i"«IP'J « "f n»«» V» ./' '*<£ '• ___ i'Vr sr? •<?f •• '*9* JEROME WINCHELL, PUiMSHtfU J* »>fc MSCIU THUBSUATS, m Ha^s^ptkm Price, (M.00 ^VBKTISINQ RATBtt T«BT. PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. _Mtlnsertk>ai_- qwnt iMiftfeil. «aAiwertiotr? J matttebyUi*; emeuts, «5 cent*, k cent* per inch: " , notfces, 9 line for j v g i l v advertiasr .). .) PI^K^TLAOE DIRECTORY. . J 1 -CHURCHES. HBVJJOIHST I|*ISCOPAI,.—JScrvices every Sabbath moriuttij at lrcpclock. Also each alternate Sunday evening at 7k q^lock. 8uttday School at, 10 o'clock A.M. Ray. FVE. PKAKCK, Paetor. X'oNeHBOATioifAt:—Services each Sabbath morn- lag at 11 o'clock., Sunday'School at 12 o'clock. Also service* each alternate S&trtnrth evening at 7 o'clock. titr^uerB especially are invited to attend ot_ »er- : rices. | K*v. K. H.CaANii Paator. CAtiiouc—Regular services on the third Sunday • { eac> monthjj-at 10¼. A. M. Special eervlcea aa OBITUARY. - * ' - . . » Died.—At the residence of her.brother, James „ffleck, in Putnam, Saturday, Feb. Wth. of typhpld {•pneumonia, Margaret Affleck, In the W8h year of larage- M ^Deceased was born in Dumfries Shire, Scotland, " | | a i c h 38, 1819. At the age of fifteen years ahe ttme with her parents to America, and to the then •jrtlderneas Of Michigan; her early life in this State :4hraa divided between assisting her parents in devel- o p i n g a hoine in the new country^ and in serving as a housekeeper in one of the nrat families, of De- j |-troit. At tiro age of thirty she was married to John Afflftck, ajliataot relative of her father's, re- a i d i q / 4 Detroit. 'Shortly after her marriage, Mrs. AfleeV suffered from an aberration of mind from which sta* Beyer recovered, and which brought her back to the pareatal roof, where ahe has ajaee re- sided, i Deceased leaves an only d*ughter-+Eliza- beth, vi'ho baa faithfully and ^lially ministered to her aeceaaitlea during the. many da*k«nd weary years ojf oejaflllctton. . "^^_ Diedr-At the residence of Kelson Reason, in Unadilja, on Wednesday, Feb. 28th, 18KJ, John Connor, formerly of Pinckney. Funeral, Friday morning, at tttfi place. 11 ' I'., Jl • JL' I. 1 )• I I annuttnced. Rsv. Fa. DUIOH, JH ^nPTRTyTtS. G. T.U.-tMeeti on second Saturday of! ; «ach :h - ~ ; pHise L.tf:Coi^~President. month. , . Mub.DiwSiGUSR, Secretary, WOMAN'S FORBIUN MISSIONARY SocigTT,pf the M. E. Cburch^meets ljret Saturday of each month. lna.-ScHA-N Nvs, President. ^OCAL JOTTINGS. •MA«Y VAN FLSKT,(for. Sec. ^, m MR. JAMES JOINER, Dextsr's hotel aialljr lnvi H S; bUjSJNJSS CMOS. GILCHRlSTv MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS; COLLARS, SADDLES, -— I —~^vth^ipa^attbes,^^ Bmshee, etc. Ropalrinj stock of . band. . [ done on short notice. Heaps a .fall jlauioad Black Leather Oil constantly on PmeKNEY; MICHIGAN. *r T ^Hs*5^RICEK, M H ^ r • ' ' . ^ > - ^ •»" ' "^TK»i(CKOPATmC Office, Man'n>e Block, ^TN€KNKY. ' '—: : ' '• ^ t ; -T E, RICHARDS & cb,, * ' 'K»WSDEALERS, . BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS; and liverv ^nari," paid "the DISPATCH office a (5alr>when in Jown l Tuesday, ^EVKN Christians "stood in slippery -WHEK Bancroft school children wjaht a holiday they "petition" for it, REMEMBER the lecture by Mrs. Boise, tomorrow evening. . FRANK BBOWII and Criass -Collyer^ of Ho#ell^ were in town to-day, Geo»-Hovland of Unadilla has sold his f^rm o*152 acres, to James McKen- der|>f.?lainfieid. v : YESTERDAY WAS almost annnyenough to induce the school boy. to u knuckk down* 4 on the sidewalk and play mar- bles, , ,, . The first wagon seen'oar^^ur streets for a humhe? ofWe«ki made its appear^ ance Vesterday. Wheels will soon be in fashion again. « ^-Ji{r8. M. M. Jeffreys' school "closed Thursday^la^tr^m. Jetfreys "has taught 14 months, in Dis. No. I, and is npw visiting friends is Jackson. TOE PUBUC WJBAEE. j-t ^BirHEfAZE has QUT thanks for Hon- olulu papers, from which we learn that REV* W.W. WASHBDRIT,^ t)etroitr G - W. Ashford, formerly of Pinckney, will preach in the M. E. church, next, arrived safely-at Honolulu Jan. 25th. Yhtt'rsday afternoon and evening. I A SOCIAL will be giveaby the_Con, DR. TURNRR tooKa i4 flying trip" 1 to, gregational jSociety at the residence Chicago, Friday last, and had a ride of Thompsons Grimes, Esq., Wednesday (m the grip cars. ^ J evening next^ Mar. + 7th. All are cor- Mr. Fearson "Lay* a claim on it," *M puts, some stoae on to hold It down. / /1 . -<••./ 1 ... -,4"~ .,• - ••• <•"* On r citizens were greatly surpri|ed B Monday morning last, to see-loads of stone and lumber placed «pon what has -alwiys been known "as the "piit>iie square l Hornbeijk, caved in. Thef hcrtise waa batlt probably 50 y^irs ago, and was erected by the father of the present oc- cupant. Mr. Hornbeck haa just -left the house when it fell. ^-- MARION. - - •&... Frank Hecos; U visitng friends Krank Jtlecos; 1¾ visitng friends in jM$rten7he will return % Jackscraln Jaboutaweek. He gave us a call at A question of title has often l ^ 6 schoolbouse, FridaY. been raised regarding this property v but parties who investigated the mat* ter seemed/to satisfy themselves that the village (or township) had aj good title to it. But it seems that ia, few | we.eks since Messrs. Bulleek and jHaven of Howell, secured from the heirs of the late Wm. Kirklarid-X^uti-claim deed to certain lArids in Liyingston I County, the^escription coveliitgrrbeside some farm property in Marlon town- ship^ "all theilands which haveirotpTe^ viously heen |old or contracted (whetiF ^r recorded "or not)" in a certain de- Skating parties are all--the'rage ong the youn-j folks of this vicini^r An exhibition was held at theschool- ouse of six corners last Tuesday Event„ ng.' A grand time ia reported. Many J>f the Marion people weie tiittrtf. > Miss Ida Bailey, was in .Marion on a .^hortjdsit.jFriday. „E.L. M; l ^*—m HOWELL places" sliders" K lastr Sunday—^and—-"BACK were numerous. MR. BROWN, the barber, was called his father who was seriously injured by falling on the ice. A LETTER received by Mr. Tourney Tfbm his.brother in Texas, reports the •weather 70 above ^ero-in the shade there now^-quite a delightful contrast "to^hat inflicted upon poor. Michigan^ ders during a portion o£the.past'week. AV Ann Arbor lawyer attended THERE was H "tea party given by Mr. John^Qadwsltarrd' wiie t _Weojiesday; a very pleasant time was hadi Atfter a bountiful "supper was served, gamej tronj'tfaa Democrat. ,/ I>r. WessTnger has located himself scription covering thatrportioh of the kt ParshaUyjl3e,"where he will continue village of Pinckney in which the pub- Ipis practice, lie square is located, It is said that the _ village plat, as such, was never legally recorded, and that the public square was not properly dedicated to*t>r re- corded by thejownship. The only men - - tion made of it is the following para graphirom the descriptive matter ohi lithographed copy of the~village pi | The high ^ school is preparing- for a dramatic and literary entertainri^ntv to be given at the Opera House, Marcn^ 9th. \ i. '___. TOlq H. Bush T of New York State;" bo lias purchassed the stock of Fr H. Buyh,ha^moved to^Howftll^anff feia morning „„. Hereafter Preaching; will be at 10J o'clock/and Sabbath School immediate- ly after. THe Qlass meeting after the Sabbath schoQb » • • • ' "•:-. THJE worms-in Mr. Darwin's wheat- bin, lientioned in bur paper last week, were probably occasioned bv the wheat ^BS^I.. T """-M iXi T" 1 lttYY / Ci *Ki«iiucu i"being wet on the "top of the bin and Ea^Lyne^ and was so affeeted by Seating. Theworms ^ere white grul»s fhi Halih fanv>« flint \%r% U"= ,J JV«. ^.^, _..i. '»•- T- , . 1.1 .. ,- S "Dealere in Tobacco and Cigars, Musidal and Optical .^ . - . . *... xr . - . ^ 9) Ktc^Etc. is, Clocks,"Jewelry; Toys, Novel Confectionery a specialty, t'or^lain and MillSta., ' fNCKNEY. the deatn scene that he had4o go out and get a drink 1^-bracje-up his nerves 4 wit h. ^. nn Arborlawyers^are. very, very tender hearicd.""" ^^^--^ The valentrfne-Tnost appreciated, r>Ji FINCH. ";-;•_. HOUSB AND felGN PA|^TING, , Kalsomtnlng and Paper-hanging^ GRAINING A SPECIALTY^ P^NCKXEY;, MICH: A. MANN, XJ« -1 Dealer in ©RY G0OD£1 ANh OROCSRiES,. JpUOthing and General Merchandise, _3fejrt'fo-Poflt,0mce, PINCiiNEY, ROWN, S H:A, v^HljGr- P A RvL 0 - ¾ , Also dealer Iir Cigars Second door east of PostonTee»- onfectlonerj', PTHCKXEY. HE W. 8. MANI* ESTATE, DKAl-KHH IN DRV GOODS, M'NUK UOOPST ^ f^mfiy Ofororiofl, Rootaan^info^rr»raud'^a'i) The Brick Store on the corner^ IKEPLS & CADWE^Ltr1 Dealers in contained a.t we ; ntyldollar gold piece and was sent by theMadies of his [Congrega- tion. Mr. Northrnp^wairnrvited out te- dinner, at Mr70rrin Burkhardts, and when he turned his plate over, Impound the valentine.—Chelsea Herald. ^-\ ~ THE Brighton Argus man seems w find a little-fault-with the TONK of our paper. - He thinks enough of it, how?- ever, to copy a large number of items- which-he has-not the honesty to prop- erly credits It is only the -shots which probably issued: by Mr. Kir^landybu oearing no name or date: "The lote are 68 feet front by 13a feet in depth. The streets are four rods in width, "anfftfce pub- Uc square ia sixteen rods square. eyPeaison, of " Pinckney, ^has and music occupied the attention of guests until a late hour. . THE M.J^ Society, on last Sabbath, . u . „ _. ,. _ _ ________ Wa.majority. vote,changed the time_: J ^^¾^¾^ rV " ™ ck W ' ^ f i ^ r ^ a s t Thursdav night some person of their Sabbath morning services. _y c _ M ^^ m fte.How«Upai^esthe^^ taken possassionjof^iat business. The Howell Grdnge will give a child- ren's festival, on Saturday, March 3rd; All interested in the Gr_ngi*ihoVe~are cordiallyinvjtod to bring their children. title to the .property, as secured by the- deed above mentidned, and so confident were they of the legality of this title that they offered anyarranty deed. Mr. P^axsou seems perfectly satisfied that yerv mpch like those commonly found in decayed wood. . On Friday, 23rdlnst. r while Mr. Mc- Gee and family,' of Un^illa, w^r^tway , T - j^o"i"_ A"W7L ' - — I fro4r hum* visiting friends,tramps en-1 ____^^HSeydH. e^or^ ,.^*«t*-A »*.„^*„ 4.11 u _: JT. ufree J^^WIUMSL the furniture to suii their dwh t%J^, pocketed one ddllar ;n tliange, a^oltk^^^hg) ring, borrowed some under^cieJ" to'complete'their toilet, and are sighing for more wx>rIds to conquer. * THE MethodisT society wilTTiolJ 1L series of socials for the purpose of ^ob- .tainihg means to repaint the interior of the church. The first will-be an (-are aimed toward Brighton that - he- evening^ Mar. 9. fails to appreciate—ana he never copies bv a social at Geo. Brown-.,- one mile them, I hey strike,toc^loset^the mark, ^east of towttj Friday evening, March WE were in error last week when we 2 ^ rd - Ail are cordially invited stated that there would be services at he has a ; legal title, and has j.already laid out "_ earson : s addition -to' therVil- lage of-Pinckney," the plat-of which 'will^^^jac^^j'e^rjl to^ay^. It con- sists "of 12 lots Ifronting on- East Main Street, 22x122 feet; 6 lots fronting "on HoWell Stree^ 22xl22ieet; 2 lots4de- [_igped for residence) fronting' on Mill Stre«tr^xl32; with- 10 foot alleys.— " T h«ettier itis^more .desirable for the _..lhs5etha|. this^property should re- [mal^ as-Apublic' squaxe^oVbe built up ^for business purposes, is a question^ap- on which the opinion of our citizensL honestly divided, but if Mr. Pearson's title is sustained (and we hope forlgood o~f-al^concerned «it may be promptly cpntesfed<4nd settled), it is- in .gTwd han^s and wiH-4te sold at-reasonaBl^ prices to parties ^wBo^will stantial brick buildings Tbroke into "IFe Lake School House, in_. Ijltfariosn, and.stole several "articles of ^underclothing and a revolver, left in a isatchejl by the teacher. It is reported* that other school houses have been broken into.oflate. . __.."' J 1 ANN-mon.^^" From tbe Ct__ier; ----^--- — ,< .Dr. Winchelllhas been too ill this ,week v to meet his classesr Mrs"" Saturd funeral of Tier mother Miss-CaRBanv-one -t>f the Fourth . 7. W. Bailey was in Detroit, ^ Jay and Sunday, attending the ± i"i— —.V .~i»rTr I Pearson offers lots for sale, a V u sai oyster supper at the residence of W04«_l,gpiye warranty-deeds for the s ham Place way (in the^village), Friday lm *~ « - -- T^is^wjll be followed the CaUiolic Church. The regular rvice occurs next Sunday, Mar. 4th; alyol^ttrcard in'the •village directory •a^wron>,-t^o regular service being nths T TTA1R.pWARR,-flTOVBS & TINWARE [thiraHSunday of ea ^y,^t«stead of the PINCKNEY, East Main Street, MICHIGAN. TAMJBS"T7 EAMAN, ATTORNEY _ COUNSELOR AT LAJ5 and Justice of the Peace, i in the Brick Block. .^ h*f •Mwk^ r M, P. VANW1NKX ATTORNEY & x COUNSEIX)RatgUAW ~' and ^LICITOR-inCHANCEKY- Ofnce over Sigler's Drug Store. PJNCKiUBY. of t^is^Tace, and now Jiving in lerville, were in town a few, visiting friends; he inj Petoskeyih the volving sw' ~* season ^ i|h ierly ago re- Peek "dttrtfig^ Hbound DAVE BK^SSTT says he fiasn^t been able to trade horses at/all since gave him the"racket a _b6ut^tjie^ad of wood-*-everybody supposing, it was the horse he nowJ^rwfts~tfi^f he " irect sub- Mr. We-hope before "OUF next . was obliged toJilig1i£eB^p- , *for, whereas ^_ , y the first ohe-oflthe threp. will be joyful news to those-who , , . . ,-.. -„ „ ~ •_"•"" itni wish^5Sra5&^raOBlE3a^-^5. «oe^ereiag thing-of all x thg-pub4aJ f e ^ ow wno lished proc.l^mation by pastor Pearce. to the^effect that the dicipline does * - — — ---^ -- ~~ymV -m>w* MW »• *a^a A**» «,_%«| UUV ict so coin forting to the fellow who " -kneed beast n T r IHOMAS CLINTON, - ;' ; BOOT AND SHOE SHi)^ * AL30 HARNKSa MAKING. Cash forflidee, Pelts aadK_ura. . ^- TSext south of Globe Hotel, PI^CXMEY. , ' ,1 ,• n-^ii •+ ,i„i i^t pAtL BY TBLBPHONB AT SIGLEB BRO'S DR^JG STORE, WNCKNEY, MlCHKiAN. " ", K. HAIKEY, '••' . ". ._1 BE If 11ST,! ^- pnday, Friday and Saturday. •If PINCKNEV. is siting will make r _. Ihe pleasure seekers who go {resort '' •-• / x . Ajimng'man <?f Limai^while out rid' itig' with hjfr-^girV Sunday afterTinnnj Feb. llthf met with a terrible £ accid ei *t He.all dfa sudden discovered his doth- ingimfire, and bui for the aid dtk. snow bank it might have been much | worse. :Fire is supposedtohay^ origin- ated from some matches in his pocket. Loss, the kitchen of his pants and coat tail. No insurance.—Chelsea Herald. MR,,GEO^ICKS~ brought to this of- fice, tlie other day, a live butterfly. He picked[thechrysalis from a bush some weeks ago, ana on reaching home put v it in the clock, nothing turifcw Jswftg fimu Drowa thought of it t until «one d)fty.^Meiitly Mary^wrof theclocfr-sfrMiw^ and nrv^t, opening it, JoHanni CUnton ^ c h i gan pkper_ is evi- bo^hay^e the DISPATCH on ixchange l r ist. It commenced com- ing to us marked with one^x, next ^ith xx And so on until, the TaslNwas with something that . 1 . , _ like Chinese hieroglyphics. 'ie paper on our list,fiotbe- *' but for the same rea- 1 r >* is is- sued to be i^^qssession of all obtaina- ble?uiformation regarding the 'Matter, and shallltreatitin a perfectly iftpar- tiain^annetl ^^-4-^,—. Pinckneyiras^passeoT the prosaic) p r ¥ cinctTof cojnmon-place propriety, and tierced the confines ofr^-of—of custom >y turning a genuine donation into a Ward, teachers, fell on the iceMoo^iy, |and br.oke, N herarm. «Prof. PeiTy . c Ji_- 1 -'ied her pla^* the next day;- ^An^oIdcQlored man* nanied' Brown livingson^tfe^east side of the Fourth Ward, fell andlffolj^_an_ arnv-Suoday {night. , '^^^>><1^" . Pro?. Campbell-has been so terras to beunable to c ectures.-and the other-law: essors will divide up thennfinished work. -^, r- ~ ' • •/ Mr. Henderson; who was spob|ir/of aa having been severely injure^W fel^lin^tJad striking his head lasfweek, hflLS had paralysis on the righ^aide and it will be some £ime.l3efor£4*e recover^/ with his ei plete. •W I fancy dress party, where every one was permitted to assume such character and costume as 7 he desired But the re its cause wen »on that, the unjus^ rf _ widow—"because of i examlna\it>iDit our public school, the following p>pig| ^tood 96 per cent, or above; ' ^ 4 ^ Olen Richards, Jessie Green, avenged the kheSotei ballroom. * ity." 1 '^ ' v the, clocl a huge but fed upon the was discovered pe Sarah Pearson, Florence Honks, Mabel Mann, Murtie Finch, Bert Young, James Harris^: Emil Brgwn^ Henry, Harris, NeDie Green, \ Katie Clinton, Tillie Bro^m, Jennie Pearjoh, -Gussie, Ukr _ey> ^haylej^es^te^ not compel the-prbceeds~to be counted A^partoi-the salary^ Very prop^*ly, he presumes that pay is_ns4hing and prancing around at the expe pre¾¢he^s , carpets" is another.— bridge Sentinel. All right, Bro. Freeman-^ except as regards^the preacher's * carpet. That wa8n't^iT»jttred-~much HJKM anybody knows of—toe^dr p^jbwag hold-r "As^WsLhave. contihto^hi* vi .^¾.../v; -y -—'-filtlH we would tlir press say to- and vicinity to make tl^e acquahrtan as will' fayor"us-with: a not cojae here expecting !*e citizens of, ^inc^aey lat we shajfc^o'pleased bus tpectii Pincl Fe &^ o all tbe S0U7HLWM: ed him, and 1 have in>w_ oh exhibition la full fledged winterhatched butterfly. THE concertof Mr. -Ii_>^ REPAIR SHQPrr in connectioa fit done. GlveuaacaU. Wea,tofhoteL Mir store, repairing neatly Caab for hides andJpelta. - ^%v^ W.'B. HOFF. L.HOYI / wi^tr- For Infomattoo' :R k JOIKER. i«t lW*» * CadsreUe IT,Vm. 0ass, Friday evening last wai? <roUl attended and^«% heAr many compli ^ e a ^ fof t^te jjingtrs. It M ^ticd to^Mr.' Bainey to sav tibat not „ „ v hi^se^but several others who took p#t inl*<oonoert were disabled by v ire (^lds-^husnreventing the ex- Ljoi_4 poataottxoY the publiah nirae. A« it waa^HjWe |tended>e« welt rtpiu*<®_ > so work of the exami MAJTY people of olden tim w ^arAil di nted tion. read of the lepers ttle imagine that such still prevaik upon earth, or atleast perhaps dofcot ' its so near to us as a portion of the Canadian Dominion, where there is a v of lepers secluded and away thek live* with 1 the hor- plague. The disease is said to be asing at an alarmuur rate. 1$ is most^prevalent in the Sandwich _ K lands, ^and. strange io say, Norway t comes in next jtf a breeder of the ~__- \ ease, the FJfo«Mb,e Exce -Alar etc.,^^le^toi^^esaay-eouna^tor tftel^^We M. A. 1*. railroad caanp west of Ham*., "^^ (ess done in Pinckney, btit simper &&%. for a share of your patronage aha |(ope by fair de^l to merit it. " Yours very^ei^eetfiilly, ,^__ :^-^JiS^lKter. Cracked wheat andoatmeal, nice and fresh at "Winchell's Drug Store. James Markey, of this tQwn^general agent for the Hero Reaper, is now trav- eTiug for ^^"roii^nyPthe &mdusky Machine^nd Agricultural Works, ap- pointing agente and contracting with - J them for 18S3. jrf r. Markey repr&"ehts one of the best reiipers in the land. r J *e- -x_ ^ • • .Buttons^puton with the^Heatonpat- Loadoffnrni^re, provisions; p nt bnttotrfasiener, free of charge,at Ka^M8dagF-*««aT^ the ^ % e Hive/ ^ w ii»A*ii A<I^M_ __.__^A--. «r \r ^---^ ^ ^ . ^-, . ."•' ^*^^ ^ * ^nrRats" at Winchell^fifug ^b%g village Robert Parks started io?" Mecosta, where he expects to take part interest m a store or>_ei>*ral m ^ ^ >kaV \, - that placed/Success, Robert. ^.^\hite» h^>*#a mackerel^i^. |L mg in the Vicinity of this heaps Qf trouble one -day week., She scalded her- hahd% tked the bottom out of a stove^ana several -teeth pnllfd all^onthe sameday. •. . Monday afterjooon Dr. Bennett was taken suddenly all in the postoffiee,with an affection of the heart He was ut- terly prostrate bV>^he attack, and it was sometime befcre. toe blood was again brought in fsroper^^ciilation. The doctor is still confined to hi_ bed; though much better. . ^ c - ^ ^ Store .Hominy, pear St the Brick stoi\_ oatmeal . >rV ..,-^..^ %•.«.. beint totally unlrkt." ' * * * v , ,__- An oj^land marjk has .passedIhtb^^- Ri.cfej_UJMS)^ *teof t£e tw^ooiwiries|t^^ oidp-^Doia'^forget*— vr^-X- .7 } Hornbeck homestead, occupied by-fee chards Bcstoatmeal 5t-L, EIRichards k Go's ^ A full iTesiTHne of Groceries at L. feRi^ard^ Go's. 1-1^ '-:</ Richards & f^'s. : "^\^ 1 Pride of Canada plug smoking "J$K. b^ccotftL. E.\Ric^Srds.&Co;s,^ "" Green Rio Coffee f2 &, 14 cts. per ft) at L. E. RicharaTi Co's. X / " •"- Frank'Qiddairs soaii at L. E. Richaids - isffiSr-:-... ^--^--,..-: - Bcraiice. a snfetitnte for soa'p,'t -^•1 -M: - y •r 1 ^ . . >"•'.' -•'_ ^L £z -">U' .*X' > / '—.-. .«*r/ s. / . -Tz . -^ -J _C » » * * , *,- : - r'^-S- "«v^7-.

PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

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Page 1: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

ilaquoIPJ laquo

f bull nraquolaquoraquo bull V raquo

ltpound bull ___


sr bullltf

bull bull



Ha^s^ptkm Price (M00

^ V B K T I S I N Q RATBtt



_Mtlnsertkgtai_-qwnt iMiftfeil laquoaAiwertiotrJ


emeuts laquo5 cent k cent per inch

notfces 9 line for bull j v g i l v advertiasr

) )


HBVJJOIHST I|ISCOPAImdashJScrvices every Sabbath moriuttij at lrcpclock Also each alternate Sunday evening at 7k q^lock 8uttday School at 10 oclock AM Ray FVE PKAKCK Paetor

XoNeHBOATioifAtmdashServices each Sabbath morn-lag at 11 oclock SundaySchool at 12 oclock Also service each alternate Samptrtnrth evening at 7 oclock titr^uerB especially are invited to attend ot_ raquoer-

rices | Kv K HCaANii Paator CAtiioucmdashRegular services on the third Sunday

bull eacgt monthjj-at 10frac14 A M Special eervlcea aa

OBITUARY - bull bull - raquo

DiedmdashAt the residence of herbrother James bdquoffleck in Putnam Saturday Feb Wth of typhpld

bullpneumonia Margaret Affleck In the W8h year of larage-

M ^Deceased was born in Dumfries Shire Scotland | | a i c h 38 1819 At the age of fifteen years ahe

ttme with her parents to America and to the then bulljrtlderneas Of Michigan her early life in this State

4hraa divided between assisting her parents in develshyo p i n g a hoine in the new country^ and in serving as

a housekeeper in one of the nrat families of De- j |-troit At tiro age of thirty she was married to John Afflftck ajliataot relative of her fathers re-a i d i q 4 Detroit Shortly after her marriage Mrs AfleeV suffered from an aberration of mind from which sta Beyer recovered and which brought her back to the pareatal roof where ahe has ajaee reshysided i Deceased leaves an only dughter-+Eliza-beth viho baa faithfully and ^lially ministered to her aeceaaitlea during the many daklaquond weary years ojf oejaflllctton ^^_

Diedr-At the residence of Kelson Reason in Unadilja on Wednesday Feb 28th 18KJ John Connor formerly of Pinckney Funeral Friday morning at tttfi place

11 I Jl bull J L I 1 )bull I I

annuttnced Rsv Fa DUIOH JH


G TU-tMeeti on second Saturday oflaquoach h - ~ pHise LtfCoi^~President month

MubDiwSiGUSR Secretary bull WOMANS FORBIUN MISSIONARY SocigTTpf the M E Cburch^meets ljret Saturday of each month

lna-ScHA-N Nvs President


bullMAlaquoY VAN FLSKT(for Sec

m MR JAMES JOINER Dextsrs hotel a i a l l j r l n v iH




HARNESS COLLARS SADDLES -mdashImdash~^vth^ipa^attbes^^ Bmshee etc

Ropalrinj stock of band

[ done on short notice mdash Heaps a fall jlauioad Black Leather Oil constantly on


r T^Hs5^RICEK M H ^ r bull bull mdash ^ gt - ^ mdash bullraquo


Office Manngte Block ^TNeuroKNKY mdash mdash bull ^ t

-T E RICHARDS amp c b



and liverv ^nari paid the DISPATCH office a (5alrgtwhen in Jownl Tuesday

^EVKN Christians stood in slippery

-WHEK Bancroft school children wjaht a holiday they petition for it

REMEMBER the lecture by Mrs Boise tomorrow evening FRANK BBOWII and Criass -Collyer^ of Hoell^ were in town to-day

Georaquo-Hovland of Unadilla has sold his f^rm o152 acres to James McKen-der|gtflainfieid v

YESTERDAY WAS almost annnyenough to induce the school boy to uknuckk down4 on the sidewalk and play marshybles trade

The first wagon seenoar^^ur streets for a humhe of Welaquoki made its appear^ ance Vesterday Wheels will soon be in fashion again laquo

^-Jir8 M M Jeffreys school closed T h u r s d a y ^ l a ^ t r ^ m Jetfreys has taught 14 months in Dis No I and is npw visiting friends is Jackson

TOE PUBUC WJBAEE j - t mdash

^BirHEfAZE has QUT thanks for Honshyolulu papers from which we learn that

REV WW WASHBDRIT^ t)etroitr G- W Ashford formerly of Pinckney will preach in the M E church next arrived safely-at Honolulu Jan 25th Yhttrsday afternoon and evening I A SOCIAL will be giveaby the_Con

DR TURNRR tooKa i4flying trip1 to gregational jSociety at the residence Chicago Friday last and had a ride of Thompsons Grimes Esq Wednesday (m the grip cars ^ J evening next^ Mar+7th All are cor-

Mr Fearson Lay a claim on i t M puts some stoae on to hold It down

1 - lt bull bull 1 - 4 ~ bull - bullbullbull ltbull

On r citizens were greatly surpri|edB Monday morning last to see-loads of stone and lumber placed laquopon what has -alwiys been known as the piitgtiie square


Hornbeijk caved in Thef hcrtise waa batlt probably 50 y^irs ago and was erected by the father of the present ocshycupant Mr Hornbeck haa just -left the house when it fell ^--

MARION - - bull amp

Frank Hecos U visitng friends Krank Jtlecos 1frac34 visitng friends in jM$rten7he will return Jackscraln

Jaboutaweek He gave us a call at A question of title has often l ^ 6 schoolbouse FridaY

been raised regarding this propertyv but parties who investigated the mat ter seemedto satisfy themselves that the village (or township) had aj good title to it But it seems that i a few

| weeks since Messrs Bulleek and jHaven of Howell secured from the heirs of the late Wm Kirklarid-X^uti-claim deed to certain lArids in Liyingston

I County the^escription coveliitgrrbeside some farm property in Marlon town-ship^ all theilands which haveirotpTe^ viously heen |old or contracted (whetiF ^r recorded or not) in a certain de-

Skating parties are al l-- the rage ong the youn-j folks of this vicini^r

An exhibition was held a t theschool-ouse of six corners last Tuesday Eventbdquo

ng A grand time ia reported Many Jgtf the Marion people weie tiittrtf


Miss Ida Bailey was in Marion on a ^hortjdsitjFriday bdquoEL M

l mdashm


places sliders

Klastr Sundaymdash^andmdash-BACK were numerous

MR BROWN the barber was called

his father who was seriously injured by falling on the ice

A LETTER received by Mr Tourney Tfbm hisbrother in Texas reports the bullweather 70 above ^ero-in the shade there now^-quite a delightful contrast to^hat inflicted upon poor Michigan^ ders during a portion opoundthepastweek

AV Ann Arbor lawyer attended

THERE was H tea party given by Mr John^Qadwsltarrd wiiet _Weojiesday a very pleasant time was hadi Atfter a bountiful supper was served gamej

tronjtfaa Democrat

Igtr WessTnger has located himself scription covering thatrportioh of the kt ParshaUyjl3ewhere he will continue village of Pinckney in which the pub- Ipis practice lie square is located It is said that the _

village plat as such was never legally recorded and that the public square was not properly dedicated totgtr reshycorded by thejownship The only men--tion made of it is the following para graphirom the descriptive matter ohi lithographed copy of the~village pi

| The high ^ school is preparing- for a dramatic and literary entertainri^ntv to be given at the Opera House Marcn^ 9th i ___ bull

TOlq H BushT of New York State bo lias purchassed the stock of Fr H

Buyhha^moved to^Howftll^anff feia

morning bdquo bdquo Hereafter Preaching will be at 10J oclock and Sabbath School immediateshyly after THe Qlass meeting after the Sabbath schoQb raquo bull bull bull bull-

THJE worms-in Mr Darwins wheat-bin lientioned in bur paper last week were probably occasioned bv the wheat

^BS^I T -MiXi T1 lttYYCi Kilaquoiiucu ibeing wet on the top of the bin and Ea^Lyne^ and was so affeeted by Seating Theworms ^ere white grulraquos

f h i H a l i h f a n v gt laquo f l i n t r U= J JVlaquo ^^ _ i raquobull- T- 11 - S

Dealere in Tobacco and Cigars Musidal and Optical ^ - xr - ^ 9 ) Ktc^Etc is ClocksJewelry Toys Novel Confectionery a specialty tor^lain and MillSta fNCKNEY

the deatn scene that he had4o go out and get a drink 1 -bracje-up his nerves

4 wit h ^ nn A rborlawyers^are very very tender hearicd ^^^--^

The valentrfne-Tnost appreciated

rgtJi FINCH -bull_

HOUSB AND felGN PA|^TING Kalsomtnlng and Paper-hanging^



A MANN X J laquo -1 Dealer in

copyRY G0ODpound1 ANh OROCSRiES JpUOthing and General Merchandise

_3fejrtfo-Poflt0mce PINCiiNEY


S HA v^HljGr- bull P A RvL 0 - frac34 Also dealer Iir Cigars

Second door east of PostonTeeraquo-




DRV GOODS M N U K UOOPST ^ f^mfiy Ofororiofl Rootaan^info^rrraquoraud^ai)

The Brick Store on the corner^

IKEPLS amp C A D W E ^ L t r 1

Dealers in

contained at wentyldollar gold piece and was sent by theMadies of his [Congregashytion Mr Northrnp^wairnrvited out te-dinner at Mr70rrin Burkhardts and when he turned his plate over Impound the valentinemdashChelsea Herald ^ - ~ THE Brighton Argus man seems w find a little-fault-with the TONK of our paper - He thinks enough of i t how-ever to copy a large number of items-which-he has-not the honesty to prop-erly credits It is only the -shots which

probably issued by Mr Kir^landybu oearing no name or date

The lote are 68 feet front by 13a feet in depth The streets are four rods in width anfftfce pub-Uc square ia sixteen rods square

eyPeaison of Pinckney ^has

and music occupied the attention of guests until a late hour

THE MJ^ Society on last Sabbath u bdquo _ _ _ ________ Wamajority votechanged the time_ J ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ rV trade c k W ^ f i ^ r ^ a s t Thursdav night some person of their Sabbath morning services _ y c _ M ^ ^ m f t e H o w laquo U p a i ^ e s t h e ^ ^

taken possassionjof^iat business The Howell Grdnge will give a childshy

rens festival on Saturday March 3rd All interested in the Gr_ngiihoVe~are cordiallyinvjtod to bring their children

title to the property as secured by the-deed above mentidned and so confident were they of the legality of this title that they offered anyarranty deed Mr P^axsou seems perfectly satisfied that

yerv mpch like those commonly found in decayed wood

On Friday 23rdlnstrwhile Mr Mc-Gee and family of Un^illa w^r^tway

T- j ^ o i _ A W 7 L - mdash I fro4r hum visiting friendstramps en-1 _ _ _ _ ^ ^ H S e y d H e ^ o r ^ ^laquot-A raquobdquo^bdquo 411 u _ J T u f r e e J ^ ^ W I U M S L the furniture

to suii their dwh tJ^ pocketed one ddllar n tliange a ^ o l t k ^ ^ ^ h g ) ring borrowed some under^cieJ tocompletetheir toilet and are sighing for more wxgtrIds to conquer

THE MethodisT society wilTTiolJ 1L series of socials for the purpose of ^ob-tainihg means to repaint the interior of the church The first will-be an

(-are aimed toward Brighton that - he- evening^ Mar 9 fails to appreciatemdashana he never copies bv a social at Geo Brown-- one mile them I hey striketoc^loset^the mark ^east of towttj Friday evening March

WE were in error last week when we 2^ r d- A i l are cordially invited stated that there would be services at

he has a legal title and has jalready laid out _ earsons addition -to therVil-lage of-Pinckney the plat-of which w i l l ^ ^ ^ j a c ^ ^ j e ^ r j l to^ay^ It conshysists of 12 lots Ifronting on- East Main Street 22x122 feet 6 lots fronting on HoWell Stree^ 22xl22ieet 2 lots4de-

[_igped for residence) fronting on Mill Strelaquotr^xl32 with- 10 foot alleysmdash Thlaquoettier itis^more desirable for the _lhs5etha| this^property should re-

[mal^ as-Apublic squaxe^oVbe built up ^for business purposes is a question^ap-on which the opinion of our citizensL honestly divided but if Mr Pearsons title is sustained (and we hope forlgood o~f-al^concerned laquoit may be promptly cpntesfedlt4nd settled) it is- in gTwd han^s and wiH-4te sold at-reasonaBl^ prices to parties ^wBo^will stantial brick buildings

Tbroke into IFe Lake School House in_ Ijltfariosn andstole several articles of ^underclothing and a revolver left in a isatchejl by the teacher It is reported that other school houses have been broken intooflate __ J

1 ANN-mon^^ From tbe Ct__ier ----^--- mdash lt

Dr Winchelllhas been too ill this weekvto meet his classesr

Mrs Saturd funeral of Tier mother

Miss-CaRBanv-one -tgtf the Fourth

7 W Bailey was in Detroit ^ Jay and Sunday attending the

mdash plusmn iimdash mdashV ~iraquorTr I Pearson offers lots for sale aVu sai oyster supper at the residence of W04laquo_lgpiye warranty-deeds for the s ham Place way (in the^village) Friday l m ~ laquo - - -

T^is^wjll be followed

the CaUiolic Church The regular rvice occurs next Sunday Mar 4th

alyol^ttrcard inthe bullvillage directory bulla^wrongt-t^o regular service being



[thiraHSunday of ea ^y^tlaquostead of the

PINCKNEY East Main Street



ATTORNEY _ COUNSELOR AT LAJ5 and Justice of the Peace

i in the Brick Block ^


bull M w k ^



Ofnce over Siglers Drug Store PJNCKiUBY

of t^is^Tace and now Jiving in lerville were in town a few visiting friends he inj Petoskeyih the volving sw ~ season ^





Peek dttrtfig^ Hbound

DAVE BK^SSTT says he fiasn^t been able to trade horses atall since gave him theracketa_b6ut^tjie^ad of wood--everybody supposing i t was the horse he nowJ^rwfts~tfi^f he

irect sub-Mr

We-hope before OUF next

was obliged toJilig1ipoundeB^p-for whereas

^_ y the first ohe-oflthe threp will be joyful news to those-who - -bdquo bdquo ~ bull_bull ~raquo itni

w i s h ^ 5 S r a 5 amp ^ r a O B l E 3 a ^ - ^ 5 laquo o e ^ e r e i a g thing-of all x t h g - p u b 4 a J fe^ow w n o lished procl^mation by pastor bull Pearce

to the^effect that the dicipline does

- mdash mdash - - - ^ - - ~~ymV -mgtw M W raquobull a ^ a A raquo laquo _ laquo | U U V

ict so coin forting to the fellow who -kneed beast

n T



Cash forflidee Pelts aadK_ura -TSext south of Globe Hotel PI^CXMEY

1 bull bull bull n -^ i i bull+ i bdquo i




K HAIKEY bullbull _ 1

B E If 1 1 S T ^-pnday Friday and Saturday


is siting will make r _ Ihe pleasure seekers who go

resort bull-bull x

Ajimngman ltf Limai^while out rid itig with hjfr- girV Sunday afterTinnnj Feb llthf met with a terrible poundaccideit Heall dfa sudden discovered his doth-ingimfire and bui for the aid dtk snow bank it might have been much | worse Fire is supposed to hay^ originshyated from some matches in his pocket Loss the kitchen of his pants and coat tail No insurancemdashChelsea Herald

MRGEO^ICKS~ brought to this ofshyfice tlie other day a live butterfly He picked[thechrysalis from a bush some weeks ago ana on reaching home pu t v

it in the clock nothing turifcw Jswftg fimu Drowa thought of it t until laquoone d)fty^Meiitly Mary^wrof theclocfr-sfrMiw^ and nrv t opening it JoHanni CUnton

^ c h i gan pkper_ is evi-bo hay e the DISPATCH on

ixchange lrist I t commenced comshying to us marked with one^x next ^ith xx And so on until the TaslNwas

with something that 1 _ like Chinese hieroglyphics ie paper on our list fiot be-

but for the same rea-1

r gt is isshysued to be i^^qssession of all obtaina-bleuiformation regarding the Matter and shallltreatitin a perfectly iftpar-tiain^annetl ^^-4-^mdash

Pinckneyiras^passeoT the prosaic) pryen cinctTof cojnmon-place propriety and tierced the confines ofr -ofmdashof custom gty turning a genuine donation into a

Ward teachers fell on the iceMoo^iy |and brokeNherarm laquoProf PeiTy cJi_-1 -ied her pla^ the next day-

^An^oIdcQlored man nanied Brown livingson^tfe^east side of the Fourth Ward fell andlffolj^_an_ arnv-Suoday

night ^^^gtgtlt1^ Pro Campbell-has been so

terras to beunable to c ectures-and the other-law

essors will divide up thennfinished work -^ r- ~ bull bull

Mr Henderson who was spob|irof aa having been severely i n j u r e ^ W fel^lin^tJad striking his head lasfweek hflLS had paralysis on the righ^aide and it will be some poundimel3eforpound4e recover^

with his ei plete


I fancy dress party where every one was permitted to assume such character and costume as7 he desired But the

re its

cause wen raquoon that the unjus^ rf _ widowmdashbecause of i

examlnaitgtiDit our public school the following pgtpig | ^tood 96 per cent or above ^4^

Olen Richards Jessie Green

avenged the kheSotei ballroom ity1^ v

the clocl a huge but fed upon the

was discovered pe

Sarah Pearson Florence Honks Mabel Mann Murtie Finch Bert Young James Harr is^ Emil B rgwn^

Henry Harris NeDie Green Katie Clinton Tillie Bro^m Jennie Pearjoh

-Gussie Ukr _eygt ^hayle j^es^te^

not compel the-prbceeds~to be counted A^partoi-the sa la ry^ Very prop^ly he presumes that pay is_ns4hing and prancing around at the expe prefrac34centhe^s carpets is anothermdash bridge Sentinel

All right Bro Freeman-^ except as regards^the preachers carpet That wa8nt^iTraquojttred-~much HJKM anybody knows ofmdashtoe^dr p^jbwag hold-r

As WsLhave contihto^hi vi ^frac34v

-y -mdash-filtlH we would tlir press say to-and vicinity to make tl^e acquahrtan as will fayorus-with a not cojae here expecting

e citizens of ^inc^aey lat we shajfc^opleased

bus tpectii Pincl

Fe amp^ o all tbe


ed him and1 have ingtw_ oh exhibition la full fledged winterhatched butterfly

THE concertof Mr

- I i _ gt ^ REPAIR SHQPrr in connectioa fit done GlveuaacaU WeatofhoteL

Mir store repairing neatly Caab for hides andJpelta -

^ v ^ WB HOFF



For Inf omattoo R k JOIKER

i laquo t l W raquo CadsreUe I T V m

0ass Friday evening last wai ltroUl attended and^laquo heAr many compli ^ e a ^ fof t^te jjingtrs It M

^ticd to^Mr Bainey to sav tibat not bdquo bdquo v hi^se^but several others who took p t inlltoonoert were disabled byv

ire (^lds-^husnreventing the ex-Ljoi_4 poataottxoY the publiah nirae Alaquo it waa^HjWe

| t endedgtelaquo welt rtpiultreg_ gt so

work of the exami MAJTY people

of olden tim w ^arAil di

nted tion read of the lepers

ttle imagine that such still prevaik upon

earth or atleast perhaps dofcot i t s so near to us as a portion of the Canadian Dominion where there is a

v of lepers secluded and away thek live with1 the hor-

plague The disease is said to be asing at an alarmuur rate 1$ is

most^prevalent in the Sandwich _ K lands ^and strange io say Norway t comes in next jtf a breeder of the ~__- ease the

FJfolaquoMbe Exce

- A l a r etc^^le^toi^^esaay-eouna^tor tftel^^We M A 1 railroad caanp west of Ham ^ ^

(ess done in Pinckney btit simper ampamp for a share of your patronage aha |(ope by fair de^l to merit it

Yours very^ei^eetfiilly ^__ ^ - ^ J i S ^ l K t e r

Cracked wheat andoatmeal nice and fresh at Winchells Drug Store

James Markey of this tQwn^general agent for the Hero Reaper is now trav-eTiug for ^^roi i^nyPthe ampmdusky Machine^nd Agricultural Works apshypointing agente and contracting with

- J them for 18S3 jrf r Markey reprampehts one of the best reiipers in the land

r J e- -x_ ^ bull bull Buttons^puton with the^Heatonpat-Loadoffnrni^re provisions pntbnttotrfasiener free of chargeat Ka^M8dagF-laquolaquoaT^ the ^ e Hive ^ w i i raquo A i i A lt I ^ M _ ____^A-- laquo r r --- ^^ ^ - bull ^^^ ^

^nrRats at Winchell^fifug ^bg village Robert Parks started io Mecosta

where he expects to take part interest m a store orgt_eigtral m ^ ^ gt k a V

- that placedSuccess Robert ^^hiteraquo h^gta m a c k e r e l ^ i ^ bull |L mg in the Vicinity of this

heaps Qf trouble one -day week She scalded her- hahd

tked the bottom out of a stove^ana several -teeth pnllfd a l l^onthe

sameday bull Monday afterjooon Dr Bennett was

taken suddenly all in the postoffieewith an affection of the heart He was utshyterly prostrate bVgt he attack and it was sometime befcre toe blood was again brought in fsroper^^ciilation The doctor is still confined to hi_ bed though much better mdash ^ c - ^ ^

Store Hominy pear St the Brick stoi_


gtrV - ^ ^ bull laquo

beint totally unlrkt bull bull

v __- An oj^land marjk has passedIhtb^^- Ricfej_UJMS)^ teof tpounde t w ^ o o i w i r i e s | t ^ ^ oidp-^Doia^forgetmdash

v r ^ - X - 7

Hornbeck homestead occupied by-fee

chards Bcstoatmeal 5t-L EIRichards k Gos

^ A full iTesiTHne of Groceries at L feRi^ard^ Gos 1-1^ -lt

Richards amp f^s ^^ 1 Pride of Canada plug smoking J$K b^cco tft L ERic^SrdsampCos^

Green Rio Coffee f2 amp 14 cts per ft) at L E RicharaTi Cos X bull- FrankQiddairs soaii at L E Richaids -isffiSr-- ^ - - ^ - - - -

Bcraiice a snfetitnte for soapt

-^bull1 -M

- y

bullr1 bull mdash ^ gt bull - bull _ L poundz

-gtU X gt mdash- laquor s bull


-^ -J _ C

bull raquo raquo bull bull bull


- r ^-S- laquov^7-

S W r

^ 5 ^


gt bull bull bull


A p i g of boys iniijtjpfrnttig wore sent to jail fur ten days a short time jugo for disturbshying a school anil enticing tin pupils away

Wardell the man arrested in Detroit som months ago for forging the name of Samuel

Poet U Q pension agent in that cilVrwaa ou Monday the 19lh tusU sentenced to lour years

inJtbc-House of Correction Wbitc^Tgeon citljeigtb havengtutgt^crlbed ueir-

-^iyfi0Otgt^mgtMtt fer a buy^y factory _T Fears entertained that wheaMu the neighbor-

ftrxxl of Battle Creek will Ins smothered by the ilaquoe following upon the recent-thaw I t covers ype fields v -

Last TtyursffaytherfeilT l u s t C h ^ f les r a homesteader re^idlnpfftftceu mlh


Xtvtg-es east

the lowering oi certain sm^ll labf for t h passage of a law deflulng duties lt)f Justices in ertaiu eases from the Michteauj State (iraffge

for J he ekftlou of aii agriculturist aa United States Sehator bull- [

SENAT^Teb i30poundApetStlon wa passe ji ted froijvtfte supervisors oLWAihivBaw coun t for a law forbidding the issuing of warranto by

|4llpoundliee8pf the peace incriminal ease ejeep4j t

felony uud breaches of p ^ puttee u t i l e s scour-

w V mw i^ = ^ bdquo t WLvTHci tld raquobdquo bdquoraquobull tttm nnminc- nf lours in state ditches



the surfaeeT The bodv was-not recovered till Sunday the 18th Ins t i j

Thetrialjo Frankmi Cobb for tkejiutirder in July last of bis little mother Fred awwi l ^ b y COtting his (throat is n progress at Kalamazoo Testimony for the people Is all in ajjd^the deshyfense are now trying to show the prisoner in-

Elgtit of theTMakistce union -school teachers haverejsjgned withina few months on account offttowitiatectiujULkith the managementof the schools mdashmdashpound

Charles M LoutfbookteepltT for the Brush Mfg Co of Gran^RapW6 rali31n-Thcil emptpy nlneearamp was airested on the 19th ius t r - for fimBe^u^laquobout|20fJ0 from his employers H e confesses hi guilt IHlaquo wife died a nipntk ago and during bis temporary absence hi de falcatlon was discovered -i-4------ i

Edwin Hadley attorney for J the Detroit bull M a c k i n a c ^ Marquette rattrflad left St Ignae January 10 on a buslne6B ttlpexpwtlBgtQ reshyt u r n in a few days He wrote to-Judge Brown January from the Sherman holise Chicago sayshying he should re turn in a few days Since then nothing has been heard from him His family and friends are very anxious and entertain fears as to his fate j A contract has been made by Flint with the Ftenu bridge works of Beaver Falls Pa for a

rtPUWliiflutK tr im hikim ai fos^-FKnfr rivcp at-Saginaw street to cosf $6097

Congress has beepappealcdjo toprohlbit the lt opper mllUnear Hhneoek andneugbfot t j from dumping sand n Portage Lake Navigation h n a - h c a w a ^ ^ ^ l i o l y l ^ n t n r l l h y H fo l l p p n s f t


There was a marrjage and a death In the Hftauie^amjiy a t Hudraquoonou theaftemcKmof the-2ts t inst Orrin Deki7 an old and ^r^peete t ) citizen expired just as his niece Jennie was married toiicrJUvrt LoystCT one of the most

1 of fflfe for tiie

araln by raHmadjft to abolish tho b i a r d cVnnnilssioiiers appropriating polity for school for the brind to provide r labor bU rcau for the care a n t-dijcatit)ft of felaquowe-ihiTHleltl childfeh for the pi-otcltftU)ltiof mechanshyi c Petitions or^senUd for a prohibitory ameod-t u ^ i - ^ g a i n a t ibc aitifiviaClaquoHujpound of raquolt(K ri)VVT ^ ^ m furiously as to-d^y which turu-ngth for an apiltro|)rlatiou of swairaquoplalaquods fjraquo cd out]to be une of great dlaappolnMneiit An

show bu t numpo-oJLjlJtOB1

xbangc 135 nacessar

ntanihifli Wlink sary^S choice J j raquo board Wheti l umber w

Newton 45 Palmer J j Burrows 12 Feriiy f f o r com now 65 28 cent 10^Wtmtlaquo9VHamraquoafi laquovCrohbylaquo Lacey 4 WebbdrTajXothrop Dunstau^ 1 vgt

TucJWOAT VttU iShmdashThe1 polltivul pot bas

effort k a a made to agre^iupona cauxltdute and Alect ijini bu t the effurtlwAa-uusuecessfuJ and the convention adjourn Senator ThP followiji of the seven^votcs eaf t

1st 4 O M liainejt T W Palmpr T V Fe r rv bullKWillits


without ch-oaiuj a the result in detail

aw wt-PWUU cttite fOrdat now 4o raquo10

to (12 a ton Tor hay nuw lt(IH Jo fraquo Krdm jvtAtfSrtfacta Mr Horr dlaquoductld hts arguim-nt 1u

favonLuX- - -| KKTAMNU TUKTAKIKlt ltJX I IMtlER1

lmlduga country is most prosperous nhL-n igtri^s are hiwb that protection ^nould not n foral but national

1 Hannah j to prevent tbo running of logsin stte ditches4-iI ^ |)wbj also bills lucorporatlng Brilaquoljhgtn and re-iueol- -^ V ^ e W x - V jioratiug J5ecatur The rtsoln-tion iskiug j w N - e w l congress to pass laws ree i^ i t ln i i tho services of veterans of the I j idla^aod Mex4cM was h is t pound Artibnglhe 75 or more


For the purchase a lw il lstr lbutlouof

bills iutiigt-the most Importautu

voluims the s t a t e pro

45 24 Vi

rraquo H 4

T 1

1 i in -s

1 n H


4th 4A

bull raquo


5th 0th- TtB

45 42 27



2rgt liijl


11 Burns H lt wvtki H V NT U IIG Stuul


containingtthe general law of viding for Uniforjn text books for the Uwation of a priftou of lufauBy r e l a t i ng t o uortgatjej foFcclosurcs makiftg apprbprtatiotis tor t h e elate industrial schc^)1 for gir ls rwjuirihg the cltrrk of the supremp court to give tamos and for the passage of a law regulating the practice

molUlne HoiSK-tDetrolt physicians present a petishy

tion protesting against the f ^ t n r e s of the new shatter reojuiring report to ln-mudc from them Amongthc bllls introduced

worthj youngT)uslness men of the village i ^ h e Presbyterian church of Saginaw city will

celebrate its 45th anniversary on the 4th ofgt March - ^

H c I r y B r raquo n g l l a W a gt W f i ^ cheater fell from a load of wood on the iOst mist and died instantly Heart disease th_e cause of his death 1

Matthew Millard contietcdat Ionia on the 20th i n s t of murder ing his wife by poison atJ Palo Ionia county in Slay last has b c e n - e teheed to the state prison for life-

the folshylowing arjLpf general in teres t To prohibit the graining or use of bogus diplomas to esshytablish a d e p a r t m e n t s eclectic medicine in the university of Michigan to regvlate the width of rims of lumber wagonfy making them at least Vi-^ inches wide t o punish the putjKtg on-record of bogus conveyances with intent to deceive r

SENATE Feb 21mdashA number of hills were in_-troduc^iiOii the Senate The most irngfliJaut are To appropriate $20000 for a ^chl5Sl of technologj forglr ls ia t -St Clair t o place the new northern asylum at Traverse City under homeopathic regime land control to provide

Tfol^fTnrdisposal 6f motley and valuable property tfj^rj^onb^iesb^JiJinJniown dece^sot1 persons with this s t a t e to provide for the e^tabllslneht of dock w-harf and btgtom HuCsyupoanavigable-s-treams in cities in towns A petition was

gtreseuted for an amendment to the clmrter of Rochester Oakland couutv -lso a patitlou for

ah increase of powers of the board of building inspectors in the city of Detroit


Total vlaquoraquotV VU l-ygt N|ivij sa ry to a cholitC Ai lik




1gt1 12()

l i t - 04


to | FRIDAY Feb

W ^3mdashihe sessions of the joint

conventUni were free frwm the anxiety and ex-cltemeut wtiicJvmarked the work of the convenshytion yesterda^ The members are really begiu uiug to sltowsijjmgt^f weariness of this cuuTes votingwithout resiiTiv and from precept indl- cations the tlHginuittt of t i c e u d [ i ^ u e i i TheinlldwiugtabJo jshow^ iraquo tleUvll the rcim]t_ of the sIx baliots 18ken

- - bull 1 bullX 4 40mdash2 30 SO-

4 17 12 10 -

gt i

12 U 5 4

in t


bulli i bull gt


in 19



ai ro 20

7 bull

I i o

42 m

bullbull[ Chamberlain mdash T W r-ihner Edwin Wi lilts F B S tockbr ldge MS Crosby - T W Ferry-8 L Withiy- V -4laii_nahv 1 1 G V N D b t h r o p L-D Norrls Chas 8 Mav TF^Tuvsney T M Cooler F M Holloway F M Fol lensbee B tgt Stout Total vote

j~Nnc55arT - t t r r h o t ^ ^ SATUHDAY Feb 24mdash The convent ionassent^1

bled prompt ly4t- the usua l i ime and proceeded^ at once to cast the flfty-iJghth ballot fos senashytor The ballot stood S tockbr idgc -^ Palmshyer 31 Lothrop 40 W[mtvTTTTlSfitfartl-rt

HOUSEmdashBi lh were M MacinaW Cltv Dt-xtcr^ and Bancroft Sllaquoawassee C4Hinty^ all to have immediate eiTcet This w a s the last day allowed for the iutroduction of bills and the scene gtwraquos one of the liveliest of the ent i re session

r X s many as 15 members were~upon the floor of

perfect ava-n g

some pf^hfi most Important To protect tbc owneniQtMttles^barrels boxes siphons gtcegs and ptlier vessels or things uscdMli the sale of ale beer cider mineral water or other bever-

VDU Hamilton a l iquoruBraquoWr oi oCugt ^ ^ age^Uo l ega l ly marriagev tlmt tiwfl ttiyptfl Superior has g o t i b pay $100 and stay at the J o r e lt m raquo y hereafter be conlractctlybe-- - - - deg K^__ _ twccH whi te persons and those wholly or in

Prb i -4^chran wipe-rintendent of instriietion -J recognition from the speaker A perfect a has resignedltlo accept a position as register Qf lanche of bills poured In the following bei the United gtafeo htptl offioo at Marquet te Prof Oass of jJonfsV|iUe has been appointed to thelfasltion maltTevvrieant by--Prof Cochrans resignation -- -

Phil Hamilton a liquor dealer of Seney Lake

- bull raquo raquo -



^orikiboardlng house 0Q days and all because V r t o l a t c d the law in regard to selling liquor

1 ATbtfrt^Fajrthlld- who tWa years aga wan eon victed o f a t K n and a l te r serving iigt months at

--gt Jack60h-^wa5^jankda new trial was acquitshyted at Big Kaplds^m the 21 t ins t after an eieht days trial gt - bull The building bobrh bas^already begun at

bdquo~Z3ifackiiiaw City giving iho^e^tlriCof gt rapid growtli the-comlngseafion ThVKrjSwfcjM

afc building altimrch while several tl^ ^ u j d stores arc also under way --bull -Urielcopy CTCorge Long who lived alone at IndiaaT

Town-laquoboupoundi4^lle3 from An Bauble was found ^ weejv-ago frojsenrto deathx)igt his cabin (loot-

l i e had not been secnTersome time He was SO years old and had lived there for rKny years supportlng-kini^elf by cBltlvatlng a little patch of ground 7-mdash

A herd of about 28 deer was recently diseltbullgtbull-

21 14

4H 2S


121i G2-

120 -62-

120 -amp5-

lri 12laquo -4frac34

- ) IM -02

Ferry il J Logan Chipnun 1 Crosby 2 The second ballot of the day gave Palmer$l

^rocSOriaRe 2 S r WmtPT- 14 fcothTOpT-tr Few 3 Crosby 3 Hauuali 1 j ^ tout 1

bullThe third ballot was takeu ant resttlted ampraquo follows Stockbrldge 25 Patmer U Lotbrop 34 WiHits 12 Geo P Sanford 4 Hannali 1 Stout 1 Crosby 3 Ferry 3

After announcing t h e - resu l t of this the slx--tleUi ballot taken in joint convention aigt adshyjournment was ordered until Monday

( b a r g e d W t t h P o i s o n i n g H e r StUp-

h a r d




i^u ^ 1 ^ 7

MSfu ~~ c t

bull -i O n e o l t b e C o m m l w i l a n e r w

lUv Dr JoUu M (iregery who braquo igteeu retnuitly appointed oue of thje civil svjryico eoni-mtsBioiTon account of hla reputatlopaampraquo pubshylic educator laid the foundation imdFuTlt most yf tpounditn9uperetructurc Of thlaquot reputation iu Deshytroit and Michigan He came to Detroit after recclvlag aw ordinary education und unsUCCeaa-fully-U-ylng the law in bib native state v r N e w 4 l

)ork and e^tablbhcd ujirivateclarfsieal school of which he became the principal Tho marked

suecesrof this hU first educational Tentdre di-nl9 cflpaDUItrps rWted tfftHtftl ailcBllon fo

and in 1S5ltJ he was elected tate superlnteudcrit of education of Michigan and was twice re-efected tilling the position-uutil T305 wheu he declined a thirdre-electiou to accept the presishydency of KulamaJltxj college He retained the latter posltiou uutil 1S07Hvheii he was j i nan l -mously tflecteil regent of the Illinois tittfustrial univcrsitA at Champaign where he remained until 1SH0 and only resigned- on account of pressing literary work he liad mapped o u t and which demanded his whole attention About the time of his e llaquot tonTothe8uperintendency of nlucatlon in this stateheinc6nJunction w i i i PresKtent 1C O Haven of Michigan ii^utvefsity and Prof Welsh of the Nowaal school found1-ed the Michigan Journal-of Education Jff lirpgoryiiraquoiytll remembered by the old citizens of Detroit aud is regarded by those acquainted

with his educational labors and achievements bullas one of-the foremost educators of the I nion A gcnfleman who has Ix-eu largely identlfled with educational progress in Michigan says that his efforts in behalf of the educational inshyterests of the state left a lasting1 Impress tor good Mr t lregory is now ti2 years old

twccH white persons part ofAir icanl leTcent aniLto legajiaetheir i$pounde and trrepeal all acts and pKrts of acts In an v wav ^ r r a s x p i n g J i t g a s a u i e for the bei-

~ of bigUwjLys by urdliiblLing-Tfjrrc tlaquoii- protect km (fom-and after

blgUw^ais v tho year l i s) any wagon or other wheeled vehiclefrom carrying a load ex-

HTeCdiiig 1^000 pounds overany publlc~highway the wbcels of said veldcle bavlng a rim Ifisi than three and oue-balf inches in wid th to

fteriaa prohibit AnncHHtiioMAirir Yiittvni or partjsan purposes lbf the protection of lumberroea and o the r aga ins t the use of fire-ffrme in-the fl-clniU or lumljer lngand other catnps tojestab-l i sh^un l fo fm bullystiun of inptructiou to author-fzethgtingt4r4X)rattrni of manufacturers mutual tli-c insurant^JsiQmpanielaquo awtrtrcttrly-lOO otlv-er^

SEXATfi Feb ^Ji^ffe^bill re^ii^oxpwatlug Ignace was passed- A-^e^wnetitioiis were-


Mongt M4^Sabefch Newlngton of the township

of Huron Wayne Co wife of Jariies Newlng

Actw t l m s l a r A p p r o v e d

Of the large number o f bills iut^odili at the present session of the legislature (Jov Begole has approved the following nn to t he present t ime raquo To -amend section 12 of an act revising au(

amending the charter of Battle Cijcek To appropnate-tt tonevs-for the care i i d n -

pair of the soldiers and sailors monument in

To apyropciau-moneys For tlic fntrenlaquoed sal-unes oi s circuit judges - -To amend_scction J4 ill act 140 session 1J^S

of ISO Tv legalize the assessment roll of the village

of At Ctiarks in Saginaw county for the year 1KS2 -bull bullbull gt _

To change the uaine of ^Thc Muihigan ite-form School for Girls t o T h e State Indusshytrial Home for ( J W S ^

To rhange4he name of Shivajlurd SUeards-ley to Frank S Johnson bull - ^ - - - = ^ - -

Joint resolution requesting Michigan heua-torti and representatiUi In congresgtTtqyote

J against the removal of 1 tie -tax on intoxicating liquors uraquo0gt tobacco or ei thtr

ivak wMariMuan Tbe tr

s piracy t pound burned la bull excitement

areythe IC e^urt

placed on t a result c 4fftBld and BurRe

A V V A T fe

risouerii chargiHi with cofl-r govcrumeutidUelAl^ane-

ln on gt|onday Wtlrhraquoraquofc- - The ag tliW progress oLUie uxauiiija

IMlaquo1 Wf tf IMUngpiiiiit wUili

^ -

(ia|i who created su bullootn on Saturday tho

ug pumi vli a fuJ rore iu

17th was stajuct for eross-examinatioa As

thiii Examinat ional persoushaye 4jria4ifor tho ntpnUir uf nnrnbrHtfi

A coaoSiTiox

top wns lodged in the county jiil on Monday thb la th inst-bT c o h s u b i e Monger o f T l a

to hsJ eigM-year old step-son in^tonToctween the lOtb and 15th of February Mis New4ngkm-ws-arrested oiL_Sluulay the IStjtrlnstv aud the following day wns ar--ralgued on tbe ehargo of murder Ivforc Justice

The coronation of th king of lit Sand wick WamLPtook place oraquo the Igth l a s t T i n coronashytion was tbc occasion of a great displaymdash mdash

^ ^ AKAUXBICAN WAK VESStl iOST A dispatch from Houg Kong dated Feb 21

s a j s The Uplted States steamer Awlmlot bus b^en lost a t sea A41 her olhVcrs vlre saved b u T l l of b^r^cxew w e r t i l i o w n e d T h e A j k ^ ^ lot raquo a s aa iron-paddle vessel She uarrieu 4|ix guM^and waa of centcent0 tpns burden bull

TOT LAHT UVBlXEi Tue new French cabinet is composod oi Fershy

rv Prinie Mmister ami Minuter of-^Public in-sttHictiOD OojUIeinel Lacour Foreign Affairs Waldeek Kossoau In ter ior Martlu Feulllee Jus t i ce Charles Jirunraquo Mariue r Meliue Agrl-eu i tu re r i l e r i s son Commerce Coehery Posts ^ d T e l ^ g - r a p h s Ravujd Public W o r k s Tir-a r t l rF inance Ucu Thibaudluv War

A IANO ilJTVOTKUx VfEWS bull- The following di-iputch from London appear ed in the Irish Nation John Devovs paper of the22d iust ^ILllui iyuider trials In Dublin are still thiraH-abscjrbiiig topic of the hour and the interest is deep^laquoetr-^-4lie-reyenferftUoiHtbdquo^ Carey t he self-eonfessed murderer who to save his life has turned informer The acceptance of his t^stlmouy on theeoadi t lon of giviughlm his life is a crowning disgrace for thfc governshyment and reveals the ut ter rottenness of the -English system In Irelaud It is known that there was aj sharp struggle at the Castle hefor it was witness^ of Uie-priv question wahdiscuswed The reward expected by the goverpihent f-r this infamy is the iutpli-cation of thelanU league leaders uiut-Careygt evidence |s ^arcfulljrijtrecKd to fltat-emfr tory speeches maHein the house of coranvonv are verv bitter in tone and pa r ty feel lag is high ^The Jfrfsh party htlll mftiutaiii i n at t i tude bull of reserve but it is evideut that there 1s W deep-seated intention to eontenrfvlgoiou-ly for their rights vmdash - - - frac34 _

1 Tin IATESTgtES8AJIOX A private exatiiiiiaMon was he ldeu the 2lht

inst in the case of Jesse Suittblaquo arrested for -complicity in the Burke and Cavendish assas- sl-nalIon His s tatements agreed wlth^those made by the informer Carev--A-cemplete alibi has beenproven for lien Maeaderes Ateusfvlj

- t jr tclngtbirn^rsteTioli3^ ^inbii iTrlt ~

- A Dublin t rades meeting has disavowed Cashyrey and repudijitett his el aim tgt be a representshyative of worknien aiid-utj-RtrimousJ[v vot-eil fgt-

expel him from trade societies -+AVlaquogti(A)V l t ixi i KIgt

The French pryss are very favorable to ihe programme of the new ministry It is4eHeved that Ferny wrH participate actively in all disshycussions regarVii-Hg any hraiich opound the gorern-nienr- Z


was aisuarp struggle at ine c a s u c neiorei s nuajjy decided to bring htfii fo rwardas a bulljis bull ThuVMVMtqJL^ rijITT-rent mee^lt)gs e-privy uiuucil in Dubliu at Vvhich the

f0 amend session 10 of chapter 172 complied laws of ls71 ns ameuded

To authorize Coruumi to issue blt-4i4jo the ^mou l t of 810000 mdash - -

lUicki ou the charge of administering strvchulne ]i - T o a r g a n t z e t h o township of SeinV In SchrMii-t o h s r ei iht-vear old step-son Amza J N W ^ ^raft lt|ounty



presented and after appointing Messrs red- in winter quarters near Alpena j W f l r r S t ^ ( Belknapand ^hlte aflif_su

M u ^ o n ^ t o j a v e ^ n e w Congrejfagnnal m i t t ee to inTffttlsatC 1 ^ c h a r g e s prefe ekurch I t will cost raquo10000 over $8000 of bull- deg bdquo T bdquo bdquo I - i wWchbave b ^ e n l ^ b ^ r i b e d | against Uie Chicago and l rand T i u n k R

Tilta arc t^TOgjaiatrlbutedTrrongJho route-c t -K ipoundpoundraquolaquoltg a 4 j e u n ^ l


Creek sure


the proposeBtreet rai lroad at Battle and the citizens feeling that4t is now thing rejoice greatly - J

Emanue l Lermart tin1 alleged murderer of lacyi)Bthlmat^dieltlon the ^ k l Inst In thji lOttfltj jai l atKeTiiypil HcUHIwnPTtrMTiP ly^Beryous fpoundgtir several houri beftu^ death anxl p^rtiarfj^deVanged due it Is s u p i ^ e d t o f e a r o t | twingmo ^A^a-oaian wl i^bad IKCU employed as a cook

at l iatefeS^mp nearSEast TawasT was unable to attend toTj t t jyork a m l w a s at once dis-e h a r g e d S h c swted^ou t to^walk to the Au iir^sraquoJtffending to takSffeostage^for Standlsh

arr ival At All J S laquo u e fc^ouroSbc r two days1 old babefrozen to death

Mr^NewfogtWofPlaTlTock who wV^i i r rested_a few days since ona charge of poisoiF kijj her step-son has been committed for trial without bal l oh a charge of murder

l rand Kftpids is making angt effort to buiUla iityliuspit a T]je prospect^ arc very vncourag^

HorsKmdashBut ver-yjittlt business was transshyacted in the House beyond the reading of some bills intrgtdultetl yesterday The l louse ad jolirned and the remainder of the ltray was dc-

votcd toTlic eeiiatorial election

^ampampvAXEVp-hr^mdashbull Mr ffrcusels joiut- resiiu

lion directin the BonnL of State Auditors to procure nlaiis and speriticatiolis for two suitshyable fountaiire at acost not to exceed 114000 was placed on1 the ca1cmlur Tho committee nn^hc Michigan institution lor educat ing the deaf anttjriClrjmU-^iiFlint reported t h a t tlirr

1 eharcesaiulcon^plaints oL()scar V Chapman bullkedbv 400citizen- of Wayne ( ^ n t y w$T i laquoraquo

lv sdstained The charges a n d r e i ^ f t - f ^ frac34 u m i K wercIgtSj^ml to be j t r in tcd A rcsolutiop was adoptodpflaquoJjUiitiitr smoking in the Senate citamber jil()tgtEmdashlint veni4tle businpss was trans

CoHwai t r l ju tchcrshave coriibiuedandraiMd the p1^e7iflhcyttlIfe^rtoTivc c c n t s ^ bull

