Play Basketball Like a Pro

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"Everything you need to know to play basketball like a pro" is an amazing report with EVERYTHING you have to know to improve a 100% in basketball, at the end you will have the bases to play basketball like no one has ever seen.

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  • Foundations of Your Game= Basics of Your Technique

    Let me start with an example, suppose I want to make a crossover or an ankle breaker because they are extraordinary basketball moves that will surprise everybody in my team. But, the problem is that sometimes it makes me look like a fool or it just does not look as good as it looks to profesional basketball players. It is like if there is "a something" a "factor X" that is missing and you don't know what itis even if you try, and try, and try, again and again!!!. Now, lets face it most of the times with the preassure in the air and the people screaming, professional crossovers and ankle breakers really don't turn out well.

    A reason why this happens is that there is something (a something) in the very basics of dribbling, driving the ball or even jumping that might be pulling you down! Thatis why I will show you secrets that will inprove your game:

    Practice in front of a mirror- It is an issue if your head goes down in a game because you loose field of vision. If you don't practice in front of a mirror youare wasting your time because at the end of the day you won't stop being a beginner if you keep on looking down at the ball in a difficult move or just when you make a mistake.

    Cover as much Surface of the ball with your hands as possible- All of us have heard that we just need to touch the basketball with your fingertips, but that is NOT TRUE, because the point is that you have an extraordinary control of the ball. I want you to grab the ball with all your fingers and part of your palm touching the basketball, see? Complete control.

    Dribble High- There are a lot of reasons why it is better for you to dribble high like for example: Defenders usually are in a low position, so if you dribble high that will give you a lot of advantage. Also dribbling high will give your feet more freedom and will allow them to make special moves or just to run faster.

    Spend time every day to train basics- Believe it or not if you can do the basics with your eyes closed you will stand out in the crowd and the difference is going to be incredible. So in your training try to practice crossovers, inside out dribbles, back dribbles, between the legs, breakdown moves, spin moves and also make sure you are able to jab with each foot on a basic dribbling.


  • For jumping higher:

    Jump robe- Jumping robe is a great way for you to increase your vertical leap.

    Do squats- Squats can be very effective and you can actually enjoy them, so you can jump or add weight to your squats!

    Build Calf muscles- For making this you can stand on a curb or a step in a way that your heels are not touching the pavement, Slowly raise yourself a few inches (centimeters) by standing on your tip toes, and you should feel the pullin your calves. Slowly lower back down to starting position. Repeat.

    Use your Arms- Start with your arms at your sides, bent at the elbow. As you jump, raise your arms above your head.

    Training- As you might know training is important for everything! you make in life (including jumping), this means you can jump to reach the roof, jump to reach a lamp, jump until you touch the top of the tree or anywhere you imagine! At the end this will be a great training.


  • Shooting secrets:

    Fully extend your arm

    The middle finger has to be the last to touch the ball and it needs to end facing towards the ground

    Heve the elbow to finish above eye level

    Find your target early

    Get that a part of your fingers are in one of the seams just before the ball leaves your hand

    Adopt the shot to what the deferndors give you no matter where your foot are- Coaches usually teach to just having a determinate foot position but it is not true because this will make you loose freedom and chances to shoot

    Increase your range- The further you shot it is harder for the defendors to guard you

    Under Pressure use the 2 foot and hop- Is faster and gives you separation from the defendors

    Practice single motion shot

    Every Pro Basketball Player Knows How to Play as a Group

    Althought having METEORIC basketball skills is the most important feature of a basketball player, knowing how to play as part of one team is almost as important as knowing how to dribble. If you want to have the amazing opportunity to be the best of the team and be effective on it read the ultimate secrets below. I am sure that with this tips and faith you will become the best player your team will everhave!

    You must be self-motivated- If all your team sees that you give it ALL in practice, that you are the one that is more concern about what is happening inthe team and that you have your head in the game they are going to realice that you are the most important player of the team.


  • You have to be a great listener- Listening your teammates can have huge advantages, try it and you'll see how much you'll achieve and learn.

    Have a thirst to improve.

    Know your role - knowing your role on the team (scorer, rebounder, shutdown defender, sixth man, etc.) is important for you to make a difference that everyone will notice

    Choose your words carefully- The words that you say to the team can crate a victory or can pull the team down.

    Encourage teammates.

    Learn from the mistake and move on.

    Do not allow others to talk negatively about the team.

    Participate-this is just KEY

    Build a better team on and outside the court- As a team member you have to know how to live with the good and bad about everyone in the team.


  • Bonus: How to Become the Captain of the TeamHave a clear vision and communicate it to your team

    Always play with character

    Construct Network- Get people to love and support your team, so go out there and make more Friends and construct a network. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

    Treat time as a precious resource- Time management is different depending every teams need but the most important thing to keep in mind is that "Time wasted is not time you can get back."

    Take INTENTIONAL risks- Taking risks can have great rewards but be careful because if you don't have a plan B consequences can be huge. An example might be to change the strategy the team always uses and if it works well the team can use it the rest of the game but if it diesn't a plan B might be returning to the old strategy, just try to think outside the box.

    Work smarter, not harder-Hard work is critical, but that doesn't mean teamates can never enjoy personal time for relaxation and self-improvement because everyone needs it (also you don't want to become a creep that always is forcing eveeryone onthe team to play 24 hours a day)

    Foster your emotional intelligence- In important games the preassure is in the air every second, and over pressure, fear, angriness, and tireness can take you over the top and just push you to make unespactable things that can affect the hole team. A great solution here is to tune in to your own emotions, which also means that you can be perceptive at reading the emotions of the oponent team and take advantage of it.

    Final Step For Playing Basketball Like a Pro

    For playing basketball like a pro you need to practice advenced moves. Imagine yourself in a game making one of the most advanced moves of history, it will be mind blowing and you will look like a profesional basketball player. You can watch videos of amazing moves from the best basketball players of all times and try to make them, I am sure that with a lot of practice you will. Another thing that you canmake to impress everyone is to keep on beeing informed because every bit of information that you receive about basketball will help you when you least expect itand when you need it the most.


    Is for this reason that I decided to share with you my exact techniques of basketball methods and strategies so that you can be THE BEST playing this extraordinary game. For learning more of how to play like a professional basketball player visit:










