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Masonic, Tkeosophic, Rosircucian, Adelphian.


“ Master, is all of this necessary to gain a knowledge of God f.— Sa i n t -M a r t i n .

We have received nearly forty inquiries, within two or three years, asking for information in regard to certain Masonic, hermetic, secret,, semi-secret societies, etc. ; some desiring addresses of some of the ex ecutive officers, and others certain books, monitorial and ritualistic; while a few desire to “ find the way.” We will here give a resume of some of these arcane organizations, with some of their literature; also residential officers of a portion of them.


The York Rite is too well known to receive any extended account.The Symbolic degrees, the Lodge, are three — Entered Apprentice,

Fellow Craft, and Master Mason.The Capitular degrees, the Royal Arch Chapter, are four —

Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.

The Cryptic degree, the Council of Royal and Select Masters, are three — Royal Master, Select Master, and Super-Excellent Master.

The Chivalric Orders, the Commandery, are three — Illustrious Or der of the Red Cross, Valiant and Magnanimous Order of the Tem ple, and the Military Order of the Knights of Malta.

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These subordinate bodies are governed by State Grand Lodges, Grand Chapters, Grand Councils, and Grand Commanderies.

The latter three are governed by a General Grand Chapter, and General Grand Council, and Grand Encampment of the United States, respectively.

There is also in each State an Order of High Priesthood to which the Past High Priests of the Royal Arch Chapters are admitted and anointed.


The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite consists of thirty ineffable degrees, being from the 4th (Secret Master) to the 33d (Sovereign Grand Inspector-General! inclusive ; these with the three symbolic degrees comprise the Thirty-Three Degrees. These are subdivided into seven series, namely :

I. i 0 to 30, Symbolic Lodge. II. 40 to 14°, Lodge of Perfection. III. 15° and 160, Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. IV,. 17° and 1S0, Sovereign Chapter of Prince Rose Croix. V. to 30°, Coun cil of ICadosh. VI. 31° and 32% Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. VII. 330, Sovereign Grand Inspector General.

Even brief history of the Rite cannot be given here. It has had a checkered existence from the time it was introduced into America, in 1S02, by Stephen Morin, when,it consisted of but twenty-five degrees.. In Paris, in 1758, it was known as the Council of Empe'rors of the East and West. Later on, or about the year 3761, they took the name of the Rite of Perfection. In the Latin Constitutions it -is designated Anti quits Scoticus Hiltts Acceptus. There are now three Supreme Councils in the United States of Sovereign Grand Inspector- Generals of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.


Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim. There is a quite long history of those degrees combined under this head — Rite of Memphis and Rite of Mizraim — now composed of ninety-six degrees. We shall not now give the details, as the object of this article is a sort of index to some of. the secret societies now in active operation in the United States. This Rite was_Ln traduced into this country, November 9, 1856, by Jacques Etienne MaconisTle Negre, in New York City. The Grand Master Genera! of the Rite at the present time is Harvey G Goodale, Jamaica, L. I., N, Y. The official organ of the Rita is The Lybic Chain, published since 1883. The head of the Rite in England and its Dependencies is John Yarker, Withington, Manchester, Eng.- The English official organ of the Rite is The Kneph, published since i88r.

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? This Rite has had some inroads made upon it by aspirants for power, the legitimacy of which we shall not discuss. The Rite in Canada is called Royal and Oriental Masonry; while some of its edicts were headed Ancient and Accepted Egyptian Rite of Memphis. In 18S0 a body was organized in Utica, N. Y., under the name of Antient and Primitive Oriental Rite of Mizraim. In Boston, Mass., in 1881, a body was organized under the name of Egyptian Masonic Rite of Mem phis, for the Cosmos. In 1893 there existed a body under the name of Antient and Primitive Oriental Rite of Memphis and Mizraim, in New York, which has published a Bulletin of Proceedings since 1893.


Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees for the United States of America. The Sovereign College governs the degrees of Ark Mari ner, Secret Monitor, Tylers of Solomon, Saint Lawrence the Martyr, Knight of Constantinople, Holy and Blessed Order of Wisdom, and Trinitarian Knight of Saint John of Patmos, and is in communion with the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of England, Grand Ark Mariner’s Council of England, and the Grand Council of Secret Monitor of England. It is the only Masonic body in the world that confers, in addition to.ritual degrees, academic degrees, which it gives honora causa. It highest honor of this kind is “ Doctor of Universal Masonry.” Only the following Masons possess it : Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis, of Greece ; the Earl of Euston and William James Hughan, of England , D. Murray Lyon, of Scotland ; and Josiah H. Drummond, of Portland, Maine. The offices of the Sovereign College are at Richmond, Va.


The Royal Order of Scotland. This Provincial Grand Lodge has jurisdiction over the whole United States, and was instituted in 1878, with the late Albert Pike as Provincial Grand Master. It has no subordinate bodies. The membership January 1, 1896, was 288. It holds it charter from the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scot land, at Edinburgh. The office of the Provincial Grand Secretary is at Portland, Maine.


Nobles .of the Mystic Shrine. This is not a regular Masonic body, but its membership is composed strictly of Masons who have reached the32d degree, A & A. S. Rite (18th degree in England), or Knights Templar in good standing. There were Temples in the United States on January 1, 1896, with a total membership of about 42,000. The following statement of the origin and purposes of the Order is from an official source :

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The Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine was instituted by the Mohammedan Kah'f Alee, the cousin-german and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed, in the year of the Hegira 25 (A. D. 656), at Mekkah, in Arabia, as an Inquisition, or Vigilance Committee, to dispense justice and execute punishment upon criminals who escape their just deserts through the tardiness of the courts, and also to pro mote religious toleration among cultured men of all nations. The ostensible object is to increase the faith and fidelity of all true believ ers in Allah. The secret and real purpose can only be made known to those who have encircled the Mystic Shrine. Its membership in all countries includes Christians, Israelites, Moslems, and men in high positions of learning and of power. The Order in America does not advocate Mohammedanism as a sect, but inculcates the same respect to Deity here as in Arabia and elsewhere.

