Completely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper For Over 48 Years Ever Loyal To An Ideal Community Vol. 49, No. 25 Guests Welcome To Hospital On Sunday, May 12 Occasion Is Hospital Day And It Is To Be- Observed Here The Plymouth Mail Plymouth Students Win 1st Honors in Oratorical Contest Plymouth. Mich. FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 $1.50 Per Year In Advance Sunday. May 12. is National Hospital day and Plymouth resi- dents are especially interested in the event because of the fact that the Plymouth hospital during the past year has been of noth- ing less than remarkable service to the community. It is filled al- most to capacity all the time and so busy is the place that visitors have but little opportunity to see what a modem little hospital in- stitution the city possesses. So that every one may know how convenient and well equipped the hospital is, they are especial- ly invited to visit it Sunday, the one day of the year set aside for visitors. Why a National Hospital Day on May 12? That date was selected because Florence Nightingale was bom on that date in 1820. She .will live through the cen- turies because of the contribu- tion she made to the nursing pro- fession and the development of hospitals. So when a National Hospital Day was suggested, it' was fitting that her birthday an- niversary be selected for this im- portant date in health develop- ment. It honored one outstanding in hospital management. The staff of the Plymouth hospital, especially anxious to have every one in and around Plymouth know more about its work, joins in the national ob- servance of Hospital Day. On this; day a united effort is made | throughout the world to have' every onS become more familiar with the work of hospitals and the advantages they offer in as- sisting one to regain health. Visitors at the Plymouth hos- pital will be especially welcomed Sunday and the nurses will spend what time they can in showing those' who are interested in the work, the many advantages offer- ed. Old friends as well as new ones will be especially welcomed Sunday to view the hospital and get a better understanding of hospital work. Helping folks to get well is the job of the Hospital24 hours of every day in the year. Illness and accident do not choose daylight hours in which to-strike: sudden attacks of dis- ease may come in the wee small hours. In many instances life itself mar depend upon the speed with which medicines, trained nursing care, instru- ments and other things needed by the doctor are made available. So the Hospital can not shut its doors at 5 or 6 in the after- noon until Monday morning, as many'offices and factories do. In- stead of a 40-hour week, the Hos- pital operates on a 168-hour week. Every Hospital day is three 8-hour working days. To assist the doctors, the Hos- I pital not only provides equip- ment and personnel, but also I sets up such conditions as the; doctors have found to be for thebest interests of the sick. Take Holiday By Blowing Stumps Bang! The roar was heard for miles. Bang! Again the dishes rattledand war veterans thought possibly there was a bombardment going On somewhere in the west. But it proved to be nothing more than a series of dynamite explosions out on the Fred Schrader buffalo ranch some six miles west.of Plymouth. And who do you suppose was blowing up stumps on the farm? None other than Fred Schrader and his bid friend. John S. Hag- gerty. former secretary of state. Mr. Schrader confessed that he didn't know much about blowing out stumps with dynamite, but years ago when western Wayne county was just on the border line between civilization and the | red skins, John Haggerty was clearing up land with dynamite. "Why in one winter I cleared a forty acre piece with dynamite. At every blast a stump went in- to the air.said Mr. Haggerty. It is quite evident from the way the stumps flew the other day out on the Schrader farm that the former state official ■knows a lot about using dyna- mite. At every blast a stump went sky-rocketing toward the Clouds. Not a single charge was wasted and when night arrived, there wasnt a stump left in sightJohn Haggerty and Fred Schrad- er had cleared the entire field. MISS IRENE WALDORF Instructor-coach of success winners. Memorial Day Program Soon To Be Announced Two Patriotic Groups Plan Dedication Of Park Monument Plymouth's two service clubs, the American Legion and the Ex- Service Mens club, are making elaborate preparations for Me- morial day. Under the direction of the two commanders. Jack Miller and Melvin Gutherie. sev- eral joint committees have been appointed and the program is fast nearing completion. Dr. C. J. Kershaw, lieutenant of the 106th Cavalry of Detroit, has been appointed grand njarshall of the day to be assisted by Melvin Alguire. and Harry Bames. Dedication of the stone and tablets in Kellogg park by the Ex-Servicemen's club will play a big part in the events of the day. A parade tentatively headed by the 106 Cavalry and the Plym- outh band will form at the city hall at 9 a.m. Services will be held in the park at 9:30. Complete de- tails for the event will be an- nounced in the Mail on the com- pletion of the program. Committees working on the various events of the day are. Bugles. Wm. Keifer: Gold Star mothers. Don Ryder and Harry Mumby; Ministers. Lee Sackett; Speaker. John Jacobs: Master of Ceremonies. Melvin Gutherie and invitation to organizations. Amo Thompson, who is * also general secretary on joint committees. Legion Members Will Entertain Members of the American Le- gion made public a few days ago invitation to all Plymouth busi- ness men to attend a meeting in their hall at Newburg tonight. The occasion being the welcom- ing into the post of their two hundred and fifty-first member, thereby setting a new .member- ship record for the post. An interesting program has been planned and the feature of the evening will be a brief talk by Clark Smith of Detroit who is chairman of the State American- ization committee of the Legion. It is hoped that all men who are able will attend the meeting. Mrs. Emma Ryder has return- ed home from West Palm Beach, Florida, where she spent the winter months. En route home she spent a few days in Cincin- nati as a guest of Mrs. Arthur Pappullo. i MISS KATHERINE SCHULTZ ' Merpber of Senior class who was one of the winners. Receiving first place in oratory and' extemporaneous speaking. Plymouth high school won the highest forensic honors in this | district at a contest held here Thursday. May 2. The represent- atives of this school in each con- test were Miss Katherine Schultz and Tom Brock. The success winners of the lo- cal schools have been coached by Miss Irene Waldorf, instructor in public speaking, who has been exceptionally successful in school work along this line. In addition to. these events, the district elimination in de- clamation was held previous to the others Plymouth not being represented in the former contest. High schools taking part included Adrian. Ann Arbor. Britton. Deer- field. Ecorse. Fordson. Grosse Isle. Mt. Clemens. Plymouth. St. Alphonsus. and Tecumseh, all winners of first places in their respective sub-district meets for oratory, extemporaneous speaking and declamation. The declamation contest, held at 4 ;00 o'clock was judged by Harold Allen. Howard Runion and C. Robert Steen, all of the University of Michigan, and who also judged the following contests. The chairman was Miss Allen. Joseph Sheckler of Grosse Isle opened the contest with "Law Observance." He was followed by Eugene Keller of Mt. Clemens, who delivered "The Challenge of Chaos." The third speaker was Vivian Isaacson of Tecumseh, whose declamation was "The Valley of Bones.Miriam Wes- terman presented "Toussaint L' Ouverture.as Adrians repre- sentative. The final declamation was "The Unknown Soldiergiv- en by Ernest Porter of Ecorse. First place was awarded to Vi- vian Isaacson, second place to Ernest Porter and third place to Joseph Sheckler. Orations were given at 7:00 o'clock, six schools participating. Mr. Dykhouse was chairman. Leo Henn presented "Liberate the Dairy Farmer." an oration deal- ing with the problems of the American agriculturist, as the representative of St. Alphonsus. Pershing Myers of Britton gave "Driftwood Afloat," a discussion of the vagrant youth of America. Katherine Schultz of Plymouth delivered "Merchants of Death." attacking the munition makers. William Hardy of Fordson show- ed the conflict between religion and materialism in government in "America's Faith." Youth and the problems of depression were put forth by Gordon Laing of Ann Arbor in "Youth and the Desti- ny of America." Mary Kaiser of Deerfield delivered "Economic Cannibalism.attacking the cap- ' italistic system. The judges gave. Katherine. Schultz first place.j Gordon Laing second, and Leo' Henn third. The extempore contest includ- i ed speakers from four schools, i' Charles Dolph discussed "Hitler and World Peace.representing Ann Arbor. Donald Benedict of, Tecumseh spoke upon "The Next War." Tom Brock of Plymouth! gave "Wilson and World Peace.Ernest Stewart concluded the eli- minations with Wilson as War President.Tom Brock won first place, with Charles Dolph re- ceiving second. Banners were presented to the victorious schools in each con-* test. Plymouth receiving two of the three. In connection with this meet, dictionaries from the De- troit News were given to sub-dis- trict winner of first place in each branch of forensics. Tom Brock and Katherine Schultz both re- ceiving one. Plymouth high school has re- ceived high honors in forensics this season, winning first place in both oratory and extempore in district and sub-district contests, third place in the sub-district de- clamation contest, first place in- sub-district freshman declama- tion and third in story-telling. The debate squad won second place in the Twin Valley Asso- ciation tournament, and partici- pated in three eliminations for the state championship. Mrs. Daniel been quite ill, is t at her home on Ann J Sewer Survey Is Now Underway, City Seeks Aid Property Owners Asked To Provide Data Need- ed For Records THOMAS BROCK Junior class member of successful oratorical contest. Rotz Family To Leave On Sunday For Alaska Home Date of Departure Has Been FixedDept. Makes Inquiry Awaiting with the greatest of hope and anticipation their ven- ture into a new life, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rotz and their two children are packed and ready to leave Sunday for Alaska with the 60 or more other families that are to make new homes in that coun- try. Each day for over a week they have waited patiently and hap- pily for final instructions from governmental agencies relative to their departure for the rich Mantanuska valley where 40 acres of land. 12 of which are ready for cultivation, awaits each fam- ily. It had been expected that the families would leave early this week but a change of plans has resulted in the departure being set for Sunday. They will go to St. Ignace where they will join the other families. From there they go to Seattle and then on to Alaska, arriving in about three weeks. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rotz have requested The Mail to express to every one, their appreciation for the assistance and many kind- nesses that have been shown them as they have prepared for the new start in life that has been offered them by the govern- ment. "We can't see every one and we want them to know just how kindly we feet. We are so grate- ful that we have prayed our thanks each day and we are go- ing to work and work hard to succeed in that new country.de- clared Mrs. Rote. Not only do we want to thank the kind people of Plymouth, but those of the welfare who have aided us in getting this start. We hope that the same good fortune will come to every one.The government gives each family 30 years to pay back the investment that Uncle Sam is giving them. The Mail has received from John F. Ballenger, administrator of the Wayne County Relief Com- 'Continued on Page Seven) The city of Plymouth is spend- ing considerable time and money in making a sewer survey, the re- sult of which will give a complete record of all underground ser- vices in the city. These records are of as much value to the in- dividual home owners as to the city and everyone should co-op- erate to the fullest extent with the person making the survey. Paul Groth, one of the older employees of the city, is in charge of the work of obtaining the data from the householders, and city officials request that he be given all information required to de- termine the size, location and depth of house sewers, also the information as to which sewers carry the storm and sanitary drainage. This information is- be- ing compiled in record form and will be permanently filed in the city hall. Inasmuch as most of the infor- mation has to be obtained from the lady of the hotee because of the fact that the men are usually at work during the time the home calls are being made, it is neces- sary that this information should be left at the house so that the housewife can give it to the in- vestigator. About the only data which will be required is the location of each i sewer connection and informa- I tion as to where the storm water drainage, including down spouts, and the sanitary sewage empties. In many cases the womenfolks do not have this information, but obtain it from the man of the house at a later date, which re- ! quires a second or third visit. 1 We are trying to do this work at the lowest possible cost to the city and will appreciate complete cooperation from all residents.states the City Manager. "In some cases we may have to trace out the sewer lines to determine definitely where the sewage dis- charges,he said, "which will re- quire our employees to enter the house and. by a series of tests, ob- tain the desired information.All city employees on this work will carry proper identification. Water System To Be First Project Improvement of the water sys- tem for the city of Plymouth will be the first project requested by this city under the new govern- ment allotment of funds, it was decided at Monday nights meet- ing of the city commission. Plans for this work have al- ready been completed by En- gineer Herald Hamill who has made a thorough study of condi- tions and who has prepared in cooperation with City Manager Cookingham the complete outline of the work to be recommended. . No one has any idea of how soon or how the government plans to release funds just voted by congress for work relief. It is possible that some of the money will be available during the sum- mer. Starkweather PTA will hold a bake sale at Wilson's. Hardware store. Liberty and Starkweather on Saturday. May 11th, beginning at 12 noon. This sale is for the benefit of the Christmas fund. Annual Meeting Of Womans Club M o t h e r'Chief Smith To Direct Safety Campaign Here A friend through j all the passing years Whose friend- ship never alters Whose fender presence e v e r j cheers Whose kindness never falters We all have her to love and trust Through life, for theres no other So loyal, fond and true as just Ones Mother Last Dinner Of Season Largest Rotary Members Guests at Milan President Lynn ielton of the Plymouth Rotary club. Paul Weidman, Floyd Wilson and other Rotarians were guests Tuesday evening at the charter presenta- tion to the new club at Milan. There were several hundred vis- itors at the first important event in the history of Milan Rotary- ism. District Governor Roscoe Bonstelle of Ann Arbor made the official presentation. Drunk Driver Gets Fine of Half Hundred It didnt pay James Burrs of Northville to co me Speeding through the streets of Plymouth while intoxicated the other night. As he wavered down the street, his car swerving from one side of the street to the other. Officer Thumme happened to spot his strange antics. He was stopped, found to be intoxicated and was arrested. Judge John Dayton made it quite clear to him that drunk driving was one offense he didnt like and he assessed a fine of $50 piu&coets, which was paid. Mrs. Ed Herrick is confined to her home with the mumps. The Flower Market To Be Held In Kellogg Park Tomorrow Everything is in readiness for the second annual Flower Mar- ket to take place Saturday in Kellogg park beginning at 10 oclock. It is especially urged that all flowers, plants and other similar articles be brought in be- tween the hours of 10 oclock in the forenoon and 1 oclock. No exchange can take place be- fore 2 oclock. So there may be no misunderstanding, the cour- tesies of the Flower Market are open to every one, whether a member of the Womans club or not In case of rain Edward C. Hough has offered the ladies the use of his building across from the park and next to Stever's market, so no matter what the weather might be Saturday, the second annual Flower Market will take place ' tomorrow as scheduled. The committees in charge hope to make it even a greater success than the one held a year ago. It is highly important that those who bring plants to the Flower market wrap them sepa- rately and label each package. In this way when a sale- or exchange is made it will be known Just what kind of plant the package On April 19th. the Womans club of Plymouth closed 6ne of the most successful and enjoyable years in its history with the reg- ular Annual Day meeting. | The business meeting was pre- ceeded by a novel inovation in .the form of a box luncheon in ' the coffee shop of the Hotel May- : flower. Each person attending packed a lunch. These lunches were tak- . eh at the door and later distrib- ! uted so that no one ate her own lunch. ! Coffee was furnished by the ihotel management and everyone 'voted it a delightful in-door pic- nic. , ; Following the luncheon, the regular business meeting and ! election of officers for the com- ing year was held with the fol- lowing list of officers elected: president. Mrs. George Burr; 1st vice president. Mrs. George Smith: 2nd vice president. Mrs. Maxwell Moon: recording secretary. Mrs. Paul Nutting; corresponding sec- retary. Mrs. Harold Stevens: treasurer. Mrs. F. R. ; Hoheisel. Directors. Mrs. Ray Johns,. Mrs. Claud Dykhouse and Miss Marion Beyer. The retiring president. Mrs. Ray Johns, paid high tribute to her officers for. the past two years, as well as to the heads of her committees, and also thank- ed all the members of the club who have worked with her to make the two years of her regime the success that they have been. She then turned the gavel over to the new president, Mrs. George Burr who. after a few fitting re- marks. presented Mrs. Charles I Humphries who spoke at length I upon the splendid leadership ' which the club has enjoyed dur- i ing the time Mrs. Ray Johns has acted as president, of the many i things which have been accom- 1 plished under her untiring labors, and of the splendid growth in the ' strength and membership of the club. She then presented Mrs. Johns with a lovely cromium and white desk lamp as a token of the clubsappreciation for her faithfulness and success. During the past year twenty- three new members have been added to the active membership list and seven members have been reinstated, giving a membership of 137. Following is the list of new members: Mrs. Chas. Horr. Mrs. Richard Olin. Mrs. Leo Crane. Mrs. S. E. Cranson. Mrs. Ella Mabin, Mrs. F. D. Kenyon. Mrs. Albert Curry. Mrs. Karl Schlan- derer. Mrs. Bruce Woodbury. Mrs. Thomas Moss. Mrs. Harold Finlan. Mrs. Paul Christianson. Mrs. John Root. Mrs. Kenneth Matheson. Mrs. James Latture. Mrs. Fred Hubbard, Mrs. Wm. McAllister. Mrs. F. W. Coward, Mrs. Roy Parrott. Mrs. J. E. Der- mody and Mrs. R. W. Neale. Reinstated members: Mrs. Har- mon Smith. Mrs. Evered Jolliffe, Mrs. J. T. Chapman. Mrs. Bessie Dunning, Mrs. Robt. Jolliffe, Mrs. Wyman Bartlett, and Mrs. War- ren Lombard. After the business meeting, the chairman of the program com- mittee. Mrs. Robert Reck took charge of the entertainment for the afternoon which consisted of a pageant of Wedding Gowns. The pageant opened with Miss Hannah Strasen playing the Lohengrin Wedding March. There were five wedding gowns dating from 1869 to 1930. Mrs. Jack Henderson wore the gown of 1860. Mrs. Witwer the gown of 1930, and the others were worn by Mrs. Robert Willoughby, Mrs. Myron Hughes and Mrs. F. R. Hoheisel, each of whom ap- peared separately. Miss Strasen then played Men- delssohns Wedding March and the "bridesreturned in'a group. Much credit is due Mrs. Hughes who planned and arranged this most delightful and beautiful pageant. During the pageant, music Ap- propriate tor the year depicted was rendered. Mrs. McAllister singing "Let Me Call you Sweet- heartand "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes,and Mrs, Jos. Ladies night at the Baptist m£n's fellowship supper was the crowning event of the series of monthly suppers. Nearly one hundred and fifty men and their wives taxed the capacity of the church basement. A trio from Ann Arbor. Miss Farquhar. piano; Miss Mann, cello: and Doris Hamill violin, rendered three groups of beau- tiful numbers, which were well applauded. Mrs. Martha Pollom. assistant superintendent of the woman's division of the wetroit House of Correction also gave three groups of vocal music. She has had considerable experience on the stage and the renditions were greatly appreciated. The toastmaster of the evening was Dr. Chapman from Ann Ar- bor. who handled the meeting in a very pleasing manner. The speaker was E. E. Staub, president of the Baptist Child- rens Home near Detroit. His sub- ject was "Looking at the Church through Christ's Eyes.Mr. Staub is primarily a business man but I has travelled extensively and in- i eluded reminiscences in his talk. He told of having pictures of hun- dreds of Christians killed in Rus- sia and piled in heaps and burn- ed with oil. * Chairman F. W. Hamill and Rev. Sutherland both invited the audience to hear Mrs. King of Ann Arbor, the wife of a medic- al missionary, talk of Mothers in Africa, next Sunday evening. The next meeting will be held the last Monday in September. Plymouth Going To Take Active Part In Safety Week Chief of Police Vaughn Smith is busy today preparing for the safety week campaign that he will conduct in Plymouth next week in cooperation with the Michigan Automobile club and its local representative. Alfred Morton. Both Chief Smith and Mr. Morton attended a meeting in Detroit Thursday of all police officers in this part of the state. They hope to do much during the week to impress upon every one the importance of care in automobile driving and in cross- ing the streets. Governor Frank ,D. Fitzgerald has issued the following procla- mation endorsing the campaign: "In the name of humanity, and as Governor of the State of Michigan, I do hereby pro- claim the period from May 12 to 18. inclusive, as Safety Education Week, to be de- voted to a state-wide pro- gram of highway safety edu- cation. with every interested agency in Michigan devoting its greatest efforts and re- sources to the end that greater vigilance on the streets and highways of this state will become a pari of the lives of all good citizens." Chief Smith points out that records show 36.000 persons were killed as the result of automobile accidents last year. Over a mil- lion were injured. In Michigan nearly a thousand met death and there were over 10.000 injured. The local police officer points out that Inattention. Incautious- ness. Excessive Speed. Improper overtaking and passing. Improper left turns. Improper right turns. Failures to signal. Ignorance of Traffic Laws, are the main caus- es of accidents. Everyone is urged to preach care and alertness and go out of your way to always urge safety in driving. Lady Maccabees Banquet May 15 All the grandmothers, mothers and daughters of Lady Maccabees have been invited to attend a banquet at the lodge hall Wed- nesday. ,May 15th at 6:30 oclock. Lady "Emerson of Detroit is planning an interesting appro- priate program: Lady Hance has charge of the dining-room and de- corations. and last but not least, a lovely dinner has been planned by Lady Micol and her "crew." It is hoped that the members will cooperate with the various committees and help to mak.e this event a success. Did You Know That Watch the A & P next week. Big clerk's week sale. Rev. Je.s.- McGruder and col- ored singers return to Plymouth. Friday evening. May 17th. Many of the singers are graduates from Detroit music schools. There is a real treat for Chose who come. Rev. McGruder will preach. Don't forget the place, Berea Chapel. 281 Union street. Mobas window shade? are hand painted in your home town, lat- est colors at a reasonable price. If you need a few new ones or old ones cleaned up just phone 530. Linoleums In all grades and pat- terns. National Window Shade Co., General Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Ayers have returned from California where they- spent the winter months at Santa Monica. Mr. Ayers states that the winter weather out on the Pacific coast was not so pleasant this year as it has been in the past. There was lots of rain followed by cold winds. Mr. Ayers however states that the tourist business of the west was unusually good during the winter. Both are glad to be home among their many Plym- outh friends. Sessions singing In The Gloam- ingand I Love You Truly." ad- ding much to the enjoyment of the pageant. At the close of the meeting, It was voted to have a table picnic at Riverside Park in June, notice of which will- be-given later. With the Ffotitfr Mart on Sat- urday, May Xuh^lhe club activi- ties win be closed until Septem- ber. Church Rally Will Be Held Tuesday Evening The young people of the Cal- vary Baptist Church. 455 South Main street, are holding an in- spirational rally this coming Tuesday evening.. May 14th. at 7:45. An unusual program of mu- sic. singing, and talks on youths problems and opportunities has been planned. Earl Severts. a young Detroit business man. will preside. A number of out of town guests are expected. The public is invited. Mrs. Ella Kainz. the local chair- man. announces a program filled with features, all of which will be provided by new talent from an outstanding church in High- land Park. Fisher Wins In House Battle In the face of united opposi- tion of Democratic represent- atives from the city of Detroit and every conceivable, parliamentary tactic that could be devised. Dr. Edward Fisher, state represent- ative from this district has been successful in having the lower house of the legislature pass a bill which will end for this part of Wayne county the practice of the coroner's office of permitting bodies of persons who met violent deaths to lie wherever found un- til some one from the coroner's office reaches the place. Local residents recall of numer- ous cases of where bodies have laid for hours along the high- ways or on the banks of lakes waiting for some one from De- troit to come to order the body removed. p The Fisher bill which is sure to 'pass, gives some justice of the peace in any of the townships in this part of Wayne county the right to order the body removed from the place of death. Especially hostile to the pass- age of the bill was Represent- ative Martin of Redford. He pleaded strenuously for the cor- oners of Detroit, but when the vote was taken his motions for recess, for tabling the bill, for adjourning and for referring the measure to some other committee were all defeated and on roll call the bill was passed. It is now be- fore the senate. Mrs. Dayton Wins Mrs. Caroline Dayton was the victor last Saturday in the case that had been started in circuit court as the result of charges made by a committee from the out-county bar association. A bill of complaint had been filed re- quiring her to show caure why she should not be punisheirfor con- tempt of court due to alleged practicing of law in connection with her collection agency. Judge Robert Toms after hearing the case, dismissed it. Attorney Ther- on M. Hall of Detroit appeared for Mrs. Dayton.

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Completely CoversThe Entire Buying,Territory Of ThisStable Community

Good Newspaper For Over 48 Years Ever Loyal To An Ideal Community

Vol. 49, No. 25

Guests WelcomeTo Hospital On Sunday, May 12

Occasion Is Hospital Day And It Is To Be-

Observed Here

The Plymouth MailPlymouth Students Win 1st Honors in Oratorical Contest

Plymouth. Mich. FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 $1.50 Per Year In Advance

Sunday. May 12. is National Hospital day and Plymouth resi­dents are especially interested in the event because of the fact that the Plymouth hospital during the past year has been of noth­ing less than remarkable service to the community. It is filled al­most to capacity all the time and so busy is the place that visitors have but little opportunity to see what a modem little hospital in­stitution the city possesses.

So that every one may know how convenient and well equipped the hospital is, they are especial­ly invited to visit it Sunday, the one day of the year set aside for visitors.

Why a National Hospital Day on May 12? •That date was selected because Florence Nightingale was bom on that date in 1820.

She .will live through the cen­turies because of the contribu­tion she made to the nursing pro­fession and the development of hospitals. So when a National Hospital Day was suggested, it' was fitting that her birthday an­niversary be selected for this im­portant date in health develop­ment. It honored one outstanding in hospital management.

The staff of the Plymouth hospital, especially anxious to have every one in and around Plymouth know more about its work, joins in the national ob­servance of Hospital Day. On this; day a united effort is made | throughout the world to have' every onS become more familiar with the work of hospitals and the advantages they offer in as­sisting one to regain health.

Visitors at the Plymouth hos­pital will be especially welcomed Sunday and the nurses will spend what time they can in showing those' who are interested in the work, the many advantages offer­ed. Old friends as well as new ones will be especially welcomed Sunday to view the hospital and get a better understanding of hospital work.

Helping folks to get well is the job of the Hospital—24 hours of every day in the year.

Illness and accident do not choose daylight hours in which to-strike: sudden attacks of dis­ease may come in the wee small hours. In many instances life itself mar depend upon the speed with which medicines, trained nursing care, instru­ments and other things needed by the doctor are made available.

So the Hospital can not shut its doors at 5 or 6 in the after­noon until Monday morning, as many'offices and factories do. In­stead of a 40-hour week, the Hos­pital operates on a 168-hour week. Every Hospital day is three 8-hour working days.

To assist the doctors, the Hos- I pital not only provides equip- ment and personnel, but also I sets up such conditions as the; doctors have found to be for the’ best interests of the sick.

Take Holiday By Blowing Stumps

Bang!The roar was heard for miles.Bang!Again the dishes rattled—and

war veterans thought possibly there was a bombardment going On somewhere in the west.

But it proved to be nothing more than a series of dynamite explosions out on the Fred Schrader buffalo ranch some six miles west.of Plymouth.

And who do you suppose was blowing up stumps on the farm?

None other than Fred Schrader and his bid friend. John S. Hag­gerty. former secretary of state.

Mr. Schrader confessed that he didn't know much about blowing out stumps with dynamite, but years ago when western Wayne county was just on the borderline between civilization and the | red skins, John Haggerty was clearing up land with dynamite.

"Why in one winter I cleared a forty acre piece with dynamite. At every blast a stump went in­to the air.” said Mr. Haggerty.

It is quite evident from the way the stumps flew the other day out on the Schrader farm that the former state official ■knows a lot about using dyna­mite.

At every blast a stump went sky-rocketing toward the Clouds. Not a single charge was wasted and when night arrived, there wasn’t a stump left in sight— John Haggerty and Fred Schrad­er had cleared the entire field.

MISS IRENE WALDORF Instructor-coach of success


Memorial DayProgram Soon To

Be AnnouncedTwo Patriotic Groups

Plan Dedication Of Park Monument

Plymouth's two service clubs, the American Legion and the Ex- Service Men’s club, are making elaborate preparations for Me­morial day. Under the direction of the two commanders. Jack Miller and Melvin Gutherie. sev­eral joint committees have been appointed and the program is fast nearing completion. Dr. C. J. Kershaw, lieutenant of the 106th Cavalry of Detroit, has been appointed grand njarshall of the day to be assisted by Melvin Alguire. and Harry Bames.

Dedication of the stone and tablets in Kellogg park by the Ex-Servicemen's club will play a big part in the events of the day. A parade tentatively headed by the 106 Cavalry and the Plym­outh band will form at the city hall at 9 a.m. Services will be held in the park at 9:30. Complete de­tails for the event will be an­nounced in the Mail on the com­pletion of the program.

Committees working on the various events of the day are. Bugles. Wm. Keifer: Gold Star mothers. Don Ryder and Harry Mumby; Ministers. Lee Sackett; Speaker. John Jacobs: Master of Ceremonies. Melvin Gutherie and invitation to organizations. Amo Thompson, who is * also general secretary on joint committees.

Legion Members Will Entertain

Members of the American Le­gion made public a few days ago invitation to all Plymouth busi­ness men to attend a meeting in their hall at Newburg tonight. The occasion being the welcom­ing into the post of their two hundred and fifty-first member, thereby setting a new .member­ship record for the post.

An interesting program has been planned and the feature of the evening will be a brief talk by Clark Smith of Detroit who is chairman of the State American­ization committee of the Legion. It is hoped that all men who are able will attend the meeting.

Mrs. Emma Ryder has return­ed home from West Palm Beach, Florida, where she spent the winter months. En route home she spent a few days in Cincin­nati as a guest of Mrs. Arthur Pappullo.

i MISS KATHERINE SCHULTZ ' Merpber of Senior class who was

one of the winners.

Receiving first place in oratory and' extemporaneous speaking. Plymouth high school won the highest forensic honors in this

| district at a contest held here Thursday. May 2. The represent­atives of this school in each con­test were Miss Katherine Schultz and Tom Brock.

The success winners of the lo­cal schools have been coached by Miss Irene Waldorf, instructor in public speaking, who has been exceptionally successful in school work along this line.

In addition to. these events, the district elimination in de­clamation was held previous to the others Plymouth not being represented in the former contest. High schools taking part included Adrian. Ann Arbor. Britton. Deer­field. Ecorse. Fordson. Grosse Isle. Mt. Clemens. Plymouth. St. Alphonsus. and Tecumseh, all winners of first places in their respective sub-district meets for oratory, extemporaneous speaking and declamation.

The declamation contest, held at 4 ;00 o'clock was judged by Harold Allen. Howard Runion and C. Robert Steen, all of the University of Michigan, and who also judged the following contests. The chairman was Miss Allen.

Joseph Sheckler of Grosse Isle opened the contest with "Law Observance." He was followed by Eugene Keller of Mt. Clemens, who delivered "The Challenge of Chaos." The third speaker was Vivian Isaacson of Tecumseh, whose declamation was "The Valley of Bones.” Miriam Wes­terman presented "Toussaint L' Ouverture.” as Adrian’s repre­sentative. The final declamation was "The Unknown Soldier” giv­en by Ernest Porter of Ecorse. First place was awarded to Vi­vian Isaacson, second place to Ernest Porter and third place to Joseph Sheckler.

Orations were given at 7:00 o'clock, six schools participating. Mr. Dykhouse was chairman. Leo Henn presented "Liberate the Dairy Farmer." an oration deal­ing with the problems of the American agriculturist, as the representative of St. Alphonsus. Pershing Myers of Britton gave "Driftwood Afloat," a discussion of the vagrant youth of America. Katherine Schultz of Plymouth delivered "Merchants of Death." attacking the munition makers. William Hardy of Fordson show­ed the conflict between religion and materialism in government in "America's Faith." Youth and the problems of depression were put forth by Gordon Laing of Ann Arbor in "Youth and the Desti­ny of America." Mary Kaiser of Deerfield delivered "EconomicCannibalism.” attacking the cap- ' italistic system. The judges gave. Katherine. Schultz first place.j Gordon Laing second, and Leo' Henn third.

The extempore contest includ- i ed speakers from four schools, i' Charles Dolph discussed "Hitler and World Peace.” representing Ann Arbor. Donald Benedict of, Tecumseh spoke upon "The Next War." Tom Brock of Plymouth! gave "Wilson and World Peace.” Ernest Stewart concluded the eli­minations with “Wilson as War President.” Tom Brock won first place, with Charles Dolph re­ceiving second.

Banners were presented to the victorious schools in each con-* test. Plymouth receiving two of the three. In connection with this meet, dictionaries from the De­troit News were given to sub-dis­trict winner of first place in each branch of forensics. Tom Brock and Katherine Schultz both re­ceiving one.

Plymouth high school has re­ceived high honors in forensics this season, winning first place in both oratory and extempore in district and sub-district contests, third place in the sub-district de­clamation contest, first place in- sub-district freshman declama­tion and third in story-telling. The debate squad won second place in the Twin Valley Asso­ciation tournament, and partici­pated in three eliminations for the state championship.

Mrs. Daniel been quite ill, is t at her home on Ann J

Sewer Survey Is Now Underway,

City Seeks AidProperty Owners Asked

To Provide Data Need­ed For Records

THOMAS BROCK Junior class member of successful

oratorical contest.

Rotz Family To Leave On Sunday For Alaska Home

Date of Departure Has Been Fixed—Dept.

Makes InquiryAwaiting with the greatest of

hope and anticipation their ven­ture into a new life, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rotz and their two children are packed and ready to leave Sunday for Alaska with the 60 or more other families that are to make new homes in that coun­try.

Each day for over a week they have waited patiently and hap­pily for final instructions from governmental agencies relative to their departure for the rich Mantanuska valley where 40 acres of land. 12 of which are ready for cultivation, awaits each fam­ily.

It had been expected that the families would leave early this week but a change of plans has resulted in the departure being set for Sunday. They will go to St. Ignace where they will join the other families. From there they go to Seattle and then on to Alaska, arriving in about three weeks.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Rotz have requested The Mail to express to every one, their appreciation for the assistance and many kind­nesses that have been shown them as they have prepared for the new start in life that has been offered them by the govern­ment.

"We can't see every one and we want them to know just how kindly we feet. We are so grate­ful that we have prayed our thanks each day and we are go­ing to work and work hard to succeed in that new country.” de­clared Mrs. Rote. “Not only do we want to thank the kind people of Plymouth, but those of the welfare who have aided us in getting this start. We hope that the same good fortune will come to every one.”

The government gives each family 30 years to pay back the investment that Uncle Sam is giving them.

The Mail has received from John F. Ballenger, administrator of the Wayne County Relief Com-

'Continued on Page Seven)

The city of Plymouth is spend­ing considerable time and money in making a sewer survey, the re­sult of which will give a complete record of all underground ser­vices in the city. These records are of as much value to the in­dividual home owners as to the city and everyone should co-op­erate to the fullest extent with the person making the survey.

Paul Groth, one of the older employees of the city, is in charge of the work of obtaining the data from the householders, and city officials request that he be given all information required to de­termine the size, location and depth of house sewers, also the information as to which sewers carry the storm and sanitary drainage. This information is“- be­ing compiled in record form and will be permanently filed in the city hall.

Inasmuch as most of the infor­mation has to be obtained from the lady of the hotee because of the fact that the men are usually at work during the time the home calls are being made, it is neces­sary that this information should be left at the house so that the housewife can give it to the in­vestigator.

About the only data which will • be required is the location of each i sewer connection and informa- I tion as to where the storm water drainage, including down spouts, and the sanitary sewage empties. In many cases the womenfolks do not have this information, but obtain it from the man of the house at a later date, which re-

! quires a second or third visit.1 “We are trying to do this work at the lowest possible cost to the city and will appreciate complete cooperation from all residents.” states the City Manager. "In some cases we may have to trace out the sewer lines to determine definitely where the sewage dis­charges,” he said, "which will re­quire our employees to enter the house and. by a series of tests, ob­tain the desired information.” All city employees on this work will carry proper identification.

Water System To Be First Project

Improvement of the water sys­tem for the city of Plymouth will be the first project requested by this city under the new govern­ment allotment of funds, it was decided at Monday night’s meet­ing of the city commission.

Plans for this work have al­ready been completed by En­gineer Herald Hamill who has made a thorough study of condi­tions and who has prepared in cooperation with City Manager Cookingham the complete outline of the work to be recommended.

. No one has any idea of how soon or how the government plans to release funds just voted by congress for work relief. It is possible that some of the money will be available during the sum­mer.

Starkweather PTA will hold a bake sale at Wilson's. Hardware store. Liberty and Starkweather on Saturday. May 11th, beginning at 12 noon. This sale is for the benefit of the Christmas fund.

Annual Meeting Of Woman’s Club

M o t h e r'Chief Smith To Direct Safety

Campaign HereA friend through j all the passing yearsWhose friend- ship never alters Whose fender ■ presence e v e r j cheersWhose kindness never falters We all have her to love and trust Through life, for theres no other So loyal, fond and true as just One’s Mother

Last Dinner Of Season Largest

Rotary Members Guests at Milan

President Lynn i’elton of the Plymouth Rotary club. Paul Weidman, Floyd Wilson and other Rotarians were guests Tuesday evening at the charter presenta­tion to the new club at Milan. There were several hundred vis­itors at the first important event in the history of Milan Rotary- ism. District Governor Roscoe Bonstelle of Ann Arbor made the official presentation.

Drunk Driver GetsFine of Half HundredIt didn’t pay James Burrs of

Northville to co me Speeding through the streets of Plymouth while intoxicated the other night. As he wavered down the street, his car swerving from one side of the street to the other. Officer Thumme happened to spot his strange antics. He was stopped, found to be intoxicated and was arrested. Judge John Dayton made it quite clear to him that drunk driving was one offense he didn’t like and he assessed a fine of $50 piu& coets, which was paid.

Mrs. Ed Herrick is confined to her home with the mumps.

The Flower Market To Be Held In Kellogg Park Tomorrow

Everything is in readiness for the second annual Flower Mar­ket to take place Saturday in Kellogg park beginning at 10 o’clock. It is especially urged that all flowers, plants and other similar articles be brought in be­tween the hours of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and 1 o’clock.

No exchange can take place be­fore 2 o’clock. So there may be no misunderstanding, the cour­tesies of the Flower Market are open to every one, whether a member of the Woman’s club or not

In case of rain Edward C. Hough has offered the ladies the

use of his building across from the park and next to Stever's market, so no matter what the weather might be Saturday, the second annual Flower Market will take place ' tomorrow as scheduled. The committees in charge hope to make it even a greater success than the one held a year ago.

It is highly important that those who bring plants to the Flower market wrap them sepa­rately and label each package. In this way when a sale- or exchange is made it will be known Just what kind of plant the package

On April 19th. the Woman’s club of Plymouth closed 6ne of

’ the most successful and enjoyable years in its history with the reg­ular Annual Day meeting.

| The business meeting was pre- ceeded by a novel inovation in

.the form of a box luncheon in ' the coffee shop of the Hotel May- : flower.■ Each person attending packed a lunch. These lunches were tak-

. eh at the door and later distrib- ! uted so that no one ate her own lunch.

! Coffee was furnished by the ihotel management and everyone 'voted it a delightful in-door pic­nic. ,

; Following the luncheon, the regular business meeting and

! election of officers for the com­ing year was held with the fol­lowing list of officers elected: president. Mrs. George Burr; 1st vice president. Mrs. George Smith: 2nd vice president. Mrs. Maxwell Moon: recording secretary. Mrs. Paul Nutting; corresponding sec­retary. Mrs. Harold Stevens: treasurer. Mrs. F. R. ; Hoheisel. Directors. Mrs. Ray Johns,. Mrs. Claud Dykhouse and Miss Marion Beyer.

The retiring president. Mrs.Ray Johns, paid high tribute to her officers for. the past two years, as well as to the heads of her committees, and also thank­ed all the members of the club who have worked with her to make the two years of her regime the success that they have been. She then turned the gavel over to the new president, Mrs. George Burr who. after a few fitting re­marks. presented Mrs. Charles

I Humphries who spoke at length I upon the splendid leadership ' which the club has enjoyed dur- i ing the time Mrs. Ray Johns has acted as president, of the many

i things which have been accom- 1 plished under her untiring labors, and of the splendid growth in the

' strength and membership of the■ club.

She then presented Mrs. Johns with a lovely cromium and white desk lamp as a token of the clubs’ appreciation for her faithfulness and success.

During the past year twenty- three new members have been added to the active membership list and seven members have been reinstated, giving a membership of 137.

Following is the list of new members: Mrs. Chas. Horr. Mrs. Richard Olin. Mrs. Leo Crane. Mrs. S. E. Cranson. Mrs. Ella Mabin, Mrs. F. D. Kenyon. Mrs. Albert Curry. Mrs. Karl Schlan- derer. Mrs. Bruce Woodbury. Mrs. Thomas Moss. Mrs. Harold Finlan. Mrs. Paul Christianson. Mrs. John Root. Mrs. Kenneth Matheson. Mrs. James Latture. Mrs. Fred Hubbard, Mrs. Wm. McAllister. Mrs. F. W. Coward, Mrs. Roy Parrott. Mrs. J. E. Der- mody and Mrs. R. W. Neale.

Reinstated members: Mrs. Har­mon Smith. Mrs. Evered Jolliffe, Mrs. J. T. Chapman. Mrs. Bessie Dunning, Mrs. Robt. Jolliffe, Mrs. Wyman Bartlett, and Mrs. War­ren Lombard.

After the business meeting, the chairman of the program com­mittee. Mrs. Robert Reck took charge of the entertainment for the afternoon which consisted of a pageant of Wedding Gowns.

The pageant opened with Miss Hannah Strasen playing the Lohengrin Wedding March.

There were five wedding gowns dating from 1869 to 1930.

Mrs. Jack Henderson wore the gown of 1860. Mrs. Witwer the gown of 1930, and the others were worn by Mrs. Robert Willoughby, Mrs. Myron Hughes and Mrs. F. R. Hoheisel, each of whom ap­peared separately.

Miss Strasen then played Men­delssohn’s Wedding March and the "brides” returned in'a group.

Much credit is due Mrs. Hughes who planned and arranged this most delightful and beautiful pageant.

During the pageant, music Ap­propriate tor the year depicted was rendered. Mrs. McAllister singing "Let Me Call you Sweet­heart” and "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes,” and Mrs, Jos.

Ladies night at the Baptist m£n's fellowship supper was the crowning event of the series of monthly suppers.

Nearly one hundred and fifty men and their wives taxed the capacity of the church basement.

A trio from Ann Arbor. Miss Farquhar. piano; Miss Mann, cello: and Doris Hamill violin, rendered three groups of beau­tiful numbers, which were well applauded.

Mrs. Martha Pollom. assistant superintendent of the woman's division of the wetroit House of Correction also gave three groups of vocal music. She has had considerable experience on the stage and the renditions were greatly appreciated.

The toastmaster of the evening was Dr. Chapman from Ann Ar­bor. who handled the meeting in a very pleasing manner.

The speaker was E. E. Staub, president of the Baptist Child­rens Home near Detroit. His sub­ject was "Looking at the Church through Christ's Eyes.” Mr. Staub is primarily a business man but

I has travelled extensively and in- i eluded reminiscences in his talk. He told of having pictures of hun­dreds of Christians killed in Rus­sia and piled in heaps and burn­ed with oil. *

Chairman F. W. Hamill and Rev. Sutherland both invited the audience to hear Mrs. King of Ann Arbor, the wife of a medic­al missionary, talk of Mothers in Africa, next Sunday evening.

The next meeting will be held the last Monday in September.

Plymouth Going To Take Active Part In Safety Week

Chief of Police Vaughn Smith is busy today preparing for the safety week campaign that he will conduct in Plymouth next week in cooperation with the Michigan Automobile club and its local representative. Alfred Morton. Both Chief Smith and Mr. Morton attended a meeting in Detroit Thursday of all police officers in this part of the state.

They hope to do much during the week to impress upon every one the importance of care in automobile driving and in cross­ing the streets.

Governor Frank ,D. Fitzgerald has issued the following procla­mation endorsing the campaign:

"In the name of humanity, and as Governor of the State of Michigan, I do hereby pro­claim the period from May 12 to 18. inclusive, as Safety Education Week, to be de­voted to a state-wide pro­gram of highway safety edu­cation. with every interested agency in Michigan devoting its greatest efforts and re­sources to the end that greater vigilance on the streets and highways of this state will become a pari of the lives of all good citizens." Chief Smith points out that

records show 36.000 persons were killed as the result of automobile accidents last year. Over a mil­lion were injured. In Michigan nearly a thousand met death and there were over 10.000 injured.

The local police officer points out that Inattention. Incautious- ness. Excessive Speed. Improper overtaking and passing. Improper left turns. Improper right turns. Failures to signal. Ignorance of Traffic Laws, are the main caus­es of accidents. Everyone is urged to preach care and alertness and go out of your way to always urge safety in driving.

Lady Maccabees Banquet May 15

All the grandmothers, mothers and daughters of Lady Maccabees have been invited to attend a banquet at the lodge hall Wed­nesday. ,May 15th at 6:30 o’clock.

Lady "Emerson of Detroit is planning an interesting appro­priate program: Lady Hance has charge of the dining-room and de­corations. and last but not least, a lovely dinner has been planned by Lady Micol and her "crew."

It is hoped that the members will cooperate with the various committees and help to mak.e this event a success.

Did You Know ThatWatch the A & P next week.

Big clerk's week sale.Rev. Je.s.- McGruder and col­

ored singers return to Plymouth. Friday evening. May 17th. Many of the singers are graduates from Detroit music schools. There is a real treat for Chose who come. Rev. McGruder will preach. Don't forget the place, Berea Chapel. 281 Union street.

Mobas window shade? are hand painted in your home town, lat­est colors at a reasonable price. If you need a few new ones or old ones cleaned up just phone 530. Linoleums In all grades and pat­terns. National Window Shade Co., General Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Ayers have returned from California where they- spent the winter months at Santa Monica. Mr. Ayers states that the winter weather out on the Pacific coast was not so pleasant this year as it has been in the past. There was lots of rain followed by cold winds. Mr. Ayers however states that the tourist business of the west was unusually good during the winter. Both are glad to be home among their many Plym­outh friends.Sessions singing “In The Gloam­ing” and “I Love You Truly." ad­ding much to the enjoyment of the pageant.

At the close of the meeting, It was voted to have a table picnic at Riverside Park in June, notice of which will- be-given later.

With the Ffotitfr Mart on Sat­urday, May Xuh^lhe club activi­ties win be closed until Septem­ber.

Church Rally Will Be Held Tuesday Evening

The young people of the Cal­vary Baptist Church. 455 South Main street, are holding an in­spirational rally this coming Tuesday evening.. May 14th. at 7:45. An unusual program of mu­sic. singing, and talks on youth’s problems and opportunities has been planned.

Earl Severts. a young Detroit business man. will preside. A number of out of town guests are expected. The public is invited.

Mrs. Ella Kainz. the local chair­man. announces a program filled with features, all of which will be provided by new talent from an outstanding church in High­land Park.

Fisher Wins In House Battle

In the face of united opposi­tion of Democratic represent­atives from the city of Detroit and every conceivable, parliamentary tactic that could be devised. Dr. Edward Fisher, state represent­ative from this district has been successful in having the lower house of the legislature pass a bill which will end for this part of Wayne county the practice of the coroner's office of permitting bodies of persons who met violent deaths to lie wherever found un­til some one from the coroner's office reaches the place’.

Local residents recall of numer­ous cases of where bodies have laid for hours along the high­ways or on the banks of lakes waiting for some one from De­troit to come to order the body removed.p The Fisher bill which is sure to 'pass, gives some justice of the peace in any of the townships in this part of Wayne county the right to order the body removed from the place of death.

Especially hostile to the pass­age of the bill was Represent­ative Martin of Redford. He pleaded strenuously for the cor­oners of Detroit, but when the vote was taken his motions for recess, for tabling the bill, for adjourning and for referring the measure to some other committee were all defeated and on roll call the bill was passed. It is now be­fore the senate.

Mrs. Dayton WinsMrs. Caroline Dayton was the

victor last Saturday in the case that had been started in circuit court as the result of charges made by a committee from the out-county bar association. A bill of complaint had been filed re­quiring her to show caure why she should not be punisheirfor con­tempt of court due to alleged practicing of law in connection with her collection agency. Judge Robert Toms after hearing the case, dismissed it. Attorney Ther- on M. Hall of Detroit appeared for Mrs. Dayton.

Page 2: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935

THE PLYMOUTH MAILELTON R. EATON............ ....................................... Editor and PublisherSTEMJNG EATON ...................................................... Business ManagerSubscription Price—U. S. $1.50 per year; Foreign, $2.00 per year.

LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN WAYNE COUNTY.________________________________________________

Entered at the Postoffice at Plymouth Michigan, as second class postal matter. _____________________________ ____________________

The Plymouth Mail is a Member bt the National Editorial Associa­tion, University of Michigan Press Club, and the Michigan Press Association.____________ _________ 2.______________________________


A year or so ago when the new brainless trust of Wash­ington attempted to foster upon the automobile industry a lot of school room ideas as to the conduct of business, Henry Ford set his foot down and said—NO, he would have nothing to do with a scheme so un-American and unfair to the work­ingman as well as business. He declared that his company had always obeyed every law and that a lot of political job holders could not inject their schemes into his affairs.

His lead to a very great extent was followed by other auto­mobile manufacturers, although he was the only one that car­ried the fight through to the finish.

Of course every one knows that business in this part of the country where automobiles are manufactured is the best of any place in America today. President Roosevelt has com­mented about the “come-back” of Detroit and this part of Michigan.

There is not much question but what the exceptional re­covery of the automobile business' is due almost entirely to the fact that the- business has not been hampered and ham­strung by a lot of crazy ideas and regulations. If Ford had | consented to let outsiders run his business as have some of the > other industries, do you suppose for one minute we would be | enjoying the prosperity in this part of the state that we are today? It is a pretty safe statement to make that we would j r.ot be right where the other industrial centers are if it had not • been for the determined position taken by Mr. Ford in his j dealings with official meddlers.


The voters-of Michigan last fall indicated pretty strongly that they did not like the kind of legislation and government j being given to them under the Comstock regime. In this con­nection it will be recalled that one of the greatest flare-backs against Mr. Comstock and his administration was his veto of the small loan bill. There is not much question but what his action on this measure had much to do with his defeat as well as that of his party. Unusual as it may seem a similar measure i had been passed by the house of representatives, but a Re-| publican senate committee up to the present has failed to re- ‘ port the measure out for consideration in the senate. Most of the senators on the committee are so-called "administration leaders.’’ In fact one of the members of the committee is the administration floor leader. There is not much use in addi­tional discussion of this measure, but the Republicans can be pretty sure the defeat of the bill that will bring some relief to the small borrowers of the state will prove a costly thing to the party in the next election. Voters these days are not in a frame of mind to be trifled with and we hope for the good of the party that has in the past done so much for all classes of peo­ple in Michigan a fatal mistake will not be made. .The vast majority of people want the bill enacted. -Only those that profit by the unjust interest Tates taken from the poor seek to have.it killed. The voters are watching for the answer of these Republican senators.

^■Bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox last Sunday, a girl.

Miss Bertha Beals is spending the week, in Grand Rapids.

114 And we still *have all the rain we can handle. Several oat fields

, alre a complete loss.I 4 Harry Wolfrom of Elm at- | tended the jury excursion to Jackson last Sunday.

Fred Stocken is now employed in a tonsorial shop in Ypsilanti and may later move his family there. ... •z Manager John McLaren says

he will have a baseball team ready for games at Athletic park-

Homer Jewell has bought a lot on Church street and will build soon.' Farmers around Elm are very discouraged over their crop out­looks for the year due to so much rain. Is Halley’s comet to blame?^-President Hillmer has nominat­ed H. H. Passage for superin­tendent of water works and Geo. VanDeCar for marshall.6 Claude Henderson, who is lo­cated in Wellington. Washing­ton. is still in the baseball game, but he may be cut of it for some­time. At a recent game he had a misfortune to break an ankle./


Taxpayers up in Blount Clemens didn’t fall for’the scheme to foster upon that jcity a big bond issue for the purpose of building -a municipal lighting plant any more than did the voters over in Grand Ledge. The scheme, hatched probably by promoters of jobs, fees and contracts called for a debt of some­thing like half a million, dollars for the already over-burdened taxpayers to carry. But the taxpayers decided they had no such intensions and voted against the scheme and schemers.

Writing in the Ionia County News, Fred Keister has the following comment about the Mount Pleasant situation:

Mount Pleasant is the latest Michigan city to reject a bonding proposal for a municipal lighting plant. Had the pro­posal carried the city would have awakened some morning to find a half-million dollar plant on its hands, with no definite assurance that rates would be permanently lowered. The tax­payers of the city wisely decided to sidetrack the project.

It is rQmored that state-wide plans for gradual lowering of utility service costs are under way. With reduction will come a lesser desire for municipalities to embark in the lighting bu­siness at the expense of their citizens, regardless ..of equipment salesmen who are always present in great numbers to boost their own game. Speaking of present day electrical costs the subject is ably discussed by Schuyler L. Marshall in a recent issue of thq= Clinton County Republican-news:

Going back to 1913 (but who wants to go back?) one can take prices then and now and make some interesting compari­sons. Beginning that year we heard about the HCL (high cost of living) and perhaps that started the initial craze. At any rate, living costs started to sky-rocket that year and reached an all-time peak in 1920—an increase of 115 per cent over the J913 living costs.

"It is interesting to look at the chart showing the cost of electricity over the same period. In contrast to living cases, o> which electricity has been a part, the cqst of this service has de­creased steadily except in 1918. In 1920 when general living costs had increased 115 per cent, electricity had decreased about 25 per cent. There has been a steady decrease since. To­day the average electric costs the country over are 80 per cent below tHe 1913 level. Living costs while down from the 1920 peak, are still 40 per cent above those twenty-two years ago.”

The bill which recently passed the house by the huge vote of 371 to 33 and with only 18 Re­publicans in 103 dissenting, does not establish a full blown system of old age and unemployment in­surance. It is a plan to encourage the creation of such a system in the course of the next ten years.

There are two basic reasons why a completed system cannot be set up at once. Before men can be insured, a fund must be accumulated out of which to pay them their benefits and it will require many years to accumulate such a fund. Moreover, under the American Federal system, it would probably be unconstitu­tional and it would certainly be bad public policy for the central government to set up and admin­ister the whole system: therefore, within very wide limits the ac­tual old age pensions and the un­employment benefits that are to be paid have still to be determ­ined by the forty-eight states.

It follows that the scheme of social security contemplated in the bill cannot come into opera­tion until funds have been accu-


From out of the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minn­esota, three commonwealths where hunting and fishing is al­most a part of the very life of every resident, the government has selected families for a new settlement in Alaska, where new'opportunities and new hopes are sure to exist. Alaska remains as one of the virgin hunting and fishing places of the world and the new* set tiers will find it possible to secure a por­tion of their living from a recreation that everyone enjoys. But unfortunately most of these families are going to Alaska, with­out fishing and hunting equipment, and without funds with which tfjJjuy these articles. The thought has come to mind, why wouldn’t it be a good idea for the various conservation departments of these three states to send to the families that are willing and anxious to serve their government in new homes and in a new country, the confiscated guns, fishing tackle and rifles that the departments take in for the next few months. No better use for their articles could be found than by turning them over to the new and patriotic pioneers of a new country.




Understanding World Affairs

By Walter Lippmann

burden on the general tax reve­nues. There are now about 7& million men and women giver 65 years of age. of whom about a million are dependents on public support. The best estimates show that by 1940 there will be 8.3 mil­lions over 65, that by 1950 there will be 10.8 millions, that by 1970 there will be 15 millions. The ten­dency is for men to live longer. At the same time there is a ten­dency for industry to retire em- poyees earlier. If, therefore, an increasing number of old per­sons had to be supported out of the general revenues, the cost would become enormous. By 1960 it would be costing two billions a year.

That is why the bill provides for a tax on payrolls in order to create a fund out of which old age benefits can eventually be paid. These benefits are in pro­portion to what a man has earn­ed when he was working and was able to contribute. The scheme does not make old age

i benefits entirely self-balancing.I For there will be many who do not, fit into the scheme and will

1 have to be assisted out of general,; taxes. But it does make the [ ' scheme largely self-balancing j j after a few years.I These difficulties are greatly, i accentuated in the provision for 1 j unemployment benefits. There 1 can be no doubt that in theorya unified national system would • have great advantages. All the

I known systems in othe/ countries ' are centralized and unified. But j for the United States, owing to the enormous size of the popula-

1 tion and its immense diversity, a I unified national system would I have been a political impossibility ! and an administrative monstrosi- j ty.■ The authors of the plan had a 1 choice of two evils. If they I brought • in a centralized scheme it would be wrecked on the rocks

! of constitutional, sectional, and • political difficulties. So they I brought in a de-centralized I scheme, which is almost certain j to be inefficient and to cause ; endless disputes.

