Abraham’s “As its name suggests, Abraham’s House has a special goal: it is a house that is open to all Abraham’s children.” Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28 th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem House

pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians

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Page 1: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians


“As its name suggests, Abraham’s House has a special goal: it is a house that is open to all Abraham’s children.”

Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964

Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem

Stay as a pilgrimIn Jerusalem where Jews, Christians and Muslims come to worship, Abraham’s House offers a true heaven of peace situated in a splendid garden, surrounded by majestic pinewood trees. Our House is available to pilgrims who wish :

to participate in biblical workshops,

to discover the Holy Land in its religious, historical and cultural entirety,

to create links between men and women of all faiths in this Holy Land.

Come as a volunteerAbraham’s House accommodates volunteers from all over the world who help us :

to welcome pilgrims warmly,

to provide the services required for running this large House,

to look after the sick in our dispensary.

For information contact : [email protected]

House of WelcomeThe main house is both simple and comfortable. It has single, double and triple rooms, almost all ofwhich have private bathrooms. Mobile homes and tents, with communal bathrooms, are also available in the grounds. These provide a simpler form of accommodation, particularly suitable for young people. The ancient ramparts of the Old City are visible from the garden of the flat roof. The Lion’s Gate, one of the most frequented entrance points into the City, is only a few minutes’ walk away.

- The House is open all the year through, round the clock.- The reception is open all night. - Guests have a choice of full board, half board, or bed and breakfast.- Guests who wish to assist at the prayers in the beautiful chapel, which include Morning and Evening Prayer as well as daily Mass, are welcome to do so.- Internet access and public telephone are available.

Abraham’s House is run by a multinational team with its director, chaplain, a community of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, local employees and volunteers.



Tel (+972 2) 628 45 91 - Fax (+972 2) 627 49 17Email : [email protected]

Réalisation agence B. IMPACTCrédits photographiques : P. Delapierre (couverture)/M. Docher/D. Gras


For reservations and further information, whether you want to come as a pilgrim or serve as a volunteer,

please contact

Page 2: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians

Come to the The Holy Land, Land of the Word!A land at once blessed and also afflicted, where

the one true God revealed himself.A land of encounters and conflicts, a land at a

crossroads between three continents.A land of irrevocable links, dear to Jews, Chris-

tians and Muslims alike.

The Holy Land, Land of Faith!Abraham is the father of all believers, revered

by all those who believe in the one God.And God said to Abram: “Leave your own country, yourkin and your father’s house and go to a country that Iwill show you.” (Genesis 12:1)

Moses the liberator“I have witnessed the misery of my people in Egypt andI have heard them crying out because of their oppres-sors. I have come down to bring them up out of thatcountry into a fine, broad land, flowing with milk andhoney.” (Exodus 3: 7-8)

The prophets“The people that have walked in darkness have seen agreat light; on those who lived in the shadow of death, alight has dawned.” (Isaiah 9: 2)

Jesus the ChristAnd Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, forhe has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to pro-claim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4: 18-19)

The Holy Land, Land with a Rich Past!Jericho, one of the oldest towns on earth (800 BC);Avdad, an impressive city in the middle of the desert;Qumran, once the home of an ancient community

of the Essenes;Massada, the fortress on the shores of the Dead Sea;Sepphoris, Bet Shean, city of the Roman times;Abou Gosh, with its Romanesque crusaders’ church;Jérusalem, with its holy places and bustling life:

theWailingWall sacred to Jews; the Dome of the Rockand the Al-Aqsa Mosque of the Muslims; the Church ofthe Holy Sepulchre where Christ was buried; its OldCity, rebuilt by Suleiman the Magnificent …

Nazareth, the town of the Holy Family;Bethlehem, the town of the Nativity …

“Christians are to be encouraged to come to the Holy Land. This is a

powerful gesture of solidarity.”His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

A House of Welcome!A simple but warm welcome offered to pilgrims of all faiths and noneAbraham’s House was founded by Secours Catholique (Caritas France).Whilegiving special priority to those of modest means, it welcomes pilgrims fromall backgrounds. From the beginning, it has been integrated into the life of itssurroundings.Visitors are thus offered a wonderful opportunity to discover theHoly Land and share meaningful moments with the men and women who livehere. Located in an exceptional site, just south of the Mount of Olives, it sits ona hill with magnificent views of the Old City of Jerusalem.Through Abraham’sHouse, Secours Catholique (Caritas France) and the universal church remainpresent in a poor Palestinian neighbourhood, giving witness.

