Springfield Art Museum Marketing Team Cole Alexander, Morgan Franke, Kortney Grenko, Lacy Knipp, Sam Martin & Nicole Migliazzo CANAVA Marketing Plan Presented By:


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Springfield Art Museum

Marketing Team

Cole Alexander, Morgan Franke, Kortney Grenko, Lacy Knipp, Sam Martin & Nicole Migliazzo

CANAVA Marketing Plan Presented By:

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Marketing Plan Presented By:

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Cole Alexander

Cole Alexander is a Junior marketing major with a focus on advertising and promotion. He is a member of the men’s soccer team here at Missouri State, and on the school’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). After graduation Cole looks to work as a Promotions Manager, or enter a career as a sales representative.

Morgan Franke Morgan Franke is a Junior at Missouri State University and is majoring in Public Relations and Marketing. Through her sorority, Delta Zeta, and her internship experience with the Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Morgan has gained experience with planning events, fundraising for nonprofit organizations, and developing different marketing programs.

Kortney Grenko Kortney Grenko is a Senior at Missouri State University and will graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Merchandising and a Minor in Marketing this May 2013. She has gained experience with nonprofit organizations through her position on St. Jude’s Up ‘Til Dawn Executive Board, refined her marketing skills through an internship with Ideal Fastener Corporation and learned leadership skills through a chair position in Sigma Kappa Sorority.

Lacy Knipp I am a Junior studying Advertising and Promotions here at Missouri State University. I have thoroughly enjoyed my business courses and have loved creating plansbooks for my advertising classes. On campus I am involved in many actives and clubs such as Alpha Delta Pi, Marketing Association, and Big Brother’s Big Sister’s. I am excited about my future and embarking in a marketing career after college!

Sam Martin Sam Martin is majoring in Advertising and Promotions at Missouri State University and has mainly worked with the branding aspect of projects thus far, such as helping with the creative. This helps with giving the company a visual representation of their goals and aspirations as a whole. I believe this aspect of each project is very important with any new or old company that needs to give themselves a new and fresh look.

Nicole Migliazzo Nicole Migliazzo is a Junior at Missouri State University and is majoring in Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion. She has developed her marketing skills from her work with N2 publishing and is hoping to obtain a position at a marketing firm in relation to advertising and promotion after graduation.

M E E T T H E T E A M Canava Marketing Team

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Table of Contents Executive Summary ..................................................5

Introduction .............................................................. 5

Situation Analysis .................................................... 6

Research ................................................................... 7

Environmental Assessment....................................... 7

Competitive Assessment…………………………... 8

Target Market……………………………………….9

Objectives…........................................................... 12

Positioning ……...................................................... 12



Budget ..................................................................... 18

Schedule .................................................................. 19

Measurement ........................................................... 20

Conclusion .............................................................. 20

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Executive Summary Springfield Art Museum has so much to offer from art classes to paintings from famous artists and

theater performances. Our goal is to get more people to visit the museum and take part in the opportunities it provides. We plan on doing this by hosting events at the facility and advertising in various places around Springfield and other cities close by. We also plan on pairing up with other businesses in the Springfield area to help bring in more donations for the museum.

Introduction The Springfield Art Museum has been an integral part of the Springfield community since 1928.

Since then, it has come from being solely volunteer-operated to a government supported establishment with 8,895 art objects. Yet, the museum is still a glowing reflection of the generosities, commitments, and passions of the community it resides in. SAM operates entirely through donations and city funds, and charges nothing for admission. The museum is located off of National Ave, by Phelps Grove Park; and this location offers a number of potential promotional and event-orientated marketing possibilities. The museum has been added to and renovated numerous times since it was first opened, including the addition of: a 392-seat auditorium, an entry hall and numerous galleries. As well as having a courtyard and outdoor stage, the museum’s resources for organized events is staggering, and they should look to take advantage of these assets in upcoming years. Currently the museum’s attendance rate is about 45,000 people annually, but would like to increase this rate to around 100,000. This attendance group contains many loyalists, regulars, and students but our goal is to increase the attendance of first-timers through promotional events and positive word-of-mouth. This goal can be reached by offering more personal experiences and making it feel more like the “community living room” in the museum rather than, as it was described by Nick Nelson, “a temple atmosphere.” What is being marketed is art, not as a product (save for the gift shop) but as an experience, and for this reason the focus of all events, museum staff, and personnel needs to be making this experience as enjoyable and memorable as possible. This includes courtesy from a desk greeter, showing genuine interest in everyone who walks through the door, and taking the time to allow people to express their opinions and concerns about their museum experience. Word of mouth will always be the best way to attract an audience to the museum, and an even stronger way to keep them coming back so every person that walks through the Springfield Art Museum’s doors needs to feel like they belong there.

