EXPRESS r Tel: 011 485 2018/011 485 4461 Fax: 086 658 1415 11th Edition 21 February 2013 Birnam Kew Bramley Lombardy East/West Distributed In: Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst FREE COPY Kgadi Johanna Lamola principal,” said the Gauteng Sandringham High School in already initiated disciplinary Sandringham High School to irregularly without the South “The department's Department of Education's October last year where a steps against him,” said discuss recent public reports African Council for intervention into Head of Communication, broad range of allegations Phahlane.Phahlane said of financial problems at the Educators (SACE) Sandringham High School Charles Phahlane. including financial when they received reports of school. Among other things registration and have has stabilises the situation Sandringham's principal had mismanagement were raised. financial instability earlier in reported by the newly elected confirmed the continued and brought tremendous been suspended last year The investigation found that 2012, the Head of the GDE SGB include stopping of employment of the English improvement in the school's following allegations of the principal of the school Mr Boy Ngobeni met with the unauthorized additional and two maths educators. finances and the 2012 matric financial mismanagement. should be charged with acting principal and the payments of staff, the “Sandringham achieved a results after introducing the “The Department concluded financial mismanagement, newly elected School termination of contracts of all matric pass rate of 93.2% in new SGB and the acting its investigation into and the department has Governing Body of SGB staff employed 2012,” concluded Phahlane. SANDRINGHAM HIGH STABILISES The school that did well apart from the suspension of the principal Picture: Johanna Kgadi Lamola

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EXPRESSrTel: 011 485 2018/011 485 4461 Fax: 086 658 1415

11th Edition 21 February 2013BirnamKew Bramley Lombardy East/West

Distributed In:

Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst FREE COPY

Kgadi JohannaLamola principal,” said the Gauteng Sandringham High School in already initiated disciplinary Sandringham High School to irregularly without the South“ T h e d e p a r t m e n t ' s Department of Education's October last year where a steps against him,” said discuss recent public reports A f r i c a n C o u n c i l f o ri n t e r v e n t i o n i n t o Head of Communication, broad range of allegations Phahlane.Phahlane said of financial problems at the E d u c a t o r s ( S A C E )Sandringham High School C h a r l e s P h a h l a n e . i n c l u d i n g f i n a n c i a l when they received reports of school. Among other things r eg i s t r a t i on and havehas stabilises the situation Sandringham's principal had mismanagement were raised. financial instability earlier in reported by the newly elected confirmed the continuedand brought tremendous been suspended last year The investigation found that 2012, the Head of the GDE SGB include stopping of employment of the Englishimprovement in the school's following allegations of the principal of the school MrBoyNgobenimetwith the unauthorized additional and twomaths educators.finances and the 2012 matric financialmismanagement. should be charged with acting principal and the payments of staff, the “Sandringham achieved aresults after introducing the “The Department concluded financial mismanagement, newly e l ec t ed Schoo l termination of contracts of all matric pass rate of 93.2% innew SGB and the acting i t s i nve s t i g a t i on in t o and the department has G o v e r n i n g B o d y o f SGB s t a f f em p l o y e d 2012,” concludedPhahlane.


The school that did well apart from the suspension of the principal Picture: Johanna Kgadi Lamola

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21 Feb 2013 Pioneer Express PAGE 2

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“Few wishes come true by themselves.”-June Smith

Lotto Draw Date: 16 February 2013

Ramatamo wa matamong

On 14 February like ev-ery year the president ofthe Republic delivered hisState of the Nation Ad-dress (SONA) outlininggovernments’ plans in theyear ahead as well as thechallenges encountered inimplementing some of thepolicies aimed at betteringthe lives of the people.We take a brief look at the2013 SONA.

