Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities Greg Welch The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation & Training Computer Science Division, EECS Orlando, FL USA 32826-3281 Email: [email protected] The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Computer Science Chapel Hill, NC USA 27599-3175 Email: [email protected] Abstract—Physical-virtual humans combine work in physical animatronics and virtual humans to achieve virtual humans with physical manifestations. In this article I introduce the idea of a physical-virtual human along with potential applications, poten- tial concerns, and some historically related work. I then discuss challenges and opportunities related to applications involving physical-virtual avatars, patients, and students. Fig. 1. Physical-Virtual Avatars (PVA) via Shader Lamps [1]. Left: Current PVA prototype at the University of Central Florida, with a real human agent and appearance. Top Right: Real human appearance obtained from a hear-worn camera. Bottom Right: Real human agency but synthetic human appearance from the TeachLive TM system [2]. I. I NTRODUCTION The notion of a virtual human has been around for many years, in computer games, Virtual Reality, and beyond. The inhabiters of virtual humans are generally classified as ei- ther agents or avatars. Agents have behavior that is purely synthetic, generally driven by some form of artificial intelli- gence or an expert system. Avatars on the other hand have behavior that derives from a real live human in a real-time, on-line fashion. As indicated by Blascovich and Bailenson [3] there is some debate about the etymological origins of the word “avatar,” with likely sources including an online role-playing game Habitat developed by Lucasfilm Games, or Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash [4]. Today applications of virtual humans include telepresence, military and medical training, education, and healthcare. Indeed, the notion of mobile telepresence has been explored for years, for example by Tachi et al. [5], Paulos and Canny [6] and others [7], [8]. The notion of using a real, physical tele-robotic surrogate for viewing or manipulation in remote locations has been around for decades, and several studies have explored human interaction with a physical robot vs. a life-sized virtual robot [9], [10], [11], [12]. It turns out that physical robots more enjoyable, engaging, and effective. Recently in fact we have seen an increase in the use of robots in relatively complex human working environments such as homes, offices, and hospitals [13]. Advances include efforts to develop human- inspired [14] or human-like animatronic robots that in some ways resemble or imitate the appearance and behavior of specific humans or living creatures [15], [16], [17], [18]. Some robots are capable of changing shape in order to produce multiple expressions and identities [19], [20]. Others have included 2D cameras and displays to convey, at some level, the dynamic appearance of the “inhabiter” [5], [21], [22], [7]. One approach to developing physical avatars is to build a robotic replica of, or surrogate for, a particular person. This has been done for example at Walt Disney World to mimic U.S. presidents, by commercial companies such as Garner Holt who make animatronic humans for uses such as entertainment and training. Arguably the most extensive and effective human surrogates have been developed by Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University. One such example is the 50-actuator Geminoid HI-1 [23], and another is the 12- actuator Geminoid F. Such animatronic (physical) humans can be very com- pelling, though sometimes considered uncanny as described in the next section. However such animatronic robotic hu- mans will always and only look like one particular human: 2012 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 978-0-7695-4766-4/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISUVR.2012.13 10 2012 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 978-0-7695-4766-4/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISUVR.2012.13 10

Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities...Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities Greg Welch The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation

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Page 1: Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities...Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities Greg Welch The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation

Physical-Virtual Humans:Challenges and Opportunities

Greg Welch

The University of Central FloridaInstitute for Simulation & TrainingComputer Science Division, EECS

Orlando, FL USA 32826-3281Email: [email protected]

The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillDepartment of Computer Science

Chapel Hill, NC USA 27599-3175Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Physical-virtual humans combine work in physicalanimatronics and virtual humans to achieve virtual humans withphysical manifestations. In this article I introduce the idea of aphysical-virtual human along with potential applications, poten-tial concerns, and some historically related work. I then discusschallenges and opportunities related to applications involvingphysical-virtual avatars, patients, and students.

