Full Possession Lunar Procession : 1st Full Moon After Equinox and the 1° rEvolution

Pink Moon 44

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  • Full Possession Lunar Procession:1st Full Moon After Equinox and the 1 rEvolution

  • The 4/4 moon, or as I've come to call it: Full Moon 44. Traditional titles are Fish/Egg/Pink Moon, and more. It's always helpful to start with some good news. Jupiter will be going Direct on the 8th of April. With Jupiter in Rx and Saturn then heading Rx both in Fire signs it's made for a more strenuous time. Much of how that would shape up had been addressed already in earlier works. Sagittarius, the Mutable Fire or receptive and adaptable charged one, the philosophical activator of the Zodiac, who is Jupiter's child, likely has been subject to having to sit to think when they would rather fly to be inspired. To put things lightly.

    In those prior works, I touched on Jupiter in Leo's activity coming across as having all amenities and creature comforts stalled in order to get us to procure something deeper from within. Sort of like theuniverse hiding your tackle box to force you into teaching yourself how to fish with a big stick you whittle into a spear. Or just to get in the water and be incredibly still while a great big fish comes to explore your ankles and grabbing it up. Not always getting what you want pushed to fly gaining yourself through necessity. We definitely have some more words about necessity to exchange here.

    Nothing beneficial manifests, nor can be sustained, without a potent dose of well observed or controlled and invited appreciated chaos. Unpredictability and risk must be welcomed into your System.

    I last left a bit of a cliff hanger with a rune formula I did not explain. Ygg-MabLet's look again, as I'm about to elaborate upon this.

    You can look up the runes deeper at your own leisure. Ygg, of course, is the Tree of Life. It doesn't matter if you are into Nordic, Kabbala, or a celtic knot version, or a DIY Vortex like you've seen from me. Yet, the latter is important to this formula. It has to do with the Procession of Equinoxes, as well, and 'New Daath' or manifesting 'non-sephiroth' that has taken shape as all this work in total so far. It doesn't mean now there is no quantum sephiroth now that it has and is happening. It means the evolution of thetree itself.

  • One first thing you may notice is a nearly Enochian language feature, in the word MAB, you kind of assume the Ansuz rune in pronunciation without it being there. Why I have done this is similar to thenotion of operation of the Winged Globe [Hadit], everywhere all at once. Remember Ansuz is a logos rune and associative to Wednesday/Odin/Mercury. To see Pan-Outside is to have All-Inside oppositional.This means that should you have the end goal or final solution of initiation, you are about to undergo major crises of necessity to change. Change absolutely or be devoured by an absolute...especially in form of power.

    So, speaking in terms of Novelty & Innovation - the ultimate notion of DIY Vortex in all potentialities between us and everything and meta/sub, inter/exter, over..inversions, subversions, nonversions Ansuz is Everywhere and Nowhere. Much of this is to the Sagittarian pulse cusp the Scorpion thrust who Saturn bears back onto in Retrograde, which is that of engendering your own truth free of the absolute power to covet it, compartmentalize it, and commandeer your energies and arts and sciences. Free-up your Craftworks. If you should want for a shade of reason, resist the urge of authoritarianism upon your right to perfect it in systemic engaging. We are all closed off systems to an extent, but we all must aim for a vision of freedom that we can make anything open-ended as possible and share apart from fear. If we have but one fear, it might be in our own incredible potency, and the right to ingest and body mod according to will.

    One of the great invasive fallacies of the collectivist pool that those who claim to despise its most corporately faceless features actually lend reality to looks something like this: Dear tripper/journey person/star traveler; you may not ingest that because like you say yourselves, it is not just your consciousness you are toying in, but all of ours. We see this manifest more and more in the form of the Teacher having more involvement, assumed rights, and stricter discipline of Student in place over authentic loves and nurture by Parent. That is just a single evidence that comes to mind right away. Run with it if you want to.

