Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick pi.P, ~r ~r ewe I > u bscr'I pt ion Pr ice $ 1.5) 0 In Advance tvl~v 1 VOLUME 51. ItllIH COOI<TY IIIEIAIS PIIIBHAPHS KENDRICK, LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, JULY I."t, I92l H BHItY DISTII CT HOIIO CHIINBES NEW APPOINTMENTS AT THE ONI'I HSTY meeting wil] be to adopt a scale otjSevet'al Changes in Faculty wages to be pa]d harvest hands and I of The Big School for ihreshing. The meeting will j be of interest to farmers, i'arm The appointment of E. B. Duncan laborers, and threshing machine l of McCaineron as state Ieadei of men, be sure aa be 'tnere. 'boys'nd g]rls'lub work in the I extension division was announced , 1'uesday by Dr. A. H. Upham, presid- , ments of Miss Clara Edith Cowg]ll I )IIpj-I OE I tNTSIct Gruugcv>lic acbcuvcucmcuctra I tion agent for Banncok c6unty and I of;Otis B. Richardson as instructor Graduate of U. of I. Given I in Engiish also were announced. HIglmst Place in Field. ! 'vir. Duncan, the new state club I leader, has been for, the last two l years county agricultural agent of Appointment of W. J. Kjosenss, "' Banno«k county. He was graduat- of Moscow, as stace leader of county d f O I ed from Oregon . Agricnltura] coi- agents, succeeding F. L. Williams, I 91 ' iege in 1918. He became first rural resigned, was announced Saturday I E J Idd. i th . teacher at Jamison, Ore., and then by Dean E. J. Iddings: oi the agri- taught agricultuie at Ton Davis cultural college oi the univers]ty I h I B 'igh school in the Boise valley, be- The appointment ls already effec 'coming principal there in his sec- tive and Mr; Kjosness w]ll leave l (ond year. 'I"ollow]ng a year spent t'or southein Idaho in a few days I as assistant bank cashier at Nyssa, to take up h]s new duties. In the Ore., he'ecame assistant countv near future he w]ll move his i'amily agent ]n Bannock county and then to Boise, where the ofilces of the university extension division are county agent. situated and where'he w]ll have h]s ~ M]ss Cowgiii was graduated from ~ tbe Grangevil le high school in 1915 headquarters. ana from the L'ew]ston normal two Mr. Kjosness has been for the years later. She taught for a year last threeyears a resident of Mos- at Philomath, Ore. and for ancther cow serving as assistant state lead- t C b'. I er, ]n charge of county. agent work spring received the degree of bach- in North Idaho. eioi of science in home economics 'I'he new county agent leader is a i, I from Oregon Agricultural «oliege. graduate of the University ot Idaho,, lvfr. Richards]in is a graduate''of having received the degree of ~ the Univeristy of Washing:on class bachelor of science in agriculture'f 1921and is studying for a mas- here ]n 1918. ter's degree at that inst]tution this Following a suc"essful experience summer. as a teacher of agriculture in the In conncetion with the apoint- high school at Prescott, Wash., Mr. f b ., d . I, I b I d ment of a boys'nd girls'lub lead- Kjosness became, in 1915, county er ]t was stated that there were 491 agent of Power county, Idaho, sub- h b, d . I, I b such boys'nd girls'lubs organ]z- sequently be]ng promoted to the ea in Idaho last year, with 4864 assistant state leadership. melnbers, of whom 3497 completed "Mr. Kjosness has been very their work and reported on it. Pro- I ducts of their livestock husbandry, successful in county agent work ]n 'northern Idaho," sa]d Dean Iddings, 'Icann]ng, etc., were valued at $199,- "and now isa&anc]n'g to the morej865 f h h $ 1077 865, of which $ 107,78 was net proht. ]lnportant position of responsibility .— Star-Mirror. for county agent work all over the ~™ state." 'and Elects Officers Bridge Across Bear Creek To Be Changed. 'Chpped From The Columns of Neighboring Papers. Deary Press: Royden Smith and family, Joseph Baiderson and fain- ily of Spokane, Roy.Ca]i and wife 'and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Call were Fourth of July guests at the J. F. -Balderson home near Avon. After enjoying an abundant .feed with their host and hustrss the entire party, including Mr. and Mrs. Bal- derson, motored to Kendrick, and ]n the everiing swooped down upon Mrs. Balderson's sister, Mrs. Chas. Ameling on American Ridge, where they were entertained at supper, rand drove home later in the even- ing. lh]s was one crowd.that en- ,joyea the Fourth to the fullest ex- :tent. l lie cot]]n]issioners oi',he Kend" rick Highway District ]net in reg- ular sbss]on last Saturclav at the City Elall and transacted their usual monthly buSiness. During the ses- sion dehnite action regarding re- pairs and improvements to the Little Bear I]idge grade was taken and authorization for. the immediate start of the work was g ] ven. Our loyal comm]ssioriers do not intend to allow the future rainpages of Bear Creek to destroy their work and have decided that the best so- lution of the problem presented at the forks of Bear Creek lies in the construction of a single h]idge a- cross the East Fork. With the above ]n m]nd, they have started actual work on the build]ng of a new bridge a short distance above the mouth of the East I'ork of Bear Creek and are blasting a new road for several hundred feet un the Little Bear end of the bridge to connect the old grade with the bridge approach. Th]s arrangement will free the structure from the strain of the double flood waters oi the two creeks and give a more certain access to Little Bear Ridge at ail t] mes. The new road on American Ridge is just about completed and is a specimen of work which ]s favorable to the operation of the Districts t]cavy road machinery. An unbe- .lievable amount of construction can 'be done by the grader and tractor with two men operating and a well ta]rnea .'".Pike". is..the result of .a few days of steady work. Before the end of ~he week, the new road will be completed from the forks of the road known as Keene Corner to the prune dryer Just south of the Frank May ranch. 'I'his ]s one more improvement which we can chalk up to the credit of our high- way commissioners. Genesee News: It ]s not often that the News man over]ooks a bet :such as a lish]ng tr]p, especially when the fishermen have good luck and are generous enough to furnish him a nice mess of "speckled beau- ties." But 'we did last week, any- way. R. S. Sullivan and T. H. Her- man returned from a trip to the swift waters of the Ht. Joe]]bove %very and brought with them some oz the prettiest trout we have seen in many a day, many of the]n measuring a toot and more ]n length. They were sure 'nuff trout. We know, because Mr. Sullivan gave I us a fine ]ness, for which we are still duly thankful. Jul]aetta Record: Ralph and John Schetzle and Vance Carlton return- ed Monday from a fishing <rip to the'Big fs]and-section of- t]]e C]ear water country. They had fairly good luck and caught a number ot fine trout, one of which was on, dis- :play for a.short time in the show window of the Heacox coniection- ,.rey. '1'he boys report that there were 2 ]ni hes of snow on the grour.d on the divide between Oxford and Pierce. Had Narrow Escape Troy News: The new swimming pool is in use by the boys of the town, the reservoir having lilled from the fiow of the creek, and the depth is now over the heads of the swiinmers in places. The whole pool ]s constructed simply, without much outlay oi money, but is suf- ficient fvr the purpose. 'l'he dam is constructed of planks, but can be replaced bv cuncrete .at any time 'esired, and the pool can be con- siderably enlarged at any time by use of teams and scrapers. The pro- . imoters of the plan are well satisfied wit]']]the results of their efforts and 'the way in which the youngsters enjoy the privilege makes them feel it was well worth while to hustle for the enterprise. The dressing rooms have not yet been secured but wi]l be soon. Kids Wallop Cuba Jesse Holfman had a narrow es- cape from death on Thursday morn- ing on Sperry grade. In turning out for a team, he was crowded tto close to the edge of the bank and it gave aivay under the weight of the car. Had there not been a small hush just over the edge of the grade, the car and occupant would certain- ly have toppled into the canyon. As it so happened, the weak resistance of the twig was just enough to hold the machine on the grade until iV]r. Hoffman coula get out and get help. Three cars went up trom Kendrick, secured the car by means ot ropes and got it back to safety. The near- accident occurred near the place where the Fleshman car roiled down the hi II several years ago. Seeker-Deobald Kills Big Rattler iUliss Anna Becker and E. A. Deo- bald vvere united in marriage at the Moscow Hotel in Moscow, Idaho, last Tuesday evening at six o'lock, the Reverend Mr. Crockett of the Christian Church of Moscow offici- at]ng. The young couple are well known in this community and have a host of enthusiastic friends to wish them hapiness in their future life to- gether. Miss Becker tauglit in the Amer- ican Ridge school for two yea]'s and in the Potlatch s«hools for the past two years. Her home ]s in Nainpa, Idaho. Mr. Deobaid, better known as "Eddie", has been a resident of this vicinity for the greater part of his life and ]s a member of the iir'm of Schuper & Deobald oi the Kend- r]ck Uaragc. The young couple went to Spok ane on a short honey]noon and will soon be at home to their friends ]n Kendrick. Aaron McCrery reports the cap- ture and immediate demise of' record ruining rattlesnake on Tues- dav of this week. H]s royal snake- ship, more than likely, was waylay- ing an N. P. train near the road crossing about two miles above town when MeUrery found birn on the r]ght-of-way and there ensued a lively «hase before the rattler gave up h]s wriggling ghost. The serpent slipped into the tall grass near the track and McCrery, see- ing that the snake had twelve rattles and a button, pursued and tried to push the button w]tt] the business end of his shovel, thus finally succeeding in his ~ mortuary endeavors. Aaron says that he took uni'air advantage of the rattlesnake because it had undoubtedly broken ]ts back ]n trying to crawl around spine of the curves in the rai]road between Kendrick anil 1ro]. M, B. McConneii returned from a business trip to Le>viston, Monday. At the regular rehearsal of the Keiidrick, Band on last Monday Tiie Kendrick Kids added another evening, officers of the permanent victory tu their long string last organ]zation were'lected by the Sunday when they defeated the Uen- members present and other business esse Dubs in a close contest. The ot'mportance was transacted, scure was so close and the quality of ''here was a good representation of baseball was so nearly the same on band enthusiasts in attendance ana both, side that the outccme of the tl,e practice biought out some new game was in -doubt uP until the I material ]n form of beginners. seventh'inning. At the end of t]]e'fhe following officers were eJect- first half of tne seventh, Uenesee cd. EI W Mort Presi,lent. A y wcs twc runs iu the lead but c fcw ~ tiuubte, tr>cc-Prcciucut; Q. E. Muc- wise alterations in the. Kendrick ~ Pherson, Secretary-'Ireasurer. line-uP brought in hve more runs librarian will be apo]nted by the for the Kids. 1'he consistent bat- pres]dent at a later date. tlngof the Perryman brothers was The committee appointed at a the outstanding feature of the game previous meeting to approach the and undouttedly Made it possible council on the subject of support for Kendrick to vanquish the much from the town reported that tney touted Genesee aggregation, to the had met with success. The council tune oi nine to seven. signified their willingness to ass]st. The line-uP of the two teams for'hc band tn purchasing instruments last Sunday was as follows: for the organizat]en, which instru- Genesee. Whitted, Casebolt, Bum-!ments are to be the property uf the Pus, Green, J. Casey, Currin, Doyle, I town and their safe-keep]ng guar- Casey, B. Doyle, with F. Doyle, lanteed bv the pang. This same committee was re-appo]nted, with Kendrick: E. Flaig, Chamberlain, the addition of the director to pur- Herres, btanton, Perrynian, Flaggin, ~hase the necessary pieces. H. F]aig, Zieman, Brown, with C. WaJter Thomas has been secured Perrymaii reP]acing Brown in the by the band as director and ultimate Isuccess of the organizat]on is cer- ', tainly assured by his willingness to Buy8 Grangeville Store "'l ' t- b dl d enviable ieputation as a'and leader in the northwest and «]ties of the I. J. Odem arrived in Grange-jf]rate]ass wou]d feel lucky tn se- ville, Saturday from Winchester. cure his services. During the ! Mr. Odem isa member of th> firm, world war, he was the director of of Uuy t]I] Odem, wh]ch recently ', the Marine Band on the battleship acquired the McGhie market. 1'he I Ht. Lou]s. new firm will put ]n a much larger I gegu]ar rehearsals will be held on stock'of groceries than that which, each Monday evening straight thru has be..n carried by the store, and i the summer year and within a few a]so will continue in the meat jmpnths the band will be in a pns]- business. Mr. Odem has been nian- I tion tti give concerts of the highest ager of the Consolidate Commercial I prder. company store ir. Winchester. Hei formerly was in business in Kend- j Emu]us Brown went to igoscow rick.— Idaho Countv Free Press.,on business Wednesdav morning. NU]vIBER 25 wa] ar su]a Hi Farm i TOWN TH(EIITENEO 'culating about tottrn tt] the effect ,'Y BRASS E HE ',that Lcuter Hill has pure]]a=eii itic 160 acre tract on Big Bear ridge F W, ik r I I„,, Kelnnedy Property Totally I ported consideration ! n the deal,,'estroyed. I which we unde«star]a was complet-; ed th]s week, was $21.000 or ovei'j Shortly after one o'clocl'n 1'ues- $ 180 per. acre. The place has no in]-'day afternoon, a grass fire started pi oven](nts but i t is supposed that on the side hill just north of town Mt'. Hill will erect uuildir]gs upon and n]ade a clean sweep of every- ] t tllls fall, I th]ng for several biucks to the east i behind the residences on Main ', of a large force of men conlined the blaze to the vacant lots on the hill- side but they were not able to save 'ohn Kennedy ana the property was ertified Seed Must Score coinPletely destroyed w]tl] all out- Almost Hundred PeIcent. buildings. At the time of this ! writing, informat~on regarding in- Isurance carr]ed on the buildings Prof. R. K. Bcnnett, head ' was not availa]]]e but the generaI Agronomy DePartrnent of the n'suppps]tipn was that no policies haa versity of Idaho, will assist ' 'eeii issued covering the ]oss. Fletcher, county agricultuial aRe"t The tire started irom a small in inspecting Latah County " at pile of refuse burning at the rear for certiiicat]on as seed, beginning of the Fraterna] 'l'empie and, a]- July 21st. Profespr Bonnett is act- thouigh precautions were taken to ing as asistant to the State Purelguard against tile spread of .the Heed Cominissioner while doing .in- blaze, ]t got beyond the control of spection work. Inspection w]]l be those tending it and went'nto tne made while the grain is standing in I grass-covered side hill. The grass the field and ]ust before it is cut. and weeds around the rubbish pile If the wheat Passes the Preliminary were sa]d to have been thorough]y insPectiun, it will be insPected soaked with water before the t]re again when it is threshed. Wheat was Jighted but a puff of wind was . must be at least 99$ per cen" Pu probab]y responsible for carrying to he certihed as seed of sparks across this safety strip. Cornmuriities of Latah County As soon as the dried vegetation on that are work]ng on the wheat im- the s]de hi]l was ignited, it. burned Provement Project and the local like powder and the f]reline travel- leaders ot the work in these corn- Ied'at incr~dib]cspeed. mun]ties are as follows: Through the eff]c]ent eftorts of American Ridge, Harry Benscoter; one of the first men on the ground, Big Bear kidge, C. J. Bower; the Light Company's substatior] was Blaine, Henry Narum; Burnt Ridge'aved and the lire kept back frum Alfred Eel]berg; Cedar Creek, E the Hamiey property, Everyone A.Langdon, Crane-ccreek, Edward airees that- this wasall that ~aved Vogel; k'armington, Clar E'he east end of town from certain Pey']«ge J B" " ' " destruction as the high wind would csee, T. Driscoll; Kenned." 'Ford, -have certainly carried across the in- Wm. Staffelbach; Little Potlatch, tervening streets. pire hose was Fred Stroebe]; Moscow, George stretched from the hydrant near S]evers; Pa]Ouse, Crawford Patton; the schooJ house and the buildings Pine Grove, R. J. Nelson a'id direct]y ]n the patt] of the fire were Princeton, W, E. Co] ier. wet down to prevent the start-of Al] latah County farmers who other fires from the sparks sent up have Planted fields w]th Pure seed by the Kennedy buildings jhe and desire to have the same in Pect- grass f]re f]na]]y burnt itself out ed for certihcat]on should corn un- for want of further fue] ne'ar the icate at once with County A ent K]eth property Fletchei or with the local leader In the evening any grass which v of t)e wheat imProvement Project might haveescaped the genera]con- if there is one in their co]nmunity, it]agraiion pf the afternoon was and request insPection of their I burned pff by a g«pup pf assembled for the purpose. Tl]e I precaution was taken to prevent Change in grain Schedule future tires ana thus give the citizens ot the east end ot the town I a chance to take "forty winks" of j sleep ivithout the added precaution There is an unconfirmed rumor af]oat regarding a slight change ]n oi" aoing up the. family silver in a the schedule affecting Kendrick's sack in preparation for a "quick train service. If this rumor turns get-away". out to be a fact, it w]ll mean an ]mproved service and, therefore, th t h P 'he next ringing oi the Presbyterian worthy of note. Church bell during week days will L t ll I th t send about a dozen of our residents It is. supposed that the aiternoon tra]n from Lewiston will leave that to some sanitarium especi]illy equip- point at 12:15 p. m. and arrive in f t I ped toi'he treatment of heart ai- sKend ick, as heretofore, a t 1 p, m. 'ase. The train from Spokane will pass the Lewiston train in Kendrick at 1 p. m., and ai'rive in Lew]ston Will Teach in Alaska about 45 minutes earlier. The cus- tomary transfer of exPress and bag- M Hood h t d os gage at North LaPwai between the as teacher in the High School at Lew]ston-bound train and the Silks, Alaska. She plans on leav- Grangeville train wil! be discnntin- ing hereabout the middle of Aug- uedand theshltt madeat the I.ew- ust giving her time to art]Ye ln iston depot. This will deduct about Alaska to start school Sept. 6th. n]ng time between Kendrick and ing experiance there aud Jit is be- "Idaho's only seaport." Trainmen say that t]me ]vill also that she ]s p]ann]ng on returning„ be "made-up" between Kendrick Miss Hood taught, in the Kendrick and Spokane, wh]cti w]ll be an a]- J-iigh School last year and did ex- together agreeable situation. Jt ~lceptionally good work. We regret really begins to look as though the I]oosing such a teacher and citizen, "Poor down-trodden Public" was I but if the weather continue here as about 'to receive a speedier "run i it has for the past few weeks we. 'i v jw]JJ understand why she made the move. Eler mother will also prob- While unload]ng a carload of twine I ably go to Silka in the fall. , last week, F. B. Sin i th severely, sprained his back and along witll t Mrs. Frank Byrne and children A. E. Wilcox's sprained leg wh]ch 'of ew]ston, wno have been here he received whi]e on a fishing trip ivisiting, left for Moscow Wednes- t]]qdepot force are endeavoring to Iday afternoon to visit Mrs.'Byrne I parents, Mr. ai]d Mrs. Geo. Moody, I Perform their duties unde] ome- for a couple of weeks before return- what of a handicap. I ing to their home.

PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

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Page 1: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

Boost For Better


Into Kendrick

pi.P, ~r ~r ewe I

>u bscr'I pt ion Pr ice

$ 1.5)0

In Advance











meeting wil] be to adopt a scale otjSevet'al Changes in Facultywages to be pa]d harvest hands and I of The Big Schoolfor ihreshing. The meeting will


be of interest to farmers, i'arm The appointment of E. B. Duncanlaborers, and threshing machine l of McCaineron as state Ieadei ofmen, be sure aa be 'tnere. 'boys'nd g]rls'lub work in the

I extension division was announced,1'uesday by Dr. A. H. Upham, presid-

, ments of Miss Clara Edith Cowg]ll

I )IIpj-I OE I tNTSIct Gruugcv>lic acbcuvcucmcuctra

Ition agent for Banncok c6unty and

I of;Otis B. Richardson as instructorGraduate of U. of I. Given

Iin Engiish also were announced.

HIglmst Place in Field. ! 'vir. Duncan, the new state club

Ileader, has been for, the last two

l years county agricultural agent ofAppointment of W. J. Kjosenss,"'

Banno«k county. He was graduat-of Moscow, as stace leader of countyd f OI ed from Oregon . Agricnltura] coi-

agents, succeeding F. L. Williams,I 91' iege in 1918. He became first rural

resigned, was announced Saturday I

E J Idd. i th. teacher at Jamison, Ore., and then

by Dean E.J. Iddings: oi the agri-taught agricultuie at Ton Davis

cultural college oi the univers]tyI h I B'igh school in the Boise valley, be-

The appointment ls already effec 'coming principal there in his sec-tive and Mr; Kjosness w]ll leave l

(ond year. 'I"ollow]ng a year spentt'or southein Idaho in a few daysI as assistant bank cashier at Nyssa,to take up h]s new duties. In theOre., he'ecame assistant countv

near future he w]ll move his i'amilyagent ]n Bannock county and then

to Boise, where the ofilces of theuniversity extension division are county agent.

situated and where'he w]ll have h]s~

M]ss Cowgiii was graduated from~ tbe Grangevil le high school in 1915

headquarters.ana from the L'ew]ston normal twoMr. Kjosness has been for theyears later. She taught for a yearlast threeyears a resident of Mos-at Philomath, Ore. and for ancther

cow serving as assistant state lead-t C

b'. Ier, ]n charge of county. agent work

spring received the degree of bach-in North Idaho.

eioi of science in home economics'I'he new county agent leader is a i,Ifrom Oregon Agricultural «oliege.

graduate of the University ot Idaho,,lvfr. Richards]in is a graduate''of

having received the degree of~~ the Univeristy of Washing:on class

bachelor of science in agriculture'f1921and is studying for a mas-

here ]n 1918. ter's degree at that inst]tution thisFollowing a suc"essful experience

summer.as a teacher of agriculture in the

In conncetion with the apoint-high school at Prescott, Wash., Mr. f b


. I, I b I dment of a boys'nd girls'lub lead-Kjosness became, in 1915, county

er ]t was stated that there were 491agent of Power county, Idaho, sub-

h b, d. I, I bsuch boys'nd girls'lubs organ]z-

sequently be]ng promoted to theea in Idaho last year, with 4864assistant state leadership.melnbers, of whom 3497 completed"Mr. Kjosness has been very their work and reported on it. Pro-

I ducts of their livestock husbandry,successful in county agent work ]n'northern Idaho," sa]d Dean Iddings, 'Icann]ng, etc., were valued at $199,-"and now isa&anc]n'g to the morej865 f h h $1077865, of which $107,78 was net proht.]lnportant position of responsibility .—Star-Mirror.for county agent work all over the


'and Elects Officers

Bridge Across Bear CreekTo Be Changed.

'Chpped From The Columnsof Neighboring Papers.

Deary Press: Royden Smith andfamily, Joseph Baiderson and fain-ily of Spokane, Roy.Ca]i and wife'and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Call wereFourth of July guests at the J. F.-Balderson home near Avon. Afterenjoying an abundant .feed withtheir host and hustrss the entireparty, including Mr. and Mrs. Bal-derson, motored to Kendrick, and]n the everiing swooped down uponMrs. Balderson's sister, Mrs. Chas.Ameling on American Ridge, wherethey were entertained at supper,rand drove home later in the even-ing. lh]s was one crowd.that en-,joyea the Fourth to the fullest ex-:tent.

l lie cot]]n]issioners oi',he Kend"rick Highway District ]net in reg-ular sbss]on last Saturclav at theCity Elall and transacted their usualmonthly buSiness. During the ses-sion dehnite action regarding re-pairs and improvements to the LittleBear I]idge grade was taken andauthorization for. the immediatestart of the work was g ]ven. Ourloyal comm]ssioriers do not intendto allow the future rainpages ofBear Creek to destroy their workand have decided that the best so-lution of the problem presented atthe forks of Bear Creek lies in theconstruction of a single h]idge a-cross the East Fork.

