1 TENDER FOR THE WORK OF : GIS BASED CONSUMER INDEXING, FEEDER MAPPING WITH GPS AND ASSET CODIFICATION For HIMATNAGAR DIVISION Of HIMATNAGAR CIRCLE. Regd. & Corporate office: Visnagar road, Mehsana-384001 (North Gujarat) Phone No. 02762-222080-81 Fax no. 02762-223574 Website : www.ugvcl.com E-Mail : [email protected] /[email protected]

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Regd. & Corporate office: Visnagar road, Mehsana-384001 (North Gujarat)

Phone No. 02762-222080-81 Fax no. 02762-223574 Website : www.ugvcl.com E-Mail : [email protected] /[email protected]

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Tender Notice No:UGVCL/ IT/68 /2009 FOR GIS WORK

Sealed percentage rate tenders are invited in two bid system i.e. technical bid and price



experienced Contractors who has executed work of similar nature and magnitude


Tenderer should down load the tender documents from our Website www.ugvcl.com and submit

the same as per instructions therein only by RPAD/Speed post

Sr. No.

Name of Work

Estimated Cost Rs.

Time Limit

Tender Fee Rs.

E.M.D. Rs.

Security Deposit







Six months

8000/- (Non refundable)

80,000/- 5% of contract value

1) Last date of submission of tender :( Technical and Price bids): 25.06.2009 (Only by RPAD / Speed post) (During working Hrs. up to 14.00 Hrs.)

2) Due date of opening of Tech. bid: 25.06.2009 (at 16.30 Hrs. if possible)

3) Validity of tender: 90 Days from the date of opening of Technical Bid.

No tender shall be accepted / opened in case of receipt after due date and time of tender, irrespective of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and the UGVCL shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of tender. The tenders are to be submitted by the intending bidders in single envelop with two separate sealed and super scribed envelopes as listed below: Envelope No.1: Technical bid and Pre Qualification bid data, detailed specifications,

Tender Fee and EMD Receipt etc.

Envelope No.2: Price Bid. Technical and pre qualification bid details specification (envelope No.1) will be opened first and subject to evaluation based on the qualification criteria contained in the individual bid document. Price bids (Envelope No.2) of bidders who are assessed and declared as substantially

technically responsive on evaluation of the technical bid will be opened for further

commercial evaluation.

The Earnest Money Deposit and tender fee will be accepted by cash or Demand Draft

on any Nationalized Bank payable at “MEHSANA”,& drawn in favour of “UTTAR

GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LIMITED”. Tender without EMD and tender fee shall be

outright rejected. Two separate demand draft for Tender fee and EMD should be

submitted with technical bid.

The UGVCL reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without assigning any reason thereof.

Addl.C.E. (Civil) UGVCL, MEHSANA

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Tender fees Rs. 8000/- Paid vide M.R. No.________________ date :

Name of the Bidder:-


















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1.1 This specification includes proposed methodology of providing GIS based Consumer

Indexing, GIS Mapping and Asset Codification for the jurisdiction of UGVCL

DIVISION HIMATNAGAR,, viz. Himatnagar Rural,Prantij,Gambhoi,Mehtapura

and Salal Sub-Divisions having Urban/Sub-urban and rural area. Intent of this

specification is to appoint an agency to carry out Geographical Information System

(GIS) based consumer indexing, mapping and asset-coding work in line with the

methodology broadly prescribed in Annexure-IV, in the specified areas of sub-

divisions. Statistical data and particulars of all the S/Divisions involved are indicated in

Annexure-III. The field data collection for the LT customers shall be carried out as per

Part B of this tender

Scope of the bidder under this contract shall be to port the customer data with all the

associated information, asset data, mapped network diagram in graphical form,

codification of all the above entities (Assets, LT/HT customers etc.) hierarchically and

integrate them into single platform. The scope of works is described in more detail in the

later part of this document.

The uniquely codified indexed customer and asset database on the electrical system

network showing the source of supply to the particular customer is to be prepared in

graphical form. This shall enable the feeder / Distribution Transformer (DT) wise energy

accounting to commence on a scientific basis, using a billing & revenue management

software to be procured by the Owner separately, which is excluded from the scope of

this specification.

It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that each and every consumer,

corresponding to ‘point of sale’ of Power, is properly included and indexed.

The codified and indexed customer database along with network connectivity

information, when created and operational, shall be capable of being on line connected

to other business process software without any limitation.

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Main server, workstation, printer, UPS system, GIS software, Network Analysis and Load

flow software and all other hardware at the head quarters (HQ) of the UGVCL at Mehsana

and in field offices will be excluded.

Communication channels (such as ISDN/PSTN/V-SAT/GSM/UG cable) for networking

between Central server and Sub-Stations along with stabilized data communication links

on ‘WAN’ would be provided by Owner and would not be in the scope of work of the



2.1 The description given here is broad scope of work to be carried out by the contractor.

However, any work even if not specifically mentioned but reasonably implied for the

successful implementation and good performance of the system, are deemed to be


The scope of work of the bidder shall include:

i. Carrying out of field survey for consumers and assets;

ii. GIS mapping, indexing and codification of consumers and all the assets.

iii. The GPS coordinates to be established using differential GPS coordinate survey and the

bidder shall establish necessary master stations during the survey work.

iv. Preparation of digital electrical network from 66KV Sub-Station to Distribution

Transformer; this to include consumers and all the assets.

v. Develop indexing for the electrical 22/11 kV feeders, feeder branches up to Distribution

transformers, L.T. lines, Switches, Service lines, Consumers etc,. shall be uniquely indexed

with defined relationships based on the normal mode of feeding envisaged. All data of line,

meters etc, for network analysis and calculation of losses should be included in data.

vi. One year’s comprehensive maintenance updation support will be provided after successful

completion of initial survey and data loading in GIS system within six month from date of

giving written work order. After which vender is required to update any change/addition in

network within 15 days from date of such changes. Payment will be made on actual work

done for such updation of network during one-year maintenance period.

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1. Background:

The UGVCL has initiated the process of feeder mapping and asset coding in respect of all

22/11 KV lines and sub-stations that would also indicate the position of Distribution

Transformers (DT’s) installed on various feeders duly indexed with reference to the feeders,

sub-stations, sub-divisions, Divisions and the Circle.

UGVCL intends to carry forward this process of consumer indexing in respect of its LT

consumers also.

2. Scope of work:

The entire work would comprise of the following main activities:

a) Updating of consumer data and indexing with reference to the feeding DT. The scope of

this work would include, though not limited, to the following activities:

• Carrying out door-to-door survey and identifying all consumers connected to each DT


• Collecting and updating data in respect of every consumer generally as per the format

at Annexure-1. While doing so, additional information viz. condition of the meter,

seals and change in connected load, phase and details of any unauthorized

connections etc. that are noticed en-route be brought out appropriately.

• The LT lines shall be checked pole to pole. All service connections / service line

connections from the LT mains shall be checked with reference to the consumers to

whom these service lines are feeding the load. Door to door survey of each locality &

pole to pole survey of each DT shall be conducted for checking the existence of the

connections in the premises, and the following shall be verified.

i) The existing connection figures in the ledger and is available in the

commercial records of UGVCL. If not, the unledgered connections shall be

reported to UGVCL.

ii) Status of connections, i.e. whether running or disconnected, shall be noted.

