PLEASE REFER TO THE GUIDANCE NOTES WHILST COMPLETING THIS FORM CCW Web page CYNGOR CEFN GWLAD CYMRU COUNTRYSIDE COUNCIL FOR WALES GRANT APPLICATION FORM – TOP SHEET PART A . DETAILS OF APPLICANT (i) Organisation: Marine Conservation Society Address (To which remittance advice should be sent i.e Finance department). Unit 3 Wolf business Park, Alton Rd Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire Postcode: HR9 5NB (ii) Contact person: Gill Bell Position: Welsh Officer Address (if different from above): Postcode: Telephone: 01989 56017 Fax: 01989 561815 E-mail: [email protected] BACS Details Name of bank account holder: Address of bank account: Bank Sort code: Bank Account number:

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CYNGOR CEFN GWLAD CYMRU COUNTRYSIDE COUNCIL FOR WALES GRANT APPLICATION FORM – TOP SHEET PART A. DETAILS OF APPLICANT (i) Organisation : Marine Conservation Society Address (To which remittance advice should be sent i.e Finance department). Unit 3 Wolf business Park, Alton Rd Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire Postcode : HR9 5NB (ii) Contact person : Gill Bell Position : Welsh Officer Address (if different from above) : Postcode : Telephone : 01989 56017 Fax: 01989 561815 E-mail : [email protected] BACS Details Name of bank account holder: Address of bank account: Bank Sort code: Bank Account number:

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PART B. DETAILS OF PROJECT B1. Title of proposed project, or programme of works: Raising public awareness of HPMCZs in Wales B2. Give brief details of the project, or programm e of works (please refer to

guidance notes ). Increasing public awareness of the need for and process to select Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones (HPMCZ) around the Welsh coast is vital to ensure successful implementation of the network by the 2012 deadline. CCW undertook research into implementation of HPMCZs, which recommended stakeholder involvement from the offset. C.O.A.S.T in Scotland and the Finding Sanctuary project within England have demonstrated the need for community involvement and support for the sites. Therefore, the main aim of the project is outreach within the community. The project officer will engage at all levels from key national stakeholders through to local people to raise awareness of HPMCZs. This will be achieved through a series of presentations, attendance of public events and dialogue with stakeholders. As well as showing the environmental benefits of marine reserves, recent research has also illustrated that genuine community support and ownership of reserves is necessary for their success. This is vital for the success of the HPMCZs in Wales, as enforcement of sites is difficult and compliance will require greater awareness of the benefits sites can bring.

The project will provide education on threats to the marine environment and the role that HPMCZs can play in helping recovery of Welsh seas, and raise awareness about the Welsh process for selecting HP MCZs. The project will encourage local communities and stakeholders to actively take part in the Welsh site selection process. In addition to the outreach, the project will produce a pull up display for use at events and a bi-lingual leaflet demonstrating the need for HPMCZs. The MCS website will also carry information about the need for and role of protected areas.

B3. Why are you applying to CCW in support of this pr oject or programme

of works? In 2006 CCW provided advice to WAG outlining the need to facilitate recovery of marine ecosystems including the development of Highly Protected Marine Reserves (HPMRs) around Wales. Within Wales these sites will now be called HPMCZs, in line with the nature conservation designation within the Marine Bill. In designating sites for HPMCZs, WAG is embarking on collaborative work to establish stakeholder involvement in the site selection process. An initial public awareness campaign is considered an important element of this process and favoured by CCW. MCS has a proven track record of raising awareness of marine issues within the UK. However, the Welsh programme currently has limited funding to promote biodiversity issues within Wales. As such there will be no targeted awareness raising of the benefits of and the need for HPMCZs. This grant would enable outreach through events, presentation and stakeholder consultation within Wales and bi-lingual outputs (display, leaflets).

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B4. Will you be applying for other sources of fundin g? If so, from where? (Please give further details in Part D2 of this form).

