PLANTS AND PEOPLE PLANTS AND PEOPLE Biology – 328 Biology – 328 Lab 4 – Major Lab 4 – Major Families I Families I

PLANTS AND PEOPLE Biology – 328 Lab 4 – Major Families I

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Asteraceae/Compositae – Sunflower family Flower - Head inflorescences (inflorescence consists of florets arranged on a common receptacle)  Florets are composed of a perianth (calyx + corolla), androecium, and gynoecium  Pappus (calyx modified as bristles, awns, scales)  Sympetalous (fused corolla)  Phyllaries or involucral bracts- whorl of green bracts constituting involucre  Synantherous - anthers (5 stamens) united into a tube, bicarpellate (2 carpels) with one inferior ovary and a two-branched style. Florets may be  Disk florets- actinomorphic (regular); bisexual; ray or ligulate florets, situated in the center of a head  Ray florets- zygomorphic (irregular); unisexual-pistillate; with a ligule  Ligulate florets- zygomorphic (irregular); bisexual; with a ligule; Based on type of florets, a head inflorescence may be a  Discoid head- disk florets only (e.g., Cirsium- thistle)  Radiate head- disk florets in the center; ray florets around the margin (e.g., Helianthus- sunflower)  Ligulate head- ligulate florets only (e.g., Pyrrhopappus- false dandelion)

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Lab 4 – Major Families ILab 4 – Major Families I

Page 2: PLANTS AND PEOPLE Biology – 328 Lab 4 – Major Families I

ObjectiveTo familiarize you with vegetative and

floral morphology of 8 flowering families Asteraceae Apiaceae Brassicaceae Cucurbitaceae Lamiaceae Liliaceae Rosaceae Solanaceae

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Asteraceae/Compositae – Sunflower family

Flower - Head inflorescences (inflorescence consists of florets arranged on a common receptacle)

Florets are composed of a perianth (calyx + corolla), androecium, and gynoecium Pappus (calyx modified as bristles, awns, scales) Sympetalous (fused corolla) Phyllaries or involucral bracts- whorl of green bracts constituting involucre Synantherous - anthers (5 stamens) united into a tube, bicarpellate (2 carpels) with one inferior ovary and a two-branched style.

Florets may be Disk florets- actinomorphic (regular); bisexual; ray or ligulate florets, situated in the center of a head Ray florets- zygomorphic (irregular); unisexual-pistillate; with a ligule Ligulate florets- zygomorphic (irregular); bisexual; with a ligule;

Based on type of florets, a head inflorescence may be a Discoid head- disk florets only (e.g., Cirsium- thistle) Radiate head- disk florets in the center; ray florets around the margin (e.g., Helianthus- sunflower) Ligulate head- ligulate florets only (e.g., Pyrrhopappus- false dandelion)

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Asteraceae/Compositae – Sunflower family

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Apiaceae/Umbelliferae- Carrot and Parsley family

Leaves - Dissected and very fineFlowers - Umbellate inflorescence

(pedicel arises from a common point) Fruits - Schizocarp (dry fruit that

splits at maturity into two or more closed, one-seeded parts) Fruits posses aromatic oils

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Apiaceae/Umbelliferae- Carrot and Parsley family

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Brassicaceae/Cruciferae - Mustard family

Flowers Tetradynamous anthers – Out of six stamens, four are long

Fruit Silique – Made of 2 fused carpels that separate when ripe Silicle – Smaller and shorter version of silique Replum - The framework of some pods that remains after

the valves drop off

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Brassicaceae/Cruciferae - Mustard family

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Lamiaceae/Labiatae-Mint family

Leaf – Opposite leaf arrangement

Flower Didynamous anthers - Out of four stamens, two are long

Fruit – Cluster of 4 tiny nutlets

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Lamiaceae/Labiatae-Mint family

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Lilaceae – Onion family

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Rosaceae – Rose familyFlowers represent three subfamilies


Ovary Carpels

Fruit Examples

Prunoideae Superior Simple pistil

Drupe cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, pluots, almonds

Maloideae Inferior 2-5 Pome apples, pears, quinces.

Rosoideae Superior Many simple pistil


rose hip, blackberry or raspberry

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Rosaceae – Rose family

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Solanaceae – Nightshade, tomato, and pepper family

Flower Actinomorphic/regular Connivent androecium (ends inclined toward

each other) Poricidal dehiscence (pollen released though

pores) Wandering placenta (Tomato)

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Solanaceae – Nightshade, tomato, and pepper family

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CUCURBITACEAE- Cucumber, melon, and squash family

Flower Monoecious (male and female in separate flowers but

within the same plant) Presence of nectary disks in both male and female


Fruit Pepo Parietal placentation

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Today’s Lab Familiarizing vegetative and floral

morphology of 8 flowering families

Next week’s labQuiz Field Trip: Mid-valley cotton gin