Pioneer review $ 1 00 Includes Tax A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981. Number 3 Volume 107 September 13, 2012 continued on page 15 Market Report Winter Wheat, 12 Pro...........$8.19 Any Pro .............................$7.39 Spring Wheat, 14 Pro ...........$8.10 Milo ........................................$7.13 Corn .......................................$7.28 Millet ...................................$24.75 Sunflowers .........................$29.50 Fridge Door Page 16 by Nancy Haigh Issues with proposed railroad upgrades, a locked gate and 4-H were discussed by the Haakon County Commission at their Sep- tember 4 meeting. Highway department assistant Val Williams updatec the board on the ongoing issue between an out of state landowner and a Pierre area hunter. The hunter has appealed to the board throughout the summer for help dealing with the landowner so that he can access Corps of Engi- neering for hunting purposes. A no maintenance county road lies within a fenced portion of the landowner’s land. The road which goes throughlandowner’s land does not stretch all the way to Corps land. The latest request was for the landowner to remove a lock on a gate that crosses the road. Williams noted that it is illegal, ac- cording to South Dakota Codified Law, to have the gate locked since it crosses a county road. The commissioners noted they could not do much as it is a matter between the two parties. They did approve for State’s Attorney Gay Tollefson to mail a letter to the landowner for him to remove the lock. The out of state landowner uses his land for hunting purposes as well as raising deer. Mike Seager discussed the pro- posed Dakota Mill and Grain up- grade project and its possible ef- fects on flooding near his home. Seager showed the board footage from a flood in 1996 and photos from the 2008 flood. Seager said be- tween those years the Dakota, Min- nesota and Eastern Railroad had worked on a trestle bridge. He said part of the trestle was filled in with dirt with the other end being left open for water flow. He noted that now water cannot flow through the area fast enough. Seager believes that if DM&G goes through with their plan, that the flood plain will lose even more reservoir area. He said he doesn’t want to stop DM&G’s progress, just for them to look hard at what will happen. “I think there are too many people involved to gamble on it,” he said. The commission is unsure at this time what, if any authority, they would have over the project. The recently reorganized Haakon County Regional Railroad Author- ity would probably be the entity to have any say, along with the city as most of the land is within city lim- its. A review of the current 4-H pro- gram agreement with Jones, Jack- son, Mellette and Haakon counties was discussed. A year ago the county’s submitted an agreement to South Dakota State University for the four county program. The agreement was for a one year term. Sheryl Hansen, administrative Ex- tension assistant, stated that there was a possibility that Jones County may not renew the agreement. Clements said he would like to meet with the other counties to get their opinions. Options discussed were a three county co-op or possi- bly just Haakon and Jackson coun- ties tied together. Hansen stated she had spoken with the 4-H advi- sor in Bennett County, who only serves that county, to see how everything has worked for them the past year. Linda Edel, Western South Dakota Community Action, Rapid City, outlined her organization for the commission. She said the pro- gram encompasses most of western South Dakota. It aids low income and elderly with financial mat- ters – everything from school sup- plies to heating and air cond- ition- ing. She said she believes Haakon County is getting short changed for support since they do not have a person on the WSDCA board. The commission approved Steve Clements as Haakon County’s rep- resentative. The board approved the 2013 provisional budget, warrants and meeting minutes with corrections for August 7 and 21. The board will meet in regular session Tuesday, October 2, at 1:00 p.m. Commission hears residents’ concerns by Del Bartels “The opportunity knocks; I opened. This is still the United States of America, after all,” said Beverly “Donna” Paraiso about coming to Philip from her home- land of the Philippines. Paraiso is a trained laboratory technician, who is now a full time permanent employee with Philip Health Services, Inc. She arrived in town August 13 and began work August 15. Everything is still tak- ing some adjustment, but not con- cerning one of her co-workers. Lab- oratory technician Melanie Berdin is also from the Philipines and has been working for PHSI for several years. “I used to work with her there, she was my senior,” said Paraiso. Otherwise, “Nothing is the same here as back home ... except maybe English.” English is one of the main languages in the Philippines. Kent Olson, chief executive offi- cer for PHSI, commented about Paraiso and Berdin, “We are so happy that Donna is here. We can’t say enough about their work ethic, they are great workers.” Due to a shortage of lab techs in the United States it has been difficult to find lab techs for Philip. Lab techs col- lect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids and tissues. “I got here by accident,” said Paraiso, referring not only of Philip but of her medical profession. “I wanted to be a journalist, as a preparation for law; maybe because I was young and still didn’t have the direction. My mother is a nurse and she is good.” Paraiso later got into medical technology because she believed it was the best prepa- ration for medical school, “but in my third year I decided that would be a bit much.” Paraiso completed her bachelor of science degree in medical tech- nology, then added over seven years experience in the profession before coming to America. “Every- body wants to come here. This is one of my lifelong dreams, to fulfill the American dream,” said Paraiso. Connie Sandstrom, manager of the PHSI lab, said, “She’s a very eager worker, very friendly. She’s just friendly! And, she does a good job. It’s fun to work with people like that. It makes the day go by bet- ter.” One reason for Paraiso’s outlook on work is the tremendous popula- tion of the Philippines. “Back where I come from, it’s more hectic, busier, really busy actually. A month here is our day there,” said Paraiso.” Matter-of-fact, she said that the quiet will take some get- ting used to. “I’m into American movies and American novels. I know the drill. There are Americans back home; no big change for me.” said Paraiso. “I like it here. Everybody’s friendly, accommodating. Way before, I thought Americans were friendly. They didn’t disappoint me at all.” She misses the food, and family from home, of course. Her culture holds on to extended families; where her grandmother’s house, uncle’s house, brother’s family’s house are all nearby in what she referred to as a compound. “... big thing for us ... extended family,” said Paraiso. “Here, you move out at 18, right?” The food is different back home. The spaghetti is sweeter. Her fa- vorite is seafood, especially fresh shrimp. “I love the beach, but I can’t find a beach here. Back home we have a beach in walking dis- tance,” said Paraiso. She enjoys watching movies, surfing the Inter- net, lawn tennis, and “track and field is my way, way back sport.” She already knows how to ride horses, “When I tried it for the first time, the trainer thought I was a pro,” said Paraiso. Paraiso joins PHSI as lab tech Golden West Telecommunica- tions Cooperative members will elect four representatives to the board of directors at the coopera- tive’s 60th annual meeting, Satur- day, September 22, in Wall. All attending members will re- ceive a free noon meal, a registra- tion gift, the opportunity to win door prizes and a chance to win a $500 grand prize. This year, four of Golden West’s 15 board seats are up for election. Three incumbents are running un- opposed, while District V has four challengers vying for the open seat. The District V incumbent, Harold Wyatt, is not running for re-election. Lyle Jensen, Stewart (Stu) Marty, David Mayer and Lance Russell are running for the open seat in District V for a four- year term. Rodney Renner runs un- opposed to represent District II for a four-year term. Lee Briggs runs unopposed to represent District III for a four-year term. Jeff Nielsen runs unopposed to represent Dis- trict IX for a four-year term. Co-op members may vote in all of the board elections regardless of their district of residence. For the third year, co-op mem- bers will receive their capital credit return checks in the mail prior to the annual meeting. “Due to the cooperative’s strong performance, Golden West’s board of directors approved the return of $4,208,145 in capital credit checks to its members this year,” said Denny Law, general manager and chief of operations. This capital credit retirement consists of the re- maining 1998 allocations, $1,500,000 for allocations gener- ated in 2011, and an additional $1,000,000 for allocations gener- ated between 1999 and 2010. The annual meeting schedule be- gins with registration at 10:30 a.m., with the official business meeting following at 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Registra- tion at Wall Community Center. Members will receive a gift and a meal ticket 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Free ham or hot beef dinner at local restau- rants. 1:00 p.m. Business meeting, to include election of directors and re- ports by Law and Board President Rod Renner. Entertainment by the Itty Bitty Opry Band. Golden West meeting by Del Bartels A congressional town hall meet- ing was held in Philip, Wednesday, September 5. It was lead by South Dakota’s lone House of Representa- tives member, Kristi Noem. Area citizens, gathered in the Haakon County Courthouse com- munity room, were first presented information about current hot top- ics. These topics included the de- layed Farm Bill and the current drought conditions with its con- nected disaster programs. The floor was then opened to any questions from the 40 plus member audience. Noem said she and her peers are trying to get the latest Farm Bill passed, but are concerned about what happens if they bring a Farm Bill onto the floor and it fails. “I have found that every senator has some type of ag in their districts. The house isn’t like that,” said Noem. She related that some rep- resentatives are from districts that have no agricultural concerns by their constituents. Noem related that the national budget and debt are top issues on which all others depend. “We don’t have a plan for our future. We don’t have a plan to balance our budget. We have 10,000 people every day retiring,” said Noem. Those 10,000 are no longer part of the work force, and they are also becoming part of the population using Medicare and Medicaid. “Our entire state budget here in South Dakota is $4 billion, and that is how much the Ameri- can government is going in debt,” explained Noem. According to cur- rent figures, the United States is spending approximately $3.88 bil- lion per day. Noem said that when she asks groups of people, “How many of you truly believe your grandkids will be better off than you are,” not too many of those people raise their hands. Later in the meeting, she said, “What some people don’t under- stand is two-thirds of our spending is on auto pilot,” said Noem. “Obvi- ously Republicans and Democrats are both to blame.” She said that the United States has accumulated more debt in the last three years than during the administrations of the first 43 presidents. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s 44th president. Audience member Philip Mayor Mike Vetter, asked the rhetorical question of how can the deficit be reduced if one political party will not raise taxes and the other party will not reduce spending? Noem explained that she is not in favor of raising taxes, but loop- holes, taxing exceptions and other questionable tax issues must be ad- dressed. “We have the highest cor- porate income tax rate in the world,” said Noem. She said that America needs those corporate in- terests, which have looked to head- quartering in and hiring workers in other countries. They need to come back to America and need to get people back to work here. Jim Stangle used a veterinarian based example to show that the ad- ministration has been creating reg- ulations to go around the congress- ional bill process. He said that when a veterinarian organization lobbied the Food and Drug Admin- istration, they and their efforts were irrelevant. Noem agreed and used her own example. Environmental Protec- tion Agency standards must be made to not include dust produced from farming operations. “These regulations can change your lives overnight,” said Noem. “This EPA is the most anti-business and anti- farmer EPA we’ve ever had.” Still illustrating unnecessary and constricting regulations, Noem stated that a study showed that businesses pay about $10,000 per employee just to fulfill all the reg- ulations involved in having that employee. She said that the administration vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline applications, and the administra- tion is determined to kill any legis- lation that has the pipeline at- tached to it. Current health care initiatives, referred to as “Obamacare,” was also brought up by the audience. “We’ve got to change people to change the vote,” said Noem. She used an example of a young adult in a different state trying to save money by remaining on her par- ents’ health plan in South Dakota, thus raising their premiums. Many such considerations arise under the heading of “Obamacare.” “All these things are going to completely change the future of health care. “Now we’ll have a non-elected board of 15 bureaucrats who will decide who gets Medicare. Just be- cause more and more people get on Medicare programs, doesn’t mean they will get care,” said Noem. With such programs designed to pay less than other patients’ rates, doctor after doctor might have to say they cannot afford to treat peo- ple on these programs. Audience member Jerry Rhodes related such board power as eu- thanasia. Noem saw the connec- tion, and said, “Any time we don’t get to make our own decisions on our own health care, I think it’s alarming.” She said that if the new health care were voted out, replac- ing it would have to be done in steps, not a complete take over. Audience member Roger Porch Congressional town hall South Dakota’s lone United States Representative, Kristi Noem, visited in Philip, September 5. Photos by Del Bartels Discussing concerns toward the end of the of the congressional town hall, from left: Bill Sandal, Jim Stangle, Representative Kristi Noem and Duke Westerberg. by Del Bartels “Because I can,” said Boyd Waara at his retirement celebra- tion at the First National Bank in Philip, Friday, September 7. Waara said that he first came to Philip in his capacity with the of- fice of comptroller of the currency, which charters, regulates and su- pervises national banks. “I liked the town. I liked the kind of busi- ness being done by this bank – farmers and ranchers, which is how I grew up in Buffalo,” said Waara. “I told Charlie Ekstrum if there was ever an opening, call me. About a year he called me, and I’ve been here ever since. They’ve been good to me here. It’s been a great place to work,” he said. “The first advice I got was it can sometimes be tough doing business with your friends. But, I can’t imagine ever doing different,” said Waara. “I never thought I ever wanted to live where other jobs were. And, I liked being only a couple of steps from the boss. If I ever had a ques- tion, I could walk over and get the answer,” said Waara. Ray Smith, president of FNB in Philip, said, “We appreciate the 40 years of his being a loan officer, vice president, being part of the community such as chamber of commerce, Soil Conservation Serv- ice, Republican Party, and I can’t name them all. He will be greatly missed, and we wish him and Jeanie well in his reirement.” Waara said that he’s been semi- retired for about a year now, and has less time than ever. He plans on continuing his “messing around with” a campground near Sturgis which he is a co-owner. Waara said that it has been a great place to live and work. He does not plan on going anywhere. “If someone thought they’d get rid of me because I’m retiring, they’re out of luck,” said Waara. Waara retires after 40 years We pay tribute to the gallant individuals who perished in 9/11. May we remember them always and work to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again. Ravellette Publications (605) 859-2516 Philip, SD Remembering … Honoring …

Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Page 1: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Pioneer review

$100Includes Tax

A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.

Number 3Volume 107

September 13, 2012

continued on page 15

Market ReportWinter Wheat, 12 Pro...........$8.19

Any Pro .............................$7.39

Spring Wheat, 14 Pro ...........$8.10


Corn .......................................$7.28

Millet ...................................$24.75

Sunflowers .........................$29.50

Fridge Door Page 16

by Nancy HaighIssues with proposed railroad

upgrades, a locked gate and 4-Hwere discussed by the HaakonCounty Commission at their Sep-tember 4 meeting.

Highway department assistantVal Williams updatec the board onthe ongoing issue between an out ofstate landowner and a Pierre areahunter.

The hunter has appealed to theboard throughout the summer forhelp dealing with the landowner sothat he can access Corps of Engi-neering for hunting purposes.

A no maintenance county roadlies within a fenced portion of thelandowner’s land. The road whichgoes throughlandowner’s land doesnot stretch all the way to Corpsland. The latest request was for thelandowner to remove a lock on agate that crosses the road.Williams noted that it is illegal, ac-cording to South Dakota CodifiedLaw, to have the gate locked since

it crosses a county road. The commissioners noted they

could not do much as it is a matterbetween the two parties. They didapprove for State’s Attorney GayTollefson to mail a letter to thelandowner for him to remove thelock.

The out of state landowner useshis land for hunting purposes aswell as raising deer.

Mike Seager discussed the pro-posed Dakota Mill and Grain up-grade project and its possible ef-fects on flooding near his home.Seager showed the board footagefrom a flood in 1996 and photosfrom the 2008 flood. Seager said be-tween those years the Dakota, Min-nesota and Eastern Railroad hadworked on a trestle bridge. He saidpart of the trestle was filled in withdirt with the other end being leftopen for water flow. He noted thatnow water cannot flow through thearea fast enough.

Seager believes that if DM&Ggoes through with their plan, thatthe flood plain will lose even morereservoir area. He said he doesn’twant to stop DM&G’s progress, justfor them to look hard at what willhappen. “I think there are toomany people involved to gamble onit,” he said.

The commission is unsure at thistime what, if any authority, theywould have over the project. Therecently reorganized HaakonCounty Regional Railroad Author-ity would probably be the entity tohave any say, along with the city asmost of the land is within city lim-its.

A review of the current 4-H pro-gram agreement with Jones, Jack-son, Mellette and Haakon countieswas discussed. A year ago thecounty’s submitted an agreementto South Dakota State Universityfor the four county program. Theagreement was for a one year term.Sheryl Hansen, administrative Ex-tension assistant, stated that therewas a possibility that Jones Countymay not renew the agreement.Clements said he would like tomeet with the other counties to gettheir opinions. Options discussedwere a three county co-op or possi-bly just Haakon and Jackson coun-ties tied together. Hansen statedshe had spoken with the 4-H advi-sor in Bennett County, who onlyserves that county, to see howeverything has worked for themthe past year.

Linda Edel, Western SouthDakota Community Action, RapidCity, outlined her organization forthe commission. She said the pro-gram encompasses most of westernSouth Dakota. It aids low incomeand elderly with financial mat-ters – everything from school sup-plies to heating and air cond- ition-ing. She said she believes HaakonCounty is getting short changed forsupport since they do not have aperson on the WSDCA board. Thecommission approved SteveClements as Haakon County’s rep-resentative.

The board approved the 2013provisional budget, warrants andmeeting minutes with correctionsfor August 7 and 21.

The board will meet in regularsession Tuesday, October 2, at 1:00p.m.

Commission hears residents’ concerns

by Del Bartels “The opportunity knocks; Iopened. This is still the UnitedStates of America, after all,” saidBeverly “Donna” Paraiso aboutcoming to Philip from her home-land of the Philippines. Paraiso is a trained laboratorytechnician, who is now a full timepermanent employee with PhilipHealth Services, Inc. She arrived intown August 13 and began workAugust 15. Everything is still tak-ing some adjustment, but not con-cerning one of her co-workers. Lab-oratory technician Melanie Berdinis also from the Philipines and hasbeen working for PHSI for severalyears. “I used to work with her there,she was my senior,” said Paraiso.Otherwise, “Nothing is the samehere as back home ... except maybeEnglish.” English is one of themain languages in the Philippines. Kent Olson, chief executive offi-cer for PHSI, commented aboutParaiso and Berdin, “We are sohappy that Donna is here. We can’tsay enough about their work ethic,they are great workers.” Due to ashortage of lab techs in the UnitedStates it has been difficult to findlab techs for Philip. Lab techs col-lect samples and perform tests toanalyze body fluids and tissues. “I got here by accident,” saidParaiso, referring not only of Philipbut of her medical profession. “Iwanted to be a journalist, as apreparation for law; maybe becauseI was young and still didn’t have

the direction. My mother is a nurseand she is good.” Paraiso later gotinto medical technology becauseshe believed it was the best prepa-ration for medical school, “but inmy third year I decided that wouldbe a bit much.” Paraiso completed her bachelorof science degree in medical tech-nology, then added over sevenyears experience in the professionbefore coming to America. “Every-body wants to come here. This isone of my lifelong dreams, to fulfillthe American dream,” said Paraiso. Connie Sandstrom, manager ofthe PHSI lab, said, “She’s a veryeager worker, very friendly. She’sjust friendly! And, she does a goodjob. It’s fun to work with people likethat. It makes the day go by bet-

ter.” One reason for Paraiso’s outlookon work is the tremendous popula-tion of the Philippines. “Backwhere I come from, it’s more hectic,busier, really busy actually. Amonth here is our day there,” saidParaiso.” Matter-of-fact, she saidthat the quiet will take some get-ting used to. “I’m into American movies andAmerican novels. I know the drill.There are Americans back home;no big change for me.” said Paraiso.“I like it here. Everybody’s friendly,accommodating. Way before, Ithought Americans were friendly.They didn’t disappoint me at all.” She misses the food, and familyfrom home, of course. Her cultureholds on to extended families;where her grandmother’s house,uncle’s house, brother’s family’shouse are all nearby in what shereferred to as a compound. “... bigthing for us ... extended family,”said Paraiso. “Here, you move outat 18, right?” The food is different back home.The spaghetti is sweeter. Her fa-vorite is seafood, especially freshshrimp. “I love the beach, but Ican’t find a beach here. Back homewe have a beach in walking dis-tance,” said Paraiso. She enjoyswatching movies, surfing the Inter-net, lawn tennis, and “track andfield is my way, way back sport.”She already knows how to ridehorses, “When I tried it for the firsttime, the trainer thought I was apro,” said Paraiso.