The Cooperative Society are currently funding a UK promotion of the MCS Your Seas Your Voice (YSYV) marine reserves campaign by providing funding for the YSYV website. The Coop have also promoted of the campaign through their cash points and carried out analysis of the location of voters within the UK. However, there is no Coop funding for outreach, nor specific Welsh materials for this area. An initial idea for the raising awareness of the need for HPMCZs project in Wales has been submitted to Big Lottery Fund and was invited to apply for potential funding. Should this be successful an expanded programme will be implemented. This would include: an additional part time member of staff, using a stakeholder consultancy to define the best practice for involving the community, producing a film about the benefits of marine reserves and further improvements to the MCS marine reserves website. B5. What are the planned start and finish dates for the project or

programme of works? Start date: April 2009 Finish date: March 2011 B6. Please give details of any good practice that may be learnt from

undertaking this project, or any activities and eve nts that may benefit from being publicised.

Using venues such as aquaria to promote the campaign proved highly successful for the MCS Marine Reserves Now campaign collecting over 10,000 signatures. The success of this type of venue will be utilised in this project.

B7. What steps will you be taking to promote equaliti es as part of this project or programme of works?

As this project will be mainly event based, it is open to all race, gender, disabilities, ages, sexual orientation and religion. MCS is currently working with Black Environmental Network to improve awareness of marine issues within the ethnic minorities. Bi-lingual outputs (website, display & leaflets) will be provided if CCW money is granted. The project will: Provide equal opportunity for involvement for all groups Encourage good relationships between people of different groups Increase participation in public life

B8. What steps will you be taking to ensure that thi s project or programme

of works promotes sustainability?

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The main aim of the project is to provide a sustainable future for the seas around the Welsh coastline, through the implementation of HPMCZs with a high level of public support.

B9. Please give brief details of any other funding r equests you have made,

or will be making, to CCW this financial year.

At present, MCS have not made any further funding requests from CCW and are currently unaware of any other grants that would be applicable.

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PART C: TOTAL PROJECT COSTS C1. Please give a breakdown of costs for each element of your project or programme of works. Use as many lines / pages as necessary and relate them to the aspects of your monitoring and evaluation plan using a reference system (Project A, B, C, etc).

Proj Ref:

TOTAL COSTS e.g. Project Costs (materials, travel), Labour (staff and volunteer time)

Year 1/£ Exclusive of VAT


Year 2/£ Exclusive of VAT


Year 3/£ Exclusive of VAT


Project Costs:

Printing & Translation 1,050 300

Event fees 687 103 653 98

Travel & Subsistence 3000 3,300

Equipment/Website 4,400 660 1,000 150

Office rent & overheads



Staff costs: Welsh Officer 15,000 16,500

Biodiversity Manager 1,600


Biodiversity Policy Officer

3,000 3,100

Communications Officer

900 900

Fundraiser 900 900

Web master 1500 1,600

Designer 2,000 2,000

Director of Conservation

1,500 1,600





W. Total Costs (c/f)

C2. Is your organisation eligible to reclaim VAT? No

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Year 1 /£

Year 2 /£

Year 3 /£

W. Total Eligible Costs (b/f)

42,800 40,300 D1. Please estimate the breakdown of your organisatio n’s resource input (including volunteer time) that you are using as ma tch funding for the project. We expect as a minimum, information on staff time, and any cash or cash equivalent contributions provided. You must include volunteer input only if you are using volunteer time as a match funding contribution – please see the guidance notes on use of volunteers as match funding. Project Ref:

Estimate your contribution in monetary value: Project Costs (materials, travel), Labour (staff and volunteer time)

Year 1 /£

Year 2 /£

Year 3 /£

Project costs 0 0 Welsh Officer 13,400 8,500

Biodiversity Manager



Communications Officer 900 900

Fundraiser 900 900

Web master 1500 1,600

Director of Conservation 1,500 1,600

Designer 2000

X. Sub-total of your organisation’s contribution

19,800 17,200

D2. Please list other sources of funding or staff tim e equivalent contributions from other organisations (include project money not yet secured):

Annual Contribution: Project Ref (if relevant):

Name of Fund(s) or organisation:

Year 1/£

Year 2/£

Year 3/£

Secured? YES/NO

Coop 3,000 3,000 YES

Y. Sub-total of other funding sources:

3,000 3,000

D3. Total amount of money sought from CCW:

Annual Contribution: Project Ref:

Contribution towards: Year 1/£ Year 2/£ Year 3/£

Project costs Printing & Translation 1,050 300 Event fees 790 750 Travel & Subsistence 3,000 3,300

Equipment/Website 5060 1,150

Office rent & overheads 6,500 6,500 Staff costs

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Welsh Officer 1,600 8,000 Designer 2000

Z. Total grant requested (c/f):

20,000 20,000

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D4. Total Projects costs and CCW intervention rates: If separate intervention rates need to be calculated for different elements of the project or programme, then please provide a breakdown under the “project elements” section.

Year 1 /£

Year 2 /£

Year 3 /£

Z. Total grant requested (b/f):

Project Elements (use this space if necessary): 20,000 20,000

W. Total project costs (b/f):

Project Elements (use this space if necessary): 42800 40300

Check total intervention rate : % of total project costs sought from CCW (Z / W) x 100

Project Elements (use this space if necessary): 46.73 49.63

Amount of money sought from CCW - please note that CCW normally funds a maximum of 50% of total eligible project costs.For example small Voluntary bodies may, exceptionally, be considered for a higher rate of grant, but should provide a full justification in the space below why they are applying for over 50% funding (see Annex 2 of the guidance notes). D5. Please attach a copy of your organisation’s most recent audited accounts.

Failure to do so will slow down the grant award process. (Not applicable to public bodies).

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PART E. Should a grant be awarded, CCW reserves the right to request access to and inspect any documents from the grant recipient to support their claims for grant. Declaration: I confirm that the details supplied wi th this application are correct Signed.................................................………….....* Name ……Gill Bell……………………………………… Position .....Welsh Officer.............................................. Date…23/3/09……………… * We can accept e-mail applications, provided that these are sent from the e-mail account of a named individual (not a corporate account). Note that any offers of grant made will have to be signed and returned in hard co py.

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CCW GRANT APPLICATION GUIDANCE NOTES. You need to fill in all parts of the application form, as well as the monitoring and evaluation plan and the outcome reporting questionnaire PART A.

The information on Part A is standard request for contact details. We may already have these details about your organisation, but for clarification please indicate who will be the lead organisation and individual for the grant, and provide the details as requested. We need these bank account details to be able to pay the grant by BACS. We will not use them for anything else or give them to anyone else. PART B.

This section collects information about the nature of your project and must be accompanied by a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. Guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation plans can be found in Annex 4. B1. Please give a name for your grant project or programme of works, for example “Vale of Glamorgan Council Countryside Partnership Programme” B2. Summarise the range of projects that are attached in more detail in your monitoring and evaluation plan. For example - “The programme consists of six Wildlife conservation projects engaging with local communities in the west of the Borough Council. We are delivering access improvements to a number of Countryside sites and open access land. Part of the programme will be providing environmental education and training to 14-17 year olds who are at risk of being excluded from school”. Use the separate monitoring and evaluation form to set out the details of the different elements of the project, the outputs that will be achieved and their resulting outcomes, and how you will report on the project – this will become your monitoring and evaluation plan. Where you are delivering a number of different projects as part of a broad programme of works, you will need to submit a separate sheet for each project. Similar projects may be clustered together, providing there is a clear mechanism identified for monitoring their progress. Your grant lead officer can assist you with this. If you are proposing to purchase one or more sites with our grant aid, there is a separate land purchase grant application form you will need to complete. B3. Please give reasons why CCW grant aid is appropriate for your project or programme of work. B4. CCW wants to build up a picture of how its grant aid is being used to draw down external funding, or of any issues that prevent or hamper the ability of organisations to draw down external funds. Please give details of all other sources of funding that you may be considering or are currently

