviewers will want to know what attracted you to this position in particular, and why you feel that you will be a good fit for the company. How will it benefit you to work for this company in particular, and how will it benefit the company to hire you above the dozens of other applicants for this position?


A project manager is responsible for a lot of scheduling work to ensure that the project is completed on time. Interviewers will generally ask questions regarding your organization and scheduling skills. Questions may include asking you to highlight other projects that you have completed successfully and on time. How do you plan out a large-scale project ahead of time? How do you adjust for unexpected factors like weather, injury or illness? How do you make decisions regarding delineating responsibility among your crew members?

Staff Members

While the project manager may focus primarily on completing his assigned task, he is also responsible for a team of workers, and must be able to work with them productively.

Interviews may ask you to highlight experiences you have working with and directing a crew of workers. How would you deal with a worker who decided he did not want to work, or a crew member who is less productive than all the others? How do you settles disputes among coworkers, or deal with workers that may have negative views of you, other managers or the company as a whole?

Project Management Interview: Questions and AnswersDuring the project management interview you will be asked interview questions that focus on your training and experience with the successful delivery of different projects. You can also expect behavioral or competency-based questions that explore essential project manager skills such as team building and team management, planning and organizing, negotiation, problem-solving, leadership and adaptability. Lets start with the likely project management interview questions that explore your experience on project delivery.

Tell us about your experience in managing different projects and how this can contribute to our position.It is important to structure your interview answer because this is a multi-layered and fairly complex question. Start by explaining how you will answer the question. This keeps your answer on track and to the point. "I will begin by giving you a short description of my last three projects. I will then detail the skills and abilities I developed as a result of each project and then demonstrate the value of these skills to this position." You can then go on to provide a brief but concise summary of each project. "I was the project manager for the XYZ project and this involved ..." Then describe the skills you acquired during the project. "I encountered a number of difficulties on this project that required an innovative approach. I used group problem solving sessions as one of these approaches. This worked well because it helped each team member to clarify their particular project role and responsibility and we were able to develop plans and realistic schedules that the whole project team contributed to ..."

Demonstrate how these skills will benefit the position and company. "Projects now are faced with tighter budgets and fewer resources. This approach maximizes the available resources and keeps everyone focused and motivated for the duration of the project..."

Describe how you recently managed a diverse project team towards a common goal.Focus on your ability to delegate in a fair and practical way, how you clearly defined project roles and responsibilities, kept personality clashes and conflict to a minimum and monitored and fed back to the project team. Outline your management style and why it worked.

Describe the most complex project you have managed from start to finish.Provide a comprehensive answer remembering to explain the project as you would to a client and not to somebody who has been involved in the project. The more complex a project the more formal processes and techniques are needed to effectively manage the work. Explain the purpose, value and implementation of the most critical aspects of the project including managing the project work plan, the project schedule, the project risks, the project issues and closing the project. Be enthusiastic about your accomplishments and specify how your experience will benefit the company. Point out where you made a difference on the project in terms of expenditure, quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction and business and organizational success.

Standard Project Management Interview Questions:How do you determine realistic schedules for the project? Explain your methods for resource allocation. How do you manage suppliers? How do you inform all the stakeholders of the progress of the project on a regular basis? How do you monitor risks to the project and mitigate them? What tools do you use to monitor and control projects? What project management methodologies are you most familiar with?

What project software have you used? What change management processes have you used to ensure that change is introduced properly? What are the practices you follow for closing a project and meeting the conditions required to establish closure? What specific training have you had that would be relevant to this project manager job? Answer your interview questions in a calm and assertive tone. Take time to gather your thoughts before answering, it is a key project manager skill to be able to process the facts before responding!

100 Project Manager Interview QuestionsThe below questions are for hire a Project Manager. This can also be used for evaluating already hired project managers. 1. How do you handle non-productive team members? 2. How do you motivate team members who are burned out, or bored? 3. How do you handle team members who come to you with their personal problems? 4. What are your career goals? How do you see this job affecting your goals? 5. Explain how you operate interdepartmentally. 6. Tell me how you would react to a situation where there was more than one way to accomplish the same task, and there were very strong feelings by others on each position. 7. Consider that you are in a diverse environment, out of your comfort zone. How would you rate your situational leadership style? 8. Give me an example of your leadership involvement where teamwork played an important role. 9. Tell me about a situation where your loyalty was challenged. What did you do? Why? 10. In what types of situations is it best to abandon loyalty to your manager? 11. In todays business environment, when is loyalty to your manager particularly important? 12. Why are you interested in this position? 13. Describe what you think it would be like to do this job every day. 14. What do you believe qualifies you for this position? 15. What have you learned from your failures? 16. Of your previous jobs, which one did you enjoy the most? What did you like the most/least? Why? What was your major accomplishment? What was your biggest frustration? 17. Tell me about special projects or training you have had that would be relevant to this job. 18. What are some things that you would not like your job to include?

19. What are your current work plans? Why are you thinking about leaving your present job? 20. Describe an ideal job for you. 21. What would you do if you found out that a contractor was in a conflict of interest situation? 22. If I were to contact your former employee, what would he say about your decisionmaking abilities? 23. Give me an example of a win-win situation you have negotiated. 24. Tell me about your verbal and written communication ability. How well do you represent yourself to others? What makes you think so? 25. Give me an example of a stressful situation you have been in. How well did you handle it? If you had to do it over again, would you do it differently? How do you deal with stress, pressure, and unreasonable demands? 26. Tell me about a tough decision you had to make? 27. Describe what you did at your work place yesterday. 28. How would you solve the following technical problem? (Describe a typical scenario that could occur in the new position.) 29. What strengths did you bring to your last position? 30. Describe how those contributions impacted results? 31. What are the necessary steps to successful project management? 32. How do you plan for a project? 33. What is important to consider when planning a (your type of project)? 34. What are things that you have found to be low priority when planning for (your type of project)? 35. What distinguishes a project from routine operations? 36. What are the three constraints on a project? 37. What are the five control components of a project? 38. What qualifications are required to be an effective project manager? 39. What experience have you had in project management? 40. Name five signs that indicate your project may fail. 41. Tell us about a project in which you participated and your role in that project. 42. When you are assigned a project, what steps do you take to complete the project? 43. As you begin your assignment as a project manager, you quickly realise that the corporate sponsor for the project no longer supports the project. What will you do? 44. Your three month project is about to exceed the projected budget after the first month. What steps will you take to address the potential cost overrun? 45. Tell us about a successful project in which you participated and how you contributed to the success of that project. 46. You are given the assignment of project manager and the team members have already been identified. To increase the effectiveness of your project team, what steps will you take? 47. You have been assigned as the project manager for a team comprised of new employees just out of college and entry-level consulting staff. What steps can you take to insure that the project is completed against a very tight time deadline? 48. What is a project milestone? 49. What is project float?

