PLM OS Support

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  • 7/29/2019 PLM OS Support


    The following slides present an overview of the supported operating systems in CATIA V4 and CATIA V5,and the data bases supported with ENOVIA LCA and ENOVIA.VPM. Customers are encouraged to takethis information into consideration in the planning of their CATIA/ENOVIA environment.

    Operating system and data base support depends on the lifecycle of the operating system and database,as well as a certification from Dassault Systems.

    This information is current as of October 2003, but plans may change. Therefore, IBM makes norepresentations about the suitability of this information, for any purpose. This information is providedas is without express or implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a

    particular purpose of noninfringement. This information is provided gratuitously and, accordingly, IBMshall not be liable for any damages suffered by you or any user of this information.

    Run-time Operating System support (R/T Support) Announced after certification by Dassault Systemes

    Several levels of a given operating system can be supported in parallel

    Build-time Operating System support (B/T Support)

    Only one level for a given operating system

    Build-time support performed after run-time support

    End of support (EOS) EOS is performed when CATIA V5 is built on a higher operating system level (e.g. when V5R11 was built

    on Windows 2000, it was no longer supported on Windows NT)

    The target is to announce an operating system EOS one release inadvance Also see

    CATIA / ENOVIA Operating System and Data base

    Support Timelines

  • 7/29/2019 PLM OS Support


    2003 2004 2005 2006

    AIX 4.3

    AIX 5.1

    HP-UX 11.00

    HP-UX 11.11

    IRIX 6.5 (*)

    Solaris 8

    Product Marketing

    and Service Available

    Withdrawn from Marketing

    Standard Program

    Service Available

    Fee Based Support Available

    R/T Support

    B/T Support


    Windows XP



    (*) No plan disclosed for IRIX 6.5 lifecycle

    (**) EOS for Solaris 2.6 applies also to Solaris 7


    V5R7Windows 2000


    Solaris 10

    Solaris 2.6 (**)




    AIX 5.2





    Windows NT


    Target dates depend upon compiler and pre-requisite readiness

    CATIA V5 Operating System Support

    No EOS announced yet

    No EOS announced yet

    No EOS announced yet

    No EOS announced yet

  • 7/29/2019 PLM OS Support


    2003 2004 2005 2006

    AIX 4.3

    AIX 5.1

    HP-UX 10.20

    HP-UX 11.00

    HP-UX 11.11

    Solaris 2.6

    Product Marketing

    and Service Available

    Withdrawn from Marketing

    Standard Program

    Service Available

    Fee Based Support Available

    R/T Support

    B/T Support


    (*) No plan disclosed for IRIX 6.5 lifecycle

    Solaris 7

    IRIX 6.5 (*)

    AIX 5.2

    Solaris 8

    CATIA V4 Operating System Support

    No EOS announced yet

    No EOS announced yet


  • 7/29/2019 PLM OS Support


    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    ORACLE 8.0.6

    ORACLE 8.1.7

    ORACLE 9.2.0

    DB2 V6

    DB2 V8

    Product Marketing and Service Support (Oracle/DB2)

    Extended support (Oracle)

    Extended Assistance (Oracle)

    DB2 V7


    Supported configuration

    Availability or Binary compatibility issue (no higher Database level available)

    V5R13 AIX / HP / SUN / Windows

    V5R13 AIX / HP-UX 11.11 / SUN / Windows


    V5R13 HP-UX 11.0 / SGI

    V5R13 SGI


    No EOS announced yet

    Data base Support (ENOVIA LCA Server)

  • 7/29/2019 PLM OS Support


    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    ORACLE 8.0.6

    ORACLE 8.1.7

    ORACLE 9.2.0

    DB2 V6

    DB2 V8

    Product Marketing and Service Support (Oracle/DB2)

    Extended support (Oracle)

    Extended Assistance (Oracle)

    DB2 V7


    Supported configuration

    Availability or Binary compatibility issue (no higher Database level available)

    VPM 1.5 AIX / SUN (in addition to ORACLE 8.1.7)

    VPM 1.5 AIX / SUN (in addition to DB2 V7)

    VPM 1.5 AIX / SUN

    VPM 1.5 SGI

    VPM 1.5 HP-UX

    VPM 1.5 HP-UX / IRIX

    VPM 1.5 AIX / SUN

    No EOS announced yet

    Data base Support (ENOVIA.VPM 1.5 Client)