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Pinter & Martin Catalogue spring/summer 2011

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IrrationalityStuart Sutherland

PSYCHOLOGY | £8.99 | US$17.95ISBN 978-1-905177-07-3 | 256pp | pbk

135x216mm | published 2007

An iconoclastic volume that draws on a mass ofintriguing research to examine why we areirrational, the different types of irrationality, thedamage it does us, and the possible cures.

‘Superb! The thinking man’s self help book; it leftme infinitely wiser, but I know it won’t changemy behaviour one tiny bit.’ Ben Goldacre, authorof Bad Science‘Terrifying, sometimes comic, very readable andtotally enthralling.’ Oliver Sacks‘Extremely gripping and unusually well written.’Richard Dawkins

Rights: English worldwide, translation

Remember that changing your mind in the light of new evidence is a sign of strength not weakness. 2




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Breakdowna personal crisis anda medical dilemma

Stuart Sutherland

PSYCHOLOGY | £9.99 | US$17.95ISBN 978-1-905177-20-2 | 320pp | pbk135x216mm | published Sep 2010

Reissue of Irrationality author Stuart Sutherland’sclassic account of his own manic depression andanalysis of the nature origins and treatments ofmental illness.

‘Incisive, unsentimental, wholly unsparing, but fullof humour and humanity (and often very funny),Breakdown remains one of the best accounts Iknow of a personal journey through manicdepression. I think it will take its place amongthe modern classics of this literature.’ Oliver Sacks

Rights: English worldwide, translation

Remember that changing your mind in the light of new evidence is a sign of strength not weakness. Those at the opposite end of the obstetric spectrum believe that no pregnancy is normal, except in retrospect.

The Person and the Situation

Lee Ross and Richard E Nisbettforeword Malcolm Gladwell

PSYCHOLOGY | £12.99 | US$19.95ISBN 978-1-905177-44-8 | tbc pp | pbk156x234mm | published April 2011

How does the situation we’re in influence the waywe behave and think? Professors Ross and Nisbetteloquently argue that the context we find ourselvesin substantially affects our behavior in this timelyreissue of one of social psychology’s classictextbooks. With a new foreword by MalcolmGladwell, author of The Tipping Point.

‘All of my books have been, in some sense,intellectual godchildren of The Person and theSituation. It has been a constant companion overthe past 10 years.’ Malcolm Gladwell

Rights: English worldwide, translation

NEWApr 11




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‘Where is your mum?’ Joe asked. ‘She’s up a tree,’ the little girl replied but wouldn’t elaborate.The massacre at My Lai revealed with special clarity the problem to which this book addressed itself.

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Cooperation inthe Classroomthe jigsaw method

Elliot Aronson & Shelley Patnoeforeword Joshua Aronson

PSYCHOLOGY | £9.99 | US$14.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-22-6 | 160pp | pbk156x234mm | published October 2010

The jigsaw classroom is a cooperative learningtechnique with a three-decade track record ofsuccessfully reducing racial conflict and increasingpositive educational outcomes. Not only does itopen the door to warmer, closer friendships withinand across ethnic boundaries, it has also provedeffective at raising the self-esteem of studentswhile improving their performance and increasingtheir liking for school and their enthusiasm aboutlearning.

Rights: English worldwide





Mistakes were made(but not by me)

Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson

PSYCHOLOGY | £8.99 ISBN 978-1-905177-21-9 | 304pp | pbk

127x198mm | published 2008

Renowned social psychologists Carol Tavris andElliot Aronson take a compelling look into howthe brain is wired for self-justification. A fascinatingexplanation of self-deception – how it works, theharm it can cause, and how we can overcome it.

‘Fascinating.’ Financial Times‘Excellent.’ Guardian‘A brilliant new book.’ The Times‘By turns entertaining, illuminating and – whenyou recognise yourself in the stories it tells –mortifying.’ The Wall Street Journal

Rights: UK & Commonwealth4

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our 2011 catalogue will be out in October – email us for a copy

Obedienceto Authorityan experimental view

Stanley Milgramforeword Philip Zimbardo

PSYCHOLOGY | £8.99ISBN 978-1-905177-32-5 | 256pp | pbk129x198mm | published February 2010

Volunteers are invited to a laboratory under thepretence of participating in a study about theeffects of punishment on learning. They areinstructed by an experimenter to administer anelectric shock of increasing intensity to a ‘learner’every time he makes a mistake. How many, if any,would go right up the scale to 450 Volts?

