2015 ANNUAL REPORT In Partnership towards Healthy Communities

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In Partnership towards

Healthy Communities

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Connect Annual Report 2015


People living

satisfying lives of

their Choice

Our Mission


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Connect Annual Report 2015


Our Mission ......................................................................2

Message from the Chair ................................................4

Our Successes ...................................................................6

Our Values .......................................................................... 7

Service user stories .........................................................8

Our strategic objectives ..............................................14

Our plan for action ........................................................ 15

Message from the CEO ................................................16

Financials ..........................................................................18

Notes & independent auditor’s report ...................19

Connect Governance Board .....................................20

Connect Management Team .....................................21

Service details ................................................................ 22

Site address & phone list ............................................ 23


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Message from

the Chair It’s amazing what you see when you look up. This Chair’s Report is a little different than previous ones, as it is the last one I write for Connect. After serving on the board for six years, it is time to move over and allow others to make their contribution. But as it is my last, I find myself reflecting on where Connect has come from and where it is going, from a slightly different perspective. When you’re working away at something and you expect to be around for an indefinite period of time, you can lose sight of the bigger picture, and any change or progress made appears small and incremental. But when you find yourself at the end of a journey, you inevitably rise above the details when reflecting on what has been achieved. This is when you’re struck by the magnitude of the change you’ve gone through and the progress you’ve made.

Over the last six years, I don’t recall one that looked easy and without challenges. Our sector has certainly seen its fair share of difficulties and this doesn’t look like it will change anytime soon. But time and time again, I am amazed by our people’s resilience and their ability to rise to the challenge so Connect can continue to deliver services that allows our communities to flourish.

Change is indeed the only constant.

I have spoken a lot over the last few months about change, because while it is

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constant, Connect and its staff have had to navigate through major changes that I recognise may have been unsettling. In saying this, we need to see such change as nothing more than growing pains. By any measure one chooses, Connect has grown consistently over the last few years, and this warrants that we are nimble and responsive to the needs of a growing organisation. We have as a result welcomed a new CEO, moved into new offices, and finalised an exciting strategic plan to guide us through to 2018.

Our new strategic plan is the result of input and collaboration from both the Board and Management. The end result is a more explicit message to staff, funders, and the wider sector that we will keep growing, as long as this is done within the framework of our values. We now also have more clarity about the limits of organic growth and as such, our strategy is more focused on growing through partnerships and acquisitions. In short, Connect’s mission and values positions it well to expand both geographically and into new services, and the opportunities to do so certainly seem available.

I am pleased to say Connect has had a strong year. The organisational restructure that our CEO, Darryl Bishop, has led has been exactly what Connect needed at exactly the right time.

The benefits of this restructure are

already coming through. We have also had a strong result financially, and while this has highlighted that our budgeting process is too conservative, the surplus we achieved has allowed us to provide staff with much needed pay increases, and therefore continue making progress towards paying the living wage.

I have many people to thank for where Connect is today. My fellow board members for their commitment to Connect, Darryl and the management team for the leadership they provide, all our staff for their dedication to our service users and our community, and last but not least, our funders for the support they provide us. Because of you all, we have in Connect today an organisation that is growing in a challenging sector, that is financially sound, that has a great reputation with all its stakeholders, an organisation that is increasingly resilient, and with a set of values that we all truly believe in.

Maybe we should all look up more often. We have come a long way and have much to be proud of.

Sam Bejjani Chair


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Connect Annual Report 2015

26% Increase in psychological

wellbeing for service users since starting with Connect

174People avoided hospital with alternate respite

*Statistics gathered from 2014-2015 financial year

137,310 Hours of face to face

service delivery*

161 Staff


Auckland services

Hamilton service

143 People supported

in work*

1,316 People accessing

our services

Our SuccessesOur Successes

13 Community



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doing the right thing - kia pono

keeping it real - kia tika

whatever it takes - kia aroha

being all you can - kia tuwhera

Our Values


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Service user storiesService user stories

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JasonAt a time when I had no hope my community support

worker at Connect held the hope for me. She listened with her heart and her soul to what I was really saying. She didn’t label me or judge. She faithfully came every week for many months. She was never put off by my negativity.

