2018 Jim & Lisa Mac Donald Plasma In Nature Foundation 2 July 2018 Plasma Field Interactions

Plasma Field Interactions...Page | 2 Field Interactions – Radish Seed Experiment One of my early experiments I had done was to see the effects of using the liquid-plasma-water and

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Jim & Lisa Mac Donald

Plasma In Nature Foundation

2 July 2018

Plasma Field Interactions

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Plasma Field


Radish Seed Experiment May 2016

By: Jim & Lisa Mac Donald [email protected]


Thanks to KF New Zealand for the transcriptions: https://kfnewzealand.com/

Northern Rivers Plasma Group: http://northernriversplasmagroup.net.au/

Plasma School Library Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1252682301462575/

Plasma School Library Australia YouTube:


For More Information, go to Keshe Foundation: https://kfssi.org/

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Field Interactions – Radish Seed Experiment

One of my early experiments I had done was to see the effects of using the liquid-

plasma-water and GANS on seeds. A simple experiment where I soaked a batch of

seeds with the liquid-plasma-water and soaked another batch of seeds with the plain

water. Observed both batches and recorded results.

Summary of Results Increased Seed Germination

Increased root growth and complexity of root structure

Increased shelf life of radish by 3X

Overall plant health

Demonstration of Plasma Field Interactions – Strong feeding the Weaker

Methods We grow a micro green crop using the Daikon Radish seeds. It is a very quick

growing crop and in the Summer months takes about 8 days from seeding to where

we harvest.

The method that we used was to soak one batch of seeds in plain water, and to soak

another batch in the CO2 and CH3 liquid-plasma-water for twenty-four hours.

Both were seeded into plain coco fibre and left to germinate as per our normal

process. During the next seven days each batch was watered respectively with plain

water and the other one with liquid-plasma-water. We harvested both batches on the

same day and packaged them.

134 Days after Harvest

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We have been growing this Daikon radish for seven years. Our shelf life of the

microgreens is about 14 days from harvest when kept in refrigerated conditions.

The picture above shows the two batches side-by-side, the left one plain water and the

right one the plasma-water. This was just after germination.

Harvest Day

As you can see the one on the left is the plasma and the one on the right just water. At

that stage there was no noticeable difference between the two in terms of better

growth of one over the other.

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We did, however, notice a more developed root system in the radishes that had been

soaked in plasma-water. The three at the bottom were the radishes that had been

soaked in the plasma-water, and the row at the top was just the plain water. A definite

difference in the root structure, a more vigorous root growth and a more complex root

development than the plain water ones.

On a side note, this better developed root system is something we have seen all the

time when using the plasma on any crop.

Both batches were cut, washed, placed into the punnets and then placed into the


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The way I’ve arranged the photos for the next couple of slides is the photo on the left

would be Day One and the photo on the right will be successive days.

Day 9

When you look at the two punnets there it’s a case of the one with seeds grown in

water on the left and the seeds grown with the plasma is on the right, and likewise on

successive photographs. So that was Day Nine. As you can see there’s no difference,

very healthy.

Water Plasma

28/5/2016 DAY 1

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Day 14

As you can see they’re still looking very good. At that stage we’re normally seeing

quite a lot of deterioration of the radish that we normally grow, but they were still

looking very, very good at this stage, and no problems at Day Fourteen.

Day 20

As you can see there’s also really no change, and we’ve never really had any of our

radish get to Day Twenty in this sort of condition. So this was totally new territory

for us. By this stage most of our micro-radish ended up as a nice little black puddle in

the bottom of the container as it degrades and rots, but we never got that with these.

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Day 28

Not the greatest photograph, but also no changes in the micro-radish. They’re still

looking very, very good.

Day 41

I forgot them for a while, so now we’re on Day Forty-one, and here we could see a

little bit of yellowing, a little bit more in the plain-water radishes, and some on the

plasma, if you look at the photograph on the right of the right, but otherwise looking

very, very good.

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Day 47

A little bit more changing in the yellow there but otherwise all still very, very good.

An interesting observation at this stage as well, when we open up the containers, there

was just no smell. Normally when the radish does rot, because it’s sort of a mustard

flavour, it has a terrible smell. But there was only a vegetation smell that one could

detect. There was no rotting at all. The radish itself was still very firm to the touch,

and we had only lost three grams of moisture from Day One to Day Forty-seven, so it

maintained its texture and weight.

Day 78

We could see quite a bit of the yellowing of the leaves, but that was all that was

noticeable. Also no smell at that stage, just the yellowing of the leaves.