Where the Poor are Cared for!Medical services offered freely to the people of the neighbourhoodAbraham’s House also provides free medical care and medicine to the poorin its district of Jerusalem. It has a dispensary about a hundred meters fromthe main building.A qualified nurse, one of the Dominican nuns who serve atAbraham’s House, runs it. She is helped by a Palestinian assistant, and privateconsultations are offered on a weekly basis by two medical doctors, onemale and one female.The sister also visits and cares for sick people who arehousebound.

Where Dialogue is Promoted!Bringing all Abraham’s Children together, building bridges of peaceAbraham House is a place of meeting and interaction which strives to give hopeto the people of the Holy Land.The House is a venue for numerous encoun-ters designed to advance the cause of peace.The dramatic worsening of therelationship between Israel and Palestine heightens the urgency of fostering thefragile links which endure, despite the storm. In choosing Abraham’s House asa setting for your stay, you will be concretely supporting the cause of peace, theprimary aim for which it was founded.

Abraham’s House“That they all may be one“

Situated at the intersection of a Jewish settlement and an Arab neighbourhood, the former Benedictine monastery which is now

Abraham’s House symbolises Jerusalem’s rich and complex diversity. Rising from its site at the southern edges of the Mount of Olives, it

stands in the midst of the painful aspects of modern Jerusalem, yet it does so as a beacon of hope. Aware of all the divisions that surround it, the House stands as a reminder of Jerusalem’s divine and eternal

calling to be the City of Unity. From its roof terrace, the pilgrim is confronted at once with both the more ancient walls of the Old City and the brand new ‘separation wall’, so recently erected. One

glance suffices to understand both the early morning litanies of the muezzins and the farewell prayer of the man of Nazareth: “That they

may all be one” (John 17, 21). Gethsemane, that place of anguish, is only a short distance away. In the midst of this land, both holy

and at war, Abraham’s House gives something of the freshness of the Gospel and the warmth of hope.

One glance suffices to understand.

The history of Abraham’s House isrooted in the spirit ofVatican II. InDecember 1963, during the closingceremony of the second session ofthe Council, Pope PaulVI announcedhis historic journey to the HolyLand.A few days later, he receivedin audience Msgr Jean Rodhain,the founder of Secours Catholique(Caritas France).The Greek CatholicPatriarch Maximos IV was alsopresent. Msgr Rodhain was askedto establish a house in Jerusalem forthe poor. It was to be modelled onthe Cité Saint Pierre in Lourdes, asimilar house which Secours Catholichad founded ten years earlier.

At first, it was difficult to find asuitable plot, until the Patriarch ofthe Syrian Catholics came to therescue.The Patriarchate owneda magnificent stone buildingin Jerusalem, erected in 1903,which had successively servedas a Benedictine priory, a Syrianseminary, and was now being used asa hotel. It was offered for the use ofthe project.

Abraham’s House was thereforefounded in 1964, and given itsthreefold mission; welcomingpilgrims from all religiousbackgrounds, especially the poor;helping the poor of Jerusalem; andcontributing to the dialogue of thechildren of Abraham.

The spirit of theVatican Counciloly Land!H

Rising from its site...

Page 3: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians

Come to the The Holy Land, Land of the Word!A land at once blessed and also afflicted, where

the one true God revealed himself.A land of encounters and conflicts, a land at a

crossroads between three continents.A land of irrevocable links, dear to Jews, Chris-

tians and Muslims alike.

The Holy Land, Land of Faith!Abraham is the father of all believers, revered

by all those who believe in the one God.And God said to Abram: “Leave your own country, yourkin and your father’s house and go to a country that Iwill show you.” (Genesis 12:1)

Moses the liberator“I have witnessed the misery of my people in Egypt andI have heard them crying out because of their oppres-sors. I have come down to bring them up out of thatcountry into a fine, broad land, flowing with milk andhoney.” (Exodus 3: 7-8)

The prophets“The people that have walked in darkness have seen agreat light; on those who lived in the shadow of death, alight has dawned.” (Isaiah 9: 2)

Jesus the ChristAnd Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, forhe has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to pro-claim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4: 18-19)

The Holy Land, Land with a Rich Past!Jericho, one of the oldest towns on earth (800 BC);Avdad, an impressive city in the middle of the desert;Qumran, once the home of an ancient community

of the Essenes;Massada, the fortress on the shores of the Dead Sea;Sepphoris, Bet Shean, city of the Roman times;Abou Gosh, with its Romanesque crusaders’ church;Jérusalem, with its holy places and bustling life:

theWailingWall sacred to Jews; the Dome of the Rockand the Al-Aqsa Mosque of the Muslims; the Church ofthe Holy Sepulchre where Christ was buried; its OldCity, rebuilt by Suleiman the Magnificent …

