1973 Govi Buddhist Retired parents seek educated respectable partner for unmar- ried fair attractive slim figured charming pretty 5’ 4” daughter whose marriage delayed owing to placement of 7th Posi- tion of Jupiter Kataka Lagna, inherits Tow storied house with assets in Colombo, divorcees considered. No barriers, includ- ing age. Willing to migrate if suitable part- ner is found. Only son is following MBA in Canadian University. No encumbrances. 0112418961 B72434 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736781-1 1984 born fair, beautiful G/C. Studied in Leading Private Girls’ School in Colombo, Graduated in Accounts in Australia and well employed in a renowned Australian Company, from good family background & social status. Parents professionals/ Company Director seek for their daugh- ter a partner. He should be academically/ professionally qualified, well employed, tall & good looking from similar social status/ English speaking background. Preference to those living & employed in Australia. Religion immaterial. Reply with full details of the proposed, his fam- ily, horoscope and contact phone number to: [email protected] B72923 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740403-1 1985 July born Bodu / Vishwa Bathgama 5’ 4” in height fair slim MBBS Doctor daugh- ter, parents seek Doctor/ Engineer/ Bank or Private Executive Grade educated be- low 37 years old son. No Dosha. No barri- ers. B73361 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T743718-1 1990 March Bodu Durawa 5’ 2” in height tan complexioned Sinhala Buddhist daughter educated at a reputed school in Colombo 28 years HND Diploma holder & graduate in IPM currently pursuing MS degree at the Colombo University & external degree at Sri Jayawardenapura University, also employed. Parents seek qualified, intelligent & modest son of moral values. B73852 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750376-1 1991 Sep born - B. Pharm degree, Fair, pretty, only daughter Government service retired parents seek engineer, doctor or executive grade employee son. Only son is a doctor. Contact with the copy of the horoscope & the details. B73805 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749211-1 1993, Govi, Buddhist family, fair, pretty, slim daughter, Graduated in Business and Economics in Japan University and work- ing in Japan at a World Reputed Bank. Studied in Leading School in Colombo. She inherits substantial assets. Parents live in Colombo, father attached to Gov- ernment Bank while mother working in Leading School in Colombo. Parents seek for a son, who live or work in Japan with having good qualities with educational background from a respectable family. Please reply with family details with horo- scope. Email: proposalkum17@gmail. com B73111 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741744-1 1993/09 born, 25 years old, 5’ 4” tall, Ca- nadian Citizen, Graduate in Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Devel- oper, pretty looking daughter is working at Reputed Canadian Company in highly qualified job. Sinhala Buddhist parents liv- ing in Canada are looking for profession- ally qualified (Engineer) son. Please send details to email address: vishwa2@ya- hoo.com with copy of horoscope. B72817 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T739654-1 55 years old University Academic Faculty and divorcee of Sri Lankan Origin in the USA intending to settle in Sri Lanka for good, is looking for an educated finan- cially stable and decent Sinhala Buddhist gentleman. 45+ years of age and without encumbrances for marriage. Serious in- quiries only. Please apply to: proposals- [email protected] B73772 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747671-1 ACADEMICALLY and profession- ally qualified partner from a similar background is sought by Govi Buddhist professional parents in Colombo sub- urbs for their only daughter 25 years, 5’ 7”, medium complexion, Engineer read- ing for Masters. Reply with family details horoscope and contact number to: pdg- [email protected] B72760 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739360-1 ACADEMICALLY professionally qualified well mannered caring partner is sought by Buddhist mother living in Co- lombo for pretty fair well qualified daugh- ter Masters Degree owns a Corporate Training Company 36 years 5’ studied in a Leading Convent divorced (plaintiff) no children. She inherits substantial assets and a land in Colombo. Caste immate- rial. Pls reply with full details profile and horoscope. B73768 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747018-1 B/G 1978 July born daughter 5’ 2” MBA qualified employed as Manager in Semi Govt. Sector. Inherits assets. Seeks well educated well established partner. Reply with horoscope. [email protected] B73820 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749576-1 B/GOVI Retired parents seek a suit- able steady partner, for their 28 year old daughter. Having a pleasant personal- ity and is introvert & is socially awkward. Studied in English medium. Fluent in English. Following a Course. Horoscope should be compatible with Kuja in 7th & Shani in 2nd, Neketha - Revathi. Please reply with horoscope and family details to: [email protected] B73020 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741144-1 B/K parents from Panadura seeks aca- demically qualified son for daughter, 5’ 4”, 31 years born April 1987, pretty, fair, slim, Graduate employed earning six figured salary, owns newly built house in Pana- dura with other assets. Reply with horo- scope and family details. Email: akhfdo@ gmail.com B71331 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T724436-2 BATHTHARAMULLA- Bodu/Govi 1987 April born, 5’ 3” studied in capital city leading girl’s college. Followed a Charted Accountant course & currently employee as the Deputy Chairman of a private com- pany - MBA reading. Pleasant, virtuous daughter. Government service employee parents seek educated, government or private sector highly employee virtuous same caste son. proposals7562@gmail. com B73810 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749346-1 BODU Govi Sinhala speaking parents from a respectable family (Waymba) seeking for a partner for their younger daughter from a business family. She is 27 years height 5’ 4” studied in a interna- tional school diploma in Psychology. She inherits valuable assets. Contact email [email protected] B73863 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T751064-1 BORN in 1987 February academically qualified up to Masters Degree from an Australian University. She is 5’ 3” in height fair and pretty. B/G parents from Western Province seeking for a well man- nered son age no more than 36. Please reply non malefic horoscope only to: [email protected] with contact numbers. B60566 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T615646-4 BUDDHIST Karawa established busi- ness parents from Colombo seek aca- demically and professionally qualified partner for their pretty, educated daughter 21 years height 5’ 2”. She inherits sub- stantial dowry. Reply with family details and horoscope. B73769 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747074-1 CARING, well-mannered, IT professional son, preferably from Colombo, is sought by Mother of 24 year old daughter. She’s optimistic, kind, educated and works for a leading international software / IT firm. Differences immaterial. Reply with family details to: [email protected] B73856 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750682-1 CENTRAL Province 1980.12 born MBBS MD Doctor daughter mother seeks suit- able employed son. B73844 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750281-1 CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi very de- cent business family 23 years old 5’ in height pretty daughter. Parents seek an employee or business, highly educated son from a decent family. Our virtuous daughter studied in Colombo International School - London, LLB Graduate. She is employing as a Legal Officer in a Gov- ernment Company. She inherits precious substantial assets. B72542 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737776-1 COLOMBO - Govi /Bodu, decent 5’ 7” in height 27 yrs pretty, studied in a pri- vate ladies college, highly employee, twin daughter, parents seek same caste, educated, decent. business or highly em- ployee two sons Colombo suburb special. B73798 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749093-1 COLOMBO Bodu, Govi born 1981, 5’-3” slim. beautiful fair Government nursing sister. Post graduate final year parents seek educated, respectable son. Owns motor car and property, Kanyalagna, Kethi nekatha no-malefics. B73848 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750348-1 COLOMBO Bodu/ Govi decent fam- ily 1996 born 4’’ 11” in height hope to do higher studies pleasant daughter. par- ents seek Kuja 7 matching decent, hon- est, virtuous son. Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 0112861793. B73804 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749210-1 COLOMBO Buddhist parents are look- ing for educated non Medical professional partners for their son born in 1991, 5’ 10” tall MBBS Doctor and daughter born in 1992, 5’ 5” tall MBBS Final Year. Please send details with copy of horoscope to email: [email protected] B69654 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T707546-2 COLOMBO District Bodu / Govi 1985 October born 5’ 4” in height Graduate, Obsessionable Government Permanent employee elder daughter. Parents seek same caste, higher studied, permanent employee or business son. Employee in abroad is possible. Have Kuja Dosha in the horoscope special. (1, 4, 7, 8, 12) B73783 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748150-1 COLOMBO Govi Buddhist Retired par- ents seek professionally qualified partner for their daughter born 1986 June, 5’ 01”, ACMA, MBA qualified. Working as an Ac- countant in a Leading Multinational Com- pany in Colombo. She inherits a house and other valuable assets from Colombo. Reply with family details and horoscope. B73074 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741583-1 COLOMBO born in May 1990 Buddhist Govi State University Lecturer (BSc) for daughter parents looking for a son height over 5’ 5” Doctor/ Engineer/ PhD. [email protected] B72689 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739031-1 COLOMBO resident - Southern Bodu/ Govi 1987.06 born, around 5 ft, English graduate daughter. Parents seek a gradu- ated son. Father is a specialist doctor. Rahu 1 Kethu 7. [email protected] B73802 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749171-1 COLOMBO suburb 26 yrs. of age 5’ 2” in height Buddhist Govi Software gradu- ate reading for MSc beautiful Teacher daughter. Professional parents looking for a suitable partner. She inherits very valuable properties. Ma nekatha kuja 8 B73800 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749125-1 COLOMBO suburb B/G Up-country re- spectable family born Jan 1988 5’ 6” fair well-beloved kind religious OUSL BTech finalist NDES Technical Officer in leading telecom establishment younger daughter, retired govt. servant parents seek suit- able same caste partner no vices. Elder sister university lecturer. Younger brother undergrad. Send non-malefic horoscope, family details, landline No. B73829 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749925-1 FATHER Ceylon Tamil, mother Jaffna Tamil Sinhala Kandyan Mix seeking bride- groom for their 31 years old daughter working in a Private Bank Executive Post. BSc in IT and MSc in Management. Flu- ent in all Three Languages. B72452 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737066-1 GALLE Bodu Govi Govt. employed par- ents seek suitable partner for their 92 born, 5’ 3”, daughter medium complex- ioned educated at a Leading School in Galle. Now a Teacher holding Diploma in Western Music (Vidyapita) and inherits property. Younger sister is Medical Stu- dent. Reply with horoscope and details. 