Paraiso joins PHSI as lab tech

Golden West Telecommunica-tions Cooperative members willelect four representatives to theboard of directors at the coopera-tive’s 60th annual meeting, Satur-day, September 22, in Wall. All attending members will re-ceive a free noon meal, a registra-tion gift, the opportunity to windoor prizes and a chance to win a$500 grand prize. This year, four of Golden West’s15 board seats are up for election.Three incumbents are running un-opposed, while District V has fourchallengers vying for the open seat. The District V incumbent,Harold Wyatt, is not running forre-election. Lyle Jensen, Stewart(Stu) Marty, David Mayer andLance Russell are running for theopen seat in District V for a four-year term. Rodney Renner runs un-opposed to represent District II fora four-year term. Lee Briggs runsunopposed to represent District IIIfor a four-year term. Jeff Nielsenruns unopposed to represent Dis-trict IX for a four-year term. Co-op members may vote in all ofthe board elections regardless oftheir district of residence. For the third year, co-op mem-

bers will receive their capital creditreturn checks in the mail prior tothe annual meeting. “Due to the cooperative’s strongperformance, Golden West’s boardof directors approved the return of$4,208,145 in capital credit checksto its members this year,” saidDenny Law, general manager andchief of operations. This capitalcredit retirement consists of the re-maining 1998 allocations,$1,500,000 for allocations gener-ated in 2011, and an additional$1,000,000 for allocations gener-ated between 1999 and 2010. The annual meeting schedule be-gins with registration at 10:30a.m., with the official businessmeeting following at 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Registra-tion at Wall Community Center.Members will receive a gift and ameal ticket 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Free hamor hot beef dinner at local restau-rants. 1:00 p.m. Business meeting, toinclude election of directors and re-ports by Law and Board PresidentRod Renner. Entertainment by theItty Bitty Opry Band.

Golden West meeting

by Del Bartels A congressional town hall meet-ing was held in Philip, Wednesday,September 5. It was lead by SouthDakota’s lone House of Representa-tives member, Kristi Noem. Area citizens, gathered in theHaakon County Courthouse com-munity room, were first presentedinformation about current hot top-ics. These topics included the de-layed Farm Bill and the currentdrought conditions with its con-nected disaster programs. The floorwas then opened to any questionsfrom the 40 plus member audience. Noem said she and her peers aretrying to get the latest Farm Billpassed, but are concerned aboutwhat happens if they bring a FarmBill onto the floor and it fails. “Ihave found that every senator hassome type of ag in their districts.The house isn’t like that,” saidNoem. She related that some rep-resentatives are from districts thathave no agricultural concerns bytheir constituents. Noem related that the nationalbudget and debt are top issues onwhich all others depend. “We don’thave a plan for our future. We don’thave a plan to balance our budget.We have 10,000 people every dayretiring,” said Noem. Those 10,000are no longer part of the work force,and they are also becoming part ofthe population using Medicare andMedicaid. “Our entire state budgethere in South Dakota is $4 billion,and that is how much the Ameri-can government is going in debt,”explained Noem. According to cur-rent figures, the United States isspending approximately $3.88 bil-lion per day. Noem said that when she asksgroups of people, “How many of youtruly believe your grandkids will bebetter off than you are,” not toomany of those people raise theirhands. Later in the meeting, she said,“What some people don’t under-stand is two-thirds of our spendingis on auto pilot,” said Noem. “Obvi-ously Republicans and Democratsare both to blame.” She said thatthe United States has accumulatedmore debt in the last three yearsthan during the administrations ofthe first 43 presidents. BarackHussein Obama is America’s 44thpresident. Audience member Philip MayorMike Vetter, asked the rhetoricalquestion of how can the deficit bereduced if one political party willnot raise taxes and the other partywill not reduce spending? Noem explained that she is notin favor of raising taxes, but loop-holes, taxing exceptions and otherquestionable tax issues must be ad-dressed. “We have the highest cor-porate income tax rate in theworld,” said Noem. She said thatAmerica needs those corporate in-terests, which have looked to head-quartering in and hiring workers

in other countries. They need tocome back to America and need toget people back to work here. Jim Stangle used a veterinarianbased example to show that the ad-ministration has been creating reg-ulations to go around the congress-ional bill process. He said thatwhen a veterinarian organizationlobbied the Food and Drug Admin-istration, they and their effortswere irrelevant. Noem agreed and used her ownexample. Environmental Protec-tion Agency standards must bemade to not include dust producedfrom farming operations. “Theseregulations can change your livesovernight,” said Noem. “This EPAis the most anti-business and anti-farmer EPA we’ve ever had.” Still illustrating unnecessaryand constricting regulations, Noemstated that a study showed thatbusinesses pay about $10,000 peremployee just to fulfill all the reg-ulations involved in having thatemployee. She said that the administrationvetoed the Keystone XL pipelineapplications, and the administra-tion is determined to kill any legis-lation that has the pipeline at-tached to it. Current health care initiatives,referred to as “Obamacare,” was

also brought up by the audience.“We’ve got to change people tochange the vote,” said Noem. Sheused an example of a young adultin a different state trying to savemoney by remaining on her par-ents’ health plan in South Dakota,thus raising their premiums. Manysuch considerations arise under theheading of “Obamacare.” “All thesethings are going to completelychange the future of health care.“Now we’ll have a non-electedboard of 15 bureaucrats who willdecide who gets Medicare. Just be-cause more and more people get onMedicare programs, doesn’t meanthey will get care,” said Noem.With such programs designed topay less than other patients’ rates,doctor after doctor might have tosay they cannot afford to treat peo-ple on these programs. Audience member Jerry Rhodesrelated such board power as eu-thanasia. Noem saw the connec-tion, and said, “Any time we don’tget to make our own decisions onour own health care, I think it’salarming.” She said that if the newhealth care were voted out, replac-ing it would have to be done insteps, not a complete take over. Audience member Roger Porch

Congressional town hall

South Dakota’s lone United States Representative, Kristi Noem, visited in Philip,September 5. Photos by Del Bartels

Discussing concerns toward the end of the of the congressional town hall, fromleft: Bill Sandal, Jim Stangle, Representative Kristi Noem and Duke Westerberg.

by Del Bartels “Because I can,” said BoydWaara at his retirement celebra-tion at the First National Bank inPhilip, Friday, September 7. Waara said that he first came toPhilip in his capacity with the of-fice of comptroller of the currency,which charters, regulates and su-pervises national banks. “I likedthe town. I liked the kind of busi-ness being done by this bank –farmers and ranchers, which ishow I grew up in Buffalo,” saidWaara. “I told Charlie Ekstrum if therewas ever an opening, call me.About a year he called me, and I’vebeen here ever since. They’ve beengood to me here. It’s been a greatplace to work,” he said. “The first advice I got was it cansometimes be tough doing businesswith your friends. But, I can’timagine ever doing different,” saidWaara.

“I never thought I ever wanted tolive where other jobs were. And, Iliked being only a couple of steps

from the boss. If I ever had a ques-tion, I could walk over and get theanswer,” said Waara. Ray Smith, president of FNB inPhilip, said, “We appreciate the 40years of his being a loan officer,vice president, being part of thecommunity such as chamber ofcommerce, Soil Conservation Serv-ice, Republican Party, and I can’tname them all. He will be greatlymissed, and we wish him andJeanie well in his reirement.” Waara said that he’s been semi-retired for about a year now, andhas less time than ever. He planson continuing his “messing aroundwith” a campground near Sturgiswhich he is a co-owner. Waara said that it has been agreat place to live and work. Hedoes not plan on going anywhere.“If someone thought they’d get ridof me because I’m retiring, they’reout of luck,” said Waara.

Waara retires after 40 years

We pay tribute to the gallant individuals who perished in 9/11. May we remember them always and work to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again.



(605) 859-2516

Philip, SD

Remembering …Honoring …

Page 2: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Lookin’ Around by Syd Iwan

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Letters Policy

Opinion / Community Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 2

Pioneer review

Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780

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Established in 1906. The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper ofHaakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.

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Thursday: Clear. High of 72F.Winds from the NNW at 5 to10 mph shifting to the West in

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34F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph.

Friday: High of 82F. Windsfrom the South at 5 to 15mph.Friday Night: Clear. Low of

48F. Winds from the South at10 to 15 mph.

Saturday: Clear. High of 93F. Winds

from the SSW at 5 to 10 mph

shifting to the NW in the after-

noon. Saturday Night: Partly cloudy.

Low of 50F. Winds from the ESE at 5

to 10 mph shifting to the NW after midnight.

Sunday: Partly cloudy. High of

93F. Breezy. Winds from the NE

at 10 to 20 mph.

Sunday Night: Partly cloudy.

Low of 45F. Winds from the East at

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I think hummingbirds musthave ADHD (Attention Deficit Hy-peractivity Disorder.) They aresuch extremely busy little crittersthat they’re apt to give you the jit-ters just watching them. As you might guess, a humming-bird visited us the other day. Itwas so tiny that I might havepassed it off as a moth if wifeCorinne hadn’t pointed it out tome. There it was zipping from onemorning-glory blossom to anotherin rapid succession. Then it mightblast off over east a bit or up overthe roof and back. Next it would re-visit all the blossoms. It was some-what of a relief when it finally flewoff and didn’t return. Actually, to the best of my recol-lection, this is only the secondhummingbird I’ve ever seen in mylife. The first time was so long agothat it might now be classed asfairly ancient history. Corinne hadbeen telling me she’d seen this pe-tite bird a couple times this sum-mer, but yesterday was my firsttime. It was too small, too faraway, and much too busy to get agood look at so positive identifica-tion has been delayed – possiblyforever. Odds are it was of theruby-throated variety since thoseare the most common. As you may know, these birdsare unique in that they are sort ofthe helicopters of the bird world.They move their wings so quicklythat they are a blur, and they canhover as well as move in any direc-tion – up, down, left, right, for-wards and backwards. They maybe the only bird that can fly back-wards. Since they are so unique, itwas kind of fun to actually see one,but, due to their nervousness, Iwas satisfied with just a brief look. All this hyperactivity remindedme strongly of son Chance’s earlyyears. He was one busy kid. Wemight think he was quietly watch-ing TV in the living room until welooked out the window and sawhim dancing down the ridgepole ofthe barn. Keeping up with that boywas often a challenge. Now sinceChance has developed myastheniagravis, the tables have turned andsome days he barely moves. I’m notsure which condition is harder todeal with. Something in the middlemight be easier for all involved. Thinking of hyperactivity alsoreminds me of a fellow named Richwho used to come hunting on ourplace. He was actually an aide toU. S. Senator Tom Daschle, and wegot acquainted with him whenSenator Daschle was helping usfight off having a 6,000-acre dumpbuilt on our east border complete

with railroad spurs and other un-desirable features. Rich, though, was definitely hy-peractive which went well with hissomewhat reddish hair. I recall theday he came hunting with severalfriends who all ate dinner with usat our invitation. It had rainedovernight so the guys had sloggedaround in mud that morning andbeen led by Rich all over includingup hill and down dale. They werepretty tired by noon. Right aftereating, Rich was all ready to headout again, but the other guysweren’t. Instead, they went out-side, laid flat out in the sun in theyard, and fell into exhausted sleep.You could tell Rich thought this agreat waste of time although hetried to join them. That didn’t workout, though, and before long he hadeverybody up and going again. Isuspect those fellows slept reallywell that night. One day I noticed a contraptionon the dash of Rich’s vehicle andasked what it was. He said it wasa “fuzz buster” or radar detector. Iimagine going the speed limitseemed painfully slow to someonewho was always in high gear. Thisfellow also went through severalwives which I rather assume wasbecause he was exhausting to livewith despite the fact that he waspleasant and likeable. Unfortu-nately, Rich died at a relativelyyoung age from cancer, but it isfairly possible that he packed asmuch living into his few years assome of us have accomplished inmore time. Today I didn’t see any humming-birds. Instead, a large turtle ap-peared in the bird’s flower patch.Talk about a contrast. The turtlesat perfectly still on the retainingwall for quite a long time so I couldeasily tell his shell was dark greenabove and many bright shades ofred, orange and yellow below. Hewas quite a pretty fellow and didn’tappear to have a nervous bone inhis body. He did inspect the areaby moving his head back and fortha few times, but that’s about all hedid. After awhile, I guess he de-cided he should go east for somereason, after which he ambled offthat way until eventually he wasout of sight. He certainly didn’tjangle my nerves, obviously, but hewas maybe just a little boring towatch. Okay, a lot boring. My observations of wildlife thisweek have therefore shown thatapparently there is room in thisworld for both the speedy and theslow and all points in between.That’s probably a good thing, don’tyou imagine?

Make your opinion known … write a letter to the editor!Fax signed copy to 859-2410 or e-mail with your

phone number to: [email protected]

Guest Editorial

The Dignity of Life … by Bill Kunkle

America is one of the few remaining countries that allows its statesto use the death penalty. And South Dakota is one of those states.

For a state to kill people to demonstrate that killing is wrong iscrazy.

Human life is a gift from God, sacred from conception to naturaldeath. More and more people are calling for the end to this barbaricpractice. That for a country, or a state, to assert its values such as dig-nity, justice and peace, and yet allow human life to be devalued by ex-ecution makes no sense. The death penalty not only demeans life ofthe one executed, but erodes our national dignity.

States with executions do not generally have lower murder or crimerates.

Can we hope that one day we can see headlines that say, “Capitalpunishment banned in United States”?

Everyday wonders ... by Del Bartels

My son called from his bedroom as he was toweling off his hair and

jumping into a pair of cutoffs. What was for breakfast? He had toast

and jam yesterday. Could he have hot oatmeal today?

I am always amazed by his attacking of everything as if it were new.

I am also often winded by his almost frantic search for new things,

which constantly illustrates the adage that younger people seem to

have a shorter attention span. He points out that something on televi-

sion sounds like one of my old LP records, and I begin to recognize a

Sinatra tune in the background of some video game commercial. By

then, though, he has noticed that our dog’s face is now grayer than it

is in a photo on the shelf. I start to digest this unsettling realization,

only to be told that it is still my turn on the chess board.

He uses every sense that he can every second he can. He touches,

listens, smells, tastes and watches all the time. Didn’t I once do that?

Outside, I have to move quickly in situating the sprinkler before he

has the well pump turned on. I point out that a turtle is crossing our

yard. My son studies the turtle, climbs the apple tree, snarfs down a

crab apple, swings out of the tree, reinvestigates the turtle, and re-

peats everything – all while I’m still marveling over the turtle. I feel

like that turtle. Perhaps my son isn’t noticing the details? No; he

knows what kind of turtle it is, that its back legs are thicker than its

front legs, that its claws are curved, that our old dog is no longer sniff-

ing at the turtle’s half-submerged head. Perhaps my son doesn’t really

care? No; he wonders aloud if the turtle is heading toward the almost

dry river south of our house, how it got to our yard, and if it liked the


Why does my son’s constant searching for new sights, sounds,

touches and everything else irritate me? I sag my shoulders because I

think I know. I don’t want the new. I want to listen to Sinatra. I want

to take my time in remembering the first time I found a turtle, or

climbed an apple tree, or played with a not-old puppy. I want the old.

But, why? The new is good. Old friends should be cherished, but why

not find new ones as well? Why can’t a Sinatra tune be in a modern

commercial? Why can’t I climb the apple tree even though I’ve just

eaten a crab apple? Does an apple reached from the ground taste less

good? Actually, yes. The thrill of you climbing higher to get them does

make apples taste better. Even oatmeal tastes better if you didn’t have

it yesterday and if you won’t have it tomorrow.

He wants to ride his bike to somewhere. I want to sit down. When

he does sit, it is usually with one eye on the TV, one eye in a book, one

ear listening for friends outside, one hand petting the dog, both shoes

off so he can scrunch his toes in the carpet, and a cup of a different fla-

vored drink beside him. I am supposed to be the father and teacher,

but I pray that what he experiences is a contagious way of living.

“In three seconds it will be over – either way it will be over,” said Aaron Cross ashe prepared to draw back the bowstring with his teeth, then shoot a clay pigeonfrom the fingers of Philip High School senior Thomas Doolittle. Actually, Cross, aparalympic bronze medalist, had Doolittle sit by him as the placed target wasshot. In the Olympics, it is a 229 foot shot to a target the size of a coffee can.

by Del Bartels An assembly at the Philip schoolgymnasium called Motivation onWheels was held Monday, Septem-ber 10, at 9:00 a.m. Philip senior Thomas Doolittlevolunteered to hold a small clay pi-geon to be shot from his fingers byan arrow shot from a wheelchair-bound paraplegic who had to drawback the bow with his teeth. As part of the Dakota Assembliesprogram, Aaron Cross gave a mo-tivational presentation about stay-ing positive and going after one’sdreams. Cross is a three-time par-alympian in archery. According tohis Dakota Assemblies programpromotional, he has visited schoolsin many states, giving a down-to-earth message that is meant for allages. Cross first told of the bicycle racein which a support van stopped di-rectly in front of him. At a speed ofapproximately 38 miles per hour,he struck the van and snapped hisneck in several places. A medivachelicopter ride, an emergencyroom, a surgeon, his father ... allblended together. On that day in1991, the doctors told Aaron andhis family, “The best thing you cando for him is get him a good colortelevision and a good remote.” Hewas a 15-year-old Olympian bicy-clist hopeful who could run a milein 4:50. “Just like that it was allgone.” “You cannot feel your bestfriend’s hug, you cannot feel anyhug ever again,” said Cross. Admit-ting that he was probably depress-ing the audience, he related thathis friend reported back to hisschool, “Don’t worry. Aaron is a lit-tle shorter and gets better parking,but he’s just fine.” Upon returningto a reconditioned home, he foundout that his own school wasn’tgoing to have him back and hewould be going to a rival school.His friends got 375 signatures offellow students who would transferas well if Cross had to. His schoolallowed him to stay. Later hisfriend stated during a school con-cert that honored Cross, “You’vebrought us together. We are closeras a class than we have ever been.” After the accident Cross began

working on getting his arms tofunction. Back then, it took himthree hours to get undressed, show-ered and redressed. Now, it takeshim 28 minutes to do that and getin his vehicle to drive somewhere.“Twenty-one years of focusing onyour target; twenty-one years of be-lieving in yourself,” said Cross. Using humor, Cross told of hislearning to swim, “It’s pretty sim-ple; sink and swim.” Because of hisfriends, he has learned to para-chute, scuba dive, hunt and doother activities. He told the audi-ence, “Leading the pack or comingin last – it’s about finishing.” Healso stated, “Remember, someonealways cares about you.” One dayhis friend even thought it was agood idea to put a weapon is hishands. Cross has been shooting thebow and arrow since. As well as the Olympics, hedreamed of being a Navy Seal. Awhile back, the Seals invited him

for a visit. “The Seals brought meinto a training course. Beat the liv-ing snot out of me! It was beauti-ful!” said Cross. According to his website; AaronCross, born in Waterloo, Iowa, in1975, graduated from AugsburgCollege in 1997. He competed inthe 1996 Summer Paralympics andin the 2000 Summer Paralympics,but did not medal either time. Hewent on to compete in the 2002wheelchair archery world champi-onships in Nymburk, Czech Repub-lic. Finally, as a member of theAmerican team he won bronze inarchery at the 2004 Summer Para-lympics. Cross told the Philip students ofhis FOCUS – friendships, obsta-cles, caring, unity and self-esteem..His website states, “Always sitting,but never not in motion” and “Be-cause life is about living, not won-dering.”