Nazareth, the town of the Holy Family;Bethlehem, the town of the Nativity …

“Christians are to be encouraged to come to the Holy Land. This is a

powerful gesture of solidarity.”His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

A House of Welcome!A simple but warm welcome offered to pilgrims of all faiths and noneAbraham’s House was founded by Secours Catholique (Caritas France).Whilegiving special priority to those of modest means, it welcomes pilgrims fromall backgrounds. From the beginning, it has been integrated into the life of itssurroundings.Visitors are thus offered a wonderful opportunity to discover theHoly Land and share meaningful moments with the men and women who livehere. Located in an exceptional site, just south of the Mount of Olives, it sits ona hill with magnificent views of the Old City of Jerusalem.Through Abraham’sHouse, Secours Catholique (Caritas France) and the universal church remainpresent in a poor Palestinian neighbourhood, giving witness.

Where the Poor are Cared for!Medical services offered freely to the people of the neighbourhoodAbraham’s House also provides free medical care and medicine to the poorin its district of Jerusalem. It has a dispensary about a hundred meters fromthe main building.A qualified nurse, one of the Dominican nuns who serve atAbraham’s House, runs it. She is helped by a Palestinian assistant, and privateconsultations are offered on a weekly basis by two medical doctors, onemale and one female.The sister also visits and cares for sick people who arehousebound.

Where Dialogue is Promoted!Bringing all Abraham’s Children together, building bridges of peaceAbraham House is a place of meeting and interaction which strives to give hopeto the people of the Holy Land.The House is a venue for numerous encoun-ters designed to advance the cause of peace.The dramatic worsening of therelationship between Israel and Palestine heightens the urgency of fostering thefragile links which endure, despite the storm. In choosing Abraham’s House asa setting for your stay, you will be concretely supporting the cause of peace, theprimary aim for which it was founded.

Abraham’s House“That they all may be one“

Situated at the intersection of a Jewish settlement and an Arab neighbourhood, the former Benedictine monastery which is now

Abraham’s House symbolises Jerusalem’s rich and complex diversity. Rising from its site at the southern edges of the Mount of Olives, it

stands in the midst of the painful aspects of modern Jerusalem, yet it does so as a beacon of hope. Aware of all the divisions that surround it, the House stands as a reminder of Jerusalem’s divine and eternal

calling to be the City of Unity. From its roof terrace, the pilgrim is confronted at once with both the more ancient walls of the Old City and the brand new ‘separation wall’, so recently erected. One

glance suffices to understand both the early morning litanies of the muezzins and the farewell prayer of the man of Nazareth: “That they

may all be one” (John 17, 21). Gethsemane, that place of anguish, is only a short distance away. In the midst of this land, both holy

and at war, Abraham’s House gives something of the freshness of the Gospel and the warmth of hope.

One glance suffices to understand.

The history of Abraham’s House isrooted in the spirit ofVatican II. InDecember 1963, during the closingceremony of the second session ofthe Council, Pope PaulVI announcedhis historic journey to the HolyLand.A few days later, he receivedin audience Msgr Jean Rodhain,the founder of Secours Catholique(Caritas France).The Greek CatholicPatriarch Maximos IV was alsopresent. Msgr Rodhain was askedto establish a house in Jerusalem forthe poor. It was to be modelled onthe Cité Saint Pierre in Lourdes, asimilar house which Secours Catholichad founded ten years earlier.

At first, it was difficult to find asuitable plot, until the Patriarch ofthe Syrian Catholics came to therescue.The Patriarchate owneda magnificent stone buildingin Jerusalem, erected in 1903,which had successively servedas a Benedictine priory, a Syrianseminary, and was now being used asa hotel. It was offered for the use ofthe project.

Abraham’s House was thereforefounded in 1964, and given itsthreefold mission; welcomingpilgrims from all religiousbackgrounds, especially the poor;helping the poor of Jerusalem; andcontributing to the dialogue of thechildren of Abraham.

The spirit of theVatican Counciloly Land!H

Rising from its site...

Page 4: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians

Come to the The Holy Land, Land of the Word!A land at once blessed and also afflicted, where

the one true God revealed himself.A land of encounters and conflicts, a land at a

crossroads between three continents.A land of irrevocable links, dear to Jews, Chris-

tians and Muslims alike.