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Situation Analysis

Strengths: The Springfield Art Museum’s greatest strength is the community that is behind it. Groups and countless individuals support the museum along with the art it displays, and they are committed to making improvements and generating a larger audience to pass through their doors. Also, the location of the museum is a huge strength, and a stronger street presence could drastically help create interest and awareness. The fact that the entry is free is a major selling point to driving attendance and should be capitalized and made widely known. Weaknesses : As Art Director Nick Nelson put it, “The museum is [perceived] as a ‘temple’ or a ‘classroom’,” rather than an attraction. This perception of the museum deters students and young adults who would rather be entertained in their free time instead of mentored or forced to be obedient and docile. Coupled with this notion is the general sense of being unwelcomed in the museum, that the museum isn’t “friendly and accessible” – to quote our focus group. Another limitation for the museum would be the hours of operation. The current schedule has the museum closing before many commuters and the regular “9-5ers” even have the chance to make it through the doors. Opportunities : The Springfield Art Museum has the ability to host a variety of promotional events because of their resources: the auditorium, courtyard, outdoor stage, large entry hall, etc. A city-sponsored establishment such as the museum needs to serve and enrich the public, and by putting on or participating in events around Springfield (Art in the Park, First Friday Art Walk) you will be able to generate more top-of-mind awareness, increase traffic through your doors, and be associated with a pleasurable experience. Also, partnering with other local museums and art venues to let their loyal (or even first-time attendees) can exponentially increase the number of impressions made through your advertising efforts. Threats: As Director Nelson put it, every leisure activity is a threat to the museum. Movie theatres, bars, and simply playing a video game at home takes away from the possible customer base going through the museum; yet, these threats are not nearly as relevant as other museums or art based venues. Where someone may see 5 different movies in a month, it is unrealistic to expect the average consumer to want to see mostly the same artwork 5 times in half a year. Our goal for the Springfield Art Museum is to create reasons for the people in Springfield and surrounding areas to visit the museum just once, tell their friends and family about the fun, intellectual experience they had, and to want to come again for future events.

SWOT Analysis

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Research Canava Marketing Team used both primary and secondary methods to research

background information to form our marketing plan. When representatives from the Springfield Art Museum and the Springfield art community came and conversed with out class, we built a repertoire of necessary information on how to best improve the Springfield Art Museum and how to successfully increase awareness of the museum.

Further sources of research were the Springfield Art Museum’s existing forms of marketing, such as, their website, Facebook, TripAdvisor and Foursquare. Through critiques of these sources, we were able to identify weakness in the Springfield Art Museum’s current marketing plan and formulate a plan to improve their current situation.

Visiting the Springfield Art Museum gave the team a great insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the museum. The atmosphere of the museum was able to be fully understood and the team was able to evaluate the different pieces of art and the exhibits and how visitors and audiences may respond to these works.

After discussing with a focus group about the Springfield Art Museum, it was quite clear that the museum was lacking a strong presence in the Springfield, MO, arts community. With this realization, we decided that the primary focus of the Springfield Art Museum should be to raise awareness of themselves, which is the primary focus of our marketing plan.

To successfully raise awareness, we began researching the demographics of Springfield, MO and did an MRI Mediamark Report to obtain information on what kinds of audiences enjoy museums.