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Day 134

And then I really forgot them in the fridge. You can see they had completely gone

yellow. They had just been sitting in the fridge for all this time, so they’d all gone


The interesting part as well is when we take this photograph from the side point of

view is that they were all still very firm, and normally anything that is in the fridge for

so long would all settle down in the bottom in a puddle. But they we’re still very,

very firm and holding their position there. So, after a hundred and thirty-four days,

the radish had gone yellow, but there was no smell coming from them and they were

still very firm.

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But the question that one needs to ask is: Why the water-only radish

is also lasting just as long as the radish that we had soaked with the

liquid-plasma-water. Because my experiment, when I set out to do it,

was to compare the two, to compare something soaked with liquid-

plasma-water with the same seeds soaked with just plain water. So at

this stage I was quite confused as to what was going on with this

experiment and why both were lasting just as long.

Day 180

Then we got to a hundred and eighty days, SIX MONTHS. You can see that we are

getting degradation of the radish, and it is really looking messy.

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And when you look at the side you can see now how it’s all collapsing down into the

bottom of the punnet into a puddle. And generally when you look at this picture this

is what we were getting after about Day Twenty, but here we’re sitting six months



Our micro radish we had grown before only lasted about 14 – 15 days previously.

Now we have the same radish that has been in our fridge for 6 months.

At Forty-five days it was still looking very good and there was no smell.

Even after day forty-one we’d only lost three grams’ moisture.

Both were kept in the fridge at four degrees Celsius.

Now I come back to the same question again as to why the

radish soaked in the water lasted just as long as the radish

soaked with the plasma-water.

I had set out the experiment to compare seeds soaked in plain water with seeds soaked

in the GANS water. This experiment had shown us something else – Field


Let me explain:

In all good science experiments we like to keep the conditions the same for both test

batches. So from the beginning when we soaked the seeds, both containers were next

to each other. When we planted the seeds and grew the radish, both batched were next

to each other on the table. When then cut, washed and refrigerated the two batches on

the same day. Both were kept in the fridge next to each other during this whole

experiment as well.

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One of the main principles of Plasma Science is

that the Stronger Feeds the Weaker.

So in essence what was happening is that the stronger fields from the radish that had

been soaked with the liquid-plasma-water were interacting with the weaker fields of

the water only radish.

This interaction of the Fields is what was causing the water only radish to last just as

long as the plasma radish.

The principle of the stronger fields feeding the weaker fields. This explains why the

water only radish had lasted just as long as the plasma treated radish.

In this interaction of the fields, they need to find a match just like magnets. As the

Daikon radish was the common denominator of the two batches we got our flow of

the fields from the stronger to the weaker.

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The addition of the liquid-plasma-water to the radish seeds had also created a

different environment around the seeds, and besides having the interaction of the

stronger feeding the weaker, it has also created a totally different environment around

the radish.

This new environment (higher MaGrav field strength) was created around the radish.

Because when we begin to understand what decay of our vegetation is all about, we

understand that the fruit, for example, is constantly interacting with its environment,

and your fruit and vegetable is a plasma and has a certain field-strength. It’s

constantly giving to and receiving from its environment, and its environment is this

earth planet we’re living on, and it has its own MaGrav field-strength. So we have a

plasma, which is the fruit or vegetable that is in a bigger plasma, which is the earth, so

this interaction of the fields. So when we understand when a fruit or vegetable starts

to decay it means it has lost its ability to maintain its field-strength in relation to its

surrounding field-strength. So decay, in simple words, is a loss of fields to the


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What we were doing with adding additional liquid-plasma-water of CO2 and CH3 was

also changing the environment around the radish. The radish itself had a different

environment and had a higher strength MaGrav field-strength, so it was able to last so

much longer in the same conditions.

So there it was creating a different environment around the radish. And so this

environment interacting with Earth’s environment, and because it was so much

stronger, was able to last up to a hundred and eighty days.

This concept of “the stronger feeding the weaker”, we can now relate

to different parts of the technology.

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Using the GANS in certain health applications, whether we’re using the liquid-

plasma-water, we are having that same connection with the human body, and we also

have the same principle where we have a stronger one feeding the weaker one. A

simple field interaction with our body.

This experiment proves the

interaction of the fields, from the

fields of the GANS to the fields of the

plants and the fields of our Body. If

this GANS has such a dramatic effect

on the radish seeds can you imagine

the effects on our body.