School hosts Motivation on Wheels

by Del Bartels The Philip City Council, in itsmeeting, Tuesday, September 4,approved the first reading of Ordi-nance 2012-16, appropriations for2013. The general fund budget is$2,595,971, capital poject budget is$1,998,300.00 and enterprise fundbudgets total $1,317,670. The council approved paying themonth’s bills, which totaled$120,375.99. The council authorized FinanceOfficer Monna Van Lint to utilize$8,000 of sewer assigned cash forthe unanticipated expenses in-curred with the installation of thenorth lift station, east of the bowl-ing alley. The council approved the com-puter and external drive quotefrom Hometown Computer Serv-ices in the amount of $1469.92. Thecity offices have budgeted to switchout its office computers on a rota-tion basis. The lowest monthly bid forpropane was by Fitzgerald OilCompany at $1.20 per gallon. A public hearing was held con-cerning the proposed street im-provement projects. Some land-owners who have property affectedby the curb and gutter work werein attendance. The estimates ofhow much each landowner wouldhave to pay were questioned.Mayor Mike Vetter said, “An esti-mate is an estimate. If the bidscome in too high, we can’t do theproject at all.” Finance OfficerMonna Van Lint reassured the au-dience that only curb, gutter andapproaches would be affected.There is no ordinance that stateslandowners have to put in side-walks if none were preexisting inthat location. The curb and gutter assessmentswill be for a 10 year period of time.The charges will not be assesseduntil the work has been completed.Landowners will have the option ofpaying the full amount immedi-ately. The Haakon County Commis-

sioner’s met with the city council todiscuss Dakota Mill and Grain’sproposed expansion plans, theHaakon County Regional RailroadAuthority and the county’s leaseagreement of city-used offices. Dakota Mill and Grain had ear-lier addressed the council with itsbasic plans to build a railroad sid-ing on the north side of the trackjust west of the current DakotaMill and Grain buildings. The con-struction would be for four, eventu-ally six, grain bins to be erected soapproximately 28 rail cars can beloaded at a time, rather than thecurrent three. The side rail wouldbe close to the same elevation asthe current railroad track. Van Lint said that she did notthink anyone wanted to restrictconstruction of the grain bins byDakota Mill. But, the main concernwas of what the land work woulddo in restricting future flood wa-ters. Discussion included investi-gating if the Corps of Engineershad given permission for the rail-road, then the Dakota, Minnesotaand Eastern Railroad, to have re-stricted water flow underneath itstrestles. If that could be corrected,then the grain bin and railroad sid-ing construction would be less of aproblem. Van Lint said, “I realizeDakota Mill’s expansion would be agreat boon. I’m sure there’s a waythey can do this, but this is a proj-ect that behooves us all in cooper-ating. Economic impact wise, it’s agood thing.” The newly re-instituted HCRRAwill have seven members; two fromthe county, two from Philip, twofrom Midland and one other. When the office rent topic cameup, city attorney Gay Tollefson re-minded the council that she is alsothe state’s attorney for the county,and she would understand if thecity felt uncomfortable with anyconflict of interest. The writtenrental agreement is a fairly genericdocument, but the council wantedto double check that the verbiagetruly covered the various spaces

used by the city. This would in-clude the offices and storage spaceson the fourth floor and the policedepartment offices on the thirdfloor. The council approved buildingpermits. These include Dustin Lurzrepresenting Gene Rock to repairor replace a sewer line. Robert Mc-Daniel plans on putting in a 10’x8’shed. Kevin and Cindy Pfeifle wereapproved to do some boulevardlandscaping. Branden West forDBH Company plans to put deck-ing over already existing concretesteps. West River/Lyman-JonesRural Water will be putting in a8’x14’ concrete pad to hold a gener-ator. Last month the street depart-ment chip sealed N. Center Av-enue, W. Elm Street and blacktopon the east side of the church, W.Pine Street and part of Philip Av-enue and the swimming pool park-ing lot. The water report showed that6,513,700 gallons of water werebilled out for a month’s time. The2012 cumulative water loss is so farat 9.11 percent. The swimming pool had over7,000 attendees, almost 600 morethan last summer. Work hasstarted on needed exterior repairsto the pool bathhouse. A meeting is scheduled withColleen Skinner of the SouthDakota Department of Revenue forTuesday, September 25, at 1:00p.m. in the Philip Ambulance meet-ing room. The annual conference of theSouth Dakota Municipal Leaguewill be October 2-5, in Pierre. Fi-nance Officer Monna Van Lint andDeputy Finance Officer BrittanySmith will be out of the office Octo-ber 3-5 for the conference. Councilmembers Trish Larson and MarionMatt will attend October 4. The next regular Philip CityCouncil meeting will be Monday,October 1, at 7:00 p.m. in theHaakon County Courthouse com-munity room.

Street project taxpayers and countycommissioners meet with city council

Make your opinion known … write a letter to the editor!Fax signed copy to 859-2410

or e-mail with your phone number to:[email protected]

Page 3: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Certified Winter Wheat Seed The benefits of planting certi-fied seed are many. Certified seedprovides correct variety identityand assures varietal purity. Vari-etal purity is the first considera-tion in seed certification, but otherfactors such as weeds, diseases, vi-ability, mechanical purity, andgrading are also important. Many producers save some oftheir winter wheat crop for seed,and if they do so for a limited num-ber of years, and have it cleanedand treated with a fungicide seedtreatment, can get along fine.Every so often, winter wheat pro-ducers have a problem with loosesmut, common bunt or other seed-borne disease, and nearly always,the seed was bin-run, and nottreated. Applying a fungicide seedtreatment is always recom-mended, and considered cheap in-surance, but planting certifiedseed is a good practice to increasethe odds of a sustainable crop. Certified seed certainly costsmore than bin-run seed, but attoday’s input costs and marketprices, spending a little more onquality, disease-free seed can paybig dividends. If you are lookingfor certified seed, the “2012 WinterWheat Grower Directory” is onlineat: http://www.sdstate.edu/ps/sdcia/upload/2012-WinterWheat-Directory.pdf, or can be obtainedat Regional Extension Centers. Ifyou are looking for the yield orother information on the variouswinter wheat varieties, is nowavailable online in the “ResourceLibrary” on iGrow Wheat: http://igrow.org/agronomy/wheat/.Sampling Standing Crops for

Nitrates Many of the corn and othercrops are rapidly drying up and/ormaturing, but questions are stillcoming in about sampling andtesting for Nitrates. A number of

producers are interested in testingstanding crops, and for good rea-sons. It would be very disappointingto go to the time, trouble and ex-pense of cutting and harvesting acrop, only to test and learn that itcontains too much nitrate to feedas you want, or feed at all. Ensil-ing a forage crop will significantlyreduce the nitrate level, but if fea-sible, many producers would liketo harvest the crop as hay, or grazeit. In either case, it is critical toknow if the nitrate levels will allowthat use. As a recent caller was advised,there is no “right” way to samplestanding crops. The laboratorytesting process is quite accurate,but the results are only as good asthe sample the lab receives. Howwell a sample represents the fielddepends on the sampling process.Some key things to consider: 1.When a testing lab receives a sam-ple, the entire sample will bedried, ground, and well mixed be-fore testing. 2. The lower portion ofthe stalk will contain the highestlevel of nitrates. 3. Areas of thefield may vary in nitrate levels. If you are willing to incur thetesting fees, you may want to sam-ple “good” and “poor” areas of thefield separately, and you may wantto sample upper and lower por-tions of individual plants sepa-rately. This information might en-able you to raise the cutting heightwhen harvesting to lower the ni-trate levels in the harvested crop,or graze the crop with some levelof confidence as long as you re-move the cattle before they grazethe lower portion of the stalks. If harvesting a crop as hay, werecommend sampling the balesafter harvest so you know how tomix with other feeds. Also knowthat grazing potentially toxic for-ages can be risky.

Extension Newsby Bob Fanning

Field Specialist, WinnerRegional Extension Center

Jones’Saddlery, Bottle & VetLocally owned & operated859-2482 • Philip


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Rural Living Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 3

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Courtney Bartlett: Visual Arts:purple, blue Bailey Bierle: Horticulture: blue,blue, blue; Rabbits: blue; Foods &Nutrition: purple; First Aid: purple Kruse Bierle: Wildlife: blue;Wood Science: blue; ShootingSports, blue Sage Bierle: Photography: pur-ple, purple, blue, blue; Foods & Nu-trition: blue Kaelan Block: Visual Arts: pur-ple, purple; Horse & Pony: blue;Wildlife & Fisheries: blue; WoodScience: blue Kash Block: Visual Arts: purple,purple: Foods & Nutrition: purple;Horse & Pony: blue; Wildlife &Fisheries: blue, red Myles Clements: Rodeo: purple,purple Peyton DeJong: Visual Arts:purple, purple, blue; Photography:blue, blue; Foods & Nutrition: pur-ple, purple, blue; Home Environ-ment: purple, purple; Place SettingContest: purple Tate DeJong: Photography: red,red; Foods & Nutrition: purple,purple, purple; Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple; Place Setting Con-test: purple Trew DeJong: Visual Arts: pur-ple, blue; Foods & Nutrition: pur-ple, purple, blue; Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple, purple; Photography:purple, purple, blue; Place SettingContest: purple Trey DeJong: Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple, purple; Foods & Nu-trition: purple, blue, blue; PlaceSetting Contest: purple Thomas Doolittle: Welding Sci-ence: purple, purple; Visual Arts:purple, purple, purple; Wildlife:purple, purple; Rodeo: purple; Hob-bies & Collections: purple, purple Dustin Enders: Wood Science:blue, blue; Visual Arts: purple, pur-ple; Welding Science: blue, blue;Photography: purple, purple, blue,red; Electricity: purple Wyatt Enders: Wood Science:purple; Visual Arts: purple, purple,purple, blue; Welding Science: pur-ple Abby Finn: Photography: pur-ple, red; Clothing & Textiles: blue Kahler Finn: Visual Arts: pur-ple, blue; Photography: red Elsie Fortune: Photography:

purple, blue; Welding Science:blue, blue; Visual Arts: purple Rolly Fortune: Welding Science:blue Clayton Fosheim: Wood Science:blue, blue; Visual Arts: purple, pur-ple: Wildlife: purple, blue; Hobbies& Collections: blue, red Kaitlyn Fosheim: Visual Arts:purple, blue; Photography: purple,purple, blue; Wood Science: purple,blue Cedar Gabriel: Shooting Sports:purple, blue; Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple, purple; Wood Sci-ence: purple, blue; Horse & Pony:purple, blue; Graphic Design: pur-ple, purple Ember Gabriel: Visual Arts: pur-ple, purple Sage Gabriel: Computer: purple,purple; Community Service: pur-ple, purple; Graphic Design: pur-ple, purple; Horse & Pony: purple,blue; Rodeo: purple, blue; Photog-raphy: purple, purple, purple, pur-ple, purple, purple Lincoln Hagedorn: Wood Sci-ence: purple Zanee Hagedorn: Home Envi-ronment: blue Katie Haigh: Visual Arts: pur-ple; Home Environment: purple;Photography: purple, purple, pur-ple, blue, blue, blue, red, red, red,red Sam Haigh: Photography: pur-ple, purple, purple; Beef: blue;Sheep: blue Seth Haigh: Photography: pur-ple, blue, blue, blue, blue, red, red,red, red; Wood Science: purple,blue; Beef: blue Ashley Hand: Visual Arts: pur-ple, purple; Shooting Sports: blue Kelsey Hand: Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple; Photography: blue Rachel Parsons: Visual Arts:purple, blue; Photography: purple,purple, blue, blue; Beef: blue, blue Sarah Parsons: Clothing & Tex-tiles: purple; Visual Arts: purple,purple, blue; Food Preservation:blue; Foods & Nutrition: purple,blue; Photography: purple, red, red,red Allison Pekron: Photography:purple, purple, purple, blue, blue,blue, blue; Home Environment:purple, blue; Foods & Nutrition:purple; Clothing & Textiles: pur-

ple, purple, purple Grace Pekron: Visual Arts: pur-ple, purple, purple, blue; Home En-vironment: purple, blue; Clothing:purple, purple, purple Josie Rush: Clothing & Textiles:purple, purple, blue; Visual Arts:purple, purple, blue, blue; HomeEnvironment: purple, blue; Health& Fitness: purple Riley Schofield: Horse & Pony:purple; Photography: blue; Range& Pasture: blue Alex Smiley: Welding Science:purple, blue; Wood Science: purple,purple, purple, purple Paul Smiley: Welding Science:purple, red; Wood Science: purple,purple, purple, blue Savannah Solon: Home Environ-ment: purple, purple; Visual Arts:purple, blue, blue Shaina Solon: Horticulture:blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, red;Fish & Wildlife: red; Visual Arts:purple, purple, blue Ben Stangle: Foods & Nutrition:purple, purple; Child Development:blue; Home Environment: purple,purple; Visual Arts: purple, blue Mark Stangle: Hobbies & Collec-tions: purple; Home Environment:blue, red; Foods & Nutrition: pur-ple, purple; Visual Arts: blue, blue Sam Stangle: Foods & Nutrition:purple, blue; Home Environment:blue; Hobbies & Collections: pur-ple; Photography: purple, red; Vi-sual Arts: blue, blue McKenzie Stilwell: Wood Sci-ence: purple, purple; Foods & Nu-trition: purple, blue, red; Child De-velopment: purple, purple, purple;Home Environment: purple, blue;

Photography: purple, purple, blue;Visual Arts: purple, blue; GraphicDesign: purple, purple, blue; Cloth-ing & Textiles: purple, purple Gage Weller: Visual Arts: pur-ple, purple, purple, blue; GraphicDesign: purple, blue; Wood Science:purple, blue; Home Environment:purple, purple, purple; Clothing &Textiles: purple, purple; Foods &Nutrition: purple, red; CommunityService: purple, blue; Beef: blue;Photography: purple, purple, blue,blue, blue, red, red, red; Horticul-ture: purple, blue

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South Dakota Stockgrowers As-sociation will hold their 121th an-nual convention and trade show,September 21 through 23. TheSouth Dakota Cattlewomen willhold their annual meeting Friday,September 21. Both events will beheld at the Ramkota ConventionCenter in Rapid City. Stockgrowers President ShaneKolb said, “This is going to be agreat convention with a very inter-esting lineup of speakers. Our con-vention is open to the public andwe invite everyone to join us forthis event. I'm sure everyone willfind something interesting.” The convention kicks off Friday,with opening ceremonies and aWashington, D.C, update from BillBullard, R-CALF chief of opera-tions. Throughout the day aremeetings and speakers regardingrecent changes at the SouthDakota Brand Board, animal ID is-sues, impacts of oil and gas devel-opment for landowners, discussionsof the beef check-off program, anda presentation by the Wall FFA agissues team regarding prairie dogmanagement. The Cattlewomen will hold theirmeeting at 9:00 a.m. Friday morn-ing. Anyone interested in the Cat-tlewomen's work should plan to at-tend this meeting and the Fridayluncheon. The two featured speakers forFriday’s agenda include GregHanes of the United States MeatExport Federation, who will talkabout changing markets in Asiaand Japan where USMEF is usingcheck-off dollars to market USAbeef. George Chambers, presidentof R-CALF USA from Georgia, willbe the keynote speaker during Fri-day night’s banquet. On Saturday, the Stockgrowersanimal health committee will hearfrom South Dakota State Univer-sity’s Dr. Amanda Blair regardingher fetal programming studies. Thefederal lands committee will meetto hear from speakers who have

been impacted by wilderness desig-nations in counties in Montana.Stockgrowers Lobbyist JeremiahMurphy and Executive DirectorSilvia Christen will lead a discus-sion about Stockgrowers legislativework during the summer and intothe coming 2013 legislative session. Saturday's luncheon will featureU.S. congressional candidates toanswer questions from those in at-tendance and discuss their plansfor Washington, D.C. Representa-tive Kristi Noem and her chal-lenger Matt Varilek have both beeninvited to participate. The forumwill be followed with a SDSU icecream social sponsored by theSDSU West River Ag Center. Saturday at 2:30 p.m. will beginthe Stockgrowers annual member-ship meeting to elect officers andboard members, vote on policychanges and discuss any otherbusiness. “Stockgrowers has always been amember-driven organization andthis membership meeting is yourchance to participate,” Kolb said,“Each of our members has an op-portunity to be a part of directingStockgrowers work in the yearahead.” The convention will wrap up onSaturday evening with an awardsbanquet, scholarship presentationand a keynote address by SouthDakota Secretary of Agriculture,Walt Bones. The banquet will befollowed by a live auction fund-raiser to support the work of theStockgrowers throughout the year. “I'm very proud of the conventionagenda for this year. I think we’vegot some great speakers coming toshare their information with us,and I’m really looking forward toseeing all of our members andfriends in Rapid City for our 121stconvention,” said Kolb. For a full agenda and details ofthe convention, visit www.south-dakotastockgrowers.org or call 605-342-0429.

Stockgrowers convention

September 21-23


3 bedrooms, 11⁄2 baths, attached garage.

Located at 101 N. Dakota Ave., Philip

Tom Foley • Foley Real Estate • 859-2975 or 685-8856

Page 4: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Hit & Miss Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 4by Vivian Hansen • [email protected]

or [email protected]

Elderly Meals Thursday, Sept. 13: Swedish

Meatballs, Au Gratin Potatoes,Key West Veggies, Roll, ChocolatePeanut Butter Bar. Friday, Sept. 14: DilledSalmon, Wild Rice Pilaf, GardenVeggies, Roll, Raspberry CrumbleBar. Monday, Sept. 17: Honey FriedChicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Peas,Biscuit, Apricot Halves. Tuesday, Sept. 18: Pork Loin,Butternut Squash, Roasted Nan-tucket Veggies, Roll, Peach PolkaDot Gelatin. Wednesday, Sept. 19: CookoutDay with Hot Dogs and Burgers!