50. Your project is beginning to exceed budget and to fall behind schedule due to almost daily user change orders and increasing conflicts in user requirements. How will you address the user issues? 51. Youve encountered a delay on an early phase of your project. What actions can you take to counter the delay? Which actions will have the most effect on the result? 52. Describe what you did in a difficult project environment to get the job done on time and on budget. 53. What actions are required for successful executive sponsorship of a project? 54. How did you get your last project? 55. What were your specific responsibilities? 56. What did you like about the project and dislike about the project? 57. What did you learn from the project? 58. Tell me about a time when you ran into any difficult situations. How did you handle them? 59. Tell me about the types of interaction you had with other employees. 60. Tell me of an accomplishment you are particularly proud of and what it entailed. 61. Do you have people from your past consulting services who would provide a professional reference? 62. What other similar consulting or independent contractor services have you rendered? 63. Discuss how you would envision working as an independent contractor or consultant for us. 64. What conflicting responsibilities will you have? 65. What would be your specific goals for this new role as a consultant or independent contractor? 66. What experience do you have that you think will be helpful? 67. This assignment will require a lot of [describe]. Will that be a problem for you? 68. This assignment will require interacting with [describe the types of people]. What experience do you have working with such people? 69. What would you like to get from this new assignment? 70. What are two common but major obstacles for a project like this? What would you do in the face of these obstacles to keep your team on schedule? 71. What is project charter? What are the elements in a project charter? 72. Which document will you refere for future decisions? 73. How will you define scope? 74. What is the output of scope definition process? 75. What is quality management? 76. Do you inspect or plan for quality ? 77. What is EVM? how will you use it in managing projects? 78. What is a project? and what is program? 79. What are project selection methods? 80. Which tool would you use to define, manage and control projects? 81. What is risk management and how will you plan risk response? 82. What are outputs of project closure? 83. What are the methods used for project estimation? 84. What methods have you used for estimation? 85. How would you start a project?

86. If you were to deliver a project to a customer, and timely delivery depended upon a sub-supplier, how would you manage the supplier? What contractual agreements would you put in place? 87. In this field (the field you are interviewing for), what are three critically important things you must do well as a project manager in order for the project to succeed? 88. What metrics would you expect to use to determine the on-going success of your project? 89. How are your soft skills? Can you sell the project to a team? 90. You have a team member who is not meeting his commitments, what do you do? 91. Companies have historically looked at technical skills, but more and more business managers are realizing that not have people skills tend to cripple projects. 92. How many projects you handled in the past? Deadlines met? On time/ within budget? Obstacles you had to overcome? 93. Do you understand milestones, interdependencies? Resource allocation? 94. Do you know what Project Software the new company uses and is there training for it? 95. Tell me about yourself. (To avoid rambling or becoming flustered, plan your answer.) 96. What are your strengths? (Make an exhaustive list and review it exhaustively before the interview.) 97. What are your weaknesses? (What you say here can and will be used against you!) 98. How would your current (or last) boss describe you? 99. What were your bosss responsibilities? (Interviewers sometimes ask this question to prevent you from having the chance to claim that you did your bosss job. Be ready for it!) 100. Whats your opinion of them? (Never criticize your past or present boss in an interview. It just makes you look bad!)

1. Interview questions samples of Construction project manager Tell me a little about yourself? Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years? What made you choose to apply to Construction project manager? What have you learned from your past jobs? Why did you leave your last job? Tell me about your last position and what you did? What do you know about the position of Construction project manager? What are key tasks for Construction project manager? What are top 3 knowledge/top 3 skills for Construction project manager? What are KRAs/output of position: Construction project manager? How to measure/appraise your position: Construction project manager? What do you know about this company? Describe two or three major trends in your did you choose this profession/field? What tertiary qualifications have you attained that related to Construction project

manager? What is the most recent skill you have learned that related to Construction project manager? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

2. Job description sample of Construction project managerHow to create interview questions for Construction project manager by yourself? You can follow some steps as follows: Identify key tasks of Construction project manager. Then identify job specs to do this job. Identify job goals, objectives, KRAs, KPIs. Use 5W1H methods to create interview questions for Construction project manager. Below are some key tasks of Construction project manager: Lead contract negotiations with the General Contractor (and other sub-contractors). Prepare the sub-contract agreement document. Coordinate schedule needs with the Project Manager and assure that construction activities meet material delivery dates. Review proposals and contract requirements. Insure that construction costs are accurately estimated and that profit targets are met. Insure that schedules are met and system performance. Is not compromised by organizing activities and monitoring the performance of the General Contractor and other sub-contractors. Identify construction risks and prepare action plans to mitigate exposure. Work with the Project Manager (design/supply scope) to develop the Schedule A (scope split) document.


1. 1 Look for the credentials. A prospective employee for a construction project management position may look the part and may say the right things, but he must be certified. In most cases you should require a Project Management Professional (PMP) designation. The PMP can be obtained through the Project Management Institute (PMI), the globally recognized nonprofit membership association for project managers. This certification shows an employee's competence and ability to lead project teams.



Ask about education. While education will most likely be listed on the prospective employee's resume, give her the opportunity to elaborate. Ask if her college or university required her to complete any exams given by the Constructor Certification Commission (CCC). The CCC administers semiannual exams to test knowledge of the field. Some institutions require completion of these exams before eligibility for graduation is considered. Ask the interviewee to show you her test scores.o

3 Weigh the prospective employee's ability to handle the project management position based on experience. Ask the interviewee what he could bring to the table. Pick a past position from his resume and ask him to elaborate on the job description. Ask him to give an example of a time when he was faced with a specific management problem, and ask how he solved the problem. Pay attention to his body language and take note of positive leadership qualities like dedication, creativity and assertiveness. You don't want a follower for this position.

Job Dutieso

Managing and directing contractors is the job focus. The project manager inspects works in progress to ensure compliance with building, electrical and ventilation codes. His job requires solving problems related to labor, supplies and equipment.

Skill Requirementso

Thorough knowledge and understanding of government-mandated construction guidelines is necessary. Expertise in various construction tasks helps the manager to identify potential challenges and offer viable options. Scheduling and project coordination skills help him to ensure that deadlines are met.

Preferred Backgroundo

A bachelor's degree in civil engineering, construction science, construction management or building science is preferred. Applicants with extensive experience and less education may be eligible. Experience in the construction industry is an asset.

A construction manager supervises the work of personnel on a construction site and ensures that safety measures are adequate. A project manager helps a company improve operating processes or information systems.

Construction ManagerA construction manager oversees activities involving the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities and systems. The manager also supervises the work of construction personnel. A construction manager usually has a bachelor's or associate degree in a business field and significant practical experience. As of 2010, the average annual salary for a construction manager was $75,000, according to job resources website Indeed.

Project ManagerA project manager applies computer skills and analytical dexterity to oversee activities in a corporate short-term or long-term initiative. Projects may relate to accounting, sales, information systems or compliance. A project manager position typically requires a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology or a related field. The job information website Indeed states that project managers earned an average annual salary of $81,000 as of 2010.

RelationshipProject managers and construction managers perform different tasks. However, these tasks may interrelate in operating activities. For example, a construction manager may use project management techniques to plan staff duties and ensure quick work completion.

Construction Project Management InformationBy Cherrine Banks, eHow Contributor

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Construction projects range in size. Companies and individuals can reduce potential problems by understanding project types and different construction risks.


Companies use construction project management to keep plans on schedule. Construction project managers monitor each step from beginning to end. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), construction managers select project workers and negotiate with building suppliers.

Types of Construction Projectso

Two types of construction projects involve building construction or heavy and civil engineering. A building construction project can involve residential homes in the suburbs. According to the United States Census Bureau, heavy and civil engineering construction can involve buildings and waterways, such as dams.


A construction project can experience risks, according to One type of risk is financial, such as projects going over schedule. Additional types of risks include poor construction equipment and problems with subcontractors.


Using a construction project manager requires interviewing qualified applicants. Companies should interview multiple applicants before making a final selection. It is important to verify each applicant's training and experience. Performing applicant verifications help companies from hiring an unskilled project manager who can not perform the job.