She came up with suggestions of alternatives to pursue to find health again. She also introduced me to Peer Support which made a huge difference because then I met another support worker who held the hope for me. The extreme anxiety with no sleep (at times 5 days in a row) helped precipitate paranoia. There were many

steps on the road to recovery in which the support workers from Connect played a big part. Finally

after two and a half years, sleep has returned to normal and my anxiety has gone.

I’m able to think again and plan for the future. Once again I am taking

ownership of my own life. I will need ongoing support in my recovery,

and the regaining of confidence and competence.

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Natalie Even though my peer support worker hasn’t been through exactly what I have been through, I feel we have a lot in common and have similar views.

I can relate to the words she shares with me, and at times it feels like advice from an older more stable version of myself.

I can see the purpose in what she has to share and more often than not, I am finding myself following through with my plans to recovery.

Together, she helps me manage small steps everyday and things are starting to slowly evolve.

At times my experiences can be very overwhelming and my peer support worker helps me to find courage and motivation in myself.

I feel listened to, genuinely cared for and supported. I never feel judged, and feel comfortable to share what ever I am thinking and experiencing.

I am very grateful for peer support. I have learnt a lot, and I still have a way to go, but I feel confident in achieving my goals with my peer support worker by my side.

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SamI’m talking to you... and... it seems

that you careyour eyes meet mine in a kinda

clinical stareBut is this care and do you really?

I mean, you ask lots of questions, you’re keen to define me “how was your sleep

and are you still taking the meds?” Go ahead... tick all your boxes or...you could

hear me instead.

“I’m tired, and yes I’m taking the meds, and the truth is I really just want to stay home in bed.I’ve had enough, I’m at the end of my rope....busy with four children and working, I’m tearful.... Yes... I’m struggling to cope”.

“I think you’re depressed and this is what we will dolet’s increase your meds that should help the sleep too Now... your affect is flat and your insight is poorinsomnias a problem and clearly there’s more...I find your behaviours concerning, I’m not convinced you are safeI suggest a few days in hospital, you see Sam... there really is quite a lot here at stake”.

With everything in me I’m wanting to shout... “NO YOU SEE ME!”

“You’re not listening and you really don’t get it”

yet instead I just freeze... not a word would come out

“I’m not just a diagnosis... a label to splat across the face of my life,

like some kinda clinical bumper sticker that suggests...


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Through the lens of my world... it’s not so simple as that “I can see that you’re wanting to fix me, to help and...I don’t doubt you’re intentions BUT....Unless you have walked in MY shoes and felt all my pain, don’t insult my intelligence with jargon for the mentally insane,Lay down your analysis of my symptomology and SEE ME!

Look beyond the erroneous ways of your medical methodologyI’m a person in here, behind this label I wear, with feelings and a storyIt’s not all about pathology” Of course I do not say this, for.. I am just the recipient of carea patient who takes... disempowered by a system unwittingly caring...from a context of fear.

Then something amazing, something beautiful happens and I wonder...why?Why has it taken SO long to discoverthe concept of relationship, of giving, not just receiving, where two can learn from each other?

When you meet someone who can honestly say... “YES, I have been there too,the struggle, the pain and...whilst my story is different, it’s about us... about me and about you.

Slowly and in time, a connection is made,we talk and we share... it’s not one telling the other how, why and whatIronically, no-ones trying to fix me, I’m not brokenand I don’t need someone deciding if my view has value or notAnd I know there will be times when I

struggle... to sit with my pain,or... feel uncomfortable with what you say,I’m learning to be transparent, hold my hand... metaphorically,be patient with me...try not to prejudge or show disdain, and me... I’ll try to do the same.

You see, I see, that we see things differently...your lens... my lens... the same but notand... when I look through yours.... and you mine...our eyes may hurt, our vision blurs but...that’s OKI’m learning to sit with that and understand.. there may be other ways.

So in the end its about here and now, and the past IS still the pastand that me alone is not enough, I need relationship to last. Together we can transform fear to hope and find a better way.