*** Sunday, September 2, I met ournew resident, Marjorie Gaffin, Del-mont or Armour, actually a farmsomewhere in between. Her daugh-ter, Linda, was with her. Sunday, Sherman Ellerton’sfamily held a birthday party forSherman on the third floor here atSomerset Court. One of the giftsthat I saw he had received was ahuge Hershey chocolate bar. Happybirthday, Sherman! Maxine Kilmer had a visit fromher son, Jeff. The whist bunch, Margaret J.,Irene A., Ina O., and EleanorHolmes, had a game and Violet,Irene Cox, and Vivian playedrummi-cube. Sunday at lunch, Vivian hadguests in the Somerset Court guestdining room. Todd and DarleneAllen and daughter Amber and fos-ter son, Kleb, age four, who arrivedfrom Bellevue, Neb. They had beento Ft. Pierre to visit Todd’s uncle,David Hansen. The visit included atrip to Houck buffalo ranch northof Pierre to see the large herd of

wild horses. They had visited inPhilip at the home of Todd’s dad,Chuck Allen and Etta Erdmann.Chuck gave Kaleb a boy’s necklacethat was made of stone beads thatChuck and Etta made from localpetrified wood. Kaleb wanted me toknow that they were “boy” beads!Todd and family also toured Mt.Rushmore and the Black Hills. While they were here visiting,Sheridan Hansen and childrencame over. Tiger, Cecelia andKaleb drew pictures for me to poston the wall. Thank you all for yourvisit. Lucky for me to have com-pany because Elaine Backes hadgiven me a bag of donuts hole andI would have had to eat them all! At our church service, we had aspeaker, known only as Mr. Mike.Thanks, Steve, Jack Humke andMr. Mike. Monday after exercises, AgnesTastad, Sara Lee Stark, Susan andVivian played a little bananagrams Monday the activity directorstook the bus with a bunch of Som-erset Court residents to CrazyHorse. Wilma Gabrielson, RapidCity, Floy Olson’s cousin and friendof Marge Self, visited at SomersetCourt. At Somerset Court we had ourLabor Day picnic in the diningroom. Pork shanks served plain,barbecued or teriyaki flavored werethe specialty. There was an inter-esting dessert of a half of a bananacovered with chocolate crowns andmini marshmallows wrapped intinfoil and heated. We had the whole afternoon forcards. Becky set up another displayin the first floor glass case. It is allabout Disneyland where she usedto work. She had a good bunch ofawards and memorabilia aboutDisneyland. One item was a big,moving Goofy. My daughter, Vinnie, and hus-band, Danny, sent a colorful bunchof photos via email. Thank you,kids. The photos were of the bego-nia festival. It is like a miniatureRose Parade with the floats cov-ered with flower petals. The floatsfloat on the river at Capitola-by-the-Sea. Danny’s daughter wasthere with her float, which wasabout natural foods. Melissa is a di-etician, summa cum laude fromUniversity of California Berkeley.Melissa is promoting Proposition37 which asks for genetically al-tered foods to be labeled. September 8, Gaydell Collier hada book signing of her new book,“Just Beyond Harmony,” at the

local book store. It is about herfamily who in the 1960s went tolive in a primitive log cabin west ofLaramie, Wyo. They hoped to in-still basic values and self-reliancein their four children. It is based ondiaries and letters. I plan to ask the Rapid City li-brary for the book “Just BeyondHarmony.” M.R. Hansen came for scrabbleand we used the word vox whichmeans voice. It came in handy, as Iwas stuck with a V, and there wasan OX on the board. September 4, Sandy and Susangave us a fun activity out in theSomerset courtyard. It was niceout, and there were generous Som-erset bucks. Thanks. At Somerset Court on September4, in the afternoon, we were enter-tained by Mila Belakova. She is anaccomplished pianist. We were im-pressed with her professionalism.She is strong and graceful. Sheplayed most of her program frommemory. Thank you to our activitydirectors, Sandy, Susan, Shawnand Amy, for bringing Mila to playfor us, for arranging seating, andfor providing a social hour after theprogram. A good share of the resi-dents at Somerset Court attendedthe concert. My grandson, Andrew Klassen,San Jose, Calif., sent photos of himand his family, wife Yiqing andPearl, eight, and Marie, six. Pearland Marie wrote notes on theirphotos. Thank to you all. The pho-tos are a joy to Great-grandma Vi-vian. The Philip Pioneer Review ar-rived Thursday and had some finefront page articles with one aboutbackpacks given to some 20 pupilsat Philip elementary and one aboutthe Philip Garden Club’s excursionto the Central States Fair and aside trip to Cathie Draine’s delight-ful garden at her home near Pied-mont. Wednesday, September 5, wehad a good crowd for resident coun-cil. Staff was represented by RyanLove, director, nurse Becky, Libby,our new coordinator, Jeri from thefront office, John head kitchenstaff, Jason head maintenance,Shawn and Sandy, activity direc-tors and Shawn presided. Shawn presented a few high-lights of September activities suchas cooking with Sandy, grandpar-ent’s day where we can invite ourgrandchildren and we will have icecream. There is a trip to a donutshop, foot care clinic with Dr. Con-

rad, lunch at Wall Drug, seniorgames in the courtyard if theweather is good, Halley Sistershere and you are to wear a tie toget Somerset bucks, Women WhoCare, we will play a new game,phase 10, picnic in the park, icecream trip, fall festival where therewill be snacks. There were several complimentsof various menu foods and thanksfor having Mila Belakova here toentertain us. Jeri thanked resi-dents for helping new residentsfind their way around SomersetCourt. You should see the new SomersetCourt commercial. It is ever so de-lightful. John Buurma, CharlieHathaway and Ray Kraemer arethree card players and Shawn isthe dealer. I went to Berniece Christianson’sapartment to see her beautiful cro-cheted pieces. Her apartment isdecorated with doilies, table clothsand afghans that she has cro-cheted. Thursday, September 6, 2012, atSomerset Court, we had fun atgoofy golf. All players received gen-erous Somerset bucks. Thank you,Shawn and Susan, for picking upballs for us. Bingo was another activityplayed on Thursday and for snackand chat we had assorted crackersand meat and cheese. The Philip Pioneer Review ar-rived with a fine feature storyabout Scotchman Industries man-ufacturing the hydraulic ironworker for 45 years. The 1967model is still a highly usable ver-sion. The 2012 models show manychanges for different aspects of ironworking and in different sizes. Another front page article showsWest Central Electric’s sign downby Pierre. That has a picture ofTheresa Deuchar with the head-line: “Rural School Teachers are aPart of Our Electric Cooperative.”Theresa teaches at Deep Creek, arural school which had been closedfor seven years and has re-openedthis fall. Somerset Court resident Pat Sta-ley sometimes works at her limer-icks. A new one is – “There was thisman called Tim, All the girls werenuts about him. He wore slickpants and could really dance. Thatkept him handsome and slim!” Pathas a few starters. See what youcan make with them. “There wasthis girl called Judy, At times shewas really quite moody” … “I knewa cowboy called Bert, Who alwayswore a red shirt.” Friday, September 7, at Somer-set Court, we had the activity ofcooking with Sandy. Susan andShawn were there to help, too. Therecipe was grandma’s pumpkinbread. Fred ran the mixer, and alsoknocked the bubbles out of thedough in the pans. Others who at-tended were Addie, Eileen, Anne,and Mary Lou. Here is the recipe:cream together 2/3 cup shortening,two and 2/3 cups sugar, four eggs,one 15 ounce can of pumpkin, 2/3cup water, three and 1/2 cups allpurpose flour, one teaspoon baking

powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, one tea-spoon ground nutmeg, and 2/3 cupof chopped walnuts or pecanswhich are optional. I has to bakefor about an hour. Thank you to Eileen Tenold whoinvited me to come to her apart-ment and take a photo of her prettyfall decorations. Sunflowers are thebasis of her motif. M.R. Hansen came for scrabbleand he put up my fall deco, whichis a sprig of colorful plastic fallleaves. Thank you, M.R. He alsobrought some pears from their tree.Very sweet and juicy. Thank you,Barbara. Thanks to Midwest Coop-eratives for sending a circular re-minding propane users to fill theirtanks. My daughter, Vinnie Hansen,emailed and announced the official

launch/ reading of her sixth CarolSabala Mystery, “Art, Wine, andBullets.” Thank you to my nephew,Leonard Meyer, Greenfield, Ind.,(where by the way, it has rainedgenerously recently) sent emailphotos about some rare orchidsthat grow at very high elevationsand have monkey faces. I loved Cathie Draine’s garden-ing column in the September 7,2012, Rapid City Journal. She saysto savor each slight change in theseasons, the temperature, the colorchanges in the grass and leaves,the maturing of vegetables andgrains. She refers to James Whit-comb Riley’s Hoosier vernacularstyle used in his old favorite poem,“When the Frost is on the Punkinand the Fodders in the Shock.”

If you have a news item for thePhilip Socials

column that you would like tosubmit and can’t

get ahold of Vivian, please e-mail it to:

[email protected] call 859-2516.

We will be more than happy to take your

news over the phone!

Marie Addisonwill be 90 years young

on September 10th!

Her family is requesting a

Card Shower in honor

of this milestone.

Happy birthday, Mom!Cards may be sent to:718 E. 5th St., Apt. 16

Murdo, SD 57559

Please join us

in celebrating the marriage of

Sarah Foland & Joseph Kennedyat their reception & wedding dance!

Saturday, September 22nd • 9 p.m.

American Legion Hall, Philip

The children ofWilliam R. & Sylvia Davis Stone

are pleased to announce the celebration of thecouple's 70th wedding anniversary this fall.

They were married on September 9, 1942 in Rapid City, S.D.,

and are the proud parents of five children: William Jr. (Louise),

John (Linda), Susan (Paul), Guy (Peggy), and David (Virginia);

the proud grandparents of 10 grandchildren

and 12 great-grandchildren. After many years of

ranching on the Cheyenne River at Pedro, S.D.,

the couple now resides in Rapid City, S.D.

A card party is planned.Please send cards to:

3855 S. Cambell St. Lot 67,Rapid City, SD 57701.

You’re invited to a

90th Birthday Celebrationfor Keith Emerson

Saturday, Sept. 15 • 2-4 p.m.

Bad River Senior Citizen’s Center, Philip

Let your prescence be your gift

Cards may be sent to:

PO Box 345, Philip, SD 57567

September 14-15-16-17:The Campaign (R)Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.

Gem Theatre859-2000 • Philip

September 21-22-23-24:Hit & Run (R)

September 28-29-30-October 1:Hope Springs (PG-13)

As a fundraiser to help pay for medical research in the fight against cancer, par-ticularly breast cancer, the local group calling themselves Helping the Headlightsheld a walking taco and root beer float meal in the Fire Hall Park in Philip, Friday,September 7. “We had a great turn out,” said coordinator Val Schulz. All proceedswill benefit the Komen South Dakota Race for the Cure. Pictured, from left, areMitzi Boyd, Twila Hook, Schulz and Stephanie Rossouw. Photo by Del Bartels

Helping the Headlights

84 Years AgoSeptember 13, 1928

Showing of oil was discovered atStanding Butte. The circumstancesare these. The well has been idlefor a year on the account of funds.The cap was taken off the well oneday last week and baling com-menced to rid the well of accumu-lated water. The bales brought upfrom a depth of seventy-five feet, aswe understand, what was thoughtto be crude oil. The oil was sent tothe state chemist at Vermillion andhe made a report by telegram thatthe sample classified the productwith that found in Louisiana, ahigh grade oil that commands apremium of seventy-five cents perbarrel at the present time.

*** Last week, Sheriff John Curing-ton journeyed to the northern part

of the county, uncovered a quantityof intoxicating liquors, a still andother products in the course ofmanufacture. He brought to townwith him, Julius Tavernier, who re-sides about five miles northeast ofMileville, and on arrival a liquorcharge was placed against Tav-ernier by the state’s attorney. Grindstone News … Mr. andMrs. Fay Coleman, Mrs. Colemanand a sister and a niece of Mrs.Coleman attended the AlfalfaPalace in Rapid City. Mrs. Palmer took twenty-oneprizes at the fair this fall. Thatwould be an excellent record at anytime, but is simply astonishingwhen it is remembered thatPalmers were hailed out this sum-mer, which would, of course greatlydiminished their chances for ex-hibits. Cecil also took severalprizes. Local News … Mrs. MyrtleChurch, chief operator of theNorthwestern Bell Telephone com-pany here, is in Rapid City thisweek attending the special instruc-tion school offered telephone em-ployees of this district. Mrs. Alice Dawson is clerking atthe R.M. Williams store during theabsence of Mrs. Farnsworth. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.Lyle Wood at the Einan hospital onSeptember 6. The little one livedbut a very short time. Clarence Van Elsbark, Midland,and Tressa Young, Murdo, wereunited in marriage by Justice W.L.Church on Sunday, September 9.

75 Years AgoSeptember 9, 1937

This week saw the opening of allremaining rural schools in HaakonCounty, making a total of 51 in op-eration.

*** A slow all-day drizzle Saturday,September 4, brought the immedi-ate vicinity of Philip its first mois-ture since July 27. It likewisebrought what promises to be per-manent heat relief for the presentseason.

*** Mike Brady, charged with grandlarceny in connection with the theftof some wheat, was bound over tothe circuit court after a preliminaryhearing Tuesday morning. Bradywas released under $2,000 bond. Betwixt Places … Mr. and Mrs.Guy Morrison and Clark and Mrs.Freda Morrison Cole journeyed toAsh Creek last Sunday. Mrs. Mor-rison started to teach there Mon-day morning. Elbon Chaff … Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Reedy, John, Bernice, Pattie andBarbara attended church at TopBar and ate fried chicken at HarryHarts. They all went to Rundellsand got some garden produce. Grindstone News … FredOchsner, who lived on the placenow occupied by Hank Sieler beforemoving to Isabel, was trampled todeath by a team a week or so ago. Local Briefs … Rev. Thomas Car-roll returned last Thursday to re-sume his duties as priest of thePhilip Catholic church after a tripto New York. Hugh Walsh andBernard Fennell accompanied himon his trip.

Blast from the PastFrom the archives of the Pioneer Review

Page 5: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Church & Community Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 5

WE DON’T CHARGEfor obituaries, wedding

or engagement write-ups! Send to:

[email protected]

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCHPhilip – 859-2664 – [email protected]

Fr. Kevin AchbachSaturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.

Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

9:30 a.m. (August)Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.

Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home

* * * * * *ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCHMidland – 859-2664 or 843-2544

Fr. Kevin AchbachSaturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.

(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m.

(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)Confession: Before Mass


Milesville – 859-2664Fr. Kevin Achbach

Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.(Feb-April-June-Oct-Dec)

Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.

(Jan-March-May-July-Sept-Nov)Confession: Before Mass

Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.* * * * * *

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCHPastor Frezil Westerlund

859-2336 • PhilipE-MAIL: [email protected]

SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30 a.m.1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship

First Lutheran Ladies Bible study. There are two Bible study groups: each meetingmonthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at

12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other meets on the second Wednesday at

1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby. * * * * * * *

TRINITY LUTHERANPastor Frezil Westerlund

Midland – 843-2538SATURDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 p.m.

Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.

Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru Feb.);6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)


Moenville – 843-2538Pastor Frezil Westerlund


ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m. * * * * * *


Pastor Frezil WesterlundSUNDAY WORSHIP: 5:00 p.m.


Every Sunday in JulyServices at 10:00 a.m.

followed by potluck dinner

CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCHPastor Art WeitschatKadoka – 837-2390

SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.* * * * * *


(605) 669-2406 • MurdoPastor Ray Greenseth

Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.* * * * * *


843-2143 • facebook.com/midlandobcSunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.

Women’s Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH

10 miles SE of MidlandPastor Glenn Denke • 462-6169Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)

Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT* * * * * *


Pastor Gary Wahl – Philip – 859-2841Sunday School – 9:15 a.m.

Sunday Services – 10:30 a.m.Last Sunday of the month –

potluck dinner following church servicesLast Monday of the month –

Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Everyone Welcome!!* * * * * *


Pastor Gary Wahl – Philip859-2841 • [email protected]

Worship Service: 8:00 a.m. • Children's Church:8:30 a.m.

Ladies’ Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.


Pastor Kathy Chesney • 859-2310Home: 859-2192 • E-mail: [email protected]

Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.

* * * * * *


Pastor Kathy Chesney • 859-2310E-mail: [email protected]

Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.

Rush Funeral HomeChapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka

Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush



859-2542 • Philip, SDwww.scotchman.com

Ronald G. Mann, DDSDentist

Philip, SD859-2491

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This space for rent! Call859-2516 to have yourmessage placed here!

Please join us in wishing this special lady a

Happy 75th Birthday on September 12th.

Happy birthday, Mom!We love you!

Debbie & Mike, Dianne & Glenn, Janelle & Bruce, Jeanine & Darian & families

Cards may be sent to:Donna NewmanPO Box 429

Philip, SD 57567

Gary’s Greenhouseis ordering seeds now!

To get a specific variety of seed orany type of vegetable or flower

seed, call Gary

859-2057 or 515-0675

Leila Dithmer___________________

Leila Dithmer, age 92 ofSpearfish, S.D., formerly of Wan-blee and Kadoka, died Sunday,September 9, 2012, at the David M.Dorsett Healthcare Center inSpearfish. Leila Mae Collins was born June17, 1920, in Mellette County, thedaughter of Claude and Minnie(Hennings) Collins. She grew upand received her education in ruralschools in Mellette County, gradu-ating from Belvidere High Schoolin 1937. After graduation, Leila at-tended college at Southern Normalin Springfield, where she earnedher teacher’s certificate. Shetaught school in Mellette Countyfor seven years. Leila was united in marriage toWilliam H. Dithmer on February 4,1944, in Kadoka. After their mar-riage, they lived for a few years inMellette County assisting Leila’sparents on their ranch while Leila’sbrother was serving in the war.After the war they moved toWashabaugh County where they

made their home on the originalDithmer home site. Leila residedon the ranch until 2003 when shemoved into the Gateway Apart-ments in Kadoka. Leila also built ahome in Kadoka where she livedduring the week when her childrenwere in high school. In 2005 shemoved to Spearfish where she hassince resided. Grateful for having shared herlife are one son, Bill Dithmer andhis wife, Belinda, of Wanblee; twodaughters, Claudia Little and herhusband, Dave, of Spearfish, andLaDonna Cope and her husband,Bob, of Colstrip, Mont.; grandchil-dren, Carsi Padrnos, Tavis Little,BJ Cope, Bobby Cope, AmandaJohnson, and Michael Watts;great-grandchildren, Jira and MaxPadrnos, Cash and Clara Cope,and Chase, Corbin and Noah John-son; one sister, Fern Lindskov ofDoland; and a host of dear niecesand nephews and other relativesand friends. Preceding her in death were herhusband, Bill; her parents, Claudeand Minnie Collins; and herbrother, Glen Collins. Funeral services were heldWednesday, September 12, at thePresbyterian Church in Kadoka,with Pastor Gary McCubbin offici-ating. Interment was at the KadokaCemetery. Arrangements were with theRush Funeral Chapel of Kadoka. Her online guestbook is avail-able at www.rushfuneralhome.com


Dean and Janice Fitzgerald ofPhilip are pleased to announce theengagement of their daughter,Amanda, to Rusty Bair, son ofRandy Bair of North Dakota andNancy Bair of Wyoming. Amanda is a 2003 graduate ofPhilip High School and a 2007graduate of Dakota Wesleyan Uni-versity, with a bachelor of arts inelementary education and specialeducation. Rusty is a 2001 graduate of New-castle High School and a 2004graduate of Sheridan College witha degree in machining. A December 29, 2012, wedding isbeing planned in Philip.

Courtney Hunt and Cody McFarland are pleased to announce theywere married April 14, 2012, in Sturgis. Courtney graduated from Midland High School in 2005. She went onto study psychology and sociology at Black Hills State University andgraduated in 2008. She is a case manager for a non-profit organization. Cody graduated from Newell High School in 2000 and attended HuronUniversity. He is an engine captain and wildland firefighter with the U.S.Forest Service. The couple resides in Kemmerer, Wyo.

c Hunt~McFarland c

Renowned low-stress horsemanand technical advisor for the movie“The Horse Whisperer” Curt Pateof Newell will be the featuredspeaker during the Dakota Coun-try Lifestyles Expo event co-spon-sored by South Dakota State Uni-versity Extension and Today’sHorse magazine. The event is heldSeptember 29 and 30 at the Cen-tral States Fairgrounds in RapidCity. Admission to the Expo and sem-inars is free. Known for his horsemanship,stockmanship, stewardship philos-ophy, Pate will present a seminarat 1:00 p.m Sunday, September 30at the Fine Arts Building. Otherseminars being presented through-out the weekend include horseemergency care with Dr. JohnIsmay – 2:00 p.m. Sunday, ruralsafety courses for all ages – both

days, alternative feeds for live-stock – 11a.m. Saturday, fencing –both days, getting started withchickens, meat goats and honey-bees – Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m., canning and freezing homeproduce – 2:00 p.m. Saturday,country real estate financing –noon Saturday, and much more. For a complete schedule, visitDakotaCountryLifestyles.com orcall Mindy Hubert, SDSU Exten-sion small acreage field specialistat 605-394-1722. Nearly 50 vendors offering coun-try products and services includingfeed, tack and water supplies willbe on site. A special Dakota-madesession will offer meat, produceand other locally produced items tothe public. It runs from 9:00 a.m. to7:00 p.m. September 29 and 10:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. September 30.