Republic Sl^rqueltFcounfy7Tias been made a third-class postofllce with theTtight ltif_ap-pointment vested in thpound president

A Hudson farmer t h nks tba t the wheat f r ^ ) the low land will hardly-Be w(rth harvcvt-

inpgt-4nd that on the uplaqd tlie yield will be from nvo^hlrde to thrce-ltiuarters of a-crop

Oh UieevemHiftof FebruaTry 2 5 while gtlr Mitl Mrv Porter Iirugtlaquo^ atohl couph living in

Har-tjund 10 miles sotTtkjgtf Fenton were quietshyly seated in their home fTJfeft^masked men sud tieniv- burs t the dlaquoor oigteu w

7gtosTl grabbed Mr Brown gajtgeilJraquosa^mrcow ercd him with n revolver Tiiey then nwpe t j^ ately entered the bedroom and procured

Mn bills and JOOO in gold T h e y fiecrnvrf very cool and sarcastic and left t h e ^ h i coU[gtlc 1 tonwlbftTwi -anti- fanf-^ttin ir Ijt-jtt where tblty -remained two hours Mr Brigtw-n found hi-s (

team part ly harnessed butJmt-removcd^ OfiU] bull eirs arc stfeting themselves i i r the matter-lnit

are-M) far withOtttany^t1ue - _ _ _ ) r

EogJxla t lve- B e c o r d SENATamp gtYgtrgt rmdashThe ^Sceate eotiVened

promptht-Jit I I a m Pctitious were read for amission of a prohibitory amendment wijethan the u sua l mmibcr of bills were

introdTKeogtw^a]mostevery imaginable char acter Amoogtampeniwerc tbe following A lAl^ approprlatitlis l l ^ i v f o t j t h e support of insane sbkltprs-afr the Michigan asylnm to do awa with tbe fish commission t o esWbJlsb an ai

-lum for lnsane criminals for the phjtcctlonof

^c te tHt t thc House Ilftte^wTTe passetl estab-llsbing a blt)ard of park comrltt^ioners a t D c r tro1tTmrrtor-tnT-fneoiifMTTatii^ -associations lK)thrifw-bieiiareto t^kltDrtraquorti( diak effelt-t bull bull bull bull bull^SBXATii F e b ^ f - - l i u t very U U I c w o r k was dijneltvday The Senate bill ami law relativC^4o coiiipanif furnishiu workJTfor eities~gtA^pit^scd alsothe bill ineor-poratiny BanVTTTft -

HorSEmdash^ttTPtfkrroffegte4a rcgtoTutTigtn ltgtr adiournmettt until Tuesday Tbe27th which

j wasi iaWied A bill wis passed inf^nidrat iu^ laree fence -thevSUagc-wf New Blm^lo BerrV-jj-eounlv

bullnding tbe line w r

Garfetsan of Flat^Kock w b a f h e l d ^ r for e^ aminatiorHn^he sunojof $1000 with two sureshyties The eooiplajnt was made by bet step-son Klliot Newlngton Fom Whatman be learned the bov died under suspfcriojis circumstances The eurohlldll4R stated was t a k m i l l Monday juornlug tbte 12th inst and d i e d a i ^ - o ^ I i x k In the evening of that day in spasms oTTlaquojileh4gte had several previous to his deathA corbiaeTh inquest was held the vexdififc-wf the jury b e gt 4

that the ehildmdashdkni uf poison

To iiicoriKjratKKssfXville To legalize nfesessment aud tax n

wamo|u Ionia county for the year lL Toiiikorp_i)tat iLeIlov IU Osceola county To incorporat Melirlde in-Montcalin cotinly ToTvgUlaU Ujie placing of 11 1)111 apparatus

Ug mdash- Mrs ^ ewingtou has been cUarged-wlth exshytreme TtreJtv to the -ebjld-1jut when charged

-with his death she professed grat4ovc for htm aiidJndignantly denictl the charge and was the ^ -to- propose a post- mortem^-examination She laquo a s u l t e d having purehasetlpolson which she lutenoed^p give a neighbors dog4hat had beenannoing^b^r She says she told tTi^-per-siin of w^iom shep^5ehase4l It -whatuse slf wls-bedto p u t it to Sbc-furthcr says that she didnotr-know what kiiur^af^pois) slie

Chafed H^rcxaminst ion has^raquoceujet day Hie 2idinSt f

To legalje the lay in out o f a u d the t a fo r o certain ditch iu Meridian l iigham county

in tin rivers of^Iichlgan e lay in u Meridian Tngtian

To amend section 22 of- art 2S ltjf 1877 ita rc-card to aaiaryaif assistant prosecuting attorney Wavtie-eounty To author ise Clyde townsliip- in SI- Clair county to hell bonds audjmih i -an iron-bridge ovej Black river ^ bdquo

TtT-tCiinsfer certain territory from Denton pmnion-^eounty to mdashHT Helen- s ame

bull^SiQiattir iu Van Burcn

-- pur for Fri-

^ H e l i i g a i r F l n c l H i c i e n t H

ih4he IiousefttftTOfof--pi6- j t^ctiiWToTMichiganpine^Mr Hriod-gave the follewing facts -In 182- MichiganTmi turcd 38o0000CK|0 fextt of pine lumber the en tire product of the state including lath shingles^ staves ctcTwas $00000000 of the whole coun^ trv bull sect2laquoOtX)0lK)0gt value of -Michigan lumber

f a m p a oto) $ 4 ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 o f tljC

entire United States $1^0000000^ Michigan


A C i o o d S l i t M ^ I n s

The State (ommissioners o ^hcHl the House with as ta temci

averagj earnings and expenses each passenger t ransmit ted

There bullwasji^rrc1it excitement In theltlugtusof com mc- ns rcceu t ly y w lien Pa rnell dec hired (lirevs testiiiTjmy unreliable and denounced Forster forsupprVssing theStruih with regard-to affairs in Ireland^ ParnelTsaid he had beeu challenged to defend himself but had nothing

league funds had beenbullused to piiy assassin-had noyllKT fouudationtlian that money hud been paid to families ot iuiprh-oned sulaquo-pcct_s The l hu t i ix-park assanslns were pot memlraquoers of the land league uor were tli-y paid or countenanced bv It S-

AX IN bull A parcel addressed - to EaH Spucei- held

by the postal authorities was found to contain several ounces of dv-munlte with a fuse at-rach-

1 cd bull bull bull ^ ~ ~ V Tin IVTKVJ icnrlt

Autfioritics at St Petersburg have rt-ceiv^ mdash letters containing threatsTo blow up the Krem- Uii-at Moscow yherc tlicczar-ilaquoi t gt be crowned A close watch Is being kept iui1 thif3ublic are

enter the building bullbull - bull WKECKKD 4T S E i ~

A dispatch received a t ^ew Yorkmdashon Salui February 24i Suys tlictUaiuer^iraTriOT


IEHNAiMAenfixi essed - fo Karl Si

of Michigan for live years past Number of

passenger Earnings- Kxpe e a r r i c d pe r mile ]gtcr

otKimilr 0ngt

4 1 4 ^ 2 frac34 1

447-20-2 5laquo519S2S24 103330

d n b a p p ^

mills employ 21000-Then at an average of $2 per day makinga dailypar 7tgtU of--g43000rMiChi-

4 ^

bull-y r~^

ger or accident from fallroad frogs waH passed authorisingtfce township o in St Clafr county tOConstruct a b n blaltk fiver- __ _ ^

bull TfocsE^-J^ jcr fec t avaianeh raquo 1rrte the H o i a e fc^ttay msny^camp

(duplicates of biui presented before Aaio ^ e m t h P followingjarfe the most irapoi

r^ ru la te the b^slnjesAof^airn- brogfirs regnlailaquocthc handling anjjr fr^nsportt t t^m of


ijHl number ofpeh-i ions wi re presemHul for a^jnihlbltJjrTTrmendmrnt^-also |gteTt5inns for an amentlmenf to thfi-eUartvroi- Corunna and or tbfMowcxJng-rtf (ioguae-fake

g a n lurnber canape employ 35000 men at an avershyage salarv of $1-75 per day making a total daily pay io lL of over $100000 amount paid for labor in the Michigan lumber industry last year $T^rgtO000O In the Ijnited States oyer $Mgt0(X)-

number of men emylwed in the mills of e- eTrtiw United States 901000 in lumber

campe lo5^e0Gi oj-er 30otK)0u0 was paid to agrteUjturiar^Lhist year for fcxxl for these bull rnerv^smd thegt^ninia8laquo- employed in this indus t ry ^xMlcbigam^v^i rmesota ami WisconMu prodtK-e^NyVer 7 500^1000 feet of lumber last yeaf the n^c t^wes t^0o^)00 p00 shingles i-wo counties ol wyjinaw river

f^bjeed lM0(X)00t) pieces of ISHv There is 7000^000000 feet of standing pingt44rnber in Mlehlgan^ lower ^peninsula- in gtuWton VV iseoi^iif^flrrMliitieSot-a Vtr

s e ni l t o r n l E t c v

MOXDM Fetys^i Senator and no eh tjon atijnuTiierl^ Tht Burrows M haccy-i

tngtoutlicrn- states 230000000000 Canadbu^provinces-bxit 75000000000 Las t vear the trirHQjtattoTT o f lumber were JWOOOOr-()00 feet piivt|r^1OfK)00u^4nty ThetiirlrT conmiislaquoicgtn fCtwrtM^n favor of-ietainlng_tiii t itriff oiPTmnrk-fr ^tTtmpsge1

being made t l stood

025 -0252 0245

0217-0212 02 X LTJ00 02 OS

042 O-Oi

^ ^ ~ AT TOLBDO FfmntiAiiY iS^Thjr uunge r t ha t t-tir^ft

Tolech) has-beenhapiiily-^verted though loss is IndcedY^v lieavy T h e laigiKl purllub of theloqa is on ran4oadbridgctr-gtvn4(iocks I t will cost $80000 to repftkthu brldgesgt-^500J to nut the tn iddle g-rmmdifr-as JAHH liape-~-tts b(T_arpound_thc flood and about SlOOrOtX) to repair t h e docks TheTosses-of mercbana^Hc fuclud lug-logs a n d lumber ttTe~nrhtttvviy =mgtU^ and will not exceedit is thought $15-000 Tgt-e^ pense of moyinggoods to places of safety -Is the next most serious Itemaiid will aggregate $4000 01- $5000

bull AT ltIXCINXATI the worst is over and business men a rea l l busy tryhii to br ing order out of chTOs Railroads are running ou KcTieXlutt time and freight- 1raquo being tpndlcd slowjy^ -


evervrtrt^gls belng~donft for tbt^-^fff-rers- tbiit poundau )c dom^fe^j^ejicf comes in 1romaHquarters anil^Is blting iviSj^p^tl^prrrFCj

out-goJrig~pl tion wjis the sceir tragedy iasTnight A-yuung man1 nanieir~Cav-ahaugii who was but rceentty-uiarried boarded the train a t Braddocks to meetEts-yiinng wife rHiirn-inglrom a visit in tUscity^iiuljffitiiughei chatting with another young man Cftvanattg^i ifmjlt-of-jealousy d r e w a revolver to shoot ampgtgt

^=t4reliot t l i P y ^ b c n fired

su ejected

KfH^eu nred a TTtthiTdepaTtin

The conductor j i n d JLraquojakemaii Id-be sholt)ter frothtbe car wbej

sntx^jit rartfltmv t l n w n ^ t b ^ W str iking uud-k+

med KcmSck g car tlrraquoltbal

i n g a n lobffenstvf Germim -bull- J rnANlt-if^jfrs AOA ink gtlames~~ainiearetr-hicoujl

M a o^rMjie 20tn inst and was of-c^ign three ininetjmnts one fortlu triuruer c Millan iuTTilt^^-iustoii train lubbl i3 the beciuuj as accessory toXhe-muTder of Conductor West-fnllfapi^thlrdiiicaiutgtlcjrbf Caalder Sliec-lsin

Wheal Finur



-Hanchel utchroii i

e eonvei its follows Marble 2

V- Ferrv WXthey

k I 1 I t l I T

is ( Buckwheat Corp^r^ mdash Oats

over Seedmdashbull y b u


-4 1 os

W Newton S3 WUHts 0 (gtlaquo 1 McMillan 2 Sukbj-idge 1 T U E S D A ^ Feb 20mdashTin tirst ballot for ed StateKscuator to-ltlarv r e s a l ^ d as follows t a c c y ^ j G t o ^ - - W e b b e r 2^frac34frac34^ 0 l^os-by C r wt5n - i7 P a l m e f e U YVitfjey 1 bullbull WiT

-- J ^ ^ - - laquo Burrows t 12 Stockliridge rel

UtsirgtFeT 18ltJohh Mo( rT _ w S e c o n d mdash A k c o n d ballot was -nr^lered after

Cthe usuial-attebpts t(rfraVe- an a 4 W n n raquo e n t had been voted dowh ResultbulliaceVlTrWlaquo bcr 2 liurrows 0 ^ H a n n a h 6 Crdsby

bullSchuyler itucn 1

|iger 1 ^gtbamp Moore 1 Ad-

a t t b fU lowed Tw^gtlaquoifcflwere taken

poundtH^-rftgr Wliblii-i1tim1laquo$of vo lt Jo choice J 3 - N e ^ v S o V i l Palmer 3 1 pm^U^Fetryj 10 ^ frac34 ^ W euro r b s

Hantj65 L a e e y ^ ^ n B f f i A M d 8

- ^ bull r-TshcYr 1 Loth rop bull bull - - - bull 7--

Drk ^ bbl

()nc b a j l ^ w a s t a k n e f ^ w o r l t i ^ ^ ^ ^

figt$175^ Most of the^elaquof^fllnmg^prheTands Mjciifgan werelicretjbfore g r a n l e u t ^ t h c can id and railroad cornpames by ~tha government Annual taxes--in ^ l i ch i^an arc $100 7er section iu-_Cariftdiv not^jone-foUrth that Wages in Mlchlgan^fljills are 80 per cent

icr than hi Canadian^ mlllSvand Cana-flock over In Mfcblgan it costs

take a thousand feeV-^if lumber +4n the t T ^ a n t l pU8lt saweltl on t h e ^ d o c k

in Canada^-s^ti Horsesmdashffecd --p-o visions machinefryvjianiess camp lmp]^c i f t^ l Potatixs ^Lbu

In C^rfadC [ I t t ibcyT -

Xfto l (u) ^ - 5 ^ -

the (tallatiicgtaik r o b b c r V ^ i l o pleaded nol guilty arid ltifter a long arguThtnt trial Tra bulltiiced for the thir(VMonday nt7TiiriiVbCrraquo^atthr next terin of thee i r imi t court and thepr isouer Was remainded to jail A large rrowd was cut nn7T~rlie pri-ouer maintainedbull jhjs usual

^steady demeanor The gcfteral belief i s that ihegts ta te will prwluee witnesses to te^^fy lraquo Jumes^^pTeseiKc iu the vkinl ty-at the time of the murderssqi i l tlic present Charles Ford ami

Tlx-rs ot tiiegatigIb4iriiie mrtlcipation l b crimes charged


etcArlt higher inM One flrrrt-aUjnc shipped i26^PjO bttthels of oats 50 bushels o f i w j i and 2500gthlaquoi3cif hu$ Intci tbe Michigan lumber woods lastv^isar- -Tfie

BeansY-pJckeilo iieaiL^ unpieketl Hay - Sgt-^-

p4gtjgtK4-ftraquo-gAM bull bull- ^ y^t^m ilaquo 1111 j g Icomottvelaquocompellutnborliigtbsave tliebvltn-1 ForTi^eAsftd1^ H U ^ ed and Mlled-tunbeSr^4iiraquob--Mie wbofH)eetUbull( strovs in the sunimerrirfjes^rmt-tn t-ke-w4tcr ESOAY Feb 2J-mdashT-iu cflQvcntion m_ mdash

hour and the same routTna fnl-J-Mr Horr exliibraquolaquol a pieceof ntnifle ixirfoffttetU Beefgt bull tlic flrsfstan^boatd Th6 ^eeent b ^ h pHelti of JnwbCJ JWooltlr

- j^se^c^a savingof 2001 fnthat cuts a t the toprpT

was cheap we

iT-por ceuL-of lirabeiyl Wopil hJ-IL^-Lfc^iti-- M ) i gtpbdquolaquo iclSfelrajnTt smaller

Mrfrta ^ o n M riien^fumbcr

$ l A t o

C^hickens CVS

Pork rries w - family- ^


tr arness and MapgtcT

) ilaquoS^ v

IS 50 (ltbW 00


s bullx J^ZA^~ A -


bull raquo bull bull

-L bull lt raquo gt r

gt bull


bullVx bull3- bullvgtlaquopound

0 ^ ^ ^ = Sgtm^

Coa i ^h r t t t f t ^^

tlr(k o^Uo jyTvuniiV

yj lire un i gtlt^hi t i t lof lt3

fffivo spoken the Iftslmdasha steai supposed to In ease wasexplained trrfcijc another note he asketk -t(Jh


i n

of rt biisi-w a s

o airJ i s

a crijl was^taade upfwi kleacon wilowas

honest Thlaquo ami irraquovvas asked- to Syprgt09ltHref use

laquowlts for vuiy $lt10 in

Titrnr v^tnc3




s v bull -^ ^J-



bull T - ry~


^ bull bull

bull gt bull


HTampamp - A baby form of Ktentkwt grtce

To-n ight 1 h A F u g i j P tiff Jtpec _ _ _ A laquo w Itl ulifTltCfivbiby face

Twatfttiecl I t ra l r t t t ln faot g i ec -

Th traquobj ejnuulaquore t l u e apd bright T b e baby face wa^pawjUi^Talr

And o n chc baby brow so whi te Were t iny r ings of c luuterlng hair Y

B u t while I watched its merry play-- 8 0 lanucent and s w e e t to e e - ^ j j j i j e f t t y r y of a d i s tant cUty

bull bull(^auie w i th it sadae i oyer me

mdash H e w a l k e d s t e a d i l y lt w i t h i n s t i n c t i v e c a u t i o n a n d a s Tie a d shyv a n c e d h e s a w t h e l i g h t l a r g e r arid m o r e d a i B t m O T h ^ i t Q a q c i r o n y a w i n n o w W f r o urideTT a n c T r n d ^ e n b y j i u a v y m I U M U ^ o f e r o c p o t S H e e o u i d n t a k e - o t r t ^ - t h a t

-alii k w e d h i s b l e e d i n g f a e p a g a i n again


bull SffEiAiftftJrftMt jlaquo8BU w


A form befojre my gaze would r i s e -T h a t I had loved llaquong years ago

For I Lad lored a fair y o u n g girl i W h o s e eyeraquo )iky t h m - w t r e blue and bright

A u d tm whose brow the c lus ter ing curl mdashllfcopyHraquopted4ikltj4itter-traquoy 4ltMF t w i i g h i Thlaquo tidiitf b lue i-yug the Santa brown hair

T h e uaine h igh birow of qobl t tmieu N o w g r a m l the baby Bmjftjug there

Which i n i a y j l u v e d o u j J j | y B e e n

1 ponderi(J-oii tjhj h^bys-fampIWi 1 T h e dear-express ion that it wore

T h e s a w e t h a t ^ u r k t d in statel ier gror I t s motfier in the days of yore

T h e b a b j played ujraquoou ncy-kuyemdash ^ ita i i iother looked aud jweet ly lan l l ed

She m u s t have known i t seeme to me Wliy 1 so fltgtiiillykltraquogfd her ch i ld

V J - - ^ - mdash A STRANGE KampSCUfc -v

t h i s p a r t o f t h e rj j in e i t h e r h a d h i o t fa l l -^ jieepWr vfiorda e n iitltKtln d e c a y o f t h e r e s t p r h a d on f i i j^lt - ihe b e e n l a t e l y b u t t r e s s e d a n d i m p r O v e d V - -

H e s t o l e u p t o thtt w i n d o w a n d l o o k shye d in o n a gt s i g h t t h a t a l m o s t - jiffido tris h laquo a r t s t a n d s t i l l - a g a i n

- T h e s u n w a s s i n k i n g b e h i n d a m a s s o f b a t t l e m e n t e d c l o u d s a s j S p h W a r r e n bull t o i l e d u p t h e s t e e p h i l l o n t h e s u m m i t

of w h i c h s i o i w l t l i e - r u i n o i J 4 b e - o l d m a n 1

t h r o w n l i s t l e s s l y b a c k M a s h i s be t ro t b e d mdash N e l l y t o t h e r i n g - a y h e r s e l f y i u t h e flesh b u t s a d l y f a i l e d a n d l o o k i n g a l -r h o s t l i k e a c o r p s e O p p o s i t e t o h e r s t o o d a c o a r s e - f e a t u r e d l a r g e w o m a n f a o e a n d w i t h a s t r o n g b o d y o f c o i r e g a r d i n g h e r w i t h a s t pound r n g i a h c j m i d d l e - a g e d n i a n e l e g a n t l y d s t o o d b e s i d e t h i s w o m a n c o u l d s e e h i s f a c e a u d _ b u u h i t h e f e a t u r e s a s l i g h t r e s e n j b U a e e F o t h e r i n g a y b u t t h e c x p r t t n t o o n e o f c r u e l t y a n d c t i n n i n g raquo

- T h e r o o m w a s e l e g a n t fv a n d t h r o u g h a n o p e n - d o o r r o o m c o u l d b e s e e n s i n a i l i a r l y f u r n i s h shye d T h e d o o r s w e r e s e c u r e d w i t h h e a v y ( C h a i n s a n d l o c k s a n d Tiie w M o f l w e r e lulaquot(iytw(Mw thitrlr ihuttflffi iftfeafaAi

- j ^ H B L O R D f S P R A Y B R l

j vThe f b l i o w i n g c o m p o i pound i w w a s f o u n d

- f t l d e o l s ireaayU o v e r ^ f i laquo r m gt ^ w a s p ^ m t e d o n v e r y h laquo a v gt s a t i n 1 laquo H I

Ai^PrjltiamprtohM r a p t u r e w a a t o o L - mdash bullbull J - r

T l j e s t a r s b u r n e d d o w n e w i n d

y o u i j o v e y o u 1 j t h e t r e e s a s t l e y p a y | For thou Jtfi^ the g r e t t CJorimdash 4whw -art in


woman1 whom hpound had mlaquoiixrnlaquolaquoJ-j-tta- Uraquofcrf jiWraquoti thwrLrlirv ihaiii)wwLUj thy uma S u c h s i i j j t h i s i s a j s a i r fitfht ftff j1 n e m W j r e decays divide uaTrmtV I B U U s a i d t h e l a n d l a d v w h e n t h e lt Toy-glraquomgti is gra^t- but let mdash r ttLi a u l d c e n s a i d t h e l a n d l a d y w h e n t h e y

r e a c h e d t h e v i l l a g e T i n i i Pulr y o t t f l g hMldy bull

W a r r e n r e m o v e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s

Thou tO( lhe m e r i y brat our iwh doth Tp do mix duty wurotbeumdash our Katber

s e laquo m e d t o s i n g l i o Y e [ T o whom ah jraquotse all hoiiltlaquo-houid raquogtbullbull g l v c a ue t r c t i S a s t l i e y p a s p

t h e m m u r m u r e d n i a a i o a l l y

t o r e t r a c e b i s s t e p s i f fie w a n t e d t o H e s a d h e v w a n t e d - t h e w h o l e b U i u e a g l a u d w e c o u l d g o a h e a d w i t h ^ t h e m laquo laquo a | t laquo 5 e laquo T n e p I sa$h t o $amp ITAl If l i e b a d d e e f d e t f t o g o a h c a o V z n d n o t b l a m e u s f o r t h e c o n - i e t p j e n c e s ^ J t o ^ r ^ p e j ^ l i i f ^ m e j j ^

^ ^ 1

1 c o u ^ e q u e n

Tp d o gt u r duty uilw t l i r - u u r F a t h e r ^ ^Mdegl^Q W ^ B r i l pound deg r t r ttlaquo I9Jf ~ bull j b u m p e r a n d l e t i u m b u m p ^ a f e f -

p e a t e d t h e w o r d s a n d m y c h u m s p r i n k l e t l t h e kyar^ p e p p e r o n t h e g o a t $ mustache and be sneezed ~~o cpound ahbT

i ^ r

^ frac34 frac34 frac34 bullSS^I^S-Wv-^ - - - gt i bull bull

bull U W e r i r e t u r n e t T i b t h e r u i n o f ~ ~ M y c k -bull l i e o o w e ( i r a n g e

T h o y i ^ a l t t e i U ^ 6 d j U ^ t o c s r w r u n o t e - B t T l B o r j B i p l b W ^ ^ i M ^ f t e r rrmfimHii- hegtwraquoraquo laquo1raquo iwwpiracy pleats

T o t o a k e n i e formdashour treupjaijse61v laquoath h e r u n c l e ^ A n u tor aruiuot i 9ljrtt$^fTJt$ampref~

Tliat thou M tit pardon uraquoraquomdash ian AefuFgxft^

gt i o n i i h e re t l ecMou o f t h e b r a z e n c l o u d s l i t

u p t h e - s i i i g l e i i v y - g r o w n t o w t T t h e c r u m b-i i h g w a l l s a n d t h e r o o f l e s s c h a m b e r s o f

t h e r u i n ~ laoiL h e l d hti)iitly tha t M u p k l t i a o w o -C j r a u g c w a s h a u n t e d a m i h a r d y w a s t h e w i g h t whlt5 v e n t u r e d a l t e r n i g h t -fall i i p l h e s t e e p a n d s t p n y p a t h t h a t l e d t o i t bull

- bull L i g h t s luut b e e n s e e n g h m c i n g j c o m i t -b y s e v e r a l b e l a t e d p e t s a b t s HviiO i i a d w n n d e i e d i n t o i t s p r e c i n c t s a n d - m o r e t h a n o n e h a d y a u c h e d t h a t t h e y iwtd h e a r d s c r e a m s u s o f s o m e o n e p o s s e s s e d

lmiftg_ frp mitsrecesscs a n d t h e t h rif ty_ S c o t c l i n e i g h b o r s w h i s p e r c t H o e a c h o t i i -ir w i l l i h a l e d - b i G a t h mdash mdash ^ _ _ _

X h e p l a c e U n o c a n n y N a e m o r t a l h a n d l i t a s j a t t h e t j i g g i n g o t and n a e m o r t a l c e s a i d s e e i t s d o w n f a l l ^ -bull

5iiI K p I t i S V a r r c n w a s a h a r d y A m e r i -i-an bull t n v v e l e r ^ w h o w ts ^ti-ivrug hV d i n t

h e a l t f t r a n d - t o a p r o p e r a s y l u m f o r h e r l i o n i z e d b - s o c i e t y a n d f h o i i g h s k e w a s 7 7 S - ^ nnmdashbull mdash bull - j mdash | bull 6--T -V mdashT - - M - ~ bull- r- -zmdash^-- ^ -------~-~

laquo d s e e i n g imiiiy l a n d s a n d w a t c h i n g m a n y w o h d e r s t o c f t i s h a m e l a n c h o l y t l i a t h a d

w h i c h W a r r e n f l o w s t o o d fr i td e v i d e n t shyl y n o t b e e n y e t f s i s t e n e d - i

I n the - t u m u l t o f h i s s u r p r j s a ^ i d j o y h e h a d g r e a t d i f f i c u l t y i n - r e p r e s s i n g a cfyr4gtylt h e r e s t r a t t t laquo d - h i m j raquo a i f f o r t h e m a n bjDgan t o s p e a k

N i e c e h e s a i d i n a h a r s h v o i c e t h i s p l a e o i s baugtmin)r s u s p e c t e d a n d V Q U m u s t b e i v m o v e d t o t h u Q o n t i n e n t i l w i l l p l a c e y o u i n a r t a s y t u r n h r l t a l v f ^ ^ bull Y o u k n o w I a m j i o t m a d u n c l e a l r

thbu gh] y o u h a v e d o n e e v e r y t h i n g i n y o b r j j o w e r t o m a k e r m e s o I w i l l n o t go t o I t a l y w i t h y ^ 1

T h e m a n l i i i i g h e d N o t m a d 5 O f c o u r s e y o u a r e n o t

B y t h e u a n d s o m e

h e i r t o a n e n o r m o u s l h r a n k f r o m c o m m i t ^

rtBrdr i lt^gt

id M r s S a u n d laquo T raquo a f o i t a p U e u t e d

1mdashBJB8M1BJMPBmdash^PB^MTT J J 1

^ l o o k e d BWSY a n d - then h e s e e s t h e

letmdashgt-ihy kiiiilcmt^

prompttfcKs to obey be rven

Tkeu for our titul 0 LIJTUWC alro pray Tuat tkou wouldat be oleaijed ugtmdashgiveus th ia

The ftxxi of life wTienwith our ftoub are fed auttieietit raimept andmdashour daily brlaquoad

With every needfultftugiflo thou rflii-ve ulaquo And ol thjL^ierey pttymdashraquoud forgive us A l i o u r mitgtdelaquodo fur H i m w h o m thou dldsj

jesj u smdashinto t^mptu-

LuMttuat love teach wlnTewith ^thoudustat-- bullqualufr-jUP bullgt J

Topasauuidmdashthose who trcbpAst again gtt us

Atrtftfrougli boiaetiuief thou lind it w-igt-have forgot v bullbull bull

Thia love lor thr-e yet helpmdash^^ud lead lt not v

t h e river a f t e r b e t o g j a d ^ r a e d w i t h s o m e pf t h e y o u n g l a d y s j e w e l r y T h e le- t tex c o n f e s s i n g s t i c i d e w a s a f o r g e r y

_ Kc m a s t e r o f a s a i l i n g __vesse l h a d b e e n b r i b e d t o b r i n g thamp y p i i n g l a d y - -w h o w a s r e p r e s e n t e d tltjk be i n s a n e mdash t o E u r o p e p~lt bull

S h e h a d b e e n c o n f i n e d i n a p a r t o f t h e rtpfrs- o f t h e a U t - r a a n s i b n w h i c h h a d b e e n f i t t e d u p t o r h e r r e c e p t i o n a n d frenr-the c r u e l t y o f M r s S a u n d e r s w a s

at earths gain driv t iou r _

Let not the ^oul of any true U-l ievtr Fail iu thefii i i i- of tr ialmdashBut del iver Yea tgtave t tn in frurn the mal ice of the deviL Ami XxWi in l ift- anddeath- kcopmdash -u^ frtgtinv

ivU mdash- - i _ _ T h u s we jirayvtLcrti for that o f fhev^-tiom

- Whom i J T-h-ijj-way ogt haif-fiJr Thine is the ki This WJicldls ofnhy wijrk its woydr ToThee b^lbiigjmdashthe pow^r a ik lUhe Aud all thy wupflrou v-orks Lav eme

m a d B u t w h o w i l l b e l i e v e y o u W h o w i l l d a r e t o i n t e r f e r e b e t w e e n a n u n c l e a n d h i s c r a z y n i e c e w h o m - h e i s t a k i n g t o a~sof t c l i m a t e f o r t h e btff ie i i t o f h e r

j e m p l o y e d i n t l f e v a i n a t t e m p t t o - d e s t r o y her r e a s o n o r b r e a k h e r - hwar t B i i t t h t - - m e m 7 gt r y w^her l o v e r h a d u p B e l d h e r

T h e k n o w l e d g e of h e r s t r a n g e s t o r y s o o n s p r e a d a n d w h e n - s h e b e c a m e M r s W a r r e n t h e y o u n g c o u p l e -w^fif

l o r i g u n c l e

raquon -thehejirtiest ofgood h e a l t h M r s W a r r e n bullbdquo w a s g e n e r a l l y - c a l l e d T h e t i h o s t o f ~ M u c k l e h o v e lt i r a u g e

O l d H l o ^ o r ^ - e ^ V i f e T

h a d m e t X e l l i e a s p l i g h t e d l i e -

a m e m g


s e i z o d v n p o n h i s l i f e - r t f i e y e i r b i ck h e

F o t h e r i n g a y - T r o t h v - t w c w T t h e m a i i d E t i h w - a s - a n u m g t h e

h a p p i e s t i n t h e l a m l w h e n o a m e t h e 4 e raquo -r i b l e i o i i l l i g e n c e t h a t h a d b^igiited lrs lif7^-~ bull ^

Miss F o t b e r h - i g a y w e a l t h y h i g h l y a e - c c m p l i s h | gt d nud b e a u t i f u l c o m m i t t e d s n i e i dt-- ] I t e r bfxJy^vj^a f o u n d floating-

-ifttraquoheKast R i v e r -ltgt d l s t i g u r c d b y d e c a y

g r e a t e r m e n t a r i m p r o v e n i e n t

yen o u w i l l n a t b e t r o t d j I c 4 - w i t l t = i i i e L e t m c cjie h e r e i n p e a c e

a n d y o u r t i t l e t o t h e p r o p e r t y w i l l b e s e c u r e B u t i f y o u h o p e - t o j v r n c r e y ~ f o ~ r t h e c r i m e y o n a r e c o m m i t t i n g h a v e

m e r c y o n me m d l e t m y l o v e r w h o w a s W h e n ( l e n e g a l - J a c k s o n w a a c a n u i -g o o d and t r u e t o m e k n o w tb at I h a v e j da | e f o r t h e p r e s i d e n c y i n 1 8 2 S ^ j i o t (jfi-h o t d i e d t h e h o r r i b l e d e a t h of~Tr-suicufe M I l y d i d t h e p a r t y o p p o s e c r - t o k i m abuse bull U r i i p h ] s h o u l d h a v e s o m e p u l l i n g b u j y f o r h i s p u b l i c i i c t s ^ w h i c h if unc6n-

t h i s l o v e r s t l t t t t i o n a l o r v i o l e n t w e x e a l e g i t i m a i ^ bull s u b j e c t f o r r e p r o b a t i o n b u t t i ey d e f a m shye d t h e c h a r a c t e r o f Ann w i f e - U n o n e

t B u t will Feiiiiunforevej andmdashiortver iTtitifui poor ereaturlt5-uiUKt o n f e n ^ altaia ^ A n d thii wigtif]jKtty rh^TifriY--- y t y

G t a f i d B u m p e r Degree

^ a y ai y o u - M a s o n o r l o w o r bull a n y t h i n g a s k e d 4hlt of thv irtrciuy man

W h y y e s o f c o u r s e Irrnft1 bull bull W e i l do the g o a t s biiiat w h e n

n i s h i i i t e a f r e s h ( - a n d h i a t ^ ^^- N o o f e t i u r s e not T h e g o a t s

-e i ieap o n e s th i h t i y e n o l i f e raquo 4 - w t t -

muXzIe-t heT~fai(l ph tgtp i l ov s o v e r t h e i r _

s a v s l t l r

l a g e r b e e r g o a t c a r i n g u p a n d h e s t a r t -

b l a t t e d ^ ttst iifce a c o w c a t c h e r a n d

a i s d e a l f a t b u t h e k n e w h e

The vlaquo ry laquofiiiemdash in earlliJta j i b in heaven 1 laquo n i t u q d g r u n t e d a n d s a i d H e U 1 tire__Whatyou b o y s i f o i n g a n d t h e a t h e g o a t g a v e h i m a n o t h e r d e g r e e a n d p a p u l l e d o f f t h e t o w i - ] A n d g o t u p a n d s t a r t e d f o r t h e s t a i r s a n d s o d i d t h e g o a t afad i n a w a s a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e laquo t a | r s j i s t e n j n g d n d - w h e h I l o o k e d o v e r i h e - b i n T s t e ^ - p a a n d m a w a s y e t t i n g lt m u t d e r a p u T m a w a s s c r e a m i n g fire

J ^ W M - l r t a t l t n g ^ a n d s n e e z t i ^ a n ^ b n r i t i p g a n d t h e h i r e d g i r l c a m e i n t o t h e h j i i l a n d t h e g o a t t o o k a f t e r h e r a n d s h e c r o s s e d h e r s e l f j u s t a^ t h e g o a t s t r u c k be i j a n d s a i d H o w l y m o t h e r p r o t e c t raler^ a n d w e n t d o w n s t a i r s t h e i m y i l h i i hfira MTUIO j t gt ^ n i h i l gt V r ^ ^ - h o t h

l i a n d s o n h e r s t J L a n d t h e goafr r a r e d u p ajnd b j a t t e d ^ a n d ^ p a a n d


- 4 1

a n o d f e i -

v o u

a r e

Kit caii i - ] i i ir i rSriTbody

mqn jis Iie-~w-inked a ( W i e r n o c f f c H o v

g r o c e r y Wtio w a s j t e a j e i l on

iijgar b a r r e l I B h i w h y d o Von


h) [king a s k

T O w e n t b i t o t l re ir r b b m a n d s h i i t t h e d g o r j amp m U f h e n m y c h u n a n d m e o p e n shye d t h e f r o n t d o o r a n d d r o v e t h e g o a f ^ o u t T h e m i n i s t e r w h o c o m e s t o s e e m a e v e r y thrlaquoe~4inj es a w e e k i w a s j u s t ^ ringing t h e b e l l a n d t h e g o a t t h o u g h t

bullhe w a n t e d J o b e n i s h j a t e d t o o K n d g a v e h i m o n e f o r l u c k a n d t h e n w e n t d o w n t h e s u l e w a l k b l a t t i n g a n d s n e e z i n g a n d t h e m i n i s t e r c a m o i n t o - the p a r l o r a n d l ^ i i 1 ^ - s t a b b e d a n d t h e n p a c a m e o u t o f r h l s r o o b i gt v i t h - h i s s u s p e n d e r s h r i D g m g d o w f c a n d h e d i d n t k n o w t h e m i n i s t e r W A S i h e i t a n d -he- s a i d c u s s w o r d s a n d if ia c u e d a n d t o l d p a h e w o u l d g o t o h e l l s u r e a r i d - p a s a i d h e d i d n t c a r e h e w o n h j 1 I Q t h a t k u s s i d g o a t - a f o r e h w e n t hud I t o l d p a t h e

i n i n k t e i v r a s i n t h e p a r l o r a n d h e a i i d m a v e n t d o w n a n d s a i d t h e w e a t h e r w a s p r o p i t e o u s f o r a r e v i v a l a n d i t r e c m e d t i s t h o u g j h a n o u t p o u r t n g o f t h e r

^ p i r i t w a s a b o u t t o b e v o u c h s a f e d t o tiis p e o p T e _ a h d n o r i e o f t h e m s o t d o w n bt f t m a eaHsc- t h e g o a t d i d n t Mri h e r a r i d


A ~t-



w h u y - f a o e d b o t a s I p r e s u m e o f y o u r s i s d o g g i n g m e - e v e r y w h e r e a n d w h i n i n g o u t t o l u i o w A v h d t h a s b e c o m e o f h i s d a r l i n g N o mdash y o t i i m u s t e o u u f w i t i i 7ire t o I t a l y y o u n g m d v - y o u a r c o n e o f t-hose ltpt ie t^petgtplb w h o d o n o t d i e e a s i l y 1 c o n f e s s t h e ijflorts o f o i i r g o o c t M r s S a u n d e r s h e r e ajnd m y o w n T th6Ugh^t w t H i l d havH w p r t - i e d ynn i n f o

v d d l e gt h e y w e r e t a l k i n g r e l i g i o n w i t h m y s t e r i o u s t h e i r m b u t h s a n d k t i s s i n ^ h e g o a t in-^

- w a r d l y m y f h u n r ^ n l ^ i i e a d j o i r r n e e l t h e b n u t h i n o n l y I w i s h m e a n d m y | l o lt l g e f ind I y K e i t o n f L - s t a v e lt T w i f l i h i m

a u d i f l r e ravnges -Trf tte tleiiizensTyf^ the- vV-ateis t l i a t i t was o n l y i d c u t i i i e t L - b y l bull iouio frHnilyjewelrv j nd t a d e f t e r e n -ca-vd^4ft-a sial-skiir p o j i e i i f o r p r o s o r v u -

l deedare iJ th^vj-itfrjvs 1

l i o n w l i t i o n o f c i id i i i g^a

i n t e n -

h a t e f u l t o h e r bull So_l^ph w a s o n

j2Q f t s ar i l

-rheFirn ^ mdashZZ

An k e toi+eT n e s a w

i iqni^r oi t h

h i s t - r m - t 7 h r r e a f f v i n g s t o u t

y o u r ^ g r a y j e b u t y o u _ h a n g o n l i k e a oar T h e I c e r t i t i e a t e o f t h e d o c t o r s - - a t n r i t

c c gt s t - n i e i o lt x j i i u a h - 4 i i o n e y n o t t o p i i t i t to u s e mdashi jgt ia i le o u t i n y o u r a s s u m e d n a m e E v e r y b o d y b e l i e v e s y o u d e a d D o n o t

I r y t o l i g h t m e _ L

^ - ^ r i t t f i g h t y ^ u 4 o thr i^ond v o n v i l

o c c a s i o n a n e w s p a p e r p u b i i s h c d a t Nasb y i l l e _u-as p l a c e d u p o n t h e (^ener- l ^ deg 4 - t v M a s o n s aTnd O d d a l V i t a b l e H e g l a n c e d - o v v r i t a n d his-rund s a i d w e o u g h t t o t r y a n d e y e s f e l l U p o n i r i r a r t i c l e in w h i c h t h e I - w gt J s o w e c o i i l d j i u e t h ( l o d g e s c h a r a c t e r of Mrs J a c k s o n was y i o - i w e g t b i g a m i 1 a s k e d p a if it

l e n l l y - a s s a i l e d --StryotrnasIie l i a d re n l j d o a n y h u r t f o r u s t o h a v e a p l a y

it l i e s e n l f o r i l i ^ t r u s l i v o l d s e r v a n J u n - T ^ 1 m v n w m m i d p u r t e n d t o - n

uwi t i i i j v n i ^ x laquo J J I iuv i u o u gt ioltiie a n a i w e n t a m i s stayeltt w i t n h i m id m u z z l e d o u r g u a M v i t h a pil^--rtll x i i g h t a n d I haLut b jm h o m e s i n c e w o u l d d i a v e e n j o y e d h i s b e e o m - B n t T d o T r f b e l i e v e pa w i l l l i c k m e

bullmbcr of o u r l o d g e fritTer T o n c a u s e h e saj1 h e w-nuld c o t - h o l d u s re-

c h u m ~ l K t d m u z z l e d o u r o ^ a t h w J P a

i n g a m c s e e p a h a d b e e n tellift u s h o w m u c h 1 s p t f n s i b T t i o V t h e c o n s e m i e n e e s H e o r -

F e l l c r s t l itrrfTtejrrit t t r n - g d a t h i n i s e l i a n d w c l i l h j d t h e

g r o w u p Qjt^er d o n t j n u s p e W e l l I g u e s s 1 w h e n w i l l - w i j i g o a n d i n e a k i n t h e b a c k waraquo


- S a d d l e - m y ^ h o r s e s a i d l i e t o h i m

i n a w h i s p e r ^ 3 frac34 t T 7 p i t m v

l i i r a bull ] Mis J a t 4 i s o n w a t c h e d h i m a n d

o n

r n n i y r o o m K m l - pH--ww4-- ft- WH4+ampFn~pound l i e s a i d it w lt m d i m p r o v e a n d l e a r i l T s T o iVe m e n S o mdash m y

o u r m i m c l m m

laquo n d w o u l d f ind oi^ f r o m t h e h i r e d gi^d h o w t h e J ^ l g i l j j j i i i d l a y s S h e w o n t ggtgt b a c k VYf gt r h e -h i a t e i cans t h e g o a t w a s n o t jua^ led f o r h i r e d

S h e j u s t I m p p e n C c T T S - g e T g r r t

t ip t h e r o a d h e f a n c i e d m o v i n g in s o m e d i s t a n t

r u i n s H e s t o p p e d Q O U -

evDnhjd by-tlfcti raquot tin ted a n d g m i r l e u t r u n k

a l i g h t

of a ltiyctHubrt t r e e

^ - A U J - sigtmgt--Wille^

l a i n O h t r i i a t s n c h a w r e t c h s h o f r i d b e m y f a t h e r s brother

Y o u - m u s t b e r e a d y in a n h o u r m y g o o d y - b u n g l a d y M - -

I w i l l d o n o t h i n g s a i d t h e v ict im i i r m l y

_ _ T h e u n c l e m i r d e a i t i m p e r c e p t i b l e m o t i o n w i t h h i s h e a d t o w a r d M r s

m i s c h i e f i n d i i s py e s

o u t a f t e r a f e w m o T r i e n t s t o o k u p t h e p f tper a n d e v e r y t h i n g S i n r a n o 1t olTp--Huuti

l ie e k n i d s w i n n i n g o n a-^bror

i I J U v - ^ ^ _ 1 u s l t fd t o h i m s e l f k e n w i n d o A V p a n e - ^ ^ ^ - ^ _

_ jAnd h e w u s a-bout t o procvynfgtsvjT(Ti rt ^^itiaEbUraquouei f r o m the r u i n s t h a t t t o l d -

as lie vvalr c u l l e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s s c e i n e d to s t o p f o r a n in-c h u i i i ^ m l

s U n i t h e b e a t i n g of h i s h e a r t ___ bull It_yy_as a g i r l s v o i c e w o n d e r f u l l y

^ w e e i gt b u t f a i n t a n d s o u n d i n g i s I f it

c a m e frrnn i g r e a t d i ^ a n c e off )Vas h e d f e gt m j i i g Or w a s H t r u e t h a t

t h i s p i r i t s o f t h e d laquo u j c a m e - h a c k t o e a r t h j o g i v e m c s s a g e s gt f i o m a n o t h e r w o r l d t o t h e Id i i i i l i i ine i s i n t i r gt gt ^ ^ - S t i l l t h e - s - w 5 e t - f a i H t - i ^ n r k - v o i -w h i l e t h e s o u l o f Eplibdquo W^arrcn s p e d brack t o i h e o n g infidlnW m o o n l i g h t

g i r l

S a u n d e r s

T h e w o m a n s p r a n g o n the- p o o r a n d s e i z e d b o t h h e r a r m s i n - a s t r o n g g r i p w h i l e t h e u n c l e h o l d i n g a p a i r o f i tarrdouffs a d x a n c e d rm 4 i c r -bullbullbullbull bull

t h o u g h s h e h e a r d n o t a w o r d to

g a t e o f t n e H e - r m i t a ^ u b y mdash w h i c l i t h e

hud m i i i -w i t h S h e

G e n e r a l vvaul i l_J i ave t o ]gtss Sht n o t b e e n t h e r e m o r e v t h a n a firaquow u t e s b e f o r e t h e G e n e r a l r o d e v _up


t h e

T h e n t h e V t w d c l o s e d T h e m i s c r e a n t f o u n d h e h a d n o p u l i n g gt w h e y - f i i c e lt l b o y t o d e a l w i t h - b t j t a s t rong^SHOn r i tn i -m a t e t i - w i t h a f i e r c c r t h i r s t f o r v e n

B u t h e w a s ar h a d y v i l l a i n T h e two g r a p p l e d a n d t w i s t e d an i s w a y e d

^ i a t l e n g t h f e l l o n t l i e c a r p c t e c r floor N gt i ^ J ^ T r t X e T e T i a s o u n d b u t i _ a f i e r c e

n a r l a ^ D f - t y v o b e a s t s i n - m o r t a l e o m - i

Vi i iu l f lr ih f r s

j gt n t h i s b a r e S c o t c h l u l l - h e h a d h e a r d

a g a i p i n t h e v o i c e t h a t thntJJed hi-- u e a r l -w i th

w l u c i i he h a d b e l i e v e d w a s

T i a d s o o f t e n r a p t u r e a n d

s t i l l e d

- l m a d h e m u r m u r c i l t o h i m -s i ^ ^ t ^ J ^ ^ ^ h t i g i i ve g i v e n u p i t s d e a d t o t e l T ^ m e ^ ^ i i ^ e e ^ ^ m o t i v o o f t h e f e a r f u l a c t t h a t ^ H ^ o l f bull raquo lt 1 i f e - s o f u l l -of VovCTnd h a p p i n e s s

T h e r e w a a g a i n a d n 6 a J ^ U ^ n ( v s gt a 4 i i m t

i r ^ p i e T c T s g s i r m i k w h i c h h a d h o t d i e d a w a y W h e n t j w w i n d o ^ y v s v a s s h i v e r e d t o - a ^ o j n s a n d a y o u n g g i a n gt ^ w i t h b l a z i n g e y e s and a s h o i l t l Q i e a t r i i m | 5 e t ^ e a l l l e a p e d -vaiamp t h e r o o m HTU i l O O d b C t w ^ n n i e c e a h d u n c l e

^ i i h d i g - h t n i u g r a p i t h a n d c u t T s iand d r a w i n g

t i i e c o u n t e n a n c e o f a^ m a d

p l a c e d h e r s e l f b e f o r e tlTH-iarsi

o u t __

O h G e n e r a l

L e t t h a t p o o r e d i t o r i i v i i ^

h o i - i t e r s _ a n d m e b o r r i e d a g o a t t

l i v e r y t tabl i _ _

saw ^ V-ou setVtny -chum a n d n i e h a d

T i i r ttraquoTier a t w e n t bull t a r r y - t l w - g o a t - u p - t o m y r o o m w h e n p a a n d m a w a s o u t r i d i n g a n d l i e - b l a t t e d f o v v e J i u l o t i e a h a n d k e r c h i e f a r o u n d h j s n o s e a n d h i s f e e t m a d e s u c h a n o i s e o n t l i e f l o o r t h a t W i v p t i t s o m e b a b y s ^o(ks OrTTfls^^jrmdash(-ngtslvhpoundgtgty_ f r o w n y a g o a t s m e l l s d o n t i t I shoul tT rriTrr^- o n M a s o n s n inlt l h a v e s t r o n g - t u m m i x

t h e W r o n g t i m e ( J o o d b v e laquo s i r irr a t


at l i v e s i nmdashthc4^gter i n j - o u r l o d g e 1

w n e n


She tood

m e m l w r - a n d g i v e v o u r g o a t _ k y a n i p e p - bullbullft

T h e b o y w e n t a w a y a n d s k i p p e d ^ o v e r

t h e b a c k f e n c e - -TT-4

T h ~ 6 X ^ e m f v B I f f i c T S n a I d i o t i c ~ ~ - ~

T h e l a s t c e n s u s g i v e s s o m e s t a r t l i n g - f a c N gt i t h r e f e r e n c e - t o t h e n u m b e r a n a

e a f m u t e s TRe b l i n d t h e m c r e a s e o f d e a f _ n n i t e s T B e

idjj t t tc xirtl t h e insane ingt t h e U n i t e d

S t a t e s r - - E i g h t y t h o u s a n d p h y s i c i a n s r d t laquo1

m a n a n d c r i e d

M ~ N a h v i H ~


o s i r m y c h u r n a n d wi th t h a t g o a u n t i l h e c

Hie p r a i -o u l d h u n t

W e b o r shyal o o if

tnnrr-ind h u n g it OTM-nc)iick-bfVa-+4ia4f

a p ic - tuye o f a gigtat e v r v y tinvi r i c d a

u 1 or i gKti e r y l i m e gtve I

ruek-beer ^ i g ^ fr - iu - a

bulltt bullLlom ^ h e v ^ j W ^ ^ l T ^ - j i r T k t l h t g o a t w o u l d l i u it e V e r v t i m ~

j k T i o w ^ h n t 1 w ^ s ^ ^ u r g l T b t U n i g h t p a a u n - d t o k n o w w h a t w e

tr s sbt^ d i n theJco41eetTorr o f - t h e s e s t a t i s -t i r ^ r a n d t i i e y m a y t h e i | e f o r e b e r e g a r d e d agtlt a-pprox-mia ie ly e o n v c T h e t o t a l n n m i W of L TnfomfhaTT^ -TTTnracetf^fir j h o - e f o u r - lt d n ^ c s in Kgt- i^JOM)-i in

C a m e v o u

for- S h e a n s w e r e d I saw - i t - in t h e p a p e r

a f t e r y o u w e n t o u I i p u i u p y o u r h o r s e

w e r e d o i t i g i i p in m y r o o m h i m w e w o r e p b i y i n g Indgi

a n d I t o u t a n d i m -

raquo bull l^)o t h e y h u P i i i c r c a laquo c u o ( ^ - 1 o l 7 INTO t o $srgt4 a n d in -l^O t o ^ 1 5 9 8 t h e i n c r e a s e d ^ i n g - t l e l a s t d e c a d e - f r e -

i n g IjQ ^ e r ^ i l t i - - bull 4 frac12 r i frac34 a ^ i n 1 ^ frac12 g ^ t h i r t y ^

T h e Uampe-d r d p p c d t h e a p i s t o l d i s c h a r g e d t a t h i s a n t a g a n i s t

B u t W a r r e n w a s a s q u i c k H e s t e p -^-SSrhjed a s i d e a n d M r s S a u n d e r s w h o l i a d

c o n t i n u e d t o h o l d t h e y o u n g l a d y s a r m s laquoi n n tnTBKgr a up ^ t e r e d lti l o u d c r y a n d

a m i g o b a o k l i e r e p l i e d f u r i o u s l y

- mdash g e t o u t o f m v w a y bull B m I-yvi i l g o

p r q v n g _ m i r mint ) a u d p a - s a i d ^ t l i a t [ j - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ n _ u deg ^ deg - r lt ^ j d i o t 6 i n s a u e w a s L i g h t t h e r e w a s n o t h i n g that-^tfftti- -bullbull- -^ 7----^ 4~------ ^ raquo-^-gt-

b o v s o f o i i r a g e ^ a l f s ^ m u c h g o o d a s T o i m i t a t e - m e t i

I n s t e a d o f t h i s s h e g r a s p e d h sbr id le j ^ 1 ^ r h

)oth h a n d s _ I


H bdquo^ I d i d n t

a n crypto re h y u s e f w l n o - e n m y i - h i i m a s k e d p a i f - h e

w a n t - t o lt-ouio u p a n d t a k e t h e

a i d hi n c r i s a y l e t g o m v j i

h o r s e The^gtHAaiu t h a t r e v i l e s m y w i f e j -(~silall-not l i laquo e 4 ^ ^ cent ^ - - ^ ^ ^ - = ^ - ^ ^ ^ -

bullsecthe g r a s p e d t h e r e i i i ^ t h e ^ t i g h t e r a n d i t h a t w a

r a n d l )umpeiraquo- p a l a t l i i d a n d

f e l l b l e e d i h j p a v i n g


r o l b a t T h e y rol led^ovTSj 1 the floor^ s t r i k -

i n g ^ a c h o t h e r s t r o n g r ^ a n d r a p i d b l o w s

w i t h one h a n d w h i l e n h e gt raquo t ] i e r firmly

c h i t c h e d trre e n e m y ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ _ A s o n e f o r a r T r a s t a n t g a i t R n t theTTp]

a t r o v e 4 o - r i ltrvJie w a s lt r i l g g e d

m a n d s t i l l t h e c r u e l iEfows w y r ^

r a l n l s d ^ u p o n e a c h o t h e r t i l l t h e f a c e s o f

i o t h - W C T e j - c o v e r e d w i t h b l o o d A t

^ n g t h W a i T o H v o b t a l u c d a g r a s p OTV h j s

eneniy r s- t h r o a t

T h e l a t t e r f e l l t h a t

bull a s p e t b e g a n t o e x p o s t u l a t e w i t h hf i t h a t s h e w a s t h e one w h o o u g h t to a n g r v b u t t h a t s h e f o r g a v e h e r p e r s e shyc u t o r s frOTn~tae - b o t l o m o f h e r h e a r t -

p r a y e d - f o f t l t c m mdash t h a t h e s h o u l d f o r g i v e | f h e h o p e d J o b e f o r g i v e n A t - la s t - -by

e i i s o n i n g h e r e n t r e a t i e s a n d h e r H ^ a r s ^ lt s b V o r k e d u p o n h e r h u s b a n d t h a t h e s e o r l t gt d m o l i t i e d t o a c e r t a i n e x -

J e n _ t L _ S h c w o n N o G e n e r a l y o t r s i Y a t t r n o t t a k ^ t h e -


e i l u l n t carj^-ifmdashliediltl j u s t - t o e n ^ e t h e b o y s in i n n o c e n t p a s t i m e

o i m p r o v i n g t o o u r i n t e l l e c t hai l - s h u t t h e mdash g o a t u p i n a c l o s e t i n

m_rraquo)om a n d l i e l u u l g o t over b l a t t i n g iVveTobk o f f t h e h a n d k e r c h i e f ra id h e

w n s ^ s i t i n g - s o n u gt o f m y p a p e r c^ l Iars a n t l ^kabt^-^jtraps W e w e n t u p s t a i r s a n d t o l d p a t o c o i n e u p p r e t t y s o o n a n d g i v e t h r e e d i s t i n t H r ^ x aTiTt^wlRm w e a s k e d h i m who w a s t h e r e gt h t ^ ~ m a s t s a y bulla p i l g a r i c w h o ^ w a n t s --to- j o i n y i v i r a n c i e n t o r d e r a n d r i d e t h e g o a t w a n t e d to c o m e t i p t o o b u t w e t o l d h e r rf she c a m e i n i t w o u l d b r e a k u p t h e

) i r i d a n d A t e A f Y n u t e s h h d i n e r e a s e d T i v e ^ -f o h l t h e p o p u l a t i o n h a t l o n l y - d o u b l e d T h e e e n s u gt r e j ^ - i s h o w s t t i a t t h e m o W - -l y - - d e f e c t i v e mdash t h a t i s t h e rrrmStesr^ p r i s o n s r e f o r m a t o n e s e t c - - a g g r e g a t e ^ o v e r f o u r h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d o r n e laquo r l y o n e p e r e e j i t o f t h e e n t i r e p o p u l a t i V m

l i f e o f m y - r e v i l e r mdash v o u d a r e l m L n o t d o i t i _ f o r it i s - w r i t t e n bull Y e n g c a i n s ^ J s i lodg^ c a u s e a w o m a n c o u l d n t k e e p a

~ a t t d w e d i d u - t h a v e a n y s i d e - s a d -

T h c p h y s i c a l a n d u u - h t a l d e f e c t s o f m a n o f t h e lt o p e r s o n s - a r e p r e v e n t a b l e j a n d w l i c r e v e r Tl ie c a u s e i s k n o w n nnd a r e m e d y isj a l s o k n o w n t h e g r e a t e s t efshyfor t s h o u k l - b e m a d e t o r e m o v e t h o c a u s e a n d t o a p p l y t h e r e n i e d v f

I n a t o w n u p t h e H laquo d s b n t w o f a r m shye r h a d n i r - f t p h h r g l a s t s p r i n g t o ~ g o inTo bulltrad and a f t e r c a n v a s s i n g t h e s u b j e c t f o r a s p e l l t h e y p u t i n fti^OOOe^ch a n d

o p e n e d a g i o e e r v

m i n e I w i l F r e p a y s a i t h t h e L o r d bull bull T h e i r o n n e r v e d h e r o g a v e a w a v - be- j r e t h e p l e a d i n g o f h i s b c i c v e d vgt i f j | H t 4 4 ^ n l M ^ t i m e y o n i n i t i a t e a m a t ^ o

a h i t n laquo 4 ) l i e d bull deg p y o i i r m a s o n I V i e M ^ V d n h i l t h a d i t n o t - b e e n t i e k y f t i l pepTwr o ) t lt b e ^ g o i n gt b e i r 4 j u - lt t

n e d i d l a r g e f a n

i d u d e d t o d i ^ t h i s f r a m e o f m i n d bull bull bull t h e v c o n s n l t e d a l a w

T r a d e w a s d t i l i b o t l i s ar d t h e y finally c o n -

rgtDfcopy lt i e - p a r t n e r s h i p ^ - I n -bullV


gtsvagt bull loraquo s t r u c k j u r i o i i ^ l y a g a i n a m

- ^

T h e s h a d o w s w e r e uTHinentn wfeao^Hy a n d l i e n o w d i s t i n c t l y s

mdash l i g h t b u r r r m g - i n o n e p a r t o f t h e - r u i n s T h e n i g h t w ^ r k W - e r e rising a n d a f a i n t s t a r s h o n e o u t traquow^njding r e t l e c t o d o n t h lt M ) b s o m o f t h e - r i v e r l ) l m v T-he arr

- b n g a t L s l p w l y t o b e f i i l e t l w l t k j d i e m y s - ^ t e r i o u s s o u n d s t h a t a w a k e i n - - ~ a i i ^ s o l i - -

t u d e s o f t h d n i g h t - - w h i s p er i u g s s f oo t f ev l l s rust t i i i j j f l a s o f s h a u o w y g a r

^ ^ r o n t s ^ k i r ^ e d t h r o u g h t h e g a t h e r i n g tiagtfcaujAs gt ^ ^^=

W a r r e n

l i g h t If i t ilaquo

o w w l r a t i t j s to lTrtrs^a i p w a r d

laquoU d darling Ih bull I have


H e i i n jit t h e

t i e r c e e y e s g l a r i n g d o w n l i p o n T r m i b u t WllVren n e v n v w h t y t - d b ta hnTd |

i n s t a n t - T h e w r e t c h f e l t J^rtrsejf cs l ioking H e p l a c e d h i s h a n d i n M i j ^

o s o m --

o u g h a b l o o d y m i s t W a r r e n saw o m e t h i h T ^ g l e a m a t h i s b r e a s t H e

s t r t r s k a t j t a m C a l o u d e x p l o s i o n f o l l o w shye d ^ ^

T h e u n p l e gt e f e l l i e

a d e e p g r o a n ^ a r f t W t h e r i r a y ^ f i ^ f e c U y

f o r -ou a n d 11 l e ^ o r t l s o f t h e i t h e NTetch s h o u l d ^ r t o t - h a v e h o u r ^ ^

l n i i g l i t y l i V e u a n

a f o r e t h r e e i n c h

img^y g a v e J

J i a d e k a e d

~said - f i p h J - s t r o d e 9 laquo t i n t o w a r d t h e

u t S p S 4 h e w a i m e d at a n o t h e r s 1 l i f e

o w n

n c a u g h t ^ T r p t ^ o I i g lgt t fo t h i s b e i r o ^ ^ e d a n d r u h l o c ^ T n ^ i h j ^ rtool

- n e r s

N o O n e O b j e c t e d bull

A ^ j i t J j U i r i o j i S - j J C A m ^ m u c h ^aflecjed_at i v a l O n c e w e n lt t o J o n a t h a n E d -frac34 a n d s a i amp J o h i m i n t h e r e l i g i o w s

t h e chjief o f s i n

y e r w h o ^ a s k e c t W h M i s t h e V a l u e o f flte g o a t f S a v if y o u n e v e r t r i e d [ t h e s t o c k o n h a n d - A b o u t 8 1 2 0 0

_ _ _ bdquo bdquo 4 A t b l h o w m u r h d o y o u o w e A h o t r t mdash

d g c ^ y o i i s gt r i n k l e aTlit ( ^ O l K ) V e n w e l l I s e e m y w a y x ^ - - c l e a r M r S m i t h y o u w i l l d r a w o u t t h e _

g o o d - w i l l f o r y o i i r - s j j a r e a n d I l l t h r o w i n a b a r r e l of m o l a s s e s f o r y o u r f a i n i l y M r B r o w n v o u t a k e a l T a c C o u n t s a n d

mw Inraquo kig tgtf pick 1 ltalt - And ^s-to b e c o m e o f t h e s t o r e ^ Q h


y o u t u r n h m l o o s K Y o i t t - n u g a

t i m e s a s m u c h f u n t o ^ S i ^ s q t i H r e

o f g o a f Y o u w o u l d n t T l y m k i i

Well- w y g o t a w a s t u u r s a m e g o a t

a r e v i v a h - O n c e w e n f t o J o n a t h a n E d - j iy^d I t t e i ^ rtfl t h e n

^ l r e a l l time

l a t I a i bull

gt i ^ l a j k l t d ^ h e a r i t T ^ k m p l i e i T ^ t h e d o m

i n i e bull v o u r n e i g l i o o r ^ l i l t r ^ l o n g r e a l i z e d

1 1 ^ - - bull - ^ ^ bull ] J e e l i ) C r s i s t e d t h e w-

J e n t -^that F a n s - w i l l i n g - t o ^ t r ^ f o r t h e g l o r y o f G o d

y e l l r e p l i e d t h e h a r d h e a r t e d p l ^ c h e r v ^ bull I d o n t k n o w a j i y i J o d y l y n i i i l r t h e r e t h a f w o u l d h a v t f t h e s l i g h t -

e s t a r l i z n t A s bfo w e n t a w i f U j ^ a n a 1 I

laquo 1 t k e m o G o i F a t t laquo d ^ i s ^ a r H n gt f r i

t o w f c i c h s h e - h a d f a l l e n

d o w n

h air roonjifc^


T^j^n^sn of England senY-^l^e-ustof heii^lf by Mr Boehm

sM^eywlaquoddine pftlaquoettt to her d^ ter the CwwnjhTfncessW^^rthanjr

l i x e d a n d p a r a p p e d a n d we - le t hifti Iff lii t o l d h i m he^TOust b e b f i i gt d - f o l d e d

o n h is k j i e e s a - l a in n g m v e l a r o u n d h i s e v e s a n d

1 t u r n e d n i m a t o u n d a n d -^uiade h i m g e t d o w n o n gt i t s ^ 4 n v n d s a l s o a n d t h e n h i s b a c k w a s r i g h f gt ^ - a r i l s t h e c l o s e t floor $jad I p u t ~ tho b u ^ k b e e r s i g n r i g h t jvginst p a s c l o t h e s H e l a f H n g a l l t h e tinegt a m i s a i d w e b o y s w e r e a s f u l l o f f u n a s t h e y m a d e e m j u i d w e t o l d h i m i t w a s s o l e m n o c c a s i o n

VVl y b t i f t r o u b l e

-11 i ^ ^ i l l t l i e g o o d s t o m e f o r m y

i n p i H ^ B g f h e d e b t s a n d g i v i n g

4egnl ady T l t o s e ~ T a r a e r e it - a s t h e y of


a n d w e w o u l d n t p e r m i t n o l e v i t y a n d i f R e d i d n t s t o p - l a l t i b g We ( bullUUmu^l^iVd I n n ^ h e g r a n d b u m p e r d e g r e e T h e n e y e r l S i B ^ f e A a s r e a d y a n d m y c h u m

t y a n p e p p e r i n

a i n l o w t h e r ^ I i a n d ^ j j

if he fett a 1

ttgtor if he a s k e i l p t h o u g h h e Sva

h a d n e r v e ^ o u g l f t o g o a h e a l K a n d t a ^ c t h e d e g r e e - - X - y a i r i ^ d h i m

o f j d a n g e r s a s t h e g o a t w a s 1 o r be^rgt4 ind t o l d h i m k V y e t h a d


S o m e t i m e s s t o p t o

l e a n o n t h e i r h o e s a n d r e s t b a c k s b u t t h e y c a n n o t m a k e i t -c l Uallfffred Xetts


mdash-A c o r r e s p o n d e n t t e l l s o f a n c v e n f r ^ n A j j p e n i n g m a n y y e a r s a g o I n t h e c o i m t n - n e ^ 4 1 a g e r S t o w n M d A b a b y b o r n - w i t h ^ J j ^ - i ^ r k ongt h e F f a c g w a raquo

t a ^ e n t o ^ ^ n e f e T a h o n f v c m o r e d w o r n w a s l y t p g d e a d a n d h e r l e raquo lt Q l d J i a n a ^

v a r u b b e d r e p e a t e d l y o v e r t h gt - m f t ^ k it h f t j h g a ^ u p e r a t H j b n t h a t b y raquojy^oi t h e m a r k ^ w o u l d 4 i s a p p e a r T i i m o t h e r o f t h e g i r l d e c l a r e s t h a t f gt f t t h a t m o shym e n t t h e m a r k f a d laquo d a w ^ a a d 1 raquo a f e w | u b n t amp t ^ u e n t i r e l y g p ^ e T h e g i r l i s

e t e ^ n y e a r ^ I d T - w i t h a c o m -

bullisr r 2

Hcgyqs J W T W 8 raquo H bullbull

r T -


from orjserrationsH made olggical^ Sardensi-f London p r o b a b l e ^ a t the extreme lease of of the hippjpotamias is thirty ygars

The Scientific American warns j^eo-ple against using ice taken from ponds con taming impure water Freezing does hot kill tbeiiampeidiis germs so inshyimical to health

M L Lange r says that the fat of the child cbhta tSntess oleic acid-hut more palmitic and stearib _acid than that of adults oesides bdng^ richer in the butyric and oaproici acids

JSir William Thompson follows Dr Thomas Roid in aeoribing to mac six senses instead of five namely the sense of force pi heat of sound of

handsome income for befaelf and all in [ the most quiet way^JPhis lady is a Miss Martfn I do not s u p p o e that there is fraquoy iobjeetion to my mentioning her name AS it is well known among a great m a n y people Miss Martin is- th daughter of a gcniltjuian l i v ing n e a r

ligbl of t4JLbt4+anxl of smell Aft^r evaporating araquo a^raw^lo l f lF

fastrjq jttioe prepared from the social positii of jk sheep ampr ^- Cbapoteaut well enough

Aublirn in this secttate and who at one t ime was very weajthv but although

the family stilrlivo in the old homestead TjrhijSh is a noble mansion they are very ~~~ reduced in cjrcumstancas Miss

n when slie became old et^ough ^ ^an i money and to know lt did uot

always come for the wanting cas tauoa t her for something to do bieh she could at least c a m a decent living and not be dependent upon her father

- i t seemed as though all 4he avenues were closed She was n o t gifted HI any part icular way though she wajsr^jij

I woman of excellent education andjhad aittjfie advmilages tha t eame from Ijiigh

on But she neither Bang

l- - J

bull4 bull


i bdquo bull

stomach _ ^ obtained a pepsin capable of dissolving 2000 times its weight of fibrin

Papers saturated with fuchraquome solushyt ion mraquodyellow with sulphuric acid i ^ r e g o m m e n d e d by Dr G Kroupa as very sensitive teste for gaseous -amshymonia Ammonia invariably turns themipd ~ --^ ] mdashi

I n seasoning casks by]the addition of soda to the water more suhstance ns removed from the wo^gtd than when acid is Employed bufrless is removed if the woodhis introduced into the cold solution and the whole then heated

Gambetta s brain has been_ fonhd jo sjreigh 2100 grammos to be of very fine structure and to have the third corivol-ution highly develojpeJd The autopsy

of the body was made aa he was a memshyber of the Society of Dissection -Zl_l

Herr O Schlickum has been^endeav-or ing with considerable success to deshytect and estimate the castor oil balsaw^rfrpm

for stage purposes nor had she any histrionic talent In giving the subject serious consideration she rey membered that there was one thing ihe could do vj^ry Jvjell and thiat was pifck ling and preserving She 4gtold her friends thet she yraa going to make a large quantity of pickles and preserves of different kinds and that she wanted to sell them ^Knowing what an excellent housekeeper she wasthey knew that anything that was made under her supervisionwould be sure to be good so she had no trouble in selling aS she made the first year The second year she made more and sold all The third ca r she 1 made more yet and wasijn-

a5Ie-lo supply the d e m a n d T h e fourth year shcbdquo increased her facilities and h e r reputation bad by this tjime spread | so f a r that she did a very-riarge busishyness and even solampto- some_of the l a rge r s tores jn New York Noyfrarf riencr^jf hers told me the other day her profits

reserves reach the


L i l o w t o Treatav Ugty Tfce Housekeeper lt

Get hold of the boys heart Yonder locomotive comes like a whirlwind

f v


of copava purified etorax and alcoholic solutions of a balsamic nature of ben-

73fo^~i5d-6i^T5oh^hlttoywirteh-are fre-quent adulterants of balsam of Peru bull In a note on the Icompressibility of wa te r Prof Tait of the juniversity of Edinburgh statesXhati water seems to be less comp^ss ib l e r^ higher than at lower pressure andymore compressible asc6mpared wiBi sfeel or glass at low-