Environmental Assessment

Art museums are very beneficial to a community. They promote education, tourism, and economic and social benefits. The Springfield Art Museum has the possibility to bring all of these rewards to our very own community. They have a very reputable collection with works of art by Warhol, Picasso and Rembrandt. People that attend museums now are ages 35-64, married, who have professional jobs with a household income of $75,000-$149,000. Springfield has 33% of its population that is ages 35-64, 34.5% is married and our median household income is $33,771. It is important we know our target audience and how to market to them.

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Competitive Assessment The Springfield Art Museum faces a lot of competition. Their most direct competition is other

museums, downtown Springfield and any other form of entertainment. Museums we are in direct competition with are Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, St. Louis Art Museum and Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Crystal Bridges is located in Bentonville, Arkansas two hours away from Springfield. This museum creates competition because Springfield residents are more likely to drive to Arkansas because they have already heard of its reputation and are curious about it. St. Louis Art Museum and Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art are competition because they are both in large tourist cities with collections triple the size of Springfield Art Museum. Downtown Springfield also creates a lot of competition for the Museum. It is filled with art galleries, theaters, bars and shopping which are all forms of entertainment. The locations that we are in direct competition with downtown are Hollywood Theaters, Gillioz Theaters, 1984 Arcade, The Moxie, Springfield Little Theatre and Downtown Art Galleries including Good Girl Art Gallery, Grapple and Hawthorne Galleries. Downtown Springfield is a destination location and it is important to recognize them as competition. And lastly any form of entertainment a person chooses to partake in that isn’t at the Springfield Art Museum is competition to us.

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Target Market A target audience is a specific group of people at which the marketing efforts are specifically aimed.

Within the Springfield and Ozarks area, there is a large target audience that could be pinpointed in regards to the Springfield Art Museum. The museum offers unique exhibits, fun and interactive art classes, theatre performances and more. Based on Canava Marketing Team’s research through an MRI Mediamark Report, we decided a plausible target audience would be individuals ranging from the ages of 35-44, while also targeting families with children that would be interested in the different art classes offered at the museum.


The Springfield Art Museum’s website states, “The Springfield Art Museum has a rich heritage of supporting the arts in the Ozarks.” In order to more effectively support the arts, Canava Marketing Team has compiled a list of objectives that will mutually benefit the arts in Springfield and the Springfield Art Museum.

• Increase foot traffic to 100,000 visitors within a year of the campaign beginning. • Increase profits of the museum by 5% (donations, fundraising, special events, etc.) • Increase the number of Facebook likes to 1,500 within the first 6 months of the campaign. • Increase the number of Twitter followers to 150 within the first 6 months of the campaign. • Position the Springfield Art Museum as an inviting art museum that offers art pieces ranging from

classical to modern. • Improve community awareness of the Springfield Art Museum, measured through surveys.


The art museum is a great facility to have in Springfield because it offers so many opportunities for kids and adults to become involved in the arts. We want to make sure to portray it in a positive light since it is a place that can benefit everyone. The learning experiences it has cannot be found in many places around the Springfield area and that is something we want the people in and around Springfield to see. We want the visitors to see that it is a happy, fun, and inviting place to take their friends and families. In addition, we also want to position the museum as a top-of-mind awareness, entertainment feature of Springfield, Missouri, that is affordable and fun.

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Overall Strategy Our creative strategy is structured to increase overall awareness of the Springfield Art Museum and to

develop a more solid customer and donor base. Ultimately, we desire to position the Springfield Art Museum as an inviting, friendly, and culturally diverse museum. Our strategy involves various aspects to capture the target audience. These aspects will include the following:

• Event Flyers • Billboards • Special Events • Social Media • Radio Advertisements • Magazine Advertisements • Brochures • Thank You Postcards

Choice of Appeals The appeal Canava Marketing Team chose to utilize throughout this marketing campaign was a

rational appeal. We hope, the by coming from a rational point, customers will be attracted to the museum’s free price and it’s wide variety of various artistic styles. The museum is an inexpensive alternative to other forms of entertainment, that have the potential to empty the pocketbook.

