Characterization of Sleep in Zebrafish and Insomnia in Hypocretin Receptor Mutants Tohei Yokogawa 1 , Wilfredo Marin 1 , Juliette Faraco 2 , Guillaume Pe ´ zeron 3,4 , Lior Appelbaum 1 , Jian Zhang 2 , Fre ´de ´ ric Rosa 3,4 , Philippe Mourrain 2 , Emmanuel Mignot 1,2* 1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States of America, 2 Stanford Center for Narcolepsy, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States of America, 3 Ecole Normale Supe ´rieure, Paris, France, 4 INSERM Unite ´ 784, Paris, France Sleep is a fundamental biological process conserved across the animal kingdom. The study of how sleep regulatory networks are conserved is needed to better understand sleep across evolution. We present a detailed description of a sleep state in adult zebrafish characterized by reversible periods of immobility, increased arousal threshold, and place preference. Rest deprivation using gentle electrical stimulation is followed by a sleep rebound, indicating homeostatic regulation. In contrast to mammals and similarly to birds, light suppresses sleep in zebrafish, with no evidence for a sleep rebound. We also identify a null mutation in the sole receptor for the wake-promoting neuropeptide hypocretin (orexin) in zebrafish. Fish lacking this receptor demonstrate short and fragmented sleep in the dark, in striking contrast to the excessive sleepiness and cataplexy of narcolepsy in mammals. Consistent with this observation, we find that the hypocretin receptor does not colocalize with known major wake-promoting monoaminergic and cholinergic cell groups in the zebrafish. Instead, it colocalizes with large populations of GABAergic neurons, including a subpopulation of Adra2a-positive GABAergic cells in the anterior hypothalamic area, neurons that could assume a sleep modulatory role. Our study validates the use of zebrafish for the study of sleep and indicates molecular diversity in sleep regulatory networks across vertebrates. Citation: Yokogawa T, Marin W, Faraco J, Pe ´zeron G, Appelbaum L, et al. (2007) Characterization of sleep in zebrafish and insomnia in hypocretin receptor mutants. PLoS Biol 5(10): e277. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277 Introduction The function of sleep is disputed, with hypotheses ranging from energy conservation to synaptic remodeling and memory consolidation, with the possibility of disparate functions across evolution [1,2]. One approach to this question is to study sleep and sleep regulatory networks in organisms amendable to molecular, neuronatomical, and genetic studies [3–5]. Using purely behavioral criteria, a sleep- like state has been demonstrated in non-mammalian species [6,7]. A sleep-like state has been characterized in Drosophila melanogaster [4], initially using behavioral criteria, and more recently through electrophysiological studies [8]. Identifica- tion and characterization of sleep mutants is ongoing [5]. While unquestionably a superb genetic model organism, the phylogenetic distance between Drosophila and mammals has produced notable and relevant divergences in usage of neuromodulators. Whereas tyramine and octopamine are critically important in Drosophila, they are trace amines of unknown function in mammals and other vertebrates [9]. Further, certain other neurotransmitter systems have not been identified in Drosophila, including hypocretin/orexin, an important sleep modulator. Hypocretins [10], also called orexins [11], are neuropep- tides of primary interest in the study of sleep. Indeed, they compose the only neurochemical system known to be involved in the generation of a clear human sleep disorder phenotype, narcolepsy [12–17]. In mammals, preprohypocre- tin is primarily expressed by neurons of the posterior hypothalamus, with widespread projections to the brain and spinal cord [18]. Two closely related receptors are known, with complementary neuronatomical distribution [11,19]. Of notable importance for sleep regulation, mammalian hypo- cretin neurons also project widely and activate monoaminer- gic cell groups, which are generally known to be wake-active (adrenergic, dopaminergic, serotoninergic, and histaminer- gic) [20–23]. Further, they also project and activate choliner- gic cell groups [24–26] important for the regulation of wakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Intra- cerebroventricular (icv) injections of hypocretin are potently wake-promoting and increase locomotion in mammals [27– 29], an effect partially blocked by histaminergic [28] and dopaminergic [30] antagonists, with higher doses inducing stereotypies similar to those observed after massive dopami- nergic stimulation [30]. These experiments suggest that hypocretin is a major sleep modulator, and that much of its activity is mediated through direct stimulation of aminergic systems. Narcolepsy can be observed in multiple mammalian species. In humans, the disorder is primarily due to hypocretin cell loss [14,16]. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, disturbed nocturnal sleep (inability to stay asleep at night), cataplexy (transient muscle paralysis Academic Editor: Derek L. Stemple, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, United Kingdom Received February 14, 2007; Accepted August 24, 2007; Published October 16, 2007 Copyright: Ó 2007 Yokogawa et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Abbreviations: AFSRS, adult fish sleep recording system; BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; dpf, day(s) postfertilization; icv, intracerebroventricular(ly); ISH, in situ hybridization; REM, rapid eye movement; ROC, receiver operator curve; SE, sensitivity; SP, specificity * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e277 2379 P L o S BIOLOGY

PLoS BIOLOGY Characterization of Sleep in Zebrafish and ... · Sleep is a fundamental biological process conserved across the animal kingdom. The study of how sleep regulatory networks

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Page 1: PLoS BIOLOGY Characterization of Sleep in Zebrafish and ... · Sleep is a fundamental biological process conserved across the animal kingdom. The study of how sleep regulatory networks

Characterization of Sleep in Zebrafishand Insomnia in Hypocretin Receptor MutantsTohei Yokogawa

1, Wilfredo Marin

1, Juliette Faraco

2, Guillaume Pezeron

3,4, Lior Appelbaum

1, Jian Zhang


Frederic Rosa3,4

, Philippe Mourrain2

, Emmanuel Mignot1,2*

1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States of America, 2 Stanford Center for Narcolepsy, Stanford University, Palo Alto,

California, United States of America, 3 Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France, 4 INSERM Unite 784, Paris, France

Sleep is a fundamental biological process conserved across the animal kingdom. The study of how sleep regulatorynetworks are conserved is needed to better understand sleep across evolution. We present a detailed description of asleep state in adult zebrafish characterized by reversible periods of immobility, increased arousal threshold, and placepreference. Rest deprivation using gentle electrical stimulation is followed by a sleep rebound, indicating homeostaticregulation. In contrast to mammals and similarly to birds, light suppresses sleep in zebrafish, with no evidence for asleep rebound. We also identify a null mutation in the sole receptor for the wake-promoting neuropeptide hypocretin(orexin) in zebrafish. Fish lacking this receptor demonstrate short and fragmented sleep in the dark, in striking contrastto the excessive sleepiness and cataplexy of narcolepsy in mammals. Consistent with this observation, we find that thehypocretin receptor does not colocalize with known major wake-promoting monoaminergic and cholinergic cell groupsin the zebrafish. Instead, it colocalizes with large populations of GABAergic neurons, including a subpopulation ofAdra2a-positive GABAergic cells in the anterior hypothalamic area, neurons that could assume a sleep modulatory role.Our study validates the use of zebrafish for the study of sleep and indicates molecular diversity in sleep regulatorynetworks across vertebrates.

Citation: Yokogawa T, Marin W, Faraco J, Pezeron G, Appelbaum L, et al. (2007) Characterization of sleep in zebrafish and insomnia in hypocretin receptor mutants. PLoS Biol5(10): e277. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277


The function of sleep is disputed, with hypotheses rangingfrom energy conservation to synaptic remodeling andmemory consolidation, with the possibility of disparatefunctions across evolution [1,2]. One approach to thisquestion is to study sleep and sleep regulatory networks inorganisms amendable to molecular, neuronatomical, andgenetic studies [3–5]. Using purely behavioral criteria, a sleep-like state has been demonstrated in non-mammalian species[6,7]. A sleep-like state has been characterized in Drosophilamelanogaster [4], initially using behavioral criteria, and morerecently through electrophysiological studies [8]. Identifica-tion and characterization of sleep mutants is ongoing [5].While unquestionably a superb genetic model organism, thephylogenetic distance between Drosophila and mammals hasproduced notable and relevant divergences in usage ofneuromodulators. Whereas tyramine and octopamine arecritically important in Drosophila, they are trace amines ofunknown function in mammals and other vertebrates [9].Further, certain other neurotransmitter systems have notbeen identified in Drosophila, including hypocretin/orexin, animportant sleep modulator.

Hypocretins [10], also called orexins [11], are neuropep-tides of primary interest in the study of sleep. Indeed, theycompose the only neurochemical system known to beinvolved in the generation of a clear human sleep disorderphenotype, narcolepsy [12–17]. In mammals, preprohypocre-tin is primarily expressed by neurons of the posteriorhypothalamus, with widespread projections to the brain andspinal cord [18]. Two closely related receptors are known,with complementary neuronatomical distribution [11,19]. Ofnotable importance for sleep regulation, mammalian hypo-

cretin neurons also project widely and activate monoaminer-gic cell groups, which are generally known to be wake-active(adrenergic, dopaminergic, serotoninergic, and histaminer-gic) [20–23]. Further, they also project and activate choliner-gic cell groups [24–26] important for the regulation ofwakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Intra-cerebroventricular (icv) injections of hypocretin are potentlywake-promoting and increase locomotion in mammals [27–29], an effect partially blocked by histaminergic [28] anddopaminergic [30] antagonists, with higher doses inducingstereotypies similar to those observed after massive dopami-nergic stimulation [30]. These experiments suggest thathypocretin is a major sleep modulator, and that much of itsactivity is mediated through direct stimulation of aminergicsystems.Narcolepsy can be observed in multiple mammalian

species. In humans, the disorder is primarily due tohypocretin cell loss [14,16]. It is characterized by excessivedaytime sleepiness, disturbed nocturnal sleep (inability tostay asleep at night), cataplexy (transient muscle paralysis

Academic Editor: Derek L. Stemple, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UnitedKingdom

Received February 14, 2007; Accepted August 24, 2007; Published October 16,2007

Copyright: � 2007 Yokogawa et al. This is an open-access article distributed underthe terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authorand source are credited.