Holding tight this very moment, right here...not fret for mistakes of yesterdayThis is truly a phenomenon, that really has the power to shiftfrom a position of weakness to strength, struggle to story andunderstand.... that in the end together we have a gift.

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Connect Annual Report 2015

Our strategic objectivesOur strategic objectives


The new strategic plan to guide Connect for the next three years was not written by one person. It was put together after a lot of conversations. Conversations between the management team and the board. Conversations with every team and person in the organisation. Conversations with people using our services. Conversations with our funders and communities. The process took a long time but it was worth it, as it left us with rich feedback and a clear strategic direction for the future.

What we had after all of these conversations was exciting. We heard how proud our people are of the work we do. We heard how when we get it right, our services can make a difference to individuals, whanau and the wider community. We were told what was going well and we were told clearly where we could improve what we do. We heard what was important to people, and the connection with our values and mission as an organisation.

The plan we wrote following all of these conversations is exciting, ambitious and will see us grow both in terms of what we do and where we do it. However, it is also grounded. Grounded in our values, and grounded in terms of being very clear that to achieve the exciting challenges ahead we need to take care of our people. In order to grow we need to ensure we are the best at what we do. We need to support our staff to do their work by developing better systems, by communicating better and by ensuring we do the right thing and make Connect the place to be.

The plan is one of growth, but of careful growth built on excellent models of care and support systems. We are excited about the future and ready to step up.


GROWour influence

GROWour focus

GROWour independence

BEthe place

to be


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We have a reputation for solving hard problems and meeting the needs of people often left behind by the system. Our use of innovative and effective service models places us at the forefront of community driven mental health and addiction intervention.

We want to expand this influence further. We want Connect to be known across New Zealand and beyond as an example of how services can be delivered effectively, meeting the needs of service users and families.

We want to expand our influence into new parts of New Zealand and also to become a significant provider of services to young people.


We will always be in the business of delivering effective services to people experiencing mental distress and/or addiction, especially to those who need them most. However, we would like to support individuals, families and communities to seek help earlier, and also to prevent mental distress and addiction.

This is a long journey and it will take many steps to reach where we would like to be. However, during the next three years we want to make further steps in this direction.

We will begin this journey by developing new services supporting young people and

people in the earlier stages of their recovery journey.

Our plan for action Our plan for action


We want to be bigger. Not for the sake of being bigger, but because growth will mean more effective services and a stronger organisation supporting them.

During this three year period we will see growth on two fronts:

• Firstly in the growth of our contract base, leveraging our reputation and moving into new areas (geographic and youth).

• Secondly we will see a growth in our non-contract income through further development of social enterprise and fundraising.


Growth of income and growth of services must come from a solid base.

We will only grow if we are good at what we do, if our services remain high quality, and our support infrastructure is effective.

We want Connect to be all it can be and the place where staff and service users thrive. We are committed to a culture of high performance and effective management.

Connect’s culture expects, encourages, and enables growth personally and professionally. It is a culture of evaluation and reflection, of reviewing our service models and ensuring we are inclusive of service user feedback.


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Message from

the CEO

Message from the CEO

It has been a busy year for Connect. In 12 months we saw the renewal of all of our DHB and MSD contracts, the majority for an extended 5 year period. We moved our head office to shiny new premises on Apollo Drive in Rosedale, saying farewell to our rather tired previous building. We reviewed our management structure to stimulate more transparency, accountability, and focus on people. We also completed a process to develop an invigoratingly ambitious strategic plan for the next three years, details of which are within this report.

Importantly, this year we committed to reviewing our remuneration structure with a firm focus on improving the levels of pay for our lowest paid workers. Given that rates of pay have fallen behind over a number of years in our sector, this is no easy task but we are fully determined to identify and implement gradual and affordable changes each year to address this as an organisation. In the longer term we aim to increase our financial independence and see social enterprise, currently Changeability and Free2Be programmes, as an opportunity to attract additional funds to the organisation, and develop exciting initiatives not currently funded by government.