Curt Pate speaker at Dakota

Country Lifestyles, Sept. 30

Representative Kristi Noem hasissued the following statement onthe anniversary of the September11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “September 11, 2001 is a day wewill never forget. Eleven years ago,nearly 3,000 Americans were killedin a devastating act of terror thatleft thousands of children withoutparents and countless Americanswithout a son, daughter, sister,brother, best friend or spouse. “While the horror of that day re-mains imprinted in our minds, sotoo does America’s response. Whatthe terrorists didn’t count on wasthe resilient spirit of the Americanpeople. In South Dakota, communi-ties and families banded togetherto pray and offer support to ourfallen fellow Americans and theirloved ones. Brave men and womenfrom South Dakota and across thecountry answered the call and de-ployed thousands of miles away todefend our way of life. “Today is a day to honor thememory of those who were lost onthat horrible day, and to pay a trib-ute to all who have fallen fightingfor our country ever since. Septem-ber 11 is a reminder of who we lost,but also a reminder of all we have

to defend. I hope every SouthDakotan will take a moment to re-flect and remember today.”

Noem statement on remembering

anniversary of September 11, 2001

Page 6: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 6Contact Sonia Nemec • 843-2564


Getting up this Sunday morn-ing and looking at the outdoortemperature it showed 34˚. Weseem to be on a yo-yo ride ofchanging temperatures lately.That’s okay though don’t youthink? I do believe everyone isready for some cooler temp-era-tures. My favorite temperaturesare those middle 70s. Perfectweather. You can open the win-dows and enjoy the outdoors.There’s just something about hav-ing the windows open to put a per-son more in the mood to do house-cleaning. Why would that be bet-ter then cleaning with air condi-tioning? I can’t answer that, all Iknow is that for me personally, Ilike having the windows open. I’venoticed the leaves on the trees areslowly beginning to change colorand my sedums in my rock gardenare getting closer to their burntorange color of fall. At certaintimes in the summer, they turnyellow, but not this summer,guess it was just too hot and toodry. We desperately need rain.The lands are crying for moisture.Jerry started planting winterwheat. He doesn’t remember everplanting wheat in drier summerfallow. But if you don’t get itplanted and fall showers come,you may not be able to get in thefield. So, you do the best you can,plant, in anticipation of moisture. Release time begins at the threechurches in Midland September12 from 2:30 to 3:40. TrinityLutheran Church and the OpenBible Church are having theirs to-gether at Trinity Lutheran educa-tion room. St. William CatholicChurch holds their classes in thebasement of the church. Schoolhas officially begun as activitiesare a plenty. Pre-school began at the Midlandschool Wednesday, September 5,with Diane Coller, Kadoka, astheir teacher. Those in pre-schoolthis year are Cole Finn, RidgeFurnival, Evan Blye, Kalli Fos-heim, Karlee Block, Ella Schofieldand Stetson Jones. Those littleones are so fun and so excitedabout school. Mark your calendars as Mid-

land’s Merchants’ AppreciationDay will be on September 22, sowatch for advertising of eventsand times. This annual event hasbeen going on for many, manyyears. From the sounds of things,plans are being made for some20th and 50th school reunions, aswell. There will be a 5Kwalk/run/bike for the local 4-Hclub with registration at 8:00 a.m.Mountain Time at the city parkwith the event to begin at 9:00a.m. So plan on coming, enter insome of the events, and have achance to visit with folks you don’toften see. Kadoka Area School willbe having homecoming on Sep-tember 21 so it is going to be avery busy weekend for studentsand parents. Wednesday was a busy day atthe Midland Library. The frontdoor to the library was becomingdifficult to open. It is a solid olddoor, as the building was the for-mer Masonic Temple for manyyears. I mentioned it to Jerry. Hehad some free time so we headedfor the library. He took a file to itand sprayed it with W-D 40,works like a charm. Next projectwas cutting down the dried up hol-lyhocks and a Chinese elm grow-ing to close to the building, thenfixing the library sign as it wasgetting the leans. There are justsome projects that need a man’shelp. It’s always a good feeling toget those fall jobs done. JennaFinn, Cass and Cole, and AngelNemec, Tukker and Emry,stopped in at the library. Whilethe kids and librarian KarelReiman were busy with checkingout books and videos, Angel re-placed burned out light bulbs andJenna, with phone help from RonLarson of Philip, got a glitch in thecomputer fixed. So, it was a suc-cessful day. We did have tochuckle, as Cass, Cole and Tukkerwere sitting at the little table atthe back of the library, when, notwanting to be out done, little one-year-old Emry Jo climbed up on achair and sat with the big boys. Itwas a Kodak moment. Roy and Carol Hunt spentLabor Day weekend in Riverton,Wyo., visiting cousins Dan andDorothy Root. They said they did-n’t do anything special, just en-joyed a relaxing time of visiting. Mariah (Evans) Heaton arrivedat the home of her aunt and uncle,

Clint and Prerry Saucerman,Wednesday evening. Mariah andher husband, Jesse, live at OakCreek, Wis. For those who maynot know, Jesse is the son ofSandy (Van Tassel) and DennisHeaton of the Ottumwa area.Thursday, Mariah, her grand-mother and Prerry’s mom, MarlinEvans, Philip, and Prerry headedfor Rapid City where Marlin hadan appointment to have some skincancers removed. Mariah spentThursday night with her grand-mother, Marlin. Friday, Mariahhad dinner with Sandy Heaton inPhilip and then went to Interior tovisit her mom, Clover. Clover isPrerry’s sister and Marlin’sdaughter. Friday evening, Mariahand Andrea Carley and herdaughter, Millie, Philip, left forSalt Lake City, Utah, to celebratethe wedding of Taylor Holmanwho was a school classmate ofMariah’s and was at Andrea’s hairsalon on a student school to workprogram. Mariah, Andrea andMillie returned to Philip Sundaymorning, Mariah visited hergrandmother, Marlin, beforeheading back to Oak Creek. Saturday, Wilma Saucerman,Marlin Evans and Clint and Pre-rry Saucerman went to Rapid Cityto celebrate Sawyer Saucerman’seighth birthday. Sawyer is the sonof Tel and Ellie (Nemec) Saucer-man, Wilma and Marlin are hisgreat-grandmothers and he isClint and Prerry’s grandson. Thegroup got to see a soccer game ofSawyer’s and Calla Volhken, whoare each on separate teams, butthe games were side by side,which made it nice. Calla is thedaughter of Noel (Weichman)Volhken and Wilma is Calla’sgreat-grandmother. Mark andGlenda Nemec, Hill City, werealso at the birthday party. Sawyeris their grandson. Noel, Devlon,Bella and Calla joined everyone atTel and Ellie’s. Ernie Nemec became ill Tues-day, September 4, and was admit-ted to Rapid City Regional Hospi-tal where he was a patient for sixdays. He was able to come homethis Monday, September 10. Hisson, Randy and Holly Nemecdrove Ernie and Laurel to Rapid.Family there to be with Ernie andLaurel were Randy and Holly,Barby Larson and Becky Thomp-son, both of Sioux Falls. Laurel re-ports it is good to be home and forErnie to recover in familiar sur-roundings. Hospitals are a goodplace to be when needed, but thereis nothing like home. We wishErnie God’s speed in healing. Karel Reiman attended Em-manuel Lutheran Church atCreighton for Mission FestivalDay Sunday, September 9. It is aspecial Sunday in which the im-portance of mission work is

stressed. A young lady who hadbeen a banker at one time andthen felt called to do mission workwas the guest speaker. She hadjust returned from two years ofmission work in Hong Kong. Herplans are to remain in the statesand train others for mission work.Karel reported that she was a veryinteresting and motivationalspeaker. Karl’s brother, Ed andLinda Eisenbraun, her mom,Goldie Eisenbraun, and her sister,Paula Eisenbraun, all of RapidCity, were also there. EmmanuelLutheran holds many memoriesfor the Eisenbraun family as itwas the church they attendedwhen living at Creighton. Every-one was enjoying a noon meal inthe basement of the church whenfour young girls came rushing intelling of a fire. The church sitshigh on a hill and as everyonerushed outside. They could seeblack smoke and flames from thefire. The men headed out to getpickups and water tanks and thelocal fire department had beencalled. David Eisenbraun and hiswife lived on the place where thefire was and ran a dairy farm atone time, being older and now liv-ing in town, they still own theland and come out there everyonce in a while. They happened tobe doing some things in the houseon that particular day. Two barnsand two horses burned in the fire.Mission Festival Sunday turnedout to be more then they expected.The men and the fire departmentwere on a different sort of mission,a mission of working together toput out the fire. Jenna Finn, Cass and Cole,spent the weekend with her par-ents, Gene and Theresa Deuchar,Milesville, helping with chores in-side and outside and attendingchurch Saturday evening at St.Mary’s Catholic Church. Speakingof Theresa, wasn’t that promo-tional billboard by West CentralElectric, with Deep Creek schoolteacher, Theresa Deuchar, sittingon a desk next to the blackboardwith the motto, “Rural SchoolTeachers are a Part of Our Elec-tric Cooperative,” just the neatestbillboard. For anyone having hadthe privilege of going to a countryschool, they hold a whole lot ofmemories. The sign is one milesouth of Ft. Pierre along Highway83. Congratulations, Theresa, andthanks to West Central Electricfor making folks aware of countryschools. Happy birthday wishes to MarieAddison, Murdo, and Keith Emer-son, Philip, who recently cele-brated their 90th birthdays and toDeloris Iversen, Murdo, who re-cently turned 80 years old. Nikki (Baeza) Smith andCooper, Tacoma, Wash., visitedDiana Baeza in Midland and Jim

and Betty Smith in Philip. Theyalso visited Nikki’s grandmother,Ruby Huston, Doug and JuneHouston and family, all of Mid-land. Leandra Arthur and girls,Philip, David Baeza, Angie andJordana, Gillette, Wyo., and Tony,IV and Torrance Baeza, Wall, alsovisited with Nikki and Cooperwhile they were in Midland. Nikkienjoyed the Midland Market Fri-day having a chance to visit withfolks she knows and hasn’t seenfor some time. She was home vis-iting family and friends for threeweeks. Irene (Quatier) and John Hub-bard, Gillette, Wyo., spent a cou-ple of days at Chamberlain visit-ing and fishing with Irene’s sister,Jean (Quatier) and Don Hennies,Sioux Falls. Irene and John wereat Midland Market Friday withfriends Jim and Jessie (Liver-more) Root. Jessie and Irene goback a long ways, they both hadworked for Lyle Hunt at his hard-ware store, remembering the sodafountain shop he had as well, theygraduated high school togetherand also nursing school and havebeen friends since sixth grade.And, as the story goes, wheneverthey see each other, it’s as if it wasyesterday. Irene and John spentFriday night with Jim and Jessiebefore heading back to Gillette.Irene, Jean, Jessie and Jim allgraduated from Midland HighSchool. Pat and Sophie Foley went tothe Black Hills Monday meetingup with Larry Larson, Marcia,Jean and Travis Larson, Leah(Larson) and Drew McEleney whoall came for a get-together inSpearfish Canyon. AshleySchofield, who is attending BlackHills State University inSpearfish, also joined them for apicnic. Barb Jones spent a few dayslast week in Howard visiting herdaughter, Carrie, Cole, Logan andAva Mentele. She went to helpCarrie with the kids as Carrie wasworking full time while her hus-band, Wes, was gone on a week-long elk hunting trip in Colorado.Wes and a friend set up camp andarchery hunted. He called homeWednesday and said he had shota bull elk. This was his first bowand arrow hunt for an elk, so washappy about his success. Morris Jones joined friends ofBoyd Waara at the First NationalBank in Philip, Friday, to wishBoyd a happy retirement from hisjob in the bank. Jen Jones wrote on update onher dad, Jake Jacobsen, HotSprings, who was diagnosed withesophageal cancer. He went in onAugust 22 for the removal of hiscancerous tumor at Rapid City Re-gional Hospital. The doctors had acomplication with a tear wherethe hepatic vein and the vena cavameet. They were able to repair it,but had to reschedule the surgeryto August 27. That surgery wentwell and dad was sent home onSeptember 7. He is home recover-ing and is very grateful to be inthe comfort of his own home. Wewill find out within the next 30days if dad will have to havechemo and radiation treatments.Thank you for your prayers for my

dad. We wish Jake God’s healing. Stetson Jones is the son of Jeffand Jen Jones of Midland. Jen re-ported that Stetson had his lastvisit to Cincinnati Children's Hos-pital on September 5. He had aneye exam and his port removed.Everything went well and nowStetson has to have routine checkups. He will have to have a MRIand a visit with a pediatric oncol-ogist every six months for twoyears. We will be able to do this inSioux Falls. He will have to haveblood work every three months forone year and we will do this inPhilip. He will have to have an eyeexam on his seeing eye every threemonths for one year at Rapid City.Our only long distance travel willbe to Denver for his prosthetic eyeif we have any issues. It has been quite a journey forJeff, Jen, and Stetson. God haswalked this journey with them, tobe sure. Our prayers continue forGod’s healing touch on their jour-ney. Thanks Jen for the update onyour dad and on Stetson. Thursday, Gene and AudreyJones drove to Bernadette andDick Knox's home to spend thenight on their way to Madisonwhere Gene played softball in a 60years and older tournament. Theteam he played on won thirdplace. Niece, Vicki Bruce Erick-son, daughter of Bill and PollyBruce, came to visit and watch thegames after she got off work.Later, she joined her aunt anduncle for supper. Friday morning,the Joneses headed north to Wa-tertown where Gene's Pierre teamof 50 and over played in the StateSenior Olympic games. Theyplayed five games, winning firstplace in their pool, on Saturdayand Sunday. Sunday, the Jonesesreturned to Bernadette and DickKnox's home to again spend thenight before returning home Mon-day. It is time to close my news col-umn for another week. Mondayturned out to be a very hot daywith temperatures of right at 100˚and there are no rain clouds insight. Continue to pray for rain, besafe and watchful as our parchedearth is a fire waiting to happen. This day, September 11.2012, is the 11th anniversary of aday none of us will ever forget, theday the Twin Towers were hit andcrumbled to the ground leavingpeople with an unbelievable mem-ory of that tragic day. That daychanged many things forever, butthat day did not defeat us, andfrom that tragedy came manyheart-warming stories. I leave youwith a quote from Eleanor Roo-sevelt, “The future belongs tothose who believe in the beauty oftheir dreams.” And following thetragedy of September 11th peoplemoved forward and dared todream and to believe. That quoteof Eleanor Roosevelt’s wasstamped on the envelope of one ofmy birthday cards, I liked what ithad to say, and with the droughtwe’ve experienced this summer,and other things going on in ourworld, we can find strength andhope in that quote. Have a goodweek and don’t lose sight of yourdreams.


Now planting grass, alfalfa,falcata & clover!!

Call Tom Foley, Philip, SD:

(605) 859-2975or cell: 685-8856

MidlandMerchants’ Appreciation DaySaturday, September 22nd

5K “Fun” Run/Walk/Ride 8 a.m. – register at the park. 9 a.m.

start. Fundraiser for local 4-H club

BOOSTER CLUB will be serving lunch from

11:30 to 1:00 at the Fire Hall

PARADE will be at 1:30

p.m. – Theme “Weather.” Anyone or any entry is

invited! Line-up at 1:00 p.m. to be judged.


immediately after the parade on Main Street

(money scramble will be first).

MIDLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB will serve free roast beef

supper from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall

PRIZES will be given out starting at 7:00 p.m.

DANCE to Westbound from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00

a.m. Sponsored by the Midland Commercial

Club and the Midland Fire Department

Sponsored by members of the

Midland Commercial Club

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Page 7: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review •Page 7Community

Gayla Piroutekis retiring from the

Milesville Post Office.Let’s thank her for her 33 years of service on

Wednesday, September 26th.Stop by the post office between 11:00 & 12:00

and then come to the Milesville Hall

anytime from 12:00 to 2:00!Gayla’s last day will be Sept. 29, 2012.

A reminder to those who wouldlike a part or help in any way withthe Milesville play, come to themeeting Thursday evening, Sep-tember 13, at 7:30 p.m. at theMilesville Hall. "The Royal Bache-lor " will be presented in mid Jan-uary. If you can't be at the meeting,call Jodi Parsons, Nina Pekron orMarlis Doud. All are invited to a cake recep-tion and dance September 21 at theMilesville Hall honoring HughHarty and his bride-to-be, AnnBreuklander. Hugh and Ann willhave a family wedding earlier thatevening. The reception begins at8:00 p.m. Fifty-eight folks attended the an-nual Hardingrove Church's serviceand picnic at Bill and Connie Par-sons' Sunday. Dr. Greg Fell, dis-trict superintendent, gave the mes-sage, followed by a picnic dinner. The first weekend of September,Hugh Harty and Ann Breuklanderwatched the grandchildren, Mollyand Owen Harty, while their par-ents, Jim and Adele, were away tocelebrate their anniversary. On Labor Day, Bill and KarylSandal had business at Union Cen-ter. They took the cut-across fromthere to New Underwood. They hada good visit with Jim Moriarty atthe Good Samaritan NursingHome. His therapy is progressingnicely as he can now feed himselfand stand up some. They enjoyedthe afternoon reminiscing aboutcattle drives and shared othermemories. They spent the night attheir son, Monte's, and went on toRapid City Tuesday. Supper and overnight guests lastFriday at Bill and Karyl Sandal'swere Karyl's niece and husband,Jolene and Bob Spilde. They wereon their way to Wall for an annualget-together with the electric com-pany that Jolene works for and thisyear it was in Wall. The group en-joyed a motorcycle ride through theBadlands. Bill and Karyl Sandal and theTim Quinns stopped to visit at thePhil Carley home after the churchpicnic at Bill and Connie's. Tuesday night, Karyl Sandal at-tended the Womens Club meetingat the Senechal, where EmilyKroetch showed pictures of her andBob McDaniel's trip to Cuba. Shesaid it was very, very interesting. Ashley Berry visited her grand-parents, Kenneth and Doris Berry,last Wednesday evening. Ashley isan registered nurse and is workingin the intensive care unit at San-ford Hospital in Sioux Falls. Last Monday, Byron and PeggyParsons headed toward Denver,visiting nieces in Longmont andBroomfield, Colo., on the way.Wednesday, Peggy had an appoint-ment at the University of ColoradoHospital in Denver for a follow-upfrom her surgeries in 2008. Theyreturned home Thursday. Donnie and Marcia Eymer at-tended the retirement party forBoyd Waara last Friday in Philip.That afternoon, they visited atMartin and Vera Nelson's. Thenlater in the evening, they were atthe Paul and Joy Elshere home formore visiting. Pat Hanrahan and Glenn O'Con-nell surprised their spouses, Markand Rita, with a birthday party inPhilip Saturday night. Many localpeople attended. I won't say whichbirthday they celebrated, but Patsaid Mark is 'much older' than sheis! Home for their dad's party onSaturday night were Kalie Hanra-han, Rapid City, and Tracie Erd-mann and friend, Chris, SiouxFalls. Milesville folks who helped Kiethand Deb Smith celebrate their 30thanniversary at their home Satur-day evening were Bryan andSharon Olivier, Larry Smith andMark and Judith Radway. Gayla Piroutek spent last weekvisiting both of their daughters.She was in St. Louis for three dayswith Erin and Tim Logan and theirtwo and a half year old son, Daniel.Then she flew to Muskegon, Mich.,to spend five days with the Hoguefamily. She was there for Jacob'sthird birthday. A train ride, a visitto the children's museum, and atrip to "farm" zoo playground withlots of children's activities made fora memorable week. Dan Piroutek and Billy Markwedattended a horse sale last Fridaynight at Mobridge. Weekend guests at Chad andKathy Hanrahan's were her par-ents, Don and Carol Petersen, herbrother, Donnie, and sister,Melissa. Jim and Lana Elshere were inWall Saturday afternoon to watchgrandson Trey Elshere play foot-ball. Thursday while in Pierre for ap-pointments, Leo and Joan Pattontook Irene Patton out to lunch.Happy birthday, Irene, on Septem-ber 8! Leo and Joan Patton attendedthe graveside rites of Sister AgnesSaturday in Philip. Coming to thePattons Sunday were Bob, Apriland Kaitlyn Knight and April'sfriend, Frank. They worked on ashed for Joan's lawnmower.