The Holy Land, Land of Faith!Abraham is the father of all believers, revered

by all those who believe in the one God.And God said to Abram: “Leave your own country, yourkin and your father’s house and go to a country that Iwill show you.” (Genesis 12:1)

Moses the liberator“I have witnessed the misery of my people in Egypt andI have heard them crying out because of their oppres-sors. I have come down to bring them up out of thatcountry into a fine, broad land, flowing with milk andhoney.” (Exodus 3: 7-8)

The prophets“The people that have walked in darkness have seen agreat light; on those who lived in the shadow of death, alight has dawned.” (Isaiah 9: 2)

Jesus the ChristAnd Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, forhe has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to pro-claim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4: 18-19)

The Holy Land, Land with a Rich Past!Jericho, one of the oldest towns on earth (800 BC);Avdad, an impressive city in the middle of the desert;Qumran, once the home of an ancient community

of the Essenes;Massada, the fortress on the shores of the Dead Sea;Sepphoris, Bet Shean, city of the Roman times;Abou Gosh, with its Romanesque crusaders’ church;Jérusalem, with its holy places and bustling life:

theWailingWall sacred to Jews; the Dome of the Rockand the Al-Aqsa Mosque of the Muslims; the Church ofthe Holy Sepulchre where Christ was buried; its OldCity, rebuilt by Suleiman the Magnificent …

Nazareth, the town of the Holy Family;Bethlehem, the town of the Nativity …

“Christians are to be encouraged to come to the Holy Land. This is a

powerful gesture of solidarity.”His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

A House of Welcome!A simple but warm welcome offered to pilgrims of all faiths and noneAbraham’s House was founded by Secours Catholique (Caritas France).Whilegiving special priority to those of modest means, it welcomes pilgrims fromall backgrounds. From the beginning, it has been integrated into the life of itssurroundings.Visitors are thus offered a wonderful opportunity to discover theHoly Land and share meaningful moments with the men and women who livehere. Located in an exceptional site, just south of the Mount of Olives, it sits ona hill with magnificent views of the Old City of Jerusalem.Through Abraham’sHouse, Secours Catholique (Caritas France) and the universal church remainpresent in a poor Palestinian neighbourhood, giving witness.

Where the Poor are Cared for!Medical services offered freely to the people of the neighbourhoodAbraham’s House also provides free medical care and medicine to the poorin its district of Jerusalem. It has a dispensary about a hundred meters fromthe main building.A qualified nurse, one of the Dominican nuns who serve atAbraham’s House, runs it. She is helped by a Palestinian assistant, and privateconsultations are offered on a weekly basis by two medical doctors, onemale and one female.The sister also visits and cares for sick people who arehousebound.

Where Dialogue is Promoted!Bringing all Abraham’s Children together, building bridges of peaceAbraham House is a place of meeting and interaction which strives to give hopeto the people of the Holy Land.The House is a venue for numerous encoun-ters designed to advance the cause of peace.The dramatic worsening of therelationship between Israel and Palestine heightens the urgency of fostering thefragile links which endure, despite the storm. In choosing Abraham’s House asa setting for your stay, you will be concretely supporting the cause of peace, theprimary aim for which it was founded.

Abraham’s House“That they all may be one“

Situated at the intersection of a Jewish settlement and an Arab neighbourhood, the former Benedictine monastery which is now

Abraham’s House symbolises Jerusalem’s rich and complex diversity. Rising from its site at the southern edges of the Mount of Olives, it

stands in the midst of the painful aspects of modern Jerusalem, yet it does so as a beacon of hope. Aware of all the divisions that surround it, the House stands as a reminder of Jerusalem’s divine and eternal

calling to be the City of Unity. From its roof terrace, the pilgrim is confronted at once with both the more ancient walls of the Old City and the brand new ‘separation wall’, so recently erected. One

glance suffices to understand both the early morning litanies of the muezzins and the farewell prayer of the man of Nazareth: “That they

may all be one” (John 17, 21). Gethsemane, that place of anguish, is only a short distance away. In the midst of this land, both holy

and at war, Abraham’s House gives something of the freshness of the Gospel and the warmth of hope.

One glance suffices to understand.

The history of Abraham’s House isrooted in the spirit ofVatican II. InDecember 1963, during the closingceremony of the second session ofthe Council, Pope PaulVI announcedhis historic journey to the HolyLand.A few days later, he receivedin audience Msgr Jean Rodhain,the founder of Secours Catholique(Caritas France).The Greek CatholicPatriarch Maximos IV was alsopresent. Msgr Rodhain was askedto establish a house in Jerusalem forthe poor. It was to be modelled onthe Cité Saint Pierre in Lourdes, asimilar house which Secours Catholichad founded ten years earlier.