Abbreviations: AFSRS, adult fish sleep recording system; BAC, bacterial artificialchromosome; dpf, day(s) postfertilization; icv, intracerebroventricular(ly); ISH, in situhybridization; REM, rapid eye movement; ROC, receiver operator curve; SE,sensitivity; SP, specificity

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 2: PLoS BIOLOGY Characterization of Sleep in Zebrafish and ... · Sleep is a fundamental biological process conserved across the animal kingdom. The study of how sleep regulatory networks

triggered by emotions), sleep paralysis (transient muscleparalysis during sleep–wake transitions), and hypnagogichallucinations (dream-like experiences at sleep onset)[31,32]. Many of the symptoms of narcolepsy are related toan abnormal tendency to enter REM sleep rapidly, and toexpress abnormal REM sleep features while awake (e.g.,muscle paralysis) or dreaming (hypnagogic hallucinations).Contrary to popular belief, narcolepsy is not characterized byincreased total sleep time over the 24-h period [33,34].Rather, patients with narcolepsy are unable to consolidateeither wakefulness or sleep [33,35].

In dogs, narcolepsy has been studied for over 20 years andhas been shown to display all the symptoms of humannarcolepsy [36]. It can result from mutations in thehypocretin receptor-2 (HCRTR2) gene (familial cases) [12]or from hypocretin deficiency (sporadic narcolepsy) [37]. Inrats and mice that have been engineered to lack hypocretin,hypocretin cells, or HCRTR2, narcolepsy manifests as sleepand wake fragmentation during the day and the night, suddenepisodes of muscle weakness, and rapid transitions from waketo REM sleep [15,38,39]. In contrast, hypocretin receptor-1(HCRTR1) knockout mice do not display sudden episodes ofmuscle weakness, but have sleep abnormalities [39,40]. Thesecomparisons highlight the similarity of the phenotype acrossmammalian species and a primary role for HCRTR2-mediated transmission.

The zebrafish is a powerful genetic model that has, as avertebrate, the advantage of sharing a similar central nervoussystem organization with mammals [41,42]. We, and others,have shown that principal actors of sleep regulation inmammals are largely conserved in zebrafish, includingmonoaminergic [43–46], cholinergic [47], and hypocretiner-gic (orexin) [48–50] cell groups. In addition to conservation ofcell groups, responses to various hypnotic drugs such as H1histaminergic antagonists, melatonin agonists, alpha-2 adre-nergic agonists, and GABAergic modulators are also con-served in the zebrafish [51–53]. A sleep-like state was firstcharacterized in 7- to 14-d-old zebrafish larvae by Zhdanovaand colleagues, who demonstrated an elevated arousalthreshold, a reduced breathing respiratory rate, and acompensatory rest rebound in response to deprivation as

well as modulation by hypnotic drugs [51,54]. More recentstudies have also explored sleep architecture in zebrafishlarvae [50].These findings raise the question of whether conserved

neuromodulators function in the same roles to regulate sleepin fish as in mammals, or whether there are presentlyunappreciated divergences. The study of fish sleep is alsointeresting because the fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate, andmammalian-like sleep architecture, as defined by REM sleepand non-REM sleep, typically emerged with homeothermy[55]. To address these questions, we performed a detailedcharacterization of sleep in adult zebrafish and characterizedsleep abnormalities in adult zebrafish lacking the solehypocretin receptor.


Defining Sleep in Adult ZebrafishWe first performed a fine analysis of the characteristics and

architecture of the sleep-like state in fully formed adults todevelop a working definition of sleep in the zebrafish. Weused videotracking of fish illuminated by an infrared sourceunder light and dark conditions (adult fish sleep recordingsystem [AFSRS]; Figure 1A; see also Materials and Methods),and found that zebrafish adults are strongly diurnal, display-ing higher activity during the day (Figure 1B and 1C). Briefperiods of inactivity, often associated with a drooping caudalfin, were observed, suggesting a sleep-like state (Video S1).These periods of inactivity alternated with active periodsduring both the night and the day (Figure 1B). Further, thestate was easily reversible by gentle tapping, acousticstimulation, or weak electrical field stimulation (e.g., 2–6 V).One important characteristic of sleep is increased arousal

threshold. To study this phenomenon, the reaction of fish to aweak electrical field of variable strength was studied (VideoS2). Random voltage stimuli (0–2 V) were applied every 30min through the day and night (Figure 1D). We noted that fishin an active state were more likely to respond to very lowvoltage stimuli than those that were inactive (see legend toFigure 1 for details). At higher voltages, all fish respondedregardless of activity state (Figure 1E). Inactivity was thusassociated with an increased arousal threshold to electricalstimulation, with the greatest differential response observedat 0.38 V. Sub-analyses performed during the day versus thenight, and in individual animals, yielded similar results (datanot shown).We next defined the minimum epoch of immobility

distinguishing sleep from simple inactivity. To do so, weused receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis [56] of the resultsof the electrical stimulation experiments. In this analysis,sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) (and Kappas) for responseto stimulation in inactive versus active states are plotted asthe discrimination voltage threshold is varied. A true positiveis defined as a demonstration of sleep, as defined byimmobility and non-response to stimulation. SE is definedas the percent of non-response to stimulation when inactive/total number of trials when inactive. SP is defined as thepercent of response when active/total number of trials whenactive. These analyses considered the percentage of responsesto differing voltages (0.13, 0.38, 0.5, 1 and 2 V) as well as theconsecutive number of seconds (0–30 s) of inactivity (,6pixels/s) preceding the stimulus. These SE/SP pairs are plotted

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772380

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

Author Summary

Sleep disorders are common and poorly understood. Further, howand why the brain generates sleep is the object of intensespeculations. In this study, we demonstrate that a bony fish usedfor genetic studies sleeps and that a molecule, hypocretin, involvedin causing narcolepsy, is conserved. In humans, narcolepsy is a sleepdisorder associated with sleepiness, abnormal dreaming, andparalysis and insomnia. We generated a mutant fish in which thehypocretin system was disrupted. Intriguingly, this fish sleep mutantdoes not display sleepiness or paralysis but has a 30% reduction ofits sleep time at night and a 60% decrease in sleep bout lengthcompared with non-mutant fish. We also studied the relationshipsbetween the hypocretin system and other sleep regulatory brainsystems in zebrafish and found differences in expression patterns inthe brain that may explain the differences in behavior. Our studyillustrates how a sleep regulatory system may have evolved acrossvertebrate phylogeny. Zebrafish, a powerful genetic model that hasthe advantage of transparency to study neuronal networks in vivo,can be used to study sleep.

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Figure 1. Characterization of Rest in Zebrafish as a Sleep-Like State

(A) AFSRS. Images are recorded through backlit chambers using an infrared video camera (30 frames/s), and software then detects and tracks the fishand its movements (see Materials and Methods). See also Video S5.(B) Activity of a single fish displayed as pixels/s for each minute over 2 d with 14 h: 10 h light/dark conditions. Note alternation of periods of activity andinactivity.(C) Mean activity of 13 normal adult fish across the light/dark cycle (6 standard error of the mean, represented as shaded areas). Data are plotted as themean of 2-h blocks, after a 3-d habituation period.(D) Arousal threshold and electrical stimulation experiments. The upper panel shows the electrical stimulation apparatus that applies stimuli throughstainless steel sidewalls. Stimuli of various voltages (0–2 V) are applied for 10 ms every 30 min over the 24-h period. Video clips including 30 s of dataprior to and after the stimulation are automatically generated (see Video S2). Object velocity (lower panels) and shape change (data not shown) areused to score response, together with visual inspection of the video clips. In the example shown, a stimulus of 1 V for 10 ms is applied at time ‘‘0’’ intwo fish. Behavior is scored as ‘‘sleep’’ or ‘‘active’’ based on the existence of movements prior to the stimulation and the video clip. Responses areclassified as absent (top) or present (bottom). Note response in fish with higher baseline activity (bottom).(E) Electrical stimulus dose response experiments in fish in active or sleep states. Pulses randomly ranging from 0 to 2 V were applied every 30 minthrough the day and night. Response and sleep/active status were scored, with no habituation noted. The results presented here used a definition of 6 sof prior inactivity as ‘‘sleep.’’ The curve depicts the percentage of stimuli eliciting responses (movement) at increasing voltage strengths in fishdemonstrating prior sleep or active states. Numbers indicate the number of stimulus instances and number of animals (in parentheses). Note that asvoltage increased, progressively more animals demonstrated a response, but animals scored as active reacted to lower voltages (p , 0.01 at voltage

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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on ROC and qualitative ROC planes. Diagnostic lines aredrawn on the qualitative ROC plane, and the ideal test pointis plotted. This analysis indicated that the best SE/SP ratio(point closest to ideal test point and closest to the diagnosticline) was obtained when using 0.38 V and 6 s of priorinactivity. As expected, SE increased with increasingly longerperiods of inactivity, as the longer the prior period ofinactivity was, the likelier true sleep (without reactivity toelectrical stimulation) was observed (Figure 1F). In contrast,SP decreased with increasingly longer periods of inactivity, asmore and more short periods of true sleep were missed andconsidered ‘‘active.’’ This analysis provided a workingdefinition of zebrafish sleep: an interval of inactivity (,6pixels/s) lasting at least 6 s (Figure 1E and 1F). All otherperiods were defined as active (awake). Using this definition,we determined that most sleep episodes occurred at thebottom or the top of the tanks (Figure 1G) and wereremarkably consolidated during the night (Figure 1H and

1I). No sex differences were found in sleep amounts ordistribution (data not shown).

Sleep Deprivation and Recovery in the Dark

We next investigated whether sleep episodes are homeo-statically regulated by observing sleep-deprived animals. Todo this, we first attempted sleep deprivation by tapping onthe aquarium walls or using noise introduced through anunderwater speaker. As we noted rapid habituation, electricalstimulation was next attempted. Although this procedure wasalso imperfect, as we found it extremely difficult to keep thefish awake in the dark for long periods of time (Video S4), itwas retained as the method of choice, as it did not result inrapid habituation. We next designed a computerized systemto electrically stimulate a fish each time it displayed sleepbehavior (Figure 2A). A yoked control fish was stimulatedconcurrently at the same voltage (though not necessarilywhile resting) in a separate chamber to control for stress.