^erSthah at higher temperatures

Priority in photographlng-^with the electric light is claimed for ltM Lewits-ki who took pictures by its means on the occasion of the coronation Of~the

Czar Alexander I I using as a genershyator of eleotricity a Bunsen battery of pound00 elements which was subsequ taken to St Petersburg and there Utiliz ed

Although genuine precious topaz remarkable for size and clearness have been found near Pike s Peak Mr RampT Cross ~as-

-eerts-that the stone which is cut in Colshyorado and soldnas-topaz t o t o n r i s t s is not topaz at all7~ouf simply 6moky quartz or the cairngorm stone of 8cot-lancT

Manganese bronze is rapidly growing i favor as a matenaj^for screw propet-ler blades I t is very strong and its durabiUty^far exceeds that of steel the life of which -in a propeller averages about three years A propeller made

down the track and a r^ginent of anu ed men-might seek to a n t s t it in vaih I t would crush them and plunge unshyheeding on But there is a little lovejc in its mechanism tfcat at the p gt e ^ ^ ^ f u t e n s n ^ c t e a n s Sn a man s hand will efaeken its speed and in a moment or two br ing it panting and still like a whipped spaniel at y o u r feet By the same little lever the vast steamer is guided hither and yondjarf upon the sea in spite of adverse w i n d e r cur ren t That sensitive and respod^ve spot by which a boy s life is control^d is his heart- Wlta-^otti grasp genUy and firmly on that hermv you PMvrjiUa him whither you will Never d o u w that lie has a heart Bad jand wUfHul boys very otfen have the tendiaCfist hearta bidden away somewhere bgEiwath incrusshytations of sin~ or beMnd bajrricades of pride And ijt is your busii^ess to get a t t ha t heart gA hold of that heart keef hbldof it i y sympathy confiding in him inanifestly working only for hi^rgooi by little indirect kindnesses to his moth er or sfater or even his pet dog See him at his home or invite him into yours Provijle him some little pleasshyure set him atsbme little service of trust for you love him ioye him practically Anyway and every way rule hmi through his heart bullbull ~ rr1^1mdash^

we have [known person to use mach mor^ witn xaraquorkea benefit If wisely managed every dtapeptip will be greatshyly improved bylaquothis coJdlaquotlaquomaoh bath

AMMQjfcjA A creat labor-ea -A great labor-saviog ar-ticle land like some medicines good for alpAost everything Is mmonja - A email quantity in warm water takes away every spot off of ltpoundaia)t romoetf every particle of greaae from cooking

ana disinfectsthe drainshypipe cleanses delicate laces without rubbing cleans s i l rer and brushes and is -an excellent fertilizer far plants

Xike other goocTJthings it must be carefully used plainly labeled and kept out of the reach of little fingers

v - - - - ~ gt ~ mdash v ^

bull ^ T


BT kxar C KDOO

1 dreinwd a dream the cber night-When eyerythinfrx^^^ ~

of ipeeob I dreamed J tnw tfieparU

very qomortable sum of six toten thoushysand dollars a year Anct^she only works f romMayfe November AuTjHrn being a little far from the New York markets where-fijuit can be Bought best and cheapest Miss Martin has come down and^taken a place at Glen Cove to be near Her friendMrs S h M Bar- low as-well as to gain t h ^ advantages of a nearer residence to New YgricTjOne of the seccets of Miss Mar^ius jsuccegs is tha t everything she makes is-the very beat of its land All the ingredients she uses in her_pickles aud preserves are the best in the market and though she employs a number of men find women she superintends everything herself and whi le herarticles are all in the shopsr

have a homeliko taste that is un r mlgtakable All the jars bear her inishytials written in fac-simile ofHber auto-

h on a heat l abe l Oh the side A sister of Miss Martin 8gfeing her sucshycess cast about her for something to do Of course she did uoWvgja to go into the same lino of business and finally she struck upon cake-making as a live lihood am$-her cakes are now a lraquoos t as celebrated as her s i s te rs pickles and preserves She still lives-^nt J^nbilrn but she receives orders from New York and even Newport Miss Martins cakes are considered an essential par t of a well-regulagted pantry-in New York

Uefal In fe rmaMon S WEKPIXO mdashIn sweepin^dCLnot scrub

your broom into yoTJr~oarpeiLaJ i l l yon were sawing a pine hoard but sweep

-bullbulljt bullbullbullbullmdash - 1 1 ^ 1 frac34 ^ mdashZ~~^

T I N ^VBODINC Cf KBmdashRub one cup

of but ter and t h r ee of 6agspound to a cre^m add one cup of mi l t four-enps

[ot ^our five eggs one teaspoonfal of cream- of tartar half teaspoonfttl of soda one-fourth pound of citron This makes two loaves

BREAKFAST R D S K S mdash Two cupfuls of sweet milk two eggs two teaspoonfuls of cream tar ta r one teaspopnful of sodjftj hrtllf a cupful ofw4Hte sugar about four small cupfulsof flour- Beat the eggs very light pot Ufte cream of t a r t a r in the flour and add the s o d a ^ i e last ibfcyg Bake in a long pah in a quiok oven - BEBFSTHAKmdashPuDDiMjamdashj^ine -your-basin with thin suet cpust For a small

A low deep gfoao (escaped my mouth A tear itobd In toy eye

I thought I said sect month alaquoo ^^ Jft grammar a good-bye

And there the hateful thJagfrthey etood A curlouflmotley ^owd

And while I gaced the muaic placed - Rach to his partner bowed

The Noun walaquo eluding with the Vorb Ailt 1B wont to do

And followed It whereer li went A Btthjeet tried and true

The Vraquorbwaa ait Qg-actton bentmdash Inautfh a mcuy niood^ ~

Hft made ttrprttejimperauve That It shouldbe subdued J

bdquo - - - ^ - - ^ - 1 ^ And justtwlore^heni via-a-vto

As I have always haaap 8tlaquood these two ltgtualifyftig onelaquoy

The Adjective Adverbi bull

lightly and gently and you will get the dust togethei^just as well save making half the dust besidesfeaying a great deal

in^hje_isfiftri2fjthe earpet^ MA^yKcniBn^^H^njired^biit ~it must not reaoh keepers wonder why their carpets do no Tast^as well as their neighbors which were pu t down at about the same

liy this carpet does not wear previousone as well laquos a of the same

kindTahd^ theT weaver gets the Blame when nine times out~of ten it is the sweeperwho is to b l a m e Vfe don t care how smart our help is in other ways if laquohe-dig^-herbr4 pet i n - tha t p i tching scrubbing which so many doWe begin to nervous and wjsh tlic ^ e l p soifiewhere else for we know how

way feel iwas soon

pudding take three^Uar ters of a pound of r u m p steak apt in thin sliees^yithout fat or gristle make~tkpowderof pepper and salt dip each slice into i t a n o J a y it round in layers in the basin untilnearly-fnil Fill up the center with oysters ormushroonis tie it t ight and boil for three hours addwater in the saucepan

top of the-pudding basin z f i l l up_ th^r -ijasin wih good stock -

M A M I K S P U D D I N G mdash Beat together one cup sugar one and a ha l f table- spoonfuls butter oneeggTohe pint flour one cup sweet milk one teaspoonful of baking powder BaltelJ)mdasha~ moderate oven eat warm with warm sauce This same batter may be baked in ar^ery-^liin

the fHrpet wUlbegin to show it Nothshying i ^e wejld sooner spoils good picshytures e tc than d u 4 t ^ t gets into the cracks and corners where it cannot be got out so that we think it-best to al-wuj 7 dampen the broom before^^sveep-ing Some people wear out the broom ail on one side Nothing raquois more sug-

of bronze will however last alaquo long as the vessel and afterward be of considershyable money value

Winef=raquoraquoy8Mr J Morite shows a t en shydency to remain liquid below its t r u e

freezing-point The poinrat vhich it becomes solid is-determined b y the per centage xgtf5aloohol it contains The higher the per centage the lower will be that point ranging from 33 dtlt to Sitdeg for an alcoholic strength of 78 deg toM2^deg 4 jy volume v

As palladium sponge a t 100 deg comshypletely absorba^iytirfogesrDr W Sem-Sel haa turn^A^m discovflrr nrhiH to


(ion TJoKntavt Bat Stnr i 1 Conimunlcatioa to Boston Star-

J d y house is supposedtoJbe ra t proot^

gestive of caralessnesg-thaTithis When bullweepin hold the broom n e a r l y straight up-and down and biulaquoh rather than sweep being careful to keep the lottgestMcle next the carpet A broom kept gtrsight will last three times as long as one allowed to wear out all on ohle side


out on^a damp towel then spi^adquickl^with jelly or French cream^and rolled rip T- -ahd be xrsed as cake or while warm anch served ^yriik Varm sjuioe We then c a l l J t r a i l r o a d pud-dina _bdquo ~ _ rlt bull

B A K E D Jlsfi^-A fish woighingrrom four to^slx pounds is a^ood size to bake

J f should be cooked whole to iookjwell Make a dressing of bread crumbs biit-tFrrsaJhtrand-a-little salt porkraquo chopped

WhileV tlielaquoitipoundraquo of less account To my bestrecoUi6cUoa-

8tC5aTrotioun VrepSsTtlon Conjunction InterjectlQU s

Then right andkft and ladle change gt^nd cha8se iathe middle

^Argt4 promenade and balampncez Wiaie Syntax played the fiddle

len faataod furious grew the fun Their stepsi became unstable

And Interjection said AlasI To dance more Im not able

And everything then grew quu mixedmdash I laquo5er


It always was-a botficr-To tell tblaquom when they stood quite still

Onepartyispeech from tother

And all afonce the music cealaquoed T Perhaps the rest yotr ve eaessedmdash bullbull

The pie I ate for tea that night Hlaquod made me sleep distressed

_-r mdashCambridge Tjtffoyne


c What Men Need Wives ^ _

Our Home ia^aot-to Bwecp7^ie^UBe7imitaak5~

the beds and dara thesocks and cook the meals chiefly t h l t a man wants a

-wifermdash If this4s all he wantsi hired sershyvants can do itxcheaper than a wife If thisis all wheavbull young mancaTts^fer see a l ady l end him into rhgtpant ry- io

BUKJTSmdashAccoiding to ^ WJ

the Practitioner a simple and effective^ remedy for removing the p a i n ^ r wounds causedT^ry burns or scalds s-a-

i n d was so wrheuquite new but a t ^ n e | saturated solution of bicarbonate oisoda time more than - twenly ye a r ago We in- either plaiij or camphorated wa|ef

ccount in 8eparatiiig hydtugen frtmi a mixture of gaseX Almost the - exatrtv

r calculated amount of the gas was reshycovered from a palladium-spiral heated ^ 8 5 0 deg th is suggests a means of

T-T^ibtaimng reidi ly what may be called -chemicaSy pure hydrogen ^ mdash T~ SomeTweeks ago~TdriiggTst~ihl5urs-lem England had carelessly served a customer with pofefindl|steadof inttgno-sia He summoned the bellman as soon as the mistake was discovered and sent kinr about the streeta warningTrTS^un

had a lajge colony pf^the rodents greatshyly tp-our rannoyance and it w a s w i t h w a i^a t te r of daily wonder where they found a weak spot in our defenses against tbjgm One evening a young lady from a friends family living in a l a rge ihrehcnTse near ly a mi 1 P away was with us and the talk^-turnedonrats as we heard ours galloping in the coil-ing^And scamperjng^ up and down the walls The younglady said that none ~had ever been in their ho use fwuUshe bullliidhaot think there was any point at which ^they could enter My eldest daughter a ^ r e a t wit saidT^I^ye heard

taste the bread andejakes^she has maije send him t laquo J | ^ e o t - t h e needlework and bed-making or pu t a broom into her

uJiaficlsand send-himTo witness its use I t may ge^teoitir- Such things a r e importanKaml the wise

cuk 9 i c e s young man will qui

tine (parsley and onions if you please) mix this with one egg Fill the body sew_it up and lay m a large dripper put acrossit some strips of salt pork to tlayor it Put a pint of w a t e r - a n d a Utile saitin-a pan Bake it an ^(air and a ^alf-^Bste- frequently After taking dp the fish tliickentheffrayy and pourover it ^ - -


A Little Mixed on UJO Question of Sides

To apply the remedy all that is uccas isaryis to eut a piece of J int o r p l3 rag or even thick

soft blotting-paper of- a


J3raquo mdashknown purchaser not to use the deadly

drug This is a rather novel way of bullftiiftrKftaJTig personal error as it may be calledraquo-but it was successful

While Fistblja holds that the

- r e s i s t i n g the decomposing action of sea water and cost of production render forging secondary to casjting He be-

^ B e r laquo laquo tha t a coat of zinc o r enamel which has smoothness and a soap-like

^ character would ^ e a good means to diminish friction and improve the effct

-of shipsVgcrews

l h a t if politelymyited todo so ih^wrtt ing^ r a t a will leavo^any- house and go to any other to which they may be di-rected and I will tell ours th t at ymir _house they-wili find spadmfr^KqrteTg and an excellent commissariat

At the moment before us-a l l - sne wiute a most grandiloquent letter tlty^he large family of rats t h a t H i a i s o ong-Htrade-

the pain subsides or the-limb may rathed or-encircled with a^a rgeonV

cotton bandage previously soaked in the aturated solution and kept constantly

j e t t e d with i t the relief being ^nusual-ly immediate provided the solution be

favoured us-with their presence pom ting -ou^to them that at Nor 65 P e a r s t r e e t was a- large fine house which had never

^ 6 ideal been favored with the residence oTanv material for screw propelrers would h e ^ f the^r familv where they would find flaquorged steefcihe considerations of work- - ^ - ^ - - - -^ ing o u t difficiil^ curves the power of

How one Woman Earns her Living CorBoston8aturdajKvening Journal

I have often heard it complained that

which they could earn as much money as men Perhap^- there - ^ nothing in

^Hame line of business as that follow-taking all the profes-

womengt it seems dAarof money

ms re too

to jieed - m e n t i o n i a g ^ B u i there are ^ther lines of business ilta4 w o m e n m a y follow w h o have nosectuch natural


sion foliowi me that there made gft oy them ^ h ^ laquo n ^ r m o u s

iSghy singers- a n i actre^sesTt ma wlaquoJi4cnown

a g as th^se r I ^ gt r d tha day o i raquo i i a d y ^ h Q wasTmakinga

fcfipl^ quarters and a fat larder Wheri finished^she read the missivo to the company and we had a7 great laugh over it5 AR sn^old ^superstition_shetheH put lard upon it a n d m r r i o d it intcftthe attic where it woul^p^ohably be fopnd by those to whom it was diree|eurod

A few days after the young lady was at our housed again and burst inKrlta laugh exclaiming Our house is over- run with ra ts^T T h a t recalled to us t h e fact that wjg had heard iiojie in ojir walls M daughter went to the attipr i^ 4nbdquobdquo vAbdquo -and the letter w a s ffone While w e gt e r e i f Qf a P T 3 frac34

siesullicient to cover the burn or scaldshyed parts and keegt it constaitly well wetted with t he sodalo4otion so-as -to prevent_itsdrying By this means it usually happens that all paineeaseV in frraquom a quarterio a half-hour or^^ven in much less tWftr- WhP tha_maiBgt par t of a limb such as 4 h e hand and fdre-annor the foot and 1 ^ has been frqrneoly n is best when practicable t o ^ h i W e the part a t once into a jug or p)iil brother convenient vessel hlled ^ - ^ --watlulie laquofgt^a lrtinn-aTiri ^^-^fj^f^-thoro q-few m m u t e s ^ g ^ I asked va man

Donnis Sullivan tells a story on Coloshynel ClintltUeed the well-known iurist that will bear^repeat ing Ho says Colonel Reed was fltegriisrot^oHgreTsP man Belford in Washington and was re turning to his-hotel late pne night

W ay 1 While^rowsing when he lost his about in an aimless insane sort(of man ner he encountered a policeman

bullbull Souio me my fren^ said Colonell30vlaquo Reed ^but can you tell me which iiizee

n g man will quietly look-after them But-what-the true man most1 wants of a wife is her companionship s y m p a t h y and love The way of life has may^ dreary places in itjind man needs a companion to-go with him A m a n is sometimes overtaken by misforiiiineshe meets withfailim and defeat trials and temptations beset himand h i needs oae to stand by him and synnTathize He has-some stern battles toiight with poveft- wifhnene^cs^ntTwTthsin and he-needs a woman that whilohe puts his arm around her and feels that he lias something to light for will help him tight who will put her lips to his oar and whisper words of counsel and her_ hand to hiheart and intpart new-inspj- rations ^11 through l i f e - th rough bull storm a n d t h r o u g h sunshiny conflict

^^and victory through adverse and favorshyable KiriuV-man needs a womahs love The heart yearns for it A sisters and a mother s love will hard ly supply the ~ need Yet many seek for nothing fur-t her-tintrih sueoess in house work- - Justlymdash enough half of these get nothing mo^e

The other halfT surprised above measure -obtain more than theysought Thoir wivessurprke^tlieni by bringing a noshybler idea of marriage and disclosing a treasury of courage sympathy and

f gt

Westwjirfl the Kiekel Takes its Way CiBCtnnati Commercial Gazette

For years the people of CaUfornia Z a r s j v h a t l t h o u g h ^ said_Colonel-^have looked with contempt upon five

Reed but whiter I was wa lk ing over -

^opposite side oze s t ree t Tv^^y-i I explained the policeman

it1 e overlttheremdashthe other side 11

an he told me zis wazzefropsite side

rated and cold ^ T o ltCnnn A nnxJTmdash A had bull cold will

shop observed some liver forsa le Not knowing^whafe it-wa he inquired of the Tiutnher and said that he would like to

affair a Mehd can^ein anti hearing the talk said t h a y w o evenings beforein the^bright njflSofiiight he saw several

nning do^wn Congress^ s t reet which as the straight roasr tb^-Pearl street


qficiaries were directed

geatioa^affl Slej5Yeshave almost disappeared from the- waists of evening dresses but the|morningahd^evening

bullquantity j m u s t ^ ^ dl arms are o t e r e d by fid gloves that-aro more than a yard long and are worn Jn mal ry^^nklesJ i i jDi shoulders to w r ^ laquo The gloVe^jna^tch theoiress ijtr-color -

of w h a t may-be done for it unless reme-4ial means are employed within forty-eight hours Many aHtfe will be sparshyed by cutting a cold short^off in the folshylowing manner On the firsrday there is an unpleasant sensation of The moment you observe th is go your robmr-and keep it in such a tem-p e r ^ U r o ^ s will entirely prevent this chilly feeling even if -it requires-409-deg Fahr Pufr^eur feet in hot water half-leg d e ^ r a ^ l n g hot time to time for a quar ter of an hour so that the water will bo hotter when

take your feet-out--thaA^when you in then dry thoroughly and _ ^Hlt

sooner the will be effectually brojwnwithout medi cine ^

COLD W A T ^ K DRINKIN^ mdashCold I

of-the skin are good but it is doubtfu

rFaiEND I N D E E D mdashTwcyoidcollego chums met at Austin Tex after a sep-aratipn of five years I am a reporter

We h a v i j i e ^ r b e e n t r o u b l e d ^ t h t h e m ^ I J f l o o d i n g t h e j ^ m ^ b on g 6 to h e d l ^ e ^ ^

o e e ^ ^ h o u r t o e w 4 h deg ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ most profitable ba^hin - Cost

io rm of cold wa^or lyeness piles and indi-

^MMtormly lyliyvwrLby thjs i ^ven ing coflaquot~donphe fhe

^ d e t ^ i t o i n e d ^ e a c h j thoug^regf t rding ) the promise one forrbimself Twltror-three awaUo^wkjJ^f^^PPQ hisprofesaional service will d o to wi l l soon

H e Thought He had the Best of the B6g An raquorrishman- passing a butcher s

ty^sojas^JbHt Ms-pld woman knew pn-^how to boit bullbullpra-tiies^-1- whereupon

butcher goodnatutedly offered to laquoo him a_recipe fo r7p repa r ing_ lhe

savoury dish With t h $ and his purshychase dangling conspicuously -m his hand P a t sallied forth intriumph He

three two and one^cent coins but durshying the-past few vlaquoreekraquo the demand for the small coins especially nickels has become so great tha t it is impossible to s^ipplylr^A^inglc b a i ^ o r d e r e d t w e n t y thousand irickBis^seut i p f b m ^ h e East and a^few^ d a y s ^ l a ^ r orderedgtfQriy t h o u s a n d m o r e ^ The ^ t t a s j n n fraquor t h t

hadmoLproceeded far howeverrbefore -

Hrongry dog which had been prowling aTound seized the tasty mpr-seLwith^uV jaws and made off as fast as his legs could carry him^ Pat--in no-

+ ^ ^ U ^ i s e discrtftcerteaVturncd round With a water i r o n r r b r o a d ^ ^ - n h ] ^ C Q m i t e n f t f i c e i ^ n d

shaking his fist at the cajBe thief who was fast disappearing in thV-djstance saidi Afffth ye dirty

ore spwld this time Youve got

demand7for nickels reduction of otTOXifccarifareir ^fro tickets for a quarter-to five cT use of pickels upon the strfeevcara Drought about their general circulallonY laquond the people have^been compelled to use them in making purchases at stores As-everybody who has traveled or lived in California knows jthe- rmraquoehants in that State- have had a wav of fixing


o o i e n i t o c k i n g raquo f o r t w e i A deg r f ^ T v bullgt i ^ n o t o d birrr irhikfreel f ^ gt ^ ^ 1 0 ^ f o r l Te ^ o t

^ T t e l B r a u i ^ ^ f i e r 3 - e r e s a ^ i n m J potfket1-1

ingVano^yoVll got a first-rate t ragedy to wri te u p ^ ^ u will knw so mueh bou the chief actor that yott will ba able jto make intcopylaquoftiraquograquoj^adiagof i t ^Che Reporter ^kejJt ^ frac34 appomtmgpii

V L J J ^M - - - - - worn on the left g j - ^ J 0 t h e ^ ^ 8 8 J u s below the wa i s t

begin with t a d the q u a n j M ^ k e b y he fo^hja m acquatatMioa gt C T r t ^ h i amp W f t ^ i S ^ ^ f e M grow to a ^ u i ^ l o r ^ f ^ i doad^Nsuic ide bull gt - ^ - j ^ i e V trade w5trade-raquoraquoftwalaquofcWtta

a way o

prices so that small change- was seldom required But this will no t be t h e case i r t the future andeven the p ^ n y 7 4 t is said isbecoming popular The demand-fpr the small coins in the Pacific Coas t StatesX willyprobably compelf the San Fhmcjfcp4oiat which now coins noth fng 4copysraquo4han one-dollar pieeea in silver ^andtwenty-dollar pieces in gold toooin tengt^nd five-cent pieces _

A little feojv when picking the drumshysticks of a chrciten swallowed one of the tendons^and wasgtery nearly choked The ^tendon was howeveiv extracted with grea t difficulty from theHii$tle fel-lows throat when he e x c l a i m e d ^ O nraquonama it wasn t the chiokabidcybdquo fault it wabecauso cook forgot to tako off iU garUjw1 ^ -

A large rosette or bow of velvet rib-ijon with a square or horge-ahoe buckTe uf raquoUraquoUMH pQWlte Is






AN ENGLISH GHOST 8TOEY 4 bull Spectre In a IcopyagtCraquort The breed_of ghosts appears to be not

~euV extinct in England Yet-MSeldow howevar baa one of those shadowy risk tanta the hardihood to expose itself to inch unobstructed and goint-blank in-vestigatioa-as djd the4 phantom tf bich introduced- itoolf the othedayip^ Engshyland lto Mr C^mdashGmdash-^- the sonof the Trett-known Admiral C mdash pound ^ - One day a t tJao beginning of this month Mr X)mdashGmdash^-was going to call 0frac34 the Dafce of R - mdash a t B Castle and he

ably did nottoubto his head much things hereaJler when he found

iimself at a smafre^s^staiaenrsfcBre miles from his bulldes^mrtteni with no veshyhicle to get him over the muddy counshytry lanes in between After bull worrying round a bit however he succeeded in hiring a trapmdasha common-place dog-cart enojagh with nothing ghostly about it-^-and a horse that looked as i$t with good management it might-hang together in this life for a few wakampuylaquot Having lurned out a horse and trap however the resources of the place were a t an end Not a man was to be found who coulttaccompany fyiin to look after the beast so having done grumbling Mr CmdashmdashGmdashmdashtook the reins himself and started for BmdashmdashCastle Nor was there anything to suggest ghosts in the drive there and the Duke of R -was asrea and fleshy as a well-contented duke ought to be So fat then the odds seemed all against a ghost finding room^ to come into the day s eventsr When

ifo Q amp^mdash however had got half-way back to the station he passed

a pond by the-roadside^hifih-he had not noticed on his way out b u r r i n g around to look back at it he was asshytonished to find there wasanother man bnlthe trap r-sitting back to back to

Xhe stranger was to all ap-s a I a W laborer dressed in

coT^wy-antp^amdashri O^-^i Gmdashmdash at once concluded that his companion bad been sent after bin-by the innkeeper of whom- Ire had hired the trap but whatpuzzled Mm was how and-where a stout fufm laborecUn

hobnailed boots could have climbed up without his feelingit The shortest

way to settle this was to asamp ^trinn-bTit unfortunately tbe intruder paid no^at-tention to the queition and seemed qnitoninconscrods -of anything-^ttmiSttal when Mr C mdash G~ shouted comshymonplaces on the weather aft the top of his yoiee Nothing remained thereshyfore but to whipup the dilapidated horse and while away the rest of tampe_ JonVne v with cursing the innkeeper who could find no bct tennan to send him thaii a deaf and damb farm laborer On arrivicgat the inn Mr C 7 mdash G-mdashmdash handed thir teins baukrto the stranger a id walked into the house -Meeting

-~l the landlord his first remark was nat-- uralJy^^iMtKhesort of man he had seen ^ ~^ftraquo send after him-

What man1 waerthe reply 1 sent - bull ao man after you1 --1 -Surely you d id said Mr C

G-mdash a-nian in corduroy with a red scarf around his neck1

r Good God srrV returnedw the oth-er -that man was drowned an hour

ago and is iip^Iaixii now - ^ 1 Nonsense-mdashtfr is in your trap now come and 800^

However he was-not ih theMrap that was empty So Mr C-mdashmdash^G-i^^should so forth

^followed the landlord upstairs and there on a-bed laybis companion-ofbull the dog-cartmdash1conjuroyf^ed neck-cloth and allmdashdead He ha^Pbecii found

-^Aflr + xW

so he had to listen- Soon the woman was stabbed and ijfeheeessity of buryshyi n g her came quickly A pretended hole was cut with a wooden hoe near the apple tree The man up the tree was on the a ler t The oorpsewas fchen taken to the grave but her feet went up -this was frightful These weje put down and then her head went up Yinallyl the hero held her head and the heroine herieet and thus they I eld her and pretended to throw dirt over the cbrpee bull In a moment the corpse got up and walked off The man in the tree now made good use of the apple by pelting the murderers Amid great fright and consternation they ran away Our apple tree detective how came down from his perch and Ticked up the dagshyger and other evidences of guilt of the conspirators and concealed them about his-person The reader can imagine the rest The conceptions of -the charshyacters taken were well carried out and the [interest became more thrilling as the1 play advauced We understood that the play would consume a w^eek froni 4 to 12 oclock each d a ^ sc^after we had witnessedIthe curious perfQnii- ance for an hour longer and had seen the murderess tormented by the devil and punished by law qe withdrew

TneTragedf oranlf tyF St Jawes Gazette bull

Rifaat Bey who left Cairo last night (January 1) in charge of a Circassian guard is more fortunate thaaidahmoud Sami Ba^oudi his wife although a lady 6f rank jand supposed to hjave^ been subjected to presure in higb quarters to induce her to remain in Cairo pershysisted valiantlv in her-rosolution to-Jic-company her husband into exile The

Srefect of poiiee it is said was sent_to [me Rifaat to urge many reasons) why

she should not forsake her native land Was she aware Rifaat Beys destination was Malta j I t was a Christian conn-try attempts Wouldbemade todestroy

- placid TadifferinOB whloh led one aim to hdpeifais ttepmother might follow the t id i t ions of story-land and him cailsb to regret the attention he+valued so highly After a few mo-menta thti Ifi^ifta i M i ^ a w g irw ar-riraquoglaquo aud seemed tojremind the weep-iag_woman she had promised there should not be fresh disturbance This time she walked back to the other woshymen quietly and until the train had started we saw no more of her Later one of the addest scenes 1 have eve-f

for the punishment of an offender The last Legislature passed the act which made wife beating punishable at the whipping post^ Wife beating had been increasing fc a disgraceful [ extent in

witnessed w raquo that of the blaek-gowaed Bal t imore and sentences of injprison-women round her their guard of eunuchs standing witlr^ cbtep^d arms watching them whilstnhey wailed oyer

women djyjell upon ip lamentation The divorced^mie and bereaved mother wias diBtingulBlraMe by her torn white v^il and uncovered face and alsp by hQ silence She seemod to have e^aus ted grief or at any rate her sense oj mournshying and sat there amongst the dark figures almost as though she were dead and these were the funeral guests invitshyed to bewail her_ bull bdquo =

bull WagaJngton Manners Louisville Oouiier-JoaVnal

The ladies feel very independent and actually happens when

they have an escort that they forget him At a ball hoVe recently I saw this


to~ fcoprpel her to turn Chris tian ^To all |thisjdn|laquo Rifaat1 s answer was-the answer given by E^uth long ago mdashwhere her husband went she^ would go if he became a Christian she would

ome one too-his people shouldmdashS|J^t

touching and so far as the ladyis con cerned noble also^TBut whethefRifaa Bey himself deserves to be the objeet o such absolute devotion ahincident that occurred oh the platformlast nightf gives one cause to doUbJ Rafaat-was calmly seated in a lirst-ciass ^carriage and the exiles impassive dignity and calm whilst the sound of womens wail-ings came frahv the waiting-room iin-

)g-cartmdashconlinoyf=^ allmdashdead He haoF

drowned half~an-hour before3Ir C^1-^ amp passed in thlt mry pond close by which ho had taken his seat in the^dog^

oart and had apparently availed himshyself of thetirj$t passidg vehicle to get a lift to the place wbereliis body lay -

In A Chinese Theater Oliic^f Tribute I^Ttrere aie two Chinese theaters ln^in

Ijblast the dnlyones in America It was Wr_peCuIiar experience to tisit one Thojaudionce was composed principally

qf^nen who sat witbT their hats on gt^6me of them smoked cigarettes and others were eatmg pieces of xlaquougarc^ne

whichrnekt to rice is-ftTOirrcev^f great Chinaman A vender 3|^oyuient to a


pressed ontfas quite heroic whilst onp was allowed to hold tKo delusion that it

^signifiedlinditTetencotw his own misforshytunes In an aujoiBing carriage were Mme Rifaat and a female -slave1 both of theni closelJ^Veiled and attired intlie black baggy ^ o w n a Egyptian bull ladie

bull4Uiat about in mysterious balloon^ khown^to be^human only by the voices that proceed) from them These-ladies wertr silent and appeared naturally dispirited^but two fine littleboys the eldest being about tdni years of age Stood at the carriage window and taHc-e(lalivay^eerfuTry_in Frencb^^o^ the European visitors who had come to wish them good-speed^-Ffcsently this imshypression offoe-fortitude and a brave acceptance of banishment by a whole family rather tharr its honored head

go forth a solitary exilemdashw-as1

wofully disturbed and The head of the family himself made to appear in any-

Frem the women in the


thint but an amiable Hgltt black crowd of wailing

one woman rdlstahcesuddenly the grasp -of those who thravvim

5udd( nflrt

tried to hold her -amU rushingupmdashtoi Tiifaatr her veil all torn and he beanti-fulface (one of the most beautiful I have ever seen) literallybathed in tears cried (in truth within exceedingshyly bitter cry) For theluveoi Heaven f ive me j a c k my child JShfi- spoke in

was seen at the head of a sttfircase waitshying for his wife and her sister and Askshying each passer-by if-they were^till~tn |he dressing room One of these going Into the ballroom found the ladies there and said to thewife 1JMadanie Secreshytary your husband is waiting ftor vou up-stairs1 Ob to be sure sheanswered ^merrily we forgot all abOit him Has he been waiting all this timef I^deolare its too^bad^^ the Secretary^ was called down And was


Bertyal o n t o D M in Baltimore Cor K T Bermid

For the first time in Maryland since l^thetawh waa-legaHy nwd-wday

meraquot seemed to hive no effect in Checkshying fhfi unmanly pyaotice There was

now generally looked unonwith favor by all-except those who are likely to feel the full force of its provisions Tho constitutionality of the law was called in question but it was finally affirmed bjjr thj Court of Appeals The Derson who was flogged was a cbloijea man named Charles Foote a labojertwho_k4qkpoundd and beat his wife

Seven is a sEpckin^ manJBpoundir last fall lashes were mflioted -oh him bore them stolidlv The flogging was done at noon tbHiay inside the jail but in a corner so-4hat it could not be wit-neaaad by ihe other prisoners when first brought from his eeli^howed some signs of nervousness but he comshypletely regained his compdsure while

becur to armember of the Cabinet who the law and the order frac34frac34 the Court was

At the cOUipletiuu vt the wAWnee Foote was promptly released by two1

deputies when i t was found that the rawhide after striking him on the back had coiled around his Dody like a snak^e^ laavj|Tg niuhia right aide aeven gashes from which the Wood was slowly oozing Foote was then taken to his cell where he received medical attenshytion from the physicians of the jail He subsequently told his counsel that he would nave taken the flogging at any time during the serving out of his senshytence t c (addition to the flogging he hadnrtrved sixty days in jail

j ^ B

^ bull bull bull bull lt bull laquo

- bull - bull

bullalt-^Hgt ii-if irtf toy




A CLEAB CASE^-Dr Porter of Yale J College5 says that Prof Tyndall as~a metaphysician is a fatalistic revolushytionist witha aash of imaginative op-t^sftty2- and that as a tneplogian he is a sentimental atheist or an imaginashytive agnostic Anyone who has looked at Tyndalls portrait in the newspapers mustbave at once concluded that^he is one of those things The j^ayTicwears

his necktie tells that plainly ^enough aPd1 pound ftarmtrrnmHtraM

The United States fires in January warmed up the insurance companies

Foot^fover $5000000 out of the total 9500--000 destroyed

good natured enough to ogterlook the fact that a little thing likejthehead of a big Executive Department could be forshygotten vand left up-stairs by a ladyJike her fanor her handkerchief - mdash

It was mentionexTlast spring as an Ui^tlonrof~theboyish bebavior of

meinwrs^of-the House of Representashytives that a certain one of them freshyquently when he-went into the reserved gallery to see a lady ^ h e often ddesgt^ would amjiise Mmselfby throwing paper balls at the uuembeisoa the floorBad as that was another member went even further latelv when he went into the galleryTejserved for members families to talk with the wife of one of the acshyknowledged leaders^of the House and alter silting a while with her grabbed her pocket-book and threw ifTorcibTv at the bald spot on her husbands head tha owner of the head which was struck befiig in his seat on the floor

It is said that while Speaker -Mr Randall always put a peremptory stop toany similar breach of ordjutnclud-inpoundtheihrbwinjrraquodow ^ the guile try of floor OnciJ-wlijile the paper ball throwshying yvas in progress last session -a col Wrguo of the guilty member sentanote to the ladjr With him in the gallery sayr ing Please have Mr - H -stop throwing paper balls at the members and signed it Keifer Although the signature was a forgery the note lgtad the desired effect and the lady who had protested in vain before sent the mischievousyouth of half a century down to deliver himself up to justiceiu the Speakers desk ^---

being^read Uraquo him When this was done the Jail Warden ordered Foote-to strip to the waist Two^ deputies then bound him by his hands to a high gratshying bis feet being allowed to remain free Deputy Roseman who was seshylected to do the flegging used a com-mon rawhide about three leetdongmdash-mdash - Roseman standing Ito the lefts with the rawhide in his hand told Fobte to prepare He replied tbat he was ready and stood firmly awaitingJthe descend-mg lash At tfiis time the silence with-

-inthg^ail^waa positively-painfai- not a t sound was heard and the spectators stood expectantly waiting for the fijrst blow-Then Roseman grasped the rajw-hide firmly in his right nana and after raising-it aloft dealt a- well directed blow on_Fbotes back It strucjc directshyly in the small of the back^ and before the next blow followed a livid welt nearly as thick as a mans finger was f raised - on the IJuTvering flesh The prisoner stood it unflinchingly and utshytered not a word The only sign he

ave that be felt the punishment was a slight twitchinsr of the musoles of

p-vv)Wjibyljiiie_mber8 in uoles o those onTtlfe

Arabic biitTieFgesUir^s and her despair ere so eloquent thax the English gen-

tle^en^rouhd the carriage started and in delicate-compassion drew back from her and let fy^plead her cause aamp she mightT But they Ba^jnot taken into consideration the high disdabxa ed Oriental- puto into his infeFCQurse with women Rifaat Bey who ha cigarette m his mouth and continue

nf sweetmeats went quietly about with his fiiaskpt on his bead nd seemed ~to-

^ 0 athfXving business bull J n the gallery apart^frdm tnejrejt were the Chinese women^^Thcfre were a dozen or morei of them and-one fair damsel had a^very

^mall chub ofra^Qa^by Tho Chinese blrbx by tiie way isVthibg of beauty but urrfojampunately ibgt beauty-4isappears

a few yeuts On y the fear^fthe stage was thexnchestra compc^dj r f - ttrade ivalaquo five musicians TEts^music or rather mvor4ed the noiMLwalharrej^lagtNdattert bang

frac34ueak all together and sebjamptately at iervals There were no stage ctirtams ^- The accessories wore ~deddlt

iised or flies Jy primitive and whjrt few were siinply- suggested the idea intended Much more can be said of the acting^ It was trUl exciting W o m e n never take part in the^ j^orformanoe -Their characters are assayed by mehraquo and it was surprising bow apt their imitations were The performance was semij operatic -pantomimic comic in parts and tragie~t the end The auaicnoe seemed interested but entirely undem-

pative Onlyjrtrtm something fun-id or done did their childlike

faces b r o a ^ ^ w i t h smiles To convey the idea of an appie^orchard a limb of

^afree with two applestied^on it was t o a s te^ - ladder ^laquo j ing tho scene wneh the hero and heroine-^Were conspiring^o remov a woman supef

ny waai

4ree Itwa dark

smoking while the p o r wii ereatufraquo poured forth her oomplaint only took it out of his mouth to say one word signifying- Be off with you- and as abideous blaek Nubian came upquick-ly the Bey nodded to him with the same gesture withvhichTie might have or-dejredrthe ftiave to bnish awajra fly and so the pborwomanwas ledaway weep-ingnloud and-beating her breast Then the story was whispered round that this was Rifaats first wifewhotu he had

JOSH THE PEDDLERmdashJosh Billings thinks the charity of thmvorld a conunshydrum and he gives itup Qne cold snowy afternoon this winter he saw 11 thinly clad man trying tOeTT^r ecuiple jpfleacf pencils at tWtoot of the stairs -of aft elevated railway station imp4or~-ing each passer by to purchase as he Was starving mdashSeven passed without ikying Josh1 was eighth and he bought them and passed on to the Fifth Avenue hotel Soon having an errand at ltheJ2itaymdashHouse he tbought he wouTd^try his luck selling pencils on the way He took the two Fo had bowght pulled his coat-collar up and his hat-brim down and set out iftithe dark At

gnty-fourth street he ItftppeH n^htm evoleht^poking pedestriftpTwith ^fleap fi

-But an EgyptiangtI|ke most Easterbets^sets great store by frissons even thougnTiedias grown to hate t mother and so Rifaatcarries awav into

^e^^Jthc only child -of tbjs^ooi^desert-^n^creature wyenpm~T shoula^udge by

her^irv^complexion andJ tp^^y^^ja^ face^ahcfaHsQ by hgx perfect knowledge of French to Tiavtr-been a Circassian slave chosen fo her beauty and trainshyed in acoompKsbments like the bull Fi^r Persian in the Arabian Nightsvlaquohd married as the Fair Persian1 herself was to be thrown -aside a r lightly After-allbullthe Nubian cundch would seem to have reasoned with1 the poor mother mom compassionately than 7 his unattractive countenance protnisedfor after a tinw she returned with her veil arranged and only weeping quietly Sh f fpaa^ flifaat^s carriage witfi-b^nt head and-^pnft^sto

adbroj bdquo and~putgt them intjD his

happiness a mah-l n^tdsCand^kissed himyweepitigi wlrite

buy my twb-penbils for 10 cents aptece^-| I am starving r ^ a y e had nothing to eat for 24 hours1 e tcgt5^eman pushed hhn aside saying grufllyT^l^can buy three for a -quarter down the and-went on Three others being ap-pealedtp did about the same At last helaquoaloueired into frhemdashGilsey house-and tried the dodge o n a man at the r bar who tossed him ajquarter saying Take that old man I dont want any penshycils11 Then Josh11 revealed himself amUold the story-of his experience as an amajteur pencil-seller to the great

iusemltint of the asscmbied-xomDanv 111 bull TT 1

THiDepart^aeht of Stjfggb has received ^ cTispa tc^^om^t^^m bullstil a^Marseilleuro9 statjngtthat the remains of JohnBbward Pavne hpoundgte^been for-

her fondness with


- bull gt -




bullgt mdash

bull v bullbull - bull bull t

O plusmn

ght twitching arms ^

The remainingblpws were all given in quick successioX^aJxd^ialmost identishycally in the same spot flte^^e^h sweli- g quickly in ^idgSs after^eaeh^but throughout the sufferer littered no word of complaints ~~ L

CUREShk-Headache Djspeptia dJnr Complaint Indigestion Coniipation

rKOXXCCmdashWlthoot a pwiicle of d4ttMKlaquo tno^taPlllaaro thlaquomolaquot popular of raquohj on -the marshyket JBaring braquolaquoiUgtetorethraquopublic ftrlaquo qaartyof ilaquoiitlaquory and having alwmya parfonaed atontftan t i l promUed for them thlaquoy merit the aaeMpa that they hM attained P r i ce a^C

F^raalebjalldxugjiita -KermouM Aiunclrate 1 ills always la stock at

aell-ftPruK Store


Welst Main St Opposite Globe Hotel _ [PIXeKNEY MICH

- A full line of

OtieraiicaLs Toilet iAidLs^

Fine Ooiifee Tobacco

^ t a t i o i i a W r y ^ tltLs_

Goods are all freBh-and new Prices a te alwJtya reasonable -We hopelio-merit a-liberal share of the public patronage Call and see us bullmdash ^

reLOcoupied a neglected spot onr ^ rican coast am at last to be in- tod J f e W a r a C b t d j a l l y j n v l t o B - t t

redjin his native land f ~ - J _ - ~gt _bull ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ k gt ^ w Educatioh ls4k~4raquompanion which no ^ - ^ ^

at th^ adjoining- misfortune can depi^^r-flOj-crime do- [etmeats with itrtTKanrenemy aleniate ruTdegpotis^ A t t l i e O l d SjEUKla J M raquo t ltrm laquoJ=A ^raquoenslaTegt At home a frientj abroad a n Ygt- bullmdash- mdash - ^

lulhxluuUoii inaoiltude a solace in soshyciety an ornamenC


rx 3wlaquord Payne hsi warded to taejt7i^d-Satlaquoeorlt(Ae ^ French steamer^^^a^todia^aBd ard e ^ A n d 0 V e i y t M n g U S U a l l y l O l pectedto arr^yjeat t h e p o r t ^ N e w Y o r k ^ ^ -about February 15 So the r e n raquo W laquo f Of ie the raquoraquo^^Hon^^i^an55 ^gi fatf^ln^LivingstoaeOouiily that hare ooouoied a neelected snot on--^^- ^ +-bullbull ^ _ _ _

stock as low as yoti Custoniers o call


bull bull-lt - -f

i s yvraquo ^ K

bull raquo bull gt


A- mdash

amp bull

-bull S

-M v-^- i






J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 2: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

S W r

^ 5 ^


gt bull bull bull


A p i g of boys iniijtjpfrnttig wore sent to jail fur ten days a short time jugo for disturbshying a school anil enticing tin pupils away

Wardell the man arrested in Detroit som months ago for forging the name of Samuel

Poet U Q pension agent in that cilVrwaa ou Monday the 19lh tusU sentenced to lour years

inJtbc-House of Correction Wbitc^Tgeon citljeigtb havengtutgt^crlbed ueir-

-^iyfi0Otgt^mgtMtt fer a buy^y factory _T Fears entertained that wheaMu the neighbor-

ftrxxl of Battle Creek will Ins smothered by the ilaquoe following upon the recent-thaw I t covers ype fields v -

Last TtyursffaytherfeilT l u s t C h ^ f les r a homesteader re^idlnpfftftceu mlh


Xtvtg-es east

the lowering oi certain sm^ll labf for t h passage of a law deflulng duties lt)f Justices in ertaiu eases from the Michteauj State (iraffge

for J he ekftlou of aii agriculturist aa United States Sehator bull- [

SENAT^Teb i30poundApetStlon wa passe ji ted froijvtfte supervisors oLWAihivBaw coun t for a law forbidding the issuing of warranto by

|4llpoundliee8pf the peace incriminal ease ejeep4j t

felony uud breaches of p ^ puttee u t i l e s scour-

w V mw i^ = ^ bdquo t WLvTHci tld raquobdquo bdquoraquobull tttm nnminc- nf lours in state ditches



the surfaeeT The bodv was-not recovered till Sunday the 18th Ins t i j

Thetrialjo Frankmi Cobb for tkejiutirder in July last of bis little mother Fred awwi l ^ b y COtting his (throat is n progress at Kalamazoo Testimony for the people Is all in ajjd^the deshyfense are now trying to show the prisoner in-

Elgtit of theTMakistce union -school teachers haverejsjgned withina few months on account offttowitiatectiujULkith the managementof the schools mdashmdashpound

Charles M LoutfbookteepltT for the Brush Mfg Co of Gran^RapW6 rali31n-Thcil emptpy nlneearamp was airested on the 19th ius t r - for fimBe^u^laquobout|20fJ0 from his employers H e confesses hi guilt IHlaquo wife died a nipntk ago and during bis temporary absence hi de falcatlon was discovered -i-4------ i

Edwin Hadley attorney for J the Detroit bull M a c k i n a c ^ Marquette rattrflad left St Ignae January 10 on a buslne6B ttlpexpwtlBgtQ reshyt u r n in a few days He wrote to-Judge Brown January from the Sherman holise Chicago sayshying he should re turn in a few days Since then nothing has been heard from him His family and friends are very anxious and entertain fears as to his fate j A contract has been made by Flint with the Ftenu bridge works of Beaver Falls Pa for a

rtPUWliiflutK tr im hikim ai fos^-FKnfr rivcp at-Saginaw street to cosf $6097

Congress has beepappealcdjo toprohlbit the lt opper mllUnear Hhneoek andneugbfot t j from dumping sand n Portage Lake Navigation h n a - h c a w a ^ ^ ^ l i o l y l ^ n t n r l l h y H fo l l p p n s f t


There was a marrjage and a death In the Hftauie^amjiy a t Hudraquoonou theaftemcKmof the-2ts t inst Orrin Deki7 an old and ^r^peete t ) citizen expired just as his niece Jennie was married toiicrJUvrt LoystCT one of the most

1 of fflfe for tiie

araln by raHmadjft to abolish tho b i a r d cVnnnilssioiiers appropriating polity for school for the brind to provide r labor bU rcau for the care a n t-dijcatit)ft of felaquowe-ihiTHleltl childfeh for the pi-otcltftU)ltiof mechanshyi c Petitions or^senUd for a prohibitory ameod-t u ^ i - ^ g a i n a t ibc aitifiviaClaquoHujpound of raquolt(K ri)VVT ^ ^ m furiously as to-d^y which turu-ngth for an apiltro|)rlatiou of swairaquoplalaquods fjraquo cd out]to be une of great dlaappolnMneiit An

show bu t numpo-oJLjlJtOB1

xbangc 135 nacessar

ntanihifli Wlink sary^S choice J j raquo board Wheti l umber w

Newton 45 Palmer J j Burrows 12 Feriiy f f o r com now 65 28 cent 10^Wtmtlaquo9VHamraquoafi laquovCrohbylaquo Lacey 4 WebbdrTajXothrop Dunstau^ 1 vgt

TucJWOAT VttU iShmdashThe1 polltivul pot bas

effort k a a made to agre^iupona cauxltdute and Alect ijini bu t the effurtlwAa-uusuecessfuJ and the convention adjourn Senator ThP followiji of the seven^votcs eaf t

1st 4 O M liainejt T W Palmpr T V Fe r rv bullKWillits


without ch-oaiuj a the result in detail

aw wt-PWUU cttite fOrdat now 4o raquo10

to (12 a ton Tor hay nuw lt(IH Jo fraquo Krdm jvtAtfSrtfacta Mr Horr dlaquoductld hts arguim-nt 1u

favonLuX- - -| KKTAMNU TUKTAKIKlt ltJX I IMtlER1

lmlduga country is most prosperous nhL-n igtri^s are hiwb that protection ^nould not n foral but national

1 Hannah j to prevent tbo running of logsin stte ditches4-iI ^ |)wbj also bills lucorporatlng Brilaquoljhgtn and re-iueol- -^ V ^ e W x - V jioratiug J5ecatur The rtsoln-tion iskiug j w N - e w l congress to pass laws ree i^ i t ln i i tho services of veterans of the I j idla^aod Mex4cM was h is t pound Artibnglhe 75 or more


For the purchase a lw il lstr lbutlouof

bills iutiigt-the most Importautu

voluims the s t a t e pro

45 24 Vi

rraquo H 4

T 1

1 i in -s

1 n H


4th 4A

bull raquo


5th 0th- TtB

45 42 27



2rgt liijl


11 Burns H lt wvtki H V NT U IIG Stuul


containingtthe general law of viding for Uniforjn text books for the Uwation of a priftou of lufauBy r e l a t i ng t o uortgatjej foFcclosurcs makiftg apprbprtatiotis tor t h e elate industrial schc^)1 for gir ls rwjuirihg the cltrrk of the supremp court to give tamos and for the passage of a law regulating the practice

molUlne HoiSK-tDetrolt physicians present a petishy

tion protesting against the f ^ t n r e s of the new shatter reojuiring report to ln-mudc from them Amongthc bllls introduced

worthj youngT)uslness men of the village i ^ h e Presbyterian church of Saginaw city will

celebrate its 45th anniversary on the 4th ofgt March - ^

H c I r y B r raquo n g l l a W a gt W f i ^ cheater fell from a load of wood on the iOst mist and died instantly Heart disease th_e cause of his death 1

Matthew Millard contietcdat Ionia on the 20th i n s t of murder ing his wife by poison atJ Palo Ionia county in Slay last has b c e n - e teheed to the state prison for life-

the folshylowing arjLpf general in teres t To prohibit the graining or use of bogus diplomas to esshytablish a d e p a r t m e n t s eclectic medicine in the university of Michigan to regvlate the width of rims of lumber wagonfy making them at least Vi-^ inches wide t o punish the putjKtg on-record of bogus conveyances with intent to deceive r

SENATE Feb 21mdashA number of hills were in_-troduc^iiOii the Senate The most irngfliJaut are To appropriate $20000 for a ^chl5Sl of technologj forglr ls ia t -St Clair t o place the new northern asylum at Traverse City under homeopathic regime land control to provide

Tfol^fTnrdisposal 6f motley and valuable property tfj^rj^onb^iesb^JiJinJniown dece^sot1 persons with this s t a t e to provide for the e^tabllslneht of dock w-harf and btgtom HuCsyupoanavigable-s-treams in cities in towns A petition was

gtreseuted for an amendment to the clmrter of Rochester Oakland couutv -lso a patitlou for

ah increase of powers of the board of building inspectors in the city of Detroit


Total vlaquoraquotV VU l-ygt N|ivij sa ry to a cholitC Ai lik




1gt1 12()

l i t - 04


to | FRIDAY Feb

W ^3mdashihe sessions of the joint

conventUni were free frwm the anxiety and ex-cltemeut wtiicJvmarked the work of the convenshytion yesterda^ The members are really begiu uiug to sltowsijjmgt^f weariness of this cuuTes votingwithout resiiTiv and from precept indl- cations the tlHginuittt of t i c e u d [ i ^ u e i i TheinlldwiugtabJo jshow^ iraquo tleUvll the rcim]t_ of the sIx baliots 18ken

- - bull 1 bullX 4 40mdash2 30 SO-

4 17 12 10 -

gt i

12 U 5 4

in t


bulli i bull gt


in 19



ai ro 20

7 bull

I i o

42 m

bullbull[ Chamberlain mdash T W r-ihner Edwin Wi lilts F B S tockbr ldge MS Crosby - T W Ferry-8 L Withiy- V -4laii_nahv 1 1 G V N D b t h r o p L-D Norrls Chas 8 Mav TF^Tuvsney T M Cooler F M Holloway F M Fol lensbee B tgt Stout Total vote

j~Nnc55arT - t t r r h o t ^ ^ SATUHDAY Feb 24mdash The convent ionassent^1

bled prompt ly4t- the usua l i ime and proceeded^ at once to cast the flfty-iJghth ballot fos senashytor The ballot stood S tockbr idgc -^ Palmshyer 31 Lothrop 40 W[mtvTTTTlSfitfartl-rt

HOUSEmdashBi lh were M MacinaW Cltv Dt-xtcr^ and Bancroft Sllaquoawassee C4Hinty^ all to have immediate eiTcet This w a s the last day allowed for the iutroduction of bills and the scene gtwraquos one of the liveliest of the ent i re session

r X s many as 15 members were~upon the floor of

perfect ava-n g

some pf^hfi most Important To protect tbc owneniQtMttles^barrels boxes siphons gtcegs and ptlier vessels or things uscdMli the sale of ale beer cider mineral water or other bever-

VDU Hamilton a l iquoruBraquoWr oi oCugt ^ ^ age^Uo l ega l ly marriagev tlmt tiwfl ttiyptfl Superior has g o t i b pay $100 and stay at the J o r e lt m raquo y hereafter be conlractctlybe-- - - - deg K^__ _ twccH whi te persons and those wholly or in

Prb i -4^chran wipe-rintendent of instriietion -J recognition from the speaker A perfect a has resignedltlo accept a position as register Qf lanche of bills poured In the following bei the United gtafeo htptl offioo at Marquet te Prof Oass of jJonfsV|iUe has been appointed to thelfasltion maltTevvrieant by--Prof Cochrans resignation -- -

Phil Hamilton a liquor dealer of Seney Lake

- bull raquo raquo -



^orikiboardlng house 0Q days and all because V r t o l a t c d the law in regard to selling liquor

1 ATbtfrt^Fajrthlld- who tWa years aga wan eon victed o f a t K n and a l te r serving iigt months at

--gt Jack60h-^wa5^jankda new trial was acquitshyted at Big Kaplds^m the 21 t ins t after an eieht days trial gt - bull The building bobrh bas^already begun at

bdquo~Z3ifackiiiaw City giving iho^e^tlriCof gt rapid growtli the-comlngseafion ThVKrjSwfcjM

afc building altimrch while several tl^ ^ u j d stores arc also under way --bull -Urielcopy CTCorge Long who lived alone at IndiaaT

Town-laquoboupoundi4^lle3 from An Bauble was found ^ weejv-ago frojsenrto deathx)igt his cabin (loot-

l i e had not been secnTersome time He was SO years old and had lived there for rKny years supportlng-kini^elf by cBltlvatlng a little patch of ground 7-mdash

A herd of about 28 deer was recently diseltbullgtbull-

21 14

4H 2S


121i G2-

120 -62-

120 -amp5-

lri 12laquo -4frac34

- ) IM -02

Ferry il J Logan Chipnun 1 Crosby 2 The second ballot of the day gave Palmer$l

^rocSOriaRe 2 S r WmtPT- 14 fcothTOpT-tr Few 3 Crosby 3 Hauuali 1 j ^ tout 1

bullThe third ballot was takeu ant resttlted ampraquo follows Stockbrldge 25 Patmer U Lotbrop 34 WiHits 12 Geo P Sanford 4 Hannali 1 Stout 1 Crosby 3 Ferry 3

After announcing t h e - resu l t of this the slx--tleUi ballot taken in joint convention aigt adshyjournment was ordered until Monday

( b a r g e d W t t h P o i s o n i n g H e r StUp-

h a r d




i^u ^ 1 ^ 7

MSfu ~~ c t

bull -i O n e o l t b e C o m m l w i l a n e r w

lUv Dr JoUu M (iregery who braquo igteeu retnuitly appointed oue of thje civil svjryico eoni-mtsBioiTon account of hla reputatlopaampraquo pubshylic educator laid the foundation imdFuTlt most yf tpounditn9uperetructurc Of thlaquot reputation iu Deshytroit and Michigan He came to Detroit after recclvlag aw ordinary education und unsUCCeaa-fully-U-ylng the law in bib native state v r N e w 4 l

)ork and e^tablbhcd ujirivateclarfsieal school of which he became the principal Tho marked

suecesrof this hU first educational Tentdre di-nl9 cflpaDUItrps rWted tfftHtftl ailcBllon fo

and in 1S5ltJ he was elected tate superlnteudcrit of education of Michigan and was twice re-efected tilling the position-uutil T305 wheu he declined a thirdre-electiou to accept the presishydency of KulamaJltxj college He retained the latter posltiou uutil 1S07Hvheii he was j i nan l -mously tflecteil regent of the Illinois tittfustrial univcrsitA at Champaign where he remained until 1SH0 and only resigned- on account of pressing literary work he liad mapped o u t and which demanded his whole attention About the time of his e llaquot tonTothe8uperintendency of nlucatlon in this stateheinc6nJunction w i i i PresKtent 1C O Haven of Michigan ii^utvefsity and Prof Welsh of the Nowaal school found1-ed the Michigan Journal-of Education Jff lirpgoryiiraquoiytll remembered by the old citizens of Detroit aud is regarded by those acquainted

with his educational labors and achievements bullas one of-the foremost educators of the I nion A gcnfleman who has Ix-eu largely identlfled with educational progress in Michigan says that his efforts in behalf of the educational inshyterests of the state left a lasting1 Impress tor good Mr t lregory is now ti2 years old

twccH white persons part ofAir icanl leTcent aniLto legajiaetheir i$pounde and trrepeal all acts and pKrts of acts In an v wav ^ r r a s x p i n g J i t g a s a u i e for the bei-

~ of bigUwjLys by urdliiblLing-Tfjrrc tlaquoii- protect km (fom-and after

blgUw^ais v tho year l i s) any wagon or other wheeled vehiclefrom carrying a load ex-

HTeCdiiig 1^000 pounds overany publlc~highway the wbcels of said veldcle bavlng a rim Ifisi than three and oue-balf inches in wid th to

fteriaa prohibit AnncHHtiioMAirir Yiittvni or partjsan purposes lbf the protection of lumberroea and o the r aga ins t the use of fire-ffrme in-the fl-clniU or lumljer lngand other catnps tojestab-l i sh^un l fo fm bullystiun of inptructiou to author-fzethgtingt4r4X)rattrni of manufacturers mutual tli-c insurant^JsiQmpanielaquo awtrtrcttrly-lOO otlv-er^

SEXATfi Feb ^Ji^ffe^bill re^ii^oxpwatlug Ignace was passed- A-^e^wnetitioiis were-


Mongt M4^Sabefch Newlngton of the township

of Huron Wayne Co wife of Jariies Newlng

Actw t l m s l a r A p p r o v e d

Of the large number o f bills iut^odili at the present session of the legislature (Jov Begole has approved the following nn to t he present t ime raquo To -amend section 12 of an act revising au(

amending the charter of Battle Cijcek To appropnate-tt tonevs-for the care i i d n -

pair of the soldiers and sailors monument in

To apyropciau-moneys For tlic fntrenlaquoed sal-unes oi s circuit judges - -To amend_scction J4 ill act 140 session 1J^S

of ISO Tv legalize the assessment roll of the village

of At Ctiarks in Saginaw county for the year 1KS2 -bull bullbull gt _

To change the uaine of ^Thc Muihigan ite-form School for Girls t o T h e State Indusshytrial Home for ( J W S ^

To rhange4he name of Shivajlurd SUeards-ley to Frank S Johnson bull - ^ - - - = ^ - -

Joint resolution requesting Michigan heua-torti and representatiUi In congresgtTtqyote

J against the removal of 1 tie -tax on intoxicating liquors uraquo0gt tobacco or ei thtr

ivak wMariMuan Tbe tr

s piracy t pound burned la bull excitement

areythe IC e^urt

placed on t a result c 4fftBld and BurRe

A V V A T fe

risouerii chargiHi with cofl-r govcrumeutidUelAl^ane-

ln on gt|onday Wtlrhraquoraquofc- - The ag tliW progress oLUie uxauiiija

IMlaquo1 Wf tf IMUngpiiiiit wUili

^ -

(ia|i who created su bullootn on Saturday tho

ug pumi vli a fuJ rore iu

17th was stajuct for eross-examinatioa As

thiii Examinat ional persoushaye 4jria4ifor tho ntpnUir uf nnrnbrHtfi

A coaoSiTiox

top wns lodged in the county jiil on Monday thb la th inst-bT c o h s u b i e Monger o f T l a

to hsJ eigM-year old step-son in^tonToctween the lOtb and 15th of February Mis New4ngkm-ws-arrested oiL_Sluulay the IStjtrlnstv aud the following day wns ar--ralgued on tbe ehargo of murder Ivforc Justice

The coronation of th king of lit Sand wick WamLPtook place oraquo the Igth l a s t T i n coronashytion was tbc occasion of a great displaymdash mdash

^ ^ AKAUXBICAN WAK VESStl iOST A dispatch from Houg Kong dated Feb 21

s a j s The Uplted States steamer Awlmlot bus b^en lost a t sea A41 her olhVcrs vlre saved b u T l l of b^r^cxew w e r t i l i o w n e d T h e A j k ^ ^ lot raquo a s aa iron-paddle vessel She uarrieu 4|ix guM^and waa of centcent0 tpns burden bull

TOT LAHT UVBlXEi Tue new French cabinet is composod oi Fershy

rv Prinie Mmister ami Minuter of-^Public in-sttHictiOD OojUIeinel Lacour Foreign Affairs Waldeek Kossoau In ter ior Martlu Feulllee Jus t i ce Charles Jirunraquo Mariue r Meliue Agrl-eu i tu re r i l e r i s son Commerce Coehery Posts ^ d T e l ^ g - r a p h s Ravujd Public W o r k s Tir-a r t l rF inance Ucu Thibaudluv War

A IANO ilJTVOTKUx VfEWS bull- The following di-iputch from London appear ed in the Irish Nation John Devovs paper of the22d iust ^ILllui iyuider trials In Dublin are still thiraH-abscjrbiiig topic of the hour and the interest is deep^laquoetr-^-4lie-reyenferftUoiHtbdquo^ Carey t he self-eonfessed murderer who to save his life has turned informer The acceptance of his t^stlmouy on theeoadi t lon of giviughlm his life is a crowning disgrace for thfc governshyment and reveals the ut ter rottenness of the -English system In Irelaud It is known that there was aj sharp struggle at the Castle hefor it was witness^ of Uie-priv question wahdiscuswed The reward expected by the goverpihent f-r this infamy is the iutpli-cation of thelanU league leaders uiut-Careygt evidence |s ^arcfulljrijtrecKd to fltat-emfr tory speeches maHein the house of coranvonv are verv bitter in tone and pa r ty feel lag is high ^The Jfrfsh party htlll mftiutaiii i n at t i tude bull of reserve but it is evideut that there 1s W deep-seated intention to eontenrfvlgoiou-ly for their rights vmdash - - - frac34 _

1 Tin IATESTgtES8AJIOX A private exatiiiiiaMon was he ldeu the 2lht

inst in the case of Jesse Suittblaquo arrested for -complicity in the Burke and Cavendish assas- sl-nalIon His s tatements agreed wlth^those made by the informer Carev--A-cemplete alibi has beenproven for lien Maeaderes Ateusfvlj

- t jr tclngtbirn^rsteTioli3^ ^inbii iTrlt ~

- A Dublin t rades meeting has disavowed Cashyrey and repudijitett his el aim tgt be a representshyative of worknien aiid-utj-RtrimousJ[v vot-eil fgt-

expel him from trade societies -+AVlaquogti(A)V l t ixi i KIgt

The French pryss are very favorable to ihe programme of the new ministry It is4eHeved that Ferny wrH participate actively in all disshycussions regarVii-Hg any hraiich opound the gorern-nienr- Z


was aisuarp struggle at ine c a s u c neiorei s nuajjy decided to bring htfii fo rwardas a bulljis bull ThuVMVMtqJL^ rijITT-rent mee^lt)gs e-privy uiuucil in Dubliu at Vvhich the

f0 amend session 10 of chapter 172 complied laws of ls71 ns ameuded

To authorize Coruumi to issue blt-4i4jo the ^mou l t of 810000 mdash - -

lUicki ou the charge of administering strvchulne ]i - T o a r g a n t z e t h o township of SeinV In SchrMii-t o h s r ei iht-vear old step-son Amza J N W ^ ^raft lt|ounty



presented and after appointing Messrs red- in winter quarters near Alpena j W f l r r S t ^ ( Belknapand ^hlte aflif_su

M u ^ o n ^ t o j a v e ^ n e w Congrejfagnnal m i t t ee to inTffttlsatC 1 ^ c h a r g e s prefe ekurch I t will cost raquo10000 over $8000 of bull- deg bdquo T bdquo bdquo I - i wWchbave b ^ e n l ^ b ^ r i b e d | against Uie Chicago and l rand T i u n k R

Tilta arc t^TOgjaiatrlbutedTrrongJho route-c t -K ipoundpoundraquolaquoltg a 4 j e u n ^ l


Creek sure


the proposeBtreet rai lroad at Battle and the citizens feeling that4t is now thing rejoice greatly - J

Emanue l Lermart tin1 alleged murderer of lacyi)Bthlmat^dieltlon the ^ k l Inst In thji lOttfltj jai l atKeTiiypil HcUHIwnPTtrMTiP ly^Beryous fpoundgtir several houri beftu^ death anxl p^rtiarfj^deVanged due it Is s u p i ^ e d t o f e a r o t | twingmo ^A^a-oaian wl i^bad IKCU employed as a cook

at l iatefeS^mp nearSEast TawasT was unable to attend toTj t t jyork a m l w a s at once dis-e h a r g e d S h c swted^ou t to^walk to the Au iir^sraquoJtffending to takSffeostage^for Standlsh

arr ival At All J S laquo u e fc^ouroSbc r two days1 old babefrozen to death

Mr^NewfogtWofPlaTlTock who wV^i i r rested_a few days since ona charge of poisoiF kijj her step-son has been committed for trial without bal l oh a charge of murder

l rand Kftpids is making angt effort to buiUla iityliuspit a T]je prospect^ arc very vncourag^

HorsKmdashBut ver-yjittlt business was transshyacted in the House beyond the reading of some bills intrgtdultetl yesterday The l louse ad jolirned and the remainder of the ltray was dc-

votcd toTlic eeiiatorial election

^ampampvAXEVp-hr^mdashbull Mr ffrcusels joiut- resiiu

lion directin the BonnL of State Auditors to procure nlaiis and speriticatiolis for two suitshyable fountaiire at acost not to exceed 114000 was placed on1 the ca1cmlur Tho committee nn^hc Michigan institution lor educat ing the deaf anttjriClrjmU-^iiFlint reported t h a t tlirr

1 eharcesaiulcon^plaints oL()scar V Chapman bullkedbv 400citizen- of Wayne ( ^ n t y w$T i laquoraquo

lv sdstained The charges a n d r e i ^ f t - f ^ frac34 u m i K wercIgtSj^ml to be j t r in tcd A rcsolutiop was adoptodpflaquoJjUiitiitr smoking in the Senate citamber jil()tgtEmdashlint veni4tle businpss was trans

CoHwai t r l ju tchcrshave coriibiuedandraiMd the p1^e7iflhcyttlIfe^rtoTivc c c n t s ^ bull

Republic Sl^rqueltFcounfy7Tias been made a third-class postofllce with theTtight ltif_ap-pointment vested in thpound president

A Hudson farmer t h nks tba t the wheat f r ^ ) the low land will hardly-Be w(rth harvcvt-

inpgt-4nd that on the uplaqd tlie yield will be from nvo^hlrde to thrce-ltiuarters of a-crop

Oh UieevemHiftof FebruaTry 2 5 while gtlr Mitl Mrv Porter Iirugtlaquo^ atohl couph living in

Har-tjund 10 miles sotTtkjgtf Fenton were quietshyly seated in their home fTJfeft^masked men sud tieniv- burs t the dlaquoor oigteu w

7gtosTl grabbed Mr Brown gajtgeilJraquosa^mrcow ercd him with n revolver Tiiey then nwpe t j^ ately entered the bedroom and procured

Mn bills and JOOO in gold T h e y fiecrnvrf very cool and sarcastic and left t h e ^ h i coU[gtlc 1 tonwlbftTwi -anti- fanf-^ttin ir Ijt-jtt where tblty -remained two hours Mr Brigtw-n found hi-s (

team part ly harnessed butJmt-removcd^ OfiU] bull eirs arc stfeting themselves i i r the matter-lnit

are-M) far withOtttany^t1ue - _ _ _ ) r

EogJxla t lve- B e c o r d SENATamp gtYgtrgt rmdashThe ^Sceate eotiVened

promptht-Jit I I a m Pctitious were read for amission of a prohibitory amendment wijethan the u sua l mmibcr of bills were

introdTKeogtw^a]mostevery imaginable char acter Amoogtampeniwerc tbe following A lAl^ approprlatitlis l l ^ i v f o t j t h e support of insane sbkltprs-afr the Michigan asylnm to do awa with tbe fish commission t o esWbJlsb an ai

-lum for lnsane criminals for the phjtcctlonof

^c te tHt t thc House Ilftte^wTTe passetl estab-llsbing a blt)ard of park comrltt^ioners a t D c r tro1tTmrrtor-tnT-fneoiifMTTatii^ -associations lK)thrifw-bieiiareto t^kltDrtraquorti( diak effelt-t bull bull bull bull bull^SBXATii F e b ^ f - - l i u t very U U I c w o r k was dijneltvday The Senate bill ami law relativC^4o coiiipanif furnishiu workJTfor eities~gtA^pit^scd alsothe bill ineor-poratiny BanVTTTft -

