Times IMPaX Amazing Facts About IMPaX Nutrion - by Ben Greenfield The IMPaX Story & Founders Message, Greg Im, President Why Alkaline Water? - By Jusn Abramson Watermy MOST important nutrient! - by Arlene R. Taylor, PhD Featuring our Home Team every 1st and 3rd Tuesday! Get your Ion Thrive for less o FREE! New Sales opportunity! Could you use up to $900 per machine sold? IMPaX Times Issue 189 Blue Ravine Rd, Suite 110 Folsom, CA 95630 916.939.9800 888.891.1212 Get your water tested where are you on the PH scale? 1. Alkaline Water Self-Filling Staon-bring your own bole! 2. $1.50 per Gallon for Alkaline Water! 3. Educaonal Seminars 4. IMPaX WORLD Supplements – Over 2 Million sold! 5. ENA Sciences Hormone Tesng & Natural Customized Nutrional Cremes addressing root cause of imbalance 6. Training classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays for those wanng to make addional income with IMPaX products! Award Winning Technology for filtering water in your own home for your family s protection and drinking pleasure! Visit our IMPaX Health Store ! Today! P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 Alkaline Water Your MOST important Nutrient!

Pimpaxworld.com/newsletter/2018/03-18_Mar-NL.pdf · Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community! Page 1 Ben Greenield and Greg Im 189 lue Ravine

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Page 1: Pimpaxworld.com/newsletter/2018/03-18_Mar-NL.pdf · Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community! Page 1 Ben Greenield and Greg Im 189 lue Ravine

Times IMPaX

Amazing Facts About IMPaX Nutrition - by Ben Greenfield

The IMPaX Story & Founders Message, Greg Im, President

Why Alkaline Water? - By Justin Abramson

“Water” my MOST important nutrient! - by Arlene R. Taylor, PhD

Featuring our Home Team every 1st and 3rd Tuesday!

Get your Ion Thrive for less o FREE! New Sales opportunity! Could you use up to $900 per machine sold?

IMPaX Times Issue

189 Blue Ravine Rd,

Suite 110

Folsom, CA 95630



Get your water tested– where are you on the PH scale?

1. Alkaline Water Self-Filling Station-bring your own bottle! 2. $1.50 per Gallon for Alkaline Water! 3. Educational Seminars 4. IMPaX WORLD Supplements – Over 2 Million sold! 5. ENA Sciences Hormone Testing & Natural Customized

Nutritional Cremes addressing root cause of imbalance 6. Training classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays for those

wanting to make additional income with IMPaX products!

Award Winning Technology for filtering water in your own home for your family’s

protection and drinking pleasure!

Visit our IMPaX Health Store ! Today!







Alkaline Water Your MOST important Nutrient!

Page 2: Pimpaxworld.com/newsletter/2018/03-18_Mar-NL.pdf · Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community! Page 1 Ben Greenield and Greg Im 189 lue Ravine

After taking his daughter for her normal immunizations, this beautiful little girl with dark curly hair developed a fever as the doctor had said

she might. However, her fever lead to other symptoms and within a few short weeks her hair and eyebrows began to fall out. She had developed an

auto-immune disease. Greatly concerned, Greg sought out specialists and was told there was nothing they could do to change her condition. They ad-

vised him to accept that his daughter’s health would never be normal and he would need to adapt their lives to this new reality. Greg could not accept

this directive. Being an Engineer, he wanted to find the foundational cause of this condition. He virtually locked himself in his office for 7 months re-

searching medical databases for the root cause of this condition. By the end of his research, he had met with over 200 medical, health and nutrition

experts. Taking all that he had learned, he developed a formula for his daughter.

Upon witnessing success in his daughter’s health, he brought EnerPrime to the marketplace through network marketing in 1994. To date, sell-

ing approximately 2,000,000 bottles through the past 24 years, Greg has brought many other products to the IMPaX WORLD Product line. Delta-E, MPX

100, Prost Elan , weight loss and women’s health to name a few have been added. As the success of these products in his own family’s health, thou-

sands of others, and the success of the business became apparent, Greg began to feel there was more to be done. He began to review the spiritual level

of his life. Greg had a profound desire to help children around the world. In 2006 , through surrender and faith, Greg greatly deepened his commitment

to God through his business and daily life.