They chose the lesser of the ; two evils. But what they have : chosen is still an evil, and, for ;my part, I doubt whether the ' distant, small, and tentative benefits of the scheme will jus­

tify its tremendous' difficulties, j Unemployment insurance will not j mitigate this depression or do [ much to relieve the need if there i is another big depression. It j would have been wiser. I think, to have set up protection against

! unemployment along the wholly : different line of a permanent

.• fund of elastic public works. Un- i employment insurance is a trifl- , ing stop gap in a great depres- i sion. The fund is soon bankrupt ! and the insurance then becomesa dole out of the Treasury.

One of the most important features of the whole plan, and one of the best is that the funds accumulated are centralized. This is not only the best way to safe­guard them, but it adds one more

i instrument for smoothing out j the ups and downs of the busi- i ness cycle. The Treasury by its power to invest the fund can use

• it. and should use it to tighten credit when there is an overex­pansion of credit and to make credit easier when the tendency is to contract credit.

The bill really sets up one more , means of controlling the volume of credit along with those which the Federal Reserve system al­ready possesses, along with those which 'it will possess under the new banking bill, along with those which the Treasury posses­ses through its stabilization fund, its large balances, not to mention the unused power of the Thomas amendment.

Those who do not believe that the volume of credit should be conscienciously controlled will find this objectionable. Those who believe that conscious con­trol is inevitable and necessary will be chiefly concerned that the 1 control, now divided between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve system, should be exercised by them as wisely as possible.

! mulated and until the states have I legislated. Only by keeping these ; two considerations in mind can I the meaning of the bill be un­derstood.

The point comes out clearly in the provisions for old age. There is no fund In existence out of which to pay anything to those who are already old. Therefore, the bill proposes to provide them with pensions out of general tax­es. The amount of their pensions, on the other hand, is to be deter­mined by each state with the Federal government standing ready to match dollar for dollar, up to $15 per month, what each state decides to give. Thus, if a state decides ta give $15 out of its revenues, the pensioner will receive $30; if the state decides to give $10, he will receive $20: if the state decides to give $20. he will receive $35. All this applies to those who are now or will sson be 65 years or more, though un­til 1940 a state may raise the age limit to 70 years.

But this system, if it were al­lowed to run on indefinitely, would soon become an intolerable

Remember Mother, Sunday, May 12th.Attractive Special Mother’s Day

Wrapped Candy

Cecils Decorative Box Candy

In J Pound 2 Pounds 1$2.00 $2.oq“With Carnations Attached”

DODGE DRUG CO.PHONS 1X4 Whm Quality Cwati

Whitman’s Sampler, per lb. ... $1.50 Box Whitman’s Bon Bons and Choc. lb. $1.00 Box Whitman’s Fruits and Nats, lb. .. $1.00 Box Whitman’s Milk Chocolates, lb. .. $1.00 Box

Also in 2 lb. Boxes

Shop Here For Drugs and Toiletries

Low Prices — No City Crowds Personal Service SAVE MONEY

enniman Allen TheatrePLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN

SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 13, 14 Gene Stratton Porter’s immortal novel now brought to the screen!

60c Angelus Rouge---------■- 49c60c Neet Depilatory-----------49c

1.00 “ “ 89c35c Calox Tooth Powder-----29c35c Ponds Cold Cream--------25c50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste—37c50c Forhans Tooth Paste----- 34c40c Squibbs Tooth Paste----- 33c

Colgates Soaps, 6 for-----29c50c Noxzema Cream-----------39c

1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic----- 79c50c Pepsodent Antiseptic —39c85c Dextra Maltose_____ —63c

1.00 Lactogen_____________ 79c1.20 s. M. A. Baby Food--------98c

“LADDIE”With John Beal and Gloria Stuart

Musical—“Freddie Martin’s Orchestra” NewsComedy—“An Ear for Music , Cartoon—“The Golden Touch”

-r-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

Ramb.ing Around With Michigan Editors

NOT A DEAD ISSUEThe Townsend old age pension plan, though defeated for the

present in congress is not going to be laid on the shelf. Congressmen who voted against the bill are going to hear things that will make their ears tingle, and a vote of dissatisfaction will be seen in the next election, which is not saying the congressmen who voted against the measure were not nearer right than those who are supporting the plan. The country is now demanding something more than a mere existing allowance to those on the charity rolls, and they are not going to be satisfied until they get it in some form or other.

Why not place a federal tax upon every machine that put a for- rper employe out of work and give it to all old people without an in­come? Place the tax high enough to induce the companies to em­ploy man power instead of using the machines as long as there are men anxious to work and not able to find a job.—H. J. Richardson in The Augusta Beacon.

WELCOME TO ELBA, MR. KEYWORTHThe administration of Maurice R. Keyworth.'superintendent of

public instruction, can be considered a rousing success. True. Mr. Keyw’orth has not yet taken office: nevertheless we can see that he is the right man in the right place, and that this paper exercised re­markably good judgment in recommending his election.

The reason we know this is as follows: Mr. Keyworth. even be­fore he took over his office, has been denounced by none other than Mr. Ed (Call Me Mike) Nowack, publisher of the Michigan State Di­gest and member of the Public 'don’t laugh) Trust commission. Mr. Nowack has disowned'Mr. Keyworth and consigned him to the poli­tical Elba to which Mike banishes all those public officials and private citizens who displease him. The procedure is for Mr. Nowack to read them out of the Republican party with bell, book and candle, pronounce them politically dead and scratch their names out of the family Bible.

Mr. Keyworth will find Elba pretty well tenanted: its inhabitants number among others Rep. Vernon Brown. Mr. Lester Doerr and Mr. George W. Welsh, who make up a trio of the liveliest political corpses that a man could meet in many a long day’s journey.

The offence committed by Mr. Keyworth that drew a condemna­tion which, coming from a recent Fitzgerald appointee and self-ap­pointed .spokesman, may be considered as reflecting the administra­tion standpoint, is that he refused to go back on his campaign prom­ises to dp all in his power to aid the distressed school districts of the state. One can imagine into what chaos Lanisng would be plunged should his unfashionable habit spread of taking campaign promises seriously. The imagination shudders at the prospect.

Mr. Keyworth is an experienced school man. He knows the situation of Michigan .school districts far better than do his critics. He was elected to office by voters who believed that he had both the desire and the ability to help the state's schools in the present crisis. During his campaign he expressly stated that he did not agree with Gov. Fitzgerald’s low estimate of the amount of state aid that the dis­tricts require. In a speech at Grand Rapids he stated that he believ­ed that at least 25 million dollars would be required to^ keep the schools operating. Now that he has Seen elected, he proposes to keep faith with the voters who put him in office. And for his consistency he is pilloried by such publishers as Mike Nowack and Frank Bryce, who publishes the Grand Ledge Independent.

Criticism from such sources can only increase Mr. Keyworth's stature in the eyes of those who believe that campaign pledges should be something besides empty rhetoric designed purely for vote getting, to be hurriedly scrapped after election day. The post, of superinten­dent of public instruction is an important one. and it requires a big maji and an honest man to fill it. Mr. Keyworth seems to fill the bill admireblv It seems evident that he will not be influenced by the criticism of .hose who seem to fee that a newspaper editor should be a sort of ventriloquist's dummy.—George Welsh in The Grand Rapids Chronicle.

NO DIFFERENCETh° Village of Mason in Ingham county is the latest to close its

beer parlors on Sunday. We see no good reason why Cassopolis should no’ ’ake the same step. In the old saloon days the saloons were required to keep closed on Sundays, and we do not see why any

I special Sunday privilege should be granted to the present beer-selling ! places.—William Berkey in The Cassopolis Vigilant.

BOOTLEGGERS STILL HEREAn expert in matters relating to the sale and use of liquor in

the United States declares that 50 per cent of the nation's liquor is sold vie the bootleg route. He believes that the only way to remedy the trouble is to lower the tax oh the stuff—and in this conclusion Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau disagrees. The nation repealed the 18th Amendment to eliminate the bootlegger, yet didn't eliminate him. The only way you can do away with the evils of liquor is to educate 'not legislate), liquor out of existence.—George Averill in The Birmingham Eccentric.

• DOPEY’’ DUPESA racketeering communist can hide behind the image of Christ

about so long in this country before some patriotic citizen will go in and bring him out in the light of day. so his dupes may better un­derstand his real motives.—George Neal in The Orion Review.

QUICK JUDGEMENTAnd did you hear Governor Fitzgerald's 15-minute harrangue

over the radio Tuesday night? Sounded like an old-time school boy's bellyache to the teacher because the other boys would not play crack the whip with him. Maybe lacing those who will not play with him will help him in trying to put through his pre-election promises, but we doubt it, as now a daily increasing number of his own party are becoming more antagonistic to his pet measures. As a governor. Frank D. Fitzgerald is a decided flop, as his record of achievement for the first four months will show. If the state is paying the shot for these monthly broadcasts it is sure time to "tune out.” as our taxpayers’ money can be used to a much better advantage to all con­cerned.—Charles Seed in The Rochester Clarion.

ALL FOR DEMOCRACYI Dust storms, they say. have come upon us because during the war we turned under the sod of thousands of acres that nature in­tended to be used for grazing land. But remember we did.it to make

I the world safe for democracy.—A. D. Gallery in The Tuscola Coun- I ty Advertiser.

Page 3: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan PAGE THRJZB

Local NewsJames Hom is gaining slowly

at the U. of M. hospital.Mr. and Mrs. Roy E; Crowe vis­

ited relatives at Lansing over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor plan to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thor Person at Alpena.

Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Macllvaine of Lansing were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Virgo.

Mr. and Mrs. Velois Crossley and son. Charles of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wil­son on Mill street Saturday eve­ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hussey of Toronto. Ontario, were guests over the week-end of Mrs. Ray­mond Bacheldor and family.

The many friends of Mrs. Kate Allen will be pleased to learn

that she is steadily gaining al­though slowly. # ;

The many Plymouth friends of Mrs. Adella Markham of Detroit will be glad to learn that she is slowly recovering from her recent severe illness.'

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gamer of Wayne spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grain­ger.

andplan to spend the weekiend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hoover, at Whitmore Lake.

Mrs. D. D. Price returned Monday to her home at Grand Rapids after spending the past two weeks with her son. Lew Price, and family.

Mrs. Howard Salisbury of Chi­cago. Illinois, is visiting at the home of her father. Charles Grainger. . . #

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mastick and children plan to spend Mother’s day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Roe. in Milford.

Automobile Insurance



1 Lb. Vacuum Glass 31c

3 Lb. Vacuum Glass 90c

Sunshine COOKIES

1 Pkg. Hydrox 1 Pkg. Clover Leaves

2 £or ?5c '

H O N E YComb, card-------15c1 Lb. Jar_____20c2% Lb. Can .... 39c

LOTUS FLOUR 24' - lb- Sack— $1.05Hausbeek

Home Made DILL

PICKLES JQt. Can jgc

2 PackagesWHEATIES 1 Shirley Tem­

ple Bowl


WHEATCEREAL Quick Cooking 28 oz. pkg.15

Fancy California Navel Oranges, Friday and Saturday, 150 size doz\ 32c—^6 size, doz. 42Defiance Salad Dressing, QQtf*1 qt. can------------------------------ --------------------------

Wm. T.Phone 40

PettingillFree Delivery

Amazingly New! Different!


Mrs. Edith Hurd arrived at the home of her brother. Dr. J. L. Olsaver. last Thursday after spending the past three months with friends in Indianapolis, In­diana.

Mrs. Charles Spangle of Adrian visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. C. Lauffer on Penniman avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Pierce of Detroit were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Mor­row at their home on Starkweath­er avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilder are planning to leave today to spend the weekend and Mothers Day with their parents at Morley and Grand Rapids.2Mr.’ and Mrs. Henry Hondorp were guests of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner, in Detroit over the week­end.

Mrs. E. K. Bennett and sister. Mrs. Robert Hollaway of Detroit spent Wednesday with their mother. Mrs. William Robinson.

Mrs. A1 Allen and Mrs. Paul Healy of Detroit were visitors Wednesday at the home of their sister, Mrs. C. G. Draper.

Miss Mary Ann Collins and Mrs. Little of Lansing were vis­itors Friday at the home of Mrs. R. H. Reck on Penniman avenue.

On Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Alice Howes of Minneapolis. Minnesota, spent the day with Mrs. R. H. Reck. Mrs. • Howes is visiting her son in Detroit for a time.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meredith of Detroit spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Schroder on the Six Mile Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Goldsmith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Dickson. Miss Alice Patter­son and Joseph Patterson of De­troit to Toledo. Ohio. Sunday, where thev attended a concert in Swiss Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Van Antwerp and daughter. Doris Anne, of Paw Paw visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Virgo from Friday until Sunday.

Blake and Guy Fisher received word Monday of the death of their sister. Mrs. Alex Smith of Rrigden. Ontario. They attended her funeral on Wednesday their wives accompanying them.

Mr. and Mrs. William Blunk visited over the week-end at the home of James Pratt in Man­chester.^Mrs. F. D. Schrader. Miss Ev­elyn Schrader of this city and - the former's sister. Mrs. B. E. Nor­ton of Rochester left Wednesday for a few' day’s visit with Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Prescott in Dixon. Illinois.

Henry Hondorp of this city and Harold Turner and Robert Shaw of Detroit plan to spend the week-end at the latter's cottage at Houghton Lake.

Mrs. Clark Shaw of Chicago. Illinois, and Mrs. Byron Aldrich of Detroit were visitors Monday at the home of Mrs. E. A. Kim­mell on West Ann Arbor Trail.

Last Friday rMr. and Mrs. War­ren Lombard . and Mrs. George Gittins attended the funeral of Mrs. Lucinda Sage in Detroit. Mrs. Sage is an aunt of Mrs. A. A. Travis of Ann Arbor, formerly of Plymouth.

The Direct Credits Society will have a meeting next Monday evening at the Community Hall at Newburg.

Mrs. Owen Schrader and little daughter. Myrtle of Canton vis­ited the former's sister Mrs. Frank Westfall one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Donovan of So. Main street entertained the lat­ter’s sister and son of Whitmore Lake, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Chambers were Sunday guests of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Vosburgh, in Fenton.

Mrs. James Hamilton of Buf­falo, New York, is expected Sat­urday at the home of her nephew. George M. Chute, for a few days visit.

The Mission society of the Lu­theran church will meet Wed­nesday. May 15. in the Recreation Room or the Wayne County Training school. After a tour of inspection of the various build­ings the ladies will be served lunch by the hostess Mrs. Edith Blake. Mrs. C. Schmidt. Mrs. F. Schmidt. Mrs. William Blunk and Mrs. Philip Whitmire. The ladies are asked to meet at the church at 1:45 sharp where cars will be waiting to take them to the school All ladies of the church


Mr. and Mrs. James Burrell called on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jameison Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Walter Wilkie spent Tues­day with her sister Miss Henriet­ta Schultz who is ST Grace Hos­pital.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor May en­tertained a party of friends Sat­urday evening and announced the engagement of their daughters. Alice and Dorothy May.

Several of the children in this vicinity have had the measles.

The children at school are en­joying the swings which were put up this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sordine spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell of Plymouth.

Mr. and Mrs. James Burrell and Miss Lucy Burrell were De­troit shoppers Tuesday.

Grange Members To Enjoy A Play

The three act play by Jay To­bias "Here Comes Charlie,” will again be presented by a capable group of young people from Cher­ry Hill, at 8 p.m.. Thursday. May 16. at the Plymouth Grange Hall on Union street, under the spon­sorship of the Plymouth Grange.

This play has a fast moving plot, plenty of complicating inci­dents. suspense, and a satisfac­tory and amusing climax. It is impossible to do justice to this play in one short newspaper ar­ticle. To thoroughly appreciate it you must see it as presented by the following cast:

Nora Malone, Cook at the El-' liott home. Hildagarde Simmons; | Officer Tim McGrill. Nora's sweetheart, Robert Simmons; Mrs. Fanny Farnham. Larry's aunt by marriage. Vera Wilkie; Larry Elliott, A young business man. Gerald Bordine; Ted Hart­ley, Larry’s old-time college pal. Roy Schultz; Uncle Aleck Twiggs, In charge of Charlie. Charles Trowbridge: Charlie Hopps, Lar­ry’s ward. Jane Oliver; Mrs. Car­oline Smythe-Kersey. Vivian’s mother. Estella Schultz; Vivian Smythe-Kersey. Larry Fiancee, Loretta Hauk; Mortimer Smythe-

gersey, Vivian’s brother, George unstan.The regular meeting of the

Plymouth Grange was held at the Grange hall on Union street. Thursday evening. May 2. Follow­ing a pot-luck supper we were entertained by Harold Koch, music director at Greenfield vil­lage. Dearborn, who favored us with several solos. He was ac­companied by Mrs. Koch on the piano. The remainder of the pro­gram was composed of a short discussion of "Emigration to the New Government Farm Colony

! in Alaska." This was followed by i a series of amusing stunts pre­sented by the surprise feature

1 committee.I During the summer months the Grange, as usual will hold only cne regular meeting per month. The next meeting will be held June 6.

The Grange Lily Club will meet

Topcoats—Entire Stock

20% OFFWrap Arounds—Raglan Shoulders, Imported

Harris Tweeds—Flannels

Bull Family Size

Air Conditioned ftEFRIGERATOR

Costs Only


! Watch for the date of the 41st Anniversary of O. E. S.

Sleeveless Sweaters, Sizes 34 to 44—All Colors

Priced 8J.00 and $1.55

W&l SComparuj

Roseville Team To Play Sunday

The baseball game scheduled between the Plymouth Schrader- Haggerty’s and the Northville Wolverines, which was to be play­ed at Plymouth-Riverside Park last Sunday, was cancelled on ac­count of wet grounds.

Inasmuch as there is a natur­al friendly rivalry between Plym­outh and Northville the fans were looking forward to a lively game. However the Plymouth team will meet Northville in the near fu­ture.

The opening game was a color­ful event with Mayor Blunk pitching the first ball to J. S. Haggerty.

Sunday. May 12th, the Rose­ville Firemen, of Roseville, Mich­igan. will oppose the Plymouth club at Plymouth-Riverside Park starting at 3:30 o’clock. Manager Leroy Simmons, who has seen the Firemen in action, states that he expects them to give the lo­cal team plenty of opposition.

FLOWERSFor Mother’s Day, Sun.,

May 12th. ORDER NOW!


Tel. 534-w Ann Arbor Rd.

at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V&n Bonn on the Six Mile Road'just west of the Farmington Road, Tuesday evening. May 14. A pot­luck supper will be served at 7 :00 p.m. and the evening will be spent in playing pedro.


Unless you have Windstorm Insurance. Winds are no respectors of time or place.Safeguard yourself now against the woe­ful want which follows wrathful /winds. The cost is small—the coverage /liberal.


Phone No. 3 Penniman Allen Bldg. Plymouth, Michigan


jlutomatic - Low CostHOT WATER .


Without any expense to you...no "strings'”, no rental costs or other expense of that sort we will install a Consumers Special Auto­matic Gas Water Heater.

SO NEW’, so startlingly different is Coolerator from any ref­rigerator you have ever known, that it changes all your ideas of dependable, economical home refrigeration.Ice cubes in five minutes! No mingling of food odors! No more need to cover dishes! No more drying out of foods! All in a refrigerator that costs only

to 1/3 of what you’d ex­pect to pay—a refrigerator that 65,500 women already herald as the greatest new advance in the whole field of refrigeration. —Coolerator differs from all other refrigerators because of its patented air condi­tioning chamber, which washes and humidifies the air and passes it through the food chamber several times each" minute. This moist air docs not rob food of its own moisture and flavor, but does absorb and carry away food' odors.Coolerator uses ice for Its refrigerant, but in a differ­ent way than it has ever been used before. For ex­ample: one icing lasts from 4 to 7 days. Another: ice melts flat—from bottom of cake.Prove these facts in your own home, with a free ten- day trial of one of the beau­tiful new 1935 Cooierators.

HOME MODELS FROM >30 to >150. There’s an air' condition­ed Coolerator for every bud­get. Larger models for com­mercial use. Ask to explain how Coolerator reduces refrigerat­ing costs.


Ask For A Ten Day Free Trail

Plymouth Artificial Ice Co.Plymouth, Michigan

RED & WHITEWeek-End Specials for Friday and Saturday May 10th &; 11thPUFFED WHEAT____________ 2 Packages for_______________17cPUFFED RICE_______________ Per Package________________ 10cHENKELS BEST FLOUR______24% lb. sack________________ $1.09RUMFORD BAKING POWDER.1 Pound can_______________ . 19cRED and WHITE BAKING CHOCOLATE, % Pound_______ ... 15cRED and WHITE MOIST COCOANUT, 3 ounce can__________ 9cFLORIDA GOLD GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. No. 2 can_______2 for 23cHONEY DUE PINEAPPLE JUICE, No. 2 can____________ 2 for 27cQUAKER MELTING PEAS____ No. 2 can___________________15cQUAKER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, No. 2 can_____________ 14cRED and WHITE EARLY JUNE PEAS, No. 2 can____________ 19cRED and WHITE WAX PAPER. 40 ft. Rolls---------- 2 rolls for 15cQUAKER COFFEE__________ 1 Pound Vacuum can_________25cGREEN and WHITE COFFEE ..pound___________________ / 18cRED and WHITE CHILI CON CARNE, No. 1 can__________ _ 10cRED and WHITE DATES Unpitted, 10 ounce package__________ 13cQUAKER PORK AND BEANS___No. 2% can, 2 cans for_________23cQUAKER CHILI SAUCE______12 ounce bottle_______________ 18cBIG BEN JELLIES____________ per pound___________________ 10c20 MULE TEAM BORAX_______10 dunce package_____________ 10cCAMAY SOAP, 3 bars for___ 14c LUX SOAP, per bar________6cS. O. S. per package._______ 13c LUX FLAKES, large pkg.___ 22cWYANDOTTE CLEANSER____ 3 cans for___________________ 20c

Red and White Stores Offer Quality and Low Prices.

GAYDE BROS,181 Liberty St



R. J. JOLUFFE' 333 N. Main St.


“Like a Thermo® Bottle”— keeps water hot for hours. Pin-point gas opening cuts coot to figure never before possible!

Consumers Special

^Vater HEATER“Try before you buy” . . .after a liberal trial, if you decide to keep the new heater, you

can buy it on the new

Economy Purchase Plan

less tham





Payable Monthlx

The Economy Purchase Plan opens the door to full enjoyment of the latest home appliances. . . .and features smaller montJK ly payments and longer terms. So now you need wait no longer to enjoy automatic hot water service. . . .this heater is “cheap to own. . . .cheap to use.

Pin-point gas opening cuts cost to figure never beforw What to do with your old heater or furnace coll? Easy!! —we take them both as part payment. Get rid of Chat wasteful furnace coil—that eats up a ton of fuel oat of every ’five you use of house-heating. Get rid of the bother and expense of older ways. Thia better way is yours to enjoy—use this Special offer to do it!

Come in—or Phone 310—FREE TRIAL arrangements can be easily i


Page 4: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

7■y I OKI I.L. I -------

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935

Uiss Leavenworth And Floyd Darling Wed

A pretty wedding was solemn­ized at the home of Mrs. George Kahrl. at Northville, Friday eve­ning. April 26. when her niece. Miss Doris Leavenworth of Farm ington became the bride of Floyd Darling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Darling, of South Lyon. Rev. Kendall S. North of the Baptist church of Northville read the service in the presence of fifty guests. Both young people have friends in Plymouth.

Hie. bride was attractively gowned in light blue silk crepe. Her flowers consisted of a cor­sage i»f yellow roses. Her brides­maid.! Mrs. Floyd Sallow of Farm­ington, was costumed in blue silk and wore a corsage of roses. Little Peggy Thompson of De­troit served as flower girl, strew­ing rose petals in the path of the bride and groom. Dortha Mae Davis of Lincoln Park, niece of the groom, carried the ring in the heart of a white lily.

Wellington Armstead of Lans­ing officiated as best ro$tn.

Very lovely decorations .of pink


Mothers day will be observed in.the church service next Sun­day. A cordial Invitation is ex­tended to all to attend this serv­ice and honor “Mother.”

The church was well filled last Sunday evening for the service sponsored by the brotherhood of Washtenaw county. A society was organized here with Wm. J. Smith as temporary president. A meet­ing will be called soon to com­plete the organization.

In spite of the cold and rain, the fish and chip supper given by the Young Married Peoples class was well attended and every- ' one enjoyed the program put on by the group from Nardin Park church.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierson of St. Johns visited their uncle 'and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Smith over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. James McNabb visited their daughter Joy, at Concord, last Sunday. |

The Queen Esther girls gave a party for their mothers, Monday evening, May 6. at the home ofand white formed an BjuUte Mrs. McNabb. Afb!r a stlort pr0.

setting for the event. Palms. • ”ferns and cherry blossoms were much in evidence.

The bridal party descended the stairs as the wedding march was played by Mrs. Loren Leaven­worth.

A buffet luncheon followed the ceremony. A miniature bride and groom adorned the large square wedding cake.

Mr. and Mrs. Darling are grad­uates of the Northville high school. They have many friends whom they will be glad to meet at their home at 114 Church street. Brighton.

gram the evening was spent play­ing games. A dainty lunch was served.

A “womanless double wedding” will be given by the young mar­ried peoples class, of the Newburg M. E. church in the L.A.S. hall on I Friday, May 24th at 8 p.m. A riot of fun and laughter.



Actually charcoal broiled, Not Oven Baked



Business and Professional Directory


Glasses Accurately Fitted andRepaired

290 Main St. Phone 274

C. G. Draper

Official ProceedingsOf City Commission

Plymouth, Michigan April 15. 1935

A regular meeting of the City Commission held in the City Hall.. April 2. 1935. at 7r00 o'clock p. ( m.

Present: Mayor Robinson. Com­missioners Blunk. Goldsmith, Henderson, and Whipple.

Absent: None.The minutes of the regular

meeting of April 2nd and the ad­journed meeting of April 5th were approved as read.

Mr. Michael Armbuster ap­peared before the Commission in connection with his request for permission to build an addition on the rear of his home at 625 Blunk avenue.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Hen­derson that the above request be denied because of the violation of the local Building Code and the State Housing Law. Carried.

A report of the Municipal Court in Civil Cases for the period from March 23 to April 15 was pre­sented by the Clerk.

It was moved by Comm. Hen­derson and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above report be accepted and placed on file. Car­ried.

It was moved by Comm. Blunk and seconded by Comm. Hender-

bills in the amount of $6720.90 be allowed. Carried.Before the adjournment of the

Commission. Mayor Robinson thanked the members of the City

.JP11?*?®*011 f°r their cooperation with him during his term of of- rice as Mayor and stated that he aRpf®ciated the association with all the members.

It was moved by Comm. Hen-^,.ani^ded by Comm-Whipple that the meeting ad­journ sine die. Carried.


City Clerk.

Plymouth. Michigan rp. . April 15. 1935The members of the 1935-36

City Commission assembled for organization.

Present Commissioners Blunk, Goldsmith, Robinson, Whipple and Wilson.

Absent: None.It was moved by Comm. Robin­

son and seconded by Comm. Gold­smith that the City Clerk be ap­pointed temporary Chairman un­til the Mayor is selected- Carried.

The temporary Chairman ask­ed for nomination for the office of Mayor. Comm. Robinson nom­inated Arthur E. Blunk for May­or. The nomination was seconded by Comm. Whipple.

Comm. Wilson nominated Geo. H. Robinson for the office of Mayor. The nomination was sec­onded by Comm. Goldsmith.

A ballot was taken on the can­didates. the result of which was three votes for Blunk and two votes for Robinson.

Mayor Blunk took the chair and expressed his appreciation to the members of the Commission for the honor which they had given him and stated that he would endeavor to continue to cooperate with the members of the City Commission in giving the best type of government pos­sible to the City of Plymouth and that all problems would be con­sidered on a City-at-large basis and for the best interests of all the citizens.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple that George H. Robinson be designated as Mayor Pro-tem. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Nellie V. Cash to the office of City Treas­urer. It was moved by Comm. Whipple and seconded by Comm. Robinson that the above appoint­ment be approyed. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Wm. B. Petz to the office of City Assessor. It was moved by Comm. Robin­son and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above appoint­ment be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Roy R. Parrott and Walter J. Smith as members of the Board of Review.

It was moved by Comm. Robin­son and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above appoint­ments be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Arlo A. Emery to the office of City At­torney. It was moved by Comm. Whipple and seconded by Comm. Robinson that the above appoint­ment be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed George H. Robinson. John W. Henderson. Frank K. Learned and Wm. B. Petz as representatives on the Wayne County Board of Super­visors.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Rob­inson that the above appoint­ments be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Harry Mumby as a member on the Board of Cemetery Trustees to take the place of Trustee Schrad­er. whose term has expired.

It was moved by Comm. Rob­inson and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above appoint­ment be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Nellie V. Cash and Ruth M. Hamburger as members of the Board of Regis­tration.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Rob­inson that the above appoint­ments be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Com­missioners Robinson and Wilson as members of the Auditing Com­mittee.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Gold­smith that the above- appoint­ments be approved. Carried.. The Mayor appointed John W. Henderson and Ruth H. Whipple to membership on the Library Board.

It was moved by Comm. Robin­son and seconded by Comm. Wil­

son that the above appointments be approved. Carried.

The Mayor appointed Comm. Goldsmith and Comm. Whipple as members of the Recreation Committee.

It was moved by Comm. Wilson and seconded by Comm. Robin­son that the above appointments be approved. Carried.

The City Clerk presented a communication from the Myron H. Beals Post of the American Legion requesting permission to sell poppies on the streets of the City of Plymouth. May 25. 1935, and asking that the Mayor issue a proclamation designating that date as Poppy Day for the City of Plymouth.

It was moved by Comm. Robin­son and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above request be granted. Carried.

Mr. Elton R. Eaton requested permission to make a canvas for funds for the Michigan Society for Crippled Children.

It was moved by Comm. Rob­inson and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the above request be granted. Carried.

Mr. Arno B. Thompson, repre­senting the Ex-Servicemen’s Club requested the same privilege for the Ex-Servicemen’s Club as granted the American Legion in conducting a poppy sale on May 25th.

It was moved by Comm. Gold­smith and seconded by Comm. Wilson that the above request be granted. Carried. J*

communication from the Wayne County Drain Commis­sion relative to the proposed closing of a portion of the Ton- quish Drain from Main street easterly approximately 100 feet was presented.

It was moved by Comm. Robin­son and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the communication be accepted and placed on file. Carried.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Gold­smith that this Commission here­by approves the decision of the Drain Commissioner of Wayne County to remedy the emergency condition that has arisen in con­nection with the Tonquish Drain in the City of Plymouth. Carried.

The City Manager presented a CERA Project covering the con­struction and repair of sidewalks in the city of Plymouth.

It was moved by Comm. Gold­smith and seconded by Comm. Wilson that the above Project be approved and that the City Man­ager be authorized to present the same to the County Relief Com­mission.

It was moved by Comm. Whip­ple and seconded by Comm. Rob­inson that the City Manager pre­pare and submit a Tree Planting plan and project to be presented at the next meeting of the City Commission. Carried.

It was moved by Comm. Wilson and seconded by Comm. Gold­smith that the City Manager be authorized to arrange for not more than twenty acres of land to be used as Thrift Gardens, and to arrange for the plowing of the same. Carried.

It was moved by Comm. Rob­inson and seconded by Comm. Whipple that the week of April 2.9th be designated as Clean Up Week. Carried.

It was moved by Comm. Gold smith and seconded by Comm. Robinson that the meeting ad­journ until 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 22nd. at which time the Annual City Budget will be con­sidered. Carried.


L. P. COOKINGHAM.City Clerk.

Plymouth. Michigan April 29, 1935

An adjourned meeting of the City Commission held in the City Hall, April 29, 1935, at 7:30 o’clock pm.

Present: Mayor Blunk, Com­missioners Goldsmith, Robinson, Whipple and Wilson.

Absent: None.This meeting was set aside for

the purpose of conducting a pub­lic hearing on the Budget. Five residents and tax payers appear­ed at the Public Hearing. Copies of the Budget were given to all tax payers present. After those present at the Hearing had had an opportunity of looking over the proposed appropriations. May­or Blunk called for suggestions or recommendations on the Bud­get.

Mr. Elton R. Eaton strongly recommended the proposed ap­propriation for a stoker for the City Hall as an economy measure, and stated he felt it would be a good policy if the proposed ap­propriation for that purpose re­mained in the budget.

Mr. Robert Todd asked the City Commission to include an item in the Budget to aid in the financ­ing of the Civic Band. He sug­gested an appropriation of $1,- 000.00 for the first year.

There being no other sugges­tions or recommendations on the Budget, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed.

It was moved by Comm. Gold­smith and seconded by Comm. Wilson that the meeting adjourn. Carried.


L. P. COOKINGHAM.City Clerk.

Handford CornersMr. and Mrs. Heath and son

of Wayne spent Sunday after­noon with Mr. anftxMrs. James Murdoch.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wiseley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wiseley of Cherry Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hauk en­tertained the following guests Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfram. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hood of Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Losey of Stoney Creek. Miss Florence Warner of Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilkie and fam­ily of Cherry Hill and Mr. and Mrs. August Hauk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Heidte and son.

The children of the Hanford school went to Plymouth Thurs­day afternoon for their festival rehearsal.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waldecker and daughter Janet spent Sunday with relatives in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reber of Plymouth spent Sunday with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hauk.


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Plymouth United Savings BankPLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN

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In the Matter of the Estate of AUGUST WILLIAM GOTT- SCHALK, Deceased.

Orville Hoag, administrator with the will annexed of said estate, having heretofore rendered to this Court his first account.

It is ordered. That the twenty- first day of May, next at ten o'clock in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for ex­amining and allowing said ac­count.

And it is further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, in the Plym­outh Mail a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne.


Judge of Probate. THATCHER HARWARD,

Deputy Probate Register. April 26, May 3. 10.

Arlo A. Emery, Attorney,1424 Ford Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coun­ty of Wayne, ss.

At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the twenty-second day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty five.

Present JOSEPH A. MURPHY. Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate of RUDOLPH EDWARD SCHULTZ. Deceased.

An instrument in writing pur­porting to be the last will and testament of said deceased having been heretofore delivered to this Court for probate and Ella A. Schultz having filed therewith a petition praying that administra­tion with the will annexed of said estate be granted to herself or some other suitable person.

It is ordered. That the twenty- seventh day of May, next at ten o’clock in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for proving said instrument and hear­ing said petition.

And it is further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, in the Plymouth Mail a newspaper print­ed and circulating in said County of Wayne.

JOSEPH A. MURPHY.Judge of Probate.


Deputy Probate Register.

held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the six­teenth day ot April in the year one thousand nine hundred thir­ty five.

Present. THOMAS C. MURPHY. Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN JOHNSON. Deceased.

On reading and filing the peti- I tion. duly verified, of Ford P. | Brooks, administrator of said es­tate. praying that he be licensed to sell certain real estate of said deceased for the purpose of pay­ing the debts of said deceased and the charges of administering said estate.

It is Ordered. That the twenty- first day of May. next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Court Room be appointed for hearing said petition, and that all persons interested in said es­tate appear before said Court at said time and place, to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell real estate as prayed for in said petition. And it is further Or­dered, That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, in the Plymouth Mail a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne.


Judge of Probate. THATCHER HARWARD.

Deputy Probate Register. April 26. May 3. 10.


I STATE OF Michigan. County !of Wayne, ss.| At a session of the ProbateCourt for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room

I in the City of Detroit, on the ' twenty-fourth day of April in the I year one thousand nine hundred I and thirty-five.I Present THOMAS C. MURPHY.Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate ofEDITH PICKETT, Deceased.

Robert B. McFarlan, adminis­trator with the will annexed of said estate, having rendered to this Court his first and final ac­count, and filed therewith a peti­tion praying that the residue of said estate be assigned in accord­ance with the provision? of said will.

It is ordered. That the twenty- fourth day of May. next at ten o'clock in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for ex­amining and allowing said ac­count and hearing said petition.

And it is further Ordered. That a copy of this order be pub­lished three successive weeks pre­vious to said time of hearing, in the Plymouth Mail a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne.

THOMAS C. MURPHY.Judge of Probate.


Deputy Probate Register.May 3. 10. 17.

Quiptuc Outlined cfJOdfow

Ford P. Brooks, Attorney, Plymouth, Mich.


STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coun­ty of Wayne, ss.

At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne,

Jo ban pa Maria Heckewelder

The name of Johanna Maria Heckewelder has gone down in history as the first white child bom in Ohio, April 16, 1781. Her birthplace was situated on the present site of Fort Washington.

The tactful manner In which we conduct a ceremony meets with the approval of the most partic­ular people.

■SchraderBros.funeral Director?

PHON£-78IW PLYMOUTH, MICH. cotnmoes ambulanc-c on call


In the Matter of the Estate of ADOLPH G. KEHRL, Deceased.

1. the undersigned, having been appointed by the Probate Court for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, Commissioner to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all per­sons against said deceased, do hereby give notice that I will be at First National Bank. Plymouth, Michigan in said County, on Wednesday the 3rd day of July A.D. 1935, and on Tuesday the 3rd day of September A. D. 1935. at 2:00 o’clock pun. of each of said days, for the purpose of ex aminlng and allowing said claims, and that four months from the 3rd day of May A. D. 1935, were allowed by said Court for credit­ors to present their claims to me for examination and allowance.

Dated May 3rd, 1935.JACK E. TAYLOR,

Commissioner. May 10. 17. 24.


in one of the most gruelling tests ever given an automobile ... makes clean sweep

up to and beyond 1000 miles

Perry W. Richwine, Attorney Plymouth, Mich.


STATE OF MICHIGAN. Coun­ty of Wayne, ss.

At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the six­teenth day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five.

Present, EDWARD COMMAND, Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate of RUBEN DWORMAN, Deceased.

Irving B. Dworman, executor under the last will and testa­ment of said deceased having rendered to this Court his first and final account and filed there­with a petition praying that the residue of said estate be assigned in accordance with the provisions of said will.

It is ordered. That the sixteenth day of May. next at ten o’clock in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for examin­ing and allowing said account and hearing said petition.

And it is further Ordered. That a copy 8f this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, in the Plymouth Mail a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne.


Judge of Probate. THATCHER HARWARD.

Deputy Probate Register. April 26. May 3. 10.

Perry W. Richwine, Attorney, Plymouth, Mich.


STATE OP MICHIGAN. County of Wayne, ss.

At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the sixteenth day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty five.

Present, JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Judge of Probate.

1000- mile recordbeats best mark ever set by any closed car

NEWS FLASH-Muroc Lake, CaL, April 13—34 official A.A.A. records broken by a stock I Hudson Eight Top speed—over 93 miles an hour for five mMes. Average speed—over 85 miles an hour for 1000 miles and beyond. A clean sweep of every record in its class up to and including 1000 miles and 3000 kilometers, and four unlimited class closed car records. Electrical timing correct to a millionth part of a second and every record certified by American Automobile Association.

Here's what it means to you. Probably yOuu nevercare to drive a car five miles at 93 miles an hour. Yet, it means a lot to you to have a car that can go that fasm-to shoot out of traffic tangles or flash you out ahead on the highway.

It isn’t likely you’ll want to drive a thousand-mile stretch at 85 miles an hour, but you do want a car with the fine engineering, power and ruggedness it takes to do this. Ordinary driving is no work at all for a car like this.

That’s what it means to own a Hudson—smoother miles, more enjoyable miles—plus ruggedness and gasoline economy that make those miles cost less. You can see and drive an exact duplicate of this record-breaking Hudson Eight at any Hudson showroom. You can also see the complete list of these 36 new records, and scores of others held by*Hudson-builtcars. Take the wheel today and discover what this record-breaking performance means to you.


and up for Hudson Six ...

Hodson Eight $760 and op

. Terraplane$58Sandap.

All priest t. o. b. Detroit for closed models.

HUDSONSixes an J Eights 695

SMITH MOTOR SALES, Plymouth, Mich.TUNS IN ON HUDSON AND TBRRAPLANB RBVUB featuring Kate Smith—Monday armings at 8:18

B.D.S.T., 7d0 B.S.T., 7>30 C.D.S.T., 6:30 GA.T., 8J0 M.S.T., 7:30 P.S.T.-Columbia Network

Page 5: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan

Official Publication Plymouth Public

Schools The Plymouth Pilgrim Prints All the News Of Our School Activities

Student Publication FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935CENTRAL GRADE SCHOOL NOTES

The kindergarteners made May baskets for May Day. They did free hand cutting of pictures of bird houses. The children are bringing- vegetable and flower seeds and each child is planting his own garden. , The morning class went downtown last Wed­nesday and bought a sponge to plant grass seed in.

Mrs. Casady’s pupils- have been making “clean up" posters and reading stories about clean-up week. They have also been mak­ing posters illustrating the value of milk. For nature study they are learning about the bluebird and are drawing pictures of it and are also learning about the wild flowers which the children bring to school. In language class they dramatized the poem “Lit­tle Robin Redbreast." Billy Pru- ette was health inspector last week.

The children in Miss De Wael­es' room are working on a pro­ject of different types of homes and have been illustrating the types by free hand drawings; they are especially interested in the homes of the American In­dians and have drawn pictures of their pottery. They are talking about the wild flowers the child­ren brought and are getting ac­quainted with their names.

For Child Hfealth Day. May 1. the children in Miss Frantz's room made a vegetable circus parade, forming the animals from vegetables. They, have fin­ished their April weather calen­dar and found that April had nineteen sunny days this year. Doris Cede is back to school this week after a six weeks' absence.

In Mi§&- Weatherhead’s room thirty - nine Palmer Method awards were given. The, third graders are learning the poem The Raggedy Man.” Everyone

finished his color books . for art class last. week. In music, theylearned a song about rain.

Miss Sty's pupils are learning a May poem entitled "Dande­lions and Daffodils.”

In fourth grade B geography. Miss Widmayer's .pupils are mak­ing booklets about the different industries they have studied. The fourth grade A's have made free hand maps of the Plateau States. Norma Jean Strautz is absent because of whooping cough.

Twelve improvement certifi­cates were earned in Miss Horn­beck's room. The pupils who re­ceived them are Ione Stuart, Janice Downing. Fay Mault, Lincoln Hale, Gerald Shoemak­er. Richard Virgo, Rosemary Roy. Mildred Roddenburg, Marion Goodman. Clare Ebersole. Patri­cia Conery. and Delores Lawson. The class has started its bird study. The boys are in charge of decorating their room for the exhibition, and the girls are the • Scrub” team that will clean the walls.

Thirty-six children . received penmanship awards. Rosalind Postiff and Virginia Dunham re­ceived their finals. The students have made maps of Africa. .

Miss Detwiler's students Tin sixth grade a geography painted maps of Australia and the sixth B’s make cut out maps of Great Britain. The sixth A’s made arithmetic posters illustrating the various surfaces. They have handed in very good and origin­al Lincoln booklets. The sixth grade B's are starting notebooks of Europe.

Ninety-five writing awards were given in Mrs. Holliday's room. The pupils are making health posters and first aid kits.

nesday. May 15 at 8:30 o'clock to take the pictures of the groups and clubs which were riot taken last fall. These groups include the following: senior play cast, jun­ior executive board, junior play cast, senior girl reserves, drama club. Pythean staff, student coun­cil. forensic groups. Leaders club, Aggie club, basketball teams, baseball team, track team, tennis teams, golf team, and cap­tains of the above teams includ­ing the football captain.


The eighth annual musicale, held last Friday evening in the high school auditorium under the direction of Miss Henry and Mr. Evans, was greatly enjoyed by the large audience. The dance given by Jean Steinhurst and Gwen­dolyn Dunlop, with music sung by the girls' double quartet, es­pecially appealed to the listen­ers. as well as did the amusing song. "Philosophy," sung by the octet. The boys of the glee club also sang very well. This year the' seventh graders took part for the first time. Much work was put into this program, not only by the instructors and va­rious groups, but by Gerald Hart- ling, who gave a fine trumpet solo, and by those who accom­panied: Norma Jean Roe. Carol Campbell. Audrey Moore, and Jean Hamill. The amount clear­ed. about fifty dollars, goes to the Student Council.


Art lovers will have the op­portunity to view reproductions of some of the most famous paintings in history. On May 13 through 17 there will be display­ed at the Plymouth high school one hundred and fifty colored reproductions of some of the old and modem masters. Among the most famous artists tepresented are Gainsborough. Titian, Da Vinci, Murillo. Van Dyck. Rap­hael, and others, while among the more modem are representatives from the works of Ben Foster, George De Forest Brush, George Inness, Earnest Albert, Frank Duvenick, and Gardner Symons. The profit received from this will be used in buying pictures for the school rooms. The student council is sponsoring this event which is both interesting and educational. The school will be open to the public during the exhibition.

PILGRIM PRINTS STAFFEDITOR-IN-CHIEF ..................................................... Darold CMneATHLETICS .................. Jack Wilcox. Darold Cline, John Moore

Douglas Miller, James McClainSOCIAL EDITOR ................................................ Elizabeth WhippleFORENSIC EDITOR .................................................... Russell KirkCENTRAL NEWS ....................................................... Ireta McLeodSTARKWEATHER NEWS ....................................... Eva ScarpullaASSEMBLIES ................................................?.. Katherine SchultzCLASS ORGANIZATIONS.............Tom Brock, Jeannette Brown,

Elizabeth Whipple, Katherine SchultzMUSIC .................................................................... Jeannette BrownFEATURES ................. Norvall Bovee, Jack Wilcox, Jack Sessions

Jack Selle. Katherine SchultzCLUBS .......................... Ruth Bichey, Tom Brock, Jack Sessions,

Eva Scarpulla Katherine Schulta. Jack Selle, Jewell

Starkweather. Darold Cline CLASS ROOM WORK ................................................ Whole Staff

' in inter-class sports and on the ' sensible answer. His favorite pas-i Varsity basketball team. j time is dancing. His best boy

Yvonne Hearn. Alvah Elzer- i -------- ■ friend is Charles Skogland andman Florence Norton. Jean Jol- Marion Jean Squires was bom girl friend is Helen Dunham who

‘ liffc. Norma Jean Roe. and Phyl-[ on January 1. 1918 in the -big lives near the big city of South ilis Dickerson attended the third!city of Detroit where she at- Lyon. If atvany time you can't annual "Meet the College Day" at1 tended the Field School before find Max. just drive to South Albion Michigan, last Saturday.' entering the seventh grade here. Lyon. If you don’t believe this

i Phyllis Ratnour and Elizabeth During her years in high school just ask the other twin. While i Whipple went swimming at Web- ‘ she has been an active member in high school Max has belonged ster Hall Monday night and' of the Girl Reserves. Leaders to the Commercial. Drama, Glee,

i Phyllis spent the night with Club, Glee Club, Junior Chorus, Torch. Hi-Y and Varsity Clubs, j Elizabeth. land the Library Club. She enjoys He is taking a general course butI Mary Holdsworth. Bill Donnel- ■ all sports and reading. Her fav- says that his plans after gradua-


With Faculty Supervision


In a discussion of the merits of capitalism, socialism, and com­munism the Hi-Y Club, led by Alvah Elzerman. argued, the needs and objectives of the ideal society.

Capitalism was declared to be a social order in which the means of production and disribution are left in the hands of private own­ers. in which these agencies are utilized for individual profit, and in which the co-operative im­pulses are subordinated to a com­petitive economy.

Socialism was defined as a system which is based upon con­trol for public good rather than individual benefit, and which

• promotes legislation aimed at so­cial security.

Communism, while having the ultimate aim of socialism, em­ploys far more violent tactics, openly supporting revolution by fevee and at least temporary dic­tatorship.

The trend of opinion was that the best society is one which compromises with the capitalist and socialist society. *


Fifteen members of the Plym­outh Pilgrim Prints staff attend­ed the annual convention of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association at Ann Arbor on Fri­day. May 3^ Several hundred students of journalism from throughout the state gathered in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at nine in the morning to hear a lecture on the subject of "The Mother' Tongue" by Prof­essor Muyskens of the Depart­ment of Speech and General lin­guistics of the University of Michigan. Directly following this interesting talk several round table discussions were offered on various subjects; among them were "News Writing” and “The Ideals of a High School* News­paper.” An hour later another group of discussions was held on "Printing and Publication” and “Problems of Policy." Imme­diately after lunch Lee A. White of the Detroit News gave a talk on "The Rising Generation” and held on open forum on journal­ism. The remainder of the af­ternoon was taken up in round table discussions on "Features” and "Problems of Circulation."


By Pilgrim Prints StaffA regular second inning upris­

ing and a typical seventh inning rally netted the Plymouth Rocks six runs and a victory over North­ville, Tuesday, April 30. Plymouth piled up an early five run lead only to have Northville win these runs back and go ahead seven to six. However, in the seventh in­ning. Plymouth combined two hits a double, a triple and a walk for two runs and another win over their traditional foes.

In the second inning Trimble reached first on an error, stole second, advanced to third when Sockow gained first base on an­other error, and both scored on an infield single. Two more Rock players crossed the plate before the side was retired.

Although they added another run to this figure in the third,: Plymouth was tied and passed by Northville in the sixth inning. At that inopportune time, the Orange and Black scored five runs on three walks, a wild pitch,' a triple, a single, and two errors.

This game, played during sev­ere cold, was filled with bp.d

. fielding, with fifteen errors and i shaky pitching. Tl#se faults were ! undoubtedly because of the poor j weather conditions at Riverside ! park last Tuesday.

Starting pitchers were Schifle ! for Plymouth, who pitched the j entire game, and Bauman of j Northville who* was relieved by I Hotchkins in the seventh. Al- ' though he allowed six runs, Bau- i man was easily the batting star j of the game as he made four hits I in four attempts at the plate.

spelling and Dorothy Fisher won the spell down last week. Mrs. Dethloff and Mrs. Reiber were visitors last Tuesday.

The sixth grade has completed and posted a frieze illustrating outstanding events in history. The class has appointed committees to take charge of the exhibit and they have started preparation on it. The exhibit, this year, will be divided between the class rooms and the auditorium. The class has receive,d a new set of supplemen­tary readers.

ly. Patsy McKinnon. Jack Selle, Astri Hegge, Hal Horton. Barbara Olsaver, and Bud Partridge en­joyed a surprise party at Redford Friday night at the home of Louise Johnson.

Geraldine Vealey gave a sur­prise birthday party at her home Sunday evening for Alice Prough. The evening was spent in play­ing cards. The guests were Alice Prough. Laverne Shefpo, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Smith. Dorothy Thonjpson. Kenneth Shear, and Junior Knapp.

(e The following people attended ■fne Intercholastic Press Associa­tion at Ann Arbor last Friday. Eva Scarpulla. Darold Cline, Jack, Selle. Norvall Bovee. Jack Wilcox. Katherine Schultz. Ireta McLeod,


After paying several bills amounting to quite a sum, the balance in the treasury amount­ed to $206.42. Further plans were made for the Colonial Art. Ex­hibit. The two chairmen. Jean Jolliffe and Eva Scarpulla, were asked to work- together to make this exhibit a success. Mr. Math­eson stated that the pole for the vault pole was broken. It was ne­cessary to purchase a new one of aluminum which would be more substantial. Mr. Matheson then read the list of boys who will re­ceive awards in basketball: They are. H. Williams. J. Williams. H. Wagenschutz, J. Kinsey, D. Gates. J. Gordon, H. Shoemaker. D. Schifle E. Elliott. R. Trimble. L. Moe, and W. Highfield. These boys will receive school letters. Plans for Honor Banquet were started: Jean Jolliffe was ap­pointed chairman of Program committee. Jewell Starkweather food, and Miriam Brown invita­tions. Miriam Brown was asked to present three speakers’ names from which the council could choose one to speak at Honor Banquet.


A photographer from the Crain Studio in Detroit will be at Plymouth high school next Wed-


The many Plymouth friends of • Bruce Miller. PHS alumnus, will , be glad to. learn of his election to the Blue Key Fraternity, a na-

j tional honor-service group. Mr.I Miller is a junior at the Michigan I College of Technology, formerly 1 the Michigan College of Mines at I Houghton. Eight juniors and four I seniors from the'college were un- (animously elected to receive this ! honor coveted by college men throughout the country. These twelve students have completely fulfilled, the requirements of the pledge to the Blue Key Frater­nity. They are all members of the respective engineering clubs on the campus and have been elect­ed on the basis of their ability for leadership and thbir diligent work. The college newspaper. "The Lode." said that they “re- fleet credit upon the college and upon the community from which they come.”

Mail Want Ads Costs Little Accomplish Much

orite color is- blue, her favorite tion are very hazy and he is un food is pastries, and we are still decided just what he will do. wondering what they taste iike. However without a doubt he will She likes French and her best remain on the old farmstead and friend is1 Vivian Towle. What she pursue faithfully the great old dislikes most is to have some one science of raising cattle.talking while watching a movie. 1 -------------------She plans to be a librarian. | FERNDALE WINS

Abe Cline. John Urban and Bill Petz.

Janice Elzerman grabbed up what she thought to be her lunch and threw it in her locker. When she came to eat it at noon she found a soggy bag of one dozen broken eggs which she had mistaken for her lunch.

SCHOOL CALENDARMay 9-10—School Exhibit.May 10—Baseball, Fordson,

there.May 10—Senior Dance.May 11—TVAA-Ypsi.May 13—Tennis, Ferndale.May 14—Baseball, Catholic

Central, here.

Beulah Blanche Starkweather was bom in Detroit, Michigan on September 22, 1917. She has liv­ed in Plymouth ever since she was four years old and she is an ori­ginal member of the class of '35 although she took her first four grades at Central and her fifth and sixth grade courses at Starkweather. Beulah’s main hobby is art. a subject in which she is very successful. She also

Jack Sessions, Tom Brock. James ! collects poetry, art material, and McLain. Douglas Miller. John I music material. Her favorite com- Moore. Russell Kirk, and Eliza- I position is "Liebestraum by bth Whipple. List. She likes French and hot

Lillian Fisher spent Wednesday fudge sundaes. Her favorite book with Jane Springer. 11S T.W0 Clties &y P?®*?”

Mary Potter enjoyed the week- iens. When she was quite a little end with friends at DeWitt. Mich- girl Beulah went to North Da- igan | kota fof a visit and she has made

Gladys Salow was the guest of frequent visits to her cousins in Ruth Ash Saturday. ! Indiana. In the line of extra-cur-

Jane and Mary Hood spent• ricular activities she has taken Sunday afternoon with Elaine Eif-' Drama Club, Glee Club, and Girl evt Reserves. This blue-eyed brown

Miss Wisely spent the week- haired girl’s best friend is Abbie end at her home in Finlay. Ohio. Melow. Beulah likes school and

she intends to enroll at Wayne


Ferndale was first low. with Plymouth following in a trian­gular golf match between Fern­dale, Plymouth and River Rouge on Thursday. May 2. The members on Plymouth’s team were: H. Williams, R. McAllister, L. Moe and L. Coffin. Ferndale was low with a score of 364; Plymouth was second low with 382; and River Rouge was high with 489 or\102 strokes more than Plymouth. )

Plymouth Rock Lodge No. 47, F&AM


Regular Meeting, Friday, June 7th

H. Farwell Brand. W. M. Oscar E. Alsbro, Sec.

TENNIS SCHEDULEApril 17—Wayne, hereApril 29—FerndaleMay 1—River Rouge, hereMay 6—FerndaleMay 8—Dearborn, thereMay 13—FerndaleMay 16—Ypsilanti, thereMay 21—Ecorse, hereMay 22—Roosevelt, thereMay 25—Regional. YpsilantiMay 27—University High, thereMay 29—FerndaleMay 31—State »June 1—State

We They 2 3


I like guns so well that I have started to collect them. I have

■ many different ones, and I will ) take one from the rack and tell ! the story about it. The gun is a j German Mausser which was used ; during the world war. The Ameri- | cans were invading the Germantrenches, but one of them stopped and picked up this gun because not very often were many guns left behind. The soldiers had or­ders not to discharge the fire of any guns until they were clean­

sed, but this one could not be , cleaned because there was a plug : in it. It was thought to be loaded with TNT in the barrel so that

| when the shot was fired it would kill who ever shot it. So the man

' got permission from the the gov­ernment to bring it back with him. Later the man took it to a gun shop to see if the plug could be removed, when it was found that it was a piece of flax which had lodged in the barrel when the gun was being cleaned. So

■ that was the reason that the gun I had been left behind.1 The man who had owned the i gun said that when he died I could have it. and that is the story of one of my guns.