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investigating as a source of match funding. If you have not considered any other sources of funding, you should indicate any reasons for that – giving a clear justification for you reasoning. Information given here should be quantified in Part D2 of the form, which must also be completed if there are external funds involved. B5. “Start date” will be the date you will be able to officially start the work as described monitoring and evaluation plan, should your application be successful. “Finish date” refers to the estimated date when the works identified in your monitoring and evaluation plan will be finished. B6. CCW wants to know whether, as part of your process for delivering the project, you propose to do things in an innovative or different way. As such, it is important to capture any lessons that can be learnt from trying out new approaches, in order to develop advice and good practice for future reference. We will be developing an online library of good practice, and with your agreement, sharing your ideas through our grants seminars. CCW also wants to know of any forthcoming events or public activities that we may be able to assist you with publicity or awareness raising. This will also help us to plan our own future communication activities. B7. Legislation on race, disability and gender requires us to carry out equality impact assessments on all current and proposed policies, procedures, services and projects. We have to do them to ensure that there is no adverse effect on any particular group of people, and to highlight any opportunities to promote equality. Think about whether any of the equality groups listed below could be affected by your project or programme of works either positively or negatively:

• Race • Gender • Disability • Welsh Language

• Age • Sexual Orientation • Religion • Other

In answering the question, you will need to consider whether this project could help to:

o Provide equality of opportunity for certain groups o Promote positive attitudes towards minority groups o Encourage good relations between people of different groups o Increase participation in public life o Eliminate discrimination or harassment

Your organisation may be subject to its own equalities requirements, in which case please state to which requirements you must comply (e.g. Your Local Authority equality scheme). B8. We have a duty to ensure that all of our grant projects maximise the opportunities for social, economic outcomes as well as environmental

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outcomes, and to ensure that projects we fund do not negatively impact on any of these. In answering this question, you will need to consider whether this project or programme of works contributes either positively or negatively to:

• Carbon emissions and air quality

• Energy efficiency • Water resources and quality • Transport, and the need to

travel • Human health and well-being • Employment opportunities • Procurement of local goods

and services • Crime, and the fear of crime • Landscape and the built

environment • Biodiversity

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Include any approaches you intend to use to ensure that opportunities for sustainability are maximised, or where these impacts could be monitored or measured. B9. Please indicate what other sources of funding you are seeking or are currently receiving from CCW for 2007-08 financial year. This might be through another CCW funding source (e.g. via a Mentro Allan project, Coastal Access Programme, Species Challenge Fund, or another CCW grant). PART C. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS C1. This table allows you to set out your total project costs for your project or programme of works. There are separate rows of the table for the separate elements of your project. You must discuss how to break down elements of larger grant programmes with your grant lead officer, but they should in general relate to topic areas or grant categories if possible. (For example, Promotion of Access and Recreation Projects; Wildlife Geology and Landscape Projects; Social Justice Projects). This will help CCW in accounting for different areas of grant spend. If you have many different projects within one Grant Category, your grant lead officer will advise you how to present them on the forms. The “Project Ref.” column allows you to give a letter code to each element of the project (for example, A, B, C, D). These must be used throughout your grant application, and must relate to outputs and targets for each project element, as identified in the monitoring and evaluation plan. “Total Costs” means the total value of the project including all labour, materials and any associated costs. CCW needs to know total project costs so that it can evaluate the proportion of our contribution and whether this in our view is considered value for money. (For further information about intervention rates please see section D4). If you need to use more rows on the form to show a breakdown of your project costs, please place the cursor on the last row of the column. Then click on: Table>Insert>Rows Below Please provide sub totals and add up all your costs in the Row marked “W. Total Costs” Local Authorities may have difficulty in separating and breaking down project costs from their departmental costs. We are not asking local authorities to provide any more information than you would have to provide your service area for your own operational plans. As an absolute minimum, we need you to provide a distinction between:

• Project Costs (any actual costs that are borne by the project, including materials, travel, hiring of equipment, meeting rooms etc), and;

• Labour Costs (staff time and volunteer input should be recorded separately)

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Calculating staff costs CCW can accept actual staff costs calculated as an hourly or daily rate equivalent. If you are including staff costs within the total costs of your project then you will need to provide a statement of how these have been estimated, including any assumptions you have made about management costs and other staff on-costs (office costs). CCW reserves the right to impose a maximum limit on the value of staff costs associated with a project if it is deemed unreasonable (for example, costing an administrative function at a senior management rate would be considered unreasonable). Calculating volunteer time Annex 1 sets out our procedure for calculating volunteer costs. If you are including volunteer time as an eligible cost towards you project then you will need to provide a statement of how these have been estimated, and what mechanisms you have in place as an organisation to record volunteer input to you project. Full Cost Recovery CCW supports the principles of full cost recovery, and encourages voluntary sector organisations to cost their projects in this manner.