Protection of Women andChildrenThe President said thecampaign of fighting vio-lence against women andchildren must be every-day campaign. The FamilyViolence, Child Protectionand Sexual Offences Units,which were re-establishedin 2010, have increasedpersonnel. During the lastfinancial year, the Units se-cured over 363 life sentenc-es, with a conviction rateof 73% for crimes againstwomen above 18 years oldand 70% for crimes againstchildren under 18 years ofage. In addition, the Com-bating of Trafficking inPersons Bill was passed by

the National Assembly lastyear and is now at the Na-tional Council of Provinc-es. Once implemented, thelaw will assist women andchildren, who are often vic-tims of this heinous crime.

Youth UnemploymentA job fund has been estab-lished and to date has gath-ered 3 billion rands towardsprojects that will createjobs. Nedlac and its constit-uencies will sign an agree-ment later this month onyouth employment incen-tives. The incentives willadd to what Government isalready doing to empowerthe youth. State ownedcompanies provide appren-ticeships and learnershipsand we urge that these beincreased. Private sector isurged to absorb 11 000 FETgraduates who are awaitingplacements. The Depart-ment of Rural Developmentand Land Reform runs theNational Rural Youth Ser-vices Corps, which has en-rolled 11 740 young peoplein various training pro-grammes. The Departmentis also planning nine RuralYouth Hubs per province,including in the 23 poorest

23 45 18 8 17 43 44

33 26 45 39 37 6 15

districts in the country. Ex-panded Public Works Pro-gramme and the CommunityWork programme must beused to absorb young people.

Crime and CorruptionThe operations focusing onillegal firearms, stolen androbbed vehicles, liquor anddrugs which are regardedas main generators of crimehave assisted in crime reduc-tion. The President said since2009 he has since signed 34proclamations directing SIU(Special Investigating Unit)to investigate allegations ofcorruption, fraud or malad-ministration in various gov-ernment departments andstate entities. In other suc-cesses, in the past financialyear, 107 officials workingwithin the criminal justicesystem were convicted.The Asset Forfeiture Unitseized assets valued at morethan R541 million. A total ofR61 million of these assetshave already been forfeitedto the State. The assets arechannelled back to fight-ing crime and corruptionthrough the Criminal AssetRecovery Account.Last year, additional fund-ing of R150 million from theCriminal Assets RecoveryAccount was approved forthe work of the Anti-Cor-ruption Task Team whichcomprises the Hawks, theSpecial Investigating Unitand the National Prosecuting


The recent violent abuse of women and children hassent shock waves around the nation and the globe,if this not checked properly it might go out of hand.Women are raped, tortured and stripped off their dig-nity in the most inhumane way one can think of.

Addressing this scourge one needs to applaud the StatePresident during his state of the nation address lastThursday night where he condemned this behaviour inevery possible harsh terms. He said the campaign forthe fight of abuse against women and children must bean everyday campaign and mentioned various legisla-tive frameworks that will ensure stricter sentences toperpetrators of such heinous crime.

Not trying to be presumptuous, but I think the recentincident around Oscar Pistorius and other high profilefigures teaches us that no one is immune to violence,like once Nelson Mandela said “A society that do notrespect its women and children is doomed to failure”.Remember the article 1 of Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights says: “All human beings are born freeand equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed withreason and conscience and should act towards oneanother in a spirit of brotherhood”.

N’wa Hlungwani

Lotto Plus


sify progress in the pilotdistricts.HousingIn last year’s address thegovernment raised the is-sue of the gap market, thepeople who earn too muchto qualify for an RDPhouse and too little for abank mortgage bond. FromApril 2012 to December2012, Provincial Depart-ments committed a budgetof 126 million rand of theHuman Settlements De-velopment Grant for thisprogramme, known as theFinance Linked IndividualSubsidy programme orFLISP in short. The moneyis being used through theNational Housing FinanceCorporation, which hasbeen appointed to deliverhouses to people withinthe Gap market in twelveregistered projects. A to-tal of 70 million rand hasbeen used to date. Projectsinclude Walmer Link in theEastern Cape, Lady Sel-bourne, Nelmapius, Boh-labela Borwa, Cosmo Cityand Fleurhof in Gauteng,Intabazwe Corridor Hous-ing in the Free State andSeraleng in North West.The implementation ofthese eight GAP housingprojects is currently under-way.