' Chas. Steinhebel in Eng. 11., STARKWEATHER NOTES-------

The pupils in the first grade have illustrated poems by clever pictures. The flower plants which the children planted not so long ago are coming up nicely and the children are very interested in them. They have completed their black board border of yellow chicks which looks very attrac­tive.

Mrs. Walter Dethloff and Mrs. Edward Reiber were visitors in the second grade last Tuesday. The children have been memoriz­ing the poem "In the Heart of a Seed.” The second A class is reading Billy Boy on the Farm and the other second A class is reading from Stove's Silent Read­ers. Edward Dethloff received the highest mark on his vocabular test for the section of Elson Reader just completed.

The fourth grade pupils are constructing product maps of the United States. The fourth A class is making posters on preser­vation of wild life.

Robert Tamow has enrolled in the fifth grade. Raymond Srejcara's team is in the lead in

COOKIE SALE!If a Scout calls at your home

selling cookies, please patronize her. for the money earned from the sale will aid the group to at­tend camp this summer. There is, also, a contest to see which pat­rol 'can sell the most. So far. Betty Mastick’s patrol is ahead. A prize will be given to the win­ning group.

Today an investiture ceremony was held, at which Marion Klein- schmidt, Jane Hood, Ingrid Erics­son. and Virginia Stringer were invested and received their pins.

The scout troop in Plymouth hopes to increase its number soon, and next year another troop will be started.

University next year. Her great- I est ambition is to become an M.D.

William Walter Statezni, some­times known as “Stooge" or "Stuts” was bom in Detroit on December 14, 1916. (That makes him eighteen now). After living in Detroit for a couple of years he moved to Plymouth where he has attended school ever since. He likes black walnut ice cream the best and "detests asparagus.”

Bill got a letter in football this year and is a member of the golf team. He was also a member of the Glee, Vanity, Torch and Hi- Y clubs. He intends to go to M. S.C. next year to study forestry.

You can usually find him at the dancing school on Thursday nights with “Kye” Moon, Lois Schifle, etc., and on every other night he "lives” at Shoemakers, where he talks over the affairs of the world with Althea.

------JEleanore Straehle .was born in 1

Detroit on May 9, 1918. She has j lived in Rosedale Gardens for i nine years and attended the Ber-



Ruth Madelene Schmidt was born in the big city of Detroit.December 11. 1917. She is one of the prettiest, smallest young ladies in the senior class; she has big brown eyes, and very lovely brown hair. After attending schools in Newburg and Stark.Ruth came to Plymouth and en­tered the class of '35 in the ninth grade. Next year she plans to go to college somewhere. She likes books, music, and above all to be with Jimmie. Her favorites are: girl friend, Yvonne, color, gold, authors. Dickens and Eliot, food, steak with mushrooms. In the tenth grade Ruth was vice presi­dent of the class. She has played an active part in the Girl Re­serves, Glee Club, Drama Club, and the Library Club of which she is now the secretary. Four years ago she enjoyed a very nice trip to Florida. She says her pet dislike is a certain boy who is al­ways teasing her.

, ry school in Detroit and the ! Levi J. Sockow. another young Rosedale school before she enter- i man who has been with us for , ed p.h.S. in the ninth grade. Her ! • twelve years, was bom October 6. hobbies are reading, cooking, and | 1917 on the Ann Arbor road just i collecting historical pictures,' outside of Plymouth. He has light, poetry, and recipes. Her favorite I hair and blue eyes, here is a break . recipes are cakes of all kinds and I for some young lassie. Levi would j she considers it a great treat j like to attend a commercial col- when her mother lets her manage ; lege after he graduates. During I the house. Eleanore’s favorite high school he has participatedin baseball, football, and basket-


1 If any of you good people hap­pen to run across any old maps during spring housecleaning.

! don’t ■ throw them away. Send , them to either Joe Ribar or ' Miriam Brown as these two peo- ! pie seem to have a knack for starting for one direction and ending up six miles from no­where in the opposite direction. This was the case on their last

' tour to Royal Oak-All of the members of the

Petz gas station union are wear­ing silver stars this week denoting the use of champion spark plugs.

' My my. what next?I Although Jack Gordon may not be a football hero, he certainly knows how to hit those three

I baggers and win a ball game.| Speaking of small things that matter, whoever thought a heel

I print ever amounted to anything?; But nevertheless L. Moe says it ' certainly does especially when it i is on a golf course in a bunker I with your golf ball lying in it and you are desperately trying to get it out as5 Lawrence was doing in the last golf match. The ques­tion we would like to ask is what was Lawrence doing in the bunk­er in the first place.PLYMOUTH DEFEATED BY UNIVERSITY HIGH

(By Pilgrim Prints Staff) Plymouth’s golf team consist­

ing of Lionel Coffin, Harold Wil­liams. Roy McAllister and Law­rence Moe were defeated by University high team Tuesday, April 29. The Ufliversity high

ball, besides taking part in all class sports. He has been in the Varsity Club for the past year. Levi’s hobbies are reading ad­venture stories, and athletics. His pet dislikes are commercial geo­graphy .and tomatoes: his likes are shorthand and history: his favorite color is blue. He says he has no favorites in the line of


Corbett Electric Co.TEL. 228 799 BLUNK AVE.


Last week we happened to come along just as Betty Barnes got stuck down town in the family car. After much losing of patience she called upon that old veteran, Elvah Elzerman (famed Mc- Nickols road speed driver) to drive it out for her.

One of our correspondents (Clark Felton) informs us that Dick Innis has a rival for the at­tentions of one Barbara Nutting and his name is Dan Burton. Well. Well!

What are we coming to? The, latest sport among loefil PHS-ers is Hop-Scotch. Take lessons from I


Apirl 13—Catholic Cen., hereApril 19—Fordson here April 23 Western, Det., here,

April 26—Dearborn, there April 30—Northville, here

-May 8—Howell, here May 10—Fordson, there May 14—Catholic Cen.. here May 17—Dearborn, here May 21—Ferndale, here May 24—Howell, there May 31—Ferndale, there June 4—Northville, there

Meeting Second Monday of

Each Month, at

Jewel & Blaich Hall

Jack Miller, CommanderAmo Thompson. Secretary Howard Ecklea. Treasurer

No. 32ln« of the

Legion at the Legion Hall

(formerly Gleaner’s Hall)

Newburg 3rd Fri. of Mo.

Waiter Nisley, Adjutant Melvin Gutherie, Com.

Plym. Opp.

book is "Little Women"; she likes I history and her favorite extra- j curricular activities are sports. I Girl Reserves, and Glee Club. She has been to Niagara Falls and has traveled in northern Michi­gan. Dorothy Metsger and Elea­nor have been'pals all the way, through high school. Eleanor j wants to attend the Michigan j State Normal Coliege next year. I She expects to become a school i

friends, he likes them all equally teacher and would like to teach history and geography. Her • greatest ambition is to be happy and successful. I

well.Robert Soth's middle name is

Romaine (don't tell him we told you because he didn’t wantjyou to know>. He was bom in Plym­outh on February 14. 1917 and

; has always attended Plymouth schools. Bob is quite a scientist and enjoys chemistry and physics so much that he plans to take up chemical engineering at M.S.C. next year. His ambition is to ac­cumulate three million dollars be-

' fore he is forty-five years old. We 1 asked him who it was at present and he said it Was "Barbara—ab­solutely!”

I Bob has taken trips to Chicago.Washington. D.C.. Yellowstone. New York City, and Newburg.

William Leslie Swadling made! his first appearance in Detroit,! Michigan on December 31, 1917. • He attended school in Brightmoor I and Wyandotte before entering; the fourth grade here. He has 1 taken no clubs during his time in high school. His favorite food happens to be "hot-dogs” and he ■' says he likes the color blue no matter what color it is; and we still can’t figure out his state­ment. He is partial toward phy-' sics and his favorite friend is Genevieve Pinkerton. What he dislikes most is his car which is

He also plans a trip to Africa blit t1??,®‘5°?! ivnr,’* toil u/hv to attend Cass Tech in the near iwont ten wny. future and hig greatest ambition ■..,w® asked him what he would is to become an aeronautical en- like if he could have anything he einepr

I wanted and he said he would like ___ _' some oysters because it is nowMay and you can’t get them. The black-haired twin. Max

I Bob Soth has been in the Drartia Dale Swegles was bom on May 'Club and the Senior Play and in 1917 at the old farmstead on I several Stunt Nights and Musi- the comer of Ford and Lily j I cales. He plays his "slip horn” in roads where he still resides. Max | the band and orchestra and plays and his brother Rex, the other--------------------------------------------- twin, first came to PHS in 1931

i team won the meet by a very and joined the class of *35 which | large margin their score being was then green freshmen. They 362, Plymouth's was 417;, Law- have remained here ever since, rence Moe was low man for Plym- sharing the class troubles andouth with a score of McAllister had 121.

92. Roy joys. Max says his favorite color is “blondes and brunettes.”—very

The BEST costs no more!

Every bag of SACCO BRAND carries this tag—an unconditional guarantee of per­fect drilling condition. You will like the way these finer mixtures drill and the results they’ll give you. For sale by


Phone 7115-F21 SACCO


Excessive Federal restrictions, unregu­lated competition, the depression, have had their way with America’s railroads.

Today the public views the plight of the lines with awakening understanding and broadening concern, and there is grow­ing alarm that close by may be stalking the ominous specter of government ownership.

Disastrous as would be federal usurp­ation of rail control, might it not be the signal for that final economic calamity— the socialization of all industries?

Under present policies and conditions could government have done better with the railroads than has private management? Could government, in the future, do as well?

4 Memories of America’s War-Era rail management are too fresh, too painful; the strangely similar results of like policies in other countries are too current, too repug­nant to blind the thinking to government ownership’s deficiencies and undesirabilities.

Simple sanity in transportation policies will solve the railroads’ problems, while their seizure will only breach the walls which guard private industrial initiative against all-engulfing socialization.

Michigan’s delegation in Congress should so be advised. (

Michigan Railroads’ Association

Page 6: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935

Rebekah at the Well.—“And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” Abraham called his eldest servant and made him swear that he would not take a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac, from the daughters of the Canaanites. Abraham sent the servant into his own country and among his own kindred to seek a wife for his son, and the servant departed into Mesopo­tamia. unto the city of Nahor. “And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water. And he said, 0 Lord God, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water: And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also; let the same be she that thou has appointed for thy servant Isaac. And it came to pass that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.”—Gen. 2-1: 11-15. ?And the sign wasjulfilled as the servant had prayed it would occur. The Story of Rebekah is the lirst romance in the Bible. From an engraving made by Merian in the Seventeenth century.


Edgar Hoenecke. Pastor Mother's Day service Sunday.

May 12th. 10:30 a.m. “Honor thyI father and mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest

[live long on the earth.” With i Joshua may you say especially on Mother's Day: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

„ Come, bring your parents and 11:45 a.m. All children to the House of God!

Men's Club Wednesday. May


Richard W. Neale. PastorYou may be a new comer in

Plymouth. If so, we cordially in­vite you to fellowship with us in any of our 'church services. The Apostle Paul said. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that be- lieveth." (Romans 1 ;16». Perhaps you are looking for a friendly, Bible church where Christ is preached. Plan to visit us this week. Bring the children to Sun­day school at 11:15 on Sundays. There's a class for you too.

This Sunday brings to mind the wonderful portions of Scrip­ture which reveal God’s plan for Christian mothers. One of them is the Bible book of First Samuel, chapter 1 to 3. They speak of a dark era in Israel's history. A mother’s earnest prayer for a child: and God's answer to that petition, form the background of this thrilling story. Hear the pas­tor's message on "Hannah; Sam­uel: and Yourself.” This service is at 10 a.m.

At 7:30 p.m. the pastor preach­es on the first chapter of Luke. This is the first of - a series of messages, as we study this mar­velous Gospel record, chapter by chapter, D.V. Meet with a happy, singing crowd. Come to Calvary!

Prayer and Praise services are held each Wednesday evening at 7:30.

The Young People’s Fellowship meets each Friday at 7:30. All young folks are welcome.

Next Tuesday, May 14th. at 5:30 all young people interested in active Christian work are in­vited to a conference to be led by Earl Severts of Detroit. The con­ference will be at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Postiff on Lilley Road. A potluck supper will precede the meeting.

Following this conference there will be a rally at the church at 7:45. All are welcomed heartily to attend.

We meet in the Temple Bldg- 455 S. Main St. You will feel our welcome.

sick, come, if you are sick in body come. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever. If£b. 13. 8. Div­ine healing service Thursday night. 7:45. Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Evenings 7 ;45 except Satur­day and Monday. Drop us a card if you care to have a Christian worker visit you. We are very happy to announce that the Rev. Jesse McGruder and the colored singers will be with us again Fri­day. May 17th. Come and bring a friend.

Getty of the Board of Christian Education. Mr. Nichol attended.

METHODIST CHURCH10:00 a.m. Morning worship.

11:30 a.m. Sunday school. 6:30 p. m. Epworth League. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship.



Walter Nichol. Pastor 10 a.m. Worship. 11:30 a. m.

Sunday school.The Busy Women’s class held

an enjoyable meeting on Tues- day of this week at the home of

[Mrs. Warner. Ann avenue. There I was a good attendance and an I interesting program. But the feature of these meetings which

ever most enjoyed is the friend­ly social hour.

The choir will have specially chosen music for the service next Sunday morning. It is Mother's day and the service is being plan­ned appropriately.

The week of May 12th has been designated Michigan Safety Edu­cation Week. Reference to this will be made Sunday.

A conference of ministers of the Synod of Michigan met at Walden woods Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The subjects under consideration were "The Minister and His Pulpit" and "The Minister and His Young People.” The leaders were Rev. George A. Buttrick. D. D. of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. New York and Mr. Frank


Rev. Loya Sutherland, Minister "God knew the world would need

Someone to smooth the way to comfort and to feed:

To wait and love and pray.Someone who'd always do

sweet tender things for others so.

He created you Dearest of all dear Mothers!”

Special Mother’s Day service. Sermon subject. "The Mother of Yesterday. Today, and Tomorrow.' Both choirs will bring special music. This service is at ten o’clock. Remember we will have a gift for the oldest and the youngest mother who are present at this morning service.

11:15 Bible school.6:30 Pioneer Meeting. Subject.

"Can we be Christians at school?”7:30, For this evening hour we

are to have another fine treat in the coming of Mrs. Dr. King.

Mrs. King's husband is at pres­ent a physician in the Belgian Congo, where she spent eleven years with him. but is at present at Ann Arbor for- the education of their children. Mrs. King wilr speak on "The Mothers of Africa.' She will have curios and etc. to show us to tell of the exact life of the mothers in that other land. Don’t miss hearing this very cap­able woman.

Mid-week service on Wednes­day evening at 7:30.

ST. PAUL’S EV. LUTHERANO. J. Peters. Pastor

German services in this churchm Sunday. May 12.



ESTIMATES FREE 425 W. Ann Arbor Trail

Fresh Creamery Tub

BUTTER 1 Ll 29c


LARDPer Lb. 15c


Harvey and Maple Sts.Holy Communion and Sermon.

10 a.m. Church school, 11:15 a.m.Rev. W. R. Blachford of Royal

Oak will be the preacher and cel­ebrant.

The Ladies Guild are sponsor­ing a tea at the home of Mrs. George Wilcox. Penniman Avenue


PlantsLarge Variety


Ann Arbor Road Phone 534-W

Sunday school,students are urged to come for ____ ___ ______________the blessed teachings and prepare 15th. 7:30 p.m. Mr. William Blunk nn Wednesday Mav 15th at 2 p for the Children s Day program. I recently delegated to represent °n 7 most cordial invitation is

Prayer meeting every Wednes-1 the congregation at the Conven-; ext€nded to all friends of the At the morning service the Boy day evening in the parsonage. All tion at Jenera. Ohio, will deliver> parish to attend There will be a

Scouts will attend in a body with are cordially invited. i his report. A moving picture film. 1 short musical program, also atheir mothers. Seats will be re- Thursday the Ladies Auxiliary i “The Compleat Angler." will be speaker who will speak on a time- served for them. The Scouts will Society will meet with Mrs. Lloyd, shown. This film is a brand new . ly SUbject Refreshments will be have a part in the program. Dethloff in the afternoon meet- j release from the State Depart- | served

Mrs. Martin’s circle will meet at t ing. 2:30. All are urged to come.lment of Conservation and shows the home of Mrs. Tillotson. 610 I Supper will be served to mem- , all the varied fishing that Mich- Blunk. bers and • friends. Come andi igan waters afford the sports-

Mrs. Fisher’s circle will meet I bring your family for supper. man. at the Parsonage. 1 Practice for choir Thursday | Mission Society Tour of the

Mrs. Richwine's circle will meet evening in the home of Mr. and Wayne County Training School __ . . Mrs Leg c Poreman in Salem. I Wednesday, the 15th. The ladies

The annual state conference of I are asked to meet at the church all Congregational and Christian | not later than 1:45 p.m. Cars will

be provided as transportation for

witn Mrs. Karl Hillmer at her cottage at the lake if the day is fine, otherwise at her home.

Thursday night at six-thirty the annual church supper with the fourth quarterly conference. Full reports and plans for the following year.

At the evening service Miss Nellie Huger of Hartland will have charge of a musical .hymn program.


Union and Dodge streets Phone Plym. 116

Sundays — Mass at 8:00 and 10:00. Confessions Saturday nights at 7:30. and before each

Better Than New ....

Because the original

cost has long past been



The service next Sunday 10:30 a.m. shall be in honor of our "Mothers." both our blessed de­parted mothers and also those precious mothers still in our midst. Let u£ come and honor all beloved mothers and also neg­lected mothers and the God of our mothers.

churches, will convene in Jack- son. Michigan, beginning Sun­day May 19th to May 22nd. There will be splendid speakers. Miss Ruth Seabury, Boston. Traveler and Author. Dr. Mary Van Tyle. Ann Arbor. Dr. Wm. Pauck. Chicago. Illinois. Dr. Herbert Herring. New York. Dr. A. Swam. Madison. Wisconsin. Dr. Holliday. Olivet and Wells Utley. Detroit.




Cor. Main and Dodge Sts.Sunday morning service, 10:30.Sunday school at 10:30. Pu­

pils received up to the age of twenty years.

Wednesday evening testimony service, 7:30.

"Adam and Fallten Man” will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Christian Science Churches throughout the world on Sim day. May 12.

Among the Bible citations this passage (Rom. 5:17)

all those who have none. Please, bring your dishes. Lunch will be served in the beautiful recrea­tion rooms of the school.

May 26th is Examination Day of our class of this year’s Ca­techumens. Confirmation is on June 2nd.

May 30th. Memorial Day and Ascension Day Special Service of Prayer for World Peace, at 10 a. m. The Lord has graciously heard our Prayers heretofore and has averted horrible war—let us im­plore Him to continue His bene­volent protection and guidance on the path of Peace. Come one, come all!

NEWBURG M. E. CHURCH Robert Davies, Pastor

Church service, 10 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m.

Week-days—Mass at 7:30. This hour makes it convenient for the children to attend on their way to school. All should begin the day with God.

Societies—The Holy Name So­ciety for all men and young men. Communion the second Sunday of the month. The Ladies’ Altar Society receives Holy Communion the third Sunday of each month. All the ladies of the parish are to belong to this society.

Children of Mary—Every child of the parish must belong and must go to communion every fourth Sunday of the month. In­structions in religion conducted each Saturday morning at 9:30 by the Dominican Sisters. All children that have not completed their 8th grade, are obliged to at­tend these religious instructions.

Manchester Prints 80 count, Vat Dyes Guaranteed Fast


17c yd.Ecru Curtain


9c yd.Mother’s Day Cards, Mottoes, Candies, & numerous other at­tractive gifts.

SALEM FEDERATED CHURCHHonor your mother or your

is mother’s memory by attending___r____ ________ ____ . ’For church on pother’s day. May 12.if by one man’s,, offence death You are irivited to the special reigned by one; much more they service ajr 10:30 o'clock, which receive abundance of grace Bible school, 11:45 a.m. “The and of the gift of righteousness Christian Church." Acts 2 ;41-45. shall reign in life by one, Jesus Ephesians 4. 1-7, 11-16. Memory Christ." . verse: “So we. being many are

Correlative passages to be read one bqdy in Christ, and everyone from the Christian Science text- members one of another. Rom- book. "Science and Health with an® 12-5’ „ .Key to the Scriptures.” by Mary , Hymn-sing and. c- E’ 7:30 Baker Eddy, include the follow- 0 c]oc^j Sunday evening, ing <p. 470): "The relations of A Mother and Daughter ban- God and man. divine Principle Quet will Bfe held on Friday eve- and idea, are indestructible in mng. May 10 at eight 0 clock. Science; and Science knows no Tickets may be obtained at the lapse from nor return to har- door-mony. but holds the divine order

BEREA CHAPELJastor. James A. Davis

An old fashioned Revival is inprogress at Berea Chapel, 281 Union street. Come and hear Evangelist Lillie Underwood of the Ozarks. If you are seeking pleasure come, if you are sin-

Cleaning and Pressing

Makes Old Clothes New

Try Jewell’s Modern Way


Jewell’s Cleaners & DyersNorthville Road Phone 234

IVORY SOAP, large size............9c

IVORY SOAP, 2 small cakes.... 11c

CHIPSO, 2 small 15c ...large pkg. 18

CRISCO, 1 lb. can 20c—3 lbs___ 55c

CAMAY SOAP,...........6 cakes 25c

CORN FLAKES, 2 large pkgs. 21c

SALMON med. red..... —.2 cans 27c

TUNA FISH.....................2 cans 29c

HASH, corn beef, 2 cans...........29c

Powder, gold dust 6 cans........ 25c

SOUP, Campbell’s T omato 4 cans29

Coffee, Chase & sanborn, 2 lbs 53cBOKAR COFFEE /.......2 lbs. 45c

Cocoanut Macaroons...........lb. 19c

KRAFT CHEESE........ 2 pkgs. 33c

HEINZ SOUPS,......... ..... 2 cans 25c

BREAD, Grandmother’s IV2 lb. 9c

COFFEE, 8 o’clock, 1 lb. pkg ..19c

PINEAPPLES, each............... 15c

POTATOES, 2 pks......................25c

BEETS, bunch................................5c

FRESH PEAS, 3 lbs. ................. 25c

or spiritual law. in which God and all that He creates are per­fect and eternal, to have remain­ed unchanged in its eternal his­tory.”

ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH Rosedale Gardens

NAZARENE CHURCHRobert A. North. Pastor

1 Bible School. 10:00 a.m. Morn­ing worship. 11:15 a.m. Young People, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic

; service. 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30.

1 "Wherefore Jesus also that he 1 might sanctify the people with

11 his own blood, suffered withoutMasses: Sundays 8:00 and ** .----m. Holy Days 7:30 and 9:00 the gate. Let us go forth therefore

•&.m. Week days, 8:00 ajn. Con- unto him without the camp, fessions before each Mass. Ca- bearing his reproach." (Heb. 13. techism class after first Mass. 12. 13.)

MassBenediction after second Baptism by appointment.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sockow of South Main street entertained callers one day last week.

LINE’S5c to $1.00 and

Department StorePlymouth, Mich.


lx BILLS MARKET Starkweather Ave., Phone 237 ]

It’s Time to BuildJoin the “New Homes” Brigade

? COMING! NEXT WEEK?The most spectacular SALE in our History.

See your A. P. Clerk for further details. Watch for Opening Announcement.

Building Time is here in full force. The country over, home owners and prospective owners are taking advantage of the building boom and Federal assistance to move into a home of their own and to improve their present dwelling place. There’s joy and comfort, convenience and satisfaction in a good home that’s all yours.


Phone 107

Eckles Coal & Supply Co.

BEEF POT ROAST.............lb. 19cBEEF STEW_____________________lb. 15cROLLED RIB ROAST________ ___ lb. 28cRIB END, 3 to 4 lb. AVERAGEPORK LOIN.......................... lb 21cFRESH PICNIC________ _____ ___ lb. 19cSPARE RIBS____ ___________ 2 lbs, for 35cFRESH GROUNDHAMBURGER,.........2 lbs for 33cSIRLOIN STEAK_______.---------- -lb. 29cLAMB SHOULDER________ .lb. 19c

HEIRRING fresh caught....... lb. 10cPERCH _____________________ lb. 10cFILLETS OF HADDOCK________ .lb. 15c

Cottage Cheese......... .2 lbs. for 15c


Page 7: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan

A group of children, including Marian Kirkpatrick. Jean Mur­ray. Midgie Schlanderer. Arthur Schlanderer. Charles Pinlan. Charles Hoheisel and Bobby Chute joined Douglas Price in celebrating his sixth birthday Friday afternoon from three' to five o'clock. The little folks en­joyed variqus games after which delicious refreshments were serv­ed and balloons and other favors enjoyed.

*** iMrs. E. A. Kimmell and Miss

Florence Littler were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Doane of Pleasant. Ridge at dinner Friday evening later attending the piano recital by Mrs. Dorothy Roosevelt in the Community House at Bir­mingham. The recital was the same as Mrs. Roosevelt • gave in the White House at Washington during Easter week.

***A very pleasant surprise was

perpetrated upon Mrs. Roy R. Parrott Monday evening at her home on south Main street the occasion being her birthday. Bridge was played and later re­freshments served. The guests in­cluded Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rich- wine. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Bart­lett. *♦*

On MIonday evening Miss Glad­ys Schroder attended a banquet- bridge party at the Graystone Ballroom in Detroit at which over three thousand people were pres­ent. The party was sponsored by the Chrysler Girl's Club, of which she is a member, and giv­en for the benefit of the Christ­mas dolls and baskets.

***.Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harrison

and children of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Oro Qrown and daughter of Pontiac. M$. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor of this city were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown on Haggerty Highway at dinner Sun­day. the occasion honoring Mrs. Harrison's birthday.

***The Fireside Study group was

entertained at dinner Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hoheisel on ‘Blunk avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil­loughby. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mor­row and Mr. and Mrs. George Burr were joint hosts.

***A noon-day co-operative din­ner was enjoyed Thursday by the members of the Ambassador bridge club at the home of Mrs. E. M. Moles on the Northville Road. This was the final meet­ing of the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Whipple were dinner guests of Miss Blanche Covey in Detroit Thurs­day evening.

. t««£ End Mow,, ’-'"‘res uweiurr istca sorr nwres | <“«£«» KWOROJ,£ MTTlk fUnmnM>


tfotc ALL5?Larro Chick Starter docs. And the result is that you hare a bigger profit to show when the birds are grown. Give it a careful trial this season and see for yourself how much better the results are. You’ll hare a healthier, more productive flock when the birds mature. Order Larro Chick: Starter today.



So. Main St. Plymouth

Mesdames Ralph West, Roy Streng, Harvey Springer, Charles Garlett. Lisle Alexander and Miss Helen Wells entertained the other members of the . Junior bridge club at supper Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Alexander on Mill street.

***Mrs. George Burr, Mrs. Good­

win Crumbie of this city, Mrs. Earl Burnett and Miss Marion Wurster of Ann Arbor attended a "tea" Saturday afternoon given by the Delta Phi sorority at the home of Mrs. Hazel Hall on Can­terbury Drive, Detroit.

***- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ander­son of this city< Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Johnson of Northville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkwell of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Polley at a six-thirty dinner. Saturday evening, z ***• Mr. and Mrs. James Honey and

Mrs. Henry Fisher visited Mrs. Honey’s parents at Deckerville from Friday until Monday and on Sunday attended a birthday dinner honoring her father's seventy-ninth birthday.

The Tuesday * Evening bridge club will be entertained at a co­operative dinner on May 14 by Hr. and Mrs. Arthur White and Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiser at the home of the latter on Blunk avenue.

***Miss Gladys Schroder, a mem­

ber of the Zeta Tau Alpha soror­ity. attended the annual Pan Hellenic luncheon which was held Saturday noon at the Laiglon in

! the Fisher building.***

I Mr. and Mrs. Claud J. Dyk- house were hosts at a dinner- bridge Saturday evening at their

i home on Blunk avenue having as ! their guests ten out-of-town I friends.I Thirty members of the Luth- i eran church motored to Toledo.• Ohio. Sunday, where they were | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ■ liam Rentz at a concert, which he directed, and afterward their

I guests for dinner.i Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Ray I Gilder and Mrs. Leo Crane were j co-hostess at a delightful des- ! sert-bridge to twelve guests at the home of the former on Blunk

, avenue honoring Mrs. Richard I Olin.

***i ^Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hoheisel of Blunk avenue entertained a

! group of children at dinner Mon­day evening in celebration of their son, Charles, sixth birthday.

***, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moss andMr. and Mrs. Ralph Lorenz at-

! tended a bridge party Saturday I evening at the home of Mr. and i Mrs. Alfred Mitschke in De- ' troit.i ***| Mr. and Mrs. William Farley and daughter. Vaun. of Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. William Fras­er of Northville will be dinner guests Mother’s Day of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fraser on the Beck Road.

***! Mrs. Raymond Bacheldor en­tertained a few guests at bridge last week Wednesday evening in honor of her mother. Mrs. W. C. McKnight who on Saturday left for her home in Chatham. On­tario.

Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Beyes/and daughter. Marion, attended the Rexall Drug convention at the Hotel Statler in Detroit, Wednes­day and Thursday and Thursday evening were guests at the ban­quet and dance at the Statler.

*#*The members of the Octette

bridge club were guests of Mrs. Thomas Moss Wednesday at lun­cheon at her home on Sheridan avenue. This was the final meet­ing of the season.

***Mrs. Paul Wiedman and Miss

Mabel Spicer attended the an­nual meeting of the League of Women voters Wednesday at Green Gables. Long Lake Road, Birmingham, as delegates.

The Saturday evening dinner bridge club enjoyed dinner at

I Jean’s Tavern afterward going

to the J. Merle Bennett home on Sheridan for bridge.

***The Monday evening contract

bridge club met with Miss Ma­rion Beyer at her home on Lib­erty street.

***' The First Tuesday contract bridge study group enjoyed a des-


CHARLES J. MICOLThe funeral of Charles J. Mi-

and has since made Plymouth his home.

Mr. Helm has been a very pa­tient sufferer through

pair the stove in the Rotz home Iwere welfare relief clients and in j no way associated with welfare | administration, \yhile this infor-

tyenty-one years of battling with mation was contained in-the pre- | arthritis and heart disease. His _ vious write-up, The Mail is,

__ ______ .. ___ fine spirit of kindliness and af-j pleased to again state that thecol. a former resident of Plym- ; fection for those of his home and ! workers were from the stove re- outh for many years, and who his wide circle of friends xand pair department and were work

a '<i a died at h‘s home at 4537 Wood-J neighbors, will be greatly missed, i relief workers who were membersi worth street. East Dearborn on j Funeral services were conduct-! of the stove repair crew,

tne nome oi Mrs. naroia t>rev- j Wednesday, May 1, was held atied from the Schrader parlors on; Mr. Ballenger revealed that his ens on Ann street. | the home on gaturday. May 4, at Sunday afternoon at three o’clock I department is making an inten-

Mr and Mrs Gdorge M Chute I 2 P-m- with the Rev- Kilpatrick of j Rev. Loya Sutherland officiating, sive investigation of the Corn-will attend a dinner party this'the Universal Methodist church' Burial in Riverside Mausoleum. I munistic activities of at least one evening at the home of Mr. and officiating. . I of the men who has been gettingMrs. J. C. Franks at Ferndale. I Burial was in Riverside Ceme- I MRS. MAMIE C. PATTERSON • relief by working on the stove

***’ , ,tery. Plymouth. | Mrs. Mamie C. Patterson, age I repair crew. They are not case

LumbersBuild for Beauty - - -

1 Miss Rosemary West entertain- i, Mr Micol eldest son of the late ' 66 years, passed away at her , workers and have absolutely noth- ed the members of her Sunday I peter anfl Hizabeth Micol was home in Livonia township. Mich- , me to do with welfare adminis-school class Monday evening at I h , Plymouth ADril 21h^nrbUSineSS meeting and 5001311 and was in the meat business nour' *** I here for a number of years, part

Mrs. William Farley and iof. that time bein£ associated daughter., Mrs. Lynn Fraser, at- witl1 1115 father- He later worked tended a Mother and Daughter at farming here.banquet at Almont Thursday | About 44 years ago he was mar- evening. | ried to Miss Louise Tomlinson,

*** daughter of the late Fred Tom-Mrs. Austin Whipple attended linson of Plymouth.

igan at the Idyl Wyld Golf course i tration. . . .on Sunday afternoon. May 5th. I A- c- Selmin, who is in direct She is survived by her husband, charge of out-county relief, has John; one son. Doniel T.. her been active in the inquiry and he father, Daniel A. Blue, and one i has turned over to Mr. Ballenger sister, Mrs. H. A. Hamilton of Isome of the information that he Colorado Springs, Colorado. Fu- , h&s secured.neral services were held Tuesday, JMay 7th. 1935 at 3 p.m. from the Women Inmates To

the University of Michigan lun­cheon Saturday at the Woman’s City club in Detroit.

ren Lombard motored to Milan, where they joined in the celebra­tion of his uncle, Burton Lom­bard’s ninety-first birthday.

***Mrs. Kelner of Ann street was

hostess Wednesday afternoon to the members of her “500” club.

***The Big Star luncheon bridge

club is to be entertained today by Mrs. Roy Streng and Mrs. C. L. Cowgill at the home of the former on Sunset avenue.

For some years Mr. and Mrs. Micol lived in Plymouth, later moving to Delray, where Mr. Micol worked for the Solvay Com­pany and the Detroit Edison Co.

He then moved to Dearborn where until a short time before his death he was employed at the

;Ford Motor Company.Besides his wife. Louise, he

leaves three brothers. August J. of Pontiac. Alexander P. and Wil­liam J. of Plymouth, and one sis­ter, Mrs. John Stroll, also of Plymouth.

PAUL FRANCES HELMPaul France Helm was born in

i Brandenburg. Germany on Feb-entertainedby M^lnd Mrs E ruary 2X 1867 and passed from 51 ?,d pd , , this life at his home on Souththeir home on the Beck S. '“a”2ns'reet Thursday morning,

_ r. 77 7", 1 He was the youngest of a fam-n » v11 • May 6' Mr' and lily of 10 children, whose parents

Mrs. John Burryea entertained at were August and Minnie Helm. a J?ir.*7d^y dinner. Henry Sees- Helm was about two yearsteat. Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Sees- old when the family came totedt. and daughter Jane. Mrs. Nellie Lowe, of Romulus. Mr. and Mrs. Archie H. Collins, Miss Min­nie Proctor, Burton Greenman, Miss Flora Gerst and Miss Anna

America, settling at once in Li­vonia township, Wayne county, Michigan. On April the tenth. 1895 he was married to Annie Kingsley, at Livonia, and to this

Tackman. This was to celebrate I union were born four children, tne birthdays of Wilford Bunyea, I two having died in infancy. There their sfln. and Mrs. Lowe and remain to mourn his loss, the Lloyd Seestedt. a most delicious widow, Mrs. Annie Helm, one dinner and supper was enjoyed by I daughter. Mrs. Edna Rossow. of all. when they departed at a late I Plymouth and one son. Roy Helm nour saying this had been a day Of Plymouth, also two grandchild- well spent._____________ | ren ancj one brother, Charles

Watch for the date of ‘ \ He‘m .I ., ., . A . J Mr. Helm lived twenty-ninetne 41st Anniversary J years on the farm which is now 1 of O. E. S. I the site of the Parkview cemetery.

Schrader Brothers Funeral Home. Interment in Riverside Cemetery. Rev. Walter Nichol officiating.

MRS. CLARISSA KENNEY Mrs. Clarissa Minerva Ken­

ney. wife of William P. Kenney who resided on the Ann Arbor Trail in Plymouth township, passed away very suddenly Sun-

Present Play TonightA farce comedy. "Who Wouldn’t

Be Crazy," given in three acts, will be presented by the Wo­man’s division of the Detroit House of Correction this Friday evening. May 10 at 8 p.m.

ij wixxk-. The Parts in the PlaV are all day evening. May 5th. at the age ; taken by inmates of the institu- of 74 years. Besides her husband ^J11 directed by Mrs.she is survived by three sisters. ■. Martha Polluna, matron there. Mrs. Mary Huston. Mrs. Melissa Tickets can be purchased m Rose and Mrs. Kate McCune all, Northville at the Record office, of Bayfield. Ontario, and two jthey are priced at 25 cents, brothers. Dan Harrison of God- Iridge, Ontario, and Woody Har­rison, of Buffalo. New York. The | body was brought to the Schrad- . er Brother funeral home, from which place funeral services were I held Wednesday. May 8th at 2 p., m. Interment made in Riverside Mausoleum. Rev. P. Ray Norton officiating. Members of the Direct Credits Society attended the fu­neral in a body.

Rotz Family To Leave Sunday For Alaska

(Continued from Page One) mission a letter pertaining to the mention in last week's issue of The Mail of the communistic ac­tivities of one or two relief em­ployes of the stove repair de­partment maintained by the de­partment.

Mention was made in the re­port of the talk of at least two of the workers from Detroit per­taining to Communism.

Mr. Ballenger has requested___________________ ___________ that it be made clear that thein 1925 he retired from the farm men who came out here to re-

Every Day Prices$1.00 Coty’s Face Powder

69cZ a n a d u Face Powder

59cMcKesson’ s ALBAGAR

79c .Pure Russi­an Mineral

Oil with Agar

Pint Rubbing Alcohol________________ 39cPint Milk of Magnesia______________ 39c$1.00 Pursang_____________________98c$1.50 Agarol, 16 oz._______________ $1.19$1.00 Agarol , 10 oz.________________ 89cPint Heavy Mineral Oil____________ 46c16 oz. Pepsodent Antiseptic_________79c7 oz. Pepsodent Antiseptic__________ 39cJunis Cream, tube 39c—jar___ .'2______ 79cBarbersol Shaving Cream___________39cLavendar Shaving Cream___________19c60c Neet_____________ r__________49cPonds Tissues-----------------------2 for 25cRubber Gloves____________________29c

Community Pharmacy*<The Store CM Friendly Service”

Phone 390 J. W. BlickensUff





Bouquet R o y a 1 e ,


4 cakes, box



May 12th

RexallStylists present these

beautiful candy packagesGALES

SUPREMEbeauty in




Notice to Tax PayersCITY OF PLYMOUTH

Meeting of Board of Review

Looks like richly bound book. All fav­orite centers.

A thoughtful, yet prac­tical and Inexpensive gift. 12 folded letter size sheets, 12 note size and 48 envelopes. With Moth­er’s Day Folder and en­velope.


All Building Supplies for the Builder.

Prompt Attention Given to Every Order

TOWLE & ROEPhone 385

443 Amelia Street

Something Nawl ModurnI Stunning Bluu-Whitu Glass­ware! Be sure to get your gift check FREE. Ask your Manager how you may buy a 15-piece MONAX WARE SET for only 98c.


Your Last Opportunity to get a Beautiful


rLuuii • • • • • • sack # 7 VGOLD MEDAL2 •rere“-$l.O9 PILLSBURY . $1.07GOOD LUCK










HENKELS . . $1.05


MASH $2.39


Country Club TOMATO JUICE MinuteTAPIOCA . . IslandPALM SOAP . PuffedWHEAT . . .

4 —• 19c

2 «*•« 25c

3 ben 10c

3 bones 25c

23 ox. Jor 25c

100 lb. sack

Scratch Feed . $2.15Laying Mash . l0i£- $2.35

CIGARETTES . . $1.20SudanSPICES . . re. KkCMrery CM jd_SALT . . ’7^. re. 7c Country Club WGRAPEHWJIT ... 2 — 25cPEANUT BUTTER

FANCYBAN AN AS. .4 lbs. 15c


FANCYRadishes, 3 bunches 10c

Strawberries „pt box 10c



COUNTRY ClUI........................................... lb.JEWffL . . . ...................................1 lb. beg Me

CLIFTON TISSUESoft and Absorent

3 ROUX IOCThe Board of Review for the City of Plymouth will meet in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall on Friday and Saturday, May 17th and 18th, 1935, from 9:00 o’clock A. M. until 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of reviewing the AssessmentRoll for the year 1935. Any tax payers deeming themselves aggriev­ed by the assessment will have an opportunity to be heard. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the Board of Review may appeal to the City Commission at its next regular meeting after the completion of such review by the Board.

The meeting of the Board of Review provides the only opportuni­ty for tax payers to present protests or suggestions relative to the assessed valuations placed on local property by the City As­sessor.

WM. B. PETZCity Assessor

VEAL, Leg or Rump —......................................... lb 21cVeal Shoulders ......... 18c Veal Chops............... lb. 29cSMOKED HAMS, whole or shank half.............. lb. 25cCompound LARD.... lb 15c Sauer Kraut —3 lbs. 10cSWISS STEAKS lean, boneless......................... lb. 25cBoneless SIRLOIN ROAST................................lb. 23c



Beyer Pharmacy50c

Fresh Dressed Chickens di­rect from the farm, lb. 25c Frankfurts,^ Ring Bologna Large Bologna, lb----- 18C


Page 8: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Mich. FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935

Lansing Clash' Grows Serious

Legislature Planning To Block Governor’s

“Program”By FRANK D. BROWN.

Special Correspondent The Lansing harlequinade

now in full swing. The past week has seen the principal actors flitting across the political stage much to the amusement of many —to the satisfaction of some— and the discomforture of others.The finale cannot be far off.

As a result of his address over the radio early this week which he branded his opponents in the legislature as "clown acro­bats." open warfare now exists between Gov. Fitzgerald and the controlling factions in both hous­es. The gubernatorial blast has definitely alienated the so-called insurgent republicans and rec­rimination in the form of de­feat of the remnants of the ad­ministration program is almost certain to follow.

The governor’s caustic remarks came on the heels of the Senate's concurrence in the House amend­ments to the controversial fin­ance director bill which, in its |_________________________original form as submitted by the. taxation with the legislature ap- admimstration. would have plac- , propriating $10,000,000 minus ed the governor in absolute con- the primary school fund, delin- trol of all state revenues. The ex- quent tax collections and certain ecutive charged the republican other minor revenUes.

compromise bill is expect- Read, with having -sold out” ed “ satls,y the,- schoo‘ peo,p? their party for the promise of and at the, same t‘me relleve ,th® jobs from certain . democratic- governor of the embarrassment of controlled departments. .carrying out his oft-stated inten-

The address has been received 8 any sum °verwith mingled reaction. Support- I twenty-million, ers of the governor heartily ap-' The Senate has passed the proved of his method of going di- “eas“ra c,al‘lnB nfor„,a reel to the people and explain-. a-polmd tax °n oleomargarine ing to them the underlying caus-



Copyright. Western Newspaper l'n



Test Wells ShowWater Supply Of

Good QuantityPlymouth Can Get Water

By Pumps If Necessary

Tells of Today’s Prison Problems

It was a very attentive and ap­preciative audience that heard Miss Neva Lovewell of Plymouth at the school auditorium Tuesday evening, in the "Prison Day" program of the Monday Literary Club. Miss Lovewell is a teacher in the Plymouth high school and aside from her duties in that cap­acity is on the staff of the night

_ I and other butter substitutes. Ines* of these “abortive“t^sts““at Addition Jo the tax the bill sets ,his program. On the other hand, i an an^uai llcens® le® 01 *or school in the woman's division the anti-group regards the radio r®^ail dealers, and $10 for whole- of the Detroit House of Correc- talk as ill-advised and conduc-.saJers- 1 tion. Miss Lovewell is intenselytive to retaliative manipulation, i The old age. pension bill which interested in her prison work and There are also those who view the has been bounding about the Sen- gave her hearers some very in­whole incident in the light of ate tor the past several weeks has teresting glimpses of life behind impartiality, finding justification finally received approval with the the bars.and merit in the arguments of age limit reduced from 70 to 65. Miss Lovewell alluded briefly to both camps. i There is one provision inserted the probiem of penal reform as a

Speaker of the House. George m the bill, however, whereby per- many sided one _ tremendous, A. Schroeder. Detroit democrat, sons under 70 years of age may ! periious pathetic—with its solu- has also taken to the air to de- he. denied pensions until 1940. tJon hampered by the attitude of fend the charges hurled at the This, it is asserted, is to conform I crjtics on the outside who know legislature by the chief executive Wlth the security program require- nttle of what they are talking Likewise Lieut.-Gov. Read is ex- ments of the national govern-( about. She described various types pected to tell his side of the story ment. Also, to prevent too great, of women Prisoners. and the very via radio within a few days. ,a demand on the state s general definite causes that led to their

Speaker Schroeder in his ad- J^nd during the five years that wrong doing. In this only too dress declared that: "the govern- *he pension system is being es- often the home environment is or is seeking to acquire absolute tablished on a sound basis. (clearly accountable. The brokencontrol of the state's purse Numerous bills and resolutions, home, the quarrelsome home and strings." The advocacy of the are seeing the light of day after , the home in which there is no at- finance director bill by the gov- resting in the cloistered confines tempt at wholesome training to ernor was branded by the speak- committee since the start of , resp€ct jaw and order, ar€ res- er as being an attempt to sub- the session. The majority of them , ponsible for many heartbreaking stitute a dictatorial type of gov- are of no import and far less ben- consequences. In this respect the frnment for the splendid admin- eht to the people of the state. ,owly homes are no more at fault istrative system of public affairs Still they continue to come. In than those of affiuenCe. that now exists fact, bills are still being intro-I - . ,.. *

The entire controversy » 1^ J seSol i&riuLXtenad “of atctSc e'highta7° commissioner, posed changes in the laws of ‘he I S5|tc^n™ ufaidws wouidb^in- Murray D. VanWagoner. who. it state have been made thus far. *"“n?n°^e£)Xe,l's ta"k is believed, has been attempting al of which are supposed to be “jested in Miss Loveweus tarn, to influence legislation by the vital additions to the welfare of ' Those who at^promise of jobs for those solons Michigan folks. It is merely a:ne- J ^'d and_ the stayat homes weie who follow his dictates. It was cessary evil. The majority of these the losers. Milloid limes.this coalition of VanWagoner. last-minute bills are only inane i -------- -----------Read and Senator Munshaw ir>. gestures on the part of their I TVAA MEET HELD ATGrand Rapids leader of the "reb- sponsors tp satisfy certain private I FERRY FIELD TODAYel" republicans in the upper interests and garner for them- ; _____house, that Gov. Fitzgerald di- selves the support of the voters ......reeled his criticism. back home when the next elec- The Twin Valley Athletic As-

Although the governor has not | tion date rolls 'round. In most sociation. which includes thejol- publiclv said so. there is a well|cases there is no desire nor even'towing schools_________ —__ _____ -___ ___ - Plymouth. Riverdefined rumor "going'the rounds I an effort made to get these zero Rouge. Ecorse. Dearborn Wayne, that if necessary efforts may be hour skeletons passed. (and Ypsilanti, will hold their

As the result oi a senes of tests made by a well drilling con­cern engaged by the city, it is be­lieved that a sufficient water supply for the needs of the city can be secured by drilling wells within or near the city,-

Sometime ago city officials be­gan consideratibn of the water problem of the city, feeling that the time is not far distant when there will be need of an addition­al supply. During recent weeks test wells have been driven and at the meeting of the city com­mission Monday night the fol­lowing report was made showing the results of the various tests;

No. 1 Hole. This test hole was located on East side of Moreland avenue between Penniman and Ann Arbor streets, immediately north of Tonquish Creek, and was drilled to depth of 121 feet from the surface. No water bear­ing strata of any kind was en­countered in this test hole.

No. 2 Hole. This test hole was located at 634 Irving avenue in northwest part of the city, and was drilled to depth of 200 feet from the surface. In the drilling of this test hole a vein of surface was struck at 12 feet and same continued to 25 feet from the sur­face. From depth of 30 feet to 92 feet from the surface, the strata was impervious and did not con­tain any water: however, at 92 feet we encountered a fine sand strata which continued to a depth of 183 feet. While the static lev­el of the water in this sand for­mation was 26 feet from the sur­face. the formation is so very fine that we question very much whether the water will flow through the same fast enough to permit developing a reasonable supply, also considerable trouble would undoubtedly be experienc­ed in endeavoring to control the sand. From depth of 190 feet to depth of 200 feet the formation was shale, which shale contained no water. The results of this test hole is quite encouraging as it may be possible that this wa­ter strata is coarser in the vicin­ity of this location, in which event the same should deliver a considerable quantity of water as it is very thick and has a high static level.

No. 3 Hole. This test hole was located southwest of the City on Moreland Avenue. ’4 mile south of Route 12 and opposite first farm house, and was drilled to depth of 65 feet from the sur­face. The water bearing strata in this hole was 12 feet thick, ex­tending from 47 feet to 59 feet from the surface. The water bearing formation was fairly coarse: however it is not of suffi­cient. thickness to yield a large quantity of water. The water lev­el in this test hole is approxi­mately 12 ffiet above the sur­face. which denotes a fairly good head pressure. Inasmuch as the location of this test hole is be­yond the Corporation limits, con­sideration should be given to possible interference with pres­ent farm house wells in the event a large supply of water should be pumped from this strata: how­

ever, it may be possible to trace this same strata within the Cor­poration limits. In our opinion, a large well at this location would produce from 250 to 300 gallons of water per minute.

No. 4 Hole. This test hole was located on North side of Green­house on Creek bank near south end of Harvey street and was drilled to depth of 76 feet from the surface. The formation at this location was clay from sur­face to 70 feet, then fine plastic sand to 76 feet, no water bearing formation having been encounter­ed.

The results of No. 2 and No. 3 test holes leads us to believe that a supply of water sufficient for your needs can be developed from wells, but to determine this definitely the available property should be further explored by means of test holes and it is our opinion that at least three or four more test holes should be drilled before either proceeding with construction of large wells or condemning the propositions. From the information obtained in this drilling, we would consider submitting you proposal guaran­teeing to develop a supply of wa­ter complete with pumping equip­ment and including all future test holes desired and required, on a basis of water or no pay.

Books On Music AtPlymouth Library

All over the United States. Music Week is being observed from May 6th to the 11th. Sym­phony orchestras are playing spe­cial programs; many schools are observing it in some way. Among the following books at the Plym­outh library may be some in which you will be interested:

Music at Midnight, by Draper.Artists in Music of Today, by

Kaufmann.Confessions of a Prima Donna.Letters of Giacomo Puccini.Our American Music, by How­

ard.Yuman and Yaqui Music, by

Densmore.Opera Goers’ Complete Guide,

by Melitz.Oxford Book of Carols.They all Sang, by Marks.Weep No More. My Lady, by

Spaeth.Orchestral Instruments, by Ma­

son.What is Good Music, by Hen­

derson.Listeners’ Guide to Music, by

Schoies.New Encyclopedia of Music and

Musicians, by Pratt.Studies in Modem Music, by

Hadow.Study of the History of Music,

by Dickinson.One Hundred and One Best

Songs.Story of Music, by Stearns.Last Pirate, by Untenmeyer.Songs of a Little Child’s Day.

by Poulsson.

FREEf^i^vtbook. 5

Ex plains-the marvelous W7Kor«f I which i» bringmi ! ief. Sold on ironclad Jguarantee. l!





ACHES. DUE TO EXCESS ACID. J It for a free copy of Willard's Mirage. We , : Authorised Willard Dealer*. J


State Police Raid Cock Fight

Twenty-five fighting cocks and 57 spectators were taken by State Police Sunday in a raid on a ’cock-fighting arena’ in the woods north of Joy Road between Newburg aijd Lotz Roads. Twen­ty-three frequenters paid $10 fines in Judge Vining's Court and

I 34 were ordered to appear later.1 A storm of protest by the cock- ' erels as well as their owners, was . heard when the death penalty , was imposed on the 25 game i birds. One fancier declared he had (just paid $300 for his bird while (others are said to have paid con­siderable more for the prize fight- ers.f The trouble all came about thru the uninvited presence of a group of law enforcement offic­ers. The pit was set for the ap­pearance of some of the best birds in the community. There were birds from the very best

I pens, including a prize bird or two - from Ypsilanti.I The cock fight was raided at 4 p.m. bv Troopers Jess Ralph. Carl Miller .and Phil Paulson, of

I the Ypsilanti Post of the State i Police. They arrested a Detroiter.I Earl Uorris. 42 years old, on a I charge of possessing fighting (cocks. He was released on his per­sonal recognizance and ordered

! to appear on Tuesday.i Norris was found in a 16-foot ring made of a sunken circular wood tank, where 25 game cocks were ripping at each other's feathers. Around the arena the other persons including several women were crowded, shouting and making bets.

As a result of this unlawful sport needy Detroiters (those with the sharpest teeth) will feast upon the stewed birds, es­timated at $100 a pound.—Wayne Dispatch.


Says C. S. Gross: "After taking Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets the pains are gone and I e^t anything.” Try

;Adla treatment on our money back guarantee. Beyer Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy.

Mail Want Ads Costs Little

Two Plymouth Girls In Wooster Pageant

Misses Elizabeth and Christine Nichol. daughters of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Nichol. 178 Main street of Plymouth, Mich., will be in Wooster's pageant "A Bach Festival” which will be staged at Wooster college at Wooster. Ohio.

Wooster's 31st annual Color Day will see Miss Esther Cuna- han. of Struthers, crowned May Queen by Miss Virginia Mengel. last year's queen. The pageant will be staged in honor of the new queen.

The original production, writ­ten by Miss Ann Lewis, of Grove City. Pa., honors the 250th an­niversary of Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer. About 5.000 visitors are expected to vis­it Wooster’s campus for this week-end.

Miss Kathleen Lowrie. head of the department of physical edu­cation for women is coaching the



cast of 250 which will stage thisI mammoth pageant.j Wooster's Color oay program , includes the production of Bel- asco's “The Return of Peter Grim.” the pageant, a track meet and baseball game with Muskin­gum and President Charles F.

iWishart's annual Color Day ser- (mon Sunday in the college chap­el.

Mrs. T. U. Shaw of Detroit spent a few days with her broth­er and sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Millard.

Mrs. F. E. Perkins is at the University hospital where she re­cently underwent a. serious ope­ration.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Salts and daughter of ' Jasper. Mich., were Thursday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rider on Na­pier Road.


MOTHER'S DAYThe gaiety of glorious blooms are a necessarv touch to the eventful day if Mother is to enjoy the real loving spirit of the occasion. Flowers do more than anything else to add joy and beauty—send her an attractive se­lection of fresh cut flowers or a plant—she’s sure to like it.


Cooking utensils remainCLEAN on your Electric Range after

made to remove VanWagoner from office for alleged unlawful acts. Connected with this same rumor is the one which places George Welsh of Grand Rapids, former republican lieutenant gov­ernor who four years ago bolted to the democrats, in the picture as trading with the Read-Mun- shaw-VanWagoner triumvirate.

So the story goes, and it is not without foundation, Welsh is scheduled to be appointed finance director in event the amended bill should be passed over the governor’s veto. The governor is certain to veto it in its present form and the possibility is that an attempt wil be made to muster enough votes to override the ex ecutive prerogative.

As for removing from office an elective state official such as the highway commissioner, a prece­dent can be found. Action of this kind occurred during the admin­istration of Gov. Alex Qrpes- beck. The governor in case of pro­ceedings of this nature becomes | the sole judge and jury as to the | facts involved. i

To thwart possible steps along • this line, your correspondent is- informed from reasonably reliable sources that the democrats and anti-administration republicans are considering the advisability of recessing the legislature rath­er than adjourning it. A recess until August is in prospect. Thisi would keep all pending legisla-1 tion alive: a cudgel held over the j head of the governor inasmuch | as the lawmakers would be priv­ileged at any time to return and pass over his veto any bill that thev did not approve of. Recess or adjournment—whichever alter­native is followed, it is expected will take place somewhere be­tween the 15th and the 20th of this month. xl_ ..