The chief officer for the United States is styled Imperial Potentate, who resides at San Francisco, Cal., and the office of the Imperial Re corder is at Boston, Mass.


Ancient and Illustrious Order of the Knights of Malta. Estab lished at Jerusalem, A. D. 104.S. Reorganized on a Military Basis, A. D. 1118, Incorporated in America, A. D. 1SS3. Union with Im perial of Scotland, A. D. 1S89, This Order is banded together under most binding forms to comfort one another in the practice of (he Christian religion, to offer mutual assistance in time of need. Pro Fido in Christo. The Imperial Commandery of America is located at Philadelphia, Pa. The organ of this Order is the Ancient Knight, established in 1S90, and published at Philadelphia. A history of the. Order appeared seriatim in the fourth volume for J893.


The Mystic Order Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. The Constitution and Statutes of the Supreme Council, containing fifty- two pages, gives the objects of the Order. Here is the Preamble:

“ Although in order to secure the best interest of the Order and the most worthy material, none but Master Masons are eligible for its mysteries ; and although one of the objects of the Order is to benefit the Symbolic Lodge, and although in many cases the government may be guided by Masonic usage as the most perfect extant, it is to be strictly understood that in itself this is not a Masonic Order and the degree is in no sense a Masonic degree.”

The subordinates are styled Grottoes, and the presiding officer is “ Monarch.” The Snpreme Offices are at Hamilton, N. Y,

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The Order of the Palladium. This Order is said to be divided into two masculine grades and one feminine grade. The first and second grades are Adelphos and Companion of Ulysses respectively for men ; and the third, Companion of Penelope for women. It is said to have been instituted in 1730, and introduced into the United States in 1870, with its supreme head located at Charleston, S. C. There it apparently has laid dormant until 1884, when it seemed to be un earthed, and in 1886 it came forth as the New and Reformed Palla dium, at which time it is stated that it was instituted “ to impart a new force to the traditions of high-grade Masonry.” Its councils are held incognito, and its proceedings only made in secret session and never printed. Its members are few and guarded. The organ of the Order of the Palladium is The Free and Regenerated Palladium.


Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders. Initium sapientitz Amor Domini. The tradition is that the Order was founded by Constantine the Great A. D. October 28, 313, as a memo rial of a ditine miracle which effected his conversion to the Christian faith, and also as a reward for the valor of certain soldiers. It is not definitely known when the Order was restricted to Masons. It has had a checkered record. There is a good record since 1788. The Imperial Council of Illinois was organized in 1872 by direct authority from England, and confers six degrees, working three and making three official. In Maine, the Order is Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, and Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, and St. John. There are Imperials Council in other States. The Sovereign Grand Council of the United States has a broken record of its triennial meetings, and some of the State Imperial Councils are not in harmony with it,


The Order of the Holy Sepulchre. This is said to have been insti tuted A. D. 326 by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine, in com memoration of her discoveries in the Holy Land. It was instituted with the sanction of Constantine and confirmed by the Pontiff Mar- cillinus. The Knights were selected from the Order of the Red Cross, and the original investments were made at Jerusalem, the knightly vows to be made while kneeling at the sacred tomb. The two Orders have always been intimately connected, and since 1190 under the same government. The history of the Holy Sepulchre since that period is therefore identical with the Red Cross.

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The Order of the Martinis;-?. Martinez Pasqually and his disciple Louis Claude de Saint Martin, contemporaries of the last Rosicru- cians of England, did not see the necessity of entrusting the hermetic traditions, which they retained, to mercenary associations ; they there- were fore gathered around them a small number of Men of Desire who willing to sacrifice their personality with no hope of reward other than that of transmitting to a few carefully selected disciples the luminous teachings of some of the hierophants of antiquity and of their succes sors—the kabbalists and the hermetic doctors of the middle ages. Martinism lived obscure and away from the convulsions of society, at least in the exterior circle, till the universal movement towards Ideal ism upon the surface of the entire globe bore an eloquent testimony to the opinion advanced by every true and honest observer, namely, that Materialism is powerless to respond to the cravings of the scien tific man. Martinism is the depositary of the sacred traditions, and has emerged from its voluntary obscurity; and again opened its sanc tuaries of learning to the Men of Desire capable of understanding its symbolism. Martinism at first consisted of nine degrees, in two classes, under Martinez Pasqually, 1750 ; the system underwent a transformation by Saint-Martin and became ten degrees, in two Tem ples, 1767; it was reduced to seven degrees when introduced into Germany and Russia, 1782 ; aud in France and America Martinism has been reduced to three essential and four accessory degrees, 1887, being conferred by established and recognized Masonic authorities. The chief officer for the United States of America resides in Mis souri, and its disciples are residents of more or less of the Stales.


The Knights of St. John and Malta. The Chapter General of America governs the Ancient and Illustrious Fraternity of Knights of St. John and Malta, or Order of St. John of Jerusalem on this Conti nent, for the purpose of securing order and permanence, and propa gating the principles of Charity and Hospitality. This Order claims control over the following five giades : 1. Order of Knights of Jus tice. 2. Order of Hospitallers. 3. Order of Priesthood. 4. Order of the Red Cross and Sepulchre. 5. Order of Commanders. The basis of the jewels for Encampments is the Maltese cross. The pas sion cross of the Commander is surrounded by a circle inclosing the initials : L, T. B. N. S. B. M, A. T. I. P. F. W. B, B. We think the headquarters is at Rochester, N. Y. There is a concise history, pub lished in 1SS2, in New York, on “ The Rise and Progress of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem,’’ by Elizabeth Surtees-AUnatt.

