בס״ד פ רשה: תצוה מפטיר:דברים כה:יז( זכור- ) יט הפטרה: ויאמר שמואל(… שמואל א טו:א- ) לד משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה! דף יומי: בבא בתרא מ״ח מצות עשה:4 מצות לא תעשה:3 Please do not read this publication during קדיש, קריאת התורהor חזרת הש״ץ. 13 Adar 5777 March 11, 2017 Vol: 18 Issue: 20 Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Kensington לרפו״ש ר׳ יוסף בן איטא חיה, ור׳ אלטר חיים בן יהודית, ור׳ ברוך מרדכי בן טעסיל, ור׳ אברהם בן רחל, ור׳ מתתיהו חיים בן עטיל ולרפו״ש לאה בת שרה ריבא, ורחל בת חיה ביילא בתוך שאר חולי ישראלYahrtzeits of our לֵ אָ רְ שִ י יֵ דוֹלְ ג י״ג אדר5655 - 5746 1895 - 1986 R' Moshe Feinstein ״לַ צַ זwas born on רָ דֲ ז׳ אin Uzda, Belorussia, where his father, דִ וָ ר׳ ד, was בָ ר. His father was his main יִ בֶ רin his formave years. He later went to learn under ןַ מְ לַ יסר זִ ר׳ אMeltzer and then with his קָ הְ בֻ י מִ בֶ ר, חַ ס ר׳ פPruskin. He married Shima Kastanowitz in 1920. While yet a חוּרָ ב, he became בָ רof Luban, near Minsk. He remained there for 16 years. In 1936, he came to the USA and became הָ יבִ ְ אשׁ יֺ רof םִ יַ לָ רוּשְׁ ת יֶ רֶ אְ פִ א תָ תְ יבִ תְ מ, a posion he held unl his הָ ירִ טְ פ, and chaired the תֶ צֶ מוֹע הָ תוֹרַ י ה דוֹלְ גof ל אָ רְ שִ ת יַ דֻ גֲ אof America. Universally recognized as the דוֹרַ דוֹל הָ ג, הֶ ֺ ר׳ מanswered all the complicated issues of the day. His wrings include the classic הֶ ֺ רוֹת מְ גִ א, הֶ ֺ רוֹת מְ בִ דand הֶ ֺ שׁ מַ רָ ד. Understanding Davening הלוי זצ״ל לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביהRemember כוֹרָ זAn edited selecon of כוֹרָ ת זַ ָ רָ פְ רוֹת לְ יוֹצPart I Remember וָ ש ע, who caused םָ הָ רְ בַ אto die early before וָ ש עopenly murdered, stole and commied adultery. וָ ש עfrightened םָ הָ רְ בַ אwith his bad behavior and stole five years from םָ הָ רְ בַ אs life. Remember the one who laughed at בֺ קֲ עַ יfor being kind to his bereaved father, קָ חְ צִ י, who hated his brother for showing the last kindness to םָ הָ רְ בַ א, his grandfather. וָ ש עacted like someone who cannot allow a kindness to be performed between friends. Remember the one whose ear does not like to hear any- thing about אָ בַ ם הָ עוֹל, who threw away the birthright for a cup that is drunk by mourners. וָ ש עopenly threw away the yoke of ד׳, and he even tried to hide the fact that he ever had a יתִ רְ ב. Torah Thoughts Adapted from: The Pleasant Way (with kind permission from Rabbi Sholom Smith) ) מוֹת כח:בְ ( . תֶ רָ אְ פִ תְ בוֹד וּלָ כְ ן ... לֺ רֲ הַ אְ שׁ לֶ דֺ י ק דְ גִ בָ יתִ שָ עְ וAnd you shall make garments of sancty for ןֺ רֲ הַ א, your brother, for honor and for splendor. One of the eight special garments that ןֺ רֲ הַ אthe דוֹלָ ן ג הֺ כwore was the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁ, the Breastplate, which was worn on his chest. In what כוּתְ ז, merit, did ןֺ רֲ הַ אwear the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁ? The הָ בַ שׁ רָ רְ דִ מ(on מוֹת ד:ידְ ) teaches us that the reason that ןֺ רֲ הַ אmerited wearing the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁwas his exceponally fine דוֹתִ מ. The אָ רָ מְ ג( ת קל״ט.ָ בַ ) states, בוִֹ ל לַ ט עָ פְ שִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשְׁ ה לֶ בוֹ' זוֹכִ לְ ח בַ מָ שְ וֲ אָ רְ ר 'וַ כְ שְ בIn the כוּתְ זof and he ( ןֺ רֲ הַ א) will see you ( הֶ ֺ מ) and will rejoice in his heart (at your success)’ ( מוֹת ד:ידְ ) ןֺ רֲ הַ אwas worthy of wearing the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁon his heart.” When ד׳chose הֶ ֺ מto become the leader of ל אָ רְ שִ ל יַ לְ כand take them out of slavery, הֶ ֺ מrepeatedly refused to accept the mission for seven days. Although he gave various reasons for his reluctance to accept his mission, ד׳knew that his major concern was that he felt that it would cause great distress to his brother, ןֺ רֲ הַ א. הֶ ֺ מhad been away from Egypt for forty years and he was far away from the people. ל אָ רְ שִ ל יַ לְ כhad seen a major increase in the intensity of the slave labor (which ד׳did in order to hasten the redempon) during these years, the last period before the הָ אוּלְ ג. (There are differing opinions as to where הֶ ֺ מwas during this me, but he certainly was not in Egypt.) Who had been the leader of the Jewish people during these hard mes? הֶ ֺ מs older brother, ןֺ רֲ הַ א. הֶ ֺ מtherefore felt that if he would take over that posion and ןֺ רֲ הַ אwould be made into a spokesman, ןֺ רֲ הַ אwould be greatly pained. Thus, he refused to accept the posion. Finally, ד׳told הֶ ֺ מthat there was nothing to fear. Not only would ןֺ רֲ הַ אnot be jealous of הֶ ֺ מ, but he would truly rejoice in his heart at הֶ ֺ מs appointment, even though it was coming at his expense. Such a good heart, says the אָ רָ מְ ג, is worthy of carrying the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁ. A person like ןֺ רֲ הַ א, who was filled with true ל אָ רְ שִ ת יַ בֲ הַ א, can be the one to go into the יםִ ָ דֳ קַ שׁ הֶ דֺ קon יוֹם פוּרִ כand beg ד׳s forgiveness for an enre naon. This is what ֶ לֶ מַ ה הֺ מְ says in י לְ ִ מ(י:יב), " הֶ סַ כְ ים תִ עָ ְ ל פָ ל כַ עְ ו הָ בֲ הַ אBut love covers all offenses." Such a heart has no room for jealousy, and