Authority.EducationEducation must be de-clared an essential service.The Department of BasicEducation will establisha national task team tostrengthen the implemen-tation of the Mathematics,Science and TechnologyStrategy. In this regard, hesaid the presidency willestablish a Presidential Re-muneration Commissionwhich will investigate theappropriateness of the re-muneration and conditionsof service provided by theState to all its employ-ees and the priority willbe given first to teachers.Construction is expected tobegin in September at thesites of two new universi-ties in the Northern Capeand Mpumalanga.

LandThe state is not able to meetits redistribution targets.“Willing buyer, willing”seller is being replaced by“Just and Equitable” prin-ciple for compensation.

HealthIn 2014 the governmentwill create the NationalHealth Insurance Fund.The Department of Healthwill accelerate and inten-

President who made the recent State Of The Nation Address

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21 Feb 2013Pioneer PAGE 3Express

It is inevitable that injury or disease linked to the workplace willoccur andworkers need a reasonable guarantee for compensationin such instances. Thankfully South Africa has a prettystraightforward process that deals with compensation arising outof workplace injuries or occupational diseases. This is importantbecause the last thing an employee needs to worry about whenthey are diagnosed with a job related disease or involved in awork related accident is how they or their dependents will beprovided for.

Income security is one of the most crucial aspects of modern lifeand as a public entity under the auspices of the Department ofLabour the Compensation Fund plays an important role inproviding workers and their dependents a degree of securityshould the dreaded reality of injury, disease or worse death strikein the course of their occupation.

As with any such benefit of vital importance, investment inawareness campaigns cannot be overestimated. Anecdotalevidence suggests that some workers are still unaware of whereto lodge their claims. There have been instances where claimsunder the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and DiseasesAct (COIDA) have been submitted to theHealthDepartment.

At the outset it is important to note that the COIDA deals onlywith personal injury, illness or the death of an employee thatoccurs during the course of his or her employment. Awareness ofthe process to be followed in case of an accident, disease or evendeath is of crucial importance. This ensures that the employeeinvolved in a work-related accident or diagnosed with a work-related disease and or their dependents, will be entitled tocompensation under theCOIDA.

Some of the benefits under the COIDAinclude, monthly pensionto dependent children or spouse, burial expenses in case of death.One of the options available to children that turn 18 but are still atschool is that they can provide proof to the compensation fundthat they are still at school and the monthly pension will beextended until they complete their schooling.

The COIDA has a clearly defined process for claimingcompensation. As with all such highly regulated process, it isimportant that employees and or their beneficiaries realize theimportance of acting without delay when claiming forcompensation. In order to speed up the process of claiming, alldocumentation must be complete and correct. These include theEmployer's report of an accident or disease, death certificate or apost mortem report. Other documents are birth certificates ofdependents, marriage certificate, banking details, proof ofresidence and banking details.

The COIDA does not cover accidents that are caused by thewillful negligence or “serious and willful” misconduct on thepart of the employee. The only exceptions may be if the accidentresults in “serious disablement” or the employee's death andleaves behind a dependent or dependents. Timelycommunication is a must and South African workplaces have tocontinually make employees aware that it is their duty to informtheir employers of any accident or the onset of disease, providedthey are in a position to do so. Once the employer is informed,they are then obliged to inform the Compensation Fund within 7days in the case of an accident or 14 days in the case of anoccupational disease.

Once the Compensation Fund is in possession of all the requireddocumentation, it processes the claim. At the completion of theprocesses the worker receives compensation for lost income orany other expenses incurred through the accident, illness ordependents receive compensation in case of death.

The COID is one of the most important Act within theDepartment ofLabour.