Creative Execution The campaign for the Springfield art museum will use integrated marketing communication. We hope

to stimulate word-of-mouth communication through various forms of print and electronic media, such as a new website and bi-weekly e-blasts. We also hope to effectively utilize forms of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. We also want to capture our target market, not just through the art that is displayed in the museum, but also through special events and art classes that friends, families and children can all participate in. We believe that by working to appeal to a wide range of ages, the museum will flourish into an entertainment piece for any generation.

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Print Logo Redesign

Our new and improved logo that we have created stemmed from the idea that the Springfield Art Museum wants to be a livelier and more enjoyable place to be with friends and family. Our logo uses bright colors to portray this along with a sleek new image. We wanted to bring Springfield and the arts community together by combining the two in a way that every time you think of the Springfield Art Museum, our logo is the first thing that comes to mind. We feel that this logo better represents the positioning and target market for the Springfield Art Museum.

Brochure Redesign We believe that the brochure located by the front desk of the Museum can be a very helpful tool for people that come to visit. The problem is that it doesn’t stand out and that people hardly know it is there. We believe that adding some color and putting them closer to the front door as you walk in would really help them stand out. We decided to leave the information inside the same so customers can have background information on the Museum, but we altered the back to make it look a bit more organized.

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Billboard We believe that in order to draw more people into the Museum we need to create more visual

representation and advertising around the community. We believe that a billboard located on or near Highway 44 would really help draw the attention of people that are not only from Springfield, but just passing through. The main goal of the billboard is to help promote the re-branding of the Springfield Art Museum and to attract more foot traffic in order to increase donations and awareness.

Thank You Card

In order to keep people coming back and continually donating, we believe that sending out a simple Thank You card is something that is necessary. When people donate to the Museum and their personal information is collected, that information should be used to mail out a personal Thank You card directly to their home. This is a very simple way to show gratitude towards friends of the Springfield Art Museum and to encourage them that what they are doing is

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Media Website and E-Marketing A major part of our promotion strategy would be to enhance your web/e-marketing presence. In this ever-changing technological savvy era, it is vital to not only have an effective website but also have a way of getting people there. Our major goal is to take our print campaign along with e-blasts, social networking sites, and promotional efforts to make your website a central communication piece.


In any campaign, the website is the most important vehicle of the media process. Today, virtually everyone uses computers and with easy access to search engines, your website should be a focal part in your promotion strategy. We have come up with few changes we think will benefit your webpage. The purpose of these changes is to support easy navigation of the website as well as emphasize important features.

Problems There are two main problems with the visibility of your homepage. First, the mass amount of text, causing your website to look cluttered and chaotic. Next, the font and images provide a very outdated look. Solutions : We have provided a few solutions to help enhance the presence of your website.

• Eliminating the “background information” on the homepage would cut down on the too much text problem. We believe that the background information should be a sidebar link to the left with Home, Exhibitions, etc.

• The homepage should provide one basic picture that has a way of describing the art museum. A simple mission statement could be provided next to the picture as well.

• The “Now Showing” and “Upcoming Exhibitions” should both be placed to the left with the other items on the sidebar.

• The Contact us information should be bigger. It should also have a link directed to Google maps so people can locate exactly where The Springfield Art Museum is.

• Along with the contact information, a generic email should be provided so customers can email questions and concerns. We also believe that your hours of operation should be placed with this information as well.

• Overall, we would suggest changing the font to a more modern look to give the page a more edgy but simplistic look.

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E-Marketing Many people will be drawn to your website by promotional efforts such as print advertisements,

commercials, or social media sites. However the best way to get customers to visit your website would be through e-blasts. After receiving an email, the viewer can click on a link that directs them directly to The Springfield Art Museum website or to a certain area of the homepage like “Upcoming Events”.

E-blasts are a great way to get the museum into customer’s top of the mind awareness. Even if the email is not opened, the subject line will catch the attention of the viewer. Each email should be direct in connecting to the e-blast. Each e-blast should be easy to follow and contain only enough information to get the general idea across to the viewer.