Figure 2. Homeostatic Regulation of Zebrafish Sleep

(A) Illustration of the sleep deprivation protocol. An electrical pulse (2 V, 10 ms) is applied when the target fish displays sleep. When the fish does notrespond within 3 s, the stimulus is increased stepwise (2 V per step) to a maximum of 6 V. If the fish does not react to the 6-V stimulus, stimulation isrepeated. A yoked control fish is stimulated at the same time in a different chamber (independent of its sleep/wake state), to control for the stress of theprocedure. For video recordings of sleep-deprived fish at the beginning of the stimulation period and at the end of the 6-h procedure, see Videos S3and S4, respectively.(B) Quantitative effects of sleep deprivation using electrical stimulation or light, as applied 6 h prior to usual light onset, with release in the dark or thelight. The procedure induces a ;30% loss of sleep over the 6-h period, while yoked stimulated controls have ;10% less sleep. Groups are comparedusing ANOVA with grouping factors (all models significant, except recovery in light), followed by post hoc testing and Bonferroni corrections. A greateramount of recovery sleep is observed in sleep-deprived animals than in undisturbed controls and yoked stimulated animals (#, p , 0.05 sleep-deprivedversus controls; *, p , 0.05 sleep-deprived versus yoke controls; **, p , 0.01). A partial rebound is also observed in yoked stimulated controls. Sleepbout length also increased during the rebound period. Interestingly, light almost completely suppressed sleep (;90%) without any apparent recovery(even when monitoring was conducted for a subsequent 48 h; data not shown). Similarly, sleep deprivation by electrical stimulation is not associatedwith a sleep rebound when animals are released in the light (right panel).doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g002

ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 V using Chi2). At high voltage, all animals demonstrated a response regardless of prior activity state (i.e., ;100% at 2 V). Stimuliof 0.38 V (arrow) produced the largest differential response between fish in active and sleep states (bar graph).(F) Quantitative ROC analyses were performed to examine the optimum interval of prior inactivity (,6 pixels/s) that was associated with increasedarousal threshold [56]. SE and SP for response to stimulation were computed for animals in active and inactive states. Note that 6 s of prior inactivitywas the best discriminating value in terms of SE and SP, and was thus adopted to form our definition of sleep in adult zebrafish (boxed area indicatedby arrow).(G) Place preference and characteristic posture during sleep. Left panels show characteristic posture (drooping caudal fin) during sleep (for typicalexample, see also Video S1). Right panel shows location of sleep occurrences (,6 pixels/s for at least 6 s) plotted as dots over the 24-h period. Sleepoccurred either near the surface of the water or at the bottom of the recording chamber, with some interindividual preferences.(H) Sleep bout length (in seconds) in a single fish, integrated every 10 min over 2 d. For every 10 min, the mean length of inactivity periods lasting atleast 6 s is calculated. Note presence of some sleep bouts even during the day.(I) Mean percent sleep time of 13 normal adult fish (6 standard error of the mean, represented as shaded areas) across the light/dark cycle, after a 3-dhabituation period. Data are plotted as the mean of 2-h blocks. Note the extremely strong nocturnal preference for sleep in adult zebrafish (5.1% 61.3% of time during the day, 58.1% 6 3.3% of time during the night).doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g001

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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Increased voltage from 2 to 6 V was applied to both fish if theinactive fish did not react to stimulations (Figure 2A).

Animals were sleep deprived during the 6 h of the darkprior to usual light onset (9 A.M.), and released into either theusual light (150 lux) or an extended period of darkness. Thisprocedure successfully induced sleep deprivation, althoughpartial habituation was observed after 4 h of stimulation, i.e.,toward the end of the procedure (data not shown). Indeed,sleep-deprived animals appeared increasingly immobile andunreactive to stimulation toward the end of the procedure, incontrast to yoked control stimulated fish (Videos S3 and S4).Further, as sleep episodes normally occur at high frequency atnight, random stimulation in the control fish also inducedmild partial sleep deprivation (while controlling for stress).Overall, we found that this procedure induced a 30%decrease in sleep in the sleep-deprived group versus undis-turbed controls. In contrast, a 10% decrease in sleep wasobserved in the yoked control group, representing a milderdegree of sleep deprivation (Figure 2B) and providing a dose-response curve of increasing amounts of sleep deprivation.

After release into an extended period of darkness duringthe subjective day, sleep in undisturbed control animals waslowest. In yoked control animals (partially deprived), minorrecovery sleep was observed, while a significant rebound wasobserved in the sleep-deprived animals, indicating homeo-static regulation of sleep. Differences were statisticallysignificant between sleep-deprived versus yoke controlstimulated or undisturbed fish (Figure 2B). Sleep bout lengthwas also increased in both the yoke control and sleep-deprived groups, although not significantly in the yokecontrol, compared to the undisturbed group.

Light Suppresses Sleep and Produces No ReboundRemarkably, a sleep rebound was not observed when sleep-

deprived animals were released into light (Figure 2B).Further, when fish were exposed to 150-lux light during thelast 6 h of the biological night, but not electrically stimulated,there was a dramatic suppression of sleep (90% decrease) thatwas not followed by a rebound when animals were releasedinto darkness (Figure 2B). A similar, nearly completesuppression of sleep was also observed when animals werekept under constant light conditions for 3 d (Table 1). Again,no significant rebound was observed during the day or thefollowing nights (data not shown). During longer exposure toconstant 150-lux light, a progressive return of sleep was notedover a period of 1–2 wk (Figure S1). As previously reportedfor activity [57], sleep was modulated by circadian influencesunder constant light and dark conditions (Table 1). Unlikemost mammals, however, the direct effect of dark and, morestrikingly, light was stronger than circadian influences.Indeed, for most parameters, values varied significantly morewith light exposure than with circadian timing (Table 1).

hcrtr Is Widely Expressed in the Brain of ZebrafishEmbryos

To investigate functional conservation of neurotransmit-ters regulating sleep in zebrafish, we next anatomically andfunctionally studied the hypocretin system, the only systemknown to cause a primary sleep disorder (narcolepsy) inmammals. In conjunction with previous work on thehypocretin neuropeptide [48], we identified a single hypo-cretin receptor in Tetraodon and in zebrafish (hcrtr [also known

as hcrtr2]) through bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)library screening and in silico database searches (see Materialsand Methods). As recently noted [50], zebrafish Hcrtr hashigher homology to mammalian HCRTR2, the subtype ofprimary importance in the mediation of the narcolepsyphenotype [12]. As in mammals [19], we found widespreadhcrtr expression in the telencephalon, hypothalamus, hypo-physis, posterior tuberculum, and hindbrain (Figure 3A and3B) and in selected spinal cord neurons (Figure 3C and 3D) oflarvae at age 2 d postfertilization (dpf). Limited expressionwas found in thalamic and pallidal areas, reminiscent ofoverall mammalian HCRTR1 and HCRTR2 mRNA distribu-tion (cortex and hippocampus, basal forebrain, centralmidline thalamic areas, hypothalamus, and brainstem) [19],although overall neuroanatomical correspondence of struc-tures between these species is only partially established [41].

hcrtr Is Not Localized on Major Monoaminergic CellGroups in Zebrafish EmbryosWe next simultaneously mapped the distribution of hcrtr

with that of monoaminergic cell groups. In mammals,monoaminergic cell groups modulate wakefulness and areamong the most hypocretin-receptor-rich brain regions [19].These are stimulated by hypocretins and are commonlyassumed to mediate much of the downstream effects ofhypocretin on sleep regulation [12,58]. Interestingly, however,using double in situ hybridization (ISH) on 2-dpf larvae, wesaw no significant colocalization with adrenergic (Figure 3Gand 3J), dopaminergic (Figure 3E–3S), histaminergic (Figure3T), or serotoninergic (Figure 3U and 3V) neurons. Flatmounts and close-ups confirmed these results (Figure 3H–3J).Double fluorescence ISH followed by confocal microscopy(Figure 3K–3S) also demonstrated an absence of colocaliza-tion in dopaminergic and adrenergic cells, in contrast to aprevious report [50].

hcrtr Expression in Adult Zebrafish BrainTo determine whether connectivity of the hypocretin and

monoaminergic systems emerges later in development, wealso performed ISH on adult zebrafish brain sections, usingthe adult zebrafish atlas established by Wulliman andcolleagues [42]. The embryonic distribution of hcrtr wasbroadly maintained in the adult brain, with prominentlocalization in the telencephalon, hypothalamus, posteriortuberculum, hypophysis, and brainstem cranial nuclei. Inaddition to the areas of detected expression in 2-dpfembryos, notable expression was also observed in theperiventricular gray zone of the optic tectum (Figure 4A–4C). As in embryos, colocalization of hcrtr with monoaminer-gic cells was absent except for a few anterior dopaminergicneurons (Figure 4G). Most notably, and unlike previouslyreported [50], expression was absent in the large majority ofdiencephalic dopaminergic neurons (Figure 4B, 4E, and 4H)and in the locus coeruleus (Figure 4C, 4F, and 4I). In this lastarea, however, a few receptor-positive cells were presentimmediately medially to the locus coeruleus (Figure 4I).Labeling of the locus coeruleus was performed using dbh(Figure 4I), th, and adra2a (data not shown).