“Full cost recovery means recovering or funding the full costs of a project or service. In

addition to the costs directly associated with the project, such as staff and equipment,

projects will also draw on the rest of the organisation. For example, adequate finance,

human resources, management, and IT systems, are also integral components of any project or service.

The full cost of any project therefore includes an element of each type of overhead cost, which should be allocated on a comprehensive, robust, and defensible basis.”

Extract from ACEVO website: www.fullcostrecovery.co.uk

Legitimate overhead costs can be counted towards the costs of the project provided that applicants can demonstrate that the costs incurred are directly attributed to the grant project, and are additional to the normal organisational running costs.

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C.2 VAT CCW is unable to pay VAT elements of project costs if your organisation is eligible to reclaim VAT. (Some charities are exempt from VAT for certain items or services). If you are able to reclaim VAT you must indicate this, and we will make a grant offer on the basis of the costs of the project excluding from VAT. PART D. SOURCES OF FUNDING AND AMOUNT OF GRANT SOUGHT Row W can be brought forward from the previous page to ensure that your total costs and your required contributions tally. Please show total eligible costs. For organisations that can reclaim VAT this will be the Total Costs excluding VAT. For organisations that are not VAT exempt, this will be the Total Costs including VAT. D1. This table is for all the costs that your organisation is contributing to the project. You must set these out using the same project elements as in the table in part C1. Please ensure to provide a sub-total of your organisation’s contribution in Row X. D2. This table is for all other contributions (both cash and staff time equivalent) from other funders or partner organisations. Please indicate whether funds are or are likely to be restricted to any aspect of the project, and clarify whether these have been secured or not. If funding or staff contributions have been secured, please provide the appropriate agreements as an attachment to the grant application. Please use the project reference column to indicate which aspect of the project or programme of works the funding is supporting. If funds are not restricted to one particular element, please make this clear. Please ensure you provide a sub-total of your organisation’s contributions in Row Y. D3. This table allows you to clearly set out the amount of money you are requesting from CCW. Please show the total annual contribution against each element of the project or programme of works using the project reference column to cross refernce with the project costs, and the monitoring and evaluation plan. In the second column entitled “Contribution towards”, please indicate what project costs CCW funding will be used for (e.g. purchase of materials, staff costs, etc). If CCW funding is requested to purchase equipment (such as computer equipment or machinery) please clearly indicate this. Please also see the guidance on CCW’s grant intervention rates. Please ensure you provide a sub total of CCW’s requested grant contribution in Row Z The sum of rows X, Y and Z must equal the value Row W. D4. Total Project Costs and CCW intervention rates. You are required to clearly state the intervention rates for each aspect of the project. This can be easily calculated by dividing the amount requested from CCW by the Total Costs of the

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project, and multiplying by 100. If different intervention rates apply for different elements of the project, you will need to do this for each project cost element in the spaces marked “project elements”. If you are requesting over 50% grant funding for CCW you must provide a justification. For further assistance, see CCW’s guidance on intervention rates in Annex 2. D5. Latest copy of organisations accounts must be provided. CCW needs to be able to assess and monitor an organiastion’s accounts to make a judgement about current levels of our financial assistance as a proportion of total income, and the organisation’s ongoing need for financial support. CCW will require a copy of the grant applicant’s annual audited financial statements (excluding Local Authorities and other Public Sector bodies). For non-incorporated grant applicants CCW will require annual management accounts. PART E. DECLARATION Please sign and print your name along with your position in the organisation, and the date of completion. If you are sending the email electronically, and do not have electronic signature, we can accept emails from a named email account CHECKLIST

� Have you completed all sections of the grant application form including gaining the correct signature?