Working long hours to achieve new goals, Greg began to feel ill. In 2011 Greg tested positive for Lyme’s Disease. Those who knew Greg best

were shocked and dismayed at the way this illness affected him. Bedridden for nearly a year, Greg refused to give in to his symptoms. Diligently, he

made new goals for himself each day in movement, research and prayer. EnerPrime helped in both detox and alkalinity, but he realized he was not doing

enough by consuming purified water. He now knew he felt better on fresh, filtered alkaline water. While still bed-ridden he began to research alkaline

water machines and found a manufacturer winning engineering awards around the world. As an engineer, he was intrigued and was rewarded with an

opportunity to meet the doctor who developed the machine. Ion Thrive Alkaline Water Ionizer was brought to IMPaX in 2013.

While Greg was improving and feeling much better, his usual vitality and stamina had yet to return. His good friend Cary Nosler introduced

Greg to a Nobel-prize nominated doctor in the area of Hormones and the Endocrine system. Through this doctor’s testing and protocol, Greg discovered

his adrenal glands were affected by the Lyme’s disease. Dr. Michael Borkin created a laboratory for hormone testing. Once the medical history of the

client is reviewed and based on test results, the lab creates the customized transdermal crème’s containing amino acids and nutrients. This protocol

assists the patient in producing hormones themselves naturally through nutrition. Once Greg was on this protocol, his health dramatically changed.

Again, his ability to immerse himself in identifying root cause and then applying the best possible nutrition to the issue brought him from being bed-

ridden for months to finishing a Spartan Race in 2014!

Now IMPaX WORLD has embarked on new horizons! Greg’s vision of providing the education, nutrition, water and hormone health has ex-

panded. IMPaX still offers network marketing, but has added additional avenues to earn and buy IMPaX Products through affiliate marketing. Ion Thrive,

ENA Sciences and www.mydeltae.com offer Affiliate marketing. We have the new retail store, IMPaX Health which also includes wholesale and retail

sales. Greg has an renewed world-wide vision of contribution and expansion! Greg personally invites to you join with us I.M.P.a.X (Improving Mental,

Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community!

Page 1

Ben Greenield and Greg Im

189 Blue Ravine Rd, Suite 110

Folsom, CA 95630


Toll Free: 888.891.1212


Greg Im, Founder with wife Stella Im

3 Reasons for Ion Thrive:

3) Alkaline Water:

Page 6

Founders Message We have had our first meetings of 2018 and the excitement is growing! Each day new customers are arriving to fill up their bottles with our filtered alkaline water. I have been very concerned about water quality in the last few years. Each month we see headlines from around the country alerting us people are unknowingly being exposed to tap water filled with lead, chemicals, hormones and other toxins. While I was suffering with Lyme Disease symptoms, I found alkaline water helped me greatly. I researched all machines out there and found a manufacturer out of Seoul Korea winning engineering awards at international trade shows for their water filtering systems. The Doctor who created the system was also making the news as one of the most influential people in health. This machine was also approved by their very strict FDA. I contacted the doctor of the manufacturing company and met with him several times. I became con-vinced this was the best alkaline ionizer on the market. We partnered to bring the machine to the United States with our name on it and Ion Thrive has been growing ever since! We have specific plans for expansion to larger cities and other nations. Our vision is to expand in 2018! We invite you to join us! Greg Im, Founder

Alkaline water assists in protecting your body from oxidative toxins from acidic foods; environmental toxins we breathe and bacterial toxins. Smaller sized clusters of water molecules transport nutrients to your cells and help remove waste.

1) Contaminated water: Cities across the nation reporting contaminated drinking water!

“ NYTimes

America’s Tap Water: Too Much Contamination, Not Enough Reporting”, Study Finds— NYTimes

“Millions of Americans drink unsafe water”,study says, CNN

“California's water crisis is dangerous, just like Flint's. ” LA


2) Environmental:

Saving the planet from billions of plastic water


www.theguardian.com A million bottles a minute: world's plastic binge 'as dangerous as ... Jun 28, 2017 - Exclusive: Annual consumption of plas-tic bottles is set to top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recy-cling efforts and jeopardizing oceans, coastlines ...

