Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany Volume 23 | Issue 1 Article 18 2007 Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited Melvin R. Duvall Northern Illinois University, DeKalb Jerrold I Davis Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Lynn G. Clark Iowa State University, Ames Jeffrey D. Noll Iowa State University, Ames Douglas H. Goldman Cornell University, Ithaca, New York See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: hp://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso Part of the Botany Commons , and the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons Recommended Citation Duvall, Melvin R.; Davis, Jerrold I; Clark, Lynn G.; Noll, Jeffrey D.; Goldman, Douglas H.; and Sánchez-Ken, J. Gabriel (2007) "Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited," Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany: Vol. 23: Iss. 1, Article 18. Available at: hp://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso/vol23/iss1/18

Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) RevisitedPhylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited Authors Melvin R. Duvall, Jerrold I Davis, Lynn G. Clark, Jeffrey D. Noll, Douglas H. Goldman,

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Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

Volume 23 | Issue 1 Article 18


Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) RevisitedMelvin R. DuvallNorthern Illinois University, DeKalb

Jerrold I DavisCornell University, Ithaca, New York

Lynn G. ClarkIowa State University, Ames

Jeffrey D. NollIowa State University, Ames

Douglas H. GoldmanCornell University, Ithaca, New York

See next page for additional authors

Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso

Part of the Botany Commons, and the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons

Recommended CitationDuvall, Melvin R.; Davis, Jerrold I; Clark, Lynn G.; Noll, Jeffrey D.; Goldman, Douglas H.; and Sánchez-Ken, J. Gabriel (2007)"Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited," Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany: Vol. 23: Iss. 1, Article 18.Available at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso/vol23/iss1/18

Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) Revisited

AuthorsMelvin R. Duvall, Jerrold I Davis, Lynn G. Clark, Jeffrey D. Noll, Douglas H. Goldman, and J. GabrielSánchez-Ken

This article is available in Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/aliso/vol23/iss1/18

Aliso 23, pp. 237–247! 2007, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden




1Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, USA; 2Cornell University, L. H.Bailey Hortorium and Department of Plant Biology, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA; 3Iowa State University, Department

of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, 251 Bessey Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1020, USA4Corresponding author ([email protected])


The most robust previously published phylogeny for the overall structure of the grass family (Po-aceae) shows three early diverging lineages and two major derived clades, the BEP clade and thePACCAD clade (Grass Phylogeny Working Group 2001). A few key taxa were incompletely sampled,however, and support for the BEP clade was moderate at best and relationships among the majorlineages within the PACCAD clade remained unresolved. In addition, recent studies indicated that thesister group to Poaceae may be Joinvilleaceae and/or Ecdeiocoleaceae, the latter of which were notpreviously sampled. In this study, missing structural data were determined and analyzed as well assequence data for ndhF and rbcL, the two most complete plastid sequence data sets. Sampling wasincreased with a particular focus on key taxa such as Danthoniopsis, Eriachne, Micraira, and Strep-togyna and a representative of the outgroup, Ecdeiocoleaceae. A total of 61 ingroup and two outgrouptaxa were analyzed using maximum parsimony for total data, and maximum parsimony, Bayesianinference, and neighbor joining for the molecular data. A strongly supported clade of ((Eriachneae,Isachne) Micraira) was recovered as a sister subfamily to Arundinoideae and excluded from Panicoi-deae. Arundinaria was strongly united with Bambusoideae. The position of Streptogyna was weaklysupported among Ehrhartoideae, and is still unresolved. An outgroup effect on ingroup topology wasobserved demonstrating that highly divergent outgroups may unpredictably alter ingroup relationships.

Key words: Bayesian inference, Grass Phylogeny Working Group, MrBayes, ndhF, phylogeny, Po-aceae, rbcL.