HorSEmdash^ttTPtfkrroffegte4a rcgtoTutTigtn ltgtr adiournmettt until Tuesday Tbe27th which

j wasi iaWied A bill wis passed inf^nidrat iu^ laree fence -thevSUagc-wf New Blm^lo BerrV-jj-eounlv

bullnding tbe line w r

Garfetsan of Flat^Kock w b a f h e l d ^ r for e^ aminatiorHn^he sunojof $1000 with two sureshyties The eooiplajnt was made by bet step-son Klliot Newlngton Fom Whatman be learned the bov died under suspfcriojis circumstances The eurohlldll4R stated was t a k m i l l Monday juornlug tbte 12th inst and d i e d a i ^ - o ^ I i x k In the evening of that day in spasms oTTlaquojileh4gte had several previous to his deathA corbiaeTh inquest was held the vexdififc-wf the jury b e gt 4

that the ehildmdashdkni uf poison

To iiicoriKjratKKssfXville To legalize nfesessment aud tax n

wamo|u Ionia county for the year lL Toiiikorp_i)tat iLeIlov IU Osceola county To incorporat Melirlde in-Montcalin cotinly ToTvgUlaU Ujie placing of 11 1)111 apparatus

Ug mdash- Mrs ^ ewingtou has been cUarged-wlth exshytreme TtreJtv to the -ebjld-1jut when charged

-with his death she professed grat4ovc for htm aiidJndignantly denictl the charge and was the ^ -to- propose a post- mortem^-examination She laquo a s u l t e d having purehasetlpolson which she lutenoed^p give a neighbors dog4hat had beenannoing^b^r She says she told tTi^-per-siin of w^iom shep^5ehase4l It -whatuse slf wls-bedto p u t it to Sbc-furthcr says that she didnotr-know what kiiur^af^pois) slie

Chafed H^rcxaminst ion has^raquoceujet day Hie 2idinSt f

To legalje the lay in out o f a u d the t a fo r o certain ditch iu Meridian l iigham county

in tin rivers of^Iichlgan e lay in u Meridian Tngtian

To amend section 22 of- art 2S ltjf 1877 ita rc-card to aaiaryaif assistant prosecuting attorney Wavtie-eounty To author ise Clyde townsliip- in SI- Clair county to hell bonds audjmih i -an iron-bridge ovej Black river ^ bdquo

TtT-tCiinsfer certain territory from Denton pmnion-^eounty to mdashHT Helen- s ame

bull^SiQiattir iu Van Burcn

-- pur for Fri-

^ H e l i i g a i r F l n c l H i c i e n t H

ih4he IiousefttftTOfof--pi6- j t^ctiiWToTMichiganpine^Mr Hriod-gave the follewing facts -In 182- MichiganTmi turcd 38o0000CK|0 fextt of pine lumber the en tire product of the state including lath shingles^ staves ctcTwas $00000000 of the whole coun^ trv bull sect2laquoOtX)0lK)0gt value of -Michigan lumber

f a m p a oto) $ 4 ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 o f tljC

entire United States $1^0000000^ Michigan


A C i o o d S l i t M ^ I n s

The State (ommissioners o ^hcHl the House with as ta temci

averagj earnings and expenses each passenger t ransmit ted

There bullwasji^rrc1it excitement In theltlugtusof com mc- ns rcceu t ly y w lien Pa rnell dec hired (lirevs testiiiTjmy unreliable and denounced Forster forsupprVssing theStruih with regard-to affairs in Ireland^ ParnelTsaid he had beeu challenged to defend himself but had nothing

league funds had beenbullused to piiy assassin-had noyllKT fouudationtlian that money hud been paid to families ot iuiprh-oned sulaquo-pcct_s The l hu t i ix-park assanslns were pot memlraquoers of the land league uor were tli-y paid or countenanced bv It S-

AX IN bull A parcel addressed - to EaH Spucei- held

by the postal authorities was found to contain several ounces of dv-munlte with a fuse at-rach-

1 cd bull bull bull ^ ~ ~ V Tin IVTKVJ icnrlt

Autfioritics at St Petersburg have rt-ceiv^ mdash letters containing threatsTo blow up the Krem- Uii-at Moscow yherc tlicczar-ilaquoi t gt be crowned A close watch Is being kept iui1 thif3ublic are

enter the building bullbull - bull WKECKKD 4T S E i ~

A dispatch received a t ^ew Yorkmdashon Salui February 24i Suys tlictUaiuer^iraTriOT


IEHNAiMAenfixi essed - fo Karl Si

of Michigan for live years past Number of

passenger Earnings- Kxpe e a r r i c d pe r mile ]gtcr

otKimilr 0ngt

4 1 4 ^ 2 frac34 1

447-20-2 5laquo519S2S24 103330

d n b a p p ^

mills employ 21000-Then at an average of $2 per day makinga dailypar 7tgtU of--g43000rMiChi-

4 ^

bull-y r~^

ger or accident from fallroad frogs waH passed authorisingtfce township o in St Clafr county tOConstruct a b n blaltk fiver- __ _ ^

bull TfocsE^-J^ jcr fec t avaianeh raquo 1rrte the H o i a e fc^ttay msny^camp

(duplicates of biui presented before Aaio ^ e m t h P followingjarfe the most irapoi

r^ ru la te the b^slnjesAof^airn- brogfirs regnlailaquocthc handling anjjr fr^nsportt t t^m of


ijHl number ofpeh-i ions wi re presemHul for a^jnihlbltJjrTTrmendmrnt^-also |gteTt5inns for an amentlmenf to thfi-eUartvroi- Corunna and or tbfMowcxJng-rtf (ioguae-fake

g a n lurnber canape employ 35000 men at an avershyage salarv of $1-75 per day making a total daily pay io lL of over $100000 amount paid for labor in the Michigan lumber industry last year $T^rgtO000O In the Ijnited States oyer $Mgt0(X)-

number of men emylwed in the mills of e- eTrtiw United States 901000 in lumber

campe lo5^e0Gi oj-er 30otK)0u0 was paid to agrteUjturiar^Lhist year for fcxxl for these bull rnerv^smd thegt^ninia8laquo- employed in this indus t ry ^xMlcbigam^v^i rmesota ami WisconMu prodtK-e^NyVer 7 500^1000 feet of lumber last yeaf the n^c t^wes t^0o^)00 p00 shingles i-wo counties ol wyjinaw river

f^bjeed lM0(X)00t) pieces of ISHv There is 7000^000000 feet of standing pingt44rnber in Mlehlgan^ lower ^peninsula- in gtuWton VV iseoi^iif^flrrMliitieSot-a Vtr

s e ni l t o r n l E t c v

MOXDM Fetys^i Senator and no eh tjon atijnuTiierl^ Tht Burrows M haccy-i

tngtoutlicrn- states 230000000000 Canadbu^provinces-bxit 75000000000 Las t vear the trirHQjtattoTT o f lumber were JWOOOOr-()00 feet piivt|r^1OfK)00u^4nty ThetiirlrT conmiislaquoicgtn fCtwrtM^n favor of-ietainlng_tiii t itriff oiPTmnrk-fr ^tTtmpsge1

being made t l stood

025 -0252 0245

0217-0212 02 X LTJ00 02 OS

042 O-Oi

^ ^ ~ AT TOLBDO FfmntiAiiY iS^Thjr uunge r t ha t t-tir^ft

Tolech) has-beenhapiiily-^verted though loss is IndcedY^v lieavy T h e laigiKl purllub of theloqa is on ran4oadbridgctr-gtvn4(iocks I t will cost $80000 to repftkthu brldgesgt-^500J to nut the tn iddle g-rmmdifr-as JAHH liape-~-tts b(T_arpound_thc flood and about SlOOrOtX) to repair t h e docks TheTosses-of mercbana^Hc fuclud lug-logs a n d lumber ttTe~nrhtttvviy =mgtU^ and will not exceedit is thought $15-000 Tgt-e^ pense of moyinggoods to places of safety -Is the next most serious Itemaiid will aggregate $4000 01- $5000

bull AT ltIXCINXATI the worst is over and business men a rea l l busy tryhii to br ing order out of chTOs Railroads are running ou KcTieXlutt time and freight- 1raquo being tpndlcd slowjy^ -


evervrtrt^gls belng~donft for tbt^-^fff-rers- tbiit poundau )c dom^fe^j^ejicf comes in 1romaHquarters anil^Is blting iviSj^p^tl^prrrFCj

out-goJrig~pl tion wjis the sceir tragedy iasTnight A-yuung man1 nanieir~Cav-ahaugii who was but rceentty-uiarried boarded the train a t Braddocks to meetEts-yiinng wife rHiirn-inglrom a visit in tUscity^iiuljffitiiughei chatting with another young man Cftvanattg^i ifmjlt-of-jealousy d r e w a revolver to shoot ampgtgt

^=t4reliot t l i P y ^ b c n fired

su ejected

KfH^eu nred a TTtthiTdepaTtin

The conductor j i n d JLraquojakemaii Id-be sholt)ter frothtbe car wbej

sntx^jit rartfltmv t l n w n ^ t b ^ W str iking uud-k+

med KcmSck g car tlrraquoltbal

i n g a n lobffenstvf Germim -bull- J rnANlt-if^jfrs AOA ink gtlames~~ainiearetr-hicoujl

M a o^rMjie 20tn inst and was of-c^ign three ininetjmnts one fortlu triuruer c Millan iuTTilt^^-iustoii train lubbl i3 the beciuuj as accessory toXhe-muTder of Conductor West-fnllfapi^thlrdiiicaiutgtlcjrbf Caalder Sliec-lsin

Wheal Finur



-Hanchel utchroii i

e eonvei its follows Marble 2

V- Ferrv WXthey

k I 1 I t l I T

is ( Buckwheat Corp^r^ mdash Oats

over Seedmdashbull y b u


-4 1 os

W Newton S3 WUHts 0 (gtlaquo 1 McMillan 2 Sukbj-idge 1 T U E S D A ^ Feb 20mdashTin tirst ballot for ed StateKscuator to-ltlarv r e s a l ^ d as follows t a c c y ^ j G t o ^ - - W e b b e r 2^frac34frac34^ 0 l^os-by C r wt5n - i7 P a l m e f e U YVitfjey 1 bullbull WiT

-- J ^ ^ - - laquo Burrows t 12 Stockliridge rel

UtsirgtFeT 18ltJohh Mo( rT _ w S e c o n d mdash A k c o n d ballot was -nr^lered after

Cthe usuial-attebpts t(rfraVe- an a 4 W n n raquo e n t had been voted dowh ResultbulliaceVlTrWlaquo bcr 2 liurrows 0 ^ H a n n a h 6 Crdsby

bullSchuyler itucn 1

|iger 1 ^gtbamp Moore 1 Ad-

a t t b fU lowed Tw^gtlaquoifcflwere taken

poundtH^-rftgr Wliblii-i1tim1laquo$of vo lt Jo choice J 3 - N e ^ v S o V i l Palmer 3 1 pm^U^Fetryj 10 ^ frac34 ^ W euro r b s

Hantj65 L a e e y ^ ^ n B f f i A M d 8

- ^ bull r-TshcYr 1 Loth rop bull bull - - - bull 7--

Drk ^ bbl

()nc b a j l ^ w a s t a k n e f ^ w o r l t i ^ ^ ^ ^

figt$175^ Most of the^elaquof^fllnmg^prheTands Mjciifgan werelicretjbfore g r a n l e u t ^ t h c can id and railroad cornpames by ~tha government Annual taxes--in ^ l i ch i^an arc $100 7er section iu-_Cariftdiv not^jone-foUrth that Wages in Mlchlgan^fljills are 80 per cent

icr than hi Canadian^ mlllSvand Cana-flock over In Mfcblgan it costs

take a thousand feeV-^if lumber +4n the t T ^ a n t l pU8lt saweltl on t h e ^ d o c k

in Canada^-s^ti Horsesmdashffecd --p-o visions machinefryvjianiess camp lmp]^c i f t^ l Potatixs ^Lbu

In C^rfadC [ I t t ibcyT -

Xfto l (u) ^ - 5 ^ -

the (tallatiicgtaik r o b b c r V ^ i l o pleaded nol guilty arid ltifter a long arguThtnt trial Tra bulltiiced for the thir(VMonday nt7TiiriiVbCrraquo^atthr next terin of thee i r imi t court and thepr isouer Was remainded to jail A large rrowd was cut nn7T~rlie pri-ouer maintainedbull jhjs usual

^steady demeanor The gcfteral belief i s that ihegts ta te will prwluee witnesses to te^^fy lraquo Jumes^^pTeseiKc iu the vkinl ty-at the time of the murderssqi i l tlic present Charles Ford ami

Tlx-rs ot tiiegatigIb4iriiie mrtlcipation l b crimes charged


etcArlt higher inM One flrrrt-aUjnc shipped i26^PjO bttthels of oats 50 bushels o f i w j i and 2500gthlaquoi3cif hu$ Intci tbe Michigan lumber woods lastv^isar- -Tfie

BeansY-pJckeilo iieaiL^ unpieketl Hay - Sgt-^-

p4gtjgtK4-ftraquo-gAM bull bull- ^ y^t^m ilaquo 1111 j g Icomottvelaquocompellutnborliigtbsave tliebvltn-1 ForTi^eAsftd1^ H U ^ ed and Mlled-tunbeSr^4iiraquob--Mie wbofH)eetUbull( strovs in the sunimerrirfjes^rmt-tn t-ke-w4tcr ESOAY Feb 2J-mdashT-iu cflQvcntion m_ mdash

hour and the same routTna fnl-J-Mr Horr exliibraquolaquol a pieceof ntnifle ixirfoffttetU Beefgt bull tlic flrsfstan^boatd Th6 ^eeent b ^ h pHelti of JnwbCJ JWooltlr

- j^se^c^a savingof 2001 fnthat cuts a t the toprpT

was cheap we

iT-por ceuL-of lirabeiyl Wopil hJ-IL^-Lfc^iti-- M ) i gtpbdquolaquo iclSfelrajnTt smaller

Mrfrta ^ o n M riien^fumbcr

$ l A t o

C^hickens CVS

Pork rries w - family- ^


tr arness and MapgtcT

) ilaquoS^ v

IS 50 (ltbW 00


s bullx J^ZA^~ A -


bull raquo bull bull

-L bull lt raquo gt r

gt bull


bullVx bull3- bullvgtlaquopound

0 ^ ^ ^ = Sgtm^

Coa i ^h r t t t f t ^^

tlr(k o^Uo jyTvuniiV

yj lire un i gtlt^hi t i t lof lt3

fffivo spoken the Iftslmdasha steai supposed to In ease wasexplained trrfcijc another note he asketk -t(Jh


i n

of rt biisi-w a s

o airJ i s

a crijl was^taade upfwi kleacon wilowas

honest Thlaquo ami irraquovvas asked- to Syprgt09ltHref use

laquowlts for vuiy $lt10 in

Titrnr v^tnc3




s v bull -^ ^J-



bull T - ry~


^ bull bull

bull gt bull


HTampamp - A baby form of Ktentkwt grtce

To-n ight 1 h A F u g i j P tiff Jtpec _ _ _ A laquo w Itl ulifTltCfivbiby face

Twatfttiecl I t ra l r t t t ln faot g i ec -

Th traquobj ejnuulaquore t l u e apd bright T b e baby face wa^pawjUi^Talr

And o n chc baby brow so whi te Were t iny r ings of c luuterlng hair Y

B u t while I watched its merry play-- 8 0 lanucent and s w e e t to e e - ^ j j j i j e f t t y r y of a d i s tant cUty

bull bull(^auie w i th it sadae i oyer me

mdash H e w a l k e d s t e a d i l y lt w i t h i n s t i n c t i v e c a u t i o n a n d a s Tie a d shyv a n c e d h e s a w t h e l i g h t l a r g e r arid m o r e d a i B t m O T h ^ i t Q a q c i r o n y a w i n n o w W f r o urideTT a n c T r n d ^ e n b y j i u a v y m I U M U ^ o f e r o c p o t S H e e o u i d n t a k e - o t r t ^ - t h a t

-alii k w e d h i s b l e e d i n g f a e p a g a i n again


bull SffEiAiftftJrftMt jlaquo8BU w


A form befojre my gaze would r i s e -T h a t I had loved llaquong years ago

For I Lad lored a fair y o u n g girl i W h o s e eyeraquo )iky t h m - w t r e blue and bright

A u d tm whose brow the c lus ter ing curl mdashllfcopyHraquopted4ikltj4itter-traquoy 4ltMF t w i i g h i Thlaquo tidiitf b lue i-yug the Santa brown hair

T h e uaine h igh birow of qobl t tmieu N o w g r a m l the baby Bmjftjug there

Which i n i a y j l u v e d o u j J j | y B e e n

1 ponderi(J-oii tjhj h^bys-fampIWi 1 T h e dear-express ion that it wore

T h e s a w e t h a t ^ u r k t d in statel ier gror I t s motfier in the days of yore

T h e b a b j played ujraquoou ncy-kuyemdash ^ ita i i iother looked aud jweet ly lan l l ed

She m u s t have known i t seeme to me Wliy 1 so fltgtiiillykltraquogfd her ch i ld

V J - - ^ - mdash A STRANGE KampSCUfc -v

t h i s p a r t o f t h e rj j in e i t h e r h a d h i o t fa l l -^ jieepWr vfiorda e n iitltKtln d e c a y o f t h e r e s t p r h a d on f i i j^lt - ihe b e e n l a t e l y b u t t r e s s e d a n d i m p r O v e d V - -

H e s t o l e u p t o thtt w i n d o w a n d l o o k shye d in o n a gt s i g h t t h a t a l m o s t - jiffido tris h laquo a r t s t a n d s t i l l - a g a i n

- T h e s u n w a s s i n k i n g b e h i n d a m a s s o f b a t t l e m e n t e d c l o u d s a s j S p h W a r r e n bull t o i l e d u p t h e s t e e p h i l l o n t h e s u m m i t

of w h i c h s i o i w l t l i e - r u i n o i J 4 b e - o l d m a n 1

t h r o w n l i s t l e s s l y b a c k M a s h i s be t ro t b e d mdash N e l l y t o t h e r i n g - a y h e r s e l f y i u t h e flesh b u t s a d l y f a i l e d a n d l o o k i n g a l -r h o s t l i k e a c o r p s e O p p o s i t e t o h e r s t o o d a c o a r s e - f e a t u r e d l a r g e w o m a n f a o e a n d w i t h a s t r o n g b o d y o f c o i r e g a r d i n g h e r w i t h a s t pound r n g i a h c j m i d d l e - a g e d n i a n e l e g a n t l y d s t o o d b e s i d e t h i s w o m a n c o u l d s e e h i s f a c e a u d _ b u u h i t h e f e a t u r e s a s l i g h t r e s e n j b U a e e F o t h e r i n g a y b u t t h e c x p r t t n t o o n e o f c r u e l t y a n d c t i n n i n g raquo

- T h e r o o m w a s e l e g a n t fv a n d t h r o u g h a n o p e n - d o o r r o o m c o u l d b e s e e n s i n a i l i a r l y f u r n i s h shye d T h e d o o r s w e r e s e c u r e d w i t h h e a v y ( C h a i n s a n d l o c k s a n d Tiie w M o f l w e r e lulaquot(iytw(Mw thitrlr ihuttflffi iftfeafaAi

- j ^ H B L O R D f S P R A Y B R l

j vThe f b l i o w i n g c o m p o i pound i w w a s f o u n d

- f t l d e o l s ireaayU o v e r ^ f i laquo r m gt ^ w a s p ^ m t e d o n v e r y h laquo a v gt s a t i n 1 laquo H I

Ai^PrjltiamprtohM r a p t u r e w a a t o o L - mdash bullbull J - r

T l j e s t a r s b u r n e d d o w n e w i n d

y o u i j o v e y o u 1 j t h e t r e e s a s t l e y p a y | For thou Jtfi^ the g r e t t CJorimdash 4whw -art in


woman1 whom hpound had mlaquoiixrnlaquolaquoJ-j-tta- Uraquofcrf jiWraquoti thwrLrlirv ihaiii)wwLUj thy uma S u c h s i i j j t h i s i s a j s a i r fitfht ftff j1 n e m W j r e decays divide uaTrmtV I B U U s a i d t h e l a n d l a d v w h e n t h e lt Toy-glraquomgti is gra^t- but let mdash r ttLi a u l d c e n s a i d t h e l a n d l a d y w h e n t h e y

r e a c h e d t h e v i l l a g e T i n i i Pulr y o t t f l g hMldy bull

W a r r e n r e m o v e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s

Thou tO( lhe m e r i y brat our iwh doth Tp do mix duty wurotbeumdash our Katber

s e laquo m e d t o s i n g l i o Y e [ T o whom ah jraquotse all hoiiltlaquo-houid raquogtbullbull g l v c a ue t r c t i S a s t l i e y p a s p

t h e m m u r m u r e d n i a a i o a l l y

t o r e t r a c e b i s s t e p s i f fie w a n t e d t o H e s a d h e v w a n t e d - t h e w h o l e b U i u e a g l a u d w e c o u l d g o a h e a d w i t h ^ t h e m laquo laquo a | t laquo 5 e laquo T n e p I sa$h t o $amp ITAl If l i e b a d d e e f d e t f t o g o a h c a o V z n d n o t b l a m e u s f o r t h e c o n - i e t p j e n c e s ^ J t o ^ r ^ p e j ^ l i i f ^ m e j j ^

^ ^ 1

1 c o u ^ e q u e n

Tp d o gt u r duty uilw t l i r - u u r F a t h e r ^ ^Mdegl^Q W ^ B r i l pound deg r t r ttlaquo I9Jf ~ bull j b u m p e r a n d l e t i u m b u m p ^ a f e f -

p e a t e d t h e w o r d s a n d m y c h u m s p r i n k l e t l t h e kyar^ p e p p e r o n t h e g o a t $ mustache and be sneezed ~~o cpound ahbT

i ^ r

^ frac34 frac34 frac34 bullSS^I^S-Wv-^ - - - gt i bull bull

bull U W e r i r e t u r n e t T i b t h e r u i n o f ~ ~ M y c k -bull l i e o o w e ( i r a n g e

T h o y i ^ a l t t e i U ^ 6 d j U ^ t o c s r w r u n o t e - B t T l B o r j B i p l b W ^ ^ i M ^ f t e r rrmfimHii- hegtwraquoraquo laquo1raquo iwwpiracy pleats

T o t o a k e n i e formdashour treupjaijse61v laquoath h e r u n c l e ^ A n u tor aruiuot i 9ljrtt$^fTJt$ampref~

Tliat thou M tit pardon uraquoraquomdash ian AefuFgxft^

gt i o n i i h e re t l ecMou o f t h e b r a z e n c l o u d s l i t

u p t h e - s i i i g l e i i v y - g r o w n t o w t T t h e c r u m b-i i h g w a l l s a n d t h e r o o f l e s s c h a m b e r s o f

t h e r u i n ~ laoiL h e l d hti)iitly tha t M u p k l t i a o w o -C j r a u g c w a s h a u n t e d a m i h a r d y w a s t h e w i g h t whlt5 v e n t u r e d a l t e r n i g h t -fall i i p l h e s t e e p a n d s t p n y p a t h t h a t l e d t o i t bull

- bull L i g h t s luut b e e n s e e n g h m c i n g j c o m i t -b y s e v e r a l b e l a t e d p e t s a b t s HviiO i i a d w n n d e i e d i n t o i t s p r e c i n c t s a n d - m o r e t h a n o n e h a d y a u c h e d t h a t t h e y iwtd h e a r d s c r e a m s u s o f s o m e o n e p o s s e s s e d

lmiftg_ frp mitsrecesscs a n d t h e t h rif ty_ S c o t c l i n e i g h b o r s w h i s p e r c t H o e a c h o t i i -ir w i l l i h a l e d - b i G a t h mdash mdash ^ _ _ _

X h e p l a c e U n o c a n n y N a e m o r t a l h a n d l i t a s j a t t h e t j i g g i n g o t and n a e m o r t a l c e s a i d s e e i t s d o w n f a l l ^ -bull

5iiI K p I t i S V a r r c n w a s a h a r d y A m e r i -i-an bull t n v v e l e r ^ w h o w ts ^ti-ivrug hV d i n t

h e a l t f t r a n d - t o a p r o p e r a s y l u m f o r h e r l i o n i z e d b - s o c i e t y a n d f h o i i g h s k e w a s 7 7 S - ^ nnmdashbull mdash bull - j mdash | bull 6--T -V mdashT - - M - ~ bull- r- -zmdash^-- ^ -------~-~

laquo d s e e i n g imiiiy l a n d s a n d w a t c h i n g m a n y w o h d e r s t o c f t i s h a m e l a n c h o l y t l i a t h a d

w h i c h W a r r e n f l o w s t o o d fr i td e v i d e n t shyl y n o t b e e n y e t f s i s t e n e d - i

I n the - t u m u l t o f h i s s u r p r j s a ^ i d j o y h e h a d g r e a t d i f f i c u l t y i n - r e p r e s s i n g a cfyr4gtylt h e r e s t r a t t t laquo d - h i m j raquo a i f f o r t h e m a n bjDgan t o s p e a k

N i e c e h e s a i d i n a h a r s h v o i c e t h i s p l a e o i s baugtmin)r s u s p e c t e d a n d V Q U m u s t b e i v m o v e d t o t h u Q o n t i n e n t i l w i l l p l a c e y o u i n a r t a s y t u r n h r l t a l v f ^ ^ bull Y o u k n o w I a m j i o t m a d u n c l e a l r

thbu gh] y o u h a v e d o n e e v e r y t h i n g i n y o b r j j o w e r t o m a k e r m e s o I w i l l n o t go t o I t a l y w i t h y ^ 1

T h e m a n l i i i i g h e d N o t m a d 5 O f c o u r s e y o u a r e n o t

B y t h e u a n d s o m e

h e i r t o a n e n o r m o u s l h r a n k f r o m c o m m i t ^

rtBrdr i lt^gt

id M r s S a u n d laquo T raquo a f o i t a p U e u t e d

1mdashBJB8M1BJMPBmdash^PB^MTT J J 1

^ l o o k e d BWSY a n d - then h e s e e s t h e

letmdashgt-ihy kiiiilcmt^

prompttfcKs to obey be rven

Tkeu for our titul 0 LIJTUWC alro pray Tuat tkou wouldat be oleaijed ugtmdashgiveus th ia

The ftxxi of life wTienwith our ftoub are fed auttieietit raimept andmdashour daily brlaquoad

With every needfultftugiflo thou rflii-ve ulaquo And ol thjL^ierey pttymdashraquoud forgive us A l i o u r mitgtdelaquodo fur H i m w h o m thou dldsj

jesj u smdashinto t^mptu-

LuMttuat love teach wlnTewith ^thoudustat-- bullqualufr-jUP bullgt J

Topasauuidmdashthose who trcbpAst again gtt us

Atrtftfrougli boiaetiuief thou lind it w-igt-have forgot v bullbull bull

Thia love lor thr-e yet helpmdash^^ud lead lt not v

t h e river a f t e r b e t o g j a d ^ r a e d w i t h s o m e pf t h e y o u n g l a d y s j e w e l r y T h e le- t tex c o n f e s s i n g s t i c i d e w a s a f o r g e r y

_ Kc m a s t e r o f a s a i l i n g __vesse l h a d b e e n b r i b e d t o b r i n g thamp y p i i n g l a d y - -w h o w a s r e p r e s e n t e d tltjk be i n s a n e mdash t o E u r o p e p~lt bull

S h e h a d b e e n c o n f i n e d i n a p a r t o f t h e rtpfrs- o f t h e a U t - r a a n s i b n w h i c h h a d b e e n f i t t e d u p t o r h e r r e c e p t i o n a n d frenr-the c r u e l t y o f M r s S a u n d e r s w a s

at earths gain driv t iou r _

Let not the ^oul of any true U-l ievtr Fail iu thefii i i i- of tr ialmdashBut del iver Yea tgtave t tn in frurn the mal ice of the deviL Ami XxWi in l ift- anddeath- kcopmdash -u^ frtgtinv

ivU mdash- - i _ _ T h u s we jirayvtLcrti for that o f fhev^-tiom

- Whom i J T-h-ijj-way ogt haif-fiJr Thine is the ki This WJicldls ofnhy wijrk its woydr ToThee b^lbiigjmdashthe pow^r a ik lUhe Aud all thy wupflrou v-orks Lav eme

m a d B u t w h o w i l l b e l i e v e y o u W h o w i l l d a r e t o i n t e r f e r e b e t w e e n a n u n c l e a n d h i s c r a z y n i e c e w h o m - h e i s t a k i n g t o a~sof t c l i m a t e f o r t h e btff ie i i t o f h e r

j e m p l o y e d i n t l f e v a i n a t t e m p t t o - d e s t r o y her r e a s o n o r b r e a k h e r - hwar t B i i t t h t - - m e m 7 gt r y w^her l o v e r h a d u p B e l d h e r

T h e k n o w l e d g e of h e r s t r a n g e s t o r y s o o n s p r e a d a n d w h e n - s h e b e c a m e M r s W a r r e n t h e y o u n g c o u p l e -w^fif

l o r i g u n c l e

raquon -thehejirtiest ofgood h e a l t h M r s W a r r e n bullbdquo w a s g e n e r a l l y - c a l l e d T h e t i h o s t o f ~ M u c k l e h o v e lt i r a u g e

O l d H l o ^ o r ^ - e ^ V i f e T

h a d m e t X e l l i e a s p l i g h t e d l i e -

a m e m g


s e i z o d v n p o n h i s l i f e - r t f i e y e i r b i ck h e

F o t h e r i n g a y - T r o t h v - t w c w T t h e m a i i d E t i h w - a s - a n u m g t h e

h a p p i e s t i n t h e l a m l w h e n o a m e t h e 4 e raquo -r i b l e i o i i l l i g e n c e t h a t h a d b^igiited lrs lif7^-~ bull ^

Miss F o t b e r h - i g a y w e a l t h y h i g h l y a e - c c m p l i s h | gt d nud b e a u t i f u l c o m m i t t e d s n i e i dt-- ] I t e r bfxJy^vj^a f o u n d floating-

-ifttraquoheKast R i v e r -ltgt d l s t i g u r c d b y d e c a y

g r e a t e r m e n t a r i m p r o v e n i e n t

yen o u w i l l n a t b e t r o t d j I c 4 - w i t l t = i i i e L e t m c cjie h e r e i n p e a c e

a n d y o u r t i t l e t o t h e p r o p e r t y w i l l b e s e c u r e B u t i f y o u h o p e - t o j v r n c r e y ~ f o ~ r t h e c r i m e y o n a r e c o m m i t t i n g h a v e

m e r c y o n me m d l e t m y l o v e r w h o w a s W h e n ( l e n e g a l - J a c k s o n w a a c a n u i -g o o d and t r u e t o m e k n o w tb at I h a v e j da | e f o r t h e p r e s i d e n c y i n 1 8 2 S ^ j i o t (jfi-h o t d i e d t h e h o r r i b l e d e a t h of~Tr-suicufe M I l y d i d t h e p a r t y o p p o s e c r - t o k i m abuse bull U r i i p h ] s h o u l d h a v e s o m e p u l l i n g b u j y f o r h i s p u b l i c i i c t s ^ w h i c h if unc6n-

t h i s l o v e r s t l t t t t i o n a l o r v i o l e n t w e x e a l e g i t i m a i ^ bull s u b j e c t f o r r e p r o b a t i o n b u t t i ey d e f a m shye d t h e c h a r a c t e r o f Ann w i f e - U n o n e

t B u t will Feiiiiunforevej andmdashiortver iTtitifui poor ereaturlt5-uiUKt o n f e n ^ altaia ^ A n d thii wigtif]jKtty rh^TifriY--- y t y

G t a f i d B u m p e r Degree

^ a y ai y o u - M a s o n o r l o w o r bull a n y t h i n g a s k e d 4hlt of thv irtrciuy man

W h y y e s o f c o u r s e Irrnft1 bull bull W e i l do the g o a t s biiiat w h e n

n i s h i i i t e a f r e s h ( - a n d h i a t ^ ^^- N o o f e t i u r s e not T h e g o a t s

-e i ieap o n e s th i h t i y e n o l i f e raquo 4 - w t t -

muXzIe-t heT~fai(l ph tgtp i l ov s o v e r t h e i r _

s a v s l t l r

l a g e r b e e r g o a t c a r i n g u p a n d h e s t a r t -

b l a t t e d ^ ttst iifce a c o w c a t c h e r a n d

a i s d e a l f a t b u t h e k n e w h e

The vlaquo ry laquofiiiemdash in earlliJta j i b in heaven 1 laquo n i t u q d g r u n t e d a n d s a i d H e U 1 tire__Whatyou b o y s i f o i n g a n d t h e a t h e g o a t g a v e h i m a n o t h e r d e g r e e a n d p a p u l l e d o f f t h e t o w i - ] A n d g o t u p a n d s t a r t e d f o r t h e s t a i r s a n d s o d i d t h e g o a t afad i n a w a s a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e laquo t a | r s j i s t e n j n g d n d - w h e h I l o o k e d o v e r i h e - b i n T s t e ^ - p a a n d m a w a s y e t t i n g lt m u t d e r a p u T m a w a s s c r e a m i n g fire

J ^ W M - l r t a t l t n g ^ a n d s n e e z t i ^ a n ^ b n r i t i p g a n d t h e h i r e d g i r l c a m e i n t o t h e h j i i l a n d t h e g o a t t o o k a f t e r h e r a n d s h e c r o s s e d h e r s e l f j u s t a^ t h e g o a t s t r u c k be i j a n d s a i d H o w l y m o t h e r p r o t e c t raler^ a n d w e n t d o w n s t a i r s t h e i m y i l h i i hfira MTUIO j t gt ^ n i h i l gt V r ^ ^ - h o t h

l i a n d s o n h e r s t J L a n d t h e goafr r a r e d u p ajnd b j a t t e d ^ a n d ^ p a a n d


- 4 1

a n o d f e i -

v o u

a r e

Kit caii i - ] i i ir i rSriTbody

mqn jis Iie-~w-inked a ( W i e r n o c f f c H o v

g r o c e r y Wtio w a s j t e a j e i l on

iijgar b a r r e l I B h i w h y d o Von


h) [king a s k

T O w e n t b i t o t l re ir r b b m a n d s h i i t t h e d g o r j amp m U f h e n m y c h u n a n d m e o p e n shye d t h e f r o n t d o o r a n d d r o v e t h e g o a f ^ o u t T h e m i n i s t e r w h o c o m e s t o s e e m a e v e r y thrlaquoe~4inj es a w e e k i w a s j u s t ^ ringing t h e b e l l a n d t h e g o a t t h o u g h t

bullhe w a n t e d J o b e n i s h j a t e d t o o K n d g a v e h i m o n e f o r l u c k a n d t h e n w e n t d o w n t h e s u l e w a l k b l a t t i n g a n d s n e e z i n g a n d t h e m i n i s t e r c a m o i n t o - the p a r l o r a n d l ^ i i 1 ^ - s t a b b e d a n d t h e n p a c a m e o u t o f r h l s r o o b i gt v i t h - h i s s u s p e n d e r s h r i D g m g d o w f c a n d h e d i d n t k n o w t h e m i n i s t e r W A S i h e i t a n d -he- s a i d c u s s w o r d s a n d if ia c u e d a n d t o l d p a h e w o u l d g o t o h e l l s u r e a r i d - p a s a i d h e d i d n t c a r e h e w o n h j 1 I Q t h a t k u s s i d g o a t - a f o r e h w e n t hud I t o l d p a t h e

i n i n k t e i v r a s i n t h e p a r l o r a n d h e a i i d m a v e n t d o w n a n d s a i d t h e w e a t h e r w a s p r o p i t e o u s f o r a r e v i v a l a n d i t r e c m e d t i s t h o u g j h a n o u t p o u r t n g o f t h e r

^ p i r i t w a s a b o u t t o b e v o u c h s a f e d t o tiis p e o p T e _ a h d n o r i e o f t h e m s o t d o w n bt f t m a eaHsc- t h e g o a t d i d n t Mri h e r a r i d


A ~t-



w h u y - f a o e d b o t a s I p r e s u m e o f y o u r s i s d o g g i n g m e - e v e r y w h e r e a n d w h i n i n g o u t t o l u i o w A v h d t h a s b e c o m e o f h i s d a r l i n g N o mdash y o t i i m u s t e o u u f w i t i i 7ire t o I t a l y y o u n g m d v - y o u a r c o n e o f t-hose ltpt ie t^petgtplb w h o d o n o t d i e e a s i l y 1 c o n f e s s t h e ijflorts o f o i i r g o o c t M r s S a u n d e r s h e r e ajnd m y o w n T th6Ugh^t w t H i l d havH w p r t - i e d ynn i n f o

v d d l e gt h e y w e r e t a l k i n g r e l i g i o n w i t h m y s t e r i o u s t h e i r m b u t h s a n d k t i s s i n ^ h e g o a t in-^

- w a r d l y m y f h u n r ^ n l ^ i i e a d j o i r r n e e l t h e b n u t h i n o n l y I w i s h m e a n d m y | l o lt l g e f ind I y K e i t o n f L - s t a v e lt T w i f l i h i m

a u d i f l r e ravnges -Trf tte tleiiizensTyf^ the- vV-ateis t l i a t i t was o n l y i d c u t i i i e t L - b y l bull iouio frHnilyjewelrv j nd t a d e f t e r e n -ca-vd^4ft-a sial-skiir p o j i e i i f o r p r o s o r v u -

l deedare iJ th^vj-itfrjvs 1

l i o n w l i t i o n o f c i id i i i g^a

i n t e n -

h a t e f u l t o h e r bull So_l^ph w a s o n

j2Q f t s ar i l

-rheFirn ^ mdashZZ

An k e toi+eT n e s a w

i iqni^r oi t h

h i s t - r m - t 7 h r r e a f f v i n g s t o u t

y o u r ^ g r a y j e b u t y o u _ h a n g o n l i k e a oar T h e I c e r t i t i e a t e o f t h e d o c t o r s - - a t n r i t

c c gt s t - n i e i o lt x j i i u a h - 4 i i o n e y n o t t o p i i t i t to u s e mdashi jgt ia i le o u t i n y o u r a s s u m e d n a m e E v e r y b o d y b e l i e v e s y o u d e a d D o n o t

I r y t o l i g h t m e _ L

^ - ^ r i t t f i g h t y ^ u 4 o thr i^ond v o n v i l

o c c a s i o n a n e w s p a p e r p u b i i s h c d a t Nasb y i l l e _u-as p l a c e d u p o n t h e (^ener- l ^ deg 4 - t v M a s o n s aTnd O d d a l V i t a b l e H e g l a n c e d - o v v r i t a n d his-rund s a i d w e o u g h t t o t r y a n d e y e s f e l l U p o n i r i r a r t i c l e in w h i c h t h e I - w gt J s o w e c o i i l d j i u e t h ( l o d g e s c h a r a c t e r of Mrs J a c k s o n was y i o - i w e g t b i g a m i 1 a s k e d p a if it

l e n l l y - a s s a i l e d --StryotrnasIie l i a d re n l j d o a n y h u r t f o r u s t o h a v e a p l a y

it l i e s e n l f o r i l i ^ t r u s l i v o l d s e r v a n J u n - T ^ 1 m v n w m m i d p u r t e n d t o - n

uwi t i i i j v n i ^ x laquo J J I iuv i u o u gt ioltiie a n a i w e n t a m i s stayeltt w i t n h i m id m u z z l e d o u r g u a M v i t h a pil^--rtll x i i g h t a n d I haLut b jm h o m e s i n c e w o u l d d i a v e e n j o y e d h i s b e e o m - B n t T d o T r f b e l i e v e pa w i l l l i c k m e

bullmbcr of o u r l o d g e fritTer T o n c a u s e h e saj1 h e w-nuld c o t - h o l d u s re-

c h u m ~ l K t d m u z z l e d o u r o ^ a t h w J P a

i n g a m c s e e p a h a d b e e n tellift u s h o w m u c h 1 s p t f n s i b T t i o V t h e c o n s e m i e n e e s H e o r -

F e l l c r s t l itrrfTtejrrit t t r n - g d a t h i n i s e l i a n d w c l i l h j d t h e

g r o w u p Qjt^er d o n t j n u s p e W e l l I g u e s s 1 w h e n w i l l - w i j i g o a n d i n e a k i n t h e b a c k waraquo


- S a d d l e - m y ^ h o r s e s a i d l i e t o h i m

i n a w h i s p e r ^ 3 frac34 t T 7 p i t m v

l i i r a bull ] Mis J a t 4 i s o n w a t c h e d h i m a n d

o n

r n n i y r o o m K m l - pH--ww4-- ft- WH4+ampFn~pound l i e s a i d it w lt m d i m p r o v e a n d l e a r i l T s T o iVe m e n S o mdash m y

o u r m i m c l m m

laquo n d w o u l d f ind oi^ f r o m t h e h i r e d gi^d h o w t h e J ^ l g i l j j j i i i d l a y s S h e w o n t ggtgt b a c k VYf gt r h e -h i a t e i cans t h e g o a t w a s n o t jua^ led f o r h i r e d

S h e j u s t I m p p e n C c T T S - g e T g r r t

t ip t h e r o a d h e f a n c i e d m o v i n g in s o m e d i s t a n t

r u i n s H e s t o p p e d Q O U -

evDnhjd by-tlfcti raquot tin ted a n d g m i r l e u t r u n k

a l i g h t

of a ltiyctHubrt t r e e

^ - A U J - sigtmgt--Wille^

l a i n O h t r i i a t s n c h a w r e t c h s h o f r i d b e m y f a t h e r s brother

Y o u - m u s t b e r e a d y in a n h o u r m y g o o d y - b u n g l a d y M - -

I w i l l d o n o t h i n g s a i d t h e v ict im i i r m l y

_ _ T h e u n c l e m i r d e a i t i m p e r c e p t i b l e m o t i o n w i t h h i s h e a d t o w a r d M r s

m i s c h i e f i n d i i s py e s

o u t a f t e r a f e w m o T r i e n t s t o o k u p t h e p f tper a n d e v e r y t h i n g S i n r a n o 1t olTp--Huuti

l ie e k n i d s w i n n i n g o n a-^bror

i I J U v - ^ ^ _ 1 u s l t fd t o h i m s e l f k e n w i n d o A V p a n e - ^ ^ ^ - ^ _

_ jAnd h e w u s a-bout t o procvynfgtsvjT(Ti rt ^^itiaEbUraquouei f r o m the r u i n s t h a t t t o l d -

as lie vvalr c u l l e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s s c e i n e d to s t o p f o r a n in-c h u i i i ^ m l

s U n i t h e b e a t i n g of h i s h e a r t ___ bull It_yy_as a g i r l s v o i c e w o n d e r f u l l y

^ w e e i gt b u t f a i n t a n d s o u n d i n g i s I f it

c a m e frrnn i g r e a t d i ^ a n c e off )Vas h e d f e gt m j i i g Or w a s H t r u e t h a t

t h i s p i r i t s o f t h e d laquo u j c a m e - h a c k t o e a r t h j o g i v e m c s s a g e s gt f i o m a n o t h e r w o r l d t o t h e Id i i i i l i i ine i s i n t i r gt gt ^ ^ - S t i l l t h e - s - w 5 e t - f a i H t - i ^ n r k - v o i -w h i l e t h e s o u l o f Eplibdquo W^arrcn s p e d brack t o i h e o n g infidlnW m o o n l i g h t

g i r l

S a u n d e r s

T h e w o m a n s p r a n g o n the- p o o r a n d s e i z e d b o t h h e r a r m s i n - a s t r o n g g r i p w h i l e t h e u n c l e h o l d i n g a p a i r o f i tarrdouffs a d x a n c e d rm 4 i c r -bullbullbullbull bull

t h o u g h s h e h e a r d n o t a w o r d to

g a t e o f t n e H e - r m i t a ^ u b y mdash w h i c l i t h e

hud m i i i -w i t h S h e

G e n e r a l vvaul i l_J i ave t o ]gtss Sht n o t b e e n t h e r e m o r e v t h a n a firaquow u t e s b e f o r e t h e G e n e r a l r o d e v _up


t h e

T h e n t h e V t w d c l o s e d T h e m i s c r e a n t f o u n d h e h a d n o p u l i n g gt w h e y - f i i c e lt l b o y t o d e a l w i t h - b t j t a s t rong^SHOn r i tn i -m a t e t i - w i t h a f i e r c c r t h i r s t f o r v e n

B u t h e w a s ar h a d y v i l l a i n T h e two g r a p p l e d a n d t w i s t e d an i s w a y e d

^ i a t l e n g t h f e l l o n t l i e c a r p c t e c r floor N gt i ^ J ^ T r t X e T e T i a s o u n d b u t i _ a f i e r c e

n a r l a ^ D f - t y v o b e a s t s i n - m o r t a l e o m - i

Vi i iu l f lr ih f r s

j gt n t h i s b a r e S c o t c h l u l l - h e h a d h e a r d

a g a i p i n t h e v o i c e t h a t thntJJed hi-- u e a r l -w i th

w l u c i i he h a d b e l i e v e d w a s

T i a d s o o f t e n r a p t u r e a n d

s t i l l e d

- l m a d h e m u r m u r c i l t o h i m -s i ^ ^ t ^ J ^ ^ ^ h t i g i i ve g i v e n u p i t s d e a d t o t e l T ^ m e ^ ^ i i ^ e e ^ ^ m o t i v o o f t h e f e a r f u l a c t t h a t ^ H ^ o l f bull raquo lt 1 i f e - s o f u l l -of VovCTnd h a p p i n e s s

T h e r e w a a g a i n a d n 6 a J ^ U ^ n ( v s gt a 4 i i m t

i r ^ p i e T c T s g s i r m i k w h i c h h a d h o t d i e d a w a y W h e n t j w w i n d o ^ y v s v a s s h i v e r e d t o - a ^ o j n s a n d a y o u n g g i a n gt ^ w i t h b l a z i n g e y e s and a s h o i l t l Q i e a t r i i m | 5 e t ^ e a l l l e a p e d -vaiamp t h e r o o m HTU i l O O d b C t w ^ n n i e c e a h d u n c l e

^ i i h d i g - h t n i u g r a p i t h a n d c u t T s iand d r a w i n g

t i i e c o u n t e n a n c e o f a^ m a d

p l a c e d h e r s e l f b e f o r e tlTH-iarsi

o u t __

O h G e n e r a l

L e t t h a t p o o r e d i t o r i i v i i ^

h o i - i t e r s _ a n d m e b o r r i e d a g o a t t

l i v e r y t tabl i _ _

saw ^ V-ou setVtny -chum a n d n i e h a d

T i i r ttraquoTier a t w e n t bull t a r r y - t l w - g o a t - u p - t o m y r o o m w h e n p a a n d m a w a s o u t r i d i n g a n d l i e - b l a t t e d f o v v e J i u l o t i e a h a n d k e r c h i e f a r o u n d h j s n o s e a n d h i s f e e t m a d e s u c h a n o i s e o n t l i e f l o o r t h a t W i v p t i t s o m e b a b y s ^o(ks OrTTfls^^jrmdash(-ngtslvhpoundgtgty_ f r o w n y a g o a t s m e l l s d o n t i t I shoul tT rriTrr^- o n M a s o n s n inlt l h a v e s t r o n g - t u m m i x

t h e W r o n g t i m e ( J o o d b v e laquo s i r irr a t


at l i v e s i nmdashthc4^gter i n j - o u r l o d g e 1

w n e n


She tood

m e m l w r - a n d g i v e v o u r g o a t _ k y a n i p e p - bullbullft

T h e b o y w e n t a w a y a n d s k i p p e d ^ o v e r

t h e b a c k f e n c e - -TT-4

T h ~ 6 X ^ e m f v B I f f i c T S n a I d i o t i c ~ ~ - ~

T h e l a s t c e n s u s g i v e s s o m e s t a r t l i n g - f a c N gt i t h r e f e r e n c e - t o t h e n u m b e r a n a

e a f m u t e s TRe b l i n d t h e m c r e a s e o f d e a f _ n n i t e s T B e

idjj t t tc xirtl t h e insane ingt t h e U n i t e d

S t a t e s r - - E i g h t y t h o u s a n d p h y s i c i a n s r d t laquo1

m a n a n d c r i e d

M ~ N a h v i H ~


o s i r m y c h u r n a n d wi th t h a t g o a u n t i l h e c

Hie p r a i -o u l d h u n t

W e b o r shyal o o if

tnnrr-ind h u n g it OTM-nc)iick-bfVa-+4ia4f

a p ic - tuye o f a gigtat e v r v y tinvi r i c d a

u 1 or i gKti e r y l i m e gtve I

ruek-beer ^ i g ^ fr - iu - a

bulltt bullLlom ^ h e v ^ j W ^ ^ l T ^ - j i r T k t l h t g o a t w o u l d l i u it e V e r v t i m ~

j k T i o w ^ h n t 1 w ^ s ^ ^ u r g l T b t U n i g h t p a a u n - d t o k n o w w h a t w e

tr s sbt^ d i n theJco41eetTorr o f - t h e s e s t a t i s -t i r ^ r a n d t i i e y m a y t h e i | e f o r e b e r e g a r d e d agtlt a-pprox-mia ie ly e o n v c T h e t o t a l n n m i W of L TnfomfhaTT^ -TTTnracetf^fir j h o - e f o u r - lt d n ^ c s in Kgt- i^JOM)-i in

C a m e v o u

for- S h e a n s w e r e d I saw - i t - in t h e p a p e r

a f t e r y o u w e n t o u I i p u i u p y o u r h o r s e

w e r e d o i t i g i i p in m y r o o m h i m w e w o r e p b i y i n g Indgi

a n d I t o u t a n d i m -

raquo bull l^)o t h e y h u P i i i c r c a laquo c u o ( ^ - 1 o l 7 INTO t o $srgt4 a n d in -l^O t o ^ 1 5 9 8 t h e i n c r e a s e d ^ i n g - t l e l a s t d e c a d e - f r e -

i n g IjQ ^ e r ^ i l t i - - bull 4 frac12 r i frac34 a ^ i n 1 ^ frac12 g ^ t h i r t y ^

T h e Uampe-d r d p p c d t h e a p i s t o l d i s c h a r g e d t a t h i s a n t a g a n i s t

B u t W a r r e n w a s a s q u i c k H e s t e p -^-SSrhjed a s i d e a n d M r s S a u n d e r s w h o l i a d

c o n t i n u e d t o h o l d t h e y o u n g l a d y s a r m s laquoi n n tnTBKgr a up ^ t e r e d lti l o u d c r y a n d

a m i g o b a o k l i e r e p l i e d f u r i o u s l y

- mdash g e t o u t o f m v w a y bull B m I-yvi i l g o

p r q v n g _ m i r mint ) a u d p a - s a i d ^ t l i a t [ j - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ n _ u deg ^ deg - r lt ^ j d i o t 6 i n s a u e w a s L i g h t t h e r e w a s n o t h i n g that-^tfftti- -bullbull- -^ 7----^ 4~------ ^ raquo-^-gt-

b o v s o f o i i r a g e ^ a l f s ^ m u c h g o o d a s T o i m i t a t e - m e t i

I n s t e a d o f t h i s s h e g r a s p e d h sbr id le j ^ 1 ^ r h

)oth h a n d s _ I


H bdquo^ I d i d n t

a n crypto re h y u s e f w l n o - e n m y i - h i i m a s k e d p a i f - h e

w a n t - t o lt-ouio u p a n d t a k e t h e

a i d hi n c r i s a y l e t g o m v j i

h o r s e The^gtHAaiu t h a t r e v i l e s m y w i f e j -(~silall-not l i laquo e 4 ^ ^ cent ^ - - ^ ^ ^ - = ^ - ^ ^ ^ -

bullsecthe g r a s p e d t h e r e i i i ^ t h e ^ t i g h t e r a n d i t h a t w a

r a n d l )umpeiraquo- p a l a t l i i d a n d

f e l l b l e e d i h j p a v i n g


r o l b a t T h e y rol led^ovTSj 1 the floor^ s t r i k -

i n g ^ a c h o t h e r s t r o n g r ^ a n d r a p i d b l o w s

w i t h one h a n d w h i l e n h e gt raquo t ] i e r firmly

c h i t c h e d trre e n e m y ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ _ A s o n e f o r a r T r a s t a n t g a i t R n t theTTp]

a t r o v e 4 o - r i ltrvJie w a s lt r i l g g e d

m a n d s t i l l t h e c r u e l iEfows w y r ^

r a l n l s d ^ u p o n e a c h o t h e r t i l l t h e f a c e s o f

i o t h - W C T e j - c o v e r e d w i t h b l o o d A t

^ n g t h W a i T o H v o b t a l u c d a g r a s p OTV h j s

eneniy r s- t h r o a t

T h e l a t t e r f e l l t h a t

bull a s p e t b e g a n t o e x p o s t u l a t e w i t h hf i t h a t s h e w a s t h e one w h o o u g h t to a n g r v b u t t h a t s h e f o r g a v e h e r p e r s e shyc u t o r s frOTn~tae - b o t l o m o f h e r h e a r t -

p r a y e d - f o f t l t c m mdash t h a t h e s h o u l d f o r g i v e | f h e h o p e d J o b e f o r g i v e n A t - la s t - -by

e i i s o n i n g h e r e n t r e a t i e s a n d h e r H ^ a r s ^ lt s b V o r k e d u p o n h e r h u s b a n d t h a t h e s e o r l t gt d m o l i t i e d t o a c e r t a i n e x -

J e n _ t L _ S h c w o n N o G e n e r a l y o t r s i Y a t t r n o t t a k ^ t h e -


e i l u l n t carj^-ifmdashliediltl j u s t - t o e n ^ e t h e b o y s in i n n o c e n t p a s t i m e

o i m p r o v i n g t o o u r i n t e l l e c t hai l - s h u t t h e mdash g o a t u p i n a c l o s e t i n

m_rraquo)om a n d l i e l u u l g o t over b l a t t i n g iVveTobk o f f t h e h a n d k e r c h i e f ra id h e

w n s ^ s i t i n g - s o n u gt o f m y p a p e r c^ l Iars a n t l ^kabt^-^jtraps W e w e n t u p s t a i r s a n d t o l d p a t o c o i n e u p p r e t t y s o o n a n d g i v e t h r e e d i s t i n t H r ^ x aTiTt^wlRm w e a s k e d h i m who w a s t h e r e gt h t ^ ~ m a s t s a y bulla p i l g a r i c w h o ^ w a n t s --to- j o i n y i v i r a n c i e n t o r d e r a n d r i d e t h e g o a t w a n t e d to c o m e t i p t o o b u t w e t o l d h e r rf she c a m e i n i t w o u l d b r e a k u p t h e

) i r i d a n d A t e A f Y n u t e s h h d i n e r e a s e d T i v e ^ -f o h l t h e p o p u l a t i o n h a t l o n l y - d o u b l e d T h e e e n s u gt r e j ^ - i s h o w s t t i a t t h e m o W - -l y - - d e f e c t i v e mdash t h a t i s t h e rrrmStesr^ p r i s o n s r e f o r m a t o n e s e t c - - a g g r e g a t e ^ o v e r f o u r h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d o r n e laquo r l y o n e p e r e e j i t o f t h e e n t i r e p o p u l a t i V m

l i f e o f m y - r e v i l e r mdash v o u d a r e l m L n o t d o i t i _ f o r it i s - w r i t t e n bull Y e n g c a i n s ^ J s i lodg^ c a u s e a w o m a n c o u l d n t k e e p a

~ a t t d w e d i d u - t h a v e a n y s i d e - s a d -

T h c p h y s i c a l a n d u u - h t a l d e f e c t s o f m a n o f t h e lt o p e r s o n s - a r e p r e v e n t a b l e j a n d w l i c r e v e r Tl ie c a u s e i s k n o w n nnd a r e m e d y isj a l s o k n o w n t h e g r e a t e s t efshyfor t s h o u k l - b e m a d e t o r e m o v e t h o c a u s e a n d t o a p p l y t h e r e n i e d v f

I n a t o w n u p t h e H laquo d s b n t w o f a r m shye r h a d n i r - f t p h h r g l a s t s p r i n g t o ~ g o inTo bulltrad and a f t e r c a n v a s s i n g t h e s u b j e c t f o r a s p e l l t h e y p u t i n fti^OOOe^ch a n d

o p e n e d a g i o e e r v

m i n e I w i l F r e p a y s a i t h t h e L o r d bull bull T h e i r o n n e r v e d h e r o g a v e a w a v - be- j r e t h e p l e a d i n g o f h i s b c i c v e d vgt i f j | H t 4 4 ^ n l M ^ t i m e y o n i n i t i a t e a m a t ^ o

a h i t n laquo 4 ) l i e d bull deg p y o i i r m a s o n I V i e M ^ V d n h i l t h a d i t n o t - b e e n t i e k y f t i l pepTwr o ) t lt b e ^ g o i n gt b e i r 4 j u - lt t

n e d i d l a r g e f a n

i d u d e d t o d i ^ t h i s f r a m e o f m i n d bull bull bull t h e v c o n s n l t e d a l a w

T r a d e w a s d t i l i b o t l i s ar d t h e y finally c o n -

rgtDfcopy lt i e - p a r t n e r s h i p ^ - I n -bullV


gtsvagt bull loraquo s t r u c k j u r i o i i ^ l y a g a i n a m

- ^

T h e s h a d o w s w e r e uTHinentn wfeao^Hy a n d l i e n o w d i s t i n c t l y s

mdash l i g h t b u r r r m g - i n o n e p a r t o f t h e - r u i n s T h e n i g h t w ^ r k W - e r e rising a n d a f a i n t s t a r s h o n e o u t traquow^njding r e t l e c t o d o n t h lt M ) b s o m o f t h e - r i v e r l ) l m v T-he arr

- b n g a t L s l p w l y t o b e f i i l e t l w l t k j d i e m y s - ^ t e r i o u s s o u n d s t h a t a w a k e i n - - ~ a i i ^ s o l i - -

t u d e s o f t h d n i g h t - - w h i s p er i u g s s f oo t f ev l l s rust t i i i j j f l a s o f s h a u o w y g a r

^ ^ r o n t s ^ k i r ^ e d t h r o u g h t h e g a t h e r i n g tiagtfcaujAs gt ^ ^^=

W a r r e n

l i g h t If i t ilaquo

o w w l r a t i t j s to lTrtrs^a i p w a r d

laquoU d darling Ih bull I have


H e i i n jit t h e

t i e r c e e y e s g l a r i n g d o w n l i p o n T r m i b u t WllVren n e v n v w h t y t - d b ta hnTd |

i n s t a n t - T h e w r e t c h f e l t J^rtrsejf cs l ioking H e p l a c e d h i s h a n d i n M i j ^

o s o m --

o u g h a b l o o d y m i s t W a r r e n saw o m e t h i h T ^ g l e a m a t h i s b r e a s t H e

s t r t r s k a t j t a m C a l o u d e x p l o s i o n f o l l o w shye d ^ ^

T h e u n p l e gt e f e l l i e

a d e e p g r o a n ^ a r f t W t h e r i r a y ^ f i ^ f e c U y

f o r -ou a n d 11 l e ^ o r t l s o f t h e i t h e NTetch s h o u l d ^ r t o t - h a v e h o u r ^ ^

l n i i g l i t y l i V e u a n

a f o r e t h r e e i n c h

img^y g a v e J

J i a d e k a e d

~said - f i p h J - s t r o d e 9 laquo t i n t o w a r d t h e

u t S p S 4 h e w a i m e d at a n o t h e r s 1 l i f e

o w n

n c a u g h t ^ T r p t ^ o I i g lgt t fo t h i s b e i r o ^ ^ e d a n d r u h l o c ^ T n ^ i h j ^ rtool

- n e r s

N o O n e O b j e c t e d bull

A ^ j i t J j U i r i o j i S - j J C A m ^ m u c h ^aflecjed_at i v a l O n c e w e n lt t o J o n a t h a n E d -frac34 a n d s a i amp J o h i m i n t h e r e l i g i o w s

t h e chjief o f s i n

y e r w h o ^ a s k e c t W h M i s t h e V a l u e o f flte g o a t f S a v if y o u n e v e r t r i e d [ t h e s t o c k o n h a n d - A b o u t 8 1 2 0 0

_ _ _ bdquo bdquo 4 A t b l h o w m u r h d o y o u o w e A h o t r t mdash

d g c ^ y o i i s gt r i n k l e aTlit ( ^ O l K ) V e n w e l l I s e e m y w a y x ^ - - c l e a r M r S m i t h y o u w i l l d r a w o u t t h e _

g o o d - w i l l f o r y o i i r - s j j a r e a n d I l l t h r o w i n a b a r r e l of m o l a s s e s f o r y o u r f a i n i l y M r B r o w n v o u t a k e a l T a c C o u n t s a n d

mw Inraquo kig tgtf pick 1 ltalt - And ^s-to b e c o m e o f t h e s t o r e ^ Q h


y o u t u r n h m l o o s K Y o i t t - n u g a

t i m e s a s m u c h f u n t o ^ S i ^ s q t i H r e

o f g o a f Y o u w o u l d n t T l y m k i i

Well- w y g o t a w a s t u u r s a m e g o a t

a r e v i v a h - O n c e w e n f t o J o n a t h a n E d - j iy^d I t t e i ^ rtfl t h e n

^ l r e a l l time

l a t I a i bull

gt i ^ l a j k l t d ^ h e a r i t T ^ k m p l i e i T ^ t h e d o m

i n i e bull v o u r n e i g l i o o r ^ l i l t r ^ l o n g r e a l i z e d

1 1 ^ - - bull - ^ ^ bull ] J e e l i ) C r s i s t e d t h e w-

J e n t -^that F a n s - w i l l i n g - t o ^ t r ^ f o r t h e g l o r y o f G o d

y e l l r e p l i e d t h e h a r d h e a r t e d p l ^ c h e r v ^ bull I d o n t k n o w a j i y i J o d y l y n i i i l r t h e r e t h a f w o u l d h a v t f t h e s l i g h t -

e s t a r l i z n t A s bfo w e n t a w i f U j ^ a n a 1 I

laquo 1 t k e m o G o i F a t t laquo d ^ i s ^ a r H n gt f r i

t o w f c i c h s h e - h a d f a l l e n

d o w n

h air roonjifc^


T^j^n^sn of England senY-^l^e-ustof heii^lf by Mr Boehm

sM^eywlaquoddine pftlaquoettt to her d^ ter the CwwnjhTfncessW^^rthanjr

l i x e d a n d p a r a p p e d a n d we - le t hifti Iff lii t o l d h i m he^TOust b e b f i i gt d - f o l d e d

o n h is k j i e e s a - l a in n g m v e l a r o u n d h i s e v e s a n d

1 t u r n e d n i m a t o u n d a n d -^uiade h i m g e t d o w n o n gt i t s ^ 4 n v n d s a l s o a n d t h e n h i s b a c k w a s r i g h f gt ^ - a r i l s t h e c l o s e t floor $jad I p u t ~ tho b u ^ k b e e r s i g n r i g h t jvginst p a s c l o t h e s H e l a f H n g a l l t h e tinegt a m i s a i d w e b o y s w e r e a s f u l l o f f u n a s t h e y m a d e e m j u i d w e t o l d h i m i t w a s s o l e m n o c c a s i o n

VVl y b t i f t r o u b l e

-11 i ^ ^ i l l t l i e g o o d s t o m e f o r m y

i n p i H ^ B g f h e d e b t s a n d g i v i n g

4egnl ady T l t o s e ~ T a r a e r e it - a s t h e y of


a n d w e w o u l d n t p e r m i t n o l e v i t y a n d i f R e d i d n t s t o p - l a l t i b g We ( bullUUmu^l^iVd I n n ^ h e g r a n d b u m p e r d e g r e e T h e n e y e r l S i B ^ f e A a s r e a d y a n d m y c h u m

t y a n p e p p e r i n

a i n l o w t h e r ^ I i a n d ^ j j

if he fett a 1

ttgtor if he a s k e i l p t h o u g h h e Sva

h a d n e r v e ^ o u g l f t o g o a h e a l K a n d t a ^ c t h e d e g r e e - - X - y a i r i ^ d h i m

o f j d a n g e r s a s t h e g o a t w a s 1 o r be^rgt4 ind t o l d h i m k V y e t h a d


S o m e t i m e s s t o p t o

l e a n o n t h e i r h o e s a n d r e s t b a c k s b u t t h e y c a n n o t m a k e i t -c l Uallfffred Xetts


mdash-A c o r r e s p o n d e n t t e l l s o f a n c v e n f r ^ n A j j p e n i n g m a n y y e a r s a g o I n t h e c o i m t n - n e ^ 4 1 a g e r S t o w n M d A b a b y b o r n - w i t h ^ J j ^ - i ^ r k ongt h e F f a c g w a raquo

t a ^ e n t o ^ ^ n e f e T a h o n f v c m o r e d w o r n w a s l y t p g d e a d a n d h e r l e raquo lt Q l d J i a n a ^

v a r u b b e d r e p e a t e d l y o v e r t h gt - m f t ^ k it h f t j h g a ^ u p e r a t H j b n t h a t b y raquojy^oi t h e m a r k ^ w o u l d 4 i s a p p e a r T i i m o t h e r o f t h e g i r l d e c l a r e s t h a t f gt f t t h a t m o shym e n t t h e m a r k f a d laquo d a w ^ a a d 1 raquo a f e w | u b n t amp t ^ u e n t i r e l y g p ^ e T h e g i r l i s

e t e ^ n y e a r ^ I d T - w i t h a c o m -

bullisr r 2

Hcgyqs J W T W 8 raquo H bullbull

r T -


from orjserrationsH made olggical^ Sardensi-f London p r o b a b l e ^ a t the extreme lease of of the hippjpotamias is thirty ygars

The Scientific American warns j^eo-ple against using ice taken from ponds con taming impure water Freezing does hot kill tbeiiampeidiis germs so inshyimical to health

M L Lange r says that the fat of the child cbhta tSntess oleic acid-hut more palmitic and stearib _acid than that of adults oesides bdng^ richer in the butyric and oaproici acids

JSir William Thompson follows Dr Thomas Roid in aeoribing to mac six senses instead of five namely the sense of force pi heat of sound of

handsome income for befaelf and all in [ the most quiet way^JPhis lady is a Miss Martfn I do not s u p p o e that there is fraquoy iobjeetion to my mentioning her name AS it is well known among a great m a n y people Miss Martin is- th daughter of a gcniltjuian l i v ing n e a r

ligbl of t4JLbt4+anxl of smell Aft^r evaporating araquo a^raw^lo l f lF

fastrjq jttioe prepared from the social positii of jk sheep ampr ^- Cbapoteaut well enough

Aublirn in this secttate and who at one t ime was very weajthv but although

the family stilrlivo in the old homestead TjrhijSh is a noble mansion they are very ~~~ reduced in cjrcumstancas Miss

n when slie became old et^ough ^ ^an i money and to know lt did uot

always come for the wanting cas tauoa t her for something to do bieh she could at least c a m a decent living and not be dependent upon her father

- i t seemed as though all 4he avenues were closed She was n o t gifted HI any part icular way though she wajsr^jij

I woman of excellent education andjhad aittjfie advmilages tha t eame from Ijiigh

on But she neither Bang

l- - J

bull4 bull


i bdquo bull

stomach _ ^ obtained a pepsin capable of dissolving 2000 times its weight of fibrin

Papers saturated with fuchraquome solushyt ion mraquodyellow with sulphuric acid i ^ r e g o m m e n d e d by Dr G Kroupa as very sensitive teste for gaseous -amshymonia Ammonia invariably turns themipd ~ --^ ] mdashi

I n seasoning casks by]the addition of soda to the water more suhstance ns removed from the wo^gtd than when acid is Employed bufrless is removed if the woodhis introduced into the cold solution and the whole then heated

Gambetta s brain has been_ fonhd jo sjreigh 2100 grammos to be of very fine structure and to have the third corivol-ution highly develojpeJd The autopsy

of the body was made aa he was a memshyber of the Society of Dissection -Zl_l

Herr O Schlickum has been^endeav-or ing with considerable success to deshytect and estimate the castor oil balsaw^rfrpm

for stage purposes nor had she any histrionic talent In giving the subject serious consideration she rey membered that there was one thing ihe could do vj^ry Jvjell and thiat was pifck ling and preserving She 4gtold her friends thet she yraa going to make a large quantity of pickles and preserves of different kinds and that she wanted to sell them ^Knowing what an excellent housekeeper she wasthey knew that anything that was made under her supervisionwould be sure to be good so she had no trouble in selling aS she made the first year The second year she made more and sold all The third ca r she 1 made more yet and wasijn-

a5Ie-lo supply the d e m a n d T h e fourth year shcbdquo increased her facilities and h e r reputation bad by this tjime spread | so f a r that she did a very-riarge busishyness and even solampto- some_of the l a rge r s tores jn New York Noyfrarf riencr^jf hers told me the other day her profits

reserves reach the


L i l o w t o Treatav Ugty Tfce Housekeeper lt

Get hold of the boys heart Yonder locomotive comes like a whirlwind

f v


of copava purified etorax and alcoholic solutions of a balsamic nature of ben-

73fo^~i5d-6i^T5oh^hlttoywirteh-are fre-quent adulterants of balsam of Peru bull In a note on the Icompressibility of wa te r Prof Tait of the juniversity of Edinburgh statesXhati water seems to be less comp^ss ib l e r^ higher than at lower pressure andymore compressible asc6mpared wiBi sfeel or glass at low-


^erSthah at higher temperatures

Priority in photographlng-^with the electric light is claimed for ltM Lewits-ki who took pictures by its means on the occasion of the coronation Of~the

Czar Alexander I I using as a genershyator of eleotricity a Bunsen battery of pound00 elements which was subsequ taken to St Petersburg and there Utiliz ed

Although genuine precious topaz remarkable for size and clearness have been found near Pike s Peak Mr RampT Cross ~as-

-eerts-that the stone which is cut in Colshyorado and soldnas-topaz t o t o n r i s t s is not topaz at all7~ouf simply 6moky quartz or the cairngorm stone of 8cot-lancT

Manganese bronze is rapidly growing i favor as a matenaj^for screw propet-ler blades I t is very strong and its durabiUty^far exceeds that of steel the life of which -in a propeller averages about three years A propeller made

down the track and a r^ginent of anu ed men-might seek to a n t s t it in vaih I t would crush them and plunge unshyheeding on But there is a little lovejc in its mechanism tfcat at the p gt e ^ ^ ^ f u t e n s n ^ c t e a n s Sn a man s hand will efaeken its speed and in a moment or two br ing it panting and still like a whipped spaniel at y o u r feet By the same little lever the vast steamer is guided hither and yondjarf upon the sea in spite of adverse w i n d e r cur ren t That sensitive and respod^ve spot by which a boy s life is control^d is his heart- Wlta-^otti grasp genUy and firmly on that hermv you PMvrjiUa him whither you will Never d o u w that lie has a heart Bad jand wUfHul boys very otfen have the tendiaCfist hearta bidden away somewhere bgEiwath incrusshytations of sin~ or beMnd bajrricades of pride And ijt is your busii^ess to get a t t ha t heart gA hold of that heart keef hbldof it i y sympathy confiding in him inanifestly working only for hi^rgooi by little indirect kindnesses to his moth er or sfater or even his pet dog See him at his home or invite him into yours Provijle him some little pleasshyure set him atsbme little service of trust for you love him ioye him practically Anyway and every way rule hmi through his heart bullbull ~ rr1^1mdash^

we have [known person to use mach mor^ witn xaraquorkea benefit If wisely managed every dtapeptip will be greatshyly improved bylaquothis coJdlaquotlaquomaoh bath