thus no room for hatred. It is pure enough to wear the טָ פְ ִ מַ ן הֶ חוֹשׁ. Throughout the generaons, our לֵ אָ רְ שִ י יֵ דוֹלְ גare remembered not only for their הָ וֹר knowledge, but also for their beauful דוֹתִ מ! A father was calling out to his son from a car window, Moshe! Moshe!RMoshe Feinstein ״לַ צַ זhappened to be passing by. He walked over and asked the man what he wanted. The poor father was taken aback and apologized, יִ בֶ ר, I am so sorry! Please forgive me; I was calling my son! I would never think to address the הָ יבִ ְ אשׁ יֺ רin such a manner!Do not feel hurt!answered RMoshe. This does not bother me at all! לע״נ ר׳ דוד שמעלקא בן אברהם אביגדור ז״ל, לע״נ שפרה בת ר׳ מרדכי ז״ל לע״נ לאה בילא בת אלכסנדר משה ז״ל, לע״נ אסתר בת יהושע ע״ה, לע״נ טשרנה בת ר׳ מאיר ליבער ז״ל לע״נ ליבא ע״ה בת ר׳ דוד זאב הי״ד, לע״נ ר׳ אברהם אליעזר בן ר׳ נתן בנימין ז״ל, לע״נ הב׳ מתתי׳ ע״ה בן יבלחט״א משולם זישא הלוי נ״י לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י, ור׳ אברהם בן זיסל בתי׳ שליט״א לזכות לשידוך בקרוב לר׳ מנחם צבי בן איטקה שליט״א20 רָ דֲ א5765 / 2005 An esmated 120,000 people in the U.S. and 300,000 worldwide parcipated in the ״סַ ַ יוּם הִ סof the 11 th יִ יוֹמַ ף הַ דcycle. The largest gatherings were held in 3 New York-area locaons (Madison Square Garden, Javits Convenon Center, and Connental Airlines Arena NJ), with a combined 45,000 in aendance. Porons of each program were telecast to the other sites and to more than 50 locaons naonwide. The honor of saying the ןָ רְ דַ הwas given to R' Chaim Stein ״לַ צַ ז, הָ יבִ ְ אשׁ יֺ רof Telshe הָ יבִ ְ יof Wickliffe, Ohio. He was making his 9 th personal יוּםִ ס ״סַ ַ הand had parcipated in each of the ten preceding events, including the first one held at תַ יבִ ְ י יןִ לְ י לוּב מְ כֲ ח. Coming as it did on the day before R' Elimelech of Lizhensk ״לַ צַ זs טַ יאָרצײ(when hundreds visit his לֶ הֺ אin Lizhensk [Leżajsk], Poland), two ״סַ ַ ה י יוּמִ סwere celebrated in Poland, including the first יוּםִ סat יןִ לְ י לוּב מְ כֲ ת חַ יבִ ְ יsince 1931. A 2 nd large group from ץֶ רֶ א ל אָ רְ שִ יtraveled to make a ״סַ ַ יוּם הִ סat the former ָ רְ דִ ית מ בof the Gerrer Rebbes in Góra Kalwaria, Poland. This weeks edition sponsored by Yosef & Rivka Gesser & Family לע״נ ר׳ פייוול בן חנינה הלוי ע״ה יארצייט י״ג אדר ולע״נ מרת פאני בת ר׳ זלמן יארצייט ט׳ אדר יק דַ צַ י הַ כְ דְ רָ ת מַ יב שְ יSpecial Learning Program — Learn for 45 minutes after ית רֲ חַ שon ים פּוּרin Mesivta Torah Vodaath at 425 East 9th Street. Prizes for all participants. Please join us! Fathers welcome! ״לַ צַ ה פײַנשטײַן ז שֺ ר׳ מ

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Kensington · לארשי ילוח ראש ךותב אלייב היח תב לחרו ,אביר הרש תב האל ש״ופרלו Yahrtzeits of our לֵאָרְשִי

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Page 1: Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Kensington · לארשי ילוח ראש ךותב אלייב היח תב לחרו ,אביר הרש תב האל ש״ופרלו Yahrtzeits of our לֵאָרְשִי


לד(-שמואל א טו:א…)ויאמר שמואלהפטרה: יט(-זכור )דברים כה:יזמפטיר: תצוה רשה:פ

משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה! דף יומי: בבא בתרא מ״ח 3מצות לא תעשה: 4מצות עשה: Please do not read this publication during קריאת התורה ,קדיש or 13 .חזרת הש״ץ Adar 5777 — March 11, 2017 Vol: 18 Issue: 20

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Kensington

לרפו״ש ר׳ יוסף בן איטא חיה, ור׳ אלטר חיים בן יהודית, ור׳ ברוך מרדכי בן טעסיל, ור׳ אברהם בן רחל, ור׳ מתתיהו חיים בן עטיל ולרפו״ש לאה בת שרה ריבא, ורחל בת חיה ביילא בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

Yahrtzeits of our

גדולי ישראל י״ג אדר

5655 - 5746

1895 - 1986

R' Moshe Feinstein זצ״ל was born on ז׳ אדר in Uzda, Belorussia, where his father, ר׳ דוד, was in his רבי His father was his main .רבformative years. He later went to learn under

סח ,רבי מבהק Meltzer and then with his ר׳ איסר זלמן ר׳ פPruskin. He married Shima Kastanowitz in 1920. While yet a בחור, he became רב of Luban, near Minsk. He remained there for 16 years. In 1936, he came to the USA and became ראש ישיבה of מתיבתא תפארת ירושלים, a position he held until his פטירה, and chaired the מועצתי התורה ל of גדול of America. Universally אגדת ישראrecognized as the ר׳ משה ,גדול הדור answered all the

complicated issues of the day. His writings include the classic דברות משה ,אגרות משה and דרש משה.

Understanding Davening לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

Remember זכור…An edited selection of יוצרות לפרשת זכור — Part I

Remember שו to die early before אברהם who caused ,עשו שו .openly murdered, stole and committed adultery ע עfrightened אברהם with his bad behavior and stole five years from אברהם’s life. Remember the one who laughed at יעקב for being kind to his bereaved father, יצחק, who hated his brother for showing the last kindness to אברהם, his grandfather. שו עacted like someone who cannot allow a kindness to be performed between friends. Remember the one whose ear does not like to hear any-thing about עולם הבא, who threw away the birthright for a cup that is drunk by mourners. שו openly threw away ע

the yoke of ד׳, and he even tried to hide the fact that he ever had a ברית.

Torah Thoughts Adapted from: The Pleasant Way (with kind permission from Rabbi Sholom Smith)

י קדש לאהרן ... לכבוד ולתפארת. )שמות כח:ב( ועשית בגד

And you shall make garments of sanctity for אהרן, your brother, for honor and for splendor.

One of the eight special garments that אהרן the ן גדול the Breastplate, which ,חושן המשפט wore was the כה

was worn on his chest. In what זכות, merit, did אהרן wear the חושן המשפט?

The מדרש רבה (on שמות ד:יד) teaches us that the reason that אהרן merited wearing the חושן המשפט was his

exceptionally fine מדות. The (שבת קל״ט.) גמרא states, “בשכר 'וראך ושמח בלבו' זוכה לחושן המשפט על לבו — In the זכות

of ‘and he (אהרן) will see you (משה) and will rejoice in his heart (at your success)’ (שמות ד:יד) אהרן was worthy of

wearing the חושן המשפט on his heart.”

When ד׳ chose משה to become the leader of ל repeatedly משה ,and take them out of slavery כלל ישרא

refused to accept the mission for seven days. Although he gave various reasons for his reluctance to accept his

mission, ד׳ knew that his major concern was that he felt that it would cause great distress to his brother, אהרן.

ל .had been away from Egypt for forty years and he was far away from the people משה had seen a כלל ישרא

major increase in the intensity of the slave labor (which ד׳ did in order to hasten the redemption) during these years,

the last period before the גאולה. (There are differing opinions as to where משה was during this time, but he certainly

was not in Egypt.)

Who had been the leader of the Jewish people during these hard times? משה’s older brother, משה .אהרן

therefore felt that if he would take over that position and אהרן would be made into a “spokesman,” אהרן would be

greatly pained. Thus, he refused to accept the position.

Finally, ד׳ told משה that there was nothing to fear. Not only would אהרן not be jealous of משה, but he

would truly rejoice in his heart at משה’s appointment, even though it was coming at his expense. Such a good heart,

says the גמרא, is worthy of carrying the חושן המשפט.

A person like אהרן, who was filled with true ל יום on קדש הקדשים can be the one to go into the ,אהבת ישרא

י says in שלמה המלך s forgiveness for an entire nation. This is what’ד׳ and beg כפור ועל כל פשעים תכסה " ,(י:יב) משל

But love covers all offenses." Such a heart has no room for jealousy, and thus no room for hatred. It is pure — אהבה

enough to wear the חושן המשפט.

Throughout the generations, our גדולי ישראל are remembered not only for their תורה knowledge,

but also for their beautiful מדות!

A father was calling out to his son from a car window, “Moshe! Moshe!” R’ Moshe Feinstein זצ״ל happened to be passing by. He walked over and asked the man what he wanted. The poor father was taken aback and apologized, “רבי, I am so sorry! Please forgive me; I was calling my son! I would never think to address the ”!in such a manner ראש ישיבה“Do not feel hurt!” answered R’ Moshe. “This does not

bother me at all!”

לע״נ לאה בילא בת אלכסנדר משה ז״ל, לע״נ אסתר בת יהושע ע״ה, לע״נ ר׳ דוד שמעלקא בן אברהם אביגדור ז״ל, לע״נ שפרה בת ר׳ מרדכי ז״ל לע״נ ר׳ אברהם אליעזר בן ר׳ נתן בנימין ז״ל, לע״נ ליבא ע״ה בת ר׳ דוד זאב הי״ד, לע״נ טשרנה בת ר׳ מאיר ליבער ז״ל

לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י, לע״נ הב׳ מתתי׳ ע״ה בן יבלחט״א משולם זישא הלוי נ״י לזכות לשידוך בקרוב לר׳ מנחם צבי בן איטקה שליט״א ור׳ אברהם בן זיסל בתי׳ שליט״א

An estimated — 2005 / 5765 אדר 20120,000 people in the U.S. and 300,000 worldwide participated in the סיום הש״ס of the 11th דף היומי cycle. The largest gatherings were held in 3 New York-area locations (Madison Square Garden, Javits Convention Center, and Continental Airlines Arena NJ), with a combined 45,000 in attendance. Portions of each program were telecast to the other sites and to more than 50 locations nationwide. The honor of saying the הדרן was given to R' Chaim Stein ראש ישיבה ,זצ״ל of Telshe ישיבה of Wickliffe, Ohio. He was making his 9th personal סיום and had participated in each הש״סof the ten preceding events, including the first one held at ישיבתי לובלין Coming as it did on the .חכמday before R' Elimelech of Lizhensk when hundreds visit) יארצײט s’זצ״לhis אהל in Lizhensk [Leżajsk], Poland), two י הש״ס were סיומcelebrated in Poland, including the first סיום at י לובלין since ישיבת חכמ1931. A 2nd large group from ארץל סיום הש״ס traveled to make a ישראat the former ית מדרש of the בGerrer Rebbes in Góra Kalwaria, Poland.

This week’s edition sponsored by Yosef & Rivka Gesser & Family

לע״נ ר׳ פייוול בן חנינה הלוי ע״ה יארצייט י״ג אדר ולע״נ מרת פאני בת ר׳ זלמן יארצייט ט׳ אדר

יק יבת מרדכי הצד ישSpecial Learning Program — Learn for 45 minutes after ית שחר

on ים in Mesivta Torah Vodaath at 425 East 9th Street. Prizes פור

for all participants. Please join us! Fathers welcome!