0912247005 B73740 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T746488-1 GALLE District born in 1993, Buddhist Salagama pursued education @ a private girl’s high school in Kandy, graduate in business management for daughter par- ents looking for a educated employed vir- tuous partner. All details with horoscope copy respond via first letter. B73796 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749078-1 GALLE Suburb born in 1991 5’ 2” in height Buddhist Govi/Deva mixed hails from a very decent family background Music (Western) Teacher attached to a leading school in Colombo fair attractive unblemished daughter, parents looking for permanently employed virtuous son with a decent family background. Re- spond all details with TP number via firsts letter. She inherits dowry. Doctor/Engi- neer/Accountant/ other highly employed preferred. B73824 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749716-1 GALLE born in August 1992 5’ 6” in height Buddhist Deva of a decent family Science in English medium Vidyapeeta slim fair complexion teacher daughter. Teacher mother looking for a educated employed devoid of all vices, TT a kind son. Expect- ed all details with the horoscope copy- [email protected] B73793 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749021-1 GALLE born in September 1987 Buddhist Govi Dental Surgeon daughter parents looking for a son Doctor, Engineer similar qualifications compatible to Shani Man- gala Kuja 8 B73795 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749064-1 GAMPAHA B/G born in 1989 5’ 6” in height LL.B Lawyer daughter employed in Government sector. Retired parents seek an educated well employed son devoid of all vice. Please send all details. Email: [email protected] 033 2264724. B73860 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750918-1 GAMPAHA District close to Colombo Bodu Govi 5’ 2” in height University Lec- turer 28 years old pretty daughter, parents seek an educated virtuous son. Send all the details. B73780 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747877-1 GAMPAHA born in September 1991 5’ 6” in height Software Engineer for attractive daughter, parents looking for a similarly educated employed virtuous son, with horoscope, TP No, FB, all particulars via 1st letter. Email: proposal999sl@gmail. com B73415 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T744057-1 GOVI Buddhist Doctor parents seek suit- able partner of similar caste for daughter 32 years 5’ 2” with Degree in Business Management from SLIIT Malabe and CIM MBA, employed as Manager in Mercantile Establishment. Please reply with family particulars and horoscope. B72418 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736586-1 GOVI Buddhist mother seeks academi- cally professionally sober habit hand- some son having Foreign Exposure for 28 years daughter working for Government overseas pretty medium complexion very outgoing girl partner should be below 35 years. Reply with full details and horo- scope. [email protected] B73041 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T741343-1 GOVI Buddhist respectable parents liv- ing in Colombo seek for their younger daughter 23 years 5’ 6” slim fair attractive, studied in Leading Colombo School, Uni- versity Graduate, employed in Reputed International Agency in Colombo, suitable Govi Buddhist professional partner be- low 30 above 5’ 9”. Horoscope with Kuja in 1 2 4 8 or 12 preferable. Please reply with family details horoscope contact No. [email protected] B72825 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739712-1 KALUTARA District Bodu Govi bearing ownership of a Recognized Firm located in a Reputed Town 28 years 5’ 4” in height fair complexioned truly beautiful daughter pursued Higher Studies also employed as an Engineer of a Well Reputed Firm currently attached to own business as a Directress owning modern vehicles hous- ing and a considerable amount of assets youngest daughter, educated & respect- able parents seek qualified son either highly employed or owning business. All particulars along with copy of horoscope should be forwarded at the 1st instance, either via letter or email. wedding_propos- [email protected] B72462 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737205-1 KANDY Bodu Govi 1996-03 born 5’ 10” 2nd year law student (graduate) pursu- ing studies at a private campus, beautiful (only daughter) bearing good character doctor father seeks qualified & highly em- ployed handsome son less than 28 years bearing good character & of similar caste. She is the only inheritor of assets worth of 200 Million, & hopes to travel to UK or Australia for further studies. Those pos- sessing UK/Australian dual Citizenship or Doctors/ Medical students preferred. All family particulars along with contact number should be forwarded at the first instance. [email protected] B72885 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740118-1 KANDY Govi Buddhist parents from respectable families seek a well educated well mannered professional, living similar back- ground for their 26 years old Graduate daughter now working as Teacher in an International School. She pretty fair and slim (5’ 2”) brought up with Sinhalese values. She inherits proper- ties in Land and housing. Apply with full details and horoscope. Contact propoten2017@gmail. com B72821 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739676-1 KANDY born 1990 June 5’ 0” fair pretty hails from a respectable family inherits properties lands and assets in Kandy, Colombo. Final Year Medical Student of a Private University. Studied at a Leading Girls’ School in Kandy. Parents seek an academically professionally qualified son from same background. Reply with horoscope family details to: pro- [email protected] B72431 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736728-1 KEGALLE Bodu/Deva 1995/1 born 5’ 2” in height, slim, fair, very pleasant appearance, final yr. in a government university, religious, daughter. Parents seek employee or doing high stud- ies virtuous, pleasant son. Only brother is a doctor. B73799 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749117-1 KELANIYA Buddhist Govi born in 1989 5’ 7” in height educated fair complexioned daughter, par- ents seek educated respectable partner. sisilcrownfeed@gmail. com B72983 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740873-1 MATARA BODU 1985 Sep- tember born employed at a well reputed finance company tan complexioned beautiful daughter parents seek suitable partner. Dowry available. B73846 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750303-1 MOOR Colombo well connected Par- ents from Dehiwela seeking qualified, employed groom for pretty daughter 23, 5’ 0”, BSc, Teacher. hafsa@soulmate. lk B73861 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750935-1 MORATUWA 38 yrs of age 5’ 3” in height Buddhist/Karawa B.Sc graduate employed daughter. Parents looking for a suitable partner. She inherits dowry. Horoscope needed. B73790 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748811-1 MUSLIM bride 22 years 5’ 2” height stud- ied up to A/L (Eng.) at a Leading School in Colombo. Currently working as a Teacher. Family residing in Ratmalana. maazhiji@ gmail.com B73155 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T742309-1 PANADURA, Bodu, Karawa, Born 1994, 5’ 2”, passed OL Meena Lagna, Rewathi Nekatha non malefic good charactered well mannered attractive twin daughters. Tourist hotel manager father seeks hand- some good charactered partners. B73849 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T750356-1 PARENTS seek a suitable partner for their daughter born in 1978 height 5’ 6” Govt. Dept executive officer. (parents Bodu, Govi) B73859 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750908-1 PARENTS seek educated employed professionally qualified son living in UK brought up with Sri Lankan values for their daughter. She is 26 Y 5’ 3” pretty fair slim MSc qualified Pharmacist employed in NHS. Reply with family details. Email: [email protected] B72895 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740170-1 PARENTS seek qualified son for daugh- ter Matara Bodu Govi 1991/01 Electronic Degree holder MSc (Moratuwa) height 5’ 3” Lecturer with dowry. Better if a person presently follow the PhD in Australia or intend to follow the course. B73822 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749675-1 PILIYANDALA 1991 Bodu Govi 5’ 2” in height fair complexioned Doctor daughter parents seek suitable partner. B73113 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741777-1 RESPECTABLE B/K parents seek a professionally qualified well mannered son for our daughter 30 years 5’ 5” slim fair a qualified Marketing Professional working for a Multinational Company in Sri Lanka. Pls respond with the contact number family details along with the horoscope to: proposalmarriage0309@ hotmail.com B73078 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741588-1 THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS 11 Sunday, October 28, 2018

Plus Page 11 - The Sunday TimesHave Kuja Dosha in the horoscope special. (1, 4, 7, 8, 12) B73783 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748150-1 COLOMBO Govi Buddhist Retired par-ents

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Page 1: Plus Page 11 - The Sunday TimesHave Kuja Dosha in the horoscope special. (1, 4, 7, 8, 12) B73783 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748150-1 COLOMBO Govi Buddhist Retired par-ents

1973 Govi Buddhist Retired parents seek educated respectable partner for unmar-ried fair attractive slim fi gured charming pretty 5’ 4” daughter whose marriage delayed owing to placement of 7th Posi-tion of Jupiter Kataka Lagna, inherits Tow storied house with assets in Colombo, divorcees considered. No barriers, includ-ing age. Willing to migrate if suitable part-ner is found. Only son is following MBA in Canadian University. No encumbrances. 0112418961 B72434 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736781-1

1984 born fair, beautiful G/C. Studied in Leading Private Girls’ School in Colombo, Graduated in Accounts in Australia and well employed in a renowned Australian Company, from good family background & social status. Parents professionals/ Company Director seek for their daugh-ter a partner. He should be academically/ professionally qualifi ed, well employed, tall & good looking from similar social status/ English speaking background. Preference to those living & employed in Australia. Religion immaterial. Reply with full details of the proposed, his fam-ily, horoscope and contact phone number to: [email protected] B72923 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740403-1

1985 July born Bodu / Vishwa Bathgama 5’ 4” in height fair slim MBBS Doctor daugh-ter, parents seek Doctor/ Engineer/ Bank or Private Executive Grade educated be-low 37 years old son. No Dosha. No barri-ers. B73361 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T743718-1

1990 March Bodu Durawa 5’ 2” in height tan complexioned Sinhala Buddhist daughter educated at a reputed school in Colombo 28 years HND Diploma holder & graduate in IPM currently pursuing MS degree at the Colombo University & external degree at Sri Jayawardenapura University, also employed. Parents seek qualifi ed, intelligent & modest son of moral values. B73852 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750376-1

1991 Sep born - B. Pharm degree, Fair, pretty, only daughter Government service retired parents seek engineer, doctor or executive grade employee son. Only son is a doctor. Contact with the copy of the horoscope & the details. B73805 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749211-1

1993, Govi, Buddhist family, fair, pretty, slim daughter, Graduated in Business and Economics in Japan University and work-ing in Japan at a World Reputed Bank. Studied in Leading School in Colombo. She inherits substantial assets. Parents live in Colombo, father attached to Gov-ernment Bank while mother working in Leading School in Colombo. Parents seek for a son, who live or work in Japan with having good qualities with educational background from a respectable family. Please reply with family details with horo-scope. Email: [email protected] B73111 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741744-1

1993/09 born, 25 years old, 5’ 4” tall, Ca-nadian Citizen, Graduate in Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Devel-oper, pretty looking daughter is working at Reputed Canadian Company in highly qualifi ed job. Sinhala Buddhist parents liv-ing in Canada are looking for profession-ally qualifi ed (Engineer) son. Please send details to email address: [email protected] with copy of horoscope. B72817 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T739654-1

55 years old University Academic Faculty and divorcee of Sri Lankan Origin in the USA intending to settle in Sri Lanka for good, is looking for an educated fi nan-cially stable and decent Sinhala Buddhist gentleman. 45+ years of age and without encumbrances for marriage. Serious in-quiries only. Please apply to: [email protected] B73772 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747671-1

ACADEMICALLY and profession-ally qualifi ed partner from a similar background is sought by Govi Buddhist professional parents in Colombo sub-urbs for their only daughter 25 years, 5’ 7”, medium complexion, Engineer read-ing for Masters. Reply with family details horoscope and contact number to: [email protected] B72760 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739360-1

ACADEMICALLY professionally qualifi ed well mannered caring partner is sought by Buddhist mother living in Co-lombo for pretty fair well qualifi ed daugh-ter Masters Degree owns a Corporate Training Company 36 years 5’ studied in a Leading Convent divorced (plaintiff) no children. She inherits substantial assets and a land in Colombo. Caste immate-rial. Pls reply with full details profi le and horoscope. B73768 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747018-1

B/G 1978 July born daughter 5’ 2” MBA qualifi ed employed as Manager in Semi Govt. Sector. Inherits assets. Seeks well educated well established partner. Reply with horoscope. [email protected] B73820 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749576-1

B/GOVI Retired parents seek a suit-able steady partner, for their 28 year old daughter. Having a pleasant personal-ity and is introvert & is socially awkward. Studied in English medium. Fluent in English. Following a Course. Horoscope should be compatible with Kuja in 7th & Shani in 2nd, Neketha - Revathi. Please reply with horoscope and family details to: [email protected] B73020 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741144-1

B/K parents from Panadura seeks aca-demically qualifi ed son for daughter, 5’ 4”, 31 years born April 1987, pretty, fair, slim, Graduate employed earning six fi gured salary, owns newly built house in Pana-dura with other assets. Reply with horo-scope and family details. Email: [email protected] B71331 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T724436-2

BATHTHARAMULLA- Bodu/Govi 1987 April born, 5’ 3” studied in capital city leading girl’s college. Followed a Charted Accountant course & currently employee as the Deputy Chairman of a private com-pany - MBA reading. Pleasant, virtuous daughter. Government service employee parents seek educated, government or private sector highly employee virtuous same caste son. [email protected] B73810 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749346-1

BODU Govi Sinhala speaking parents from a respectable family (Waymba) seeking for a partner for their younger daughter from a business family. She is 27 years height 5’ 4” studied in a interna-tional school diploma in Psychology. She inherits valuable assets. Contact email [email protected] B73863 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T751064-1

BORN in 1987 February academically qualifi ed up to Masters Degree from an Australian University. She is 5’ 3” in height fair and pretty. B/G parents from Western Province seeking for a well man-nered son age no more than 36. Please reply non malefi c horoscope only to: [email protected] with contact numbers. B60566 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T615646-4

BUDDHIST Karawa established busi-ness parents from Colombo seek aca-demically and professionally qualifi ed partner for their pretty, educated daughter 21 years height 5’ 2”. She inherits sub-stantial dowry. Reply with family details and horoscope. B73769 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747074-1

CARING, well-mannered, IT professional son, preferably from Colombo, is sought by Mother of 24 year old daughter. She’s optimistic, kind, educated and works for a leading international software / IT fi rm. Differences immaterial. Reply with family details to: [email protected] B73856 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750682-1