Despite early indications that, the Senate, because of the ver- . bal "spanking” it received at the; hands of the governor, would <=eek to embarrass him by approv­ing the $25,000,000 school-aid bill, a compromise figure is be­ing worked on. The administra­tion has insisted that $20,000,000 state participation is sufficient to make’up the $68,000,000 a year, claimed by the school lobby, to be necessary. Under the com­promise agreement being con­sidered a sum of $28,000,000 yearly would be raised by local

Budget bills are being brought i league track meet this afternoon cut of committee and approved at 2:00 o'clock on Ferry Field m with reasonable speed. This , Acd Arbor. In previous years this m&ans the approaching end of a meet was held at Ypsilanti but legislative session that for the i this year it could not be arrang- major part has been a total fail- < ed. consequently it will be held at ure in-so-far as accomplishing i Ferry Field. It is predicted that worthwhile results is concerned, this will be the best TVAA meet

------------------- that has ever been run off in thisMr. and Mrs. M. G. Wise. Mr. particular league because the

and Mrs. Wilbur Wise of Ohio teams are more evenly matched City. Ohio, spent Sunday at the than in other years. Contrary to home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rider the way dual meets have been on Napier road. Mrs. Wise is a run off this year, the league meet sister of Mr. Rider. I will go on rain or shine.

Raiin reminds you its a good time to repair a leaky roof—

Shingles for Every Specification

Dealer for

John s Mansville RoofingAsk Us About It Today!

Plymouth Lumber and CoalCOMPANY _

Phone 102


At P. M. R. R. Tracks Plymouth, Mich.



POTS and pans used on an electric range are as easy to wash as any china dish— even after long use. You do not have to

scour utensils after each cooking opera­tion and there is no caking of grease to discolor them. An electric range cooks with pure, concentrated heat—without flame or smoke or soot. There are no products of combustion as in a fuel-burn­ing stove—nothing to blacken pots and pans or soil kitchen walls and curtains. An electric range supplies only PURE HEAT from a glowing wire. Electric heat is as clean as sunlight.

★ We want you to try electric cooking in your own kitchen—without making any investment or being under any obligation. So we have arranged a special trial offer. We will install an electric range in your kitchen without initial charge, and let

you use it for six months, removing it without charge if you do not like it. Du­ring the trial period, you pay for the service as registered by your meter, plus a monthly charge of $1 for the range. If you decide to keep the range, your monthly payments will be applied toward the purchase price. If you decide that you do not want it, the range will be removed at our expense.

Since this trial plan was begun a short time ago, over 4000,of our customers have taken advantage of the offer. Send in your application fot a trial range today!


A srudy of one ihousand families using The elecTrir range shewed a cooking cost of

Page 9: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan



CITY OF PLYMOUTH .Notice is hereby given that on May 6.

1935, the City Commission of the City of Plymouth adopted the following resolution:

WHEREAS, this Commission has re­ceived a request to vacate and close all that portion of the alley south of Burroughs Avenue extending from the east line of Dewey Street- to the west line of Roose­velt Street and abutting on lots No. 42 to 45 inclusive of Maplecroft Subdivision and lots No. 23 and 43 of Brookview Subdivi­sion, part of the N. :W. H ol Sec. 35,-1. I S.. R. 8 E.. City of Plymouth. Michigan.

THEREFORE IT RESOLVED,that this Commission deems it advisable to vacate an< close the above mentioned public alley;

BE IT FURTHER ..RESOLVED, that at 7:00 o’clock P.M. on June 3rd. 1935, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall in Plymouth, Michigan, this Com­mission will meet and hear any objections thereto, ••

Resolved FURTHER, that the City Clerk be instructed to give notice of such meeting by publishing a copy of this re­solution once each week for four succes­sive weeks in the Plymouth Mail, a news­paper published and circulated in the City of Plymouth. Michigan.

L. P. COOKINGHAM.City Clerk.

May 10. 17. 24. 31.


Attorneys for Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms snd conditions of a certain mortgage made by GRINNELL REALTY COMPANY, a Michigan Corporation, of Detroit. Mich­igan, Mortgagor, to FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DETROIT, a Federal Bank­ing Corporation, of Detroit. Michigan,

- Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the eighth day of August, 1929. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on August 14th, 1929. in Liber 2368 of Mortgages, on Page 438, which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931,- the aforementioned mortgagee chang­ed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certifica­tion of abstract, the sum *f FIVE THOU­SAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY- SEVEN and 71/100 ($5,857.71) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt, secured by said mortgage or any part

‘ NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan m such case made and provided, notice is hereby given tha* on MONDAY the FIFTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore-1 closed by a sale at public auction to the ' highest bidder, at . the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. | Michigan (that being the place where the, Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is I held) of the premises, described in said' mortgage or so much thereof as ipay be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said, on said' mortgage, and any sum or' sums which may be paid by the under-1 signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven I per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal; costs, charges and expenses thereon. in-1 eluding the attorney fees allowed by law. ! which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of "land situated in the City 1 of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of 1 Michigan, described as: Lot Thirty-one I (31), Block-2 Zender's Subdivision'of the Southerly parts of Lots 16. 17 and 18 , Subdivision of the Leib Farm. Priv—

such case made and provided, which Commission of Conservator was dated on March 20th. 1933, and recorded March 25th. 1933. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Lib- I er 3936 of Deeds, on Page 543. Which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the twenty-fifth day of April, 1933. assigned | by the said C. O. Thomas, as Conserva­tor of First National Bank-Detroit, to Na- | tional Bank of Detroit, a National Banking Association, of Detroit. Michigan, by As­signment dated April 25th, 1933. and re- 1 corded April 29th. 1933. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 254 of Assignments, on Page 1. which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the twenty-fifth day of November. 1933. assigned by the said Na­tional Bank of Detroit to First National Bank-Detroit. a corporation, organized un­der the laws of the United States of Amer­ica. of Detroit. Michigan, by Assignment dated November 25th'. 1933, and recorded December 1st. 1933. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 261- of Assignments, on Pag'e 83. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIR­TY-EIGHT and 09/100 ($4,438.09) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURS­DAY the EIGHTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as afore­said. on said mortgage, and any sura or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for tares and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Three hundred forty-three (343) of Green­field Park Subdivision Number Two (2), of part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28). Town One (1) South of Range Eleven (11) East, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 33 of Plats on Page 25: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the west side of Wis­consin Avenue, between Grand River and Cortland Avenues, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5, 12. 19. 26.

Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Feb­ruary 16th. 1928. In the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on- to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Warn. County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st, 1931. and re­corded January 9th. 1932, in the' office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned as­signee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insur­ance, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUND­RED FIFTY-THREE and 217100 ($1.- 753.21) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or. in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on MONDAY the FIFTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as afore­said. on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon. in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered forty-five (45) of Holden and Cavell's Forest Subdivision of Lots Fifteen (15). Sixteen (16). Seventeen (17). and Eight­een (18) and the northerly One hundred forty-three and ninety-nine hundredths (143.99) feet of Lot Nineteen (19) of the Subdivision of the westerly part of Private Claim Seven hundred twenty-three (723). lying south of Mack Avenue, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 24 of Plats on Page 77: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the east side of Fisjier Avenue, between Kercheval and Waterloo Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E.KATHRYN KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19. 26.

Liber 14. Page 4. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10, 193S.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MkRX AND

E.KATHRYN KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14.21. 28: July 5. 12. 19. 26.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by OTTO C. KLANOWSKY and CARO­LINE KLANOWSKY. his wife, of De­troit. Michigan. Mortgagors to WAYNE. COUNTY AND HOME .. SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date • the twenty-sixth day- of February. 1924. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the

/Couhty of Wayne. State of Michigan, on.•z February 27th. 1924. in Liber 1323 of ' Mortgages, on Page 86. which mortgage

contains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne Courtly Bank, a Michigan corporation of ' Detroit. Mich­igan, by assignment dated February lSth. 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of As­signments. on Page 521. which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of. America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931,' and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds f<jr said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1,932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organised under, the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. Thereafter, on to- wit the twenty-first day,of March. 1933, of twelve o’clock noon, C. O. Thot was appointed to succeed Paul C. Keyes as Conservator of First National Bank- Detroit, by F. G. Await, Acting Comp­troller of the Currency, pursuant to Revised Statutes of the United States,








Default has been made in the teims and i conditions of a certain mortgage made by ; IOSEPH HAGSTROM. a single man. of , Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEN­INSULAR STATE BANK of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the sixteenth day of September. 1929. and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of . Michigan, on September 24th. 1929. inLiber 2388 of Mortgages, on Page 477. which mortgage contains a power of sale . which said mortgage was thereafter on to-; wit the thirtieth day of April. 1930. as­signed by the said Peninsular State Bank of Detroit to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich­igan. bv a««:<:n™int dated April 30th. 1930. and recorded May 1st. 1930. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments.

Page 615. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peo­ples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assign­ments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE and 87/100 ($1,695.87) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or insti­tuted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on MONDAY the FIFTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said. on said mortgage, and any svm or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum: and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon. in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot ten (10) and west one-half (54)' of lot eleven (11) Subdi­vision of part of out lot 25. Lieb "Farm, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County in Liber thirteen (13) of Plats, on Dage thirty-seven (37). together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated it Detroit. Michigan. May 10. 193S.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee. •ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5. 32. 19. 26.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WENDELL HOTTER and IVA HOT­TER. his wife, of Detroit, Michigan. Mort­gagors. to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the fourth day of December, 1923, and recorded in the office of the Riof Deeds for the County of Wayne, -------of Michigan, on December 5th, 1923, in Liber 1293 of Mortgages, on Page 398, - ------------ ——’— - power of sale.


| Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee., 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


) Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WOJCIECH PLEZGA and MALGOR- ZATA PLEZGA,. his wife, (signed WOJ­CIECH PLIZGA and MALGORZATA PLIZGA) of Detroit. Michigan. Mortga­gors. to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortga­gee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-eighth day of May. 1924. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on May 29th. 1924. in Liber 1354 of Mortgages, on Page 24, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Sav­ings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich­igan. by assignment dated February 15th. 1928, and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank — First Wayne National Bank of Detroit.

corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized un­der the laws of the United States of Amer­ica. of Detroit. Michigan. There is claim­ed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal, interest, insurance, taxes, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEV­ENTEEN and 84/100 ($1,117.84) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of tale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on MONDAY the FIFTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the Countv Build­ing in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the Premises described in said mortgage or sflh much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said. on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Eighteen (18) of Scripps Subdivision of Lots Ninety-nine (99) and One hundred (100), of the Subdivision of Private Claim Five hundred seventy-four (574). accord­ing to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 6 of Plats on Page 75: Wsyne County Records. Said premises being situated on the .west side of Hammond Avenue, be­tween Buchanan and Horatio Avenues, to­gether with the hereditaments and appur- enances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. May 10. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of MortgageeROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21, 28: July 5. 12. 19, 26.

of Wayne. State of Michigan, on March 28th. 1927. in Liber 1917 of Mortgages, on Page 268, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Feb­ruary 16th, 1928, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517. which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATION­AL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, taxes, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWEN­TY-SEVEN and 46/100 ($1,227.46) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recov­er the debt secured by said mortgage or anv oart thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale‘in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on MONDAY the FIFTH day of AUGUST. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. ' Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Ninety-six (96) of the Subdivision of Out Lot Thirty-four (34). St. Aubin Farm, ac­cording to a plat recorded in Liber One (l)'-'of Plats on Page One Hundred and Seventy-three (173) in Wayne County Rec­ords. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10. 1935."FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19. 26.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by ESRAEL ROSIN and SADIE ROSIN, his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County. Mich­igan, Mortgagors to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the fourth day of May. 1925. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on May 7th. 1925. in Liber 1489 of Mortga­ges. on Page 589. which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928, assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Febru­ary 16th. 1928. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee’ of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR and 52/100 ($3,684.52) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNES­DAY the SEVENTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. East­ern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as afore­said. on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale


Attorneys fop Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made bv TOMASO CICALA and ORSALA. hU wife, of Detroit Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagor*, to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a cotpora- t'on organized under the laws- of the State

, . recoroan in tne otneeof the Register of Deeds for the County

igan. by assignment dated February 7th. 1928. and" recorded March 19th, 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of'Assign­ments, on Page 222. On to-wit the thirty- ' first day of December. 1931, the aforemen­tioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE and 23/100 ($2,523.- 23) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the ' EIGHTH day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the2 forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan £that being the place where die Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before sjid sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at . seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all' legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot one hundred twenty-seven (127). Van Winkle's Subdi­vision of the easterly 17.15 acres of Lot 10. Shipyard Tract. Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 20. Page 36 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10. 1935.

{yiRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.Assignee of Mortgagee.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19. 26.

NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, a cor­poration organised under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insur­ance, and certification of abstract, the sum of NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUND­RED FIFTEEN and 33/100 ($9,415.33) Dollars. No suit or proceeding st law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained.

' pursuant to the statute of the State Michigan in such case made and pro­

vided. notice is hereby given zhst on MONDAY the FIFTH day "tsfal AUG­UST. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said

mortgage will .be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described m said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law ana to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num) and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State, of Michigan, described as: Lot sixty-eight (68). Wilkins and WiUette's Subdivision of the Northerly 20 acres of the South half of Quarter Section 25. Ten Thousand Acre Tract, Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 14. Page 35 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigaa, May 10th, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21, 28: July ' 19. 26.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, ! 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, j


Default has been made in the terms and ' conditions of a certain mortgage made by MATH URBAS and FRANCES URBAS. ! his wife, and ANTON F. JOURNEY and JOSEPHINE JOURNEY, his wife, all of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagors to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan.. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the thirty-first day of March. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on April 2nd. 1927, in Liber 1921 of Mortgages, on Page 42. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded February I6th. 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the offiFe of the Regis­ter of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, i the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, and certification of abstract the sum of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ONE and 96/100 ($3,501.96) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgagee contained, and piT«ui8nt to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the EIGHTH day of AUGUST. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public" auction to the | highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, I Michigan (that being the place where the' Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be I necessary to pay the' amount due, as afore- [ said, on said mortgage, and any sum or | sums which may be- paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon. in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by -law. which said, premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: ''Lot numbered One Hundred and Fifty-four (154)

ind/or insurance on said premises, and all I Landsberg's Subdivision of Park Lot Five other sums paid by the undersigned pur- ] (5) Quarter <«/j) Section Five (5) Ten suant to law and to the terms ~r ~~:Jmortgage, with interest thereon

..) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon. in­cluding the attorney feea allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered ■Ewenty-seven (27) of Wilcox and Free­man’s Subdivision of Lots One (1) to Eight (8) inclusive of the plat of Out Lot One Hundred Ninety-three (193) Rivard Farm, according to r plat recorded in Lib­er 12 of PUts, on Page 7. in Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, May 10. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of MortgageeROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 11: June 7. 14. 21, 28: July 5. 12, 19. 26.

said Thousand Acre Tract. Village of Highland seven Park, according to a Plat recorded in Lib-

■ er Twenty-three (23) of Plats on page Seventeen (17) in Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 10.1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21. 28; July 5. 12, 19. 26.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by HARRY B. FIELDS and ANNA B. FIELDS, his wife, both of Detroit. Mich­igan, Mortgagors to CENTRAL SAV­INGS BANK of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, ita suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-second day of September. 1926. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wsyne, State of Michigan, on September 23rd, 1926, in Liber 1113 of Mortgages, on Page 340 which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage wax thereafter on to- wit the seventh day of February, 1928, as­signed by the said Central Savings Bank to First National Bank In Detroit, a Fete- al Banking Corporation, of Detroit, Mich-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.


Default has been made tn the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DAVID NUSHZNO and ANNA NUSH- ZNO, bit wife, both of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagors, to CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK of Detroit, Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the Uws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the seventh day of November, 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on Novem- j ber 12th, 1927. in Liber 2044 of Mort­gages, on Page 131 which mortgage con-1 tains a power of sale, which said mortgage 1 was thereafter on to-wit the seventh day of February, 1928, assigned by the said1 Central Savings Bank to First National Bank In Detroit, a Federal Banking Cor­poration. of Detroit, Michigan, by assign­ment dated February 7th, 1928. and record­ed March 19th, 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of Assignments, on Page 222. On to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST

z Get OSS to a Great

Auto Summer

Check Your Tires Today!

TlrestoneTIRESwill insure a summer of pleasure and safety. No fear of blow outs, no danger of skidding and a definite assurance that when you put your brakes on your tires will grip the road to bring your car to a stop.

DrivewithFirestoneand Pay The Easy Way

Convenient terms arranged on any purchase of Firestone Tires or Tubes.

Ask us for trade in valuations today. Liberal Allowances made on your old tires


Phone 80

Russell Dettling Wm. Keiffer

South Main Street

Page 10: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1935

For SaleFOR SALE—Gas heater mangle.

Apply Box 999, Plym. Mail.FOR SALE—Oats, 62c bu; mixed

Timothy hay. $20 ton; seed com. 1115 Plymouth road at Whitbeck. ltpd

FOR SALE—1496 Penniman, cor­ner Moreland, 8 room modern­ized home, surrounded by shade and cherry trees, over 12acre of ground, fine for.gar­dening. $1500 cash to HOLC mortgage._Owner on premises.

FOR SALE—Thoroughbred pups. Springer Spaniels, $15.00. 899

_ Simpson. Phone 147 ltpdFOR SALE—1933 Buick coupe,

rumble seat. $175 down. 1934 Ford Deluxe sedan, $165 down. 1934 Ford coupe, $155 down.

1929 Dodge sedan. $185. 1929Ford sedan. $110. 1929 Ford coupe $75. 1929 F A A Stake Truck, $19^.00. 1933 Dodgecoupe. $130 down. 25tlc

CASSEROLE OPENNow serving regular meals and

beer. For good food visit the Cas­serole. Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens. ' ltpd

What is Meant by Choicenace. Heat controls, forced air I Little Farms:and air conditioning work a ' Good transportation; school on specialty. Repair work of all property; recreational facilities; kinds. All work guaranteed. O. elecricity and water available; Tewksbury, 729 Grandview sensible restrictions and good gar- avenue, Northville. Phone 102. den soil.

FOR qAT F Hatrhinp «« 50c '________________________24t2pd We offer you ALL OF THESEa setting. Single Comb Rhode FOR SALE—Hearts of Gold musk ADVANTAGES in our little farm Island Reds that win lay and I melon seeds. Elmer Law, 26701 devel°P^.ents at Plymouth road, pay. Roy Scheppele first house ! Ann Arbor Trail. 24t2c co™€r Wayne road and at Plym-east of Beck Road on Five Mi.1---------------------- -----------------------i r°ad- corn?r FarmingtonRd. Up FOR SALE—House and lot for ' £?»<*•_ Each Parcel contains over

good condition. $5. 29900 Joy FOR SALE—Two high class fur- Road, first house west of Mid-

dlebelt.___________________ ltpdFOR SALE—Porch rug 28 feet,

long, 6 feet wide, good condi- tion. Inquire 549 Kellogg. ltp

lot fc.sale in Robinson subdivision.! _445 Russell. See owner. 24t2p THESE ARE REALLY CHOICE


. I Come out and satisfy yourself.FOR SALE—Yellow dent seed ROOM AND BOARD — Private Office at comer of PLYMOUTH

FOR SALE—Farm, large and ' small also acreage as low as, $50 per acre. J. , R. English, South Lyon. ]

com; tiinothy hay, alfalfa loose, com and oats. -1% miles south of Ford Road on Hag- gerty highway. Hall Bros, ltpd

home one or two gentlemen. AND WAYNE ROAD every day Twin beds A No. 1 meals and until dark.home privileges. Everything We will assist you in obtaining modern. Very reasonable, 1107 credit for lumber and building W, Ann Arbor.____________ltp materials. 25t2c


FOR SALE—Ladies Spring coat size 36. $2.50. Call at 797 Ever- green or phone 460J. 25tlp

FOR ; SALE — 5 thoroughbred beagle puppies. 2 months old. well marked. Cheap, if taken at once. Boys 26 in. bicycle. J. E.. Hadley, 650 Evergreen.

FOR SALE—Good bed with mat- . tress and springs and com- FOR RENT—Seven room house mode. Ice refrigerator. • 1 sani- 1 at 232 Ann street to responsible tary cot, 2 tables, cistern pump. , party. Newly decorated. “ *' wringer with stand, and cloth- |\ 265 N. Harvey.es rack. 592 Kellogg. Phone *■1 220J._______________________ 1 FOR RENT—Newly decorated fur- ! payment at all. Stop in and ask

How To Get a Car! Plymouth used car market can

CaH arrange it for you to get that ltpd used car you n^ed for very little

down and in some cases no down

Terms if You Wish

FOR SALE—Six acres of good garden soil with small house

■ in fair condition. Priced to sell. G. A. Bakewell. phone 616W.

nished three, room apartment us about it any time. Next door with private bath. 555 Stark- , to Plymouth Mail and directly weather. Hamill apartments. I across from Schrader Funeral

22tf on Main street.

Many a farmer’s wife wishes she had running water so her husband could wash the dish­es by holding each one under the faucet the way city men do......................................................

Trade In Your Old Furniture

FOR SALE—Fresh Jersey cow al­so house trailer. Inquire at 9275 W. Joy Road, 6 miles west of Plymouth. ltpd

horse. .weight 145,0 lbs. Allen McCrory,' 11 Mi. Rd. Phone 16F3, South j Lyon. J

FOR SALE—Victor victrola in

FOR SALE — Kodak. electric washer, dining tables, pictures, chairs, gas stove, also garage for rent. Inquire 137 Union street. 25tlpd

FOR RENT—Seven room house for rent. Newly decorated and also garage. Call at 575 S. Main.2tpd

Wantedspringer spaniel puppies, age 6 weeks. Harold Throop, 1381 Sheridan. 25tlpd

WANTED—At once tractor and plow. Macomber Farm. Terri­torial Road, 2>/2 miles west of Plymouth.ltpd

DO YOU KNOW-That Charles Sessions will sell Furniture and Antiques Thursday, May 16th at his residence, 121 High St., Northville, at 1 o’clock. Books and Book Cases.

“Living’Alone, Must Sell” TERMS CASH


FOR SALE—Good timothy hay. ,....... .baled. Comer of Novi and Five WANTED—A good used garden Mile Road. W. C. Webber. seeder by MaV 14th- *32 Ann Phone 7132F11.____________tfc ' Arbor, Wilbur Gould. 25tlpd

FOR SALE — Early cabbage1 WANTED — Girl for general plants, also all kinds of flower ' housework. Apply phone 547-W

WANTED—Good jroner woman oror phone 261W.tfc

FOR SALE — Moore's Quality! Chicks. Bloodtested Antigen j

CARD OF THANKSWe wish to thank the friends

and neighbors who so kindly as­sisted us in our late bereavement, for the beautiful floral offerings and to those who assisted us in any way. also Rev. Sutherland for his comforting words.

Mrs. Annie M. HelmMr. and Mrs. Ernest RossowMr. and Mrs. Roy Helm

and family.

girl to do ironing one day week, Thursday or Friday in Rosedale Gardens. Phone7119F12. .ltpd mother

CARD OF THANKSWe wish -to express our appre­

ciation to all the friends and neighbors for their kindness and expressions of sympathy at the time of our bereavement.

Mrs. Elsie Bovee. Chas. Bovee, Earl Bovee.______

You’ve Never Seen Such Values!!

method. Large healthy chicks in 1 w ANTED—Washines and all popular breeds. Visit us 3*2 . a,snin?s andmiles west of Wayne and see a ifine equipped hatchery with! chicks on display. Sexed chicks

IN MEMORIAMIn loving memory of our dear

Mrs. Bertha Schmidt Reinholtz, who died May 8. 1925.

tags by A-l laundress: also will we !oved her- s? w.e ralss her- give room and board for two. ?n our memor'’ she is near.


Painting and Decorating

Bids cheerfully given and all work guaranteed.



Homer E. Clicker325 Liberty St. Plymouth Or inquire at the Cavalcade

Inn, Phoenix Lake

Starting Saturday and continuing throughout next week we will feature special values in our furniture department. Nev-

You have never seen the equal of this value—You may have you rchoice of dresser or vanity, both pieces have triple Vene­tian mirrors and dust proof construction, drawers have cen­ter guides and solid oak interiors. ..............................................

Other Desirable Bedroom Suites $38.50 to $95.00

Loved, remembered, longed for always.

bowling ban- BrinSs us many a silent tear, quet, valuable to owner as gift. Sadly missed by all her child- return to Plymouth Mail for r—----------------------------

Reasonable. 312 W. Pearl St.for sale. Write for prices. Moore , T Hatcheries. 41733 Michigan ave- • LOST-Pencil. at nue, Wayne, Mich. Phone 421J. |

----- ! information as to owner.FOR SALE—A medium size two

story house with all modern conveniences. Newly decorated.

■ On paved street, at 450 Blunk avenue. Inquire of M. G. Blunk, 209 Irving street or phone 613M.

tfcFOR SALE—6 room furnished

cottage, including boat with outboard motor. Base Lake, phone 137-W.16tfc

FOR SALE—Oats, mixed tim­othy. $19.00 per ton; alfalfa.. $19.00 a ton. Baled. Will deliv- 1 er. Also milch cow. 1115 Plym- I puth Roa.d at Whitbeck Road.

24t2pd |FOR SALE—Small well- secured

ltp MAN’S HEART SKIPS- BEATS—DUE TO GASLadies Tailoring and Dressmaking w L Adams was b]oated sdh„riS and £ 4 T "ith Bas that his heart oftenbuckles and buttons. Mrs Grace mlssed beats after cating. Adler.

42-M. Not open Saturdays. he eats anything and feels fine.________________________sst4pa Beyer pharmacy.WANTED—Salesmen. Have an

opening now for reliable sales­man. age 25 to 50 years to take

care of demand for Rawleigh household products in Plym­outh. Good profits for hustler. We furnish everything but the car to start you. Rawleigh Co., Dept. M.C.E. 330-C, Freeport, Hl.24t5Kl

FURNITURE REPAIRINGA. H. Vahlbusch — Furniture

sry6 percent mortgages on singles' Repairing Upholsterer* Draper and two families. Five percent and slip Covers , SDecialty. tat’HtrrAiir,b TTZ^iLn nr enll *T* G . . .discount. Write or call Leith. Brighton, Mich.


S. | est line material. Workmanship 2tpd A-No.-l. Phone 347W. 258 Joy

0 Street. 15tf

P roprictor D. Galin

Corner Main and Ann Arbor Streets

DECORATE NOWWhile prices are low. For either

painting or paper hanging, see your home decorator. F. R. Spurt. 475 Jener Place, phone 443W. _________________________ 12tfc

."/m’A'rS Grade One Meats a‘,r!Plymouth. Michigan

Swift’s 4J*Sliced

Bacon ‘Rind Off "


QUALITY BABY CHICKSEighteen years with most prof­

itable breeds. Large healthy chicks eight and nine cents. Custom hatching, $2.50 hundred eggs. Oakland Hills Poultry Farm. Or­chard Lake Road. Farmington. Two miles from Grand River, phone 347F2.______ 15tfc

WEST PLYMOUTHMuch of farm work is at a

stand still, owing to the contin­ued rainy weather, but farmers are most grateful for the mois­ture that will boost the crops lat­er on.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. Mr. Miller Ross with Betsy, and his mother. Mrs. Sarah Ross were entertained Sunday evening at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, after which they attended "The Rock” at the Methodist church. Mrs. Miller Ross was detained at home ow­ing to the indisposition of her little daughter, Beverly.

Saturday evening, Mrs. Harold Young entertained at a weenie roast, seven of the boys in her Sunday school class from the Christian Church in Detroit.

Miss Ruth Wilson of Redford was a week-end guest of her sis­ter, Mrs. Walton Richwine.

Betsy, Ross celebrated her birth­day Thursday. May 9, with a birthday party.


DANCING SCHOOLConducted by the Dancing

Baileys, teachers of fancy and ballroom dancing. Your first les­son free. Young and old. Located

I at 132 Randolph street;, North­ville. Phone Northville 35-J for appointment. 18t4pd

- NOTICESpring is here. Are you going

j through another year with that inefficient and dirty upholstering, •no. I guess not. we have the fin- I est materials on the market at the lowest prices and the best workmanship that 25 years of experience can give. We also do refinishing and repairing. All es­timates free. Just drop a card or call 330 Eaton Drive, Northville. F. J. Sutton. Prop._______ 24t2pd

WANTED — Girl for general house work. Apply Plymouth Mail, box A. A. D.

Sliced 21 Port nr Liver

IRIALSEverything in stone manufac­

tured and guaranteed by Joseph L. Amet and son, Ann Arbor. One of the most complete lines in Michigan. Established in 1904. Represented by Ben R. Gilbert, 959 Penniman Ave., Plymouth.

24tf, Rugs cleaned and sized atWood’s Rug Cleaning service.

iPhone R. S. Wood. 1165 West Ann Arbor St., Plymouth, Mich. _____ __________________ 22tf

Kettle Roast IQTender Juicy heifer beef

c lb. &np

That Good TRI-O-HI-O fresh pure creameryBUTTER 2 CKTPound PH

NOVI INN DANCE Dance Friday, Saturday and!

Sunday to Dexters famous band.! Walled Lake road and Grand ’

! River. 24t2pdI Let us do your custom hatching. |We are getting very good results. [ We hatch duck, geese, game, ban- ty and hens eggs. Lewis H. Snyd- I er, located on Ford Road 1% mi. west of Wayne Road.

Guaranteed to satiay

Baptist Cafeteria SupperFriday, May 10th. Menu: Roast

pork, dressing, new style city I chicken legs, salmon loaf, cream sauce, vegetables^ salads, Jello, desserts, tea, coffee and milk.

Why pay more for a high quality anti-knock gas!1FLEET

The Fleet gasoline will give you performance equal to any premium gasoline and save you 4c per gallon.

15^2 per gallonPlus Mich. Sales Tax

Obtainable only at

D. & S. GarageCor. Middlebelt and Plym­

outh Road.

Plymouth Rock Mineral Water

The Fountain of fcouth

This water is good for dia­betics, nephritis, and stom­ach, kidney and bladder troubles.

G. W. BritcherWilcox Road, Formerly Mill

CEDAR CHEST Genuine cedar vane- ered in walnut to match bedroom suite.


. . . that’s because it’s made of lively wool!

9x12 RUGS

Bigelow San­ford Axmin-

ster Rugs $21.95

Mohawk Wilton Vel Rug $29.75

Log Cabin Rugs $4.95

4x7 Plaid 22x44 9 x 12

RUGS Chenille Congole-1RUGS urn Rugs

$1.15 $1.29 $6.85

«. We’re ready with ail the new- 5est upholstering patterns and

# ^colors in living room suites “ji&of distinction and luxurious

“f comfort. A wide variety of J lovely period frames to choose 9 from. Reliable inner construc- | tion in every detail.

Sofa and


Others $49.50 to $110

Join Our Blanket ClubWinter is over—But now is the time to place your order for one or more of these beautiful ALL WOOL BLANKETS, available in almost any color you might want, and bound in Silkto match—For Delivery Next Fall............................ All you need do, to make sure that you have one of these soft and warm, 100 percent wool blankets on your bed next winter, is to make a small deposit of 95 cents—select the blanket you want—and then pay 50 cents a week tor 14 weeks (a total of $7.95).In order for us to offer you this wonderful value, we were obliged to place our order for these blankers, with the Mill, early in the year—per­mitting the Mill to make them up during their Hull season, and as a result get a concession in price for this “Special Selling Event,”................


Page 11: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper



ONE OF THE OLDEST leg At Publication



SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE .SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by LOUIS SAPERSTEIN and SOPHIE SAPERSTEIN, his wife, and ABRAHAM SAPERSTEIN and SOPHIE .SAPER­STEIN. his wife, all of the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortga­gors to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation or­ganised under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the nineteenth day of July, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 20th. 1928. in Liber 2174 of Mortgages, on Page 435. which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to-wit the 21st day of May. 1929, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day I

THE PLYMOUTH MAILPhone Plymouth No. 6

(8) of plats at page eight (8). together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 3, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K-DETROgT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys tor Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31: June 7. 14, 21, 28: July 5, 12. 19.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILBER R. MAGEE and DESSIE P. MAGEE, his wife, of Ann Arbor, Mich­igan, and MICHAEL SKLAR, a single man. and SAM GOLDBERG and EMMA GOLDBERG, his wife, of Detroit, Mich­igan, Mortgagors to PENINSULAR STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of

__ _________ __ .... __ ______ the State of Michigan, Mortgagee. itsof April. 1930. said mortgage was assigned ] successors and assigns, bearing date the by the said Bank of Michigan to Peoples t tenth day of June, 1927, and recorded in Wayne County Bank, a MRhigan corpora- the office of the Register of Deeds for

' Detroit. Michigan, by assignment the County of Wayne. State of Michigan,dated April 30th, 1930, and recorded May 1st, 1930. in the office of the Regi:" 'Deeds for the County of Wayne i

Liber............................... ............... 1967_ .. , Mortgages, on Page 380, which mortgageLiber ! contains a power of sale, which said

. 222 of Assignments on Page 613. which g;age was thereafter on to-wit the thir- said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the i tirth day of April. 1930. assigned by the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assign- | said Peninsular State Bank to Peoplesed by the said -Peoples Wayne County Bank i Wayne County Bank, a Michigan cor-to First Wayne National Bank of De- | poration of Detroit. Michigan, by assign- troit, a corporation organized under the went-dated April •QOth, 1930. and recordedlaws of the United States of America, of ! May 1st. 1930 in the office of the Reg-Detrort, Michigan, by assignment dated * ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan- j in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register 615, which said mortgage was thereafter or Deeds for said County of Wayne in on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, Liber 244 of 'Assignments, on Rage 160. I 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, , County Bank to First Wayne National the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee I Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL j under the laws of the United States of BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz- I America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ed under the laws of the United States i ment dated December 31st. 193], and re- of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There I corded January 9th, 1932, in the office of is claimed to be due an# unpaid on said ' the Register of Deeds for said County of mortgage at the date of this notice, for , Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on principal, interest, taxes, and certification Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of of abstract, the sum of EIGHT-THOU- October, 1932. the aforementioned assigneeSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY- of mortgagee changed! i FIRSTSEVEN and 31 /100"(58.997.31)''Dollars. ! NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.No suit or proceeding at law or in 1 poration organized under the laws of the equity has been had or instituted to re- j United States of America. of Detroit, cover the debt Secured by said.,, mortgage ! Michigan. There is claimed to be due and or any part thereof. j unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and power of sale in said mortgage contained. , certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR and pursuant to the statute of the State THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FOR- of Michigan in such case made and pro- TY-FOUR and 99/100 (54.444.99) Dol- vided. notice is hereby eiven ' that on ; lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in WEDNESDAY‘the THIRTY-FIRST day equity has been had or instituted to recov- of JULY. 1935, at eleven o'clock er the debt secured by said mortgage or in the - forenoon, Eastern Standard time, any part thereof.said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale I NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the

t public auction, to the highest bidder, at power of sale in said mortgage contained.' ' i statute of the State

t made and pro­the southerly or Congress Street entrance to and pursuant to the t the County Building in the City of Detroit, | of Michigan in such i

. County of Wayne is held' of the premisi

amount <due. a

I UST. 1935, elevt o'clock

s aforesaid, on said mortgage. ‘ public auction to the highest bidder, _ or sums which may be paid j the southerly or Congress Street entrance

by the ‘undersigned at or before said sale 1 to the County Building in the City of for taxes and/or insurance on said premis- Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that es. and all other sums paid by the under- ; being the place where the Circuit Court signed pursuant to law and to the terms for the County of Wayne is held) of the of said mortgage, with interest thereon at premises described in said mortgage or so seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all much thereof as may be necessary to pay legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, , the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort- including the attorney fees allowed by law. ' gage, and any sum or sums which may which said premises are described as fol- : be paid by the undersigned at or before lows: 'said sale for taxes and/or insurance on

The parcel of land situated in »he City said premises, and all other sums paid by of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of the undersigned pursuant to law and to Michigan, described as: Lot axty-three (63) the terms of said mortgage, with interest and West ten (10) feet of1 Lot sixty-two thereon at seven per cent (7%) per <62) of S. B. Morse's Subdivision of part num. and all legal costs, charges and ... of Lot three (3), Mullett Farm. North of penses thereon. includ:ng the attorney fees Gratiot, as recorded in Liber 47 of Deeds allowed by law. which said premises at page 395. Wayne County records, to- described as follows:gether with the hereditaments and appur- : The parcel of landtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, May 3. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELQON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17, 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21, 28: July 5, 12. 19.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default^haa been made in the terms and

conditions-of a certain mortgage made bv BRUNO STANCZYK and JOSEPHINE STANCZYK. his wife, and, BOLESLAW ZULCZYK and HELEN# ZULCZYK. his wife, all of Detroit. Michigan, Mortga­gors to PENINSULAR STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organ-

. C,a,* nt SZii-h.

__ _____ .. __ mated in the Cityof Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered one hundred twenty-two (122), of Woodruff's Subdivision of Lot three (3); Lafferty Farm, Private Claim two hundred twenty- eight (233). south of Grand River Ave­nue. a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County in liber two (2) of plats on page thirty-two (32). together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, May 3. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21. 28: July 5, 12. 19.

Legal Publication Sectionfees allowed by law, which said premises •re described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City ,of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described at: Lot two hundred and twenty-seven (227) of Robert Walker’a Subdivision of part of fractional sections twenty-two (22) and twenty-seven (27) town one (1) South range twelve (12)' east, a plat of which is recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deed# for Wayne County in liber twenty-five (25) of plats at page fifty-six (56), together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 3. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19.

thereon at seven per cent (7%) per num. and all legal costs, charges and penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lots twenty-one (21) and twenty-two(22) Park Manor, part of west half of southeast quarter of section 29. Town 1. South of Range 11 East, Detroit, according to the Plat. in Liber 33, Page 30 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, May, 3. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Micnigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21, 28: July 5. 12. 19.

HELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been' made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by THE D 4 F BUILDING CORPORA­TION. a Michigan corporation, of Detroit.Michigan. Mortgagor to THE DIME SAV­INGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized undet the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of February. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register' of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on February 23rd. 1927. in Lib­er 1901 of Mortgages, on Page 305. which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to- wit the 21st day of May, 1929. the afore­mentioned mortgagee changed its name to . . __ ___ ___„ ________Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, [ aforementioned mortgagee changed its name of Detroit, Michigan, and thereafter on to- to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corpora- wit the thirtieth day of April. 1930. said ; tion, of Detroit. Michigan, and there- mortgage was assigned by the said Bank after on to-wit the thirtieth day of April, of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County. 1930, said mortgage was assigned by the Bank, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit, ! said Bank of Michigan to Peoples Wayne Michigan, by assignment dated April 30th, County Bank, a Michigan corporation, of 1930, and recorded May 1st. 1930, in the Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated office of the Register of Deeds for the April 30th. 1930. and recorded May 1st. County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assign- 1930. in the office of the Register of Deeds ments. on Page 613. which said mortgage for the County of Wayne in Liber 222 of

thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first Assignments, on Page 613. which said of December. 1931. assigned by the mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the

said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First thirty-first day of December. 1931, assign- Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor- ed by the said Peoples Wayne County poration organized under .the laws of the Bank to First Wayne National Bank of United States of America, of Detroit. Detroit, a corporation organized under the Michigan, by assignment dated December laws of the United States of America, of............"31. and recorded January 9th. Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated

the office of the Register of Deeds December 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan- for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of uary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Reg- Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne eighth day of October. 1932. the afore- in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed ■ On to-wh the eighth day of October, its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mort- DETROIT. a corporation organized under gagee changed its name to FIRST NA- the laws of the United States of America. , TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corpora- of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to | tion organized under the laws of the be due and unpaid on said mortgage at i United States of America, of Detroit, the date of this notice, for principal, inter- Michigan. There is claimed to be due and est. taxes, and certification of abstract, the 1 unpaid on said mortgage at the date of Sum of THREE THOUSAND SIXTY-j this notice, for principal, interest, taxes. NINE and 89/100 ($3,069.89) Dollars. No I insurance, and certification of abstract, the suit or proceeding at law or in equity has | sum of FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT been had or instituted to recover the debt , HUNDRED TEN and 38/100 (54.810.38)

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by JACOB FINKELSTEIN and BLANCHE FINKELSTEIN, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the seventeenth day of January, 1924, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on January 18th, 1924, in Liber 1265 of Mortgages, on Page 406, which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to-wit the 21st day of May. 1929, the

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1935




Vid mort8a<€ or I rtNJY'T «REE- and 7,/10S (t4,423.-; 31st, 19,31. and recorded January 9th. 1932. j February 15th. 1928. and recorded Februarymuch thereof as-may be neceaaary to pay ( 71) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law , in the office of the Register of Deeds fori 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of

Liber 244 of I Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber ' -78 of Assignments, on Page 517. which

the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and any sum or sums which tray be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows: *

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot one hundred and five (105) Lambrecht. Kelly and Company’s Grand River Terminal Sub­division of part of quarter section forty- nine (49). ten thousand acre tract, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County in Liber twenty-seven (27) of Plats, on page eighty-six (86). together with the heredi­taments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, May 3, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10, 17, 24. 31: June 7.__ 14. 21, 28; July 5. 12. 19.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WALTER J. GERICK and BERTHA E. nFr?tr*ir ..-i. nt

i equity has been had or instituted tp j said County of Wayne, tcover the debt secured by said mortgage Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the r .?"3C.?a2..t.*!5£e®L_______ . I eighth day of October. 1932, the afore-

and pursuant to the statute of the State of\ DETROIT, a corporation organized underMichigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WED­NESDAY the THIRTY-FIRST day of JULY, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale

the highest bidder.

said mortgage was thereafter c .. . .thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under • the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for

- - - of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest.

_ . insurance, taxes, and certification of ab- ........... ......... ............wpublic I stract. the sum of ONE THOUSAND said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of

the NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE and Assignments, on Page 160. Onsoutherly or Congress Street entrance to I no/100 (51.963*00) Dollars'. "No" suit " or > eighth day of October'"l932.” the afore-tho County Building inthe City of De- proceeding at law or in equity has been I mentioned assignee of mortgagee changedtroit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- had or instituted to recover the debt se- i its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-ing the place where the Circuit Court for cured by said mortgage or any part there- DETROIT, a corporation organized underthe County of Wayne is held) of the of.____ the laws .of the United States of America.premises described in said mortgage or so NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to

pay. power of sale in -said mortgage contained, be due and unpaid on said mortgage at said | and jihrsuant to the statute of the State the date of this notice, for principal, inter-

of Michigan in such case made and pro-; est, taxes, and certification of abstract, theStSsJvA’S'' _'?at on Isum of TWO thousand threeTWENTY-SECOND day HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 11/100 (52.- of JULY 1935, at eleven o clock in the 311,11) Dollars. No suit or proceeding ai forenoon Eastern Standard time said mort- iaw Or in equity has been had or instituted gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public to recover the debt secured by said mort- aumion to the-highest bidder, at the south- gage or any part thereof.

/Congfess Street entrance to the NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of uilding ^n the City of Detroit. | the power of sale in said mortgage .

much .thereof as may be the amount due. as aforesaid, mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with intery est thereon at seven per cent (7%) Der annum, and all legal 'penses thereon, including

charges and ex'- 'r)iL-£r the attorney, -CaunfKyBi

fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows: '

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot Twenty-tyo (22). Block Seven (7) Stephen's "ELM PARK" Subdivision of all that part of Private Claims One Hundred' Eighty (180). One Hundred Fifty-three (153) and One Hundred Fifty-five (155). lying North of Gratiot Avenue, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 19 of Plats. Page 12. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there-

-Wityiie County Michigan, (that being the j tained. and pursuant to the place where the Circuit Court for the State of Michigan in such , statute of theJounty of Wayne is held) of the premises I prodded. *notice“‘is "hereby given'^iat ’on described in said mortgage or so much MONDAY the TWENTY-SECOND day of ... „ „„„ --------------- , . theforen(x>n

secured by said mortgage or any part

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue cf the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURS­DAY. the FIRST.day of AUGUST. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Stand­ard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wavne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or surps which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by theundersigned pursuant to law and .... terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses there­on. including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises ’ " 'follows:

Dollars. No suit or proceeding in equity has been had or instituted recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, riy virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the FIRST day of AUG­UST. 1'93S. at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at southerly or Congress Street entrance the County Building in the City of De­troit.' Wayne County, Michigan, (that b<ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) c ’ premises described in said mortgage much thereof as may be necessary t the amount due. as aforesaid, on said gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said Bale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the

---------- — terms of said mortgage, with interestdescribed as 1 thereon at seven per cent (7%) per

and all legal costs, charges andThe parcel of land situated in the City 1 thereon, including the attorney fees

of Detroit. County ' of Wayne. State of! allowed by law. which said premises are Michigan, described as: Lot numbered | described as follows:twenty-three (23) Colquitt's Subdivision I The parcel of land situated in the City of part of Fractional Section fifteen (15)*|°f Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Town one (1) South Range Twelve (12) Michigan, described as: Lot Fifty-one (51) East. Hamtramck Township, a plat of which Inyerness Avenue of the Howland Subdi- is recorded in the office of the Register of I vis,on of the East hal/ ‘h« "°,rthDeeds for Wayne- County in Liber 37. page two-thirds (2/3) of West half (%) of Lot 40. of plats, together with the heredita- One (»>. Section Fifteen (15). Town One menta and appurtenances thereof. 1 (1) South. Range Eleven (11) East,FIRS?FIRST NATIONAI.i<B*NKtDETROIT.|t„ Lib„ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,

• , i . 4* Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michi;lzed under the laws of the State of Mich­igan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns bearing date the eighteenth day ' •1927. and recorded in the office Register of Deeds for the CounjL Wayne. State of Michigan, on April 20th,1927. in Liber 1930 of Mortgages.Paee 146. which mortgage* contains a I j———— “'.‘If. /.***“ —v. ...* onci-uui* c.. x-c.moc/n.power of sa^. which Ail mortgage was I nSffiAR'1!STE,,£SK"d#DwA I A"°MnT for a Ast'Knc' °f M°7,gag?e' thereafter onF to-wit the thirtieth day of( I 44 M,eh,«an Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.Anri! 1030 assigned bv the said Penin- Michigan, a corporation organized under I — ------------------------------------------------Altar State PmoIm wTvne Coun- the laws of the Sta,e of Michigan. Mort- ; MORTGAGE SALE ROBERT S. MARX ANDty Bank, a Michigan conation?of De-- P**'. its_ successors and assigns, bearing Default has been made in me terms and | . SHELDON E. PEIRSON.

la assigns of April.y the

unty of pril 20th,


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14, 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and r

conditions of a certain mortgage made by >STEPHEN J. WISEMER and ANNA ,___ _______________________WISEMER. his wife, and WILLIAM , ROBERT S. MARX AND JESSE and IDA JESSR. his wife. all_ of j SHELDON E. PEIRSON.

hereditaments and appurtenances thereof. Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 3. 1935.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19.

conditions of a certain mortgage made by Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,_____ ____ - ____ - „___ . FRED G. FORD and FLORENCE E. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of I FORD, his wife, both of Detroit. Mich- 1 ----------

LTber ”22 Michigan, on June 3rd. 1927. in Liber igan. Mortgagors, to CENTRAL SAV- MORTGAGE SALE"' laid I9SS of Mortgages, on Page 357. which INGS BANK of Detroit. Michigan. a Default has been made in the terms

nionziKe was mcicaucr un iu-wii the n'or‘8a8e contains a power of sale, which corporation organized under the laws of and conditions of a certain mortgage madethirty-first day of December. 1931. assign- \ »‘d .tn°r«gage was thereafter on to-wit the' the State of Michigan. Mortgagee. its by GUY A. STICKNEY and NORMA ed' by the said Peoples Wayne County thirtieth day of April. 1930. assigned by 1 Successors and assigns, bearing date the . M. STICKNEY, his wife, of Detroit.Bank co First Wayne National Bank of J*1® sald Peninsular State Bank to Peoples sixteenth day of June. 1924. and recorded Michigan. Mortgagors, to PENINSULARDetroit, a .corporation organized under the Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corpora- I m the office of the Register of Deeds for STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, alaws of the United States of America, of ',10n Detroit Michigan, by assignment 1 the County of Wayne. State of Michigan. I corporation organized under the laws of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated da,ed *Pn* 30th. 1930. and recorded May | on June 25th. 1924. in Liber 823 of Mort- the State of Michigan. Mortgagee. —* December 31s. 1931. and^recorded Jan- ’’V.1’30, ■" »he office of the Register of ; gages. - =— -..................... ....... • - - -uary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Reg- P,?*15/0: sa,d County of Wayne in Lib«

of Deeds for satf County.of Wayne . 22.2 of Assignments on Page 6 5. which

April 30th. 1930. and recorded May 1st,1930. in the office of the Register of Deedsfor said County of Wayne in Liber 222 - . M„rt-„of Assignments, on Page 615. which said , 1mortgage was thereafter

Page 5a'd mortgage was thereafter160. On to-wit the eighth '£y' of October, thirty-first day of December 1931. assign- 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mort- [ by the said Peoples Wayne County gagee changed its name to FI RST NA- Banb. » F>r« Wayne National Banjc ofTIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corpora- ’ ——— ------------ -tion organized under the laws of theUnited States of America. of Detroit.

- ** F*unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND ELEVEN and 88/100 (52.- 011.58) Dollars. No suit .or proceeding at law or in equity has beed had or institut­ed to recover the debt secured ,by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue oT the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan ift such case made- and provided, notice is hereby given that taflVEDNES- DAY, the THIRTY-FIRST Sf of JULY, 1939, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to. the County Building in the City -of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises describ­ed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and. any sum or turns which may b<. paid by th« undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by die undersign­ed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at sev­en per cent (7%) per annum, and all le» gd costs, charges and expenses thereon, includfng the attorney fees allowed by law

_-sdMCli said premises are described as fol­lows: .

The- parcel of land Situated in the City of Dssreic. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as-: Lot thirty-five (35) of Goodrich and Barton’s Subdivision of the southwest part ’ of fractional section twengy-eigHt (28) town one (1) south range twelve (12) east, a plat of which is recorded far the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County in liber eight

Bank . .Detroit, a corporation organized under: the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page. 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sura of TWO THOU­SAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE and 28/100 (52.669.28) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there-

.. Page 410 which mortgage con- j cessors and assigns bearing date power of sale, which said mort- I eighteenth day of July. 1927. and recorded

s thereafter on to-wit the seventh [ in the office of the Register of Deeds for day ot February. 1928. assigned by the J the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, said Central Savings Bank to First Na- , on July 19th. 1927. in Liber 1981 of tional Bank In Detroit, a Federal Bank- I Mortgages, on Page 433. which mortgage ing ’Corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, by : contains a power of sale. which said assignment dated February 7th. 1928. and . mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the recorded-March 19th. 1928. in the office ! thirtieth day of April. 1930. assigned by

Rage i

of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of Assignments, on Page 222. On to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. the aforementioned aa- signee of mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On. to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed Its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor- poration organized under the laws of the united State* of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan. There is claimed 4o be due and un­paid on aaid mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, pnd certifi­cation of abstract, the aura of FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIX­TY-SEVEN and 81/100 (547267281) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover tho debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of aalc in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice a hereby given that on THURSDAY the FIRST day of AUG­UST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder; at the southerly or Compma Street entrance to the County Budding in the City of De- troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be- ing the place where the Circuit Court for u.. t*-----— .« Wayne ia held)

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such csss made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that’ on THURSDAY the FIRST day of AUGUST. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thftrcof'-aa may be necessary to paythe amount due, as aforesaid, on said —-------- - „ — „w/ „mortgage, any sum or sums which '.premises descrihad in said mortgagemsy ba paid-by the undersigned at or bf. *»----- ---------- --------------fort said tala tor taxes and/or insuranceon said premises, and all other sums by the' uadezwgned at or before said

n aad/or insurance on aafd I aB other aoma paid by the pursuant to law and to the

.... said Peninsular State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corpo­ration of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated April 30th. 1930. and recorded May 1st. 1930 in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page 615. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit. the thirty-firat day of December. 1931. assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31at. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County, of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the rightb day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND FORTY-THREE and 17/100 (58.043.17) DoUars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity baa been had or in­stituted to recover tlie debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in aaid mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on' THURSDAY the FIRST day of AUG­UST, 1935, at eleven o’clock In the fore­noon. Eastern Standard tune, aaid mort­gage will be forecloeed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at thethe^Ccmnt^ ^^Sg"De­troit. Wavne County, Michigan, (that b*'ayne ing the place the County

„_____(that I___j the Circuit Court f

Wayne fa hdd) of t

GERICK*. his wife, of the City of De­troit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan. Mortgagors to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the eighteenth day of May. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on May 19th. 1928. in Liber 2137 of Mort­gages, on Page 365, which mortgage con­tains a power of sale. On to-wit the 21st day of May. 1929. ' the aforementionedmortgagee changed its name to Bank of KOBEKT S. MARX AND Michigan, a Michigan corporarion. of De- E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, troit, Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit | Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, the thirtieth day of April 1930. said mort- 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan, gage was assigned by the said Bank of ______Michigan to Peoples Wayne County Bank. MORTGAGE SALEa Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Mich- Default has been made in the terms and igan. by assignment dated April 30th. conditions of a certain mortgage made by 1930. and recorded May 1st. 1930. in the ANDREW TRACY and DELLA office of the Register of Deeds for the TRACY, his wife, of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne in Liber 222 of As- Michigan. Mortgagors, to THE DIME aignments. on Page 613, which said SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thir- a corporation organized under the laws of ty-first day of December. 1931. assigned ,he State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc- by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank cessors and assigns. bearing date the

Firsr Wayne National Bank of Detroit... seventeenth day of April. 1929. and re- corporation organized under the laws of corded in the office of the Register of

the United States of America, of Detroit. Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, by assignment dated December Michigan, on April 18th. 1929. in Liber 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. 2306 of Mortgages, on Page 608. which ■" the office of the Register of Deeds for mortgage contains a power of sale. On to-'

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. May 3. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee- of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

May 3. 10, 17, 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. 19.


thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which msy be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said piemis- es. and all other sums paid by the under­signed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol­lows, "

JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock ii.__________Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wa^ne is held) of the premises describ­ed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid byP"ce’ of land ,si‘uated in <h« City' the u"ndersTgned"at or before'said sale f'o'r

of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of taxes and/or insurance on said premises. Michigan described as: Lot numbered and sll other sums paid by the Lnder- Two Hundred and Twenty-three (223) of signed pursuant to law and to the terms Pulaski Park Subdivision of Part of Free- of said mortgage, with interest thereon at A t"8 c^J.,0nO SeVent^en 1 < 7)',,T?wnT,One ?eve,n P" cent PCT ’mum, and all(1). Sou,k Range Twelve (12), East, legal costs, charges and expenses thereon. Hamtramck, according to a plat recorded in including the attorney fees allowed bv Liber Twenty-nine (29J of Plats on Page law. which said premises are described as Sixty-six (66) in Wayne County Records, follows, to-wit:together with the hereditaments and ap- The parcel of land situated in the City purtenances riiereof. of Defroit. County of Wayne. State of

Michigr- *—!t •“= j-----u.j ... m. .. ,. .Dated at Detroit, ichigan, April 26, Michigan, described as: The Northeriy 2half Hi) of lot Two Hundred Fifty fl FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, of J. W. Johnston's Subdivision '

Assignee of Mortgagee. ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage! 44 Michigan

Porter and Campau Farm, being that part of the East one-half (>4) of Private Claim Seventy-eight (78) lying North of Chicago Avenue and all that part of Private Claim Twenty-one (21) and the West seven twelfths (7/12) of Private Claim Twenty (20) lying North of Chicago Avenue and South of the Rear forty (40) acres sold 10 Mark Flanigan, according to a plat re­corded in liber I of plats on page 32 in Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 26th. 1935.

