Fit Paפr - 2015 73 PA (HN)�& �f ( ) �? ( �)�I ( ) � �I�)�? (i) � �IU � I �1G POLITICAL SCIENCE - HONOS per-· 1 ( NEW & OLD SYLLUS ) PART-I T PER-2015 Duraon: 4 Hou �,�mffl�: . () '�M �· �M�NC= f Full Marks-100 (i) ( ii)�( iii) �I (�) ,�. � sm�, �f . (i) �(ii)�(iii ) I ( ) �.. �6"1 �? ( i ) �( ii )� � (iii)� tM16 I ( ) �MC·5ffi"I ? ( i ) � (ii)( iii ) I ( �) � 1� b"t �? ( i ) �(ii ) � (iii)I �, A�m�o�. �: ox� = �o (�) m � r (�) ·sn l � r < ) .1?tM t1 �? (�) <�m 1��I(�) 1�l�? (6) ��? (�) ·1 I (U) �[ffil�1C�1 �? (�) � q�q1t . t(�)�? l I ·��Jffl '"m��oo: �-I (�) �M1C 1Ctb 1 � t (�) �m 4 1 � IC1S1I - (�) �-©1t�J�·1 (�) R1c c� 1�1�'11 M �, �-m (�) I (�) �tI �- (�) �1G �C1C IC16l � I ( �) � (�? �-V (�) cF �"11� �qlc �? (�) q��l I 8 I cJffl� C� � eoo - eao �: ax�o=ao .�-I () 1at1(l � =16!� I ( �) �c�IC=lb l � I -n ( ) fqq �IClbf�- I (�) 1�)�t M4ffl

PLSA (HN) 06. Fis ? 1l

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First Paper - 2015 73

PLSA (HN)�06.

�f (l!f) ��� �<f@l? (�)����I (\QS) '51�0i'Sl 1i1t \S� ��I�)��� Fis�? (i) � �<$SIUBI �� ��?f � � I ��1tf��;,j<IS �f'1Gtti!'Sl "l�






Duration: 4 Hours


. (<l:) '&©�M � � �· � M�N.C61-t f

Full Marks-100

(i) ��(ii)�� (iii) �'6� I(�) ,�. � -;ism�, �f .

(i) �(ii)� (iii)� I('5f) �.� <Jm. � �6rn"1 �?(i) �� (ii)� ltJ � (iii)� '6c,t>6MaJi1<P6 I(,;j) '1J ou6 � �\SMC.S·f,.� :g5ffi"I C<IS? ••

(i) � (ii)� (iii)�'6 � I(�) � C-il61.<P(� ilbnl"t �?

(i) �(ii)� (iii)� I�, A������Cli���m�<to�.

lit�� : :>ox�=�o

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l � I ·��Jq5ffl� � � � �� � tr3!t ffl on'(;��'"m���oo���:

�-I (�) �faMta1C.. �� �fw.5�-il � ��� '511C'itb .. 1 � t (�) ��m .na)4fijl �il � '511l'i16J �� \!SIIC'i1S..1 � I

�-Il (�) �-©'t1<;1t.f���J�Fr�·1 (�) R1Blc..rn c� >t1<ftsilw�1� �'11 M<l1lM �,


(�) �� ,e � � 'q'cf.n � I(�) ��-tt1_'5f-lJTm�� I

�-IV (�) is�3M�;,j<5 �1Gtti!<;I �� � Ji�Ctl1C'5f \!SIIC'116-il � I (�) ���"4"1){;,j<t- 'St� ';!5f(�?


(�) i!Ffsc.:>Fs1 �"1-i->11� �qlc.'1?1 ��� �? (�) >iq��l?l �<IS-iUl�,st �98r � fflt � I

8 I zfc.'3J<15ffl� C� Cli � � � 2fl!f ffl on'(;� � � � eoo - eao xrro lit��: ax�o=ao

.�-I (<$S) <151at00-41(<fllt � 'Of!<.6116-1! � I ( �) � '6 <;S�c.�-?l �<PTG �IC61lb .. l � I


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(<IS) �� �uM� �'1tffl G11Cai11>-1t �-, (�) �'3-���HlMbl�=il �91Q��l7f-l� I

�-IV(<f.).�'2 ����� 9ft�f.wM�I (�) � � ���1��¢ '>1'1�-sl �C\Sdf\G <UT�� I

�-V(<f.) lll<t�hl �l'!'*Jt<ts C<t-�� fil������ M�\of1C'111>-i1

�I(�) �� � '611�1RS � -mr� <Ul� '3 \'1JUM


1. Answer the following questions : 5xl� (a) Who wrote 'Hwnan Nature in Politics'?(i) David Easton (ii) Arthur Bentley (iii) Graham Wallace.(b) Who wrote 'Leviathan'?(i) Locke (ii) Hobbes (iii) Rousseaµ.(c) Who ,�rote 'The Second Sex'?(i) Kamal Bhasin (ii) Simon de Beauvoir (iii) Mary Wollstonecraft.(d) Who is the autl1or of"Tbe State and Revolution"?(i) Lenin (ii) Marx (iii) Marx and Engels.(e) Who is the autl1or of 'Prison Noteboo�'?(i) Marx (ii) Lenin (iii) Gramsci.