‘Milgram’s work is of first importance, not only inexplaining how it is that men submit, but also insuggesting how better they may rebel.’ SundayTimes

Rights: UK & Commonwealth

The Individualin a Social Worldessays and experiments

Stanley Milgramedited by Thomas Blass

PSYCHOLOGY | £19.95 | US$39.95ISBN 978-1-905177-12-7 | 456pp | pbk173x245mm | published September 2010

This third expanded and definitive collection ofessays by Stanley Milgram, the creator of theiconoclastic ‘obedience experiments’ and theoriginator of the concept of ‘six degrees ofseparation’.

‘Stanley Milgram was one of the most innovativeresearchers in the history of psychology. In thisone, wide-ranging volume, we can see theastonishing sweep of a daring and creative mind.’Elliot Aronson, author of The Social Animal

Rights: English worldwide, translation

‘Where is your mum?’ Joe asked. ‘She’s up a tree,’ the little girl replied but wouldn’t elaborate.The massacre at My Lai revealed with special clarity the problem to which this book addressed itself.





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The early days of my breakdown were marked by a further curious feature.We have lost touch with the breath. We have moved so far from ourselves that we have forgotten our closest friend.6

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Testing Treatmentsbetter research for better healthcare

Evans, Thornton & Chalmersforeword Ben Goldacre

MEDICINE | £9.99 | US$17.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-35-6 | 128pp | pbk156x234mm | published March 2010

Aimed at both patients and professionals, TestingTreatments builds a lively and thought provokingargument for better, more reliable, more relevantresearch, with unbiased or ‘fair’ trials, and explainshow patients can work with doctors to achievethis vital goal.‘A terrific little book.’ British Medical Journal‘Testing Treatments is the best availableintroduction to the methods, uses, and value offair testing.’ Health Affairs‘Testing Treatments will inform patients, clinicians,and researchers alike.’ The Lancet

Rights: English worldwide




When Prophecy FailsLeon Festinger, StanleySchachter, Henry Riecken foreword Elliot Aronson

PSYCHOLOGY | £8.99 | US$17.95ISBN 978-1-905177-19-6 | 256pp | pbk

129x198mm | published 2008

In 1954 Leon Festinger, a brilliant young socialpsychologist in the process of inventing a newtheory of human behaviour, the theory of cognitivedissonance, and two of his colleagues infiltrated acult who believed the end of the world was onlymonths away. How would these people feel whentheir prophecy remained unfulfilled? Would theyadmit the error of their prediction, or would they,as Festinger predicted, readjust their reality tomake sense of the new circumstances?

‘No novel is as exciting or as revealing of thehuman condition as a true story like this.’ DrMartin Poulter

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Birth withoutViolence

Frédérick Leboyer

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £14.99 ISBN 978-1-905177-30-1 | tbc pp | pbk199x210mm | published October 2010

Birth without Violence revolutionized the way weperceive the process of birth, urging us to considerbirth from the infant's point of view. Why must achild emerge from the quiet darkness of the wombinto a blaze of blinding light and loud voices?Why must the infant be separated from its motherafter spending nine months inside her nourishingbody?Frédérick Leboyer’s Birth Without Violence is oneof the milestones in the history of humanizingchildbirth. This Pinter & Martin edition is thedefinitive edition, published exactly how the authorintended it.

Rights: UK & Commonwealth

Rediscovering Birth

Sheila Kitzinger

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £9.99 | US$15.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-38-7 | tbc pp | pbk129x198mm | published October 2010

For many thousands of years women have givenbirth among people they know in a place theyknow well, usually their own home. Knowledge isshared between the participants and birth is asocial event.In this new and revised edition of her classic book,Sheila Kitzinger explores the universal experienceof pregnancy and birth. She looks closely at theplace of birth, how women move in childbirth andwhat is done to help them and examines the bondtraditionally formed between mothers andmidwives.

Rights: English worldwide, translation

The early days of my breakdown were marked by a further curious feature.We have lost touch with the breath. We have moved so far from ourselves that we have forgotten our closest friend.



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Ina May’s Guide toBreastfeedingIna May Gaskin

PARENTING | £11.99ISBN 978-1-905177-33-2 | 352pp | pbk

135x216mm | published 2009

From Ina May Gaskin, leading midwife andbestselling author of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirthand Spiritual Midwifery, comes this deeplycompassionate and comprehensive guide to helpmothers make breastfeeding a joyful experience.Informative as well as inspirational, Ina May’sGuide to Breastfeeding is filled with helpful advice,medical facts and real-life stories that will helpyou give your baby the best start in life.