Fig. 1. Physical-Virtual Avatars (PVA) via Shader Lamps [1]. Left: CurrentPVA prototype at the University of Central Florida, with a real human agentand appearance. Top Right: Real human appearance obtained from a hear-worncamera. Bottom Right: Real human agency but synthetic human appearancefrom the TeachLiveTM system [2].


The notion of a virtual human has been around for manyyears, in computer games, Virtual Reality, and beyond. Theinhabiters of virtual humans are generally classified as ei-ther agents or avatars. Agents have behavior that is purelysynthetic, generally driven by some form of artificial intelli-gence or an expert system. Avatars on the other hand havebehavior that derives from a real live human in a real-time,

on-line fashion. As indicated by Blascovich and Bailenson[3] there is some debate about the etymological origins ofthe word “avatar,” with likely sources including an onlinerole-playing game Habitat developed by Lucasfilm Games,or Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash [4]. Today applicationsof virtual humans include telepresence, military and medicaltraining, education, and healthcare. Indeed, the notion ofmobile telepresence has been explored for years, for exampleby Tachi et al. [5], Paulos and Canny [6] and others [7], [8].

The notion of using a real, physical tele-robotic surrogatefor viewing or manipulation in remote locations has beenaround for decades, and several studies have explored humaninteraction with a physical robot vs. a life-sized virtual robot[9], [10], [11], [12]. It turns out that physical robots moreenjoyable, engaging, and effective. Recently in fact we haveseen an increase in the use of robots in relatively complexhuman working environments such as homes, offices, andhospitals [13]. Advances include efforts to develop human-inspired [14] or human-like animatronic robots that in someways resemble or imitate the appearance and behavior ofspecific humans or living creatures [15], [16], [17], [18]. Somerobots are capable of changing shape in order to producemultiple expressions and identities [19], [20]. Others haveincluded 2D cameras and displays to convey, at some level,the dynamic appearance of the “inhabiter” [5], [21], [22], [7].

One approach to developing physical avatars is to build arobotic replica of, or surrogate for, a particular person. Thishas been done for example at Walt Disney World to mimicU.S. presidents, by commercial companies such as Garner Holtwho make animatronic humans for uses such as entertainmentand training. Arguably the most extensive and effective humansurrogates have been developed by Professor Hiroshi Ishiguroof the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory in the Graduate Schoolof Engineering Science at Osaka University. One such exampleis the 50-actuator Geminoid HI-1 [23], and another is the 12-actuator Geminoid F.

Such animatronic (physical) humans can be very com-pelling, though sometimes considered uncanny as describedin the next section. However such animatronic robotic hu-mans will always and only look like one particular human:

2012 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality

978-0-7695-4766-4/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ISUVR.2012.13


2012 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality

978-0-7695-4766-4/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ISUVR.2012.13


Page 2: Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities...Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities Greg Welch The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation

one skin tone, one gender, one shape—one person. This isin contrast to purely virtual humans, which have completeflexibility to change shape, skin tone, and gender for example.If one could combine physical presence and dynamic virtualappearance, one could convey important non-verbal informa-tion typically conveyed in human-human interactions such asbetween teachers and students, or physicians and patients.For example, a combination of eye contact, body proximity,forward leaning, smiling, and touch can convey intimacy andtrust; while averted gaze, distance, and the absence of smilingand touch can indicate detachment [24]. For these and otherreasons we are motivated to explore physical manifestationsof virtual humans, i.e. physical-virtual humans. See Figure 1for examples of recent work.


A phrase that sometimes occurs when interacting with suchlifelike robots is the “uncanny valley,” first articulated byMasahiro Mori in 1970 [25]. The basic idea is that as a robot’sappearance becomes increasingly human-like, a human willhave an increasingly positive response to that robot until apoint is reached where the response changes quickly to oneof repulsion. This is perhaps best illustrated by Fig. 1 fromMori’s original paper [25], which is reproduced below in Fig-ure 2 with added annotations “A” and “B” (explained below).While there have been a handful of rigorous empirical studiesattempting to demonstrate the occurrence and boundaries ofthis effect, the results have been mixed [26]. For example,there is no clear consensus on whether the phenomenon existsin practice, and if it does then under what circumstances itdoes and to what degree there is a practical impact.