Commercial record of consumers with UGVCL shall be verified.

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iii) Connections, which exist in the record of UGVCL, but are physically non-

existent. The purpose of mapping and indexing of consumers is to determine

the factual position that exists on the ground.

iv) All co-ordinates to be measured with accuracy of better than 3.0 mtr. by

differential G.P.S.

v) Consumer details should be made available for load on Distribution

transformer Phase wise & billing Data of consumer.

vi) Updating of network and consumer added during initial survey i.e. project

implementation phase.

vii) Onsite support to operational staff during project implementation and during

one-year maintenance period.

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Mapping and indexing of the consumers & electrical network shall be done by

conducting a door to door survey that should locate all the consumers on a geographical map

and identify the source from where they are fed. This will detect unauthorized connections or

connections which have not been registered on the ledgers of UGVCL on one hand and, the

connections which exist in the record of UGVCL but are physically non-existent, on the

other hand. The purpose of mapping and indexing of consumers is to determine the factual

position that exists on the ground.

• The deliverable outputs would be in a format that would enable carrying out of

the following functions

a. Asset Management

b. Consumer Data base

c. Energy Accounting

d. Utility - Customer Relationship Management

e. Interface to Consumer Billing, Analyzing, Collection and linkage to Spot Billing

• The data of the consumers shall be digitized into a digital format. The file shall have

the facility for export to existing GIS & E-Urja software of UGVCL and data shall be

uploaded /entered in GIS and e-Urja EAM module of UGVCL.

• Indexing all the consumers with respect to the DT’s and 11 KV feeders attaching an

alphanumerical code to each consumer as per the plan indicated in Annexure-II

• The list of sub-divisions, feeders and nos. of consumers for which HT & LT

consumer indexing and survey is required, are at Annexure-III.

• The consumer data so collected shall be compiled in a tabular form, feeder wise and

sub-division wise on an acceptable platform viz. Oracle 8i/9i or above.

• Consumers fed from different LT circuits on the secondary side of the DT’s shall be

identified separately.

• Plotting the Geographical location of each consumer with an accuracy of 3 meters or

better using GPS based instrument(s) with reference to local station(s) and preparing

a neat sketch of the network indicating location of each pole and the point from where

the service line to individual consumer emanates.

• This map should be to scale of 1:1000 for cities, Urban and sub urban areas &

1:10000 in rural areas and should be clear and in an uncluttered form generally

maintaining proportions. Important landmarks viz. roads, bye-lanes, water bodies,

canals, rivers, rivulets, nalahs, ponds, distributaries, block of houses, parks, school

buildings, railway lines & stations, hospitals and such other permanent structures etc.

falling en-route shall be duly incorporated / depicted.

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• All deliverables shall be computerized outputs, which shall be submitted both in hard

as well as soft copies. The hard copies (3 in number) shall be submitted duly bound in

spiral covers and the soft copies (3 in numbers) shall be submitted on CD- ROM.

3. Owner’s contribution:

The data in respect of all HT & LT consumers as available in the Owner’s record would

be handed over to the prospective Contractor on, as is where is basis.

Owner’s staff may associate during field surveys for which the prospective Contractor

would furnish a work plan on a time scale well in advance.

The owner will detail suitable officer to work as nodal officer at each Sub-division for

co-ordination of the project till the final implementation and handing over of the project.

4. Time Schedule:

The entire work of initial survey/digitalization and data uploading for HIMATNAGAR

DIVISION should be completed within 6 months from the date of award of the work. The

Prospective Contractors shall prepare and furnish with their bids a detailed PERT Chart

for the project indicating various activities involved in the process particularly those that

would require association of the Utility’s staff.

a. The PERT chart shall be discussed with the successful bidder and mutually agreed within

15 days of the award of the Contract for optimal execution of the work.

b. One-year comprehensive maintenance support will be provided after successful

completion of the initial work of GIS based consumer indexing,feeder mapping with GPS

and Asset codification of Himatnagar Division. Than after during maintenance period

support will be provided for editing and deleting in digital GIS data for

modification/updation in existing network and editing for new consumers and HT/LT line

and DTRs added subsequently in entire Himatnagar Division.During maintenance period

data will be collected by contractor from all Sub Division offices of Himatnagar Division

within first week of the month by visiting Sub Division Offices in consultation with sub

Division Office incharge.The detail received shall be surveyed and data file shall be got

up loaded to GIS software latest by 20th

of the same month in which data is


5. Transition Management:

After completion of the initial survey period of six month and subsequent one year period

of maintenance support, it is accepted that contractor would impart training to

department staff of UGVCL for smooth transit of work like collecting data from field

survey,GPS based mapping of HT/LT line(taking coordinates),creating files and up

loading of same in GIS software.

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6. Qualifying Requirements:

i) In order to qualify and be eligible to submit Bid Proposals, the bidders shall have

requisite resources in terms of professional competency (including adequately

qualified staff and Electrical Engineers and financial soundness to complete the

whole package within the stipulated time period.) To this extent, the bidder(s)

shall enclose the necessary documentary evidence with the bid.

ii) The Bidder shall not be anticipating any ownership change or change of

consortium partners during the period from Bid submission to at least 6 months

after successful commissioning of the contracted job and acceptance of the same

by the Employer.

iii) The prospective bidders would have undertaken and successfully completed

similar work in the area of GIS implementation for large utility projects

involving consumer indexing, linking of consumers and GIS mapping for at

least 50,000 consumers in India or any foreign country during the past 3

years in electric supply Utility sector. OR GIS mapping in other sector of not

less than 10 lacs Rupees in India or any foreign country.

7. Functional Requirements:

The bidder shall have requisite resources in terms of professional competency qualified

staff and shall be fully conversant with electricity rules & regulations to ensure that

adequate safety measures are adopted while carrying out the above work.

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The prospective Contractor would append the following information:

1.Energy Meter Name plate Details i) Meter serial number

ii) Make of meter

iii) Year of manufacture

iv) Type of meter:

• Single phase/ Three phase four wire/ Three phase three wire

• Direct/CT and PT connected

• Electromechanical/Electronic/Tri vector Meter

v) Current rating of whole current meter

vi) In case of CT and PT connected meter

• Connected CT ratio

• PT ratio

• Dial multiplying factor

vii) Any other particulars of Name plate

viii) Physical condition of the meter:

• Approachability : Inside or approachable from


• Readability : Height of mounting

• indentifiability : Clustering of meters for several


ix) Operational status of meter:

OK/Disc not rotating/Digits not visible/Smoky/Damages/Glass

broken/Digits not Changing/Figures upset

x) Sealing status:


• Meter Cover

• Meter Terminal Block

xi) Status of wiring/Service cable: OK/Cuts/Joints/Tampering/Clustered

Receiving bill: Yes/No

xii) Telephone number and/or cell phone number/PAN No./ Bank account No.

E-mail address

2. a) Name of customer as per record

b) Name of user of the connection

c) Whether user is the owner, with status-Tenant, Descendant or

any other

d) Sanction load KW

e) Connected to Pole/DT/Feeder No

f) Phase to which connected.

g) Single phase / Three phase

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Alpha-numerical codification for the sub-stations, feeders and consumers:

(A) For each HT/LT poles:

The following scheme is proposed for the above codification:

X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Circle Div. S/Dn. SS Feeder Pole location

Code Code Code Code Code Code

1. The Numeric code for the Himatnagar Circle H.

2. Numeric Code for the HIMATNAGAR DIVISION will be H.

3. Each Sub-Division in the respective division would be given a numeric code to

designate each feeder/consumer in the state. Fresh numbers would be allocated in

the same series/manner to the new Divisions as & when these come up.

4. Alphanumeric code for the sub-station:

A 2-digit Alphanumeric code would be allocated for each sub-station in the

respective voltage level in each circle.

5. Alphanumeric Code for the feeder:

A 1-character code would be allocated for each feeder emanating from various


6. Alphanumeric Code for the HT/LT Poles:

A 7- digit alphanumeric code will be allocated to each HT/LT pole.

Thus, a unique 13 Alphanumeric code will be created for each of the asset, i.e.

HT/LT poles.

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(B) For the consumers:

The following scheme is proposed for the above codification:



X X X X X X 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Circle Div. S/Dn. SS Feeder Dist. Consumer Consumer

Code Code Code Code Code X’mer Category Code


The alphanumeric coding for the first six parameters will be as above, i.e., as per the

coding given to HT/LT poles.

7. Alphabetic Code for the Distribution Transformer:

The consumers would eventually be linked to the distribution transformer to

which they are connected with an additional 2- digit alphanumeric code.

8. Alphanumeric Code for the category of consumers:

There are about various categories of consumers based on tariff. Each one is

proposed to be designated with a 1 digit alphanumeric code A list of the codes

proposed for various categories of consumers that exist today is appended for

reference at Annexure-B.

9. Numeric Code number for consumer on that feeder:

Each consumer would be allocated a 11-digit number. This constitutes of 3 digit

sub-division code followed by 2 digit ward code and 5 digit for consumer code

and 1 digit code of Check Digit.

Each consumer would thus be designated with a 20 digit alphanumerical code that

would identify the Circle in which it falls, the sub-station and feeder it is

connected to, the Division and Sub-Division, Category and eventually the

distribution transformer to which it is connected.

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10. Alphanumeric Code ( Tentative)

Codes for the various categories of consumers based on tariff:

Sr. No. Category Code

1. Domestic

a) Single Phase

b) Three Phase



2. Non-domestic (Commercial)

a) Single Phase

b) Three Phase



3. Industrial (LT)

a) On LT

b) On LT (EDU/C.GOVT.)

c) On LTP-3




4. Industrial (HT)

d) At 11 KV

e) At 33 KV

f) At 66 KV

g) At 132 kV

h) At 220 KV






5. Agricultural HP Base Tariff

Agricultural Metered Tariff

Agricultural Tatkal Tariff

Agricultural Metered -50 P/U (No Fix Chrg)





6. Trust Lighting F

7. Railway traction

a) At 11 KV

b) At 33 KV

c) At 66 & 132 KV

d) At 220 KV





8. a) Municipal Street light

b) Street light Fixture



9. Public water works


b)Nagar Panchayat/ Nagarpalika





10. Temporary

a) Industrial

b) Single Phase Ltg.

c) Three Phase Ltg.




11 Any other O

12 DTC D

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Name of Division: HIMATNAGAR.



Division Name of Sub


Area in


Consumer Details No. of


No. of





LT ckt


No. of



(Approx.) Ind Ind. Com


Domestic Others Total

(HT) (LT)







1577 66 656 5514 79121 26867 112224 13 127 2585 3640 4606

Note:-Number of consumers, HT/LT line, DTR, and Sub Division offices, Division and Circles can go up by 20% during currency of

Contract. Quantities are approximate and may vary.

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Intent of this methodology is to develop a system of coding of various

elements of Distribution Network like 11 Kv feeders, 11 Kv AB switches,

D.P. Structures, distribution transformers (DT’s), LT lines 3Ph/1Ph-

2/3/4/5 wires, etc.

The entire information of all the assets and object elements should be

stored in a database by unique computer generated 20 digit alphanumeric

code with ref. to Annexure-II. The coding should be on a structured

pattern and have provision for insertion of new component into the

system. This code is primarily for quick mapping and sorting of the asset


On query, either on a Graphic display of network showing element on a

computer screen or based on asset code, database should be able to furnish

all the information of the particular element. The Geographical location of

electrical division & sub-division and a candidate power sub-station,

electrical connectivity and technical parameters wherever applicable etc.

shall be made available on query for tracking any asset or consumer.

The indexing has to be carried out in a way by which it would be possible

to relate the following:

i) The location / geographical area

ii) The 66 kV power sub-stations

iii) The 66 kV power transformers.

iv) The main road, the branch roads and the lane through which 11 kV

feeder passes from the 11 kV feeder code.

v) The 11/0.443 kV distribution transformers

vi) The location of poles with respect to the main road, branch roads

and lanes from the index of poles.

vii) The consumer code to indicate the type of consumer and the serial

number of consumer.

viii) The consumer and the ‘DT’ from which, he is served.

1.0 Each of the Consumers, indexed based on initial record available with the owner

and later verified by field survey, shall be given an exclusive 20 digit

alphanumeric code. This code shall also be generated by the system. The

consumer code shall provide complete identity of the consumer as well as his

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connectivity to the electrical system profile.

2.0 Consumer code number shall be used for Metering, billing and all other service

functions. Hence this code number will be available on the front end.

3.0 Asset code number is meant for internal linkage of consumer with nearest element

and asset element with others.

4.0 The power of computer based data sorting and combining is to be used for

providing support for Billing, Customer service, MIS etc.


Type of Consumer

LT Domestic (light & fan) – 1 phase

LT Domestic – 3 phase

LT Commercial– 1 phase

LT Commercial– 3 phase

LT Temporary- Ind./ Comm. – 1/3-ph.

LT Industrial– 1 phase

LT Industrial– 3 phase

LT Agricultural – 1 phase

LT Agricultural – 3 phase

LT Public Water Works

LT Private Water Works

LT Street Lighting

11 kV Industrial

11 kV Commercial

11 kV Bulk Supply

11 kV Water Works

33 kV Industrial

EHT Industrial


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Technical Specification for GPS Survey and Customer Indexing

1. Overview

Building of GIS consists of three Tasks

� GPS Survey: Survey of electrical network with Global Positioning

System and preparation of Digital Map

� Base Map: Preparation of Base map using Ikonos vintage Imagery

� Customer Indexing: Identifying pole No/ Service pillar No. from

which service is released to customer

2. GPS Survey

Availability of accurate distribution network map showing physical

disposition and configuration of network is a basic pre-requisite for analysis,

planning, optimization and study of the network. The Important activities of

GPS survey and creation of digital map of the network are listed below

i. Bidder shall procure a GPS Base Station and adequate number of GPS

Rovers and establish a Base Station at a central place.

ii. GPS base station and rovers used for survey shall be survey grade and

shall provide 2 to 3 meters accuracy after differential correction. The

bidder shall provide in the bid response the Make, Type, Model and

number of instruments proposed to be used for survey, with technical

literature on instruments.

iii. Surveyors shall walk along the HV and LV feeder with a GPS Rover

and capture the spatial position of the Pole, Distribution Transformer,

Sub-station, Pump set and Industries.

iv. Collect the attribute data to be acquired, while surveying. The bidder

shall prepare attribute data model for the GPS survey and obtain approval of the utility before starting the work. The typical attribute

data to be collected is shown below

Line: Conductor Type; Conductor size; Phase& wires; Type of

support(like PSC,Round,Girder pole); Configuration

Distribution Transformer: Capacity,Make,Sr.No,Repairer

Detail ,Percentage of impedance; HV protection; LV protection;

Number of LV feeders; LV feeder protection; transformer


v. Differential correction should be performed on spatial data captured.