AMMQjfcjA A creat labor-ea -A great labor-saviog ar-ticle land like some medicines good for alpAost everything Is mmonja - A email quantity in warm water takes away every spot off of ltpoundaia)t romoetf every particle of greaae from cooking

ana disinfectsthe drainshypipe cleanses delicate laces without rubbing cleans s i l rer and brushes and is -an excellent fertilizer far plants

Xike other goocTJthings it must be carefully used plainly labeled and kept out of the reach of little fingers

v - - - - ~ gt ~ mdash v ^

bull ^ T


BT kxar C KDOO

1 dreinwd a dream the cber night-When eyerythinfrx^^^ ~

of ipeeob I dreamed J tnw tfieparU

very qomortable sum of six toten thoushysand dollars a year Anct^she only works f romMayfe November AuTjHrn being a little far from the New York markets where-fijuit can be Bought best and cheapest Miss Martin has come down and^taken a place at Glen Cove to be near Her friendMrs S h M Bar- low as-well as to gain t h ^ advantages of a nearer residence to New YgricTjOne of the seccets of Miss Mar^ius jsuccegs is tha t everything she makes is-the very beat of its land All the ingredients she uses in her_pickles aud preserves are the best in the market and though she employs a number of men find women she superintends everything herself and whi le herarticles are all in the shopsr

have a homeliko taste that is un r mlgtakable All the jars bear her inishytials written in fac-simile ofHber auto-

h on a heat l abe l Oh the side A sister of Miss Martin 8gfeing her sucshycess cast about her for something to do Of course she did uoWvgja to go into the same lino of business and finally she struck upon cake-making as a live lihood am$-her cakes are now a lraquoos t as celebrated as her s i s te rs pickles and preserves She still lives-^nt J^nbilrn but she receives orders from New York and even Newport Miss Martins cakes are considered an essential par t of a well-regulagted pantry-in New York

Uefal In fe rmaMon S WEKPIXO mdashIn sweepin^dCLnot scrub

your broom into yoTJr~oarpeiLaJ i l l yon were sawing a pine hoard but sweep

-bullbulljt bullbullbullbullmdash - 1 1 ^ 1 frac34 ^ mdashZ~~^

T I N ^VBODINC Cf KBmdashRub one cup

of but ter and t h r ee of 6agspound to a cre^m add one cup of mi l t four-enps

[ot ^our five eggs one teaspoonfal of cream- of tartar half teaspoonfttl of soda one-fourth pound of citron This makes two loaves

BREAKFAST R D S K S mdash Two cupfuls of sweet milk two eggs two teaspoonfuls of cream tar ta r one teaspopnful of sodjftj hrtllf a cupful ofw4Hte sugar about four small cupfulsof flour- Beat the eggs very light pot Ufte cream of t a r t a r in the flour and add the s o d a ^ i e last ibfcyg Bake in a long pah in a quiok oven - BEBFSTHAKmdashPuDDiMjamdashj^ine -your-basin with thin suet cpust For a small

A low deep gfoao (escaped my mouth A tear itobd In toy eye

I thought I said sect month alaquoo ^^ Jft grammar a good-bye

And there the hateful thJagfrthey etood A curlouflmotley ^owd

And while I gaced the muaic placed - Rach to his partner bowed

The Noun walaquo eluding with the Vorb Ailt 1B wont to do

And followed It whereer li went A Btthjeet tried and true

The Vraquorbwaa ait Qg-actton bentmdash Inautfh a mcuy niood^ ~

Hft made ttrprttejimperauve That It shouldbe subdued J

bdquo - - - ^ - - ^ - 1 ^ And justtwlore^heni via-a-vto

As I have always haaap 8tlaquood these two ltgtualifyftig onelaquoy

The Adjective Adverbi bull

lightly and gently and you will get the dust togethei^just as well save making half the dust besidesfeaying a great deal

in^hje_isfiftri2fjthe earpet^ MA^yKcniBn^^H^njired^biit ~it must not reaoh keepers wonder why their carpets do no Tast^as well as their neighbors which were pu t down at about the same

liy this carpet does not wear previousone as well laquos a of the same

kindTahd^ theT weaver gets the Blame when nine times out~of ten it is the sweeperwho is to b l a m e Vfe don t care how smart our help is in other ways if laquohe-dig^-herbr4 pet i n - tha t p i tching scrubbing which so many doWe begin to nervous and wjsh tlic ^ e l p soifiewhere else for we know how

way feel iwas soon

pudding take three^Uar ters of a pound of r u m p steak apt in thin sliees^yithout fat or gristle make~tkpowderof pepper and salt dip each slice into i t a n o J a y it round in layers in the basin untilnearly-fnil Fill up the center with oysters ormushroonis tie it t ight and boil for three hours addwater in the saucepan

top of the-pudding basin z f i l l up_ th^r -ijasin wih good stock -

M A M I K S P U D D I N G mdash Beat together one cup sugar one and a ha l f table- spoonfuls butter oneeggTohe pint flour one cup sweet milk one teaspoonful of baking powder BaltelJ)mdasha~ moderate oven eat warm with warm sauce This same batter may be baked in ar^ery-^liin

the fHrpet wUlbegin to show it Nothshying i ^e wejld sooner spoils good picshytures e tc than d u 4 t ^ t gets into the cracks and corners where it cannot be got out so that we think it-best to al-wuj 7 dampen the broom before^^sveep-ing Some people wear out the broom ail on one side Nothing raquois more sug-

of bronze will however last alaquo long as the vessel and afterward be of considershyable money value

Winef=raquoraquoy8Mr J Morite shows a t en shydency to remain liquid below its t r u e

freezing-point The poinrat vhich it becomes solid is-determined b y the per centage xgtf5aloohol it contains The higher the per centage the lower will be that point ranging from 33 dtlt to Sitdeg for an alcoholic strength of 78 deg toM2^deg 4 jy volume v

As palladium sponge a t 100 deg comshypletely absorba^iytirfogesrDr W Sem-Sel haa turn^A^m discovflrr nrhiH to


(ion TJoKntavt Bat Stnr i 1 Conimunlcatioa to Boston Star-

J d y house is supposedtoJbe ra t proot^

gestive of caralessnesg-thaTithis When bullweepin hold the broom n e a r l y straight up-and down and biulaquoh rather than sweep being careful to keep the lottgestMcle next the carpet A broom kept gtrsight will last three times as long as one allowed to wear out all on ohle side


out on^a damp towel then spi^adquickl^with jelly or French cream^and rolled rip T- -ahd be xrsed as cake or while warm anch served ^yriik Varm sjuioe We then c a l l J t r a i l r o a d pud-dina _bdquo ~ _ rlt bull

B A K E D Jlsfi^-A fish woighingrrom four to^slx pounds is a^ood size to bake

J f should be cooked whole to iookjwell Make a dressing of bread crumbs biit-tFrrsaJhtrand-a-little salt porkraquo chopped

WhileV tlielaquoitipoundraquo of less account To my bestrecoUi6cUoa-

8tC5aTrotioun VrepSsTtlon Conjunction InterjectlQU s

Then right andkft and ladle change gt^nd cha8se iathe middle

^Argt4 promenade and balampncez Wiaie Syntax played the fiddle

len faataod furious grew the fun Their stepsi became unstable

And Interjection said AlasI To dance more Im not able

And everything then grew quu mixedmdash I laquo5er


It always was-a botficr-To tell tblaquom when they stood quite still

Onepartyispeech from tother

And all afonce the music cealaquoed T Perhaps the rest yotr ve eaessedmdash bullbull

The pie I ate for tea that night Hlaquod made me sleep distressed

_-r mdashCambridge Tjtffoyne


c What Men Need Wives ^ _

Our Home ia^aot-to Bwecp7^ie^UBe7imitaak5~

the beds and dara thesocks and cook the meals chiefly t h l t a man wants a

-wifermdash If this4s all he wantsi hired sershyvants can do itxcheaper than a wife If thisis all wheavbull young mancaTts^fer see a l ady l end him into rhgtpant ry- io

BUKJTSmdashAccoiding to ^ WJ

the Practitioner a simple and effective^ remedy for removing the p a i n ^ r wounds causedT^ry burns or scalds s-a-

i n d was so wrheuquite new but a t ^ n e | saturated solution of bicarbonate oisoda time more than - twenly ye a r ago We in- either plaiij or camphorated wa|ef

ccount in 8eparatiiig hydtugen frtmi a mixture of gaseX Almost the - exatrtv

r calculated amount of the gas was reshycovered from a palladium-spiral heated ^ 8 5 0 deg th is suggests a means of

T-T^ibtaimng reidi ly what may be called -chemicaSy pure hydrogen ^ mdash T~ SomeTweeks ago~TdriiggTst~ihl5urs-lem England had carelessly served a customer with pofefindl|steadof inttgno-sia He summoned the bellman as soon as the mistake was discovered and sent kinr about the streeta warningTrTS^un

had a lajge colony pf^the rodents greatshyly tp-our rannoyance and it w a s w i t h w a i^a t te r of daily wonder where they found a weak spot in our defenses against tbjgm One evening a young lady from a friends family living in a l a rge ihrehcnTse near ly a mi 1 P away was with us and the talk^-turnedonrats as we heard ours galloping in the coil-ing^And scamperjng^ up and down the walls The younglady said that none ~had ever been in their ho use fwuUshe bullliidhaot think there was any point at which ^they could enter My eldest daughter a ^ r e a t wit saidT^I^ye heard

taste the bread andejakes^she has maije send him t laquo J | ^ e o t - t h e needlework and bed-making or pu t a broom into her

uJiaficlsand send-himTo witness its use I t may ge^teoitir- Such things a r e importanKaml the wise

cuk 9 i c e s young man will qui

tine (parsley and onions if you please) mix this with one egg Fill the body sew_it up and lay m a large dripper put acrossit some strips of salt pork to tlayor it Put a pint of w a t e r - a n d a Utile saitin-a pan Bake it an ^(air and a ^alf-^Bste- frequently After taking dp the fish tliickentheffrayy and pourover it ^ - -


A Little Mixed on UJO Question of Sides

To apply the remedy all that is uccas isaryis to eut a piece of J int o r p l3 rag or even thick

soft blotting-paper of- a


J3raquo mdashknown purchaser not to use the deadly

drug This is a rather novel way of bullftiiftrKftaJTig personal error as it may be calledraquo-but it was successful

While Fistblja holds that the

- r e s i s t i n g the decomposing action of sea water and cost of production render forging secondary to casjting He be-

^ B e r laquo laquo tha t a coat of zinc o r enamel which has smoothness and a soap-like

^ character would ^ e a good means to diminish friction and improve the effct

-of shipsVgcrews

l h a t if politelymyited todo so ih^wrtt ing^ r a t a will leavo^any- house and go to any other to which they may be di-rected and I will tell ours th t at ymir _house they-wili find spadmfr^KqrteTg and an excellent commissariat

At the moment before us-a l l - sne wiute a most grandiloquent letter tlty^he large family of rats t h a t H i a i s o ong-Htrade-

the pain subsides or the-limb may rathed or-encircled with a^a rgeonV

cotton bandage previously soaked in the aturated solution and kept constantly

j e t t e d with i t the relief being ^nusual-ly immediate provided the solution be

favoured us-with their presence pom ting -ou^to them that at Nor 65 P e a r s t r e e t was a- large fine house which had never

^ 6 ideal been favored with the residence oTanv material for screw propelrers would h e ^ f the^r familv where they would find flaquorged steefcihe considerations of work- - ^ - ^ - - - -^ ing o u t difficiil^ curves the power of

How one Woman Earns her Living CorBoston8aturdajKvening Journal

I have often heard it complained that

which they could earn as much money as men Perhap^- there - ^ nothing in

^Hame line of business as that follow-taking all the profes-

womengt it seems dAarof money

ms re too

to jieed - m e n t i o n i a g ^ B u i there are ^ther lines of business ilta4 w o m e n m a y follow w h o have nosectuch natural


sion foliowi me that there made gft oy them ^ h ^ laquo n ^ r m o u s

iSghy singers- a n i actre^sesTt ma wlaquoJi4cnown

a g as th^se r I ^ gt r d tha day o i raquo i i a d y ^ h Q wasTmakinga

fcfipl^ quarters and a fat larder Wheri finished^she read the missivo to the company and we had a7 great laugh over it5 AR sn^old ^superstition_shetheH put lard upon it a n d m r r i o d it intcftthe attic where it woul^p^ohably be fopnd by those to whom it was diree|eurod

A few days after the young lady was at our housed again and burst inKrlta laugh exclaiming Our house is over- run with ra ts^T T h a t recalled to us t h e fact that wjg had heard iiojie in ojir walls M daughter went to the attipr i^ 4nbdquobdquo vAbdquo -and the letter w a s ffone While w e gt e r e i f Qf a P T 3 frac34

siesullicient to cover the burn or scaldshyed parts and keegt it constaitly well wetted with t he sodalo4otion so-as -to prevent_itsdrying By this means it usually happens that all paineeaseV in frraquom a quarterio a half-hour or^^ven in much less tWftr- WhP tha_maiBgt par t of a limb such as 4 h e hand and fdre-annor the foot and 1 ^ has been frqrneoly n is best when practicable t o ^ h i W e the part a t once into a jug or p)iil brother convenient vessel hlled ^ - ^ --watlulie laquofgt^a lrtinn-aTiri ^^-^fj^f^-thoro q-few m m u t e s ^ g ^ I asked va man

Donnis Sullivan tells a story on Coloshynel ClintltUeed the well-known iurist that will bear^repeat ing Ho says Colonel Reed was fltegriisrot^oHgreTsP man Belford in Washington and was re turning to his-hotel late pne night

W ay 1 While^rowsing when he lost his about in an aimless insane sort(of man ner he encountered a policeman

bullbull Souio me my fren^ said Colonell30vlaquo Reed ^but can you tell me which iiizee

n g man will quietly look-after them But-what-the true man most1 wants of a wife is her companionship s y m p a t h y and love The way of life has may^ dreary places in itjind man needs a companion to-go with him A m a n is sometimes overtaken by misforiiiineshe meets withfailim and defeat trials and temptations beset himand h i needs oae to stand by him and synnTathize He has-some stern battles toiight with poveft- wifhnene^cs^ntTwTthsin and he-needs a woman that whilohe puts his arm around her and feels that he lias something to light for will help him tight who will put her lips to his oar and whisper words of counsel and her_ hand to hiheart and intpart new-inspj- rations ^11 through l i f e - th rough bull storm a n d t h r o u g h sunshiny conflict

^^and victory through adverse and favorshyable KiriuV-man needs a womahs love The heart yearns for it A sisters and a mother s love will hard ly supply the ~ need Yet many seek for nothing fur-t her-tintrih sueoess in house work- - Justlymdash enough half of these get nothing mo^e

The other halfT surprised above measure -obtain more than theysought Thoir wivessurprke^tlieni by bringing a noshybler idea of marriage and disclosing a treasury of courage sympathy and

f gt

Westwjirfl the Kiekel Takes its Way CiBCtnnati Commercial Gazette

For years the people of CaUfornia Z a r s j v h a t l t h o u g h ^ said_Colonel-^have looked with contempt upon five

Reed but whiter I was wa lk ing over -

^opposite side oze s t ree t Tv^^y-i I explained the policeman

it1 e overlttheremdashthe other side 11

an he told me zis wazzefropsite side

rated and cold ^ T o ltCnnn A nnxJTmdash A had bull cold will

shop observed some liver forsa le Not knowing^whafe it-wa he inquired of the Tiutnher and said that he would like to

affair a Mehd can^ein anti hearing the talk said t h a y w o evenings beforein the^bright njflSofiiight he saw several

nning do^wn Congress^ s t reet which as the straight roasr tb^-Pearl street


qficiaries were directed

geatioa^affl Slej5Yeshave almost disappeared from the- waists of evening dresses but the|morningahd^evening

bullquantity j m u s t ^ ^ dl arms are o t e r e d by fid gloves that-aro more than a yard long and are worn Jn mal ry^^nklesJ i i jDi shoulders to w r ^ laquo The gloVe^jna^tch theoiress ijtr-color -

of w h a t may-be done for it unless reme-4ial means are employed within forty-eight hours Many aHtfe will be sparshyed by cutting a cold short^off in the folshylowing manner On the firsrday there is an unpleasant sensation of The moment you observe th is go your robmr-and keep it in such a tem-p e r ^ U r o ^ s will entirely prevent this chilly feeling even if -it requires-409-deg Fahr Pufr^eur feet in hot water half-leg d e ^ r a ^ l n g hot time to time for a quar ter of an hour so that the water will bo hotter when

take your feet-out--thaA^when you in then dry thoroughly and _ ^Hlt

sooner the will be effectually brojwnwithout medi cine ^

COLD W A T ^ K DRINKIN^ mdashCold I

of-the skin are good but it is doubtfu

rFaiEND I N D E E D mdashTwcyoidcollego chums met at Austin Tex after a sep-aratipn of five years I am a reporter

We h a v i j i e ^ r b e e n t r o u b l e d ^ t h t h e m ^ I J f l o o d i n g t h e j ^ m ^ b on g 6 to h e d l ^ e ^ ^

o e e ^ ^ h o u r t o e w 4 h deg ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ most profitable ba^hin - Cost

io rm of cold wa^or lyeness piles and indi-

^MMtormly lyliyvwrLby thjs i ^ven ing coflaquot~donphe fhe

^ d e t ^ i t o i n e d ^ e a c h j thoug^regf t rding ) the promise one forrbimself Twltror-three awaUo^wkjJ^f^^PPQ hisprofesaional service will d o to wi l l soon

H e Thought He had the Best of the B6g An raquorrishman- passing a butcher s

ty^sojas^JbHt Ms-pld woman knew pn-^how to boit bullbullpra-tiies^-1- whereupon

butcher goodnatutedly offered to laquoo him a_recipe fo r7p repa r ing_ lhe

savoury dish With t h $ and his purshychase dangling conspicuously -m his hand P a t sallied forth intriumph He

three two and one^cent coins but durshying the-past few vlaquoreekraquo the demand for the small coins especially nickels has become so great tha t it is impossible to s^ipplylr^A^inglc b a i ^ o r d e r e d t w e n t y thousand irickBis^seut i p f b m ^ h e East and a^few^ d a y s ^ l a ^ r orderedgtfQriy t h o u s a n d m o r e ^ The ^ t t a s j n n fraquor t h t

hadmoLproceeded far howeverrbefore -

Hrongry dog which had been prowling aTound seized the tasty mpr-seLwith^uV jaws and made off as fast as his legs could carry him^ Pat--in no-

+ ^ ^ U ^ i s e discrtftcerteaVturncd round With a water i r o n r r b r o a d ^ ^ - n h ] ^ C Q m i t e n f t f i c e i ^ n d

shaking his fist at the cajBe thief who was fast disappearing in thV-djstance saidi Afffth ye dirty

ore spwld this time Youve got

demand7for nickels reduction of otTOXifccarifareir ^fro tickets for a quarter-to five cT use of pickels upon the strfeevcara Drought about their general circulallonY laquond the people have^been compelled to use them in making purchases at stores As-everybody who has traveled or lived in California knows jthe- rmraquoehants in that State- have had a wav of fixing


o o i e n i t o c k i n g raquo f o r t w e i A deg r f ^ T v bullgt i ^ n o t o d birrr irhikfreel f ^ gt ^ ^ 1 0 ^ f o r l Te ^ o t

^ T t e l B r a u i ^ ^ f i e r 3 - e r e s a ^ i n m J potfket1-1

ingVano^yoVll got a first-rate t ragedy to wri te u p ^ ^ u will knw so mueh bou the chief actor that yott will ba able jto make intcopylaquoftiraquograquoj^adiagof i t ^Che Reporter ^kejJt ^ frac34 appomtmgpii

V L J J ^M - - - - - worn on the left g j - ^ J 0 t h e ^ ^ 8 8 J u s below the wa i s t

begin with t a d the q u a n j M ^ k e b y he fo^hja m acquatatMioa gt C T r t ^ h i amp W f t ^ i S ^ ^ f e M grow to a ^ u i ^ l o r ^ f ^ i doad^Nsuic ide bull gt - ^ - j ^ i e V trade w5trade-raquoraquoftwalaquofcWtta

a way o

prices so that small change- was seldom required But this will no t be t h e case i r t the future andeven the p ^ n y 7 4 t is said isbecoming popular The demand-fpr the small coins in the Pacific Coas t StatesX willyprobably compelf the San Fhmcjfcp4oiat which now coins noth fng 4copysraquo4han one-dollar pieeea in silver ^andtwenty-dollar pieces in gold toooin tengt^nd five-cent pieces _

A little feojv when picking the drumshysticks of a chrciten swallowed one of the tendons^and wasgtery nearly choked The ^tendon was howeveiv extracted with grea t difficulty from theHii$tle fel-lows throat when he e x c l a i m e d ^ O nraquonama it wasn t the chiokabidcybdquo fault it wabecauso cook forgot to tako off iU garUjw1 ^ -

A large rosette or bow of velvet rib-ijon with a square or horge-ahoe buckTe uf raquoUraquoUMH pQWlte Is






AN ENGLISH GHOST 8TOEY 4 bull Spectre In a IcopyagtCraquort The breed_of ghosts appears to be not

~euV extinct in England Yet-MSeldow howevar baa one of those shadowy risk tanta the hardihood to expose itself to inch unobstructed and goint-blank in-vestigatioa-as djd the4 phantom tf bich introduced- itoolf the othedayip^ Engshyland lto Mr C^mdashGmdash-^- the sonof the Trett-known Admiral C mdash pound ^ - One day a t tJao beginning of this month Mr X)mdashGmdash^-was going to call 0frac34 the Dafce of R - mdash a t B Castle and he

ably did nottoubto his head much things hereaJler when he found

iimself at a smafre^s^staiaenrsfcBre miles from his bulldes^mrtteni with no veshyhicle to get him over the muddy counshytry lanes in between After bull worrying round a bit however he succeeded in hiring a trapmdasha common-place dog-cart enojagh with nothing ghostly about it-^-and a horse that looked as i$t with good management it might-hang together in this life for a few wakampuylaquot Having lurned out a horse and trap however the resources of the place were a t an end Not a man was to be found who coulttaccompany fyiin to look after the beast so having done grumbling Mr CmdashmdashGmdashmdashtook the reins himself and started for BmdashmdashCastle Nor was there anything to suggest ghosts in the drive there and the Duke of R -was asrea and fleshy as a well-contented duke ought to be So fat then the odds seemed all against a ghost finding room^ to come into the day s eventsr When

ifo Q amp^mdash however had got half-way back to the station he passed

a pond by the-roadside^hifih-he had not noticed on his way out b u r r i n g around to look back at it he was asshytonished to find there wasanother man bnlthe trap r-sitting back to back to

Xhe stranger was to all ap-s a I a W laborer dressed in

coT^wy-antp^amdashri O^-^i Gmdashmdash at once concluded that his companion bad been sent after bin-by the innkeeper of whom- Ire had hired the trap but whatpuzzled Mm was how and-where a stout fufm laborecUn

hobnailed boots could have climbed up without his feelingit The shortest

way to settle this was to asamp ^trinn-bTit unfortunately tbe intruder paid no^at-tention to the queition and seemed qnitoninconscrods -of anything-^ttmiSttal when Mr C mdash G~ shouted comshymonplaces on the weather aft the top of his yoiee Nothing remained thereshyfore but to whipup the dilapidated horse and while away the rest of tampe_ JonVne v with cursing the innkeeper who could find no bct tennan to send him thaii a deaf and damb farm laborer On arrivicgat the inn Mr C 7 mdash G-mdashmdash handed thir teins baukrto the stranger a id walked into the house -Meeting

-~l the landlord his first remark was nat-- uralJy^^iMtKhesort of man he had seen ^ ~^ftraquo send after him-

What man1 waerthe reply 1 sent - bull ao man after you1 --1 -Surely you d id said Mr C

G-mdash a-nian in corduroy with a red scarf around his neck1

r Good God srrV returnedw the oth-er -that man was drowned an hour

ago and is iip^Iaixii now - ^ 1 Nonsense-mdashtfr is in your trap now come and 800^

However he was-not ih theMrap that was empty So Mr C-mdashmdash^G-i^^should so forth

^followed the landlord upstairs and there on a-bed laybis companion-ofbull the dog-cartmdash1conjuroyf^ed neck-cloth and allmdashdead He ha^Pbecii found

-^Aflr + xW

so he had to listen- Soon the woman was stabbed and ijfeheeessity of buryshyi n g her came quickly A pretended hole was cut with a wooden hoe near the apple tree The man up the tree was on the a ler t The oorpsewas fchen taken to the grave but her feet went up -this was frightful These weje put down and then her head went up Yinallyl the hero held her head and the heroine herieet and thus they I eld her and pretended to throw dirt over the cbrpee bull In a moment the corpse got up and walked off The man in the tree now made good use of the apple by pelting the murderers Amid great fright and consternation they ran away Our apple tree detective how came down from his perch and Ticked up the dagshyger and other evidences of guilt of the conspirators and concealed them about his-person The reader can imagine the rest The conceptions of -the charshyacters taken were well carried out and the [interest became more thrilling as the1 play advauced We understood that the play would consume a w^eek froni 4 to 12 oclock each d a ^ sc^after we had witnessedIthe curious perfQnii- ance for an hour longer and had seen the murderess tormented by the devil and punished by law qe withdrew

TneTragedf oranlf tyF St Jawes Gazette bull

Rifaat Bey who left Cairo last night (January 1) in charge of a Circassian guard is more fortunate thaaidahmoud Sami Ba^oudi his wife although a lady 6f rank jand supposed to hjave^ been subjected to presure in higb quarters to induce her to remain in Cairo pershysisted valiantlv in her-rosolution to-Jic-company her husband into exile The

Srefect of poiiee it is said was sent_to [me Rifaat to urge many reasons) why

she should not forsake her native land Was she aware Rifaat Beys destination was Malta j I t was a Christian conn-try attempts Wouldbemade todestroy

- placid TadifferinOB whloh led one aim to hdpeifais ttepmother might follow the t id i t ions of story-land and him cailsb to regret the attention he+valued so highly After a few mo-menta thti Ifi^ifta i M i ^ a w g irw ar-riraquoglaquo aud seemed tojremind the weep-iag_woman she had promised there should not be fresh disturbance This time she walked back to the other woshymen quietly and until the train had started we saw no more of her Later one of the addest scenes 1 have eve-f

for the punishment of an offender The last Legislature passed the act which made wife beating punishable at the whipping post^ Wife beating had been increasing fc a disgraceful [ extent in

witnessed w raquo that of the blaek-gowaed Bal t imore and sentences of injprison-women round her their guard of eunuchs standing witlr^ cbtep^d arms watching them whilstnhey wailed oyer

women djyjell upon ip lamentation The divorced^mie and bereaved mother wias diBtingulBlraMe by her torn white v^il and uncovered face and alsp by hQ silence She seemod to have e^aus ted grief or at any rate her sense oj mournshying and sat there amongst the dark figures almost as though she were dead and these were the funeral guests invitshyed to bewail her_ bull bdquo =

bull WagaJngton Manners Louisville Oouiier-JoaVnal

The ladies feel very independent and actually happens when

they have an escort that they forget him At a ball hoVe recently I saw this


to~ fcoprpel her to turn Chris tian ^To all |thisjdn|laquo Rifaat1 s answer was-the answer given by E^uth long ago mdashwhere her husband went she^ would go if he became a Christian she would

ome one too-his people shouldmdashS|J^t

touching and so far as the ladyis con cerned noble also^TBut whethefRifaa Bey himself deserves to be the objeet o such absolute devotion ahincident that occurred oh the platformlast nightf gives one cause to doUbJ Rafaat-was calmly seated in a lirst-ciass ^carriage and the exiles impassive dignity and calm whilst the sound of womens wail-ings came frahv the waiting-room iin-

)g-cartmdashconlinoyf=^ allmdashdead He haoF

drowned half~an-hour before3Ir C^1-^ amp passed in thlt mry pond close by which ho had taken his seat in the^dog^

oart and had apparently availed himshyself of thetirj$t passidg vehicle to get a lift to the place wbereliis body lay -

In A Chinese Theater Oliic^f Tribute I^Ttrere aie two Chinese theaters ln^in

Ijblast the dnlyones in America It was Wr_peCuIiar experience to tisit one Thojaudionce was composed principally

qf^nen who sat witbT their hats on gt^6me of them smoked cigarettes and others were eatmg pieces of xlaquougarc^ne

whichrnekt to rice is-ftTOirrcev^f great Chinaman A vender 3|^oyuient to a


pressed ontfas quite heroic whilst onp was allowed to hold tKo delusion that it

^signifiedlinditTetencotw his own misforshytunes In an aujoiBing carriage were Mme Rifaat and a female -slave1 both of theni closelJ^Veiled and attired intlie black baggy ^ o w n a Egyptian bull ladie

bull4Uiat about in mysterious balloon^ khown^to be^human only by the voices that proceed) from them These-ladies wertr silent and appeared naturally dispirited^but two fine littleboys the eldest being about tdni years of age Stood at the carriage window and taHc-e(lalivay^eerfuTry_in Frencb^^o^ the European visitors who had come to wish them good-speed^-Ffcsently this imshypression offoe-fortitude and a brave acceptance of banishment by a whole family rather tharr its honored head

go forth a solitary exilemdashw-as1

wofully disturbed and The head of the family himself made to appear in any-

Frem the women in the


thint but an amiable Hgltt black crowd of wailing

one woman rdlstahcesuddenly the grasp -of those who thravvim

5udd( nflrt

tried to hold her -amU rushingupmdashtoi Tiifaatr her veil all torn and he beanti-fulface (one of the most beautiful I have ever seen) literallybathed in tears cried (in truth within exceedingshyly bitter cry) For theluveoi Heaven f ive me j a c k my child JShfi- spoke in

was seen at the head of a sttfircase waitshying for his wife and her sister and Askshying each passer-by if-they were^till~tn |he dressing room One of these going Into the ballroom found the ladies there and said to thewife 1JMadanie Secreshytary your husband is waiting ftor vou up-stairs1 Ob to be sure sheanswered ^merrily we forgot all abOit him Has he been waiting all this timef I^deolare its too^bad^^ the Secretary^ was called down And was


Bertyal o n t o D M in Baltimore Cor K T Bermid

For the first time in Maryland since l^thetawh waa-legaHy nwd-wday

meraquot seemed to hive no effect in Checkshying fhfi unmanly pyaotice There was

now generally looked unonwith favor by all-except those who are likely to feel the full force of its provisions Tho constitutionality of the law was called in question but it was finally affirmed bjjr thj Court of Appeals The Derson who was flogged was a cbloijea man named Charles Foote a labojertwho_k4qkpoundd and beat his wife

Seven is a sEpckin^ manJBpoundir last fall lashes were mflioted -oh him bore them stolidlv The flogging was done at noon tbHiay inside the jail but in a corner so-4hat it could not be wit-neaaad by ihe other prisoners when first brought from his eeli^howed some signs of nervousness but he comshypletely regained his compdsure while

becur to armember of the Cabinet who the law and the order frac34frac34 the Court was

At the cOUipletiuu vt the wAWnee Foote was promptly released by two1

deputies when i t was found that the rawhide after striking him on the back had coiled around his Dody like a snak^e^ laavj|Tg niuhia right aide aeven gashes from which the Wood was slowly oozing Foote was then taken to his cell where he received medical attenshytion from the physicians of the jail He subsequently told his counsel that he would nave taken the flogging at any time during the serving out of his senshytence t c (addition to the flogging he hadnrtrved sixty days in jail

j ^ B

^ bull bull bull bull lt bull laquo

- bull - bull

bullalt-^Hgt ii-if irtf toy




A CLEAB CASE^-Dr Porter of Yale J College5 says that Prof Tyndall as~a metaphysician is a fatalistic revolushytionist witha aash of imaginative op-t^sftty2- and that as a tneplogian he is a sentimental atheist or an imaginashytive agnostic Anyone who has looked at Tyndalls portrait in the newspapers mustbave at once concluded that^he is one of those things The j^ayTicwears

his necktie tells that plainly ^enough aPd1 pound ftarmtrrnmHtraM

The United States fires in January warmed up the insurance companies

Foot^fover $5000000 out of the total 9500--000 destroyed

good natured enough to ogterlook the fact that a little thing likejthehead of a big Executive Department could be forshygotten vand left up-stairs by a ladyJike her fanor her handkerchief - mdash

It was mentionexTlast spring as an Ui^tlonrof~theboyish bebavior of

meinwrs^of-the House of Representashytives that a certain one of them freshyquently when he-went into the reserved gallery to see a lady ^ h e often ddesgt^ would amjiise Mmselfby throwing paper balls at the uuembeisoa the floorBad as that was another member went even further latelv when he went into the galleryTejserved for members families to talk with the wife of one of the acshyknowledged leaders^of the House and alter silting a while with her grabbed her pocket-book and threw ifTorcibTv at the bald spot on her husbands head tha owner of the head which was struck befiig in his seat on the floor

It is said that while Speaker -Mr Randall always put a peremptory stop toany similar breach of ordjutnclud-inpoundtheihrbwinjrraquodow ^ the guile try of floor OnciJ-wlijile the paper ball throwshying yvas in progress last session -a col Wrguo of the guilty member sentanote to the ladjr With him in the gallery sayr ing Please have Mr - H -stop throwing paper balls at the members and signed it Keifer Although the signature was a forgery the note lgtad the desired effect and the lady who had protested in vain before sent the mischievousyouth of half a century down to deliver himself up to justiceiu the Speakers desk ^---

being^read Uraquo him When this was done the Jail Warden ordered Foote-to strip to the waist Two^ deputies then bound him by his hands to a high gratshying bis feet being allowed to remain free Deputy Roseman who was seshylected to do the flegging used a com-mon rawhide about three leetdongmdash-mdash - Roseman standing Ito the lefts with the rawhide in his hand told Fobte to prepare He replied tbat he was ready and stood firmly awaitingJthe descend-mg lash At tfiis time the silence with-

-inthg^ail^waa positively-painfai- not a t sound was heard and the spectators stood expectantly waiting for the fijrst blow-Then Roseman grasped the rajw-hide firmly in his right nana and after raising-it aloft dealt a- well directed blow on_Fbotes back It strucjc directshyly in the small of the back^ and before the next blow followed a livid welt nearly as thick as a mans finger was f raised - on the IJuTvering flesh The prisoner stood it unflinchingly and utshytered not a word The only sign he

ave that be felt the punishment was a slight twitchinsr of the musoles of

p-vv)Wjibyljiiie_mber8 in uoles o those onTtlfe

Arabic biitTieFgesUir^s and her despair ere so eloquent thax the English gen-

tle^en^rouhd the carriage started and in delicate-compassion drew back from her and let fy^plead her cause aamp she mightT But they Ba^jnot taken into consideration the high disdabxa ed Oriental- puto into his infeFCQurse with women Rifaat Bey who ha cigarette m his mouth and continue

nf sweetmeats went quietly about with his fiiaskpt on his bead nd seemed ~to-

^ 0 athfXving business bull J n the gallery apart^frdm tnejrejt were the Chinese women^^Thcfre were a dozen or morei of them and-one fair damsel had a^very

^mall chub ofra^Qa^by Tho Chinese blrbx by tiie way isVthibg of beauty but urrfojampunately ibgt beauty-4isappears

a few yeuts On y the fear^fthe stage was thexnchestra compc^dj r f - ttrade ivalaquo five musicians TEts^music or rather mvor4ed the noiMLwalharrej^lagtNdattert bang

frac34ueak all together and sebjamptately at iervals There were no stage ctirtams ^- The accessories wore ~deddlt

iised or flies Jy primitive and whjrt few were siinply- suggested the idea intended Much more can be said of the acting^ It was trUl exciting W o m e n never take part in the^ j^orformanoe -Their characters are assayed by mehraquo and it was surprising bow apt their imitations were The performance was semij operatic -pantomimic comic in parts and tragie~t the end The auaicnoe seemed interested but entirely undem-

pative Onlyjrtrtm something fun-id or done did their childlike

faces b r o a ^ ^ w i t h smiles To convey the idea of an appie^orchard a limb of

^afree with two applestied^on it was t o a s te^ - ladder ^laquo j ing tho scene wneh the hero and heroine-^Were conspiring^o remov a woman supef

ny waai

4ree Itwa dark

smoking while the p o r wii ereatufraquo poured forth her oomplaint only took it out of his mouth to say one word signifying- Be off with you- and as abideous blaek Nubian came upquick-ly the Bey nodded to him with the same gesture withvhichTie might have or-dejredrthe ftiave to bnish awajra fly and so the pborwomanwas ledaway weep-ingnloud and-beating her breast Then the story was whispered round that this was Rifaats first wifewhotu he had

JOSH THE PEDDLERmdashJosh Billings thinks the charity of thmvorld a conunshydrum and he gives itup Qne cold snowy afternoon this winter he saw 11 thinly clad man trying tOeTT^r ecuiple jpfleacf pencils at tWtoot of the stairs -of aft elevated railway station imp4or~-ing each passer by to purchase as he Was starving mdashSeven passed without ikying Josh1 was eighth and he bought them and passed on to the Fifth Avenue hotel Soon having an errand at ltheJ2itaymdashHouse he tbought he wouTd^try his luck selling pencils on the way He took the two Fo had bowght pulled his coat-collar up and his hat-brim down and set out iftithe dark At

gnty-fourth street he ItftppeH n^htm evoleht^poking pedestriftpTwith ^fleap fi

-But an EgyptiangtI|ke most Easterbets^sets great store by frissons even thougnTiedias grown to hate t mother and so Rifaatcarries awav into

^e^^Jthc only child -of tbjs^ooi^desert-^n^creature wyenpm~T shoula^udge by

her^irv^complexion andJ tp^^y^^ja^ face^ahcfaHsQ by hgx perfect knowledge of French to Tiavtr-been a Circassian slave chosen fo her beauty and trainshyed in acoompKsbments like the bull Fi^r Persian in the Arabian Nightsvlaquohd married as the Fair Persian1 herself was to be thrown -aside a r lightly After-allbullthe Nubian cundch would seem to have reasoned with1 the poor mother mom compassionately than 7 his unattractive countenance protnisedfor after a tinw she returned with her veil arranged and only weeping quietly Sh f fpaa^ flifaat^s carriage witfi-b^nt head and-^pnft^sto

adbroj bdquo and~putgt them intjD his

happiness a mah-l n^tdsCand^kissed himyweepitigi wlrite

buy my twb-penbils for 10 cents aptece^-| I am starving r ^ a y e had nothing to eat for 24 hours1 e tcgt5^eman pushed hhn aside saying grufllyT^l^can buy three for a -quarter down the and-went on Three others being ap-pealedtp did about the same At last helaquoaloueired into frhemdashGilsey house-and tried the dodge o n a man at the r bar who tossed him ajquarter saying Take that old man I dont want any penshycils11 Then Josh11 revealed himself amUold the story-of his experience as an amajteur pencil-seller to the great

iusemltint of the asscmbied-xomDanv 111 bull TT 1

THiDepart^aeht of Stjfggb has received ^ cTispa tc^^om^t^^m bullstil a^Marseilleuro9 statjngtthat the remains of JohnBbward Pavne hpoundgte^been for-

her fondness with


- bull gt -




bullgt mdash

bull v bullbull - bull bull t

O plusmn

ght twitching arms ^

The remainingblpws were all given in quick successioX^aJxd^ialmost identishycally in the same spot flte^^e^h sweli- g quickly in ^idgSs after^eaeh^but throughout the sufferer littered no word of complaints ~~ L

CUREShk-Headache Djspeptia dJnr Complaint Indigestion Coniipation

rKOXXCCmdashWlthoot a pwiicle of d4ttMKlaquo tno^taPlllaaro thlaquomolaquot popular of raquohj on -the marshyket JBaring braquolaquoiUgtetorethraquopublic ftrlaquo qaartyof ilaquoiitlaquory and having alwmya parfonaed atontftan t i l promUed for them thlaquoy merit the aaeMpa that they hM attained P r i ce a^C

F^raalebjalldxugjiita -KermouM Aiunclrate 1 ills always la stock at

aell-ftPruK Store


Welst Main St Opposite Globe Hotel _ [PIXeKNEY MICH

- A full line of

OtieraiicaLs Toilet iAidLs^

Fine Ooiifee Tobacco

^ t a t i o i i a W r y ^ tltLs_

Goods are all freBh-and new Prices a te alwJtya reasonable -We hopelio-merit a-liberal share of the public patronage Call and see us bullmdash ^

reLOcoupied a neglected spot onr ^ rican coast am at last to be in- tod J f e W a r a C b t d j a l l y j n v l t o B - t t

redjin his native land f ~ - J _ - ~gt _bull ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ k gt ^ w Educatioh ls4k~4raquompanion which no ^ - ^ ^

at th^ adjoining- misfortune can depi^^r-flOj-crime do- [etmeats with itrtTKanrenemy aleniate ruTdegpotis^ A t t l i e O l d SjEUKla J M raquo t ltrm laquoJ=A ^raquoenslaTegt At home a frientj abroad a n Ygt- bullmdash- mdash - ^

lulhxluuUoii inaoiltude a solace in soshyciety an ornamenC


rx 3wlaquord Payne hsi warded to taejt7i^d-Satlaquoeorlt(Ae ^ French steamer^^^a^todia^aBd ard e ^ A n d 0 V e i y t M n g U S U a l l y l O l pectedto arr^yjeat t h e p o r t ^ N e w Y o r k ^ ^ -about February 15 So the r e n raquo W laquo f Of ie the raquoraquo^^Hon^^i^an55 ^gi fatf^ln^LivingstoaeOouiily that hare ooouoied a neelected snot on--^^- ^ +-bullbull ^ _ _ _

stock as low as yoti Custoniers o call


bull bull-lt - -f

i s yvraquo ^ K

bull raquo bull gt


A- mdash

amp bull

-bull S

-M v-^- i






J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 3: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

HTampamp - A baby form of Ktentkwt grtce

To-n ight 1 h A F u g i j P tiff Jtpec _ _ _ A laquo w Itl ulifTltCfivbiby face

Twatfttiecl I t ra l r t t t ln faot g i ec -

Th traquobj ejnuulaquore t l u e apd bright T b e baby face wa^pawjUi^Talr

And o n chc baby brow so whi te Were t iny r ings of c luuterlng hair Y

B u t while I watched its merry play-- 8 0 lanucent and s w e e t to e e - ^ j j j i j e f t t y r y of a d i s tant cUty

bull bull(^auie w i th it sadae i oyer me

mdash H e w a l k e d s t e a d i l y lt w i t h i n s t i n c t i v e c a u t i o n a n d a s Tie a d shyv a n c e d h e s a w t h e l i g h t l a r g e r arid m o r e d a i B t m O T h ^ i t Q a q c i r o n y a w i n n o w W f r o urideTT a n c T r n d ^ e n b y j i u a v y m I U M U ^ o f e r o c p o t S H e e o u i d n t a k e - o t r t ^ - t h a t

-alii k w e d h i s b l e e d i n g f a e p a g a i n again


bull SffEiAiftftJrftMt jlaquo8BU w


A form befojre my gaze would r i s e -T h a t I had loved llaquong years ago

For I Lad lored a fair y o u n g girl i W h o s e eyeraquo )iky t h m - w t r e blue and bright

A u d tm whose brow the c lus ter ing curl mdashllfcopyHraquopted4ikltj4itter-traquoy 4ltMF t w i i g h i Thlaquo tidiitf b lue i-yug the Santa brown hair

T h e uaine h igh birow of qobl t tmieu N o w g r a m l the baby Bmjftjug there

Which i n i a y j l u v e d o u j J j | y B e e n

1 ponderi(J-oii tjhj h^bys-fampIWi 1 T h e dear-express ion that it wore

T h e s a w e t h a t ^ u r k t d in statel ier gror I t s motfier in the days of yore

T h e b a b j played ujraquoou ncy-kuyemdash ^ ita i i iother looked aud jweet ly lan l l ed

She m u s t have known i t seeme to me Wliy 1 so fltgtiiillykltraquogfd her ch i ld

V J - - ^ - mdash A STRANGE KampSCUfc -v

t h i s p a r t o f t h e rj j in e i t h e r h a d h i o t fa l l -^ jieepWr vfiorda e n iitltKtln d e c a y o f t h e r e s t p r h a d on f i i j^lt - ihe b e e n l a t e l y b u t t r e s s e d a n d i m p r O v e d V - -

H e s t o l e u p t o thtt w i n d o w a n d l o o k shye d in o n a gt s i g h t t h a t a l m o s t - jiffido tris h laquo a r t s t a n d s t i l l - a g a i n

- T h e s u n w a s s i n k i n g b e h i n d a m a s s o f b a t t l e m e n t e d c l o u d s a s j S p h W a r r e n bull t o i l e d u p t h e s t e e p h i l l o n t h e s u m m i t

of w h i c h s i o i w l t l i e - r u i n o i J 4 b e - o l d m a n 1

t h r o w n l i s t l e s s l y b a c k M a s h i s be t ro t b e d mdash N e l l y t o t h e r i n g - a y h e r s e l f y i u t h e flesh b u t s a d l y f a i l e d a n d l o o k i n g a l -r h o s t l i k e a c o r p s e O p p o s i t e t o h e r s t o o d a c o a r s e - f e a t u r e d l a r g e w o m a n f a o e a n d w i t h a s t r o n g b o d y o f c o i r e g a r d i n g h e r w i t h a s t pound r n g i a h c j m i d d l e - a g e d n i a n e l e g a n t l y d s t o o d b e s i d e t h i s w o m a n c o u l d s e e h i s f a c e a u d _ b u u h i t h e f e a t u r e s a s l i g h t r e s e n j b U a e e F o t h e r i n g a y b u t t h e c x p r t t n t o o n e o f c r u e l t y a n d c t i n n i n g raquo

- T h e r o o m w a s e l e g a n t fv a n d t h r o u g h a n o p e n - d o o r r o o m c o u l d b e s e e n s i n a i l i a r l y f u r n i s h shye d T h e d o o r s w e r e s e c u r e d w i t h h e a v y ( C h a i n s a n d l o c k s a n d Tiie w M o f l w e r e lulaquot(iytw(Mw thitrlr ihuttflffi iftfeafaAi

- j ^ H B L O R D f S P R A Y B R l

j vThe f b l i o w i n g c o m p o i pound i w w a s f o u n d

- f t l d e o l s ireaayU o v e r ^ f i laquo r m gt ^ w a s p ^ m t e d o n v e r y h laquo a v gt s a t i n 1 laquo H I

Ai^PrjltiamprtohM r a p t u r e w a a t o o L - mdash bullbull J - r

T l j e s t a r s b u r n e d d o w n e w i n d

y o u i j o v e y o u 1 j t h e t r e e s a s t l e y p a y | For thou Jtfi^ the g r e t t CJorimdash 4whw -art in


woman1 whom hpound had mlaquoiixrnlaquolaquoJ-j-tta- Uraquofcrf jiWraquoti thwrLrlirv ihaiii)wwLUj thy uma S u c h s i i j j t h i s i s a j s a i r fitfht ftff j1 n e m W j r e decays divide uaTrmtV I B U U s a i d t h e l a n d l a d v w h e n t h e lt Toy-glraquomgti is gra^t- but let mdash r ttLi a u l d c e n s a i d t h e l a n d l a d y w h e n t h e y

r e a c h e d t h e v i l l a g e T i n i i Pulr y o t t f l g hMldy bull

W a r r e n r e m o v e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s

Thou tO( lhe m e r i y brat our iwh doth Tp do mix duty wurotbeumdash our Katber

s e laquo m e d t o s i n g l i o Y e [ T o whom ah jraquotse all hoiiltlaquo-houid raquogtbullbull g l v c a ue t r c t i S a s t l i e y p a s p

t h e m m u r m u r e d n i a a i o a l l y

t o r e t r a c e b i s s t e p s i f fie w a n t e d t o H e s a d h e v w a n t e d - t h e w h o l e b U i u e a g l a u d w e c o u l d g o a h e a d w i t h ^ t h e m laquo laquo a | t laquo 5 e laquo T n e p I sa$h t o $amp ITAl If l i e b a d d e e f d e t f t o g o a h c a o V z n d n o t b l a m e u s f o r t h e c o n - i e t p j e n c e s ^ J t o ^ r ^ p e j ^ l i i f ^ m e j j ^

^ ^ 1

1 c o u ^ e q u e n

Tp d o gt u r duty uilw t l i r - u u r F a t h e r ^ ^Mdegl^Q W ^ B r i l pound deg r t r ttlaquo I9Jf ~ bull j b u m p e r a n d l e t i u m b u m p ^ a f e f -

p e a t e d t h e w o r d s a n d m y c h u m s p r i n k l e t l t h e kyar^ p e p p e r o n t h e g o a t $ mustache and be sneezed ~~o cpound ahbT

i ^ r

^ frac34 frac34 frac34 bullSS^I^S-Wv-^ - - - gt i bull bull

bull U W e r i r e t u r n e t T i b t h e r u i n o f ~ ~ M y c k -bull l i e o o w e ( i r a n g e

T h o y i ^ a l t t e i U ^ 6 d j U ^ t o c s r w r u n o t e - B t T l B o r j B i p l b W ^ ^ i M ^ f t e r rrmfimHii- hegtwraquoraquo laquo1raquo iwwpiracy pleats

T o t o a k e n i e formdashour treupjaijse61v laquoath h e r u n c l e ^ A n u tor aruiuot i 9ljrtt$^fTJt$ampref~

Tliat thou M tit pardon uraquoraquomdash ian AefuFgxft^

gt i o n i i h e re t l ecMou o f t h e b r a z e n c l o u d s l i t

u p t h e - s i i i g l e i i v y - g r o w n t o w t T t h e c r u m b-i i h g w a l l s a n d t h e r o o f l e s s c h a m b e r s o f

t h e r u i n ~ laoiL h e l d hti)iitly tha t M u p k l t i a o w o -C j r a u g c w a s h a u n t e d a m i h a r d y w a s t h e w i g h t whlt5 v e n t u r e d a l t e r n i g h t -fall i i p l h e s t e e p a n d s t p n y p a t h t h a t l e d t o i t bull

- bull L i g h t s luut b e e n s e e n g h m c i n g j c o m i t -b y s e v e r a l b e l a t e d p e t s a b t s HviiO i i a d w n n d e i e d i n t o i t s p r e c i n c t s a n d - m o r e t h a n o n e h a d y a u c h e d t h a t t h e y iwtd h e a r d s c r e a m s u s o f s o m e o n e p o s s e s s e d

lmiftg_ frp mitsrecesscs a n d t h e t h rif ty_ S c o t c l i n e i g h b o r s w h i s p e r c t H o e a c h o t i i -ir w i l l i h a l e d - b i G a t h mdash mdash ^ _ _ _

X h e p l a c e U n o c a n n y N a e m o r t a l h a n d l i t a s j a t t h e t j i g g i n g o t and n a e m o r t a l c e s a i d s e e i t s d o w n f a l l ^ -bull

5iiI K p I t i S V a r r c n w a s a h a r d y A m e r i -i-an bull t n v v e l e r ^ w h o w ts ^ti-ivrug hV d i n t

h e a l t f t r a n d - t o a p r o p e r a s y l u m f o r h e r l i o n i z e d b - s o c i e t y a n d f h o i i g h s k e w a s 7 7 S - ^ nnmdashbull mdash bull - j mdash | bull 6--T -V mdashT - - M - ~ bull- r- -zmdash^-- ^ -------~-~

laquo d s e e i n g imiiiy l a n d s a n d w a t c h i n g m a n y w o h d e r s t o c f t i s h a m e l a n c h o l y t l i a t h a d

w h i c h W a r r e n f l o w s t o o d fr i td e v i d e n t shyl y n o t b e e n y e t f s i s t e n e d - i

I n the - t u m u l t o f h i s s u r p r j s a ^ i d j o y h e h a d g r e a t d i f f i c u l t y i n - r e p r e s s i n g a cfyr4gtylt h e r e s t r a t t t laquo d - h i m j raquo a i f f o r t h e m a n bjDgan t o s p e a k

N i e c e h e s a i d i n a h a r s h v o i c e t h i s p l a e o i s baugtmin)r s u s p e c t e d a n d V Q U m u s t b e i v m o v e d t o t h u Q o n t i n e n t i l w i l l p l a c e y o u i n a r t a s y t u r n h r l t a l v f ^ ^ bull Y o u k n o w I a m j i o t m a d u n c l e a l r

thbu gh] y o u h a v e d o n e e v e r y t h i n g i n y o b r j j o w e r t o m a k e r m e s o I w i l l n o t go t o I t a l y w i t h y ^ 1

T h e m a n l i i i i g h e d N o t m a d 5 O f c o u r s e y o u a r e n o t

B y t h e u a n d s o m e

h e i r t o a n e n o r m o u s l h r a n k f r o m c o m m i t ^

rtBrdr i lt^gt

id M r s S a u n d laquo T raquo a f o i t a p U e u t e d

1mdashBJB8M1BJMPBmdash^PB^MTT J J 1

^ l o o k e d BWSY a n d - then h e s e e s t h e

letmdashgt-ihy kiiiilcmt^

prompttfcKs to obey be rven

Tkeu for our titul 0 LIJTUWC alro pray Tuat tkou wouldat be oleaijed ugtmdashgiveus th ia

The ftxxi of life wTienwith our ftoub are fed auttieietit raimept andmdashour daily brlaquoad

With every needfultftugiflo thou rflii-ve ulaquo And ol thjL^ierey pttymdashraquoud forgive us A l i o u r mitgtdelaquodo fur H i m w h o m thou dldsj

jesj u smdashinto t^mptu-

LuMttuat love teach wlnTewith ^thoudustat-- bullqualufr-jUP bullgt J

Topasauuidmdashthose who trcbpAst again gtt us

Atrtftfrougli boiaetiuief thou lind it w-igt-have forgot v bullbull bull

Thia love lor thr-e yet helpmdash^^ud lead lt not v

t h e river a f t e r b e t o g j a d ^ r a e d w i t h s o m e pf t h e y o u n g l a d y s j e w e l r y T h e le- t tex c o n f e s s i n g s t i c i d e w a s a f o r g e r y

_ Kc m a s t e r o f a s a i l i n g __vesse l h a d b e e n b r i b e d t o b r i n g thamp y p i i n g l a d y - -w h o w a s r e p r e s e n t e d tltjk be i n s a n e mdash t o E u r o p e p~lt bull

S h e h a d b e e n c o n f i n e d i n a p a r t o f t h e rtpfrs- o f t h e a U t - r a a n s i b n w h i c h h a d b e e n f i t t e d u p t o r h e r r e c e p t i o n a n d frenr-the c r u e l t y o f M r s S a u n d e r s w a s

at earths gain driv t iou r _

Let not the ^oul of any true U-l ievtr Fail iu thefii i i i- of tr ialmdashBut del iver Yea tgtave t tn in frurn the mal ice of the deviL Ami XxWi in l ift- anddeath- kcopmdash -u^ frtgtinv

ivU mdash- - i _ _ T h u s we jirayvtLcrti for that o f fhev^-tiom

- Whom i J T-h-ijj-way ogt haif-fiJr Thine is the ki This WJicldls ofnhy wijrk its woydr ToThee b^lbiigjmdashthe pow^r a ik lUhe Aud all thy wupflrou v-orks Lav eme

m a d B u t w h o w i l l b e l i e v e y o u W h o w i l l d a r e t o i n t e r f e r e b e t w e e n a n u n c l e a n d h i s c r a z y n i e c e w h o m - h e i s t a k i n g t o a~sof t c l i m a t e f o r t h e btff ie i i t o f h e r

j e m p l o y e d i n t l f e v a i n a t t e m p t t o - d e s t r o y her r e a s o n o r b r e a k h e r - hwar t B i i t t h t - - m e m 7 gt r y w^her l o v e r h a d u p B e l d h e r

T h e k n o w l e d g e of h e r s t r a n g e s t o r y s o o n s p r e a d a n d w h e n - s h e b e c a m e M r s W a r r e n t h e y o u n g c o u p l e -w^fif

l o r i g u n c l e

raquon -thehejirtiest ofgood h e a l t h M r s W a r r e n bullbdquo w a s g e n e r a l l y - c a l l e d T h e t i h o s t o f ~ M u c k l e h o v e lt i r a u g e

O l d H l o ^ o r ^ - e ^ V i f e T

h a d m e t X e l l i e a s p l i g h t e d l i e -

a m e m g


s e i z o d v n p o n h i s l i f e - r t f i e y e i r b i ck h e

F o t h e r i n g a y - T r o t h v - t w c w T t h e m a i i d E t i h w - a s - a n u m g t h e

h a p p i e s t i n t h e l a m l w h e n o a m e t h e 4 e raquo -r i b l e i o i i l l i g e n c e t h a t h a d b^igiited lrs lif7^-~ bull ^

Miss F o t b e r h - i g a y w e a l t h y h i g h l y a e - c c m p l i s h | gt d nud b e a u t i f u l c o m m i t t e d s n i e i dt-- ] I t e r bfxJy^vj^a f o u n d floating-

-ifttraquoheKast R i v e r -ltgt d l s t i g u r c d b y d e c a y

g r e a t e r m e n t a r i m p r o v e n i e n t

yen o u w i l l n a t b e t r o t d j I c 4 - w i t l t = i i i e L e t m c cjie h e r e i n p e a c e

a n d y o u r t i t l e t o t h e p r o p e r t y w i l l b e s e c u r e B u t i f y o u h o p e - t o j v r n c r e y ~ f o ~ r t h e c r i m e y o n a r e c o m m i t t i n g h a v e

m e r c y o n me m d l e t m y l o v e r w h o w a s W h e n ( l e n e g a l - J a c k s o n w a a c a n u i -g o o d and t r u e t o m e k n o w tb at I h a v e j da | e f o r t h e p r e s i d e n c y i n 1 8 2 S ^ j i o t (jfi-h o t d i e d t h e h o r r i b l e d e a t h of~Tr-suicufe M I l y d i d t h e p a r t y o p p o s e c r - t o k i m abuse bull U r i i p h ] s h o u l d h a v e s o m e p u l l i n g b u j y f o r h i s p u b l i c i i c t s ^ w h i c h if unc6n-

t h i s l o v e r s t l t t t t i o n a l o r v i o l e n t w e x e a l e g i t i m a i ^ bull s u b j e c t f o r r e p r o b a t i o n b u t t i ey d e f a m shye d t h e c h a r a c t e r o f Ann w i f e - U n o n e

t B u t will Feiiiiunforevej andmdashiortver iTtitifui poor ereaturlt5-uiUKt o n f e n ^ altaia ^ A n d thii wigtif]jKtty rh^TifriY--- y t y

G t a f i d B u m p e r Degree

^ a y ai y o u - M a s o n o r l o w o r bull a n y t h i n g a s k e d 4hlt of thv irtrciuy man

W h y y e s o f c o u r s e Irrnft1 bull bull W e i l do the g o a t s biiiat w h e n

n i s h i i i t e a f r e s h ( - a n d h i a t ^ ^^- N o o f e t i u r s e not T h e g o a t s

-e i ieap o n e s th i h t i y e n o l i f e raquo 4 - w t t -

muXzIe-t heT~fai(l ph tgtp i l ov s o v e r t h e i r _

s a v s l t l r

l a g e r b e e r g o a t c a r i n g u p a n d h e s t a r t -

b l a t t e d ^ ttst iifce a c o w c a t c h e r a n d

a i s d e a l f a t b u t h e k n e w h e

The vlaquo ry laquofiiiemdash in earlliJta j i b in heaven 1 laquo n i t u q d g r u n t e d a n d s a i d H e U 1 tire__Whatyou b o y s i f o i n g a n d t h e a t h e g o a t g a v e h i m a n o t h e r d e g r e e a n d p a p u l l e d o f f t h e t o w i - ] A n d g o t u p a n d s t a r t e d f o r t h e s t a i r s a n d s o d i d t h e g o a t afad i n a w a s a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e laquo t a | r s j i s t e n j n g d n d - w h e h I l o o k e d o v e r i h e - b i n T s t e ^ - p a a n d m a w a s y e t t i n g lt m u t d e r a p u T m a w a s s c r e a m i n g fire

J ^ W M - l r t a t l t n g ^ a n d s n e e z t i ^ a n ^ b n r i t i p g a n d t h e h i r e d g i r l c a m e i n t o t h e h j i i l a n d t h e g o a t t o o k a f t e r h e r a n d s h e c r o s s e d h e r s e l f j u s t a^ t h e g o a t s t r u c k be i j a n d s a i d H o w l y m o t h e r p r o t e c t raler^ a n d w e n t d o w n s t a i r s t h e i m y i l h i i hfira MTUIO j t gt ^ n i h i l gt V r ^ ^ - h o t h

l i a n d s o n h e r s t J L a n d t h e goafr r a r e d u p ajnd b j a t t e d ^ a n d ^ p a a n d


- 4 1

a n o d f e i -

v o u

a r e

Kit caii i - ] i i ir i rSriTbody

mqn jis Iie-~w-inked a ( W i e r n o c f f c H o v

g r o c e r y Wtio w a s j t e a j e i l on

iijgar b a r r e l I B h i w h y d o Von


h) [king a s k

T O w e n t b i t o t l re ir r b b m a n d s h i i t t h e d g o r j amp m U f h e n m y c h u n a n d m e o p e n shye d t h e f r o n t d o o r a n d d r o v e t h e g o a f ^ o u t T h e m i n i s t e r w h o c o m e s t o s e e m a e v e r y thrlaquoe~4inj es a w e e k i w a s j u s t ^ ringing t h e b e l l a n d t h e g o a t t h o u g h t

bullhe w a n t e d J o b e n i s h j a t e d t o o K n d g a v e h i m o n e f o r l u c k a n d t h e n w e n t d o w n t h e s u l e w a l k b l a t t i n g a n d s n e e z i n g a n d t h e m i n i s t e r c a m o i n t o - the p a r l o r a n d l ^ i i 1 ^ - s t a b b e d a n d t h e n p a c a m e o u t o f r h l s r o o b i gt v i t h - h i s s u s p e n d e r s h r i D g m g d o w f c a n d h e d i d n t k n o w t h e m i n i s t e r W A S i h e i t a n d -he- s a i d c u s s w o r d s a n d if ia c u e d a n d t o l d p a h e w o u l d g o t o h e l l s u r e a r i d - p a s a i d h e d i d n t c a r e h e w o n h j 1 I Q t h a t k u s s i d g o a t - a f o r e h w e n t hud I t o l d p a t h e

i n i n k t e i v r a s i n t h e p a r l o r a n d h e a i i d m a v e n t d o w n a n d s a i d t h e w e a t h e r w a s p r o p i t e o u s f o r a r e v i v a l a n d i t r e c m e d t i s t h o u g j h a n o u t p o u r t n g o f t h e r

^ p i r i t w a s a b o u t t o b e v o u c h s a f e d t o tiis p e o p T e _ a h d n o r i e o f t h e m s o t d o w n bt f t m a eaHsc- t h e g o a t d i d n t Mri h e r a r i d


A ~t-



w h u y - f a o e d b o t a s I p r e s u m e o f y o u r s i s d o g g i n g m e - e v e r y w h e r e a n d w h i n i n g o u t t o l u i o w A v h d t h a s b e c o m e o f h i s d a r l i n g N o mdash y o t i i m u s t e o u u f w i t i i 7ire t o I t a l y y o u n g m d v - y o u a r c o n e o f t-hose ltpt ie t^petgtplb w h o d o n o t d i e e a s i l y 1 c o n f e s s t h e ijflorts o f o i i r g o o c t M r s S a u n d e r s h e r e ajnd m y o w n T th6Ugh^t w t H i l d havH w p r t - i e d ynn i n f o

v d d l e gt h e y w e r e t a l k i n g r e l i g i o n w i t h m y s t e r i o u s t h e i r m b u t h s a n d k t i s s i n ^ h e g o a t in-^

- w a r d l y m y f h u n r ^ n l ^ i i e a d j o i r r n e e l t h e b n u t h i n o n l y I w i s h m e a n d m y | l o lt l g e f ind I y K e i t o n f L - s t a v e lt T w i f l i h i m

a u d i f l r e ravnges -Trf tte tleiiizensTyf^ the- vV-ateis t l i a t i t was o n l y i d c u t i i i e t L - b y l bull iouio frHnilyjewelrv j nd t a d e f t e r e n -ca-vd^4ft-a sial-skiir p o j i e i i f o r p r o s o r v u -

l deedare iJ th^vj-itfrjvs 1

l i o n w l i t i o n o f c i id i i i g^a

i n t e n -

h a t e f u l t o h e r bull So_l^ph w a s o n

j2Q f t s ar i l

-rheFirn ^ mdashZZ

An k e toi+eT n e s a w

i iqni^r oi t h

h i s t - r m - t 7 h r r e a f f v i n g s t o u t

y o u r ^ g r a y j e b u t y o u _ h a n g o n l i k e a oar T h e I c e r t i t i e a t e o f t h e d o c t o r s - - a t n r i t

c c gt s t - n i e i o lt x j i i u a h - 4 i i o n e y n o t t o p i i t i t to u s e mdashi jgt ia i le o u t i n y o u r a s s u m e d n a m e E v e r y b o d y b e l i e v e s y o u d e a d D o n o t

I r y t o l i g h t m e _ L

^ - ^ r i t t f i g h t y ^ u 4 o thr i^ond v o n v i l

o c c a s i o n a n e w s p a p e r p u b i i s h c d a t Nasb y i l l e _u-as p l a c e d u p o n t h e (^ener- l ^ deg 4 - t v M a s o n s aTnd O d d a l V i t a b l e H e g l a n c e d - o v v r i t a n d his-rund s a i d w e o u g h t t o t r y a n d e y e s f e l l U p o n i r i r a r t i c l e in w h i c h t h e I - w gt J s o w e c o i i l d j i u e t h ( l o d g e s c h a r a c t e r of Mrs J a c k s o n was y i o - i w e g t b i g a m i 1 a s k e d p a if it

l e n l l y - a s s a i l e d --StryotrnasIie l i a d re n l j d o a n y h u r t f o r u s t o h a v e a p l a y

it l i e s e n l f o r i l i ^ t r u s l i v o l d s e r v a n J u n - T ^ 1 m v n w m m i d p u r t e n d t o - n

uwi t i i i j v n i ^ x laquo J J I iuv i u o u gt ioltiie a n a i w e n t a m i s stayeltt w i t n h i m id m u z z l e d o u r g u a M v i t h a pil^--rtll x i i g h t a n d I haLut b jm h o m e s i n c e w o u l d d i a v e e n j o y e d h i s b e e o m - B n t T d o T r f b e l i e v e pa w i l l l i c k m e

bullmbcr of o u r l o d g e fritTer T o n c a u s e h e saj1 h e w-nuld c o t - h o l d u s re-

c h u m ~ l K t d m u z z l e d o u r o ^ a t h w J P a

i n g a m c s e e p a h a d b e e n tellift u s h o w m u c h 1 s p t f n s i b T t i o V t h e c o n s e m i e n e e s H e o r -

F e l l c r s t l itrrfTtejrrit t t r n - g d a t h i n i s e l i a n d w c l i l h j d t h e

g r o w u p Qjt^er d o n t j n u s p e W e l l I g u e s s 1 w h e n w i l l - w i j i g o a n d i n e a k i n t h e b a c k waraquo


- S a d d l e - m y ^ h o r s e s a i d l i e t o h i m

i n a w h i s p e r ^ 3 frac34 t T 7 p i t m v

l i i r a bull ] Mis J a t 4 i s o n w a t c h e d h i m a n d

o n

r n n i y r o o m K m l - pH--ww4-- ft- WH4+ampFn~pound l i e s a i d it w lt m d i m p r o v e a n d l e a r i l T s T o iVe m e n S o mdash m y

o u r m i m c l m m

laquo n d w o u l d f ind oi^ f r o m t h e h i r e d gi^d h o w t h e J ^ l g i l j j j i i i d l a y s S h e w o n t ggtgt b a c k VYf gt r h e -h i a t e i cans t h e g o a t w a s n o t jua^ led f o r h i r e d

S h e j u s t I m p p e n C c T T S - g e T g r r t

t ip t h e r o a d h e f a n c i e d m o v i n g in s o m e d i s t a n t

r u i n s H e s t o p p e d Q O U -

evDnhjd by-tlfcti raquot tin ted a n d g m i r l e u t r u n k

a l i g h t

of a ltiyctHubrt t r e e

^ - A U J - sigtmgt--Wille^

l a i n O h t r i i a t s n c h a w r e t c h s h o f r i d b e m y f a t h e r s brother

Y o u - m u s t b e r e a d y in a n h o u r m y g o o d y - b u n g l a d y M - -

I w i l l d o n o t h i n g s a i d t h e v ict im i i r m l y

_ _ T h e u n c l e m i r d e a i t i m p e r c e p t i b l e m o t i o n w i t h h i s h e a d t o w a r d M r s

m i s c h i e f i n d i i s py e s

o u t a f t e r a f e w m o T r i e n t s t o o k u p t h e p f tper a n d e v e r y t h i n g S i n r a n o 1t olTp--Huuti

l ie e k n i d s w i n n i n g o n a-^bror

i I J U v - ^ ^ _ 1 u s l t fd t o h i m s e l f k e n w i n d o A V p a n e - ^ ^ ^ - ^ _

_ jAnd h e w u s a-bout t o procvynfgtsvjT(Ti rt ^^itiaEbUraquouei f r o m the r u i n s t h a t t t o l d -

as lie vvalr c u l l e d t h e b l o o d f r o m h i s s c e i n e d to s t o p f o r a n in-c h u i i i ^ m l

s U n i t h e b e a t i n g of h i s h e a r t ___ bull It_yy_as a g i r l s v o i c e w o n d e r f u l l y

^ w e e i gt b u t f a i n t a n d s o u n d i n g i s I f it

c a m e frrnn i g r e a t d i ^ a n c e off )Vas h e d f e gt m j i i g Or w a s H t r u e t h a t

t h i s p i r i t s o f t h e d laquo u j c a m e - h a c k t o e a r t h j o g i v e m c s s a g e s gt f i o m a n o t h e r w o r l d t o t h e Id i i i i l i i ine i s i n t i r gt gt ^ ^ - S t i l l t h e - s - w 5 e t - f a i H t - i ^ n r k - v o i -w h i l e t h e s o u l o f Eplibdquo W^arrcn s p e d brack t o i h e o n g infidlnW m o o n l i g h t

g i r l

S a u n d e r s

T h e w o m a n s p r a n g o n the- p o o r a n d s e i z e d b o t h h e r a r m s i n - a s t r o n g g r i p w h i l e t h e u n c l e h o l d i n g a p a i r o f i tarrdouffs a d x a n c e d rm 4 i c r -bullbullbullbull bull

t h o u g h s h e h e a r d n o t a w o r d to

g a t e o f t n e H e - r m i t a ^ u b y mdash w h i c l i t h e

hud m i i i -w i t h S h e

G e n e r a l vvaul i l_J i ave t o ]gtss Sht n o t b e e n t h e r e m o r e v t h a n a firaquow u t e s b e f o r e t h e G e n e r a l r o d e v _up


t h e

T h e n t h e V t w d c l o s e d T h e m i s c r e a n t f o u n d h e h a d n o p u l i n g gt w h e y - f i i c e lt l b o y t o d e a l w i t h - b t j t a s t rong^SHOn r i tn i -m a t e t i - w i t h a f i e r c c r t h i r s t f o r v e n