2 Answer any ten of the follo�ing questions within 50 words each : . . 10x2=20

(a) What according to Easton. is demand stress?·(b) What doyou mean by political communicati<?n?_ (c) What do you mean by political culture? (d) Write two features ofMonistic sovereignty. (e) Wl1at do you niean by Liberal tl1eory of state? (f) What do you mean

. by civil society? (g) What is natur.al equality? (h) Write the meaning of justice. (i) Mention two sources of law. U) What do you mean by

moral rights? (k) Briefly explain the concept of Women Rights. (1)

Give a definition of participatory democracy.· (m) What do you mean by Superstructure? (n) Discuss one principal. law of dialecti.cal mate-

First Paper -2015 75

riaJism. ( o) What do you mean by relative autonomy of state? 3. Answer any five questions briefiy taking any one question

from each Unit within 100 words each: SX.5=25 Unit-I

(a) Discuss the basic features of behavioural approach to Po­litical Science.

(b) Discuss the main issu� of the feminist approach to poli­tics.

Unit-II (a) Write the features of Neo-liberal State.(b) Discuss the concept of Sovereignty in the context of Glo-

��ti� Unit-ill

(a) Discuss the rela_tfon between liberty and equality.(b) Write the meaning oflegaljustice.

Unit-IV (a.) Discuss and comment on tll� concept of development de­

mocracy. (b) What is the meaning of protective democracy?

Unit-V (a) What, according to Marx, are the characteristics of capital­

ism? (b) Write a note on the dictatorship of the proletariat.

4. Answer any jive of the follmving questions taking one fromeach Unit within 300 - 350 words each : .5><10=50

Unit-I (a) Discuss the theory of Structural Functionalism.(b) Discuss the relationship be�veen power and authority.

Unit-II (a) Write a critical note on the idealist theoryofS�tc.(b) Discuss the monist-pluralist debate over the co.nccpt ofsovereignty.

Or, Discuss the pluralist criticism of the mooistic theory of SOver­eignt:y. Unit-m

· (a) Discuss the Marxian concept offreedoOL

7 6 W B.S.U. PotrncAL SCIENCE HONS. QuEsnoN PAPERS (P ART-I&m(b) Write a note on the theory of Natural and Lega I justice.

Unit-IV (a) Make a distinction between Natural and I..;egal tl1eories of.rights. (b) Explain David Held 's model of participatory Democracy.Unit-V

. (a) Discuss Miliband-Poulantzas debate over the Marxiantheory of State. (b) Explain and evaluate Antonio Gram.sci 's idea on hegemony.


Duration : 4 Hours Full Marks : 100':>I


) M�;tff;���:: (?'X;>==�

<l'> � �m � �. �, ts��rn �� � �1757/1764/1765/1773�1

(�) :>iN>'tt��� �t�wic.:rn � OR(i)

- (?fcl I � �l�Ol� �(ii)�� (iii) Cl'!C4Cfr!;l1'4 � (iv) <.<19't4Mt

('1f) ����'5{f�·(ii)

� �ca,c�--i�?

>j_@b:t--11� PJ�-<151-l

<U1..f1� ...........................


��� � (iii) �

��Milt (iv) � I(i)'(!( )��(ii)�� (iii)��

I(i) � (iv)�

"""'.!>l,...,.1 c. ""1=-=1'1�..f I

. Second


((;) '>Ff�·�


(i) 1945 � (ii) 1946� (iii)��o

I948"J'fRpf (iv)

���:: 1950�


�I �-�lr'tfu �ffi x'<=='<o(i) ��, � F.f. c<rfffl? (ii) ?fr'51�J etlGl�Ml<lffll �Cffil

ljfuC<ffx® ��I (iii) <ffi'im ��f<r, �? 1iffl �

(iv) ��TNt�<R"'tl4� � fcf.? (v) �� �t�C'-'�· � <U�'1�

� I (vi) �1�PK�$1l�BI � 2Jt(;:n :>t�Cet� ���? ('1ii) �Ftffi'���? (viii) (���Ff.?(bc) ��·�ICitfla'!t.:i� <U� lj_W fflct

".wP'rt �-� I (x) �'5\:i14"f �� t!l�

,;�J�s��� I (xi) '5 �,���?(xii) 'fG-4-t-1fz?Jl�· � f<1s �? (xiii) §fc;"1c't� 'M-&tet'i -e �, .t1Ri � f..f.�? (xiv) <f.JIMC'i& 'fiT"Wrn <U� �� Ff.? (xv) ��f.fR �� <f.�fG?I � f<f. �?