Non-Monoaminergic Locations of hcrtr ExpressionAs hcrtr is not significantly colocalized with major mono-

aminergic neurons in embryos, we next surveyed zebrafish

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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embryos with other neuronal markers (acetylcholine, GABA,glycine, and glutamate markers) that have been proposed ashypocretin targets in various sleep regulatory models [2,58].We found that Adra2a, Gad67 (also known as Gad1), ChAT,and Glyt2 (also known as Slc6a5) were expressed in regionssimilar to where hcrtr was expressed (Figure 5). Double ISHfurther confirmed that most hcrtr-positive cells were Gad67-positive GABAergic cells (Figure 5A), except in the hypo-physis and the ventral posterior tuberculum. A subpopulationof hcrtr-positive GABAergic cells in the anterior hypothalamicarea was also positive for Adra2a (Figure 5B). Some overlapwas also observed between the cholinergic system and hcrtr-positive cells in the diencephalon and in rhombomere 2(Figure 5C). In the spinal cord, hcrtr-positive neurons wereneither primary sensory neurons nor motoneurons, but werelocated closer to the primary sensory neuron layer, a regionthat could be equivalent to lamina-II in mammals; this area isinvolved in the secondary processing of sensory informationsuch as pain [59]. Most of these neurons were glycinergic(Figure 5D) and GABAergic (Figure 5E). In mammals,

equivalent neurons receive dense hypocretin projectionsand are stimulated by the peptide, with a role in themodulation of nociceptive input [59–62].In a second analysis, double ISH data extended in adults,

with a primary focus on the hypothalamic area. As inembryos, we found that many hcrtr-positive cells wereGad67-positive. In the anterior hypothalamus and ventralthalamic nucleus (Figure 6, first two columns), most hcrtr-positive cells were GABAergic, starting at the diencephalic–telencephalic junction. Further, the majority of the anteriorhypothalamic GABAergic cluster was Adra2a-positive. In theposterior diencephalon, only a small region of the centralposterior thalamic nucleus was Adra2a- and Gad67-positive(Figure 6, last column). Studies using cholinergic markerswere next performed (Figure 7). Our primary focus was onthe telencephalon and the pons, where cholinergic cellsequivalent to sleep regulatory neurons of the nucleus basalisand laterodorsal tegmentum/pedunculopontine nuclei havebeen reported. Cholinergic staining was abundant in thediencephalon and rhombencephalon, including in many

Table 1. Activity and Sleep Characteristics in hcrtr168 Homozygous Fish, when Compared to Heterozygous Siblings, Wild-Type Siblings,and Unrelated Wild-Type Animals in Various Light/Dark Conditions



Characteristic Night or



hcrtr168 Homozygous

Mutants (�/�)


Siblings (þ/�)


Siblings (þ/þ)

Unrelated Wild-Type

Animals (þ/þsh)

14 h light: 10 h dark Activity (pixels/s) Night 7.1 6 0.4*** 6.8 6 0.7 6.5 6 0.5 5.8 6 0.4

Day 18.5 6 0.9 17.2 6 1.9 22.2 6 3.6 17.1 6 0.9

Sleep (%) Night 45.9 6 3.6�*** 51.9 6 6.7 57.7 6 4.5 67.7 6 2.5

Day 3.2 6 1.2# 8.5 6 2.1 1.7 6 0.8 6.3 6 1.9

Sleep–wake transitions (n) Night 108.5 6 6.7��*** 89.1 6 9.1 69.9 6 7.5 67.3 6 3.7

Day 10.1 6 3.6 23.3 6 4.6 7.5 6 3.9 16.6 6 4.6

Sleep bout length (s) Night 16.7 6 2.0�*** 29.5 6 7.8 45.4 6 14.0 41.8 6 3.1

Day 4.7 6 1.0#* 9.1 6 1.5 4.2 6 0.9 10.5 6 1.9

Wake bout length (s) Night 24.4 6 4.4 24.4 6 5.8 25.3 6 2.1 28.0 6 9.7

Day 2,135 6 249#* 1,113 6 278 2,214 6 365 1,285 6 349

Dark: dark Activity (pixels/s) Night 6.1 % 0.4## 4.4 % 0.3 6.2 % 0.7 6.3 % 1.2

Day 7.3 % 0.7 5.6 % 0.8 7.5 % 0.8 10.3 % 1.5

Sleep (%) Night 50.3 % 3.3# 64.3 % 3.5 53.1 % 4.0 55.1 % 8.3

Day 40.6 % 3.8 53.7 % 7.9 43.8 % 5.1 34.6 % 5.5

Sleep–wake transitions (n) Night 99.6 % 11.2*** 63.7 % 8.5 70.8 % 7.4 58.4 % 6.5

Day 116 % 9.5�** 86.1 % 13 77.8 % 6.3 49 % 5.4

Sleep bout length (s) Night 19.9 % 2.8# 42.7 % 6.8 30 % 5.3 44.1 % 15.3

Day 12.8 % 1.1�* 26.6 % 7.1 21.6 % 3.9 25.8 % 5.2

Wake bout length (s) Night 14 % 1.7� 14.9 % 3.5 19.0 % 2.6 22.3 % 6.5

Day 53.5 % 38.9 17.2 % 4.7 32.5 % 12.3 266 % 148

Light: light Activity (pixels/s) Night 13.5 6 1.1 14.1 6 1.5 15.6 6 1.1 15.1 6 1.9

Day 14.2 6 1.3 14.1 6 1.4 15.5 6 0.9 15.6 6 2.2

Sleep (%) Night 9.3 6 4.3 10.9 6 4.8 5.1 6 2.4 7.5 6 2

Day 8.0 6 3.3 10.4 6 4 4.4 6 1.7 7.5 6 3.3

Sleep–wake transitions (n) Night 24 6 7.6 23.5 6 7.7 19.2 6 8.8 24.4 6 8.4

Day 18.3 6 6.8 20.3 6 6.7 18.7 6 7 25.7 6 9.8

Sleep bout length (s) Night 12.2 6 2.6 11.5 6 3.5 8.3 6 1 11.8 6 0.8

Day 10.8 6 2� 13.1 6 3.8 7.4 6 0.5 9.7 6 0.7

Wake bout length (s) Night 1,066 6 395 1,222 6 436 1,100 6 322 298 6 134

Day 1,378 6 442 1,475 6 431 1,172 6 274 460 6 356

Sample sizes are as follows: 14 h light: 10 h dark,�/� (n¼17),þ/� (n¼9),þ/þ (n¼9),þ/þsh (n¼13); dark: dark,�/� (n¼7),þ/� (n¼6),þ/þ (n¼7),þ/þsh (n¼7); light: light,�/� (n¼9),þ/� (n¼9),þ/þ (n¼11),þ/þsh (n¼7). Data are derived from two (dark: dark) and three (light: dark, light: light) days. Data from 1 h prior to to 1 h after the actual or expected light–dark transitionare deleted. All comparisons were made versus hcrtr168 mutants.Asterisks indicate significant difference for unrelated wild-type animal versus homozygous mutant; crosses indicate significant difference for wild-type sibling versus homozygous mutant;number signs indicate significant difference for heterozygous sibling versus homozygous mutant. ***, ���, ###, p , 0.001; **, ��, ##, p , 0.01; *, �, #, p , 0.05, using Student’s t-test.Note significant differences between hcrtr168 homozygous and wild-type animals for activity, sleep time, transitions, and bout lengths observed during the night and in the subjective dayin constant darkness, while few differences are found in the presence of light either in the day or subjective night.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.t001

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772384

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772385

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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cranial nerve nuclei. Colocalization with hcrtr was onlyobserved in a few areas, most notably in the peripheral grayzone of the optic tectum and periventricular hypothalamus(Figure 7B and 7C). In the telencephalon, we failed to detectany cholinergic neurons (Figure 7A); this population has beenfound only in some fishes. Similarly, close to the locuscoeruleus, where the equivalent of the laterodorsal tegmen-tum/pedunculopontine cells are believed to be located, noChAT expression was noted (Figure 7D–7G).

Behavioral Characterization of a hcrtr Null MutantWe next screened an ethylnitrosurea-mutagenized TILL-

ING (for ‘‘targeting induced local lesions in genomes’’) libraryfor hcrtr mutations. A premature stop codon mutation (R168to stop) was identified (hcrtr168) that results in the predictedloss of four transmembrane domains as well as the intra-cellular loop 3 domain required for G-protein coupling. Thetruncation is also located upstream of two mutations knownto produce an inactive protein resulting in canine narcolepsy[12] (Figure 8). Homozygous hcrtr168 animals developednormally into viable and fertile adults. Extensive observationof larvae and adults did not yield any obvious phenotype,such as the occurrence of sudden REM-sleep-like paralysisepisodes (e.g., cataplexy or cataplexy-like behaviors) charac-teristic of mammalian narcolepsy [12,14,31,63], either sponta-neously or when excited by food administration or mating.Similarly, activity monitoring did not reveal any largedifferences between mutant, heterozygous, and wild-typelarvae of similar background (data not shown).

We next studied adult wild-type and mutant fish using ourAFSRS (including comparison of heterozygous and wild-typesiblings within the same family) under typical light/darkconditions. We found that activity of hcrtr168 mutants wasslightly increased (Figure 9A; Table 1) and sleep amountswere decreased by 20%–30% during the night (Figure 9B;Table 1). Most strikingly, fine architecture analysis revealed a60%–70% increase in the number of sleep–wake transitions,and a 60% decrease in sleep bout length during the night,indicating sleep fragmentation in hcrtr168 (Figure 9D and 9E).Heterozygous animals generally behaved as wild-type siblings,although in some measures (e.g., sleep time and sleeptransitions), an intermediary phenotype was observed (Table1). Activity and sleep architecture were normal during the dayin all genotypes. Further, wake bout length was essentiallyunchanged during the day or the night (Figure 9C; Table 1).

These data indicate that the hypocretin receptor is requiredfor proper sleep regulation in adult zebrafish under light/darkconditions.Studies under constant light and dark indicated signifi-

cantly decreased sleep amounts and significant sleep frag-mentation in hcrtr168 compared to wild-type animals at allcircadian time points, but these effects were masked by thestimulating effect of light (Table 1). Similar increases inlocomotion (and decreased sleep) were observed in all threegenotypes when animals were newly moved from their usualaquaria to the recording chambers; thus, disruption ofnocturnal sleep in the mutant was unlikely to be due todifferential effects of stress or the food deprivation associatedwith our monitoring method (Figure S2). Further, food intakesatiety monitoring studies (Figure S3) and studies oflocomotor activation after feeding were performed, and allgenotypes reacted similarly (Figure S4).