B u t h e w a s ar h a d y v i l l a i n T h e two g r a p p l e d a n d t w i s t e d an i s w a y e d

^ i a t l e n g t h f e l l o n t l i e c a r p c t e c r floor N gt i ^ J ^ T r t X e T e T i a s o u n d b u t i _ a f i e r c e

n a r l a ^ D f - t y v o b e a s t s i n - m o r t a l e o m - i

Vi i iu l f lr ih f r s

j gt n t h i s b a r e S c o t c h l u l l - h e h a d h e a r d

a g a i p i n t h e v o i c e t h a t thntJJed hi-- u e a r l -w i th

w l u c i i he h a d b e l i e v e d w a s

T i a d s o o f t e n r a p t u r e a n d

s t i l l e d

- l m a d h e m u r m u r c i l t o h i m -s i ^ ^ t ^ J ^ ^ ^ h t i g i i ve g i v e n u p i t s d e a d t o t e l T ^ m e ^ ^ i i ^ e e ^ ^ m o t i v o o f t h e f e a r f u l a c t t h a t ^ H ^ o l f bull raquo lt 1 i f e - s o f u l l -of VovCTnd h a p p i n e s s

T h e r e w a a g a i n a d n 6 a J ^ U ^ n ( v s gt a 4 i i m t

i r ^ p i e T c T s g s i r m i k w h i c h h a d h o t d i e d a w a y W h e n t j w w i n d o ^ y v s v a s s h i v e r e d t o - a ^ o j n s a n d a y o u n g g i a n gt ^ w i t h b l a z i n g e y e s and a s h o i l t l Q i e a t r i i m | 5 e t ^ e a l l l e a p e d -vaiamp t h e r o o m HTU i l O O d b C t w ^ n n i e c e a h d u n c l e

^ i i h d i g - h t n i u g r a p i t h a n d c u t T s iand d r a w i n g

t i i e c o u n t e n a n c e o f a^ m a d

p l a c e d h e r s e l f b e f o r e tlTH-iarsi

o u t __

O h G e n e r a l

L e t t h a t p o o r e d i t o r i i v i i ^

h o i - i t e r s _ a n d m e b o r r i e d a g o a t t

l i v e r y t tabl i _ _

saw ^ V-ou setVtny -chum a n d n i e h a d

T i i r ttraquoTier a t w e n t bull t a r r y - t l w - g o a t - u p - t o m y r o o m w h e n p a a n d m a w a s o u t r i d i n g a n d l i e - b l a t t e d f o v v e J i u l o t i e a h a n d k e r c h i e f a r o u n d h j s n o s e a n d h i s f e e t m a d e s u c h a n o i s e o n t l i e f l o o r t h a t W i v p t i t s o m e b a b y s ^o(ks OrTTfls^^jrmdash(-ngtslvhpoundgtgty_ f r o w n y a g o a t s m e l l s d o n t i t I shoul tT rriTrr^- o n M a s o n s n inlt l h a v e s t r o n g - t u m m i x

t h e W r o n g t i m e ( J o o d b v e laquo s i r irr a t


at l i v e s i nmdashthc4^gter i n j - o u r l o d g e 1

w n e n


She tood

m e m l w r - a n d g i v e v o u r g o a t _ k y a n i p e p - bullbullft

T h e b o y w e n t a w a y a n d s k i p p e d ^ o v e r

t h e b a c k f e n c e - -TT-4

T h ~ 6 X ^ e m f v B I f f i c T S n a I d i o t i c ~ ~ - ~

T h e l a s t c e n s u s g i v e s s o m e s t a r t l i n g - f a c N gt i t h r e f e r e n c e - t o t h e n u m b e r a n a

e a f m u t e s TRe b l i n d t h e m c r e a s e o f d e a f _ n n i t e s T B e

idjj t t tc xirtl t h e insane ingt t h e U n i t e d

S t a t e s r - - E i g h t y t h o u s a n d p h y s i c i a n s r d t laquo1

m a n a n d c r i e d

M ~ N a h v i H ~


o s i r m y c h u r n a n d wi th t h a t g o a u n t i l h e c

Hie p r a i -o u l d h u n t

W e b o r shyal o o if

tnnrr-ind h u n g it OTM-nc)iick-bfVa-+4ia4f

a p ic - tuye o f a gigtat e v r v y tinvi r i c d a

u 1 or i gKti e r y l i m e gtve I

ruek-beer ^ i g ^ fr - iu - a

bulltt bullLlom ^ h e v ^ j W ^ ^ l T ^ - j i r T k t l h t g o a t w o u l d l i u it e V e r v t i m ~

j k T i o w ^ h n t 1 w ^ s ^ ^ u r g l T b t U n i g h t p a a u n - d t o k n o w w h a t w e

tr s sbt^ d i n theJco41eetTorr o f - t h e s e s t a t i s -t i r ^ r a n d t i i e y m a y t h e i | e f o r e b e r e g a r d e d agtlt a-pprox-mia ie ly e o n v c T h e t o t a l n n m i W of L TnfomfhaTT^ -TTTnracetf^fir j h o - e f o u r - lt d n ^ c s in Kgt- i^JOM)-i in

C a m e v o u

for- S h e a n s w e r e d I saw - i t - in t h e p a p e r

a f t e r y o u w e n t o u I i p u i u p y o u r h o r s e

w e r e d o i t i g i i p in m y r o o m h i m w e w o r e p b i y i n g Indgi

a n d I t o u t a n d i m -

raquo bull l^)o t h e y h u P i i i c r c a laquo c u o ( ^ - 1 o l 7 INTO t o $srgt4 a n d in -l^O t o ^ 1 5 9 8 t h e i n c r e a s e d ^ i n g - t l e l a s t d e c a d e - f r e -

i n g IjQ ^ e r ^ i l t i - - bull 4 frac12 r i frac34 a ^ i n 1 ^ frac12 g ^ t h i r t y ^

T h e Uampe-d r d p p c d t h e a p i s t o l d i s c h a r g e d t a t h i s a n t a g a n i s t

B u t W a r r e n w a s a s q u i c k H e s t e p -^-SSrhjed a s i d e a n d M r s S a u n d e r s w h o l i a d

c o n t i n u e d t o h o l d t h e y o u n g l a d y s a r m s laquoi n n tnTBKgr a up ^ t e r e d lti l o u d c r y a n d

a m i g o b a o k l i e r e p l i e d f u r i o u s l y

- mdash g e t o u t o f m v w a y bull B m I-yvi i l g o

p r q v n g _ m i r mint ) a u d p a - s a i d ^ t l i a t [ j - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ n _ u deg ^ deg - r lt ^ j d i o t 6 i n s a u e w a s L i g h t t h e r e w a s n o t h i n g that-^tfftti- -bullbull- -^ 7----^ 4~------ ^ raquo-^-gt-

b o v s o f o i i r a g e ^ a l f s ^ m u c h g o o d a s T o i m i t a t e - m e t i

I n s t e a d o f t h i s s h e g r a s p e d h sbr id le j ^ 1 ^ r h

)oth h a n d s _ I


H bdquo^ I d i d n t

a n crypto re h y u s e f w l n o - e n m y i - h i i m a s k e d p a i f - h e

w a n t - t o lt-ouio u p a n d t a k e t h e

a i d hi n c r i s a y l e t g o m v j i

h o r s e The^gtHAaiu t h a t r e v i l e s m y w i f e j -(~silall-not l i laquo e 4 ^ ^ cent ^ - - ^ ^ ^ - = ^ - ^ ^ ^ -

bullsecthe g r a s p e d t h e r e i i i ^ t h e ^ t i g h t e r a n d i t h a t w a

r a n d l )umpeiraquo- p a l a t l i i d a n d

f e l l b l e e d i h j p a v i n g


r o l b a t T h e y rol led^ovTSj 1 the floor^ s t r i k -

i n g ^ a c h o t h e r s t r o n g r ^ a n d r a p i d b l o w s

w i t h one h a n d w h i l e n h e gt raquo t ] i e r firmly

c h i t c h e d trre e n e m y ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ _ A s o n e f o r a r T r a s t a n t g a i t R n t theTTp]

a t r o v e 4 o - r i ltrvJie w a s lt r i l g g e d

m a n d s t i l l t h e c r u e l iEfows w y r ^

r a l n l s d ^ u p o n e a c h o t h e r t i l l t h e f a c e s o f

i o t h - W C T e j - c o v e r e d w i t h b l o o d A t

^ n g t h W a i T o H v o b t a l u c d a g r a s p OTV h j s

eneniy r s- t h r o a t

T h e l a t t e r f e l l t h a t

bull a s p e t b e g a n t o e x p o s t u l a t e w i t h hf i t h a t s h e w a s t h e one w h o o u g h t to a n g r v b u t t h a t s h e f o r g a v e h e r p e r s e shyc u t o r s frOTn~tae - b o t l o m o f h e r h e a r t -

p r a y e d - f o f t l t c m mdash t h a t h e s h o u l d f o r g i v e | f h e h o p e d J o b e f o r g i v e n A t - la s t - -by

e i i s o n i n g h e r e n t r e a t i e s a n d h e r H ^ a r s ^ lt s b V o r k e d u p o n h e r h u s b a n d t h a t h e s e o r l t gt d m o l i t i e d t o a c e r t a i n e x -

J e n _ t L _ S h c w o n N o G e n e r a l y o t r s i Y a t t r n o t t a k ^ t h e -


e i l u l n t carj^-ifmdashliediltl j u s t - t o e n ^ e t h e b o y s in i n n o c e n t p a s t i m e

o i m p r o v i n g t o o u r i n t e l l e c t hai l - s h u t t h e mdash g o a t u p i n a c l o s e t i n

m_rraquo)om a n d l i e l u u l g o t over b l a t t i n g iVveTobk o f f t h e h a n d k e r c h i e f ra id h e

w n s ^ s i t i n g - s o n u gt o f m y p a p e r c^ l Iars a n t l ^kabt^-^jtraps W e w e n t u p s t a i r s a n d t o l d p a t o c o i n e u p p r e t t y s o o n a n d g i v e t h r e e d i s t i n t H r ^ x aTiTt^wlRm w e a s k e d h i m who w a s t h e r e gt h t ^ ~ m a s t s a y bulla p i l g a r i c w h o ^ w a n t s --to- j o i n y i v i r a n c i e n t o r d e r a n d r i d e t h e g o a t w a n t e d to c o m e t i p t o o b u t w e t o l d h e r rf she c a m e i n i t w o u l d b r e a k u p t h e

) i r i d a n d A t e A f Y n u t e s h h d i n e r e a s e d T i v e ^ -f o h l t h e p o p u l a t i o n h a t l o n l y - d o u b l e d T h e e e n s u gt r e j ^ - i s h o w s t t i a t t h e m o W - -l y - - d e f e c t i v e mdash t h a t i s t h e rrrmStesr^ p r i s o n s r e f o r m a t o n e s e t c - - a g g r e g a t e ^ o v e r f o u r h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d o r n e laquo r l y o n e p e r e e j i t o f t h e e n t i r e p o p u l a t i V m

l i f e o f m y - r e v i l e r mdash v o u d a r e l m L n o t d o i t i _ f o r it i s - w r i t t e n bull Y e n g c a i n s ^ J s i lodg^ c a u s e a w o m a n c o u l d n t k e e p a

~ a t t d w e d i d u - t h a v e a n y s i d e - s a d -

T h c p h y s i c a l a n d u u - h t a l d e f e c t s o f m a n o f t h e lt o p e r s o n s - a r e p r e v e n t a b l e j a n d w l i c r e v e r Tl ie c a u s e i s k n o w n nnd a r e m e d y isj a l s o k n o w n t h e g r e a t e s t efshyfor t s h o u k l - b e m a d e t o r e m o v e t h o c a u s e a n d t o a p p l y t h e r e n i e d v f

I n a t o w n u p t h e H laquo d s b n t w o f a r m shye r h a d n i r - f t p h h r g l a s t s p r i n g t o ~ g o inTo bulltrad and a f t e r c a n v a s s i n g t h e s u b j e c t f o r a s p e l l t h e y p u t i n fti^OOOe^ch a n d

o p e n e d a g i o e e r v

m i n e I w i l F r e p a y s a i t h t h e L o r d bull bull T h e i r o n n e r v e d h e r o g a v e a w a v - be- j r e t h e p l e a d i n g o f h i s b c i c v e d vgt i f j | H t 4 4 ^ n l M ^ t i m e y o n i n i t i a t e a m a t ^ o

a h i t n laquo 4 ) l i e d bull deg p y o i i r m a s o n I V i e M ^ V d n h i l t h a d i t n o t - b e e n t i e k y f t i l pepTwr o ) t lt b e ^ g o i n gt b e i r 4 j u - lt t

n e d i d l a r g e f a n

i d u d e d t o d i ^ t h i s f r a m e o f m i n d bull bull bull t h e v c o n s n l t e d a l a w

T r a d e w a s d t i l i b o t l i s ar d t h e y finally c o n -

rgtDfcopy lt i e - p a r t n e r s h i p ^ - I n -bullV


gtsvagt bull loraquo s t r u c k j u r i o i i ^ l y a g a i n a m

- ^

T h e s h a d o w s w e r e uTHinentn wfeao^Hy a n d l i e n o w d i s t i n c t l y s

mdash l i g h t b u r r r m g - i n o n e p a r t o f t h e - r u i n s T h e n i g h t w ^ r k W - e r e rising a n d a f a i n t s t a r s h o n e o u t traquow^njding r e t l e c t o d o n t h lt M ) b s o m o f t h e - r i v e r l ) l m v T-he arr

- b n g a t L s l p w l y t o b e f i i l e t l w l t k j d i e m y s - ^ t e r i o u s s o u n d s t h a t a w a k e i n - - ~ a i i ^ s o l i - -

t u d e s o f t h d n i g h t - - w h i s p er i u g s s f oo t f ev l l s rust t i i i j j f l a s o f s h a u o w y g a r

^ ^ r o n t s ^ k i r ^ e d t h r o u g h t h e g a t h e r i n g tiagtfcaujAs gt ^ ^^=

W a r r e n

l i g h t If i t ilaquo

o w w l r a t i t j s to lTrtrs^a i p w a r d

laquoU d darling Ih bull I have


H e i i n jit t h e

t i e r c e e y e s g l a r i n g d o w n l i p o n T r m i b u t WllVren n e v n v w h t y t - d b ta hnTd |

i n s t a n t - T h e w r e t c h f e l t J^rtrsejf cs l ioking H e p l a c e d h i s h a n d i n M i j ^

o s o m --

o u g h a b l o o d y m i s t W a r r e n saw o m e t h i h T ^ g l e a m a t h i s b r e a s t H e

s t r t r s k a t j t a m C a l o u d e x p l o s i o n f o l l o w shye d ^ ^

T h e u n p l e gt e f e l l i e

a d e e p g r o a n ^ a r f t W t h e r i r a y ^ f i ^ f e c U y

f o r -ou a n d 11 l e ^ o r t l s o f t h e i t h e NTetch s h o u l d ^ r t o t - h a v e h o u r ^ ^

l n i i g l i t y l i V e u a n

a f o r e t h r e e i n c h

img^y g a v e J

J i a d e k a e d

~said - f i p h J - s t r o d e 9 laquo t i n t o w a r d t h e

u t S p S 4 h e w a i m e d at a n o t h e r s 1 l i f e

o w n

n c a u g h t ^ T r p t ^ o I i g lgt t fo t h i s b e i r o ^ ^ e d a n d r u h l o c ^ T n ^ i h j ^ rtool

- n e r s

N o O n e O b j e c t e d bull

A ^ j i t J j U i r i o j i S - j J C A m ^ m u c h ^aflecjed_at i v a l O n c e w e n lt t o J o n a t h a n E d -frac34 a n d s a i amp J o h i m i n t h e r e l i g i o w s

t h e chjief o f s i n

y e r w h o ^ a s k e c t W h M i s t h e V a l u e o f flte g o a t f S a v if y o u n e v e r t r i e d [ t h e s t o c k o n h a n d - A b o u t 8 1 2 0 0

_ _ _ bdquo bdquo 4 A t b l h o w m u r h d o y o u o w e A h o t r t mdash

d g c ^ y o i i s gt r i n k l e aTlit ( ^ O l K ) V e n w e l l I s e e m y w a y x ^ - - c l e a r M r S m i t h y o u w i l l d r a w o u t t h e _

g o o d - w i l l f o r y o i i r - s j j a r e a n d I l l t h r o w i n a b a r r e l of m o l a s s e s f o r y o u r f a i n i l y M r B r o w n v o u t a k e a l T a c C o u n t s a n d

mw Inraquo kig tgtf pick 1 ltalt - And ^s-to b e c o m e o f t h e s t o r e ^ Q h


y o u t u r n h m l o o s K Y o i t t - n u g a

t i m e s a s m u c h f u n t o ^ S i ^ s q t i H r e

o f g o a f Y o u w o u l d n t T l y m k i i

Well- w y g o t a w a s t u u r s a m e g o a t

a r e v i v a h - O n c e w e n f t o J o n a t h a n E d - j iy^d I t t e i ^ rtfl t h e n

^ l r e a l l time

l a t I a i bull

gt i ^ l a j k l t d ^ h e a r i t T ^ k m p l i e i T ^ t h e d o m

i n i e bull v o u r n e i g l i o o r ^ l i l t r ^ l o n g r e a l i z e d

1 1 ^ - - bull - ^ ^ bull ] J e e l i ) C r s i s t e d t h e w-

J e n t -^that F a n s - w i l l i n g - t o ^ t r ^ f o r t h e g l o r y o f G o d

y e l l r e p l i e d t h e h a r d h e a r t e d p l ^ c h e r v ^ bull I d o n t k n o w a j i y i J o d y l y n i i i l r t h e r e t h a f w o u l d h a v t f t h e s l i g h t -

e s t a r l i z n t A s bfo w e n t a w i f U j ^ a n a 1 I

laquo 1 t k e m o G o i F a t t laquo d ^ i s ^ a r H n gt f r i

t o w f c i c h s h e - h a d f a l l e n

d o w n

h air roonjifc^


T^j^n^sn of England senY-^l^e-ustof heii^lf by Mr Boehm

sM^eywlaquoddine pftlaquoettt to her d^ ter the CwwnjhTfncessW^^rthanjr

l i x e d a n d p a r a p p e d a n d we - le t hifti Iff lii t o l d h i m he^TOust b e b f i i gt d - f o l d e d

o n h is k j i e e s a - l a in n g m v e l a r o u n d h i s e v e s a n d

1 t u r n e d n i m a t o u n d a n d -^uiade h i m g e t d o w n o n gt i t s ^ 4 n v n d s a l s o a n d t h e n h i s b a c k w a s r i g h f gt ^ - a r i l s t h e c l o s e t floor $jad I p u t ~ tho b u ^ k b e e r s i g n r i g h t jvginst p a s c l o t h e s H e l a f H n g a l l t h e tinegt a m i s a i d w e b o y s w e r e a s f u l l o f f u n a s t h e y m a d e e m j u i d w e t o l d h i m i t w a s s o l e m n o c c a s i o n

VVl y b t i f t r o u b l e

-11 i ^ ^ i l l t l i e g o o d s t o m e f o r m y

i n p i H ^ B g f h e d e b t s a n d g i v i n g

4egnl ady T l t o s e ~ T a r a e r e it - a s t h e y of


a n d w e w o u l d n t p e r m i t n o l e v i t y a n d i f R e d i d n t s t o p - l a l t i b g We ( bullUUmu^l^iVd I n n ^ h e g r a n d b u m p e r d e g r e e T h e n e y e r l S i B ^ f e A a s r e a d y a n d m y c h u m

t y a n p e p p e r i n

a i n l o w t h e r ^ I i a n d ^ j j

if he fett a 1

ttgtor if he a s k e i l p t h o u g h h e Sva

h a d n e r v e ^ o u g l f t o g o a h e a l K a n d t a ^ c t h e d e g r e e - - X - y a i r i ^ d h i m

o f j d a n g e r s a s t h e g o a t w a s 1 o r be^rgt4 ind t o l d h i m k V y e t h a d


S o m e t i m e s s t o p t o

l e a n o n t h e i r h o e s a n d r e s t b a c k s b u t t h e y c a n n o t m a k e i t -c l Uallfffred Xetts


mdash-A c o r r e s p o n d e n t t e l l s o f a n c v e n f r ^ n A j j p e n i n g m a n y y e a r s a g o I n t h e c o i m t n - n e ^ 4 1 a g e r S t o w n M d A b a b y b o r n - w i t h ^ J j ^ - i ^ r k ongt h e F f a c g w a raquo

t a ^ e n t o ^ ^ n e f e T a h o n f v c m o r e d w o r n w a s l y t p g d e a d a n d h e r l e raquo lt Q l d J i a n a ^

v a r u b b e d r e p e a t e d l y o v e r t h gt - m f t ^ k it h f t j h g a ^ u p e r a t H j b n t h a t b y raquojy^oi t h e m a r k ^ w o u l d 4 i s a p p e a r T i i m o t h e r o f t h e g i r l d e c l a r e s t h a t f gt f t t h a t m o shym e n t t h e m a r k f a d laquo d a w ^ a a d 1 raquo a f e w | u b n t amp t ^ u e n t i r e l y g p ^ e T h e g i r l i s

e t e ^ n y e a r ^ I d T - w i t h a c o m -

bullisr r 2

Hcgyqs J W T W 8 raquo H bullbull

r T -


from orjserrationsH made olggical^ Sardensi-f London p r o b a b l e ^ a t the extreme lease of of the hippjpotamias is thirty ygars

The Scientific American warns j^eo-ple against using ice taken from ponds con taming impure water Freezing does hot kill tbeiiampeidiis germs so inshyimical to health

M L Lange r says that the fat of the child cbhta tSntess oleic acid-hut more palmitic and stearib _acid than that of adults oesides bdng^ richer in the butyric and oaproici acids

JSir William Thompson follows Dr Thomas Roid in aeoribing to mac six senses instead of five namely the sense of force pi heat of sound of

handsome income for befaelf and all in [ the most quiet way^JPhis lady is a Miss Martfn I do not s u p p o e that there is fraquoy iobjeetion to my mentioning her name AS it is well known among a great m a n y people Miss Martin is- th daughter of a gcniltjuian l i v ing n e a r

ligbl of t4JLbt4+anxl of smell Aft^r evaporating araquo a^raw^lo l f lF

fastrjq jttioe prepared from the social positii of jk sheep ampr ^- Cbapoteaut well enough

Aublirn in this secttate and who at one t ime was very weajthv but although

the family stilrlivo in the old homestead TjrhijSh is a noble mansion they are very ~~~ reduced in cjrcumstancas Miss

n when slie became old et^ough ^ ^an i money and to know lt did uot

always come for the wanting cas tauoa t her for something to do bieh she could at least c a m a decent living and not be dependent upon her father

- i t seemed as though all 4he avenues were closed She was n o t gifted HI any part icular way though she wajsr^jij

I woman of excellent education andjhad aittjfie advmilages tha t eame from Ijiigh

on But she neither Bang

l- - J

bull4 bull


i bdquo bull

stomach _ ^ obtained a pepsin capable of dissolving 2000 times its weight of fibrin

Papers saturated with fuchraquome solushyt ion mraquodyellow with sulphuric acid i ^ r e g o m m e n d e d by Dr G Kroupa as very sensitive teste for gaseous -amshymonia Ammonia invariably turns themipd ~ --^ ] mdashi

I n seasoning casks by]the addition of soda to the water more suhstance ns removed from the wo^gtd than when acid is Employed bufrless is removed if the woodhis introduced into the cold solution and the whole then heated

Gambetta s brain has been_ fonhd jo sjreigh 2100 grammos to be of very fine structure and to have the third corivol-ution highly develojpeJd The autopsy

of the body was made aa he was a memshyber of the Society of Dissection -Zl_l

Herr O Schlickum has been^endeav-or ing with considerable success to deshytect and estimate the castor oil balsaw^rfrpm

for stage purposes nor had she any histrionic talent In giving the subject serious consideration she rey membered that there was one thing ihe could do vj^ry Jvjell and thiat was pifck ling and preserving She 4gtold her friends thet she yraa going to make a large quantity of pickles and preserves of different kinds and that she wanted to sell them ^Knowing what an excellent housekeeper she wasthey knew that anything that was made under her supervisionwould be sure to be good so she had no trouble in selling aS she made the first year The second year she made more and sold all The third ca r she 1 made more yet and wasijn-

a5Ie-lo supply the d e m a n d T h e fourth year shcbdquo increased her facilities and h e r reputation bad by this tjime spread | so f a r that she did a very-riarge busishyness and even solampto- some_of the l a rge r s tores jn New York Noyfrarf riencr^jf hers told me the other day her profits

reserves reach the


L i l o w t o Treatav Ugty Tfce Housekeeper lt

Get hold of the boys heart Yonder locomotive comes like a whirlwind

f v


of copava purified etorax and alcoholic solutions of a balsamic nature of ben-

73fo^~i5d-6i^T5oh^hlttoywirteh-are fre-quent adulterants of balsam of Peru bull In a note on the Icompressibility of wa te r Prof Tait of the juniversity of Edinburgh statesXhati water seems to be less comp^ss ib l e r^ higher than at lower pressure andymore compressible asc6mpared wiBi sfeel or glass at low-


^erSthah at higher temperatures

Priority in photographlng-^with the electric light is claimed for ltM Lewits-ki who took pictures by its means on the occasion of the coronation Of~the

Czar Alexander I I using as a genershyator of eleotricity a Bunsen battery of pound00 elements which was subsequ taken to St Petersburg and there Utiliz ed

Although genuine precious topaz remarkable for size and clearness have been found near Pike s Peak Mr RampT Cross ~as-

-eerts-that the stone which is cut in Colshyorado and soldnas-topaz t o t o n r i s t s is not topaz at all7~ouf simply 6moky quartz or the cairngorm stone of 8cot-lancT

Manganese bronze is rapidly growing i favor as a matenaj^for screw propet-ler blades I t is very strong and its durabiUty^far exceeds that of steel the life of which -in a propeller averages about three years A propeller made

down the track and a r^ginent of anu ed men-might seek to a n t s t it in vaih I t would crush them and plunge unshyheeding on But there is a little lovejc in its mechanism tfcat at the p gt e ^ ^ ^ f u t e n s n ^ c t e a n s Sn a man s hand will efaeken its speed and in a moment or two br ing it panting and still like a whipped spaniel at y o u r feet By the same little lever the vast steamer is guided hither and yondjarf upon the sea in spite of adverse w i n d e r cur ren t That sensitive and respod^ve spot by which a boy s life is control^d is his heart- Wlta-^otti grasp genUy and firmly on that hermv you PMvrjiUa him whither you will Never d o u w that lie has a heart Bad jand wUfHul boys very otfen have the tendiaCfist hearta bidden away somewhere bgEiwath incrusshytations of sin~ or beMnd bajrricades of pride And ijt is your busii^ess to get a t t ha t heart gA hold of that heart keef hbldof it i y sympathy confiding in him inanifestly working only for hi^rgooi by little indirect kindnesses to his moth er or sfater or even his pet dog See him at his home or invite him into yours Provijle him some little pleasshyure set him atsbme little service of trust for you love him ioye him practically Anyway and every way rule hmi through his heart bullbull ~ rr1^1mdash^

we have [known person to use mach mor^ witn xaraquorkea benefit If wisely managed every dtapeptip will be greatshyly improved bylaquothis coJdlaquotlaquomaoh bath

AMMQjfcjA A creat labor-ea -A great labor-saviog ar-ticle land like some medicines good for alpAost everything Is mmonja - A email quantity in warm water takes away every spot off of ltpoundaia)t romoetf every particle of greaae from cooking

ana disinfectsthe drainshypipe cleanses delicate laces without rubbing cleans s i l rer and brushes and is -an excellent fertilizer far plants

Xike other goocTJthings it must be carefully used plainly labeled and kept out of the reach of little fingers

v - - - - ~ gt ~ mdash v ^

bull ^ T


BT kxar C KDOO

1 dreinwd a dream the cber night-When eyerythinfrx^^^ ~

of ipeeob I dreamed J tnw tfieparU

very qomortable sum of six toten thoushysand dollars a year Anct^she only works f romMayfe November AuTjHrn being a little far from the New York markets where-fijuit can be Bought best and cheapest Miss Martin has come down and^taken a place at Glen Cove to be near Her friendMrs S h M Bar- low as-well as to gain t h ^ advantages of a nearer residence to New YgricTjOne of the seccets of Miss Mar^ius jsuccegs is tha t everything she makes is-the very beat of its land All the ingredients she uses in her_pickles aud preserves are the best in the market and though she employs a number of men find women she superintends everything herself and whi le herarticles are all in the shopsr

have a homeliko taste that is un r mlgtakable All the jars bear her inishytials written in fac-simile ofHber auto-

h on a heat l abe l Oh the side A sister of Miss Martin 8gfeing her sucshycess cast about her for something to do Of course she did uoWvgja to go into the same lino of business and finally she struck upon cake-making as a live lihood am$-her cakes are now a lraquoos t as celebrated as her s i s te rs pickles and preserves She still lives-^nt J^nbilrn but she receives orders from New York and even Newport Miss Martins cakes are considered an essential par t of a well-regulagted pantry-in New York

Uefal In fe rmaMon S WEKPIXO mdashIn sweepin^dCLnot scrub

your broom into yoTJr~oarpeiLaJ i l l yon were sawing a pine hoard but sweep

-bullbulljt bullbullbullbullmdash - 1 1 ^ 1 frac34 ^ mdashZ~~^

T I N ^VBODINC Cf KBmdashRub one cup

of but ter and t h r ee of 6agspound to a cre^m add one cup of mi l t four-enps

[ot ^our five eggs one teaspoonfal of cream- of tartar half teaspoonfttl of soda one-fourth pound of citron This makes two loaves

BREAKFAST R D S K S mdash Two cupfuls of sweet milk two eggs two teaspoonfuls of cream tar ta r one teaspopnful of sodjftj hrtllf a cupful ofw4Hte sugar about four small cupfulsof flour- Beat the eggs very light pot Ufte cream of t a r t a r in the flour and add the s o d a ^ i e last ibfcyg Bake in a long pah in a quiok oven - BEBFSTHAKmdashPuDDiMjamdashj^ine -your-basin with thin suet cpust For a small

A low deep gfoao (escaped my mouth A tear itobd In toy eye

I thought I said sect month alaquoo ^^ Jft grammar a good-bye

And there the hateful thJagfrthey etood A curlouflmotley ^owd

And while I gaced the muaic placed - Rach to his partner bowed

The Noun walaquo eluding with the Vorb Ailt 1B wont to do

And followed It whereer li went A Btthjeet tried and true

The Vraquorbwaa ait Qg-actton bentmdash Inautfh a mcuy niood^ ~

Hft made ttrprttejimperauve That It shouldbe subdued J

bdquo - - - ^ - - ^ - 1 ^ And justtwlore^heni via-a-vto

As I have always haaap 8tlaquood these two ltgtualifyftig onelaquoy

The Adjective Adverbi bull

lightly and gently and you will get the dust togethei^just as well save making half the dust besidesfeaying a great deal

in^hje_isfiftri2fjthe earpet^ MA^yKcniBn^^H^njired^biit ~it must not reaoh keepers wonder why their carpets do no Tast^as well as their neighbors which were pu t down at about the same

liy this carpet does not wear previousone as well laquos a of the same

kindTahd^ theT weaver gets the Blame when nine times out~of ten it is the sweeperwho is to b l a m e Vfe don t care how smart our help is in other ways if laquohe-dig^-herbr4 pet i n - tha t p i tching scrubbing which so many doWe begin to nervous and wjsh tlic ^ e l p soifiewhere else for we know how

way feel iwas soon

pudding take three^Uar ters of a pound of r u m p steak apt in thin sliees^yithout fat or gristle make~tkpowderof pepper and salt dip each slice into i t a n o J a y it round in layers in the basin untilnearly-fnil Fill up the center with oysters ormushroonis tie it t ight and boil for three hours addwater in the saucepan

top of the-pudding basin z f i l l up_ th^r -ijasin wih good stock -

M A M I K S P U D D I N G mdash Beat together one cup sugar one and a ha l f table- spoonfuls butter oneeggTohe pint flour one cup sweet milk one teaspoonful of baking powder BaltelJ)mdasha~ moderate oven eat warm with warm sauce This same batter may be baked in ar^ery-^liin

the fHrpet wUlbegin to show it Nothshying i ^e wejld sooner spoils good picshytures e tc than d u 4 t ^ t gets into the cracks and corners where it cannot be got out so that we think it-best to al-wuj 7 dampen the broom before^^sveep-ing Some people wear out the broom ail on one side Nothing raquois more sug-

of bronze will however last alaquo long as the vessel and afterward be of considershyable money value

Winef=raquoraquoy8Mr J Morite shows a t en shydency to remain liquid below its t r u e

freezing-point The poinrat vhich it becomes solid is-determined b y the per centage xgtf5aloohol it contains The higher the per centage the lower will be that point ranging from 33 dtlt to Sitdeg for an alcoholic strength of 78 deg toM2^deg 4 jy volume v

As palladium sponge a t 100 deg comshypletely absorba^iytirfogesrDr W Sem-Sel haa turn^A^m discovflrr nrhiH to


(ion TJoKntavt Bat Stnr i 1 Conimunlcatioa to Boston Star-

J d y house is supposedtoJbe ra t proot^

gestive of caralessnesg-thaTithis When bullweepin hold the broom n e a r l y straight up-and down and biulaquoh rather than sweep being careful to keep the lottgestMcle next the carpet A broom kept gtrsight will last three times as long as one allowed to wear out all on ohle side


out on^a damp towel then spi^adquickl^with jelly or French cream^and rolled rip T- -ahd be xrsed as cake or while warm anch served ^yriik Varm sjuioe We then c a l l J t r a i l r o a d pud-dina _bdquo ~ _ rlt bull

B A K E D Jlsfi^-A fish woighingrrom four to^slx pounds is a^ood size to bake

J f should be cooked whole to iookjwell Make a dressing of bread crumbs biit-tFrrsaJhtrand-a-little salt porkraquo chopped

WhileV tlielaquoitipoundraquo of less account To my bestrecoUi6cUoa-

8tC5aTrotioun VrepSsTtlon Conjunction InterjectlQU s

Then right andkft and ladle change gt^nd cha8se iathe middle

^Argt4 promenade and balampncez Wiaie Syntax played the fiddle

len faataod furious grew the fun Their stepsi became unstable

And Interjection said AlasI To dance more Im not able

And everything then grew quu mixedmdash I laquo5er


It always was-a botficr-To tell tblaquom when they stood quite still

Onepartyispeech from tother

And all afonce the music cealaquoed T Perhaps the rest yotr ve eaessedmdash bullbull

The pie I ate for tea that night Hlaquod made me sleep distressed

_-r mdashCambridge Tjtffoyne


c What Men Need Wives ^ _

Our Home ia^aot-to Bwecp7^ie^UBe7imitaak5~

the beds and dara thesocks and cook the meals chiefly t h l t a man wants a

-wifermdash If this4s all he wantsi hired sershyvants can do itxcheaper than a wife If thisis all wheavbull young mancaTts^fer see a l ady l end him into rhgtpant ry- io

BUKJTSmdashAccoiding to ^ WJ

the Practitioner a simple and effective^ remedy for removing the p a i n ^ r wounds causedT^ry burns or scalds s-a-

i n d was so wrheuquite new but a t ^ n e | saturated solution of bicarbonate oisoda time more than - twenly ye a r ago We in- either plaiij or camphorated wa|ef

ccount in 8eparatiiig hydtugen frtmi a mixture of gaseX Almost the - exatrtv

r calculated amount of the gas was reshycovered from a palladium-spiral heated ^ 8 5 0 deg th is suggests a means of

T-T^ibtaimng reidi ly what may be called -chemicaSy pure hydrogen ^ mdash T~ SomeTweeks ago~TdriiggTst~ihl5urs-lem England had carelessly served a customer with pofefindl|steadof inttgno-sia He summoned the bellman as soon as the mistake was discovered and sent kinr about the streeta warningTrTS^un

had a lajge colony pf^the rodents greatshyly tp-our rannoyance and it w a s w i t h w a i^a t te r of daily wonder where they found a weak spot in our defenses against tbjgm One evening a young lady from a friends family living in a l a rge ihrehcnTse near ly a mi 1 P away was with us and the talk^-turnedonrats as we heard ours galloping in the coil-ing^And scamperjng^ up and down the walls The younglady said that none ~had ever been in their ho use fwuUshe bullliidhaot think there was any point at which ^they could enter My eldest daughter a ^ r e a t wit saidT^I^ye heard

taste the bread andejakes^she has maije send him t laquo J | ^ e o t - t h e needlework and bed-making or pu t a broom into her

uJiaficlsand send-himTo witness its use I t may ge^teoitir- Such things a r e importanKaml the wise

cuk 9 i c e s young man will qui

tine (parsley and onions if you please) mix this with one egg Fill the body sew_it up and lay m a large dripper put acrossit some strips of salt pork to tlayor it Put a pint of w a t e r - a n d a Utile saitin-a pan Bake it an ^(air and a ^alf-^Bste- frequently After taking dp the fish tliickentheffrayy and pourover it ^ - -


A Little Mixed on UJO Question of Sides

To apply the remedy all that is uccas isaryis to eut a piece of J int o r p l3 rag or even thick

soft blotting-paper of- a


J3raquo mdashknown purchaser not to use the deadly

drug This is a rather novel way of bullftiiftrKftaJTig personal error as it may be calledraquo-but it was successful

While Fistblja holds that the

- r e s i s t i n g the decomposing action of sea water and cost of production render forging secondary to casjting He be-

^ B e r laquo laquo tha t a coat of zinc o r enamel which has smoothness and a soap-like

^ character would ^ e a good means to diminish friction and improve the effct

-of shipsVgcrews

l h a t if politelymyited todo so ih^wrtt ing^ r a t a will leavo^any- house and go to any other to which they may be di-rected and I will tell ours th t at ymir _house they-wili find spadmfr^KqrteTg and an excellent commissariat

At the moment before us-a l l - sne wiute a most grandiloquent letter tlty^he large family of rats t h a t H i a i s o ong-Htrade-

the pain subsides or the-limb may rathed or-encircled with a^a rgeonV

cotton bandage previously soaked in the aturated solution and kept constantly

j e t t e d with i t the relief being ^nusual-ly immediate provided the solution be

favoured us-with their presence pom ting -ou^to them that at Nor 65 P e a r s t r e e t was a- large fine house which had never

^ 6 ideal been favored with the residence oTanv material for screw propelrers would h e ^ f the^r familv where they would find flaquorged steefcihe considerations of work- - ^ - ^ - - - -^ ing o u t difficiil^ curves the power of

How one Woman Earns her Living CorBoston8aturdajKvening Journal

I have often heard it complained that

which they could earn as much money as men Perhap^- there - ^ nothing in

^Hame line of business as that follow-taking all the profes-

womengt it seems dAarof money

ms re too

to jieed - m e n t i o n i a g ^ B u i there are ^ther lines of business ilta4 w o m e n m a y follow w h o have nosectuch natural


sion foliowi me that there made gft oy them ^ h ^ laquo n ^ r m o u s

iSghy singers- a n i actre^sesTt ma wlaquoJi4cnown

a g as th^se r I ^ gt r d tha day o i raquo i i a d y ^ h Q wasTmakinga

fcfipl^ quarters and a fat larder Wheri finished^she read the missivo to the company and we had a7 great laugh over it5 AR sn^old ^superstition_shetheH put lard upon it a n d m r r i o d it intcftthe attic where it woul^p^ohably be fopnd by those to whom it was diree|eurod

A few days after the young lady was at our housed again and burst inKrlta laugh exclaiming Our house is over- run with ra ts^T T h a t recalled to us t h e fact that wjg had heard iiojie in ojir walls M daughter went to the attipr i^ 4nbdquobdquo vAbdquo -and the letter w a s ffone While w e gt e r e i f Qf a P T 3 frac34

siesullicient to cover the burn or scaldshyed parts and keegt it constaitly well wetted with t he sodalo4otion so-as -to prevent_itsdrying By this means it usually happens that all paineeaseV in frraquom a quarterio a half-hour or^^ven in much less tWftr- WhP tha_maiBgt par t of a limb such as 4 h e hand and fdre-annor the foot and 1 ^ has been frqrneoly n is best when practicable t o ^ h i W e the part a t once into a jug or p)iil brother convenient vessel hlled ^ - ^ --watlulie laquofgt^a lrtinn-aTiri ^^-^fj^f^-thoro q-few m m u t e s ^ g ^ I asked va man

Donnis Sullivan tells a story on Coloshynel ClintltUeed the well-known iurist that will bear^repeat ing Ho says Colonel Reed was fltegriisrot^oHgreTsP man Belford in Washington and was re turning to his-hotel late pne night

W ay 1 While^rowsing when he lost his about in an aimless insane sort(of man ner he encountered a policeman

bullbull Souio me my fren^ said Colonell30vlaquo Reed ^but can you tell me which iiizee

n g man will quietly look-after them But-what-the true man most1 wants of a wife is her companionship s y m p a t h y and love The way of life has may^ dreary places in itjind man needs a companion to-go with him A m a n is sometimes overtaken by misforiiiineshe meets withfailim and defeat trials and temptations beset himand h i needs oae to stand by him and synnTathize He has-some stern battles toiight with poveft- wifhnene^cs^ntTwTthsin and he-needs a woman that whilohe puts his arm around her and feels that he lias something to light for will help him tight who will put her lips to his oar and whisper words of counsel and her_ hand to hiheart and intpart new-inspj- rations ^11 through l i f e - th rough bull storm a n d t h r o u g h sunshiny conflict

^^and victory through adverse and favorshyable KiriuV-man needs a womahs love The heart yearns for it A sisters and a mother s love will hard ly supply the ~ need Yet many seek for nothing fur-t her-tintrih sueoess in house work- - Justlymdash enough half of these get nothing mo^e

The other halfT surprised above measure -obtain more than theysought Thoir wivessurprke^tlieni by bringing a noshybler idea of marriage and disclosing a treasury of courage sympathy and

f gt

Westwjirfl the Kiekel Takes its Way CiBCtnnati Commercial Gazette

For years the people of CaUfornia Z a r s j v h a t l t h o u g h ^ said_Colonel-^have looked with contempt upon five

Reed but whiter I was wa lk ing over -

^opposite side oze s t ree t Tv^^y-i I explained the policeman

it1 e overlttheremdashthe other side 11

an he told me zis wazzefropsite side

rated and cold ^ T o ltCnnn A nnxJTmdash A had bull cold will

shop observed some liver forsa le Not knowing^whafe it-wa he inquired of the Tiutnher and said that he would like to

affair a Mehd can^ein anti hearing the talk said t h a y w o evenings beforein the^bright njflSofiiight he saw several

nning do^wn Congress^ s t reet which as the straight roasr tb^-Pearl street


qficiaries were directed

geatioa^affl Slej5Yeshave almost disappeared from the- waists of evening dresses but the|morningahd^evening

bullquantity j m u s t ^ ^ dl arms are o t e r e d by fid gloves that-aro more than a yard long and are worn Jn mal ry^^nklesJ i i jDi shoulders to w r ^ laquo The gloVe^jna^tch theoiress ijtr-color -

of w h a t may-be done for it unless reme-4ial means are employed within forty-eight hours Many aHtfe will be sparshyed by cutting a cold short^off in the folshylowing manner On the firsrday there is an unpleasant sensation of The moment you observe th is go your robmr-and keep it in such a tem-p e r ^ U r o ^ s will entirely prevent this chilly feeling even if -it requires-409-deg Fahr Pufr^eur feet in hot water half-leg d e ^ r a ^ l n g hot time to time for a quar ter of an hour so that the water will bo hotter when

take your feet-out--thaA^when you in then dry thoroughly and _ ^Hlt

sooner the will be effectually brojwnwithout medi cine ^

COLD W A T ^ K DRINKIN^ mdashCold I

of-the skin are good but it is doubtfu

rFaiEND I N D E E D mdashTwcyoidcollego chums met at Austin Tex after a sep-aratipn of five years I am a reporter

We h a v i j i e ^ r b e e n t r o u b l e d ^ t h t h e m ^ I J f l o o d i n g t h e j ^ m ^ b on g 6 to h e d l ^ e ^ ^

o e e ^ ^ h o u r t o e w 4 h deg ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ most profitable ba^hin - Cost

io rm of cold wa^or lyeness piles and indi-

^MMtormly lyliyvwrLby thjs i ^ven ing coflaquot~donphe fhe

^ d e t ^ i t o i n e d ^ e a c h j thoug^regf t rding ) the promise one forrbimself Twltror-three awaUo^wkjJ^f^^PPQ hisprofesaional service will d o to wi l l soon

H e Thought He had the Best of the B6g An raquorrishman- passing a butcher s

ty^sojas^JbHt Ms-pld woman knew pn-^how to boit bullbullpra-tiies^-1- whereupon

butcher goodnatutedly offered to laquoo him a_recipe fo r7p repa r ing_ lhe

savoury dish With t h $ and his purshychase dangling conspicuously -m his hand P a t sallied forth intriumph He

three two and one^cent coins but durshying the-past few vlaquoreekraquo the demand for the small coins especially nickels has become so great tha t it is impossible to s^ipplylr^A^inglc b a i ^ o r d e r e d t w e n t y thousand irickBis^seut i p f b m ^ h e East and a^few^ d a y s ^ l a ^ r orderedgtfQriy t h o u s a n d m o r e ^ The ^ t t a s j n n fraquor t h t

hadmoLproceeded far howeverrbefore -

Hrongry dog which had been prowling aTound seized the tasty mpr-seLwith^uV jaws and made off as fast as his legs could carry him^ Pat--in no-

+ ^ ^ U ^ i s e discrtftcerteaVturncd round With a water i r o n r r b r o a d ^ ^ - n h ] ^ C Q m i t e n f t f i c e i ^ n d

shaking his fist at the cajBe thief who was fast disappearing in thV-djstance saidi Afffth ye dirty

ore spwld this time Youve got

demand7for nickels reduction of otTOXifccarifareir ^fro tickets for a quarter-to five cT use of pickels upon the strfeevcara Drought about their general circulallonY laquond the people have^been compelled to use them in making purchases at stores As-everybody who has traveled or lived in California knows jthe- rmraquoehants in that State- have had a wav of fixing


o o i e n i t o c k i n g raquo f o r t w e i A deg r f ^ T v bullgt i ^ n o t o d birrr irhikfreel f ^ gt ^ ^ 1 0 ^ f o r l Te ^ o t

^ T t e l B r a u i ^ ^ f i e r 3 - e r e s a ^ i n m J potfket1-1

ingVano^yoVll got a first-rate t ragedy to wri te u p ^ ^ u will knw so mueh bou the chief actor that yott will ba able jto make intcopylaquoftiraquograquoj^adiagof i t ^Che Reporter ^kejJt ^ frac34 appomtmgpii

V L J J ^M - - - - - worn on the left g j - ^ J 0 t h e ^ ^ 8 8 J u s below the wa i s t

begin with t a d the q u a n j M ^ k e b y he fo^hja m acquatatMioa gt C T r t ^ h i amp W f t ^ i S ^ ^ f e M grow to a ^ u i ^ l o r ^ f ^ i doad^Nsuic ide bull gt - ^ - j ^ i e V trade w5trade-raquoraquoftwalaquofcWtta

a way o

prices so that small change- was seldom required But this will no t be t h e case i r t the future andeven the p ^ n y 7 4 t is said isbecoming popular The demand-fpr the small coins in the Pacific Coas t StatesX willyprobably compelf the San Fhmcjfcp4oiat which now coins noth fng 4copysraquo4han one-dollar pieeea in silver ^andtwenty-dollar pieces in gold toooin tengt^nd five-cent pieces _

A little feojv when picking the drumshysticks of a chrciten swallowed one of the tendons^and wasgtery nearly choked The ^tendon was howeveiv extracted with grea t difficulty from theHii$tle fel-lows throat when he e x c l a i m e d ^ O nraquonama it wasn t the chiokabidcybdquo fault it wabecauso cook forgot to tako off iU garUjw1 ^ -

A large rosette or bow of velvet rib-ijon with a square or horge-ahoe buckTe uf raquoUraquoUMH pQWlte Is






AN ENGLISH GHOST 8TOEY 4 bull Spectre In a IcopyagtCraquort The breed_of ghosts appears to be not

~euV extinct in England Yet-MSeldow howevar baa one of those shadowy risk tanta the hardihood to expose itself to inch unobstructed and goint-blank in-vestigatioa-as djd the4 phantom tf bich introduced- itoolf the othedayip^ Engshyland lto Mr C^mdashGmdash-^- the sonof the Trett-known Admiral C mdash pound ^ - One day a t tJao beginning of this month Mr X)mdashGmdash^-was going to call 0frac34 the Dafce of R - mdash a t B Castle and he

ably did nottoubto his head much things hereaJler when he found

iimself at a smafre^s^staiaenrsfcBre miles from his bulldes^mrtteni with no veshyhicle to get him over the muddy counshytry lanes in between After bull worrying round a bit however he succeeded in hiring a trapmdasha common-place dog-cart enojagh with nothing ghostly about it-^-and a horse that looked as i$t with good management it might-hang together in this life for a few wakampuylaquot Having lurned out a horse and trap however the resources of the place were a t an end Not a man was to be found who coulttaccompany fyiin to look after the beast so having done grumbling Mr CmdashmdashGmdashmdashtook the reins himself and started for BmdashmdashCastle Nor was there anything to suggest ghosts in the drive there and the Duke of R -was asrea and fleshy as a well-contented duke ought to be So fat then the odds seemed all against a ghost finding room^ to come into the day s eventsr When

ifo Q amp^mdash however had got half-way back to the station he passed

a pond by the-roadside^hifih-he had not noticed on his way out b u r r i n g around to look back at it he was asshytonished to find there wasanother man bnlthe trap r-sitting back to back to

Xhe stranger was to all ap-s a I a W laborer dressed in

coT^wy-antp^amdashri O^-^i Gmdashmdash at once concluded that his companion bad been sent after bin-by the innkeeper of whom- Ire had hired the trap but whatpuzzled Mm was how and-where a stout fufm laborecUn

hobnailed boots could have climbed up without his feelingit The shortest

way to settle this was to asamp ^trinn-bTit unfortunately tbe intruder paid no^at-tention to the queition and seemed qnitoninconscrods -of anything-^ttmiSttal when Mr C mdash G~ shouted comshymonplaces on the weather aft the top of his yoiee Nothing remained thereshyfore but to whipup the dilapidated horse and while away the rest of tampe_ JonVne v with cursing the innkeeper who could find no bct tennan to send him thaii a deaf and damb farm laborer On arrivicgat the inn Mr C 7 mdash G-mdashmdash handed thir teins baukrto the stranger a id walked into the house -Meeting

-~l the landlord his first remark was nat-- uralJy^^iMtKhesort of man he had seen ^ ~^ftraquo send after him-

What man1 waerthe reply 1 sent - bull ao man after you1 --1 -Surely you d id said Mr C

G-mdash a-nian in corduroy with a red scarf around his neck1

r Good God srrV returnedw the oth-er -that man was drowned an hour

ago and is iip^Iaixii now - ^ 1 Nonsense-mdashtfr is in your trap now come and 800^

However he was-not ih theMrap that was empty So Mr C-mdashmdash^G-i^^should so forth

^followed the landlord upstairs and there on a-bed laybis companion-ofbull the dog-cartmdash1conjuroyf^ed neck-cloth and allmdashdead He ha^Pbecii found

-^Aflr + xW

so he had to listen- Soon the woman was stabbed and ijfeheeessity of buryshyi n g her came quickly A pretended hole was cut with a wooden hoe near the apple tree The man up the tree was on the a ler t The oorpsewas fchen taken to the grave but her feet went up -this was frightful These weje put down and then her head went up Yinallyl the hero held her head and the heroine herieet and thus they I eld her and pretended to throw dirt over the cbrpee bull In a moment the corpse got up and walked off The man in the tree now made good use of the apple by pelting the murderers Amid great fright and consternation they ran away Our apple tree detective how came down from his perch and Ticked up the dagshyger and other evidences of guilt of the conspirators and concealed them about his-person The reader can imagine the rest The conceptions of -the charshyacters taken were well carried out and the [interest became more thrilling as the1 play advauced We understood that the play would consume a w^eek froni 4 to 12 oclock each d a ^ sc^after we had witnessedIthe curious perfQnii- ance for an hour longer and had seen the murderess tormented by the devil and punished by law qe withdrew

TneTragedf oranlf tyF St Jawes Gazette bull

Rifaat Bey who left Cairo last night (January 1) in charge of a Circassian guard is more fortunate thaaidahmoud Sami Ba^oudi his wife although a lady 6f rank jand supposed to hjave^ been subjected to presure in higb quarters to induce her to remain in Cairo pershysisted valiantlv in her-rosolution to-Jic-company her husband into exile The

Srefect of poiiee it is said was sent_to [me Rifaat to urge many reasons) why

she should not forsake her native land Was she aware Rifaat Beys destination was Malta j I t was a Christian conn-try attempts Wouldbemade todestroy

- placid TadifferinOB whloh led one aim to hdpeifais ttepmother might follow the t id i t ions of story-land and him cailsb to regret the attention he+valued so highly After a few mo-menta thti Ifi^ifta i M i ^ a w g irw ar-riraquoglaquo aud seemed tojremind the weep-iag_woman she had promised there should not be fresh disturbance This time she walked back to the other woshymen quietly and until the train had started we saw no more of her Later one of the addest scenes 1 have eve-f

for the punishment of an offender The last Legislature passed the act which made wife beating punishable at the whipping post^ Wife beating had been increasing fc a disgraceful [ extent in

witnessed w raquo that of the blaek-gowaed Bal t imore and sentences of injprison-women round her their guard of eunuchs standing witlr^ cbtep^d arms watching them whilstnhey wailed oyer

women djyjell upon ip lamentation The divorced^mie and bereaved mother wias diBtingulBlraMe by her torn white v^il and uncovered face and alsp by hQ silence She seemod to have e^aus ted grief or at any rate her sense oj mournshying and sat there amongst the dark figures almost as though she were dead and these were the funeral guests invitshyed to bewail her_ bull bdquo =

bull WagaJngton Manners Louisville Oouiier-JoaVnal

The ladies feel very independent and actually happens when

they have an escort that they forget him At a ball hoVe recently I saw this


to~ fcoprpel her to turn Chris tian ^To all |thisjdn|laquo Rifaat1 s answer was-the answer given by E^uth long ago mdashwhere her husband went she^ would go if he became a Christian she would

ome one too-his people shouldmdashS|J^t

touching and so far as the ladyis con cerned noble also^TBut whethefRifaa Bey himself deserves to be the objeet o such absolute devotion ahincident that occurred oh the platformlast nightf gives one cause to doUbJ Rafaat-was calmly seated in a lirst-ciass ^carriage and the exiles impassive dignity and calm whilst the sound of womens wail-ings came frahv the waiting-room iin-

)g-cartmdashconlinoyf=^ allmdashdead He haoF

drowned half~an-hour before3Ir C^1-^ amp passed in thlt mry pond close by which ho had taken his seat in the^dog^

oart and had apparently availed himshyself of thetirj$t passidg vehicle to get a lift to the place wbereliis body lay -

In A Chinese Theater Oliic^f Tribute I^Ttrere aie two Chinese theaters ln^in

Ijblast the dnlyones in America It was Wr_peCuIiar experience to tisit one Thojaudionce was composed principally

qf^nen who sat witbT their hats on gt^6me of them smoked cigarettes and others were eatmg pieces of xlaquougarc^ne

whichrnekt to rice is-ftTOirrcev^f great Chinaman A vender 3|^oyuient to a


pressed ontfas quite heroic whilst onp was allowed to hold tKo delusion that it

^signifiedlinditTetencotw his own misforshytunes In an aujoiBing carriage were Mme Rifaat and a female -slave1 both of theni closelJ^Veiled and attired intlie black baggy ^ o w n a Egyptian bull ladie

bull4Uiat about in mysterious balloon^ khown^to be^human only by the voices that proceed) from them These-ladies wertr silent and appeared naturally dispirited^but two fine littleboys the eldest being about tdni years of age Stood at the carriage window and taHc-e(lalivay^eerfuTry_in Frencb^^o^ the European visitors who had come to wish them good-speed^-Ffcsently this imshypression offoe-fortitude and a brave acceptance of banishment by a whole family rather tharr its honored head

go forth a solitary exilemdashw-as1

wofully disturbed and The head of the family himself made to appear in any-

Frem the women in the


thint but an amiable Hgltt black crowd of wailing

one woman rdlstahcesuddenly the grasp -of those who thravvim

5udd( nflrt

tried to hold her -amU rushingupmdashtoi Tiifaatr her veil all torn and he beanti-fulface (one of the most beautiful I have ever seen) literallybathed in tears cried (in truth within exceedingshyly bitter cry) For theluveoi Heaven f ive me j a c k my child JShfi- spoke in

was seen at the head of a sttfircase waitshying for his wife and her sister and Askshying each passer-by if-they were^till~tn |he dressing room One of these going Into the ballroom found the ladies there and said to thewife 1JMadanie Secreshytary your husband is waiting ftor vou up-stairs1 Ob to be sure sheanswered ^merrily we forgot all abOit him Has he been waiting all this timef I^deolare its too^bad^^ the Secretary^ was called down And was


Bertyal o n t o D M in Baltimore Cor K T Bermid

For the first time in Maryland since l^thetawh waa-legaHy nwd-wday

meraquot seemed to hive no effect in Checkshying fhfi unmanly pyaotice There was

now generally looked unonwith favor by all-except those who are likely to feel the full force of its provisions Tho constitutionality of the law was called in question but it was finally affirmed bjjr thj Court of Appeals The Derson who was flogged was a cbloijea man named Charles Foote a labojertwho_k4qkpoundd and beat his wife

Seven is a sEpckin^ manJBpoundir last fall lashes were mflioted -oh him bore them stolidlv The flogging was done at noon tbHiay inside the jail but in a corner so-4hat it could not be wit-neaaad by ihe other prisoners when first brought from his eeli^howed some signs of nervousness but he comshypletely regained his compdsure while

becur to armember of the Cabinet who the law and the order frac34frac34 the Court was

At the cOUipletiuu vt the wAWnee Foote was promptly released by two1

deputies when i t was found that the rawhide after striking him on the back had coiled around his Dody like a snak^e^ laavj|Tg niuhia right aide aeven gashes from which the Wood was slowly oozing Foote was then taken to his cell where he received medical attenshytion from the physicians of the jail He subsequently told his counsel that he would nave taken the flogging at any time during the serving out of his senshytence t c (addition to the flogging he hadnrtrved sixty days in jail

j ^ B

^ bull bull bull bull lt bull laquo

- bull - bull

bullalt-^Hgt ii-if irtf toy




A CLEAB CASE^-Dr Porter of Yale J College5 says that Prof Tyndall as~a metaphysician is a fatalistic revolushytionist witha aash of imaginative op-t^sftty2- and that as a tneplogian he is a sentimental atheist or an imaginashytive agnostic Anyone who has looked at Tyndalls portrait in the newspapers mustbave at once concluded that^he is one of those things The j^ayTicwears

his necktie tells that plainly ^enough aPd1 pound ftarmtrrnmHtraM

The United States fires in January warmed up the insurance companies

Foot^fover $5000000 out of the total 9500--000 destroyed

good natured enough to ogterlook the fact that a little thing likejthehead of a big Executive Department could be forshygotten vand left up-stairs by a ladyJike her fanor her handkerchief - mdash

It was mentionexTlast spring as an Ui^tlonrof~theboyish bebavior of

meinwrs^of-the House of Representashytives that a certain one of them freshyquently when he-went into the reserved gallery to see a lady ^ h e often ddesgt^ would amjiise Mmselfby throwing paper balls at the uuembeisoa the floorBad as that was another member went even further latelv when he went into the galleryTejserved for members families to talk with the wife of one of the acshyknowledged leaders^of the House and alter silting a while with her grabbed her pocket-book and threw ifTorcibTv at the bald spot on her husbands head tha owner of the head which was struck befiig in his seat on the floor

It is said that while Speaker -Mr Randall always put a peremptory stop toany similar breach of ordjutnclud-inpoundtheihrbwinjrraquodow ^ the guile try of floor OnciJ-wlijile the paper ball throwshying yvas in progress last session -a col Wrguo of the guilty member sentanote to the ladjr With him in the gallery sayr ing Please have Mr - H -stop throwing paper balls at the members and signed it Keifer Although the signature was a forgery the note lgtad the desired effect and the lady who had protested in vain before sent the mischievousyouth of half a century down to deliver himself up to justiceiu the Speakers desk ^---

being^read Uraquo him When this was done the Jail Warden ordered Foote-to strip to the waist Two^ deputies then bound him by his hands to a high gratshying bis feet being allowed to remain free Deputy Roseman who was seshylected to do the flegging used a com-mon rawhide about three leetdongmdash-mdash - Roseman standing Ito the lefts with the rawhide in his hand told Fobte to prepare He replied tbat he was ready and stood firmly awaitingJthe descend-mg lash At tfiis time the silence with-

-inthg^ail^waa positively-painfai- not a t sound was heard and the spectators stood expectantly waiting for the fijrst blow-Then Roseman grasped the rajw-hide firmly in his right nana and after raising-it aloft dealt a- well directed blow on_Fbotes back It strucjc directshyly in the small of the back^ and before the next blow followed a livid welt nearly as thick as a mans finger was f raised - on the IJuTvering flesh The prisoner stood it unflinchingly and utshytered not a word The only sign he

ave that be felt the punishment was a slight twitchinsr of the musoles of

p-vv)Wjibyljiiie_mber8 in uoles o those onTtlfe

Arabic biitTieFgesUir^s and her despair ere so eloquent thax the English gen-

tle^en^rouhd the carriage started and in delicate-compassion drew back from her and let fy^plead her cause aamp she mightT But they Ba^jnot taken into consideration the high disdabxa ed Oriental- puto into his infeFCQurse with women Rifaat Bey who ha cigarette m his mouth and continue

nf sweetmeats went quietly about with his fiiaskpt on his bead nd seemed ~to-

^ 0 athfXving business bull J n the gallery apart^frdm tnejrejt were the Chinese women^^Thcfre were a dozen or morei of them and-one fair damsel had a^very

^mall chub ofra^Qa^by Tho Chinese blrbx by tiie way isVthibg of beauty but urrfojampunately ibgt beauty-4isappears

a few yeuts On y the fear^fthe stage was thexnchestra compc^dj r f - ttrade ivalaquo five musicians TEts^music or rather mvor4ed the noiMLwalharrej^lagtNdattert bang

frac34ueak all together and sebjamptately at iervals There were no stage ctirtams ^- The accessories wore ~deddlt

iised or flies Jy primitive and whjrt few were siinply- suggested the idea intended Much more can be said of the acting^ It was trUl exciting W o m e n never take part in the^ j^orformanoe -Their characters are assayed by mehraquo and it was surprising bow apt their imitations were The performance was semij operatic -pantomimic comic in parts and tragie~t the end The auaicnoe seemed interested but entirely undem-

pative Onlyjrtrtm something fun-id or done did their childlike

faces b r o a ^ ^ w i t h smiles To convey the idea of an appie^orchard a limb of

^afree with two applestied^on it was t o a s te^ - ladder ^laquo j ing tho scene wneh the hero and heroine-^Were conspiring^o remov a woman supef

ny waai

4ree Itwa dark

smoking while the p o r wii ereatufraquo poured forth her oomplaint only took it out of his mouth to say one word signifying- Be off with you- and as abideous blaek Nubian came upquick-ly the Bey nodded to him with the same gesture withvhichTie might have or-dejredrthe ftiave to bnish awajra fly and so the pborwomanwas ledaway weep-ingnloud and-beating her breast Then the story was whispered round that this was Rifaats first wifewhotu he had

JOSH THE PEDDLERmdashJosh Billings thinks the charity of thmvorld a conunshydrum and he gives itup Qne cold snowy afternoon this winter he saw 11 thinly clad man trying tOeTT^r ecuiple jpfleacf pencils at tWtoot of the stairs -of aft elevated railway station imp4or~-ing each passer by to purchase as he Was starving mdashSeven passed without ikying Josh1 was eighth and he bought them and passed on to the Fifth Avenue hotel Soon having an errand at ltheJ2itaymdashHouse he tbought he wouTd^try his luck selling pencils on the way He took the two Fo had bowght pulled his coat-collar up and his hat-brim down and set out iftithe dark At

gnty-fourth street he ItftppeH n^htm evoleht^poking pedestriftpTwith ^fleap fi

-But an EgyptiangtI|ke most Easterbets^sets great store by frissons even thougnTiedias grown to hate t mother and so Rifaatcarries awav into

^e^^Jthc only child -of tbjs^ooi^desert-^n^creature wyenpm~T shoula^udge by

her^irv^complexion andJ tp^^y^^ja^ face^ahcfaHsQ by hgx perfect knowledge of French to Tiavtr-been a Circassian slave chosen fo her beauty and trainshyed in acoompKsbments like the bull Fi^r Persian in the Arabian Nightsvlaquohd married as the Fair Persian1 herself was to be thrown -aside a r lightly After-allbullthe Nubian cundch would seem to have reasoned with1 the poor mother mom compassionately than 7 his unattractive countenance protnisedfor after a tinw she returned with her veil arranged and only weeping quietly Sh f fpaa^ flifaat^s carriage witfi-b^nt head and-^pnft^sto

adbroj bdquo and~putgt them intjD his

happiness a mah-l n^tdsCand^kissed himyweepitigi wlrite

buy my twb-penbils for 10 cents aptece^-| I am starving r ^ a y e had nothing to eat for 24 hours1 e tcgt5^eman pushed hhn aside saying grufllyT^l^can buy three for a -quarter down the and-went on Three others being ap-pealedtp did about the same At last helaquoaloueired into frhemdashGilsey house-and tried the dodge o n a man at the r bar who tossed him ajquarter saying Take that old man I dont want any penshycils11 Then Josh11 revealed himself amUold the story-of his experience as an amajteur pencil-seller to the great

iusemltint of the asscmbied-xomDanv 111 bull TT 1

THiDepart^aeht of Stjfggb has received ^ cTispa tc^^om^t^^m bullstil a^Marseilleuro9 statjngtthat the remains of JohnBbward Pavne hpoundgte^been for-

her fondness with


- bull gt -




bullgt mdash

bull v bullbull - bull bull t

O plusmn

ght twitching arms ^

The remainingblpws were all given in quick successioX^aJxd^ialmost identishycally in the same spot flte^^e^h sweli- g quickly in ^idgSs after^eaeh^but throughout the sufferer littered no word of complaints ~~ L

CUREShk-Headache Djspeptia dJnr Complaint Indigestion Coniipation

rKOXXCCmdashWlthoot a pwiicle of d4ttMKlaquo tno^taPlllaaro thlaquomolaquot popular of raquohj on -the marshyket JBaring braquolaquoiUgtetorethraquopublic ftrlaquo qaartyof ilaquoiitlaquory and having alwmya parfonaed atontftan t i l promUed for them thlaquoy merit the aaeMpa that they hM attained P r i ce a^C

F^raalebjalldxugjiita -KermouM Aiunclrate 1 ills always la stock at

aell-ftPruK Store


Welst Main St Opposite Globe Hotel _ [PIXeKNEY MICH

- A full line of

OtieraiicaLs Toilet iAidLs^

Fine Ooiifee Tobacco

^ t a t i o i i a W r y ^ tltLs_

Goods are all freBh-and new Prices a te alwJtya reasonable -We hopelio-merit a-liberal share of the public patronage Call and see us bullmdash ^

reLOcoupied a neglected spot onr ^ rican coast am at last to be in- tod J f e W a r a C b t d j a l l y j n v l t o B - t t

redjin his native land f ~ - J _ - ~gt _bull ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ k gt ^ w Educatioh ls4k~4raquompanion which no ^ - ^ ^

at th^ adjoining- misfortune can depi^^r-flOj-crime do- [etmeats with itrtTKanrenemy aleniate ruTdegpotis^ A t t l i e O l d SjEUKla J M raquo t ltrm laquoJ=A ^raquoenslaTegt At home a frientj abroad a n Ygt- bullmdash- mdash - ^

lulhxluuUoii inaoiltude a solace in soshyciety an ornamenC


rx 3wlaquord Payne hsi warded to taejt7i^d-Satlaquoeorlt(Ae ^ French steamer^^^a^todia^aBd ard e ^ A n d 0 V e i y t M n g U S U a l l y l O l pectedto arr^yjeat t h e p o r t ^ N e w Y o r k ^ ^ -about February 15 So the r e n raquo W laquo f Of ie the raquoraquo^^Hon^^i^an55 ^gi fatf^ln^LivingstoaeOouiily that hare ooouoied a neelected snot on--^^- ^ +-bullbull ^ _ _ _

stock as low as yoti Custoniers o call


bull bull-lt - -f

i s yvraquo ^ K

bull raquo bull gt


A- mdash

amp bull

-bull S

-M v-^- i






J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 4: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

bullisr r 2

Hcgyqs J W T W 8 raquo H bullbull

r T -


from orjserrationsH made olggical^ Sardensi-f London p r o b a b l e ^ a t the extreme lease of of the hippjpotamias is thirty ygars

The Scientific American warns j^eo-ple against using ice taken from ponds con taming impure water Freezing does hot kill tbeiiampeidiis germs so inshyimical to health

M L Lange r says that the fat of the child cbhta tSntess oleic acid-hut more palmitic and stearib _acid than that of adults oesides bdng^ richer in the butyric and oaproici acids

JSir William Thompson follows Dr Thomas Roid in aeoribing to mac six senses instead of five namely the sense of force pi heat of sound of

handsome income for befaelf and all in [ the most quiet way^JPhis lady is a Miss Martfn I do not s u p p o e that there is fraquoy iobjeetion to my mentioning her name AS it is well known among a great m a n y people Miss Martin is- th daughter of a gcniltjuian l i v ing n e a r

ligbl of t4JLbt4+anxl of smell Aft^r evaporating araquo a^raw^lo l f lF

fastrjq jttioe prepared from the social positii of jk sheep ampr ^- Cbapoteaut well enough

