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  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Introductory Economics(week 1)

    Roby Syaiful UbedSekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara


  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    General Information

    Instructor : Roby Syaiful Ubed

    Office : Gd. PHRD, Kompleks STAN, Pusdiklat PSDM

    Office hours : 07.30 17.00 WIB

    Contact Information :

    hp : 081328710391 (call only)

    email : [email protected]

    Textbooks :

    Principles of Economics (Gregory Mankiw)

    Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi (Mikro dan Makro) (LP FE-UI)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Your Goals Today are

    To know the meaning of economy

    To comprehensively understand the

    principles of economy To know about problems in economy

    To preliminary understand the

    microeconomy and macroeconomy terms

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    The simple answer is a better understanding

    of economic activity

    It helps an agent in an economic system to

    better understand the way markets work.

    This, in turn, allows him to achieve betteroutcomes for himself.

    Why do we need to study


  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Is Economics Useful?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Life expectancy is less than 50 years.

    1 out every 10 infants dies before the age of


    More than 90% of households have noelectricity, refrigerator, telephone, or car.

    Fewer than 10% of adults have completed highschool.

    What kind of scarcity ?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    GDP per person has grown by a factor of 15 since




    (notice the Great Depression)

    Why is the typical American today more than 10 richer thanthe typical American a century ago?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Per capita GDP in Seven Countries

    Why is the American of today 50 times richer than the

    typical Ethiopian? any ideas ?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Unemployment in the U.S., Europe, and


    Why has the unemployment rate been nearly twice as

    high in Europe as in the U.S in recent years?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Other Important Questions

    What determines the rate of inflation?

    What is the effect of import tariff?

    What causes recessions and booms in the overall economy?

    What role does the government, fiscal authority and the

    monetary authority, play in recessions and booms?

    What prompted the currency crises in Mexico in the mid-

    1990s and in many Asian economies at the end of 1990s?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    How many students are in your introductory

    economics class, say basic microeconomics?

    If cost were no object, the best size might bea single student.

    Why do so many universities continue toschedules economics classes with hundreds

    of students?

    What is Economics?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Economicsis the study of

    how people make choices under conditions

    of scarcity

    the results of those choices for society.

    What is Economics?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Macroeconomics: the study of collection of

    people and firms and how their interactions

    through markets determine the overall activity

    in a country or region.Three important aspects in macroeconomics:

    1. Penentuan Tingkat Kegiatan Perekonomian Negara :

    sejauh mana perekonomian menghasilkan barang dan

    jasa2. Pengeluaran Agregat : tujuan akhir untuk meningkan

    3. Mengatasi Pengangguran dan Inflasi

    What is Economics?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Microeconomics: focus on the study of

    individual people, firms, or markets.

    Three important aspects in Microeconomics:

    1. Interaksi Pasar

    2. Perilaku Penjual dan Pembeli

    3. Interaksi di Pasar Faktor ProduksiProduction Factor : labor (wages), capital (interest)

    What is Economics?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Suppose that you are in the advisory board for the

    president in the country A.

    Country A is a developing country, and recently a

    domestic car industry is established.

    But, the industry is still weak. To protect the industry

    from foreign car companies, you want to impose the

    import tariff.

    Is it a good policy? If so, why? If not, Why?,micro or

    macro ?

    Simple Question

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    No-Free Lunch Principle (Scarcity): although we haveboundless needs and wants, the recourses available to us arelimited. So having more of one good thing usually meanshaving less of another.

    The Cost-Benefit Principle: An individual should take anaction, if and only if, the extra benefits from taking the actionare at least as great as the extra costs.

    Choices: Unlimited wants will be contradictory against limitedsources. Therefore, people should make individual orcollective choices. Individual choice, for instance: what kind ofclothing. Collective choices, for instance: where should we goin the weekdays.

    What is Economics?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    10 Principles of Economy

    How People Make Decisions:

    1. People Face Tradeoffs

    2. The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get It

    3. Rational People Think at the Margin

    4. People Respond to Incentives

    How People Interact

    1. Trade can make everyone better off

    2. Markets are usually a good way to organize economic

    activity3. Government can sometimes Improve Market Outcomes

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    How the Economy as a Whole Works

    1. A countrys standard of living depends on its ability to

    produce goods and services

    2. Prices rise when the government prints too much money

    3. Society faces a short run tradeoff between inflation andunemployment

    10 Principles of Economy

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    10 Principles - a brief explanation

    People Face Tradeoffs

    Personal - No such thing such a free lunch

    Society - Guns and butter

    Society - Efficiency and Equity


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    The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get It

    Making decisions requires comparing cost and


    10 Principles - a brief explanation

    Cost of entering STAN Benefit of entering STAN

    ?? ??

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    Rational People Think at the Margin

    Any examples ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

    Decision =

    Marginal Benefit > Marginal Cost

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    People Respond to Incentives

    what will happen if

    1. Government enforces seatbelt law ?2. The price of durian increases ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Trade can make everyone Better off

    Can you make an example ?

    Apple - China - Japan Japan and Indonesia

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Markets are usually a Good Way to Organize

    Economic Activity

    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of theWealth of Nations - Adam Smith

    Households and Firms interacting in markets act

    as if they are guided by an invisible hand directs

    economy activity

    Firms - produce and sell; Households - provideresources and buy

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Governments can Sometimes Improve Market


    Why we need govt ?

    To enforce the law

    To promote efficiency and equity

    To avoid market failure due to externality and

    market power

    What is externality ? What is market power ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    A Countrys Standard of Living Depends on Its Ability

    to Produce Goods and Services

    What is the difference between US and Nigeria ? What are the affecting variables ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Prices rise when the Govt Prints too much money

    Why is that ?

    What happen with Zimbabwe in 2008 ?How many inflation did rate they suffer ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Society Faces a Short-Run Tradeoff beween Inflation

    and Unemployment.

    Quiz: Why is that ?

    10 Principles - a brief explanation

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Problems in Economy

    a. What kind of goods should be produced and

    how many goods should be produced ?

    b. How do we produce the goods ?

    c. For whom the produced goods should begiven ?

  • 8/10/2019 PIE WEEK 1


    Demand, Supply, BEP Price, Economy

    Surplus, Market Failure, Government


    Next on Week 2