Compensating beneficiaries is the core

mandate of Compensation for

Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act


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KGADIJOHANNALAMOLA were getting stipend all along, r e l y o n d o n o r s a n d affected us badly, resulting in children, and it has 35 of them every month, they stillbut when they were informed fundraising to keep the centre some of the staff leaving us. from the age of two. They are experiencing challenges.

“We had left six of our staff that they will have to moving.“We now have staff The unfortunate part of our referred to the centre by the ADM Managing Directormembers leaving late last volunteer following the shortage, but we are trying to donors is that they mostly Masakhane and Eastbank Jerry Ntimbane said “Ouryear due to the organization's financial challenges they are make ends meet, hoping that give us goods not hard cash,” Clinics' doctors because of way forward, despite thefinancial constraints, said the faced with, they decided to the department of Health will s a i d M p j a n a . “ T h e their disabilities.” financial crisis, is to keep onA l e x a n d r a D i s a b i l i t y leave, citing they can't afford fund us again this year. The organization is certified by Mpjana said apart from the knocking on the doors forMovement, Principal Angie to volunteer as they have bills department had a small the Department of Health to t r anspor t f a re tha t i s help and push hard to getwhatMpjana.Mpjana said the staff to take care of. She said they budget last year, and this has r eg i s t e r 35 d i s ab i l i t y contributed by the parents wewant.”

MEC Paporeopens BaraNursing CollegeGauteng MEC for Health, agreement stipulated that theHope Papo, has decided to department will investigatereopen the Chris Hani accusations that studentsBaragwana th Hosp i ta l were failed in the academicnursing college. years 2010 and 2011 andPapo closed the college last plans to renovate the nurses'month following protracted residence.protests by student nurses. He further noted that: “Atask“The re-opening of the team of experts in nursingcollege follows an agreement education will be set up toreached by the Gauteng review the examinationDepartment of Health, the process including setting ofStudents' Representative the examination papers,Council and the College storage of the papers,Council on Saturday,” said processes of gaining accessDepartment's Spokesperson to examinations, writing ofSimonZwane. examinations, marking,All nursing students and staff moderation and finalisationwere expected to be at the of marks. Examinationcollege on Monday, 11 script's of all subjects writtenFebruary to resume this in 2010, 2011 and 2012 willyear's academic programme. be reviewed.”According to Zwane, the Source:Gautengonline.

Africa: Pope Benedict's Resignation:

Read His Full StatementHere is the official Vatican For this reason, and well awaretranslation of Pope Benedict's of the seriousness of this act,statement on his resignation. with full freedom I declare thatDearBrothers, I renounce the ministry ofI have convoked you to this Bishop of Rome, Successor ofConsistory, not only for the Saint Peter, entrusted to me bythree canonizations, but also to the Cardinals on 19April 2005,communicate to you a decision in such a way, that as from 28of great importance for the life February 2013, at 20:00 hours,of the Church.After having the See of Rome, the See ofrepeatedly examined my Saint Peter, will be vacant and aconscience before God, I have Conclave to elect the newcome to the certainty that my SupremePontiff will have to bestrengths, due to an advanced convoked by those whoseage, are no longer suited to an competence it is.adequate exercise of the Petrine Dear Brothers, I thank youministry. I am well aware that most sincerely for all the lovethis ministry, due to its essential and work with which youspiritual nature, must be carried have supported me in myout not only with words and ministry and I ask pardon fordeeds, but no less with prayer all my defects.And now, let usand suffering. However, in entrust the Holy Church to thetoday's world, subject to so care of Our Supreme Pastor,many rapid changes and shaken Our Lord Jesus Christ, andby questions of deep relevance implore his holy Motherfor the life of faith, in order to Mary, so that she may assistgovern the bark of Saint Peter the Cardinal Fathers with herand proclaim the Gospel, both maternal solicitude, instrength of mind and body are electing a new Supremenecessary, strength which in the Pontiff. With regard to myself,l a s t f e w m o n t h s , h a s I wish to also devotedly servedeteriorated in me to the extent the Holy Church of God in thethat I have had to recognize my future through a life dedicatedincapacity to adequately fulfil to prayertheministry entrusted tome. Source: Allafrica.com