With the above ]n m]nd, theyhave started actual work on thebuild]ng of a new bridge a shortdistance above the mouth of theEast I'ork of Bear Creek and areblasting a new road for severalhundred feet un the Little Bear endof the bridge to connect the oldgrade with the bridge approach.Th]s arrangement will free thestructure from the strain of thedouble flood waters oi the twocreeks and give a more certainaccess to Little Bear Ridge at ailt]mes.

The new road on American Ridgeis just about completed and is aspecimen of work which ]s favorableto the operation of the Districtst]cavy road machinery. An unbe-

.lievable amount of construction can'be done by the grader and tractorwith two men operating and a well

ta]rnea .'".Pike". is..the result of .afew days of steady work. Beforethe end of ~he week, the new roadwill be completed from the forks ofthe road known as Keene Corner tothe prune dryer Just south of theFrank May ranch. 'I'his ]s onemore improvement which we canchalk up to the credit of our high-way commissioners.

Genesee News: It ]s not oftenthat the News man over]ooks a bet

:such as a lish]ng tr]p, especiallywhen the fishermen have good luckand are generous enough to furnishhim a nice mess of "speckled beau-ties." But 'we did last week, any-way. R. S. Sullivan and T. H. Her-man returned from a trip to theswift waters of the Ht. Joe]]bove%very and brought with them someoz the prettiest trout we have seenin many a day, many of the]nmeasuring a toot and more ]nlength.

They were sure 'nuff trout. Weknow, because Mr. Sullivan gave I

us a fine ]ness, for which we arestill duly thankful.

Jul]aetta Record: Ralph and JohnSchetzle and Vance Carlton return-ed Monday from a fishing <rip tothe'Big fs]and-section of- t]]e C]earwater country. They had fairlygood luck and caught a number otfine trout, one of which was on, dis-:play for a.short time in the showwindow of the Heacox coniection-

,.rey. '1'he boys report that therewere 2 ]ni hes of snow on the grour.don the divide between Oxford andPierce.

Had Narrow EscapeTroy News: The new swimmingpool is in use by the boys of thetown, the reservoir having lilledfrom the fiow of the creek, and thedepth is now over the heads of theswiinmers in places. The wholepool ]s constructed simply, withoutmuch outlay oi money, but is suf-ficient fvr the purpose. 'l'he dam isconstructed of planks, but can bereplaced bv cuncrete .at any time

'esired, and the pool can be con-siderably enlarged at any time byuse of teams and scrapers. The pro-

. imoters of the plan are well satisfiedwit]']]the results of their efforts and'the way in which the youngstersenjoy the privilege makes them feelit was well worth while to hustlefor the enterprise. The dressingrooms have not yet been securedbut wi]l be soon.

Kids Wallop CubaJesse Holfman had a narrow es-

cape from death on Thursday morn-

ing on Sperry grade. In turningout for a team, he was crowded tto

close to the edge of the bank and itgave aivay under the weight of thecar. Had there not been a smallhush just over the edge of the grade,the car and occupant would certain-ly have toppled into the canyon. Asit so happened, the weak resistanceof the twig was just enough to holdthe machine on the grade until iV]r.

Hoffman coula get out and get help.Three cars went up trom Kendrick,secured the car by means ot ropesand got it back to safety. The near-accident occurred near the placewhere the Fleshman car roiled down

the hi I I several years ago.

Seeker-Deobald Kills Big Rattler

iUliss Anna Becker and E. A. Deo-bald vvere united in marriage atthe Moscow Hotel in Moscow, Idaho,last Tuesday evening at six o'lock,the Reverend Mr. Crockett of theChristian Church of Moscow offici-at]ng.

The young couple are well knownin this community and have a hostof enthusiastic friends to wish themhapiness in their future life to-gether.

Miss Becker tauglit in the Amer-ican Ridge school for two yea]'s andin the Potlatch s«hools for the pasttwo years. Her home ]s in Nainpa,Idaho.

Mr. Deobaid, better known as"Eddie", has been a resident ofthis vicinity for the greater part ofhis life and ]s a member of the iir'm

of Schuper & Deobald oi the Kend-r]ck Uaragc.

The young couple went to Spokane on a short honey]noon and willsoon be at home to their friends ]nKendrick.

Aaron McCrery reports the cap-ture and immediate demise of'record ruining rattlesnake on Tues-dav of this week. H]s royal snake-

ship, more than likely, was waylay-

ing an N. P. train near the roadcrossing about two miles abovetown when MeUrery found birn on

the r]ght-of-way and there ensueda lively «hase before the rattlergave up h]s wriggling ghost. Theserpent slipped into the tall grassnear the track and McCrery, see-ing that the snake had twelverattles and a button, pursued andtried to push the button w]tt] thebusiness end of his shovel, thusfinally succeeding in his ~ mortuaryendeavors. Aaron says that he tookuni'air advantage of the rattlesnakebecause it had undoubtedly broken]ts back ]n trying to crawl aroundspine of the curves in the rai]roadbetween Kendrick anil 1ro].

M, B. McConneii returned from abusiness trip to Le>viston, Monday.

At the regular rehearsal of theKeiidrick, Band on last Monday

Tiie Kendrick Kids added another evening, officers of the permanentvictory tu their long string last organ]zation were'lected by theSunday when they defeated the Uen- members present and other businessesse Dubs in a close contest. The ot'mportance was transacted,scure was so close and the quality of ''here was a good representation ofbaseball was so nearly the same on band enthusiasts in attendance anaboth, side that the outccme of the tl,e practice biought out some newgame was in -doubt uP until the

I material ]n form of beginners.seventh'inning. At the end of t]]e'fhe following officers were eJect-first half of tne seventh, Uenesee cd. EI W Mort Presi,lent. A ywcs twc runs iu the lead but c fcw


tiuubte, tr>cc-Prcciucut; Q. E. Muc-wise alterations in the. Kendrick

~ Pherson, Secretary-'Ireasurer.line-uP brought in hve more runs librarian will be apo]nted by thefor the Kids. 1'he consistent bat- pres]dent at a later date.tlngof the Perryman brothers was The committee appointed at athe outstanding feature of the game previous meeting to approach theand undouttedly Made it possible council on the subject of supportfor Kendrick to vanquish the much from the town reported that tneytouted Genesee aggregation, to the had met with success. The counciltune oi nine to seven. signified their willingness to ass]st.

The line-uP of the two teams for'hc band tn purchasing instrumentslast Sunday was as follows: for the organizat]en, which instru-

Genesee. Whitted, Casebolt, Bum-!ments are to be the property uf thePus, Green, J.Casey, Currin, Doyle,

I town and their safe-keep]ng guar-Casey, B. Doyle, with F. Doyle, lanteed bv the pang. This same

committee was re-appo]nted, withKendrick: E. Flaig, Chamberlain, the addition of the director to pur-

Herres, btanton, Perrynian, Flaggin, ~hase the necessary pieces.H. F]aig, Zieman, Brown, with C. WaJter Thomas has been securedPerrymaii reP]acing Brown in the

by the band as director and ultimateIsuccess of the organizat]on is cer-', tainly assured by his willingness to

Buy8 Grangeville Store "'l 't- b dl denviable ieputation as a'and leader

in the northwest and «]ties of theI. J. Odem arrived in Grange-jf]rate]ass wou]d feel lucky tn se-

ville, Saturday from Winchester. cure his services. During the

!Mr. Odem isa member of th> firm, world war, he was the director ofof Uuy t]I] Odem, wh]ch recently ', the Marine Band on the battleshipacquired the McGhie market. 1'he


Ht. Lou]s.new firm will put ]n a much larger I gegu]ar rehearsals will be held onstock'of groceries than that which, each Monday evening straight thruhas be..n carried by the store, and i the summer year and within a fewa]so will continue in the meat jmpnths the band will be in a pns]-business. Mr. Odem has been nian-

Ition tti give concerts of the highest

ager of the Consolidate Commercial I prder.company store ir. Winchester. Heiformerly was in business in Kend-

jEmu]us Brown went to igoscow

rick.—Idaho Countv Free Press.,on business Wednesdav morning.


wa] ar su]a Hi Farmi


'culating about tottrn tt] the effect ,'Y BRASS E HE',that Lcuter Hill has pure]]a=eii itic160 acre tract on Big Bear ridge

F W, ik r I I„,,Kelnnedy Property Totally

Iported consideration !n the deal,,'estroyed.


which we unde«star]a was complet-;ed th]s week, was $21.000 or ovei'j Shortly after one o'clocl'n 1'ues-$180 per. acre. The place has no in]-'day afternoon, a grass fire startedpi oven](nts but i t is supposed that on the side hill just north of townMt'. Hill will erect uuildir]gs upon and n]ade a clean sweep of every-] t tllls fall,

Ith]ng for several biucks to the east

ibehind the residences on Main

', of a large force of men conlined theblaze to the vacant lots on the hill-side but they were not able to save

'ohn Kennedy ana the property was

ertified Seed Must Score coinPletely destroyed w]tl] all out-

Almost Hundred PeIcent. buildings. At the time of this


writing, informat~on regarding in-Isurance carr]ed on the buildings

Prof. R. K. Bcnnett, head ' was not availa]]]e but the generaIAgronomy DePartrnent of the n'suppps]tipn was that no policies haaversity of Idaho, will assist ' 'eeii issued covering the ]oss.Fletcher, county agricultuial aRe"t The tire started irom a smallin inspecting Latah County " at pile of refuse burning at the rearfor certiiicat]on as seed, beginning of the Fraterna] 'l'empie and, a]-July 21st. Profespr Bonnett is act-

thouigh precautions were taken toing as asistant to the State Purelguard against tile spread of .theHeed Cominissioner while doing .in- blaze, ]t got beyond the control ofspection work. Inspection w]]l be those tending it and went'nto tnemade while the grain is standing in I grass-covered side hill. The grassthe field and ]ust before it is cut. and weeds around the rubbish pileIf the wheat Passes the Preliminary were sa]d to have been thorough]yinsPectiun, it will be insPected soaked with water before the t]reagain when it is threshed. Wheat was Jighted but a puff of wind was .must be at least 99$ per cen" Pu probab]y responsible for carryingto he certihed as seed of sparks across this safety strip.