While this was all going on, our magnificent teams carried on diligently and skillfully supporting people on their individual recovery journeys. The services we run whether residential

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or community based, peer led or more traditional mental health support services, focused specifically on addiction or mental health, all have three things in common. The unwavering commitment of the staff who work within them. They are also well managed and effective. Lastly, they help people live the life they choose and not one determined for them by others, thereby creating incredible stories of positive change across individuals, families, organisations, and even whole communities. We are rightfully so proud of their impact.

Pride in what we do was a key theme of the strategic planning process too. People talked to us about how we carry on being effective, and the support needed to do things even better. We listened and will make changes to how we communicate internally and externally, how we provide a lean but efficient central support to maximise the efforts at service level, and how we measure our impact. We also heard from people about how we might grow. Not growth for growth’s sake but careful considered expansion of our ideas and influence, while ensuring all advancement comes from a solid base, taking Connect’s models and services to a younger age group and to new parts of the country.

Our strategic plan for 2015-18 is a good plan. It continues to be underpinned by our values and it places Connect

in a strong position in a sector that is changing rapidly. Funders want to be sure more than ever that services are effective. This means looking for efficiencies in how services are funded and managed so that more money can be rightfully focused at the front line. We have seen considerable change already in our sector and you don’t need to be Nostradamus to predict more change ahead. Change in how services are funded, change in service priorities, and changes to how mental health and addiction services integrate with primary care and the community. Connect is in a strong position not just to respond, but to positively lead the sector through these challenging but exciting times.

It has been a busy year but I have enjoyed every minute of my first 12 months leading Connect. Thank you to all of our funders, to our dedicated Board of Trustees, our skilled and committed management team, our amazing staff, the people using our services and their families. I look forward to working with all of you over the coming years to make Connect the place to be and to make a real difference to the communities we serve.


Darryl Bishop CEO


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Connect Annual Report 2015


Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated Statement of Financial Performance (summarised)For the year ended 30 June 2015

Statement of Financial Position (summarised)As at 30 June 2015

Income 2015 (NZ$) 2014 (NZ$)Contract Income 9,197,403 8,197,560Interest Income 107,329 66,386Other Income 94,943 256,289Commercial Income 52,894 64,335Total Income 9,452,569 8,584,570

Less ExpenditureEmployment Expenses 6,934,713 6,166,065Service User Expenses 322,960 324,461Property 684,935 670,189Administration & Operating Expenses 764,392 771,026Loss on Disposal of Assets 11,679 0Donations Paid 871 4,216Audit 12,687 13,810Depreciation 287,953 237,238Total Expenditure (9,020,190) (8,187,005)Net Surplus $432,379 $397,565

Current Assets 2015 (NZ$) 2014 (NZ$)Bank and Cash on hand 2,844,256 2,474,387Accounts Receivables 1,174,299 902,543Prepayments 84,649 40,940Total Current Assets 4,103,204 3,417,870

Non-Current AssetsFixed Assets 891,490 600,949Total Assets 4,994,694 4,018,819

Current LiabilitiesAccounts Payable & Accruals 1,045,839 819,818Deferred Revenue 312,600 8,250Short Term Liabilities 13,125 0Total Current Liabilities 1,371,564 828,068Net Assets $3,623,130 $3,190,751

EquityAccumulated Funds Brought Forward 3,190,751 2,793,186Surplus/(Deficit) 432,379 397,565Total Equity $3,623,130 $3,190,751


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Notes Notes & independent auditor’s report

Notes to the Summarised Financial StatementThe summary financial statements, which comprise the summarised statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015 and the summarised statement financial performance for the year then ended are derived from the full audited financial statements of Connect Support Recovery Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2015, approved by the Management Committee and authorised for issue on 28 September 2015. These summary financial statements are derived from the audited financial statements of Connect Support Recovery Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2015 are consistent, in all material respects, with (or a fair summary of) the financial statements, in accordance with FRS- 43: Summary Financial Statements.

The full audited financial statements are general purpose financial statements and have been prepared

in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice as defined by Financial Reporting Standards and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice. The society qualifies for differential reporting as it is not publicly accountable and it is not large as defined in the Framework for Differential Reporting. The society has taken advantage of all available differential reporting exemptions.