The e-blast should contain three parts: Now Showing, Upcoming Events/Exhibits and Exclusive Offers to the Reader. With these three sections the viewer will be updated to what is happening at the museum. There should also be links to any social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Online Social Networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest can be extremely helpful resources especially for small businesses like yours. Social Networking sites like these have the ability to reach thousands of people including your target market. These sites being virtually free are goldmines for business’s working on limited promotional budgets.

Social Media Advertising Social media advertising could be a very beneficial way for you to tailor your advertising to people who’s internet activity revolves around or shows definite interest in the arts. One way to use social media advertising is through Facebook sidebar ads. This form of advertising also gives you the advantage of being able to advertise based on demographics, location and interests.

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Social Media What is Twitter?

Twitter is a social networking tool The Springfield Art Museum can use to develop relationships with customers and contacts with other local businesses. You can use twitter to post updates about exhibits, events, or simply what’s going on in the museum. You can also “retweet” or quote other companies to get your name out even more.

Why use Twitter? Twitter’s constant growth in today’s social networking world is top notch. There are over 100 million

accounts and 300,000 new visitors to Twitter everyday. It’s no question that your museum will only continue to see more traffic after creating a Twitter account.

How to use Twitter? Best times to tweet are between 1P.M. to 3P.M. Monday through Thursday. You should start out sending

at least 3 new tweets daily. These tweets can be business related, promotional, or even just a fun fact. You should also start to follow 5-10 new people every week. Some examples of posts or “tweets” are listed below.

• Have you heard about our upcoming exhibit, David Plank? Showing March 9-14… Don’t miss it! • Make sure to subscribe to our e-blasts to keep you updated on all our events! Be sure to check out our

drawing and painting classes. • Did you know the Springfield art museum has art from *?*?*?*? Come check it out!

What is Facebook?

Facebook is an online networking tool that The Springfield Art Museum has somewhat successfully used with over 760 fans. However, we believe that there is always room for improvement and growth to reach more of your target market.

Why use Facebook? Facebook is one of the most used social media tools by

businesses all across the world with over 1 billion profiles. Between posting, “liking,” and uploading pictures/videos, the possibilities for generating more traffic are endless. Every action taken on The Springfield Art Museum’s profile creates more traction to its site. As an extra incentive, once a new Facebook user becomes a fan of your business’s page, your logo pops up on their homepage making it visible to all of their friends.

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How to use Facebook more efficiently? The ultimate goal of a business’s Facebook page like yours would be to create more traffic and attract more fans to “like” the page. We believe that you should post two interesting topics related to your business a week. The Springfield Art Museum does not do enough communication to their specific target market. Opinion driven questions or fill in the blank posts will encourage engagement with current fans and customers. Continue to post photos and post more video’s to attract more attention over wordy text. Even though these networking sites are used individually, they should be linked together to cause even more traffic. Having icons and links available to your social media sites from your website is essential. By using these social networking devices, we are sure to create more traffic for The Springfield Art Museum.

Radio Radio is a great way to do local advertising, which goes along with our objective of strengthening word-of-mouth. Not only is the cost and efficiency a great advantage of radio, but the flexibility is keen in creating a great media strategy. We believe that radio can be an essential part of media vehicle to drive more traffic into The Springfield Art Museum. We would like to focus our efforts at KGBX’s radio station for a two main reasons. First, KGBX is one of the most listened to stations in the Springfield areas. Secondly, KGBX plays light rock music that we find matches up with what our target audience listens to. Our radio advertisements will air twice daily, one 7 A.M- 10 P.M. and the other between 3P.M. -7 P.M. Our ad will be a 15-30 second commercial detailing our location, hours, events, and exhibits. This radio advertisement has the potential to reach 76,000 people a week within the Springfield area. This kind of exposure will greatly improve the knowledge of The Springfield Art Museum, which will lead to more traffic in the museum, and ultimately a higher word-of-mouth advertising.

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Radio Continued… A great advantage to Radio advertisements is the flexibility. You are able to quickly change your

commercials any time through the year. This is especially beneficial when introducing new exhibits or events. Overall running ads through radio stations like KGBX will lead to a greater exposure and better top-of-mind awareness about The Springfield Art Museum.