Saturday, Keagan Fitch andHunter Peterson took the bow-hunter safety course in Rapid City.That afternoon, the rest of theFitches joined family at a camp-ground near Hill City. They in-cluded the Tanya and Michael Pe-terson family, Tyneal and JustinThorp family, Tiana and LukeWeber family and Tylissa andBrock Geffre. Trevor, Christa andboys returned home Saturdaynight. Erin Hovland, Connor andMackenzie, went to Erin'sgrandma's house Saturday. Alsothere were Peggy Garoutte, Boise,Idaho, Debbie Prouty, Cecilia Kotil-nek, Lawrence and RondaSchofield, and Vincent Schofield. Sports kept the local kids busythis week with a junior high foot-ball game Tuesday night withJones County, varsity gameagainst White River Friday and thecross country team was in WallSaturday. Friday night supper guests atMike and Linda Gebes' were Court-ney Gebes, Gina Neu and RoyWarner. Gina worked at GoldenVet a year ago as an intern, andjust recently completed her intern-ship at Rockham. Brad Gebes and friend, Kathy,and her son, Devon, were Sundaydinner guests at Mike and Linda’s. Matt Arthur and his brother,Murdock, spent the weekend nearRapid City helping out their sisterand family, Brad and Amber Beerand boys. Happy belated birthday to JoshQuinn who turned 18 last week! The Haakon County Croonerssang for a fundraiser for Our Re-deemer Lutheran Church in RapidCity last Saturday. Going alongwith Paul Staben, a member of theCrooners, were Donna and TinaStaben. Last weekend, Joan Hamill vis-ited in the home of daughter Rac-

quel and Ron Johnson, Hendricks,Minn. Joan's sons, Russell andMatt, and families were also therefrom St. Paul. They celebrated twobirthdays – Kaylee Johnson's onthe 10th, and Lucas Jasper's on thefirst. This Monday afternoon is a goodtime to be indoors. Our thermome-ter showed 101˚, but in places it ishotter than that. Winter wheatplanting is in progress for some. Itwon't come up until it rains, so weneed to keep praying for moisture!

Milesville Newsby Janice Parsons • 544-3315

Pumpkins are beginning to show their orange appearance around gardens in Philip. The large one on the left is at Clark Morrison’s. The smaller one picturedabove is an escapee from Marion and Darlene Matt’s backyard. Photos by Nancy Haigh

A taste of autumn is in the air

Hello from Rochester, Minn. Thenews will be pretty brief and I willtry to keep it as interesting as pos-sible. Congratulations to KennedyImplement on the honor of beingan outstanding business. TheRapid City Journal had a nicewrite up as well as “Farm Journal.”Time flies, Coyle's Super Valu hit adecade (10 years) of being in busi-ness and right along with thatScotchman Industries hit a mile-stone of 45 years. Well, Labor Day started offbright and early for Vi and DonMoody as they had made plans todo a lot of catch up work at theirRapid Valley house. They visitedwith the man who had just finishedhaying the valley property ownedby Don and Vi and both sides ofRapid Creek yielded a second cut-ting for the season. A nice horsehay crop is about all the second cut-ting produced. Sandee Gittings was in RapidCity Monday on business. She vis-ited Shirley Buls on the way home.Monday at our place, we had com-pany of Dale O'Connell and TonyHarty in the morning and CarolSolon stopped after getting offwork. While I was working in thefront of the house, a car pulled inand out jumped our “starvingartist” friend, Bernd Hillman, fromMinnesota and his uncle from Ger-many. They were in the area sight-seeing and Bernd came by tostretch a painting done by mygrandma, Isabelle (Little) Weeks,around 1889. It took three of us,but when he got done, the canvaswas nice and tight. Next time, heplans to do some restoration on it.We saw them at breakfast Tuesdaymorning, then they were gone backto Minnesota. Tony Harty made a trip to the

Herber ranch for a visit Monday,arriving just after some cattle hadbeen worked. He enjoyed cribbagewith sister-in-law Barbara Herber.Bernard Herber grabbed a fishingpole and went fishing. He cameback with a nice mess of fish, butTony declined supper with them. George and Kinsey Gittings tookthe rake that George borrowedback to Kelly Blair Mondayevening. Tuesday morning, we werepleasantly surprised to have JohnRentschler from Howard come byfor a visit. John and wife Lela havebeen friends since in the 80s whenwe both were master pork produc-ers. Tuesday, Tony Harty had break-fast out and visited with ShirleyHair later in the day. Kinsey and Natalie Gittings hadsupper in town Tuesday evening.Kohen spent the time with Great-grandpa and Great-grandma Git-tings. Tuesday and Wednesday, Donand Vi Moody had their vehicles allserviced for the pre-winter checksand ran errands around Rapid tofix and replace some plumbing

items.  They enjoyed the balmyweather, but no moisture came tothe area so it’s getting pretty drythere also. Water sprinklers cameout again and the wind did blowhard enough to pop a pretty goodsized branch off a huge cottonwoodtree in Moody's front yard butcaused no damage.  It had to bepulled off from part of the entryroad. Wednesday found Tony Hartyout mowing weeds in and aroundhis yard as well as on some prop-erty Wilma Stout has. He stirredup enough pollen to have his eyesgive him a fit before he called it aday. Dale Koehn visited with Tonywhile out taking care of his dog.Tony visited with Shirley Hairlater in the day. Thursday, Don Moody made hischeck at the ranch and everythingwas all in fine order except forbeing dry down that way as well.Everyone is grateful for the WR/L-J Rural Water to rely on for theirlivestock this summer as thedrought seems to continue on in alots of areas in Haakon and Jack-son counties. Thursday, Tony Harty hadbreakfast out, then visited withShirley Hair before heading off toWanblee to visit at the home of hissister, Monica and Pat Weaver andcheck on how Pat was getting alongafter his surgery. Pat was gettingin his exercise and Tony enjoyedsome fresh apple pie Monica hadbaked. A call came about a fire, soeveryone went looking for it, gladto find that it had burned itself out.When he got back to Kadoka, hevisited Russ Hattel as well asKathy Brown. His nephews, Johnand Jim Herber, stopped for a visitwith Tony before they went to thevolleyball game that evening. Bill mustered up enough energyto spend a few afternoons in thecard room in Philip. Joining all hisfriends is for sure going to help himheal faster.

Sandee Gittings was in theKadoka area Thursday afternoonand visited Bill and MarshaSumpter. Friday at Rapid Valley, a vehiclepulled into the yard at Don and Vi'sand tried to persuade them intopaving the rest of their road intotheir house, but Don elected to getmore prices to compare, so put thaton hold for the time being. A lettercame to the Moody's in Rapid Val-ley involving the new bike pathroute following the aban-doned  Chicago,  Milwaukee. St.Paul  railroad track from RapidCity to Kadoka.  This letter wassent because they own land in theValley that abuts the state landthat the railroad corridor ison. This feasibility study is by theWest River Trails Coalition andwill involve four public meetings(two in Rapid City and two inKadoka). In the meantime, therewill be a 5K walk, run, bike, etc.,walk September 29 in Kadoka,starting at the Pearl Hotel. Friday, I and Phyllis Word keptappointments in Rapid City. Phyl-lis stayed over in Rapid thatevening and I hurried home to getsome things done up for when

Carol Kroetch stopped by afterschool. George, Sandee, Kinsey, Natalieand Kohen Gittings met KellyBlair and Tom and Margie Blair,Ekalaka, Mont., in town for supperFriday evening. It rained in Kadoka, more thannine inches. (That is nine inchesbetween drops!) Tony left his win-dows down and discovered the seatwas at least a little damp when hewent to breakfast. He visitedShirley Hair then took care of hiseyes, that were still bothering fromhis day of mowing. Friday afternoon, Ralph andCathy Fiedler headed for Philip ar-riving at the Richard Stewarthome. They had supper downtowntogether, then went back to thehouse and called it a night so theycould get an early Saturday morn-ing start for Beresford. Ralph,Cathy, Richard and Diana stoppedin Kennebec at Kellie (Stewart)Halverson’s to drop some thingsoff. Then on the road again. Theyarrived at Beau and Jamie Stew-art’s in time for lunch. Jeb andCassie Stewart, Brandon, also ar-

Betwixt Places Newsby Marsha Sumpter • 837-2048 • [email protected]

continued on page 14

Page 8: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review •Page 8Sports











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The Philip Scotties line aided the ball carriers during the team’s game in White River Friday, September 7. The Scotties pulled together and put 23 points on theboard in second half action.From left for the Scotties are Brayden Fitch, Brian Pfeifle, Jade Berry, Paul Guptill with the ball, quarterback #10 Gavin Brucklacher and#71 Quade Slovek. Guptill scored 2 touchdowns for the Scotties, one for 65 yards and the other at 15 yards rushed. Photo by Nancy Haigh

Cassidy Schnabel pulled down this White River ball carrier last Friday night. Sch-abel played tough with three solo and three assist tackles, one quarterback sackand carried the ball 10 times a total of 65 yards. In the background is Scottie TateDeJong. Photo by Nancy Haigh

The Philip Scotties football teambegan its 2012 season by challeng-ing the Jones County Coyotes atMurdo, Friday, August 31. The Scotties held the Coyotes tojust eight points, but could them-selves put only three points on thescoreboard. The first quarter saw a 56-yardrun by Jones County’s Philip Math-ews to the Coyote’s end zone for sixpoints. The Scotties stopped theconversion attempt. Later in thequarter, Philip’s Chaney Burnskicked a field goal to put threepoints on the scoreboard for theScotties. The second quarter containedthe last points to be scored duringthe game. The Scotties had posses-sion while backed in Jones Countyterritory. Philip’s snap of the ball

during a punt play went high andinto the end zone, thus being auto-matically called a two-point safetyfor Jones County. The second half saw hard playsand continual back and forth ac-tion, but the 3-8 score did notchange. The Scotties earned 14 firstdown in the night’s action. Theywere assessed five five-yard penal-ties. Jones County had 15 firstdowns and five five-yard, one 10-yard and three 15-yard penalties. Philip’s passing game was leadby Tate DeJong, who threw onepass attempt that recorded a 47yard gain for the Scotties. Quarter-back Gavin Brucklacher tried fourpasses, but he and the receiverswere not able to connect. The Philip rushing game had

four players lead the statistics. De-Jong was given the ball to run 11plays, in which he gained a total of65 yards. Casey Reder also had 11carries, for a total of 24 yards. PaulGuptill used his two carries to gain10 yards for the Scotties. Ryan VanTassel gained a total of six yardswith his two carries. Defensively, the Scotties teamshowed a large percentage of as-sisted tackling. Cassidy Schnabelracked up two solo tackles and 13assists. Reed Johnson added twosolo tackles and 11 assists. BenStangle contributed one solo and11 assists. Jade Berry ended thegame with four solo tackles andeight assists, while Quade Slovekfinished with three solo and eightassist tackles and a quarterbacksack.

Philip holds Jones County to only 8

The Philip Scotties football teamtraveled to White River, Friday,September 7, to challenge theTigers. The game ended with a 26-35 loss for Philip. White River scored an unan-swered 13 points in the first quar-ter. They added 15 more in the sec-ond quarter, while Philip’s ChaneyBurns put three points on thescoreboard for the Scotties. The third quarter saw WhiteRiver adding a 94-yard touchdownand an extra point kick. Thatended the Tiger’s scoring for therest of the game.

The second half saw Philip’s TateDeJong rush in a 17-yard play forsix points, followed by a Burns’kicked extra point. The fourthquarter saw Paul Guptill run 65yards for a touchdown, followed byCasey Reder making good the con-version play. Guptill was given theball again for a 15-yard touchdown,and DeJong completed the conve-rion from Brucklacher to end thegame for the Scotties with 26points. Philip’s passing game showedGavin Brucklacher throwing theball 12 times with six completions

for 118 yards and one touchdown. Rushing for the Scotties was leadby Guptill, who had 13 carries for atotal of 197 yards. Cassidy Schn-abel went 65 yards in his 10 car-ries. Reder had four carries for atotal of 22 yards, and Ryan VanTassel was given the ball fourtimes for a total of eight yards. Defensive play was filled withsacks made by the Scotties. Rederracked up four solo tackles, five as-sisted tackles and one sack. JadeBerry added six assists and foursacks. Schnabel earned three solos,three assists and one sack. Quade

Philip Scotties fall to White River 26-35Slovek finished the game with onesolo, four assists and one sack. BenStangle earned three solos and twoassists. Philip had 20 first downs. Philipgave up four five-yard penaltiesone 10-yard penalty and two 15-yard penalties. White River had 22first downs and one five-yardpenalty. The next game for the Scottieswill be the Homecoming game Fri-day, September 14, against theNew Underwood Tigers.

The annual HuntSAFE course inMidland will be held Saturday,September 29. This free safety class (HuntSafety And Firearms Education) isopen to anyone 11 years old and up.It will be at the Open Bible Fellow-ship hall starting at 8:00 a.m. Any-one taking the class will need asack lunch. Materials for the classwill be available to be picked upfrom course instructor Tom Par-quet after September 3. Preregis-tration is not mandatory, but is en-couraged and appreciated. Formore information, contact Parquetat [email protected] or 843-2515 after5:00 p.m. South Dakota's HuntSAFEcourses are designed for youth age12 through 15. Youth who are 11may participate, but will not be is-sued a hunter safety certificationcard until their 12th birthday. Adults are also welcome and in-vited to attend. Other states re-quire a hunter’s safety course tohave been taken by any adulthunter who wishes to hunt in that

state. There are three primary objec-tives for courses. One is to teachsafe handling of firearms, in thehome as well as in the field. One isto develop safe, responsible andknowledgeable hunters who areaware of our hunting heritage andwho understand the hunter's roleand relationship with the wildlifeand the land. The other is to certifyyouth under the age of 16, makingthem eligible to apply for huntinglicenses. Students who successfully com-plete a HuntSAFE course receivean identification card containingtheir name, date of certification, acertification number and the signa-ture of the instructor. Until thestudent is 16, a parent or guardianmust present the HuntSAFE certi-fication card to a licensed vendorwhen purchasing the young per-son's hunting license. The parentor guardian agrees, by signing thelicense application, to accompanythe student in the field while he orshe is hunting until they are 16.

HuntSAFE course Sept. 29

The Lady Scotties hosted theirown Philip Invitational VolleyballTournament, Saturday, September8. First facing the Jones CountyLady Coyotes, the Philip team lostits games 19-25 and 14-25.

Philip vs. Jones County Serving – 28 of 34 (3 aces). Leaders: Jor-dyn Dekker – 7 of 8 (1 ace), Madison Hand –7 of 7 (1 ace), Sam Johnson – 4 of 5 (2 aces). Receiving – 31 of 41. Leaders: Ellie Coyle –12 of 12, Krista Wells – 11 of 17, JordynDekker – 6 of 7. Setting – 40 of 50 (7 assists). Leaders:Hand – 21 of 25 (4 assists), Hanna Hostut-ler – 4 of 5 (2 assists). Hitting – 39 of 49 (9 kills). Leaders: John-son – 15 of 20 (6 kills), Dekker – 6 of 7 (1 kill),Hand – 5 of 6 (2 kills). Digging – 32 of 47. Leaders: Hand – 9 of12, Wells – 8 of 10, Coyle – 5 of 6.

Philip next faced the Lead/Dead-wood Golddiggers. The Lady Scot-ties came away with two wins, withfinal scores of 25-23 and 25-18.

Philip vs. Lead/Deadwood Serving – 47 of 49 (8 aces). Leaders: Pey-ton DeJong – 14 of 14 (2 aces), Katlin Knut-son – 13 of 13 (6 aces), Hand – 8 of 9. Receiving – 23 of 32. Leaders: Coyle – 9 of11, Wells – 7 of 10, Dekker – 5 of 6. Setting – 42 of 46 (15 assists). Leader:Hand – 27 of 29 (14 assists). Hitting – 43 of 49 (18 kills). Leaders:Dekker – 9 of 10 (6 kills), Johnson – 13 of 15(5 kills), DeJong – 6 of 6 (3 kills). Blocking – 3 kills. Leader: Dekker – 3solos. Digging: 36 of 50. Leaders: Wells – 10 of14, Dekker – 8 of 10, Coyle – 7 of 10.

The Lady Scotties currentlystand with a 3-3 season record. The Scotties will compete next ina Philip triangular, Saturday, Sep-tember 15, beginning at 2:00 p.m.against the Wall Eagles and theWhite River Lady Tigers. Follow-ing that, the Scotties will next hostthe Faith Lady Longhorns, Tues-day, September 20, starting at 5:00p.m.


The Lady Scotties competed inthe Presho triangular volleyballtournament, Thursday, September6, against Lyman and StanleyCounty. Against Lyman, Philip won thefirst game, but could not quiteclaim the next three. The finalscores were 25-20, 22-25, 19-25 and19-25.

Philip vs. Lyman Serving – 79 of 86 (7 aces). Leaders: Madi-son Hand – 17 of 17 (1 ace), Sam Johnson –14 of 15 (1 ace), Krista Wells – 6 of 7 (2 aces). Receiving – 66 of 77. Leaders: Wells – 33of 35, Jordyn Dekker – 12 of 14, Ellie Coyle –6 of 7, Kaci Olivier – 6 of 7. Setting – 114 of 122 (25 assists). Leader:Hand – 81 of 81 (20 assists). Hitting – 105 of 134 (31 kills). Leaders:Johnson – 35 of 46 (13 kills), Dekker – 20 of24 (8 kills), Hand – 6 of 8 (3 kills). Blocking – 7 kills. Leaders: Dekker – 3solos and 1 assist, Hanna Hostutler – 1 soloand 1 assist. Digging – 78 of 110. Leaders: Wells – 21 of23, Dekker – 13 of 19, Coyle – 12 of 14.

Against Stanley County, Philipdropped its second game, but wonthe other three. The final scoreswere 25-16, 19-25, 25-17 and 25-11.

Philip vs. Stanley County Serving – 84 of 95 (13 aces). Leaders:

Hand – 20 of 21 (5 aces), Coyle – 11 of 13 (1ace), Brett Carley – 10 of 11. Receiving – 49 of 55. Leaders: Wells – 21of 23, Dekker – 14 of 15, DeJong – 5 of 5. Setting – 88 of 93 (25 assists). Leader:Hand – 55 of 58 (17 assists). Hitting – 66 of 87 (35 kills). Leaders: John-

son – 21 of 27 (11 kills), Dekker – 12 of 15 (9kills), Hand – 10 of 13 (7 kills). Blocking – 8 kills. Leaders: Dekker – 4solos and 3 assists, Hostutler – 2 assists. Digging – 65 of 82. Leaders: Wells – 16 of18, Dekker – 14 of 15, Coyle – 11 of 12.

Scotties 1-1 in Presho triangular

The Philip Lady Scotties trav-eled to Murdo, Tuesday, September4, to challenge the Jones CountyLady Coyotes. The varsity won three of itsgames, losing the second one inovertime play. The scores were 25-14, 26-28, 25-18 and 25-23.

Varsity Serving – 95 of 105 (13 aces). Leaders:Madison Hand – 23 of 23 (4 aces), KristaWells – 12 of 13 (3 aces), Kaci Olivier – 13 of14 (2 aces). Receiving – 57 of 68. Leaders: Wells – 24of 27. Olivier – 14 of 16, Jordyn Dekker – 11of 14. Setting – 100 of 110 (24 assists). Leaders:Hand – 30 of 33 (10 assists), Katlin Knut-son – 27 of 28 (5 assists), Kelsie Kroetch – 10of 12 (2 assists). Hitting – 95 of 118 (35 kills). Leaders:Dekker – 23 of 28 (10 kills), Sam Johnson –22 of 28 (9 kills), Hand – 16 of 21 (7 kills).