CENTRAL Province 1980.12 born MBBS MD Doctor daughter mother seeks suit-able employed son. B73844 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750281-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi very de-cent business family 23 years old 5’ in height pretty daughter. Parents seek an employee or business, highly educated son from a decent family. Our virtuous daughter studied in Colombo International School - London, LLB Graduate. She is employing as a Legal Offi cer in a Gov-ernment Company. She inherits precious substantial assets. B72542 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737776-1

COLOMBO - Govi /Bodu, decent 5’ 7” in height 27 yrs pretty, studied in a pri-vate ladies college, highly employee, twin daughter, parents seek same caste, educated, decent. business or highly em-ployee two sons Colombo suburb special. B73798 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749093-1

COLOMBO Bodu, Govi born 1981, 5’-3” slim. beautiful fair Government nursing sister. Post graduate fi nal year parents seek educated, respectable son. Owns motor car and property, Kanyalagna, Kethi nekatha no-malefi cs. B73848 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750348-1

COLOMBO Bodu/ Govi decent fam-ily 1996 born 4’’ 11” in height hope to do higher studies pleasant daughter. par-ents seek Kuja 7 matching decent, hon-est, virtuous son. Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 0112861793. B73804 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749210-1

COLOMBO Buddhist parents are look-ing for educated non Medical professional partners for their son born in 1991, 5’ 10” tall MBBS Doctor and daughter born in 1992, 5’ 5” tall MBBS Final Year. Please send details with copy of horoscope to email: [email protected] B69654 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T707546-2

COLOMBO District Bodu / Govi 1985 October born 5’ 4” in height Graduate, Obsessionable Government Permanent employee elder daughter. Parents seek same caste, higher studied, permanent employee or business son. Employee in abroad is possible. Have Kuja Dosha in the horoscope special. (1, 4, 7, 8, 12) B73783 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748150-1

COLOMBO Govi Buddhist Retired par-ents seek professionally qualifi ed partner for their daughter born 1986 June, 5’ 01”, ACMA, MBA qualifi ed. Working as an Ac-countant in a Leading Multinational Com-pany in Colombo. She inherits a house and other valuable assets from Colombo. Reply with family details and horoscope. B73074 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741583-1

COLOMBO born in May 1990 Buddhist Govi State University Lecturer (BSc) for daughter parents looking for a son height over 5’ 5” Doctor/ Engineer/ PhD. [email protected] B72689 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739031-1

COLOMBO resident - Southern Bodu/Govi 1987.06 born, around 5 ft, English graduate daughter. Parents seek a gradu-ated son. Father is a specialist doctor. Rahu 1 Kethu 7. [email protected] B73802 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749171-1

COLOMBO suburb 26 yrs. of age 5’ 2” in height Buddhist Govi Software gradu-ate reading for MSc beautiful Teacher daughter. Professional parents looking for a suitable partner. She inherits very valuable properties. Ma nekatha kuja 8 B73800 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749125-1

COLOMBO suburb B/G Up-country re-spectable family born Jan 1988 5’ 6” fair well-beloved kind religious OUSL BTech fi nalist NDES Technical Offi cer in leading telecom establishment younger daughter, retired govt. servant parents seek suit-able same caste partner no vices. Elder sister university lecturer. Younger brother undergrad. Send non-malefi c horoscope, family details, landline No. B73829 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749925-1

FATHER Ceylon Tamil, mother Jaffna Tamil Sinhala Kandyan Mix seeking bride-groom for their 31 years old daughter working in a Private Bank Executive Post. BSc in IT and MSc in Management. Flu-ent in all Three Languages. B72452 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737066-1

GALLE Bodu Govi Govt. employed par-ents seek suitable partner for their 92 born, 5’ 3”, daughter medium complex-ioned educated at a Leading School in Galle. Now a Teacher holding Diploma in Western Music (Vidyapita) and inherits property. Younger sister is Medical Stu-dent. Reply with horoscope and details. 0912247005 B73740 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T746488-1

GALLE District born in 1993, Buddhist Salagama pursued education @ a private girl’s high school in Kandy, graduate in business management for daughter par-ents looking for a educated employed vir-tuous partner. All details with horoscope copy respond via fi rst letter. B73796 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749078-1

GALLE Suburb born in 1991 5’ 2” in height Buddhist Govi/Deva mixed hails from a very decent family background Music (Western) Teacher attached to a leading school in Colombo fair attractive unblemished daughter, parents looking for permanently employed virtuous son with a decent family background. Re-spond all details with TP number via fi rsts letter. She inherits dowry. Doctor/Engi-neer/Accountant/ other highly employed preferred. B73824 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749716-1

GALLE born in August 1992 5’ 6” in height Buddhist Deva of a decent family Science in English medium Vidyapeeta slim fair complexion teacher daughter. Teacher mother looking for a educated employed devoid of all vices, TT a kind son. Expect-ed all details with the horoscope copy- [email protected] B73793 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749021-1

GALLE born in September 1987 Buddhist Govi Dental Surgeon daughter parents looking for a son Doctor, Engineer similar qualifi cations compatible to Shani Man-gala Kuja 8 B73795 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749064-1

GAMPAHA B/G born in 1989 5’ 6” in height LL.B Lawyer daughter employed in Government sector. Retired parents seek an educated well employed son devoid of all vice. Please send all details. Email: [email protected] 033 2264724. B73860 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750918-1

GAMPAHA District close to Colombo Bodu Govi 5’ 2” in height University Lec-turer 28 years old pretty daughter, parents seek an educated virtuous son. Send all the details. B73780 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747877-1

GAMPAHA born in September 1991 5’ 6” in height Software Engineer for attractive daughter, parents looking for a similarly educated employed virtuous son, with horoscope, TP No, FB, all particulars via 1st letter. Email: [email protected] B73415 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T744057-1

GOVI Buddhist Doctor parents seek suit-able partner of similar caste for daughter 32 years 5’ 2” with Degree in Business Management from SLIIT Malabe and CIM MBA, employed as Manager in Mercantile Establishment. Please reply with family particulars and horoscope. B72418 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736586-1

GOVI Buddhist mother seeks academi-cally professionally sober habit hand-some son having Foreign Exposure for 28 years daughter working for Government overseas pretty medium complexion very outgoing girl partner should be below 35 years. Reply with full details and horo-scope. [email protected] B73041 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T741343-1

GOVI Buddhist respectable parents liv-ing in Colombo seek for their younger daughter 23 years 5’ 6” slim fair attractive, studied in Leading Colombo School, Uni-versity Graduate, employed in Reputed International Agency in Colombo, suitable Govi Buddhist professional partner be-low 30 above 5’ 9”. Horoscope with Kuja in 1 2 4 8 or 12 preferable. Please reply with family details horoscope contact No. [email protected] B72825 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739712-1

KALUTARA District Bodu Govi bearing ownership of a Recognized Firm located in a Reputed Town 28 years 5’ 4” in height fair complexioned truly beautiful daughter pursued Higher Studies also employed as an Engineer of a Well Reputed Firm currently attached to own business as a Directress owning modern vehicles hous-ing and a considerable amount of assets youngest daughter, educated & respect-able parents seek qualifi ed son either highly employed or owning business. All particulars along with copy of horoscope should be forwarded at the 1st instance, either via letter or email. [email protected] B72462 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737205-1

KANDY Bodu Govi 1996-03 born 5’ 10” 2nd year law student (graduate) pursu-ing studies at a private campus, beautiful (only daughter) bearing good character doctor father seeks qualifi ed & highly em-ployed handsome son less than 28 years bearing good character & of similar caste. She is the only inheritor of assets worth of 200 Million, & hopes to travel to UK or Australia for further studies. Those pos-sessing UK/Australian dual Citizenship or Doctors/ Medical students preferred. All family particulars along with contact number should be forwarded at the fi rst instance. [email protected] B72885 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740118-1

KANDY Govi Buddhist parents from respectable families seek a well educated well mannered professional, living similar back-ground for their 26 years old Graduate daughter now working as Teacher in an International School. She pretty fair and slim (5’ 2”) brought up with Sinhalese values. She inherits proper-ties in Land and housing. Apply with full details and horoscope. Contact [email protected] B72821 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739676-1