At first, it was difficult to find asuitable plot, until the Patriarch ofthe Syrian Catholics came to therescue.The Patriarchate owneda magnificent stone buildingin Jerusalem, erected in 1903,which had successively servedas a Benedictine priory, a Syrianseminary, and was now being used asa hotel. It was offered for the use ofthe project.

Abraham’s House was thereforefounded in 1964, and given itsthreefold mission; welcomingpilgrims from all religiousbackgrounds, especially the poor;helping the poor of Jerusalem; andcontributing to the dialogue of thechildren of Abraham.

The spirit of theVatican Counciloly Land!H

Rising from its site...

Page 5: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians


“As its name suggests, Abraham’s House has a special goal: it is a house that is open to all Abraham’s children.”

Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964

Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem

Stay as a pilgrimIn Jerusalem where Jews, Christians and Muslims come to worship, Abraham’s House offers a true heaven of peace situated in a splendid garden, surrounded by majestic pinewood trees. Our House is available to pilgrims who wish :

to participate in biblical workshops,

to discover the Holy Land in its religious, historical and cultural entirety,

to create links between men and women of all faiths in this Holy Land.

Come as a volunteerAbraham’s House accommodates volunteers from all over the world who help us :

to welcome pilgrims warmly,

to provide the services required for running this large House,

to look after the sick in our dispensary.

For information contact : [email protected]

House of WelcomeThe main house is both simple and comfortable. It has single, double and triple rooms, almost all ofwhich have private bathrooms. Mobile homes and tents, with communal bathrooms, are also available in the grounds. These provide a simpler form of accommodation, particularly suitable for young people. The ancient ramparts of the Old City are visible from the garden of the flat roof. The Lion’s Gate, one of the most frequented entrance points into the City, is only a few minutes’ walk away.

- The House is open all the year through, round the clock.- The reception is open all night. - Guests have a choice of full board, half board, or bed and breakfast.- Guests who wish to assist at the prayers in the beautiful chapel, which include Morning and Evening Prayer as well as daily Mass, are welcome to do so.- Internet access and public telephone are available.

Abraham’s House is run by a multinational team with its director, chaplain, a community of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, local employees and volunteers.



Tel (+972 2) 628 45 91 - Fax (+972 2) 627 49 17Email : [email protected]

Réalisation agence B. IMPACTCrédits photographiques : P. Delapierre (couverture)/M. Docher/D. Gras


For reservations and further information, whether you want to come as a pilgrim or serve as a volunteer,

please contact

Page 6: pilgrim Abraham’s - Secours Catholique...Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964 Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem Stay as a pilgrim In Jerusalem where Jews, Christians


“As its name suggests, Abraham’s House has a special goal: it is a house that is open to all Abraham’s children.”

Mgr Jean Rodhain – 28th December 1964

Welcomes Pilgrims of All Faiths in Jerusalem

Stay as a pilgrimIn Jerusalem where Jews, Christians and Muslims come to worship, Abraham’s House offers a true heaven of peace situated in a splendid garden, surrounded by majestic pinewood trees. Our House is available to pilgrims who wish :

to participate in biblical workshops,

to discover the Holy Land in its religious, historical and cultural entirety,

to create links between men and women of all faiths in this Holy Land.

Come as a volunteerAbraham’s House accommodates volunteers from all over the world who help us :

to welcome pilgrims warmly,

to provide the services required for running this large House,

to look after the sick in our dispensary.

For information contact : [email protected]

House of WelcomeThe main house is both simple and comfortable. It has single, double and triple rooms, almost all ofwhich have private bathrooms. Mobile homes and tents, with communal bathrooms, are also available in the grounds. These provide a simpler form of accommodation, particularly suitable for young people. The ancient ramparts of the Old City are visible from the garden of the flat roof. The Lion’s Gate, one of the most frequented entrance points into the City, is only a few minutes’ walk away.

- The House is open all the year through, round the clock.- The reception is open all night. - Guests have a choice of full board, half board, or bed and breakfast.- Guests who wish to assist at the prayers in the beautiful chapel, which include Morning and Evening Prayer as well as daily Mass, are welcome to do so.- Internet access and public telephone are available.

Abraham’s House is run by a multinational team with its director, chaplain, a community of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, local employees and volunteers.



Tel (+972 2) 628 45 91 - Fax (+972 2) 627 49 17Email : [email protected]

Réalisation agence B. IMPACTCrédits photographiques : P. Delapierre (couverture)/M. Docher/D. Gras


For reservations and further information, whether you want to come as a pilgrim or serve as a volunteer,

please contact