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vi. Collect details of internal arrangement of all Sub-stations, Distribution

Transformer stations, Ring mains, Four pole structures etc., and

digitise them.

vii. Cross check by supervisor of all the attribute data & spatial positions

captured by the surveyors to the minimum extent of 3%. The bidder

should maintain the documentary evidence of the cross check and

submit it along the bill.

viii. On completion of survey, map to the scale of 1:2500 shall be printed

and hard copies shall be submitted for approval

ix. Map shall be resubmitted, incorporating all the omissions pointed out

by utility

3. Creation of base map of project area:

i. The availability of a base map showing Land based features of area

like Roads, Rivers etc., is necessary for planning new distribution

network and identification of assets. The digital map of the

network will be overlaid on the base map. The important of

activities of creation of base map and integration with network

digital map are listed below:

ii. The bidder should procure municipal maps, Tika maps, SOI maps,

IKONOS satellite vintage imagery, etc. as per requirement of the

specifications. The requisition letter will be provided by the

utility. The cost of maps/satellite vintage imagery should be a part

of the bid.

iii. The maps shall be rectified and joined to create a Mosaic

iv. The bidder shall identify adequate number of ground control points

on the map. The number of ground control points should be at least

5 for Sq. KM of the area.

v. The bidder shall capture the latitude and Longitude of ground

Control points using GPS instruments that provide accuracy of 1

centimetre. Wherever GPS instruments could not be used because

of building shades or any other obstructions, optical total station of

1 cm accuracy shall be used. The bidder shall provide in the bid

response the Make, Type, Model and number of instruments

proposed to be used for survey, with technical literature on


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vi. The bidder should geo reference the satellite vintage imagery with

ground control points captured

vii. Digitize all the important features of imagery like Buildings,

Roads, and Water bodies and create a spatial database.

viii. The attribute data to be collected for the Land base features shall

be obtained from Utility. A typical attribute data to be collected is

given in Annexure. The attribute data model shall be finalized in

consultation with the utility before taking up the work.

ix. The bidder shall overlay the network map on the base map and

make final quality checks to ensure the perfect match.

x. Print a base map alone and also base map with network overlay to

the scale of 1:2500 in hard copy and submit for approval

xi. Map shall be resubmitted, incorporating all the omissions pointed

out by utility

4. Customer Indexing:

The location of customer on the network is basic requirement for providing

reasonably good customer service. The customer indexing or integration of

geographic information system and Customer information system is

implemented by creating unique coding for each pole/service pillar and

identifying which customer is fed from which pole or Service pillar. The

customer indexing in turn will identify the feeder, substation through which

customer gets his supply. This information is of great help in Energy Audit,

Trouble Call Management, Transformer Load Management, Service Call

Management, Network Planning, New Customer Management,Load Flow

analysis, incorporating SCSDA activities, Locating proper load centre,

improving Voltage Regulation etc.,

The bidder shall use Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) or Hand Held

Computers (HHC) for customer indexing. The important activities of

customer indexing are listed below:

i. Surveyor shall walk along with the line and identify the customers

to whom supply is released from each pole / service pillar

ii. The customer billing data given by the utility should be integrated

with the GIS through customer indexing.

iii. The bidder shall submit transformer wise list of consumers

iv. The data captured by the surveyor shall be crosschecked by the

supervisor at least to the extent of 1%. The bidder should maintain

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the documentary evidence of the cross check and submit it along

with the bill.

5. Deliverables

The deliverables of all the above tasks are listed below

i. Digital map of network of project area with unique legends like for

pole, DTR, AB switch, RMUs etc in full detail.

ii. Base map of project area overlaid with network map

iii. Creation of Spatial and non –spatial data base for electrical objects

and non –electrical objects

iv. Build GIS of project area

v. Customer indexing, integrating GIS and CIS

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1. Local conditions –site visit

2. Cost of Bidding

3. One Bid per Bidder

4. Format of Bid

5. Signature of Bid

6. Language of Bid

7. Bid shall include the following information

8. Proposal for submission of Bid

9. Submission of Bid documents

10. Late Bids

11. Clarification on Bid documents

12. Amendments in bid documents

13. Bid validity

14. Opening of Bids

15. Modification and withdrawn of Bid

16. Award Criteria

17. Notification of award

18. Signing of contract

19. Security Deposit /Performance Guarantee

20. Contract quality assurance

21. Storage of material

22. Confidentiality

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1. Local Conditions – Site visit:

It will be imperative on each Bidder to fully inform himself of all local conditions and

factors, which may have any effect on the execution of the Contract covered under

these documents and specifications. The Employer shall not entertain any request for

clarifications from the Bidders, regarding such local conditions. The prospective

Bidders are, therefore, advised to visit and examine the site(s) of Works and its

surroundings and obtain on their own responsibility all information that may be

necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for execution of Works.

2. Cost of Bidding:

The Bidder shall bear all the cost and expenses associated with preparation and

submission of its Bid including post Bid discussions, technical and other

presentations etc. and Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for these

costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

3. One Bid per Bidder:

Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid by himself or as a partner in a firm. The

bidder, who submits or participates, in more than one Bid will be disqualified.

4. Format of Bid

a) The Bidder shall prepare the Bid in duplicate, clearly marking each copy as

“Original Bid” or “copy of Bid”, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy

between them, the original shall govern.

b) The original and copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and

shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the

Bidder to the Contract. The letter of authorization shall be submitted by way of

written power of attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the Bid shall be

initialled by the person or persons signing the Bid.

c) The Bid shall contain no interpolation, erasure or overwriting except as necessary

to correct errors made by the Bidder. In that case, each such correction shall be

initialled by the person or persons signing the Bid.

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5. Signature of Bid:

a) The Bid must contain the name, residence and place of business of the person or

persons making the Bid and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his

usual signature. The names of all persons signing the Bid should also be typed or

printed below the signature.

b) Bid by a partnership must be furnished with full names of the all partners and be

signed with the partnership name, followed by the signature(s) and designation(s)

of the authorized partner(s) or other authorized representative(s). Copy of the

Partnership deed must be supplied along with the Bid.

c) Bid by Corporation/Company must be signed with the legal name of the

Corporation / Company by the President, Managing Director or by the Secretary/

other person/or persons authorized to Bid on behalf of such Corporation/Company

in the matter.

d) A Bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word ‘President’ ‘Managing

Director’, ‘Secretary’, ‘Agent’ or other designation without disclosing name of his

firm will be rejected. Satisfactory evidence of authority of the person signing on

behalf of the Bidder shall be furnished with the Bid.

e) The Bidder’s name stated on the proposal shall be the exact legal name of the


f) Bids not conforming to the above requirements of signing may be disqualified.

6. Language of Bid:

The Bid and all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid shall be written in

the English language.