KANDY born 1990 June 5’ 0” fair pretty hails from a respectable family inherits properties lands and assets in Kandy, Colombo. Final Year Medical Student of a Private University. Studied at a Leading Girls’ School in Kandy. Parents seek an academically professionally qualifi ed son from same background. Reply with horoscope family details to: [email protected] B72431 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736728-1

KEGALLE Bodu/Deva 1995/1 born 5’ 2” in height, slim, fair, very pleasant appearance, fi nal yr. in a government university, religious, daughter. Parents seek employee or doing high stud-ies virtuous, pleasant son. Only brother is a doctor. B73799 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749117-1

KELANIYA Buddhist Govi born in 1989 5’ 7” in height educated fair complexioned daughter, par-ents seek educated respectable partner. [email protected] B72983 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740873-1

MATARA BODU 1985 Sep-tember born employed at a well reputed fi nance company tan complexioned beautiful daughter parents seek suitable partner. Dowry available. B73846 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750303-1

MOOR Colombo well connected Par-ents from Dehiwela seeking qualifi ed, employed groom for pretty daughter 23, 5’ 0”, BSc, Teacher. [email protected] B73861 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750935-1

MORATUWA 38 yrs of age 5’ 3” in height Buddhist/Karawa B.Sc graduate employed daughter. Parents looking for a suitable partner. She inherits dowry. Horoscope needed. B73790 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748811-1

MUSLIM bride 22 years 5’ 2” height stud-ied up to A/L (Eng.) at a Leading School in Colombo. Currently working as a Teacher. Family residing in Ratmalana. [email protected] B73155 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T742309-1

PANADURA, Bodu, Karawa, Born 1994, 5’ 2”, passed OL Meena Lagna, Rewathi Nekatha non malefi c good charactered well mannered attractive twin daughters. Tourist hotel manager father seeks hand-some good charactered partners. B73849 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T750356-1

PARENTS seek a suitable partner for their daughter born in 1978 height 5’ 6” Govt. Dept executive offi cer. (parents Bodu, Govi) B73859 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750908-1

PARENTS seek educated employed professionally qualifi ed son living in UK brought up with Sri Lankan values for their daughter. She is 26 Y 5’ 3” pretty fair slim MSc qualifi ed Pharmacist employed in NHS. Reply with family details. Email: [email protected] B72895 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740170-1

PARENTS seek qualifi ed son for daugh-ter Matara Bodu Govi 1991/01 Electronic Degree holder MSc (Moratuwa) height 5’ 3” Lecturer with dowry. Better if a person presently follow the PhD in Australia or intend to follow the course. B73822 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749675-1

PILIYANDALA 1991 Bodu Govi 5’ 2” in height fair complexioned Doctor daughter parents seek suitable partner. B73113 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741777-1

RESPECTABLE B/K parents seek a professionally qualifi ed well mannered son for our daughter 30 years 5’ 5” slim fair a qualifi ed Marketing Professional working for a Multinational Company in Sri Lanka. Pls respond with the contact number family details along with the horoscope to: [email protected] B73078 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T741588-1


11 Sunday , October 28, 2018

Page 2: Plus Page 11 - The Sunday TimesHave Kuja Dosha in the horoscope special. (1, 4, 7, 8, 12) B73783 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748150-1 COLOMBO Govi Buddhist Retired par-ents

RESPECTABLE G/B parents seek an educated loving & kind well brought up son for their daughter 29 years aca-demically qualifi ed brought up with Bud-dhist values kind hearted pretty slim fair & working for a prestigious organization. Shani Mangala Yoga preferred. Reply with family details, horoscope. [email protected] B73803 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749180-1

RETIRED parents seek educated, good charactered partner for their daughter close to Colombo, Buddhist Karawa with respectable family background educated, religious, moral value, beautiful looking age 29, height 5’ 3” passed BSc in Man-agement Degree Accounts Executive of-fi cer in reputed private fi rm with dowry. No family burden. Details of family with copy of horoscope. [email protected] B72940 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740536-1

RETIRED parents seek suitable em-ployed similar cast educated son for their daughter Matara Bodu Govi 1988/10 Management Degree (Ruhuna) height 5’ 3” Executive Offi cer in State Service with dowry. B73821 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749657-1

ROMAN Catholic mother seeks a kind hearted established son for her daughter born in 1983. She is fair, pretty, convent educated. Currently working as a Teacher in an International School. She is divorced after a short marriage. Inherits a house & other assets. [email protected] B73867 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T751206-1

SABARAGAMUWA Bodu/ Govi 88/07 5’ 4 1/2” in height graduate, English me-dium teacher daughter, fair, pretty. Par-ents seek same educated, permanent employee (Doctor, Engineer) executive grade son. Non-malefi c horoscope. (libra, raksha gana). Write with the telephone No. & copy of the horoscope. B73837 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750013-1

SINHALESE parents domiciled in Eng-land, seeks a partner for their daughter born and bred in England, 28 years of age, 5’ 2”, qualifi ed in Business Econom-ics and employed in the fi nance sector. He should have an engaging personality, be professionally qualifi ed, preferably liv-ing in England and be gainfully employed. Reply with details to [email protected] B70860 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T720709-2

SOUTHERN Bodu Salagama 1992 born 5’ in height studied in a Girls’ College, Kelaniya University Special Graduate (2nd Upper Class) MBA, pretty virtuous religious high quality family background employee in Colombo Leading Com-pany as an Executive Grade Post young daughter. Peoples’ Bank Retired Area Manager father seeks a Graduate devoid of all vice virtuous employee (Doctor/ Engineer/ Accountant special) son for his daughter. (Ke 1, Gu 6, Ra 7, Sha 8, Ku 10) matching horoscope with family details. Email: [email protected] 0912277118 B72994 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740954-1

SOUTHERN born in August 1990 gradu-ate female Pharmacist (Pera. Uni.) per-manently employed @ a govt. hospital for daughter. Retired parents looking for a suitable educated graduate and per-manently employed son. Brother pursu-ing PhD in USA. Sister graduate Lawyer. Enquire with H.C. Copy 091-2232853. B73834 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749945-1

TO Panadura Bodu Karawa 1988 born 5’ 2” height 5’ 2” BSc graduate National School Teacher daughter, parents seek qualifi ed educated partner. B73851 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750367-1

VIRTUES son aged below 40 years, do-ing permanent employment in sought by parents for their daughter 1983 January born 5’ 1” height engaged in higher em-ployment owned house fair daughter. Uva province preferred, Eldest brother is a Doctor. Eldest sister is married. Call 057-2230145. B73819 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749573-1

WE are looking for a kind, caring person for a Doctor Practicing in Melbourne born in 1980 who is a Dual Citizen. She has been brought up with Sinhalese Buddhist values and is a caring, compassionate person. She loves reading, playing music, painting and maintains a healthy life style. Her parents are professionals hailing from a respectable background. Please send us your son’s details, horoscope and a contact number to: [email protected] and you could contact me on +61431632979 B72887 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740133-1

WELL Connected respectable Buddhist/Govi family is seeking a profession-ally qualifi ed son (Well educated) prefer-ably from a reputed School for fair, pretty, smart daughter 24 years of age, B.Sc. Hon (Eng.) reading for her Masters at Monash University, Melbourne. She is Gemini (Mithuna Lagna), April born and non-malefi c horoscope. Kindly reply with copy of the horoscope and family details [email protected] B73843 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750186-1

WESTERN Buddhist Govi 23 yrs. 5’ 4” in height only daughter of family with an-other two sons & with entrepreneur family background. Own properties. Daughter is a Teacher in an International school. Parents seek educated, virtuous, smart, below 28 yrs son with permanent em-ployment. (Mesha Lagna, Uthraputupa nekatha.) B73156 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T742387-1