Blocking – 6 kills. Leaders: Dekker – 3solo, Johnson – 1 solo and 1 assist, HannaHostutler – 1 assist, Brett Carley – 1 solo. Digging – 90 of 114. Leaders: Wells – 25 of30, Hand – 17 of 19, Olivier – 16 of 19.

The junior varsity team swept allthree of its games. The final scoreswere 25-18, 25-9 and 15-13.

Junior varsity Serving – 44 of 58 (10 aces). Leaders: Car-ley – 18 of 19 (3 aces), Peyton DeJong – 8 of 8(1 ace), Hand – 6 of 6. Receiving – 30 of 33. Leaders: Olivier – 10of 11, Afton Burns – 4 of 5, Hostutler – 4 of 4,Amanda McIlravy – 4 of 4. Setting – 60 of 61 (14 assists). Leaders:Knutson – 18 of 18 (6 assists), Hand – 24 of24 (5 assists). Hitting – 61 of 65 (17 kills). Leaders:Olivier – 8 of 8 (3 kills), Hand – 11 of 11 (3kills), Knutson – 8 of 9 (3 kills). Digging – 36 of 52. Leaders: Olivier – 8 of9, DeJong – 7 of 10, Knutson – 6 of 7.

Lady Scotties defeat Coyotes

Page 9: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review •Page 9Sports & Accomplishments

SupperSupper will be served immediately following the

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Monday Night MixedDakota Bar....................................3-1Badland’s Auto..............................2-2Rockers..........................................2-2Petersen’s ......................................2-2Handrahan Const .........................2-2Shad’s Towing...............................1-3

Wednesday Morning CoffeeState Farm Ins..............................4-0Invisibles .......................................3-1Cutting Edge Salon ......................2-2Jolly Ranchers ..............................2-2All Star Auto.................................1-3Ghost Team...................................0-0Highlights:Charlene Kjerstad.................172/455Karen Foland ........................159/392Lila Whidby..................................142Kay Williams................................388Debbie Gartner...................3-10 splitBeth Stewart ......................5-10 split

Wednesday Nite EarlyMorrison’s Haying ........................3-1Dakota Bar....................................3-1Chiefie’s Chicks ............................2-2Dorothy’s Catering .......................2-2First National Bank .....................1-3Just Tammy’s................................1-399 Pins ..........................................NAWall Food Center .........................NAHighlights:Brenda Grenz ........5-7 split; 180/462Annette Hand...............................406Rachel Kjerstad..................5-10 split

Friday Nite MixedCristi’s Crew .................................3-1King Pins.................................2.5-1.5Roy’s Amigo’s ..........................1.5-2.5Randy’s Spray Service..................1-3Highlights:Alvin Pearson........................172/475Bart Guptill..................................172John Heltzel .......................2-10 splitDeanna Fees .......................5-10 split

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Shown above, thePhilip Scotties girlsran as a varsityteam for the firsttime this season.From left: HollyIwan who earnedfirst place, ShayHand who took13th place, and Al-lison Pekron whotook 12th place.The Philip girls’team took secondplace. At right areTristen Rush infront who finishedfifth place, andBlake Martinezwho earned eighthplace. Philip’s Gar-rett Snook fin-ished in the 11thspot, while Kee-gan Burnett took14th, for the boys’team to earn thesecond placeteam position.

by Coach Ralph Kroetch Sunny and cool on a spectaterfriendly Wall Golf Course set thestage for the first ever Wall CrossCountry Invitational meet, Satur-day, September 8. The boys’ varsity race openedwith Philip sophomores TristenRush and Blake Martinez andfreshmen Keegan Burnett andGarrett Snook racing for the Scot-ties. They have learned that toofast of a start makes for a miser-able race. The final stages of thisrace proved that, with Rush over-taking White River’s MathewBeardt and Dupree’s Nate Widowin the final 150 meters. Rushsprinted past both to place fifthwith a time of 18:18. Martinez’stime of 18:35 gave him eighthplace. Snook exchanged spotsthroughout the race with Lymanand White River runners to place11th in a time of 20:03 in his sec-ond ever varsity race. Burnett, alsorunning his second ever 5,000meter race, outpaced Faith’s JariusHalligan for the 14th position. Theboys’ team accrued 17 points toearn second place as a team toDupree’s 10 points. The Scotties girls entered a var-sity team for the first time this sea-son. Holly Iwan lead them to a sec-ond place finish with 12 points, be-hind Lyman’s nine points. AKadoka runner charged into a com-manding early lead. Iwan said toLyman’s Sara Herman, “We willstay right here and wait for her tocome back.” At the one mile mark,Iwan held the lead and Herman insecond. Iwan put up an unsur-mountable 40 second lead. With atime of 17:00, Iwan earned her firstwin of 2012. Junior Allison Pekron and eighthgrader Shay Hand worked togetherto finish 12th and 13th, with timesof 20:01 and 20:16 respectively. Scotties’ seventh grader ConnerDekker and eighth grader DamianBartels ran the 4,000 meter boys’junior varsity run. Both ran well,with Bartels placing 11th, improv-

ing his course best by 24 seconds at19:05. Dekker fought through asore hamstring to place 19th, cut-ting an amazing 4:57 from his best4,000 meter time, at 23:04. The Scotties competed next on

Monday, September 10, on theWhite River airport. Their follow-ing meets will be September 19 atthe Wall’s Western Great PlainsConference meet and September 21at a meet in Rapid City.

Scotties runner up at Wall Invite

Philip again hosted the annualSouth Dakota Civil Air Patroltraining weekend, August 3-4. Despite the windy conditions thisyear, 11 cadets and 23 adults fromacross the state attended. Major Lee Vaughan and 1st Lt.Roberta Vaughan, Philip, and Mar-sha Sumpter, Kadoka, representedthe Philip Flight. They joined fourmembers of the Pierre Squadron –Jon Becker, cadets Hannah andEvan Becker, and Lt. Col. MyraChristensen. Other attendingsquadrons were from Sioux Falls,Rapid City, Custer and Spearfish. Younger members were givenorientation rides in the Black HillsSoaring Club’s Schweitzer 2-22glider, piloted by Lt. Col. GaryHewett, Rapid City. 1st Lt. MartyLarson towed the glider into thesky with South Dakota CAP’sCessna 182. As increasing winds began tomake glider flights impossible,CAP members turned to searchand rescue training and orientationrides in Cessna 172 and 182 air-craft. Col. Mike Beason, mission in-cident commander from RapidCity, gave orders for the launchingof an aircraft for a training mis-sion. It was piloted by Major. CraigGoodrich, Rapid City, with J.Becker and Andy Tate filling outthe crew. The assigned groundteam was lead by Capt. BrianSharp. The second mission, a photoopportunity over the Conata Basinsouth of the Badlands, waslaunched with Christensen at thecontrols. L. Vaughan reported that duringthe missions he was in his ele-ment – on the flight line, ensuringthe safety of the cadets. Sumptersupported the logistics for theweekend activities. 1st Lt. William

Collister, Spearfish, was the wingdirector of communications, whileLt. Col. Dave Jeferies, Rapid Cityand R. Vaughan upgraded thesquadron’s radios according toneeded frequencies.

The weekend summary statedthat, all in all, it was a very fun,busy exercise with much accom-plished and old acquaintances re-newed.

Philip hosts annual S.D. CivilAir Patrol aerospace weekend

Captain Brian Sharp, right, instructed cadet Hannah Becker on how to operatedirectional finding equipment to locate a practice beacon. Courtesy photo

The Black Hills State UniversityYellow Jacket Hall of Fame will in-duct six individuals and two teamsduring the 2012 Swarm Day festiv-ities. Philip’s Pat Guptill will be in-ducted for his achievements intrack, football and basketball. Hewas a four-year letter winner in allthree sports. Some of his accoladesinclude a third place finish in the110 meter hurdles at the 1979South Dakota Intercollegiate Con-ference meet; a second place finishin the SDIC 4x100 relay in 1979and 1981; 1980 SDIC champion inthe 110 meter high hurdles with atime of 15.34, and also took fifthplace in the 400 meter hurdles; andin 1981, a first place in the 110high hurdles with a time of 15.2,second place in the high jump witha height of 6’2” and fourth place inthe 400 meter hurdles. Also being inducted into the hallof fame is the 1983 football team,led by Coach Carl “Duke” Iverson.They were SDIC champions with a5-0-2 record and a 5-2-2 overallrecord. Todd Hemmingson was onthat team.

Other inductees are Monica(Headlee) Dorn for cross countryand track, Steve Harshman forfootball and wrestling, Eldon Mar-shall for boys basketball coaching,Dana and LaDawn Dykhouse forphilanthropy to BHSU, and the2000 men’s cross country team.

BHSU, Spearfish, will hold itsannual homecoming celebrationSwarm Days, September 17-22.This year’s theme is “Operation:Swarm Days” to show support forthe deployed 842nd NationalGuard Unit. The parade Saturday morningwill have entries displaying a mili-tary theme. Other homecomingevents include coronation, hike tothe “H,” disc golf tournament, tail-gate social, and the homecomingfootball game versus the ColoradoMesa University Mavericks. BHSUwill host an all-athletic reunion fol-lowing the football game. All alumni are invited back tocampus to celebrate Swarm Weekand take part in the various events,including the Alumni Awardsluncheon and the Hall of Famebanquet. For these two events,tickets must be purchased in ad-vance. Call 642-6385 for more in-formation. A complete Swarm Daysschedule is at www.BHSU.edu/SwarmDays, or call the stu-dent union information center at642-6062.

Guptill - Yellow Jacket Hall of Fame

Local residents have the oppor-tunity to celebrate life by joining inthe community blood drive spon-sored by the Knights of Columbusfrom 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tues-day, September 18, in the Fine ArtsBuilding at the Philip High School. And now, not only will peoplehave a great feeling after donatingblood at the drive, but they will beable to check their total cholesterol

level. United Blood services now of-fers free cholesterol testing to blooddonors. United Blood Services doesa total cholesterol test that allowsdonors to eat before the test – nofasting is required. “We use the total cholesterol testbecause it is important for donorsto have a healthy meal before theydonate,” said Lori Liebman, UnitedBlood Services donor recruitment

director. It is recommended thatadults 20 years and older have adifferent cholesterol test, called alipoprotien profile, every five years.A lipoprotein profile requires a 12-hour fast and is done at a physi-cian’s office or lab. Donors can check their confiden-tial results at www.bloodhero.comthe week after their donation.Blood donors must be 16 years orolder and in good health. Addi-tional height/weight requirementsapply to donors 22 and younger,and donors who are 16, or 17 in cer-tain areas, must have signed per-mission from a parent or guardian.Donors are asked to bring a photoID and donor card every time theydonate. First time donors receive adonor card with their blood type inthe mail shortly after the ir firstdonaton. People sho wish to donate at theblood drive may schedule an ap-pointment by calling Rick Palecekin Philip at 859-2525, or callUnited Blood Services in RapidCity 342-8585, in Mitchell 996-3688, or logging on to the website.

Philip area blood drive September 18

Make your opinion known … write a letter to the editor!

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[email protected]

Page 10: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Scotties football team includes, back Row, left to right, Austin Davidson, Colten Triebwasser, ChaseWright, Brian Pfeifle, Seth Haigh, Brayden Fitch, Blake Puhlman, Ben Stangle, Brad Pfeifle; thirdrow, Head Coach Keven Morehart, Gavin Brucklacher, Nick Hamill, Austin Pinney, Rance Johnson,Jacob Kammerer, Brody Jones, Jace Giannonatti, Grady Carley, Jade Berry, Asst. Coach Mike Baer;second row, Paul Guptill, Reed Johnson, Tate DeJong, Cassidy Schnabel, Quade Slovek, ChaneyBurns, Ryan Van Tassel, Casey Reder; front row, Student Mgr. Katie Hostutler, Stratton Morehart,Student Mgr. Bailey Radway. Photo by Deb Smith

The Lady Scotties volleyball team includes, back row from left, HeadCoach Kim Bouman, Hanna Hostutler, Tyana Gottsleben, Katie Haigh,Courtney Bartlett, Ashton Reedy, Justina Cvach; third row, Katlin Knut-son, Brett Carley, Peyton DeJong, Tyshia Ferguson, Amanda McIlravy,Libbi Koester, Asst. Coach Mary Lynn Crary; second row, Student Mgr.Gavin Snook, Afton Burns, Madison Hand, Jordyn Dekker, Kaci Olivier,Ellie Coyle, Student Mgrs. Deserae Williams and Catie Pinela; front row,Kelsie Kroetch, Krista Wells, Sam Johnson. Photo by Deb Smith

Scotties Cross Country team, back row, left toright, Coach Ralph Kroetch, Keegan Burnett, Gar-rett Snook, Tristen Rush, Blake Martinez, NelsonHolman, Student Mgr. Sam Stangle; front row,Conner Dekker, Allison Pekron, Ellie Coyle, HollyIwan, Shay Hand, Damion Bartels.

Photo by Deb Smith

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 10

Brant’s Electric


Coyle’s SuperValuDr. Ron & Laurie

Mann & StaffErnie’s Bldg. Cen-

ter, LLCFarm Bureau Fi-

nancialFirst National

AgencyFirst National

Bank in PhilipFitgerald

Oil CompanyGibson

Concrete Const.Golden Willow

SeedsHaakon County



HardwareJones’ Saddlery

Bottle & VetKennedy

Impl. & AutoGrossenburg

ImplementMidwest Co-op

CenexModern Woodmen

of America

Philip HealthServices, Inc.

Philip Livestock


PublicationsRush Funeral

HomeState Farm Insur-

anceThe Steakhouse

& LoungePhilip Motor,


Pit StopMoses’

Building CenterCoyle’s


9/13/2012: JH Volleyball @ Wall 6:00; 5th & 6th @ 5:00 p.m.9/14/2012: 12:30 Pep Band Rally for Students & Community Mem-

bers9/14/2012: 2 p.m. Homecoming Parade (1:30 line-up West of Philip

Motor)9/14/2012: HS Football v. New Underwood 7:00 p.m. Homecoming9/15/2012: HS Volleyball Philip Round Robin (Wall, White River)

2:00 p.m. Homecoming9/15/2012: JH Football @ Kadoka Jamboree (Midland) TBA

Philip High SchoolHOMECOMING

Page 11: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Page 12: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Page 13: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Page 14: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review •Page 15Area News & Sports


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Volleyball program gets matching funds

Members of the Philip Modern Woodmen of America chapter recently helped raise money for the Philip volleyball team byselling raffle tickets. The drawing for a four-wheeler or a golf cart and for a $1,000 savings bond was held July 4. It raised$1,314. This includes $500 matched by Modern Woodsmen’s home office through the organization’s matching fund pro-gram. The money will be used for supplies for camps to help the team. The matching fund program offers Modern Woodmenmembers nationwide the chance to show their support for a community cause, organization or individual in need by holdingfundraisers. Modern Woodmen matches money raised up to $2,500. These fundraising projects contribute more than $6.5million to community needs nationwide each year. Coordinated by local Modern Woodmen members, chapters provide op-portunities to connect through social activities and volunteer projects. For more information about the local chapter andhow to get involved, contact Don Haynes at 859-2778 or [email protected]. Photo by Del Bartels

Philip team: Back row, from left: Glenn Parsons, Ryan Seager, Bob Thorson, Brit Miller and Dean Fitzgerald. Front: DakCarley, Colt Terkildsen, Jake Fitzgerald, D.J. Rush and Ron Coyle. Courtesy photos

The annual Ryder Cup GolfTournament took place Saturday,September 8, at the Lake Wag-goner Golf Course in Philip. Theevent is a competition betweenPhilip, Wall and Murdo. There are three different nine-hole segments, the first being atwo-person alternate shot. This for-mat has the first person hit the teeshot, then the other person hits thesecond shot, and shots alternateuntil the ball is in the cup. The second format is an individ-ual match play, which has no teammember. It is one person from eachteam playing each other, and theobject is to win the most holes. The third format is a two-personscramble, which has both teammembers tee off and then the teamdecides which ball is better, andpick up the inferior ball, and bothplayers hit from the better ball.This continues all the way throughthe hole. Each event has the opportunityfor a tie. Scoring for the two-personalternate shot and the scrambleformat is four points for a win andtwo points for a tie. The individualmatch play scores two points for awin and one point for a tie. There are three trophies up forgrabs. The Champions Cup is be-tween Wall and Philip, the Inter-state Cup is between Murdo andWall, and the Ryder Cup is be-tween Philip and Murdo. This isthe ninth year for the ChampionsCup, which Philip has won sincethe inception. The Interstate Cupis in it’s fourth year, with Murdowinning it last year, and Wall win-ning it all other years. This is theseventh year of the Ryder Cup,which Philip has won since it’s in-ception. There is a captain from eachteam, who pairs their membersand their opponents. The captainsare D.J. Rush for Philip, Dean

Schulz for Wall and Steve Reed forMurdo.

Philip vs. Wall Alternate shot: Philip – 10,Wall – 10. Match play: Philip – 13,Wall – 7. Scramble: Philip – 20,Wall – 0. Total: Philip – 43, Wall –17.

Philip vs. Murdo Alternate shot: Philip – 14,Murdo – 6. Match play: Philip – 16,Murdo – 4. Scramble: Philip – 16,Murdo – 4. Total: Philip – 46,Murdo – 14.

Wall vs. Murdo Alternate shot: Wall – 16,Murdo – 4. Match play: Wall – 10,Murdo – 10. Scramble: Wall – 12,Murdo – 8. Total: Wall – 38,Murdo – 22.

The Philip team consisted ofGlenn Parsons, Ryan Seager, BobThorson, Brit Miller, Dean Fitzger-ald, Dak Carley, Colt Terkildsen,Jake Fitzgerald, D.J. Rush andRon Coyle. The Wall team includedMike Larson, Jan Bielmaier, StanAnderson, Troy Schulz, RandyWalker, Mark Ammann, ConradKjerstad, Nathan Kleinschmit,Dean Schulz and Chad Walker.The Murdo team members wereSeth Geigle, Jody Gittings, ChrisIverson, Steve Reed, Scott Kittel-son, Rob Kaiser, Tyler Rankin,Larry Ball, Brian O’Reilly andDoug LaHaye. The next Ryder Cup is scheduledfor September 7, 2013, at the WallGolf Course.

Ryder Cup Golf Tournament

said that in this area, “We are hardworking people. We feel put uponby the government.” He talkedabout doctors who spend too muchtime filling out paperwork and abanking industry that is beingstrangled by regulations. “Our ancestors came here to befree,” agreed Noem. She exampled,“The school lunch regulations aresomething that should be as closeto our kids as can be ... not some

bureaucrat in Washington, D.C. Itmight make sense in Washington,but out here it’s crazy.” Audiencemember Mike Piroutek said, “Mrs.Obama said they are going tochange our food in the grocerystores. I’m a meat and potatosguy.” Noem related that, concerningthe harassing of animals duringrattlesnake roundups, a top bu-reaucrat admitted he thought hisdepartment could put an animal on

Congressional town hall in Philip

Keith Emerson getting a point across to Kristi Noem.Congresswoman Kristi Noem and Ron Millage.

continued from page 1

Lakin Boyd – seniorHas a great attitude and a desire

to do well. Is attentive and willingto learn. Completes all her

assignments on time. Works hardto turn in quality homework.

Philip High SchoolSeptember 2012 Students of the Month

Keegan Burnett – freshmanPositive attitude, contributes to classdiscussions. Willing to help others.