Page 3: Pimpaxworld.com/newsletter/2018/03-18_Mar-NL.pdf · Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community! Page 1 Ben Greenield and Greg Im 189 lue Ravine

Water, My Most Important Nutrient

©Arlene R. Taylor PhD

“Water deprivation kills faster than lack of any other nutrient.” Linda Boeckner and Kay McKinzie

“Water: The Nutrient”

“I can’t stand it much longer,” said Emily. “Really! It tastes like mud, looks like mud, and smells like mud—mud gone bad. Okay, I know California is having the worst drought in memory, but what is coming through my taps is completely unacceptable. They say it’s not harmful to drink, but it changed to the color of the soup I made for lunch for heaven’s sake, to say nothing of the last load of clothes I put through the washer.” I watched her pace the floor, nodding in sympathy. The local news had been carrying complaints about water quality from consumers all over the Bay area. “My husband just went out to buy several cases of bottled water,” Emily continued, “but it’s not cheap. And then there’s that stuff about something or other leaching out of the plastic and into the water. You know,” she paused briefly, “I gave up colas several years ago, but perhaps it’s time to relapse.” Cracking herself up, this comment was followed by her peals of laughter. “I hope you choose to avoid relapsing,” I said, smiling. “You already know that colas are loaded with sugar. A 12-ounce can contains nearly 40 grams of sugar and, at 4 calories per gram of sugar, that’s a hefty load of ‘empty calories.’ To say nothing of its being toxic to the brain.”

“Well, there’s always orange juice and lemonade and apple juice,” Emily retorted. “Just because a beverage is labeled ‘juice’ doesn’t mean the drink is not sugary. Eight ounces of any one of those averages between 7-8 sugar cubes—about the same per ounce as colas,” I explained.

“I know, I know,” said Emily, “but I have to drink something. I admit that ingredients in ‘diet drinks’ are undesirable. So, what are you drink-ing?” “Water,” I replied. “Just water. According to the authors of an article entitled Water: The Nutrient, water deprivation kills faster than lack of any other nutrient, so I consider water my most important nutrient.” Emily’s expression made me smile. “Nutrient?” asked Emily, sounding puzzled. “What exactly is a nutrient? I thought it was food.” “Definitions vary depending on the source. Commonly a nutrient is defined as a substance that nourishes a living being. Water, as a nutri-ent, nourishes not only living beings but also living plants. It definitely doesn’t do much for my silk plants,” I added, chuckling. “Some sources list water as 1 of 6 main types of nutrients that the body acquires from food. The other 5 are carbohydrates (including fiber), pro-teins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Of all these nutrients, lack of water is the most immediate concern for survival, since dehydration can become life threatening in a matter of days. Typically, you can go longer without food than you can without water. According to Claude Piantadosi of Duke University, a human can go about 100 hours without drinking water if the temperature outdoors is average. If it’s cooler, he or she can go a little longer. When exposed to direct sunlight, it’s less. Water is so important that dehydration causing a loss of more than 10 percent of your body weight is classified as a medical emergency.” “Wow. A 100 hours is only about 4 days,” said Emily. “I mean, I knew water was important. But I didn’t realize it was so critical. What does water do for you, anyway?” “Water forms the major component of most body parts. It is needed to make saliva, manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters, lu-bricate joints, regulate body temperature, flush out body waste, keep membranes moist, digest food, and deliver oxygen via the blood to the brain and body organs. Water acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord. Also, it helps with the process of cell division and replication . . .” “Stop, stop!” cried Emily, throwing her hands in the air. “I never, but never realized how important water is. So, what are you doing in this drought?” “Drinking water,” I answered, calmly. “How can you stand the taste and the smell, never mind the way it looks or feels in your mouth?” asked Emily. “Oh, I’m drinking water from my water purifier,” I explained. “But I thought water purifiers were really expensive,” said Emily. “There are several good brands available and prices vary, but my favorite is ‘ION Thrive.’ Ion Thrive filters, purifies but leaves the minerals. I know individuals who say they have more than paid for theirs by what they saved from no longer purchasing canned and bottled beverages and bottled water. With water being the major component of my brain and body, “I consider it my most important nutrient.” Arlene R. Taylor, PhD Brain Function Specialist

Ion Thrive Alkaline Water Machines

Drinking water from your own Ion Thrive machine is truly like drinking fresh spring water from the convenience of your own home. No more guilt for plastic waste, no more buying bottles, simply fill up your own favorite water bottle with this refreshing great tasting water!