Construction Project-Management ProceduresBy Cynthia Clark, eHow Contributor

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Construction management procedures are used to bring every building project to completion. Successful project management requires team leadership and coordination, according to the National Institute of Building Sciences. Diligent project planning and effective oversight of the delivery process for a construction project is key to maintaining the estimated time of completion and staying within budget while completing a quality project. The architectural design of the project adds variety to the way details of a project are managed; however, the project will follow basic construction procedures.

Project Preliminarieso

According to Carnegie Mellon University, construction projects have "a specific set of objectives and constraints" that are required within the time frame for successful completion. The project manager is the go-between the construction crews and upper management, maintaining contact with the architect, owners and finance department of the project. Construction project management requires skills of general project management and specialized knowledge related to various aspects of the project. For example, the project manager doesn't need to be skilled in welding but does need to understand the welding process and be able to identify quality welds and the time involved. The project manager must organize the different sets of building blueprints provided by the architect, as well as provide copies to local authorities and the subcontractor hired for the project.

Budgets, Estimates and Bidso

Once the architect has completed the blueprints, a budget is provided based on those blueprints to the construction project manager. Good financial management of the project requires obtaining estimates and bids on various aspects of the project, which are then organized and evaluated on which subcontract is able to provide the best work for the bid or estimate quoted. Once bids are accepted, the project manager secures the contracts and schedules the subcontractors and vendors.

Scheduling and Inspections


Carnegie Mellon University defines construction project scheduling as a means to match the resources of equipment, materials and labor with project work tasks. It's necessary to have materials, labor and equipment present at the time they're needed to prevent delays and expensive cost overruns. Failure to have a task completed by one subcontractor in a specific time frame results in the following subcontractor not being able to begin their work at a specified time. Properly scheduling the local inspections is another critical job for the construction project manager. Local building codes require inspections at specific phases of the construction process. For example, once the underground plumbing pipes have been set in place and connected to city services, the local inspector must offer his approval prior to the pouring of the foundational concrete. Failure to obtain the inspection before pouring the concrete would result in the removal of all newly laid concrete, resulting in great expense and schedule delays. Failure to schedule the inspection at the right time would also result in the subcontractors who are handling the concrete work to sit on-the-clock waiting for the inspection before they can begin performing their part of the construction project.

Prioritizing Techniques of Construction Project ManagementBy Marcus Cage, eHow Contributor

Construction projects entail specifc design elements.

All construction projects have certain design and financial elements. Though these components may differ in areas of cost and structure, project management is common to every construction project. Improper planning can result in difficult circumstances, such as structural and financial issues. Project managers must be cognizant of priority items associated with construction projects. Knowledge of these items will ensure the delivery of a project that is on time and within budget constraints. Related Searches:

InstructionsThings You'll NeedProject manager 1.


1 Manpower is needed on construction projects. Define the scope of your project. This is always the first and most important piece of planning priorities. The scope is the "how" and "what" of a construction project. The manpower and planning process are how the project will be completed. Financial resources and building materials determine what is needed to start and finish construction.


2 Project managers must communicate with stakeholders. Create a communication plan. Communication is of great importance concerning any project. A communication plan keeps everyone informed on the progress of the project. This includes executives, team members and customers.


3 Cost and budgeting is a major element of project managment. Estimate the outlay of the project by implementing cost and budget scheduling. Build a budget, and track time and money spent by using project management software.


4 Devise a quality management plan. Determine quality of work by devising a quality management plan. This method shifts the focus from time to quality. When focusing on producing a quality product, concentration will be placed on hiring high-class professionals and purchasing top-grade material. If quality management is active, all time constraints will be met.

Instruction Classes for Project Management in ConstructionBy Jody Hanson, eHow Contributor updated February 28, 2011

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Construction project management classes need to be theoretical and practical. Construction project management involves using administrative techniques to plan, design and construct a building, bridge or road for commercial or residential purposes. To manage a construction project, supervisors need to have a combination of theoretical, practical and people skills. They must know how to interpret a blueprint, stick to a budget and inspire the crew to stay focused on finishing the project on time. Balance your classes with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


1. 1 Start with an introduction to project management course. Stress the foundational requirements of construction project management and give the students an overview of what is required to successfully manage a construction project.


2 Teach the difference between commercial and residential construction methods. While managers tend to specialize in one or the other areas of construction, it is important that they have an understanding of the similarities and the differences.


3 Offer a course on construction documents and contracts. Project managers need to understand the paperwork required for construction, from preparing a quote through to doing a final inspection report.


4 Include a class on cost estimation and analysis. Show the students how to use sophisticated computer programs to help them with their bid preparations, as well as paper, pencil and calculator methodologies.



Lecture about the legal issues in construction. Make sure your project managers are knowledgeable about current real estate and zoning laws. Test them to make sure they won't make any mistakes that could be costly.o

6 Explain that construction site safety is paramount. Project managers on the construction site have to ensure that everyone adheres to the safety standards. Construction safety involves everything from wearing hard-hats and protective clothing to emergency first-aid.


7 Give lessons about mechanical systems. Construction project managers have to understand how electrical, plumbing and carpentry systems work.

The Importance of a Work Plan

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A work plan can help you manage tasks. Projects and tasks may appear to be endless and they very well could be without a work plan. A work plan is an important tool for identifying tasks of a project, setting deadlines and identifying individuals to help complete the tasks. A work, plan is effective when you know where you want to go and need to plan out the steps in order to get there.

A Work Plan Provides Transparencyo

To accomplish your task at hand, a work plan is important in planning and management. The work plan structures your task with an outline of what needs to be completed. Where more than one person is involved in the task, a work plan provides transparency to each member on the team about what is being done and why. If, for example, the project requires funds, identifying a budget as part of the work plan can justify the release of money.

A Work Plan Keeps People Informedo

Regardless of whether your project involves an office team or a community, if the developments in a project or task are not communicated to the people involved, it can lead to frustration. A work plan is important in identifying points for communication. For example, if one of the tasks involved is the decision-making procedure on the purchase of supplies, an office worker may need to hear the points in the work plan and she may want to provide input to the administrative process. A work plan provides details on opportunities for feedback.

A Work Plan Sets Objectiveso

Clear objectives set forth in a work plan help the process of planning, facilitating and managing a project. The work plan is important in planning the project's operations and related activities such as its budget. It may facilitate presentations and negotiations for funding or other project needs. The team leader is able to identify through the work plan the tasks at hand and the time lines for completion, as well as assigned roles for accountability for effective management. When the project is completed, an evaluation is planned to monitor the success of the project.

A Work Plan Keeps you On Tracko

Effective work plans are current. You can determine where your project stands by taking an account of all the work done to date, its progress and scheduling of tasks. Regular communication with the team about the work plan's schedule will help to keep you on track or revise your schedule for more realistic time lines or to implement overtime if the schedule cannot be changed. Either way the work plan will help get the job done.

Definition of a Work Plan

Print this article A work plan describes a project to be accomplished and outlines how it will be done. It is also known as a project plan or a feasibility or proposal report.


The overall project is divided into a logical sequence of steps including time for completion of each step as well as the overall project, who does what and when and a budget.


The order of a work plan's sections is as follows: executive summary/abstract; introduction, which explains the challenge/goal of the project; objectives/goals, which show what is to be accomplished; constraints/resources, which show what can be used; an actions/strategy section, which explains how things are to be accomplished; and appendices that include such things as the schedule and budget.