� Have you completed a monitoring and evaluation plan sheet for each element of your grant application?

� Have you completed the Outcome Reporting Questionnaire? � Have you supplied a copy of your latest annual acco unts?

Please collate and send all documents to your CCW lead grant officer.

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ANNEX 1. Calculating volunteer time As of 1 April 2004 the following sliding scale, which is broadly consistent with those of other funding organisations, is applicable:

Unskilled £6.25 per hour (£50 per day)

Supervisor/skilled £12.50 per hour (£100 per day)

Professional £37.50 per hour (£300 per day). The following associated rules will apply:

i. Whether the work of an individual is costed at supervisor/skilled or professional rates will depend on the nature of the work that the individual performs for the project (i.e. his or her qualifications of other employment outside the project will not be relevant).

ii. Professional rates will be deemed to be applicable if the work needs, for legal reasons or to provide an enforceable guarantee of high standards, to be carried out by someone with a relevant professional qualification and regulated by a professional body. Examples include architect, surveyor, solicitor and member of one of the chartered accountancy bodies.

iii. The Supervisory/skilled category will cover those in charge of staff and also individuals with technical skills e.g. botanist, ecological surveyor, countryside manager, reserve warden, interpretation specialist, book-keeper, stone waller, construction tradesperson.

iv. Applicants will need to provide details of those providing professional and skilled services, including their curriculum vitae and qualifications. It will be a condition of grant that they keep records of voluntary time given to the project, and also that they provide evidence in support of grant claims.

v. All funding drawn down by volunteer time must be used towards the costs of the project; grant recipients will not be permitted to use such money to fund other projects.

Calculating eligible costs and in-kind contributions For calculating the total eligible costs for conservation and physical works, the following formula should be applied: When calculating amount of grant to be paid, CCW will pay either the agreed % rate or the actual expenditure incurred, whichever is the less.

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Example 1: using an intervention rate of 50% A total eligible costs of materials and volunteer labour used (cash and in-kind) £400 B in-kind contribution (as included in A) £213 C actual expenditure incurred (A-B) £187

CCW grant will be £187, NOT 50% of eligible costs (which would be £200) Example 2: again using an intervention rate of 50%

A total eligible costs of materials and volunteer labour used

(cash and in-kind) £1048 B in-kind contribution (as included in A) £213 C actual expenditure (A-B) £835

CCW grant will be £524, ie 50% of eligible costs, NOT actual expenditure (which would be £835)

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ANNEX 2. Guide to CCW Intervention Rates. CCW’s standard, maximum grant intervention rate is 50%. This applies to all organisations. However there are some exceptions. 1. Small Voluntary Organisations In exceptional circumstances, where voluntary sector organisations cannot find sufficient alternative match funding to support the delivery of their project, and where the project delivers within the scope CCW grant categories, CCW can offer up to 100% funding. CCW will require a justification why funding at a rate higher than 50% is necessary. CCW will need additional justification to support why funding the project at a rate higher than 75% via a grant is more efficient than seeking to deliver the work through a tender and contract process. Please be aware that Environment Wales also run grants scheme for voluntary and community sector groups, and may be more appropriate funding organisation for small voluntary organisations looking for grants of up to £10,000.

What is Env ironment Wales?

Environment Wales is a partnership in the voluntary sector, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.

Their aim is to contribute to sustainable development by supporting and encouraging voluntary action to protect and improve the environment. Environment Wales operates five grant streams to support voluntary organisations and community groups undertaking practical projects that promote one or more of the following objectives:

• to achieve sustainable improvements to the Welsh environment through practical projects;

• to increase understanding of sustainable development and the environment through information, education and advisory services;

• to help create new environmental initiatives which also allow communities and voluntary organisations to contribute to their social and economic needs;

• to support and train staff and volunteers engaged in these activities.

From Environment Wales Wesite: www.environment-wales.org

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2. Grants to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty CCW can offer grants to AONB management authorities at a higher rate (normally 75%) for core duties associated with the development and delivery of AONB functions. For more information see Annex 3. 3. Specific Grant Programmes Occasionally, CCW is asked to administer grant funding on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government, or develops specific “Challenge Funds” with expressed aims and objectives for immediate action and delivery. Currently, in 2007-08 such schemes include:

• Wales Coastal Access Improvement Programme – different grant intervention rates apply for different aspects of this scheme. Please refer to the Coastal Access Improvement Programme Framework Document.