‘The best thing ever written on the subject.’Christiane Northrup, author of Women’s Bodies,Women’s Wisdom

Rights: UK & Commonwealth

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Rights: worldwide, translation

Birth MattersIna May Gaskin

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £9.99ISBN 978-1-905177-58-5 | tbc pp | pbk127x198mm | published March 2011

Upbeat and informative, Ina May Gaskin assertsthat the way in which women become mothers isa women’s rights issue, and it is perhaps the actthat most powerfully exhibits what it is to beinstinctually human. Birth Matters is a spiritedmanifesta showing us how to trust women, valuebirth, and reconcile modern life with a process asold as our species.From the author of Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May’sGuide to Childbirth and Ina May’s Guide toBreastfeeding.

get a good deal by buying direct from pinterandmartin.com

I could never write. My spelling’s atrocious. This book contains material which a truly free society would neither fear nor suppress.8


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The Functionsof the Orgasms

the highways to transcendence

Michel Odent

SEXUALITY | £7.99 | US$15.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-18-9 | 201pp | pbk

127x198mm | published 2009

Michel Odent’s study of the ecstatic/orgasmic statesassociated with different episodes of human sexual life.

‘A stylish polemic that mixes endocrinology,comparative anthropology, philology, anecdotesfrom the author’s own medical practice.’ StevenPoole, The Guardian‘If you’ve wondered why you walked away frombirth and felt cheated, if you’ve struggled withbreastfeeding, this book makes perfect sense ofyour disillusionment or feelings of ‘disconnect’. Ican’t recommend it highly enough.’ The Mother

Rights: English worldwide, translation

I could never write. My spelling’s atrocious. This book contains material which a truly free society would neither fear nor suppress.



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Rights: worldwide, translation

Childbirth in theAge of Plastics

Michel Odent

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £9.99 | US$15.95ISBN 978-1-905177-54-7 | tbc pp | pbk127x198mm | published June 2011

Since the middle of the 20th century, thedevelopment of plastics has been one of the mainfactors influencing the history of medicine. Focusingon obstetrics, this first book about the history ofmedicine in relation to the plastic revolution asksvital questions about childbirth today.

Introduced as a medical student to the surgicalunit of a Paris hospital in 1949, and still involvedin several fields of medicine, Michel Odent has theauthority to study contemporary history from thisnew perspective.

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Jun 11

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The Womanly Artof Breastfeeding

eighth edition

La Leche League International

PARENTING | £13.99ISBN 978-1-905177-40-0 | 576pp | pbk155x234mm | published July 2010

It’s no secret that breastfeeding is the normal,healthy way to nourish and nurture your baby.Dedicated to supporting nursing and expectantmothers, the internationally respected La LecheLeague has set the standard for educating andempowering mothers in this natural art forgenerations. Now their classic bestselling guide hasbeen retooled, refocused, and updated for today’smothers and lifestyles.

Rights: UK & Commonwealth

A man with a conviction is a hard man to change.Rigid protocols for management result in women being turned into products on a hospital conveyor belt.10

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Saggy Boobs and otherBreastfeeding MythsVal Finigan and Lou Gardiner

PARENTING | £5.99 | US$9.99ISBN 978-1-905177-23-3 | 48pp | pbk

210x210mm | published 2009

Many women thinking about breastfeeding theirbabies are put off by rumours and myths. In theiraward-winning, beautifully illustrated book infantfeeding specialist Val Finigan and embroidery artistLou Gardiner tackle commonly held beliefs aboutbreastfeeding with wisdom, warmth and wit.

‘Val’s book will be a great boost for breastfeedingmums everywhere. It is very funny; it has stunningillustrations and is packed with good, practicaladvice from real life mums who have breastfedtheir own children.’ Elle Macpherson.

Rights: English worldwide, translation

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The Politics ofBreastfeeding

when breasts are bad for business

Gabrielle Palmer

PARENTING | £9.99 | US$17.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-16-5 | 432pp | pbk

135x216mm | published 2009

As revealing as Freakonomics, shocking as FastFood Nation and thought provoking as No Logo,The Politics of Breastfeeding exposes infant feedingas one of the most important public health issuesof our time.An essential and inspirational eye-opener, ThePolitics of Breastfeeding challenges ourcomplacency about how we feed our children andradically reappraises a subject which concerns notonly mothers, but everyone: man or woman, parentor childless, old or young.

Rights: English worldwide, translation



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The WHO Code ofMarketing of Breast-milk Substituteshistory and analysis

Sami Shubber

LAW | £19.95ISBN 978-1-905177-46-2 | tbc pp | pbk135x216mm | published January 2011

A detailed analysis and history of the WHO Codeof Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, written byone of the world’s foremost authorities on thesubject, Dr Sami Shubber. Essential reading foranyone interested in the legal interpretation, theimplementation and investigating possible breachesof this essential measure to ensure that womenall over the world are given the opportunity tobreastfeed their children without the pressure frommanufacturers of formula milk.

Rights: English worldwide, translation

A man with a conviction is a hard man to change.Rigid protocols for management result in women being turned into products on a hospital conveyor belt.


Jan 11

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The trouble is that a newborn baby can’t speak.I joked to my friends that the title would be, She wants to do WHAT?!12

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Childbirthwithout FearGrantly Dick-Readforeword Michel Odent

PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH | £8.99 | pbkISBN 978-0-9530964-6-6 | 352pp129x198mm | published 2004

Dick-Read’s philosophy is still as fresh and relevantas it was when he originally wrote this book.‘A brilliant, courageous classic.’ Ina May Gaskin

Rights: worldwide

Natural ChildbirthGrantly Dick-Read

£9.99 | Audio CDISBN 978-1-905177-08-0

PMCD001 | 52mins | published 2005

Audio CD of Grantly Dick-Read delivering a baby.

A Wise BirthPenny Armstrong & Sheryl Feldmanforeword Sheila Kitzinger

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £8.99 | US$17.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-03-5 | 240pp | pbk

135x216mm | published 2007

A Wise Birth explores the issues that influence theway women give birth: technology, psychology,culture, medications, history, and women’srelationships with their mothers.

A Midwife’s StoryPenny Armstrong & Sheryl Feldman

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £7.99 | US$14.95ISBN 978-1-905177-04-2 | 192pp | pbk

127x198mm | published 2007

A gripping first-hand account of midwife PennyArmstrong’s journey from student midwife inGlasgow to running her own practice among theAmish in rural Pennsylvania, A Midwife’s Story neverfails to enlighten, inform and surprise.

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our 2011 catalogue will be out in October – email us for a copy

The Oxytocin FactorKerstin Uvnäs Mobergforeword Michel Odent

MEDICINE | £9.99ISBN 978-1-905177-34-9 | 224pp | pbk127x198mm | published April 2011

The first book to reveal the importance of thewhole oxytocin system for a general audience. Boththe new research findings and the potentiallybeneficial applications of this hormone in reducinganxietry states, stress, addictions, and problems ofchildbirth are fascinating and of great significanceto our lives.

‘A fascinating look at the roles of oxytocin – notonly in breastfeeding and childbirth, but also ineating, socializing, and sex.’ Mothering

Rights: UK & Commonwealth

ComplementaryFeeding: Nutrition,Culture and Politics

Gabrielle Palmer

NUTRITION | £9.99 | US$14.95ISBN 978-1-905177-42-4 | tbc pp | pbk135x216mm | published May 2011

An ever-controversial subject, children’s nutritionis eloquently discussed by Gabrielle Palmer, authorof The Politics of Breastfeeding, in this brief,compassionate and well-researched book. Aninvaluable insight into the current politics ofcomplementary feeding.

Rights: worldwide, translation



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The trouble is that a newborn baby can’t speak.I joked to my friends that the title would be, She wants to do WHAT?!

Apr 11 May 11

Natural ChildbirthGrantly Dick-Read

£9.99 | Audio CDISBN 978-1-905177-08-0

PMCD001 | 52mins | published 2005

Audio CD of Grantly Dick-Read delivering a baby.

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I stumbled onto something that proved to be the beginning of a revolution of sorts.No one had suggested to us that Dr Dick-Read was capable of causing a storm at sea.16

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Birth & PowerWendy Savage

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £14.99ISBN 978-1-905177-37-3 | 359pp | pbk150x228mm | published late 2010

Twenty years after the highly publicised ‘SavageEnquiry’, Birth and Power addresses the issuesraised by the case: Who controls childbirth? Whatservices do women want and who decides whatthey get? Who is accountable to whom in theNational Health Service? How can the concept ofincompetence be defined in a field like obstetrics,where there is a wide range of opinion about thebest way to look after pregnant women? Are theprocedures for disciplining doctors appropriate andcost effective? How can the freedom of academicstaff in medical schools to advance new orunorthodox opinions be protected? Includes the text of the original A Savage Enquiry.

Rights: English worldwide

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How to Avoid anUnnecessary Caesarean

Helen Churchill & Wendy Savage

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £7.99 ISBN 978-1-904750-16-1 | 104pp | pbk

135x215mm | published 2008

Includes detailed explanations of all the pros andcons of caesarean birth, several real-life birth stories,a comprehensive glossary of terms and essentialinformation for parents-to-be.

Caesarean Birth in BritainHelen Churchill, Colin Francome &

Wendy Savage

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £18.00ISBN 978-1-904750-17-8 | 170pp| pbk

153x228mm | published 2006

This book presents expectant parents, educators andhealth professionals with the facts and figuresrelating to caesarean birth in the UK.

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many of our titles are available as ebooks

I stumbled onto something that proved to be the beginning of a revolution of sorts.No one had suggested to us that Dr Dick-Read was capable of causing a storm at sea.



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Rights: English worldwide Rights: English worldwide

Home Birtha practical guide

Nicky Wesson

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £8.99 | US$17.95ISBN 978-1-905177-06-6 | 256pp | pbk

135x216mm | published 2006

Striking a perfect balance of practical information,compelling personal stories and research evidence,leading childbirth educator Nicky Wesson showshow giving birth to your baby in your own homecan be the most exciting and fulfilling thing youever do.Home Birth is essential reading for all couplesconsidering having their baby at home.

4th completely revised and updated edition.

‘An up-to-date, inspiring must-read.’ Viv GroskopNCT

The Father’s HomeBirth Handbook

Leah Hazard

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £8.99 | US$15.95ISBN 978-1-905177-50-9 | 208pp | pbk135x175mm | published Jan 2011

As hospital-based maternity services become in-creasingly medicalised, more and more parents aredeciding that birth belongs in the home. For manywomen, this choice may be an easy one, but fortheir partners, home birth raises some seriousquestions.The Father’s Home Birth Handbook provides a re-source aimed specifically at exploring men’s hopesand fears around home birth. Thorough research,balanced discussion, and dozens of home birth sto-ries from real men all over the world make thisbook essential reading for all fathers-to-be andthe professionals who support them.


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Let us think long-term and let us raise questions in terms of civilisation. The future of humanity is at stake.I can’t be there when your baby cries, but luckily your baby is not remotely interested in me.18

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Vaginal Birth afterCaesarean

The VBAC Handbook

Helen Churchill & Wendy Savage

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £7.99 | US$14.95ISBN 978-1-905177-24-0 | 104pp | pbk135x215mm | published April 2010

Aimed at women who have had a caesarean orrepeat caesareans, Vaginal Birth After Caesarean(VBAC) provides suggestions for constructive waysto achieve vaginal birth when this is the rightoption for mother and baby.As well as detailed explanations of all the prosand cons of VBAC, the book contains several real-life birth stories, a comprehensive glossary of termsand essential information for parents-to-be.

Rights: English worldwide

When your Baby Cries10 rules for soothing fretful babies

(and their parents!)Deborah Jackson

PARENTING | £7.99 | US$14.95ISBN 978-1-905177-25-7 | 160pp | pbk127x198mm | published Sep 2009

Bestselling childcare author Deborah Jackson remindsus that babies soak up all the love we have to give.Here are ten effective ways to care for even themost distressed baby, while looking after your ownneeds as well as boosting your confidence.

Thank you, Dr Lamaze

Marjorie Karmel

PREGNANCY & BIRTH | £8.99 | US$15.95ISBN 978-0-09530964-8-0 | 160pp | pbk

127x198mm | published 2005

A witty and perceptive account of Karmel’sexperiences of antenatal education and hospital careon both sides of the Atlantic.

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our 2011 catalogue will be out in October – email us for a copy

Let us think long-term and let us raise questions in terms of civilisation. The future of humanity is at stake.I can’t be there when your baby cries, but luckily your baby is not remotely interested in me.