Calendar/ Timeo

The work plan is set up with a start and completion chart for each individual job along with the individual(s) who are to complete it. Time is incorporated for allowing for meetings to reevaluate the progress of the project and make adjustments as needed.


Work plans can be set up for anything from a simple project to a complex one that will be better executed through the use of planning.


The work plan can also be a way to keep the recipient of the project up-todate on how the work is progressing.

Components of a Work Plan

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A work plan is typed using word processing software and a computer. A work plan is a tool that describes the scope of work, generally for a project or program. It is developed by a design team and the project owner and contains a project description, key issues, goals and objectives, key strategies and several other important aspects of a project or program. A work plan serves as a guide for contractors, employees and owners.

Project DescriptionThe first component of a work plan is a project or program description. A work plan begins by discussing the project or program it was created for. This is a short summary of the program. A work plan is generally created using word processing software and includes several key categories.

Key IssuesA work plan contains the key issues. All key issues of the project should be determined before beginning. Typically these issues are discussed at meetings between owners, contractors and employees. This should happen during the assessment stage of the project.

Goals and ObjectivesAnother vital component of a work plan is a section devoted to the goals and objectives of the program. During the assessment stage of the project, the goals and objectives must be determined and set before proceeding. Many companies use the SMART method when setting goals, which means goals should be specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and timely.

Key StrategiesIdentify key strategies for the project. After identifying and setting goals, a work plan lists the key strategies that will be used to accomplish the goals set. Milestones should be listed as well as any potential obstacles the company may encounter.

ResourcesList all the resources that are required to successfully complete this program or project. This includes developing teams for the project, budget

information and facilities needed. Under this section, the important roles and responsibilities of teams and committees should be defined.

Time LineDevelop a time line. This component of a work plan should be given a great deal of thought. The time line should be achievable and should take into consideration any foreseen obstacles the company may encounter.

Measurement ToolsDetermine ways to measure success. The last part of a work plan is the component of measurement tools. This component is vital to know whether the project is successful at many points. One measurement tool is the time line. By comparing the actual results to the time line, an organization measures how well the project is going compared with the targeted goals.

How to Prepare a Work PlanBy Shemiah Williams, eHow Contributor

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Whether it's an event, project or program, most businesses require a strategy or plan of action for how to develop and execute the task at hand. Although an investment of time is required upfront, a work plan is a powerful tool to communicate a plan as well as keeping all key staff accountable. Once a basic work plan template has been established, it can be adapted and used for a variety of initiatives. Difficulty: Moderate

InstructionsThings You'll Need

Pencil Paper Computer

The Steps1

Do some research. Spend some time gathering all the necessary information you need to understand what you're being asked to accomplish. 2 Outline the specific tasks that need to be completed in order to accomplish the task. 3 Assign deadlines for each task. 4 Indicate the staff that are responsible for each task. 5 Schedule a time to discuss the work plan with all involved staff to get their feedback. Adjust any deadlines or staff assignments as necessary.

How to Create an Effective Work PlanBy Natalie Grace, eHow Contributor

Use a work plan to help keep the project on track. A work plan is also called a project plan, which provides specifics on how a project will be performed. This includes who will work on each task, how the tasks will be performed and when the project will start and end. A work plan is useful as a planning tool, a management tool for a team leader, a strategy for monitoring and assessing or as an illustration of how the project operations are sequenced. Creating an effective work plan takes thought and careful execution.

How to Create Work PlansBy Chad Buleen, eHow Contributor

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Creating a work plan is important because it allows an employee the opportunity to show a manager how he plans to accomplish the things that are being asked of him. A work plan can help an employee show his worth because it quantifies and puts into words the things that an employee does that otherwise might be unnoticed. General work plans are sometimes created that relate to the overall work a person does. However, work plans are often most effective when they are broken down to specifically discuss the work associated with smaller projects. The more specific a work plan is, the more effective it likely will be. When creating work plans, there are a few things that should almost always be included. Difficulty: Moderate

InstructionsThings You'll NeedWord-processing software 1. 1 Open a new document in word-processing software such as a Microsoft Word. Create several headers on the document. The headers should be listed as: "Issues," "Goals," "Strategies," "Resources," "Timeline" and "Measurement."o


2 Under "Issues," describe the most important issues. A needs assessment meeting must precede the writing down of the key issues. During this meeting, team members can bring all of the project's important issues to light. The important issues should strike a balance by discussing the needs of all parties involved.



Under "Goals," make and record attainable goals. The goals described in a work plan should make you stretch to attain them yet they should not be unreachable. When making goals, remember the acronym SMART: The goals should be specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and timely.o

4 Under "Strategies," include information about key strategies. This will probably be the longest and most comprehensive section of the work plan. Each of the major steps or milestones that must be met should be included here. Potential obstacles to the implementation of the strategies also should be discussed. Explain how these obstacles will be managed.


5 Under "Resources," discuss the resources needed to put the strategies into action. If there is a whole team working on the project, mention in the work plan the team members involved and what their responsibilities will be. If there is a significant investment in equipment or supplies involved, mention this as well.


6 Under "Timeline," make a timeline. Include highlights of the plan to create a timeline. Make sure to include the start date, the end date and the dates when specific events and goals will take place. This will allow yourself, fellow team members and management to be able to easily see if the project is on schedule.


7 Under "Measurement," Include methods of measurement. Discuss how you will determine the success of the project. This could include anecdotal evidence. However, it is best to include quantifiable ways in which success will be determined. Depending on the project, this could include the amount of sales, more incoming phone calls, more Web page visits and similar metrics.


Finding employment or changing careers seems to be getting more difficult these days, irrespective of where you live. I am sure we can all do with some guidance in this area at some time in our lives. Things such as When is the best time to look for work. Good habits to abide by when looking for work. How to structure your answer in a job interview. How to answer the question "How do your skills and experience relate to the position you are applying for?" Personality, humour and attire - how do they factor in a job interview. How to respond to an interview question if you do not know the answer. How to get job interviews. If fired by your previous employer, how to answer the question "Why did you leave your last job?" When asked what your salary requirements are, how to answer. References and how to use them. How to explain gaps in work experience. How to respond to "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

The author of a newsletter launched in 2001 kindly gave us permission to reproduce some of their hints and tips.

Good Habits to Abide by When Looking for WorkFinding a job can, and should be, a job in itself. Unless you are extremely lucky, finding a job will be a trying and frustrating process. Rejection, depression, feelings of hopelessness can become an overwhelming force when looking for employment. The good news is, it can only be so, if you let it. The best way to effectively job hunt, while minimizing frustration, is to develop a routine. Make it a your job to find a job! One way to do this is to devise a weekly schedule of job hunting activities. For example; Monday morning could be the morning that you check local employment ads, newspapers etc. Tuesdays may be designated as the day that you work on producing covering letters and copies of your resume, Wednesdays may be the day that you send out your resumes and Thursdays may be the day that you follow up with potential employers on resumes you sent out the week prior. This is just an example of a routine and it may not be right for you. The point is, develop a routine that works for you and stick to it. Developing a routine allows you to get a greater sense of control. Many people let the "job hunting blues" get to them because they cannot motivate themselves. They will often times let one incident where they were rejected by an employer, put a damper on future job searches. A routine will allow you to feel like you are making progress. Although you may not see immediate results, you will end each day knowing that you are one step closer to finding an opportunity. A routine also will prepare you for the working world where you will be expected to keep certain working hours. In the end, you will find that a regimented approach will translate into greater opportunities! Another golden rule of job searching is never to take a rejection personally. Rejection is very much part of job searches. You will likely encounter numerous rejection letters or negative

responses before you find someone who will grant you an interview or give your application due consideration. Take it in stride and tell yourself that it was worth at least getting your name known to the company. Often times, employers are impressed by the manner in which a person accepts rejection. "

I can find no trace of this publication on the internet so cannot confirm if it is, in fact, still available. The information, however, is as relevant today as when originally posted so I thought I would continue to feature it on Hints and Things.