Effects of Icv Injections of Hypocretin-1 or Hypocretin-2 inWild-Type Animals and hcrtr168 MutantsHypocretin-1 icv injections are wake-promoting and

increase locomotion in mice, rats, and dogs [27,28,30]. Incontrast, hypocretin-2 is generally inactive because of rapidcatabolism [64]. Prior to usual light–dark transition time,adult zebrafish were briefly anesthetized, and hypocretinpeptides (or saline) were injected icv. Animals were sub-sequently released in the dark while activity and sleep weremeasured using the AFSRS. In controls, locomotion was high(novel environment), followed by habituation and reducedactivity/increased sleep in the dark (Figure 10A and 10B). Inhypocretin-1-injected fish, a reduction in locomotor activitywas observed (Figure 10A and 10B). This effect was dosedependent and occurred with either the human or zebrafishhypocretin-1 peptide. Based on sleep scoring of these data,we found that both mammalian and zebrafish hypocretin-1significantly increased total sleep time (23.0% 6 11.3% and28.7% 6 9.0% above baseline sleep, respectively, p , 0.05 inboth cases after 1,400 pmol) during 9 h of continuousrecording (Figure 10). As expected, zebrafish hypocretin-2was inactive in wild-type zebrafish (data not shown). In theTILLING hcrtr168 mutant, the sleep-promoting effects ofmammalian or zebrafish hypocretin-1 were abolished (Figure10C). Overall, these experiments indicate antagonism of thesleep-promoting effects of icv hypocretin-1 injection byhcrtr168, confirming that the effect is mediated through Hcrtr.

Figure 3. hcrtr Is Not Expressed in Monoaminergic Nuclei at 2 dpf

Results were all obtained using ISH.(A–D) hcrtr is expressed in the brain and spinal cord. (A) Lateral view of hcrtr expression in telencephalon (t), hypothalamus (ht), hypophysis (hp),posterior tuberculum (pt), and ventral rhombomere 2 (r2). (B) Dorsal view of hcrtr expression in the same structures. (C) Lateral view of spinal cord hcrtrexpression. (D) Dorsal view of spinal cord (sc) hcrtr expression. Note the expression at the periphery of the spinal cord. Limits between somatic musclesand spinal cord tissue are indicated by black arrowheads.(E–J) Two-color ISH, flat mounts. (E) Lateral view of a hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) and tyrosine hydroxylase (th, red); locus coeruleus (lc) is indicatedby a white arrowhead; dopaminergic clusters by black arrowheads. (F) Lateral view of a hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) and dopamine transporter(dat, red). (G) Lateral view of hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) and dopamine beta hydroxylase (dbh, red). (H) Lateral close-up showing the absence ofhcrtr expression in dopaminergic cells. (I) Lateral close-up showing absence of hcrtr expression in the locus coeruleus. (J) Dorsal close-up confirmingabsence of colocalization in the locus coeruleus.(K–S) Double fluorescent ISH, confocal microscopy pictures (stacks of 0.5- or 1-lm sections). (K and L) Lateral view of a hemi-brain stained for tyrosinehydroxylase (K) (th, green) and hcrtr (L) (red). (M) Merged view; note absence of yellow, indicating no colocalization. (N–P) From boxed area in (M), close-up of the diencephalic dopaminergic region and absence of hcrtr colocalization (P). (Q–S) From boxed area in (M), close-up on the locus coeruleusregion and absence of hcrtr colocalization (S).(T) Lateral view of a flat-mounted hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) and histidine decarboxylase (hdc, red). Note absence of colocalization.(U and V) Flat mounts. Lateral (hemi-brain) and ventral views of embryos stained for hcrtr (blue) and tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (tph1) (U) and tph2 (V),respectively. Note absence of colocalization.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g003

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772386

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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Our experiments demonstrate that rest episodes in adultzebrafish represent a genuine sleep-like state, characterizedby reversible periods of immobility, place preference (bottomor surface), circadian regulation, and homeostatic rebound.Interestingly, unlike in larvae [50,51,54], sleep deprivation wasdifficult to achieve in adults and was associated with a sleeprebound that was only detectable when the fish were releasedin the dark. Our study is unique as we studied adults anddemonstrated that only 6 s of prior inactivity was sufficient tobe associated with decreased arousal threshold and thus toqualify as sleep. Other studies have been primarily performedin larval zebrafish and did not test or report on intervals

shorter than 1 min [50,51]. In agreement with our finding, apreliminary report in adults reported that long-term sleepdeprivation using a moving partition technique or electricshock produced a sleep rebound, associated with increasedarousal threshold [54].Unlike in most mammals, we also found that even moderate

levels of light exposure have strong sleep-suppressant effectsin zebrafish, and that circadian regulation has a more minorrole. The light suppressant effect was not associated withdeleterious behavioral effects over a week, but sleepreappeared progressively after 8 d (Figure S1). These resultsare in agreement with data from Hurd and colleagues [57],who found that only a portion of adult fish displayeddetectable circadian activity rhythms under constant light

Figure 4. hcrtr Is Expressed in Neither the Posterior Diencephalic Dopaminergic Cells nor the Locus Coeruleus of Adult Zebrafish Brain

The topmost panels display lateral views of zebrafish adult brains with transversal plane corresponding to sections presented below. Results were allobtained using ISH.(A–C) hcrtr mRNA is expressed in the periventricular gray zone of optic tectum (pgz), periventricular nucleus of the posterior tuberculum (tpp), posteriortuberal nucleus (ptn), and ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus (hv) of the anterior diencephalon (A). In the posterior diencephalon (B), hcrtrmRNA is mainly detected in the periventricular gray zone of optic tectum, medial preglomerular nucleus (pgm), and hypophysis (hp). hcrtr has a sparseexpression in the anterior rhombencephalon (C), including the griseum centrale (gc) near the locus coeruleus.(D–F) th, dat, and dbh expression patterns in sections similar to those shown in (A–C), respectively. th is expressed in posterior tuberal nucleus andventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus and in the torus longitudinalis (tl) (D). dat expression is restricted to a few posterior tuberal nucleus cells inthe posterior diencephalon (E). dbh is expressed in the locus coeruleus (lc) (F).(G–I) Double ISH on equivalent sections showing colocalization of hcrtr (blue) with th (red) in the anterior catecholaminergic/dopaminergic cells of thediencephalon (G), absence of colocalization of hcrtr (blue) with dat (red) in the posterior catecholaminergic/dopaminergic cells of the diencephalon (H),and absence of colocalization of hcrtr (blue) with dbh (red) in the catecholaminergic/noradrenergic locus coeruleus (I).doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g004

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772387

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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or dark conditions at 28 8C, in all cases with significantlylower amplitude than under alternating light/dark conditions.Most strikingly, we also found that light was not only able tosuppress sleep (Figures 2 and S1) but that no sleep reboundwas observed upon release in the dark. In goldfish and perch,a sleep rebound in the light has been found after sleepdeprivation by light, but was mild [7]. Further, the lack ofrebound after sleep deprivation by light in our experimentcontrasts with the observation of homeostatic regulationafter a much lower level of sleep deprivation using electricalstimulation. Overall, whereas it is likely that homeostaticregulation of rest can be demonstrated in some circum-stances (in our case, electrical stimulation when sleeping inthe dark), we found that wake induced by light in zebrafishwas not, on a short-term basis, associated with a mountingsleep debt.

How could this unusual effect of light be explained? Unlikein mammals, but as reported in Drosophila,most zebrafish cellsare directly photoreceptive [65,66]. Further, melatonin is astrong hypnotic in this species, a property that may be relatedto the diurnal pattern of activity of zebrafish [51]. Thecombined effect of light on various cell populations, togetherwith its suppressive effects on melatonin production, mayresult in multiple redundant wake-promoting inputs into thebrain. In favor of this hypothesis, variable effects of light havebeen observed in other teleosts, where it acts to suppress rest

and induce rest rebound in the perch and goldfish [7], bothdiurnal fish, whereas it has calming effects in nocturnal fishsuch as the tench [6]. In this context, the strong effects of lightor melatonin may be able to overcome the more minorregulatory effects of other neural networks regulating sleephomeostasis in zebrafish.Recent results in other species, most notably in diurnal

birds, indicate that some vertebrates have sleep regulatorycharacteristics similar to those of zebrafish. Birds areespecially interesting as, unlike fish, it is possible to documentall the electroencephalographic characteristics of mammaliansleep [6]. Migratory sparrows, for example, are able to survivefor long periods of time without sleep under selectedecological conditions and are extremely sensitive to lightand dark [67]. Similarly, sleep in pigeons is strongly sup-pressed by light, without electroencephalogram-defined non-REM sleep rebound in darkness [68–70]. Like zebrafish,diurnal birds such as pigeons are also remarkably sensitiveto melatonin, and do not exhibit wake rebound aftermelatonin-induced sleep [71]. It may thus be that the needfor homeostatic regulation of sleep has not strongly evolvedin zebrafish, and that it is not as universal in vertebrates aspreviously believed. Rather, in both diurnal birds and fish, thedirect effect of light or melatonin may be able to bypasshomeostatic regulation of sleep. Further studies of sleepdeprivation by light versus other methods in these speciesmay reveal molecular mechanisms regulating sleep homeo-stasis.Our studies have also shown significant and informative

divergence in the organization of the hypocretin system inzebrafish. We have described a small group of approximately20 hypocretin cells in the preoptic hypothalamus ofembryonic zebrafish and characterized a compact promoterdriving expression in these cells [48]. ISH and immunochem-istry in adult brains indicates that approximately 40 cells arepresent in the adult zebrafish preoptic area (data not shownand Kaslin et al. [49]), although an additional more anteriorgroup, probably detected through antibody cross-reactivity,was found using immunochemistry with mammalian anti-bodies [48,49]. The hcrt cluster in zebrafish is distal to thehistaminergic cell group expressing histidine decarboxylase,unlike in mammals where these two cells groups are closelyadjacent within the posterior hypothalamus.Unlike mammals, the zebrafish has only one hypocretin

receptor. This result, surprising when considering thefrequency of gene duplications in this species, was confirmedthrough in silico searches, BAC library screening, genomicSouthern blot analysis, and comparisons of syntenies aroundHCRTR1 and HCRTR2 in mice, humans, and zebrafish.Indeed, only a single hypocretin receptor is identifiable incurrent releases of other teleosts (zebrafish, Fugu, Tetraodon,medaka, and stickleback). Using ISH, we found that theexpression pattern of hcrtr is in agreement with overallmammalian hypocretin receptor expression patterns (Figures3 and 4). Indeed, the high density of hypocretin receptormRNA in the telencephalon, hypothalamus, posterior tuberc-ulum, and hindbrain, but not lateral thalamic and pallidalareas, is reminiscent of overall mammalian HCRTR1 andHCRTR2 distribution and density (in cortex, hippocampus,basal forebrain, central midline thalamic areas, and hypo-thalamus) [19], although neuroanatomical correspondence ofoverall structure across these species is only partially