This home filtration system is simple enough to travel with or easily install in your own home. Our machines only waste is less than a gallon

(7/8th) as it filters 1 gallon for you to drink. The 7/8th of a gallon is not alkaline, but acidic. Acidic water is great for cleaning skin, water plants,

cleaning and more! This water too can be captured too to avoid waste of any water. We have many customers who say their plants are growing

bigger and thriving on the acidic water from their Ion Thrive Alkaline machines

Written by Justin Abramson Page 5 Page 2

Ion Thrive Alkaline Water Filtration Systems Your answer to safe, clean, great tasting water in your own home!

Ion Thrive RP3 $2,450.00 Purchase Price Generation III $1,950.00 Purchase Price

Want your machine for less or FREE? You receive $450.00/ Credit towards your purchase for each RP3 sold or take the cash! If 3 RP3 sold you earn start earning $900 on your 4th machine and every machine after that during the months of April, May and June 2018!!!!

Get 6 leases referred to us and your own monthly Lease pmt is paid! Receive $10/month referral credit for every lease Payment received through your referral!

If you refer 3 new leases, $30.00 reduced from your lease payment! 4 new leases, $40.00 deducted from your lease payment and so on!

Contact us to learn how we can get this valuable health instrument into your own home to fit your budget and circumstance!

Email info@ionthrive or call 916-939-9800!

Lease $750.00 Down 69.00/Month 35% Savings on filters during your 3 year lease. $290 buyout to own it!

Lease $550.00 Down 59.00/Month 35% Savings on filters during your 3 year lease. $290 buyout to own it!

Page 4: Pimpaxworld.com/newsletter/2018/03-18_Mar-NL.pdf · Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community! Page 1 Ben Greenield and Greg Im 189 lue Ravine

Page 4

Page 3

Spirulina Is A Total Package.

Spirulina, one of the chief ingredi-ents of EnerPrime, is an enormously beneficial nutrient even when isolat-ed from the other 32 ingredients of EnerPrime. The structure of spirulina itself is fairly simple: it is a one-celled microscopic blue-green algae that tastes a bit like seaweed.

But despite its simple structure, spir-ulina is the most nutritionally com-plete of all food supplements, and contains nearly every important nutrient on the face of the planet, including protein, complex carbohy-drates, iron, and vitamins A, K, and B complex, carotenoids, chlorophyll, fatty and nucleic acids, and lipids. Why is this important? Whether you’re an athlete looking for a dense energy source of someone trying to shed a few pounds, the concept of “nutrient dense low calories” is es-sential – and simply means you get as much bang for the buck as possi-ble out of as few calories as possible. Spirulina fits this description perfect-ly. As a matter of fact, the next time you’re asked what food you’d take with you to a desert island, spirulina would be an excellent choice (or just say “EnerPrime!”)

The Liver Can Be Destroyed

It’s very easy to throw around words like “detoxification” without under-stand exactly what the concept means. To understand detoxification, let’s look at the liver. The liver is an organ that processes the nutrients that we put into our bodies, as well as any drugs, chemicals, alcohol and other pollutants that enter the blood stream (such as when you take antibi-otics).

Since it is a giant filter, the liver can eventually become overloaded with these toxins, and then the liver cells become damaged and the liver be-comes dysfunctional. We can then stop producing bile, which is essen-tial for digestion, and also lose our ability to filter many toxins through the liver. This can result in a down-ward spiral of health.

Fatigue Begins With B12

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. When your body’s tissues don’t receive enough oxygen, they either die, or quit working. It is impossible for your body to produce red blood cells without adequate vitamin B12. Since one of the richest sources of B12 is meat, many vegans and vegetarians struggle with the anemia and chron-ic fatigue that accompany B12 defi-ciencies.