-------7 , , FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.jeen made in the terms and Assignee of Mortgagee..

mor,8age made by ROBERT S. MARX AND SMITH. Incorporated, a £. KATHERINE KILPATRICK

44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.April 26: May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7, 14, 21. 28; July 5, 12.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Default hat conditions ofBASSETT i .

mentioned mortgagee changed its name to i M2',h‘Ew CorP°ra,lon' °L.'1?® c”y °f De' Attorney® for Assignee of Mortgagee.E „I Eis/n . MkhiF.n ”^,2 ItoBAJV KO ICHIGAN *' “'""“a" '/■"“V'™1'

«IH the 1 Mki organized under the laws of the State of---------------------- ---------- ------ 1------—2 L.SJk~SlWWS? “ ‘ w“« ?na ROBERT S._ MARX AND

said «.County of Wayne in Liber 244 Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized underthe laws of the United States of America. Bank of "Michigan to ” People of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed County Bank, a Michigan corporation, to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at Detroit. Michigan, by assignment datedthe date of this notice, far principal, inter- April 30th, 1930. and recorded May 1st. County of'Wavne^ -Bl est. taxes, insurance, and certification of' 1930. in the office Of the Register of 1 ?n»u io?oabstract, the sum of THREE THOU- Deeds for the County of Wayne in Liber I ?.ept- erSAND FIVE .HUNDRED FORTY- 222 of Assignments, on Page 613. which THREE and 22/100 (53.543.22) Dollars. ; said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the No suit or proceeding at law or in equity thirty-first day of December. 1931,has been had or instituted to recover debt secured by said mortgage or any part i thereof. I Detroit.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice 'is hereby given that on THURSDAY the FIRST day of AUG­UST, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance tc tht County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be-ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in aaid mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on aaid premis­es, and all other sums paid by the under­signed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol-

The parcel of land, situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot ninety-seven (97) of Chene Street Subdivision of the west half (%) of the east half (%) of the East half («4) and east half (54) of the

it half (>4) ipf east half (54) of quarter . .) section nineteen (19). Ten Thousand Acre Tract, Wayne County. Michigan, ac­cording to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Liber 15 of Plats, page 86. Wayne County Rec- . ords, together with the hereditaments and j appurtenances thereof. •

Dated at Detroit, Mic _ . .FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31: June : 14, 21. 28: July 5, 12. 1!

Wavne mungagcc. ns successors ano as- KUB&KT 5. _on of oigns' bearing date ,he thir,eenth daV E KATHERINE KILPATRICK,

dated September, 1929, and recorded in the of-' Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, rice of the Register of Deeds for the 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan

of Michigan, on i ----------......... -.............-.......... Liber 2387 of1 MORTGAGE SALE

Mortgages, on Page 55, which mortgage ‘ --contains a power of sale, which said mort- Default has been maOe in the terms and

n, ,lux. an i8a8e was thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth conditions of a certain mortgage made by the , Xned bv the sa°d P^lw Wavne County llay,of X'i1' J930' assi«ned by said .MELVIN F. LANPHAR and CORIN-.art B^nk to* First WavMPNational Bank of ?ank °f Michigan to Peoples Wayne 1 NE O. LANPHAR. his wife, of Detroit.

I - - • .... County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagors, toDetroit. Michigan, by assignment dated THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of De-April 30th, 1930, and recorded May 1st, ' troit. Michigan, a corporation organized1930, in the office of the Register of Deeds under the laws of the State of Michigan, for said County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bear- Aseignments. on Page 613, which said ing date the twenty-first day of March, mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the ' 1927. and recorded in the office of the Reg- thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned ' ister of Deeds for the County of Wayne,by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank . State of Michigan, on March 22nd, 1927.to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, in Liber 1914 of Mortgages, on Page 454. a corporation organized under the laws of which mortgage contains a power of sale, the United States of America, of Detroit, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- Michigan, by assignment dated December wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928, as­sist, 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932, signed by the said The Peoples State Bank in the office of the Register of Deeds for to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Mich- said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As- igan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by signmehts, on Page 160. On to-wit the assignment dated February 15th, 1928, and eighth day of October, 1932, the afore- recorded February 16th. 1928, in the of- mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed fice of the Register of Deeds for said Coun­its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- ty of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, DETROIT, a corporation organized under on Page 517, which said mortgage was the laws of the United States of America, thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to ; December, 1931, assigned by the said Peo- • - . .. .. - -------------------

laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Pa^e 160. On to- wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organ­ized under the laws of the United "States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SEV­EN HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIX and 84/100 (53.786.84) Dollars. No suit or

Croceeding at law or in equity has been ad or instituted to recover the debt secur­

ed by said mortgage or any part thereof.NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of

the power of sale in said mortgage contain­ed, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given' that on MONDAY, the TWENTY-SECOND day of JULY, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder,

be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the ' pies Wayne County First Waynedate of this notice, for principal, interest, National Bank of Detroit, a corporation taso*. insurance, and certification of ab- ganized under the laws of the United States ?fEa5k_the.4“.™. FOUR THOUSAND of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by r~EIGHTY-NINE and 49/100 (54,089.49Dollars. No suit or proceeding at lsw or equity has been had or instituted to the debt secured by said mortgage

the I Part ' ’hereof.

signment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of

recover the Register of Deeds for said County ot or any Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on

Page 160. On to-wit the eighth daysoutherly or Congress “Street entrance to! NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee the County Building in the City of De- 1 of sale in said mortgage contained, of mortgagee changed its name to FIRSTtroit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- I ' P“™uant. statute of the State NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­ing the place where the Circuit Court for “ Michigan in such case made and provid- poration organized under the laws of the the County of'Wayne is held) of the prem- ?s . ,ha’ ,on United States of America, of Detroit. Mich-ises described in said mortgage or so I MONDAY the TWENTY-SECOND day igan. There is claimed to be due and un-much thereof as may be necessary to pay i JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the paid on said mortgage at the date of thisthe amount due, as aforesaid, on said forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said i notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and cer-

which j mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at i tilicati'on of abstract, the s TWOmortgage, and any --------- ,- . - . - - - _______ -- __________ _____ — -------may be paid by the undersigned at or be- , Public auction to the Jiighest bidder, at the THOUSAND THREE HUNDREDfore said sale for taxes and/or insurance ! southerly or Congress; Street entrance to SIXTY-EIGHT and 19/100 (52.368.19)

said premises, and all other sums paid [ the County piiiMlmr in th- r:»„ nt n». rx.»— »>_ —--------- 1:— .. i..„ n~! by the undersigned pursuant i

the City of De- Dollars. No suit or proceeding a

expenses thereon, including the attorney much thereof _. fees allowed by law. which said premises tho amount due. are described as follows: 1 gage, and any

The parcel of land situated in the City be paid by the undersigned at or before of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of said sale for taxes and/or insurance Michigan, described as: Lot two hundred | aaid premises, and all other «i»m« n»i.


Attorneys for* Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by NATHAN LURIE and BERTHA LU­RIE, hia wife, of Detroit, Micbigan, Mort­gagors. to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organ­ized under the laws of the State of Mich­igan, Mortgagee, its successors and as­signs. bearing date the fourth day of May, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on May 5th, 1928. in Liber 2129 of Mortgages, on Page 233. which mortgage contains a power of Sale. On to-wit the 21st day of May. 1929, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to Bank of Michigan, a .Michigan corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of April. 1930, said mortgage was assigned by the said Bank of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Midhigan cor­poration, of Detroit, Michigan, by assign­ment dated April 30th, 1930, and recorded May 1st. 1930, in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page 613, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 193Z, the aforementioned assignee of mqrt-

name to FIRST NA- •DETROIT, a corpora-

s, - : -------- under the laws of theUnited States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There fa claimed to be due and unpaid on aaid mortgage at the date of tlua notice, for principal, interest, and cer­tification of abstract the sum of FOUR THOUSAND POUR HUNDRED

and twenty-two (222) of Marwood Height*.' a subdivision of the northwest quarter of J section eight (8). town one (1). south, i range twelve (12) east, Hamtramck Town- I ship. Wayne County. Michigan, according I to the recorded plat thereof as recorded in I liber 35. page 37 of plats, together with ' the hereditaments and appurtenance* there-. ’ of.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 26.1935..FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT- S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Micbigan.

April 26: May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28: July 5, 12.

pgee changed its i TIONAL BANK-E


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by LUDWIK NOWAK, a single man, of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, Mortga­gor to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corooration organ­ized under the lajws of the/State of Mich­igan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-third day of Dec­ember. 1926, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on .December 27th, 1926,Jin Liber 1873 of Mortgages, on Page 440,^vhich mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the fifteenth day of Feb­ruary, 1928, assigned by the said The Peo­ples State Bank to Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank, a Michigan corporation of De­troit, Michigan, by assignment dated Feb­ruary 15th. 1928, and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office of the Register of

—■- *— Mid County of Wayne in Liber I, on Page 517, which

Iteds I’M 4■fid mortgage '—---------- — —thirty-first day of December, £931,ed by the said Peo

of Detroit, December

Wavne County, Michigan (that be- equity has been had or instituted to recover.1— — .u. c:....:. for ihe debt secu ' ' ------- -- -----

the part thereof.„ - so NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the

may be necessary to pay j power of sale in said mortgage contained, ■s aforesaid, on said mort-j and pursuant to the statute of the State:

which, may | of Michigan in such case made and provid-:ed. notice is hereby given that on- MONDAY the TWENTY-SECOND day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for. the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in aaid mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal coats, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. Sate of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Fifty-one (51) of Grace and Roos Addition to North Detroit, Quarter Section Nine­teen (19), Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Ham­tramck. according to a plat recorded -In Liber Fifteen (J 5) of Plats on Page Thir­ty-one (31) in Wayne County Records, to­gether with the hereditament* and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, April 26, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

April 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. June 7. 14. 21. 28; July 5. 12.

i paid bythe undersigned pursuant __the te?ms of said -mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premise* are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot two hundred and ten (210) Mott and Morse's subdivi­sion of lot* twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), thirty-one (31). and thirty-two (32) of quarter section thirty-eight (38), of the ten thousand acre tract, Wayne County. Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereof as recorded in liber fifteen (15) of plats, on page eighty-ohe (81) Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 26, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 26; May 3, 10, 17. 24, 31:" June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagt . — Michi44 Micbigan Avenue. Detroit,


Default ba* been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by PAUL MOLIS and EUGENIA MOLIS, hit wife, df Detroit, Wayne County. Mich­igan, Mortgagors, to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under zhe laws of the Sate of Michigan. Mortgagee, la suc­cessors and aaaigs8, baaring date the elev­enth day of May, 1925. and recorded in the office of the Raster of Deeds for the County-of Wayne<.Stste of Michigi ■Cay 51st, aft, -fir Liber 1501, of gages, on Pagi *f$y, which mortgage tains a power of sale, which said i me was thereafter on - - —day of February, 1928,


Peoples State Bank ^Poepira Wayne

sty Bank, a MSdsigan corporation of -A* Michigan, by —* - - *

th* said


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

. MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by IDA M. HARLAND and MARION L. BURR, formerly Marion L- Hariead of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, Mort­gagors. to THE PEOPLE8 STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State

Page 12: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

PAGE TWO THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY, MAY, 10. 1935-

of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the third day of June, 19'27, and recorded fn the office of the Register Of Deeds for the County of Wsyne, State; of Michigan, on June 4th, 5s>27,- in Liber 19S6 of Mortgage, on Page 103, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928, assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne Codhty Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th, 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assign­ments, on Page 517, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office_of the Register of Deeds for said Countx of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee' changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and Unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY-NINE and 48/100 ($2,849.48)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to. recover the debt secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of'the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice ' is hhreby given that on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY-FOURTH

r day of JULY. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time '.said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale 'at-public auc­tion to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance' to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises, described in said mortgage or so much therqdL as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and' any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxes ar.d/or insurance on said premises .and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon- at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which, said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered one hundred seventy two (172)' of Curry's Woodward Avenue Subdivision . No. four (4). being Part of Quarter <’£) Section Sixteen (16). Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Highland Park, according to a plat record­ed in Liber twenty-four (24) oT Plats oh Page eighty-three (83) in Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 26. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31

abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX and 16/100 ($2,776.16) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secur­ed by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEKtrOKE, By virtue or the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY-FOURTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenbon. Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be- toreclosed by a sale at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of premises described in said mortgage o much thereof as may be necessary to the amount due, as aforesaid, on said n.. gage, ahd any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses there­on, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as 'follows: •

The parcel of land situated in the Ci.ty of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot sixteen (16). Hofman's Subdivision of Outlot 19, Private Claim 182, Maurice Moran Farm, Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 27. Page 49 of Plats, Wayne County Records, to­gether with the hereditaments and appui-

nances thereof.Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 26,



E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorn<js for Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5, 12.

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit (formerly • Retiford Township) County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered Thirty-One (31) and Thirty-two (32) of B. E. Taylor’s Brightmoor-Hendry Subdivision, lying south of Grand River Avenue, being a part of the east 54 of the Northwest 5« of Section 22. Town 1 South Range 10 East, Redford Township, now City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, April 19, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLACTON F. BUTLER,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5, 12. April 26: May 3. 10. 17, 24. 31;

Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, April 19, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 19. 26; May 3, 10, 17. 24, 31; June 7, 14, 21. 28; July 5.



Attorneys for Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan,


Default has been maae.sn nt terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by FRED K- HARRISON and GLADYS H. HARRISON, his wife, both of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagors, to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK IN DETROIT, a Fed­eral Banking Corporation. of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-third day of June. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 9th. 1928. in Liber 2166 of Mortgages, on Page 541. which mflgtgage contains a power of sale. On to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec­ember. 1931. the’ aforementioned mort­gagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, inter­est. and certification of abstract, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUND-

,.r......... . .............................. RED TWENTY-SIX and 22/100 ($3,-June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5. 12. I 726.22) Dollars. No suit or proceeding


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Mich.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made in the ^er rS§t and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by FRANK L. LOGAN and HELEN LO­GAN, -his wife, both of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors, to CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the lau(s of tpe State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twelfth day of Dec­ember,- 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on December 14th, 1927, in Liber 2060 of Mortgages, on Page 314 which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the seventh day of February, 1928. assigned by the said Central Savings Bank to First National Bank Iq Detroit, a. Federal Banking Corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 7th. 1B28. and recorded March 19th. 1928, in the» office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of As­signments, on Page 222. On to-wit the thir­ty-first day of December. 1931. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to Fir$t Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. On to-wit the eighth1 day pf October. 1932. the aforementioned as­signee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRMT NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the-laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, There I* claimed to be due and unpaid on. m^rt^age at the date of fnti notice, for principal, MS**!and certification of abstract, the .sum of THREE THOUSAND FIFTY-EIGHT and 08/100 ($3,058.08) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had of instituted to recover the debt secur­ed by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the twenty-fourth day of JctLY. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time, laid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at CUfeVS aucrion to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance 10 the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amouqt due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and1 any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at 'seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges add ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot eighty-three (83). McKeown's Subdivision of Outlot 96. Woodbridge Farm, Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 3. Page 50 of Plats, Wayne County Records, together with ihe hereditaments and appurtenances thereof,

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 26, 1935. ' ’ kFIRST NATIONAL BANK-DEJROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.. ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Aaaignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan 4Avenuc. Detroit, Mich.

April 26; May 3. 10, -17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28; Jply 5, 12.

equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY-FOURTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Cobnty Building in the City of* De­troit, Wayne County. Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allow­ed by law, which said premises are des­cribed as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Mich­igan, described as: West eighteen (18) feet of Lot twenty-two (22) and East six­teen (16) feet of Lot twenty-three (23). Clements and Oakman's Subdivision of the south 20 acres of the Southeast Quar­ter of Quarter Section 27. Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 26, Page 89 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the here- j dxaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dsted Detroit, Michigan, April 26,1999.FiRsT national «ank-detroit.


E. KATILERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys fWr Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7, 14, 21. 28; July 5, 12.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made m me terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN CHAPMAN and MAUDE CHAP­MAN. his wife, of the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, Mortgagors, to THE REDFORD STATE ^SAVINGS BANK of the City of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the sev­enteenth day of December. 1928. and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on December 19th, 1928. in Liber 2257 of Mortgages, on Page 354. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the seventeenth day of July, 1931. assigned by the said The Redford State Savings Bank to First National Bank kn Detroit. a Federal Banking Corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated July 17th, 1931. and recorded July 23rd, 1931 in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 239 of Assign­ments. on Page 273. On to-wit the thirty- first day of December. 1931, the afore-- mentioned ' assignee of mortgagee changed

lame to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized upder the laws, of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigaq. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DE­TROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, There is claimed to be due and unpaid* on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT and 76/100 ($558.76) Dollars. No suit or pro­ceeding at law or in equity has been had

instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time’, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on -said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage. with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, cnarges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said' premises are described as follows;

The parcel of land situated io the Citv of • Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: The north One hundred thirty and seven-tenths (130.7) feet of Lot numbered Seventy-eight (78) of HITCHMAN'S LITTLE FARMS SUB­DIVISION on the Northeast quarter of SECTION SEVENTEEN (17), Town One South. Range Ten East. Redford (now in the City of Detroit), according to the plat thereof as recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the County of I Wayne. Michigan, in Liber 34 of Plats, on ' page 82. together with the hereditaments | and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 19, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. I

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, | 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan. 1

April 19, 26; May 3, 10. 17. 24, 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28; July 5.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, ]44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE iDefault has been made In Die terms and 1

conditions of a certain mortgage made by FLORENCE S. KALLMAN, of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagor to WAYNE COUN- i TY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of I Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized I under the laws of the State of Michigan, I Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the eighth day of July, 1927,. and recorded in the office of the Register! of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on Jyly I4th. 1927, in Liber 1978 bf Mortgages, on Page 551, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th, 1928, and recorded February 16th, 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thir­ty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforemen­tioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on .said mortgage at the date of this notiefe. for principal, inter­est. taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FOURTEEN and 78/100 ($2,914.78) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made end pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to.the highest bidder, at the south­erly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid,, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sum's which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said • sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage. with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per ar.num. and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Twenty (20). except the north Twenty-five (25) feet of west Twenty-six (26) feet of Hodges Brothers Subdivision of Out Lot One hundred fourteen (114) Woodbridge Farm, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 6 of Plats, on Page 81 ; Wayne County Records. Said premises be­ing situated on the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Stanley Avenue, to­gether with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 19. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. | 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5.


Attorneys for Mortgagee,. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan,

i MORTGAGE SALE •I Default has been made In tha terms and conditions of a certain .mortgage made by

. CARMELO CARAMAGNO and DO- I MENICA CARAMAGNO, his wife, both i of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagors to FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DE­TROIT, a Federal Banking Corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing . date the twentieth day of December. 1928, and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on December 22nd. 1928. in Lib­er 2258 of Mortgages, on Page 632, which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under th* laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certifica- ' tion of abstract, the sum of THREE . THOUSAND THIRTY-FIVE AND 32/100 ($3,035.32) Dollars. No suit or pro- 1 ceeding at law or in equity has been had |' or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. ,

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the . power of sale in said mortgage' contained, ! and pursuant to the statute of the State of ! Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNES­DAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY, i 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, i Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auc- I tion to the highest bidder, at the south- I erly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. ; Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to oay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses there­on. including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City ofDetroit, County of Wayne. State of Mich­igan, described as: Lot Forty-five W5), and West half of Lot forty-four (44), Gladewitz Subdivision of Lots 27 and 28. and the northerly 23.99 feet of Lot 26. of the subdivision of the George Hunt Farm. South of Gratiot Avenue. Detroit, accord­ing to the Plat in Liber 16. Page 84, of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 19,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,


CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5.

of the State of Michigan, dated the 26th day of October A. D. 1923 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on the 27th day of October A. D. 1925 in Liber 1611 of Mortgages, on Page 278, which mortgage was assigned by said Highland Park State Bank to Highland Park Trust Company, by assignment dated the 29th day of December . A. D. 1934 and recorded on 5th day of January A, D; 1935 in<Liber 272 of Assignments. Page 163, Wayne County records,'on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY SIX and 66/100 ($3,766.66) Dol­lars and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recov­er the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; now, there­fore. notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mort­gage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the undersigned will sell at pub­lic auction to the highest bidder on WED­NESDAY, the 22nd day of May A. D. 1935, at twelve’’ o'clock noon. , Eastern Standard Time, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the Wayne Coun­ty Building in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that being the building wherein the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy said indebted­ness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs allowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are described as follows: AH that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Mich­igan. described as follows, to-wit: Lot’No. 286. Frank B. Wallace Grand River Villas Subdivision of the East of the south-! west *f Section 29. Town 1 south/ Range 11' east, Greenfield Township, j Wayne County, Michigan. Plal recorded i March 20. 1916. Liber 34, Page 22, Plats. I

Dated: February 11, 1935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

COMPANY.Assignee of Mortgagee.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee,13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park, Michigan.

Feb. 15. 22: March 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5, 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10.


. “O^eagce and Assignee of Mortgagee. LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG,Attorney for ^Mortgagee and

Assignee of Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park, Michigan.

Feb. 15. 22; March I, 8. 15. 22. 29; April S, 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by GARE B. REID, a single man, Mortgagor to THE REDFORD STATE SAVINGS BANK, of the Village of Redford. Mich­igan. a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twelfth day of July. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 14th. 1927. in Liber 1979 of Mort­gages. on Page 241 which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirteenth day of June, 1931. assigned by the said The Redford State Savings Bank to First'Na­tional Bank In Detroit, a Federal Banking Corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by as­signment dated June. 13th, 1931. and re­corded June 22nd, 1931, in the office of the Register of Deeds 'for said County of Wayne in Liber 238 of Assignments, on Page 397. On to-wit the -thirty-first day of December. 1931. the aforementioned as­signee of mortgagee changed its name to First! Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corpwation organised undey the laws of the United States 6f America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of Oc­tober, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America- of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on xauL mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract/.the sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUN17RED FIF­TY-SIX AND 31/100 ($1,256.31) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in’ such case made and provid­ed. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TWENTY-FOURTH

wf/kinn lfnwnm- 'its sue- I d*y of JULY. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the cLs^TTnd th. ! forenoon-. Eastern Standard time, said mort-


Attorneys for Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue Det

‘ <}Detroit. Michigan^


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by KON8TANTY SLASKI and AGNES SLASKI (signs Agnes Slaska).«g wife, both of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgager*. to FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN DE­TROIT, a Federal Banking Corporation,

bearing date the

eordetf m the off.ceoftKeRogister of' , Qr c Strect mtrlnce wDeeds for the County Wajne, S»t« of Building in the City of Detroit.Michigan, on July 2nd. 1928, m Uber 2162 I w County*Michigan (that being the of Mortgages, on Page 607, Which »ort-|-.place where the Circuit Court for the

the thirty-first day of December, 1931, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit,

corporation organized under the laws of - C.,,— nf nf TS.1 rnit.the United Sates of America, of Detroit.

Michigan On to-wit die eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned’mortga­gee changed its name to FIRST NATION­AL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. Then is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of tha notice, for principal, interest, and certification of

described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be ner entry to pay the amonnt due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or Insurance on aai<L

... premises, and all other sums paid by theFIRST NATION- pmifersigned pursuant to law and to the

terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costa, charges and expenses there­on, grinding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises arc described as follows:


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made bv MATTHEW KOWALSKI and JULIA KOWALSKI, his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagors to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the sixth day of October. 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register pf 1 Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on October 1927, in Liber 2025 of Mortgages. On Page 60. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated February 15th, 1928, and re­corded February 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wavne. in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page I 60. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be dne and unpaid on- said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract. the sum of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUND­RED SIXTY-FIVE AND 52/100 ($1.- 765.52) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of tale in aaid mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the atttute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where ti£ Circuit Court for tiie County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before sand sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest th erbon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and .’all legal costs, charges and expenses

reon, including the attorney fees allowed law, which said premises are described ' "5wi, to-wit:

pared of land situated in the City Hamtramck, County of Wayne, Sate Michigan, described as: Lot numbered

Two Hundred Sixty-six (266) of Race A Haaaa Subdivision in Westerly Half (54) of EasOtfy Half (J4) of Quarter (%) Sec­tion Twenty-one (21). Tea Thousand Acre Tract, Village of Hamtramck, ac­cording to a plat recorded in Liber Twenty- nine (29) bf Plats on Page Eight (8) in


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made m the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by SALVATORE BISESI. a widower, sur­vivor of himself and his late wife. Concetta Bisesi. now deceased, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagor to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK. of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suagessors and assigns, bearing date the fif­teenth day of September. 1926. and record­ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Mich­igan. on Sepfember 16th. 1926. in Liber 1807 of Mortgages, on Page 193, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928, and recorded February 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, tbe sum of ONE- THOUSAND SEVENTY-FIVE and 65/100 ($1,075.65) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the Sate of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNES­DAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County' Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit feurt for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersign­ed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all lerxl costs, charges and expenses thereon, including thi attorney fees allowed by law. which aaid premises are described as fol­lows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. Sate of Michigan, described as: The east one-half of Lot Twenty (20), Block Eighteen (18). of Dequindre Farm, according to the re­corded Plat in Liber 10 of Plan, on Pages 715 and 716. City Records. Said premises being situated on the south side of Ma­comb Street between Orleans and Riopelle Streets, together with the herediumenu and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 19, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Meroagae.ROBERT 8TMARX AND

SHELDON .E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avsnoe, Detroit, MfcfaigBn.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOSEPH NAUMOWICZ and SUSANNA NAUMOWICZ,' his wife. of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to WAYNE COUN­TY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the fifteenth day of June. 1923. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on June 16th 1923. in Liber 124! of Mortgages, on Page 144, which mortgage contains a power of sale, whfch said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 19?8. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a" Michigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office of the Register of. Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178- of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage. was thereafter on to-wit the thir­ty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to' First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, a coroorition organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO AND 60/100 ($732.60) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there­of.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and orovided notice is hereby given that on WEDNES­DAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Caneress Street entrance to the County Bdllding in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the Countv of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at ora before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as fol­lows, to-wit: .

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The west Thirty (30) feet of the east Sixty (60) feet of Lot numbered Two hundred twenty-three (223). of Shipman's Subdivision of the Carpenter Farm, fractional Sections Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20). Town One (1) South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to the plat tb-reof recorded in Liber 25 of Plats, on Page 43; Wayne County Rec­ords. Said premises being situated on the south side of Casemere Avenue, between Fenelon and Buffalo Avenues, together with the herediaroents anS appurtenances thereof. . „

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April It, 1044.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagce-ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28: July S.


LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney. 13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park, Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILBUR M. ALE and MARY T. ALE. his wife, by her attorney in fact, Wilbur M. Ale, of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. Sate of Michigan, to tiie HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK, of the City of Highland Park, County of Wayne, and Sate of Michigan, a corpora­tion organised and existing under tiie laws

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney, 13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JAMES L. VALIQUETT and MAR­GARET E. VALIQUETT. his wife, of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 1st day of April A. D. 1926 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the 5th day of April A. D. 1926 in Liber 1695 of Mortgages, on Page 557. which mortgage was assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Reconstruction • Finance Cor­poration. a Federal Corporation by assign­ment dated the 15th day of February A. D. 1933 and recorded on the 24»h day of Jan­uary A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of Assign­ments. Page 521. Wayne County records, and which mortgage was reassigned by said Reconstruction Finance Corporation to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation by assignmer' -'a”d the 2Vth day of December A. D. 1954 and rccorued on the 24th day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of Assignments. Page 553. Wayne County records, on which mortgag'- there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of THREE THOU­SAND SEVEli HUNDRED TWENTY TWO and 06/100 ($3,722.06) Dollars and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the undersigned -vill sell at public auction to the highest 1 dder on WEDNESDAY the 22nd day of May A. D. 1935. at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that being the building wherein the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy said indebtedness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs al­lowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as follows, to- wit: Lot No. 93. Robert Oakman's Fen-, kell Avenue Subdivision of part of the. southeast % of Section 15, Town 1 south. Range 11 east, Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan. Plat recorded October 15, 1919, Liber 40. Page 70, Plats.

Dated: February 11, 1935.HIGHLAND PARK .TRUST

COMPANY.Mortgagee and Assignee of Mortgagee.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG,Attorney for Mortgagee and

Assignee of 'Mortgagee,13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.

Feb. 15. 22; March 1. 8. 15. 22.. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. ip.

LAWRENCE"ROTHENBERG. Attorney" 13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault having been maae in the terms

and conditions of a pertain mortgage made by CHARLES RICK and MABEL RICK, his wife, and FRED SCHOOF and LIZ­ZIE SCHOOF. his wife, all of the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 21st day of May A. D. 1926 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the 24»h day of May A. D. 1926 in Liber 1727 of Mortgages, on Page 172, which mortgage was assigned by the said Highland Park Trust Company to the Reconstruction Fin­ance Corporation, a Federal Corporation, by assignment dated 8th day of Septem­ber A. D. 1932 and recorded on the 24th day of Jaikiary A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of Assignments. Page 547. Wayne County records, and which mortgage was reassign­ed by said Reconstruction Finance Cor­poration to Highland Park Trust Com­pany, a Michigan Corporation, by assign­ment dated the 16th day of November A. D. 1934 and recorded on the 24th day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of As- aignmena. Page 566. Wayne County rec­ords. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY TWO and 26/100 ($2,852.26) Dollars and no suit or pro­ceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained io aaid mortgage, and pursuant to the sutute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd day of May A. D. 1935. at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that being the building where­in the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satis­fy said indebtedness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs allowed by law and provided for in aaid mort­gage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or, parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as follows, to- wit: Lot No. 23. Kenilworth Park Subdi­vision of part of East % of northeast % of Section 4, Town 1 south. Range 11 east, Greenfield Township. Wayne Coanty, Michigan. Plat recorded March 11, 1915. Liber 31, Page 82. Plats.

Dated: Pebruarv 11. 1933.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

J. RUSLING CUTLER,Attorney for Mortgagees,1SS0 South Main Street,Plymouth Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by MAUDE SHERWOOD of- Detroit. *?.ayn' County, Michigan. Mortgagor, to SEARLES V. DURYEE and IDA D. DURYEE, husband and wife, of the Town­ship ef Livonia, Wayne County. Michigan, Mortgagees, dated the tenth day of August, A.D. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the third day of December. A. D. 1928. in liber 2248 of Mortgages, on page 35, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, for principal and interest, the sum of one Thousand one hund­red THREE and .66/100 DOLLARS. And no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. * new. therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on Tues­day the 14th day of May, A. D. 1935, at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a .sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the southerly or Congress Street en­trance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, sr so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, with the interest thereon at six per cent (6%) per annum and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the at­torney fees allowed by law, and also any sum or Sums which may be paid by the mortgagee, necessany to protect his inter­est in the premises. Which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Town­ship of Livonia in the County of Wayne, and State of Michigan and described as follows, to-wit: E. >« of the following described property: Beginning at a point in the east line of Section Thirty-two. T.1 S., R. 9 E.. nine hundred eighty three and three tenths (983.3) feet south of the northeast corner of said Section Thirty-

. two thence running south along the east i line of said Section Thirty-two, one thou- ■

sand six hundred sixty and three tenths' (1660.3) feet to the east and west center

1 line of said Section Thirty-two: thence west along the said east and west center line of said Section Thirty-two one thou­sand three hundred eighteen (1318) feet; thence north one degree east one thou­sand six hundred sixty and five tenths (1660.5) feet: thence east, parallel with the

. north boundary line of said Section Thirty- 1 two. ; one thousand three hundred twenty-

one and twenty-five hundredths (1371.25) .a",,',0 the p!ace of beginning; containing 50.326 acres, more or less, together with the right of common use and occupation for a private road of that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in the Township of Livonia, described as follows: A strip of land of an even v-Mth of thirty two feet from off the east s:de of the north three- eighths of the east one-half of the north- caS,oqnaTicr of Sec,icn Thirty-two, T. 1 S.. K. 9 E.. M-chigan. Together with such

use ?nd °f<:uPation for said pur­poses of a strip of land fifty feet in width trom off the north side of the east 3/4 of that parcel described in a real estate mort- Kagej-ecordedJn Liber 1225 of Mortgages

on page 208, Wayne County, Michigan records. Together with hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Plymouth, Michigan, February 8. 1935.

CHARLES V. DURYEE and IDA D. DURYEE. husband and wife.

Mortgagees.J. RUSLING CUTLER.Attorney for Mortgagees.1550 South Main Street,Plymouth. Michigan.

Feb. IS. 22; March 1. 8. IS. 22. 29:April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10.

Highland Park. Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by THOMAS W. WEBSTER and JES­SIE M. WEBSTER, his wife, of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of Highland Park, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 3rd day of May A. D. 1926 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on the 4th day of May A. D. 1926 in Liber 1713 of Mort­gages. on Page 573. which mortgage was assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Reconstruction Finance Co:- poration, a Federal Corporation, by as­signment dated the 8th day of September A. D. 1932 and recorded on the 24th day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of As­signments. Page 527, Wayne County re­cords. which mortgage was reassigned by said Reconstruction Finance Corporation to \Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation, by assignment dated the Sth day of January A. D. 1935 and recorded on the 24th day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of Assignments, Page 556. Wayne County records, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEV­ENTY EIGHT and 39/100 ($4,578,391 Dollars and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to re­cover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd day of May A. D. 1935. at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the Wayne Coun­ty Building in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that be­ing the building wherein the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held! the premises described in said mortgage, oi sufficient thereof, to satisfy said indebted­ness with seven per cent (7’0) interest and all legal costs allowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are described ai follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit. Countv of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 98. O'Keefe & Metzen Subdivision No. 2. of southwes1 '1 of northwest 'i except the south 532.50 feet of Section 12, of J. E. O'Flaherty Farm. Greenfield Township. Wayne Coun­ty. Michigan. Plat recorded March 5. 19'. 7. Liber 26. Page 82. Plats.

Dated: February 11. 1935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

COMPANY.Mortgagee and Assignee of Mortgagee

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Mortgagee and

Assignee of Mortgagee 13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park. Michigan.

Feb. 15. 22; March 1. «. 15.April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. JO.







Page 13: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY. MAY. 10. 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page ThreeROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F, BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee*of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of ■ a certain mortgage made by FELlJCS WOJNIAK and REGINA WOJ- NIAK. his wife, of Hamtramck. Mich­igan, Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of'Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc-

' cessors and assigns, beaming date the four­teenth day of July. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 16th 1928. in Liber 2171 of Mortgag­es. on Page 401. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said ajortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of ..December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Natioqal Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States? of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan. by assignment dated December 31st. 193!. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the-office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160.. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore- mentioned assignee of, mortgage changed its name to FIRST NATftlNAL BANK- DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of- the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certificatidn of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND FORTY-NINE AND 97/100 ($1,049.97) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE", By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNES­DAY the SEVENTEENTH day of JULY. 1935.'at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. East­ern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress StTeet entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay> the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale . for taxes and/or insurance on .said premises, and all other sums (laid by the under­signed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol-

The parcel/ of land situated in the City of Hamtramck. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One hundred seventy-'our (1741 Fleming's Sub­division of pirt of-quarter section Twenty- two (22). Ten thousand acre tract, ac­cording to the recorded plat thereof in Liber .’8 of Plats, on Page 70: Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the east side of Lumpkin Street between Carpenter and Gommor Avenues, together with the hereditaments' and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated- at Detroit. Michigan. April 19. • 1935. ____FIRST. NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 ‘Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28: July S.

ords. Said premises being situated on the west side of Orchard between Tireman and Pompeii Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, April 19, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14. 21. 28; July 5.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ANDREW TATAR and EMILIA TA­TAR, his wife. of Fordson. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State .of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the sev­enth day of July. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 9th 1928. in Liber 2166 of Mortgages.

■ o:i Page 532. which mortgage contains a newer of sale, which said mortgage was fhereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws »f the United -States of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan. by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assign-

E:nts. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth y of October. 1932. the aforementioned

assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DE­TROIT. a corporation organized under the laws oi the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. -There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTEEN AND 65/100 ($1,316.65) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recov­er the debt secured by said mortgage or any pan thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the atatute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Sweet Entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal cos'ts. charges and expenses there­on. including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows* to-wit: . .

The parcel of1 land situated in the City of Dearborn (formerly City of Fordson) County of Wayne. State of Michigan, des­cribed as: Lot numbered one hundred ninety-wven (197) of Robert Oakman Land Company’s Warren Grove Subdi­vision of the East half of the southwest ouarter 'and the Northwest quarter of the South west quarter of Sectioh six (6). Town two (2) South of Range eleven (11) east, also all that part of the southwest ouarter of the southwest quarter of said Section six (6). lying Northeasterly of the Pere Marquette Railroad Right of Way except so much of the foregoing descrip­tion as falls within boundaries of the Pere Marquette Railroad Right of Way. accord­ing to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 40 of Plats. Page 91. Wayne County Rec-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILLIAM NOLL and BRONISLAWA NOLL, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. , Mortgagors to WAYNE COUNTY AND1 HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-second day of September. 1926. and recorded in the office* of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on September 23rd 1926. in Liber 1813 of Mortgages, on Page 283. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the fifteenth day of February. 1936. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Feb­ruary 16th, 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec- enfber. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na­tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th.1 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assign­ments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laids of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and cer­tification of abstract, the sura of TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIR­TY-THREE AND 96/100 ($2,133.96)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at Uuv or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the Stqte of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the F forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said ' mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at i public auction to the highest bidder, at the > southerly or Congress Street entrance to 1 the County Building in the City of De- 1 troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for , the County of Wayne is held) of- the • premises described in said mortgage j>r so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort- | gage, and any sum or sums which may ' be paid by the undersigned at or before1 said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by , the undersigned pursuant to law and to | the terms of said mortgage, with interest ' tljereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, j and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed ' by law. which said premises are described , as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the- City of Hamtramck. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered' Five hundred thirty-six (536) and Five hundred thirty-seven (537) of the J. L. ’ Hudson Company Subdivision of part of , Fractional Sections Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20). Town One (1). South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to i the recorded plat thereof in Liber 32 of ! Plats, on Page 38:' Wayne County Rec­ords. Said premises being situated on the 1 southeast corner of Buffalo and Evaline ' Avenues, together with the’ hereditaments, and appurtenances thereof. '

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 19. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.'

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 1 Ah: June 7. 14. 21. 28: July 5.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN W. HARRISON and ELLA M. HARRISON, his wife, both of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to THE AMERI­CAN STATE BANK OF DETROIT, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the second day of December. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of • Michigan, on December 3rd 1927. in Lifjer 20S5 of Mortgages, on Page 191. which mortgage contains a pow­er of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the nineteenth day of March. 1931., assigned by the said The American State Bank qf Detroit to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corpora­tion of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment1 dated March 19th. 1931. and rtcorded March 24th, 1931 in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 234 of Assignments, on Page 325. which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January' 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- •wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation oiganiz- ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort- gage at the date of this -notice, for prin­cipal. interest, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOU­SAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY- EIGHT AND 22/100 ($3,138.22) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had ‘or instituted to. recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of *he State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hefeby given that on WEDNESDAY the TENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by 4 sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so mrfch thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be -paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insur­ance on;'said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attor­ney fees allowed by law. which said premis­es are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Dearborn (formerly City of Fordson). County of Wayne. State of Michigan, des­cribed as: Lot Seven Hundred Thirteen (713) Ardross Subdivision No. 2. of a part of the Northeast quarter of section 18. Town 2. South. Range 11 East. City of Fordson. Wayne County. Michigan, accord­ing to plat liber 39. page 2. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenapees thereof.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by THOMAS W. ROBERTS and ISABEL­LA ROBERTS, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twelfth day of September. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on September 13th 1928. in Liber 2203 of Mortgages, on Page 213, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st, 1931. and re­corded January 9th. 1932. in the office oi the Register of Deeds for said Cminty of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed -its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND 24/100 ($1,245.24) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at publiceauction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­nul* and all legal costs, charges and ex­pends ■ thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Six Hundred Eighty-nine (689) of Bessenger and Moore's Mt. Elliott Avenue Subdivi­sion of South Half of Lot Three (3) and Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of Subdivision of Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty- one (21) Town One (1) South. Range Twelve (12) East, as recorded in Liber 3 page 12 of Plats, arid Lot Five (5) and Part of Lot Six (6) of Subdivision of Es­tate of James Dunn, on Southwest Quar­ter of Section Twenty-one (21). Town One (1) South. Range Twelve (12) East, as recorded in Liber 61. page 199 of Deeds: also part of Section Twenty-one (21), Town One (1) South. Range Twelve (12) East. Hamtramck Township., according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 33 of Plats, on Page 19; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Easterly side of Girardin Avenue, between Huber and Marcus Avenues, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 12. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21, 28.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ANTHONY BATTAGLIA and LIBO- RIA BATTAGLIA, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the nineteenth day of October. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on October 20th 1928, in Liber 2225 of Mongages, on Page 390. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mongage was .thereafter on to- wit the thiny-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America.' of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932. in the office of the Regis­ter of Deeds for#said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SEV­EN HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE AND 11/100 ($3,785.11) Dollars. No suit or pro­ceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue 0? the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City nf De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the Ci O' of Detroit. County of Wayne. State Of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Seventeen (17) Block Three (3) of E.C. Van Husan's Subdivision of the Easterly Sixty-one and Seven One-hundredths (61.07) Acres of Private Claim Sixteen (16). be­tween Mack and Gratiot Avenues, accord­ing to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 11 of Plats, on Page 65: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Easterly side of Sheridan Avenue, be­tween Forest and Sylvester Avenues, to­gether with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, April 12. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28.

Michigan, on September 14th. 1928, in Liber 2204 of Mortgages, on Page 165, which mortgage contains a power of sale which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st, 1931, and re­corded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan. There is claimed to be 'due and un­paid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWELVE and 40/100 ($4,412.40) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the ELEVENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage • will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mongage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and. all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%).per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which. said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One hundred ninety (190) of Schwartz Subdivision of the westerly pan of Private Claim Sixteen (16). North of Mack Ave­nue. according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 15 of Plats on Page 87; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situat­ed on the west side of Sheridan between Warren and Forest Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there­of.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 12. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND .

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 0; June 7. 14, 21. 28.

tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by as­signment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Mich­igan. There is claimed to be due and un­paid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-NINE and 04/100 ($3,449.04) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or insti­tuted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contain­ed. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY the ELEVENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said , mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at i public auction to the highest bidder, at the 1 southerly or Congress Street entrance to I the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for 1 the County of Wayne is held) of the | premises described in said mortgage or so . much thereof as may be necessary to pay ’ the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which I may be paid by the undersigned at or I before said sale for taxes and/or insur­ance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the .terms ot said mortgage, with interest thereon, at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the at­torney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The Westerly Forty-two (42) feet of the East Eighty- seven (87) feet of Lot Nine (9) and the West Forty-two (42) Feet of the East Eighty-seven (87) feet of the North Half (14) of Lot Eight (8) of the Subdivision of the East Part of Private Claim Twenty (20). according to a Plat recorded in Lib­er 48 of Deeds, on Page 569. in Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appartenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. . Michigan, April 12. 1935. ' .FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

April 12, 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31 : June 7. 14. 21, 28.

ments. on Page 613. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne QMnty Bank to First Wayne National Banlr of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Pag^ 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee-df piortgagec changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-

I DETROIT, a corporation organized under . the laws of the United States of America,

of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to 1 be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the ( date of this notice, for principal, interest,

taxes, insurance, and certification of ab­stract. the sum of THREE THOUSAND

' SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE and , 56/100 ($3,635.56) Dollars. No suit or pro- 1 ceeding at law or in equity has been had i or instituted to recover tbe debt secured I by said mortgage or any part thereof.• NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained and pursuant to the statute of the State

1 of Michigan in such case made and pro- 1 vided. notice is hereby given that onTUESDAY the SECOND day of

i JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said

j mortgage will be fcareck-sed by a sale at , public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to

, the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be-

. ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay

' the amount due. as aforesaid, on said I mortgage, and any sum or sums which may

be paid by the undersigned at or before 1 said sale for taxes and/or insurance on ; said premises, and all other sums paid by

the undersigned pursuant to law and to 1 the terms of said mortgage, with interest 1 thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an- i num, and all legal costs, charges and ex- I penses thereon, including the attorney fees ] allowed by law. which said premises are

described as follows:The parcel of land situated in the City

of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot Sixty-three

! (63) j. A. Moeller's Subdivision of Quar- . ter Section Forty-three (43). Ten Thou­

sand Acre Tract, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register

' of Deeds for Wayne County in Liber 12 of Plats on Page 26. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 4, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,' Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17.24. 31 : June 7. 14. 21.








Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in tne terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ELEANORA ZAWIDZKI. of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagor to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit.

I Michigan, a corporation organized under the '! laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee,

its successors and assigns, bearing date the , third day of June. 1929. and recorded in the office of we Register of Deeds for the County of V*yne. State of Michigan, on June 4th 1929. in Liber 2330 of Mortgages, on Page 137. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the

1 United States of America, of Detroit.Michigan, by assignment dated December

' 31st), 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register.of Deeds for

, said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As- • signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the! eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee - of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONA.L BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States. of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to

| be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the , date of this notice, for principal, interest.1 taxes, and certification- of abstract, the sum lof ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUND­RED NINE AND 64/100 ($1,409.64)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice ia hereby given that on THURSDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. (that being the place 'whert the Circuit Court for the County of Way^* is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof ss may be necessary to pay the tmoiint due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum ar sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and 1 thereon, ^including the attorney f« lowed bv law. which said premises described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State Michigan, described as: Lot Thirty- (36) of Bessenger and Moore’s Western Addition of part of Private Claim Five Hundred Forty-three (543). according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 27 of Plats, on Page 50; Wayne County ’Rec­ords. Said premises being situated on the West side of Springwells Avenue, between St. Stephens and Cypress Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 19. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON P. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Moi<4 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. --------

April 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28; July 5.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made In the 'erms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by GEORGE BROWN and CHARLOTTE E. BROWNr his wife, of Detroit, Mich­igan. Mortgagors to PENINSULAR STATE BANK- of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-eighth dajt of December. 1927. and recorded in the tjffice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on December 30th 1927.in Liber 2068 of Mortgages, on Page 202. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of April. 1930. assigned by the said Peninsular State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corpora­tion of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated April 30th. 1930. and recorded May 1st. 1930 in the office .of the Register of Deeds for said County, of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page 615. which said mortgage "was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first dav of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforemen­tioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice. lor principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract. the

TEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 74/100 ($10,300.74)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage of any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and

■vided. notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the tenth day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mort-

8age will be foreclosed by a sale at pub- c auction to the highest bidder, at the

southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be­ing the place where' the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, cn said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid oy the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insur-

on said premises, and all other paid by the undersigned pursuant to nd to the terms of said mortgage,

with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot number four hundred seventy-five (475) St. Clair Park Subdivision of a part of Private Claim three hundred and fifteen (315) and three hundred twenty-two (322). south of Jef­ferson Avenue, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County in Liber twenty-seven (27) of plats on page ninety (90). together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 12,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

April 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10. 17, 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28.

Try A Mail Want Ad


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.14 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by PAUL DE RONNE and DELIA DE RONNE. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME' SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. MICHIGAN, a corporation organized un­der the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successor* and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of June. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on Juns 22nd. 1927. in Liber 1966 of Mortgages. os Page 311, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928,.assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Lib­er 178 of Assignments, on Page 521, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayrie Coun­ty -Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Regis­ter of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit-the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of ihortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL EANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of

. America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is ' claimed to be due and unpaid on said I mortgage at the date of this notice, for I principal, interest, insurance, and certifica­tion of abstract, the sum of TWO THOU­SAND ONE HUNDRED TEN AND 95/100 ($2,110.95) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been

, had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there-

1 °^-NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the

power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given thaton TUESDAY the NINTH day of JULY. 193S. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said

1 mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at . public auction to the highest bidder, at 1 the southerly or Congress Street entrance

to the County Building in the City of De- I troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be- , ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. aa aforesaid, on said mort-

' gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the Vil­lage of Grosse Pointe Park. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Eight (8) of Fred Voigt Subdivision of the north One hund­red two and seventy-five hundredths (102.- 75) feet of the south Three hundred eight

rand twenty-five hundredths (308.25) feet of Lot Fojir (4). Subdivision of Lot Two

! (2) of Alters Plat of the westerly part of ' Private Claim Five hundred seventy (570).

according to the recorded plat thereof m Liber 43 of Plats, on Page 60; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situat­ed on the east side of Wayburn Avenue, between Charlevoix and Waterloo Ave­nues. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. ^April 12,



Attorneys for Assignee ot Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILLIAM J. TAGUE and ROSE B. TAGUE. his wife, both of Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagors to CENTRAL SAV­INGS BANK of Detroit. Michigan, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its success­ors and assigns, bearing date tiro seventh day of July. 1926. and recorded^prt the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 10th. 1926. in Liber 1760 of Mort­gages, on Page 472 which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit 'the seventh day of February. 1928. assigned by the j said Central Savings Bank to First Na- , tional Bank In Detroit, a Federal Bank­ing Corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 7th, 1928. and recorded March I9th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said CJounty of Wayne in Liber 180 of Assignments, on Page 222. On to-wit the thirty;first' day of December, 1931. the aforementioned as­signee of mortgagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUND­RED NINETEEN AND 78/100 ($3,819.- 78) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or anv part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TENTH day ofJULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock inthe forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as^raay be necessary to pay the amount dug, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees ; allowed by law, which said premises are ' described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot twenty (20). 1 Roehm's Subdivision of all of the East I 5/12 of Private Claim 20. lying north of the north line of Hud«on Avenue. De­troit. according to the Plat io Liber 18. . Page 16-1/2 of Plats. sWayne County^ Records, together with trie hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 12. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. .Detroit. Michigan.

April 12. 19, 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21. 28.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WOLF WEINSHELBOIM and MIN­NIE WEINSHELBOIM. his wife, of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortga­gors. to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bear­ing date the eighteenth day of November, 1925, and recorded in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on November 23rd, 1925, in Liber 1626 of Mortgages, on Page 519, which mortgage contains a pow­er of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the fifteenth day of Feb­ruary. 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Feb­ruary 16th. 1928. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517. which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932. in the office of thelRegister of Deeds for said County of Wayne) in Lib­er 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO and 37/100 ($1,432.37) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has b««n had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such ■ case made and pro- , vided, notice is hereby given that on ! TUESDAY the NINTH day of JULY. , 1935. at eleven o'clock in the fore- ' noon. Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the , southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De- ! troit. Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so : much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort- i gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before : said sale for taxes and/or insurance on : said premises, and all other sums paid by ! the undefsigned pursuant to law and to I the terms of said mortgage, with interest ' thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an- | num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated-in the City of Detroit. County of y/ayne- State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered sixty-nine (69) of Stevens and Luyckx Subdivision of Lots ten (10) and eleven (11) of Subdivision of West half (%) of Quarter Section forty-three (43) Ten Thou­sand Acre Tract., according to a plat re­corded in Litter 17 of Plats on page 78 in Wayne County Records. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 12. 1935.FIRST J-IATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorney* for Aaaignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31; June 7. 14. 21, 28.


Attorneya for Aaaignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgager.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by EDWARD H. .'COURTEMANCHE, a widower, of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagor to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organ­ized under the laws of the State of Mich­igan. Mortgagee, its successors and as­signs. bearing date the thirtieth day. of October. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on October 31st, 1928. in /Liber 2231 of Mortgages, on Page 126. Uvhich mortgage contains a power of sale, \vhich said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 3lst, 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Libfer 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, inter­est, taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO and 97/100 ($1,622.97) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there-

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice ia hereby given that on THURSDAY. the ELEVENTH day of JULY, 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premis­es described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. js aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on eaid premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to, law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal coats, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allow­ed by law. which said premises are des­cribed as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State, of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Six hundred eighty-seven (687) of Besaen- ger and Moore's Mt. Elliott Avenue Sub­division of south half of Lot Three (3). and Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of Subdi­vision of southwest quarter of Section Twenty-one (21). Town One (1) South. Range Twelve East, as recorded in Liber Three (3). Page Twelve (12) of Plats, and Lot Five (5) and part of Lot Six (6). of Subdivision of Estate of James Dunn, on southwest quarter of Section Twenty- one (21). Town one (1) South. Range Twelve (12) East, as recorded in Liber Sixty-one (61) Page One hundred ninety- nine (199) of Deeds: Also part of Section Twenty one (21). Town One (1). South. Range Twelve (12) East, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 33 of Plats, on Page 19: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the east side of Girardin Avenue, between Huber and Mar­cus Avenues, together with the heredita­ments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 12. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14. 21. 28.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made in the terms

and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN KUZDZAL and CATHERINE KUZDZAL. his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagors, to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortga­gee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the third day of March. 1926. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on March 4th. 1926. in Liber 1678 of Mortgages, on Page 263. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated February ISth. 1928, and re­corded February 16th. 1928. in the office of tbe Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Mich­igan. by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assign­ments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE and 87/100 ($1,983.87) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equitj)<has beep-’1QtJ-«or instituted to re­cover the (JeW^lecured bs^Jsaid mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case mad: and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUES­DAY the SECOND day of JULY. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by tbe undersigned at or before said sale for tax­es and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the term* of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as fol­lows. to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: “Lot numbered Six Hundred and Ninety (690) of Leland Highlands Subdivision of part of North­erly One-half C/S) of Section Seven (7) Town One (1) South Range Twelve (12) East. Hamtramck Township, according to a Plat recorded in Liber Thirty-seven (37) of Plats on Page Forty-four (44) in Wayne County Records," together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. April 4, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10, 17.24. 31; June 7. 14, 21.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been mad; ia the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILLIAM S. ROTTACH and MARY ROTTACH. hi* wife, or Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its suc- cetaora and assigns, bearing date the thir­teenth day df Srotamber, 1928, and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of

Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DOROTHY GILLET SMITH, of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, Mortgagor to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of April, 1925, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on May 2nd. 1925, in Liber 1488 of Mortgages, on Page 309, which mortgage contains a pow­er of tale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the fifteenth day of Feb­ruary, 1928. assigned by the said The Peoples State Bank to People* Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation; of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th, 1928, and recorded Feb­ruary 16th, 1928, in the office of theRegister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517, which said mortgage ,was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first dky of Dec­ember, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na-


I Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by SARAH KATZMAN, of Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagor to THE DIME SAV­INGS BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, ita suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the six­teenth day of March. 1926. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on March 31st, 1926, in Liber 1693 of Mortgages, on Page 95. which mortgage contains a power of tale. On to-wit the 21st day of May, 1929, the aforementioned mortgagee changed ita name to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of April, 1930, said mort­gage was assigned by the said Bank of MlCbirrvn* rtrt,in«-w Rank

igan, by assignment dated April 30th, 1930, and recorded May 1st, 1930, in the office of the Register of Deeds for tbs County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Asrign-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by RAY C. TOUHEY and LILLIAN R. TOUHEY, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort­gagee. ita successors and assigns, bearing date the fourteenth day of October, 1925. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on October 15th. 1925, ia Liber 1603 of Mortgages, on Page 61S. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th, 1928, and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under tbe laws of the United States of America, ofDetroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1982, in the office of the Rs«is- tcr of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Anigamesta, on Pags

Page 14: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

Page Four THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY; MAY 10. 1935160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mort­gagee changed it* name to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the United State* of America. of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal interest, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of NINE

debt secured by said mortgage or any part ; thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the 1 power of sale in said mortgage contained, I and pursuant to the statute of the State | of'Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on . TUESDAY, the SECOND day of JULY, j 1935, at eleven o'clock in the fore- j

Eastern Standard time, saidHUNDRED THIRTEEN and 87/100 (gage will be foreclosed by a sale IJ913.87) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at | public auction to^the highest bidder.

,law or in equity has been had <r !—‘ ..........to recover the debt secured by gage or any part thereof.

instituted j the southerly or Congress Street entrance ; aid mort ' to the County Building in the City of De­

ge U. p-.i «.«««. troit, Wayne County. Michigan (that be-NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the '"g the place where the Circuit Court for

power of sale in said mortgage contained, ‘he County of Wayne is held) of the and pursuant to the statute of *he State premises described in said mortgage or so of Michigan ia such case made and pro- thereo‘| a8 “’X b« necessary to pay

harrhv ffiven that on 'he amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort- MONDAY the FIRST f.y of JULY. e-B-- 'nd -"Z -um °r ,IJ™’ ,whichh^’V j ISIS. .. eleven o'clock to the locc-!S,,p"1.bZ,*' " “"I

s.- nans1 a s'

tion to the highest bidder, at the souther- u ly or Congress Street entrance to the . .. ,,,County Building in the City of Detroit. and aU (ega) coaia &Wayne County Michigan, (that being the. including the attorney fees allowednice U.h»r^ fhe Cirr-nit Court for the . . 1 -- -

of said mortgage, with interest seven per cent (7%) per annum.