Respectful of classmates. Has excel-lent leadership qualities. Is a diligentstudent. Has a great sense of humor.

the endangered species list simplybecause it was being harassed byhumans. Noem said, “You knowwhat happens when an animal getsput on the endangered species list.It affects landowners.” Before Noem began visiting withaudience members on a one-to-onebasis, she concluded, “We are nottalking about what’s important tous enough. We need people to bebold.”

Page 16: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

PHILIP AARP/RTA … will meet Monday, Sept. 24, at 6:00 p.m.with a soup supper and business meeting at the senior center. BritMiller, FNB loan officer, will be our speaker. Everyone welcome.

PUNT, PASS & KICK … will be held Friday, Sept. 14, at the foot-ball field. Registration: 3:30; starts at 4:00 for ages 6-15 years. Musthave a copy of birth certificate. Questions: Doug Hauk, 859-2742.

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP … will meet Tuesday, Sept. 18, at6:30 p.m. in the Senechal Apts. lobby in Philip. There will be a guestspeaker.

THE GARDEN CLUB … is sponsoring Bill Keck and his classabout “Fall Lawn Care” on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. in theHaakon Co. Courthouse community room. Everyone welcome.

To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-review. com. We will run your event notice the two issuesprior to your event at no charge.

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 16Community

Greetings from cooler, breezy,dry-as-a-bone, northeast HaakonCounty. Thank goodness for coolertemperatures this morning! It isabout 73˚ here, and a sweatshirtfeels good. I have become so accli-mated to the hot temperatures thatI'm afraid winter is going to beeven more of a challenge thanusual this year! And while the coolbreeze feels good coming throughthe open windows, it also carrieswith it a good amount of dust be-cause of the dry conditions. I guessI'll be spending some quality timewith my dust cloth and vacuumlater today – again. I haven't hadto spend any time recently check-ing the rain gauge, so that timesaved can be spent cleaning up thedust. A couple of days ago, I found my-self wishing that flies were a cashcrop, because we have lots of them.What a nuisance. I have a fly traphung in a tree in the yard, and itdoesn't take long for it to fill up. I

guess the flies have taken the placeof mosquitoes this year. The activity around the neigh-borhood has mostly involved work-ing cattle and harvesting corn.Thank goodness some of the neigh-bors escaped the hail earlier thissummer, so there is at least a par-tial crop to harvest. The dry condi-tions have severely reduced theyields, but some crop is better thannone. There are quite a few haytrucks on the highways these days,hauling feed to areas hardest hit bythe drought. Hopefully by nextsummer we will have some mois-ture for the parched pastures andfields. Several of the folks I contactedthis week haven't had any news toreport. It seems that everyone hasswitched into fall mode, beginningto get prepared for the winter. Thehot temperatures have been keep-ing folks close to home also. An-other factor is the fact that schoolhas started, which limits activities

of families with school aged chil-dren. Whatever the reason, thereisn't a lot of news this week. Dick and Gene Hudson havebeen entertaining company for thepast few days. The children ofGene's cousin, Duane Price, arrivedSaturday. Derald and Julie Price,Denver, and Rae and Billy Floyd,Oklahoma, and their families haveenjoyed seeing the countryside,checking cattle, and all the otherranch activities. I'm sure they areenjoying Gene's cooking, also! Jonand Connie Johnson and boysjoined the group for supper on Sat-urday and Sunday. Monday, justConnie and Noah Johnson joinedthe group for supper. Jon Johnsonwas gone to Wheaton, Minn., andboth Avery and Wyatt are inschool. The Price relatives returnedto their homes Tuesday. Coreen and Julian Roseth helpedtheir son, Nick, move to Philip re-cently. Nick has an apartmentthere and is working at the salebarn. Nels and Dorothy Paulson werein Pierre Friday. Saturday morn-ing, they had a visit from theirfriends, Otis and Amber Funk, wholive near Pierre. The Funks were inthe area looking for antelope – Iguess the archery season is nowopen. Don Sandal was at Paulsonsearlier in the week cleaning seedwheat. The rest of their time hasbeen spent checking fences andwater and just generally keepingan eye on the cattle. Nels solved amystery this week – he found theculprits that were digging up hispotatoes. It turns out that he has abunch of very hungry pheasantswho are scratching the potatoes outof the ground and making a meal ofthem! (Most of the potatoes in mygarden are about the size of golfballs this year, so those wouldprobably qualify as an appetizerrather than a meal.) It is a chal-lenging year for both man andbeast (and birds)! Happy belatedbirthday to Nels – he celebratedanother year on September 10. Bill and Polly Bruce spent part ofthe week recuperating from theirLabor Day weekend family gather-ing. All of their children werehome, as well as several of thegrandchildren. Polly said over 40people were there, all of them en-joying visiting and spending timetogether. The last of the crowd leftLabor Day. The most entertaining

part of the weekend was the home-made cannon that shot bowlingballs! A friend from the Cresbardarea brought the cannon, and theyhad fun shooting it through oldbuildings, etc. Activities at theBruce ranch this week includedcattle working and hay hauling.Bill and Polly went to PierreThursday. They attended church inMidland Sunday, followed by lunchat a local cafe. Polly got word lastweek that her younger brother, LeoNemec, had a heart attack. Leolives in North Dakota. He is homenow and doing better. He'll have aprocedure later to have anotherstent placed in his heart to improveblood flow. Modern medicine isamazing! Max and Joyce Jones were inAkaska September 1 to attendtheir friend, Jane Barber's, wed-ding. The next day, they traveled toSpearfish to be on hand for a 90thbirthday celebration for friend LyleCollins. They got to see a lot of oldfriends at both activities, with achance to visit and get caught upon everyone's news. This past weekhas been quieter, which is not abad thing. Mary Briggs stopped to visit withLil Briggs last Thursday on herway home from Pierre. WarrenBriggs’ oldest son, Anthony, isstaying with Lil since his work hasended at the ranch. He is workingat Red Rossa and will also be work-ing as a lifeguard at the YMCA inPierre. Lee Briggs has been busywith silage cutting, cattle work,and all the other seasonal activi-ties. Duane Roseth went to BoydWaara's retirement party at thePhilip bank Friday. Saturday,Duane and Lola's son, Thor, wifeJackie, and and their baby son,Royce, were afternoon and supperguests at Duane and Lola's – I'llbet grandpa and grandma enjoyedthat! On a personal note, I want to saycongratulations to Boyd Waara onhis recent retirement from thebank. We were fortunate enough tohave Boyd as our banker for many,many years, and he remains a dearfriend. He served his customersand community well, and he heldleadership roles in the state's bank-ing industry. It is so important inan agricultural community to havea banker who thoroughly under-stands the ag industry, and Boyd

knows agriculture and finance in-side out. And besides that, he hasa lot of common sense, which is alltoo often in short supply! His re-tirement is well earned, and I wishhim and Jeanie only the best! Marge Briggs has no news thisweek, but she did have the weatherdata for August, 2012: High tem-perature was 108˚ on the 29th, fourdays of 100˚ or above, 18 days of 90˚or above, and 26 days of 80˚ orabove. The lowest maximum tem-perature was 77˚ on the 16th. Theminimum temperature was 44˚ onboth the 16th and 17th.We had sixtimes of 50˚ or below during Au-gust. The average high was 90˚, av-erage low was 57˚, and the month'saverage temperature was 73˚. Precipitation for the month was.63”. Normal is 1.85”, leaving us1.2” below normal for the month.The precipitation to date for theyear is 9.95”. Normal is 13.10”,leaving us 3.15” below normal forthe year, which equates to 75.95%of normal. According to Marge, at the end ofAugust we had 19 days of 100˚ orabove for the year. And on Septem-ber 10 when we visited, we were upto 21 days of 100˚ or above. I'm hop-ing that we won't have any more100˚ plus days! Thanks to Margefor compiling this data. Our week here at the ranch has

been kind of a blur. Last Tuesday,two sets of company left, and I justhad time to freshen the beds whenfriends from the Missoula area ar-rived to visit and spend the night.They were headed on a three-weektour of various historical sites inthe South and along the EastCoast. Wednesday, our nephew,Justin Neuhauser, Watertown,came to the ranch to work on a cou-ple of pickups that weren't runningquite right. He is an excellent me-chanic! (We selfishly keep encour-aging him to move closer!) Wednes-day afternoon, an elk hunter ar-rived. Thursday afternoon, our son,Scott, and friend Mike Hoy arrivedto help gather cattle. Mike had alittle incident with a four-wheeler,so he headed back to Rapid CityThursday evening, but Scott stayedfor the weekend. Friday, our elkhunter left with his big elk, and ournephew, Dylan Neuhauser, arrivedto help with weekend cattle work.We weaned calves Friday and pregtested Saturday (thanks, T.J.Gabriel). Saturday, our daughter-in-law, Corry, and grandkidsMarisa and Austin arrived tospend the weekend. Austin was cel-

ebrating his third birthday, andwhen his parents asked him whathe wanted to do to celebrate, hesaid he wanted to go to grandpaRandy's and ride in the tractor. Sothat is what they did! And grand-daughter Marisa spent a lot of timespoiling the kittens. It was a greatweekend! More elk hunters arrivedMonday. It is just that time of yearat our house – no time to get bored,that's for sure! Today is September 11, and as Iwrite this, I am thinking about thatfateful day in 2001. It was such aterrible tragedy – one that will notbe forgotten. On that day, and formany days and weeks afterwards,people from across the nationstepped forward to help with thedisaster. And many people madethe decision to join the military andserve our country to help keep ussafe and free. Today, I am gratefulto all those who stepped up and forall those who continue to serve.Today, I'll set aside a little time inmemory of those that lost theirlives and in sympathy for thecountless people who this tragedyaffects to this day. God bless themall. Clint, Laura, and Alivya Alle-man decided to label their LaborDay festivities as a "staycation"since they didn't go very far. Theydid take in local area activities andpeople. Monday, Clint, Laura andAlivya went to Dick and Gene Hud-son's home for supper and visiting.They had a good time, and Alivyaand Dick became great buddies.They kept busy this week withranch and house activities. Laurafound time to can salsa, sauces,and jam while keeping tabs onClint as he finds himself in thefields now. Laura helped her folks,Randy and Joy Yost, in Hayes. Sheenjoys being so close to family! Alivya is now a chatter box andtalks all the time, delighting every-one as she discovers a new world ofcommunicating. Alivya was able tospend time with both sets of grand-parents this past week. Aunt Kellyand cousin "Mo" Morgan watchedAlivya Saturday at the ranch asClint treated Laura to a movie, din-ner, and amusing conversations.Sunday, they spent time with theYosts for food, fun, and football. Ac-cording to Laura (and I'm sureClint will agree), "Life is good." I hope you will go out and makethis a wonderful week! Enjoy thecooler temperatures!

Moenville Newsby Leanne Neuhauser • 567-3325

procrastinator, putting off until to-morrow, things you should be doingtoday? Heed these words and takeaction on something in your lifethat you have been putting off andbegin to cultivate a new habit inyour life. I encourage you to make a list ofall the projects that you havestarted but not finished-all the “todos” that have been hanging overyour head, all those little thingsthat have become huge – and prior-itize them. Face up to those thingsyou've been putting off and admitthat you have been procrastinating,and then take action. You'll see that the battle is al-ready half won! And what benefitsyou'll reap – less negative stress, afeeling of being productive, a senseof pride, savings of money, time, en-ergy, and hassles, and probably anoverwhelming desire to tackle thenext item on your list. Rememberthe battle cry: Take action now!

Take action now!

Several years ago, I rememberquite clearly that there was this lit-tle thing left undone in my life.Since it was such a little thing I ba-sically let it go, and time passed.Suddenly this issue surfaced again,this time just a tad bit bigger of aproblem, and as before, I put it off.Time passed. A couple of months later, by thetime it reared its ugly head again,it was a monster. It ended up cost-ing me huge amounts of money andan incredible amount of time. Itcaused embarrassment and was avery painful experience for me. Italso taught me something – a lessonthat has lasted me many years now.(Sometimes I just have to learn les-sons the hard way, I guess.) Thisone I have learned well. Do not putthings off! Today, my battle cry is “Take ac-tion now!” Putting things off untillater is a bad habit that most of ushave fallen into at one time or an-other. How about you? Are you a

Bob Prentice speaks to thousands of people in highly motivational

seminars each year. Call Bob for more details at 605-450-1955 and

be sure to check out Bob’s website at: www.mrattitudespeaks.com

by RepresentativeKristi Noem

In South Dakota, we are big onhelping one another. If someoneruns out of gas or gets a flat tire, inSouth Dakota, folks still stop tolend a hand. In fact, that is one ofthe things I love most about thepeople in our state: their bighearts. I was able to see South Dakotakindness on full display recently inRapid City during the annualUnited Way Day of Caring. Over1,200 volunteers came out to do-nate their time and talents at over80 work sites around the city. Frompainting houses to mowing lawnsand visiting with local seniors, theoutpouring of love and spirit ofcommunity was truly inspiring. I felt blessed to be a part of it. Iwas able to visit the MinneluzahanSenior Center, where I met withsome older and wiser SouthDakotans. I also went to the Work-ing Against Violence, Inc. domesticviolence shelter in Rapid City,where Executive Director MaryCorbine gave me a tour and told meabout the amazing work they’re

doing in the community. The first “Day of Caring” was in1999, and it’s wonderful to see howmuch it has grown and to witnessthe kind of impact a volunteer ef-fort like this can have. But volun-teering isn’t just limited to one-dayevents. Countless South Dakotansmake giving their time a constantcommitment. I was in Sioux Falls in August forthe eighth annual WomenUniteevent and was impressed by thenumber of strong women who wereinvolved with volunteer-related ac-tivities on a regular basis. Theirlatest “Girls on Track” program istargeted to girls in sixth througheighth grade and is designed tohelp them be strong, confident andactive young women. When we volunteer, we’re notjust donating our time for a couplehours, we’re improving communi-ties, helping someone in need andinspiring others to do the same. InSouth Dakota, giving one anothera helping hand is second nature,but I still encourage folks to seekout opportunities in their commu-nities to volunteer.

South Dakota’s helping hands

Page 17: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

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Page 18: Pioneer Review, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012 • The Pioneer Review • Page 18



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4ank you, McDaniel Brothers & BillGottsleben for donating two lambs for theroll-over auction with all the proceeds to goto Philip Volunteer Fire Department.4ank you to the following donaters: PLA,

Karl Schulz, Jerry Roseth, Duane Roseth, Ju-lian Roseth, Larry Smith, Mark Williams,Foland Ranch, Mike Noteboom, Richard Job-gen, Hostutler Ranch, Je5 Nelson, Kelly Rig-gins, Seven Blackfoot Ranch, Mark Johnson,Bill Weller, Clint Jensen, Dale Christensen,Rodney Sharp, & Billy Markwed.

Total proceeds: $2,940.00

Lunch Specials:


11:00 to 1:30

Call for


Regular Menu

Available Nightly!

* * *Friday Buffet

5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Downtown Philip



~ Saturday, Sept. 15 ~Prime Rib

~ Monday, Sept. 17 ~Prime Rib Sandwich

The Steakhouse & LoungeOpen Daily ~ Monday thru Saturday

Salad Bar

Available at


~ Tuesday, Sept. 11 ~Petite Ribeye

~ Wednesday, Sept. 12 ~Indian Taco or

Taco Salad

~ Thursday, Sept. 13 ~Beef Tip Basket

~ Friday Buffet, Sept. 14 ~Seasoned Steak

Chicken ~ Shrimp

Good luck, Scotties, during Homecoming!

S.D. Highway Patrol combines two squads The Badlands Squad and theSouthern Hills Squad of the SouthDakota Highway Patrol have beencombined. Still under their ownnames, they will be led by one ser-geant, and many of their combinedmeetings will be held in RapidCity. The state’s highway patrol is di-vided into three districts. District Icovers the northeastern part of thestate, and is based out of Aberdeen.District II covers the southeasternpart of the state, and is based outof Sioux Falls. District III, basedout of Rapid City, covers all ofwestern South Dakota except forLyman, Tripp and Gregory coun-ties. Captain Kevin Karley, com-mander for District III, said, “We

seem to have a problem keeping asupervisor in the Badlands squad.What we have is a revolving doorfor supervisors.” The main reasonis that the past few supervisorshave wanted to live closer to RapidCity. Randi Erickson, now a highwaypatrol training coordinator inPierre, had lived in Rapid City forabout a year while heading theBadlands Squad. Karley said “Withnew technology, we can work fromalmost anywhere.” But heading asquad from that far away did cre-ate a lot of “windshield time.” TheBadlands Squad consists of sixtroopers; one trooper living inPhilip, two in Wall, two in Kadokaand one in Murdo. “And I don’t

foresee us changing that anytimein the near future,” said Karley. Kevin Kinney, now a highwaypatrol statewide crash reconstruc-tion supervisor, used to head theSouthern Hills Squad. That squadconsists of four troopers, two livingin Hot Springs and two living inCuster. The sergeant position that headsboth squads is currently vacant,and has been since July 24. The de-partment is preparing to put up theposition for promotion statewide.“We have not filled the vacant po-sition yet because we decided tohold a promotional assessment cen-ter and update our qualified candi-date list prior to making anotherpromotion,” stated Karley.

The car lot on the southwest corner of Highway 73 and Pine Street has been leveled, and covered with chip seal. CraigBurns, parts manager for Philip Motor, said that having the parking lot resurfaced now was a timing thing. The chip sealingcompany was to already be in the Philip area for other jobs. The crew started mid-morning and was done before that evening.

Photo by Del Bartels

Philip Motor Inc. chip sealing car lot

Dakota Rural Action, in collabo-ration with local farmers, is host-ing the fourth year of Farm Begin-nings classes starting in Novemberin Sioux Falls. The class helps participants tolearn first hand about low cost, sus-tainable methods of farming andthe tools to successfully launch aprofitable farm enterprise. Applica-tions are due September 28. Classsize is limited and scholarships areavailable. Course information andthe online application can be foundat www.dakotarural.org/farmbe-ginnings or by contacting DakotaRural Action at (605) 697-5204 [email protected]. Farm Beginnings classes areheld twice a month from Novemberto March. Students take part insessions such as whole farm plan-ning, financial planning, market-ing, business planning, connectingwith resources, and connectingwith mentors. On farm education isoffered in the spring and summermonths through a variety of farmtours and skills sessions. Thecourse includes for students to fur-ther their skills by participating inmentorships/apprenticeships withlocal farmers. Course graduates are engaged ina variety of enterprises, includinglivestock, grains, vegetable andfruit production, dairy, specialtyproducts, and community sup-ported agriculture. Participantscan be of any age, do not need toown land, and include prospective,beginning, part-time or full-timefarmers. Farm Beginnings® is an estab-lished curriculum developed over adecade ago and is replicated in sev-eral different states, includingMinnesota, Illinois, Nebraska,North Dakota and New York.Dakota Rural Action has adaptedthe curriculum to meet the needs ofregional farmers. The project issupported by the BeginningFarmer and Rancher DevelopmentProgram of the National Instituteof Food and Agriculture, USDA,grant #2010-03066. Dakota Rural Action is a grass-roots family agriculture and con-servation group that organizesSouth Dakotans to protect familyfarmers and ranchers, natural re-sources and this unique way of life.

Farm Beginnings

class deadline

September 28

The South Dakota Departmentof Transportation requests the co-operation of all farmers and ranch-ers in removing processed hay fromthe highway right of way. State regulations require thathay be removed from the right ofway within 30 days of beingprocessed, but no later than Octo-ber 1. Removing hay bales from thehighway right of way is an impor-tant safety consideration for mo-torists. The bales or stacks can bea safety hazard for vehicles forcedto leave the road and, in somecases, can restrict a driver’s sightdistance. Hay left in the roadditches late in the year can alsocause snowdrifts across the high-way. For more information, contactJason Humphrey at 605-773-3571.

Remove hayfrom highwayright of way