Figure 5. hcrtr Coexpression with GABAergic, Adrenergic, Cholinergic,

and Glycinergic Systems in 2-dpf Larvae

Results were all obtained using ISH.(A) Lateral view of a flat-mounted hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) andgad67 (red). Note multiple areas of overlap indicated by blackarrowheads.(B) Lateral view of a flat-mounted hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) andadra2a (red). Double staining in the anterior hypothalamus andtelencephalon is indicated by arrowheads.(C) Lateral view of a flat-mounted hemi-brain stained for hcrtr (blue) andchat (red). Double-stained regions are indicated by black arrowheads.(D) Lateral views of spinal cord stained for hcrtr (blue) and glyt2 (red).Note that most hcrtr neurons but not all (white arrowhead) areglycinergic.(E) Lateral views of spinal cord stained for hcrtr (blue) and gad67 (red).Note that all hcrtr neurons are GABAergic.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g005

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772388

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Figure 6. A Population of Anterior Hypothalamic hcrtr-Positive Neurons is adra2a- and gad67-Positive

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772389

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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established [41]. Similarly, as in mammals, hcrtr is expressed inglycinergic/GABAergic neurons of the spinal cord immedi-ately ventral to sensory neurons. In mammals, these neuronsreceive dense hypocretin projections and are stimulated bythe peptide, with a role in the modulation of nociceptiveinput [59–62]. Although the overall pattern of expressioninitially appeared similar to that in mammals, our in-depthanalysis indicates differences in expression in relevant sleepregulatory networks (see below).

As in mammals, mutation of the hypocretin receptordisrupts the consolidation of sleep/wake behavior. Unlikenarcoleptic humans [14,31], canines [12], and rodents [63],however, hcrtr168 fish do not display sudden episodes ofparalysis (cataplexy), which in mammals are believed torepresent dissociated REM sleep. Further, hcrtr168 mutant fishdo not have decreased wake bout length, whether in the lightor the dark. This contrasts with human narcolepsy, where theprimary abnormality is an inability to consolidate longperiods of wakefulness during the day. Instead, the phenotypeof hcrtr168 is only sleep fragmentation and decreased sleep indarkness (e.g., insomnia), another disabling symptom ofhuman narcolepsy [31,32]. Day and night sleep and wakefragmentation, together with episodes of muscle paralysis, arealso a primary feature of rodent and canine narcolepsy[12,36,63]. One explanation for this discrepancy is likely to bethe strong and direct effect of light in inhibiting sleep inzebrafish during the day, as described above. Indeed, thephenotype of hcrtr168 is not apparent under constant light(Table 1). The direct effect of light in this species may thushave made it unnecessary to evolve a method to consolidatewake, and indeed there was great variability in daytime wakebout length among fish of all genotypes in the absence of light(Table 1).

The lack of wake abnormality in hcrtr168 mutants during theday or the night is also surprising considering recent resultsindicating increased activity and decreased sleep in zebrafishlarvae after heat shock stimulation of hypocretin expression[50]. To address this issue and to test for the specificity of theeffects of high doses of hypocretin (as generated in heat shockoverexpressing models), we studied the effects of icvinjections of mammalian and zebrafish hypocretin-1 atvarious doses on sleep and locomotion in wild-type zebrafishadults. Mammalian hypocretin-1 is conserved in the func-tionally important final six C-terminal amino acids ofhypocretin-1 and �2 [48,49,72] needed for binding activity,and thus must be active, as reported for Xenopus hypocretin[73] and in goldfish experiments. Prober et al. [50] found thatheat shock activation of hypocretin expression increasedlocomotion and wake for several days in larvae, althoughwithout altering diurnal fluctuations in activity. In our icv

injection experiments, we found that zebrafish or mammalianhypocretin-1, but not zebrafish hypocretin-2, reduces activityand promotes sleep in the dark (Figure 10A). These effectswere abolished in the null hcrtr168 mutant, indicatingmediation by Hcrtr. The relatively mild reducing effect onlocomotion contrasts with the strong locomotor activationand wake-promoting effects of hypocretin-1 reported inmammals. In rats, for example, 8,000 pmol dramaticallyincreases activity [28,30] and sustains wake for 5 h, an effectfollowed by a proportional sleep rebound lasting 10 h [29].Overall, although it is difficult to reject the possibility that

the increased sleep seen in our experiments after icvhypocretin-1 injection is merely a rebound after a primarywake-promoting effect (an effect that could have beenmasked by the 10 min of anesthesia and subsequent activationin a novel environment), we believe this hypothesis to beunlikely. Indeed, a very minor increase in locomotion hasbeen reported in goldfish after icv injection of mammalianhypocretin-1 [74], without further follow-up of activitymonitoring longer than 1 h after administration. In ourexperiments, it is difficult to conceive that our injectedzebrafish would be activated while in or recovering fromanesthesia. Further, even in awake rodents placed in a novelenvironment, icv hypocretin-1 injection increases locomo-tion. We thus believe that in zebrafish, unlike in mammals,hypocretin is mildly sedative and certainly not stronglystimulant. Other differences from mammalian physiologyinclude the postulated role of hypocretin in integratingmetabolic input in mice [75], as we did not find differences inlocomotor activation after fasting. Environmental modula-tors of hypocretin release (e.g., stress, locomotion, feeding,and fasting), as measured using cerebrospinal fluid hypocre-tin-1, have also been shown to have differential effectsbetween mammals, possibly reflecting ecological differencesin the need for hypocretin to regulate sleep or wake underspecific conditions [29]. Together with the mutant data, wetherefore favor the hypothesis that hypocretin is a moreminor sleep regulatory molecule in zebrafish than inmammals, with mostly sleep-promoting effects in the dark.It is also possible that in mammals, hypocretin has a dualeffect on promoting sleep at night and wake during the day,thus explaining insomnia and daytime sleepiness in itspathology. In this case, only sleep-promoting projections ofhypocretin would be common to zebrafish and mammals.The differential expression pattern of the sole hypocretin

receptor in zebrafish versus those in mammals may explainthe mild hcrtr168 insomnia phenotype and the lack ofstimulatory effect of hypocretin. We have shown absence ofHcrtr on serotoninergic cells of the raphe nuclei andhistaminergic cells. Moreover, unlike in a previous study

The topmost panels display lateral views of zebrafish adult brain with transversal plane corresponding to sections presented below. Results were allobtained using ISH.(A–I) Single ISH expression patterns of hcrtr (A–C), adra2a (D–F), and gad67 (G–I) in the anterior diencephalon. In the most rostral part of thediencephalon, hcrtr is mainly expressed in the ventral thalamic nucleus (vtn) and the ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus (hv) (A and B).Posteriorly, it is mostly expressed in the peripheral gray zone and in periventricular areas including the central posterior thalamic nucleus (cp) and theventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus.(J–L) Double ISH showing colocalization of hcrtr and adra2a in the ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus (arrowheads).(M–O) Double ISH showing colocalization of hcrtr and gad67 in the ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus and ventral thalamic nucleus(arrowheads).(P–R) Double ISH showing colocalization of gad67 and adra2a in the ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus (arrowheads). Note that hcrtr,gad67, and adra2a only colocalize in the anterior hypothalamus and not in the posterior ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus, where gad67is absent (I). Posterior to this area, only the central thalamic nucleus expresses these three markers (last column).doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g006

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772390

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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[50], we were unable to find hcrtr expression in alldiencephalic dopaminergic cells or in the locus coeruleus of2-dpf embryos (Figure 3), a result we extended to adult brains(Figure 4). In mammals, the histaminergic tuberomammillarynucleus, the serotoninergic raphe nuclei, and the adrenergiclocus coeruleus are among the densest regions containinghypocretin receptor mRNA [19]. In zebrafish, we previouslynoted branching of Hcrt neuron projections in the ventralarea of the rhombomere 1–2 boundary [48], but believe thisprojection to be consistent with the strong hcrtr expressionwithin rhombomere 2 rather than locus coeruleus (rhombo-mere 1) (Figure 3). Immunocytochemical experiments havesuggested hypocretin projections to these monoaminergicsystems in adult zebrafish, but they used mammalian anti-hypocretin that is cross-reactive, as reflected by a mismatchbetween ISH and immunocytochemical staining patterns ofcell bodies [48–50]. Further, in a study using a hypocretin-GFP line, direct contact between hypocretin terminals andmonoaminergic cell bodies was not evident [50], unlike inmammals [20].Another major regulator of sleep and REM sleep in

mammals is the cholinergic system, most notably throughprojections of the basal forebrain (regulating wake) and thepons (regulating wake and REM sleep) to the cortex andthalamus, respectively [2,24,58]. This system is also known tobe excited by hypocretin and to be hypocretin-receptor-positive in mammals [24,25]. Although data in larvae weresuggestive of a possible colocalization in the diencephalonand rhombencephalon (Figure 5), we found that in adults,areas believed to be equivalent to pontine and basal forebraincholinergic cell groups in fish—the lateral part of the ventraltelencephalon and the peri-locus coeruleus areas, respec-tively[76,77]—no ChAT transcripts were detected.The lack of strong hypocretin input on sleep-related

monoaminergic and cholinergic cell groups likely explainsthe weaker effect of hypocretin on wake consolidation. Wehave postulated that one of the key functions of hypocretinmay be to extend wakefulness in the face of a mounting sleepdebt [78]. In mammals, hypocretins strongly innervate thehistaminergic cells of the tuberomammillary region [19,28],and the most important mechanism of action of hypocretinon wakefulness may be through the action of histamine onexcitatory histamine H1 receptors [28,79]. We have recentlydemonstrated that the wake-promoting action of the H1receptor is conserved in zebrafish larvae, where strong ahypnotic effect results from treatment with the H1 inverseagonist mepyramine [52]. The absence of hypocretin recep-tors on histaminergic cells in zebrafish is consistent with anabsence of a hypersomnia phenotype in hcrtr mutant animals.Similarly, hypocretin innervation of the locus coeruleus inmammals has been suggested to control cataplexy and muscleatonia during REM sleep [80].Although speculative at this stage, one pattern of expres-

sion, the presence of Hcrtr on a small population of Adra2a-positive, GABAergic cells of the anterior hypothalamic area,may be of relevance to the mediation of short sleep andnighttime sleep fragmentation in hcrtr168. Indeed, this areamay be equivalent to mammalian preoptic/basal forebrainGABAergic, Adra2a-positive cell groups (including themedian and ventrolateral preoptic nuclei and basal fore-brain) known to be primarily active during non-REM sleep[58,81]. A loss of hypocretin receptor in this cluster would be