How to Structure Your Answer in a Job Interview?There are a variety of formats that are used to conduct job interviews. Sometimes you will be before a panel of people who will take turns asking you questions. Sometimes only one person will be meeting with you to ask questions. Some employers may also conduct phone interviews prior to inviting you for an "in person" meeting. Despite the format, one of the key components to a successful interview is to keep the employer focussed. Focussed on what you may be wondering? Focussed on you! On what you are saying and the message you are trying to get across. When attending an interview, you are up against many distractions that may have you fighting to keep the attention of those asking the questions. Bear in mind that people are people and employers, just like you and I, can get easily bored, can have other things on their minds, and might be suffering from interview fatigue. In some cases, you may be the fourteenth person they are interviewing and they may be tired. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of interviewing, from an employer's point of view, is having to sit through long-winded and rambling answers or having to search for the point in what the applicant is saying. Combine this with the fact that the interviewers may be approaching fatigue, and you are looking at a no win situation. do you fight the odds and maximize your chances of success? One of the most effective ways is to structure your answers. Structuring your answers will ensure that you are concise and to the point with your responses. It will have a positive effect on the interview panel, particularly if they just sat through a previous interview with a candidate who was long winded and was rambling. There are many ways that an interview panel decides if you will be hired. Sometimes it is be a formal scoring system in which they are looking for certain content in the responses, or sometimes it is an informal evaluation. It can also be any variation or combination of the two. Structuring your answers works in spite of the format being used. Let's look at an example: A Non-Structured Approach: Interview Panel: Tell us about your experience in project management and how your experience can make a difference to our company. Job Applicant: Well, I am managing a project called Trans-go which I have done for the last fourteen months. I also managed a construction project in the late eighties but just before my current job, I was a project manager for IBIX Software Inc. I delivered on each project and I was on budget except for the IBIX job which had its budget cut. Presently, at T.R.Z.I., I am ahead of schedule and the steering committee is pleased. * The problem with this answer is that it is unstructured and incoherent. If the answer is hard to follow, you can be sure that you will lose points in its evaluation. Employers do not want to search for the answer; they want you to present it clearly.

Let's look at the same question, this time with a structured answer. Interview Panel: Tell us about your experience in project management and how your experience can make a difference to our company. Job Applicant: I would like to begin by providing a brief description of the last three positions I have had as a project manager. I will then describe the skills I have acquired as a result of my experience. Lastly, I will demonstrate how these skills will allow your company to move forward on its goals and objectives. (At this point, the panel knows that you have understood the question. They know, in advance, how you will be presenting your answer. They are thus "tuned in" and ready to listen. Equally as important, you have given yourself a structure to follow to keep on track.) The following are some excerpts of the answer: My present position is with Sunnex Inc where I am the Project Manager for Trans-go ; a project that will result in the complete automation of freight car shipping. Prior to that I was Project Manager for..... In all of these positions, I encountered obstacles and challenges that threatened the project's success. I learned to overcome these challenges by employing creative approaches and group problem solving. I was thus able to keep each project on time, within budget and within the desirable quality of result. I did this by........ I am aware that your company is in the process of downsizing and that resources are fewer today than they were last year. I am also aware that, in spite of this, your customers demand greater quality of service. My experience in devising creative solutions to complex problems is one of the many ways that I can make a difference....... You will notice that the answer follows the structure. Structuring your answer works especially well when the questions are multi-layered and long or otherwise complex. It forces you, and the interviewers, to break the question and the answer down. It also provides them with a clear presentation of the answer which incites better scoring. The best way to structure an answer is to announce how you will answer the question, before you begin answering it. This announcement helps the interviewers to understand your answer and keeps you "on track". In this JobTip, we have used a fairly complex example from the world of project management. Bear in mind however, that you can structure an answer to almost any question. Questions like: Why do you want this position? Why are you the best candidate for the job? What are your strengths and weaknesses? can also be answered more effectively by structuring the answer. The point of this JobTip is, structure your answers! It will keep your answer "on track" and will maximize your scoring potential. Structuring your answer is like reading the outside of a paperback novel. The brief description of what is to come gets the reader's attention. The story inside keeps the readers attention.

In addition to the project manager interview questions that assess your technical skills and experience you will be asked interview questions that explore your soft skills. These

are the behaviors identified as necessary for survival and success as a project manager in today's tumultuous business environment. The focus is on behavioral-based interview questions as they are used more and more in assessing suitability for a project manager job. The behavioral interview and how to answer behavioral questions is explained thoroughly at The Behavioral Interview Guide. Go through these project manager interview questions and answer guidelines to help prepare for success in your project manager job search. Give me an example of how you used your leadership skills to help your project team meet a difficult challenge. An effective project manager needs to lead though setting goals and using the right methods to guide and influence the project team towards goal attainment. Good leaders enable team members to feel they have a real stake in the project and encourage them to participate in problem-solving and decision-making. When answering project manager interview questions about leadership show how you understand the need to communicate and consult but are also aware that lots of talking and procrastination achieves nothing without deciding and taking action. Effective project managers lead by example and are open and honest about the challenges they face. They recognize the important of collective team effort in achieving the desired results. They are able to identify and use the strengths of each team member and allocate roles and responsibilities accordingly. This empowers team members to respond to the challenges that arise. Those that excel as project managers keep the project team motivated to give of their best to meet these challenges. They understand the appropriate management style to use with each team member at the different stages of team development. They know how to best utilize the competencies of the team and each team member to deal with challenges and problems. Describe a time when your communication and interpersonal skills helped in dealing with difficult clients or team members. After leadership, the ability to communicate effectively with people at all levels is regarded as the second most important project manager skill. Good project management requires clear communication about objectives, roles, responsibilities, performance, expectations and feedback. The project manager should be able to effectively influence and persuade clients and the team to ensure success. Explicit guidelines and expectations should be communicated to accomplish results. When answering this question it is important to show how you are able to adapt your style of communication to the person you are dealing with. Empathy, understanding and self-awareness all play a role in doing this. The ability to communicate with different

individuals on various levels with diverse project interests is important for successful project management. Every project team and every project is different, you must be able to adjust your style to their needs. Included in communication skills is the ability to be enthusiastic about the shared goals and vision. Enthusiastic project managers are committed to their goals and express this through optimistic and confident communication. Be aware of your communication style during the interview including your body language and other non-verbal signals. Use the Communication Tips for Job Interviews to get advice on how to communicate effectively in your project manager interview. Give an example of a win-win situation you negotiated In all projects there are a number of stakeholders who all see their concerns and issues as the most important. You can also expect Behavioral Interview Questions that explore essential project manager competencies such as team building and team management, planning and organizing, negotiation, problem-solving, leadership and adaptability. We start with the likely project management interview questions that explore your experience on project delivery. Tell us about your experience in managing different projects and how this can contribute to our position. It is important to structure your interview answer because this is a multi-layered and fairly complex question. Start by explaining how you will answer the question. This keeps your answer on track and to the point. "I will begin by giving you a short description of my last three projects. I will then detail the skills and abilities I developed as a result of each project and then demonstrate the value of these skills to this position." You can then go on to provide a brief but concise summary of each project. "I was the project manager for the XYZ project and this involved ..." Then describe the skills you acquired during the project. "I encountered a number of difficulties on this project that required an innovative approach. I used group problem solving sessions as one of these approaches. This worked well because it helped each team member to clarify their particular project role and responsibility and we were able to develop plans and realistic schedules that the whole project team contributed to ..."