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Societatis Rosicruciante of the United States of America. See at Philadelphia, Pa. The Modern Society of Rosicrucians was given its present definite form by Robert William Little, of England, about 25 years ago. It was founded upon the remains of the embers of the old German society which had come under his observation during some of his researches. He Anglicized it, giving it a more perfect system, and placed it in a working condition. It was introduced into the United States in 1879. Its present objects are mainly historical, archaeological, and symbolical as pertaining to Freemasonry, secret societies, and arcane matters. None but Masons are admitted to its membership, There are nine grades, divided into three orders, namely,

First Order—I, Zeiator ; II, Theoricus ; III, Practices ; IV, Philos- ophus.

Second Order — V, Adeptus Junior; VI, Adeptus Senior ; VII, Adeptus Esemptus.

Third Order—VIII, Magister Templi ; IX, Chief Adept.Every fiater shall choose a Latin motto to be registered with the

Secretary, never to be changed.Colleges of Societas Rosicruciana have been chartered in most

large cities of the United States.


The Temple of the Rosy Cross. “ For these things that appear delight us, but make the things that appear not hard to believe ; or, the things that appear not are hard to believe.”.— Hermes. The ‘‘ D o o r o f t h e T e m p le o f t h e R o sy C r o s s ” — Him of the G r e a t S o u l , L o f ty M in d , and L o v in g H e a r t . The “ D o o r ” of the Tem ple is at Buckley, Illinois. “ The Soul. Its Powers, Migrations, and Transmigrations,” by F. B. Dowd, represents some of the tenets and aspirations of these Rosicrucians. First edition, 1S82 ; second, 1SSS.

h e r m e t i c b r o t h e r s o f LUXOR.

The Hermetic Brothers of Luxor. An Ancient and Noble Order. Teaches that the divine scintillations of Eternal Spirit will each com plete its own “ Cycle of Necessity.” This the only immortal portion of the Human Soul. The Brotherhood was divided into three grades, and these again sub-divided into three degrees, in America. The Or der in America was somewhat modified from the Eastern form. It is referred to in a foot-note in “ Isis Unveiled." This Brotherhood has had a somewhat checkered record, at one time it was dormant. It has, it is understood, in quite recent years, been revived, re-formed, and is at present in active life, the Head of the Exterior Circle being in Illinois.

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’ The Essenians existed long before the Christian era, and many of the early Christians were members of the Order. A small book, now out of print, bears the following title : 11 Important Concealed Infor mation, obtained from an old manuscript found in Alexandria, which shows that Jesus in a trance was taken down from the Cross, brought to life again, and in reality, died six months after, within a secret re ligious society, called Esseer Brethren, of which he was a member. A manuscript for Freemasons.” The modern society, however, is not founded on the ritualistic principles of their ancient brethren. The modern Essenians are a body, quite numerous, based on a bene ficiary plan of assistance in a lime of need. Women are admitted. “ The Essenes, their history and doctrines,” by Christian D. Ginsburg, was published in London, in 1864.


The Order of the S. S. S. and the Brotherhood of the Z. Z. R. R. Z. Z. “ All things come from within.” Seal, a circle composed of three cobras, separated by three swasticas, inclosing two interlaced trian gles, these triangles inclosing the crux ansata. The quotation is: “ Neither height nor depth can measure the possibilities of the hu man soul.” Love, with Wisdom is the secret of Life. The torch of Life is fed by the oil of Love. On the large cube of cream-white stone which was presented to the Order of the Z. Z., by a Mexican chief, is the following significant inscription :

“ The Torch of Love is the Secret of Soul.”It is claimed in their traditions that this stone is of great antiquity,

and that it was one of the chief stones in the altar of Teocallis. The hierophant of the Order is the Count A. de G. The principal office for this country is in Boston.


The Order of the Eastern Star was established in the United States in 1788, but did not flourish until a comparatively recent period. Robert Morris, an enthusiastic Mason, revived it for the benefit of the wives and daughters of American Masons. Equality and Justice are prominent tenets. It is called the Adoptive Rite. The degrees are founded on the virtues and characteristics of Biblical history:

1. Jephthah’s Daughter (daughter’s degree). 2. Ruth (widow’s degree). Esther (wife’s degree). 4. Martha (sister’s degree). 5. Electra (the benevolent mother’s degree). The Order is too well known to need further description. The General Grand Chapter’s office is at Chicago, 111.

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The Theosophical Society was organized in New York, N. Y., on November 17, 1875. Henry S. Olcott, President-Founder, Advitam. Seth Pancoast and Geo. H. Felt, Vice Presidents. H. P. Blavatsky, Corresponding Secretary. John S. Cobb, Recording Secretary. Hen ry J. Newton, Treasurer. Charles Sotheran. Librarian. William Q. Judge, Counsel to the Society. The first subordinate Branch in Amer ica was organized at Rochester, N. Y., July 27, 1SS2, by Josephine W. Cables, who also established, edited, and published The Occult Word, four volumes, April, 18S4, to April, 1889, quarto, the first

Theosophical journal in America. The Theosophical Society was originally a secret association, having its secret signs and passwords. These have now been abandoned, and its doors are opened to all seekers after truth. “ There is no religion higher than Truth ” is its motto. There are now four Sections, namely, American, F.uropean, Indian, and Australasian, Alexander Fullerton, 10S East 17th Street, New York City, is General Secretary of the American Section. With in the Theosophical Society there is the E, S. T. to which members can be admitted who are prepared to thus advance by taking the proper steps, which information may be given on inquiry. The Outer Head of the E. S. T. is Mrs. Annie Besant, London, England.