Since vitamin B12 is responsible for nerve and muscle function, another group at high risk for vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are active indi-viduals and athletes, as well as peo-ple who have high intellectual de-mands, such as students.

This is one of the reasons that delta-E works so well to combat fatigue – it contains massive doses of vitamin B12 in a highly utilizable form. While it’s easy to focus on the unique in-gredients of delta-E, like theanine, the vitamin B12 is also incredibly important, and if you don’t eat much meat or you’re a very active person in thought or physical activity, you should be on delta-E.

Adaptogens Are A Secret of Chinese Medicine

Adaptogens are herbal plant extracts that help combat the negative effects of stress, and instead cause intense feelings of relaxation and happiness. They have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to de-stress the body from the enormous role stress can play in damage to the nervous, hormonal and immune systems.

Eleutherococcus, a Siberian Ginseng extract, and Reishi and Shiitake Mushroom Extract are two well-known adaptogens, and can not only assist with sleep, but should be con-sidered crucial for anyone with a high-paced lifestyle or a stressful job. The best time to take these would be in the morning before you start a hec-tic day or at night to help you un-wind, and a rich source is EnerPrime.

You May Be Wasting Your Time With Antioxidants

Recently, studies have shown that when high levels of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E are consumed, they can actually put individuals at higher risk for cancer and significantly decrease the en-hanced fitness that antioxidants are supposed to bestow!

But before you run to your pantry and toss your antioxidants, you must realize one important fact: these studies were done on isolated anti-oxidants and not the full spectrum of antioxidants in their whole food forms. There are many different antioxidants, such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherols), vitamin A (carotenes), polyphenols, selenium, lutein and lycopene, and all of these must be consumed for maximum benefit.

Here’s the good news: EnerPrime does not isolate antioxidants. It gives you a full spectrum. This is extremely important, and one of the ad-vantages of having 32 different com-pounds worked into a single supple-ment.

Probiotics Feed On Fiber

Probiotics are all over the news to-day, and for good reason: they’re crucial for your gut to be able to work properly, and many people are deficient in good gut flora, which is what probiotics give you.

But probiotics are a bacteria, and they simply cannot thrive without food. Interestingly, there is one type of food that is considered to be rock-et fuel for probiotics: fiber. Not just any fiber will do: probiotics especial-ly love the type of fibers that our guts have a hard time mixing with water and shoving quickly through the digestive tract.

One perfect examples of such a “probiotic feeding fiber” is Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin Concentrate, a com-ponent of EnerPrime. While Ener-Prime has a variety of fiber sources, this is one of the best at supporting the growth of good

bacteria and reducing putrefactive substances in the intestine.

So if you’re trying to improve your gut health by doing things like eating probiotics or yogurt, do yourself a favor and feed your probiotics with EnerPrime.

Your Gut Needs Help

Because of cooking, processing, pre-servatives, and stress, your food is often not completely digested in your gastrointestinal tract, and can often pass through your body complete unabsorbed and underutilized.

The way that food is actually broken down in your mouth, stomach and intestines is through the activity of digestive enzymes, which break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats into smaller compounds that can be ab-sorbed and utilized. One of the best ways to counteract issues with incom-plete digestion is to take digestive enzymes, and EnerPrime contains a Vegetarian Enzyme Complex that not only helps your body to break down EnerPrime, but also to break down and process other foods in your intes-tine.

When combined with those probiotic foods you learned about earlier, Ener-Prime is a powerful one-two combo for your digestive tract. Whew! That was a lot of information, but let’s review by looking at what would happen to my body if I wasn’t taking IMPaX supplements. As an incredibly active athlete, I need dense nutrients without having to risk gain-ing weight from lots of calories. I instantly get that with a dose of morning spirulina from EnerPrime.

But IMPaX is not just for elite athletes or highly active individuals. Everyone can benefit from the same kind of boost I’m giving myself on a daily basis. And as I’ve said time and time again, you couldn’t pay me enough not to take this stuff. My perfor-mance, body and health are too im-portant.

“Amazing Facts About IMPaX Nutrition” Ben Greenfield Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:00pm and 1st & 3rd Saturday2:30 pm!