' charges and expens -' ■ lllowplace where the Circuit Court for the I by law which ^jd premises'are described

County of Wayne is held) of the premises | as fojjows.described in said mongage or so much , The par<;el of land situated in the city of thereof as may be necessary to pay the , Detroi,. County of Wayne. State of Mich- amount due. as aforesaid, on Mid mort- igan described Lot one hundredgage, and any sum or sums which m,° • - — — ._...be” paid by the undersigned 'it or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of Mid mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allow- ed by law. which Mid premises are describ­ed as follows, to-wit: ,

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One Hundred Forty-Eight (148) of J. V. Bre- voort Fort Street Subdivision of part of Private Claims One Hundred Nineteen (119) and Five Hundred Twenty-Four (524). according to the recorded Plat there­of in Liber 32 of Plats on Page 98. Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the South side of- Greyfriars Ave­nue. between Tractor and Navarre Ave­nues. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 5. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17.24. 31: June 7. 14. 21.

enteen (117). Freud and Schulte's Subdi­vision of Riopelle Farm, between Fremont and Farnsworth Streets, Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 7. Page 17 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 4. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortpa^ee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17, 24. 31 ; June 7. 14. 21.


Attorneys for Assignee •! Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Defooit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN MARUSKA and KATIE MARU- SKA. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mort­gagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-second day of August, 1925. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on August 24th. 1925. in Liber 1570 of Mortgages, on Page 228. which mortgage- aontains a powev of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928. assigned by the Mid Wayne County and Home Sav­ings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich­igan. by assignment dated February 15th.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. • 144 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. j


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by I CHARLES FARRELL (who duly signed, and executed said mortgage Chas. L. Far- | rell) and SOPHIA FARRELL, his wife, both of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortga­gee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twentieth day of September. 1926. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on October 28th. 1926. in Liber 1838 of Mortgages, on Page 153 which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the seventh day of February. 1928. assigned by the said Central Savings Bank to First National Bank In Detroit. a Federal Banking Corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 7th. 1928. and recorded March 19th, 1928, in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of Assign­ments. on Page 222. On to-wit the thirty- first day of December. 1931, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name- to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of i the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of

| this notice, for principal, interest, insurance. ..928 and recorded ̂ February 16*. 1928 „„ noll«. Ior pnnclpal. ,nterest. „the office of the Register of Deeds for said J and certification of abstract, the Su...County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assign-, of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT ments. on Page 521. which said mortgage j HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE AND was thereafter on to-wit the *.rty-first Q, /,0Q (,3.873 01) Dollars. No suit or pro­day of December. 1931. migimd by *e . ceeding at law or in equity has been hadsaid Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Qr lnstituted ,o recover ,he debt securedWayne N»«onal Bank of Detroit. cor- by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained

to the statute of the State of ligan in such case made and provided. :e is hereby given that on TUES­

DAY the SECOND day of' JULY. 1935.“ ------ 1'clock in the forenoon. Eastern

lid mortgage-'will be fore-

____________ Detroit,poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, puw Michigan, by assignment dated December j and pufsuant31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. ui.i.1-----in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit *e ! at eleven"eighth day of October. 1932. the afore- Standard time. »>u mortgager win oe xore- mentioned assignee of mortgagee i closed by a sale at public auction to thens name .to FIRST RATIONAL BANK- tbe highest bidder, at the southerly or DETROIT, a corporation organized under t Congress Street entrance to the County the laws of the United States of America. Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to County. Michigan (that being nthe place be due and unpaid on said mortgage at where the Circuit Court for the County the date of this notice, for principal, inter- of Wayne is held) of the premises describ- est, insurance, taxes', and certification of ed in said mortgage or so much thereof as abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND may be necessary , to pay the amount due. SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE and as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any 16/100 ($1,685.16) Dollars. No suit or sum or sums which may be paid by the proceeding at law or in equity has been undersigned at or before said sale for tax- had or instituted to recover the debt secur- es and/or insurance on said premises, and ed by said mortgage.or any part thereof. , all other sums paid by the undersigned pur-

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the 1 suant to law and to the terms of saidpower of sale in said mortgage contained, mortgage, with interest thereon at seven and pursuant to the statute of the State of per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal Michigan in such case made and provided. : costs, charges and expenses thereon, ln- notice is hereby given that on MON-j eluding the attorney fees allowed by law.DAY. the FIRST day of JULY. 1935. ' which said premises are described as £61-

eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern I lowsThe parcel of land situated in the City

of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot : five hundred seventy-one (571) of the J. W. Johnston Subdivision of the Lafontaine Farm, to called, being on the west side of Sixteenth Street, between Breckifridge and Buchan­an Streets. Detroit, "'according to the Plat Jn Liber 68, Page 2 of Deeds, Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenance* thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 4, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee. ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10. 17.241 3!: June 7. 14. 21.

Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the high­est bidder at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County,Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is hdd) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. at afore­said, on said mortgage, and any. sum or sums which may be paid by the undersign­ed at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage,

. with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and/expense* thereon, including , the attorney fee* allowed by law. which said premises are described aj- follows, to-

The parcel of land situated in the City

IkiK’ aSSl ' R9?.WT A- MARA ANDSeventy-one (71) of Grace and Roos Ad­dition to North Detroit. Quarter Section Nineteen (19). Ten Thousand Acre Tract, according to the recorded Plat thereof in Liber 15 of Plats on Page 31. Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the North side of Grant Avenue.

Goddard and Dequindre Streets,

costs, charges and expenses thereon, includ­ing the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premise* are described as follows, to-

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Fif­teen (15) of Hoffmann's Subdivision of the Easterly Two Hundred Seventy-seven and Nine One-hundredths (277.09) Feet of Westerly Five Hundred Fifty-four and Twenty-nine One-hundredths (554.29) Feet of Blocks Two (2) Five (5) Six (6) Ten (10) Twelve (12) Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) of the Subdivision of the Easterly Three and one-half (3'A) Acres of Lot Four (4) and Lots Five (S) to Ten (10) Inclusive of W. B. Wesson’s Subdivision of Lot Six (6). Shipyard Tract, Village of Woodmere, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 24 of Plats, on Page 59; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Southerly side of Fulton Avenue, between Lawndale and Elsemere Avemjes. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 29, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan-

March 29; April 5, 12. 19. 26: May 3.10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JACOB WERBE and EVA WERBE, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan, Mtrtgagors to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-seventh day of August. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on August 28th, 1928, in Liber 2196 of Mortgages, on Page 164. which mortgage contains a pow­er of sale. On to-wit the 21st day of May. 1929, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Mich­igan. and thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth" day of April. 1930. said mortgage was as­signed by the said Bank of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, by as­signment dated April 30th. 1930. and re­corded May 1st. 1930, in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page 613. which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec­ember, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds- for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assign­ments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal,' interest, and certi­fication of abstract, the sum of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN and 70/100 ($18,797.- 70) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Micfflban in such case made and. pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will he foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in Said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at oi before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on aaid premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms ' of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses tfleFeon, including the attorney fee* allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot 398 and west­erly 20 feet of Lot 399. LaSalle Gardens, being subdivision of Lots 13 to 32 (both inclusive) of the subdivision of quarter section 54. ten thousand acre tract, as re­corded in Liber 25. page 100 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with this hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 29, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 29; April 5. 12, 19, 26; May 3.10. 17. 24. SI: June 7. 14.

on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costa, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allow­ed by law. which sakl premises are des­cribed a* follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot 50 Brush's Subdivision of the Northerly 10.64 acres of the southerly 39 acres of the East 550 Feet of Private Claim No. 260. lying North of Michigan Ave.. Detroit, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 14. page 37 of Plats. Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 29, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 29; April 5. 12. 19, 26: May 3.10, 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14.

at right angles to Merrick Avenue afore­said 123 feet to a point; thence west on a line parallel with Merrick Avenue 40 feet to a point: thence north 123 feet to the south line of Merick Avenue; thence east 40 feet to place of beginning, according to

I the plat of the subdivision of the rear of I Private Claim 27 recorded in the office i of the Register of Deeds in liber 21 page

300 of Deeds. Wayne County Records, to­gether^ with the hereditaments and appur-

I tenances ’ thereof.I Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 4. 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.| ROBERT S. MARX AND j SHELDON E. PEIRSON.

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.I 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17.24. 31; June 7. 14. 21.


Attorneys for Assignee of. Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by SARAH FURST. formerly SARAH EF- RUSY. Administratrix of the Estate of JOSEPH EFRUSY, deceased, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagor. to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroie, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-third day of August, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on August 26th, 1929, in Liber 2374 of Mortgages, on Page 349. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee ol mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certificatin'.! of abstract, the sum of FIVE THOU­SAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY- TWO and 02/100 ($5,722.02) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the TWENTY-FIFTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sate at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may he necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and aU other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said

I mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and.all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law

( which said premises are described as fol i lows, to-wit:I The parcel of land situated in the City i of Detroit. County of Wayne. State ol j Michigan, described as: The westerly I Forty (40) feet of the easterly Sixty (60)

feet of Lot numbered Fifteen (15) of | Haigh's Subdivision of Lot Three (3) of | the Subdivision of Quarter Section Forty- four (44). Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Hamtramck, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 13 of Plats, on Page 29: Wayne County Records. Said premises be­ing situated on the northerly side of Hague Avenue, between Brush Street and Oakland Avenue, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 29. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK., Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.! 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3.10. 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.“ ~ " t. Mi<"(ichigan


. «„ , SHELDON E. PEIRSON.rtL G7 Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.


Default has been made in the terms and----------- ----------- I conditions of a certain mortgage made bytogether with the hereditaments and appur- .JOSEPH H. BRIDGES and CLARA J. tenances thereof. BRIDGES, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. April 5. 1935. , Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNEFIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. i COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a

Assignee of Mortga_______ T S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for, Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan ; Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17.' 24, 31: June 7. 14, 21.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and ' £a conditions of a certain mortgage made by ?• a r*:o’^e^*Jan.uary 9‘h, 1932. In the of- LEON KRASNIEWSKI and ROSALIA f'«' of'waX in Lih5*M4 of AsaSl?JKRASNIEWSKI (sign. Rosali KrMniew- °n ^.^160 t .X

I&^^o^eVr^' SPSS’s !BANK of Detroit. Michigan. a_ corporation

corporation organized under the laws uf the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its success­ors and assigns, bearing date the sixth day

' of July. 1928. and recorded in the office i of the Register of Deeds for the County | of Wayne, State of Michigan, on July 7th,

1928, in Liber 2166 of Mortgages, on Page 379, which mortgage contains a pow­er of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec­ember. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na-

, tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation or- ' ganized under the laws of the United , States of America, of Detroit. Michigan,

assignee of mortgagee changed it* r FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETKty11", a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, in­surance. and certification of abstract, the , sum of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY and 63/100 ($3.- 820.63) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at ' law or in equity has been had or instituted | to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE. 1935.at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof a* may be necessary to pay tbs amount due. as aforesaid, on aaid ■ mortgage, and any sum or suns which JMy be. paid by the undersigned at or before aaid tala ior taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and aU

paid by the undersigned pur-

organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and as­signs, bearing date the first day of April.1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne,State of Michigan, on April 11th, 1927, in Liber 1925 of Mortgages.’ on Page 93, which mortgage contains a power of sal:, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the seventh day of February, 1928. assigned by the said Central Savings Bank to First National Bank In- Detroit, a Fed­eral Banking Corporation, of Detroit.Michigan, by assignment’ dated February 7th. 1928. and recorded March 19*. 1928, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 180 of As­signments, on 9Page 222. On to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its. name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage a* the date of this notice, for principal, inter­est. taxes, and certification of abstract, thesum of TWO THOUSAND SIXTY-.------ ------------- ------------------------------_SEVEN and 6/100 ($2,067.06) Dollars, suant to law and to the terms of aaid

r in equity I mortgage, with interest thereon-el-------------------------------------------—■ha* been had or instituted to recover the I per ‘ (7%) per annum, and all legal


Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made In the terras and condition* of a certain mortgage made by STANISLAW ZELEK and JOZEFA ZE- LEK. his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan. Mortgagors. »o MICHIGAN STATE BANK OF DETROIT. Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of July, 1929. and recorded in "the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 29th, 1929. in Liber 2359 of Mortgages, on Page 198. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the twenty-seventh day of March. 1931. assign­ed by the said Michigan State Bank of Detroit, to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich­igan. by assignment dated March 27th. 1931, and recorded March 30th, 1931. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 234 of Assign­ments. on Page 480, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said People* Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment .t&ted December 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of ab­stract. the sum of THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWELVE and 83/100 ($3,212.83) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in aaid mortgage contained, and pursuant to die statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provid­ed, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-FIFTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a tale at public auction to the highest bidder. at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Waynf County. Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said tnortr-”- and any sum or sums which may be by the undersigned at or before said for taxes and/or insurance on said prem­ises, and all other toms paid by the un­dersigned pursuant to law and to the term* of said mortgage, with interest there-

I ROBERT S. MARX ANDi SHELDON E- PEIRSON.j Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.: 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms ahi)

I conditions of a certain mortgage made b, GEORGE P, DROELLE and MAY E. DROELLE. his wife, and ADELBERT E. DROELLE and CLARA A. DROEL­LE. his wife, all of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Mil

44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ALLEN J. DOREY and MARY DOREY. his wife, both of the City of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagors to PENINSULAR STATE BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its success­ors and assigns, bearing date the sixth day of August, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on August 13th. K?29. in Liber 2368 of Mort­gages. on Page 72, which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of April, 1930. assigned by the said Peninsular State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated April 30th, 1930. and recorded May 1st. 1930. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments, on Page 615. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932. in the office of the Regis-

Michigan. Mort-| gagee. its success^Kand assigns, bearing | date the eighth dajr%f February. 1926. and ! recorded in the office of the Register of I Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of : Michigan, on February 10th, 1926. in Lib­er 1667 of Mortgages, on Page 468. which

i mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928. assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit,

I Michigan, by assignment dated February I I5th. 1928, and recorded February 16th,

1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of De­troit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of i Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber

I 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- I wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. Thereafter on to-wit the twenty-first' day of March. 1933. as of twelve o'clock noon, C. O. Thomas was appointed to succeed Paul C. Keyes as Conservator of ' First National Bank-Detroit, by F. G. Await, Acting Comptroller of the Curreiicy, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of the United States, in such case made and provided, which Commission of Conservator was dated on March 20th. 1933. and recorded March 25ttt, 1933. in the office of the Registtr of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 3936 of Deeds, on Page 543. Which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the twen­ty-fifth day of April, 1933. assigned by the said C. O. Thomas, as Conservator of First National Bank-Detroit. to National Bank of Detroit, a National Banking Asso­ciation, of Detroit. Michigan, by Assign-

: ment dated April 25th, 1933? and recorded [ April 29th. 1933. in the office of the

Register of Deeds for said County of i Wayne, in Liber 254 of Assignments, on ; Page 1, which said mortgage was there- ! after on to-wit the twenty-fifth day of j November. 1933, assigned by the said Na- i tional Bank of Detroit to First National ! Bank-Detroit. a corporation organized un­der the laws of the United States of Ameri­ca, of Detroit, Michigan, by Assignment dated November 25th. 1933. and recorded Det?mber 1st, 1933, in the office of the

• Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 261 of Assignments, on

1 Page 193. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of

I this 1 notice, for principal, interest, taxes,------- _.id certification of abstract, theof ONE THOUSAND ONE HUND­

RED FORTY-SIX and 63/100 ($1,146.63) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provid^, notice is hereby given that on TUES­DAY the SECOND day of JULY, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County buildiiig in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may he necessary to pay the amount due. ' as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum

which may be paid by the un-

! ter of Deeds for aaid County of Wayne Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page lbu.

: On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organ­ized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, and certifica­tion of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOU­SAND four Hundred forty-six and 68/100 ($4,446.68) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there­of.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in luch case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WED­NESDAY the THIRD day of JULY. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at' the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building ip the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described

I in said mortgage or to much thereof as ! may be necessary to pajt the amount due,

a* aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or' before said sale for tax­es and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7*/.) per annum, and all legal costs,' charges and expenses thereon, its eluding the attorney fees allowed by law. I which aaid premises are described as fol­lows:

The parcel of land situated in the City ' of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: AB that part of out lots four (4) and five (5) of the subdivision

;of the rear of the Lognon Farm, being 'Private Claim 27, lying south of Merrick Avenue and described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at a point on the south line of Merrick Avenue 196 feet east of the, west line of aaid Lognon Farm, and running thence south on a line

dersigned at or before said sale for ____and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law.

| which said premises are described as fol­lows. to-wit:

The parcel of land situated Jn the City v. Detroit. County of Wayne. Slate of. Mich­igan. described as: Lot numbered Rorty- Four (44) of J. J. Perren’s East Side Sub­division of part of Fractional Section Twenty-Two (22). Town One (1) South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to the recorded Plat thereof in Liber 18 of Plats on Page 74: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the East side of Vinton Avenue, between Marcus and Georgia Avenues, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Deroit. Michigan. April 4, 1935. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroi*. Michigan.

April 5. 12, 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17.2.4, 31: June 7. 14. 21.

. ROBERT S. MARX AND ! SHELDON E. PEIRSON:1 Attorneys for Assignee of Sfort^agee,

44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit; Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by STANLEY SZEWCZYK and PIETRO- NELA SZEWCZYK. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-fifth day of August. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on August 27th. 1928. in Liber 2195 of Mortgages, on Page 332, which mortgage contains a power a! sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignmast dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of W»yne in Liber

j 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- i wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the i aforementioned assignee of mortgagee 'changed its name to FIRST iNATIONAL ‘ BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz- i ed under the laws of the United States of ! America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is i claimed to be due and unpaid on said j mortgage at the date of this notice, for

principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOU­SAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-

, NINE and 03/100 ($2,739.03) DoUars.| No suit or proceeding at law or in equity

has been had or instituted to recover the i debt secured by said mortgage or any part ' thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of tale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on FRID4Y the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, aaid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at-public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County

Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being *e place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof at may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur­suant to law and to the terras of said mort­gage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and aU legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to- wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Mich­igan. described as: The northerly Thirty (30) feet, front and rear, of Lot numbered One hundred ten (110) of J. W. Johnston's Subdivision of the Porter and Campau Farms, being that part of the east half of Private Claim Seventy-eight (78). lying north of Chicago Avenue and all that part of Private Claim Twenty-one (21). and the west seven-twelfths (7/12) of Private Claim Twenty (20). lying north ol Chicago Avenue and south of the rear Forty (40) acres, according to the plat thereof re­corded in Liber 1 of Plats, on Pages 32 and 33: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the east side of Twenty-third Street, between Ash and Butternut Streets, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March’29. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 29; April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3. _ 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

JHORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by ANNA K. BORGMAN, of Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagor to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its success­ors and assigns, bearing date the fifteenth day of July, 1930. 'and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on July 16th. 1930. in Liber 2503 of Mort­gages. on Page 83. which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne""County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on- said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, in­terest. insurance, and certification of ab­stract, the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE and 09/100 ($7,995.09) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said

I mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at I public auction to the highest bidder, at

the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and any sum or sums which may be pdjd by the undersigned at or before said salk for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undesigned pursuant to law \and to the terml of said mortgage. with interest therdin at seven per cent (7%) per annum. andZall legal costs, charges and expenses thrfeon. including the attorney fees allow­ed'by tew, which said premises are describ­ed as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The East Twelve (12) Feet of Lot Four (4) and the west Thirteen and one Twelfth (13-1/12) feet of Lot Five (5) of Quinn and Haggerty's Subdivision of part of Private Claim Five Hundred Eighty Three (583), lying be­tween Dix and Toledo Avenues, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 17 of Plats on Page 12: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the north side of Dix Avenue between Scotten and Park Avenues, together with the heredita­ments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 29. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 29: April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3.10, 17. 24. 31: June 7, 14.

I LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney, 13504 Woodward Avenue.

I Highland Park, Michigan.MORTGAGE SALE

Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by MILLER-STORM COMPANY. INC- a Michigan Corporation, of the City of De­troit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan.

• ?ni«aMvIC’{ULNIt. PARK trUST I £°lIP^NY' of the c'«y Highland, County of Wayne, and State of

Michigan, a corporation organized and ex- | [sting under the laws of the State of Mich.

sum of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE and 56/100 ($3,681.56) DoUars and no suit or pro­ceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby giv­en that by virtue ot the power of sale con­tained in said mortgage and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of JULY A. D: 1935. at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the south­erly or Congress Street entrance' 1926 «dndedr«oerded3ri dtT °ffrJU,y ,A ?' Wlyne County BuHdi“g* in City’of De*

. tiz I ‘ ' ''yuuiy ui wayne ana otate or Mich-th? 6 zUZ 'z?an (that being thc buildit»8 wherein the i Liber 177dfi uC°UFt for the County of Wayne is

wbirh I _!ld) the P™™8*8 described in said iState of Michigan.August A.D. 1926 iu____ nela,

A Signm6 and racked’ on 2°/*°?°^« follows: AU ths, fenain piece


GORMAN. BAUER & PERROT. Attorneys at Law.

I 608-09 Bearinger Building, Saginaw. Mich. MORTGAGE SALE

Default having been made in the condi­tions of a certain Mortgage made by John Wohn, single, of Plymouth. Wayne

I County. Michigan, to The American State i Bank, a Michigan Banking Corporation, of

Saginaw. Michigan, dated the 14th day of February. 1928, and recorded in the office o the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on th< 20th day of February. 1928. in Liber. 2091 of Mortgages, on page 101; the said

i American State Bank, a Michigan Bank­ing Corporation, of Saginaw, Michigan.I having later on the 21st day of February, j A. D. 1931. duly changed its name to : the Peoples American State Bank. a

Michigan Banking Corporation, on which , Mortgage there is claimed to be due at , the date of this notice, for principal, inter- ' est. and insurance the sum of Four Thou- ; sand Seven Hundred Twenty-Two f$4,722.

00) DoUars. and the further sum of Thirty- ! five ($35.00) Dollars, as Attorney's fees,

making the whole amount claimed to be due at the date of this notice, to-wit, the sum of Four Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Seven ($4,757.00) Dollars, to which amount will be added at the time of sale all taxes and insurance that may be paid by the said Mortgagee between the date of this notice and the time of said sale: and no proceedings at law having been in­stituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof, whereby the power of sale con­tained in said Mortgage has become oper-

Now Therefore. Notice^ is Hereby Given that by authority of R. E. Reichert. State Banking Commissioner, and approval of William A. Comstock, Governor of the State of Michigan, first had and obtained and by virtue of the power of sale con­tained in said Mortgage and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and pro­vided, the said Mortgage will he foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein, described or so much thereof' as <may he necessary. “• public auction, to the highest bidder, the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building, in the City of Detroit, and County of Wayne, Michigan, that being the place for holding the Cir­cuit Court in and for said County, on Monday the 24th day of June. 1935. at 11:00 o'clock Eastern Standard Time in the forenoon of said day, and said premises will be sold to pay the amount so as afore­said then due on said Mortgage together with six per cent interest, legal costs, At­torneys’ fees and also any taxes and in­surance that said Mortgagee does pay on or prior to the date of said sale: which said premises are described in said Mort­gage as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 137 Nash's Plymouth Subdivision, a part of the East % 'of the South east % of Section 27, Town 1 South, Range 8 East, situated in the Village of Plymouth, County of Wayne, Michigan.GORMAN. BAUER ft PERROT, Attorneys at Law,608-09 Bearinger Building, Saginaw. Mich.

March 22. 29; April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17, 24, 31; June 7. 14. V-

----- r—_ Michigan CorporatioiTrustee to Highland Park Trust Corm pany. a Michigan Corporation, by assign­ment dated the 15th day of October A.D.1934 and recorded on the 23rd day of October A.D. 1934 in Liber 269 oi As­signments. Page 372. Wayne County rec­ords. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this

I notice, including principal and interest, the sum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUN-

j DRED TWELVE and 77/100 ($2,512.77). Dollars and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to re-

| cover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now.

| therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute

■ of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder

| on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of JULY A.| D. 1935. at twelve o'clock noon, Eastern

Standard Time, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the Wayne County

I Building in the City ol Detroit, County of I Wayne and State of Michigan (that being i the building wherein the Circuit Court for | the County of Wayne is held) the prera- ' ises described in said mortgage, or suffi­cient thereof, to satisfy said indebtedness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs allowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are described as follows: AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit.County of Wayne, State of Michigan, des­cribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 348.Geo. G. Epstean's Seven-Mile Blvd. Sub­division of part of Southeast ‘i ol Section 6. Town 1 south. Range 12 east. Ham­tramck Township. Wayne County. Mich­igan. Plat recorded April 19. 1916. Liber- 34. Page 76. Plats.

Dated: March 18. 1935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

COMPANY. Mortgagee and Assignee- of Mortgagee.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee

of Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park. Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26:May 3. 10, 17. 24, 31: June 7. 14. 21.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney.13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park, Michigan.


Default having been made in tne terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by CHARLES RICK and MABEL RICK, his wife and FRED SCHOOF and LIZZIE SCHOOF, his wife, of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of. the City "of Highland Park, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 29th day of Sept­ember A.D. 1927 and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the 7th day of October A. D. 1927 in Liber 2025 of Mortgages, on Page 232. which mort­gage was assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation, Trustee, by assignment, dated the 1st day of Dec­ember A. D. 1927 and recorded on the 27th day of January A. D. 1928 in Liber 178 of Assignments. Page 120, and which mortgage was reassigned by said Highland

• Park Trust Company. Trustee to Highland 1 Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corpora­

tion by assignment dated the 1st day of , May A.D. 1933 and recorded on the 25th day of May A.D. 1933 in Liber 255 of Assignments. Page 256. and which mort­gage was further assigned by said High-

! tend Park Trust Company to Highland Park State Bank, a Michigan Corporation,

; by assignment, dated the 15th day of Feb­ruary A. D. 1934 and recorded on the

. 26th day of March A.D. 1934 in Liber 264 ; of Assignments. Page 288. and which mortgage was reassigned by said Highland Park State Bank to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation, by as­signment dated the 11th day of March A.

, D. 1935 and recorded on the 15th day of j March A.D. 1935 in Liber 275 of Assign-

ments. Page 424, Wayne County records, on which mortgage there is claimed to be sue and unpaid at the date of this notice.

I deluding principal and interest, the sum of - FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED | FIVE and 94/100 ($4,405.94) Dollars and ] no suit or proceedings at law or in equity i having been instituted to recover the debt j now remaining secured by said mortgage.I or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice■ is hereby given that by virtue of the power | of, ^ale contained in said mortgage, and f pursuant to the statute of the State of

Michigan, in such case made and provided,I the undersigned will sell at public auction

to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, the I 2nd day of JULY A. D. 1935. at twelve ‘ o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at i the southerly or 'Congress Street entrancei to the Wayne County Building in the City , ________ .»uI of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of A.D. 1931 and recorded i Michigan (that being the building whereinJ of September A. D. 1931 in Liber 2613 of I the Circuit Court for the County of Waynq; Mortgages. Page 460, Wayne County rec- | is held) the premises described in said ords. on which mortgage there is claimed ' mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy to be -due and unpaid at the date of this

said indebtedness with seven per cent notice, including principal and interest, the (7%) interest and all legal costs allowed sum of THREE THOUSAND THREE by law and .provided for in said mortgage. HUNDRED FIFTY^BIX and 08/100

Ryan Park Subdivi: of part of thesoutheast of Frl. Sec. 7. Town 1 south. Range 12 east. City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Plat recorded July 28. 1924. Liber 50. Page 30. Plats.

Dated: March 22. 1935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

COMPANY. Mortgagee and Assi of Mortgagee.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG..Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee

of Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.

-March 29: April S. 12. 19 May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31 ; June 7. 14

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG, Attorney. 13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by THE BROWNWELL CORPORA­TION. a Michigan Corporation, of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of Highland Park. County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized ' and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 5th day of October A.D. 1926 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the 21st day of October A.D. 1926 in Liber 1833 of Mortgages, on Page 4JT which mortgage was assigned by the s'aid Highland Park Trust Company to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation. Trustee, by assignment dated the 1st day of Novem­ber A. D. 1926 and recorded on the 1st day of February A. D. 1927 in Liber 154 of Assignments. Page 570 and which mortgage was reassigned by said Highland Park Trust Company. Trustee to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation, by assignment dated the 15th aay of October A.D. 1934 and recorded on the 23rd day of October A. D. 1934 in Libe: 269 of Assignments, Page 384 Wayne County records, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of THREE THOU­SAND THIRTY SEVEN and 62/100 ($3,037.62) Dollars and no suit or pro­ceedings at law or in equity having beer, instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any par- thereof: now. therefore, notice i* hereby given that by virtue of the power' of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, the 2nd dav of JULY A. D. 1935. at twelve o’clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the south­erly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of De­troit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that being the building wherein the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof. to satisfy said indebtedness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs al lowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys’ fees, which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of tend situate in the City of Lincoln Park. County of •Wayne. State of Michigan, described as fol­lows. to-wit: Lot No. 118, Harrahs Pennsylvania Railroad Subdivision of par: of Private Claim SO. lying East of Penn­sylvania Railroad, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded ia Liber 48 page 28 of Plats, Wayne County Records.

Dated: March 18. 935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST

COMPANY. Mortgagee and Assignee of Mortgagee.

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee

of Mortgagee.1350< Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26. May 3. 10. 17, 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21

LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney. 13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park. Michigan.


by BROWNWELL CORPORATION, a Michigan Corporation, of the City of De­troit. County of Wayne. State of Mich­igan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of Highland Park, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and ex­isting under the tews of the State of Mich­igan. dated the 1st day of 'June A. D. 1926 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the 8th day of June A.D. 1926 in Liber 1736 of Mortgages, on Page 619, which mortgage was extended by agreement dated the 10th day of August -a-------u.a „ ,be 2nd

I including attorneys' fees, which said prem- I ises are described as follows: AU’that cer- 1 tain piece or parcel of tend situate in the , City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State i of Michigan.' described as follows, to-wit:

Lot No. 211. Walker's Subdivision of Southwest of Southeast of Section 2.

'Town 1 South Range 11 east. Wayne , County. Michigan.' Dated: March 18. 1935.


of Mortgagee.LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee

i of Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue,Highland Park. Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. 19, 26i May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21

($3,356.08) Dollars and .......... . .. r..ceedings at tew or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of JULY A.D. 1935. at twelve o clock

I noon. Eastern Standard Time. at the I southerly or Congress Street entrance to

the Wayne County Building in the City of 1 Detroit. County of Wayne and State of" | Michigan (that being the building wherein | the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne I is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof.

- j said indebtedness with seven per c t (7%)LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney,! interest and all legal coats allowed by law13504 Woodward Avenue, ; and provided for in aaid roorq------ ;Highland Park, Michigan. I attorneys’ fees, which said ,_

---------- described as follows: AH that cMORTGAGE SALE or parcel of tend situate in the City' of

---------- i Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Mieh-Default having bsen made in the terms, jKan> described as follows, to-wit: Lot No.

and conditions of a certain mortgage made 3, Oakman Brownwell Subdivision of part by HARRY W. WOLFE, a single man, J of lot 5. 7. 8 and 9 of Harper Tract, of and LOUIS STEINBERG and EVA | south half of fractional Section 21. Town STEINBERG his wife, by LOUIS j ] south. Range 11 east, according to the STEINBERG, her attorney-in-fact, of the j plat thereof as recorded in Liber 58. Page City of Detroit. County of Wayne, to the' 10, Plata.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COM-, Dated: March 18. 1935.PANY, of the City of Highland Park, j HIGHLAND PARK TRUSTCounty of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the tews of the State of Michigan, dated the 1st day of August A.D. 1927 and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on the 2nd day of August A.D. 1927 in Liber 1989 of Mortgages, on Pa$e 529. which mortgage was assigned by laid Highland Park Trust Company to High­land Park Trust-Company, a Michigan Cor­poration, Trustee by assignment dated the 15th day of August A. D. 1927 and re­corded on the 22nd day of October A. D. 1927 in Liber 173 of Assignments, Page 50, Wayne County records. which mortgage was reassigned by said Highland - Park Trust Company, Trustee to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation by assignment dated the 20th day of March A. D. 1935 and recorded on- the 21st day of March A. D. 1935 m Liber 275 of As­signments. Page 541, Wayne County rec­ords, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the

COMPANY. Mortgagee. LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney for Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. May 3. 10. 17, 24. 31: June 7.

Highland Park, Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain -mortgage made by ELIZABETH BATTJES. of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, Stem of Michigan to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of High­land Park, County of Wayne, and fttata of Michigan, a corporation rirginiaad and ex­isting under the laws of the State of Mich­igan, dated the 25th day of November A. D. 1927 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of

Page 15: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page Five

"Wayne. State of -Michigan, on the 28th day of November A. D. 1927 in Liber 2051 of Mortgage*, on Page 380. which mort­gage was assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation. Trustee, by assignment dated the 1st day of Dec­ember A. D. 1927 and recorded on the 27th day of January A. D. 1928 in Liber 178 of Assignments, Page 120. and which mortgage was reassigned by said Highland Park Trust Company, Trustee to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corpora­tion by assignment dated the 1st day of May A.D. 1933 and recorded on the 25th day of May A. D. 1933 in Liber 255 of As­signments. Page 256. and which mortgage was further assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Highland Park State Bank, a Michigan Corporation, by assignment, dated the 15th day of February A.D. 1934 and recorded on the 26th day of March A. D. 1934 In Liber 264 of Assign­ments. Page 274. and which mortgagewas reassigned by said Highland Park State Bank to Highland Park Trust. Company, a Michigan Corporation by assignment dat­ed the 11th day of March A.D. 1935 and recorded on the 15th day of March A.D. 1935 in Liber 275 of Assignments. Page *28, Wayne County records, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date ot this notice, includ­ing principal and interest, the sum of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUND­RED THIRTY EIGHT and 5tf/100 ($3.- *38.56) Dollars and no suit or proceed­ings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any part -.hereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, m such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, the 2no day of JULY A. D. 1935. at twelve o clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the south­erly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan (that being the building wherein the Circuit Court for the County ofWayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy said indebtedness with seven per cent (7%) interest and all legal costs al­lowed by Uw and provided for tn said mortgage, including attorneys fees, which said premises are described- as follows: AU that certain piece or .P««l of U"d ’J£“ate in the City of Detroit. Cdunty of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as follows, to- wit: Lot No. 732 Stoepel’s Greenfield Highlands Subdivision of a part southeast '/4 Section 33,.

DatHiGHLAND8'PARk TRUSTCOMPANY. Mortgagee and Assignee

of Mortgagee.LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG.Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee

of Mortgagee.13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan

* March 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26.May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7. 14. 21.

the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary ro pay the amount due. as aforesaid. on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may - be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and aU legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allow­ed by law, which said premises are describ-

1 as follows, to-wit:The parcel of land situated in the City

Detroit. County of Wayne. State of_Jichigan. described as: Lot numbered four hundred (400) Of William L. Holmes and Frank A. Vernor's Subdivision of a part of Lot eight (8) and Lot nine (9), of the Richard McDonald Estate. Fractional Sec­tion nine (9). Town two (2). South Range eleven (11) East, according to the record­ed plat thereof in Liber 16 of Plats, on Page 73: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the south side of Sarena between Chopin and Cecil Ave­nues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 29. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3.10. 17. 24. 31; June 7. 14.

Eight (8) Block Seventeen (17) . of F. J. I ROBERT S MARX ANDB. Crane's Subdivision of Part of Blocks | SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20), Labrosse ! Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. Farm, according to the plat thereof'record- 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, ed in Liber 58 of Deeds, on Page 252; ----------Wayne County Records. Said premises be­ing situated on the Southerly side of Per- i _ . , . . ...__ry Avenue, between Brooklyn and Sixth Default has been made in the terms and Streets, together with the hereditaments , condition^ of, a certain , mortgage J^^e^by and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 29,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S- MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Micnigan.

March 29; April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3.10. 17, J4. 31; June 7, 14.



SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, 1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit, Mich.


Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law oi in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power oi sate in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State

Default having been made in the terms i of Michigan in such case made and pro- _ and conditions of a certain mortgage made , vided, notice is hereby given that on

HAROLD JAMES HEALY- sometimes by Harold J. Mog, a single man, of the | FRIDAY the TWENTY-FIRST daywritten Harold J. Healy and VERONA City of Detroit. County of Wayne and , JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenC HEALY, his wife. Mortgagors to State of Michigan, Mortgagor, to the | Eastern Standard time, said mortgage willPENINSULAR STATE BANK, of De- Grange Life Insurance Company, a Mich- be foreclosed by a sale at public auctiontroit, Michigan, a corporation organized igan corporation. Mortgagee, dated the to the highest bidder, at the southerly orunder the laws oi the State of Michigan, 16th day of September. A.D. 1920. and 1 Congress Street entrance to the CountyMortgagee, its successors and assigns, bear- recorded in the office of the Register of I Building in the City of Detroit, Wayneing date the fourth day of February. 1928. Deeds, for the County of Wayne and County, Michigan, (that being the placeand recorded in the office of the Register State of Michigan on the 25th day of I where the" Circuit Court for the County ofof Deeds for the County of Wayne, State September, A.D. 1920, in Liber 1078 of Wayne is held) of the premises describedof Michigan, on February 6th, 1928, in Mortgages, on page 8. which said mort- i m said mortgage or so much thereof asLiber 2085 of Mortgages, on Page 36. gage was thereafter on to-wit the 29th , m®y be necessary to pay the amount due*,which mortgage contains a power of sale, day of May, A. D. 1930, assigned to the ; as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any . which said mortgage was thereafter on to- Michigan Life Insurance Company, a • sul7> °.r sums which may be paid by thewit the thirtieth day of April, 1930, as- Michigan corporation, and recorded in the j undersigned at or before said sale for

"gned by the said Peninsular State bank office of the Register of Deeds for" Wayne ! ta*®* and/or insurance on said premises,.j Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Mich- County on the 18th day of August, A.D. ja2“ aU other sums paid by the undsrsign- igan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by 1930, in Liber 227 of Assignments, on !®d. pursuant to law and to the terms ol assignment dated April 30th, 1930, and re- page 195, on which mortgage there is ’aid mortgage, with interest thereon at corded May 1st. 1930 in the office of the , claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, j ?eve.n per ce"t (7%) !>« annum, and all Register of Deeds for said County of i for principal, interest and insurance, the. ®xP®ns®3 thereon,Wayne in Liber 222 of Assignments. " ’ ~ ~

all that part of quarter section 9. Ten Thousand Acre Tract, lying East of the Mill Road, Greenfield Township, accord­ing to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 35, page 2 of plats. Located—south side of Grand Avenue. Ward 14. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there­of.”

Dated: March 11th, 1935.MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE

COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. Mortgagee.


Attorneys for Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

March 22. 29; April 5, 12. 19.May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31. June 7, 14.

tain* a power of sale. On tOririt the eighth day of October. 1932, the .Aforementioned . mortgagee changed its narai.to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a“ cor­poration organized under the law* of the United State* of America. of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal. interest, and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIR­TY-EIGHT and 20/100 ($3,438.20) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re- cbver the debt secured by said mort-

1 8aK« or any part thereof.. 26; NOv- -----------------------NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.*4 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DAMAZY GUTOWSKI and FLOREN- TYNA GUTOWSKI. his wife, of Detroit.wIyne cSuW’baSx.Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the sixteenth day of March. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on March 17th, 1928 in Liber 2104 of Mortgages, on Page 208. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of Decembeh 1931. assign®^ by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organixed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931,and recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds tor said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organised under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to l-> due and unpaid on said mortgage at the cate of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of ab- stract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE and 53 '100 (SI.185.53) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage ot any part there-’f NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of, the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and nditions of a certain mortgage made by

EBENEZER G. BACON (who signed and executed said mortgage as Ebenezer S. Bacon) and MINERVA E. BACON, his wife, and HENRY J. VOSS, a single man. of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the second day of October, 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on October 3rd, 1928. in Liber 2214 of Mortgages, on Page 273. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which ‘said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st, 1931. and re­corded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgage changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and cer­tification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINE and 67/100 ($3,609.67) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity nas been ' d or instituted to recover the debt se-

red by said mortgage or any part thereof. NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the

power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State ofMichigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE. 1935.

eleven o'clock in the forenoon, East-.... Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, (tlut being the place where the Circuit Cour\ for the County of Wayne is held) of the^premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof may be necessary to pay the amount d

aforesaid, on said mortgage, and i . n or sums which may be paid by the

undersigned at or before said sale for taxesand/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pur-

t to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven

cent (7%) per annum, and all legal___J. charges and expenses thereon. in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as fol­lows. to-wit:

The parcel of land situated m the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described aMkJThe west Thirty- seven (37) feet of thFNEaat One hundred eleven (111) feet on the Northwest corner of Bagg and Thirteenth Streets, being part of Out Lot Two (2) of the Lafferty Farm, according to the plat thereof record­ed in Liber 1 of Plats, on Page 134; Wayne County records. Said premises being situated on the north side of Temple Ave-

. between Wabash and ThirteenthStreets, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 29. J 935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee ol Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 29; April 5. 12, 19, 26; May 3.10. 17, 24. 31: June 7. 14.

Default has been made in the terms and condition* of a certain mortgage made by GUY S. ROBINSON and AUGUSTA E. ROBINSON, his wife, of Detroit,Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit;Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the. State of Michigan. Mort­gagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the sixth day of November. 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on November 7th, 1929, in Liber 2411 of Mortgages, on Page 218, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. „ ,i,.r„ii.M± "S'/: aSzK&r??*".-

power of sale in said mortgage contained.

Page 615. which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec­ember. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na­tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assign­ments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANR-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United State of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUND-

juudi, imcicn duu insurance, inc . , ..-----; -------°— —-- —------- -Two Thousand Forty Two Dol- i ln®!udln8 the attorney fees allowed by law.

lars and ninety-five cents. ($2,042.95) and an attorney fee as provided by law. No suit or proceedings at law or in equity hav­ing been instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 17th day of June. A.D. 1935, at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south­erly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held). 01 the premis­es described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. with the interest thereon and all legal costs, charges and expenses, indud-

which said premises are described lows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Twelve (12) of Marshland Boulevard Sub­division of part of Private Claim Three Hundred Twenty-one (321). according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 26 of Plats, on Page 92; Wayne County Rec­ords. Said premises being situated on the Easterly side of Lakewood Avenue, between Freud and Essex Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there-

the power of sale in said mortgage contain­ed, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY - FIRST day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock _ in the forenoon. Eastern Standard rime, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a

_ , .. . . ' sale at public auction to the highest bid-Default has been made ih the terms and d southerly or Congress Street

fSnfat V ‘nBFwTS? “ella en,ranco the County Buildin« “. • " .,DR.EVyS , A ! City of Detroit. Wayne County. MichiganivfnEWMortMv^?le’ t^°tFI°RSTe NATION 1 (that be'ng the pl,ce where th® Circuit

"'nJ’iSS*ft"nPTBArr a pLeral C°Urt for ,he CouBty °f Wayne U heM)AL BANK IN DETROIT, a Federal ( (he prem,sea described in said mortgage Banking Corporation, of Detroit Michigan. or #0 much thereof „ be neceawy w Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. J ay the ,mount due. as aforesaid, on said bearing date the seventeenth day of Nov- mortgagei and ,ny aum Or sums which may

loan xna m the nffir. Of be paj<, by undersigned at or beforesaid sale for taxes and/or insurance on "*id premises, and all other sums paid by


Attorneys for Mortgagee,•• Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


gagee changed its name to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of TEN THOUSAND FORTY-SEVEN and 44/100 ($10,047.44) Dollars. No suit or proceed­ing at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that or. FRIDAY the TWENTY-FIRST day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time. -said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due; as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersign- ed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses tnereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol­lows. to-wit: •

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Nine (9) of J. N. Fowler’s Subdivision of Lot One (1) Park Lot Fourteen (14) be­tween Woodward Avenue and John R. Street,- according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 4 of Plats, on Page 31: Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the Northerly side of Edmund Place, between Woodward Avenue and John R. Street, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 22. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


RED SEVENTY-THREE and 89/100 l ing the attorney fees, and also any sum ($7,473.89) Dollars. No suit or proceeding | or sums which may be paid by the mort-

’ !“u gagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to pro­tect the mortgagee's interest in the premis­es. Which said premises are describes as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Village (now city) of Hamtramck, County of Wayne and State of Michigan, described as follows, to-wit: "Lot numbered One hundred ninety-eight (198) of C. W. Harrah’s Re-Subdivision of the east half (%) of the east half (>/4) of quarter section twenty-one (21) of Ten Thousand Acre Tract, according to the plat thereof recorded May 14th, 1889. in Liber 12. page 83, plats, Wayne County Records, SAID PREMISES being on the east side of Moran Avenue between Cas- mere Avenue and Commor Avenue, in the said Village (now City) of Hamtramck. Together with the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof."

Dated: March 16. 1935.MICHIGAN LIFE fNSURANCE

COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. Assignee of Mortgagee.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Mich.

March 22. 29: April 5. 12, 19. 26: May 3, 10. 17, 24. 31; June 7, 14.

and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon Eastern standard time, said mortgage will

,be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or .Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court" for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other suras paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terras of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol­lows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The West Ten (10) Feet of Lot Five (5) and the East­erly Twenty-four (24) Feet of Lot Six (6), Thomas V. Wreford'e Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 of the subdivision of East part of the Messmore Farm, Fractional Sec­tion 36. Town 1 South, Range 11 East. City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan, according to The plat thereof recorded in liber 10. page 35. of Plats, Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 22, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19, 26; May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, t Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in <he terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN BERG and EMILY BERG, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the fifth day of May, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on May 7th 1928, in Liber 2129 of Mortgages, on Page 486. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ELIAS SAFRAN and FREDA SAFRAN, his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County. Mich­igan. Mortgagors to THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, of Detroit. Michigan^ a corporation organized under the laws) of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the fourth day of March, 1926, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on March 5th. 1926. in Liber 1679 of Mort­gages. on Page 67. which mortgage con-



Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29: April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7.

Detroit. Michigan, March 22.

ember. 1930, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on November 21st. 1930. in Liber 2546 of Mortgages, on Page 16, which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. the aforementioned mort­gagee changed its name to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United State* of America, of Detroit, Michigan. On to-wit the eighth day .of October, 1932, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name









Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DIOS M. CURTRIGHT and ESTHER A. CURTRIGHT. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under

"the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the fifteenth day of June. 1928. and recorded in the office *of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on June 16th. 1928. in Liber 2154 of Mortgages, on Page 88. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register of D£eds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforemen­tioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of ab­stract the sum of THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTEEN and 54/100 (S3.216.S4) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. norite is hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or to "' thereof as may be necessary to pa; amount due, as aforesaid, on said gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and ‘ terms of said mortgage, with inter© on at seven per cent (7%) per ann . all legal coats, charges and expense* there­on. including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, Stats of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered

Default has been made ... .... conditions of a certain mortgage made by ■LEO ORECKLIN and BESSIE ORECK- .ElN. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mort­gagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora: tion organized under the law* of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of October, 1929. and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the Coun­ty of Wayne. State of Michigan, on Oc­tober 22nd. 1929, in Liber 2403 of Mort­gages. on Page 180. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- first day of December. 1931. aasigned bythe said Peoples Wayne County Bank to 1 of - -First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, signment dated December 31st. a corporation organized under the laws of r®co[ded January 9th,,1932. . jHerthe United State* of America, of Detroit, of the Register of Deeds for said County Michigan, by assignment dated December of 'yayne.1 ,n Jplber 2-44 .of -A?.S. S 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, 0" Pa«e 6°', °? t0".wl !he,j“?i,tn.^y 2! in the office of the Register of Deeds for ! °.«®b"1 »’32- ** TlRSTsaid County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As- , of c*a"M» nE-?ROIT V w-zignments. on Page 160. On to-wit the NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor- Cghth day of October. 1932. the afore- I Poration organized under the ,aw» mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed United States of Amenca. of its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- Michigan. There is claimed to be due andSTJSS’5 W- H

a ™ousTS"ddrfate of thif notice “or JrincipaJ in-' RED SEVENTY-SEVEN and 01/100 wrest, wees, end certificetien of ebstrict. ' (W.UI0I) Dollars. No suit or proceedin,

sihK&e-d F.?a“s"",,1S'r/7“r*d " ,ny I ”d"po£u“t' ,0 “i sStu.5 of the «UW

enw TMFBepOHF R. virtue of °f Michigan in elieh case made end pro- the power of sale in said mortgage con-1 Tuesday’' the eIgHTEENTH*1 day °ofSTtfo.-Mic’h-iX' m 'lue'S'e^'Xd0.1 s'Jd' | ™nTi»S. foIXSFRIDAY ”“"TWENTY.^RST“'d'., rf' ta'lXlSS’ h^a .“pnhhc°".‘nSon’".o ftiE ml ■eUel’J the'fore- ’ £- Highest “noon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage ! "5 nStrnh Wavnewill be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to ■ iSirWvan' ?»hat beinv ’the place

b35S7 5 31 effy of DetrS W-JJ- "e'V*»’Xh“«taS? 1

S«,U,eMS!E't”-C.<nn'',o^ .'.id’^.w,'.,'."”.^ tp-x ™xV’..?-'“’A TTJ! S3,?.'a.*”°X an'; i ■"Srt7”£r.nce i? said premise., and all as aforesaid, on said mortgage,■ a"y other sums paid by the undersigned pur-

power of sale, which said mort- 1 thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth February. 1928, assigned by tbe

said The Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corpora­tion of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit. the thirty-first day of Dec­ember. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na­tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation ~-

gage i

undersigned at or before said sale lor tax­es and/or insurance on said premise*, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charge* and expense* thereon, in­cluding tbe attorney fee* allowed by Uw, which said premises are described a* fol­low*. to-wit:

The parcel of Und situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered Seventy-nine (79) and Eighty (80) of “Warrendale Parkside Subdivision” of the West Thirty (30) Acres of West Half of Northwest Quarter of Section Two (2) Town Two (2) South Range Ten (10) East. Dearborn Township, according to the recorded pUt thereof in Liber 47 of Plats, on Page 26: Wayne County Rec­ords. Said premise* being situated on the Easterly side of Evergreen Avenue, be­tween Van Buren and Constant Avenue*, together with the hereditament* and appur­tenance* thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 22, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19, 26: May 3. 10. 17, 2|. 31; June 7.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by THEODORE R. KELTER and IRENE W. KELTER. his wife, of the City of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors, to THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortga­gee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the thirteenth day of May, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on May 14th. 1929, in Lib© 2319 of Mortgages, on Page 371, which mortgage contains a power of sale. On to- wit the 21st day of May. 1929. the afore­mentioned mortgagee changed its name to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, and thereafter on to- wit the thirtieth day of April, 1930, said mortgage was assigned by the said Bank of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment "dated April 30th, 1930. and recorded May 1st, 1930, in office of the Register of Deeds for County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assign­ments. on Page 6)3. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigad. by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds foi said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, inter, est. taxes, insurance and certification ot abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR and

the undersigned pursuant to law and the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premise* are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan^ described as: Lot numbered Two Hundred Thirteen (213) Stack's Lovett Avenue Subdivision of part of West Half of Quarter Section 29, Ten Thousand Acre Tract, according to the re­corded plat thereof in Liber 37 of Plats, on page 100, Wayne County Records; said premises being situated on the northerly side of Burlingame Avenue between Pet­oskey and Otsego Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there-

TROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United State* of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is-claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHT and 18/100 ($4,-808.18) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con-tained, and pursuant to the statute of the I ROBERT S MARX AND State of Michigan in such case made and , SHELDON E. PEIRSON. provided, notice is hereby given that on Attorneys for Morteasee r,?^AY,Q;?e TWENTY-FIRST day of 44‘ Sg.n Avenue*. D^roit, Michigan. JUNE. 1935. at eleven o clock the March 22 A u $ 12 „ ,6forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mort- M 3 ,n .r ... , .gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public |__________May 3•.?/". z*' 31 • ->une "auction to the highest bidder, at the ROBERT S. MARX AND southerly or Congress Street entrance to 1 SHELDON E. PEIRSON, he County Building in the City of De-1 Atto s (or Assignee of Mortgagee.

the County of Wayne is held) of the | MORTGAGE SALEpremises described in said mortgage or so , _____much thereof as may be necessary to pay I Default h„ been ma(Je in tbe tenn> and the amount due, as aforesaid, on said conditions of a certain mortgage made by mortgage, and any sum or suras which LEO ORECKLIN. a single man. of De-

the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort- . gagee. it* successors and assigns, bearing 1 date the seevnteenth day of August. 1928. and_ recorded in the office of the Registei

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 22. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.


America, of Detroit, Michigan by assign- 00. 1 ,-rvment dated December 31st 1931, and re-|80/I00 (j4>274.80) Dollars. No

proceeding at law or in equity has beencorded January 9th. 1932, in the office the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance and certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUN­DRED SIXTEEN and 20/100 ($4.-616.20) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said -mortgage contained, and pursuant to the Statute of the Stats of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o’clock in the fore- ------ 1. Eastern Standard ri— * J------*------will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of

Iiunai D,I1A U> xzeuvn, < — Wayne is held) of the premise* describedganized under the laws of the United States in said mortgage or so much thereof a* may of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by as- be necessary to pay the amount due, as

- — .. .... aforegjid, on aaid mortgage, and anysum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for tax­es and/or insurance on said premises, sind all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms cf isaid mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol-

The parcel of land situated in the City oi Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Sixty-one (61) of the Subdivision Of Lots Twenty-eight (28) and Twenty-nine (29) of Meldrum Farm, according to the record­ed plat thereof in Liber 9 of Plats, Page 54: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Easterly side of Meldrum Avenue, between Gratiot Ave­nue and Sylvester Street together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 22. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10, 17, 24. 31; June 7.

had or instituted to recover the debt secur­ed by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue ol the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the EIGHTEENTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon . Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly ot Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the _ Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises describ- ’ in said mortgage or so much thereof

may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal cost*, charge* and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol­lows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot fifty-seven (57) of William Tait’s subdivision of part of the Church Farm, private claim sixteen (16). north of Gratiot Avenue, Wayne County. Michigan, according to the re­corded plat thereof as recorded in liber sixteen (16) of plats, on page eighty-seven (87). Wayne County Records, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there­of.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 22, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29; April 5, 12, 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24.^31: June 7.

by the undersigned pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven percent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premise* are described a* fallows :

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot one hundred eleven (111), Rathbone's Subdivision of Outlot 4 of the subdivision of the Ship­yard Tract. Detroit, according to the Plat in Liber 11. Page 42 of Plats, Wayne County Records, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 22. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.


SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29: April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7.

per cent’(7%) per annum, and aU legal costs, charge* and expenses thereon, eluding the attorney fees allowed by which said premise* are described as lows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as "Lot Twenty (20) Galloway and Butterfield's Subdivision of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) of the Sub­division of West One-half (J4). O"®"quarter (%) Section Forty-three (43) Ten Thousand (10.000) Acre Tract, ac­cording to a PUt recorded in Liber Thir­teen (13) of PUts on page Fifty-nine (59) in Wayne County Records." together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there­of.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 22.



Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3, " 10. 17, 24. 31; June 7.



Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms aijfl

condition* of a certain mortgage made by RALPH L. BAKER and INEZ R. BAKER, hi* wife, of Detroit, Michigag. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing -date the ninth day of July. 1929. and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the Coun­ty of Wayne, State of Michigan, on July 10th. 1929, in Liber 2349 of Mortgages, on Page 410. which mortgage contain* a power of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec­ember. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the law* of the United State* of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assign­ment*. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932 the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organixed under the laws of tbe United States of America, of Detroit.