    Simbi: a spirit of medicine and vision who is the Patron Saint of the alchemist, wizard, shaman, sorcerer, witch, artist in general. We just did this with the Ecstatic God of Coming Dionysus. Simbi, of theAfro-Caribbean systems animistic, are mostly known to be very shy or flighty. An attribute shared with many devas on the whole and fair folk in the Welsh, and with good reason. The congruency leads us to aconnection; one thing stated over and over is that the Simbi spirits [who in foundation of recognition arewater elemental serpents] are the Messiah to Legba. That is a huge statement; not something you wouldjust see tossed out lightly in any branch of the Vodun evolutions. Legba being the Solar and Mithraic soChristic force of the Whole KA. Recall there is Woman Clothed In The Sun, too, just as lunar male; I just want to clarify that thought here real quick, without making a mistake I'm calling Legba feminine now.

  • While sun and moon exchange in intercourse and the Lapis, Mars is about exclusively male, Venus exclusive to goddess.

    I state that in the paragraph above since MAB suggests either an evil feminine of the Shakespearean creativity or a messianic figure. So, in all I've presented so far, think none other than that I directly imply with all urgency and force delivered that we are Messianic Figureheads installing ourselves to the Tree[s] of Life. Anyone could surmise that because we have developed such advanced technology and mundane sciences that 'we are gods' as I have stated with no hesitation. This, however, offers something bolder even and more specific that would frighten most students who have imprinted upon the heartless corporate teacher archetype. Yet, the nurturing parent in Chiron is the home of all flight that occurs by necessity. Retrogrades are part of it but there might be a danger on your own abilityto continue if you just 'give it up' to the particular attributes we associate to Saturn. You would likely begfor mercy, first thing, before any real scrambling and dispersion upon your progress would had been exacted and actually established. The mere threat even would...

    On April 16th, all I give here and now will be expanded upon, realized, and held to the torments to see what authenticity might occur or peel back what does not follow or easily folds when Pluto goes retrograde engaging the already formidable Saturnine Rx. The April 18th New Moon in Aries energies just kicks all this off with even more dire fire. A Mass Conjunct Array of the New Moon with Uranus & Sol Aries meets Mars and Mercury's conjunction in Taurus. Already, we have by Ophiuchus framework primarily hit up the cusp and interwoven play by Sag and Scorpio which has been highly relevant now based from Saturn's exploitations By the framework, we focus attention on the interweaving of Cardinal Fire & Fixed Earth, and have established to depth Fixed Water & Mutable Fire.

    If we activated these onto the Ygg-Mab by planetary rule; we have Jera=Mars, Gebo=Venus, Mannaz=Pluto [understood by the Ophiuchus work laid out], and finally Berkana=Jupiter.

    The significance of this, given especially traditional associations such as the Cycle/Harvest to Saturn, who in the retrograde and in this current Greater Return is utmost Dark Pater, should speak volumes of a completed Rebirth Inspiration Transformation Coordination Sublime. Pretty significant stuff when you really ingest the whole library up to where we all are now, who have our wits. It is both aclosed off, total or fully completed system that is open-ended as it gets, a True Paradox. In the spirit of the Aquarian symbol of ages, it ought to feel like home.

    Night of April's New Moon, Venus in Gemini Cosmic Twins will also oppose our Dark Pater, and an ecstatic charge feeds into this by way of the Squaring of Pisces' Neptune in nativity, very gladdened and of mystical might and visionary shamanic potency of Mars and Mercury in Taurus.

    The trine of Rahu in Libra will help; Enamoured IN the Art, AS the Magic. Shameless Intoxication.

  • It is a raging occult boner, and She is ready.

    Another thing we are doing is exposing the armchair 'warriors' and kicking off our hangers-on who talk and offer little unless they might accrue an interest on lending a thing. People who make excuses for laziness and the inability to communally contribute anything by saying things like, The first rule of Fight Club is..., etc. It's a crock of horse pile. It's a way people still past themselves on the back without having actual heart. They confuse the word community with clique. All they seek to do is glorify what they are masters to deny entropy is around every corner.