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Pioneer PAGE 5Express 21 Feb 2013


You've got your Matric in your pocket but you did not manage to enroll for tertiaryeducation. Then apply for a learnership: you'll receive an allowance to study and getjob training. You'll get a national certificate and work experience, so a better chanceof finding a job!What is a “learnership”?-A1year (sometimesmore) program- It leads to qualification in a “non artisan” trade occupation (NQF 1 to 8): nurse, ITtechnician, etc. For instance, you can get a “certificate in general nursing”- You combine classes at a college/training centre (30 % of your time) with work in acompanyor government department (70%).Ex : CAT (Commercial Advance Training) 18 months program : students must find acompany which will accept to train them based on 2 weeks school and 2 weeks ineach department of the company (sales, marketing, etc).The SABC offers a TV and Radio scarce skills program if you are interested instudies in video technologyWho offers learnerships ?They are organized by the 21 SETA (Sector education and training authorities) ofeach economic sector (www.labour.gov.za/contacts/SETA/seta-seta-offices). Ex,BANKSETA offers learnerships in the banking sector (www.bankseta.org.za). Forinstance, at FNB and Standard bank, matric school leavers are paid R2500/month tostudy about 3 to 5 days/month and work at a bank branch. After a year, you get a“National Certificate in Banking” (NQF level 4). Apply online on www.fnb.co.za. OrStandardbank.com/BankingSkillsAcademy.aspxHow can I find learnerships ?-Go on internet (the best website is www.limpopocontacts.com/learnerships)-Check for advertisement of learnership in newspapers, companies' websiteHow do I apply for a learnership?-If you are unemployed, youmust register at a Employment Skills DevelopmentAgency(ESDA).-Send your CV to the Human resources department (for attention “Skills developmentdivision”) of the companies you are interested in;

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TarrynJohnson action against the employer have taken place. The nextE d w a r d N a t h a n by exercising any right by question is:Sonnenbergs (ENS) the Act or participating in 3.Did the employer follow

any proceedings in terms of the right procedure?This article discusses theAct; Fair procedure relates to thedismissal in general. It e) W h e r e t h e process followed beforelooks at the meaning of employee is pregnant or any dismissal. It does not havedismissal, the types of r e a s o n r e l a t i n g t o to be a formal enquiry. Thedismissals, specifically pregnancy; employer shouldmerely tellautomatically unfair and f) W h e r e t h e the employee of themisconduct dismissals. It employer di rec t ly or allegations in a languageaims to give a guideline to indirectly discriminated that he/she understands.an employee who can against the employee based The employee should bedetermine whether they on race, gender, sex, ethnic allowed an opportunity toh a v e b e e n u n f a i r l y or social origin, colour, state their side of the story.dismissed. sexual orientation, age, The employee should beDismissal is when, in a d i s a b i l i t y, r e l i g i o n , given reasonable time tobroad sense, the contract conscience, belief, political respond to the allegations.between the employer and opinion, culture, language, They should also be entitledthe employee ends. An marital status or family to be represented by aemployee is not allowed to responsibility; fellow employee or Tradebe unfairly dismissed. This g) Where there was a Union representative at themeans that there should be a transfer or a reason relating h e a r i n g . A f t e r t h efair procedure and reason to a transfer; investigation, the employerfor the dismissal. The h) Where there is a should tell the employee ofemployee should consider breach of the Protected its decision.the following questions: Disclosure Act, 2000, by I f t h e emp l o y e e i s1 .H a s t h e r e b e e n a the employer, on the dismissed, the employeedismissal? account of an employee should be given the reasonThis is a factual question. If having made a protected for their dismissal. Anthe answer is yes, then the disclosure. employee may refer thenext question is: However, despite the matter to the Commission,2.Are the reasons for the above, the dismissal may be Conciliation, Mediationdismissal unfair? fair if the reason is based on and Arbitration or to anyThe Labour Relations Act an important part of the job. d i s p u t e r e s o l u t i o nNo 66 of 1995 (“the Act") It may also be fair where the established in terms of aindicates that a dismissal employee has reached the co l l ec t ive ag reemen twill be automatically unfair normal or agreed retirement should they be dissatisfiedin the following instances: age. w i t h t h e emp loye r ' sa)Where the employee An employee may also be decision.participated in a protected f a i r l y d i sm i s s ed fo r I n conc l u s i on , i t i sstrike; misconduct. This usually important that an employerb)Where the employee includes a violation of a rule follows the right methodrefused to do any work regulating the conduct in when d i sm i s s i n g anordinarily done at a time t h e w o r k p l a c e . A n employee. There mustw h e n t h e emp l o y e e employee will be guilty of always be a fair reason andparticipated in a strike; an offence if the rule is p r o c e d u r e w h e n a nc)Where the employee is reasonable, if they knew employee is dismissed. Anforced to accept a demand about it and if the employer employee should rememberin terms of any matter of has consistently applied it. that there are forumsmutual importance between However, if the rule was not available to assist them ift h e e m p l o y e r a n d always in place or the they believe that they haveemployee; employee was unaware of been unfairly dismissed.d)Where the employee took it, then misconduct will not