7. Bids shall include the following information:

a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of

registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the

signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder.

b) Performance as prime Contractor for having executed works of similar nature

during the last 3 years and details of other works and contractual commitments

presently in hand. The work order along with quantified details of the works

carried out may be supplied for proper assessment.

c) Description of the tools and Plants for carrying out the works.

d) Qualification and Experience of key personnel, proposed for carrying out the


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e) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder including certified copies of profit

and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors’ reports of the past five years and

an estimated financial projection for the next two years.

f) Information regarding any litigation, current or during the last two years, in which

the Bidder is involved, the parties concerned and disputed amount.

g) The proposed methodology and program of executing the job backed with

equipment planning and deployment, quality control procedure to demonstrate the

adequacy of Bidder’s proposal to meet the technical specification and completion

schedule as per milestones. It would be preferable to give this information in a

self-contained write-up.

h) Bids submitted by the joint venture/consortium of firms as partner shall comply

with following requirements:

� The lead partner must fulfil 100% of the qualification criteria.

� One of the partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization

shall be evidenced by submitting a power-of attorney signed by legally

authorized signatories of all the partners.

� Only the lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive

instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture and

the entire execution of the Contract including payment shall be done

exclusively with the lead partner.

� All partners of the joint venture/consortium shall be liable jointly and

severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract

terms and a statement to this effect shall be included in the Bid Form and in

the Contract Form.

� A copy of the agreement entered in to by the joint venture/consortium partners

shall be submitted along with the Bid. Failure to comply with this requirement

may result in rejection of joint ventures/ consortium Bid.

The Employer reserves the right to ask for any additional information and also

reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Bidder, if in the opinion of the

Employer, the qualification data is incomplete or the Bidder is found not qualified

satisfactorily to perform the Contract.

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8. Proposal for Submission of bid

The bidders will submit the offer for the entire project in two separate parts; viz.,

(A) Technical Bid & (B) Price Bid.

Technical bid should contain:

1. Experience certificate of the party

2. Turnover certificate of the party

3. Details of equipments available & proposed to be acquired by the bidder

4. Proposed methodology to carry out this work.

9. Submission of Bid Documents

a) Unless otherwise stated in the bidding documents, bid must be submitted in


b) Bid must be submitted in sealed envelopes, complete in all respects, which will be

received up to 14:00 hrs. on the due date at the following address:

Addl.Chief Engineer (Civil)

UGVCL,Corporate Office,Mehsana.Pin-384001.

c) The above two envelopes and a third one containing earnest money and Tender

fee paid shall all be clearly marked outside so as to identify each envelope,

without opening the covers. All the sealed envelopes should be properly tagged

and placed in one common sealed cover bearing on the top “Tender

NoUGVCL/IT/68/2009 Due On 10.06. 2009, for CONSUMER INDEXING,


Division. Name of the bidder with address, validity period and particulars of the

Bid Security against the work.

d) The Bidders have the option of sending the Bid by registered post or speed post.

Bids submitted by telex/telegram will not be accepted.

e) Bidders have to download the tender from our website www.ugvcl.com and have

to pay/send Tender fee separately without which bid stands rejected.

10. Late Bids:

Any Bid received after the due time and date fixed or extended for submission of

Bids will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder.

11. Clarifications on bid documents:

a) The Employer may, if considered necessary, hold a joint conference after opening

of the bid so as to clarify various components of the proposed work covered under

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this enquiry. The date of the bid conference, if held, will be intimated to all the

Bidders who have submitted their tender documents.

b) If any Bidder finds discrepancies or omission in the specifications / document or

is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part, he shall make a request, in writing,

for interpretation / clarifications to the Employer. The Employer then will issue

interpretations and clarifications as he may think fit in writing. After receipt of

such interpretations and clarifications, the Bidder may submit his Bid but within

the time and date as specified in the Invitation to Bid. All such interpretations and

clarifications shall form a part of the Bidding document and shall accompany the

Bidder’s proposal.

12. Amendments in bid documents:

a) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the

Employer may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to

a clarification required by a prospective Bidder, modify the bidding

documents by amendment(s).

b) The amendment will be notified in writing or by Fax or email to all

prospective bidders, who have purchased the bidding documents, at the

addresses contained in their respective letter of request for the issue of

bidding document. Employer will bear no responsibility or liability arising

out of non-receipt of the same in time or otherwise.

c) In order to afford prospective Bidder reasonable time in which to take

the amendment into account in preparing their Bids, the Employer may, at

its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids.

d) Such amendments, clarifications etc. shall be binding on Bidders.

13. Bid Validity:

The bid shall be valid for a period of 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the date of

opening of Bid, failing which, tenders / bids shall be rejected.

14. Opening of Bids:

Bids will opened in presence of bidders present on scheduled date and time.

15. Modification and withdrawal of Bids:

a) The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission provided

that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Employer

prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of Bids.

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b) The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked

and dispatched in accordance with the procedure given in Clause 10.

c) No Bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Bids.

d) No Bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of

Bids and the expiration of the period of Bid validity. Withdrawal/modification of

a Bid during this interval may result in the forfeiture of the Bidder’s earnest


16. Award Criteria:

a) The contract will be awarded for the package as a whole, including both the sub-

packages to the successful bidder whose Bids have been determined to be

substantially responsive and the Bidders are determined to be qualified to perform

the Contract satisfactorily, as decided by the Purchase Committee after


b) The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the

Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without

thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation

to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders on the grounds for the Employer’s


c) The employer’s reserves the discretion & the rights not to award further work on

second batch of packages if it not satisfied with the performance of the contractor

for any other reason.

17. Notification of Award:

a) Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity and extended validity period,

if any, the Employer will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered

letter or by email or Fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that his

bid has been accepted.

b) The notification of award through a Letter of Award will constitute the formation

of the Contract.

c) Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of performance guarantee pursuant to

Clause 19, the Employer will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will

discharge their earnest money.

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18. Signing of Contract:

a) At the same time as the Employer notifies the successful Bidder that its Bid has

been accepted the Employer will send the successful Bidder the Contract Form

incorporating all agreements between the parties.

b) Within fifteen (15) days of the Notification of the Award the successful Bidder

shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Employer.

19. Security Deposit :

a) Within 15 days of receipt of notification of award from the Employer, the

successful Bidder, to whom the Work is awarded, shall be required to furnish a

Security Deposit for an amount equal to 5% (Five percent) of the total Contract

Price towards faithful performance of the Contract in accordance with the terms

and conditions specified therein. The guarantee shall be valid up to 90 days after

the completion of the entire contract work. The amount of earnest money would

be adjusted against the performance guarantee (Security Deposit).

b) The Performance guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest

at the end of the 90 days after the completion of the entire contract work.

20. Contract Quality Assurance:

a) The Data so collected and compiled shall be accurate and in a flexible format that

would permit updating and modifications with ease.

b) The Bidder shall include in his proposal the Quality Assurance Program

containing the overall quality management and procedures, which he proposes to

follow in the performance of the Contract during various phases as detailed in

relevant Clauses of the technical specification. The employer reserves the right to

suitably make changes in the quality assurance program management and

procedure, so as to ensure suitable quality.

21. Storage of Material:

The Bidder may, if so required, store his Material/Equipment in the well-maintained

place at his cost. Storage facilities wherever possible may be made available by the

Employer free of cost but the safe keeping of the items stored will remain the

responsibility of the successful bidder.