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Rights: UK & Commonwealth

Awakening the Spinestress free yoga for health,

vitality and energy

Vanda Scaravelliforeword BSK Iyengar

YOGA | £14.99ISBN 978-1-905177-26-4 | 192pp | pbk

199x210mm | published 2010

Fully revised edition of Vanda Scaravelli’s yogaclassic based on her notes on the first edition.

‘In a time when yoga is overflowing, Vanda’s callfor simplicity and modesty creates a deep echo inevery yoga practitioner and becomes a source ofinspiration. Thank you, Vanda, for your preciousgift.’ Sandra Sabatini, author of Breath and Likea Flower

Jan 11

Rights: English worldwide, translation

Like a Flowermy years of yoga withVanda Scaravelli

Sandra Sabatini

YOGA/BIOGRAPHY | £15.99 | US$24.95ISBN 978-1-905177-29-5 | tbc pp | hardback127x198mm | published April 2011

A heartfelt and moving recollection by SandraSabatini, the author of the classic Breath, of herencounters and training under the guidance ofVanda Scaravelli, whose book Awakening the Spineinspired generations of yoga practitioners. Withphotographs by David Darom.

Apr 11

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Taking a man’s seat, I was overwhelmed by the need to behave in a way that would justify my request.People really can get better, in some cases, simply from taking a dummy pill.20

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Rights: English worldwide, translation

Autumn, Winter,Spring, Summeryoga through the seasons

Sandra Sabatini and Silvia Mori

YOGA | £14.99 | US$24.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-10-3 | 128pp | pbk

199x210mm | published 2008

Taking a journey through the cycles of the year,Sandra Sabatini (author of Breath) and Silvia Moriopen up a dialogue between the body and itssurroundings. They invite a calm and easy flow ofbreath that takes us into a state of quietness andlightness.Reading this book, season after season, andpracticing as the days go by, will enchant.

‘A beautiful book... taking you through each seasonwith asanas, poetry, pranayama, quotes andsuggestions for massage and meditation. This is alovely, fluid, holistic book that truly captures theessences of the seasons and encourages yoga tobe reflective of each of them.’ Spectrum

Breatha guide to inner stillness

Sandra Sabatini

YOGA | £14.99 | US$19.95 ISBN 978-1-905177-09-7 | 224pp | pbk

199x210mm | published 2007

Sandra Sabatini’s Breath is full of insights andimages, distilled from her yoga classes, to helpyou learn how to listen to the breath and how toapproach some simple positions. Whether you area complete beginner or already practice yoga,these subtle, gentle suggestions can guide younaturally to a deeper appreciation of the essenceof yoga.

The Breath Sessionsan invitation to breathe

Sandra Sabatini

YOGA | £9.99 | Audio CDISBN 978-1-905177-14-1 | PMCD002

48mins | published 2009

Distilled from Sandra Sabatini’s classic bookBreath and her yoga classes, this CD helps youlearn how to listen to the breath and how toapproach some simple positions.

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Taking a man’s seat, I was overwhelmed by the need to behave in a way that would justify my request.People really can get better, in some cases, simply from taking a dummy pill.

Rights: UK and Commonwealth

Them or UsFrank Zappa

CONCEPTUAL CONTINUITY | £9.99ISBN 978-1-905177-56-1 | 360pp | pbk135x216mm | published 21 December 2010

In 1984 Frank Zappa self-published Them or Us,created with a dot matrix printer. This facsimileedition brings this seminal work on conceptualcontinuity to a new generation of fans who haveoutgrown the ordinary.

‘This cheesy little home-made book was preparedfor the amusement of people who already enjoyZappa music. It is not for intellectuals or otherdead people. It is designed to answer one of themore troubling questions related to conceptualcontinuity: “How do all of these things that don’thave anything to do with each other fit together,forming a larger absurdity?”’ Frank Zappa

Rights: worldwide, translation

Miller, Bukowski &their Enemies

essays on contemporary culture

Guillermo O’Joyce

LITERARY CRITICISM | £9.00ISBN 978-1-905177-27-1 | tbc pp | pbk127x198mm | published Feb 2011

An extraordinary collection of essays on literatureand contemporary culture. Gripping, irreverent,smart and entirely original.