ה פײנשטײן זצ״ל ר׳ מש

Page 2: Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Kensington · לארשי ילוח ראש ךותב אלייב היח תב לחרו ,אביר הרש תב האל ש״ופרלו Yahrtzeits of our לֵאָרְשִי

:Questions of the week רש״י 1. Which words hinted that the sons of אהרן would die at the time of

?הקמת המשכן2. The י תורה כהונה ומלכות were represented in the crown כתר

borders of 3 י המשכן לי Which .כל ?כתר כהונה s border represents’כ


,explains מדרש And it will be sanctified through My Honor. The — ונקדש בכבדי .1 referred to when he משה s Honor is through His honored ones. This is what’ד׳said ש .(29:43 — רש״י ד״ה בכבדי) הוא אשר דבר ה׳ לאמר בקרבי אקד

2. The crown of the ארון represents תורה, the crown of the שלחן represents ח and the crown of the ,מלכות .(30:3 — רש״י ד״ה זר זהב) כהונה represents מזב

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י לת וארגמן ותולעת שני על שוליו סביב ופעמנ י תכ בתוכם סביב. פעמן … ועשית על שוליו רמני המעיל סביב. )שמות כח:לג… זהב ורמון לד(-על שול

You shall make on its [the מעיל’s] hem pomegranates of turquoise, purple and scarlet wool, on its hem all around, and gold bells between them, all around; a gold bell and a pomegranate, a gold bell and a pomegranate, on the hem of the robe, all around. The regal appearance of the ן גדול dressed in his finery had a great כהeffect on anyone who saw him. Just hearing the ringing bells on the hem of the ,יום כפור On .מצות and His ד׳ created an aura that made people think about מעילeveryone watched his every action. His עבודה was meant to bring the people to do .תשובה

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ R' Yaakov Willner, the famous מגיד of Vilna, was a gifted speaker. On countless occasions, he inspired the residents of Vilna, as well as many living in the adjacent towns and villages, with his heartfelt words of תורה. However, it was the last דרשה of his life, the one he delivered on יום כפור night, just prior to י that made the greatest impact. The congregation was ,כל נדרsolemn, quiet and pensive, as usual. Men were draped in their white kittels and יתים .But that year, something was very different .טל Months before, the beloved R' Yaakov had fallen seriously ill and was confined to his bed, thoroughly incapacitated. Surely, he would not be able to make it to shul for י .let alone address the congregation ,כל נדר As the Willner family received their ערב יום כפור blessings from their debilitated father, they could not help but be moved to tears. The ברכות were given and the family prepared to go to shul, leaving behind R' Yaakov and those who were to care for him that night. Then R' Yaakov said, in a firm voice, that he wanted to be taken to shul. His family thought this would be impossible. However, R' Yaakov insisted, and so, with much difficulty, they managed to carry him, in his bed, to the ית מדרש .ב The sight of R' Yaakov, a mere shadow of his former self, was enough to bring the entire city to tears. Men who were huddled underneath their יתים for טלthe recitation of תפלת זכה looked up upon hearing the commotion and peeked through their יתים they מגיד to see the frail man who barely resembled the great טלknew. All eyes slowly turned back to the חזן, and watched as he prepared to recite י ית מדרש R' Yaakov lay on his bed in the back of the .כל נדר surrounded by his ,בchildren. The חזן approached the בימה and the י תורה were removed from the ספר The elders of the community were given the honor of holding the sacred .ארון קדשscrolls and the stage was set for the חזן to begin. Suddenly, R' Yaakov’s son approached the בימה and whispered something to the חזן. The חזן, R' Leib, gave him a puzzled look and stepped down from the בימה. The קהלה could not help but wonder what was happening. Slowly, a small commotion was heard in the back of the ית מדרש .בSeveral men were carrying R' Yaakov’s bed forward; the townspeople were shocked. R' Yaakov could barely speak. What would he do? What could he possibly say? The crowd waited with bated breath as he was helped to a sitting position. His speech was slow and slurred but he was able to speak a few words. there are two differences between the speech I will now deliver ,רבותי“ and the speech that I normally give at this time of year.” Several muffled sobs were heard as R' Yaakov continued. “First of all, I usually stand in front of you and now I am forced to sit in a bed and speak—” R' Yaakov coughed, shaking his whole body. Regaining his composure, he continued, “And second, last year I had to actually say something to awaken the עולם to do תשובה, but this year, all you have to do is look at me. מה אנוש כי תזכרנו — Look what has become of me —” And with that, R' Yaakov, together with the entire ית מדרש broke ,ב

into sobs. R' Leib ascended the בימה and, perhaps as never before, the town of Vilna was prepared to begin י .כל נדר

Remember the one who was the reverse of an honest man and a stranger to truth, who blinded his father, יצחק, with the smoke from his burning incense for עבדה זרה; he planned, in his heart, to be cruel to his brother.