22. Confidentiality:

All information thus obtained shall be treated as confidential and shall be used solely

for the purpose intended under the contract and shall be returned to the Utility on

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completion of the work. The successful Contractor shall be required to sign an

undertaking for maintaining confidentiality.

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1. Notice, Consent and approvals

2. Employer’s decision and Instructions

3. Sub contracting

4. Contractor’s Representative

5. Compliance with Laws

6. Personal

7. Penalty for delay in the completion of work

8. Completion of work, verification of

data and release of payments

9. Earnest money deposit(EMD)

10. Suspension of works, Delivery or Erection

11. Effects of suspension

12. Set off & Risk procedure

13. Risk and Responsibility

14. Accidents

15. Insurance

16. Force Majeure

17. Contractor’s Default

18. Settlement of Disputes

19. Arbitration

20. Taxes and Duties

21. Advertising

22. Compliance of laws

23. Variation in the scope of work

24. Deviations/Exclusion

25. Evaluation for the purpose of allotment of work

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1. Notice, Consent and approvals:

Wherever in the Contract, provision is made for giving notice, consent or approval by

any person, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Unless

otherwise specified, such notice, consent or approval shall be in writing and the word

“notify” shall be construed accordingly. Engineer-in-charge shall be the Nodal

Officer in this respect. He may delegate his powers to a subordinate officer wherever

required. All such letters and notices shall be addressed by the Contractor to the

Engineer-in-Charge, as required, with a copy to the Engineer. However, routine

correspondences may be exchanged by him with the Engineer with a copy to


2 Employer’s Decisions and Instructions:

a) The Contractor shall proceed with the decisions and instructions given by the

Engineer-in-Charge or its representative in accordance with these conditions.

b) The Contractor may require the Engineer-in-Charge to confirm in writing any

decision or instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge that is not in writing. The

Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge of such requirement without undue

delay. Such a decision or instruction shall not be effective until the written

confirmation thereof has been received by the Contractor from the Engineer-in-

Charge or the Engineer. assigned by him for the purpose.

3. Sub Contracting:

a) Except where otherwise provided under the contract, the contractor shall not sub-

contract any part of the works without the prior written consent of the Engineer-

in-Charge. Any such consent, if given, shall not relieve the contractor from any

liability or obligation under the contract and he shall be responsible for the acts,

defaults and neglects of any sub-contractor, his agents, servants or Workmen as

fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglect of the Contractor, his agents or


b) If any Sub-Contractor, engaged upon the Work either executes any Work which

in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge is not in accordance with the contract, or

for any other reason is undesirable, the Engineer-in-Charge may require the

Contractor by written notice to terminate the sub-contract and the Contractor shall

immediately dismiss the Sub Contractor and later shall forthwith leave the Site.

c) All correspondence from any Sub-Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge shall be

submitted only through the Contractor. Correspondence by the Sub-Contractor

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sent directly to the Engineer-in-Charge will not be acknowledged or taken

cognizance of.

4. Contractor’s Representative

a) The Contractor shall, in addition to a project coordinator, employ one or more

competent representatives to supervise the works carried out at site. They shall be

fluent in the language used in day-to-day communication. Their names shall be

communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge before Work at site begins.

b) Any instruction or notice that the Engineer-in-Charge gives to the Contractor’s

representative, shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor. At least one

of the Contractor’s competent representative on each Site shall be fluent in

speaking, writing, reading and understanding English.

c) The Contractor shall, upon the Engineer-in-Charge’s written instruction remove

from the Works

d) Any person employed by him in the execution of Works, who misconduct

himself or is incompetent or negligent.

e) No persons, other than the employees of the Contractor and his Sub-Contractor,

shall be allowed on the Site except with the written consent of the Engineer-in-

Charge. Facilities to inspect the Works shall at all times be afforded by the

Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge and his representatives.

5 Compliance with Laws:

a) The Contract shall in all respects be interpreted in accordance with the laws in

force in India, including any such laws passed or made or coming into force

during the period of the Contract.

b) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for deducting the P.F. of the

employees/labour Working under him as per statutory regulations and depositing

the same with the concerned authorities.

c) The Contractor shall comply with the laws of India for manufacturing of


6 Personnel:

a) The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own

arrangements for the engagement of all the required personnel and for their

payment, housing, feeding and transport.

b) The Contractor will be expected to employ on the Work only his regular skilled

employees with experience of the particular type of Work. No female personnel

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shall continue with the work after darkness. No person below the age of eighteen

years shall be employed.

c) In case, the Employer becomes liable to pay any wages or dues to the personnel or

any Government agency under any of the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act,

Workmen Compensation Act, Contract Labour Regulation Abolition Act or any

other law due to act of omission and commission of the Contractor, the Employer

may make such payments and shall recover the same from the Contractor’s bills.

7. Penalty for delay in the completion of Work:

Penalty would be applicable @ 0.5% of the cost of unfinished work per week of

delay subject to a maximum of 10% of the cost of uncompleted work.

For the purpose of counting the completion of work and/or application of penalty,

work would be counted in modules of one complete feeder. This would be in

addition to compensating the Utility for taking to other recourses for completing

the work such re-contracting the work at the risk, cost & responsibility of the

Contractor etc.

8. Completion of work, verification of Data and release of payments:

a) The progress of work would be monitored 11KV feeder wise on monthly basis

with reference to the time schedule agreed upon at the commencement of the

Project. The contractor would submit an exception report to the Owner’s

representative bringing out the progress made during the month under report as

also explanatory notes on the hurdles in achieving the targets together with

comments on how he proposes to address these hurdles towards timely

completion of the work.

b) The Prospective Contractor would furnish completion reports in respect of each

feeder where upon, the Owner shall conduct sample surveys on approximately

10% of the 11 KV feeders in each sub-division to verify the accuracy of data

furnished by the Contractor within 30 days of its submission. Any

omissions/discrepancies in excess of 5% of the total consumer population on a

particular feeder shall be considered lack of diligence in carrying out the works

that would entail carrying out the survey for that feeder afresh at his own cost.

c) If inconsistencies are found again, penalties may be levied upon the Contractor

for compensating the Owner for repeating the sample survey. This would be

without prejudice to other penalties that may become leviable on account of delay

in the completion of work.

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d) In case lack of diligence in carrying out the work is observed in more than 10 No.

11KV feeders in any one Circle then the Owner reserves the right to cancel the

contract and initiate action to get the work completed from alternative means at

the risk & cost of the Contractor.

e) Assessment of the total payment due to the contractor shall be made on the basis

of per 11 kV feeder, per consumer in case of LT / HT consumers’ indexing, per

km. covered in case of GIS based feeder Mapping & Asset Codification and per

substation in case of mapping & asset codification of substations.

f) After completion of work feeder wise Invoices will be raised by successful bidder

in triplicate at Corporate Office, Mehsana.Corporate office on verification of the

data with concerned Sub Division office and certificate regarding authenticity of

data will process for payment against actual work done.

g) Rates should be clearly indicated in PRICE BID SCHEDULE separately both for

initial survey work and one-year maintenance support. Rates quoted for updating

will be applicable to only those amount of work which is executed during one-

year maintenance period only after completion of initial survey work. Payment

will be released every month after verification of the data with concerned sub

division office and certificate regarding authenticity of data

9. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

a) The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Bid, an Earnest Money of Rs. 80,000/-

(Eighty Thousands Only) payable in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in

favour of , UGVCL, payable at Mehsana.

b) Bids not accompanied by Earnest Money shall be rejected out-rightly

c) The EMD shall be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders within 90 days of the

award of Contract. This amount would not attract any interest during the

period of deposit.

d) The earnest money may be forfeited.