Aublirn in this secttate and who at one t ime was very weajthv but although

the family stilrlivo in the old homestead TjrhijSh is a noble mansion they are very ~~~ reduced in cjrcumstancas Miss

n when slie became old et^ough ^ ^an i money and to know lt did uot

always come for the wanting cas tauoa t her for something to do bieh she could at least c a m a decent living and not be dependent upon her father

- i t seemed as though all 4he avenues were closed She was n o t gifted HI any part icular way though she wajsr^jij

I woman of excellent education andjhad aittjfie advmilages tha t eame from Ijiigh

on But she neither Bang

l- - J

bull4 bull


i bdquo bull

stomach _ ^ obtained a pepsin capable of dissolving 2000 times its weight of fibrin

Papers saturated with fuchraquome solushyt ion mraquodyellow with sulphuric acid i ^ r e g o m m e n d e d by Dr G Kroupa as very sensitive teste for gaseous -amshymonia Ammonia invariably turns themipd ~ --^ ] mdashi

I n seasoning casks by]the addition of soda to the water more suhstance ns removed from the wo^gtd than when acid is Employed bufrless is removed if the woodhis introduced into the cold solution and the whole then heated

Gambetta s brain has been_ fonhd jo sjreigh 2100 grammos to be of very fine structure and to have the third corivol-ution highly develojpeJd The autopsy

of the body was made aa he was a memshyber of the Society of Dissection -Zl_l

Herr O Schlickum has been^endeav-or ing with considerable success to deshytect and estimate the castor oil balsaw^rfrpm

for stage purposes nor had she any histrionic talent In giving the subject serious consideration she rey membered that there was one thing ihe could do vj^ry Jvjell and thiat was pifck ling and preserving She 4gtold her friends thet she yraa going to make a large quantity of pickles and preserves of different kinds and that she wanted to sell them ^Knowing what an excellent housekeeper she wasthey knew that anything that was made under her supervisionwould be sure to be good so she had no trouble in selling aS she made the first year The second year she made more and sold all The third ca r she 1 made more yet and wasijn-

a5Ie-lo supply the d e m a n d T h e fourth year shcbdquo increased her facilities and h e r reputation bad by this tjime spread | so f a r that she did a very-riarge busishyness and even solampto- some_of the l a rge r s tores jn New York Noyfrarf riencr^jf hers told me the other day her profits

reserves reach the


L i l o w t o Treatav Ugty Tfce Housekeeper lt

Get hold of the boys heart Yonder locomotive comes like a whirlwind

f v


of copava purified etorax and alcoholic solutions of a balsamic nature of ben-

73fo^~i5d-6i^T5oh^hlttoywirteh-are fre-quent adulterants of balsam of Peru bull In a note on the Icompressibility of wa te r Prof Tait of the juniversity of Edinburgh statesXhati water seems to be less comp^ss ib l e r^ higher than at lower pressure andymore compressible asc6mpared wiBi sfeel or glass at low-


^erSthah at higher temperatures

Priority in photographlng-^with the electric light is claimed for ltM Lewits-ki who took pictures by its means on the occasion of the coronation Of~the

Czar Alexander I I using as a genershyator of eleotricity a Bunsen battery of pound00 elements which was subsequ taken to St Petersburg and there Utiliz ed

Although genuine precious topaz remarkable for size and clearness have been found near Pike s Peak Mr RampT Cross ~as-

-eerts-that the stone which is cut in Colshyorado and soldnas-topaz t o t o n r i s t s is not topaz at all7~ouf simply 6moky quartz or the cairngorm stone of 8cot-lancT

Manganese bronze is rapidly growing i favor as a matenaj^for screw propet-ler blades I t is very strong and its durabiUty^far exceeds that of steel the life of which -in a propeller averages about three years A propeller made

down the track and a r^ginent of anu ed men-might seek to a n t s t it in vaih I t would crush them and plunge unshyheeding on But there is a little lovejc in its mechanism tfcat at the p gt e ^ ^ ^ f u t e n s n ^ c t e a n s Sn a man s hand will efaeken its speed and in a moment or two br ing it panting and still like a whipped spaniel at y o u r feet By the same little lever the vast steamer is guided hither and yondjarf upon the sea in spite of adverse w i n d e r cur ren t That sensitive and respod^ve spot by which a boy s life is control^d is his heart- Wlta-^otti grasp genUy and firmly on that hermv you PMvrjiUa him whither you will Never d o u w that lie has a heart Bad jand wUfHul boys very otfen have the tendiaCfist hearta bidden away somewhere bgEiwath incrusshytations of sin~ or beMnd bajrricades of pride And ijt is your busii^ess to get a t t ha t heart gA hold of that heart keef hbldof it i y sympathy confiding in him inanifestly working only for hi^rgooi by little indirect kindnesses to his moth er or sfater or even his pet dog See him at his home or invite him into yours Provijle him some little pleasshyure set him atsbme little service of trust for you love him ioye him practically Anyway and every way rule hmi through his heart bullbull ~ rr1^1mdash^

we have [known person to use mach mor^ witn xaraquorkea benefit If wisely managed every dtapeptip will be greatshyly improved bylaquothis coJdlaquotlaquomaoh bath

AMMQjfcjA A creat labor-ea -A great labor-saviog ar-ticle land like some medicines good for alpAost everything Is mmonja - A email quantity in warm water takes away every spot off of ltpoundaia)t romoetf every particle of greaae from cooking

ana disinfectsthe drainshypipe cleanses delicate laces without rubbing cleans s i l rer and brushes and is -an excellent fertilizer far plants

Xike other goocTJthings it must be carefully used plainly labeled and kept out of the reach of little fingers

v - - - - ~ gt ~ mdash v ^

bull ^ T


BT kxar C KDOO

1 dreinwd a dream the cber night-When eyerythinfrx^^^ ~

of ipeeob I dreamed J tnw tfieparU

very qomortable sum of six toten thoushysand dollars a year Anct^she only works f romMayfe November AuTjHrn being a little far from the New York markets where-fijuit can be Bought best and cheapest Miss Martin has come down and^taken a place at Glen Cove to be near Her friendMrs S h M Bar- low as-well as to gain t h ^ advantages of a nearer residence to New YgricTjOne of the seccets of Miss Mar^ius jsuccegs is tha t everything she makes is-the very beat of its land All the ingredients she uses in her_pickles aud preserves are the best in the market and though she employs a number of men find women she superintends everything herself and whi le herarticles are all in the shopsr

have a homeliko taste that is un r mlgtakable All the jars bear her inishytials written in fac-simile ofHber auto-

h on a heat l abe l Oh the side A sister of Miss Martin 8gfeing her sucshycess cast about her for something to do Of course she did uoWvgja to go into the same lino of business and finally she struck upon cake-making as a live lihood am$-her cakes are now a lraquoos t as celebrated as her s i s te rs pickles and preserves She still lives-^nt J^nbilrn but she receives orders from New York and even Newport Miss Martins cakes are considered an essential par t of a well-regulagted pantry-in New York

Uefal In fe rmaMon S WEKPIXO mdashIn sweepin^dCLnot scrub

your broom into yoTJr~oarpeiLaJ i l l yon were sawing a pine hoard but sweep

-bullbulljt bullbullbullbullmdash - 1 1 ^ 1 frac34 ^ mdashZ~~^

T I N ^VBODINC Cf KBmdashRub one cup

of but ter and t h r ee of 6agspound to a cre^m add one cup of mi l t four-enps

[ot ^our five eggs one teaspoonfal of cream- of tartar half teaspoonfttl of soda one-fourth pound of citron This makes two loaves

BREAKFAST R D S K S mdash Two cupfuls of sweet milk two eggs two teaspoonfuls of cream tar ta r one teaspopnful of sodjftj hrtllf a cupful ofw4Hte sugar about four small cupfulsof flour- Beat the eggs very light pot Ufte cream of t a r t a r in the flour and add the s o d a ^ i e last ibfcyg Bake in a long pah in a quiok oven - BEBFSTHAKmdashPuDDiMjamdashj^ine -your-basin with thin suet cpust For a small

A low deep gfoao (escaped my mouth A tear itobd In toy eye

I thought I said sect month alaquoo ^^ Jft grammar a good-bye

And there the hateful thJagfrthey etood A curlouflmotley ^owd

And while I gaced the muaic placed - Rach to his partner bowed

The Noun walaquo eluding with the Vorb Ailt 1B wont to do

And followed It whereer li went A Btthjeet tried and true

The Vraquorbwaa ait Qg-actton bentmdash Inautfh a mcuy niood^ ~

Hft made ttrprttejimperauve That It shouldbe subdued J

bdquo - - - ^ - - ^ - 1 ^ And justtwlore^heni via-a-vto

As I have always haaap 8tlaquood these two ltgtualifyftig onelaquoy

The Adjective Adverbi bull

lightly and gently and you will get the dust togethei^just as well save making half the dust besidesfeaying a great deal

in^hje_isfiftri2fjthe earpet^ MA^yKcniBn^^H^njired^biit ~it must not reaoh keepers wonder why their carpets do no Tast^as well as their neighbors which were pu t down at about the same

liy this carpet does not wear previousone as well laquos a of the same

kindTahd^ theT weaver gets the Blame when nine times out~of ten it is the sweeperwho is to b l a m e Vfe don t care how smart our help is in other ways if laquohe-dig^-herbr4 pet i n - tha t p i tching scrubbing which so many doWe begin to nervous and wjsh tlic ^ e l p soifiewhere else for we know how

way feel iwas soon

pudding take three^Uar ters of a pound of r u m p steak apt in thin sliees^yithout fat or gristle make~tkpowderof pepper and salt dip each slice into i t a n o J a y it round in layers in the basin untilnearly-fnil Fill up the center with oysters ormushroonis tie it t ight and boil for three hours addwater in the saucepan

top of the-pudding basin z f i l l up_ th^r -ijasin wih good stock -

M A M I K S P U D D I N G mdash Beat together one cup sugar one and a ha l f table- spoonfuls butter oneeggTohe pint flour one cup sweet milk one teaspoonful of baking powder BaltelJ)mdasha~ moderate oven eat warm with warm sauce This same batter may be baked in ar^ery-^liin

the fHrpet wUlbegin to show it Nothshying i ^e wejld sooner spoils good picshytures e tc than d u 4 t ^ t gets into the cracks and corners where it cannot be got out so that we think it-best to al-wuj 7 dampen the broom before^^sveep-ing Some people wear out the broom ail on one side Nothing raquois more sug-

of bronze will however last alaquo long as the vessel and afterward be of considershyable money value

Winef=raquoraquoy8Mr J Morite shows a t en shydency to remain liquid below its t r u e

freezing-point The poinrat vhich it becomes solid is-determined b y the per centage xgtf5aloohol it contains The higher the per centage the lower will be that point ranging from 33 dtlt to Sitdeg for an alcoholic strength of 78 deg toM2^deg 4 jy volume v

As palladium sponge a t 100 deg comshypletely absorba^iytirfogesrDr W Sem-Sel haa turn^A^m discovflrr nrhiH to


(ion TJoKntavt Bat Stnr i 1 Conimunlcatioa to Boston Star-

J d y house is supposedtoJbe ra t proot^

gestive of caralessnesg-thaTithis When bullweepin hold the broom n e a r l y straight up-and down and biulaquoh rather than sweep being careful to keep the lottgestMcle next the carpet A broom kept gtrsight will last three times as long as one allowed to wear out all on ohle side


out on^a damp towel then spi^adquickl^with jelly or French cream^and rolled rip T- -ahd be xrsed as cake or while warm anch served ^yriik Varm sjuioe We then c a l l J t r a i l r o a d pud-dina _bdquo ~ _ rlt bull

B A K E D Jlsfi^-A fish woighingrrom four to^slx pounds is a^ood size to bake

J f should be cooked whole to iookjwell Make a dressing of bread crumbs biit-tFrrsaJhtrand-a-little salt porkraquo chopped

WhileV tlielaquoitipoundraquo of less account To my bestrecoUi6cUoa-

8tC5aTrotioun VrepSsTtlon Conjunction InterjectlQU s

Then right andkft and ladle change gt^nd cha8se iathe middle

^Argt4 promenade and balampncez Wiaie Syntax played the fiddle

len faataod furious grew the fun Their stepsi became unstable

And Interjection said AlasI To dance more Im not able

And everything then grew quu mixedmdash I laquo5er


It always was-a botficr-To tell tblaquom when they stood quite still

Onepartyispeech from tother

And all afonce the music cealaquoed T Perhaps the rest yotr ve eaessedmdash bullbull

The pie I ate for tea that night Hlaquod made me sleep distressed

_-r mdashCambridge Tjtffoyne


c What Men Need Wives ^ _

Our Home ia^aot-to Bwecp7^ie^UBe7imitaak5~

the beds and dara thesocks and cook the meals chiefly t h l t a man wants a

-wifermdash If this4s all he wantsi hired sershyvants can do itxcheaper than a wife If thisis all wheavbull young mancaTts^fer see a l ady l end him into rhgtpant ry- io

BUKJTSmdashAccoiding to ^ WJ

the Practitioner a simple and effective^ remedy for removing the p a i n ^ r wounds causedT^ry burns or scalds s-a-

i n d was so wrheuquite new but a t ^ n e | saturated solution of bicarbonate oisoda time more than - twenly ye a r ago We in- either plaiij or camphorated wa|ef

ccount in 8eparatiiig hydtugen frtmi a mixture of gaseX Almost the - exatrtv

r calculated amount of the gas was reshycovered from a palladium-spiral heated ^ 8 5 0 deg th is suggests a means of

T-T^ibtaimng reidi ly what may be called -chemicaSy pure hydrogen ^ mdash T~ SomeTweeks ago~TdriiggTst~ihl5urs-lem England had carelessly served a customer with pofefindl|steadof inttgno-sia He summoned the bellman as soon as the mistake was discovered and sent kinr about the streeta warningTrTS^un

had a lajge colony pf^the rodents greatshyly tp-our rannoyance and it w a s w i t h w a i^a t te r of daily wonder where they found a weak spot in our defenses against tbjgm One evening a young lady from a friends family living in a l a rge ihrehcnTse near ly a mi 1 P away was with us and the talk^-turnedonrats as we heard ours galloping in the coil-ing^And scamperjng^ up and down the walls The younglady said that none ~had ever been in their ho use fwuUshe bullliidhaot think there was any point at which ^they could enter My eldest daughter a ^ r e a t wit saidT^I^ye heard

taste the bread andejakes^she has maije send him t laquo J | ^ e o t - t h e needlework and bed-making or pu t a broom into her

uJiaficlsand send-himTo witness its use I t may ge^teoitir- Such things a r e importanKaml the wise

cuk 9 i c e s young man will qui

tine (parsley and onions if you please) mix this with one egg Fill the body sew_it up and lay m a large dripper put acrossit some strips of salt pork to tlayor it Put a pint of w a t e r - a n d a Utile saitin-a pan Bake it an ^(air and a ^alf-^Bste- frequently After taking dp the fish tliickentheffrayy and pourover it ^ - -


A Little Mixed on UJO Question of Sides

To apply the remedy all that is uccas isaryis to eut a piece of J int o r p l3 rag or even thick

soft blotting-paper of- a


J3raquo mdashknown purchaser not to use the deadly

drug This is a rather novel way of bullftiiftrKftaJTig personal error as it may be calledraquo-but it was successful

While Fistblja holds that the

- r e s i s t i n g the decomposing action of sea water and cost of production render forging secondary to casjting He be-

^ B e r laquo laquo tha t a coat of zinc o r enamel which has smoothness and a soap-like

^ character would ^ e a good means to diminish friction and improve the effct

-of shipsVgcrews

l h a t if politelymyited todo so ih^wrtt ing^ r a t a will leavo^any- house and go to any other to which they may be di-rected and I will tell ours th t at ymir _house they-wili find spadmfr^KqrteTg and an excellent commissariat

At the moment before us-a l l - sne wiute a most grandiloquent letter tlty^he large family of rats t h a t H i a i s o ong-Htrade-

the pain subsides or the-limb may rathed or-encircled with a^a rgeonV

cotton bandage previously soaked in the aturated solution and kept constantly

j e t t e d with i t the relief being ^nusual-ly immediate provided the solution be

favoured us-with their presence pom ting -ou^to them that at Nor 65 P e a r s t r e e t was a- large fine house which had never

^ 6 ideal been favored with the residence oTanv material for screw propelrers would h e ^ f the^r familv where they would find flaquorged steefcihe considerations of work- - ^ - ^ - - - -^ ing o u t difficiil^ curves the power of

How one Woman Earns her Living CorBoston8aturdajKvening Journal

I have often heard it complained that

which they could earn as much money as men Perhap^- there - ^ nothing in

^Hame line of business as that follow-taking all the profes-

womengt it seems dAarof money

ms re too

to jieed - m e n t i o n i a g ^ B u i there are ^ther lines of business ilta4 w o m e n m a y follow w h o have nosectuch natural


sion foliowi me that there made gft oy them ^ h ^ laquo n ^ r m o u s

iSghy singers- a n i actre^sesTt ma wlaquoJi4cnown

a g as th^se r I ^ gt r d tha day o i raquo i i a d y ^ h Q wasTmakinga

fcfipl^ quarters and a fat larder Wheri finished^she read the missivo to the company and we had a7 great laugh over it5 AR sn^old ^superstition_shetheH put lard upon it a n d m r r i o d it intcftthe attic where it woul^p^ohably be fopnd by those to whom it was diree|eurod

A few days after the young lady was at our housed again and burst inKrlta laugh exclaiming Our house is over- run with ra ts^T T h a t recalled to us t h e fact that wjg had heard iiojie in ojir walls M daughter went to the attipr i^ 4nbdquobdquo vAbdquo -and the letter w a s ffone While w e gt e r e i f Qf a P T 3 frac34

siesullicient to cover the burn or scaldshyed parts and keegt it constaitly well wetted with t he sodalo4otion so-as -to prevent_itsdrying By this means it usually happens that all paineeaseV in frraquom a quarterio a half-hour or^^ven in much less tWftr- WhP tha_maiBgt par t of a limb such as 4 h e hand and fdre-annor the foot and 1 ^ has been frqrneoly n is best when practicable t o ^ h i W e the part a t once into a jug or p)iil brother convenient vessel hlled ^ - ^ --watlulie laquofgt^a lrtinn-aTiri ^^-^fj^f^-thoro q-few m m u t e s ^ g ^ I asked va man

Donnis Sullivan tells a story on Coloshynel ClintltUeed the well-known iurist that will bear^repeat ing Ho says Colonel Reed was fltegriisrot^oHgreTsP man Belford in Washington and was re turning to his-hotel late pne night

W ay 1 While^rowsing when he lost his about in an aimless insane sort(of man ner he encountered a policeman

bullbull Souio me my fren^ said Colonell30vlaquo Reed ^but can you tell me which iiizee

n g man will quietly look-after them But-what-the true man most1 wants of a wife is her companionship s y m p a t h y and love The way of life has may^ dreary places in itjind man needs a companion to-go with him A m a n is sometimes overtaken by misforiiiineshe meets withfailim and defeat trials and temptations beset himand h i needs oae to stand by him and synnTathize He has-some stern battles toiight with poveft- wifhnene^cs^ntTwTthsin and he-needs a woman that whilohe puts his arm around her and feels that he lias something to light for will help him tight who will put her lips to his oar and whisper words of counsel and her_ hand to hiheart and intpart new-inspj- rations ^11 through l i f e - th rough bull storm a n d t h r o u g h sunshiny conflict

^^and victory through adverse and favorshyable KiriuV-man needs a womahs love The heart yearns for it A sisters and a mother s love will hard ly supply the ~ need Yet many seek for nothing fur-t her-tintrih sueoess in house work- - Justlymdash enough half of these get nothing mo^e

The other halfT surprised above measure -obtain more than theysought Thoir wivessurprke^tlieni by bringing a noshybler idea of marriage and disclosing a treasury of courage sympathy and

f gt

Westwjirfl the Kiekel Takes its Way CiBCtnnati Commercial Gazette

For years the people of CaUfornia Z a r s j v h a t l t h o u g h ^ said_Colonel-^have looked with contempt upon five

Reed but whiter I was wa lk ing over -

^opposite side oze s t ree t Tv^^y-i I explained the policeman

it1 e overlttheremdashthe other side 11

an he told me zis wazzefropsite side

rated and cold ^ T o ltCnnn A nnxJTmdash A had bull cold will

shop observed some liver forsa le Not knowing^whafe it-wa he inquired of the Tiutnher and said that he would like to

affair a Mehd can^ein anti hearing the talk said t h a y w o evenings beforein the^bright njflSofiiight he saw several

nning do^wn Congress^ s t reet which as the straight roasr tb^-Pearl street


qficiaries were directed

geatioa^affl Slej5Yeshave almost disappeared from the- waists of evening dresses but the|morningahd^evening

bullquantity j m u s t ^ ^ dl arms are o t e r e d by fid gloves that-aro more than a yard long and are worn Jn mal ry^^nklesJ i i jDi shoulders to w r ^ laquo The gloVe^jna^tch theoiress ijtr-color -

of w h a t may-be done for it unless reme-4ial means are employed within forty-eight hours Many aHtfe will be sparshyed by cutting a cold short^off in the folshylowing manner On the firsrday there is an unpleasant sensation of The moment you observe th is go your robmr-and keep it in such a tem-p e r ^ U r o ^ s will entirely prevent this chilly feeling even if -it requires-409-deg Fahr Pufr^eur feet in hot water half-leg d e ^ r a ^ l n g hot time to time for a quar ter of an hour so that the water will bo hotter when

take your feet-out--thaA^when you in then dry thoroughly and _ ^Hlt

sooner the will be effectually brojwnwithout medi cine ^

COLD W A T ^ K DRINKIN^ mdashCold I

of-the skin are good but it is doubtfu

rFaiEND I N D E E D mdashTwcyoidcollego chums met at Austin Tex after a sep-aratipn of five years I am a reporter

We h a v i j i e ^ r b e e n t r o u b l e d ^ t h t h e m ^ I J f l o o d i n g t h e j ^ m ^ b on g 6 to h e d l ^ e ^ ^

o e e ^ ^ h o u r t o e w 4 h deg ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ most profitable ba^hin - Cost

io rm of cold wa^or lyeness piles and indi-

^MMtormly lyliyvwrLby thjs i ^ven ing coflaquot~donphe fhe

^ d e t ^ i t o i n e d ^ e a c h j thoug^regf t rding ) the promise one forrbimself Twltror-three awaUo^wkjJ^f^^PPQ hisprofesaional service will d o to wi l l soon

H e Thought He had the Best of the B6g An raquorrishman- passing a butcher s

ty^sojas^JbHt Ms-pld woman knew pn-^how to boit bullbullpra-tiies^-1- whereupon

butcher goodnatutedly offered to laquoo him a_recipe fo r7p repa r ing_ lhe

savoury dish With t h $ and his purshychase dangling conspicuously -m his hand P a t sallied forth intriumph He

three two and one^cent coins but durshying the-past few vlaquoreekraquo the demand for the small coins especially nickels has become so great tha t it is impossible to s^ipplylr^A^inglc b a i ^ o r d e r e d t w e n t y thousand irickBis^seut i p f b m ^ h e East and a^few^ d a y s ^ l a ^ r orderedgtfQriy t h o u s a n d m o r e ^ The ^ t t a s j n n fraquor t h t

hadmoLproceeded far howeverrbefore -

Hrongry dog which had been prowling aTound seized the tasty mpr-seLwith^uV jaws and made off as fast as his legs could carry him^ Pat--in no-

+ ^ ^ U ^ i s e discrtftcerteaVturncd round With a water i r o n r r b r o a d ^ ^ - n h ] ^ C Q m i t e n f t f i c e i ^ n d

shaking his fist at the cajBe thief who was fast disappearing in thV-djstance saidi Afffth ye dirty

ore spwld this time Youve got

demand7for nickels reduction of otTOXifccarifareir ^fro tickets for a quarter-to five cT use of pickels upon the strfeevcara Drought about their general circulallonY laquond the people have^been compelled to use them in making purchases at stores As-everybody who has traveled or lived in California knows jthe- rmraquoehants in that State- have had a wav of fixing


o o i e n i t o c k i n g raquo f o r t w e i A deg r f ^ T v bullgt i ^ n o t o d birrr irhikfreel f ^ gt ^ ^ 1 0 ^ f o r l Te ^ o t

^ T t e l B r a u i ^ ^ f i e r 3 - e r e s a ^ i n m J potfket1-1

ingVano^yoVll got a first-rate t ragedy to wri te u p ^ ^ u will knw so mueh bou the chief actor that yott will ba able jto make intcopylaquoftiraquograquoj^adiagof i t ^Che Reporter ^kejJt ^ frac34 appomtmgpii

V L J J ^M - - - - - worn on the left g j - ^ J 0 t h e ^ ^ 8 8 J u s below the wa i s t

begin with t a d the q u a n j M ^ k e b y he fo^hja m acquatatMioa gt C T r t ^ h i amp W f t ^ i S ^ ^ f e M grow to a ^ u i ^ l o r ^ f ^ i doad^Nsuic ide bull gt - ^ - j ^ i e V trade w5trade-raquoraquoftwalaquofcWtta

a way o

prices so that small change- was seldom required But this will no t be t h e case i r t the future andeven the p ^ n y 7 4 t is said isbecoming popular The demand-fpr the small coins in the Pacific Coas t StatesX willyprobably compelf the San Fhmcjfcp4oiat which now coins noth fng 4copysraquo4han one-dollar pieeea in silver ^andtwenty-dollar pieces in gold toooin tengt^nd five-cent pieces _

A little feojv when picking the drumshysticks of a chrciten swallowed one of the tendons^and wasgtery nearly choked The ^tendon was howeveiv extracted with grea t difficulty from theHii$tle fel-lows throat when he e x c l a i m e d ^ O nraquonama it wasn t the chiokabidcybdquo fault it wabecauso cook forgot to tako off iU garUjw1 ^ -

A large rosette or bow of velvet rib-ijon with a square or horge-ahoe buckTe uf raquoUraquoUMH pQWlte Is






AN ENGLISH GHOST 8TOEY 4 bull Spectre In a IcopyagtCraquort The breed_of ghosts appears to be not

~euV extinct in England Yet-MSeldow howevar baa one of those shadowy risk tanta the hardihood to expose itself to inch unobstructed and goint-blank in-vestigatioa-as djd the4 phantom tf bich introduced- itoolf the othedayip^ Engshyland lto Mr C^mdashGmdash-^- the sonof the Trett-known Admiral C mdash pound ^ - One day a t tJao beginning of this month Mr X)mdashGmdash^-was going to call 0frac34 the Dafce of R - mdash a t B Castle and he

ably did nottoubto his head much things hereaJler when he found

iimself at a smafre^s^staiaenrsfcBre miles from his bulldes^mrtteni with no veshyhicle to get him over the muddy counshytry lanes in between After bull worrying round a bit however he succeeded in hiring a trapmdasha common-place dog-cart enojagh with nothing ghostly about it-^-and a horse that looked as i$t with good management it might-hang together in this life for a few wakampuylaquot Having lurned out a horse and trap however the resources of the place were a t an end Not a man was to be found who coulttaccompany fyiin to look after the beast so having done grumbling Mr CmdashmdashGmdashmdashtook the reins himself and started for BmdashmdashCastle Nor was there anything to suggest ghosts in the drive there and the Duke of R -was asrea and fleshy as a well-contented duke ought to be So fat then the odds seemed all against a ghost finding room^ to come into the day s eventsr When

ifo Q amp^mdash however had got half-way back to the station he passed

a pond by the-roadside^hifih-he had not noticed on his way out b u r r i n g around to look back at it he was asshytonished to find there wasanother man bnlthe trap r-sitting back to back to

Xhe stranger was to all ap-s a I a W laborer dressed in

coT^wy-antp^amdashri O^-^i Gmdashmdash at once concluded that his companion bad been sent after bin-by the innkeeper of whom- Ire had hired the trap but whatpuzzled Mm was how and-where a stout fufm laborecUn

hobnailed boots could have climbed up without his feelingit The shortest

way to settle this was to asamp ^trinn-bTit unfortunately tbe intruder paid no^at-tention to the queition and seemed qnitoninconscrods -of anything-^ttmiSttal when Mr C mdash G~ shouted comshymonplaces on the weather aft the top of his yoiee Nothing remained thereshyfore but to whipup the dilapidated horse and while away the rest of tampe_ JonVne v with cursing the innkeeper who could find no bct tennan to send him thaii a deaf and damb farm laborer On arrivicgat the inn Mr C 7 mdash G-mdashmdash handed thir teins baukrto the stranger a id walked into the house -Meeting

-~l the landlord his first remark was nat-- uralJy^^iMtKhesort of man he had seen ^ ~^ftraquo send after him-

What man1 waerthe reply 1 sent - bull ao man after you1 --1 -Surely you d id said Mr C

G-mdash a-nian in corduroy with a red scarf around his neck1

r Good God srrV returnedw the oth-er -that man was drowned an hour

ago and is iip^Iaixii now - ^ 1 Nonsense-mdashtfr is in your trap now come and 800^

However he was-not ih theMrap that was empty So Mr C-mdashmdash^G-i^^should so forth

^followed the landlord upstairs and there on a-bed laybis companion-ofbull the dog-cartmdash1conjuroyf^ed neck-cloth and allmdashdead He ha^Pbecii found

-^Aflr + xW

so he had to listen- Soon the woman was stabbed and ijfeheeessity of buryshyi n g her came quickly A pretended hole was cut with a wooden hoe near the apple tree The man up the tree was on the a ler t The oorpsewas fchen taken to the grave but her feet went up -this was frightful These weje put down and then her head went up Yinallyl the hero held her head and the heroine herieet and thus they I eld her and pretended to throw dirt over the cbrpee bull In a moment the corpse got up and walked off The man in the tree now made good use of the apple by pelting the murderers Amid great fright and consternation they ran away Our apple tree detective how came down from his perch and Ticked up the dagshyger and other evidences of guilt of the conspirators and concealed them about his-person The reader can imagine the rest The conceptions of -the charshyacters taken were well carried out and the [interest became more thrilling as the1 play advauced We understood that the play would consume a w^eek froni 4 to 12 oclock each d a ^ sc^after we had witnessedIthe curious perfQnii- ance for an hour longer and had seen the murderess tormented by the devil and punished by law qe withdrew

TneTragedf oranlf tyF St Jawes Gazette bull

Rifaat Bey who left Cairo last night (January 1) in charge of a Circassian guard is more fortunate thaaidahmoud Sami Ba^oudi his wife although a lady 6f rank jand supposed to hjave^ been subjected to presure in higb quarters to induce her to remain in Cairo pershysisted valiantlv in her-rosolution to-Jic-company her husband into exile The

Srefect of poiiee it is said was sent_to [me Rifaat to urge many reasons) why

she should not forsake her native land Was she aware Rifaat Beys destination was Malta j I t was a Christian conn-try attempts Wouldbemade todestroy

- placid TadifferinOB whloh led one aim to hdpeifais ttepmother might follow the t id i t ions of story-land and him cailsb to regret the attention he+valued so highly After a few mo-menta thti Ifi^ifta i M i ^ a w g irw ar-riraquoglaquo aud seemed tojremind the weep-iag_woman she had promised there should not be fresh disturbance This time she walked back to the other woshymen quietly and until the train had started we saw no more of her Later one of the addest scenes 1 have eve-f

for the punishment of an offender The last Legislature passed the act which made wife beating punishable at the whipping post^ Wife beating had been increasing fc a disgraceful [ extent in

witnessed w raquo that of the blaek-gowaed Bal t imore and sentences of injprison-women round her their guard of eunuchs standing witlr^ cbtep^d arms watching them whilstnhey wailed oyer

women djyjell upon ip lamentation The divorced^mie and bereaved mother wias diBtingulBlraMe by her torn white v^il and uncovered face and alsp by hQ silence She seemod to have e^aus ted grief or at any rate her sense oj mournshying and sat there amongst the dark figures almost as though she were dead and these were the funeral guests invitshyed to bewail her_ bull bdquo =

bull WagaJngton Manners Louisville Oouiier-JoaVnal

The ladies feel very independent and actually happens when

they have an escort that they forget him At a ball hoVe recently I saw this


to~ fcoprpel her to turn Chris tian ^To all |thisjdn|laquo Rifaat1 s answer was-the answer given by E^uth long ago mdashwhere her husband went she^ would go if he became a Christian she would

ome one too-his people shouldmdashS|J^t

touching and so far as the ladyis con cerned noble also^TBut whethefRifaa Bey himself deserves to be the objeet o such absolute devotion ahincident that occurred oh the platformlast nightf gives one cause to doUbJ Rafaat-was calmly seated in a lirst-ciass ^carriage and the exiles impassive dignity and calm whilst the sound of womens wail-ings came frahv the waiting-room iin-

)g-cartmdashconlinoyf=^ allmdashdead He haoF

drowned half~an-hour before3Ir C^1-^ amp passed in thlt mry pond close by which ho had taken his seat in the^dog^

oart and had apparently availed himshyself of thetirj$t passidg vehicle to get a lift to the place wbereliis body lay -

In A Chinese Theater Oliic^f Tribute I^Ttrere aie two Chinese theaters ln^in

Ijblast the dnlyones in America It was Wr_peCuIiar experience to tisit one Thojaudionce was composed principally

qf^nen who sat witbT their hats on gt^6me of them smoked cigarettes and others were eatmg pieces of xlaquougarc^ne

whichrnekt to rice is-ftTOirrcev^f great Chinaman A vender 3|^oyuient to a


pressed ontfas quite heroic whilst onp was allowed to hold tKo delusion that it

^signifiedlinditTetencotw his own misforshytunes In an aujoiBing carriage were Mme Rifaat and a female -slave1 both of theni closelJ^Veiled and attired intlie black baggy ^ o w n a Egyptian bull ladie

bull4Uiat about in mysterious balloon^ khown^to be^human only by the voices that proceed) from them These-ladies wertr silent and appeared naturally dispirited^but two fine littleboys the eldest being about tdni years of age Stood at the carriage window and taHc-e(lalivay^eerfuTry_in Frencb^^o^ the European visitors who had come to wish them good-speed^-Ffcsently this imshypression offoe-fortitude and a brave acceptance of banishment by a whole family rather tharr its honored head

go forth a solitary exilemdashw-as1

wofully disturbed and The head of the family himself made to appear in any-

Frem the women in the


thint but an amiable Hgltt black crowd of wailing

one woman rdlstahcesuddenly the grasp -of those who thravvim

5udd( nflrt

tried to hold her -amU rushingupmdashtoi Tiifaatr her veil all torn and he beanti-fulface (one of the most beautiful I have ever seen) literallybathed in tears cried (in truth within exceedingshyly bitter cry) For theluveoi Heaven f ive me j a c k my child JShfi- spoke in

was seen at the head of a sttfircase waitshying for his wife and her sister and Askshying each passer-by if-they were^till~tn |he dressing room One of these going Into the ballroom found the ladies there and said to thewife 1JMadanie Secreshytary your husband is waiting ftor vou up-stairs1 Ob to be sure sheanswered ^merrily we forgot all abOit him Has he been waiting all this timef I^deolare its too^bad^^ the Secretary^ was called down And was


Bertyal o n t o D M in Baltimore Cor K T Bermid

For the first time in Maryland since l^thetawh waa-legaHy nwd-wday

meraquot seemed to hive no effect in Checkshying fhfi unmanly pyaotice There was

now generally looked unonwith favor by all-except those who are likely to feel the full force of its provisions Tho constitutionality of the law was called in question but it was finally affirmed bjjr thj Court of Appeals The Derson who was flogged was a cbloijea man named Charles Foote a labojertwho_k4qkpoundd and beat his wife

Seven is a sEpckin^ manJBpoundir last fall lashes were mflioted -oh him bore them stolidlv The flogging was done at noon tbHiay inside the jail but in a corner so-4hat it could not be wit-neaaad by ihe other prisoners when first brought from his eeli^howed some signs of nervousness but he comshypletely regained his compdsure while

becur to armember of the Cabinet who the law and the order frac34frac34 the Court was

At the cOUipletiuu vt the wAWnee Foote was promptly released by two1

deputies when i t was found that the rawhide after striking him on the back had coiled around his Dody like a snak^e^ laavj|Tg niuhia right aide aeven gashes from which the Wood was slowly oozing Foote was then taken to his cell where he received medical attenshytion from the physicians of the jail He subsequently told his counsel that he would nave taken the flogging at any time during the serving out of his senshytence t c (addition to the flogging he hadnrtrved sixty days in jail

j ^ B

^ bull bull bull bull lt bull laquo

- bull - bull

bullalt-^Hgt ii-if irtf toy




A CLEAB CASE^-Dr Porter of Yale J College5 says that Prof Tyndall as~a metaphysician is a fatalistic revolushytionist witha aash of imaginative op-t^sftty2- and that as a tneplogian he is a sentimental atheist or an imaginashytive agnostic Anyone who has looked at Tyndalls portrait in the newspapers mustbave at once concluded that^he is one of those things The j^ayTicwears

his necktie tells that plainly ^enough aPd1 pound ftarmtrrnmHtraM

The United States fires in January warmed up the insurance companies

Foot^fover $5000000 out of the total 9500--000 destroyed

good natured enough to ogterlook the fact that a little thing likejthehead of a big Executive Department could be forshygotten vand left up-stairs by a ladyJike her fanor her handkerchief - mdash

It was mentionexTlast spring as an Ui^tlonrof~theboyish bebavior of

meinwrs^of-the House of Representashytives that a certain one of them freshyquently when he-went into the reserved gallery to see a lady ^ h e often ddesgt^ would amjiise Mmselfby throwing paper balls at the uuembeisoa the floorBad as that was another member went even further latelv when he went into the galleryTejserved for members families to talk with the wife of one of the acshyknowledged leaders^of the House and alter silting a while with her grabbed her pocket-book and threw ifTorcibTv at the bald spot on her husbands head tha owner of the head which was struck befiig in his seat on the floor

It is said that while Speaker -Mr Randall always put a peremptory stop toany similar breach of ordjutnclud-inpoundtheihrbwinjrraquodow ^ the guile try of floor OnciJ-wlijile the paper ball throwshying yvas in progress last session -a col Wrguo of the guilty member sentanote to the ladjr With him in the gallery sayr ing Please have Mr - H -stop throwing paper balls at the members and signed it Keifer Although the signature was a forgery the note lgtad the desired effect and the lady who had protested in vain before sent the mischievousyouth of half a century down to deliver himself up to justiceiu the Speakers desk ^---

being^read Uraquo him When this was done the Jail Warden ordered Foote-to strip to the waist Two^ deputies then bound him by his hands to a high gratshying bis feet being allowed to remain free Deputy Roseman who was seshylected to do the flegging used a com-mon rawhide about three leetdongmdash-mdash - Roseman standing Ito the lefts with the rawhide in his hand told Fobte to prepare He replied tbat he was ready and stood firmly awaitingJthe descend-mg lash At tfiis time the silence with-

-inthg^ail^waa positively-painfai- not a t sound was heard and the spectators stood expectantly waiting for the fijrst blow-Then Roseman grasped the rajw-hide firmly in his right nana and after raising-it aloft dealt a- well directed blow on_Fbotes back It strucjc directshyly in the small of the back^ and before the next blow followed a livid welt nearly as thick as a mans finger was f raised - on the IJuTvering flesh The prisoner stood it unflinchingly and utshytered not a word The only sign he

ave that be felt the punishment was a slight twitchinsr of the musoles of

p-vv)Wjibyljiiie_mber8 in uoles o those onTtlfe

Arabic biitTieFgesUir^s and her despair ere so eloquent thax the English gen-

tle^en^rouhd the carriage started and in delicate-compassion drew back from her and let fy^plead her cause aamp she mightT But they Ba^jnot taken into consideration the high disdabxa ed Oriental- puto into his infeFCQurse with women Rifaat Bey who ha cigarette m his mouth and continue

nf sweetmeats went quietly about with his fiiaskpt on his bead nd seemed ~to-

^ 0 athfXving business bull J n the gallery apart^frdm tnejrejt were the Chinese women^^Thcfre were a dozen or morei of them and-one fair damsel had a^very

^mall chub ofra^Qa^by Tho Chinese blrbx by tiie way isVthibg of beauty but urrfojampunately ibgt beauty-4isappears

a few yeuts On y the fear^fthe stage was thexnchestra compc^dj r f - ttrade ivalaquo five musicians TEts^music or rather mvor4ed the noiMLwalharrej^lagtNdattert bang

frac34ueak all together and sebjamptately at iervals There were no stage ctirtams ^- The accessories wore ~deddlt

iised or flies Jy primitive and whjrt few were siinply- suggested the idea intended Much more can be said of the acting^ It was trUl exciting W o m e n never take part in the^ j^orformanoe -Their characters are assayed by mehraquo and it was surprising bow apt their imitations were The performance was semij operatic -pantomimic comic in parts and tragie~t the end The auaicnoe seemed interested but entirely undem-

pative Onlyjrtrtm something fun-id or done did their childlike

faces b r o a ^ ^ w i t h smiles To convey the idea of an appie^orchard a limb of

^afree with two applestied^on it was t o a s te^ - ladder ^laquo j ing tho scene wneh the hero and heroine-^Were conspiring^o remov a woman supef

ny waai

4ree Itwa dark

smoking while the p o r wii ereatufraquo poured forth her oomplaint only took it out of his mouth to say one word signifying- Be off with you- and as abideous blaek Nubian came upquick-ly the Bey nodded to him with the same gesture withvhichTie might have or-dejredrthe ftiave to bnish awajra fly and so the pborwomanwas ledaway weep-ingnloud and-beating her breast Then the story was whispered round that this was Rifaats first wifewhotu he had

JOSH THE PEDDLERmdashJosh Billings thinks the charity of thmvorld a conunshydrum and he gives itup Qne cold snowy afternoon this winter he saw 11 thinly clad man trying tOeTT^r ecuiple jpfleacf pencils at tWtoot of the stairs -of aft elevated railway station imp4or~-ing each passer by to purchase as he Was starving mdashSeven passed without ikying Josh1 was eighth and he bought them and passed on to the Fifth Avenue hotel Soon having an errand at ltheJ2itaymdashHouse he tbought he wouTd^try his luck selling pencils on the way He took the two Fo had bowght pulled his coat-collar up and his hat-brim down and set out iftithe dark At

gnty-fourth street he ItftppeH n^htm evoleht^poking pedestriftpTwith ^fleap fi

-But an EgyptiangtI|ke most Easterbets^sets great store by frissons even thougnTiedias grown to hate t mother and so Rifaatcarries awav into

^e^^Jthc only child -of tbjs^ooi^desert-^n^creature wyenpm~T shoula^udge by

her^irv^complexion andJ tp^^y^^ja^ face^ahcfaHsQ by hgx perfect knowledge of French to Tiavtr-been a Circassian slave chosen fo her beauty and trainshyed in acoompKsbments like the bull Fi^r Persian in the Arabian Nightsvlaquohd married as the Fair Persian1 herself was to be thrown -aside a r lightly After-allbullthe Nubian cundch would seem to have reasoned with1 the poor mother mom compassionately than 7 his unattractive countenance protnisedfor after a tinw she returned with her veil arranged and only weeping quietly Sh f fpaa^ flifaat^s carriage witfi-b^nt head and-^pnft^sto

adbroj bdquo and~putgt them intjD his

happiness a mah-l n^tdsCand^kissed himyweepitigi wlrite

buy my twb-penbils for 10 cents aptece^-| I am starving r ^ a y e had nothing to eat for 24 hours1 e tcgt5^eman pushed hhn aside saying grufllyT^l^can buy three for a -quarter down the and-went on Three others being ap-pealedtp did about the same At last helaquoaloueired into frhemdashGilsey house-and tried the dodge o n a man at the r bar who tossed him ajquarter saying Take that old man I dont want any penshycils11 Then Josh11 revealed himself amUold the story-of his experience as an amajteur pencil-seller to the great

iusemltint of the asscmbied-xomDanv 111 bull TT 1

THiDepart^aeht of Stjfggb has received ^ cTispa tc^^om^t^^m bullstil a^Marseilleuro9 statjngtthat the remains of JohnBbward Pavne hpoundgte^been for-

her fondness with


- bull gt -




bullgt mdash

bull v bullbull - bull bull t

O plusmn

ght twitching arms ^

The remainingblpws were all given in quick successioX^aJxd^ialmost identishycally in the same spot flte^^e^h sweli- g quickly in ^idgSs after^eaeh^but throughout the sufferer littered no word of complaints ~~ L

CUREShk-Headache Djspeptia dJnr Complaint Indigestion Coniipation

rKOXXCCmdashWlthoot a pwiicle of d4ttMKlaquo tno^taPlllaaro thlaquomolaquot popular of raquohj on -the marshyket JBaring braquolaquoiUgtetorethraquopublic ftrlaquo qaartyof ilaquoiitlaquory and having alwmya parfonaed atontftan t i l promUed for them thlaquoy merit the aaeMpa that they hM attained P r i ce a^C

F^raalebjalldxugjiita -KermouM Aiunclrate 1 ills always la stock at

aell-ftPruK Store


Welst Main St Opposite Globe Hotel _ [PIXeKNEY MICH

- A full line of

OtieraiicaLs Toilet iAidLs^

Fine Ooiifee Tobacco

^ t a t i o i i a W r y ^ tltLs_

Goods are all freBh-and new Prices a te alwJtya reasonable -We hopelio-merit a-liberal share of the public patronage Call and see us bullmdash ^

reLOcoupied a neglected spot onr ^ rican coast am at last to be in- tod J f e W a r a C b t d j a l l y j n v l t o B - t t

redjin his native land f ~ - J _ - ~gt _bull ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ k gt ^ w Educatioh ls4k~4raquompanion which no ^ - ^ ^

at th^ adjoining- misfortune can depi^^r-flOj-crime do- [etmeats with itrtTKanrenemy aleniate ruTdegpotis^ A t t l i e O l d SjEUKla J M raquo t ltrm laquoJ=A ^raquoenslaTegt At home a frientj abroad a n Ygt- bullmdash- mdash - ^

lulhxluuUoii inaoiltude a solace in soshyciety an ornamenC


rx 3wlaquord Payne hsi warded to taejt7i^d-Satlaquoeorlt(Ae ^ French steamer^^^a^todia^aBd ard e ^ A n d 0 V e i y t M n g U S U a l l y l O l pectedto arr^yjeat t h e p o r t ^ N e w Y o r k ^ ^ -about February 15 So the r e n raquo W laquo f Of ie the raquoraquo^^Hon^^i^an55 ^gi fatf^ln^LivingstoaeOouiily that hare ooouoied a neelected snot on--^^- ^ +-bullbull ^ _ _ _

stock as low as yoti Custoniers o call


bull bull-lt - -f

i s yvraquo ^ K

bull raquo bull gt


A- mdash

amp bull

-bull S

-M v-^- i






J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 5: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*




AN ENGLISH GHOST 8TOEY 4 bull Spectre In a IcopyagtCraquort The breed_of ghosts appears to be not

~euV extinct in England Yet-MSeldow howevar baa one of those shadowy risk tanta the hardihood to expose itself to inch unobstructed and goint-blank in-vestigatioa-as djd the4 phantom tf bich introduced- itoolf the othedayip^ Engshyland lto Mr C^mdashGmdash-^- the sonof the Trett-known Admiral C mdash pound ^ - One day a t tJao beginning of this month Mr X)mdashGmdash^-was going to call 0frac34 the Dafce of R - mdash a t B Castle and he

ably did nottoubto his head much things hereaJler when he found

iimself at a smafre^s^staiaenrsfcBre miles from his bulldes^mrtteni with no veshyhicle to get him over the muddy counshytry lanes in between After bull worrying round a bit however he succeeded in hiring a trapmdasha common-place dog-cart enojagh with nothing ghostly about it-^-and a horse that looked as i$t with good management it might-hang together in this life for a few wakampuylaquot Having lurned out a horse and trap however the resources of the place were a t an end Not a man was to be found who coulttaccompany fyiin to look after the beast so having done grumbling Mr CmdashmdashGmdashmdashtook the reins himself and started for BmdashmdashCastle Nor was there anything to suggest ghosts in the drive there and the Duke of R -was asrea and fleshy as a well-contented duke ought to be So fat then the odds seemed all against a ghost finding room^ to come into the day s eventsr When

ifo Q amp^mdash however had got half-way back to the station he passed

a pond by the-roadside^hifih-he had not noticed on his way out b u r r i n g around to look back at it he was asshytonished to find there wasanother man bnlthe trap r-sitting back to back to

Xhe stranger was to all ap-s a I a W laborer dressed in

coT^wy-antp^amdashri O^-^i Gmdashmdash at once concluded that his companion bad been sent after bin-by the innkeeper of whom- Ire had hired the trap but whatpuzzled Mm was how and-where a stout fufm laborecUn

hobnailed boots could have climbed up without his feelingit The shortest

way to settle this was to asamp ^trinn-bTit unfortunately tbe intruder paid no^at-tention to the queition and seemed qnitoninconscrods -of anything-^ttmiSttal when Mr C mdash G~ shouted comshymonplaces on the weather aft the top of his yoiee Nothing remained thereshyfore but to whipup the dilapidated horse and while away the rest of tampe_ JonVne v with cursing the innkeeper who could find no bct tennan to send him thaii a deaf and damb farm laborer On arrivicgat the inn Mr C 7 mdash G-mdashmdash handed thir teins baukrto the stranger a id walked into the house -Meeting

-~l the landlord his first remark was nat-- uralJy^^iMtKhesort of man he had seen ^ ~^ftraquo send after him-

What man1 waerthe reply 1 sent - bull ao man after you1 --1 -Surely you d id said Mr C

G-mdash a-nian in corduroy with a red scarf around his neck1

r Good God srrV returnedw the oth-er -that man was drowned an hour

ago and is iip^Iaixii now - ^ 1 Nonsense-mdashtfr is in your trap now come and 800^

However he was-not ih theMrap that was empty So Mr C-mdashmdash^G-i^^should so forth

^followed the landlord upstairs and there on a-bed laybis companion-ofbull the dog-cartmdash1conjuroyf^ed neck-cloth and allmdashdead He ha^Pbecii found

-^Aflr + xW

so he had to listen- Soon the woman was stabbed and ijfeheeessity of buryshyi n g her came quickly A pretended hole was cut with a wooden hoe near the apple tree The man up the tree was on the a ler t The oorpsewas fchen taken to the grave but her feet went up -this was frightful These weje put down and then her head went up Yinallyl the hero held her head and the heroine herieet and thus they I eld her and pretended to throw dirt over the cbrpee bull In a moment the corpse got up and walked off The man in the tree now made good use of the apple by pelting the murderers Amid great fright and consternation they ran away Our apple tree detective how came down from his perch and Ticked up the dagshyger and other evidences of guilt of the conspirators and concealed them about his-person The reader can imagine the rest The conceptions of -the charshyacters taken were well carried out and the [interest became more thrilling as the1 play advauced We understood that the play would consume a w^eek froni 4 to 12 oclock each d a ^ sc^after we had witnessedIthe curious perfQnii- ance for an hour longer and had seen the murderess tormented by the devil and punished by law qe withdrew

TneTragedf oranlf tyF St Jawes Gazette bull

Rifaat Bey who left Cairo last night (January 1) in charge of a Circassian guard is more fortunate thaaidahmoud Sami Ba^oudi his wife although a lady 6f rank jand supposed to hjave^ been subjected to presure in higb quarters to induce her to remain in Cairo pershysisted valiantlv in her-rosolution to-Jic-company her husband into exile The

Srefect of poiiee it is said was sent_to [me Rifaat to urge many reasons) why

she should not forsake her native land Was she aware Rifaat Beys destination was Malta j I t was a Christian conn-try attempts Wouldbemade todestroy

- placid TadifferinOB whloh led one aim to hdpeifais ttepmother might follow the t id i t ions of story-land and him cailsb to regret the attention he+valued so highly After a few mo-menta thti Ifi^ifta i M i ^ a w g irw ar-riraquoglaquo aud seemed tojremind the weep-iag_woman she had promised there should not be fresh disturbance This time she walked back to the other woshymen quietly and until the train had started we saw no more of her Later one of the addest scenes 1 have eve-f

for the punishment of an offender The last Legislature passed the act which made wife beating punishable at the whipping post^ Wife beating had been increasing fc a disgraceful [ extent in

witnessed w raquo that of the blaek-gowaed Bal t imore and sentences of injprison-women round her their guard of eunuchs standing witlr^ cbtep^d arms watching them whilstnhey wailed oyer

women djyjell upon ip lamentation The divorced^mie and bereaved mother wias diBtingulBlraMe by her torn white v^il and uncovered face and alsp by hQ silence She seemod to have e^aus ted grief or at any rate her sense oj mournshying and sat there amongst the dark figures almost as though she were dead and these were the funeral guests invitshyed to bewail her_ bull bdquo =

bull WagaJngton Manners Louisville Oouiier-JoaVnal

The ladies feel very independent and actually happens when

they have an escort that they forget him At a ball hoVe recently I saw this


to~ fcoprpel her to turn Chris tian ^To all |thisjdn|laquo Rifaat1 s answer was-the answer given by E^uth long ago mdashwhere her husband went she^ would go if he became a Christian she would

ome one too-his people shouldmdashS|J^t

touching and so far as the ladyis con cerned noble also^TBut whethefRifaa Bey himself deserves to be the objeet o such absolute devotion ahincident that occurred oh the platformlast nightf gives one cause to doUbJ Rafaat-was calmly seated in a lirst-ciass ^carriage and the exiles impassive dignity and calm whilst the sound of womens wail-ings came frahv the waiting-room iin-

)g-cartmdashconlinoyf=^ allmdashdead He haoF

drowned half~an-hour before3Ir C^1-^ amp passed in thlt mry pond close by which ho had taken his seat in the^dog^

oart and had apparently availed himshyself of thetirj$t passidg vehicle to get a lift to the place wbereliis body lay -

In A Chinese Theater Oliic^f Tribute I^Ttrere aie two Chinese theaters ln^in

Ijblast the dnlyones in America It was Wr_peCuIiar experience to tisit one Thojaudionce was composed principally

qf^nen who sat witbT their hats on gt^6me of them smoked cigarettes and others were eatmg pieces of xlaquougarc^ne

whichrnekt to rice is-ftTOirrcev^f great Chinaman A vender 3|^oyuient to a


pressed ontfas quite heroic whilst onp was allowed to hold tKo delusion that it

^signifiedlinditTetencotw his own misforshytunes In an aujoiBing carriage were Mme Rifaat and a female -slave1 both of theni closelJ^Veiled and attired intlie black baggy ^ o w n a Egyptian bull ladie

bull4Uiat about in mysterious balloon^ khown^to be^human only by the voices that proceed) from them These-ladies wertr silent and appeared naturally dispirited^but two fine littleboys the eldest being about tdni years of age Stood at the carriage window and taHc-e(lalivay^eerfuTry_in Frencb^^o^ the European visitors who had come to wish them good-speed^-Ffcsently this imshypression offoe-fortitude and a brave acceptance of banishment by a whole family rather tharr its honored head

go forth a solitary exilemdashw-as1

wofully disturbed and The head of the family himself made to appear in any-

Frem the women in the


thint but an amiable Hgltt black crowd of wailing

one woman rdlstahcesuddenly the grasp -of those who thravvim

5udd( nflrt

tried to hold her -amU rushingupmdashtoi Tiifaatr her veil all torn and he beanti-fulface (one of the most beautiful I have ever seen) literallybathed in tears cried (in truth within exceedingshyly bitter cry) For theluveoi Heaven f ive me j a c k my child JShfi- spoke in

was seen at the head of a sttfircase waitshying for his wife and her sister and Askshying each passer-by if-they were^till~tn |he dressing room One of these going Into the ballroom found the ladies there and said to thewife 1JMadanie Secreshytary your husband is waiting ftor vou up-stairs1 Ob to be sure sheanswered ^merrily we forgot all abOit him Has he been waiting all this timef I^deolare its too^bad^^ the Secretary^ was called down And was


Bertyal o n t o D M in Baltimore Cor K T Bermid

For the first time in Maryland since l^thetawh waa-legaHy nwd-wday

meraquot seemed to hive no effect in Checkshying fhfi unmanly pyaotice There was

now generally looked unonwith favor by all-except those who are likely to feel the full force of its provisions Tho constitutionality of the law was called in question but it was finally affirmed bjjr thj Court of Appeals The Derson who was flogged was a cbloijea man named Charles Foote a labojertwho_k4qkpoundd and beat his wife

Seven is a sEpckin^ manJBpoundir last fall lashes were mflioted -oh him bore them stolidlv The flogging was done at noon tbHiay inside the jail but in a corner so-4hat it could not be wit-neaaad by ihe other prisoners when first brought from his eeli^howed some signs of nervousness but he comshypletely regained his compdsure while

becur to armember of the Cabinet who the law and the order frac34frac34 the Court was

At the cOUipletiuu vt the wAWnee Foote was promptly released by two1

deputies when i t was found that the rawhide after striking him on the back had coiled around his Dody like a snak^e^ laavj|Tg niuhia right aide aeven gashes from which the Wood was slowly oozing Foote was then taken to his cell where he received medical attenshytion from the physicians of the jail He subsequently told his counsel that he would nave taken the flogging at any time during the serving out of his senshytence t c (addition to the flogging he hadnrtrved sixty days in jail

j ^ B

^ bull bull bull bull lt bull laquo

- bull - bull

bullalt-^Hgt ii-if irtf toy




A CLEAB CASE^-Dr Porter of Yale J College5 says that Prof Tyndall as~a metaphysician is a fatalistic revolushytionist witha aash of imaginative op-t^sftty2- and that as a tneplogian he is a sentimental atheist or an imaginashytive agnostic Anyone who has looked at Tyndalls portrait in the newspapers mustbave at once concluded that^he is one of those things The j^ayTicwears

his necktie tells that plainly ^enough aPd1 pound ftarmtrrnmHtraM

The United States fires in January warmed up the insurance companies

Foot^fover $5000000 out of the total 9500--000 destroyed

good natured enough to ogterlook the fact that a little thing likejthehead of a big Executive Department could be forshygotten vand left up-stairs by a ladyJike her fanor her handkerchief - mdash

It was mentionexTlast spring as an Ui^tlonrof~theboyish bebavior of

meinwrs^of-the House of Representashytives that a certain one of them freshyquently when he-went into the reserved gallery to see a lady ^ h e often ddesgt^ would amjiise Mmselfby throwing paper balls at the uuembeisoa the floorBad as that was another member went even further latelv when he went into the galleryTejserved for members families to talk with the wife of one of the acshyknowledged leaders^of the House and alter silting a while with her grabbed her pocket-book and threw ifTorcibTv at the bald spot on her husbands head tha owner of the head which was struck befiig in his seat on the floor

It is said that while Speaker -Mr Randall always put a peremptory stop toany similar breach of ordjutnclud-inpoundtheihrbwinjrraquodow ^ the guile try of floor OnciJ-wlijile the paper ball throwshying yvas in progress last session -a col Wrguo of the guilty member sentanote to the ladjr With him in the gallery sayr ing Please have Mr - H -stop throwing paper balls at the members and signed it Keifer Although the signature was a forgery the note lgtad the desired effect and the lady who had protested in vain before sent the mischievousyouth of half a century down to deliver himself up to justiceiu the Speakers desk ^---

being^read Uraquo him When this was done the Jail Warden ordered Foote-to strip to the waist Two^ deputies then bound him by his hands to a high gratshying bis feet being allowed to remain free Deputy Roseman who was seshylected to do the flegging used a com-mon rawhide about three leetdongmdash-mdash - Roseman standing Ito the lefts with the rawhide in his hand told Fobte to prepare He replied tbat he was ready and stood firmly awaitingJthe descend-mg lash At tfiis time the silence with-

-inthg^ail^waa positively-painfai- not a t sound was heard and the spectators stood expectantly waiting for the fijrst blow-Then Roseman grasped the rajw-hide firmly in his right nana and after raising-it aloft dealt a- well directed blow on_Fbotes back It strucjc directshyly in the small of the back^ and before the next blow followed a livid welt nearly as thick as a mans finger was f raised - on the IJuTvering flesh The prisoner stood it unflinchingly and utshytered not a word The only sign he

ave that be felt the punishment was a slight twitchinsr of the musoles of

p-vv)Wjibyljiiie_mber8 in uoles o those onTtlfe

Arabic biitTieFgesUir^s and her despair ere so eloquent thax the English gen-

tle^en^rouhd the carriage started and in delicate-compassion drew back from her and let fy^plead her cause aamp she mightT But they Ba^jnot taken into consideration the high disdabxa ed Oriental- puto into his infeFCQurse with women Rifaat Bey who ha cigarette m his mouth and continue

nf sweetmeats went quietly about with his fiiaskpt on his bead nd seemed ~to-

^ 0 athfXving business bull J n the gallery apart^frdm tnejrejt were the Chinese women^^Thcfre were a dozen or morei of them and-one fair damsel had a^very

^mall chub ofra^Qa^by Tho Chinese blrbx by tiie way isVthibg of beauty but urrfojampunately ibgt beauty-4isappears

a few yeuts On y the fear^fthe stage was thexnchestra compc^dj r f - ttrade ivalaquo five musicians TEts^music or rather mvor4ed the noiMLwalharrej^lagtNdattert bang

frac34ueak all together and sebjamptately at iervals There were no stage ctirtams ^- The accessories wore ~deddlt

iised or flies Jy primitive and whjrt few were siinply- suggested the idea intended Much more can be said of the acting^ It was trUl exciting W o m e n never take part in the^ j^orformanoe -Their characters are assayed by mehraquo and it was surprising bow apt their imitations were The performance was semij operatic -pantomimic comic in parts and tragie~t the end The auaicnoe seemed interested but entirely undem-

pative Onlyjrtrtm something fun-id or done did their childlike

faces b r o a ^ ^ w i t h smiles To convey the idea of an appie^orchard a limb of

^afree with two applestied^on it was t o a s te^ - ladder ^laquo j ing tho scene wneh the hero and heroine-^Were conspiring^o remov a woman supef

ny waai

4ree Itwa dark

smoking while the p o r wii ereatufraquo poured forth her oomplaint only took it out of his mouth to say one word signifying- Be off with you- and as abideous blaek Nubian came upquick-ly the Bey nodded to him with the same gesture withvhichTie might have or-dejredrthe ftiave to bnish awajra fly and so the pborwomanwas ledaway weep-ingnloud and-beating her breast Then the story was whispered round that this was Rifaats first wifewhotu he had

JOSH THE PEDDLERmdashJosh Billings thinks the charity of thmvorld a conunshydrum and he gives itup Qne cold snowy afternoon this winter he saw 11 thinly clad man trying tOeTT^r ecuiple jpfleacf pencils at tWtoot of the stairs -of aft elevated railway station imp4or~-ing each passer by to purchase as he Was starving mdashSeven passed without ikying Josh1 was eighth and he bought them and passed on to the Fifth Avenue hotel Soon having an errand at ltheJ2itaymdashHouse he tbought he wouTd^try his luck selling pencils on the way He took the two Fo had bowght pulled his coat-collar up and his hat-brim down and set out iftithe dark At

gnty-fourth street he ItftppeH n^htm evoleht^poking pedestriftpTwith ^fleap fi

-But an EgyptiangtI|ke most Easterbets^sets great store by frissons even thougnTiedias grown to hate t mother and so Rifaatcarries awav into

^e^^Jthc only child -of tbjs^ooi^desert-^n^creature wyenpm~T shoula^udge by

her^irv^complexion andJ tp^^y^^ja^ face^ahcfaHsQ by hgx perfect knowledge of French to Tiavtr-been a Circassian slave chosen fo her beauty and trainshyed in acoompKsbments like the bull Fi^r Persian in the Arabian Nightsvlaquohd married as the Fair Persian1 herself was to be thrown -aside a r lightly After-allbullthe Nubian cundch would seem to have reasoned with1 the poor mother mom compassionately than 7 his unattractive countenance protnisedfor after a tinw she returned with her veil arranged and only weeping quietly Sh f fpaa^ flifaat^s carriage witfi-b^nt head and-^pnft^sto

adbroj bdquo and~putgt them intjD his

happiness a mah-l n^tdsCand^kissed himyweepitigi wlrite

buy my twb-penbils for 10 cents aptece^-| I am starving r ^ a y e had nothing to eat for 24 hours1 e tcgt5^eman pushed hhn aside saying grufllyT^l^can buy three for a -quarter down the and-went on Three others being ap-pealedtp did about the same At last helaquoaloueired into frhemdashGilsey house-and tried the dodge o n a man at the r bar who tossed him ajquarter saying Take that old man I dont want any penshycils11 Then Josh11 revealed himself amUold the story-of his experience as an amajteur pencil-seller to the great

iusemltint of the asscmbied-xomDanv 111 bull TT 1

THiDepart^aeht of Stjfggb has received ^ cTispa tc^^om^t^^m bullstil a^Marseilleuro9 statjngtthat the remains of JohnBbward Pavne hpoundgte^been for-

her fondness with


- bull gt -




bullgt mdash

bull v bullbull - bull bull t

O plusmn

ght twitching arms ^

The remainingblpws were all given in quick successioX^aJxd^ialmost identishycally in the same spot flte^^e^h sweli- g quickly in ^idgSs after^eaeh^but throughout the sufferer littered no word of complaints ~~ L

CUREShk-Headache Djspeptia dJnr Complaint Indigestion Coniipation

rKOXXCCmdashWlthoot a pwiicle of d4ttMKlaquo tno^taPlllaaro thlaquomolaquot popular of raquohj on -the marshyket JBaring braquolaquoiUgtetorethraquopublic ftrlaquo qaartyof ilaquoiitlaquory and having alwmya parfonaed atontftan t i l promUed for them thlaquoy merit the aaeMpa that they hM attained P r i ce a^C

F^raalebjalldxugjiita -KermouM Aiunclrate 1 ills always la stock at

aell-ftPruK Store


Welst Main St Opposite Globe Hotel _ [PIXeKNEY MICH

- A full line of

OtieraiicaLs Toilet iAidLs^

Fine Ooiifee Tobacco

^ t a t i o i i a W r y ^ tltLs_

Goods are all freBh-and new Prices a te alwJtya reasonable -We hopelio-merit a-liberal share of the public patronage Call and see us bullmdash ^

reLOcoupied a neglected spot onr ^ rican coast am at last to be in- tod J f e W a r a C b t d j a l l y j n v l t o B - t t

redjin his native land f ~ - J _ - ~gt _bull ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ k gt ^ w Educatioh ls4k~4raquompanion which no ^ - ^ ^

at th^ adjoining- misfortune can depi^^r-flOj-crime do- [etmeats with itrtTKanrenemy aleniate ruTdegpotis^ A t t l i e O l d SjEUKla J M raquo t ltrm laquoJ=A ^raquoenslaTegt At home a frientj abroad a n Ygt- bullmdash- mdash - ^

lulhxluuUoii inaoiltude a solace in soshyciety an ornamenC


rx 3wlaquord Payne hsi warded to taejt7i^d-Satlaquoeorlt(Ae ^ French steamer^^^a^todia^aBd ard e ^ A n d 0 V e i y t M n g U S U a l l y l O l pectedto arr^yjeat t h e p o r t ^ N e w Y o r k ^ ^ -about February 15 So the r e n raquo W laquo f Of ie the raquoraquo^^Hon^^i^an55 ^gi fatf^ln^LivingstoaeOouiily that hare ooouoied a neelected snot on--^^- ^ +-bullbull ^ _ _ _

stock as low as yoti Custoniers o call


bull bull-lt - -f

i s yvraquo ^ K

bull raquo bull gt


A- mdash

amp bull

-bull S

-M v-^- i






J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 6: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*





J E R O M E W J N C H E L L E D I T O R bull bull i



Entered at the clafes matter ^

I -



~~ S i n g u l a r I d e a s ofj a F u t u r e S t a t e ) o f E x i s t e n c e

Forti^ghMy Rfcview T h o c o n c e p t i o n ^ divinity Is so sen-

suous-as to debase and c o r r u p t any sen-t inients t ha t m a y ga the r round it bti l l the o rd inary Hindu of to-day h a s a vague impression t h a t after dea th h e wiU bJ absorbed body a n d wSui i p t o a supreme being yyjio is b e y p a amp j j l g o d s

bull - - a n d g o d d f e ^ s - T B u t - f l ^ pftfcin t f - ^ blejweU reward for vi r tue or of j f t - f M u r pun i shment for sin U s o s h a t o w y a s Co be Almost laquovaineseent Many observers

^j iave though t t h a t it U-this want of an active belief i a -a j i tdgenjent to pome

wh ich causes the nat ives to face inevitshyab le death with such sjtoio- c a lmness T h e H i n d u s have Indeed a mora l code b ind ing on thei r conscience a n d eon-due t they se ldom or never ask themshyselves-whether th is code is a n e m a n a -tjon from t h ^ S u p r e m e Being if p ress shyed they would doub t l e s s acknowledge

t h a t or iginal ly i t iuu^fc have s o ^ e m a -na ted Tho H i n d u s have no dejintfe expecta t ion of a n ea r th ly Messiah visitshyi n g Ind ia to r ehab i l i t a t e the H indu r e shyl igion and to re-establ ish H i n d u domishyn a t i o n S t i l l a T a g u e a J d e a of this d q L

scr ip t ion does somet imes float across t h e i r minds bull - -

Some-of the i r oh i e f gods are deiiilaquo4-Princes a n d the re are my th i ca l heroes of m o r e t h a n m o r t a t p rowess P n d u s t he -meh t ion opound-vvhom has aji ex hitler a -t i ng effect on a H i n d u audience Al-lusion to such perrsomJr is somet imes m a d e in p r o c l a m a t i o n s o r o ther not ices p r iva te ly icireTilal^dfoTrrsrsrngiro^TtToat

bullexci tement In shor t - thc H indus have

i - I i r-7ti r f

Ayer-i Soaa-of Gfrlaago had failed Thilaquo jfa- nouhcemebt created quite a sensation as the


a t r a n s c e n d e n t a l i ioltuu of tlitv affi ity bdquoa

v --

which rested on the i r p rogen i to r s r emo te ant iqui ty They t r u s t l h a t he^re- after this a h o o s t r a l 7 s p i r i t will descend upon some heroes - whomdashghall res tore all t h a t has been lost to the Hjndu r a c e -duruig uiany ages B u t they do not p r e l o a d to d iscern any way in which i h V fulfillment of such a hope can h a p shypen _ _Ji

bull bull pound ~mdashbullbullmdash~~mdash-=-bull--

^a^Bfr^Maa f i tEdaoa t ion -I n a r ecen t l ec ture on th i s subject

M r J a m e s P a r t o n the historian said I b a r e in iny m i n d ^ ^ e y e a g lor ious univers i ty comple te ly organized and equipped to afford - an education ltsuch as t h e fu ture m a n will trer g iven It