At the Ninth Annual Convention of the American Section of the Theosophical Society, April 28-29, 1895, Boston, Mass., William Q. Judge and his following withdrew from the American Section, and organized an independent body under the name of Theosophical So- city in America, of which Ernest T. Hargrove of England is Presi dent, with headquarters at 144 Madison Avenue, New York City.

American Section, Gen. Sec., Alexnnder Fullerton, New York City.European Section, Gen. Sec., George R. S. Mead, London, Eng.Indian Section, Gen. Sec., Bertram Keightley, Madras, Adyar, India,Australasian Section, Gen. Sec., J. C. Staples, Melbourne, Australia.


The Order of the Magi. This Order is a true Secret Order in the fullest sense of the word. Its very cause of existence, its importance and its foundation principles are obliged to be so from the very na ture of things. The “ work, “ Religion of the Stars,” is the religion of the Order, but not secret. Its preachings and its practice are open to all who can appreciate it. The secret machinery of the Order is the vehicle by which the religion is taught in its various degrees ac cording to the universal law of evolution. The Grand Temple is lo cated at Chicago, 111. The Timcs-Herald of July 26, 1896, Chicago, contained a five-column article relating to the Order, and a proposed new temple for the use of the Order to cost $200,000.

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The Order of Sufis. This is an Order representing the Sutiistic and Unitarian Theosophy of the Persians. The term Sufi is derived from the Arabic word Suf, which means !‘ wool,” in allusion to the dress adopted by the Dervishes, who are the masters and teachers of the sect; the similarity of the word Sufi with Sophos is accidental. The system consists in endeavoring to reconcile Philosophy with Re vealed Religion, and in assigning a mystical and allegorical interpre tation to all doctrines and precepts. The first principle of the sys tem is 11 I am the Truth.” The candidate represents a Traveller in search of Truth himself. “ I am a hidden treasure, and I would fain be known,” The Ascent, t. A Ttilib, or search after God. 2. A Murid, or One who inclines. 3. Salih, or Traveller. There are eight stages : Worship, Love, Seclusion, Knowledge, Ecstacy, Truth,Union, Extinction, or absorption into Deity — The Light.

The special poets of Siifiiism are Hafiz and Bayazid Bistumi. • 'Hie best exposition of the Sutiistic doctrine is a small work entitled “ Oriental Mysticism, a treatise on the Sutiistic and Unitarian Theos ophy of the Persians,” compiled from native sources by E. H. Palmer. Representatives of the Order in the United States reside in New York and Missouri.


The Genii of Nations, Knowledges, and Religions. This associa tion is known as the G. N. K. R., having under executive charge the three branches, Nations, Knowledges, Religions. It was conceived in 1S73 ; the child was born in 1SS8 ; the child will be able to walk in 1S96, and can commence to care for itself about 1900, or at least in 1907. There are three branches (Ethnomcdom, Ekphoron, Yidya- Nyaika) the Laws of Ens, Movens, and Ora, and the secrets connect ed therewith. In rSSS there was published 11 A Call to the ‘ Awak ened,” from f The Unseen and Unknown,’ for an Esoteric College.” It is a work of 200 pages, giving details of the Order and the wants this Society Esoteric, also the object of Pa x t o g n omo s . it was born in Boston, in 18S8, and is nowon its feet. We think the hierophant resides in Applegate. Cal.


Heplasophs; or Seven \J’ise Men. Wisdom, Truth. Benevolence. For the inculcation of the true and legitimate principles of Hepta- sophianism embodied in the wise sayings of the Seven Sages who flourished in Greecian history. Established in the United Stales in 1S56. The chief officer is “ Archon,” with usual prefixes The head of the Order is at Baltimore, Md.

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This Rite consists of sis degrees, namely : The three symbolic de grees of the York Rite. 40. Enlightened Freemason, or Green Brother. 5°. Sublime Freemason, or Blue Brother. 6°. Perfect Freemason, or Red Brother. A Lodge was organized in New York, in February, 1859, and continued work till 1863. The highest officers are all members of the Swedenborgian Church, but the latter three degrees are open to all Masons of merit, without regard to their relig ious beliefs. It claims the title of “ The Primitive and Original Rite of Symbolic Masonry.” It is practised in Canada as a distinct rite.

u n i t e d a n c i e n t o r d e r o f d r u i d s .

The Druids were a sacred Order of Priests which existed in Britain and Gaul, but their mystical rites were carried to the greatest perfec tion in Britain. Druidism was divided into- three degrees — Bards, Prophets, and Druids. The constitution of the Order was in many respects like that of the Masons. The governing body is styled the Grand Grove of the United Ancient Order of Druids of the United States of America. They are most numerous in New York, Pennsyl vania, and Maryland.

There is also a body styled “ The Ancient and Archaeological Soci ety of Druids,” reconstructed in 1875, which admits only Masons. We are uncertain whether this latter Society has been introduced into the United Slates as yet.


The Rochester Brotherhood. This society was organized in Roch ester, N. Y., November 3, 18S7. “ Peace be with you.” Its symbolis a triangle, with R. B. in the center, LL at the upper point, SS at the left point, and KD at the right point, all inside. LL—“ Live the Life” ; SS—“ Search the Scriptures " ; IvD—“ Know the Doctrine.” The Brotherhood published “ The Perfect Man is the Anthropomor phic God.” “ Christos ” in Greek letters inclosed in a circle surround ed by a halo. There were about 100 members.


The Order of Galileans exists both North and South of Mason and Dixon’s Line. Their preamble says : “ We select the small band of Galilean Fishermen for our example in laboring to promote the in terest of mankind, and the kingdom of the Lord.” Their several organizations are called Tabernacles. This Order is very popular with the colored population of the United States.