Cornmuriities of Latah County As soon as the dried vegetation onthat are work]ng on the wheat im- the s]de hi]l was ignited, it. burnedProvement Project and the local like powder and the f]reline travel-leaders ot the work in these corn- Ied'at incr~dib]cspeed.mun]ties are as follows: Through the eff]c]ent eftorts of

American Ridge, Harry Benscoter; one of the first men on the ground,Big Bear kidge, C. J. Bower; the Light Company's substatior] wasBlaine, Henry Narum; Burnt Ridge'aved and the lire kept back frumAlfred Eel]berg; Cedar Creek, E the Hamiey property, EveryoneA.Langdon, Crane-ccreek, Edward airees that- this wasall that ~avedVogel; k'armington, Clar E'he east end of town from certainPey']«ge J B" " ' " destruction as the high wind wouldcsee, T. Driscoll; Kenned." 'Ford, -have certainly carried across the in-Wm. Staffelbach; Little Potlatch, tervening streets. pire hose wasFred Stroebe]; Moscow, George stretched from the hydrant nearS]evers; Pa]Ouse, Crawford Patton; the schooJ house and the buildingsPine Grove, R. J. Nelson a'id direct]y ]n the patt] of the fire werePrinceton, W, E. Co] ier. wet down to prevent the start-of

Al] latah County farmers who other fires from the sparks sent uphave Planted fields w]th Pure seed by the Kennedy buildings jheand desire to have the same in Pect- grass f]re f]na]]y burnt itself outed for certihcat]on should corn un- for want of further fue] ne'ar theicate at once with County A ent K]eth propertyFletchei or with the local leader In the evening any grass whichv

of t)e wheat imProvement Project might haveescaped the genera]con-if there is one in their co]nmunity, it]agraiion pf the afternoon wasand request insPection of their

I burned pff by a g«pup pfassembled for the purpose. Tl]e


precaution was taken to prevent

Change in grain Schedule future tires ana thus give thecitizens ot the east end ot the town

I a chance to take "forty winks" of

jsleep ivithout the added precaution

There is an unconfirmed rumoraf]oat regarding a slight change ]n oi" aoing up the. family silver in athe schedule affecting Kendrick's

sack in preparation for a "quicktrain service. If this rumor turns

get-away".out to be a fact, it w]ll mean an

]mproved service and, therefore,th t h P'he next ringing oi the Presbyterian

worthy of note.Church bell during week days will

L t ll I th tsend about a dozen of our residents

It is. supposed that the aiternoontra]n from Lewiston will leave that

to some sanitarium especi]illy equip-point at 12:15 p. m. and arrive in

f t I ped toi'he treatment of heart a�i-sKend ick, as heretofore, a t 1 p, m.'ase.The train from Spokane will passthe Lewiston train in Kendrick at1 p. m., and ai'rive in Lew]ston Will Teach in Alaskaabout 45 minutes earlier. The cus-tomary transfer of exPress and bag- M Hood h t d osgage at North LaPwai between the as teacher in the High School atLew]ston-bound train and the Silks, Alaska. She plans on leav-Grangeville train wil! be discnntin- ing hereabout the middle of Aug-uedand theshltt madeat the I.ew- ust giving her time to art]Ye lniston depot. This will deduct about Alaska to start school Sept. 6th.

n]ng time between Kendrick and ing experiance there aud Jit is be-"Idaho's only seaport."

Trainmen say that t]me ]vill also that she ]s p]ann]ng on returning„be "made-up" between Kendrick Miss Hood taught, in the Kendrickand Spokane, wh]cti w]ll be an a]- J-iigh School last year and did ex-together agreeable situation. Jt ~lceptionally good work. We regretreally begins to look as though the I]oosing such a teacher and citizen,"Poor down-trodden Public" was

I but if the weather continue here asabout 'to receive a speedier "run

i it has for the past few weeks we.'i v

jw]JJ understand why she made themove. Eler mother will also prob-

While unload]ng a carload of twine I ably go to Silka in the fall., last week, F. B. Sin i th severely,sprained his back and along witll

t Mrs. Frank Byrne and childrenA. E. Wilcox's sprained leg wh]ch 'of ew]ston, wno have been herehe received whi]e on a fishing trip ivisiting, left for Moscow Wednes-

t]]qdepot force are endeavoring to Iday afternoon to visit Mrs.'ByrneI parents, Mr. ai]d Mrs. Geo. Moody,


Perform their duties unde] ome- for a couple of weeks before return-what of a handicap. I ing to their home.

Page 2: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

Usual Prices

K,. F. Silth.amDray and Transfer

If ',Not Up Town Call theResi dence

Phone 2BB

Prompt Service


their personal comfort and 'pleasure Smith spent, Thursday with Alta

more than the building up of busi- Fo»ur'g

ness. Lewiston has a live chamber g Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bohn re-

of commerce. lt does things be- ttlrned to their horne at Lung Mea- I

ts sides meeting once a week for the dow. Sunday ~

members to listen to talks by a cer- g Mr. and Mrs Russell Rodgers and '

III L II tain few who never miss an oppor- cIII]dren of Cameran and Mr. and

g I tunity to "spill some words" and Mrs. Gordori Harris and children

I of Southwick spent Sunday with


are anxious to practice on any one, E'va Smith:who wi]i listen.

roy, which is a small village, WMrs. Ear]Langdon a]id daughter,'elen, were Monday visitors at

comPared with Moscow, has a live Frank Vaughan'n Cream rirtgecommercial club. It holds meetingsand does things, beside talk. It hss Sunday vi»tars at the McCall ',

sh home were Mr. and Mrs. Georgecommittees going all over Latah Baker and children of Southwickcounty boosting for its fall fair and and Mrs ira lt'oster and childrenlivestock show. Moscow is sitting ITo seal in the contentedly, tarring what comes a'id guitdings painted this week which,

.I('fhe Smith girls are h'aving their

delloloUS Burle3f „neglecting the pleas of the garmers adds greatly to the appearance oftobaooo flavor'nd stockmen to have a real, live, the place, E. W. Shingler is doing, i

county fair and livestock show. tlic work ~ I

S TOQS)lgd Ihere was a bigger crowd and itrectuires less effort to go to Pull-


man on July 4.than to go to Kend- lNFERTILE EGG~ KEEP BEST

Get Rid of Ail Roosters as Soon as Pea-r

have been more courteously treated. separateItensre iek Ggaxette Mo cow must strange its tactics tt it

expects to expand instead of grow- The poultry ttoek can get alongper-','elt

witt<out tile roo. Ier jussoon ag you ure thrnugh suvirig hatch-ing eggs. Tile sooner the uiaie. birds'o atter business I I

Entered as second-c]ass matter and be more sociable with our are Iu~ke» froin the iilici'n<i mari'eted,,1892 at Kendrick, Idaho, under the neighbors.— Star-Mirror. or I'itic<i, ur Iiluee<l in gep:irate runs,A'ctof Congress of March, 1879. the It< treit Infertile eggs ure i<lwaya

best for niuri<et; for the guimuer inur-

MIrTIIOIl IST CHVRCH. k t rhis holds <ioubiy true. The infer-',Fiowat<l W. 2iort, I astor. tile eggs i'eep llutter tiuin the fertile

., Foreign Advertiaing Repregentutisre t Rernem tier the I j brary js open olieg. One more thing: The maleTHEAMERlcAN PREssAssoclATIQN g fi'orii two to five. on Wednesday snd big<is will uot increase egg prnduction

Saturday afternoon. one whit; they are that muny extra

sr You are welcome at the Sunday mouths to feei] .while the hens ure:'A El'Y FIRS'chool at10A; M. There is a class iiistiiug to puy riiell'<Nvn ke<dti.

The recent: fire which destroyed f'r you

the home, of one man and threaten- There will be no morning serviceat the church.

ed the PraPrety of man> others in Lt'pworth League at 7:15 P. M. QP PQ PKendrick demonstrates once more sharp. It i's nice and cool in Ep-

"the'bso]ute need of a tire a]arm worth Hall at this time in the even-Th

signa] to be used in just such emer. ing and it will be a real re]ief to e ome of 'oo Picturesstop in after a hut day. We are

'nvies. he ringi g o o e of uur having fine turnouts at the l eague'hurchbells does not ariswer the,iservice. Let's keep it up.

~ purpose and, as many people have hvening song service and worship

piotested,'is worse than nothing as at 8 P. M. Ihisservice is infor- tf

e j e I l Ior h e I p I jr cese of II re m a I a n u n o t I on g y et on e t h a t y o u elu ly y I6+i

will enjoy.There is not a citizen in the town American ridge Sunday school atof Kend'rick who does riot rem'ember 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 "I QgQIisving rushed out into the street at'. M I

the sound of the bell and, after in]- andP]arin'g the world at large to, helphjm 'jn locatiiig the burning bujld. ST. MARK'S CHURCH

ing, learned that some. religious Hev. H. H. Mitchell rector of St.conference oun eo ]es meetin

Mark's Church of Moscow will be in in. five reel hot water comedyg Kendrick on Sunday, July 17, and

or funeral was being heralded. -will. hold service at 8P. in. In.the gg ~What is most needed is a real fire Presbyterian church.

alarm, one that will bring eve'ry While the 'overnme'nt of the

able bodied men in town <ron) church dilyers in acme ways fronlthat'of other bodies, yet the ines-

sound slumber to the shol on tire sage which the churctj has to gtve . 99'floor where he threw his trousers's the Gospel message. Everyone

the night before, give him the ap- .is invited to come and will be wei- ~ MXX1 A%rk,I

pr'oxin)ate location of the fire and corn"d

s wide-awake send.ofr toward the If you want to laugh for onenearest fire apparatus., Nothing B. B R.d 'our straight see Lyons and

'imilar to any signal already in use ig ear i ge Moran as. the two pfumbers-wuuld be'effecttive owing to the in- who had a chance to be mil-

'diffqrence with which the average Remember the date of the Luth-l f I t J

eran l,adie's Aid sa]e'and ice creampreson r'egards something already social, Saturday evening, Ju]y ]6th thought it wss a lead-PiPe,too tamiliar., ', at the Taney school hou'se. Every cinch but the couldn t keep

0'nS of the few laugh'able aspects body come! out of hot water. 'I'hey dof th'e recent, fire was the astonish- Miss Neva Nelson returned home looked fo ~ lif'ment exhibited by a iiumber of our Satuiday from an extended visit 'in


mail" s'nd saw for the hrst timeM A w Al

.. vamped by expelts they wereMrs. A. W. Ahl of Kendrick and

that 'tow'n landarks'ad beeh wipe Mrs. A. Car]son of <hpokane spent glad to get back to the old

out 'snd their friends turrned, into the last, of the week with friends shop. But that was easier saidnervoiIs wrecks. One man refuse to h«e. thall done —it will do yoii

'rise'i'orri s ]ate diriner'-table be- 'Gust Hanson departed for porn- good to see what happened foc'aura'e he had "been foiled bv that eroy, Wash., Saturday where he will thembe]l'o many times". None of these work during tne summer.

c 's ed because weall mhst'

large, number from here are ect from th .Lib t 'I'hatre,'dmit

that they did not have pioper spendrnrt several days st the huckle- Msnd s'ufljci'ent notice that'heir ser- berry patches near Bovill snd vicin-.

vjces were re'<jurred and, demanded. 'lso another conledyL'et's have a sign's] to call us to- Josepn Clemenhagen was a Spok-

gether in emergencies caused by ane visitor last week. "A Blue Ribbon Mutt"

fires and a'fter vve have all 'arr)vedat the appointed 'place, we msy be Crescent News-able to devise ways and means tn

Chamber]ain'e'Colic and Diarrhoea,Harry Langodn of Amerim:an ridge

spent Saturasy evening with hjs This remedy is certain to be need-

MOSCOW SHOULD WAK@ Upo her, Carl Langdon ot Cedar ed in many honies bei'ore the sum-

ridge."It is estimated that not aver half Miss Neva Hunt wiio has been most reliable remedy for bowel I

a dolmen peuple from Moscow attend- working on American ridge, spent complaints and may be obtained ated the Kendrick celebration, white Satruday and Sundav with horne any druit store.close to 200 came up from Lewis-ton.'*—Kendrick Gazette. Mrs. C. C. Muikey and Mrs. I. T.