-looks notmdashatr-aH- like-Oxford or Cam-


THE rQBTJIAflTKB (UXfRT- The following U the subetanc nf a MU inshy

troduced iu he House of Representatives on ttre raquofo-test readjusting the salaries of postshymasters under the twinSent postage law k H proposes that salaries of postmasters of the that class shall b graduated from 43000 --to $8000 a the receipts of hlaquoU- offices varyiroxa $400004^41000000 vlaquoJond elaamps salaries to range from 13000 to $3900 as tike receipts W l Wl UkaB 4 M l t t vary from $10000 to $40000 thirdcitta aftgt 4 U j laquotme quarries uantoftag mm 4000 men aries from -4^000^ toiJlWO as tb rcipta whowill now Uraquo I f c r o ^ rClt Wlaquork tbottgb

not twvwritnmttotmmmiHid iaatftam-uw ~XmplusmnmmHvt WmmmmxiXiotpQw braquo

flHlHJ twaaor pladn

to be the dtrn


U U U uraquou y created quite a sensation as the 4laquortsts of the flni are very extended and Hheir sudden suspe^sioB wholly unexpected (by the public The firm begandolntf buslntssia 1850 aultIbad of late yea^s been d( inezute bqstaew EergtraquorfC Aye of tho firm owns $900000 of tfce capital atocjf of the Brown-Bonnell compaaf of Youngs-town 0 which operates the largest roiling

) bull

8laquon Francisco where lie waalto w^cf a weSlthj ] from the e lady but disappeared before the weddiBtas^ 1 a rtarbJeiim arrlted f Eofne

mill in the Mahunuig-^ley aud tho larmst Sheet mill in the11niSd States H LVAver Is president o^ the company and owns a majority of the stock The comptty^torowTraquo ta irorq-ber of blast furnaces eistirwitH limn iiilnri

Texas f a r w w arc ^ttingreatlyfo plant Oierr cornjuid-coltou 4 41 Mty iimcli lnri(w ifitof

r r | - W J _TJLV-mdashvbullbullbullraquo bull t i will be put In than ever before Tfie cattle hop of Jacob fltrauss amp Co ^Pciur in n ae laquo d ^ ^ ^ tuat^taic for the n-uenn in i-sdmatod

V an HoruKforeman of Uje collar ^hop and to|d ataQfi pOoh^ad bull ^


vary from $2000 to10000i fourth class to be

stamps and stafupe Kgtld OS9 p y io CASH

The joiart rwahr tsa offered in the fcoAsaraquoJraquo UrtniWhto p i n l i i lor the eqUltabte m-S S T V M P - n o i i e y l u t h e U ^ g J iraquo Ti laswy s j fefor th to the p r e a a M |

IfcM Mil ajwuwliif reveuuePoy being votimlr ed It grMjUy In excess of the needs of the cottn-tty ajid declares it expedient to repeal all In-ttftal tare except those o n liquors aud dishyrects that all the surplirtftn the treasury after the redemption of boudsdue be divided among the states to be- fcppliedi by them to the payshyment of their state debts or for school purshyposes and that $100000 000 fr^m the surplua now in the treasury be so divided among the states according Vgt population on July 1 -next ^ ^ attaclied to the German Roman Catholic

iB^DT^ATURAJJZATION AgtUlwae iutrotlUjced in congress on tiie 19th

insti to amend the revised statutes in regard to naturalization It provides that the children of persons who have enlisted pr may enliat in the service of the llnited~8tates either in regushylar or volunteer forces andjra^ftbeen or BMTJ be hereafter honorably dtsc^argeaHherefrom or who died whileta-ajd a rmy of theulaquo l t ed Statesthough they may have been bornabroad^ shall if dwelling iu the United States be con sidertd citizfiu thpoundpoundeof


A favorable report has beeii ^bmltted to the House from theCoiumtttce OH Elections uporr a Uttt-igkpay the laquoxpensea Tu the cohu-sted cases lq theyortj-sevenui Congress bdquo v


The following gentlemen have been nominfr tedhylDe President for the civB pervicercom-

t T ^ ^ r bull Pre

MTGregory Illinois Leroy D iThoman Uhtp TARIFf BJL PASSED TILK8BNATB

After^pending ^ jlays in cdueidferaiion of the tax bill the Senate passed the aanH on the Cuth inst by 33 majority


USTvSa ag

lneaa of the


Ifcts is tho way Justice Bradley o f the sushypreme court denied the rumor that he was about to re^gn uThe first I sver heard of it Noone but hiyse^f knows whgtherl ever thought of reslguinc for I ncTer gpoke a- word to any-oody bri the subject No ail those rumors are sheer Actions probably started to annoy me or

efcras buried and placed raquo^TV wlaquot uiaappearca oeiow u e weaaraquoB^iy^ - - - - mdash mdash

r VtTTnvors 0OKVICT8 i $0 far this year the^e U s beeu a inarmed fajl-Aidlspatch ree^ivei from Jefferson City Mot j ing off in the cumber or timnigrants arr ousinass ia A dispatch reetdvel from JeCrson City Mo ing off in the cumber of fUUnigrantw arriving

^ I n g n i M M j h i L gi^tJJlgXallUglJig lgggnTTir lrmiaiauptfy iUJtota^MfrjPffie rnrrlaquoraquopc-nltE-irraquo tJ1 ead a mutiiwos outbreak In the penitentiary at tht Ing mouthn last year ^

e Thei couvicts In the penitentiary had ust returned to their shops from d-taner when

a preconcerted mutiny broke out iu the harness

him to keep quiet Four men also seized Spl jlgr foreman of bullfctwdiarneswhop and stripped

khiro0niBcJrHbityjf Johu B Jonusouihe riug-Teader a highway robber under seutence of twelve years ran into the department where the horseicollars are KtuiJcd araquod slaquot a lut- of loose straw ou ftre In anomwut the building with its throe shops h^nie^a collar upd -wlilp was UB ftrei Praquoadraquomoutum prtvailtfl bullbull Whin

^ S r -


to anuov those in whose favor I am wnjijoaei reijrn) raquo bull A iJEAOLT PANIC

A fire broke out ou the second floor of the

chOTfh ftFCar yenork city between A avenue aud jFlfsi aveque on tbtraiternoongl the 20th inftV Tb reoval of the children ffonr the upptT stories bifean quietly enotigbsgtlaquod was progressing rapidly when one of theeiuterH in charge of- a claw ot girls fainted A panic imshymediately followed and a deadly- rush took place TheisUirs brokeand the mass of strugshygling chitdren was precipitated tltgt the floor beshylow falling In a packed mass one upon anothshyer irour four to dvis feet deep fli^^cbildren were at oncelaken out dead audteu more died immediately after being rescued making a total of 16deaths Thescene in the class rooms and in the halls after the panic was indescribable TornJiooks and clothing andjoroken school apshyparatus gave terrible evidence of the wild struggle oi the childiicn -to escape from the buiniing The school is an adjunct of the Most Holy Redeemer and Is in_ charge of the Steteryot Notre Dame Five hundred girls 4iu-

mian BEaton NawTork J^hn l dtfBTTviirr^fPigtHnrt ^yen1 ^ V H attend the

the guards ran In with thi hoxe they were met by the couvicts Who cut bull the hose Johusou made au tJIojrt to t scape over the walls but deshyspite the facMhat he had a knife and cluli he was captured by Jesae Tolin and put in a dunshygeon HiB eompauious also were cohtiucd iu dark cells The lire was got under coutrojjbut has completely^stroyed Strauss amp Cj^s har-iiefte shop collar shop and whip factory Loss $100000 the Oresick Boot amp SIIOH Company

$30000rstaie Weaviraquog gtSlw

_ and State Shop loss $40000 Excelsior Loom Factoty loss $20000 total with damage to minor St^te buiJdiHire $030000


Two freight trains on the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne amp gtliica^gt Road collided at Jspring Millst) on the 33d instbadly wrecking both andLkllling the engineer h Graham and__flre man J Qutilan bothof AMiauce The btl-ancc of the crew cfcwped by jumping t(

WOKKIN0 6TraquopoundUILV

The work of jpumping-ottt the Diamond mkre at Braidwood (il is being carried on enr ically but the best that can-be done the wjiter cau onlyUe towered about two feet per day The water Stood onthe 24th Inst 4o feet below the sttrface The relief fund hue reached $5800


The Senate Committeeon Commerce huve bullaknn rtmt-i action on Dm Shipping bill and or -dereda favorable report to be made upon It to tlic Senate The committee have amended the bill by ^striking out the thirteenth MTMOII which delegated- to~ col lectors of ports the duties bullHOW performed bv theShippiugCommissioner^ and have also addud a svetk+u wbi^h^uthor^ izes the Postmaster-General to contract for the carriage Of mails in o^can steatiifhip6 of Amershyican register provided lie shall pay not exceedshying $1 per mile for-rsuch service and shall not exceed $1500-000 per annum Due notice is to be giveu-bf advertisement and contracts are tbgte^awardetl to the lowest bidder^regardless bull-of fte-size of the vessel onlw provfrfedthat-^thv VC^Scrij Of American register anAowbeJamT r i i nb r Americans The BeetToiTalso1 coil tains a provision that drawback equal to the amount of duty ahall be-alkjiwed uu^all furelnn-Timteii-als inspectedandii$ed in the couetructiigtraquo or ntpainif American Vessels


The Houe-CiraquoHlaquoi|lttee on Appropriation have-distfusjsed tlii propoeiitidu of the Secretiiry tgtf_the Treasury to-conBolidate the customs cof-lecfnSns districts and cfefid^d in vjewbf tlie lack of tlnie for asatisfactory investigatiou of the Kubject1-o make- the regular provision in

1 ^

br idge nor even l i k c J J a amp a r d i t looks more like a fac tory vil lage sitiiajed in the mids t of a fiuely-cultiyated farm of 1000 Heres w i t h beautiful gar t lcns a n d __

i p a r k s t h e whole i he4 jen t e ro f a thr iv- -the appropriation bill fortbc customsdistricts

^ 4 n d u ^ y - - ^ ^ J laquo ^ r - - f e e t ^ r y r M ^ - M T P W l 0 U J i U t u t e d -laj^es ffnght he miLst he shal l and are-jus t goir^g o bo- f o r - m a n will no t long be t h e submissive vassal t h a t he is now Thin universi ty of mine shal l Jiayomdasha chime of bells which a t 6 a m sum- in0113 2000 men to- r ise and cas t off sloth and pu t on work ingmenW clothes and p repa re for labor A t 7 t h e y a r e in their different shops wvrkorsriri wood in meta ls in lea ther in -one inhe in ootton -in llax in bull v --51- Jfor th hours they labor being eld to a^str lc t a c e o i m t j o r the abuse of tools ma te r i a l aud t i m e mdash I n s u m m e r a por t ion of each

school^ aud they w-e-re all in their classes when the panic joccuredV- Amdash^careful investigation shows that every rule and precaution for safety ^ hadbeen disregarded In everyj one of the ntee has gone to England class rooms the dootaopened inward ajurthere is-ouly due ltJcx)r iu a room for tmr egress of -from 80 - to 3frac34 Chiidrcn and tiie doors -are only two anamp a half feet wide The stairs are very n a r i w An actual measurc-Ineut showed that the invratikQptradeing door came witirfn 11 iuches of the end nearest the bt^neheSiJeaving hardly room to squeeze through

3Hie sistersin_ehargedid art in- their jwwerto bullgeTtheir ciiargeTsaiely out of the building atrd had it not bctn for the unfortunate circumshystance of the bister faiuting aiul the sub-scquentj)anlc this feaiiful accidentmight have been avoided bull


bate reports from Rome say that the Catholic bisLops in A-merlcsrare t6 have their plaquojwer over lliereligious orders i^vleffllerfclhat UiCy are cent0 havf lull control over the various Jesuit colU^eiTetciprivilegesVlmilar to those of the j^ishops of the same churciriu Euglaud


Gov Butler of Mass bar-offered the ptwition of trugtiuiaof the state workhouse at Bridge--wuter to Miss AoigaJ D L K I ^ bet4er- k-nowu amps Gail Haruiltoaand it is1 uudnst4Jod that she will accept the position JWhile her work anU



day is spent by al l upon -the land so that -a l l may have insight some p r a c shytical knowledge of fa rming ot horses pf-cattie of the dairy the g a r d e n r t h e

^pwthard At 10 a l l ot-this is overexeeit iuStarvest t ime or o ther per iods of pres-^ureT^^ie chimes now send these work-

- m e n to therFsTooms w-hlaquore they r e m o v e the dress and^HFqjents of m a n u a l lahjor a n d come ou t to cTftss^and r ema in all d a y univeis i ty st i id^uU

I^eparated^from the soil7 ngtan never y e t ha j^ucceeded in thr iving ^ttrsb^est wifti^ut it he is a pot ted ^ p lan t a

- s o m e of the pots arejQQierably small I hay^e visited m a n y factories in New E n g l a n d a n d I find tha t wherever the o p e r a t e

tiie soil where every family can have gt good-sized g a r d e n with a c c e s s t a pas t shyu re for a cow I find the p e p p l e p B a i t h y contented and ampaving - WJaerev^f-1 his

^ i s t h e ease t h e factory-population is


Aft(-r a conference lasting nearly throe hours on the evening of the 23d tbe republicau mem bers ef the House adopted a resolution not to-concur in tht1 Senate ameiidfnent^ to tW reveuhe bill which is the basis of the Senate tariff bill_


Kasu-rn importersand roftnerH of sugar are protesting vigorously against a rouflnnKtion of-the commercial treaty with Mexl o


Luhn VV Foster of Indiana has been mint ijTt-ed bv the Iresideht for minister to Madrid Mr Fbiltor is a inan of briHkint iittaiuments and has fotNiouit time hetn -rngA fd 4JT-thp

-practieo of laV^n Washingtonmdash^he nominashytion U supposed toare^ been made at thein-sfauce of Secretary Frethighuysen with special reference to the uaturHiianraquonaiKl other quts^

rtions pending between Spain ^dkthebdquoLuited States with which Mr Ko6tersgtxperiencc made him familiar 4is missioit i - -tfi5 regarded as of a temporary iplusmnaracter Foster will not sail for about two months aud will rinurri traquoK SgtOTI rfi bu mattf-f 9 at Issue are settled

Tin LOST j^sfTvsT

on the4Mth inst on a charge-of buying for 2 000 $14000-worth of jewelry stolen from^the roomsTraquofex-Minister Christiuncy at AV-ashing-ton The jewelsaro those sent^rorn Peru bv Mr ChristiaucTturing Jiis^sltgtjourn tn that country ^

JrtfilHX IS I U

Seiuitoj-FTN5_is confined to his ro6m in the tj^efrhfttePjns^Vrashineton by a severe

^bull^4-hfcat trouble cbrrmhKd with insomnia His Illness was brought on by^tltfseres of anxieties to which JJP hw so recentlj Re^u^sjibjcjCt-cd

able to-live^without a c t u a F S a r v a t i o n o fiXtreniedestitition in the evehTaf jjjvHls being closed for even a ve

eriod W h e n e v e r they a r e the soil as in some of ojur large

c i t i e gt ^ k ^ r e rx^squa lor^demora l iza t ion j _and desp^


eympathieTTTaveaTways been witji thi republl can party her selection is due to-tiie suggestion of many inflyrutial democrats who are auxlous to curry out the party= platform Indorsing the-f extension of sufTage iltr wpmea- Mise^ Dodge wilHai the place made vacant- by-the resignashytion of Mrs James-Jicknor Fields-the wjdow of the publisher and literateur v


Fatlier Stvce the oldest Catholic priest in tht United States and one of the oldest- in the world died in St Louis Mo on the 131st inst bull He was tiie IIrstpriest to celebrate the Holy -SacHiiee juChicago

NO MOliK All) NKKPKI) bdquo

- A -circular has bceu issued at Cincinnati stating that iiofurthlt-r ifUtsidc aid is needed lliere and urging thlaquo charitably-disused to give their meuns to other citie-s


The tlrst suit arising -out of-^raquof-the^ewJiaU hi-iu^f iTisAStt-r w n s M i V l nn t h e m n r n l n y Af fw

23d by the actor John Gilbert Donahoe He claims pound20000 with cent500 additional fur medic a t expenses confcequcut upon his Injuries incurshyred by leaping from the buruingbuilding ^ - ~ - SOLEMN A N D S A O r -

The funeral of the UTifortunat-o--victims of the rltccntpanic a t the German Catholic scltool

New York took plaecjwrthe morningorthe st The church^vfas tastefully^decorated

and thf^rviceajg^riHnoSt solemn--ahd impreg-sive Vhue-tlie coftins were being carriod into

i-lmrch indertakers most Xathaii S Bennett wa^rreateurtnNew Vnrk-f^fnes were WltneaSbd^ The parencs-and-r^

tives of the dead chilffrlaquoohad gathered and were uttering doleful cries r-a^hers Hespcleui Westell And Areud With 30 acolytts ptirform--ed the solemn mass A9 Father Hcsplt4ein a-cendcdihe altar 40 little girls dressed with sashes of black crape knelt at the cont miinion steps while another line of girls were ranged around the coffins After the benedie-tion Father Schaefer preached a sermon and paters and aves were said for the repose of the dead and theo~-tf

The ejdfcrt of Inquiry in tfie case of-tlre Jeau pette has suBmltted its report The members of fhe court say that while the vessel was not



gt -

woman stgt t a r J^J c h a r a c t e r is c o n c e i - n laquo ^ w a s sent with reconimenda t iona A a Se^f$i^-Vest^ of

i issouri for a p lace i n o n e o r t h ^ d ^ p a f f -U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t a c

pos t w a s ^ h i t she wan tcd i the genatol told h e r t o m a k e app l ica t ion in wr i t ing N e x t day t h e ^ b o 4 w o m a n - b r ) e f e g h t he r foxnial a p p l i c a d o n v - ^ h e sena to r a n d a

^ laquo u t looked over i t an^Blaquonc luded t n a f i t^c-kar ly showed t t e - ^ t ^ W n t i o m p e -ten t f ^ s ihAipos f t i on sought S n e ^ 8 - m i o r m e o x ^ ^ e r d 4 ^ t a n d sa id^wf t f f rburs t o f tear^4^^ see h p i r e a s y it is to m a k e a mis taklaquoS^falaquot4Rras wr i t t en

a r tn i en

cp^0ftllyadapted for arctte tAplorallou yet -her condition on departure from San Francisco was gooitlmd satisfactory to theofficers And crew The chances of reaching Wrangle Island were sufficiently good to justify the commandshyer in attempting toreach it and hejvouldhave been censurable had he not done so J in the management of the Jeafmotteifpvto the_ ahan-cjonment of the vessel Commanaer Betong In the judgment ot the court provided alj^meao-ores to meet emergencies thai prudence and foresUjmVaauld suggest and no blamTTattaches

rliim or any other-oihcerfor the loss of the or the subsequcht^wrfferinna of tb^rbffl-

eerftTu^d^Tien in trving to reach Sett-lgtstrients on the Longt Qptta The report-ignores the charges- preseoted by

-AS the doctor be usage by Delong


w n t laquo p

- bull -

^ J ^ c a n ^ t hold t h i s baby a n y longer bull

^ca l l ed O u r t h e yowng J iusband and fathshyer i t s g e t t i n g loo h e a v y ^ 1 _l8J)alaquov E d w a r d r ep l i ed a mufflJ(Q^voiee^frpm

the o the r r o o m YqUUited to hold tne fo r hours a n d n e v e r eam plain and t h e baby is j io t a-4ea1ampeiconipred to w h a t Y

^ l ^ W a s 1 bullbull-Pwaraquoiifool1 said E d w a r d fttidiil^B W M too s leepy to d i a p t r t ^ k im

kgtllins whose icother jliiki^ in consequence of ill

raendatfons for nearly eve Jnrthe expedition

jrt closes with com who took part


The board of regents of tlw academy macy of Loui8TllleKy for the education _ women as pharmacists has perfected Arrange-

meotsforthe opehlng4if the aeademy orTMarch bull1 Five marticulants were^htered w one day M raquo expected that 50 will be present at the

Jtito^ stajrfpn Ajmong the donations jecefv a laboatory valued at 15000 the nee 9t

I8 8creraquosectf grogtlna plants foe botatiieal rlaquo-aeafeb^ anUihc AirierteajjJournal of Pharmacy T h e f a c u h y ^ ^ T r o f ^ T b o m S e ^ Tobin ehemistry Prdf-ibt^BlrnlnvplJftrmMiy Prof PXampnUh nu te r ia mgtdk^Pr6^J tgt0 Cot-trell mlcroacopf Prof Am^NeuheT^ po v~ A nurt TAILU

TteaoAoupewMBt-ITM nuuludat the 17tb-that Ugte gr ta t iron firm of J

moved to thehearsesand borne to the Calvary cemetery ^

A MXRKBD OIFVBBESC A jJauae in thfe sundry civil appropriation 111 fixes the compensation of the clerk of the

ptiraquo rvgtnrt t $^QQ0 a year and requires hlrh tb^haodover all fee6 to the Laited States treaisuTyr^ij^retoforc he has been m aking some bullf4O0OU a yeahvee8 _ _ _

- AEHsSn) 8LIDB ^ gt ^ - ~ ~ ^ A section^ltrf Mc1LeanNWQnu^eurorncinnati 174-

long slipped into the water^at^Court street on the 23nd ilxst lotting down tbTSo^thern raii-bullayTrack and cutting off communicMiQn with both passenger and freight depots h hap|jen ed shortly before the arrival of an ^ncomin

train ocutY CRAPTH -gt-

The trial of Crafts for participation ia the celebrated Ashland murders which has been in progress at Grayson Ky^for several days under the-protccrion of tllostatc troops was ended yi the 33d lost The jury found the man tealltypf raurderinthe flrstrdegrgg- bull TR-mdash--- ^ OLBAH laquoR1 T

Before daylight on - t h r ^ raquo mornlog of the aScnhst over rx) resiuents of BvanstonV in the suburbs of Chicago armed themselves-with crowbars afid pickjaxes and

of the track of the Milwaukee^ A posseOf police was sent to tho scene and disshypersed7 the mob with difficulty The riot was ineftcated by property owners who claim that tbeyuave80lbaea paid lor tfre right of way

pioua naaSvJ Governor Butler has proclaimed April 5th as

fast day and -cspeciaJlW exhorts mrnWteiV to feed their flocks with the divine word and not discourse upon politics or pthlaquor social topics

wtto-xo l-is mdash-pen Wacmdarevcharged with being the1No

v pf ^bull^r^^Hlaquo^^pnspiriug J U AD extreme t and^tliougp severely wounded he

maha^ed to carry to the Empress Eugenie the aonouncenient of the capture of theemperpr by tbejQermana Healao spenfaome time In

floth Housesi of the Moifearia J^pislature have pafisiira upanlmous vote of thauks to Gov Crosby G-eueial Sheridan Vest for the interest mantfi sted protecting the Yellowstnne jark-

and Senator bv them iu

By the will of a wlaquoa]thv Boston ladv Misraquo Anthony and MraBlackwell receive i30000 each fortheir labor in behalf ltgtf womaas suffrage and it 1 said will use the iiioney proshymoting the^canse bull mdash -

ArthuJr has accipted thtrlaquosi^atiltgtnof UeaL Commaudcr Gorripge raquof the lrlaquoi^d tfyite

-Hny -bull - - - bull-bull-laquobull

A V i s i t t o W e n d e l l P h i l i p s V Chicago Advraquouce ------ - r s ^

A little plainbullhoiAo in a na r row HtreetT whose unftraquotihilt)naplo vicinity has been ejhiefly suiTetifirreoT- to city UafSc a pa in ted doorway a worn Kill a d m i t t i n g to a narrltHraquo d i i i ^yd ia i l^and curpetlesM KaTpWayl all tftTwe impress ions followed rap id ly before 1 was admjUod to - a -pe-cept ion room H a p p i l y n o Mr Ph i ] -lips1 s tudy _ bull

H e is in a n d will sec you s h o r t l y Meanwhi le L have oppor tun i ty for a

back ward g l a n c e of memory for p l a c -it-fr my though t and niy ititerest a m i d the scenes o ^ h e last genera t ion N o t h -ing-else wiiSjiassibTe in tha t room T h e furni ture books o r n a m e n t s eve ry th ing

jLthu r ich but neutn i l j u g on the Hoor^suggestH bull the pjasuA capac ious old sofa with faded i | lush-cuHhijlaquoraquo-and a fghan speaks of jintinite comfort T w o -iiowpitable a t in -cha i r s of carved m a h o g shyany proclaim the i r indifference- to the upholsterer s a r t ---bullbullbullbull ^

An e laboni te ly ca rved table twupy-i ng the whohTirftifer of the room is p i l -ed with hooka mnnnstri))ts papers -re

B I T S OF NKiy s laquo Rev Barnes the bullmpuntuiaevangelist La^bust of

The nvunicipahty of Home has placed a tablet in the house occupied in ISiiO by Irof Mofse iuveutofof tBe teleyraijh The tabFt will be ceremoniously uuveUtd bv resident -Ainerl-

por ts lt)thlaquogtr tal l ies similarly laitfn arcopy tigainst the-walL 0 n the mantel s tands-

El izabe th Fry tin--tireless Engl ish phi janthropist Nea r by is a m i t h c r l u s t t h a t of--liiieodore Parker - 0ppo-4te t M c e n t e r tal4efc^Ui^-a sma l l bull s tand is a s t a t u e t t e in plaster the m o d -

cans ~ el submit ted by Miss Ann Whi tney wh^n ti-ftve^harges-are-made agafrist toebull-wttejiew--tlio cons t ruc t ion of a cer ta in s ta tue t o r

of Slug Sing prison A v io la t ive committee the Pub l ic -Gardens wks under c o n s i d e r are investigatingjjue-fuutter = -^ j o t i o n This -wiis-coucdded TO be the bes t

ofleredr bwt it wfak juvertlielciiv decl ined i n f a v o r of a por5TCrTm t h e grrnnrd t h a t ~ a womtin_cojild not m a k e a s t a t u e

I t s -subject is a sea ted l igurc majt^stic--

~ King Humbeft of Italy has issued a declara

thriv-providing for ih^rcsumpliou of specie -payment AprtrTij

Ann -Gerry daugh te r - o f Klbridge Gerry a signer of the Declaration of Imlupendemv died at New Haven Cumij Saturday nged 91

There were over^2000 applications for patents ov electric devices last year v Telegraph and tcle]ihnrte wires in Lond()n art- to be placed under ground r

MrsS K Mulkelham the only-remaining daughter of Ji iTersou has Uen granted a penshysion of itfO a nionth bull__

The Maine Senate has passH l actaistttational^ -fSrohibltory amemimentr -bull ^^^r^^-r

ltt)rdc-fs4iavo heon idf-iicd hy-thc British wyern- ment tor the forfeiture of-nll copjlt-s ofthe Irish U i r l i l nt TUP 17th-ttiKT mi Tilt- yrniuTiT f l m J _ 3 r coutainsartieles inciting to violence

Justine Hulscbas of Port Klchmond I I has inflicted the remarkable penalty vVf^Jliue for drunkediHss on lulin I)o Itv a lngty of IS years TheLastouishcd people of the village are bulltrying to g^t thetine reudtted

Surveyor Morton of San Francisco recently bullftiUzed J 15000worth of opium concealed in the water tank of the steamer City _of_Tufrlo The only access to the tank is Uv way of the shjitt w e l l bull

Mrs Frank Leslie and a eompany of artists

ye t gen t l e across the base is the n a m e which I th ink the proudest in all Mitss-a_chusefts annalsmdashGhaivjeS Sumner

Hcforc Mr Phillips cntereltt-+l)Csgan toknT)v him H e spoke ofj inte-bcllutn days of the t ime when he was mobbed in thTs his na t ive c i ty of the-- ipsltIgtn4

cvctr t iaugcrous receptioiTac^^-rdTMrirhn in iinejnnaii d u r i n g t i i cwnr wlicn a l t e r Kpeakingan hou r amid jeers and hisses arid a r u n n i n g saIiUe_oi^jiti i^mLnaiiraquo--

eompany have started ou a tour through thesouth iu special Pullman carsketching and writing UJL ttfe country as they go

An Indiana jouruall^t after traversn^tbe flooded section of the state estimates thcjjttthagc to property at 18155000 Ovorti09^esideucegt-iiave been sweptaway iir jJh-vas-tHefd an_if-v 000-^erM5ns are dep^ndeafc^upoti cliarliy for food aud clothing --^ - Americans iaRotnc eclcigtrattdWaahlngtOP-ft

birthday 3Litha_grandfcte- Th^JaymerT(gto^fxnsions by the government

liefw^en iioj^and iJuJy wjll amount to aixiut-$5r6^v090T

At the time of Marsh all 5ltjyeirs death he waii collecting material lor a histo necticut charter oak

No contested election cases will be conampid by the present congress -All te^m^erjmce^andsiprohibition measures

werekilL itaatettves

tbamp X w- ihiti i- -44m-slaquo- i_---U b re -

ThtrNcw York calamity has set the authorishyties in other cities to inspecting tiie fire escape arrangements of public school buildiugl)

Thamp revolt at Sing Sing prison is over All foreign goods Intended for the LouhviUe ionai industrial-exposition bull^re-to-Be admlt- duty

Plenty defense of thi

Tiles the (ftvner of the hall feu r ing for h i s j i ropertv ltlesirerr his w i t h d r a w a l He spoke - o f t y en-worK-itN nf flin^- days near ly a lUif avlumj hayt passed awa j r before hi)n^-Xitecri ull vyet witha l i t t lo

__patios Wei we old ibolitionista ought t(gt tiie It is t ime for ug-to d ie a n d give place to yltwnger ^ ^ 1 - 1 A r o you wri t ing anyr--Dminiscenscs- of tFi0slaquoi d a y s ^ I v e n t u r e d t u inquires- ^No r I -have n o t -the tnife It o y g h f t o be done Gar f i sou-^vas t l u ^ m a n to tip i t v Ho

-iwampiti to but- lie was alv^ivs given t o p i U t i n ^ i ^ r t h j n g s bull Ajt one t ime he took a r c ^ m t s f u t l y for the-pur|Vgt^c m o v e d

-his books and pape^g into it p l a n n i n g to work at- the m a t t e r d i l igent ly and-- J i e w r entered i h c room again^

aliout cnrrent i l b A

- -mdashI-t^ked-sotH e -^^nes t ions 11 political- topics

cour teous- in teres t -but not the enthusishyasm wit]i_-JiJdch he had ])reviousI j spoken I luiye-^viHrdrawn from p u b shylic life a l t oge the r for tlic l a s t yea r a n d a

if-the-Con- jlutlf he r e m a r k e d W h a t (1(frac34 y o u thinkrof (IOVbull lliutiii - A lher rv tw4

Jilo-of the eye a n d then I do not t h i n k t h H t l l J u t l e r c a n swal low B u n k e r J l i l l MoiijiTr^nfv Most affectionately- h e spoker7)i rgttn^ ifrientis about him in tho s tudy t h e j a c q ^ U i a t I have n K m l i f m e ^ I left with somewdiat^-uf tlic ^uiK^reT-erenco for him per-sorKilry^thht I ha^ve a lwavs felt for his w o r f c ^

bulle-r- Ttud Bntkc

s are to )c forthcoming for the ed murderers Of Cavendisli

The ice gorge at Alton 111 moved a few days since doing about cent10000 damages tg a box factory A raft of logs was carried down tbampL Louisa where about 2frac34000 feet were recaptured ainithe rest went on its winding way down the Mississippi -

Bannum has petitioned the government to rent him 20 Pawnee Graves for exhibition- pur-

gtses _ bull - bull bull -

^WieflrBt through freight train from Montreal to Wintii^g over the^ Canada Vacihc leftMor^ treal on tnbS^d ingt - Silver in largc^Hantitips is said to have been dlftcoyered in the Sama^i ta mountains abyut JO miles south of Tusa)n7sAltzonaand thereis greatlaquoxoifc^ meat- throughout^fckjJerritory^in

^ - ~ mdash bull mdash bullbullmdash

Lient Com Gorrlngi signed

Washingtons birthday was London BerlinamLlIomc Gladstone will return to England and

mptitlaquohOTlttfre first of A^areb

S N has rc-


At HardeVstown Ind all the graveetot the cemeterrgtwere carried H way and -the entirely obliterated by tb^^ood^

t i ^ n ^ S ^ f h t l i t JThejnanufacturerfl ofiroa aod^ect are rna^ A R t f i IfeBUytarmed- for fear the tariff bill which has ^ ^ laquo laquo f - l i ^ raquo i - passed theSefiate wUl work greatlnjury to thejr

business ^ - - A bill has passed the New VoT4tlegi8Uture

| lgtrohibitlng the making of hats byconvTcts - HoraceGreeley^s Chappaqna estate is to be

sold at public auction ^gt Germahy^s7fiFst~lR)^trTbUt-tt)^

sufferers akmg tne~X)hio was-received on the 23d inst The first Installment amounted to 1000 marki

ThePennsylvania House of Representatives defeated thenrfvil servilaquoraquoe-bill by a vote of 72 to 83 -bull- ^ - - - bull -

New Yerk city has given $17000 togt the i)hlo flood sufferers - bdquo iT^ie keartbf ^ o p ^ P t o J ^ b M b e ^ r e m o T e t f

V H Q w G a m b e t t a L o s t a n B^eT

From the March Century bullbull Hls^fajher w h o had no proviionrbf

the boy s future ce lebr i ty w a n t e d W s e c u r e him against mi l i t a ry service b y keeping him a u I ta l ian Imafqfi i ty from s o l d j ^ n ^ w a s broucjht a b o u t c idental ly As G a m b e t t a w a s

knife-grinder o p e r a t e on t lu blade of a knife ^ o l de lac t h e hah^rkj in t l t j c w l n t o the~ boy s eye a n d b l i n d e d v ^ H o was very uiuch pu t ted in consetjrieiwiev a n d the m o t h e r was embbidened bv lurMncrea8ed t en shyderness to insist upon L e o n N t i d h g s e n t to t h e J e t i t S e m i u a i r e of Monlfah-eon t o receive a classical education^ H e r b a n d was a n e n e m y to l d g h e r instruct t ion a n d t hough t t h e c o m m u n a l ackool sufficient for a boy^Orvhosc des t iny bull Wrt8 to be a p rov inc ia l g rocer - raquo

mdash ~ mdash i bull bull bull mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash T^-- Some of ou r c i ty s tores have been ooit stantl)^rjfnrjyeH by chi ldren^ooming to the door and a s k i n g for cards e m p t y

-bo-Xeraquo- a n d mdash t h a t laquolaquor t of th ings -The s a re of course dowti on tho

y o u n g s t e r s a n d Uio war fa re newlaquoltenda T h e o t h c r s i a v a fittrie gir i opened t h e s to re door anaV^ft t ieking^er head in calledotuU- S a j ^ fflkj^ b a v e y o u g o f r a n y e m p t y boxes P X ^ W ^ - said the e t te tk -hot v e r y ^ ^ U t o ^ ^ i i Q t a n y c a r d s - ^ I ^ gt ^ i ( J o t a n y i U x n a w f r a l gt J ^ ^ X I ^ a u ^ I ^ r S a 8 f l ^ ^ ^ bullbullbullGotnv p i c tu r e sP f No^^Hhil Any sense - t N o - ^ y e s ^ - n o mdash y e s mdash y b i r mise rab le lit t le w r e t c h 1 -and the c l e r k ttcw o u t of the door b u t the y o u n g s t e r 7

gtfas-up t h e nex t a l ley m a k i n g faces jfc- h im rahd Jic c a m e back u iadder t h a g l i a hadv^been since hia s a l a r y h a d difcefc

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 7: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

mm0~ bullbullbullbullltbullbull



bdquo ^ JJ^Ef A HOVEL

told BJCL Atlanta Beporter Atlanta (Graquo) Constitution

bull hi ante-war timet then lived in Meriwether county a- donJ-eare sort o^ a ineg i^ nanied Jack Wilson whoeotrld neither read nor write He had gained iiia fiuwdom ia manewny of ofclmpi iraquoai

porters Mrs tfowe proclaimed the foU lowing fact I confide rSt Jacobs Oil au excellent remedy anyone that ought certainty to find its way into every

mwlr--ampate uuu of Uu^^0W9Plwljl-p^famp Ifaiwn lUwaya Uas a | C jrimfttW raeniir Georgia who owned tnoiLraquoanltls of acres of hyid and wjtli his


gamed his IJYiJlhood Vy acting as a sort of director-general to famous burses in fell uwi^iiborhood ] J ack became atshytached to a gtservant girl who was owned

family Jived in lordly style The sershyvant girl was a bright muiatj6 and Jik was a shade darker They made a match of ft and were marrieti under the orderof -Kings that exisjted ia war times famptthu same time Jack had a



and tne slaves declared free J ack t ui Ueorght wife to be1-Ids partner fogt life and by liviug with her for a Stated

^TioTTthTTiiecame his wife according to law 4s soph as lie was married J ack showed a sudden spirit of industry that astonished everybody His careless habits were thrown aside and h e w o r t to work with a will ~

bull The wealthy Gates his m and the broad acres fell t o the posscs-bull sion of the heirs- Jack still worked on

the place ^ n d was saving iind careful bull The-Gates family had lost everything bull e y e p t their land Hundreds of slaves

were freed by the new order of things [~a tail unfold ^_and the vast and princely fortune- was

ironc1 The heirs could mot adapt themshyselves t o t h o situation Finally pressed they sold 50 acres of laud to Jack then they wanted more money and J ack stood 1 heir security at the LaGrange

A Brooklyn girl has mirfTe^ ^ttio living skeleton weighing six^y-seven pounds and nowTthey are one bone and one Mesh Blizzard

[ O B S Q ^ S OroipoundK -Theprljoin of t i e

Svfcn ih Addisons Spectator Tobiw-^ onsonVas the first man in England ^ that let out hackney horses When a

bullman came for bulllaquo fccujse he was led into a istajtfl - where there was-a ^rea t choice

mi Traquo lt rv lt v i bull Llt ^ ^ but heobliged ]jim laquoo take the horae v I | i e H c ^ F^UJo-yvc SLehft of th which stood -next to the stable door so C i ty i andCQU^tyofNewyork R e c e n i - | t i i a t evcrr - t fns tomer wrtwrraiikn w

Important Proclame-tlon

bottle of i t t^crergmd makes a family remedy otft -Xcic York Evening Tyh

What we charitably forgive wnj Igte-recoin-peuaeltl uo weJl as what we tjiaritably give --

Have you inflammatory sore throat stiff joints or lameness from- am oaiise

wrtrtfa-trtfMn Vlr^mtir-tmt sh w ^ ^ i ^ ^ - ^ 3MU rheumatic or ve-ume wue m v u x r a w u r u sue was 0 ^ h e r s n H n v t o f t h e h d u

black as coa l iVV hen the war cJosea^ 0 umilJoHruon^ Anodyne ftnimaiL i t

is the most wonderful lateral and exshytern 1 retuedv known to medical sci-

A CluciDnatj clergyman thought he would raise his own pork So he bought five pigs ami fittened thfrm Now that tjiey are lit to kill lie hesitates He says they appear so mucih like-his own chilshydren that he hasn t the iifJart to kill them The pigs are in good hfck but wha t a commentary on the good par-qcmq progeny

- - mdash - h gtf~-8TR1CTLY PURE

once bull-ltbull bull bull bull^- InquirermdashWhat is thccvtremtiiKnaltv for

bigamy Two mothers-lu-law - mdashmdash

We caution all persons not to buy the extnv large jgtaeks of dust and ashes now

put up by certain parties and called con-aster ltliedL ^J^0 powers They are utterly worth

less Bixv WU^HIW^ Uavalry CkmiUtion Puwdcrs if you buy any they are absoshylutely pure and iuVrnenVoly valuable

Why isTt pig-with^raquortwtted-tair like the ghoatia-HmnUti^ Becauseit could j - - ^

bank aitti when Ihey W e i unable to pay lie would take up the notes a t hank and trade fora piqeejof the Gates planshytation He workei^vi th a vengeance and-all^i4V3amily1worked OKI mar J a c k becjime a rioted and honored eiti-zenof 4^e eounty He was industrioiig antpr^spered^r 1frac34^frac34frac34 meantinie his old mas t e r s children continued to sell-

Jiim parts of the old homestead Finally he owned it all and was rich- Three -years ago he decided-that itwas his lt 1 utyrto^Jrgtyitle for his old VirgTuia wife so he senLjor her and she with her children came to hiin Sfie was gheri a house on the plantation aml-is Well providedfor J a c k owns now the mag


A N e w s p a p e r - E d i t o r O MlIoleomb of Bloprnyil]^ Ohio rietlaquo to-

explaiu -^jad tiiat terrible diiseaae catarrh for twenty vers couldnt taite or smell and hearing wa faliitig Thome1 EvUciric (fiL cured nw Thcao are facts voluntarily given ajjaTnTT a former-prejudice of patent medi-ciiie

All ineu are liberal some to those who are in neetl and others to tneinariveBT - J _

Dont H u i T y r G e n t l J m e n Said a man on his wav to be hanged utheriUl be no fun till I get there We say to the dva-peptis nery9U8_and debilitated dont hairy though tiessiv v for some- remedy of doubtful merit- uueertain of relief when vou ean get at the druggists for one dollar Burdock 2gtYOltK rtrfirrxuhiioftKtire tocm^-aud-jeertabi to bene-

Manya man lias no genuine faith who nevor in his life denied ordoubted the gospel

How nruchot Thorna1 Efc-citiCOil is-reqnir-cd ta cure Only a very -little -A few dtops

ohlTi ind his children are settled arourul N him and all aremdasheon tented anil Tvappy ami industrious He owns fifteen -or Tc educate the miud aricl let manners and

v~ sigtUeen mules uhd i^nuteil for keeping-J-heart runikl eurst^tinuuinitv witL-mildew - t h e best s t o d y n t h e coutUy- Ills credit | 1^^1 lorlrsnjrne the thousands -upon

T-rrzr^^ftvlu ^vault^e bank^lsjioTH] aud ho bullbullbulla i trofrow all the money he want^ on fas simple no t^ of lvandv

- How much is he worth mdash~ mdash~

W laquor

that every thistoTPcr y w r a t i k n veH uhaiic1^ Tvurt mLraquoruij|y w Mm vliwaw from

4raquohetjee it- became n-^jmrverb when wJiat ought to be your election was was forced uigtou vou to sa if -^Hobsrms cnoice -r mdash=mdash

i u ^ i - i W raquo- -Jr - bullraquolt

mdash 3Zplusmn


HOW T(MfgCir G k n t M lb mHmjftlagjrrmttnUer ttui wtxl bj M w ifiwiW wHit to

bull ^ mdash bull gt bull bull bull bull -


C O N S U M F T I ltTgt NJ

U r ^

r 4 -L

bull K -ampbull-Agtr-

mmwmmnmm -mdash-

I S M m i

rhlraquo engTBeln represent thfeTuQis in z bttlthr rtraquotlt


n 11in1in laquoi Ancttfrth er Th roat and liU nraquoTO Lung Affections ^fTcontalpM No Opium lu Anyp8tft

Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago 8tckilaquohlaquo Headache Toethau^laquot

S o r e T h r o raquo l S w c J I I n gt Mural n raquo laquo r laquo U r H a m Mimldraquo FrltMt B i t e

Mgtihv DrugjtlaquouraquonltHgteraquoJlaquorraquoevorTwblaquorlaquo FiftClaquooulaquo fcea DirwUonlaquoio ii Lraquonisutelaquolaquo- ft

T H E CHAKLBH A VCHiCLEK CO bull i B i V(laquoElXEcogt kltiarraquo MlaquoHt 8 A bull

TbitHY Singer $20 IuiTUiiteq pqrftvfLiKhi running mrn na if rncKtnem

on gtet triAJ-plaquokraquot when Bottfjvd Mmpgtr B O I M raquo r g M laquo i i wfs JUtdS IS stofS Mecltanit-al SML

v jth8toolmi Si liAokortlr 975 gtio gent on teot tnuj-raquolan If de-PXefd KJepuit claquolaquo^ nraimWcnt tltfiie durnti-liviltielaquoodQui Cl-Itilart with testmoniAlsfrte A8k O CayneiScCO17 T(iiitlaTClitlt-laquojr6

3t yrTlt SgttorV Tlr^iMb3 U vci^iiTY

Dciroh is the cjdest largest r ~iost thorough and ritacticaj has the mostlKble _aad expericoeed - -

icachcre finest room and better -facilities ever wn-than any-other

business college hfWichigajji Asi pur graduates aifd thejjusiness raetfdf-Detroit about rmr ^rhnngt Call or

send forjCircvlars Shorthand b y 1

itgbtning Ha^Me


Practical Rcuoiter


TgtV An unfail QV euro for teru-inul Weakness Spormntorrhrur-Jmpotencv nnil till iii^earaquofraquo that -ftillowan a pound--quoDte of Self- Afou^e as Ions of Memtirv unlrer S5I l^assit is rt e

BEFORE TAIUBi gtbdquo tbeBack AFTI I TAUI6 OlmncFtn of ViMuDi rreTHMure-Olfl Agu and xaanjt-7gtlher ltiieuselt that lead to Insanity or Consnmptftrti anrjn Premature Oruvi laquo bull

ZW l^ull iraquoarticulars in our porD^h]ot which we de-Hire to m-no froe by mail ugt pveryono ttf Tho Speshycific Medicine is sold by all drutort^t nt 1 ncrpack-age or six packages for 6 or will im sent ftjr tnall on tiio receipt nt the moncv bynriltlregtraquoinjt -

THK GRAY MtiDlClNPTCO Buffalo X Y On account of counterfeltlaquoy-wa havltraquoa4epted tlHgt

yellow wrapper the only pwiutne Gnarantee of etire issued mdash bull bull Mich

by Farr^nd Wllliaiuji amp Co Detroit mdash-Reoosaended by- Physiciantt MlnistiWir-^and r ^ _ ^ - i i bull v ^ T~-=r-Nurses In fact by eervlgtody who rms L-ivrn It n - VST7011 w -Ai obtain good and good trial It never fails to lgtrW relief I T a U H r u O S raquo s P ^ t A O L l f

the same mnn^r n

wgt Ounces are rcqutred I ffllaquo-evef ii-8o sure to cure with [

CantlonCal Tor Allenn Lunjr Dnlaam andohnn the use of all remedies without merit

A tfn Expectorant U Has No Efliml tar^Vor^Bale byyall Medicine Dealers - I -

tion GOOD AtOUn^NT PilLlCY mdashTO ItAVi i c - ^

thousands of bfiftles^of Carboline pon

the deodor-

I should sav about i)0( tud i

izedpetroleum hair renewet^amiuallyPoldand the fact t^at not a single cotrfphiiut haabeen _reeeivedfroffi ail these thousands have some idea of its trood qualities vou may

l UiV U l i i l U l i l l i r All lUi- LOU I u raquo l n I bdquo l u l u n n gt lr laquoltmn bullbdquo raquobullraquo raquo v raquo ^ n raquo ^ l every cent ot 1 War- It is a remarkabe storV of how t sluvt-wueeeeds his liia-jterr-nimdash the

ownerjihip of v vi^i huided estate I ^msssed theplace a few months h-wl llie bull ieorgia wife eome to the door and jayeiue a drink of water Everything wan nent anil clean about the ))lai^e the

yard was newly_^ s w g ^ the barns ap-42iiared tilled a r i ^ I i i ^ t h e lots 1 saw piles upon piles of nlauure earotully s eUeiMJtT It is a nioTtil plantation

-Alliy-y-l-ltaie-iacen on- -l^teks plaee ]^+-aefes of corn under one fence

I s he educatingHis chi ldren bdquo^Ves^Ut]io_uglilie citn njjff read and write he sees tiie advantage oftin edushycation attdls giving his eliildrou the lxmeiit of schooling The tory- is a frUe one and show- what r a n be done right

try more

f whjen he had-ii troublesome tooth extracted mdash A v ^ X T R A O B S l ^ i V 5 r O A S E

bull ArsTtx Texas Feb 30th ls^Or To Mx^J VV Grahaju Druj^iBt JhVrr SYmdashMy ease was an acute form of brou-cliitisiAimct was af~tinc aud a half years durashytion 1 employed the best medical aid possiblr but-failed rapidly until the doctors gnid 1 wouliftlii1mdashthat my cae was incurable Thrown upon -my Ottii re^oarceamp^I ^otaiiuttleof Dit -Uw HALJS IusM ^ii TiiK Lcxos nnil in siT hours ftItft decidedrrftrfmdashfit threetUvs the cougli armost disappeared- Now that mV ehaueiB of life are good for inatiy yearsT earnestly reeommendthy_above toeverv suf-fcrcr of luiiltr or ihrout disejisebull

i Vi ijATlillOV

Sgresn St Detroit MIeb Attorney in Paterft^nseH Established l i

bull yenrlaquo Slaquond_for pamphltt free_ Procpred or no

el and laquoketcb4JriH examine aad reiHirt if patentable

ton_2gt _( r~xs mdash i f v -

Mttity-yearfpracticc-PaaP jgthlfetjrer v J e N WKitzeerald

-JUyrneygt yaraquohlnfr-

It brings SPEEDY RELIEF in all eases of

SPRAINS and BRUISES fc$3 tflTS2t) IIp rPbullhf mo- SjKiiple worth free ^ T ^ r^JirM^i j01 ^ g o ^ j ormnd gtrjiiie

F O H 8 0 I l gt I pound R S o h any rtiseaBe wound or Injury Iarents widowb

children are entitled

~ - Hlons biTuntv oaekrgtay nrul lionora-Me diAcharpps ~iTtucurcd XVW LAWK Fend (tarbtgt for instruetiona anffbfMintv tattle K U OKIST()X A CO AtfTgtlt Box poundgt WriPliUurton VV

t CHJKK forep|tejlty f^rlls m 4- naurs 1 rw laquoi DgtiltiPgtQr bull K VXK SM^At-sen I st S Lous Vo

Uiwn Termtnnd |o (mttil amp Co Portland Maine

$ 6 f raquo a week ingtwlaquor owii uiwi U W AddrBfr-r-rK^illctt

bull Y f t l l N f i i l P - N I W o o wtem to learn teletfrapbr in

uatlon addroji gtalehttne BrosgtiJancsvllle Wl $ 7 7 n w e d t ^ a daynt home eatl v miirfeXiostry OK t- fcnt fre^ Artdrews True ltCltr Ati^istJgtLalne

bull Millions appnijirtated Kee $10 Increaw pen-

- d o n s bounty- back pay and-honorable tiisrhnrpe procured Xew U w s ^end ftamp^of-fft^nicttons nrirl honntr tuble N w Fitz-bullrriToIrt amp (laquo Attorneys BnxftS Vatt |4nff_ton D (

MASTIC TRUSS I Hat a HA diArtaf f rraquoCi 11 otJM

^ r a J S ^ R n d l 5 e 5 t K ^ ^ ^ 5 laquo + mamp

Awarded rirst Orferof Merit bullt WilrmimiTi rifhitinm 190 )giraquojuJL-iLiraquo-4 |ijmi-

Woa awarded tho Flat PftmitlB Bt the Interiationat Kihibition in Philadelphiain lTband laquoc-laquo l i t laquo of We Jaajp M

Cpmios_Td Arr OTSZS

It Is tbe BK8T KKIPE in the V O K J D to cut Ytse J T E D frlaquon bale tocntdowojtoworsTAeK tocutcoRMHiAiata^br feed or

~ to ca t KUT rAaij)alaquo no equal for cuttinx sods er ditching la nonheo and far cutting KSTilf -A laquo E from SILO TEY IT IT WILL PAY VOX

-mdash ^Maatjfactund laquoulv by



Tarsias ^Hardwanlamprchistiulth^tndt^eseriUr



Cures Rheumatism Lum- bagp Lame Back Sprains and Bruises Asthma Catarrh Coughs Colds Soie Throat Diphtheria ampumst_ Fmset Bites Tooth Ear and Heplusmnd~ ahe and a$l pains and aches

The--ctt iutrrual raquon-J exlrrcAl remedy fa fha jatofiSlTr^ery bottltyuarrct^-mdash Soidby medlaamdash^-dealrrs cvetjri-iiere Dirertjviis in tijjtit laBffuijes



Andthe-f pamphlet on the above most distreiwinc mil ladles and

oraquoi_ooo^jiSQrm llmtEiccp

J mdash

y ^Jirrc in deor^ia by pluck and iuUtis - fThvold tulage is trui There s iv

m t h thiU) there is in the land

A Wonderful ~Mlaquo5Jpry-Huston (ilobr bullbull ---

Irt eaiiu i piitleuiau antf gtat- xTtf anil-srtTs to the man waiterverv niee

Kiffemie (e-y-o-H-any nieerroiiegtrtvHiver i

o ^ t e r ^ ^ S ^ ^ - - - - _ - H) yelt ^rry^tlTe waiter

bullIleal uuengtnesgtlaquoltm1-riiv tliegiii-11 emjyu laquo ^ _ _ - ~ N S ^ - - j^Ll^-4-mvlt

Certain]v sav

-thptr cerop^ettntrelaquorigtraquo-t free rive cents in laquoUinipraquo WyRKISO Kfq S T A J T SruoKON Kovu Nvvy BNCTIVAMJ -Aj)py to _ -bull

lt lt _ U H H i d t D KING Box 88 mdashA wit Wmra^ked rmithe intlnre of a bank 1 - - i ^ 1 1 ^ 1 ^ bull^Vercyou not upset replied Not I onlvlf^t t my balance

fv Impor i ax i f bullbull When vigtu vLsit or leave New York City save

Btgga re Expressage mid Carriage Hire aiid stop at the -tirand Linon Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot ErogUhTTTxVius fittedup at n rosTlif orienuT-Uon dollars reduced ty Sr-ttntr-upwards pe day European Flan Elevator Restajutfnt supplied 2ltl the tgtctit liotse cars ata^cs and elev 1 rViftoad to all dcpot^gt-Faanhcflt can

for less 111 oney at -tnc Grand Inlou ote u rt raquonv other^lrfM-eilass-tmtel in the



gtfclaquok I M I M I 4 With Ujhl

kit bald meoMtf 7doaUlaquo

When Fopoundpoundov a train on the dress of nnold j _iady h reriiarked that it was behind time

VlHKCoiJ-lilvsirOTrrTraadVfcomsplectod ftvers on the sea-shore hy CASWKII ltWtAjtn frac34 Co NCJE York It ix Hhsotutelveure and ^wee have once takgn it prefer it tvi all other

twHivt n 1 wi

waiter wiali yoti-wrtMild ojMiTfar rue

wtvileeidcd it-vt m ) t -imw

-MCA-XSIE ]gtETV R I C H B t O O D And wraquo]l complct^ Vtijigro the blood in the entire system in three months Any pershyson- trhaPwill t ike I 1111 each night from 1 to 13 weeks -may be ^stored to sound hefttth If eucli a thing be^pocfeible ltEAXcoring Female Complaints-tliesc Pil^ hav raquop J equ^l Physiciano uac them in their paotlec ^Sold cverywher^ or ent by mail for 1 ^

^eTraquohTTepoundfcr8fmpB Send lor circular I S ab^^SON amp4$G BOSTON MASS i

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITIS ^ O f t N S O N f i A N O D Y N E I Y X I M p X T will instanshytaneously reli-yCthcac terrible diseases ard will positively j ~ care nine ea^cs out of ten InibrmitJpn tfiat-vall sivc nany livr^sent froft by manr JXJfCelRvra njonio

i i better than aire _ - _-So^Jnirrnc and Ex^-ternal t V ) CTRKS JOHNSONS poundftODYNE LINIMENT

raquoeket-piekinpms tiM -a ilsiy_ never gtii hand in

almost everything ijjl he trets his

Cnrnrr th i fm mt-tare efisilv wash

i (itwtfjplease All right -sir says IIr waiter UJH

he was coming avay j_ _ Wai t a b i t savslhcffe-ritlpmuri is tho butter nice aniTsweet

Wo htuesornirpowerfu-fresh I u r 1 says the waiter bull

ii^ oiLJiaYe_niee tresH juUk the^atitleBKin _ -

feU it^ontTafajJStvVTHigt5(fiV(l bull j Wlmpewe shall ^ a ^ i ^ r f e^^^r

My^Jj^tfai i i r _ _ ^f-ut^u when Hesay we hnve feeeived ISSJi calen tyv-nre yotu- t -K iVk^ l s r^ l t ^v l^ - mtmr

j a d ffcebV iltitylaquojhe ^or i t l emaiv^-^^ if ^TUAKHTI-N your WtS^Lsdioes with J vonV v3SHBr ^ad bullnoTfJtnlt foiiad vvitli o t j Patent Heel stlffem rfvjtml wear rhcrn again

P i i A i T O i i H t M N raquo - 4 T IlMiM -bulllaquo -ind nm-h^win i ^ga l i t Irflueaza SqgtPLtfrjs D^cdlng at the Latffe^Cbrpnlefloarscnp^ Ilnctlng Couch Vgt honing Cough - bull MMANfr1 bullXll 1gtU -bull raquona r ^ U a ^ m t l^iiTamp^bpnBnftsni 0rroiileTgtiirrhmn fhronicSSsetltei- CIILUTA Mrnbu^ KlUju-y Tnmblss ljist-asci 0^ th

bullspiiic aid I^Hftftilaclci Sold everywhere S WKIL liZA10)Vlgt 1-

A nKndish V^terHgfgtampnTKeon and CJtvel st now traveling in this cotrfln jrgt s thJmnlaquot of thc^filrsc an J Cattle liwilm^jS^d here

ar^Jtrortliles tnsh Hlt savs iJiatSJit^uans

Scad for pamphlet to i S Ju iraquo sos amp C-o BoSrax itiss 7


ashed and do notrequire iroidu AVBen- gander antl talsediood are hitched Ugt a persons tongue the devil arts ^veoach-


gwacrt ru jsisuiu inns_ MAKc HE no LAY

immenrtly vjtuabl Sei-hiiyriiw v ttn-n^liras lay like SberWana Cotidltion Towders 1 Kgtse 1 tesspn-bulliljto 1 ain| t o secttfamp laquoycrt-vrfeelaquoepr icct by ugtaU Hasijettpr-raquotwnjiraquo L 8 JoiaaoM Jt ltH Boaroift aUa

_ DJ

craclter- says the wtu _ J TIien i i yoftll take ana ^Hik

Trrranicc little ^tew John Ill h to yoa said the -gcntJoman - Therr-he let him go When4-saw liim pTrtk5poundraquo J ^ygttltiPii^laquolC^^rs-V- How oti earth-will tha t maiiroiuenibcr all

Hut lie niarehet^ right up t6-and-^sV^yDtfocl hist-- Tuoutir

andsiVrs bull OneVtwO^ ami that was al-1

Here lies my wife wnat tetter eonldshff^

that ere

palladium sponge a t lOQr sorbs Uydrogeu Dr W He

jgtel his tuljriraquodtlus discovcrv--pf4trt -to ixr 8euro^agtw44JKr hyefrogoh Iconi it

^Mbttrfro d f g a s e s ^ H j m p t theexsict lated amount o l p tampgtltg^Tii^aj

raquoPMcd froin a paUampdrnm s 350 deg Thtffsuggests7 mcaCta^p

fe hvdroffen ^ mdash ^

0 j for her reptwo and for her hushund^-tw^fc

I roco fCborgp y elcKini i-uiufwampuok ee of claquobullbulllaquolaquobull rTiiinInityr

liitmorampH^aml Mlaquontlmenlttl raquotmjKltsungby Viaard Oil Compame^sju their open itit eoneerts ilamllri Wizard oil toXjftjcngci Jraquoj NVUSAUO OB euref rlieninatbm Inme^rn^iJ^Tprninsi bruises Imrns bullKeivKIlaquo ubers f e v e r w lt e s inrlamatton iraquof the kidneys n-curul^la hendiirrNSutoothiicbe eirnehc imuhroiU IataTmiluivfoverr^anKya tnnrfroutlon and relieves pitiyrii orry-gtart tif trregtyltalt^n Sold by ilruff)rttlaquoJkt Mampntw (ItMtVfeJVCt o use Ifc^vAnd--you Trill tnvnf9tgtrfln nnd by )inpraquoy ^ ^ ^

Agtgt6utitry tlebating stxrfety is nerving Iflip to wrestjt^wlth tho question

^Vnten a woiafffiand llniouso meet wliich ii thriSJSCfrilaquohtbned-=traquoll City Dor nek




TO T W K fsilifESmdashrffffitf tire afpiftM H-i(h IVbull ifrnfTSNbulllaquobullraquoraquo(raquogt rrwT^H^oj igtraquogt- bull Hpraquoi(f or tritJrXiinntStfS Cfthe TZfvcr KiUurfjk Urnltnchr or Cold t


If yon are Interested

An Abdominal I thctv ltgtnivlM

bull nuiUfci ItwpS

^r^ni-s t|jr rfM irgti-tj- Qrk Inltolegtlt h iv bull bull 1 -K ri ir in t^v rt They ltviriT t innvornil gtdiunftie foremdash^-+- - bull--t


jtat-Jisal h(PnHn^vwtu^lt trivty ovitj a Ue lxraquot siriny figtr I^BioBark Vi-fikfleraquos ir Sritn-railpiwii tvrtiss kj

iveA_gttttknowi 00- HlaquoU and suuihiri Wthe Tnu

bullgt-HlaquoL maud Siniewhnrv- ^-cmv ttu- Ki

d1(--1 not raquoirfraquojraquo with anynvv

tin n h v j ^ iid tgty u-lAii-nrTi laquoraquond i 1 bullbull uW r111 snrrtnl- nigteii tivlv bull-

bullj-11 bullbullgt --v-i3Aru-rnraquo - 1

t-gt j s fhe b gt t j - i i n i1 i^f-- igt J V b^gtVgt I v i t aetsv ji-i-tiiirJ-i

v i th i iUl rraquoa ^ i T bull -iTj bull bullbull-bull y VorVlU^rmsof ilirtnsC KtbiuiuA^t-i-- ui-irigtassinivaM bull bull ] bull cvlt r 1 bullbulls^ -M- bullbull T 11-tl J

Ciirativi1 a^cnt ipl as aHntingtgt ofp rw-Tm-l MtAliaUoiit- gtlaquov --jjiv kM do wnl-oiv rl-1- i ti -i-giirinent oitterknowitajltS iirivrcrfnl vVlngt bulllt gtijgt-gtii tlltgt bacV sviiraquogtv Mil --frac34 gt- nVlt- tiji- r gtpoundgt

JViU-bi1 LXpre-vJC O PVr or sc^^rn pItvraquo laquojudrtriwfcf-gt iil n--^v-ltciu- I ii---lt-- bullbull -in ^ In^Tdcrin^ wud ntviraquonrt- of M jugtraquorfuV^e of ahoo-wually ^vdrn KeTaitiancv1- WW I- il--1 ltgt[u-iwneylaquojrt^ li-ttyr utovir risX^ir j bull v bull bull lt

riH4iHnt-ttv$tilt4ar^m-Trhci-n^ i _ - ftytbr^^ariiMr^fk^irorstMjiiT nlt^^rawtefTTfTuT^rJfrr lltlu- ^idt^fcHVTn-irn^

IfTrV^rBwtijtkCpt up JwtTrtilJy^ilU^ N- bullveid--i r ONUtOrLAIt laquo-(-nr-s themJyv uraquoil r oureiHgtniraquoe and risk -SiTFTTior lij NliW LHItA^

IKjtMftlilXO AND ruSlfcUnltJ^i iamp containing twtilaquotnraquoualgt

Ia the inqaIry^rrlHei is the best Limmcut T gt ^ H p and Beast mdashtiiisii Cio a n w ^ a t -tested by twocreneraiioas tlit MEXICAN H^siANoam

It penetrates^cfy sore w o n n ^ w J g t e trade s s to tjie very bo^i^toil drives ont all

TciorbiiiJD^t-iU I t^g^tathe^rckl^of

the trouble and rieVe tSflrelttdottble quick time



- gt raquo bull

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i


Page 8: PlIfCOEYJ klCHIGAiJ, THUESlJAY/MARciBri, 1888. mpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1883-03-01.pdf · i"«IP'J « "f • n»«» • V» ./' '*

rremhrtBentinel Onuan Clark was in town last night

ljgtokin for a -place -to establish a meat

At a donation giyin Rev Mr Fergu-pon forD) on Tuesdampy^evening at Kred Snyders in Waterloo tnf about

pOO persons were present The proshyceeds amounting to $5875

Plainneld and Pinckney would put wires in their ears Correct] Stock-) ridge would cheerfully aid a through line telephone via Plaihtieid or Una-iTilla-^-tne latter place being also desirshyous of extending its range of hearing



Ut3- - bullgt I

Prom the Advlew ~ Joshua- Bodge has rented the build-

ing occupied by J D Hamilton and will use the same as an agricultural implement repository during the coin-

liixg^aeason The prospersa t present ^ fe very

bull g^pd for our not only bavin one brick s tore pn the Glefincorne6f Dutablock

of ihre_e three storie^high--atL an opera house above ~ r

Herbert a one-year-old son of Jacob ) Barry died Feb rfVof dfptheria and

Jane amp six-year-old daughter died Feb 20th inst of the same disease

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE I offer for Bale 12 lota fronting on Mais- Street

east of HO wen Street and 6 lota raquoa Hoy ell flotith of Main for business purposes only These lota are laquoxllaquo fset in size are very desirably loeated in the center of the village and will be sold at reasshyonable price Apply to


S NEW GASH STORE _ j trade ~

The new Drug and Grocery SIOTTQT


k -le filled tftJts utmost capacity with

-t= jfioMntMedich 1]$sjDrug-^gistsSundries Etc

alQCEBIli We tarry a full line of Sugars Tea Coffees Spices ground and ungronnd Brled Fruits Cljrare

and Tobacco of the choicest brands JWlaquo carry a bull choice line of roasted Coffees and gflhd tbeni in

the store We make a speciaity^ol Teas Give ue gt a trial and we will try and make^it to the advan- tage of the citizens of Hackney d vicinity to give i ua a ahare of their patronage

i Yotirs for the future

gtC E HGLLISTER - rpiNCKNEY =ft9laquoWflfrMST0NI MlttS

M _ GRIMESamp JOHNSON Proprietors Wlai to make_known tQtheir old and ney custom t ere that they are now prepared to do huUer work of all kinds in their line of business than ever before Their mills havinKbeenXhoroughly rfttted Inside repairetfand improved outside making tTrrsinvpn lent for their customers Good sheds for teams

in-connectian with the Mills They have now on hand over- RQOtf bushels of dry sound red and white wheat from which they make their best grade

otjour WABBANTED They grind no grdwoor musty wheat except for customersmdash and theji ifts-ground on separate gjampne and bolted through sepa-

rate bolts Those buying ftonr of them will get nu gjownor musty flour Those bringing grists of

mdash -ffood dry sonnd wheat get good^naur and those bringing grown or musty wheat must eieplaquoct flour frointpe eame^ They also have separate boltajor

A buckwheat Corn shelled with ohe of UutcTIin

BOBS new improvedfDustless Idn Corn Shellers witk nat extra charge They pay cash -for all kinds of grata- All persona haying unsettled accounts

gt-witti them at the mill are requested to call and f-bulljpajf the same Ji-i-^lt- -^mdash-^- lt-

Desi sale A few desirable business lots for-sale at reason-

^^l^price^ Enquire of

at the Blacksmith sho^^ -efffttSTfANT-BR0WNI -=

RESIDEirCE^OlrSALi -The Attest residence in the Yill6raquocef PfiiekDej-

-(on Howell and Main St fFor Bale cheapSF^r par ttcnjarr sdflieas V ^^

bullL W H CAFPliKy East Saginaw Mich

DESLRABLE PftOPERTY EOR SALE offer for sale on easy terms the following

poundropgtflty House and lot small shjjp ottce bnila-ig^dottMttproperty in ftnofcfley Simtampm

of 188 acres naMmproved) adjoining the village Interest in fihKOved water power formerly

Reeyes mCts^Fpr prices terms etc apply to oraddxesa ^ ^^w^


A fine farm of 140 acres 90 acres of good ttmb raquor7

aAnd^tnih f la all well all well flaquooced and rand Trunk extension I

under good cnltlvaUqn - ^ -

PAR FOR SALE res nd ti aced and

jv^ann totaining- 80 acres raquo acre ~Jgtkmgh ground- halanoe meadow andamber good bufla-tngs and dt6hardgt^ell fenced etc Situated 8W

flesnorth ofTHnelHiej^and 1frac14 miles S W of iChubba Corners ^^gt

^ MO HlNCHtY^tebbraquoCorngtfraquo^Mich


i ^ 1


which we are offering at the lowest possible isrioes No one who wishes to

buy a reaUy first class article in this line can afford to pass us by

West of the Globe Hotel Main Street -TTINCKNEY MICH

guaraniee w

e mean businese and will convince you


i E S T 6ilHHATEfl SUGAR - - A T 10 CENT AU other Groceries are sold (by us) in samei proportion ~~

FRESH AND SALTED FISH Is larger than iny ever brought to Ptn^kney^We have just received aiitw

BOOTS AND SHQES(u Whicb we will ssXUat piicesf that will astonish^rou p o noi -jait but co

and see us immediately Special pricti thatcannot be berten given t




[Ready pay customer will consult their own interest by giy-

-iag^me a oalL


E A|MAyy


GENTLE SPRING ^ mdash bull bull bull bull - - bull - - ^ S T

Is soon to be here and

S I G L E ^ BROS - ^

^ Are^^^d~ to rmee t the demand Tor

Wlaquotr-MPERS ^

Havihp received ^pwardg of 3000 rolls in all-ihkjatest desij hampve Browa f Buff and4Vhite4)lanksbull French Flats Satins


with color embossed and gqld^blbi^h^ y^


e have the best lineof^Window Shades ever brought to Pirickney^jran i n ^ i ^ f r o m 8cents to |aetkeb These goods were bought for cash andkwje CAN and^viti^give you lowest prices^ Come and see us

c= ^1^^^^511^^1^ YrMiemsm

U Notwithstanding the many attractions advertised by other dealers




i r^

U _ bull

TEEPLE amp CADWfil-L At the bidstore onedoofeast of Manns Brick with agQodstocjzcpound_

general - -



bull v Also exclusive agents ibr the sale of r - t _ bull - bull - bdquo - - _ _


T P^t up choap_for calaquoh ------=-=--^


bullraquo bull bull


-to get your



- O T T






and I^ealer in English and American 2ECH AND MUZZLE LOAIUS^

NS amp RIFLES ^Revolvers cartflSges and ammunition of all

kindsJ-alBo a full line of-4BhInj tackle pocket ctttllaquory Wdlaquo and Batcher MraquoQlaquo raeor-stropB

gt-- r-^oalaquo and braraquoneagt-^^ MIJSICA^GOO

A foil line of^optical goode-raquoewinK-needle and oil eight day and thirty hour clocks gold eUver and nickel watehea best ro]Ted-plate


BEAR D^-JILND it is the only place where you can get


vraquoat chains and-chiai uraquoe Betklaeog lochcto^ braeraquo lets sleeve buttous solid gold filled rings AM kinds repairing on guns and4ew-elry as low as good work can De donev

Give me a call WEST MAIN ST PtNQKN^EY MlfiH

_ _ _ mdash - mdash



OYSTERS CANNED-eeODS E Prices always reasonable

Wegt Main St PIKCKN^ x ~r

SLEIGHS raquo We keep on hand a flrstclttes aesor

lages including the Iptid ng stylwHof I

TAJ WIVampKlait^





pmmiEf1^ wGwm 0 N PLIMPTON

gt i