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The Order of the Oriole. An organization peculiar to Maryland, or more especially to Baltimore. Their parades are made with great pomp, with elegant display, the procession often representing scenes in the East. The night pageant of September 14, 1882, was one of great magnificence, and possibly may not have been equaled. This particular display illustrated “ The Rama-Chandra, or briefly, Rama- Avatara” This is taken from the Ramayana, one of the two great epic poems of India. Fifteen tableaux from the poem, illustrated, with a translation, entitled “ The Epic of India,” was published for distribution by the Order of the Oriole, 1882.

s o c i e t y o f e l e u s i s .

Society of Eleusis. It is stated on its shield that this Order was in stituted B. C. 1356. The motto of the Eleusinians in this country is : Quod hoc sibi vull? Commune bonum. Founded on a portion of the ceremonies and tenets of their ancient brethren, modified and mod ernized to conform to existing environments, the society occasionally holds a Grand Festival, with music, dancing, banquet, and commemo rative exercises. i ne auouecenniai ceieoration in Boston, hi ass, on March 6, 1884, was considered the most elaborate, the typographical specimens of which were elegant.


The Order of the West Gate. “ Wealth, Fame, Power—ALL that the world can give sink into nothingness in the presence of restored INNER HARMONY.” This is a Brotherhood earnestly engaged in the solution of the esoteric mysteries of the microcosm ; a problem, rightly solved, re-opening Eden and ensuring harmony in all affairs— domestic, social, and national. While the Soul directs, there is Growth. The exponent of the West Gate Philosophy is The Oracle, and it is published at Bridgton, Maine.


“ He breathed on them, and said, ‘ Receive ye the Holy Ghost.’ ” This Brotherhood has published some literature; the leading work is

4“ The Breath of God with Man.” It aims to give the ground and evidences of Universal Religion. The Brotherhood declare that One is near, who speaks, “ I am the bread of life. If any man partake of My substance, he shall live forever.” 11 We have sought and found. We do know that there is a world of plenary life, beyond the realm of corporeal elements.” “ Seek and ye shall find.” “ I am the door.” The Brotherhood emonates from California.

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The Order of Osiris dates from the reign of the Egyptian King Menes, the first in the Dynasty styled I, by the historian of that an cient country, Manetho, of which Order both these personages were members. The Supreme Tribunal of the Ancient Order bases all its statements on a conservative era, namely, A. D, 1896, or A. O. 5519. The mysteries are called the Lesser and Greater Mysteries. f‘ The Mysteries were instituted in virtue, and proposed the noblest ends, by the worthiest means.” The Order seeks “ to clothe the naked ; to feed the hungry ; to educate the orphan ; to know each other, and ourselves.” Truth, Justice and Equity are their watchwards. The headquarters of the Order is not given in its “ History, Objects, and Aims,” published in 18S7.


This Order was active about twenty years ago in Boston, although little is heard of it in quite recent years. Intended especially for the descendants of the wise and good King Alfred, yet it will find favor with those descended from branches of the same Stock. The advice of the dying Alfred to his son is accepted as a rule of action, and on that advice the precepts of Alfredianism are founded. Alfred ascend ed the throne April 23, 871, and therefore the Alfredians decree that April 23 shall be celebrated as the commemoration day of the Order throughout the world. They also state as an aditional reason for the 23d of April, that it is the natal day of Shakespeare, 1564, the poet of all time, the embalmer of the Anglo-Saxon tongue.


Order of the Omah Language. The Omah tongue is the root of the Language. The primal language was the link which allied man to Yahveh ; through it he comprehended a knowledge now lost in a labyrinth of confused sounds. The language in its fullness of meaning, revealed to man the science of material life ; made him an alchemist and a prophet; through its symbols he calculated the mathematical construction of the universe, and comprehended the finite meaning of bis planetary existence. This language now upon this planet has once more reached the identical point from which it was diffused. Men daily pronounce the magic words, having no conception of their occult power and meaning. It is the purpose of this Order to discover these magic words. A word to the wise is suf ficient. The organ of the Order is the Psychic Mcsssngct. The head of the Order is the head of the nation—Washington, D. C.

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Imperial Order of Muscovites. This Order is of a Russian charac ter and was introduced into the United States in 1S94. Its officers are styled Czar, Regent. Commander, etc. Much secrecy is exer cised by those connected with it. The first Lodge in this country was organized March 30, 1S94. at Cincinnati, Ohio, and was called ICremlin-Moscow, It is not connected with the Odd Fellows, yet it is said to be especially designed for them, something as the Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine is designed for those in the higher degrees of Masonry.

liKDER • : r u e >Y.N::EJ>ltlM.

This Order was organized July 26, 1887, in the State of Michigan, and is designed more especially for a Press Brotherhood. There are uiree chaoses, namely, m I’r’.cf.s, .3 Ml tiers, e.; ''crib'**- -'.-.f - rand with one who sits in ’’ Moses seat,1' equals 72. The National Sanhedrim’s officers are Patriarch, Father of Judgment, Referee, Sen ior and Junior Almoners, Senior and Junior Monitors ; also, appoin tive officers, Senior and Junior Notaries, and the Pedagogue, There is also a Sage in the Great Sanhedrim. The city, town, and country organizations are styled “ Little Sanhedrims.” Headquarters are at Detroit, Mich.

o r i e n t a l o r d e r o f h u m i l i t y .

This Order is sometimes styled Sons of Humility,” and was orig inally called The Oriental Haymakers when the sublime degree was conferred upon the King of Persia. The Supreme Sultan is the head of the Order and his edicts are to be obeyed — the penalty for diso bedience at the sessions being executed at once, The decorum of the meetings must be enforced. It is in vogue in nearly all the large cities. The legend of the Order gives an epitome of its history.