WESTERN Province, Gampaha District, Buddhist, G/K, professional parents seek a suitable partner (NS/TT) for their daugh-ter (only child), lawyer with fi rst and post-graduate qualifi cations (UK), attached to a well-known law fi rm in Colombo, born in November 1988, fair, slim, height 5’ 2”, with assets and brought up in a Buddhist and simple life-style. Please contact with family details, horoscope copy and tel-ephone No. B73866 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T751196-1

1969 Bodu Govi separated. I’m a Private Sector Manager & looking for a pleasant partner to spend a free life after the edu-cation of 2 children. No barriers & horo-scope. [email protected] G73405 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T743982-1

1973 Western 5’ 9” in height good looking businessman, own a house & proper-ties. I’m looking for a widower, divorcees, pretty, can get individual decisions, no age barriers. Pardon for the mistake, like to migrate even. Tel: 0115612319 G73420 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T744119-1

1978 Oct born, Kegalle-Bodu / Govi 5’ 5” in height PR in an European country. Eng-land resident brother seeks a pretty, vir-tuous, below 33 yrs sister for his brother. 0355638141, 00393895337800. [email protected] G73809 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749327-1

1982 Bodu Govi 5’ 6” in height business-man son, parents seek qualifi ed & beauti-ful daughter. Those with suitable qualifi ca-tions for migration preferred. G73840 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750167-1

1983/10 Kottawa Bodu Govi 5’ 5” in height Business Navy Engineer own 300 Million assets, own a house, devoid of all vice, fair son. Parents seek a suitable daughter. Rahu 7 matching copy of a horoscope is more suitable. 0112086277 G73742 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T746522-1

1986 Bodu/Govi 5’ 10” in hight, Rahu 7 PR in Australia Financial Analysis, legally separated from a brief marriage. Look-ing for a graduate daughter for the son. Came for a short vacation - 0112851351. G73801 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749138-1

1988 Colombo Bodu Govi 5’ 7” in height employed at a middle East Air Line good looking (Only son) owning assets parents seek qualifi ed daughter of moral values & of similar caste born under Deva/Manush-ya Ghana. 0112867316. G73835 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749954-1

87 Minuwangoda 5 11 in height offi cer in a private company. Own a 2 storey building & new cab with other properties. Devoid of all vice. Parents seek suitable, humble daughter. G73806 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749246-1

A pretty, slim, fair daughter preferably com-pleted or following A/L or engaged in Higher Studies age between 19-24 from a cultured family is sought by affl uent Upcountry B/G professionally qualifi ed parents for their son only child (Higher Studies completed in UK) 25 years 6 ft., slim, fair handsome, LLB, LLM Barrister (UK). He inherits business ventures lands and houses. Reply with de-tails contact numbers and horoscope. Email: [email protected] G73786 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748397-1

ACADEMICALLY and profession-ally qualifi ed fair pretty well mannered daughter below 40 years is sought by GB respectable family from Colombo suburbs for their elder son born 1971 5’ 8” never married very young looking and hand-some. He is a non-smoker teetotaler with a Master Degree from England. Presently works as Country Manager for a Foreign Company. He earns a six fi gured salary in Foreign Currency and has substantial assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected] G72857 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T739988-1

AFFLUENT Professional S/B parents seek for medical consultant 40, hand-some caring a pretty, educated kind bride 30-35 from a respectable family who sin-cerely believes in marriage and family. Ap-ply with horoscope, details. Over qualifi ed with ambitions for high ranking carriers need not apply. Email: [email protected] confi dentiality assured. G73842 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750174-1

AGE 34, B/K, 5’ 9”, handsome, young looking, owned house/ new car, teeto-taler, well mannered Doctor son of highly respectable family. Parents seek young looking, educated, well behaved pretty daughter from respectable family. Caste/ dowry immaterial. Apply with family de-tails and horoscope. Malefi c horoscopes welcome. [email protected] G73512 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T744980-1

ANURADHAPURA 30 yrs of age 5’ 2” in height Buddhist Para Medical graduate son. Parents looking for a govt. employed daughter. G73794 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749035-1

AUSTRALIA Bodu Govi 30 years old 5’ 7” in height Business Administra-tion Graduate, have the PR, employee in there, parents seek a pretty virtuous daughter for their son. Doctor/ Dentist/ Nurse special. 0342265537 (Call after 6.00pm.) [email protected] G73776 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T747840-1

B/G Retired parents in Colombo suburbs seeks a suitable bride for their 32 years old son who is academically and profes-sionally well qualifi ed and working in a Multinational Company as a Head of Department position. He is handsome and 5’ 6” in height. Please respond to: [email protected] with the (non malefi c) horoscope, Facebook reference and details of the daughter and the fam-ily. G72899 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740192-1

B/G closer to Colombo, father Engineer and mother Retired Teacher seek a re-ally pretty and fair educated daughter around 27 from a decent family from Sri Lanka/ America or Canada for their only son handsome born 1984 5’ 10” US Green Card Holder Computer Engineer, living in Florida, US. Differences imma-terial. Email: [email protected] T.P. 0112789844 G72944 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740568-1

B/G professional parents from well-estab-lished Colombo families, living in the US, seek academically and professionally qualifi ed partner from similar background, for Engineer son born December 1991, to get to know for future marriage. US Citizens and persons currently living in US preferred. Please reply with full de-tails and horoscope to: [email protected] G72440 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736873-1

B/G respectable parents in Kandy both parents are top offi cials in leading Finan-cial Institutions seek qualifi ed fair pretty daughter below 26 years for their profes-sionally qualifi ed handsome son 28 years 6’ 2” Automobile Engineer young Entre-preneur. Please reply with horoscope and family details. G72433 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736737-1

BALANGODA 1987 born 5’ 6” in height Bodu Deva BSc MSc qualifi ed (Moratuwa University) good looking Engineer son parents seek beautiful daughter of moral values. Only those in compatibility to-wards Cha-3, Sha Shu-6, Ra Bu-8, Guru-9 Ku-Ra-10 need apply. G73845 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750294-1

BODU / Govi / Salagama Mixed, higher studies in New Zealand & currently em-ployee in Australia - Age 29 yrs 5’ 11” in height - Smart, only son of the family. New Zeland resident parents seek a daughter. [email protected] 0382246442. G73797 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749090-1

BODU Govi Kandyan parents of a re-spectable family from Kandy seek for their 1986/5 born 5’ 11” fair smart N/S T/T Honours Graduate Bank Executive son possessing substantial assets a suitable educated well employed fair pretty daugh-ter over fi ve feet from G/B respectable family. Upcountry areas Colombo and suburbs preferred. Write or email family details with horoscope. [email protected] G73429 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T744219-1

BODU Govi parents from Colombo seek a kind, educated daughter age below 26 for their academically, professionally qualifi ed, NS/TT son age 27, working as a Civil Engineer for a Reputed Consul-tancy Company. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact details to Email: [email protected] G73770 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747104-1

BODU Govi, retired parents seeks a Pret-ty, educated, more than 5’ 6” feet tall, less than 30 years of age bride for their Medi-cal Doctor, entrepreneur (Who was suc-cessful education business in Colombo) 36 year old son from a Colombo suburb. G73853 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750408-1

BODU, Govi 1985 end born, 5’ 7” in height Permanent Lecturer in London university, England permanent resident, after PHD visit to Sri Lanka in December vacation. Religous, smart son, Colombo permanent resident parents seek specially pretty, fair, slim, virtuous, educated, simple daughter. Contact with telephone numbers. G73830 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T749930-1

C/B/S parents seek an educated, smart, kind-hearted, homely daughter (30-36 years) preferably residing overseas for their son (Fin. Professional) residing in Canada. Should be willing to relocate to Canada. Email: [email protected] G72894 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740168-1

CAPITAL City - Bodu/Govi 1992 born 5’ 8” in height BSc Engineer SIMA, MBA qualifi ed employee in a leading company-engineer son. Retired parents seek daughter from a decent family. In-herit assets. Contact with the copy of the horoscope. G73831 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749935-1