Figure 7. hcrtr Does Not Colocalize with the Cholinergic System in the

Telencephalon and Rhombencephalon

The topmost panels display lateral views of zebrafish adult brains withtransversal planes corresponding to sections presented below. Resultswere all obtained using ISH with chat and hcrtr.(A) Cholinergic neurons were not detected in the adult zebrafishtelencephalon using chat or vacht (data not shown). In this area, hcrtr isstrongly expressed in the commissural nucleus of the ventral tele-ncephalic area (cv) and the anterior part of the parvocellular preopticnucleus (ppa).(B and C) Major clusters of cholinergic neurons are present in theperiventricular gray zone (pgz) ([B], panel 1), the nucleus of the mediallongitudinal fascicle (nmlf) ([B], panel 2), the perilemniscal nucleus (pl)([B], panel 3), the dorsal zone of periventricular hypothalamus (hd) ([B],panel 4), and the nucleus lateralis valvulae (nlv) (C). Coexpression withhcrtr was mostly observed in the periventricular gray zone ([B], panel 1)and in the dorsal zone of periventricular hypothalamus ([B], panel 4).(D–G) A careful survey of the rhombencephalon failed to revealcoexpression of hcrtr with chat-positive neurons, including in the peri-locus coeruleus area.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g007

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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predicted to decrease the activity of this sleep-promotingarea, in turn decreasing sleep. Interestingly, the equivalentregion in mammals, or at least the ventrolateral preopticnuclei, seems mostly nonresponsive to hypocretin [58,82,83].

In conclusion, we report on the unique characteristics ofsleep regulation and of the hypocretin system in zebrafish.Our data offer intriguing parallels with and surprisingdivergences from mammalian sleep physiology. Not only didwe find that light has a profound effect on sleep, but itabolished the need for short-term homeostatic rebound.Further, in this species, hypocretin is a milder sleepmodulator, possibly primarily consolidating sleep rather thanwake. This is likely explained by the lack of hypocretinstimulation of monoaminergic and cholinergic systems and aproportionally stronger input on sleep-promoting systems ofthe hypothalamus and basal forebrain. The need forhypocretin innervation of wake-promoting structures mayhave evolved later, as the importance of the direct effects oflight and melatonin on brain activity decreased, and the needto consolidate wake independently of light effects evolved. Itis possible that, as for circadian biology, neural networksregulating behaviors (e.g., clock output networks that mustvary between nocturnal and diurnal animals) are less wellconserved than core genetic actors to be discovered for theregulation of sleep. Further studies in zebrafish, a poikilo-therm vertebrate, together with parallel work in birds andmonotremes, may help decipher how sleep regulatory net-work organization evolved prior to the emergence ofhomeothermy and the REM/non-REM dichotomy [55,84–86].

Materials and Methods

Animals. Young adult (6 mo) wild-type zebrafish (ScientificHatcheries, http://www.scientifichatcheries.com/) were used for thesleep characterization. Zebrafish were raised and maintained inMarine Biotech (http://www.marinebiotech.com/) Zmod systems (28.58C, pH 7.0, conductivity¼ 500 lS) in a 14 h: 10 h light/dark cycle. Thehypocretin receptor knockout hcrtr168 (originally named hu2098) wasidentified through genomic screening of the hcrtr locus in F1ethylnitrosurea-mutagenized animals (TILLING) as part of the ZF-MODELS Integrated Project in the Sixth Framework Program (http://

www.zf-models.org/). The mutation at codon 168 results in anarginine (AGA) to stop (TGA) alteration. Heterozygous animals wereobtained and out-crossed twice to wild-type (Scientific Hatcheries).Wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous siblings (larvae and 6 moold) were used for the primary comparison of the three genotypes. Asno significant differences were observed across all wild-types, thewild-type categories were pooled in some analyses.

AFSRS. The entire AFSRS is kept insulated from light in a sealedblack box. Under lights-on conditions, illuminance is fixed at 150 lux,asmeasured on the water surface (Tensor VisionMax, 13-Wfluorescentlight, Tensor Corporation). Fish recording chambers consist of fourindividual cells (400 ml each). Adult fish are freely swimming (threedimensional movement) in vertically and horizontally stacked cham-bers. System water is circulated at 60 ml/min (Pondmaster magneticdrive utility pump, Danner Manufacturing, http://www.dannermfg.com/) and maintained under controlled conditions (temperature ¼28.5 6 1 8C, conductivity ¼ 500 lS, pH 7.0). Filtration (Penguin 100,Bio-Wheel power filter, AQUARIA, Marineland, http://www.marineland.com/) and heating (Ebo-Jager 100 Watt, Eheim, http://www.eheim.de/) are also provided. Infrared backlighting (C47192–880,Advanced Illumination, http://www.advancedillumination.com/) isprovided during recording. Video images (320 pixels 3 240 pixels)are obtained using Sony (http://www.sony.com/) DCR-HC85 or Hama-matsu (http://www.hamamatsu.com/) Photonics C2741–60 camerasequipped with an infrared filter (BþW 093, Hamamatsu). Images arecaptured with a frame grabber (Dazzle Creator80, Pinnacle Systems,http://www.pinnaclesys.com/), recorded (VirtualDub for video image,http://www.virtualdub.org/), and processed using a modified algorithmof SleepWatch provided by Irina Zhdanova (Boston University). In ourrecording conditions, one pixel is equal to 0.6 mm (100 pixels for onecell). Data were further analyzed using Mat Lab (MathWorks, http://www.mathworks.com/).

To quantify fish activity, digital infrared images are recorded (30frames/s) through backlit chambers, and processed using softwareextensively modified from SleepWatch. This software first identifiesthe fish and its barycenter. Successive barycenters are calculatedevery 1/8th second, with difference in position representing thedistance traveled. Total pixels traveled each second is also calculated,representing an activity measurement expressed in pixels/second.Based on video observation, a value below 6 pixels/s was considered asbackground and reflected an immobile or slightly drifting floatingfish.

For the electrical stimulation experiments, recording chamberswere fitted with stainless steel sidewalls. Stimuli were generated usinga NI PCI-6723 (National Instruments, http://www.ni.com/) controlledby LabView software (National Instruments). Water conductivity wasfixed at 550 lS. For these experiments, distance traveled and the totalsurface of the fish image (pixels) were calculated frame by frame at arate of 30 frame/s. Responses were blindly analyzed in video clips bothcomputationally (calculation of change in velocity, or change in fish

Figure 8. Known Null Mutations of Zebrafish and Mammalian hcrtr Genes

Note the extremely high homology with mammalian HCRTR2 (71% identity with human HCRTR2). Z1: an HCRTR arginine to stop (‘‘STOP’’) wasidentified through TILLING. D1: an E54K substitution null allele previously identified in dog (dachshund). D2 and D3: positions of HCRTR2 frame shifts indog (doberman, D2, and labrador, D3) were followed by 32 and two amino acids, respectively, before truncation.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g008

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772392

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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image surface, reflecting change in direction of movement) andthrough visual scoring of behavioral response. Responses were scoredas present or absent.

Icv injections. Mammalian hypocretin-1 was obtained throughPhoenix Pharmaceutical (http://www.phoenixpharm.com/). Mature ze-brafish hypocretin-1 and�2 were synthesized from predicted sequenceby Synthetic Biomolecules (http://www.syntheticbiomolecules.com/).Adult zebrafish skulls were drilled in the midline at the telencepha-lon–diencephalon border 5 h prior icv injection. After this surgery, fishrecovered in water at standard temperature and conditions. Oneminute before injection, fish were anesthetized using 0.15 mg/mltricaine (note that at this concentration fish recover quickly, within afew minutes, when transferred to aquarium water). Then 0.5 ll ofhypocretin peptide solution (concentrations: 0.28 and 2.8 nmol/ll) orsaline buffer was injected into the diencephalic and tectal ventricalsthrough this drill hole with a micromanipulator and a glass capillary

needle connected to amicroinjector (PLI 90,HarvardApparatus, http://www.harvardapparatus.com/). Fish were then released in the recordingchambers, and monitoring was initiated 5–10 min after injection.Injection quality was checked by coinjecting hypocretin with arhodamine dye and by inspection of dissected injected brains thefollowing day. Of note, none of the fish died or appeared abnormal inthe following days to weeks after injections.

Statistical analyses. Data are reported as means 6 standard errorof the mean or percent, where most appropriate. For signal detectionanalysis, ROC and quantitative ROC analysis were performed asdescribed in Kraemer [56] and above. Comparisions of arousalthreshold reactivity ratios between active and asleep animals wereperformed using Chi2. To examine the effect of sleep deprivation,ANOVAs with grouping factors were used, followed by t-tests toexamine post hoc effects. For icv injections, repeated measure

Figure 9. Sleep–Wake Patterns in hcrtr168 Mutants versus Wild-Type

Recordings were performed using the AFSRS over 48 h after 3 d of habituation. Data are plotted every 2 h. (Wild-type, n¼ 22; homozygous mutant, n¼17).(A) Activity patterns. Note slightly increased activity (þ20%) in mutant fish during the night.(B) Percent sleep per hour. Note decreased sleep amounts (�30%) in mutant fish during the entire night.(C) Mean wake bout length per hour (calculated as the mean period length of the non-sleep periods each hour) is similar in both genotypes.(D) Mean sleep bout length per hour. Note dramatic decrease in sleep bout length (�65%) during the night in mutant animals.(E) The number of sleep–wake transitions per hour increases dramatically in hcrtr168 mutants during the night (þ60%).For overall means of these parameters across the dark and light periods, and during other light cycles, see Table 1.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g009

PLoS Biology | www.plosbiology.org October 2007 | Volume 5 | Issue 10 | e2772393

Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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MANOVAs with increasing doses of hypocretin-1 as grouping factorswere used, with log 10 transformation of hypocretin dose.