This Order is comparatively quite modern, it having been taken from other existing rites and reconstructed. Its principles read thus: “ To recognize and assert that there is no exclusive possession of ed ucation, wealth or position ; that all men were born equal ; to elevate man’s social position , to germinate thought and gather reason from symbolism ; to recognize these principles as having existed since time began ; to promulgate and maintain them while we live, and to hand down to and enjoin upon posterity their existence, until Time shall be no more.’’ This Order is conferred in nearly ail the large cities.

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r - The Sons of Jonadab are a body of men that date back many years. They base their organization on the verse found in Jeremiah xxxv, 6 :

We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, 'commanded us, saying,f Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye nor your sons for ever.’ ” The Sons of Jonadab were flourishing in New Eng land some twenty years ago, but of late years have somewhat de pleted on account of other more modern similar associations. Any Son of Jonanab who once breaks his pledge can never be reinstated. They believe in having correct and wholesome laws, and then living up to them, and hence are not changing the codes for experiments.


' The Daughters of Rechab were established in Boston, March 15, 1845, and their pledge is based on the command which Jonadab the son of Rechab gave to his posterity, Their motto is “ Mercy and Truth are met together.” After quoting Jer. xxxv, 6, they also quote lI Peter i, 22 ; I Cor. iii, 14; I John iii, 18 ; Eph. iv, 32 ; Matt, v, 10. They were a potent factor with the Sons of Jonadab in their day.


The Commonwealth of Jesus. The object and aim of this Com monwealth shall be the highest development of the spiritual, mental and physical interests of humanity, by organized Christian cooperation. The Head of this organized body shall be Jesus Christ. “ He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” “ The true, eternal aristocracy, coming down from an unbroken line of kings and priests, after the Order of Melchisedeck, in whose veins flows the bright r e d blood.” No date of organization is given. Official address, San Francisco, Cal.


This Order was started, we are informed, in Michigan, and took its name from the patriotic Hebrew Judas Maccabeus and his decendants. It is generally supposed that their name was formed from the fnitials of the Hebrew words inscribed on their banner: Mi Camoka Baalim Jehovah (Ex. xv, 11), “ Who is like unto thee, 0 Lord, among the gods.” The emblem of the ancient family is said to have been a ham mer. How far the modern Order adopt the principles and tenets of the ancient brethren is not stated in their literature. Suffice it to

Isay that the main features are a ready financial help in a time of •need. Their bodies are styled Tents, and they are said to be very numerous in the Middle and Western States.

Page 18: plp i - IAPSOPiapsop.com/ssoc/1896__gould___resume_of_arcane... · 2015. 6. 12. · The Imperial Commandery of America is located at Philadelphia, Pa. The organ of this Order is the

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k- The Sons o£ Jonadab are a body of men that date back many years. They base their organization on the verse found in Jeremiah xxxv, 6 : “ We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying,f Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye nor your sons for ever.’ ” The Sons of Jonadab were flourishing in New Eng land some twenty years ago, but of late years have somewhat de pleted on account of other more modern similar associations. Any Son of Jonanab who once breaks his pledge can never be reinstated. They believe in having correct and wholesome laws, and then living up to them, and hence are not changing the codes for experiments.

u n i t e d d a u g h t e r s o f r e c h a b .

The Daughters of Rechab were established in Boston, March 15, 1845, and their pledge is based on the command which Jonidab the son of Rechab gave to his posterity, Their motto is “ Mercy and Truth are met together.” After quoting Jer. xxxv, 6, they also quote I Peter i, 22 ; I Cor. iii, 14; I John iii, 18 ; Eph. iv, 32 ; Matt, v, 10. They were a potent factor with the Sons of Jonadab in their day.


. The Commonwealth of Jesus. The object and aim of this Com monwealth shall be the highest development of the spiritual, mental and physical interests of humanity, by organized Christian cooperation. The Head of this organized body shall be Jesus Christ. '* He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” “ The true, eternal aristocracy, coming down from an unbroken line of kings and priests, after the Order of Melchisedeck, in whose veins flows the bright r e d blood.” No date of organization is given. Official address, San Francisco, Cal.


This Order was started, we are informed, in Michigan, and took its name from the patriotic Hebrew Judas Maccabeus and his decendants. It is generally supposed that their name was formed from the fnitials of the Hebrew words inscribed on their banner: Mi Camoka Baalim lehovah (Ex. xv, n ) , “ Who is like unto thee, 0 Lord, among the gods.” The emblem of the ancient family is said to have been a ham mer. How far the modern Order adopt the principles and tenets of the ancient brethren is not stated in their literature. Suffice it to say that the main features are a ready financial help in a time of need. Their bodies are styled Tents, and they are said to be very numerous in the Middle and Western States.

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This Order was founded in New York City, September 29, 1879, by William H. Von Swartwout, its President. “ By the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men ” (Rom, v, 18). The Branches, or sub-orders, manage and operate sources of production, distribu tion,. and supply. Each individual gravitating to the Order will in cline as adaptability draws him. Six hours are a working-day ; five days a week; twenty days a month; ten months a year; twenty-nine years is the Commonwealth working limit. The per tod of public ser vice begins at 21 and ends with 49 — the 50th birth begins every per son’s Jubilee. This service bestows Olombia’s citizenship. He then enjoys health, life, liberty, development, culture, and pleasure, “ with out money and without price.” The President has lectured in nearly all the larger cities of this country, and also in England, developing the Order and detailing'its ramifications in society, Several works have been published elaborating the New Order, the most prominent being te The New Political Economy.” The President’s address is- Box 248, New York City.


