Pirate Finds The Treasure

Pirate Finds The Treasure - Turnstone

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Pirate Finds The Treasure

Materials Needed: • 2 bed or couch pillows to stand on (may place clean towel/blanket

between floor and pillows for hygiene) • Balance beam (see instructions next slide) • Tennis ball or small ball, or adult pair of socks rolled up into a ball shape • 3 objects, each approximately 5 inches high, to jump over. Books, rolled

up towels, and small boxes (pasta, granola bars, etc.) work well. • A couch/chair that is safe to stand on and jump down from • Laundry basket or box filled with heavy items for child to push

We’re on a pirate ship!

Ahoy! We’re on the deck of the ship. Keep your

feet together inside the boat, reach over the side and try to feel the water!

Don’t fall overboard!

Let’s be pirates, too!

Stand on one leg for 5 seconds, just like a

pirate! Try both legs!

Look, dolphins are swimming next to us!

They look like they are jumping out of

the water. Let’s jump over the waves with

the dolphins!

Birds are flying over us!

We can fly, too! Let’s stand on top of

something high, put our arms out and jump down!

I see an island! Do you think there is treasure?

Stand up tall on the boat and look through your telescope.

Look side to side, up and down, back and front. Do

you see the treasure?

We made it to the island!

To get off the boat, we need to walk the plank! When we get to the end of the plank,

we must jump forward as far as we can to make it onto

the island!

We found a friendly crab!

Do you think she can lead us to the treasure? Let’s follow her! Let’s put our hands on

the ground, lift up our bottoms and walk like a crab.

We found a coconut tree!

Let’s jump up high and reach for the coconuts! Jump up 10

times to get 10 coconuts!

The crab says the treasure is over here!

We need to walk with the crab a little bit further to get to the treasure, we’re almost


X marks the spot!

We found the treasure! Now we need to dig! Let’s get on our hands and knees and dig

for the treasure!

Now we need to push it to the ship!

Get your muscles ready and push the heavy treasure back

to the boat!

Oh no! A scary spider wants to steal our treasure!

Let’s throw our coconuts to scare him away! Throw the coconuts as far as you can!

Phew, he’s gone. Keep pushing!

Use your super strong muscles to push all the way to the ship!

We made it!

Yay! Now we can enjoy our treasure and sail back home!