• Species Challenge Fund – CCW’s standard intervention rates apply – the guidance sets out that exceptionally we will fund up to 75%.

• National Trails - National Trails have different grant intervention rates for different aspects of the scheme. We provide 100% funding for improvements of the Trails and core staff costs. Practical management of National Trails is funded at 75%. Other costs such as information and interpretation we fund at 50%.

4. Experimental Powers CCW has experimental powers which allows it to fund innovative and distinctly different types of projects that may lie within the fringes of its remit. With the dispensation of the Welsh Assembly Government, CCW is allowed to fund these projects at a higher intervention rate. Again, CCW will need justification to support why funding the project at a rate higher than 75% via a grant, is more efficient than seeking to deliver the work through a tender and contract process. 5. Exchequer Funding CCW grant monies are classed as exchequer funding, as it gets its money direct from the Welsh Assembly Government. CCW needs to ensure that when it is contributing to projects where there are also contributions from other public bodies (such as Forestry Commission, the Environment Agency, or our sister agencies), there are clear distinctions between the project outcomes that CCW is contributing to, and the project outcomes to which other public agencies are contributing. These objectives must also directly relate to the objectives of our grant aid as set out in our grant categories. (In the case of Natural England / SNH, CCW contributions must also be towards the project elements delivered in or that benefit Wales). Where CCW and other public bodies are providing a contribution to the same project outcomes, as they might do in a partnership with shared objectives, our current Financial Memorandum states that combined match funding from public bodies should not exceed 50%. However we are currently reviewing this policy, and if situations arise where combined contributions do exceed 50% we are able to gain special dispensation from WAG in order to further the joint interests of the partnership.

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European Funding, Local Authority Funding, Lottery Funding, Aggregates Levy and Landfill Tax credit funding are not considered Exchequer Funding for the purposes of our match funding calculations. Environment Wales funding is considered Exchequer Funding. Their funding rules state that at least 25% of the eligible costs must be met from non-central government sources. CCW is able to contribute to Environment Wales funded projects but not as the only match funding contributers. 6. Combined grant funding As well as our own exchequer funding rules, some grant schemes have specific rules about match funding which the applicant must be clear about before applying to CCW for grant aid. (Environment Wales is one example given above). 7. Development Grants CCW can offer a development grant to help newly established organisations and partnerships which have been set up to deliver more effective projects that meet our grant criteria. This provides funding at a tapered rate, on the basis of a business plan which must be submitted with the grant application form, and must set out how the organisation or partnership will continue to deliver benefits beyond the lifetime of the grant. In these circumstances, CCW can offer support for some of the core developmental costs of the organisations, and can offer funding at the following intervention rates:

Year 1: 75% Year 2: 50% Year 3: 25% After a formal review in year 3, CCW may continue grant support for projects that emerge out of the organisation or partnership.

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ANNEX 3. Guidance on Grants for AONBs Core Activities For Welsh AONBs which are eligible for 75% funding: � AONB Management Plan � AONB Management Service � Outputs / outcomes from AONB Officer Post and AONB Warden Service � Administrative support / office costs � Servicing JAC / officer working group / public meetings � Training � Travel and operating costs � Equipment � Visitor centre or other information service Outputs to deliver AONB, CCW and WAG priorities: Landscape protection and management • implementation of objectives & policies from AONB Management Plans; • preservation and maintenance of special qualities which make the landscape

of national importance; • working with land managers and other partners for the conservation and

enhancement of AONB natural and historic landscapes; • input work on LANDMAP assessments and review. Conservation • to maintain and enhance biodiversity and implementation of LBAP’s; • to promote the sustainable management of the countryside; • protection and management of key habitats within the AONB area identified

through designations and the LBAP. Engaging people • provide opportunities for local communities to be able contribute to decision

making process on the future of the landscape; • interpretation, information and education to raise awareness and

understanding of AONB landscape and conservation issues; • involvement of schools and local communities in AONB projects; • developing projects in partnership with a wide range of organisations; • development and training of volunteer rangers; • support for arts, culture and language. Sustainable enjoyment of the countryside • visitor management; • enhance, maintain and market opportunities for accessing the countryside