'Was I Unfairly Dismissed?'

The Gauteng Department of Education wishes to express its deepest condolences to the familyof Bertha Ncube, 16, who succumbed to her injuries at Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital.

Ncube was in critical condition after she was struck by lightning on Monday afternoon inProtea Glen, Soweto. Gauteng Education MEC Ms Barbara Creecy visited her in hospital onWednesday evening to get a briefing from the medical practitioners and wish her a speedyrecovery. She also met with her parents who were at the hospital.

The family will in due course announce the details of the funeral.

The two learners from King Edward VII High School are still at Netcare Milpark Hospital. Theone learner is in a critical but stable condition. The other learner has been moved from theintensive care unit to high care unit.

GDE sends condolences to the

family of Bertha Ncube

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PAGE 6 Pioneer21 Feb 2013 Express

CASTLindiwe NdlovuVuyelwa MsimangMutodi NeshesheLuzuko NqetoMpumi NyayaneJonathan TaylorRichard Lukunk

DirectorDarrell James Roodt

'Little one' is the story of a 6-year-old girl named Vuyelwa who is left for dead in afield near a township in Johannesburg. Vuyelwa is found by a middle-aged woman,named Pauline, who rushes her to hospital. After saving her life, it comes to light thatthe little girl has been raped and her face badly beaten. To help her cope with theshame and disfigurement, Pauline makes her a mask to cover her face.

While Vuyelwa is in the hospital no one comes forward to claim her and the policeare left with an unsolved mystery on their hands. Pauline becomes actively involvedin the case and visits the little girl daily, despite her husband Jaco's protests. A strongbond is formed between Pauline and the child, which leads Pualine to try and adopther.

Determined not to let little Vuyelwa languish in the system, Pauline kidnaps her fromthe hospital and takes her home where she looks after her as her own flesh and blood.Jacob warms up to the little girl and eventually she becomes apart of the family.

Pauline begins her own investigation and is helped by Detective Morena, asympathetic cop who is deeply affected by what has happened to this young child.Eventually, they solve the case and Vuyelwa is re-united with her real mother. This isa bittersweet moment for Pauline who has to now relinquish this little girl that shehas come to love and cherish as if her own.

'Little one' is a story about ordinary people living day to day in a poverty-strickenenvironment where despite the crime and tough living conditions there is still hopeand love to be found.

th'LITTLE ONE' will be released at cinemas on 26 April 2013 nationally


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