• If the Bidder withdraws his Bid after opening of the Bid.

• In the case of successful Bidder, if he fails within the specified time limit to

sign the agreement, or furnish the required performance guarantee

10. Suspension of Works, Delivery or Erection:

The Engineer-in-Charge may at any time instruct the Contractor to: -

a) Suspend progress of the Works, or

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b) The Contractor shall during suspension protect and secure the Works or

Equipment affected at the Contractor’s Works or elsewhere or at the Site, as the

case may be against any deterioration, loss or damage.

11. Effects of Suspension:

a) The additional cost incurred by the Contractor in protecting, securing and insuring

the Works or Plant and in following the Engineer-in-Charge’s and in resumption

of the work, shall be added to the Contract Price except that no such addition to

the Contract Price shall be made if the suspension or deemed suspension is for a

period less than 10 days.

b) The Contractor shall not be entitled to be paid any additional cost if such

suspension is necessary, by reason of a default on the part of the Contractor or for

the proper execution, or for the safety of the Works or Plant, unless such necessity

results from any act or default of the Employer or in consequence of any of the

Employer’s Risks.

c) The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional cost unless he notifies the

Engineer-in-Charge of his intention to make such claim, within 10 days after

receipt of the order to suspend progress or delivery of the date of deemed

suspension under sub clause 8 a).

12 Set Off & Risk Procedure:

a) Any such money due and payable to the Contractor under the Contract may be

appropriated by the Engineer-in-Charge and set-off against any claim of the

Engineer-in-Charge for the payment of a sum of money arising out of under this

Contract or any other Contract entered into by the Contractor with the Engineer-


b) In the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions by the Contractor, the

Engineer-in-Charge can terminate the Contract without any notice to the

Contractor at any stage and the Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever on the

Engineer-in-Charge on this account. But the Contractor shall be liable to pay to

the Engineer-in-Charge a sum equivalent to 5% of the value of the Contract as

liquidated damages and not as penalty. The Contractor shall in addition and

without prejudice to the above said damages, make good any loss or damage that

may be incurred by the Engineer-in-Charge in getting the left out Works executed

from elsewhere at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

c) In case of delay in the execution of Works, the Engineer-in-Charge will have the

right to get the Work executed from any alternative source, at the sole risk and

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cost of the Contractor. Any extra expenditure incurred in such action shall be

recoverable in full from the Contractor in addition to Owner's right of claim for

liquidated damages.

13. Risk and Responsibility:

The Risk of loss or damage to physical property and the death and personal injury

that arises in consequence of the performance of the Contract shall be allocated

between the Employer and the Contractor as follows:

a) Employer’s Risks

• In so far as they relate to the area where the works are to be erected:

• War and hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign


• Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war.

• Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel,

radioactive toxic explosives or other hazardous properties of any explosive

nuclear assembly or nuclear component, thereof.

• Use or occupation of the works or any part thereof by the Employer.

• The act, neglect or omission or breach of Contract or of statutory duty of the


b) Contractor’s Risks

• The Contractor’s Risks are all risks other than those identified as the

Employer’s Risks.

14. Accidents:

The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer against all losses,

expenses or claims arising in connection with the death of or injury to any person

employed by the Contractor or his sub Contractors or employees of the Owner for the

purposes of the Works, unless caused by any acts or defaults of the Employer. In the

latter cases the Employer shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Contractor

against all losses, expenses or claims arising in connection therewith.

15. Insurance:

The Contractor shall insure against liability to third parties for any death or personal

injury and loss of or damage to any physical property including the property of the

Employer other than the Works arising out of the performance of the Contract and

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occurring before the issue of the last Defect Liability Certificate. Such insurance shall

be effected before the Contractor begins any Work on the Site.

16. Force Majeure.

Force Majeures means any circumstances beyond the control of the parties including:

a) War and other hostilities, (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of

foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition or embargo;

b) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from

any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic

explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or

nuclear components thereof;

c) Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power and civil war;

d) Riot, commotion or disorder, except where solely restricted to employees of the


e) Neither party shall be considered to be in default or in breach of his obligations

under the Contract to the extent that performance of such obligations is prevented

by any circumstances of Force Majeures that arise after the date of the

Notification of Award.

f) If either party considers that any circumstances of Force Majeures have occurred

which may affect performance of his obligations he shall promptly notify the

other party.

g) Upon the occurrence of any circumstances of Force Majeures the Contractor shall

endeavor to continue to perform his obligations under the Contract so far as

reasonably practicable. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge of the

steps he proposes to take including any reasonable alternative means for

performance, which is not prevented by Force Majeures. The Contractor shall not

take any such steps unless directed so to do by the Engineer-in-Charge.

h) If circumstances of Force Majeures have occurred and shall continue for a period

of 180 days, notwithstanding, the Contractor may by reason thereof, having been

granted an extension of Time for Completion of the Works, either party shall be

entitled to serve upon the other, 30 days notice to terminate the Contract. If at the

expiry of the period of 30 days Force Majeures shall still continue, the Contract

shall terminate.

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17. Contractor’s Default:

a) If the Contractor is not executing the Works in accordance with the Contract or is

neglecting to perform his obligations, there under, as seriously, to affect the

Program for carrying out of the Works, the Engineer-in-Charge may give notice

to the Contractor requiring him to make good such failure or neglect.

b) If the Contractor:

i) Has failed to comply within a reasonable time

ii) Assigns the Contract or Sub-Contracts the whole of the Works without the

Engineer-in-Charge’s written consent, or

iii) Becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order made against him or

compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee

or manager for the benefit of his creditors or goes into liquidation.

c) The Engineer-in-Charge may, after giving 15 days notice to the Contractor,

terminate the Contract and expel the Contractor from the site. Any such expulsion

and termination shall be without prejudice to any other rights or powers of the

Employer, or the Contractor under the Contract. The Employer may upon such

termination complete the Works himself or by any other Contractor. The

Employer or such other Contractor may use for such completion, Contractor’s

equipment which is on the Site and as he or they may think proper, and the

Employer shall allow the Contractor a fair price for such use.

d) The Employer shall, as soon as possible after such termination, certify the value

of the Works and all sum then due to Contractor as at the date of termination.

e) The Engineer-in-Charge shall not be liable to make any further payments to the

Contractor until the Works have been completed. When the Works are so

complete, the Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the extra

costs, if any, of completing the Works after allowing for any sum due to the

Contractor. If there is no such extra cost the Engineer-in-Charge shall pay any

balance due to the Contractor.

f) The Contractor’s liability shall immediately cease when the Employer expels him

from the Site without prejudice to any liability there under that may have already


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18. Settlement of Disputes:

a) Any dispute(s) or difference(s) arising out of or in connection with the Contract

shall, to the extent possible, settled amicably between the parties.