(PROW & open access), and develop gateway sites and access from doorstep initiatives;

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• promote quiet use and enjoyment of the countryside as part of opportunity to develop healthier lifestyles;

• develop and support sustainable transport schemes where appropriate. In addition to this core funding, project funding is required to implement programmes of work at the normal grant rate (up to 50%).

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ANNEX 4. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Please set out the details of you project in a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. The monitoring and evaluation plan will become part of the grant offer. This needs to include: A breakdown of each element of the project – each project element will relate to the topic area or grant category that the grant is delivering. A separate sheet should be completed for each one. Each sheet will be referenced with a letter code (A, B, C, D etc) which will in turn relate to the project elements shown on your grant application form in Part C1. Each project element must include the following:

1. What the project seeks to achieve and how you will achieve it. These will be the objectives of the project, and the mechanism you will use to achieve your objectives.

2. What milestones or targets the project will set. CCW needs to be able to see

if the project is on track and it funding spent. Our grant lead officers will use these milestones to monitor the progress of your project. You must choose something that naturally forms a stage within the delivery of the project, and that can represent sufficient progress when it comes to the interim claim stage.

Targets can be physical works achieved, or draft documents produced, or can simply be a cog in the process –for example meetings and consultations that you may have held out as part of the project. These will need to be evidenced by paperwork or photographs, or even through CCW officer attendance or involvement.

3. How you will be reporting on the progress and achievement of the project

milestones. This must indicate when you would like to make a claim for drawing down your grant. The amount of grant drawn down must be roughly proportionate to the likely costs incurred and progress of the project.

The monitoring and evaluation plan will also include a section for evaluating how well you feel the project went, any lessons that could be learnt for other organisations, and a longer-term plan for revisiting the success of the project beyond the funding period. During the lifetime of the grant, things may happen that alter or prevent elements of your project or programme of works from being delivered. If you need to make changes to the terms and conditions of your grant, or the outputs as set out in the monitoring and evaluation plan, you must contact your lead grant officer immediately.

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Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Template 2007-10 Organisation Name: Project Name: PBS Ref (for CCW use): Grant Category: Project Ref: 1. Project details Give a brief description of the project including project objectives: 2. Outputs and Targets What are the measurable achievements – what is the “target” you are trying to obtain and by when? (use as many lines as necessary). Target Date Achieved? When we you be seeking to draw down grant payments? 3. Evaluation How will you evaluate the success of the project after it has been completed?

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Outcome Reporting Questionnaire We will be developing a series of standard outcome reporting measures, to assist us in collating information about how our grant aid is delivering our key targets and other strategic objectives. To assist us in this process please complete the attached questionnaire. These may require you to report on your grant in a particular way. We will provide you with more information with your offer letter. Organisation Name:

1. The project delivers action for biodiversity in Wales. YES/NO 2. The project will be an exemplar for sustainable development. YES/NO

3. The project will deliver benefits to Communities First areas PLEASE LIST


4. The project helps deliver local community strategy priorities or objectives.


5. The project specifically targets any of the following groups (please tick all that apply):

� Young People � Older People � Black and Minority Ethnic groups � People with mobility visual or auditory problems � People with mental health problems � People on low incomes � People affected by rural isolation

6. The project is being delivered within or covers the following local authority


7. The project will includes the production of printed material (including leaflets, booklets, signs, posters, packaging and user instructions, menus, publicity and display material) or the creation of web-pages (Welsh language conditions may apply) YES/NO

8. The project will involve the provision of training or delivering to an audience

(Welsh language conditions may apply) YES/NO

9. The project includes the installation of infrastructure YES/NO 10. The project is within or near to a Site of Special Scientific Interest or Natura

2000 site. YES/NO 11. The project involves work which may disturb a protected species or have any

impact on its habitat. YES/NO

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