CAPITAL City Bodu/Govi 1986 born 5’ 7” in height very fair, smart, MBA (USA) MCIM (UK), AB (SL) qualifi ed, own 2 sto-ried house in Capital City, new Jeep, own properties, devoid of all vice, have a high salary Bank Manager offi cer son. Par-ents seek fair, suitable daughter. Kuja-4 Shani-4, non malefi c horoscope. [email protected] G73838 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750050-1

CLOSE to the Capital City, Sinhala, Buddhist/Govi 48 yrs old 5’ 6” in height educated, devoid of all vice, engaging in his own business. Mother’s younger sister is searching for a suitable partner for the son. No nation, religion, caste, age barriers. Divorces or widowers, abroad, disable members are acceptable. 0115245975 G73828 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749918-1

COLOMBO Bodu Govi 1987/06 born 5’ 5 1/2” in height Financial Accountant in Maldive Leading Company, parents seek virtuous daughter for their son, Teacher/ Bank/ Doctor sectors. Cancer/ Visha. 0112518644 Even write the one who are in abroad also. G73779 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747862-1

COLOMBO MBBS Doctor 1985/12 5’ 10” fair handsome educated at Leading School owns a house. Buddhist Durawa/ Karawa educated Retd. parents seek a fair truly pretty daughter below 30 years height below 5’ 5” Doctor/ Engineer/ Lawyer/ Banker or with similar education and employed at Executive Level. Reply with family details and contact number. 0112365631 [email protected] G73771 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747183-1

COLOMBO Personally employed in a Bank 1981-09 born 5’ 7” in high hand-some Son parents seeks beautiful & qual-ifi ed Daughter. 0112879302 [email protected] G72421 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T736613-1

COLOMBO Private Executive Em-ployee, have commercial places & extra investment, legally separated. I’m search-ing for a pleasant, below 46 years old partner. Tel: 0117903933 G73382 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T743829-1

EDUCATED, pleasant looking partner is sought for their son by Roman Catho-lic Sinhalese parents, preferably closer to Colombo. Son is working in USA at present after having fi nished a PhD. He is 33 years of age and 5’ 5” in height. Re-ply with details. Email: [email protected] G73811 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749418-1

EMPLOYED Beautiful daughter is sought by Principal mother for son Bodu Govi 1988 October, height 5’ 10” Science graduate engaged in higher government service and pleasant. Owned house and vehicle, Western Southern province preferred. G73823 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749713-1

ENTITLED permanent citizenship in Italy currently residing in Italy 40 yrs of age for a gentleman wish to migrate to Italy or wish to reside in Sri Lanka identify the love and happiness without external encumbrances social less than 40 yrs. of age looking for a lady for a marriage. Considered divorced also. nNo barriers. [email protected] G73792 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T748933-1

GOVIGAMA Buddhist parents seek for Five Feet Eleven Inch (5’ 11”) tall good looking 29 year old Doctor son working in UK a slim pretty professionally qualifi ed bride of similar religion and caste. Apply with horoscope and all details in First let-ter. G73148 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T742061-1

I am 50 years. My daughter is 6 years I studied at a Leading School in Colombo & UK I have substantial assets of properties and vehicles, what I want is be a mother for my daughter. (No barriers) please right all the details G73864 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T751067-1

KURUNEGALA Up Country Bodu Govi MBBS Doctor 5’ 11”, 28 years handsome son parents employed in states seeks doctor or qualifi ed & beautiful daugh-ter. He is scheduled to report for work & further studies in UK due course. [email protected] G73841 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T750172-1

MATARA Karawa 1980 5’ 10” in height devoid of all vice own houses lands & business monthly income 4 Lakhs, smart son, parents seek suitable daughter from Western Province. Have Kuja Dosha, Virgo Lagna, Sikuru 7 have Malavi Yoga. G73777 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747843-1

MOOR/Malay parents seeking a pretty, educated daughter willing to relocate for only son, 27, Doctor, handsome. [email protected] G73862 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750942-1

NUGEGODA Born in March 1990 5’ 5” in height Buddhist Govi graduate 5 Star Hotel management service pursued edu-cation in a leading school in Colombo, son. Retired parents looking for employed beautiful daughter kuja 8, Sani 7 G73791 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T748845-1

PARENTS seek beautiful good char-actered employed daughter suits Kuja Sanny 12 for son Bodu Karawa Govi Co-lombo Bank Offi cer 30 years 5’ 11” MBA Bank exam passed. G73850 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750365-1

POST Master Father and Teacher mother seek Doctor Engineer or presently obtain education in University Engineer Medical student daughter for son 1992 Bodu Govi 5’ 3” height devoid from all vices Engineer. G73774 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747836-1

PROFESSIONALLY qualifi ed Bodu, Govi parents of good social standing from a Colombo suburb seek for their Doctor son of Specialist Cadre, attached to the NHSL Colombo, currently undergoing overseas training (in UK), a pleasant and well brought up girl, preferably a Doctor having equivalent qualifi cations height 5’ 10” and handsome age 35 studied at a Leading Buddhist School in Co-lombo. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0112911076 G72453 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T737081-1

RELIGIOUS Graduate beautiful doing higher employment daughter is sought by retired Principal father for youngest son in the family 1983 close to Colombo separat-ed legally after a short marriage. Owned to Modern house and motor vehicle soft-ware Engineer height 5’ 9” Bodu Govi write with copy of horoscope. G73778 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T747850-1

SBG parents in Gampaha District seek a partner, in USA or willing to migrate, for engineer son employed in USA, PhD holder, 5’ 4” 34 years, kuja/Shanny 7. Cast immaterial. [email protected] G73858 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750847-1

SOUTHERN Bodu/ Govi 1986, 5’ 8” Di-ploma holder, inherits substantial assets, new house, a vehicle. Smart son, parents seek an educated, employee, pleas-ant daughter. Email: [email protected] G73836 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T749974-1

STUDIED in Colombo Leading School & studied in abroad, close to the Capital City, Bodu Govi, decent popular business family 34 years old 5’ 7” in height edu-cated smart business younger son. Par-ents seek Bodu Govi educated daughter from a decent family. G73215 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T742748-1

UP Country Bodu Govi 1980/08 born 5’ 8” in height handsome engineer son parents seek similarly qualifi ed beautiful daughter of similar caste for quick marriage. He is legally separated from a brief marriage. [email protected] G72901 C/o Sun-day Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T740196-1

UP Country born in April 1989 5’ 7” in height graduated in Tourism and Hospitality @ a University in London, Executive Offi cer at a 5 Star Tourist Hotel in Colombo hand-some for only son. Parents looking for a beautiful employed daughter. He inherits a vehicle and properties. Respond via fi rst letter with the copy of horoscope. G73827 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T749899-1

WYAMBA Bodu Govi 75 years Doctor and kind hearted devoid of liquor isolated in life, independent & healthy. Friend seeks partner with house, either retired or engaged in business or with income G73847 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T750323-1

Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday , October 28, 2018 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02

THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS Sunday , October 28, 2018 12

JanuaryOCTOBER ISSN 1800-2617 | VOL: 12 NO: 10 | October 2018 | Rs 200/-


Chairperson Headlines PR, Director Interbrand Sri Lanka

Anusha David

The Sixty Acre Cinnamon Plantation & Bungalow

Mirissa Hills

The Tower Of London

A ‘Comfort-First’ Approach

Office Wear :


SOS Children’s Village

A day for the Older People

Decadent Chocolate

Cakes for true chocoholics!

Herman Malinga Gunaratne A Planter Through And Through

Virgin White Tea Producer


[ Weddings ]



� Bride - Sarupa

� Groom - Chathura Senarathna

� Decor by - Lassana Flora

� Wedding Planner - Siritha ( Lasantha Peiris )

� Venue - Temple Trees Auditorium

� Photographed by- Dhanushka Senadeera






� Wipe bowl attachment as well as whisk attachment of the stand mixer with a tissue dipped in apple cider vinegar or regular vinegar. � Separate the yolks and the whites and add the latter into the bowl attachment with a pinch of

salt. Beat until the egg whites are frothy. � Gradually add the sifted icing sugar, a tablespoon at a time, whisking well between each addition, until stiff peaks form. This will roughly take around 5-10 minutes. � Add the vanilla extract, vinegar and sifted corn flour and beat until well combined. � Line a baking tray with parchment paper and draw a circle on it as a rough guide. Spoon the meringue on to the parchment paper.

