PLATFORM SCREEN SYSTEMS RAIL VEHICLE SYSTEMS PLATFORM SCREEN DOORS (PSD) n Full height screen work n Full height systems offer the ultimate in platform enhancement n Civil interface is at the platform and ceiling level n Train noise is suppressed n Economical air conditioning of the platform is possible n Can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted n Option of Media Wall with Sound PLATFORM EDGE DOORS (PED): n Screen work 2.3 metres to 2.5 metres high (typical) n Allows free flow of air for platform ventilation n Civil interface at platform level only n Can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted n Option of Media Wall with Sound PLATFORM SAFETY GATES (PSG): n Screen work 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres high (typical) n Allows free airflow for ventilation n Mounted directly onto finished floor n Rapid installation n Can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted n Option of Media Wall with Sound PRODUCT SPECIFIC BENEFITS BY TYPE ENHANCED PASSENGER SAFETY Westinghouse Platform Screen Doors Westinghouse Way, Hampton Park East, Melksham Wiltshire SN12 6TL United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1225 898700 Fax: +44(0)1225 898710 WWW.PLATFORMSCREENDOORS.COM This publication may be subject to alteration without prior notice. A printed copy of this document may not be the latest revision. Please contact your local Knorr-Bremse representative or check our website www.knorr-bremse.com for the latest update. The figurative mark “K” and the trademarks KNORR and KNORR-BREMSE are registered in the name of Knorr-Bremse AG. Copyright 2016 © Knorr-Bremse AG. All rights reserved, including industrial property rights applications. Knorr-Bremse AG retains all power of disposal, such as for copying and transferring. APPLICATIONS Heavy Metro Systems | Light Rail Vehicles | Metros | New and Retrofit Installations | People Movers | Underground, Overground and Elevated Platforms Platform Screen Systems RAILSERVICES Through its specialist RailServices division, WPSD has the ability to maintain, service and upgrade your metro platform screen system wherever in the world it is located through flexible and customized service contracts. CONTINUED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In addition to the core platform screen door and gate products, WPSD offer further safety and operational enhancements such as the WPSD Gap Filler and WPSD Media Wall with Sound systems. P-1210-EN 09.2016

Platform Screen Systems - Knorr-Bremse · 2020. 10. 4. · gates (Psg): ns creen work 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres high (typical) allows free airflow for ventilation nm ounted directly

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Page 1: Platform Screen Systems - Knorr-Bremse · 2020. 10. 4. · gates (Psg): ns creen work 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres high (typical) allows free airflow for ventilation nm ounted directly

p l a t f o r m s c r e e n s Y s t e m s

r a i l v e h i c l e s y s t e m s

Platform screen Doors (PsD)n full height screen work

n full height systems offer the ultimate in platform enhancement

n civil interface is at the platform and ceiling level

n train noise is suppressed

n economical air conditioning of the

platform is possible

n can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted

n option of media Wall with sound

Platform eDge Doors (PeD):n screen work 2.3 metres to 2.5 metres

high (typical)

n allows free flow of air for platform ventilation

n civil interface at platform level only

n can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted

n option of media Wall with sound

Platform safety gates (Psg): n screen work 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres

high (typical)

n allows free airflow for ventilation

n mounted directly onto finished floor

n rapid installation

n can be fitted new and in most cases, retrofitted

n option of media Wall with sound

product specific benefits bY tYpe

e n H a n c e d p a s s e n G e r s a f e t Y

Westinghouse platform screen doors

Westinghouse Way, hampton Park east, melksham Wiltshire sn12 6tl United Kingdomtel: +44 (0)1225 898700fax: +44(0)1225 898710

W W W . P l a t f o r m s c r e e n D o o r s . c o m

This publication may be subject to alteration without prior notice. A printed copy of this document may not be the latest revision. Please contact your local Knorr-Bremse representative or check our website www.knorr-bremse.com for the latest update. The figurative mark “K” and the trademarks KNORR and KNORR-BREMSE are registered in the name of Knorr-Bremse AG. Copyright 2016 © Knorr-Bremse AG. All rights reserved, including industrial property rights applications. Knorr-Bremse AG retains all power of disposal, such as for copying and transferring.

aPPlications heavy metro systems | light rail vehicles | metros | new and retrofit installations | People movers | Underground, overground and elevated Platforms

Platform Screen Systems

railservicesthrough its specialist railservices division,

WPsD has the ability to maintain, service

and upgrade your metro platform screen

system wherever in the world it is located

through flexible and customized service


continued researcH and developmentin addition to the core platform screen

door and gate products, WPsD offer

further safety and operational

enhancements such as the WPsD gap

filler and WPsD media Wall with sound




N 09


Page 2: Platform Screen Systems - Knorr-Bremse · 2020. 10. 4. · gates (Psg): ns creen work 1.3 metres to 1.7 metres high (typical) allows free airflow for ventilation nm ounted directly

p l a t f o r m s c r e e n s Y s t e m s

r a i l v e h i c l e s y s t e m s

Westinghouse Platform screen Doors (WPsD) is a company with global experience in the design, manufacture, installation and through life maintenance of platform screen systems.

n Design

n manufacture

n new build or retrofit

n over twenty five years experience

n Proven and reliable technology

n life long in-service support available

n Upgrades and enhancements

n facilities in the UK and china

n member of the Knorr-Bremse group

Global support netWorklocal BUt gloBalWherever you are located in the world, WPsD

expertise is available to you through the global

network of Knorr-Bremse offices. Within these

locations WPsD specialists offer you a local contact

point. through them customers can access the full

range of WPsD products and services. local offices

are supported by WPsD design, engineering and

manufacturing centres of competence (coc)

located in the UK and china.

the same level of expertise and support is

therefore accessible for customers wherever they

are located in the world. WPsD design, engineering

and project management teams work closely with

station architects, signalling, communications and

civil engineering teams to deliver bespoke designs

which exactly suit the requirements of an individual

metro system or platform installation.

products and sYstemssolUtions Whatever the challengeWPsD systems have proven service records across

the globe. Whatever the environmental conditions,

from the ice and snow of northern europe to the

sun and sands of the middle east, WPsD systems

continue to perform efficiently, consistently and


features of Wpsd platform sYstemsn specifically designed for rail applications

n can be installed on new build platforms and in most cases, retrofitted to existing platforms

n suitable for underground, at grade and elevated stations

n option of emergency escape Doors

n Platform door operation matches train doors operation

n additional passenger information and advertising potential

n choice of stainless steel or aluminium construction

benefits of Wpsd platform sYstemsn improved passenger safety

n enhanced, cleaner and quieter station environment

n enables safe automated train operation

n operational efficiency enhanced

n improved station patronage

sustainabilitYn low energy consumption

n reduced tunnel ventilation and loss of air conditioning effect

n long service life

n low life cycle costs

n high availability

n 99% of construction materials and 100% of delivery packaging is reusable and/or recyclable

Platform screen systems