Please sign the following papers before leaving this evening : Schedule your child’s goal setting conference(one conference per student). Sign up to volunteer. Welcome to 5 Welcome to 5 th th Grade Grade

Please sign the following papers before leaving this evening: Schedule your child’s goal setting conference(one conference per student). Sign up to

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Please sign the following papers before leaving this

evening:Schedule your child’s goal setting conference(one conference per student).

Sign up to volunteer.

Welcome to 5Welcome to 5thth Grade Grade

55thth Grade Grade TeachersTeachers

Mrs. LeBlanc

Mrs. O’Neill

Mr. Gong

Meadow Park Mustangs

Know the Respect Oneself




School“The essence of respect is to show solemn regard

for the worth of people including yourself.”-Zona Hutson

Classroom Classroom ManagementManagement

ROPES coupons“Respect” cardsReward tickets

School Policies• arrival 7:55/leave campus 2:39• playground and equipment are reserved for

Meadow Park students from 7:55-2:39, other children are not permitted on the playground

• no parents parking or dropping off in parking lot• no animals on campus• tardy students – sign-in• volunteers must register, sign in at the front office, and wear a badge while on campus• parents may not bring late assignments/instruments • late lunches can be left in the container in the office• make a plan for picking up students on a rainy day

Nightly: Math One additional assignment (ex: Science, Grammar,

or studying for an assessment) 30 minutes of reading (monthly Book Log)

Weekly: Personal Word Quiz (PWQ) Some long-term assignments

Student’s responsibility: understand all assignments before leaving school write in planner daily bring home all materials necessary to complete

the assignments Homework due at 8:10 a.m. Weekly Reports (green mustangs or blue slips) sent

home every Friday.



Please visit the California Department of Education’s website for specific information on 5th grade state standards:


Learning Resources Math Journal- Each student will have a spiral

notebook designated to take daily notes. This notebook should be used for reference on homework and in preparation for assessments.

Grammar Journal- Students will take weekly notes in a composition book. These notes should be used for Grammar homework and to prepare for assessments.

Study Guides- Students will complete a study guide for all Unit/Chapter Tests (not quizzes).

Science Notes- Completed weekly in class.

Achievement – A,B,C,D,FPercentagesEffort – O, S, NCheck +, Check, Check -Complete/IncompleteTeacher Comments


Weekly Folder school announcements and student worksigned and returned each Friday

Weekly Report: Blue Slip or Green Mustang

E-mail updates, Mustang Express, and school website

Homework Planner - reviewProgress Report as neededReport Card Goal Setting Conference - Child AttendsE-mailPhone Calls/Voice Mail


Field Trip (TBD)Colonial Day – March 8, 2011

Pool Party – Last week of school

Special EventsSpecial Events

Meadow Park FoundationMission: To enhance our children’s education through technology.Who we are: We’re you . . . Meadow Park parents.What we do: Raise funds for technology-related purchases for Meadow

Park.Why we do it: To supplement state funding and fill gaps from budget cuts.Where the funds come from: Meadow Park parents, Foundation fund

raisers, corporate donors, and other foundations.What we’ve provided (just a recent sample): 15 new computers; new

laser printer in the lab; new iPad 2 with keyboard; upgraded memory in 24 computers; 2 document cameras (projectors); software upgrades.

When we meet: The second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Please join us.

How you can help: By donating to the Meadow Park Foundation. All proceeds go directly to Meadow Park for the benefit of our children. All donations are tax deductible.

For more information, please visit our table in the main corridor (and enter the raffle) or go to our website at www.meadowparkfoundation.org.

Thank you for Thank you for attending!attending!

We look forward We look forward to a wonderful to a wonderful

year!year!*Please sign-up for a goal-*Please sign-up for a goal-setting conference on your setting conference on your way out.way out.