This is a scheme for a new order of thing arranged and promul gated by George Prindle, McGregor, Iowa. “ Five hours study and five hours work each working day. for every well man or woman on earth.” Addressed to all those who love truth, purity, and pacific progress. It abolishes a!! ignorance, want, and crime. It will lift all up to a ’nigh plane of civilization.


The New Demands of Scientific Knowledge, Association, and in dustry. It is possible to secure persona! freedom, social unity, and universal wealth. This plan for a new state of society was elaborated in 1S60. Arranged by Dr. Marsh and published in Boston, 1S79. Intellectual, social, and industrial demands provided for. Work for all, and its products for all. The problem of social reorganization worked out, and made of universal application.


This is a modern Order founder by Charles D, Magee; who is also the Supreme Chancellor, with his office at No. 905, .Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. Anna E. Manchester is High Priestess. The Shrine is governed by a Supreme Board of Directors. We do not know what extensive progress this new Order has made , but time will show that.

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The Order of Elks was first organized in New York City, May 2.1, 1868, by a few gentlemen of the theatrical profession drawn together for social intercourse. It has now developed-into a widespread and powerful Order of Benevolence, with Lodges in over .300 of the prim cipal cities of the United States. It aims to promote the brotherhood of man, and it designs to offer to its members the certainty.of. \varm hearts and welcome hearths in the various cities to which business or pleasure may summon them. One of their first tenets are these lines :

The faults of our brothers we would write upon the sands;Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory.”

The Order is a child of America, and its founders had no concep tion of the scope and possibilities of the present organization. The irst four officers are Exalted Ruler, Esteemed Leading Knight, Es teemed, Loyal Knight, and Esteemed Lecturing Knight. It is a very popular organization with an excellent suggestive ritual.

i n d e p e n d e n t o r d e r o f o d d - f e l l o w s .

We .need say but little about this well known Order. It was organ ized in the United States at Baltimore. Md., on April 26, 1819, by ive members of the Order of the Manchester Unity, England. The leading spirit in this movement was Thomas Wildey, who has the loqor of being *' The Founder and Father of American Odd-Fellow- ship. ’ , The other four associates are worthy of record : John Welch, Richard ,Riishworth, John Duncan, and John Cheatham. Wildey,‘ The Father of American Odd - Fellowship,” very appropriately cor-, responded with Washington, “ The Father of his Country,” which was the name of the first Lodge of Odd - Fellows. There are at the present time almost 11,000 subordinate lodges with a membership of aver 800,000. There are nearly 2,700 subordinate encampments with 3. membership of over 133,700 There are over 4,000 Rebekah lodges with a membership of over 253,000. The Order’s supreme power for all its subordinates — Grand Lodges and Grand Encamp ments, subordinate lodges and encampments, Rebekah lodges and Conventions, and Patriarchs Militant — is contained in a “ Sovereign Grand Lodge,” meeting annually. The principle of the Order, its de crees, symbols, benefits, and general work, are too well known to require any fuither details.


This is an Order c imposed of the Hebrew race and devoted to its people, race, religion, and interests. T he official organ of the Order is The Manorah, founded by Benjamin F. Peixotto, published jn New York City. This monthly has published a complete history ot the Order

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The Order of Elks was first organized in New York City, May a i, . 1868, by a few gentlemen of the theatrical profession drawn together for social intercourse. It has now developed into a widespread -and powerful Order of Benevolence, with Lodges in over . 300 of the prin cipal cities of the United States. It aims to promote the brotherhood of man, and it designs to offer to its members the certainty, of, \varm hearts and welcome hearths in the various cities to which business or pleasure may summon them. One of their first tenets are these lines:

“ The faults of our brothers we would write upon the sands;Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory.’’

. The Order is a child of America, and its founders had no concep tion of the scope and possibilities of the present organization. The first four officers are Exalted Ruler, Esteemed Leading Knight, Es teemed, Loyal Knight, and Esteemed Lecturing Knight. It is a very popular organization with an excellent suggestive ritual.


We need say but little about this well known Order. It was organ ized in the United States at Baltimore, Md., on April 26, 1819, by five members of the Order of the Manchester Unity, England. The leading spirit in this movement was Thomas Wildey, who has the honor of being *‘ The Founder and Father of American Odd-Fellow ship/’ , T,he other four associates are worthy of record : John Welch, Richard Rushworth, John Duncan, and John Cheatham. Wildey, '.‘ The Father of American Odd - Fellowship,’’ very appropriately cor-, responded with Washington, “ The Father of his Country,” which was the name of the first Lodge of Odd - Fellows. There are at the present time almost 11,000 subordinate lodges wilh a membership of over 800,000. There are nearly 2,700 subordinate encampments with a membership of over 133,700 There are over 4,000 Rebekah lodges with a membership of over 253,000. The Order’s supreme power for all its subordinates — Grand Lodges and Grand Encamp ments, subordinate lodges and encampments, Rebekah lodges and Conventions, and Patriarchs Militant — is contained in a “ Sovereign Grand Lodge,” meeting annually. The principle of the Order; its de grees, symbols, benefits, and general work, are too well known to require any further details.


This is an, Order c >mposed of the Hebrew race and devoted to its.people, race, religion, and interests. T h e official organ of the Order is The Manorah, founded by Benjamin F. Peixotto, published in New York City. 'This monthly has published a complete history of the Order

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This Order was organized in the city of New York, September 29, 1842, by sixteen persons, at Teetotallers’ Hall, in Division Street The National Division was organized Junt 17, 1S44. Its member ship in ��� � reached to little less than � � � �� � � �� It has done and is doing a great work, notwithstanding its decline in membership, which has been caused by other similar societies, organized in more recent years on the same principles. To the inquiry, ’• Why this Order had Secret? connected with it ? ” the following apt reply was published: “ There was an ancient allegory which taught that Envy and Idle ness, onge upon a time, got married. They had one child, and its name was Curiosity. That child is still living upon the earth, and it seems to be a sort of omnipresent being which sustains itself by petty thieving, taking a little from one, a little from another, ami some from all. It' was to prevent the too frequent incursions of this inquisi tive, meddlesome little creature, that secrets were introduced into our Order.”