Fig. 2. A reproduction of Fig. 1 from Mori’s original paper [25], withannotations A and B added to indicate regions of low and high confidence,respectively.

The related idea of uncanniness in humans actually reachesback to work by Sigmund Freud in 1919 [27], writing abouta 1906 essay by Ernst Jentsch [28]. Freud defines uncanny as

“doubts whether an apparently animate being is really alive;or conversely, whether a lifeless object might be, in fact,animate.” This is possibly related to Pediophobia—historicallya fear of dolls [29]. Freud describes how “In telling a storyone of the most successful devices for easily creating uncannyeffects is to leave the reader in uncertainty whether a particularfigure in the story is a human being or an automaton...”and “...do it in such a way that his attention is not focuseddirectly upon his uncertainty, so that he may not be ledto go into the matter and clear it up immediately.” In factthese concepts of confusion about what is really alive reachesback to “Der Sandmann” (1816)—a short story written (inGerman) by Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffman, and “Talesof Hoffman” (1881)—an opera by Jacques Offenbach, basedon stories from The Sandman. More recent theories blame amismatch between appearance and behavior for giving rise tothe uncanny valley, if it exists at all.

My own theory about the uncanny valley effect is that it isrelated to variations in the appearance or behavior that appearas “outliers” with respect to a decreasing uncertainty in therobot’s (or avatar’s) human nature, and a mental model forthe human nature of the robot/avatar. Consider two cases. Inthe first case, if the appearance and behavior do not appearvery human (e.g., to the left in Figure 2) then our uncertaintyabout “what it is” grows. In the face of a large uncertainty,as indicated by the notional probability density curve A inFigure 2, variations in appearance or behavior are not seen asstartling because they are not outliers in the statistical sense—they are within the expected uncertainty. In the second case,if the appearance and behavior do appear very human like(e.g., to the right in Figure 2) then our uncertainty about“what it is” shrinks—we become more and more confidentthat it is human. In the face of such a small uncertainty (highconfidence) in the human nature, as indicated by the notionalprobability density curve B in Figure 2, the same variation inappearance or behavior considered for the first case (above)might now be seen as startling because it is an outlier in thestatistical sense. In other words, the degree to which somethingis uncanny is not only related to the degree to which we believeit is human, but to the magnitude of variations in appearance orbehavior compared to our uncertainty about its human nature(our confidence that it is human).

Just as there is no clear consensus on whether the uncannyvalley phenomenon exists for virtual avatars, there is noconsensus about whether the phenomenon exists for physical-virtual avatars. This is something we would like to explore,once our prototypes are sufficiently smooth and accurate.


The idea of projecting video imagery onto a moving phys-ical head goes back to at least 1980 and work by MichaelNaimark [30] as shown in Figure 3. This system was designedfor one person and recorded video only, but it did con-vey a physical presence with dynamic (pre-recorded) virtualappearance. In addition to the perceptual effects of havinga physical presence in front of you, a physical head can


Page 3: Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities...Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities Greg Welch The University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation

Fig. 3. Michael Naimark’s film-based “Talking Head Projection” project[30]. Top Left: Adding head tracking components to the actor. Top Right:The talking head replay apparatus. Bottom: Playback of the film on a movinghead, shown at two different points in time (different poses).

convey a significantly more accurate sense of avatar gazedirection than a conventional 2D virtual avatar can. This hasbeen demonstrated for example in careful experiments bycollaborator Prof. Amela Sadagic at the Naval PostgraduateSchool. (The work is undergoing submission for publication.)