We wonder why Kendrick people Buikmaster and little son, Kenneth,

go to Lewistnn to trad instead at arrived from Fort Scott, Kansas,to spend the suniiner with C. l.

coming to Moscow. Here is tlie Mu]key and family of Cedar ridge.reason. Moscow is dead. It needsan injection ot business life. Half Mr. and Mrs. Earl Langdon spent

si IfOZen peOple attend the KendriCk fanii lySunday with Clinton Wright snd

ceIebratiun as compared with 20(1Mrs. Fry spent Sunday afternoon

Recently Uniontown had s liveat the Mu ikey home.

stnck shoiv. Less than a dozen Mos-I

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I'ry and

cow people attended, b»t it isclaim- f~mily sPent Sunday afternoon at

ed 500 Lewiston people were therethe Zimmermann home.

with a (rand. When Moscow has a YOU'L SKcelebration, or snv event of import- SATISFIEDance, such as commencement st the P;Universitv, Lewlston people attend,, If you eat dinner with usin large numbers. Southern Idaho to look after'usi- the next time you are in

We wonder'hy Lewiston is ex- ness interests. iMrs. Lou A]exsnder town.,We give you s real

tending her trade throughout a visited relatives in Lewiston,sever- m a reasonab] Price.

wide territory while il]osco<v draws st t!ays last week.Cool Lobby and Dining Room.

trade from a much snialler territory .I Mrs. Otis Stone and children ofthan it d id a few years ago. Lewiston arrvived Sunday for s Good Rooms

The troub]e is that Mcscow visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,

people and Moscow business men "' " "" "' tribe +Q'rFI QU~are selfish. I'hey are looking after t~'The iylisses Carrie Allen snd Evs,

Seasona o..e .V..ere.'sane.iseA1; . Reasona z..e .Prices









J hey coin(- iI1

J adies Sealpax athletic underwear for women. Bodice nlodel in white aild pink

priced at $ 1.50per suit.

I adies iigbt weight'sutnmer uniunsuits st 6or, art"I

Here is a BargainLadies'ungalow aprons, rleatly trimmed with white )tic Rac.

light blue chambray at $ ).25 ea 'h.

Very classy ronlper suits in pink and blue, sizes 2 to (i, at $ (.00 «'«»

R. K it, light wei<rht corsets f'r the warm days, priced $ l.50 to $2.25.

Blue chambra'y work shirts 95c each.


bien's khaki pants ll]2.25 a pair.

A Splendid Bargain






J resh meats are lower, choice cuts f'rom

12',!c to '>5c. ('ood bull'ofj]'ee. '~9c a lb.This reminds one of old times.


Boy s Scout Shoes, a, light shoe thatwill stand hard wear, size 1 to 6priced to insure quick selling $ ) .95

Good Ranch Butter 40c. 'trictly Fresh Eggs Goc.

Buy our Compound, 75c and $1.45

.bb..'t. I anjom j4. SanS5be Name of Good Things to Eat and %fear

Kendi icR, Id'aLo


~ e ~ a ~:IAYS " '

A....:%ines o:: Canning ..—..e.:rsCanning racks, jar lifters, Conservo steam co'okers, jar wrenches, paring knives

granite preserving kettles, Aluminum preser'ving kettles. Everything for canning.

...ectrtca.. Gooc,sElectric lamps, electric grills and ovens, electric sad irons, .'-3 to (I

tric fans cost very little to operate —fine for the sick room and just


pounds. Elec-

as nice for wellI:

Don't overlook the repair parts for your harvesting

machines. Get them early and save

Money,. Time and Worry

Yours for Service

...~e .Cene,ric.~ ..—..ar~.ware Co.

>blake orle thirik of'il stoves for the kitchen. Those quicl'neal'il stoves we sell

are preferred by many because of their extreme siinplicity, beauty of finish and

small consumption of oil for the amount of heat generated,

Page 3: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in
Page 4: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

Fisk Tires and"Lee Tires

Overland Service


Distinct Pleasure Experienced

bp People of Neighborhood

iri Ovt'r)irlg Buiidif)gs.

HEN you haveany cuttting to do


I Simple Problem to Ascertain VariousItems Figuring in Expense Col-

um)> —Charge for the Use ofLand Must Be Added.

Kitchen Knives


and Scissors

Axes and Hatchets

Saws and Planes

Sickles and Scythes

Hay and Corn Knives



Glass Cutters

Willard Batteries

and(Prep<i>ecl by the. Unite(} SLA<es Depart-

ment of Agriculture.)!)J»» I;il>i!v. huvse I il)uv, f< vi i)}z«vs,,

Ai>rl 8('«' c iiiistlt»tp About S(> )i<!v r!e>it!crf II><'(!I»I ('(rsl. of. puli>to )>i'u(1»c!tipnii) iiy<'i'ii "('ii'ii(!t)('(', i>('err>'<11>ig to in-vc, t}g;>rir»is Ir) thi. Uiiir«c) Sr;»«s IDe-

you want a keen edge.And keen edges require Structure Shoutd Be Large Enough to

Serve Needs of Every Organiza-tion, and Sho(-.ld Be L,ocated


good steel.

That is the only kindof material we believein selhng, so you can makeno mistake in

buy'uttingtools andments here.

)riii'l>ii('ii> Of Agi'ic'»It>i>'(! ('X)»!i'tS lnAJ}n<r< sot>i, lyisc <riisii>, 3)ic;l>lgr<», XP(v'> «>'}<:>»<I I):>1»(. 'I'li«si! it(!»>8 ( in<;>Pily )n! »«c«vt:ii»«<1 lry iiiiy fuv»>«v i I

n'lio 'n'is)i(!s tir li(i(."Ii A (.'}»'c'k (I>i f<ii'in

lii'<rhts,;i»<l lt ls ii sli)ipl('r>'c<h}e!»i, us-'»„rhui»:is»Ir,>s}s, io Ji)i<) c!»I ti)e

tot:il c»n i;i<i>; «x»c»sc.s. Itic luil;>i,

(prep)>r«cl L<y the L}»I!eu, 8<a(en Depart->»c.ni i<f Agiiciilirrve.)

h cc'iliiiiiiiiii <a ciiii l>v« iii'<>i>i)<1 i>'<i>i>

<J) >ii'Cli Irii I lr llil'" Lu Cliiii'C'li I!>>I) <lit>"Ji'Cri)i s('liclclllilri)sc! Lu 8('liuclllic!<>«l')fvrr))> li;<JI t<r lr;ill, lri>i scr !<!)ig;is lflives il,:it lv;iy it will >iev«v cx)r(.>'I-<ri)C<! <Ji(')is>i>i('t )rlc'<is>>i'(! I Jii>t c'uiii(lifi'u>ii 0( ciitll'lii" ii lioiiil c>f Its c!lvii Iiithe fuviii crf;i c cr»i»>»>ilty Jio»si'.gu(rd c!cr)ii>i)ii)il>l'iuiise;i<1()s sui»(<L)iliigtu Il>(! Iif('rt <I!c< ('(i>i)i>i<i>>i>l', i» t}>«

ciplnicrii cif sl!< «I:(lists ui.'}ie U»}l<!<JiSI>itlli i)call<i>'I>i>ca>it ul Aga>'I('.>>)It>i'(', s(it'

I'nvtl) J>i I'>i>'»>(!> 8'}iillctiii }}r '3,

'I'i>i>is (if Jti»'iil t.'.O»»»»»Jty J}<it)(1-i>l}.',', 'iolv i'c" iily I'c!v distvib»tiuii.

Bcfcri'i'. ii c'cr>i>i>i>>i)ltV <lccldPsi Lite

quest l(i>i ot «i'c'c't liig <i li>ill(I>i>Fr siiystins lrull«ti», i i s)icriil<l i>i<i) «. 8 ihoi'-c>»gh st»(ly cif th<a luc il sil»<itiu».TJ)c st>i(ll'i>0>il(l slic!lv tli»t ii>1 ii('tiiiil»Ped for the lii>ildi» ~ is felt. by >lieVnri< il C<V„>i>iix;itiu»S uf i> )»ibliC i><i-

t>>)'P. A>i<i lrl' lie }i(!(!J>l(!}i><'ii)selve!s. It8)iuiild de'i>i<I)i«i i'«'i to i h;il'i)<'. hi>i)i}i»gc»n:>»<1 s}icriil<l he 'iii:ii)>triiiie<l iis A

'Ipev»»i»c>it it>. Lit»lie»>. Aft«> it li;is<Ie( idc(l I (i «i « I;> b»ll(lf»g»»»icvu»squest i»». ><vis«. ii}ri»i lvliicl> tl>c bul-letin J.ives iii»< li I!«IPf>il li>loi'i)i>itin>ii>n(} >i>ii>il'AI»l>lil(i siigg«st}0»8, to.gcilili>''vith )ii(!t»r«s «»(I Jl(>err pl>»is of:i i«i<i< v;i> ic'iy., ul'!<rii>i>iii»ity ht>i)<)in "8non'» air!Ii).'i I iis(i.

Make Survey of Community Needs.T)>e irvi "iii:il .st»c.ly, it is pui»te(1 i!»t,

shm>1(l iicil criily il«tev»)iii('lie ii(!(,<1 of>i CO>>>>i)>)i) ill'» ii)(JI>i", hiit i>Is<> tl)pn>ost cl< s}>»lr)s type<, . 'I'hc hull<'.tin >i()-

vines thiit ili» lriiilrli»g I!P )Ai'ge ei>0»"I>to sevve the pvpse»t >i««ls of everynip>nb«r rrf tlie Conin>i>i>lty;>i)d PVP>'y

ui'g>i>il/iil loii, i'e'gaii'ill«88 of pai'tl'i(rcp(l, crr <bias. no i>mttrv him'nr dis-»tnt tliry iiiny )1«,,i)iii shouhl he lo-cate<i:>t A pla«p )>i>t»r»lly frpq»enteilbl'>11 >ri<»>)r<'>'s uf IJ>«'ron»nt)nfty.

It»i«in tli< >»ui>i'y fov Ih«. »»()Pvlnl--ing~ is r itr.d As ir»«<if the im))uvtn>itpvo)ill>»s. 'I'h«.;»i>ir»»I to hc seri>re(lC:>ui>OI 1!P ai('C'iii'iil("ll''Stl»>nt«d I» A(l-


vnnce. D(!PA>'t»>«>rt sfniclulists >«}vis«


Our stock icomplete, permlarge 6eld of selecus show you.,

Kendrick Garage Company

..S. Ar»cy .V.'.eats

If yea buy it 6om'aS, it'S XdOrth

the price>U>i > 8 < I II I I « > «» it»>~I))JJ)I)))))~lnrnnnnrn cr r~nn rr Igt}IJJ}JJJJJJJ

Ghe-Farmers Hardivare


Another shipnIent just received consistingof'oast

Beef iu 1 pound tins.Vienna Sausage in 1 lb 10 oz.

Bacon ii}i, 12 pound tins.

The roast beef and Vienna sausage are cooked andready to serve and the }IIost economical meat to bellad.

Harvesting Potatoes.

ove'i'1>«i<<i, iiix«si <'ic. J 0 tlils i>i>>st he>i<I(I«<l I li<! c')i><i'I<('(ri iis(. <rf I»>g) LO

I:«t the tcit»l c<ist.l,iib(ii'i>i<I ii)>it<')'i<>i c'osts a>i'C Iuu>id

l>y i»»lllplyii)g th« i»)i)>i>«r «f m»n A»ilI'Pili)i her»>'s hy I)>i'i'<'vnilli)g lur'AJ

V;it 0;i»d »i)<ling f( vtilizer <!O.-.ls

(ii)>>i>>ii('t >>ply>'»xiii>>it«ly >Il.f!0 )ietton);>»0 se<cl At c»i i< i>t i»nvl'et price.iit > 1>>><'. of pliintli)'". lvli«tl>P>'t))'(!}>>>se(}

'i'>i'u(1>i(!('.rl iit ))0>i>c. Sfiic<')ipse"(!'ts:i>'<., i'( uglil l', SIJ p('i'e»t of (>p-

'i'iithig e.xpP>)sl's. tliii >0('i>1 lxpP»'ic,i>cl»(ling . spr;)ying. »»>c hii>«ry, stor-

'Ig(', lax<is. 1>>c»)'ii>i('P, i)i>d (ivP>'l>P>id

r<x) l(a»s«.. >>i>i,'l' Arii1 <'<. Jig>i>'«<l. In es-tin)iitii»" li('si 'ci'I" h>»il the lc!c»l cash


!'Pilt ha>sin sli(riil(l IA'is«<l. if'v:ill->ihip,:i»<l. if iiut, the i»tev«. t At i»uvt-

v:it<a ii» >he <ui)sei'v;itive Acre '

v'>1>ie i)>nl'<. ><i) P»,


No More Moistened Material Should,Be Given Than Young Fowls Will

Eat Up Clean.

