I 1-------------- ---.------ --- --------- °A'r\ VV<.:Sl l5. P·2-/L 1 0 . . 91 Q,f. I (PFuH . l?ub)ect:' J,?lrH cJrdlT' 9 I t9 the o.,d. .NO. '1 : .' ° . to 1M Secretary . 1-' . se<lktiig; frolll t\li' for Joint \)efl'tL!reso'in"0 the' . iss'W$do"by MOinistiy o"f Finance on. I I Z. . The matterW;;s agree$ t,o the request in a Me)1> to?it il.;v 6 tie <lii pi iHdg lilacli neis filr I' . forming J qi hi Ve It! '\0 l)xee til b lit' ptojili: t wit)1 '\n cqui Iy paft 1ci patr 6 n by NHPO. JkSP[)cancf Pte respectively I" Thisissue:s wfth approval. of the FiriClrl¢8'·Mlhisfer. < ' . II I ;1: '$ h: Sua hi r ku ;,jar, .lui nl $ecrei\lty "Mi rUStiYo f pill/illr, NoW tie.1 hi, 11 DbO t . . /'\ I t5(4)/f'F;tlJ?01 8 dated 09.07.2010' . " . ". .., .' .' '0 0 •• ---'1 I I I I •• .>e_. ••v·,,,,. ····-···-···L.. -·-. No.10/1/2008-NHPC (Vol.V) Government of India Ministry of Power SECRET Page ____of __ SECRET Annex._____ (Please refer para____ page____

PIB Recommendations

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  • I 1-----------------.------ --- --------:-------~-----~--- --------

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    No.10/1/2008-NHPC (Vol.V) Government of India Ministry of Power

    SECRETPage ____of __


    Annex._____(Please refer para____ page____

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    Al'\n~. !A Government of India Ministry 0' Firyance~iV:'

    Dep'artment of Expenditureif,;. ,r: SUbjGct: Public Investment Board. (PIB) Meeting for Ex- post facto approval for

    formation and incorporation 'of Joint Venture Company among NHpJC,JKSPDC,.....

    , "

    and PTC and ihfusion of equity' beyond Rs.500 crore by NHPC .in JVC (MIs CVPPPL i.o.ChenabValley Power projects Pvt. Ltd.) and investment approval forr".,~; ...~ J.

    , .',. cor.\structio~ of Pa.kal Du', HE Project. . Ministry of Power (i'vlP,P) may r~fer to the meeting of the PIB, held on MaybS, ' .

    2013 to consider MoP's proposalon the subject mentioned above . ,.

    \ \

    2.. ' The PIB considered the proposal. After deliberations, the P.lB noted that the P project cost is too high, resulting in unsustainable first year tariff of Rs.. 9.74 pe~unit and levelized tariff of Hs. 8.22 p.er unit As such, the PIB directed MoP -to reformulate the proposal based orl the following recommendations:




    . (i)' Debt Equity ratio 'of 70:30 may be revisited, as the cost of equity is comparatively high;

    (ii) J&K Government may like to consider ways to reduce land cost and -- - - .. -", ...._-----incidence of state taxes;

    (iii) Escalations, with refe~ence to the estimates based. on current price level, may be re-examin'ed:' ........ -......-.---.-----:-.-.--

    ~- -'- .

    (iv) Effolis may be ma'd(3'lo reduce the completi'dh period ,'proposed at 6 years . . / '

    . .. -- ' .. ,at present. , ........... - ...... , -.... , ... ~- ...~- .... ~.;", .. -"",.. -.,. --....~.- ... -- .. ~ .. "

    " .

    3. MoP may reformulate the projosal, before bringing it agafrL for cQnsideration of the P113. ' . . "." " . "':,:;;:;'