" There is claimed to be due and_____ said mortgage at the date" of

----- notice, for prindped, interest, taxes.and certification of abstract, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT and 44/100 ($5,656.44)

HUGH FRANCIS AND . MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorneys for Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the terms

and conditions of a certain mortgage made by CHARLES REGAN, a widower. Mort­gagor. to the MICHIGAN LIFE IN­SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan cor­poration. Mortgagee, dated the 11th day of September. A. D. 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 17th day of September. A, D. 1928, in Liber 2205 of Mortgages, on page 388, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, taxes and insurance, the sum of Seven Thousand Six Hundred Thirteen Dollar* and seventy-four cents. ($7,613.74) and an attorney fee a* provided by law. No suit ot proceedings at lav in equity having been instituted to red the debt secured by said mortgage or _ . part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mort­gage. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 17th day of June. A.D. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit, Michigan, (that being the build­ing where the Circuit Court for the (Coun­ty of Wayne is held), of the premises des­cribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with the interest thereon and all legal cost*, charges and expenses, including the attorney fees, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee** interest in the premises. Which said premise* are described a* follows: All thst certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit, in the County of Wayne, and State of Michigan and J“cribed as follows, to-wit: “Lot numb___Four Hundred Twenty-five (425) Robert Oakman's Livernoi* and Ford Highway Subdivision of part of Lot* 4 and 7 and Lota 6 and 5 Henry Walker’s plat of the westerly 80 acre* of quarter" section 8. and


Attorneys for Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been maae in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DETROIT TRUST COMPANY, a Mich­igan corporation, and AUGUSTA E. ROB­INSON. acting as Executors of the Will of Guy S. Robinson, now deceased. of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors to FIRST WAYNE NATIONAL BANK OF DE­TROIT. a corporation organized under tbe laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagee, its success­ors and assigns, bearing date the first day of April. 1932. and zeporded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on April 20th. 1932, in Liber 2645 of Mortgages, on Page 3S9. which mor/gage contains a power of sale. On to-wit ithe eighth day of October. 1932, the sforemsntioned mortgagee chang­ed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mort­gage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes and certification of abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND THIR­TY-EIGHT and 84/100 ($3,038-84) Dol­lar*. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage

any part thereof. , .NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the

power of sale in said mortgage contained and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provid­ed, notice is hereby given that ““ FRIDAY the TWENTY-FIRST of JUNE. 1935,. at eleven c in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bid­der. at the southerly or Congress Street en­trance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) ot the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may bo paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and *11 other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­pense* thereon, including the attorney Fees allowed by law, which said premises are described a* follow*:

The parcel of land aituated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Twelve Hundred Forty-»ix (1246) of B. E Taylor’* Southlawn Subdivision No. 3 of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32. Town 1 South, Range 11 East. Greenfield Township, according to the. recorded plat thereof in Liber 34 of Plats, on Page 27. Wayne County Record!: said premise* being situated on the West side of Manor Avenue between Plymouth Road and Elmira Avfeiue. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there­

of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on August 18th. 1928, in Liber 2191 of Mortgages, on Page 288. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931 and recorded January" 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATION­AL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certifica­tion of abstract, the aum of TWO THOU­SAND SIXTY and 75/100 ($2,060.75)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice it hereby given that on FRIDAY the TWENTY - FIRST day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a tale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premis­es, and all other aum* paid by the under­signed pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fee* allowed by law. which said premise* are described a* fol­lows. to-wit:

Ths parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Six hundred fifty-eight (658) of Fairmount Park subdivision of part of Fractional Sections Twenty-two (22) and Twenty- three (23), known as Private Claim Twelve (12). according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 16 of Plat*, on Page 99; Wayne County records. Said premises being situat­ed on the south aide of Woodlawn Avenue, between Evalyn and Raymond Avenues, together with the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 22. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of MortgageeROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26».May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7.


E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorney* for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 22, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.


SHELDON E. PEIRSON.Attorneys for Mortgagee .........44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March £2. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31; June 7.


Attorneys for Mortgagee 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made In the terms and conditions of * certain mortgage made by DETROIT TRUST COMPANY, a Mich­igan corporation, and AUGUSTA E. ROB­INSON, acting aa Executor*" of the Will of Guy S. Robinson, deceased, Mortgagors to FIR8T WAYNE NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, a corporation organixed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagee, its auccsaaora and assigns, bearing date first day of April. 1932. and recorded in" — office «I the . Register of Deed* for the County- of Wayne, State of Michigan, on April 28th, 1992. in Liber 2645 ^1 Mort­gages, on Page 355, which mortgage con-

Default has been made In the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ELIZABETH RUSCH, of Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagor, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of the City of Detroit. Michigan, a corooration organised under the laws of the Btata of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the third day of September, 1924, and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on September 4th. 1924. in Liber 1389 of Mortgages, on Pa^c 16. which mortgage

gage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth day of February. 1928. assigned by tbe said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by as­signment dated February 15th, 1928, and recorded February 16th, 1928, in "the of­fice of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assign- menu, on Page 521, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organixed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed iu name to FIR6T NATIONAL BANK-

__ DETROIT, a corporation organised underite the the laws of the United States of America, iir'the of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to

be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, i

Mail Want Ads Costs Little

etract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND FORTY-TWO and 49/160 ($1,642.49)Dollar*. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to re-

Page 16: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

THE PLYMOUTH MAIL. Plymouth. Michigan FRIDAY. MAY. 10. 1935?AGE SIX

cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale *in. said mortgage contained, and pursuant to • th<\ statute of the State of Michigan in such fcase made aijd orc- vided. notice is herebygiven' that WEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock

Eastern Standard


Assignee of Mortgagee.' S. MARX AND


the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per X-annum, and all legal costs, charges and ex- ROBERT s. MARX AN. penses thereon, including the attorney fees ” " * •»»» n

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12, 19. 29: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.

allowed by law, which said premises are Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, described as follows: 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

y The parcel of land situated in the City March 15. 22, 29; April 5. 12, 19,the ' of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Mich- I 29; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.

ie said igan. described as: Lot numbered two i rfnrerlnaed bv a sale at hundred eight (208) of Grantor’s Subdi- .ROBERT S. MARX ANDEKS ̂ auction to rt? h?he»ty bidd«‘ « vision of p'art of Out Lots three (3) and E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.

'{he wuSSTor Congress'Street entrance | four (4) of the subdivision of Prtv.te Attorneys for Asstgnee^of Mortgagee,to the County Building in the City of De- [ Claim sixty (60). in town two (2). south , 44 Michigantroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- range eleven (11) east. South of Due Ave-inz the place where the Circuit Court for nue and Township Lands. Springwells. ac- the County of Wayne is held) of the prem- cording to the recorded plat thereof in Lib- ises described in said mortgage or so much er 14 of Plats, on page 27; Wayne Coun-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan


corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twen­ty-second day of- June, 1928. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on 'June 23rd. 1928. in Liber 2158 of Mortgages, on Page 51. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- first day of December, 19317 assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank

HUGH FRANCIS ANDther assigned to the Michigan LHe Insur- AtXroS^LrtWM0"8, anc.e Company, a Michigan corporation, by 1891 Dirne Ba_k

90/100 ($4,150.90) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that onTHURSDAY the THIRTEENTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at

nrovided hv law Nn suit nr I 2' ana recoraea in the oltice ol the public auction to the highest bidder, atings at?bwor in eouitvhav nz beer! B«6is,er of Deeds for County of the »outherly or Congress Street entrancestkut^ to^ecover tS debt s^ur'edhv Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 5th to the County Building in the City of De- mortzaee o^ anv olrt thereof N^w ^h4e I day of Jllly' AD' 1929' llber 2347 of ' ,roit- Wayne Coun,y- Michigan, (that be- fore 'bv virtue the nower of sa'le’^n ! Mortgages. on page 520. on which mort- ing the place where the Circuit Court for tailed in saidmortzaJ? and a„m gage ,here is claimed w be due- « the ! the County of Wayne ;is held) of thethe statute of the State'o'f Michizan^n t.rh da,e of ,hls no,ice- for principal, interest. 1 premises described in said mortgage or so case mad! and orov ded ST. 1 taxes and insurance the sum of Eight much thereof as may be necessary to payXn that on TuXdav thJ°I.,h rf.v /f Thousand Five Hundred Ninety One ind the amount due. as aforesaid. on said Hm? A D 1«5 12 o'cl^k noon ' 5ixty-,hree «««• <M.59l,63) ind an at- mortgage, and any sum or sums whichFasTemA'<5t>n'd»rd TJmJ "ii i 'orney fee as provided for by law. No suit may be paid by the undersigned at or“v. d-T^e' .M d jn°rt8a?e Wl11 or proceedings at law or in equity having ' before said sale for taxes and/or insur-

been instituted to recover the debt secured ance on said premises, and all other sumsby said mortgage or any part thereof. P8111 by the undersigned pursuant to lawNow, therefore, by virtue of the power of and *5. l.ue ’'S’1”. saLd mort8*8e. jvithsale contained in said mortgage, and pur-suant to the statute of the State of Mich­igan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby give* that on Tuesday, the " '

assignment dated the- 2fat day of October I 1891 Dime B#nk Bld« - Detroit- Michigan. A.D. 1930 and recorded in the office of ■ the Register of. Deeds for Wayne County. MORTGAGE SALE

I— ~s-i» a.Michigan,A. D. 1930 in liber 230 of Assignments of ' and'conditions"^ a certain mortgage made Mortgages, oif page 571 ^on which mortgage by DONALD F. HUNTER’ and FRAN-

£?S .HUNTER Mortgage..Thousand/ Three

there is claimed to be due. at the date of nunznK ms winMICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCEsum Of, Thirty Seven~ Thousand’ Three | COMPANY. a .Michigan corporation.Default has been made in the terms and First Wayne National Bank of Detroit,

conditions of a certain mortgage made by a corporation organized under the laws of MIKE CZERNIWCZAN and HELENA the United States of America, of Detroit. CZERNIWCZAN (signs HELEN CZER- Michigan, by assignment dated December

---------- I NIWCZAN). his wife, of Detroit, Mich- 3ist, 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932,Default has been made in the terms and ! igan. Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE in the office of the Register of Deeds for



Hundred Sixty Four Dollars and seventy Mortzazee rfa,Z c°rP°r,t,0P’eight cents. ($37,364.78) and an attorney D 7m9 and rwoJdrf’fn thethe fee as provided bv law. No suit or oroceed- ' «'a,nVec.or°5d !he °Lf,<:e °‘ »«

Reco-ds Said Dremises' being situated conditions of a certain mortgage made by | COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As- i.ivu.u,. . cbiuv net t nt r oner pfii. , ____________ :__ i _r ■_____ _ n__ .m .. .thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which^ may be paid by the undersignedsale for taxes and/or in----------premises, and all other sums paid by theurmr’o?ed5a:dUt mougag°e. l,V^ilhn<1 m°er«! FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. Mortgagee,

thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an- Assignee of Mortgagee., and all ,Jegal costs, charges and ex- ROBERT_S._MARX AND

penses thereon* including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the Lity of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The^ weSjj(301 feet of lot numbered TwoEighty (280) of Shipman's Subdivision of the Carpenter Farm Fractional sections Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20). Town One il) South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 25 of Plats on Page 43. Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on' the north side of Talbot Avenue, between Fenelon and Buffalo Avenues, to­gether with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof. .........

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 15. 1935 *FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19.29; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.

ww FRANK BELLOLI and ROSE BELL- a corporation organized under the laws of sigr.ments. on Page ___ .....Belle and Dix Avenues, together I OLI. his wife. of Detroit. Michigan. , the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its sue- eighth day of October. 1932, the afore-

before said with the hereditaments and appurtenances Mortgagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND . cessors and assigns, bearing date the ninth mentioned assignee of mortgagee changedsaid thereof 1 HOME SAVINGS BANK, of the City of ! day of August. 1930. and recorded in the its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-the Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 15. Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized office of the Register of Deeds for the DETROIT, a corporation organized underthe (935 under the laws of the State of Michigan, : County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the laws of the United States-uf America.

---------- ------------------- -........ Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. August 11th. 1930. in Liber 2512 of Mort- of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed tobearing date the twenty-second day of l gages, on Page 142. which mortgage con- be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the April. 1924, and recorded in the office of tains a power of sale, which said mort- date of this notice, for principal, interest, the Register of Deeds for the County of gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first taxes, insurance, and certification of ab-1 Wayne. State of Michigan, on April 25th, I day of December. 1931. assigned by the stract. the sum of FOUR THOUSAND 1924, in Liber 1324 of Mortgages, on ; said Peoples Wayne County Bank to SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE i Page 208, which mortgage contains a pow- First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a and 6/100 ($4,763.06) Dollars. No suit or: er of sale, which said mortgage was there- 1 corporation organized under the laws of proceeding at law or in equity has been | after on to-wit the fifteenth day of Feb- I the United States of- America, of Detroit, had or instituted to recover the debt secur- ruary. 1928. assigned by the said Wayne Michigan, by assignment dated December cd by said mortgage or any part thereof. :

' "— — °'-u *" -------"*“* ....... NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of thepower of sale in said mortgage contained, i and pursuant to the statute of the State I of Michigan in such case made and pro- I vided. notice is hereby given that on . WEDNESDAY the TWELFTH day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in I the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance

....___ .... ..... on said premises, and all other sums paid ,.......... ................. such case made and pro-i by the undersigned pursuant to law and to

the laws of the United States of America. I vided. notice is hereby given that on ! the terms of said mortgage, with inte est of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to , WEDNESDAY. the TWELFTH day j thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an-be due and unpaid on said mortgage at ; of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in 1 num. and all legal costs, charges and ex-the date of this notice, for principal, inter- i the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said penses thereon, including the attorney est, insurance, and certification of abstract ! mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at fees allowed by law, which said premisesthe sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE , public auction to the highest bidder, at are described as follows:HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR and 25/100 the southerly or_Congress Street entrance , ‘he parcel^of land situated in the City I

asterly side of Inglis Avenue.

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March IS. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 29: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made b7 FRED ROULO and FRANCES ROULO. his wife, of Detroit.' Michigan. Mortgagors.

_. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by DOROTHY BLUMBERG and FAYE KEYWELL of Detroit. Michigan. Mortga­gors. to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of November. 1930. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on November 26th, 1930. - in Liber 2547 of Mortgages, on Page 204. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- .. ......first day of December. 1931. assigned by DETROIT, the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to 'First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit.Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. an<J recorded January 9th, 1932,

County and Home Savings Bank to 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan 1 in the office of the Register ol Deeds forcorporation of Detroit, Michigan, by as- i said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signment dated February 15th, 1928. and I signments. on Page 160. On to-wit therecorded February 16th. 1928. in the office i eighth day of October. 1932, the afore-of the Register of Deeds for said County . mentioned assignee of mortgagee changedof Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on ---------- »»»•»•»«»».»Page 521, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first day December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BxNK-

corporation organized under ' of Michigan

the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, inter­est. insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THREE and 30/100 ($1.- 303.30) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State

.. the office bf the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the afore-

PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora- its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- tion organized under the laws of the State DETROIT, a corporation Organized under of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and tj,e iaws 0{ ,he United States of America, assigns, bearing date the twenty-firat day 0{ Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to of August. 1930. and recorded in the office due and unpaid on said mortgage at of the Register of Deeds for the County of the date of this notice, for principal. inter- Wayne. State of Michigan. on August est. taxes, and certification of abstract, the 22nd. 1930. in Liber 2516 of Mortgages, on sum of THREE THOUSAND SEVEN Page 275. which mortgage contains a pow- HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE and 90/100 er of sale, which said mortgage was there- (33,739.90) Dollars. No suit or proceeding after on to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec- a, |aw or jn equity has been had or in­ember. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples stituted to "recover the debt secured by Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na- mortgage or any part thereof.

($1,554.25) Dollars. No "suit or proceeding 1‘0 the County Building in the City of ’of Detroit. County of Wayne. State at law or7 in equity has been had or insti-' Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that Michigan, described as: Lot numberedtuted to recover the debt secured by said being the place where the Circuit Court for Eight Hundred Sixty-one (861) of B. E. mortgage or any part thereof. i tbe County of Wayne is held) of the Taylor's Southlawn Subdivision No. Three

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of premises described in said mortgage or so, (3) of the West Half (%) of the Northeast, the power of sale in said mortgage con- I much thereof as may be necessary to pay , Quarter of Section Thirty-two (32) Town . tained, and pursuant to the statute of the ‘he amount due. as aforesaid, on said One (I) South Range Eleven (11) East. State of Michigan in such case made and ! mortgage, and anyprovided, notice is hereby given that WEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder.

may be paid by the undersigned :sums which Greenfield Township,

r be- , corded plat thereof iPage 27: Wayne County Records. Said

paid premises being situated on the Southerly J side of Orangelawn Avenue. between

Wyoming and Mendota Avenues, together

fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sum: by the undersigned pursuant to lawto the terms of said mortgage, with ......o ___ ....._________ _

UiS..v„ w.uu^., .. c5t thereon at seven per cent (7%) per with the hereditaments and appurtenances the southerly or Congress Street entrance 1 annum, and all legal costs, charges and thereof.to the County Building in the City of expenses thereon, including the attorney Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 15. Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that I fees allowed by law. which said premises 1935.' ' - • ' ' 1 — ------- ----------------------- FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,tional Bank of Detroit, a corporauon or- NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the being the place where the Circuit Court for are described as follows1.

gamzed under the laws of the United States pow^f saie i„ Mid mortgage contained, ‘be County of Wayne is held) of the The P«ce1 of land‘situated! m the City DOD_Assignee of Mortgagee.Sf America, of Detroit. Michigan, by as- Snd/^nant to the statute of the State prem>s«.described in said mortgage or so of Detroit. Coumy of Wayne S ate o^f ROBERT S. MARX ANDsignment dated December 31st. 1931. and of Michigan in such case made and pro- much thereof as may be necessary to pay • Michigan d<?cnbed a E' KAT.HEFINE KILPATRICK,recorded January 9th. 1932. in the office notice ;s hereby given that on ‘be amount due. as storesaid. on said Thirty.one (31) of Mt. Elliott Heights Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,of the Register of Deeds for said County ’ WEDNESDAY the TWELFTH day of mortgage, and any sum or sums which Subdivision, of part of the southeast quar- 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan, of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on , jUNE. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the may be paid by the undersigned - 1 Tw«n. I ,c o-» ,n. a-..i e ,, ,Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of forenoon. Eastern Standard time. s ““ * •“October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ' ------J ----------- FIRST 1 public auction to the highest bidder.

of the southwest quarter. Section Twen- fore said' sale for taxes and/or insurance J ty-one (21). Town one (1). South ofon said premises, and all other sums paid; Range Twelve (12) East, according to the:--------------------

........ .....................name to FIRST 1 public "auction to the highest bidder, at I bX the undersigned pursuant to law and I recorded plat thereof in Liber_ 30 of Plats | ROBERT S.NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor- ,he southerly or Congress Street entrance 1 *° the terms of said mortgage, with1 inter­polation organized under the laws of the to the County Building in the City of De- I *•* thereon at seven per cent (7/«) per United States of America. of Detroit. ; troit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- a"d •" legal costs, charges andMichigan. There is claimed to be due and i ing the place where the Circuit Court for 1 expenses thereon, including the attorney unpaid on said mortgage at the date of ; the County of Wayne is held) of «he ^ b?. .?*!d premisesthis notice, for. principal, interest, taxes, premises described in said mortgageand certification of abstract, the ’sum of much thereof as may be necessary 1 TWO THOUSAND FORTY-TWO and the amount due. as aforesaid,

$2,042.98) Dollars. No suit_ or mortgage, and any

of mortgagee changed i MARX ANDPage 82; Wayne County Records. Said I E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK,

being situated on the southwest 1 Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,

, described as follows,pay , The parcel of land situated in the City

„ w.. said Detroit. County of Wayne. Stat^ of........................ - —... sums which Michigan described as: Lot numberedmay be paid .by the undersigned at or be- ; ?even-57^" ,OxI<3rd SVb,dlvJJ!°i1 °L,pa»Vof fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance j Lots Six (6). Seven (7). Eight (8). Nine on said premises, and all other sums paid I <?). a"d Ten (10) of Commissioner s Plat by the undersigned pursuant to law and ’ °* partition of Private Claim Ten (10). ac- to the terms of said mortgage, with in- ! cording to the recorded Plat thereof in terest thereon' at seven per cent (7%) per Liber 26 of Plats on Page 97. Wayne annum, and all legal costs, charges and County Records. Said premises oeing sit- expenses thereon, including the attorney • uated on the East side of Holcomb Ave- fees allowed by law. which said premises nue. between Mack and Sylvester Ave- are described as follows: nues. together with the hereditaments and

The parcel of land situated in the City appurtenances thereof.of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 15. Michigan, described as: Lot numbered 1935.

...__ . _ thirty-eight (38) of Stormfeltz-Loveley ' FIRST NATIONAL. BANK-DETROIT.the County Building in the . City cf Company's Subdivision of part of the Ferry j Assignee of Mortgagee.

Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that Farm, in Quarter Sections forty-eight (48) 1 ROBERT S. MARX ANDbeing the place where the Circuit Court ' and forty-nine (49). Ten Thousand Acre E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.for the County of Wayne is held) of the Tract, according to the recorded plat there- , Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.

proceeding at law or in equity has been had 01 instituted to recover the debt secur­ed bv said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that onWEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in* the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will -be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at

southerly or Congress Street entrance

page 99: 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.____ _____ _ . _____ — Said premises' March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12, 19,

r_y the amount due. as aforesaid, on said being situated on the northerly side of 29; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.mortgage, and any sum or sums which may Euclid Avenue between Dexter Boulevardbe paid by the undersigned at or before an(j Wildemere Avenue, together with the ROBEKT S. MARX ANDsaid sale for taxes and/or insurance on hereditaments and appurtenances thereof. 1 L. KA1HEKINE KILPATRICK.said premises, and all other' sums paid by Dated a, Detroit. Michigan. March IS. . Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.•he undersigned pursuant to law «nd_ to 1MS 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.the terms of said mortgage, with interest FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.:thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises •— described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered, one hundred ninety-two (192) of Burns' Sub­division of all' that' part of lot seven (7) j ....__________ ______________ _of the subdivision of Private Claim sixty 1 Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. (60). lying between Dix Avenue, and ' 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan. Michigan Central Railroad property. Town­ship of Springwells, now in City of De- 1troit. according to the recorded plat there- ----------of in Liber 17 of P'*’’. on page 3: Wayne ; Default has been made In the terms and County Records. Said premises being sit- | conditions of a certain mortgage made by uated on the easterly side of Stair Ave- , ALEX DICKMAN and MOLLIE DICK-

between Dix Avenue and Michigan J MAN his and MEYER WEIN-------- - .1.. GARDEN SARAH WEINGARDEN, his

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19, 29; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.


corner of DeBuel Avenue and Foster Ave­nue. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 15,

44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.


be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit. Michigan, (that being the building where die Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described :n said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as afore­said. on said mortgage, with the interest thereon and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the attorney lees, and also any sum or -sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises. Which said premises are describ­ed as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of De­troit. in the County of Wayne and State of Michigan and described as follows, to- wit: "Lots number 139 to 142 both in­clusive. of RUSSELL AND BIGELOW'S SUBDIVISION of part of the east half of quarter section 43. Ten Thousand Acre Tract, formerly in the Township of Ham­tramck. according to the plat thereof re­corded November 20th. 1888, in liber 12 page 27. plats, Wayne County Records. SAID PREMISES being on the north side of Wellington Avenue oast' of Greeley Street, in the Seventh Ward of the said City of Detroit. Together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof."


Assignee of Mortgagee, Dated: March 11. 1935.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26. May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7.


Attorneys for the Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by Blanche C. MacDowell. Mortgagor, to the Michigan Life Insurance Company, a

I Michigan corporation. Mortgagee. dated the 2nd day of November. A. D. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State

I of Michigan, on the 5th day of November, A.D. 1928. in Liber 2234 of Mortgages,

I on page 74. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, insurance and taxes the sum of Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Eight Dollars and twenty

($9,868.20) and an attorney fee



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

' March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19.29: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.


“Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.



Default has been maae in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by MATTEO PERAINO and DOROTEA PERAINO. his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of the City "* Detroit. Michigan, a corporation

thereon at seven per - per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the at­torney fees allowed by law. which said

described as hallows, to-wit: The parcel of land situated in the City

of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Twelve (12) of Morass's Subdivision of Part of Out Lot Forty-four (44). St. Aubin Farm, according to the recorded

Slat thereof in Liber 7 of Plats, on Page 2; Wayne County Records. Said premis­es being situated on the Easterly side of

St. Aubin Avenue, between Canfield and Garfield Avenues, together with the heredi­taments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 15.

day of June. A.D. 1935. at 12 o'clock. 'Ptem'ses Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly en­trance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, with interest thereon and all legal costs, charges and expensed, including the attorney fees, and also any sum or sums, which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mort­gagee's interest "in the premises. Which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit, in the County of Wayne and State of Michigan and describ­ed as follows, to-wit: "Lot 164 Canterbury Gardens, being subdivision of the north­east quarter of the northeast quarter of section 9. town 1 south, range 11 east.Greenfield Township, according to the __plat thereof as recorded in liber 37. page poiNriC iNn65 of plats. Located—West side or Wark | H V.G." _F.EAJlClS.. AblP- Avenue—Ward No. 16. Together with i hereditaments and appurtenances thereof."





Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan

March 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 29: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.

Dated: March 15, 1935.HUGH FRANCIS AND

MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorneys for Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26. May 3, 10. 17. 24. 31: June 7.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.



MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee. 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by GEORGE M COPELAND and EMMA COPELAND, his wife, of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortgagor to the GRANGE LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION, a Michigan corporation, (which company subsequently on to-wit the 1st day of June. A. D. 1920. changed its name to GRANGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan corporation 1. Mortgagee, dated the 15th day of August. A. D. 1919 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of

_ , , , . . , . Wayne and State of Michigan.-Default has been made In the terms and 2’nd day of August A D 1919.

conditions of a. certain mortgage made by „;8 , Morteaees on Page 542iritva W T*rgF..g Of Detroit. M-h-: mor" a^

Jghth day of March, 1929, and recorded the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on

........... __ March 9th, 1929. in Liber 2290 of Mort-provided by law. No suit or proceedings at gages, on Page 111, which mortgage con- law or in equity having been instituted to I tains a power of sale. On- to-wit the 21st recover the debt secured by said ftiortgage ■ day of May. 1929, the aforementioned or any part thereof. Now. therefore, by vir- : mortgagee changed its name to Bank of tue of the power of sale contained in said , Michigan, a Michigan corporation, 01 De­mortgage. and pursuant to the statute of | troit. Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit the State of Michigan in such case made ; the thirtieth day of April, 1930. ®a*d and proviHed. notice is hereby given that I mortgage was assigned by the said Bank

1 Tuesday, jthe 11th day of June. A. D. I of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County

LibetELIZA^H.- TACKELS 0, MEJ- :ISS5.V rtOrx THE S. 2”h day of May- A- D- 193°" aa*'8nedINGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a ,0 ,he MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE corporation organized under the laws of COMPANY, a Michigan corporation, and the State of Michigan. Mortgagee. its recorded in the office of Register of Deeds successors and assigns, bearing date the ( {or Wayne County on the 18th day o!

Central Railroad, together with the heredi­taments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 15, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 29: May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


August, A. D. 1930 in Liber 227 of As­signments of Mortgages on page 223: on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice for principal, in­terest and taxes the sum of One Thou­sand Twenty Six Dollars and thirty-eeven cents, ($1,026.37) as provided for by law No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any pari thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of. sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 3rd day of June. A. D. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street en­trance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage, or

much thereof as may be necessary ■

Bank, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated April 30th. 1930, and recorded May 1st. 1930. in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assign­ments. on Page 613. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December. a "aa t______ n.1. aftao

1935. at 12 cfclock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said ihortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Mich­igan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, with the interest thereon and all legal costs, charges and expenses, in­cluding the attorney fees, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mort­gagee for taxes, insurante, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises Which said premises are described as fol­lows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to-wit: "Lot 465 Voigt Park Subdivision of the E. W. Voigt Subdivision of Voigt Park Farm part of 'i section 36. Ten Thousand Acre Tract, according to the plat thereof as re­corded in liber 22 on page 94 of plats.To- gether with the hereditaments and appur-


COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. Mortgagee.


Attorneys for the Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan.

March IS. 22. 29: April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. June 7.

Default has been madq in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WALTER WROBEL and NELLIE WROBEL. his wife, of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors. to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twen­tieth day of March. 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds lor the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on March 21st. 1929. in Liber 2294 of Mort­gages. cn Page 630. which mortgage con­tains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty--

Default has,been made in the terms and j first day ol December, 1931. assigned by conditions of a certain mortgage made by 1 the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to

, WILLIAM E. J. DELAHANTY and' First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a ' MARGARET E. DELAHANTY. his wife. , corporation organized under the laws of , of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. 1 the United States of America, of Detroit,I Mortgagors, to THE PEOPLES STATE Michigan, by assignment dated December

BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora-1 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932.| tion organized under the laws of the State in the office of the Register of Deeds for • of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and , said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As-

assigns. bearing date the second day of 1 signments. on Page 166. On to-wit the October. 1923. and recorded in the office eighth day of October, 1932, the afore- of the Register of Deeds for the County' mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed

I of Wayne. State of Michigan, on October: its name to FIRST NATIONAL BA-NK- ■ 3rd. 1923. in Liber 1240 of Mortgages, on DETROIT, a corporation organized under

Page 158. which mortgage contains a pow- i the laws of the United States of America, er of sale, which said mortgage was there- | of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to after on to-wit the fifteenth day of Feb- ' be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the ruary. 1928. assigned by the said The1 date of this notice, for principal, interest. Peoples State Bank to Peoples Wayne i and certification of abstract, the sum of County Bank, a Michigan corporation of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated; EIGHTY-ONE and 78/100' ($1,881.78)

------- . .n«>> —j -----j-j w-i. Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law orin equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said mortgage or

. February 15th, 1928. and recorded Feb-the State of I ruary 16th. 1928. in the office of the Reg-

_ ............ _ _........... successors and ister of Deeds for said County of Wayneassigns, bearing date the eleventh day of i in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 517. September. 1924. and recorded in the of- which said mortgage was thereafter on to- fice of the Register of Deeds for the * wit the thirty-first day of Decemoer. 1931,

I County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on assigned by the said Peoples Wayne September 12th. 1924. in Liber 1391 of County Bank to First Wayne National Mortgages, on Page 30, which mortgage: Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized contains a power of sale, which said mort- i under the laws of the United States

ganized under the laws | Michigan. Mortgagee.

any part thereof.NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of

the power of sale in said mortgage contain­ed. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY the TWELFTH day

gage was thereafter on to-wit the fifteenth : America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign- of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in theday of February. 1928. assigned by the I ment dated December 31st. 1931.; forenoon. Eastern Standard time, saidsaid Wayne County and Home Savings and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the of- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale atBank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a fice of the Register of Deeds for said I Public auction to the highest bidder, atMichigan corporation of Detroit, Michigan. County if Wayne, in Liber 244 of As-1 the southerly or_Congress Street entrance

wife, all of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the seventh day of August. 1930. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on August 8th.1930. in Liber 2511 of Mortgages, on Page 241. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit.

• : Michigan, by assignment dated DecemberDefault has been made in the terms artd 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932.

conditions of a certain mortgage made by , i„ the office of the Register of Deeds forHARRY G. CRAWFORD and AGNES said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As-T. CRAWFORD, his wife, of Detroit, signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the c r .Michigan. Mortgagors. to PEOPLES i eighth day of October. 1932. the afore-i **Je *aws .ol t*1® United States of America, j proyWAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. I mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed °f Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to ■ WEDNESDAY. the TWELFTHMichigan, a corporation organized under | its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-| be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o clock 1ihe laws of the State of Michigan. Mortga- DETROIT, a corporation organized under da’e of this notice, for principal, interest, forenoon. Eastern Standard time.,gee. its successors and assigns, bearing the laws of the United States of America. t««. and ceref,canon of abstract, the sum mortgage will be foreclosed by a saledate the second day of September. 1930. ' of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to ; THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUND-! public auction M the highest bidder,and recorded in the office of the Register be due and unpaid on said mortgage at 1 RED FOURTEEN and 2,103 ($3,414.02)of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State ,he date of this notice, for principal, inter- ; Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law orof Michigan, on September 4th. 1930. in est, insurance, and certification of abstract. , ln equity has been had or instituted to re-Liber 2520 of Mortgages, on Page 49. the sum of FIVE THOUSAND NINE : cover the debt secured by said mortgagewhich mortgage contains a power of sale. ' HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT »nd : or ’"VP*™ thereof- .which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit 45/100 ($5J78.45) Dollars. No suit or NOW THEREFORE. By virtue of the premises described in said mortgagethe thirty-first d.$ of December. 1931. as- ^«Vg at law or in Equity ha, been P^er of sale in said mortgage contained, much. thereof as may be «£«»«>' to paysigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun- had or instituted to recover the debt secur- »nd oursuant. to the statute of the State amount due » aforesaid on Mid ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank by Mid Siortgage or any part thereof. I of Michigan in such case made and pro- and anyof Detroit a corporation organized under NOW THEREFORE Bv virtue of the ’'ded. notice is hereby given that on 1 may be paid by the undersigned at or be-il ,h, K s..,2 O(*m,ri«.. po22 ’yK“XS:i WEDNESDAY. twelfth d,, .1 ,■.«»„.^3/°.of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated and pursuant to the statute of the State | JUNE. 1935. at eleven o clock in the on sa d p emis«, and all oth« sums paidDecember 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan- of Michigan in such case made and pro- forenoon. Eastern Standard time. Mid by theundersigned P“rsu«"t tola/" ’"d’ouary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Reg-I vided. notice is hereby given that on 1 mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at the terms of,said mortgage with *"tert»tister’of Deeds for Mid County of Wayne WEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day of j Public auction to the highest bidder, at , tb«eon at *5*'" P®rin Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page I JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the the Mutherly or Congress Street ^trance ' and all legal costs charges and ex-160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. : forenoon. Eastern Standard time. Mid 1the County Building ««» the City of p*"se*„u/ lTw \Jhirh Mid 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mort- mortgage will be foreclosed by a Mie at J>«roit. Wayne County. Michigan (that fees by ’̂W17hf15h_i",d prenu*e’gagee changed its name to FIRST NA- public auction to the highest bidder, at the ’b*’ P>«« «£ere the Circuit Court for are desen^d as foUows tP-wit.TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corpora- 1 southerly or Congress Street entrance to : 'b® County of Wayne is held) of the The fuircel of land situated in the City tion organized under the laws of the the County Building in the City of De- preT?‘#“ £'fn.bed ,n ",d “°"gage or so of Drtroit. County of Wayne State of United States of America, of- Detroit. | troit, Wayne Count?. Michigan, (that be- J"“ch hereof M may be necejMry to pay Michigan, described as. Lot numbered Michigan. There is claimed to be due and ing the place where the Circuit Court f°r ' °unt._“.ue' as _ a*oreaaia, on saidunpaid on said mortgage at the date of i the County of Wayne is held) of the ___ 'this notice, for principal, interest, insur-1 premises described in said mortgage

gnment dated February 15th. 1928. ' signments. on Page 160. _.. -- .............and recorded February 16th. 1928. in the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore- office of the Register of Deeds for said mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assign- its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- ments, on Page 521. which said mort- DETROIT, a corporation organized under gage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- the laws of Ihe United States of America, first day of December. 1931. assigned by of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a the date of this notice, for principal, in­corporation organized under the laws of terest. taxes, and certification of abstract, the United States of America, of Detroit, the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED THIR- Michigan. by assignment dated December TEEN and 79/100 ($713.79) Dollars. No 31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932. suit or proceeding at law or in equity has

(ip the office of the Register of Deeds for been had or instituted to recover the debt ■Sa'd County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of secured by said mortgage or any part Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the thereof.eighth day of October. 1932. the afore- NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed I the power of sale in said mortgage con­its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- , tained, and pursuant to the statute of the DETROIT, a corporation organized under i State of Michigan in such case made and

of the United_States of America, | provided^ notice is hereby given

the County Building in the City Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in Mid mortgage much thereof as may be necessary 1 _ .the amount due. as aforeMid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before Mid sale for taxes and/or insur­ance on Mid premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgag*. with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, . charges and expenses thereon, including the at­torney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows :

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30)Nall's Subdivision of Part of P Claim Forty (40). lying south of Mich-

Spi. Avenue. Springwells. accordingI the recorded plat thereof in Liber 14 of

t0 1 Plats, on Page 75: Wayne County Records, the Cou'nty Building in" the ‘ City “of De- I Said b'!"« situated on the westerly-oit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be-! ?lde Western Avenue. South of Mich-

ig the place where the Circuit Court for I '«an Avenue, together with the heredita- the County of Wayne is held) of the me"ts a"d appurtenances thereof

• -. Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 15,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12, 19. 29; May 3, 10. 17, 24, 31.

M.,ce. and certification of abstract, the sum ! much thereof as may be necessary rof SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-ONE | the amount due. as aforesaid. on said and 17/100 ($791.17) Dollars. No suit or 1 mortgage, and any sum or sums which proceeding at law or in equity has been had , may be paid by the undersigned or instituted to recover the debt secured by | fore •— -- - -- •«— — —said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case maule and provided, notice is hereby given tnat on WEDNESDAY, the TWELFTH day of ‘UNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in

the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of .Wayne is held) of the

Aftw-nhft/t in said mortvave or ao

. -_id sale for taxes and/or insurance said premises, and all other sums paid

by the undersigned pursuant to law. and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven percent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Lincoln Park. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One Hundred eighty-five (185) of Muni­cipal Park Subdivision No. one (1) being a Subdivision of Private Claim fifty (50), Village of Lincoln Park, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 44 of plats, on page 39: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Southerly side of Hanford Avenue between Fort Park and Lafayette Avenue, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances there-

Dated i Detroit, Michigan. March 15.

and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insur­ance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal coats, charges an^ expenses thereon, including the at­torney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Ninety-one (91) of Block Forty-eight (48). of the Subdivision of Lots Forty-six (46) and Forty-eight (48). of the Subdivision of the Gouin Farm, according to the recorded Plat thereof in Liber 10 of Plats on Page 656, City Records. Said premises being situated on the North side of Lafayette Avenue, between Russell and Riopelle Streetf, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 15. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT STMARX AND



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit, Michigan.


Default having been made ln the terms and conditions of a certairf mortgage made by Frances Q. Bayles, and Edith S. 'Bayles. his wife, Louis C. Stanley and Jane C. Stanley, his wife. Frederick H. Mason, and Jessie K. Mason, his wife and Isaac Goldberg, and Blanche Goldberg, his wife.

Twenty (20). of Packard Park Addition of part of East one-half (’/i) of Section Nine (9). Town One (1). South Range Twelve (12). East, Hamtramck Town­ship, according to a plat recorded in Liber 31 of Plats, on page 26. in Wayne Coun­ty Records, together with the heredita­ments and appurtenances thereof. . . .

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 15, j all of the City of Detroit, Mortgagors,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29; April 5, 12. 19. 29: May 3. ^0, 17, 24, 31.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by BENJAMIN BERKOWITZ- and ROSE BERKOWITZ, his wife, of Detroit, Mich­igan. Mortgagors, to PEOPLE8 WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a

, the General Casualty and Surety Company, a Michigan corporation, dated the 25th

I day of October. A.D. 1920, and recorded in the office of>he Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Mich­igan on the 28th day of October, A. D. 1920, in liber 1061 of Mortgages, on page 251. which said mortgage was thereafter assigned to the State Security and Realty Company, a Michigan corporation, by as­signment dated the 15th day of January. A.D. 1929. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan on the 28th day of January. A.D. 1929 in liber 196 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 423, and further assigned to the Grange Life Insurance Company, a Michigan corpora­tion, by assignment dated the 18th day of January. A.D. 1929 and recerded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County, Michigan on the 28th day of Oct-

31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932. | pay tbe amount due. as aforesaid, on said in the office of the Register of Deeds for mortgage, and all legal costs, charges, and said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of | expenSes. including the attorney fees and Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the . also any gum or sums which may be paid eighth day of October. 1932. the afore- | by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc . mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed ,o protect the mortgagee's interest in the its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- premises. Which said premises are describ- DETROIT. a corporation organized under , ed as follows: All that certain piece or the laws of the United States of America. parcel of land situate in the City of D'.. Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest.

and certification "* *1‘

. . the County of Wayne and State of Michigan and described as follows: to- wit: "Lot one hundred eight (108) BES- SENGER AND MOORE'S ADDITIONinsurance, ...... .........—............ oLnuLr. nnu auw/nu u

stract. the sum of THREE THOUSAND TO HIGHLAND PARK, q—-----------------FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE and eighteen (18). Ten Thousand Acre Tract 86/100 ($3,559.86) Dollars. No suit or ( formerly in the Township of Hamtramck, proceeding at law or in equity has been now jn sa;d £jty of Detroit, according to had or instituted to recover the debt secur- the pjat thereof recorded October second, ed by said mortgage or any part thereof. , ^.D. 1908 in Liber 26 page 14. plats, Wayne

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of , County Records. SAID LOT being on the power of sale in said mortgage con- y,e we8( sjde of Orleans Street south of tained. and pursuant to the statute of the I Davison Avenue, in the Ninth Ward of State ol Michigan in such case made and said city. Together with hereditaments Pr2Y’ded.'. ttotice J^.h^hy^^iVeri that on appurtenances thereof.”FRIDAY." the* FOURTEENTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale atpublic auction to the highest bidder, at ™the southerly or Congress Street entrance HUGH FRANCIS AND to the County Building tn the City of De- MARGARET SIMMONS, troit. Wavne County. Michigan (that be- Atlorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, ing the place where the Circuit Court i80i Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Mich, the County of Wayne is held) of the March 8. IS. 22. 29: April 5. 12.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 1. 935.


Assignee of Mortgagee.


Attorneys for Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit, Michigan.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by THE CADILLAC HOME BUILD­ING CORPORATION, a Michigan cor­poration of the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Mortgagor, to the Michigan Life Insurance Company, a Michigan corpora­tion. Mortgagee, dated the 29th of Oct­ober, A. D. 1929 and recorded in the of­fice of the Register of Deeds, for S^c County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 29th day of October, A. D. 1929 in liber 2407 of Mortgages on page 132, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice, for prin­cipal. interest, insurance and taxes the sum v. -------- - — ------- ----- . .of Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Michigan, described as: Lot One HundredDollars and ninety-nine cents ($12,850.99) I Forty-one (141), O’Brien's Subdivision ofand an attorney fee as provided by law. I the East Half of Private Claim Forty-fourNo suit or proceedings at law or in equity ' (44). known the Lafontaine Farm,having been Instituted to recover the debt 1 North of Warren Avenue, according to thesecured by said mortgage or any part ! plat thereof recorded in Liber 8 of Plats. .......— —thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue of the page 84, Wayne County Records, together 1 offjce of the Register of Deeds, for thepower of sale contained in said mortgage, with the hereditaments and appurtenances County of Wayne and State of Michigan.and pursuant to the statute of the State | thereof. .......................... ..... ' * " :"of Michigan in such case made and pro- ( Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 15,............................................................. 1935.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19.29; May 3. 10. 17. 24, 31.,

premises described in said mortgage so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid, by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage. with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which faid premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State

19, 26; May 3. 10, 17. 24. -31.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by FRANKLIN E. BUSHMAN and FANNIE E. BUSHMAN, his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan. Mort- gagor to the GRANGE LIFE ASSUR­ANCE ASSOCIATION, a Michigan c»r- poration (which company subsequently on to-wit the 1st day of 'June. A. D. 1929 changed its name to GRANGE LIFE IN­SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan cor­poration) Mortgagee, dated the 1st day of March. A. D. 1918 and “ **-

vided. notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 11th day of June. A. u. 1935. at 12 o’clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bid­der.. at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne County Building in the • City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the building where

1 the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne j is held), of the premises described in said

mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as afore­said, on said mortgage, with the interest thereon and all legal coats, charges and

; expenses, including the attorney fees, anrf I also any sum or sums which may be paid I by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., 1 to protect the mortgagee's interest in the | premises. Which said premises ire deserib- I ed as foUows: AU that certain piece or I parcel of land situate in the City of De- I troit. County of Wayne and State of Mich- | igan and described as foUows. to-wit: “Lot

numbered 254 Eastern Heights Land Com­pany's Subdivision of part of Private Claims 695 and 111, according to the Plat there­of recorded in Liber 48. page 23 of Plats, Wayne County Register of Deeds office. Located—East side of Kensington Road, Ward No. 21, Together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.”„Dated: March 15. 1935.



MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorneys for Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan.

•March 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3. 10, 17, 24. 31. June 7.

Try A Mail Want Ad


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by WLADYSLAW BUCZYNSKI and STANISLAWA BUCZYNSKI, his wife, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the first day of Feb­ruary. 1930. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on February 3rd. 1930. in Liber 2446 of Mortgages, on Page 635. which mortgage contains a pow­er of sale, which said mortgage was there­after on to-wit the thirty-first • day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for ■aid County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan- There is claimed to be due and unpaid on aaid mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, in­terest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the turn of POUR THOU­SAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY and

... the 5th day of March. A. D. 1918. i Liber 918 of Mortgages, on page 168. which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the 29th day of May. A. D. 1930. as­signed to the MICHIGAN LIFE IN­SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan cor­poration, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wayne County on the 18th day of August. 1930, in Liber 227 of Assignments of Mortgages on page 178: on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the date of this notice for principal, interest and taxes the sum of Three Thou­sand Seventy One Dollars and sixty-aix cents. ($3,071.66) as provided for by law. No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on Mon­day. the 3rd day of June. A. D. ,935. at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses. including the attorney fees and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises. Which said premises are describ­ed as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of De­troit in the County $f Wayne, and State of Michigan and described as follows, to- wit: “Lots numbered thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32). both of Nall's Subdivision of part of Private Claim forty (40). lying south of Michigan Avenue, according to the plat thereof recorded September 27. ' 1890. in Liber 14, page 75 of Plats. Wayne County Records. Together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.”

Dsted at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.


Page 17: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

FRIDAY, MAY. 10. 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan. PAGE SEVEN

COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. HUGH FRANCIS AND

MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorney! for Assignee of Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

March 8, 15, 22, 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3, 10, 17. 24. 31.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mongage made by GEORGE M. COPELAND and EMMA COPELAND, his wife, of De- troit, Wayne County. Michigan, Mortga­gor to the GRANGE LIFE ASSUR­ANCE ASSOCIATION, a Michigan cor- poration, (which company subsequently on to-wit the 1st day of June. A. D. 1920 change^ its name to GRANGE LIFE IN' SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan cor­poration.) Mortgagee, dated the 28th day of June, A. D. 1919 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 4th day of August,- A. D. 1919 in Liber 939 of Mortgages, on page 252, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the 29th day of May. A. D. 1930. assigned to the MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan corporation, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wayne County on the 18th day of Aug­ust, A. D. 1930. in Liber 227 of Assign­ments of Mortgages on page 179; on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice for principal, interest and taxes the sum of One Thousand One Hundred Ninety One i Dollars and fifty- eight cents, ($l,191.58>as provided for by law. No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mort­gage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 3rd day of June. A. D. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in- the City of De­troit, Wayne County. Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses. including the attorney fees and also any sum or sums which may be paid 1 by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises. Which said premises are described as follows: AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit in the County of Wayne, and State of Mich­igan and described as foUows, to-wit: "Lot numbered five hundred twenty-one (521) of GRACE AND ROOS ADDITION to North Detroit, quarter section nineteen (19). Ten Thousand Acre Tract, formerly Township of Hamtramck, now City of De­troit. aforesaid, according to the Plat there­of recorded in Liber 15 of plats, on page 31. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof."

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March I. 1935.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg..,J>etroit. Mich.

March 8. 15. 2S7 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10.-17. 24. 31-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by WILLIAM F. GALLAWAY and MARY GALLAWAY, his wife of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, Mortgagor to the STATE SECURITY AND REALTY COMPANY. a Michigan corporation. Mortgagee, dated on the 28th day of September. A. D. 1927. and recorded in' the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Mich­igan. on the 29th of September. 1927. in liber 2020 of Mortgages, on page 634, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the 1st day of October, A. D. 1927 assigned to the GRANGE LIFE IN­SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan cor­poration, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County on the 12th day of October. A. D. 1927. in liber 172. page 201 of Assignments, and further assigned to MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan corporation, by assignment dated the 29th day of May. A. D. 1930. and recorded on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1930 in liber 227 of Assignments of Mortgages on page 167, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, for principal, interest and taxes Two Thou­sand Nine Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars and nine cents, ($2,969.09) as provided for by law. No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of sale co'ntained in said mort­gage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 3rd day of June. A. D. 1935, at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of,Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the attorney fees and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises. Which said premises are des­cribed as foUows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit in the County of Wayne and State of Mich­igan and described as follows, to-wit: "Lot niOnbered two (2> HUBBARD AND DINGWALL'S SUBDIVISION of Out Lot fifty-five (55) of the Subdivision of Private Claim thirty (30). according to the plat thereof recorded- March 8th. 1893, in liber 18 page 19. plats, Wayne County Records. SAID PREMISES being on the west side of thirty-first ' Street between Herbert and Deveraux Avenues. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.”

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

March 8. 15. 22f 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31.

TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED and 37/100 ($2,300.37) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of tala in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made ant* provided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne ia held) of the premises described in said mortgage or to much thereof aa may he necessary to pay the amount due. aa aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with in­terest thereon at seven per I cent (7%) per annum, and all legal cost4 charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as foUows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One Hundred Sixteen (116) of Williams and French's Subdivision of Lot Five (5) of Lot Twelve (12), Private Claim Sixty (60).

84; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Southerly side of Edward Avenue between Martin and Park­inson Avenues, together with the heredita­ments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made la the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by SAMUEL HELPER and ROSE HELP­ER, his wife, of Detroit, Michigan, Mort-

Sigors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTYANK. of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­

tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of September, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on September 25th, 1929, in Liber 2389 of Mortgages, on Page 125, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mort­gage was thereafter on towit the thirty- first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of th« .Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-

• DETROIT, a corporation organised under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of abstract, the stun of

NOW THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on FRI­DAY. the SEVENTH day of JUNE.1935. at eleven o'clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard Time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned: pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as foUows. to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Thirty-four (34). Block Two (2). Zen- der's Subdivision of the southerly parts of Lots Sixteen (16). Seventeen (17). and Eighteen (18), Subdivision of the Leib Farm. Private Claim Fifteen (15). also all) of Out Lots Forty (40) and Forty-one (41). Subdivision of G. Hunt Farm, Priv­ate Claim One Hundred eighty-two (182).lying between Gratiot Avenue and Ludden ROBERT S MARX AND Street, according to the recorded pUt diere- e. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.

Pa$e .Wayne I Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,- ... Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the amount due, as aforesaid, on said forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said gage, and any sum or snma which may be mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at I paid by the undersigned at or before said ipublic auction to the highest bidder, at sale for taxes and/or insurance on aaid ithe southerly or Congress Street entrance ' premises, and aU other ’ sums paid by the i to the County Building in the City of De- undersigned pursuant to law and to the ; troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be- terms of said mortgage, with interesting the place where the Circuit Court for thereon at seven per cent (7%) per ithe County of Wayne is held) of the! num. and all legal costs, charges and t_ premises described in said mortgage or so j penses thereon, including the attorney fees much thereof as may be necessary to P“y 1 “‘lowed by law, which said premises are the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort- . described as follows:gage, and any sum or sums which may be The parcel of land situated in the Vil- paid by the undersigned at or before said ! lage (now City) of Hamtramck, County of sale for taxes and/or insurance on said I Wayne, State of Michigan, described as:premises, and all other sums paid by the , Lot Eighty-three (83), Plat of Syndicate cording to the recorded nlaV'ihe7«f' undersigned pursuant to law and to the | Addition Number One (1) of Lot Seven ' Liber 39 of Plats - * ”•

undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there-

at “even per cent (7%) per annum, and legal costs, charges and expenses there-'

on. including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as foUows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of SpnngweUs. now Dearborn. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Seven hundred nineteen (719), of Ardross Subdivision ” Number Two (2) of a part of the northeast quar- ter- Section Eighteen (18). Town Two (2) South of Range Eleven (11) V»«» »<•-cording to the recorded plat th___ _

tnt (7%) per an- Eight (8) of Subdivision of Lots Sixteen ed on the east side of Kenilworth Ave-

V, “d P"”‘“ | 2°"""'’*c" T,“" Wi punen,„c=“‘"d ,p-

Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Mich- J2. Wayne County Records, together wiih des'nbed *5:.Lot n.umbef^ Stset'en , the hereditaments and appurtenances there-

(16) of Hunt and Leggett a Subdivision of j of.the South Half of the South Half of Quar-j Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8.

terms of said mortgage, thereon at seven per cei

and all legal costs.

Sixty (260), lying south of centre of Hol­den Blvd., according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 16 of Plats on Page 7; Wayne County Records. Said premises be­ing situated on the northeast comer of Warren and Northfield Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX and

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19, 26; May 3, 10. 17. 24.

cording to Plat liber 38. page 43. Wayne County Records. together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 8, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of MortgageeROBERT S. MARX AND

SHELDON E. PEIRSON,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

March 8, 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3, 10. 17. 24,


ter Section Twenty-four (24), Ten Thou-j 1935. sand Acre Tract, Hamtramck, according FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 10 Assignee of Mortgagee ° ’of Plats, on Page 40; Wayne County PHnvor cRecords. Said premises being situated on the Northerly side of Rosedale Court, between Woodward Avenue and John R.Street, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. March 8.1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.*4 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12, ______________ 19. 26; May 3, 10, 17, 24.


Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK,Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3. 10, 17, 24.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by SAMUEL BERMAN and IDA BER-

I Main Street, Plymouth. Mich.