Demonstrate how these skills will benefit the position and company. "Projects now are faced with tighter budgets and fewer resources. This approach maximizes the available resources and keeps everyone focused and motivated for the duration of the project..." Describe how you recently managed a diverse project team towards a common goal Focus on your ability to delegate in a fair and practical way, how you clearly defined project roles and responsibilities, kept personality clashes and conflict to a minimum and monitored and fed back to the project team. Outline your management style and why it worked. Describe the most complex project you have managed from start to finish Provide a comprehensive answer remembering to explain the project as you would to a client and not to somebody who has been involved in the project. The more complex a project the more formal processes and techniques are needed to effectively manage the work. Explain the purpose, value and implementation of the most critical aspects of the project including managing the project work plan, the project schedule, the project risks, the project issues and closing the project. Be enthusiastic about your accomplishments in your project management interview and specify how your experience will benefit the company. Point out where you made a difference on the project in terms of expenditure, quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction and business and organizational success.

QA Interview QuestionsQA interview questions that focus on the candidate's quality assurance tools, knowledge and competencies.

QA skills are transferrable from one company to another and quality assurance professionals should be able to move from one industry to another and remain productive. These questions explore the transferrable skills and abilities needed in the quality assurance role. What experience do you have in developing the quality assurance manual? QA professionals are expected to create and implement formal written documentation. What role have you played in planning and developing a QA manual? Take the interviewer through the steps you took to review and assess existing procedures, identify

modifications or updates required, formalize the procedures and gain approval for the manual. What is the role of formal documentation in quality assurance? Your answer should highlight the importance of documentation in a complete quality process. Focus on the benefits afforded by documentation such as accountability, the completeness of a process, consistency, deadline compliance, improved communication and availability of records. How have you used data to improve process and products? Show how you have used data analysis to make sound decisions for process improvements. What statistical knowledge do you have and how have you applied appropriate statistics to pinpoint problems and make business decisions? Use a specific example to support your answer to QA interview questions around data analysis tools, techniques and applications. What customer interface have you had in dealing with quality issues? QA interview questions like this are exploring your direct experience with customers. The organization's main focus must be to satisfy their customers. Focus on how you managed the customer's concerns and how you dealt professionally and promptly with the quality problem. Discuss your corrective action plan. Describe your experience with quality audits. What audits have you conducted? What were the goals of the audit? How did you prepare for it? The planning and preparation for a quality audit is key to ensuring the effectiveness of that audit. How did you monitor the audit findings? How did you control the corrective actions? What is the most critical defect you found in a recent project? Focus on how you defined the problem, the tools and resources you used to analyze the problem and the solutions you were able to generate. How will you begin to improve the QA process in this company? Take the interviewer through the steps you took in your last quality assurance job to improve QA process. Focus on your evaluation of current practices, how did you decide which practices to retain and which to modify? Consider time budget and resources available in the company. What quality management tools and principles did you use to address system deficiencies, enhance strengths and improve processes? Use the four step approach, identify, analyze, develop, test and implement to structure your answer.

How do you see the role of the quality professional in an organization? Quality professionals can be regarded as catalysts for organizational change, they are key to understanding how the processes of the organization are related and the connection between planning and profit. Back up your answers to QA interview questions with a recent work example. For behavioral quality assurance interview questions go to Quality Assurance Interview Questions. These QA interview questions explore the key behaviors or competencies required in a quality assurance job. Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers that explore quality assurance in a project management setting. The Project Management Interview Questions Guide is a useful resource to help you prepare for your QA interview. For common job interview questions and sample answers go to Job Interview Questions. Prepare well for your quality assurance interview and get the job you want.

Project Manager InterviewQuestions and answers to prepare for your project manager interview.

These project management interview questions explore your relevant experience and skills for the project manager job. The questions look at your understanding and approach to key project management responsibilities. What are the necessary steps to successful project management? What is your understanding and experience of the project manager role? Include aspects such as setting clear project objectives, building the project requirements, managing project cost, time, quality and scope. Refer in you answer to the specific steps you took to successfully manage and close a recent project. What are the priorities to consider when planning a project in your field? Refer again to a recent project and outline your most important considerations in the planning stage. Time, scope and budget are the usual constraints to consider, but how did you allocate and integrate all the necessary inputs to meet the project objectives and plan for risk?

The more in-detail the planning the greater the chances of project success. Highlight how each activity that is expected during the course of the project gets due attention. In your experience what are the warning signs that your project may fail? All project managers have had this experience. How did you pick up the warning signal (your monitoring and control processes and systems) and how did you manage it (corrective actions and implementing changes)? Warning signals can include constantly changing specifications, lack of interest from executive management, incompetence on the project team, changes in the business environment and inadequate resources. A project manager has to understand the uniqueness of each project and keep checking the projects contours against what they have learned on previous projects. What are the most important considerations when recruiting and building an effective project team? Project management is all about team work. Your ability to effectively manage a team is essential.

Job Interview Questions and AnswersThe most effective way to prepare for an interview is to anticipate the job interview questions you will be asked and plan your best answers.

Use these professional job interviewing techniques to prepare your own answers, practice them out loud, ask your family and friends for feedback and edit as you go. This preparation ensures a skillful interview performance as you present yourself as the right candidate for the job.

This builds your confidence and greatly increases your chances of success in the job interview. Interviewers typically use a number of standard questions, regardless of the job being interviewed for. We discuss these Interview Questions and Answers from the opening "Tell me about yourself" to "Why do you want to leave your job?" and provide advice and insight on how to prepare your own excellent interview answers.

It is essential to conduct background research on the job and company to develop answers that are relevant and We also focused. Work through the include good sample answers to help you. recommended background research strategies to gather the information you need before the job interview. Interviewers are consistently impressed by candidates who are well informed and able to demonstrate the relevance of their skills and experience in answering a job interview question.

A large number of interviewers use the Behavioral Interview to explore a candidate's job suitability. Develop a good understanding of this type of interview and familiarize yourself with a list of typical behavioral interview questions. Go through the behavioral interview answer guidelines to plan expert answers and prove to the interviewer how your skills and abilities best meet the job requirements. Use the Search Box below to find interview answer advice and help for all interview questions.

Gaps in your resume, reasons for leaving previous jobs and other tricky areas can give rise to tough interview questions. Get advice on giving effective and professional Job Interview Answers to these difficult questions. Illegal interview questions can pop up anytime during the interview. Become skilled at recognizing these questions and be fully prepared to deal with them in a professional manner.

Interview Questions and Answers often begin with:Tell me about yourselfIn your answer highlight This is one of the most common interview questions and how your skills, answers are tough to formulate. Where to start, where to end, knowledge and what to focus on! experience relate to the job and the company Prepare for this question and you can use it as a great profile. opportunity to sell yourself! Where you were born and grew up, or what pets you have is not likely to show the interviewer why you are a good candidate for the job opportunity. The interviewer wants to know if you will fit in with the rest of the team, the department and the company. The interviewer is also trying to find out what motivates you and whether it is consistent with what the job and the employer offer.