� Bake at 100C for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Make sure to keep the oven door closed while baking and after or else the pavlova will not rise. � Let it rest for another 2 hours in the oven. � Add sugar to the whip cream and whip until desired texture. Slather over the pavlova and spread the passion fruit pulp on top. Thereafter place the strawberries, diced mango and garnish with mint leaves and it’s ready to serve.

Soft chewy pavlova with summer fruitsWords : Ronali Moonemalle GoonetilekeIngredients � 4 egg whites or about 140 grams (room temperature) � pinch of salt � 280 grams icing sugar � 1 tsp vanilla extract � 1 tsp apple cider vinegar/regular vinegar � 1 ½ tsp corn starch � 300ml heavy whipping cream � 2 tbsp sugar � Strawberries or any other berries of your choice sliced in half

� Diced mango � Pulp of 1 passion fruit � Mint leaves for garnishing


[ Events ]

The ‘Singer Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony 2018’ was recently held grandly and it marked the annual showcase of designs and creations of Diploma Students from the Singer Fashion Academy. The Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony are conducted every year and both spectacles are considered as the main events for the Singer Fashion Academy as well as the highlight of the Academy where diploma students receive the opportunity to showcase their creative streaks via a catwalk to a larger audience.

This in turn allows them to forge for themselves a platform that would not only give them a sense of confidence but also pave way for a wider range of business opportunities.The Awards Ceremony took place and ran parallel to the Fashion Show which included seven glamorous fashion segments namely Kandyan Wear, Office Wear, Kids Wear, Gents Wear, Evening Wear, Casual Wear and Indian Wear.The efforts of the students were rewarded during the Awards Ceremony which took place simultaneously during the course of the Fashion Show. The event was held at the Bishop's College Auditorium.

SINGER FASHION SHOW AND AWARDS CEREMONY 2018Words : Mandulee MendisPhotos : Nirmala Dhananjaya


The ‘Singer Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony 2018’ was recently held grandly and it marked the annual showcase of designs and creations of Diploma Students from the Singer Fashion Academy. The Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony are conducted every year and both spectacles are considered as the main events for the Singer Fashion Academy as well as the highlight of the Academy where diploma students receive the opportunity to showcase their creative streaks via a catwalk to a larger audience.


Bake at 100C for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Make sure to keep the oven door closed while baking and after or else the pavlova will not rise. Let it rest for another 2 hours in the oven. Add sugar to the whip cream and whip until desired texture. Slather over the pavlova and spread the passion fruit pulp on top. Thereafter place the strawberries, diced mango and garnish with mint leaves and it’s ready to serve.

Soft chewy pavlova with summer fruits

Soft chewy pavlova with summer fruits

Soft chewy pavlova Words : Ronali Moonemalle Goonetileke

[ Hairstyle Ideas ]

by Hair Maestro Ramzi‘The Messy Knot’Words : Mandulee Mendis

Photos : Nirmala DhananjayaModel : Charitha

For someone who doesn’t like concrete steady hairstyles,

Ramzi has created a beautiful, simple, messy up do, with elegance,

glamour and simplicity combined…


The Hairstyle The hairstyle is quite

different from the stereotypical

concrete, steady up do. It has a messy look which carries a sense that intensifies the natural

beauty of the face. Hair is parted from the

centre and two strands of hair

dangle freely down from the front, framing the face. The crown section is backcombed for

fullness because it gives more height and volume than when hair is glued down.

At the back, hair has been gathered into a knot in the form

of a modern bun. Sections of hair

have been coiled and twirled to

create the messy bun. The ends

of the twirls freely falling down

have given the hairstyle a very

natural classic look. On the whole, the hairstyle is

elegant yet simple. It looks quite

classic, yet natural.

What Goes with It?

‘The Messy Knot’ has a double effect. It is suitable for a glamourous wedding, or to a formal presentation, a panel discussion or any formal office




The view is mesmerising and everywhere you turn, is a captivating sight to behold. The sudden realisation that comes to mind is the extreme

quietness apart from the rustle of leaves from the trees in the

garden and surrounding estate as well as the gushes of breezes

from the wide ocean across. Here’s a place where you can

switch off, relax, sit on one of

the rustic antique armchairs and read a book while glancing at the

mountains on one side and the Indian ocean on the other. This magical place, where

the mythical legend of the Cinnamolgus, the bird associated

with Cinnamon has been recreated, has originally been

built as the retirement home of Miles Young, former worldwide

Chairman and CEO of Ogylvy & Mather, the New York City-based

British advertising, marketing and public relations agency,

which is one of the world’s

largest advertising and PR firms, and currently the Warden of

New College Oxford. As Miles Young is still engaged in the UK,

Herman Malinga Gunaratne, a good friend of Miles Young and

owner of the Virgin White Tea Plantation close by, manages the

estate for him. The house, designed by renowned Sri Lankan architect,

C. Anjelendran, a disciple of veteran architect Geoffrey Bava,

speaks for itself and its designer.

The Sixty Acre Cinnamon Plantation & Bungalow

Mirissa HillsWords : Indika Madapatha Sellahewa

Photos : Nirmala Dhananjaya



[ Travel ]


The view is mesmerising and everywhere

mesmerising and everywhere

mesmerising you turn, is a

and everywhere you turn, is a

and everywhere captivating

you turn, is a captivating

you turn, is a sight to behold.

captivating sight to behold.

captivating The sudden realisation that

comes to mind is the extreme quietness apart from the rustle

of leaves from the trees in the garden and surrounding estate

as well as the gushes of breezes from the wide ocean across.

Here’s a place where you can switch off, relax, sit on one of

the rustic antique armchairs and read a book while glancing at the

mountains on one side and the Indian ocean on the other. This magical place, where

the mythical legend of the Cinnamolgus, the bird associated

with Cinnamon has been recreated, has originally been

built as the retirement home of Miles Young, former worldwide

Chairman and CEO of Ogylvy & Mather, the New York City-based

British advertising, marketing and public relations agency,

which is one of the world’s

largest advertising and PR firms, and currently the Warden of

New College Oxford. As Miles Young is still engaged in the UK,

Herman Malinga Gunaratne, a good friend of Miles Young and

owner of the Virgin White Tea Plantation close by, manages the

estate for him. The house, designed by renowned Sri Lankan architect,

C. Anjelendran, a disciple of veteran architect Geoffrey Bava,

speaks for itself and its designer.

The Sixty Acre Cinnamon Plantation & Bungalow

Mirissa HillsWords : Indika Madapatha Sellahewa

Photos : Nirmala Dhananjaya




� Bride - Sarupa

� Groom - Chathura Senarathna

� Decor by - Lassana Flora

� Wedding Planner - Siritha ( Lasantha Peiris )

� Venue - Temple Trees Auditorium

� Photographed by- Dhanushka Senadeera



sense that intensifies the natural

beauty of the face. Hair is parted from the

centre and two strands of hair

dangle freely down from the front, framing the face. The crown section is backcombed for

fullness because it gives more height and volume than when hair is glued down.

have given the hairstyle a very have given the hairstyle a very

natural classic look. natural classic look. On the whole, the hairstyle is On the whole, the hairstyle is

elegant yet simple. It looks quite elegant yet simple. It looks quite

classic, yet natural. classic, yet natural.

What Goes What Goes with It?with It?

‘The Messy Knot’ has a ‘The Messy Knot’ has a double effect. It is suitable for double effect. It is suitable for a glamourous wedding, or to a glamourous wedding, or to a formal presentation, a panel a formal presentation, a panel discussion or any formal office discussion or any formal office

function. function.

Special Features this Month

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