b) If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the

Employer and the Contractor, arising out of the Contract for the performance of

the works whether during the progress for the works or after its completion or

whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the Contract, it

shall, in the first place, be referred to and settled by the empowered officer to be

appointed by the Employer, who within a period of thirty (30) days after being

requested by either party to do so, shall give written notice of his decision to the

Employer and the Contractor.

c) Unless as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of any matter so referred

shall be final and binding upon the parties until the completion of the Works and

shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the

Works with all due diligence, whether he or the Engineer-in-Charge required

arbitration as hereinafter provided or not.

d) If after the Empowered Officer has given written notice of his decision to the

parties, and no claim to arbitration has been communicated to him by

either party within thirty (30) days from the receipt of such notice, the said

decision shall become final and binding on the parties.

e) In the event of the Empowered Officer failing to notify his decision as aforesaid

within thirty (30) days after being requested aforesaid, or in the event of either the

Owner or the Contractor being dissatisfied with any such decision, or within thirty

(30) days after the expiry of the first mentioned period of thirty (30) days, as the

case may be, either party may require that the matters in dispute be referred to

arbitration as hereinafter provided.

19. Arbitration:

All matters, question, disputes, differences and/or claims arising out of and/or

concerning and/or in connection and/or in consequences or relating to this Contract

whether or not obligations of either of both parties under this Contract be subsisting at

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the time of such dispute and whether or not this Contract has been terminated or

purported to be terminated or completed, shall be referred to the Mutually

Agreed Arbitrator under Indian Arbitration Act 1996. The Award of the

Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this Contract.

20. Taxes and Duties:

a) All custom duties, excise duties, sales taxes and other taxes and duties, levies

payable by the Bidders in respect of the transaction between the Bidders & their

vendors/sub-suppliers while procuring any components, sub-assemblies, raw-

materials and equipment shall be included in the Bid price and no separate claim

on this behalf will be entertained by the Employer.

b) Wherever excise duty is applicable, the credit due under the MODVAT

policies wherever applicable, shall be taken into account by the Bidder while

quoting the Bid price. Compliance of this clause shall be confirmed by the Bidder

along with his Bid.

c) As regard the Income Tax, surcharge on Income Tax and other taxes including

tax deduction at source, the Bidder shall be responsible for such payment to the

concerned authorities with in the prescribed period.

d) Deduction of Works Sales Tax at source as per provisions of Sales Tax Act

shall be made from the Bills of the Contractor.

21. Advertising:

Any advertising stating the subject of this Contract by the Contractor in India or

in other foreign countries shall be subject to approval of the Employer prior to the

publication. Publication of approved articles, photographs and other similar

materials shall carry approval of the Employer.

22. Compliance of Laws

The successful bidder will certify that he has complied with the provisions of

Industrial & Labour Laws including PF Act, ESI Act etc. as may be applicable.

23. Variation in the Scope of Work

The scope of work can be increased/decreased by 25% during the execution or

otherwise on the pro-rata basis by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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24. Deviations/Exclusions

The bidder is to mention the deviations/exclusions in the schedule given and also

to mention the cost of the withdrawal the price bid (Part-II). The

deviations/exclusions mentioned anywhere else will not be entertained and it will

be presumed that there is no deviation/exclusion in the tender.

25. Evaluation for the purpose of allotment of work

Though the rates per unit have been asked for in the price schedule A, the total cost of

the package will be calculated on the basis of total quantities mentioned in the bid

document for the purpose of comparison of lowest bidder before and after the

negotiations by Purchase Committee. However, the prices lowered during the

negotiations will be reduced pro-rata on all the items in the same proportion.

Sr. no. Consumer Details ( Tentative)

1 Name of Consumer

2 Father’s / Spouse Name

3 Full address of the premises at which the supply is availed / provided:

4 Permanent Residential Address

5 If tenant, Land Owners’ name & address:

6 Connected to Pole No.

7 a) LT Feeder No.

b) Size of ACSR

8 Fed from DT No.

9 Tariff Category

10 Energy Meter Details (Make & Class)

11 Meter No.

12 Type of Meter (EM / STM)

13 Date of Meter Installation / Last Calibration Date

14 Position of viewing glass

15 History of supply reconnection / Change in Connected Load / Change of Name

16 Physical Location of Meter

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a) Approachability : Inside or approachable from outside

b) Readability : Height of Mounting

c) Identification : Clustering of meters for group of consumers

17 Sanctioned Load (kW)

18 Telephone no.

19 Cell Phone No.

20 Voter ID Card No.

21 PAN No.

22 Bank Name & Account No.

23 Driving License No.

24 Group Housing Society Name

Registration No.


E M Electromechanical Energy Meter

STM Static Energy Meter

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Description Unit Qty







Total value at

UGVCL inclusive

of all Taxes &

Duties (Rs.)











HT & LT customer indexing and tabulation of same, based

on the registers / ledger record of the owner for all the

consumers of each Area / Division. Field survey works,

physical verification of coded data base of customer based

upon electrical system codification, and source of supply to

a particular customer

LT Consumers excluding HT and Agricultural Consumers

HT and Agricultural Consumers

GIS mapping of 11 kV feeder/LT line from the substation

up to the last distribution transformer and Asset

codification of the electrical assets on 11 kV feeders from

substation to last DT and LT lines

Painting of numbers on Pole/Transformers etc. with back

ground colour as per instruction and black numbers

Affixing bar-coded customer code stickers on meter board

at consumer premises

Satellite Vintage imagery(not more than 1yr.old) using

IKONOS and vectorization for approx. 1577 sq.kms area(

Where required)



Per km.

Per No.

Per No.

Per sq.









Page 49: Plugin GIS HMT




Description Unit Qty








Total value at UGVCL

inclusive of all Taxes &

Duties (Rs.)














HT & LT customer indexing and tabulation of same, based

on the registers / ledger record of the owner for all the

consumers of each Area / Division. Field survey works,

physical verification of coded database of customer based

upon electrical system codification and source of supply to

a particular customer during one-year maintenance period

after completion of initial survey work.

LT Consumers excluding HT and Agricultural Consumers

HT and Agricultural Consumers

GIS mapping of 11 kV feeder/LT line from the substation

up to the last distribution transformer and Asset

codification of the electrical assets on 11 kV feeders from

substation to last DT and LT lines added during one year

maintenance period after completion of initial survey work

Painting of numbers on Pole/Transformers etc. with back

ground colour as per instruction and black numbers added

during one year maintenance period after completion of

initial survey work

Affixing bar-coded customer code stickers on meter board

at consumer premises added during one year maintenance

period after completion of initial survey work

Updating HT/LT poles and DTRs feeder coding and

modification in system data base

Updating Consumer’s feeder and DTR coding and

Consumer’s meter and other detail in GIS system data base



Per km.

Per No.

Per No.

Per No.

Per No.








Total Cost-A

Amount in words: Rupees__________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of Contractor Authorized Signatory ,UGVCL

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1. The prices arrived at in this schedule should match with the prices indicated in bid submission format.

2. Prices to be quoted both in figures and in words.

3. Prices quoted should be F.O.R. basis inclusive of all Taxes and levies.

4. In case of any discrepancy between the two, the rates quoted in words shall prevail.

Signature of Contractor Authorized Signatory

UGVCL, Mehsana