Refer to your background research and review the job requirements, focus on how you specifically meet these needs. For example, if the job requires you to work as part of a team, tell the interviewer about the projects you have undertaken as a team-member. Most jobs require an element of team work, so this is a good aspect to focus on when thinking about answers to this interview question Use this sample answer to help prepare your own good interview answer to this question:

"In my previous 2 positions I worked as part of a team on a number of projects. A big project I was involved with at ABC company was writing a new safety policy. It was a really in-depth project so I put together a safety review committee. We worked together for a month to identify the safety needs of the various departments and what procedures would meet those needs. Our policy has been well accepted and safety problems have decreased in all areas" By pointing out to the Interviewer the specific benefits of hiring you for this job, rather than giving a rambling autobiography, you will be positively remembered and set yourself apart from the other candidates. The interviewer has probably already read your Resume or CV, so avoid just repeating that information during the interview questions and answers. For example, when talking about your sales experience, rather than telling the interviewer "I spent three years in sales at XYZ Company" draw attention to your success during that time. "When working at XYZ I focused on growing the customer base in the Northeast and increased sales by 50% over a three year period" It is impressive to quantify your success wherever possible. Use your job interview information from conducting research on the company to emphasize how you fit in. For example your information indicates that the company has a strong responsibility to the community, you can point out why you value that, discuss any volunteer work you have done, underline why it is one of the things that attracts you to them.

"I know that this company sponsors some of the local youth football teams. This is a particular interest of mine, last year I got involved in coaching. It is important to me that the company holds the same values" If you do not have enough information about the position to prepare adequately for this question beforehand, ask the interviewer "What areas would you like me to focus on?" and go from there. Interviewers like to ask a variation of this question that can be a bit more tricky - "Tell me something about yourself that is not on your resume." These Example Answers for Interviews will help you deal successfully with this interview question. Prepare for frequently asked Employer Interview Questions such as "What is your greatest achievement?" by viewing these sample interview answers. Refer to the Specific Job Interview Guides to know which interview questions to expect for positions from accounting to sales. Use the recommended guidelines to prepare for your job interview questions and answers. This interview question is often included in Group Interview Questions.

"What are your strengths?"Make sure your answer to this interview question is relevant. Tailor your strengths to the job and highlight why they qualify you as the right candidate for the job opportunity. Don't make the mistake of frustrating the interviewer as you describe what a great athlete you are and list your latest sports achievements during your sales job interview. However, with some thought you can translate almost all of your strong-points into jobrelevant attributes that will contribute to your success in the job. When answering this job interview question you can point out how the determination and discipline you need to be a good athlete are certainly important strengths in a sales position. Free interview answers include: "To achieve as an athlete I had to stick to a tough training program and make sure I kept myself motivated . I had to be disciplined and determined. I believe these strengths strongly contribute to my success in sales"

Candidates often find it hard to verbalize their strengths, so spend some time thinking about this before the interview.

What are your interests? Building beautiful doll house furniture may not immediately seem to have any relevance to that accounting position, but the attention to detail needed for this is definitely a job-relevant strength. What have been your successes, what attributes did you have to demonstrate to achieve them? Ask your friends, colleagues and family to tell you what they appreciate about you. How will these attributes benefit a future employer?

Don't just list your strengths, back them up with facts. An attribute is far more powerful if it is rooted in a relevant example. Sample free interview answers include: "I'm an adaptable person. I work for three different managers, they have very different management styles and expectations of me. I am able to adjust my approach to meet each of their needs" Avoid over-used, vague terms such as "people's person". Be specific and pertinent. "I am good with customers. I enjoy the challenge of turning a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied one. Just last week I had an experience when ......." and quote a specific example of how you successfully managed an unhappy client. Focus on three or four strengths. Good examples include organizational and planning skills, perseverance, persuasive ability, communication skills, leadership ability, stress tolerance, ability to learn and apply new information and skills, flexibility, independence, problem-solving, creativity, technical and professional knowledge, reliability, selfmotivation and initiative. Found out what your strengths are. Follow the practical steps at What are Your Strengths? to identify your own strengths. List of Strengths and Weaknesses Free Interview Answers to Plan for this Tough Job Interview Question:

"What are your weaknesses?"With this typical interview question the interviewer is assessing your self awareness and insight rather than your weaknesses.

"Why should we hire you?"Review the job description and note down the job requirements.

Refer to your skills and experience relevant to the job requirements and the company's needs. What benefits are you bringing to this job? Mention your previous successes and your goals for the future. Be straightforward and confident about your abilities. " I have the right combination of skills and experience for this job. I also bring the additional quality of strong analytical and problem solving ability as shown by my introduction of a more efficient work flow system at ABC Company. My commitment to excellent work standards will add value to the team. I am a fast learner, I had to learn a totally new operating system in my last job and I was up and running within a couple of weeks. One of the reasons I want to work for this company is your reputation for staff development, learning and growth are important values to me. I sincerely believe I am the right person for this job and for this company"

When answering interview questions like this, don't try to say that you are the best qualified candidate, you are not familiar with the other candidates' skills and experience. Rather highlight the reasons why you are the right candidate for this job. "My abilities in sales really seem to fit this job. My success at ABC in achieving an annual growth rate of 25% support this. I have worked with a similar product line and have an in-depth understanding of the technical aspects. My experience as a member of a large team will contribute to your department and I am enthusiastic about the new challenges involved in this position"

Be enthusiastic about why you want this job. "I really would like this job selling gift items and I strongly believe I will be good at it. I enjoy talking to customers and helping them find what they are looking for. I am meticulous about handling cash. I look forward to having regular hours and I am very reliable. In fact, my reference emphasizes that as one of my strong points" View Interview Questions and Answers that help you to answer the question "Tell me about yourself?"

For a good guide to finding out What are your Strengths. This will help you answer the frequently asked interview question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" List of Strengths and Weaknesses What about answering interview questions such as

"Why do you want to work for this company?"Use your background research to prepare for this question, this way you will differentiate yourself from the other candidates. Find out how to conduct successful research on the company at Job Interview Information. "I understand this company is expanding, your website indicates that you are about to launch a number of new products. I would like to be a part of this exciting growth" "I have always wanted an opportunity to work with a company that provides such an important service to the community" "You are a small company with great opportunity for staff development" "Your company has a reputation for being innovative and open to new ideas" Find something specific about the company to hook into. Look at the company values, mission, vision and successes. How do you complement and contribute to these? "I know that your goal is to become the biggest provider of office supplies in the area. My knowledge and experience of the customer base can make a big contribution to this. I would really enjoy the challenge of growing this business" Use the Example Answers for Interviews to find more sample answers to questions that explore why you want to work for the company. Use the answer guidelines at Top Interview Questions to answer the question "What motivates you in your job?" Focused research and planning before answering interview questions puts you on the path to success to your job interview! Be well prepared for other interview questions you'll most likely be asked. Use the complete list of Sample Job Interview Questions to help you get the job you want. Standard interview questions and answer guidelines about handling conflict, your ideal job and how you define success in your job. Be prepared for answering interview questions that explore your job-related competencies or behaviors. Find a complete list of behavioral questions with sample

answers at Behavioral Interview Answers. Make sure you know how to handle these type of interview questions. Return to Typical Interview Questions Be the best prepared candidate and get the job you want.

"What do you see yourself doing in five years?"It is not easy to answer this interview question in terms of specific job or company expectations.

Focus on realistic career opportunities you could expect in your industry and what you hope to have gained from these opportunities.