The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required for full audited financial statements under generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the full audited financial statements of Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated. Readers may obtain a copy of the full audited financial statements on request from the Society’s registered office.

Report on the Summary Financial Statements The accompanying summary financial statements on pages 18 and 19, which comprise the summarised statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015 and the summarised statement of financial performance for the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements of Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2015. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated 29 September 2015. Those financial statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required for full financial statements under generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated.Management Committee’s Responsibility for the Summary Financial StatementsThe Management Committee are responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial

statements in accordance with FRS-43: Summary Financial Statements.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISA (NZ)) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.”Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated.

OpinionIn our opinion, the summary financial statements on pages 18 and 19, derived from the audited financial statements of Connect Supporting Recovery Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2015 are consistent, in all material respects, with (or a fair summary of) those financial statements, in accordance with FRS-43.

RSM Hayes Audit29 September 2015 Auckland



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Sam [email protected]

Sally [email protected]

John [email protected]

Helen ScottBoard Member [email protected]

Connect Governance Board

Connect Governance Board

Jo CopelandBoard [email protected]

Christine JonesBoard [email protected]

Debbie Dawson-RenahanBoard [email protected]

Lisa CunninghamBoard [email protected]


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Connect Management TeamConnect Management Team

Back row:Darryl Bishop CEO, Dick Downing, Aaron Carey, Renny Hayes

Front row:Simone Turner, Joy Maconaghie, Ruth Williams, Magdel Hammond,

Karyn Munday, Ralph Verlander

Our amazing team

Connect Staff Big Day out 2015!


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Connect Annual Report 2015

Service details

With a foundation of community development, and a vision for healthy communities, Connect helps people affected by mental distress and problematic substance use to flourish.

We believe that everybody can recover to live full and rewarding lives. Recovery doesn’t always mean cure. Sometimes our most important work is helping people cope with distress and experiences so they don’t get in the way of living.

We are mostly funded by District Health Boards and the Ministry of Social Development to provide a range of mobile, residential, employment, networking and training services across urban Auckland and Waikato.

About a third of our services are ‘Peer’ services, delivered by people with lived experience of recovery, who are trained to become specialist providers of Intentional Peer Support.

We have developed a social enterprise, Changeability, to produce independent revenue, making us more sustainable. This allows us to fund projects, research, and services which make a positive impact on people’s lives. Changeability has also allowed us to build commercial and community partnerships.

Service details


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Site address & phone listSite address & phone list

Head Office49B Apollo Drive, AlbanyPO Box 102 149 North Shore

09 443 3700 Community Support Team (Support hours, Asian Representative, Family service, ADHB, Rehab Team), Reach Out Peer Support Team, EDGE Employment, Changeability Social Enterprise, Finance, HR, IT, Administration, Service User Development, Kaumatua, Management Team

Abeo House23B Birkdale Road, Birkdale

09 482 0981 8 BedsResidential Rehabilitation

Beach Haven336 Rangatira Road, Beach Haven

09 482 1017 8 BedsResidential Rehabilitation

DRIVE Consumer NetworkLevel 1, 28D Lambie Drive, PapatoetoePO Box 97453, Manukau

09 263 6508 AOD and Mental Health

EDGE Employment49B Apollo Drive, AlbanyPO Box 102 149 North Shore

09 414 6044 Employment Support Service.

Mahi MarumaruLevel 1, 28D Lambie Drive, Papatoetoe

09 263 5923 Peer Support Mobile Team AOD

Piri Pono33 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Hibiscus Coast

09 426 7404 5 BedsPeer Led Acute Alternative

Poutama26 Bridge Avenue, Te Atatu South

09 834 5063 8 BedsResidential RehabilitationCo-existing problems

Puna Whakataa1 Kay Road, Manurewa

09 266 2702 10 Beds AOD Respite in partnership with the Salvation Army

Waatea29A Carrington Avenue, Hillcrest, Hamilton

07 858 4136 14 BedsResidential Rehabilitation in partnership with Waikato DHB


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49B Apollo Drive, Auckland 0632PO Box 102149

Phone: 09 4433700Fax: 09 4412400

Email: [email protected]: www.connectsr.org.nz