    Those who speak ill about the trials, burdens, and misfortunes of the one who has little standing in the ordinary, will undergo great pains when ill received by the residents in the realms of The Genius, where they do have some remarkable standing.- Not Oscar Wilde

    N.O.W. is a pen name I dreamed up after quoting him, then dropping a quote that wasn't him andthat just kinda came up.

    So, why this Full Moon astro observation is so pragmatic to all of us as well as this whole open source library is in the question, when does the source matter in this novelty-ecstasy current without rulers? What of propriety, privacy, and intellectual property? Are you just a commie with a new socialist religion/world view? No, no, no. All of these are not only implied but paramount features to respect of others' space and time. Which, is coming to a head now and relays when I say a completed or closed system but in the Aquarian symbolic spirit of the wholly open-ended. All of this is going on now already; there is no need to install me or my choice in place of some current governor. This is cosmic anda political adherence that may or may not follow and over time could be inevitable is outside the circles of any ambition I might want to exact.

    Which, is why the singular degree is so meaningful and very resonant of the whole thing.

    Native American contests were never "Yo! yo! yo! Here is why I'm so much better than what you offer the tribe! No one cool even should bother with your gig".

    It was to intertribal necessity to build the tribe up. The Aquarian Heroics. Remember the Set of the Sol Barque spread that was created was all about harnessing the Sethian Force Aspects toward a heroism and capability in your own life vis--vis evidence of the deity defending the Soul-boat; the solar descent to the underworld. Even something so dark or so-called evil has a propensity to want for self preservation.

  • There is always that bigger fish that even your adversary is anxious to fry that you have have as a common or world familiarity. Hero-Fusion, then.

    Any innovation or invention requires heroics, which insult and deny status quo. Necessity Mother of Invention, whose cosmic-twin spark is heroics. Tiwaz = heroes rune. No room for 'White Knighters' is more and more a thrust, the moralistic right keepers who yoke

    status quo upon Insipration. Detectives interrogating Life versus Shamans cultivating where Life may if only. I saw an article about musicians switching to 432 Hz as general rule for health and wellness. By allmeans, include that, do it as often as you will, but don't call Multiphasic Boldness to explore Dark Knightof the Soul our entropy. If we maintain the ideal for life in a stasis, it in fact becomes the absolute law of death as the overbearing power in authoritarianism. Over time, you are looking at the collectivist not just telling you entheogenic explorers that yours is all of our consciousness, but ultimate error, telling you what you can and can't eat will transfer over to how we should be eating, in what order of main course followed by sides, how many times to chew and then read the chart on the wall for how to swallow the proper mouthful because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of CPR.

    NEMO wants to explore the ocean. I say, let's let the little fucker, and get Morgan Freeman to buildhim a prosthetic so he can Go Pro.

    "Why we should [shouldn't] pile into one framework and shut the mouths of break away heroes". Is the more relevant question right now that is bearing down on us in stagnating horizontal clone column tractor beam hay-bailers.

    Who is the Sagittarian at heart...? Sag helps you carve out a whole new niche..that is..be a hero; break free from the suffocating pull of those who want to produce a xeroxed cult status condition at your expense. "Carve out your own truths and subversion of flatlander belief clauses, or you submit to a plan that has no love for your face and story". As of now, that latter plan is receiving far to much adoration, priority, romantification without understanding, and is Yang energy overdose that has constructed all veneers under a surface of glamour covering up the fragile...it should be half assed and a paper bag to us with our wits. Look around; almost everyone is in on it. Till you find no one even wants to start working into even the first layer of glitter. So afraid of the viscous and it 'rubbing off', but really finding out and taking responsibility it is they who put it there...even intending to let it fester for other more heroic [who they despised for even raising an eyebrow] souls to deal. Decadent and flimsy in the inter, yet very much in love with the rotting garbage they foist elsewhere subconsciously, while calling the hero 'narcissistic'. Isolationist... The ascetic must be undetracted/underailed/undistracted...unmoved by threats toward his genuine involvement with the world by the threatened codependent trying to reinforce their flimsy case..that they are anti-social, anti-community. No, Mate.

    We Are True Heroes. You are buttons on a remote control.