One cannot accurately predict what the job or the company will look like in 5 years time. You can answer in general terms about the type of situation you would like to be in and the way you want to have grown and developed. Avoid giving specific time frames or job titles.

"It is an uncertain world and one can't predict what is going to happen. However, my hope is that I will have contributed to the success of the company and grown both personally and professionally within my position"

Your interview answer should relate to the job you are being interviewed for in some way. The interviewer does not want to hear that you hope to have published your first novel or be running your own business. This interview question is designed to assess a number of things. How long are you likely to stay with the company?

What is your motivation in applying for this position?

Do you look ahead and set goals for yourself?

Combine your personal growth strategies and goals with commitment to the job and the employer. For example: "I want to have developed new skills and abilities and to have made the most of my opportunities. This position will give me the opportunity to learn more about managing a work team, this is a goal of mine. I would like to be recognized as an individual who has really added value to the company" When faced with this job interview question and answer, avoid making over-ambitious predictions about your future potential. This indicates a lack of insight and maturity. Broadly discuss your work values and goals, not focusing on a specific career plan. "I want to have learned and grown within my work, to have increased my responsibilities and skills. I enjoy a challenge and would like to know that I am constantly meeting new challenges. My goal is to be the best at whatever level I am working at within the company" Demonstrate that you understand that reward (salary, promotion, responsibility) will be based on the quality and value of your contribution. "I want to make the most of my abilities and potential. By always doing my best I can ensure that there will be opportunities to increase my value and to grow in ways that benefit both the company and me" Align your success with the company's success. "I want to continue to gain experience and be a top -performing employee in a big company such as this one. I want to contribute as much as possible to the company's expansion and success" The interviewer will respond positively if you present yourself, in this job interview question and answer, as a mature, insightful and self-motivated candidate who wants to make an important and constructive contribution to the company. Preparing for this interview question will help you to answer the question "Why do you want to work for this company?" You can refer to your future goals and demonstrate how the company is able to help you in achieving these. Find sample answers to this frequently asked interview question at Answering Interview Questions Successfully. The article The Future Job Market and Tomorrow's Jobs provides valuable insights that can help you with this interview question.

"Why do you want to leave your job?"

Be straightforward but avoid negative comments about past employers in the job interview. Don't bad-mouth the company, your manager or colleagues, it puts you in a bad light. Keep it positive and make the reason for a leaving a constructive one such as a new challenge, exciting opportunity, increased responsibility or learning possibility. Use this job interview question as an opportunity to focus on the future. "I have reached the ceiling in my particular job, and I am ready for more responsibility" "After a number of years in my last position I am now looking for a new experience where I can contribute and grow in a bigger environment" Avoid stating your salary as a prime motivator for change. However location is a perfectly acceptable reason for moving. "I am relocating to this area for family reasons and left my job to make this move" "I was spending hours each day commuting. I would prefer to be closer to home" When asked common job interview questions like this, relate how you worked hard in your last position and now you want to use your skills and experience to benefit this company. "I am interested in an opportunity to use the skills and abilities I have developed over the last couple of years in a new and challenging position" If there is an obvious issue with the company you were working for, such as layoffs, acknowledge and discuss this. "There is a great deal of uncertainty about the security of our jobs. I am looking for a stable company where there is the long term opportunity to grow and advance" Sometimes, it is just the wonderful opportunity offered by the new position that made you consider a move. "In all honesty I wasn't really looking to move jobs, but this looks like such a great opportunity to use all my skills and experience and I have always admired this company" Situations to be considered when asked common job interview questions along these lines include the following. You may have taken time out to raise a family. Use this as an opportunity to reassure the interviewer that you are now ready to return to the workplace and detail the child care

arrangements you have put in place. Point out to the Interviewer the efforts you have made to keep up to date in your particular field. Taking time off to study is a positive reason. Highlight how this has taken your skills and abilities to a new level, and how it demonstrates your desire for self-improvement and growth. A travel break can also be seen in a positive light. Emphasize how it has added to your life experience, enabled you to deal with a number of new challenges and increased your self- confidence. The reasons for deciding to spend time traveling should show you as an individual who is keen to learn and grow. "I believed that I had reached the ceiling in my previous job. I needed to make a career move and decided that I would take the opportunity to spend some time fulfilling my dream and travel before looking for a new position. I have discovered so much about myself and developed a number of skills dealing with all the challenges I faced. I am really excited about returning to the workplace and using all I have learned to contribute in a positive and constructive way" Make sure the reason you provide for leaving is congruent with the reason you have provided on your resume and the reason that will be given by your previous employer when a reference is done.

"What has been your greatest achievement to date?"Choose an achievement that is related to the position and is fairly recent. Review the job description, if you have it, or the job posting or ad. What skills are listed as necessary for the job?. This will guide you to the most relevant answer for this employment interview question.

Does the position need superior sales ability, someone with keen attention to detail, strong management skills or excellent problem-solving ability? Reflect upon achievements that demonstrated this skill. Describe your accomplishment and highlight the job-related skills you used. Point out how the results benefited the company. If a requirement is problem-solving skills: "Recently I was asked to implement a new system to reduce our debtors days. I analyzed the problems with the current system, got input from all the stakeholders, and developed a faster way of getting the accounts out and monitoring follow up.

Our debtors days reduced significantly and we are currently on target for collections" If a requirement is attention to detail: "I am responsible for taking the customer orders by phone. I listen carefully, ask for clarification and always confirm the order to make sure I have everything correct. In this past year I am the only person in my department who has not made an error on the orders. Errors are often costly and frustrate customers. It was really satisfying receiving that recognition and I was given a bonus by my supervisor" When asking employer interview questions about past successes, interviewers particularly want to know about achievements that increased revenues, decreased expenses, solved problems, were innovative or improved a company's reputation. "My department manager asked me to investigate a bottleneck in the production line. I did some research and suggested a redesign of the department layout so that the production units were in a more efficient sequence. It worked so well, increasing production by up to 20 percent, that my layout design has been adopted by all our branches" If you have little or no work experience, refer to an accomplishment at school or in an outside activity. Just remember to relate the skills you used to the job in question. "I was part of the rowing team that recently won the championships. It was a particularly satisfying win as we had trained very hard, requiring a lot of discipline and perseverance, to come up from the bottom of the league. We also really had to work together as a team and keep each other motivated" It is often difficult to single out one achievement when answering this question. "I believe I have had a number of successes to date. It is difficult to say which I think has been my greatest accomplishment as they were all important. I am going to focus on my recent achievements as being the most pertinent..." and go on to describe your relevant, recent accomplishments. Review your company background research to also highlight how your accomplishments fit in with the company mission, vision, goals and values. What do you like most about your current or last job? The interviewer wants to evaluate your compatibility with the position you are interviewing for. Make your answer relevant to the job requirements. General reasons such as new challenges, interacting with people, growth and learning opportunities, using

your initiative, working as part of a team and meeting set objectives and goals are usually applicable to most job opportunities. Highlight the reason and make it more specific by quoting an example. "I enjoyed having to use my initiative. I have implemented and improved a number of the systems including the order processing system." What do you like least about your current or last job? With typical interview questions like this be careful that the dislikes you talk about do not refer to specific characteristics of the job opportunity you are interviewing for. Stay away from reasons such as overtime and salary. Avoid criticism of your boss, management or co-workers. Be general and refer to the lack of or absence of what you seek in a job or work environment. For example, "There was very little opportunity for me to use my initiat