The Sons of Temperance was for gentlemen ; the Daughiers of Temperance was for ladies ; the Cadets of Temperance was for boys


This Order had its origin in Central New York, in 1851. and grew rapidly, soon spreading to all the States and the Queen’s Dominions. It is a total abstinence society and admits both ladies and gentlemen to its membership. It is prohibition absolutely. No license in any form and under no circumstances. It has several features different from the Sons, Daughters, and Cadets of Temperance, yet is in har mony with them as a factor of the temperance movement. The Order is too well known for further remarks.


This Order was really organized in Maryland, ��� 1835. although thpre were associations under the name of Red .Men at Fort Mifflin during the Mexican war in 1812. The � � � � � adopted for its motto, “ Freedom, Friendship, and Charity.” Us tribes are found in nearly every State, and it has many attractions that tind^a response in the bosom of the American people. Its vocabulary is attractive and perpetuates the history and customs of the red race One thing it has done to perpetuate itself ; it has been the means of bringing to light many Indian names which were fast passing into legends The sonorous words are music in almost every locality through this coun try and the Red Men have unearthed many from tradition and legend

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We have not been able to get much information of this-circle or Brotherhood. It seems to be incog to the outside world. The word West we are told means distinctly the western hemisphere in contrast with the eastern hemisphere. The peculiar manner that the word “ s o t e r ” is exposed would indicate that the meaning of that word (saviour might have an arcane significance with the members. The Ichthic acrostic in the Sibylline Oracles contains the quoted word : I e s o u s C h r i e s t o s T h e o s U io s S o t e r . Godfrey Higgins says there is in the Adyta of St. Peter’s Church a column or lithos on which are inscribed ‘.he words, “ Z e u s S o t e r . ” There is esotericism in this.


This Temple is located in Chicago and is presided over by one of the Magi. Its symbol is a four-winged kneph surrounded by a cobra. Hermetic lectures are delivered twice a month to the members on a variety of arcane subjects, which are printed and distributed to the appreciative Five volumes have thus far been published. The talks penetrate beneath the surface, and many hermetic crypts have been brought to light for study and enlightenment. The volumes are for sale at one dollar twenty-five cents each. This Hermetic Brotherhood also publish other works on the Mysteries, the Sphinx, the Pyramids, and hermetic teachings.


This Order is a circle of students for the study of symbolism and its application to the psychical aspects of man — “ I think, therefore, I am.” The unfoldment of a cube is a crucifixion cross. The esoteric student can penetrate within the veil. Some of its members are also students of Egyptology. The membership is quite limited and scat tered. The head of the Order, we think, resides in Massachusetts.


This Order is founded on some words of Job (xxxi, 4-8) and of Solomon (Cant, v, 15). The Stranger takes a pilgrimage to the Temple, and is shown the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and there taught a lesson that sooner or later be will pass to “ that undiscovered coun

try from whose bourne no traveler returns.” Enough has been said.


This is military degree. It was introduced into Louisiana in 1844, ind is conferred in some of the States at the present time, although t is gradually becoming obsolete. Enough has been said to a P. S.

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We are not sure that this Order is in activity at the present lime ; at least, a session has been held within two years in the city of Bos ton, Mass. Its heads are Prince and High Priestess, both arrayed in gorgeous apparel. The Order claims great antiquity, even several thousand years before A. M.., which may stand for Ante Melchizedek, and not “ After the Order of Melchizedek ” t Ps. ex, 4). "Phis Order is also known as "The Solar, Spiritual, Progressive Order of the Silver Head and Golden Star." Its place of meeting is called a Grnuo.


This Order is a well-known Catholic institution for the purpose of promoting Friendship, Unity, and True Christian Charity among its members, by raising or supporting a stock or fund of money for main taining the aged, sick, blind, and infirm members. It is an adjunct to the Catholic religion, and too well known to be further described.

a n c i e n t o r d e r o f f o r e s t e r s , f r i e n d l y s o c i e t y .

This Order claims to have records that date back to October 29, 1745, under the name “ Royal Foresters,” at Knaresborough. Eng land. That name was changed to “ Ancient Order of Foresters ' in August, 1834, In 1S50 the Order numbered 100,000 members. No Order grew more rapidly in the same length of time. It organiza tions are styled Courts and number now in the United States almost 10,000. It is a benefit association. Its head officer is Chief Ranger.


When the Rite of Strict Observance was established by Baron von Hund about 1754, he and bis adherents termed the English Rite the “ Lax Observance.” We are quite sure there is a Lodge of the Lax Observance in one of the Western States in activity. The Strict Ob servance comprises six degrees, viz, : 1. E. A. 2. F, C. 3. M. M.4. Scottish Master. 5. Novice. 6. Knight Templar. Later than 1754, there was added the 7th, Professed Knight.


This Order had its origin in in Meadville, Pa-., in 1868. After four years of local operation it spread over the country. It is a bene ficiary organization. A few years later were organized on a similar basis the Knights of Honor, American Legion ol Honor, Royal Arca num, Chosen Friends, Golden Cross> Pilgrim Fathers, Order of Solon, and scores of others too numerous to mention.

Space forbids to give a resumd of several mystical organizations noted down for this paper.

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pRoyal Order oE Scotland, i ~' drim, Order; of, . /

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