Yo»»g c hie)is s)>ri)>hi h« f<!<1 A litt)P At

A tini«:>ni} nfl«». 'I')i< y sl>uuld he fedl'Arly in tli('i>oviii>ig;i»<l Just beforegol»g tu "bcd" At >iight. And nut lessthan tlvo tii»ps Iii tlie intprveningperio<}. I'nr t}ie fiist tlvo lvceks they>nny lie f(iil th>P(! meals of soft feedA»(l tl'vo of hA)'(I, >i>)d i)ftci''J)iit Agltlvn of soft A»d tlirce nf h >)d, feedingI«ss sof't f«<i<l us tl>ey gi 0». 0)deil

.(o ii>0>'l i»oistpi)l'd sofL f('.P<J sliouldl)P. give<» i<L'iie t1»)<'. tl>A>i I'l>Pl 'O'Iil i'At

»p clean. Poultry specialists in theUnited States Department (if Agricul-lure 8»v if any fee<1 is I(!l't It sh<»ild herP>iioved or it n'}Jl grolv 80»r And < Ausehonel !Oosenrss A»<1 dvsP»t pry. Thefinely cracked grains»»iy snfely heused fru»> the stArt. hut the chicks do»nt As A yule grow As rapidly. As whena part of the fe«<l is ground, WhenI)>e ci)i('ks ol'e fi'0»i foui'o s)x lveeks»i<1 tl>e fvequ«i>cy nf fcP<1}ng may .be<1«< >ense!<1 tu th>ee Iin>es A <lay.

Fvuni tli('< ry first r'Iiicl-8 shi!Al<l })ptn<liic( (I 10 i x('i'('isc' A<'tivitv is A prlt»efnrlor ii> J»0)»<>ling li(nltli And

l<i'clwth. I'«(I g>'<irii 1>> I l>P. 1}licit', Ai>d

>»Akp.ihiii)) sc >'n>c:l> fcrv It. A little iii>«

ch»ff or JI»P)y «»t clov«v l»iik«sa goodIll te>'.

"Here's Real Tobacco"says'he Good Judge

SPECIALSYi "hat gives a man moregenuin'e chewing satis-faction than he ever gotoIIt,of the ordinary kind!Smaller chew,lastslonger—so itcostsless to chewthis class of tobacco.And the good, rich to-'bacco taste gives a worM .ef satisfaction.

AIIy man who uses theReal Tobacco Chewm }Jll tell you that.

Put uf) in fthm)o sf>les

Ceretana an(i Oataf}a Pancake k lour4 pound Packages

Swansdown Cake Hour large packageIvory Soap, d bars ff)rMen's Bathing SuitsMens'athing Caps

5 .25.50.25


Stan}:on 3ros.

Eavty Ir>sh Cain.One of'he early coins tn Ireland

<vos the eagle. made of base metalAnd current About 1272, but an earliercoi«was the farthing, made of silver,du)ing the reigns of'ing John, andaow very rare nnd of great value.

Missed Him.Smithsonian investigators report,

f}»ding t)}e skeleton of a,mastodon legAri"ona, but unfortunately the mast%-,don himself was trot at home At the,time of the discovery.—Boston Tran- I

nevi pt. I

L i

%-8 CUT is a long fine-cut tobaccoRIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco

nnnnnnnna~SNS~sssssnn ~








No. 8

Report of the~condition of the

Kendrick State)Bankat Kendrick in the State of Idaho, atjthe clfrse of business

,Iune 30, 1921.


Neighborhood House in Arizona.

that h<.fnrp. An Ati('mpt Is ma<!e to es-tim»te tl)e fu»ds:tv»i)Able A lvel)-ill ~

rected «A>»)u>ign of pn)ightc»tnpnt he(<arri(d, on t)i>0» bout the 8>i>vottndingc(n>»try, lvitii tlie object <>f n>el<i»gknun')) }1><')POPfits 10 hl (IP>'>i <a(1 fi'0>>i

the erccti<»> of the building.I< vcly (.'0»)»)un}ty lvill J.'iivc .Jts (>lvn

pa>'tlrt)la! i'isPA fol'i h>ii ld li)g. Audthlise':>n bc clptern)ined only hy theJA!ople t}i«mselvcs. A stan(lard co)u-

'nuuniiy 1»>})ding, holi'ever, it is pol»t-ed out, shn»l<) 1>ave as A minim>ii»thpsn.'cc(>n»»ne}at}0»sl.

Accommodations of Every Buiiding,An»ss('i>ib)l''lic'(>i>, )i('i'li>ip8 lvltli

niovitble 8«ats, tliat Citn hc used AS A

vnepting p)i>(~ for t)ic pr'!ople or fmvitrious orga»iz>)tlons. LVIt)i the seatsren)oved the root» wiJ) be Av«i)Able As

a gym»asiut», As A gamp vuon), As A

d}t)1»J; rc!0)u, or for fairs Anii exhibits.A stage on which lectures, plays

At)<} val'ious Pt)IP>'tr.l>'»ll«n'8 cat) )iegiven A»d 'lvhich'nv h»ve A semenfor motion pktur<8,

h kitchl'ii lvi>P>e fuo(l ti)al'e J)ve-

p ared.A ploce! lvhrrr. lunches, suppers Ani)

hanquetv may b» served.The more «dva»cpd c«mmunities

lvoltld t)PPd, 1'L }8 thol)gilt. ot)i<.'r accotu-mo<lntions. Thps«shou)<1»« i!Arefu}lyest)muted In deter»iiiilng the size otthe struciute. - It is lvell to take fu-ture gt'olvtli It>'t0 (iot)8)dP>'i>ti(>n. 'I }<!-

t:ii)8 of t)i« l-Arious fentuv«s of plan-ui»g, cu»stru<ting, «nd maintatnlng A

commu»ity house are cn»tained in thehullptl» (Farmers'ullet tn 1I <3),lv)>ich nmy be J)ail upon iraq»pst of theUn}tp(l States Department i>f Agricul-ture, Washington. D. C. DppartmpntBulletin Sgfi, "II>trn} Comuiunltv Build-ings in the United Stat«n," anOtherpublic»tin» of the dpp»rt»i«nt, givesthe history of the community build}ngn>ovpmpnt.



Loans and Discounts . 155 859.86Overdr'af ts 52.98Stocks'onds and Warrants 12.343.59Bank}ng House, Frurniture al}d Fixtures 7,050.00Other Real Estate 1 950.00Cash on hand - $ 8,123,05Due from banks 27,601.00Other Cash Items '7.01

Tots] $213,027.49


The best fabric tiremade for heavyservioe

or rough roads—


L l A BI LI'l'I ES Louisiana Dairyman Finds Regis-tered Stock Su'peviov to Grade

Cows for Family Use.F


,Caapital Stock paid in 15000.00Surplus . 10,000.00Undivided Profits, less expenses,

interest and taxes paid 4,783.97Individual deposits subject to check $81 463.89Savings Deposits 34,062.53Time Certificates of Deposit 56,988.1'8Cashier's Checks 1,612.97Certified checks ..., 116.00

Total Deposits; 174 243 52Bil)s Payable, including obligations

representing money borrowed 9,000.00Total f213,027.49

STATE of IDAHO, COUNTY of LATAH, ss.I, E. W. Lutz. Cashier of the above-named bank dosolemnly swear that the above statement is true to thebeat, of my knowledge and belief.

E. W. LUTZ, Cashier.

Devetopnirn(s in tli<i "Bctrpr Siiea,Hettrr Stock ci i>st><le roiltinue tosholv that thprc i. A tvcud»ot nulyf'rom vcruhs to heter stock hut evenfrom grades to Jiuv hre<ls. "I hadthree ertrn-good grade culvs for fam-llv use," A dairym»n in Iberia parish.la., lvrites to the United States De-partment of Agric»lture, but, he.add-ed, "I concluded to get registered an-imals, since such stock is better andmore pro}}tab)e." This da1ryman }aalso a breeder of standard-bred WhiteWyandotte fow)s.

.IIh. ~. l- . I"„I,IExt}va Ply —Heavy korea

a3 ~ X a'.l~ .


I, Allowed to Grow and Increase inNutnber Trot>blenand Loss Are

Sure to Follow.

Correct —Attest: Reduction on all styles and


Martin V. Thomas (D ingle ~Directors.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7thJuly, 1921.

I certifv that I am NOT an Officer or DirectorBank.—G. F. Walker, Notary Public.t' r

If there are signs of rats about ~poultry house a lvarfare should atonce be begun against them. For ntime they may <;ause,1}ttle or<no dtun-.age; but, if allowed to grow large and1})crease in number,, trouble <and loseaQ'sure to fallow and tnay 'occur ag4-ipfi>lt at'ny time.

A New Low Price on nKnown tsnd Honest produot


day ofDehovil Market Cattle.

Dphorn«d st««rs ur liplfpvs»ot nnlv,can..hp. hi>nil}P<l niovp, (.'Onvpn)P»tjy onthe farm t}uir> rat>)p»'1th horns, hut,i)IP})t OP.thPJ )J)t>rkpt Ptthp)< Af! 8)och l

calves, fpe<lprs, nr tin}shed fht catt)e...lvt}} sl)) fo>'>o)'e.

of this



in Several States.

Page 5: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

FB.KEl - I'.EEIHorseshoeing Carnernn News

(» l)l)'s. Bvunsiek was taken to 'Ii

Kendrick Sunday to be under theDoctors rare. We are glad to > eportshe is slowly improving.


!:PThe eongreeatlon of the Lnth-eran Church are papering and

!painting the parsonage for the new ',


,'g Miss. Wanda Brunsiek accomp- II k


ained her mother to Kendri«k~



"~. iHiss. Laura Blum is assistingl Mrs. Homer Renfrew with hev


'ouse work.


Physician and SurgeonOffice State Bank Building

Young Animals Will Make MarketHogs Only When Weaned With-

out Checking Growth.

I'Igs st <)ight or te)i w«ks of:)go<<re just, nt the )nest cviti<:il pevio<1 oftheir Iiy<!s. As a rule they will makep)'ofitahl<'. m;ivl ct. hogs only when th< y

:)ve )«oil r)e<1 within>t «he< ki))g theirIrvowib. With soine kin<1 of g>«. >) for-:)go <vups;)ii<1 a< if-fe«1<.>'s wl><.vr they<')n rst I'nvn. whe;It Ini<l<liings;n)<1t:>)Iltsg<s Il)ey will «go thv<)i>gh ihewe;)ning ireriu<l:ind sc:ivl ely»iiss tlien)ill< >hey tire hitting fvo>n the sowwhen slie Is veinov«<l.

General BlacksmithingWagon:IJid Carriage ShopA.ll work C'uaranteed.

'I'>,o dandy song b<)oks entitledKendrick, idaho.

"Songs of Long Ago"till(l

"The Tunes Dad Whistled"


Repairing neatly dolie.~ ~A. F. W A. M.Meets every second and


last, Thursday of the month

E. W. Lute, W. M. Frank Crocker

Catairhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured

Each colltainiil<i "o ot'he old tinle favoi'ite songs,words i>nd 1»usic for 1»ixed <Iuai'tets.

Eitliev one or both ot'these popular old fat oriteson«books tvill be sent to yilu I< 14EE if'ou willhil otit alid»lail u» the coupon below.