‘Passionate about literature, O’Joyce frequently goesout of his way to antagonize a literaryestablishment that places profit and politicalcorrectness before artistic vision. The health ofliterary criticism in America today depends onvoices like his.’ Library Journal




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You know I like your writing. It’s... interesting. There are just a few things that are too... clever.Fed and happy with itself, the fish contemplated Rachel, a human in a tank of air.22

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Rachel’s MachineMartin Wagner

FICTION | £5.99ISBN 978-0-9530964-0-4 | 269pp | pbk

110x178mm | published 1997

Rachel is a high school student who falls in lovewith a blue VW Beetle she spots in a used caryard. To raise the money to pay for the first downpayment, she starts to work in an old factory,where she seems to be the only worker, operatinga huge, noisy machine towering over her.She befriends a strange young man and begins toshare his fascination for electricity. Both he andRachel have been brought up under pylons andthink nothing of having high electric currents flowingthrough their bodies. When Rachel begins to suspecthis real intentions it may already be too late.‘Industrial magic realism for the urban West.’The Good Book Guide

Rights: English worldwide, translation

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Smallcreep’s DayPeter Currell Brown

FICTION | £8.99ISBN 978-1-905177-15-8 | 205pp | pbk

129x198mm | published 2008

When factory worker Pinquean Smallcreep, whohas slotted a certain type of slot into a certaintype of pulley for many years, packs his sandwichesand sets out on a journey to investigate what itis he is producing, his discoveries becomeincreasingly more bizarre and disturbing.Peter Currell Brown’s brilliantly surreal satire ofautomation and alienation is as exhilarating andunforgettable today as when it was first published.

‘A most lucidly written nightmare, and a pleasureto read for its prose alone. . . . Apocalyptic. Butfunny with it.’ John Bowden, The Sunday Times.

Rights: English worldwide, translation

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our autumn 2011 catalogue will be out in April – email us for a copy

You know I like your writing. It’s... interesting. There are just a few things that are too... clever.Fed and happy with itself, the fish contemplated Rachel, a human in a tank of air.


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The AgentMartin Wagner

PLAYS | £6.99ISBN 978-1-905177-13-4 | 96pp | pbk

129x198mm | published 2007

It’s all in a day’s work for high-flying literaryagent Alexander; manuscripts to read, deals to bedone, celebrity clients to be taken out to lunch…but first there is an author to deal with whoselatest book the agent thinks is, frankly, not up toscratch.However he hadn’t counted on the author’sresourcefulness...

‘A poisonously neat exposé of a vulture culture inwhich literature is a commodity rated not for itsvalue but for its price.’John Peter, The Sunday Times

Rights: English worldwide, translation

It’s the Audition,Stupid!

the jobbing actor’s handbook

Brendan McNamara

PERFORMING ARTS | £9.99ISBN 978-1-905177-28-48 | tbc pp | pbk156x234mm | published June 2011

Former actor turned casting director BrendanMcNamara’s essential companion for evey jobbingand aspiring actor on how to deal with the toughdemands of the casting process.McNamara explains that casting directors wantthe actors they call in to audition to look good,and helps actors to avoid the common pitfalls ofauditioning.

Rights: English worldwide, translation

Jun 11

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They will end by destroying our planet and making us believe their wasteland is what we want.Henry Miller is not a writer, he’s a friend you turn to when your apartment walls turn in on you.24

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The Manipulated ManEsther Vilar

GENDER STUDIES | £6.99 | US$ 15.95ISBN 978-1-905177-17-2 | 160pp | pbk

129x198mm | published 2009

Esther Vilar’s classic polemic about the relationshipbetween the sexes caused a sensation on its firstpublication. In her introduction to this revised edition,Vilar maintains that very little has changed. A manis a human being who works, while a woman choosesto let a man provide for her and her children inreturn for carefully dispensed praise and sex. Vilar’s perceptive, thought-provoking and often veryfunny look at the battle between the sexes hasearned her severe criticism and even deaththreats. But Vilar’s intention is not misogynous: shemaintains that only if women and men look attheir place in society with honesty, will there beany hope for change.

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Rights: English worldwide

The Agent with William Beck, Stephen Kennedy

and Maureen Lipman Writer Martin WagnerDirector Lesley Manning

DVD | £15.99 | 80minsPMDVD001 | released 2010

‘I doubt a more truthful film exists in relation tothe literary world and if it does it could scarcelybe more energetic, funny or stylish. A real gem,packed with wonderful lines and two incredibleperformances. This is a challenging and thoughtprovoking film that treats its audience with amaturity and respect, which is unfortunately alltoo rare in British cinema. Seek it out.’Robert Monk, CLASH

DVD extras include the documentary Klaus MariaBrandauer: Speer in London and the short filmSummer.