  • 4/18 = Clash of the Titans.Calendar It Up.

    As intellectuals - and anyone who 'figures it out' is intellectual; believe me, because they're pushing the programming to sling you the other way... so then intellectuals [defined as 'figuring it out']..uuh..discover that you are alienated. That's what figuring it out means, it means; it means you understand that the BMW, the Harvard degree..'n whatever it is, that this is all baloney and manipulated and hyped and that mostly you have a bunch of clueless people figuring out which fork they should use. ...this position is presented as alienation and therefore somehow tinged w/ the potential for pathology. ya know, it's a *bad* thing to be alienated.

    now let's speak for a moment, in order to fulfill the promise read by the introduction [about psychedelics]. and, what are they doing in this fine situation.. well, what they're doing is forcing this maturation process, by dissolving boundaries. Which, is what they do. They are exposing the cultural O.S. for what it is. Which, is just a bunch of hacked together rules that evolved over time. They weren't sent from God from Mt. Sinai. Just a bunch of hacked together rules... So, psychedelics in that sense *spread* alienation. What they alienate us from is preposterous. Earth murdering, sexist, consumerist, shallow, trivial, innane, insane & dangerous...and that's what they alienate us from.

    So, again, this neotenizing thing is like the condition of consciousness that I described as the precondition of the cosmic giggle. Glamour; acts of magical conjuration, hypnotic illusion and delusion, hysterias, fads, pseudo-revelations, strange truths whispered in every Quarter. This is the character of our time. People seemed to believe they were fulfilling their responsibilities intellectually - people seem to feel they are doing that - when they *reject the past*. They say, "Weeell, that was all screwed up...but since I've got with Master Shugi..I've understood the way it's really supposed to be". No, this is just trading one set of neotenizing OS for the other.

    The real hard choice you are being pushed toward, and that you might consider making before the yawning grave rings down the curtain on this cosmic drama; is actually intellectual responsibility, freedom, and uh..uhh a devotion to uuhh, what scientists call elegance..of thought. Ya know, people say, how can you tell one theory from another, and is science better than religion 'n this and that; after a lot of arm-waving..it should be conceded that the final call is AESTHETIC.

  • ...not toward truth. not toward the 'good'. Not because these aren't fine things, but because they're so slippery. But, toward Beuty; with that in place...to my mind, LIFE..HOPE FOLLOWS, as a consequence.

    - Terence McKenna 'Dreaming Awake At The End of Time'

    '**There** Is No Truth'.

    We are procreative, co-creators blending into our own integral cosmologies. You might say I'm 'going to hell' because I said 'Lucifer' rather than 'Christ', but in the spirit of the 'true enough' or 'more true', you create the condition on over your own head that a simple disagreement of mislabeling on the energy of love has created a torturous eternal prison. That prison will not be my law, but you have brought yourself near infinitely closer to it than myself.


    Salvador Dali

    I leave you with that, here. You will know what to do for your own life.Information is more quickly becoming the most expensive thing on the market, especially when it

    is new, relevant to immediacy, empowering your own lives at this moment with intelligence that is fresh in specificity of 'what's goin' on'. I give mine of good will. Rather than a 'donate option' as before and so many do, all I ask is you might engage my other arts; most of which is also open source anyway and also extremely practical as well as aesthetically worth appreciation.

    I did not really seem to talk about the Procession of Equinoxes as there is such endless technical expertise on its clockwork; all of this Library from the Numi working on [and the odd thing before it] has been centrifugal and tantamount to everything the singular degree procession is at the Full Heart that so few have been able to jump in on the circle of as deeply as they had yet been seeking. I hope this has provided a more than effective optimized platform to the Quanta.

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    Full Possession means No longer kept Winning our freedom

    Red Carnelian famous Ancient Roman talisman.A Life-Force stone and Soul Protector. Carnelian is a word for flesh and puts a face on things.

    Particularly the joys of sensuality and has Isis associations. It is an architectural stone, for the inspiration of the Artist.It 'cauterizes' of the energy of Fire; with Amazonite is most potent psychopomp and subtle or body communications stone.