A. V. Dunkle, Secretary.

Regular Meals 40cSh>ox t Ordexs

all day

by local spp)>gati<)us, as they cihnet reachthe diseased portion <sf the ear. There isonly one way t<s cure ratarrha> deefnesg,and that .Is by a e<tnstitutiena> remedy.Catarrhal Deafnees is caused by an in-flamed eondttion of the. mucous lining ofthe Eustachian Tube. When this tube Isinf)amed you have a rumbling sound or im-perfect hearing, and when It ie entire)y

, closed, Deafness >s the resu>t. Unless the.rt<)amma<>un can be reduced and this tuberea<ored to >ts normal condition, hearingwill be destroyed forever< beany cages ofdes<nese are caused by catarrh, which isan inflamed cond><i<)n af the mucous eur.faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts <hvuthe blood on the mucous surfaces of the~ystem,

We wn> give One Hundred Dollars forsny case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannotbe cured by Han'h <'a<arrh Medioine. Cir-culsrs free. A.» Druggists. 75c.

F. J. CHE>t)EY Sg CO., To>edo, O.

Popular Songs."It Is )I rois<;lkti I I't«li<'v<h to sct

tnn s)vnn ~ ly, <)i) ih<; !Iirnvy thut toihe l,iltlir gun<) l<i h<! <Il)i<)<l n»t onlyrhos<v tiliilas <«hit h t <'I'I;Ii« i)uihovitiesthir>l< tlt< y slit)I) ill h tve," ssid spI'<lI<IIII<'i)I g'III "<'I''<'r'<'Il) ly. Let IIS

rnte <ilier th< pti>tl>r's sillr: L<'t I)s giveIn<'lith>i< .n<»< nf ill< ihings It r<'pily

w:I II)s—<'v'<'I) I.IP sill<BIO so>)g whl<'h

<h<s < r!Iic < lait!< )I))is fni'ts excess ofS< nti)l<."ll), if It<I <IIII <>Sliver it Sn that>i)<e P)) ll) I<'s I(lI)l'I) I'<I:Ii<<1 I'<sSP0<)dS.

->>I'Mvs. Amii Larson Mvs. Aug. O.Wegner Miss. Edith I.arson Geo.

,and Alex Larson motored to Lew-




.'ti Quite a number nf the farmer=are cutting their fa11 grain.

Mrs. Schmidt and chi1dren of,of Spokane have been visiting for,the past tveek with her sister and

'atherMr. Will Hartung Sv.

r'l,l I le

Prompt Service

Lunches Served Any Time

Mrs. Minnie McDoweii

Ad d I'ears

A'liat 1»ake ot'ialio hitv«you".

k'at ill)E e of plloilogl"iph h>Eve yoli:Would yoli be interested in a new piano ( ), player-

Barber ShopCourteous Treatment

pi;liio ( ) or Edison phonograph ( )!Put an X opuosite instrument you are interested, thus: (X)

Hotel KendrickMrs. Linda Barred Endorsee Chambev-

ijain'e Tablets. Cut out ad, fill in properiy and mail to us and son'g books will

co)T>e at once.Leland ItemsTaylor fk Erickson, Props "I suffered for years with stoma«h

trnubie and tried everyth>ng Iheard of but the only relief I gotwas temporary until last spring I


saw I'ha>nberiain's Tablets aclver-t>sea and procured a bo'ttle of themfrom our druggist. I got Im-mediate relief from that dreadfulheav>f)ess and pain in the stomachafter eatit>g. Since taking two


bottles l can eat anything I wantwithout. distress," writes Mrs.

. I..inda Havrod, Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Everybody arrund Lefand seems l ',

to be busv these days, harvesting',hoeing cooking and canning.

Mr. Penfand is keeping a num-ber of the boys busy nailing lathsoo the school building.

l<ev. )<et:amsland w>ll he at Le-land, Sunday, and will hold the 4th l

and last quarterly conferenl.e f<)r

th>s year. I

There iv>11 be a Basf et Dinner onthe church fav n Sunday, and every-body is invited to come to churchSunday morn>ng:and bring theiriun«b if onvenient, >f not, come

'nyway.Reai Estate and Insurance,

Many people here felt sad when

they learned of the death by drown-

ing, of Rev. Davis, the pastor atGilbert. He Iabored with us herefor two weeks last winter in rev>vaf

meet>ngs, and won the love and!

! respe«t of aff who knew him.

Rev. Hall and family, were dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W)ne-gardner, Sunday.

' 'I<I„'alph

Smith, who has been at-tending the Leiand Stanford Uni-vers)ty, is home v>siting his par-

'nts.Clyde McGhee and wife oi Gifford!

j were vis>ting the latter's parents,t



v ~en


'ntl III)tIItIhteve t)ongles and <esnili have



returned to Southwick froni Ove- l


I!j'I, Ig'~fItjIi'It

gon. I'hey will make their homein Southwick fov the present.

The haints are holding revival!meet>ngs in the Method)st church.

Mr. Bnd Mrs. Verfe Gregory feftfor their home in Goodling, Kansas,the first of the week.

Satisfaction Kendrick Furniture Co.'GOOD ROOMSGOOD MEALS

So<'t. Drinks aitd Candy

IL'igars and Tobacco

G iia< anteed

%V'ijkliam B.ogers-Commercial Trade Solicited SG Acre Faxm fox'ale

II)EI IIIIIKendrick, Idaho 40 acres in cultivation, a11 fenced ar>d cross fenced; house 14

by 32, Il story. Bain 20 by 40; 14 by 32 woodshed and

machine shed; 1 mile to school and <)n R. F. D. 4A miles fro>n

Deary, on Texas ridge. Price $6400, part cash.


Nard %heat Blein) c3l

G. F. WA.LNKK,Kendrick, Idaho

The proper equipment for a11

Ford cars and trucks.

Autos Repaired

Toothsjclhe-Medicii>es Darigerous

Farina, Corn Meal, Graham, Rye FlourOverhauled

Oxy Acetylene Welding

and Lathe Work A dentist is best. The dentist ~vill

examine and save your tooth, or. ivilladvise its extraction to prevent infec-tion, that brings chronic conditions,sucll as I

RlijjetSIjflatlam, KtC.

Use the Mouth l3<>th I>t)d the Tonsil Bath to keepthe Teeth >t>)d Mouth free from

xxrr.enosis.I"ilarges Reasonable

All worlt is «uara!lteed

Tee gns Cash

a ll ~ dl «n

"A few years ago when v>sitingrelative. in M>etsigan something Ihad cate>> brought on an attacl ofcholora morbus," writes Mrs.Celesta McV>oker, Macon, Mo. "Isuitered intense pain and had to goto bed. I got a bottle of Chamber-lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy'j-and one dose ielieved the pain I

=—wonderfully. I on1y took two orthree doses but they did the >york."

Groiind and Iiolled Feed, O. K. Scratch Feed

Cracked Mfheats Meat Scraps

Grit and Shell

Southwick News

0 oz.,"-)Oczsg )sl-sol. 14 OX. j)1.00

RED CROSS PHARMACYMr. and Mrs, Adam kose and

children Ietf for Canada tlie first ofthe week. 'I'hev intend to maketheir howe there foi the future.

25 Per cent Discotbnt

On All Automobile ShawlsA. N. OVKRSNlTH

Attorney-at-Law A party of girl friends of theMisses Holi>ies, frnm Clarkston, arevis>t>r>g at the Grandma TI)orntonhome this weett.

Third Suee<l

t>guuheg) Building

N ~scegw, Xdaho. Kendrick Harness ShopNo. 141

Report, of the condit>on of

The Farmers Bankat Kendrick, in the State of Idaho at the close of business

June 30, 1921.

Mr, and Mrs. Roy South wick arevisiting in Lewiston th>s week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoppe anddauhgter, are home again aftermaking a tour down in Oregon.They report a very pleasant tr>p.

Miss Hazel Heipert from Clarks-ton, Herman Newman and HerbertBoltz of Kellogg nave been visitingat the ho«)e of Nibs Hazel Longe-teig.

Dr. %. A. Adair N. E. Walker, PropRectal Diseases, Hemqrhoids,

Fistula, Fissure, etc.

The Farmers ElevatorAnd Warehouses

IdahoMoscow, REHOURCKSLoans and Discounts „122,839.15Overdrafts. 135.41Stocks, Bonds and Warrants 2,000.00Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 9,636.00Other Real Estate ...1,000.35Cash on hand $ 3,341.66Due from banks . 18,843.62Checks and Drafts on other Banks 637 41Other Cash items 176.25

Total $158,609,85


Carpenter andContractor

NEWS GIVEN BY RADIOPHONE .Will pay highest niarket, prices for-grain and sellsBinder Twine and all kinds of feed at the lowestpossible inargin.

We also handle the celebrated

Farmers and Others Interested Able

to Learn Market Conditionsind Prices.

Phone $3(j

He H. Stevens hgrlc)>ltu>'SI >nsrket vepovis bv va-

dlopho>)<I is tiie 1)itest innnystion an-

nounced by the bure<)u uf )I)I)vkrts,

United 'Htstes D«psvt>neat of Agvi«ul-

Iure. This eevyi< e was Inn»«lie<1 re-

cently at least Pittsliuvgh. Snd iyitli thenecessary vadiophone I)pps>I)tus, fii>'))t-

ers and othevs witl)in n few bun<1>< d

mlles of I'ill sbuvgh will t)e )hie to

Ienvn ngviculiuvni )iisi'krt co)I<litions

Iind price« i>smedisteiy I>f)e') ihe clnsc

of ti)e I)IIII'I<<'it'. rrh<s I'<'.po)'ts ave sP>)t

f) oru va<ii<) sistinh Ihl)KA over:> w<)ve

length of 1,'IO m<.ievs.

The depsvi>pent's exprvimentsl vndl-

nphone s< ni<.r follows slinvily the in-

auguration of s<in<li)ig sgvi< nl)nrsl

marl et reports hy wf velrss. Ben<ling

the vepoi ts hy )",«linph<in< wnui<1 gvest-

ly siinpllfy tii< iv ver eipt by f<)v)I)ers

skd othevs <Ih< ci. inssmn<'h av tli< op-

e)'I>tion of o radiophone set does n<)t

>eq>)lve o knowlr<lge of tyireless <odcs.

instes<i of mining In dots nnu.dashesthe )nnrket news would b< receive<1 ln

I"nglish, the san)e ss ronvevsstinn nyev

sn nvdI>)sry telephone.

Martin's Best L l A 8 I Ll'I'I ES,Capital Stock paid in 15,000.00Sur lusp 3,000.00Vnd>v>ded Profits, less expenses,

interest and taxes paid 516.99Reserved for Taxes . 148.93Individual deposits subject to check . $ 58,011.10Savings Deposits 21,944,29Time Certificates of Deposit, ~ 35,522.16

4,466.38Total Deposits $119,943.93

Biiis payable, inrluding obligationsrepresenting money bovrowed 20,000.00


I, M. B. McConnell cashier of the above namedbank do solemnly swear that the above statement is trueEo the best of my knowledge and belief.

M. B. McCONNELL, Cashier.

Kendric'.-. Idaho


Every Sack GuaranteedOur aim is to treat you + the year O

Kendrick R.ochdaIe Co.First class work doneYears of Experience


Correct —Attest I

A. E. Clark .(Directors.E. %. Eavesj

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of.Iuiy, 1921.

I certify that I am NOTan OfBcer or Director of thisBank,—K. L. APgERCROMBIE, Notary Public.

Named -Empire State."The nome of toe -1 in>)lve Sinte"

nras first given to sN'cut y<)vk bv Gseovge

f)shing>on, In his reply to nn addressI'vom tl)e New york c>ty commos>

counrll In 1<84.

A Cooling Drink these Hot Bays is What You Nfbsd

Get it at the most comfortable place in town where the service i» right.

Pure ice cream and the finest, of candies. Clean and sanitary.