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�Ix°(W�l�9 ->il�l�<f. C�?W

II � � tc.:i� '¥�<f.1 �-� I

�-I(v) 1958_� \::?h:l'!> Xf?R\5M.Cil� �� '!i!l<.a'll6r11 � l(vi) �$l$a'! ��la=tCfl� \S� ��� I

�-IV·(vii) i:"f\S "<151efc.-1?1 � 9iM<f.�H1 '51ltiiil6--lt � 1(viii) �m :>i�Rl?J '5� t!l�

-V �� I

�(ix)� NISitTG � )l�l{Fl � I(x) ��



B.Sc/B.Com (Honours, Major, General) Examinations 2015

West Bengal State University

PLSA (HN) - 01

7 8 W .B.S.U. PouncAL SaENCEHo�"S. QLi::snciN P.!\f'l:.RS (PART-I & II)

81 �������f.rol���ffi� (�C\!>)451'6 �<2:0 � 1K�): �OX(2'=<2'0

�-I � �91Ae<1-1<t111 � �1®?l\!>M1� 1m�q1 '6l1&11br11 �, (.uf�9lHC<IR� 'Eft�hl"MIOB � � e¥1��'¢1<ttl't?l 9ft$7:J

'6!1C¢11�1 � I �-Il

<���<t1<11JJ?1 9fG"Blt�� 91rn;q'6.:i l!l�? (� Etr@l§'-'141'1 ©t'ilC�?l � \!ill� 81l�')f <O<t�t?l

���, �-ID

(v) SHR� \!\l"l�C�l')f \!\llt"'ttai_rf � � ffl1 � I(vi)� ��p1�B1 -e9Rl � ffll �� I

�-IV (vii)� '51IC"'fl¢it.t=i:I � � '5l1Cdi16..J1 � I�9'FiC<tP't<15��\!\11C"'t1'1t•rn ��CfN-, I

�-V (ix) �H1c�=i:1 ��,��-Matte�� �� \blR.a-115--11 � 1(x) Sl'S!\S 1°4'51-etC-l?l c�� �'1 � I

(ENGLISH VERSION] l Write the correct alternatives from tl1e fo1lowing: 5xJ=5

(a) The F.ast India Company obtained Dh11,'ani of Bengal, Bihar.Orissa in 1757 / l 764 / 1765 / l 773

(b) Anti-Sati Movement was led by(i) Raja Rammoban Roy (ii) Vidyasagar (iii) Debend.ranath Tagore

(iv) K�bab Chandra Sen.(c) Who said 'Swaraj is my birth right'?{i) Surendra Nath Banerjee (ii) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (iii) Sri

Aurobindo (1v) Gandhiji. ( d) Sidhu-Kanhu were tJ1e leaders of(i) Cbuar Movement (ii) Sannyasi Rebellion ( iii) SanthaJ Rebel­

lion (iv) Faraji Movement (e) Constiweot Assembly was formed in the year(i) 1945 (ii) 1946 (iii) 1948 (iv) 1950

Second Paper - 2015 79

2 Answer any ten of the follo,.,ing questions within 50 words each : 1ox2=20

(i) What is meant by 'colony'? (ii) Write two features of nation­alism in the West. (iii) What is meant by Mercantile capitalism? (iv)

1 What is Permanent Settlement Act? (v) Mention two features of agri­cultural system in pre-British India. (vi) What was the goal of Prarthana Samaj towards social refonns? (vii) What is meant by 'drain of wealth'? (viii} What is 'safety valve' theory? (ix) Stale two reasons for the failure of 'Quit India' Movement. (x) Write a short notes on Santhal re\,olt. (>.;) What do vou mean by 'Swadeshi and Boycott'? (xii) What was the 'Tinkathia system'? (xiii) What d9 you mean by the 'divide and Rule' policy of the British? (xiv) Why did the Cabinet Mission fail? (x·v) \Vhat V.J3S the role of the 'Drafting Committee' of the consti­tution?

3. Answer any five questions taking one question from each Unit(within 100 words each) : 5x5=25


(i) Define Liberal Capitalism(ii) Discuss the features of nationalism in colonial countries.


(iii) Discuss the role of middle class behind the rise of nationlismin India.

(iv) Highlight the role of Ramakrishna Mission in the socialscenarion of India


(v) Discuss the main provision of Govt. of India Act, 1858.(vi) Write a note on Home Rule Movement.


(vii) Discuss Lord Curzon's plan of partition ofBengal.(viii) Write a note on Anushilan Samiti.

· Unit-V

(ix) Eva lute Zinnah 's Two-Nation Theory.(x) Discuss the causes of the failure of the INA.

4. Answer any five questions taking one question from each Unit(within 350 words each) : IOx5=50


(i) Discuss the nationalist approach to the study of colonialismin India.

(ii) Discuss the difference between Nationalism in the colonial

8 0 W B.S.U. PoLmCA SCJFNCEHoNS. QuEsnoN P APffi.S(PART-1 &m

World and in the West. Unit-·n

(iii) What were the changes brought about by the british in the land system in India?

(iv) Discuss the role of modem communication system behindthe rise of nationalism in India.

Unit-ID (v) ·write a note on Non-cooperation Movement in India(vi) Write a note on Hindu Mahasabha·.

. Unit-IV (vii) Discus_s different trends of Swadeshi movement.(viii) Give an account of worker's movement in colonial India

. Unit-V(ix) Discuss the importance ofRIN uprising in India's freedom

struggle. (x) Analyse the background that culminated in partition ofln-