Remember המן who went down to flatter the king who was himself a flatterer … He slandered the wholesome nation of ל ית and caused the work on the כלל ישרא ב .to be halted המקדשRemember המן who wanted the Five Books of משה be annulled; he drew lots for the best day of the year to destroy those that left Egypt ready to serve הקב״ה. At the

In preparation for וצרותי :פרשת זכור for מוסף … Part 2of 2

end of 70 verses of the מגילה telling of his greatness, he was hung on a 50-cubit gallows.

Living with the Torah A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words

Adapted from: Touched by a Story 2 (with kind permission from ArtScroll)

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*Since we only discuss 1-3 הלכות, it is important to consider these הלכות in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study.

*Halacha Corner: עניני דיומא: הלכות מגלה ועוד

At night, the proper time for קריאת מגלה is after את הכוכבים when) צthree stars are visible) until עלות השחר (dawn). During the day, the ץ החמה may be read from מגלה .(sunset) שקיעה until (sunrise) הנ

Although there is an ענין to eat a small סעודה at night, one may not drink anything that is ר .סעודה is at the daytime חיוב The main .משכ

On the last שבת of R’ Moshe Feinstein זצ״ל’s life, שבת פרשת זכור, an אויפרוף was held at MTJ. His son, ן שליט״א explained ,ר׳ ראובto ר׳ משה, who was very ill at the time, that it would be very difficult to arrange for the usual מנין in his house due to the ן ,מנין s distress at not having a’ר׳ משה Seeing .שמחה ר׳ ראובmanaged to put one together. ר׳ משה told ן געדענק! “ ,ר׳ ראוב Remember! One must squeeze — מ׳דארף ארײנכאפן װיפל מ׳קען!

in as many מצות as he can!”

Sage Sayings Adapted from: Reb Moshe (ArtScroll)

Focus on Middos בס״דAn unpublished story as told by Rabbi E. Dickstein שליט״א

Dear Talmid,

There is a familiar expression, “It is from the small things that

one sees the greatness of a big person!” Great people are recognizable

from their thoughtful approach to seemingly mundane situations.

In the 1950s, R’ Moshe Feinstein’s family would spend a part

of their summer in Hartford, Connecticut. Their hosts were a middle-

aged couple, blessed with a בן זקונים — a child born at a rather late

stage in their marriage.

R’ Moshe Feinstein זצ״ל was an early riser. He would almost

always wake up at around 4:30 a.m. This was his best time for uninter-

rupted learning and he would cherish this time.

Several mornings, a visiting friend of the host’s family woke

up and heard some loud, playful sounds coming from the direction of

the dining room. This was very unusual. He was accustomed to seeing

R’ Moshe every morning learning quietly at the dining room table.

Imagine his surprise when he walked into the dining room and he saw

R’ Moshe rolling a ball back and forth with the host’s child.

Later, R’ Moshe explained the reason for his uncharacteristic

behavior. “This child is a בן זקונים and is usually the king of the house. I

realized the child is lacking all the usual attention because of my being

here. I decided to play ball with the child in order to appease the child

for some of the ‘lost’ individual attention!”

R’ Moshe sacrificed his most precious treasure — learning —

to address the sensitive needs of this young child.

My תלמיד, try to always be considerate of the feelings of a

classmate who is not so popular or doesn’t always understand the

lesson. It may not be simple — but be sensitive! יהי זכרו ברוך!

רבי Your ,בידידות