Page 6: PIIIBHAPHS HSTY Bear W, I„,, of I n deal,,'estroyed. I j Ijkhf.info/Kendrick - 1921 - The Kendrick Gazette... · hapiness in their future life to-gether. Miss Becker tauglit in

the family have spent the pastweek. iyirs. McCrerv and the eh]]d-

ews Items of Local Interest ren are expected home the last ufthis week or tne first of next. 1

Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Beardon ofMr. and Mrs. J, B, Helpinan of < Kootenai County records, dated Spukane, ri]otored to Kendrick, Mpn-

Newport, Wash., arrived last week Monday, July 1]th, show a marriage d]]y, to spend several days visiting I

to visit their dauhgter, Mrs. Frank license issued at the countv seat at with Mrs.'keardon's parents, Mr,Bcyd, Tliey expect to remain here (loeur <j'A]ene tp Geyoge W, ]ylc- and M]rs. Geot]]e Riggin.

'for a couple of weeks.


m r

Keever of Kendrick, Idaho andRuby M. S]njth of Spol,ane, Wash- Chas. LeMarjnell of Spola])e, was

Mr. and Mrs.. Joday Long wentl ji]gtpn ]n Kendrick tiiis weel< on businessto Peck Sunday afternoon to spent'l and renewing acquaintances. Sev-e t'evv dave witht the R. Parks( Alt Masons with their ismiiies erat years ago he and his brotherfami]y, l and friends are cordially invited to owned the farm on American ridge

attend the Masonic Annual picinc to known as the Asmann place, now've"

Ibe held at Winchester, Idaho, on being farmed by Harry Langdon,

'Sunday to helP his brother, Frank i iiext bunday, Julv 17th. The picn]c r r lgtlduring the'herry season. Laurel

[ js an annual affai staged by the Kester Dammarell returned'I'hurs'as

been atterding a government Masons pf the Ca]nas kkra]rje tpwns day afternoon after sPending aschool at Spokane 'nd has just and ha Prpved to he a Popu]ar eve]it week in Clarkston with the Flor-finished taking a comriiercia] course for the Lodges of tl]e surrounding ence family, linen

Johr] Waidc„manager of the country.. Water sports in Wi" A. E. Wiiinot has moved into his, Farmers Warehouse ]]t Deary, spent 'te'" w'e an "ded a new residence fnimer]y occupied bythe weeic end in Kendrick with his ture this rear as witt, aiso, the the ttaahera family. He is mii'iii. Indiafioat]ng band Pavillion for the several improvements which inc]ude

'usicians.Tiie Grangeville cow- the lnsta]]ation of an electric rangeMi'. ai)d Mrs. Rav Hook of Coeur boy pand usually turn]shes the an<i water'eater in his kitcl]ei].d'lene, spent Friday in Kendrick ynusjcal program.

visiting at the M. V. Thomas home Owing to alterations in the powerand renewing, acquaintances. Ray Rev. A. J. Stuart, editor of the line, caused by the construct]on-ofis assistant cashier oi the American Stites L'nteip]ise, paid usa friendly the new road on American ridge,Trust Company of (.'oeur d'lene. visit Tuesday morning. ]'roni here the Pota]tch Electric Company has

he went to Southwick on business. been force<] to cut off tlie serviceMrs. I'red Bo]on and Mrs. Walter

Mr Yisk, who h'as the supervision from the town for an hour cr twoBaton went to bnokane haturdav ot'he cmiasaes in connecti~on iwwith during ihis ivesk. ihe.*e interrup.morning to meet their husbands

I ministerial course at the Wwash- tions are absolutely necessary inow ivork on tile hig

where they have been shearingday and Sundpy at the Hood home voltage conductors and are made as!

sheep during the'past month..in Kendricl<. Iyir. Fisk is a son-in- far as Possible at a time when the

Mrs, (,'offee and Mrs. bteed of law of Mrs. Mary Ho~dand is teach- e st inconvenience is caused tl]eSpoiiane spent it'riday in Kendrick ingat Pullman during his summer majority pf power user,

l g Wlgwith their mother, Mrs. Jennie vacation. His home is in Ca'ifornia. Tl,e Le;tl, a„d R~g~~~ fam,l,.es l g

Mrs. Brunseik of Cameron was sPent Saturday and Sunday at HogBorn Friday, July 8, to Mr. and brougl]t to thehome of her pare]its, Meadow in search of huckleberries ~

Mrs. J, (,'. Eatman of 'I'exas'ridge, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bleck, in Kend-'hey'ay that there are plenty ofa 10 pound bpy. rick, the hrst of the week suffer]ng berries this Year and we'l sav that

with a severe nervous breakdown. the bushes were minus a good manyA special train passed through gallons when they, left for home.

Kendrick about 6;46: Monday even- Or. J. S. Hammond, professor ining carrying President Elliott ol Kimball School of Theology at ~ E. Densow of the First Na-'the Northern Pacific and his party, Salem, Oregon, was ]n Kendrick the t'p",al Bank-of Lewiston was trans-on an isspection tour of the comp- fore ]]art of, the week on bus]ness a«jng business in Kendrick theany's lines. for the college. This college is the "rst of the week.

, only Methodist theological school in paul Boutwell of Lewjston isBorn to Mr.and Mrs. Leo Grau of the Northwest and is dojnga fine visiting with tne Dunkle fami]y'Leland, July 10, a 7 Pound girl. !work in its line. Dr. Hainond ]eft thg

k M B t I]™

this week. Mr. Boutwel] is Mr.Wesley 'I.'homas of Clarkston spent for L'ewiston 'l'hursday afternoon. Dunkle's nephew.

the week end in Kendrick with his E p Atchison had a painfu A E Wbrother, Martin. il c ison a a Pain u]i A. 'E..WI]cox, Kendrick's mostoperat]un performed on his hand popular station master, str'uck

Mli]er of (Wash„returned.to her home batur- finger. Tbe pain was so severe that fino last Sunday with a smile ondayafterspen'd]ng a few days with it was necessary to,give him an his face.,He returned, on Mondayher parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. K anaesthetic in order to slit the with a worried Ioo]< and a decidedDahlgren, on Texas ridge. Mr'. linger and scrape the bone limp.Miller, who'used to teach the. school Mrs F E Erickson retuii ed from, Not one of his many friends doubt

; - on Texas ridge, is now teaching at R b M d f f that he has a worthy desire to,seethe Cheney Normal. s ij I d

' the law, in a]l its various interpre-

d atives and friends, tations. strictly upheld. The/ evenMr. an<] Mrs,. k. D. Newton and a 'ves " ' s feel certain that the Volstead a-

.daughter, Marjorie, returned home Mrs Harry Mprgan pf kuebens rnendment is in harniouious accord,'luesday evening after sPending arrived Monday afternoon to visit with his way of thinking, From'several days 'in 'Spokane with rela her husband Mr Morgan ]s en] whence, then,'omes the uglyployed at the local barber shop. rumor that connects such a reputa-

Accordjng to the Commcrcja] tion with Whisky Creek an<] legsdigest'he'ay sales bf Sears Rpe Miss I']orence Hol I'ida who is work- bru]sed by the poo'ted bottle?buck gz ('ompany to'taied $j2,239178 ing in the Clarkston State Ban]<,

Mrs. N. E. Ware and d I t hay; $8.00a ton in the'.<]ompared with $17,705,123 irj ]gay a arrived in Kendrick Wednesiiay to

Neva spent 'I'hursday in Kendrick at Wilken, Cameron.yea]'s ago,'and the Montgomery spend ner vacatj<]n with her mother

and sisters.War<] e< Company iviay sales v]jere,$6,820,855 compared with $8,329,557'ough lumber forin May 1920, a <]ecreaseof 36 per

H. N. Nelson of Clarkston "as a Creek ridge or delivcent. business visitoi'n Kendr]ci', Wed- rick. $16.00 at mill

nesday. They Are Rare. Kendrick. PhoneMrs. Wn]. Cain of American A ]tom]]n ]vithout tenderness Is ]] Israe].

ridg'e returned fro]y] I ewjs'ton bun Born to Mr. and Mrs. p. G. Cand- iiower without perfume.—Ieouisv]]]cday afternoon, after spending the ler of Keiidrick, Thursdav morning, Cour]er-Journa].

.meek end'with her daughter Mrs. July14,an eleven pound boy. WANTED: Grain h- DeBolt. 654 or see E. L. Cl

Dr. Roth>ve]] reports that Ed. Idaho.Attorney Hoyt and wife of Troy Baker, who comp]h'tely severed his Local Ads

an<I his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L hig toe from his foot sometime ago,'FOR bALE: MilkHoytof(,'ornjng, Iowa, spent Sun- is imProvlng raPjdlv and that the '.Mr's. J. F. Waide..day afternoon in Kendr]ck at the toe which was sewed on again hasH, P. Hull home. giown together nicely. Ask for Pearson s Best Bread. 19-1t.

I Taken up at my pla~ ~

'orn to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Aaron . McCrery retui ned from wick, one grey horse,'l'hornton of Le]and July 1() a 9g Sweetwater Monday 'where he and FOR SALE'lover and 1]]nothy,pound boy.

;The Misses 'Agnes and Francis ~~gPF~=-Byrne returned horne Wednesdsy

.,afternoon, after spending a weekwith friends in Lewiston.

Harry Larson of Ruebens was!4

:transacting busin'ess in 'Kendt ick.

Mrs. Louie Harris and children,Wayne and Elanor, Miss Uorothv g ] )

Startcn and Paul Periyma'n left lastMonday for the country adj]]cent tuBovill on'a huckle]]erry expedition.

.They returned Wednesday with sev«eral gallon of berries.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Car-.gill, Monday, July 11, a 9 puundgirl.

George Riggin returned the lastpf the week from Giangeville wherehe went on busines~.

...~e S:ore:.roun@.

l5C 20c 25c'"d ~5c.s hose at

est grade percales, 36 inc]]

Toweling, per .yard 25C ~

n Heed, 44 inch bleached

, hen]st]tched border, white, ecruand i<rory, per yard 30c.

8 l.50'at]]iy]g Suits

shipment ot tl]e famous R]]sse]] hanij-sewedQo

Po]eon Obtained Frcm Oeaw].The favorite poison used by the

Austra]fan bushmen ln warfare ls ob-tained from certain portions of a pu-trefyfng corpse. It is sa]d that a m]]nwounded with e ttt'nr-shaft poisonedwith this awful tenon! dies of lock.jam almost ]]nn]ed]ute]v,

field. George27-2t.

33zeyinmResidence Phone 726

Kendrick Drav and Ice Co

Sale on Cedarered to Kend-or $20.00 at60x6, Clem


What to Do When Biliousau ling. Phoneem, Kendrick

28-4pEat no meats and lightly

of'therfood. 'lake three ofChamber-'ain's

Tablets to cleanse out yourstomach and tone up your liver.Oo this and within a day or twoyou should be feeling fjrie.

F"anig Chamberlain, Prop.

cow. Inquire28-3t. DR. S. H. KZLLV

Physician and Surgeon

Kendrick. Idaho

ce near South-Fred Gehre Pearson's Graham Bread is good—

28-1t try it-. 19-1t.

~, 1

At Absolute Market Quotations.

Our stack is fairly complete and nearly all new goods. We took our

loss early on. high py]ced merchandise and we are now in a positior]

to give you better values.

jl, "'I "" '"''"I ''1 p, >;A shipment just received which goes at almost half the price of llast year.







Mrs. C. Thomas returned from,Orofino, Saturday, after spending a '

few days with her dang]vter, Mrs,Ernest Randal I.

Miss Evelyn Hanson was a Moscowvisitor Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. H, W. Mort return-ed Saturday morning from Asotinyv'ash., where they were attendingthe Moscow District Inst]tute. 'l'heyreport an enjoyable as well as'aprofitable time spent in ihe beauti-ful park there. There was a good

'ttendanceand with swimm]ng and i

gariies in the afternoon it was ai See us for br]rvvains in close-outs, among which are included quite a number of impleynents

Agency —.T.I. Case Threshing Machine Co, —.fohn Deere Plow Co.

~ar..soir ....ar wvare '=o.An iten] whicl] <vas unintention- li I

a]]y overlook last week was thetabirth of an 8 pound ljahy girl toMr. and i>1]'.. I lnyd Stanton on July I 5