CHANCERY SALE IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, in Chancery, made and entered on the 22nd day of December A. D 1934,

~ certain cause therein pending, whereinMAN, his wife, and MAX BERMAN Agnes E- Wilson, is Plaintiff, and J:------and SOPHIE BERMAN, his wife, of A. Huff, a Mentally incompetent person Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors to WAYNE “hd Mildred Huff, individually and aa the COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS guardian of James Huff, are Defendants.BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corpora-{ Notice is hereby given that I shall sell tion organized under the laws of the public^ auction to the highest bidderState Michigan, Mortgagee,

Liber 14 of Plats ... _ ..................County Records. Said premises being uated on the north side of Zender Street, between Ellery and Mt. Elliott Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof. |

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

cessors and assigns, bearing date the fifthSue- the Southerly <

the Wayne

ROBERT S. MARX AND | E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, i Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, i 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by VINCENZO LONGO and JENNIE LON GO, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAVINGS BANK, of the City of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-seventh day of June. 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on June 30th, 1927, in Liber 1970 of Mortgages, on Page 434. which mortgage contains a power of

. __ . _ sale, which said mortgage was thereafter

?obsecS4es»ch^’^.,”Vhs; I rs?;s1


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.


mortgage sale

i M^X A. KEAN and LENA KEAN, his ! ux Michigan, Mortgagors, to1 XrX a.M1? £ND HOM^ SAV- INGS BANK, of the City of Detroit. Mich-

? corporation organized under the I laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee,

its successors and assigns, bearing date the

MORTGAGE SALE ■” naicnigan Avenue, uetroit, micmgan. gagee.Default has been made In the terms and | MftRTnsrV chip ,he *wen’y\. .

conditions of a certain mortgage made by I?28-' ’"d recorded in the office of- theEMMERAN J. ANDRE and HILDA h? been.n?ade in ,he ,erm? a?d R««'S<«r of Deeds for the County ofANDRE, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan. (JUSTAV FRIED WCH ^nd "emMA ^ayne. Sf’-‘e of Michi8an- on September Mortgagors, to WAYNE COUNTY AND | FRIEDRICH £6'h' J?28' T- L,ber 2210 of Mor,KaK«. onHOME SAVINGS BANK, of the City of ig^n MorSors t^WAYNE COUNTY Pfa*e ,625' m«rt8a8« contains a pofverDetroit. Michigan, a corporation organis-1HOME ^avil^q RANK° „fNTlX °tf sale' wh,ch “‘d • mortgage wa ' - ed under the laws of the State of Mich-! r,M.E ..SAX? u°S BANK' of the | a(ler on to-wit the thi.igan, Mortgagee, its successors and as-i F ,y ^etroH. Michl8an- a corporation • ember. 1931. assigned signs, bearing date the twenty-seventh day ! Michigan “S^ortaavee1”^- -1 i jyayne . C?un,y Bankof May. 1926. and recorded in the office I -M'?h'8ar\ .Mor,«a«ee' ’

April. 1926, and recorded in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State office of the Register of Deeds for the ' Michigan (that being the buildingCounty of Wayne. State of Michigan, ' which the Circuit Court for the County <May 7th, 1926.' in Liber 1716 of” Mort- Wayne is held) on Tuesday the 16th day gages, on Page 78,'which mortgage con- j of April A. D. 1935. at Twelve o'clock tains a power of sale, which said mort- , noon. Eastern Standard Time, on the said gage was thereafter on to-wit the fif- day. the following described property, viz.:teenth day of February. 1928. assigned by . All that certain piece or parcel of land the said Wayne County and Home Sav-1 situated and being in the City of Northville, ings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, . County of Wayne and State of Michigan, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich- ! described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at igan, by assignment dated February 15th, I a point in the West line of the highway 2 1928. and recorded February 16th, 1928, in I rods westerly 34.69 feet, northerly from the office of the Register of Deeds for said ; the center section of section three in Town County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assign-I 1. South Range 8 east, Wayne County, ments. on Page 521, which said mortgage Michigan; thence north 89 degrees 54 tnin- was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day utes 20 seconds west. 77.26 feet; thence of December, 1931, assigned by the said north 28 minutes 20 seconds east. 46.88 Peoples Wayne County Bank to First , feet: thence south 87 degrees 7 minutes IS Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor-| seconds east. 17.35 feet: thence south no poration organized under the laws of the ' degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds wdst 17.J

{United States of America. of Detroit, | feet: thence south 87 degrees .07 minutes | Michigan, by assignment dated December : 15 seconds east. 61.28 feet ; thence south > 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th. 1932, 3 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds uast 25.8 ‘ in the office of the Register of Deeds for ! feel to the place of beginning.| said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of As- Also the right of way not exceeding 3 { signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the feet in width and in length sufficient tor a I eighth day of October, 1932, the afore- , flight of stairs reaching from the cast fine

mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed • of the foregoing described premises to the i its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- second floor of said building on the north DETROIT, a corporation organized under side, the said right-of-way and the privilege the laws of the United States of America, to construct and maintain a staircase or of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to stairway to be used only for such pur- be due and unpaid on said mortgage at poses and in common with any party who

I the date of this notice, for principal, inter- may be in possession of lands or buildings • est, taxes, insurance, and certification of adjoining on the north side of the premises 1 abstract, the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND hereby and herein conveyed, said stairs to FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT and be of usual size and length for such pur- 88/100 ($8,458.88) Dollars. No suit or poses and further excepting the right of

. proceeding at law or in equity has been the parties owning the lot on the north side had or instituted to recover the debt se- to use the north wall of any building that cured by said mortgage or any part there- may be situated upon the lands herein of. deeded and conveyed as the south wall of

NOW. THEREFORE. 3y virtue of any building which may be constructed or the power of sale in said mortgage con- erected upon the lands adjoining the same tained, and pursuant to the statute of the on the north jointly as a partition wall State of Michigan in such case made and i between said buildings, also the right to provided, notice is hereby given that enclbse the said stairwai' within any on FRIDAY the SEVENTH day of_^ building which may be lerected so long JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the [ as the free and unobstructed right-of-way forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said | upOn said stairs shall npt be interferred mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale C

Liber 178 of Assignments, which said mortgage was there-

i to-wit the thirty-first day of Dec- . 1931, assigned by the said Peoples

Wayne County Bank to First Wayne Na-__ ... ____ tional Bank of Detroit, a corporation or-

Page 521. which ganized under the laws of the United States to-wit ■ of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by as-

.. ------------- - ,,ji. as- signment dated December 31st, 1931, andPeoples Wayne County recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office

jyne National Bank of of the Register of Deeds for said Countycorporation organized under the of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments,• . • , on Page J60 On ,0.wit the eighth day

of October. 1932. the aforementioned as­signee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVEN and 24/100 ($1.-707.24) Dollars. No suit or proceeding

SASSES SSSS.recorded in the office of the Michigan, by assignment dated February{ after o o->fi -928'. and recorded February 16th. ember,

J92B. in the office of the Register of Wayne «-uumy Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber tional Bank of Detroit.

w„ s,'- s,i'h??. s.““; s.d,d";.™“. 1

’■.o-'S, .He”',d„e”°S'X »" °i"1928 by ,he J,id W.yne Com,,, „.P. 7"..! ...”™ “?,d ™ ■<» On ,o-wi, ,beand Home Saving, Bank to People, Wayne .Con,, Ban^TM’Slii; ’’2f 1 “'’‘A j


ruary 16th. 1928. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County oi Wayne nr Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st. 1931, and re­corded January 9th. 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest. taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of SIX THOUSAND SIXTY-FOUR and 43/100 ($6,064.43) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part there­of.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY. the SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De- •mU nr..—. Michigan, (thattroit, Wayne County. __being the place where the Circuit Court foi the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and aU other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Fifteen (15) and the west Nineteen (19) feet of Lot number Fourteen (14) Block Eleven (II), of Sprague and Visger's Sub­division, of Riverview Subdivision, in rear' concession of Private Claim one hundred fifty-two (152), according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber IS of Plats, on Page 40: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the south side of Mur­ray Avenue between McClellan and Cooper Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 8. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan-

March 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5, 12, 19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


rs,,hhig^8by HSS,gnmHnd dpa,Sd Febr,UAa7 Dttroit' Michigan TheTe is claimed . '?th- due a".d -Paid.on said mortgage.:fo2!L dn r e OffiCef°Whe R*«is!erof Deeds daie of this notice, for principal interest; for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of j insurance, taxes, and certification of ab-

whichAssignments, on Page 521, mortgage was thereafter onthirty-first day of December. _______signed by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank 1 hkd^ of Detr-:* - -- i.

i u -Dteds for said County of Wayne. x'!°er 2V Assignments, on Page

,he .eighth day of October.

said stract. the sum of FIVE THOUSAND the-SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN ’• 'and 61/100 ($5,787.61) Dollars. No suit

proceeding at law or in equity has been . ,—J or instituted to recover the debt secured

the laws of the United State! of America ^rt^'of the _____Dfec?X'- j aPnTpu^ ,1" ^e 'Ku^

of Michigan in such case made and pro- of Michigan ' ■” ‘ u—*•” ------- that onjvided. notice

unpaid on said mortgage at the date of ! *aw or equity has been had or instituted this notice, for principal; interest, insur- | t0 recover the debt secured by said mort- ancc. taxes, .and certification of abstract ' 8a8e °r any Par« thereof.HIINnRPn Tivc»,TvHA°MrSAND SIX' i NOW- THEREFORE. By virtue of the iSf 6??4^DnTWENTY-ONE and 56/100 I power of sale in said mortgage contained.($1,621.56) Dollars. No suit or proceeding anr2 —...... — - -....... •'

equity has been had

ary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Regis­ter of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, principal, interest, insurance, taxes, certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEV­ENTY-SIX and 24/100 ($2,476.24) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at lav equity has been h4d or instituted ._ ._ cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.'

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that FRIDAY. the SEVENTH day JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder. a< the southerly or Congress Street entraiKi to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County. Michigan,' (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on aaid mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to thi terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Eightv-three (83). of Kosciuszko's Subdi­vision of Lots Eleven (II), Twelve (12). and Fifteen (15) of the plat and suivey of the north half of Section Twenty-eight (28) and the northeast fraction of Section Twenty-nine (29). Town one (1) South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 32 of Plats

( on Page 91: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the north side

j of Kosciuszko Avenue, between Mt. Elliott I and Foster Avenues, together with the , hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8., 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.' Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,, 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12. 19. 26: May 3, 10, 17. 24.

Default has been maae in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by RUDOLPH MUTSCHALL. a widower, of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagor, to WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAV­INGS BANK, of the City of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgi gee. its successors and assigns, *-——date the thirtieth day of June.- ______ ____- ,____ , 192s!* an§recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on July 1st, 1925. in Liber 1533 of Mortgages, on Page 223, which mort­gage containa a power ofz<£le, which said mortgage was thereafter/ on to-wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928, assigned by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded February 16th. 1928, in the office ef the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521, which said iportgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne (County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the. United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed.its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, die sum of TWO THOU­SAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY and 35/10©thi ($2,190.35) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or In equity has bean had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, i 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by PALMER PLAN HOMES INCORPOR­ATED. a Michigan Corporation, organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Michigan of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, Mortgagor, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort­gagee, its successors atnd assigns, bearing date the eighth day of May, 1930, and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on May 12th, 1930. in Liber 2478 of Mortgages, on Page 590, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assign­ed Jiy the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organised under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mort-

'hanged its name to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the United

" America, of Detroit, Michigan.be due and unpaid on

States _____There is claimed ________said mortgage at the date of acute, for principal, interest, taxes, and certifica­tion of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOU­SAND SIXTY-TWO and 37/lOOths ($4,062.37) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, »y virtue of the power of sale in aaid mortgage con-

! ..ituted to recover the debt secured by1 SaiK,r.T,°/X3,R,'r-5r^ a"y Pan ’hereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the .u»r „ —i said mortgage contained,

the statute of the State .......such case made and pro- public

1 tbe er<R0URTH d^y'he 1 JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in

....... said forenoon. Eastern Standard time saidmortgage will be foreclosed by -a sale at | mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale public auction to the highest bidder, at; public auction to the highest bidder the southerly or Congress Street entrance the southerly or Congress Street entran to the County Buildin, in the City oi i to the County BuildtaT in ,h" St, il troit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, ft*--’■ng the place where the Circuit Court for i being the place where the Circuit Court the County of Wayne is held) of the the County of Wayne is held) of

ld mortgage or so I premises described in said mortgage or so pay i much thereof as may be necessary to pay said ! the amount dUe. as aforesaid

ded. notice is hereby „ ... FRIDAY. the SEVENTH JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock forenoon. Eastern Standard time,

premises described ___ ____much thereof as may be necessary the amount due, as aforesaid, mortgage, and any sum or surmay be paid by the undersigned „ _. u, ulc unoers.gnea at or oe-fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance j fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance

I nrzimuM and alt n.h.r ...we. n-.d n_ said premises, and all other sums paidsaid premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows;

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered. One Hundred Three (103) of Wallace Brothers' Subdivision on the Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-nine (29) Greenfield. Town One (1) South, Range Eleven (11) East, ac­cording to the recorded plat thereof ' " '

’ “»id I the amount due. as aforesaid. on said which I mortgage, and any sum or sun ' ' '

”T be'. I f"ay b' Pa’d by ,he unders'Kned

by the undersigned _ pursuant to to the terms of said mortgage, with in­terest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and aU legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated. in the City »«• P.etr0|L County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One Hundred Thirty-seven (137), Lynch Sub­division of Easterly Twenty-Five (25) acres of South half of Southeast Quarter of Section Sixteen (16). Town One (1). South of Range Twelve (12) East, according to the recorded Plat thereof in Liber 29 of

27 of Plats, on Page 52: Wayne County Plats on Page' LL wTjme Couiuy "Records' Records. Said premises, being. situated on | Said premises being situated on the North-

comer of Tappan and Eldon Avenues, --nth the hereditaments and ap-

the Easterly aide of Littlefield Avenue, i__...between Grand River and Schoolcraft togetherAvenues, together with the hereditaments purtenances thereof and appurtenances thereof Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 8.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 8,1 1935.___________ _________________i FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

_____ Assignee of Mortgagee,ROBERT S. MARX AND

----- ----------- ------- E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK.is. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. ; Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, {44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan. | March 8. IS. 22. 29: April 5, 12.

March 8. 15, 22. 29; April 5. 12. 19, 26; May 3. 10, 17. 24.

the statute of the Stat of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY, the SEVENTH day of JUNE. 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage. and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other aums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and tj the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows, to-wit:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wiyne, State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered One hundred sixty-five (165) and One Hundred sixty-six '(166), of Alfred M. Low's Gratiot Avenue Subdivision of part of Sections Twenty-two (22) and Twenty- three (23). known as Private Claim Twelve (12). according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 17 of Plats on Page 69: Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the northwest corner of Vinton and Marcus Avenues, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 8, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 8. 15, 22. 29: April 5, 12, 19. 26; May 3, 10, 17, 24.

public auction to the highest bidder, southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that be- ing the place where the Circuit Court for BROOKS & COLQUITT the County of Wayne is held) of the prem- Attorneys for Plaintiffs ises described in said mortgage or so much i-m m..:.. c.,—. di.—.L..i thereof -as may be necessary to pay theamount due. as aforesaid, on said mort- _ _gage, and any sum or sums which may be PERRY W. RICHWINE. paid by the undersigned at or before Mid Attorney for Mortgagee sale for taxes and/or insurance on said ,550 South Main Stre<.t> premises, and all other sums paid by the piymou,h Michigan

Dated. Detroit. February 19th. 193S.HENRY G. NICOL.

Circuit Court Commissioner. Wavne County. Michigan-

March 1

undersigned pursuant to law and terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses Default 1 thereon, includin^b'the attorney fees allow- an(j contj;ed by law. which said premises i cribed as follows

The parcel of land situated i of Detroit. County of Wayne.

: des-


'ing been made in the terms i of a certain mortgage made

by Robert S. Todd and Lydia E. Todd, husband and wife, of the Village of Plym-

City of Plymouth) Wayne ' Mortgagors.

Three (3). Four (4) and the north Twen- :I ty-five (25) feet of Lot number Five (5). i{of Block Eight (8) of Van Dyke's Subdi- a D ~192S and recordedvision of part of the Antoine Beaubien j S?-"*- J’2?' and r£° ,.d „I Farm, north of Grove Street, according to I Countv of Wa^JT and | the recorded plat thereof recorded in_ Liber I S-0U.T?' ,°,LW,a.yne-.a"d-?.*a’f °L

Mortgages, on page 490. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. it the date of this notice, for principal ind interest, the sum of Two thousand light hundred forty-seven and 60/100 Dol­

lars ($2,847.60). And no suit or proceed- fTrST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. | a‘ e^S'tyAssignee of Mortgagee. | B,l.,u,ed 10 recover the debt secured byROBERT S. MARX AND | “,d °r «ny part ’hereoL now

SHELDON E. PEIRSON, , 'here'.ore; by virtue of the power of saleAttorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, I contained in said mortgage, and pursuant 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan. ,o ’he "1,u,e .ol the State of Michigan in

March 8. IS. 22, 29; April 5. 12, auch. made and ,f,r°v,de?'19, 26; May 3. 10. 17. 24. hereby given that on Wednesday the 29th

day of May. A. D. 1935. at Twelve I o’clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, said i mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at

public auction, to the highest bidder, at

Records. Said premises being situated the west side of St. Antoine Street between Eliot and Rowena Streets, together with I the hereditaments and appurtenance* thereof. {

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 8, 1935.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

19. 26: May 3. 10. 17. 24.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by MATEUSZ MASTALESZ and KONE-

the terms and j GO.NDA MASTALESZ. his wife, of Michigan. Mortgagors.

Default has been made ........ . ......... ...... ............ -conditions of a certain mortgage made by I Springwells, ......... ....... __ _SAMUEL DEVENOW and BESSIE i WAYNE COUNTY AND HOME SAV- DEVENOW, his wife, of Detroit. Mich- INGS BANK, of the City of Detroit, igan. Mortgagors, to THE DIME SAV- Michigan, a corporation organized under INGS BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort- corporation organized under the laws of gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its date the eighteenth day of January. 1926. successors and assigns, bearing date the { and recorded in the office of the Regi—k-fourth day of May, 1927. and recorded the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on May 6th, 1927, in Liber 1939 of Mort­gages. on Page 250. which mortgage con­tains a power of sale. On to-wit the; 21st day of May. 1929, the aforementioned mortgagee changed its name to Bank of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, of De­troit. Michigan, and thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of April. 1930. said mort­gage was assigned by the said Bank of Michigan to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Mich­igan, by assignment dated April 30th.1930, and recorded May 1st. 1930, in the office of the Register of Deeds for the ~ ity of Wayne in Liber 222 of Assign­ments, on Page 613, which said mortgage

thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first of December, 1931, assigned by the

said People* Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detrmt, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United State* of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan, by assignment dated December 31st,1931. and recorded January 9th. 1932, inthe office of the Register of Deed* for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As­signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed it* name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, inter­est. and certification of abstract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN and 68/100 ($1,114.68) Dol­lar*. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. _ . , .

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of tha ■wer of sale in said mortgage contained,

and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro-

b •’’“’six?!?THURSDAY


o'clock in the

mortgage wfll be foreclosed by «*public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building In the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for die County of Wayne is held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or eo mach

of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on January 19th, 1926, in Liber 1656 of Mortgages, on Page 626, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the fifteenth day of February, 1928, as­signed by the said Wayne County and Home Savings Bank to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated February 15th. 1928. and recorded Feb­ruary 16th, 1928. in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 178 of Assignments, on Page 521, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun-

5ank- to Firat National Bankof Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United State* of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932. in the pffice of the Regis­ter of Deeds for said County of Wayne, in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee oi mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United State* of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of ab­stract, the sum of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWO and 55/100 ($1,302.55) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or insti­tuted to recover the debt -secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is, hereby given that on

the SEVENTH day ofJUNE, 1935, at eleven o’clock inthe forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a tale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance W -** .£°unty Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the place where 'the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne ia held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage or eo much


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in 'the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by GEORGE ALBERT WATSON and EDITH WATSON, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagors, to .PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized undi * - - sjrA-,

date the fifth day of December, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on December 9th. 1929, in Liber 2426 of Mortgages, on Page 57. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Dettoit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register df Deads for said County of Wayne iR Liber 244 of As­signments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the afore­mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this nofice, for principal, inter­est, taxes, and certification of abstract, the aura of ELEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO and 46/100 ($11,482.46) Dollars. No suit or proceed­ing at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. «<y virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice ia hereby given that on FRIDAY, the SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or ao much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insur­ance on said premises, and all other turns paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven percent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges anrf------ ises thereon, including the attorney___allowed by law. which aaid premisesare described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered One (I) and the west Five and Five Tenths (5.5) ft. of Lot Two (2). Block Three (3). of Robert M. Grindtey's Addi­tion to Robert M. Grindley's gubdreisien of part of Private Ctebn Two hundred

the southerly or Congress Street entiai _ to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the building where the Circuit Court

, for the County of Wayne is held), of the Default has been made In the Verms and I premises described in said mortgage, or so

conditions of a certain mortgage made by I much thereof as may be necessary to pay PHILIP B. COOPER, a single man. of i the amount due. as aforesaid on said mort- Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagor, to THE gage, with the interest thereon at 6% per AMERICAN STATE BANK OF DE-{ cent per winum and all legal costs, charges TROIT. Detroit Michigan,'a corporation .and expenses, including the attorney fees organized under the laws of the State of I allowed by law, and also any sum or aums Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and which may be paid by the mortgagee. De- assigns, bearing date the twenty-ninth day cesaary to protect his interest in the prem- of October, 1928, and recorded in the of-J ises. Which said premises are described fice of the Register of Deeds for the! as follows: All that certain piece or par- County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on ; cel of land situate in the Village of October 31st, 1928. in Liber 2231 of Mort- ' Plymouth (Now City of Plymouth) i *'


gages. Page 505, vhich i ir'g“ge .power of sale, which said mort- 1 and described

gage was thereafter on to-wit the twen- Commencingtieth day of March, 1931, assigned by the . -said The American State Bank of Detroit 'to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Mich­igan corporation of Detroit. Michigan, by 1 assignment dated March 20th, 1931. and: recorded March 24th. 1931 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for said County of !Wayne in Liber 234 of Assignments, on 'Page 349, whjgji said mortgage was there­after on. to-wit*4he thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said 'Peoples Wayne County Bank to First |Wayne National Bank of Detroit, e cor­poration organized under the laws of the {United States of America, of Detroit.Michigan, by assignment dated December,31st. 1931. and recorded January 9th, 1932,! in the office of the Register of Deeds for { said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of As- j signments. on Page 160. On to-wit the , eighth day of October. 1932, the afore- I mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed i its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- 1 DETROIT, a corporation organized under ; the laws of the United States of America.-' of Detroit. Michigan. Th'ere is claimed to I be due and unpaid on uid mortgage

County of Wayne, and State of Michigan................... follows, to-wit:

a point on the West line of Amelia Street and at the South­east corner of a parcel of land now owned by Louis Schaal and wife, and running thence Westerly along the South line of said Schaal's land dne hundred thirty-two (132) feet and to the East line of land owned by the Markham Manufacturing Company, thence Southerly along the East line of said Markham Manufacturing Com­pany's land fifty ISO) feet: thence Easterly parallel with the first describ­ed boundary line one hundred thirty- two (132) feet to the West line of said Amelia Street, thence Northerly along the West line of said Amelia Street, fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning, situated on the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section 26. Township of Plymouth. Wayne . County. Michigan. _Dated at Plymouth. Michigan, February


BANK,a Michigan Banking Corporation,

Mortgagee.date of thia notice, for principal,’ interest i PERRY W RICH^yVnE taxes, insurance, and certification of ab- Attorney for Morteaeee stract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND fsso 8oui Main Stt^t. EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN Plymouth Michigan and 04/100 ($2,877.04) Dollars. No suit 1 H‘ymou,nl-M,cn,«,n- or proceeding at law or in equity has beenhad or instituted to recover the debt secur­ed by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on FRIDAY the SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Eaitern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at pubbe auctioo to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan (that be-

tne place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne ia held) of the prem­ises described in said mortgage nr thereof----------- - --amount


Default having been made In the term* and conditions of a certain mortgage made by Carlton R. Lewis and Grace M. Lew­is, his wife, of Township of Salem. Wash­tenaw County, Michigan, Mortgagors, tw Bert Kahrl and Lillian Kahrl, his wife of Township of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan. Mortgagees, dated the I9th day of March. A. D. 1927. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the

—-w- __ __ County of Wayne and State of Michigan.as may be necessary to pay the I on the 22nd day of March. A. D. 7927. due, as aforesaid, on said mort- {in Liber 1914 of Mortgages, on pege 636.

gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on aaid premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costs, charge* and ex- P« sea thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described t* follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot One Hundred Twdve (ll« DONDERO’S SUBDIVI-

Uw Kast half ef the Southwest quarter of Section 5. Town l»*”rth’„Raa<* 12 s^ City of Detroit.

Omaty,. Michigan, said lot bring on the West ride of Lamont Avenue, a«-

Liber 1914 of Mortgages, on pege 636. i which mortgage there is claimed to be

due, at the date of this notice, for principaL and interest, the sum of Two Thousaad! three hundred sixteen and 02/100 (EL- SI 6.02) Dollars.

No suit or proceedings at law or at equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue n> the power of sale contained In arid" mert-

tsge, and pursuant to the statute ef the tate of Michigan in such case made nn*

provided, nbrice is hereby given that ew Wednesday, the 5th day of June, A. DL 1935, at 12:00 o'clock noon. Tw Standard Time, said mortgage will be feen- closed by a sale M public auction, to the highest bidder, at the sonthwly or Cbto- gren Street entrance to the Chanty BnW- m< in the City of Detroit, Wayne Cm»-

Page 18: Plymouth District Librarynews-archive.plymouthlibrary.org/Media/Observer/Issue/1935/1935-05-10-PM.pdfCompletely Covers The Entire Buying, Territory Of This Stable Community Good Newspaper

Page Eight THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1935

ty. Michigan (that being thewhere the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with the interest thereon at seven - per cent (7%) and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the attorney fees allowed by law, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee, necessary to pro­tect his interest in the premises. Which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or pared of land situate in the City of Plymouth, in the County of Wayne, and State of Mich­igan and described as follows, to-wit:

Lot number seventy-five (75) of Sun­shine Acres Subdivision of part of the northeast quarter" of section thirty-four (34) T. 1 S. R. 8 E.. Wayne County, Mich­igan, according to the plat thereof re­corded in the Register of Deeds office for said Wayne County. In Liber forty on page three of plats subject to the res­trictions as recorded.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, February 26th, 1935.


JOHN L. CRANDELL,Attorney for Mortgagees.

March 1, 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5.12. 19. 26: May 3, 10. 17. 24.

Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, said lot being on the south aide of Kcrcheval Ave­nue, east of BeUdvue Avenue, according to Plat liber 1, page 235, Wayne County Records, together with the hereditament! and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1,



Attomeya for Asegnee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

March 1. 8, 15. 22, 29: April 5, 12.19, 26; May 3. 10. 17.


Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by CORA D. COOPER of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, Mortgagor, to THE ESTATE OF FRANKLIN N. COOPER. Deceased, SAMUEL S. COOPER. BENJAMIN W. COOPER and NORMAN D. COOPER. Executors, dated on the 10th day of November. A. D. 1927, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1927, in Liber 2043, on page 71 of Mortgages, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the 26th day of September. A. D. 1928. assigned

' by Samuel S. Cooper. Benjamin W. Coop­er and Norman D. Cooper, Executors of the will of Franklin N. Cooper, deceased, to the Union Trust Company, as trustee under the will of Franklin N. Cooper, de­ceased, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County on the 6th day of October, A. D. 1928 in Liber 189, on page 351 of Assignments (said Union Trust Company subsequently changing its name to Union Guardian Trust Company), and further assigned to Donald M. Cooper and Jeannette O. Coop­er. as successor trustees under the Will of Franklin N. Cooper. Deceased, by assign­ment dated the 12th day of April, A. D. 1934 and recorded on the 16th day of February. A. D. 1935. in Liber 273. on page 623 of Assignments, on triiich mort­

gage there is claimed to be due, at the *date of this notice, for principal and in­

terest the sum of Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Three Dollars and fifty cents. ($6,263.50). and an attorney fee as provided by law. No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the sta­tute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 28th day of May. A. D. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time., said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County Build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne Coun­ty. Michigan, (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, with interestthereon and all legalexpenses, including the attorney fees, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in the premises. Which said premises are describ-

follows: All that certain piece


Attomeya for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by RUTH HAWLEY, of Lakewood. Ohio. Mortgagor to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its suc­cessors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-second day of May. 1928, and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on June 19tb, 1928, in Liber 2155 of Mortgages, on Page 108, which mortgage contains a power of tale, whioh said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to Firit Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber -244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of Oc­tober. 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND FORTY-EIGHT AND 13/100 ($5,048.13) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY. the FOURTH day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the Caunty Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) .of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num, and all legal costa, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Three hundred twenty-four (324) of Dex­ter Boulevard Subdivision of part of the jerry Farm. Quarter Sections Forty-eight J48) and Forty-nine (49). Ten Thou­sand Acre Tract, according to the re­corded plat thereof in Liber 30 of Plats, --- Page 32: Wayne County Records. Said!

JACOBSON, his wife, of Detroit. Mich­igan. Mortgagors to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corooration organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-third day of June, 1928, and re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on June 25th, 1928, in Liber 2158 of Mortgages, on Page 286. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931. as­signed by the said Peoples Wayne Coun­ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest. and certification of abstract, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT AND 41/100 ($5,948.41) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. r

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUES­DAY the FOURTH day of JUNE.1935, at eleven o’clock in the fore­noon, Eastern Standard time, saidmortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and any sum or; sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­on at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses there­on, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered thirty-one (31) of Humber Park Subdi­vision of north half of Lot numbered two. Harper Tract, of part of northeast quarter. Fractional Section twenty-one (21). Town one (1) South Range eleven (11) East, ac­cording to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 34 of Plats, on Page 98. Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the corner of Chalfonte and Monica Avenues, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

March 1. 8. 15, 22. 29: April 5, 12.19. 26; May 3. 10. 17.

said County of' Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the ighth day of October. 1932, the afore­

mentioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK- DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America,

‘ Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed be due and unpaid on said mortgage the date of this notice, for principal,

interest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sura of TWO THOU­SAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE and 14/100 ($2,165.14) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by Mid mortgage or anypart thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of Mie in said mortgage con­tained. and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and

Srovided, notice ia hereby given that on 'UESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE,

1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time. Mid mortgage will be foreclosed by a Mie at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being The place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises describ­ed in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and. any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before Mid sale for taxes and/or insurance on Mid premises, and all other sums paid by the under­signed pursuant to law and to the terms of Mid mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal coats, charges and' expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as fol-

The parcel of land situated in the City— Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Two Hundred Twenty-eight (228) of North Woodward Subdivision of the West Nine Hundred Nine and Fifty-two One-hundred­ths (909.52) feet of the South west Quar­ter of Section Twelve (12). Town One (1) South. Range Eleven (11) East. Green­field, according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 26 of Plats, on Page 70: Wayne County Records. Said premises be­ing situated on the Southerly side of Parkhurst Avenue, between John • R. and Brush Streets, together with the heredi­taments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated ■ at Detroit, Michigan, March 1,1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 1, 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5. 12.19. 26; May 3. 10. 17.

TUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to "the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan (that be­ing the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or be­fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Five (5) of Subdivision of Lot Four (4) of the Subdivision of Out Lot One hund­red seventy-nine (179), L. Beaubien Farm, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, on Page 244; Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the east side of Beaubien Street, between Brewster and Alfred Streets, to­gether with the hereditaments and appur­tenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.

March 1. 8. 15. 22, 29: April 5. 12.19. 26: May 3, 10, 17.

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Ninety-two (92) of Woodbridge's Subdi­vision of Out Lots One hundred twelve (112). One hundred thirteen (113) and One hundred fifteen (115) of the Subdi­vision of the Woodbridge Farm, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 9 of Plats, on Page 93; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the west side of Trumbull Avenue, between Hudson and Stanley Avenues, together with .the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1. 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March I, 8, 15. 22, 29: April 5, 12, 19. 26; May 3. 10, 17.

charges and, (premises being situated on the north sideof Carter Avenue. between Wildemere Avenue and Dexter Joulevard. together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 1. 1935.parcel of land situate in the City of De- J FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. '

troit. Wayne County. Michigan, described , Assignee of Mortgagee,as follows, to-wit: ROBERT S. MARX AND

........................ CLAYTON F. BUTLER."Lot 61 of Cooper's Subdivision of part of the rear concession of Private Claim 152 and Out Lot 23 of Toms and But­ler's Subdivision of section 1 rear con­cession of Private Claim 257 and 337 according to the plat recorded in Wayne County Registers Office, in liber 23 of plats, page 8. Together with heredita­ments and appurtenances thereof." Dated, at Detroit. Michigan.


Successor Trustees under the Will of Franklin N. Cooper. Deceased.

HUGH FRANCIS. Attorney for Successor Trustees under the Will of Franklin N. Cooper. Deceased.

March I. 8. 15. 22. 29: April 5, 12.19, 26: May 3. 10, 17, 24.

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

March 1, 8. 15, 22. 29: April 5. 12.19, 26; May 3. 10. 17.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Mich.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by GEORGE H. UHRSTADT and LYDIA UHRSTADT. hit wife, both of Detroit, Michigan. Mortgagors to THE AMERI­CAN STATE BANK OF DETROIT, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, i»-successors and assigns, bear­ing date the twelfth day of August. 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on August 24th 1929. in Lib­er 2374 of Mortgages, on Page 283, which mortgage contains a power of ,sale. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirtieth day of March. 1931. assigned by the said The American State Bank of Detroit to Peoples Wayne County Bank, a Michigan corporation of Detroit. Mich­igan, by assignment dated March 30th.1931, and recorded April 4th. 1931 in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County rf Wayne in Liber 235 of Assign­ments. «.n Page 103. which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931. assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America. of De­troit. Michigan, by assignment dated' December 31st. 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October.1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK-DETROIT. . a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Mich­igan. There is claimed to be due and un­paid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, ii and certification of abstract, the FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY AND 75/100 ($5,680.75) Dol­lars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof,

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that TUESDAY the FOURTH' day JURE. 1935, at eleven o'clock the forenoon. Eastern Standard V. .. said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street en­trance to the County BuUding in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be nserssary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any stop or si may be paid by the undersigned fore said sale for taxes and/or on said premises, and all other sumsby the undersigned pursuant to' law___to the terms of said mortgage, with inter-

expenses thereon, including the attorney toes allowed by law, which said premises

■*—•«- -» — * •* - "■

I it or be-


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

MORTGAGE SALEDefault has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made bv LEO B. GARDULSKI and MARIE GARDULSKI. his wife. of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mort- ;agee. its successors and assigns, bearing late the twentieth day of July, 1928, and

recorded in the office of the Register of - -Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of ^Michigan, on July 21st, 1928. in Liber

2175 of Mortgages, on Page 199, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of , Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31at. 1931, and re­corded January 9th. 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932. the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America. of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY-TWO and 90/IOf ($4,862.90) Dollars. No suit or proceedinj at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne la held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be nocessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or turns which ma, be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per an­num. and all legal coats, charges and ex­penses thereofc, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated In the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lots numbered Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) of Tan- nenbolz's Realty Company, Subdivision of part of Private Claim Five Hundred forty- three (543), north of Michigan Avenue, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 36 of Plats, on Page 99; Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the east side of Casper Avenue, between Kirkwood and Wagner Avenues, together with the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.

March 1, 8. 15, 22; 29; April 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3. 10. 17.

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan. described as: East 126 feet of Sooth 37.40 feet of Lot Seventy-three (73> and East 126 feet of North half of lot Seventy-two (72) except East 10 feet of said lota taken for aBey, Hopson's f division. o£» tbe Southwest tun of Nt._ asst quarter of private claim' 19, City of


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by ALEX BROILO and ROZALIA BROI- LO. his wife, of Detroit, Michigan, Mort­gagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the eleventh day of October. 1928. and recorded in the of­fice' of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on


Attorneys For Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOHN MAZAN and SOPHIE MAZAN. his wife, of Detroit, Michigan. Mortga­gors. to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of State of Michigan, Mortgagee, itscessors and assigns, bearing date the s-----day of September, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on September 7th, 1928, in Liber 2200 of Mortgages, on Page 269. which mortgage contains a power of sale. which . said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated Decenfcer 31st. 1931. and recorded Jan­uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, .the aforementiqned assignee of mort­gagee ’changed its name to FIRST NA­TIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corpora­tion organized under the laws of the United States of ■America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, taxes, and certification of .abstract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUND­RED FIFTY-SEVEN and 27/100 ($3,457.27) Dollars. No suit or proceed­ing at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE, By virtue the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY. the FOURTH day of TUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction' to the highest bidder, the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums wmay be paid by the undersigned at or_fore said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the Undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with inter­est thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described as follows:

The parcel of land situated in the "City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot thirteen (13) of Adele Campau Thompson Subdivision of Out Lot Fifty-nine (59) of the sub­division of Private Claim Six hundred nine (609) known as the Joseph Campau Farm, according to die recorded plats there­of in Liber 17 of plats on page 7; Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the East side of Jos. Campau between Warren and Hancock Avenues, together with the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of MortgageeROBERT S. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee 44 Michigan Avenue Detroit, Michigan.

March 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; April 5. 12, 19. 26; May 3, 10. 17.

October 16th. 1928, in Liber 2222 Mortgages, on Page 320. which gage contains a power ol sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assign­ed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made In the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by ANTHONY MANISCALCHI and MARY MANISCALCHI, his wife, of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State bf Michigan. Mort­gagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of December, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on December 22nd, 1928, in Liber. 2258 of Mortgages, on Page 552. which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, oi Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st. 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932. in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a corporation organiz­ed under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE and 3/100 ($2,323.03) Dollars. No suit or proceeding


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the teims and conditions of a certain mortgage made by ABRAHAM WOLIN and FRANCES WOLIN. his wife, of Detroit, Michigan, Mortgagors. to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws ol the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the tenth day of September, 1928, and record^ ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Mich­igan. on September 12th, 1928, in Liber 2202 of Mortgages, on Page 514, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, as­signed by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on P.ge 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich. *


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by CATHERINE GRAEF, of Detroit, Mich­igan, Mortgagor to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the ninth day of December. 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on December 10th 1929. in Liber 2426 of Mortgages, on Page 453, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mort-

Sage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty- rat day of December, 1931, assigned by

the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated Decem­ber 31st, 1931, and recorded January 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to- wit the eighth day of October. 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, ef Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, interest, and certification of ab­stract, the sum of THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX AND 89/100 ($3,126.89) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secur­ed,.by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE, 1935. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. East­ern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the high­est bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held)

sary to pay the amount due as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich.


Default baa been made In the terms l conditions of a certain mortgage made hr LOUIS JACqpSON and TILLIS


Attomeya for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by EDMUND L. EBERT, a single roan, of Detroit, Michigan, - Mortgagor to PEO­PLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-first day of Nov­ember. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on November 22nd 1928, in Liber 2242 of Mortgages, on Page 466, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organised under the laws of the United Statee of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by aseignment dated December Slat, 1931, and recorded Tannery 9th, 1932, in the office of the Register of Deeds for

equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt secured by said mort­gage or any part thereof.

NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contain­ed, and pursuant to the sttyute of the

irporation organized under the State of Michigan in such case made and laws of the United States of America, of : provided, notice is hereby "given that on Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated , TUESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE. December 31st, 1931. and recorded Jan- 1935. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, uary 9th. 1932, in the office of the. Reg- , Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne be foreclosed by a sale at public auction in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. to the highest bidder, at the southerly or On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932. Congress Street entrance to the County the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL County, Michigan, (that being the place BANK-DETROIT. a corporation organiz- where the Circuit Court for the County of ed under the laws of the United States , Wayne is held) of the premises described of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There i in said mortgage or so much thereof as is claimed to be due and unpaid on said , may be necessary to pay the amount due. mortgage at the date of this notice, for , as aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any principal, interest, and certification of ab- sum or sums which may be paid by the stract. the sum of ONE THOUSAND , undersigned at or before said sale for tax- FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE and es and/or insurance on said premises, and 20/100 ($1,553.20) Dollars. No suit or - all other sums paid by the undersigned proceeding at law or in equity has been [ P“r“a« 10 ,aw and t0 ,be terms of M,d ' ' instituted to recover the debtcured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. notice is hereby given that onTUESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of De­troit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that be­ing the- place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne to held) of the premises described in said mortgage or to much • thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to law and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest there­

at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and

law. which said premises are described I

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Five hundred sixty-seven (567) of ' Glen­wood" Subdivision of west half of Private Claim Forty-one (411. between Michigan Central Railroad and Michigan Avenue, ac­cording to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 17 of Plats, on Page 44; Wayne County Records. Said premises being sit­uated on the east side of Cabot Avenue, between Michigan and Southern Avenues, together with . the hereditaments and ap­purtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan, March 1. 1935. JFIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

. E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.

day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 ol Assignments, Page 554, Wayne County records, on which mortgage there is claim­ed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, including principal and interest, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY and 47/100 ($4,480.47) Dollars and no suit or pro­ceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remain­ing secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of tbe Stalk of Michigan, in such case made and provided, the under­signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd day of May A. D. 1935. at' twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance . to the Wayne County Building in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State oi Michigan (that being the building where­in the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held) the premises described in said mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy said indebtedness with seven pet cent (7%) interest and all legal costs al­lowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including attorneys' fees, which said premises are'described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as follows, to- wit: Lot No. 174, O'Keefe and Metzen Subdivision No. 2. of southwest % of northwest ?4, except the south S32.50 feet of Section 12. of J. E. O'Flaherty Farm. Greenfield Twp.. Wayne County. Mich­igan. Plat recorded March 5, 1910. Liber 26. Page 82. Plats.

Dated: February II, 1935.HIGHLAND PARK TRUST


Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee of Mortgagee.

13504 Woodward Avenue.Highland Park. Michigan.

Feb. 22; March 1. 8. IS. 22. 29; April 5, 12, 19. 26; May 3. 10. 19.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the terms

and conditions of a certain mortgage made by STATE SECURITY AND REALTY COMPANY, a Michigan corporatio:

before said sale for taxes and /or insur- I Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mortga- thi’s notice, for principSl.'interest, insurance. I wee °n 8"d premises, and all other »u™’j ^oMPANY*14^ Michigan1”orj£«ion taxea, an_d certi?cati<£ of .bstract._the.aum

interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) Ib*r A n '°’B *’ per annum, and all legal <—**■ " °

of FOUR THOUSAND TWENTY-ONE and 87/100 ($4,021.87) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or instituted to recover the debt se­cured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

V. ,«Z i ber- A- D- 1928 and recorded in the office charges j °f ’he Register of Deeds, for the County ot

including the at-' V/ayne and State of Michigan, on the 20thand expenses thereon. -----------_tomey fees allowed by law. which

NOW. THEREFOREBy-virtuej The” arori Aton'd SuiwTfa the City | gage "was thereafter on to-wit the 29th day said mortgage contained, I of CouWy o{ Wlyne. State -•power of sale

and pursuant to the statute of the State ' Michigan"’described as: AU " that"'part of ' IGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY °f Michigan in such case made and pro- j . numbered Seventy-six (76) of McGiv- I a Michigan corporation and recorded in th-Tuesday',hl'fou'bthT,5 ='U'un°e" »»SS?. s,bdi- Mfc. ,f r,,,,,,, of d^j, io, w.„

. 1 tn . aay , J uN E" ! of of Fractional Section Thir- County on the 18th day of August A. DSi„o''s?.Xa°£k'SUSTSii;F o"7j'.Rrh,H,R,"fV’IX

Congress Street entrance to the County | on Page 10 ,Wayne Jlounty_ Records. , th.Building in the City of Detroit. Waynt

mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by law. which said premises are described aa fol­lows :

The parcel of land situated in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, described as: The Easterly Half of Lot numbered Seven (7) and the Westerly Teh and Seven Eighths (10-7/8) Feet, front and rear, of Lot number Eight (8) in Block Fifty-one (51), of the Sub­division of the West Half bf Private Claim Ninety-one (91) from Watson to Fremont Street, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 4 of Plats, on Page 41; Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the Southerly side of Hale Street between Dubois and Chene Streets, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. March 1, 8. 15, 22. 29: April S. 12.

26; May 3. 10. 17.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.


Default has been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JESSE D. BOURDEAU and BESSIE J. BOURDEAU, his wife, of Detroit, Mich­igan. Mortgagors, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the eighteenth day of September, 1923, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on September 19th, 1928,

March 1, 8. 15, 22. 29: April's, 12 ' Liber 2207 of Mortgages, on Page _ 19. 26: May 3. 10, 17. ! which mortgage contains a power of sale.

' which said mortgage was thereafter on to> wit the thirty-first day of December. 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assign­ment dated December 31st, 1931, and re-

Default has been made in the terms and corded January 9th, 1932, in the office of * —--------------*------—*•“ the Register of Deeds for said County


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit Michigan.


conditions of a certain mortgage made by MAURICE W. STUPSKER. a single man. of Detroit. Michigan, Mortgagor, to PEOPLES WAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit. Michigan, a corporation or­ganized under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, bearing date the twenty-sixth day of July. 1928, and reebrded in the offica of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on July 27th, 1928, in Liber 2178 of Mortgages, on Page 596, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage Wat there­after on to-wit the thirty-fust day of December, 1931, assigned by the said Peoples Wayne County Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931. and recorded January 9th, 193?, in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Lib­er 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October. 1932t the aforementioned assignee of mortgages changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. a corporation ofgB> ised under the tows of the United States of America, of Detroit, Michigan. There to claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice, for principal, interest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN and 21/100 ($2,918.21)Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or

.in equity has been had or instituted to re­cover the debt secured by said or any part thereof.

NOW; THEREFORE, —the power of sale in said-------tamed, and pursuant to the statute of ti» State of Michigan ia sack case r~ ■* —* _ glVSB


of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the eighth day of October, 1932, the aforementioned assignee of mortgagee changed its name to FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT, a cor­poration organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit, Mich­igan. There to claimed to be due and un­paid on said mortgage at the date of thia notices for principal, interest, insurance, taxes, and certification of abstract, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO and 99/100 ($4,422.99) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice to hereby given that! on TUES­DAY the FOURTH day of JUNE. 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be fore­closed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Con­gress Street entrance to the County build­ing in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne to held) of the premises described in said mortgage or so' much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, aa afore­said, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under­signed at or before said sale for taxea and/or insurance on said premises, and all other sums paid by the undersigned pursuant to tow and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven- - ----- (7%) per annum, and all legal

es and expenses thereon, in- atmraey fees allowed by law.


of May A. 1930. MICH-


Page 146. on which _ „claimed to be due. at the date ol :e, for principal, interest, insurance s the sum of Five Thousand Two

OOths Dol-nuuamg in tne vny o: uetroit. wayne , described as follows: Beginning at the i and Ninetv Fiv» and 4^/innthCounty. Michigan, (that being the place ! Northwest corner of said Lot Seventy-six ”“n^rs'?12^,J5,,y No 'it or nroceedi where the Circuit Court for the County of I (76) and running thence along the North ars ($5,295.45) No suit or_ Pr°ce'd'Wayne is held) of the premises describee , Line of said Lot. South Eighty-s.x (86 law or ■" equity having been' ;in said mortgage or so much thereof as !,degrees Twenty-six (26) Minutes No (0) | recover the debt secured by said mortgagmay be necessary to pay the amount due; Seconds East Five (S) Feet to a point. , or any pazt thereof. Now, therefore, bas aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any thence South Three (3) Degrees Thirty- : virtue of the power of sale contained .n sau sum or sums which may be paid by the i four (34) M'm—' No (0) Seconds West , mortgage, and pursuant to the statute o undersigned at or before sa!d sale for taxes , Fourteen and S.xyone One-hundredths I the State of Michigan in such case mad' and/or insurance on said premises, and all' (14.611 feet tn a point: thence along the i and provided, notice is hereby given tha

’ signed pur- I Sotithwe-.te ly 1'ne of said Lot Seventy-six on Tuesday, the 28th day_of May, A. D "‘(761 North F'ficen (15) degrees Twenty | 1935.

'20) Minutes No 10) Seconds West Fif- Time, teen and Fortv-four One-hundredths (15.44) sale i Feet to the point of beginning.

Alto all that part of Lot numbered |Fifiy-n' "------"*JSubdivi

other sums paid by the suant to law and to the terms ot sai<! mortgage, with interest thereon at sever, per cent (7%) per annum, and all legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, in­cluding the attorney fees allowed by la-.t which said premises are described as follow?: ____

The parcel of land situated in the City Eight (8). and Nineof Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Estate Subdivis'on of ___Michigan, described as: Lot numbered Eleven (11' of the SubdivisionFive (5) of Yemans and Jacobs Subdi- - - —vision of Lots Nine (9) to Sixteen (16) inclusive. Block "D." of the C. Moran iisoFarm, according to the recorded plat there­of in Liber 10 of Plats, on Page 46:Wayne County Records. Said premises thereofbeing situated on the Northerly side of 'Theodore Street, between St. Antoine and Hastings Streets, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

lock noon. Eastern Standaiu lid mortgage will be foreclosed by d public auction, to the highest bid- the southerly or Congress Street

tn« v. _______ _ :rance to the County Building in the491 of Rosewood Outer Drive City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan

' Parts of Lots Seven (7), (that being the building where ihc Circuit " ie (9) of Joseph Lang Court for the County of Wayne is held I.

of Lots Ten (10) and | of the premises described in said mortgage'«v tieven tn. c ».e Subdivision of the | or so much thereof as may be necessary t-.di- Joseph Tromblv Farm ,of Part of Private : pay the amount due. as aforesaid, on said6) Claim Three Hundred Eighty-nine (389) 1 mortgage, and all legal costs, charges andan ,i.a =. Part of Fractional Section Thirteen j expenses, including the attorney -ees. an .

Town One (1) South Range Twelve i also any sum or sums which may be paid■cording to the recorded plat I by the mortgagee for ta:

45 of Plats, on Page 66 —_ insurance. '

protect the mortgagee's interest in the Wayne 'County Records, described as j premises Which said premises are descnl..

follow*: Beginning at the Northeast cor-| ed as follows. All that certain piece or pat- ner of -.vd Lot Fiffv-nine (59) and run-1 cel of land situate in the City of Detron.

thercc South Fifteen (15) degrees I County of Wayne and State of Michigan . ... i and descrihed as follows. 10-wil : LcDated at Detroit, Michigan. March 1. i Twenty (20) ”Minutes No (0) Seconds i and described as follows. ,

1935. I Fast Fifteen and Forty-four One hundred- numbered one hundred fifty-four (154) ofFIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT. (S.44) Feet to a point; th«tce South ! GILMORE AND CHAVENELLE Sa..:------ ---- -------------- Three (3) degrees Thtrtv-four (34) Min- ; SUBDIVISION of part of west half of

utes No (0) Seconds West Ninety-five . northwest quarter of section one (1). town and Thirty-nine One hundredths (95.39) one (1) south, range eleven (11) east ac- Feet to a point in the South Line of said cording to the plat thereof recorded Aug- Lot; thence along the South Line of said u«_ 10. 1917,' Liber 38 Pa*e pig^s't Nnrth Fiirhtv-Bix (86) degrees Twen- Wayne County Records, SAID PR EM is ty-rix W) K««Tno( (0) S'onds West I ES being ™ w«, .id, M K„,i„,Thirty-five (35) feet to a point: thence Avenue betv

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 1, 8, 15. 22, 29; April 5, 12.19, 26; May 3. 10, 17.


Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the terms and

conditions of a certain mortgage made by ANTHONIO DI ANGELO and LAUR- INA DI ANGELO, his wife, of Detroit.Michigan. Mortgagors, PEOPLESWAYNE COUNTY BANK, of Detroit, Michigan, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, Mort­gagee. its successors and assigns, bearing date the fifteenth day of September. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on September 17th, 1928, in Liber 2205 of Mortgages, on Page 270, which mortgage contains a power of sale, which said mortgage was thereafter on to- wit the thirty-first day of December, 1931, i assigned by the said Peoples Wayne Coun- I ty Bank to First Wayne National Bank of Detroit, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, of Detroit. Michigan, by assignment dated December 31st, 1931, and recorded Jan­uary 9th, 1932, in the office of the Reg­ister of Deeds for said County of Wayne in Liber 244 of Assignments, on Page 160. On to-wit the. eighth day of October,

i -- ___.. - • - 8'de of KeatingThirty-tive (3S) feet to a pv.m, thence Avenue between Remington and State Fair Kh Three (3) Degrees Thirty-four^(34) j " thereof'"' h'red,,,men”Mi’nniM Nn (ni Seconds East One Hund- and appurtenances, thereof,“i" T?„ (1.0)’ r« 10 . poin. in ib, i D.i.d ,t D«i.ii. Mich,,,.. F,b,u„, ... North Line of said Lot Fifty-nine (59)£i 19«-thence along the North line of Lot Soudf MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE Eiehty-six (86) Degrees Twenty-six (26) COMPANY. Assignee of Mortgagee. Minutes No (0) Seconds East Thirty (30) | HUGH FRANCIS ANDFeet to the point of beginning. Said prem-' uipciptt STMunt ises being situated on the Southerly aide of Wilshire Drive, between Chalmers 4 Queen Avenues, together with the here­ditaments and appurtenances thereof.

Dated at Detroit. Michigan. March 1.1935FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT.

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT S. MARX AND

CLAYTON F. BUTLER.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, Michigan.

March I. 8. IS. 22. 29: April 5. 12.

MARGARET SIMMONS.Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee.1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Mich.

Feb. 22; March 1, 8. IS. 22. 29; April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10, 17.


Attorneys for. Assignee of Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Mich.


... ! Default having been made in the terms26; May 3. 10. 17. an(j conditions of a certain mortgage made

------------------------------------------------------------------ by STATE SECURITY AND REALTYTWELFTH INSERTION 'COMPANY, a Michigan corporation of

’ Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan. Mori---------------------------------------------------------------------Igagor. to GRANGE LIFE INSURANCELAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney. ' COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. Mort- 13504 Woodward Avenue, I gagee. dated the 14th day of September.

' A. D. 1928 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 20t’:

Highland Park, Michigan.


“‘ON^L 'b1nK-DE?H0!t , to,oo,*-:by_THOMAS,Wi_WEBSTEE ,nd JES-organized under the laws

United States of America. ot Detroit, Michigan. There is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal, iqterest, insur-

__, ___ ... .ificatioiv of abstractof ONE THOUSAND THREE

HUNDRED FIFTEEN and 34/100 ($1,315.34) Dollars. No suit or proceeding at law or in equity has been had or in­stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof.

NOW, THEREFORE. By virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­tained, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY the FOURTH day of JUNE, 1935, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern Standard time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that bring the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne to held) of the premises des­cribed in said mortgage or so much there­of as may be necessary to pay the amount due, aa aforesaid, on said mortgage, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before said sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other turns paid by the uader- signed pursuant to tow and to the terms of said mortgage, with interest thereon at seven per cent (7%) per annum, an^J sS8 legal costs, charges and expenses thereon, including the attorney fees allowed by law, which said premises are described as fol­lows:

The parcel of land situated tn the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, described as: The west half oi Lot numbered Twenty-sight (28) of Sub­division of Lot Five (5) of the Subdi­vision of Rear Concession of Dequindre Farm, North of North Street, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 53 of Deeds, on Page .195: Wayne County Records. Said premises being situated on the north side of Mack Avenue, between Orleans and Dequindre Avenues, together with tiie hereditaments and appurtenance thereof.

Dated at Detroit, Michigan, March 1, 1935.FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DETROIT,

Assignee of Mortgagee.ROBERT 8. MARX AND

E. KATHERINE KILPATRICK. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

March 1, $, 15, 22. 29; i April 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10, 17.

day of October. A. D. 1928 in liber 2224 of Mortgages, on page 458, which sail mortgage was thereafter on to-wit the 29th day of May A. D. 1930. assigned to MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COM­PANY. a Michigan corporation and record­ed in the office of the Register of Deed- for Wayne County on the 18th day of August A. D. 1930. in Liber 227 of Assign­ments of Mortgages on Page 147. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due. at

u«,«, .... ,.w. —z - -r.......... «he da,e of thia notice, for principal, in-1926 and recorded irt the office of the terest, insurance and

corpora- s'ie‘m.''wEBSTER, his vrife, of the'City of Detroit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COMPANY, of the City of High­land Park. County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, dated the 13tit day of April A.

Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne State of Michigan, on the 14th day of April A. D. 1926 in Liber 1701 of Mort­gages. on Page 292. which mortgage was assigned by said Highland Park Trust Company to Reconstruction Finance Cor­poration. a Federal Corporation by assign­ment dated the 8th day of September A. D. 1932 and reoprded on the 24th day of January A. D. 1935 in Liber 272 of As­signments. Page 523, and which mortgage was reassigned by said Reconstruction Finance Corporation to Highland Park Trust Company, a Michigan Corporation by assignment dated the 5th day of Jan­uary A. D. 1935 and recorded on the 24th







Thousand Three Hundred Three and 81/lOOths Dollars ($5,303.81 ). No suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 28th day of May. A. D. 1935. at 12 o'clock noon Eastern Standard Time, said mort­gage will be foreclosed by a sale at pub­lic auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that bring the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne is held), of the premises described in 0aid mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due, as aforesaid, on said mort­gage, and all legal costs, charges and ex­penses. including the attorney fees, and also any sum or sums which may be paid by the mortgagee for taxes, insurance, etc., to protect the mortgagee's interest in tbe premises. Which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or. parcel of land situate in the City of Detroit., in the County of Wayne, and State of Mich­igan and described as follows, to-wit: "Lot numbered two hundred sixty-one (261) of CADILLAC HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION of the northeast quarter of Section twelve (12) Town one (1) south. Range eleven (11) east, according to the plat thereof recorded January 25th, 1916, in Liber 33 of plats, page 81. Wayne County Records. SAID PREMISES being on the east side of Cardoni Avenue between Robinwood and Grixdale Avenues." Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof."

Dated at Detroit, Michigan. February 14. 1935.



Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

Feb. 22: March 1. 8. 15. 22. 29:April 5, 12. 19. 26; May 3. 10. 17.

Mail Want Ada Coats Little