Rights: worldwide

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They will end by destroying our planet and making us believe their wasteland is what we want.Henry Miller is not a writer, he’s a friend you turn to when your apartment walls turn in on you.


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SpeerEsther Vilar

PLAYS | £6.99 | paperbackISBN 978-0-9530964-3-5 | 80 pp129x198mm | published 2000

A tantalising drama which strikes at the heartof Hitler’s architect and armaments minister,Albert Speer, one of the most ambiguousfigures in history.

Argentine Fairy TalesAna Schindler

FICTION | £6.00 | paperbackISBN 978-1-905177-00-4 | 64pp129x198mm | published Jul 2009

This delightful collection of tales set inArgentina, here for the first time published inEnglish, takes young readers on a journey ofdiscovery through a magical country.

The Little DriverMartin Wagner

FICTION | £5.00 | paperbackISBN 978-0-9530964-5-9 | 56pp129x198mm | published 2004

‘A delightful fairy tale... highly recommendedfor children and adults alike. The Little Driverwill make you laugh, dream and perhapsthink a little differently about the worldaround us.’ Carbusters

The Little PoliticianMartin Wagner

FICTION | £6.00 | paperbackISBN 978-0-9530964-9-7 | 54pp129x198mm | published 2005

A bittersweet tale of an idealist who went astray.

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Identify the quote: email the page number and the book it came from to [email protected] 31/6/11. The five entrants who get the most right win a book of their choice. Good luck!Seen from today’s perspective, my courage in those days may only be attributable to a lack of imagination.26

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Help finance TheWriter and get rich*

Last year Pinter & Martincompleted its first feature film, theadaptation of Martin Wagner’s playThe Agent (see page 24 orwww.the-agent-film.com) anddirected by Lesley Manning, whichwas released in UK cinemas, andreleased on DVD and iTunes in2010. The Agent was shot on a budgetof under £30,000, but for our nextproject we need to raise £200,000from independent investors, hencewe are selling 20 shares of £5,000for 1.25% of the profits, which

could be miniscule or enormous. If you can’t invest yourself, we also offer10% if you find someone who does invest!The Writer is a horror film about a bunch of inexperienced film-makerswho hire a writer as an afterthought, but the shoot quickly turns into anightmare. We like to think it will be scary and smart. It was about to go inproduction several years ago, when finance fell through at the last moment, sonow we’re doing it ourselves.If you’re interested email [email protected] for a copy of the

script, the finance proposal and forecasts, and info on the proposed cast.

* ...or not, depending on how the film turns out,whether the horror afictionados and critics like it,and whether it opens on the only good sunnyweekend of the year.

The Agent vs The Godfather at the BFISouthbank, London, September 2009.

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many of our titles are available as ebooks

Identify the quote: email the page number and the book it came from to [email protected] 31/6/11. The five entrants who get the most right win a book of their choice. Good luck!Seen from today’s perspective, my courage in those days may only be attributable to a lack of imagination.

About Pinter & Martin

Pinter & Martin is an independent publishing companyfounded in 1997 by writer and filmmaker Martin Wagnerand childbirth educator Maria Pinter when we realisedthat Stanley Milgram’s Obedience to Authority wasunavailable in the UK. We publish authors who challenge the status quo.

While we specialise in psychology and pregnancy & birth,we also publish other subjects, but only books which arevery close to our hearts. We publish around 12 books ayear, so it’s always worth checking what’s new on ourwebsite. Pinter & Martin is based in London, but we selland market books all over the world, with distribution inthe US, Canada and Australia.

Pinter & Martin also produces films and plays. Our playThe Agent opened in London’sWest End and is now afeature film. We have twofurther feature films in development: the horror filmThe Writer and Andy Walker’s animated film Small-creep’s Day, based on the book by Peter CurrellBrown.

If you like the bookswe publish, please supportus by spreading the wordand don’t hesitate to getin touch with any ques-tions or feedback.

for great books visitwww.pinterandmartin.com

Our books patiently waitingfor their new homes.

Hannah and Jodie are helping outwith the poster mailout forThe Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.(They are also the cover stars ofHome Birth and A Wise Birth!).

Sue Bundgaard, Martin Wagner, Ina MayGaskin, Wendy Savage, Maria Pinter andoffspring at Pinter & Martin HQ.

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A set. A cast. A script.With an ending they never saw coming.






























ISBN 978-1-905177-57-8

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