Some details of the methods that we employ to achievePVAs have previously been described and demonstratedwith proof-of-concept prototype systems [1]. Yet many chal-lenges remain. For example, there remain significant chal-lenges in terms of projection onto moving objects, face cap-ture/mapping, physical surface shape, mobility, and motion.We have developed methods to render onto moving surfaceswith multiple proctors [31] but these do not account forstatic errors (e.g., calibration errors) or dynamic errors (e.g.,latency-induced misregistration). We continue to work on theseand more issues, for example developing methods employingclosed-loop methods for ensuring physical-virtual registration,and methods for adapting the rendering to hide artifacts incases where there is uncertainty. In the situation where thereis human agency (e.g., see Figure 1) there is the issue ofaccurate dynamic tracking and mapping of the human headmotion and facial appearance. In general this seems like atrivial problem as there would seem to be many options (e.g.,FaceAPI by Seeing Machines, Inc.), however mapping theappearance onto a physical head makes it very challenging.Otherwise unnoticeable small errors become grotesque on aphysical-virtual head. It’s a challenge to “lock on” certainfeatures (e.g., the nose) while allowing others to move (e.g.,mouth or eyes). Head shape is also a challenge for variousreasons, including the the desires to accommodate multiple“inhabiters” and synthetic animatronic motion.

A. Physical-Virtual Patients

2D virtual humans have been used to train and assesshumans in interpersonal scenarios for applications includingmedical interviews and examinations1. However, some ex-aminations require physical interactions with the patient andspatial awareness that are difficult to simulate using flat dis-plays. Human Patient Simulators afford physical interactions,spatial awareness, and simulated physiological behaviors, butotherwise have static appearance-based interpersonal behavior.

As described in [32], [33], we used our PVA prototype tocreate an interactive training experience for medical studentsto conduct exams on a PVP. We performed a formativeevaluation of the system (n=8) using medical educators andstudents previously trained in such exams. Each participantwas introduced to the system, performed a patient interviewand exam, responded to online questions addressing usabilityand co-presence, and participated in a guided discussionwith the investigator(s). Exams lasted about 25 minutes, anddiscussions about 30 minutes. Most participants were positiveabout the paradigm. One reported “We dont have to movearound a lot for this type of thing, but...I would think it willbe a huge thing to learn how to move around an exam roomwith a patient...when you are for the first time seeing patientsin real life, biggest thing that I thought about was I dont wantto embarrass myself if I dont know how to move around.”

B. Physical-Virtual Students

One education-related area of interest is telepresence forstudents and teachers. While computers can afford high-qualitydistance education experiences [34], a high percentage ofstudents drop-out of these courses due to limited opportunitiesfor interaction with other students and teachers [35]. Forexample, teachers who are present through televideo cannottake advantage of behavioral management techniques thatinvolve movement throughout the classroom [36], nor can theywrite on chalkboards, annotate physical work products thatstudents might create in the classroom, or even communicatewith students collaborating in multiple small groups. Likewise,it can be difficult for teachers and physically-present students(real students) to monitor and engage in meaningful dialoguewith students participating through televideo [37], [38]. Giventhat the quality of verbal and non-verbal interaction betweenteachers and students is a strong predictor of student involve-ment [39], the limitations of traditional distance educationare serious barriers to learning [40]. While it is felt mostacutely for the remote participants, the interaction limitationsof televideo have negative effects upon learning for those inthe traditional classrooms as well (e.g., teleconferencing withguest speakers).

Beyond telepresence for students and teachers, we are alsoexploring the use of synthetic physical-virtual appearance withhuman agency. See for example bottom-right of Figure 1. Oneexample use is for therapy or training of students with specialneeds, e.g., students with autistic tendencies.


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I would like to acknowledge collaborators at the Universityof Central Florida: Charlie Hughes, Arjun Nagendran, RemoPillat, and Ryan Patrick; the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill: Henry Fuchs, Adrian Ilie, Andrei State, FengZheng, Ryan Schubert, Peter Lincoln, and John Thomas;Nanyang Technological University: Gerald Seet and I-MingChen; and the University of Florida: Ben Lok and DiegoRivera-Gutierrez. My personal work in this area was inspiredby Dr. Chris Macedonia, U.S. Army. Financial support comesfrom the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the U.S. NationalScience Foundation.


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