Magazine and Program Advertising Magazines and program advertising can help you reach a specific target audience that is in the desired region, demographic, and shows interest in the arts. With print advertising, Canava Marketing Team chose to place ads in 417 Magazine, 417 Home Magazine, and the Springfield Symphony’s program for the entire year. In the magazines, there will be one ad a month in each magazine, for a total of 24 ads throughout the year. In the Springfield Symphony’s program, ads for the Springfield Art Museum will be placed in the program for every show, for the next year. All of these media outlets are aimed towards people with a taste

for the arts and design. By utilizing these media outlets, we hope to increase overall awareness of the museum.

Events One way to get new customers through the Springfield Art

Museum doors, and to increase fundraising efforts is through holding special events. Canava Marketing Team developed some possible events that the Springfield Art Museum could capitalize on to increase awareness of the museum.

One event is a promotional day at various restaurants. For example, at The Cup, Picklemans, or Panera, a portion of any meal bought would be donated back to the Springfield Art Museum. This would mutually benefit both the museum and the restaurant that hosts the promotional night.

Events based around holidays would also be a fun and interactive way to bring new faces into the museum. Some possible holiday events could be an Easter egg hunt on the lawn of the museum or a Brunch with Santa at the museum around Christmas time.

Lastly, a Wine, Cheese and Art night could potentially bring in a whole new range of older clientele. This event could have tickets that people could purchase for a set price, and upon entry that will receive wine and cheese throughout the night while new Ozark artists showcase their work and have it for sale.

We believe that special events have the capacity to engage an audience further than their typical walks around the museum while looking at art. These special events would help create memories, bring in new clientele and increase word-of-mouth communication.

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Springfield Art Museum Intern Interns can be very useful resources to different businesses and organizations. In this situation, an intern that could handle the social media and teaching various classes at the museum could benefit the museum in a very positive way. An art student from a surrounding university would be talented and experienced in this role. It is a costly portion of the marketing plan, but I believe it will help the overall awareness of the museum by having up-to-date social media and fun, entertaining classes.

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  January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   Sept   Oct   Nov   Dec  Billboard   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  Radio   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  Facebook   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  Twitter   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  Brochure   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  Flyers       X             X       X  E-­‐blasts   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  **Thank  you  postcards  will  be  given  out  on  a  personal  donation  basis**        


Below is the schedule for all aspects of the 2013-14 marketing campaign. All flyers and advertising for special events need to be distributed at least two weeks prior to the special event in order to give people ample amount of time to plan and RSVP. Radio ads are placed on Thursdays and Fridays during rush hour times in the morning and the afternoon. By placing them on days at the end of the week, we hope to capture an audience that will visit the museum over the course of the weekend. The billboard will be run year around, and we believe the best placement for these would be near busy highways, especially I-65, which will help catch a tourist audience from Branson. Facebook, Twitter, Thank You Postcards and brochures will

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Measurement One of the most important aspects of any marketing plan is measurement. Measuring the degree to

which your objectives were or were not met is vital to creating a long-term, successful organization. Although increased awareness can be a tricky thing to measure the success of, we suggest the Springfield Art Museum conducts surveys when possible. Surveys can include questions such as, “How did you hear about the Springfield Art Museum?” “What interested you most at the museum?” or “How familiar are you with the museum?” All of these questions would help raise awareness on what forms of media are most successful in capturing the target audience.

Social media objectives are very easily measured. To tell if social media is a successful advertising tool, one simply needs to look at the increased amount of followers or likes for the particular page.

An increase in donations is another way that the Springfield Art Museum can measure the success of their campaign. With increased donations, fundraising and a consumer base, the museum will be able to tell if their objectives have been met.

Conclusion Canava Marketing Team has presented the Springfield Art Museum with a comprehensive marketing

plan to help increase museum awareness, customer loyalty and profits. Our rational appeals help highlight the convenience and affordability of this Springfield attraction. Through this plan, the online presence and the print advertising presence of the Springfield Art Museum will greatly increase. By focusing on a particular target market, the Springfield Art Museum can generate a larger, more consistent customer base that will help the museum and the arts in Springfield flourish.