Identification and cloning of teleost hypocretin receptor genes. Afragment of the hcrtr gene of Tetraodon nigroviridis was identifiedthrough a BLAST search of the GenBank Genome Survey SequencesDatabase (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbGSS/; accession AL310684).The corresponding clone (52F08) was obtained from Genoscope(http://www.cns.fr/), and the exons of the gene were identified throughsequencing. hcrtr-containing BAC clones were first identified usingthe Genome System BAC library (Incyte, http://www.incyte.com/) anda Tetraodon hcrtr exon 2 probe at low stringency 48 8C (20B8, 20A23,31L8, 59B13, and 128J8). No evidence for locus heterogeneity wasevident after fingerprinting and Southern blotting. Further screeningusing a hcrtr-specific probe identified the following clones from theCHORI 211 BAC library (http://bacpac.chori.org/): L80L23, 16D22,103I5, and 99C14. Zebrafish exons were identified through sequenc-ing of subclones, and confirmed through reverse transcriptase PCR.The 59 end of the gene was characterized through 59 RACE(Generacer, Invitrogen, http://www.invitrogen.com/).

ISH.Whole mount ISH was performed as previously described [87].In some cases, stained embryos were embedded in 1% agarose(Invitrogen) and cut with a vibratome (series 1000, Sectioning System)to verify colocalization or to allow better visibility of expressionpatterns. ISH was also performed on adult brain tissue. In this case,brains were excised and fixed in 8% PFA for 48 h, sectioned byvibratome, and stained as free-floating slices according to theprocedure above. The following genes/probes were used: adra2a, chat,dat, dbh, ddc, gad65, gad67, glyt2, hcrtr, hdc, npy, pomca, pyy, tph1, tph2, th,vglut1, vglut2a, and vglut2b.

Supporting Information

Figure S1. Effect of Constant Light (11 d) on Mean Activity Levels andSleep Time

Mean activity levels (per 2 h, top, n¼ 8) and sleep time (percent timeper 2 h, bottom, n¼ 8). For details on the sleep recording system, seelegend to Figure 1. Note that in this experiment fish were fednormally. Shaded area indicates normal light/dark conditions,followed by constant light. Note that activity decreases and sleeptime gradually increases over the last 4 d.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sg001 (2.7 MB DOC).

Figure S2.Habituation of Fish of Three Genotypes When Moved fromTheir Usual Aquaria to the Recording Chamber

Note diurnal fluctuation of activity of decreasing amplitude everysuccessive day. Importantly, the diminution is parallel and identicalacross the three genotypes, indicating that the hcrtr168 mutants arenot more disturbed or activated than wild-types in the presence of anovel stressful environment. This result suggests that sleep fragmen-tation in hcrtr168 is not the result of increased stress.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sg002 (1.1 MB DOC).

Figure S3. Food Satiety Studies in the Three Genotypes

Fish of the three genotypes were studied under their regularenvironment but separated in individual aquaria. At the usualfeeding time, a batch of 200 brine shrimp (233/100 ll) was deliveredin each aquarium. After complete consumption of the brine shrimp,another batch was delivered every 5 min multiple times until it wasnoted that the fish stopped eating in the presence of brine shrimps.Note that all three genotypes achieved satiety at the same level,indicating that hcrtr168 homozygous mutants have food intake abilities

Figure 10. Effects of icv Injections of Hypocretin-1 on Activity in Wild-

Type Zebrafish versus hcrtr168 Mutants

Injections were performed as described in Materials and Methods, 5–10min prior to recordings.(A) Cumulative activity in wild-type fish over 9 h in the recordingchamber after icv injection of saline (blue) or 140 (yellow) or 1,400 (red)pmol of mammalian hypocretin-1. The initial steep rise in activity is dueto habituation to the novel environment. Note long-lasting, dose-dependent reduction of activity after 140- and 1,400-pmol injections. Adose-dependent significant decrease in locomotion was detected using

multilinear analysis of variance with repeated measures with increasinghypocretin doses (p , 0.05) as grouping factors.(B) Cumulative activity in wild-type fish over 9 h after icv injection ofsaline (blue) or 140 (yellow) or 1,400 (red) pmol of zebrafish hypocretin-1.Note dose-dependent reduction of activity after 140- and 1,400-pmolinjections, as observed after mammalian hypocretin-1. A dose-depend-ent significant decrease in locomotion was detected using multilinearanalysis of variance with repeated measures with increasing hypocretindoses (p¼ 0.01) as grouping factors.(C) Cumulative activity in hcrtr168 mutants over 9 h after icv injection ofsaline (blue) or 1,400 pmol of mammalian (yellow) or zebrafish (red)hypocretin-1. Note absence of sedative effects after zebrafish ormammalian hypocretin-1 in hcrtr mutants, when compared to saline.n, number of animals tested at each dose.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.g010

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish

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similar to those of wild-types and heterozygotes. This experiment wasalso performed in fish after 6 d of food restriction, and no differencewas noted in six wild-type siblings, two heterozygotes, and six hcrtr168

homozygous mutants (data not shown).

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sg003 (1.2 MB DOC).

Figure S4. Activation of Fish by Food Restriction and ActivityResulting from Feeding

After habituation and regular feeding in the recording apparatus, fishof the three genotypes were studied for 6 d without administration offood. Left: baseline activity at 3 P.M. on day 1. Right: baseline activityafter 6 d of food deprivation and response of the three genotypesduring food consumption (arrow, 3 P.M. under light condition). Notethat the three genotypes reacted similarly. Further, baseline activity(day 1) did not increase with food restriction (day 6).

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sg004 (1.6 MB DOC).

Video S1. Example of a Sleep Period, as Observed in an Adult Fishduring the Daytime

Note high activity level prior to sleep period. In a second phase, thefish slows down and its caudal fin droops occasionally. It then movesto the bottom of tank, caudal fin down, and rests for approximately 1min, before resuming activity.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sv001 (8.3 MB MOV).

Video S2. Increased Arousal Threshold during Rest

Fish are stimulated with a 10-ms pulse of 1 V (onset of stimulation isshown by an infrared light dot on the left side of video). Noteimmediate reactivity of active fish (left), but not of immobile fish(right).

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sv002 (729 KB MOV).

Video S3. Sleep Deprivation and Reactivity of Fish at the Onset of theSleep Deprivation Procedure

The video was recorded 10 min after the start of the sleep deprivationprocedure. The fish in the upper chamber is submitted to anelectrical stimulation (at infrared light) every time sleep is achieved(activity , 6 pixels/s for at least 6 s). The fish in the bottom chamber(yoked control) is stimulated at the same time, whether awake orasleep. Note reactivity of both fish.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sv003 (419 KB MOV).

Video S4. Sleep Deprivation and Reactivity of Fish at the End of theSleep Deprivation Procedure

The fish in the upper chamber has been submitted to 5 h 50 min ofsleep deprivation (video recorded 10 min prior to usual light on).Electrical (2–6 V) stimulation (at infrared light) is applied every timesleep is achieved (activity , 6 pixels/s for at least 6 s). Note that thesleep-deprived fish remains immobile in the middle of the chamberin spite of repetitive stimuli of increasing intensity. Yoked control

(lower chamber) and sleep-deprived fish are released 10 minthereafter to monitor sleep rebound.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sv004 (5.5 MB MOV).

Video S5. AFSRS

Images are recorded through backlit chambers using an infraredvideo camera (30 frames/s, top). Video images are stored in acomputer using the VirtualDub software (upper image) andindependently processed using software extensively modified fromSleepWatch. This software identifies the fish (bottom left), abarycenter is calculated, and distance is traveled measured betweensuccessive barycenters every 1/8th second, resulting in a total pixelstraveled measurement every second (bottom right). This measure isconsidered an activity measurement, as expressed in pixels/second.

Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050277.sv005 (2.2 MB MOV).

Accession Numbers

The NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) accession number for zebra-fish hcrtr is EF150847. The NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) orEnsembl (http://www.ensembl.org/index.html) accession numbers forthe genes/probes used for ISH are adra2a (NM_207637), chat( ENSDARG00000015854 ) , da t (AF318177 ) , d bh (ENS-DARG00000058086), ddc (ENSDARG00000016494), gad65(AF017265), gad67 (AB183390), glyt2 (Ab183389), hcrtr (EF150847),hd c ( EF150846 ) , np y (NM_001007218 ) , p omca ( ENS-DARG00000043135), pyy (NM_131016), tph1 (NM_178306), tph2(NM_214795), th (AF075384), vglut1 (AB183385), vglut2a (AB1386),and vglut2b (AB183387).


We thank Laura Alexander for assistance in fish maintenance, NobuFujiki for programming LabView VI, Geraldine Maro for assistance inconfocal microscopy, and Irina Zhdanova for kindly providingSleepWatch code. We thank Drs. Cuppen and Plasterk (Hubrechtlaboratory) and Dr. Stemple (Welcome Trust Sanger Institute) forproviding the zebrafish knockout mutant (ZF-MODELS IntegratedProject; contract number LSHG- CT-2003–503496; funded by theEuropean Commission).

Author contributions. TY, WM, FR, PM, and EM conceived anddesigned the experiments. TY, WM, JF, GP, LA, and PM performedthe experiments. TY, JF, JZ, PM, and EM analyzed the data. TY, GP, JZ,FR, PM, and EM contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools. TY, JF,PM, and EM wrote the paper. PM and EM contributed equally to thedirection of this work.

Funding. This research was funded by the McKnight Foundationand the Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute.

Competing interests. The authors have declared that no competinginterests exist.

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Sleep and Hypocretin in Zebrafish