During the past decade our knowledge of plant evolutionhas been substantially advanced by the professional coop-eration of scientists in the botanical community. The GrassPhylogeny Working Group (GPWG) was founded in 1996to advance knowledge in the field of grass systematics andevolution. A major goal of the GPWG was to infer a broadphylogeny for Poaceae by assembly and analysis of struc-tural data and DNA sequences from multiple genes. A datamatrix comprising six molecular sequence data sets includ-ing both plastid and nuclear loci, plastid restriction sites dataand structural data, were assembled and posted at a web-accessible site together with the results of total-evidencephylogenetic analyses (now posted atwww.umsl.edu/services/kellogg/gpwg/default.htm). Further collaborative work identi-fied a growing consensus phylogeny (GPWG 2000).

Due to the strong support for portions of this phylogenyand the clear need for a revised classification of the family,a subfamilial classification of the grasses was devised basedon the comprehensive phylogenetic analyses (GPWG 2001).Eleven previously published subfamilies and one new sub-family were recognized in this scheme. Support was assessedfor two informal groups, the PACCAD clade (Panicoideae,

5 Present address: National Herbarium of Mexico, Departamentode Botanica, Instituto de Biologıa, U.N.A.M., Tercer Circuito s/n,Ciudad Universitaria, Delegacion Coyoacan, Apartado Postal 70-233, 04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

Arundinoideae s.s., Chloridoideae s.l., Centothecoideae,Aristidoideae, Danthonioideae, Eriachne R. Br., GyneriumWilld. ex P. Beauv. and Micraira F. Muell.) and the BEPclade (Bambusoideae, Ehrhartoideae, and Pooideae). Thisclassification has been influential in other treatments (e.g.,Judziewicz et al. 2000; Peterson et al. 2001; Barkworth etal. 2003; Soreng et al. 2003; Zuloaga et al. 2003).

Another goal of this collaboration was to help focus thefurther development of existing data sets in terms of taxonsampling and methods of analysis. This study continues thatgoal with special emphasis on acquisition of plastid se-quence data missing from the GPWG (2001) study. In thatstudy certain taxa (i.e., Eriachne, Gynerium, Micraira, andStreptogyna P. Beauv.) were treated as incertae sedis becauseof poorly supported or incompletely resolved phylogeneticplacements in separate and combined analyses of the datasets. An issue for these problematic taxa was that data wereincomplete. Here we address that issue by determination andanalysis of sequences missing in the original matrix for thesetaxa as well as for Danthoniopsis Stapf (Danthonioideae).Moreover, data for species of two additional genera, IsachneR. Br. (classified in Panicoideae by GPWG 2001) and Arun-dinaria Michx. (Bambusoideae), were added to explore theeffect of increased sampling of these critical taxa on selectedpoints in the phylogeny.

New information on the phylogenetic position of Ecdeio-coleaceae has been published based on a study of structuraland molecular data (Michelangeli et al. 2003). Ecdeiocole-aceae share with Poaceae several characteristics of pollenand fruit type (see also Rudall et al. 2005). Like Joinville-

238 ALISODuvall, Davis, Clark, Noll, Goldman, and Sanchez-Ken

Table 1. Additional taxa for which structural characters were added to those analyzed previously by GPWG (2001) following the samecharacter order and coding.






aceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae have a 6-kilobase inversion that oc-curs elsewhere only in grasses, and lack the trnT inversionthat is restricted to the grasses. A total-evidence analysisresolves Ecdeiocolea F. Muell. as sister to Poaceae, withJoinvillea Gaudich. ex Brogn. & Gris the subsequent sisterof this group (Michelangeli et al. 2003). Ecdeiocoleaceaewere not previously included in GPWG (2000, 2001) stud-ies. Thus, one representative, E. monostachya, was includedhere to ascertain the effect of this outgroup on the phylo-genetic positions of Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae, Puelioi-deae, and other early diverging Poaceae.

Finally, the relatively recent software implementation ofBayesian inference (BI) of phylogeny allows the opportunityto estimate a nonparametric ML bootstrap analysis withoutthe same degree of computer burden that is associated withanalyses using existing maximum likelihood (ML) software(Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). Here, we compare theresults of maximum parsimony (MP; Swofford 2002), neigh-bor-joining (NJ; Saitou and Nei 1987), and BI analyses(Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). We follow a growingnumber of studies that contrast BI with other methods ofphylogenetic inference (Suzuki et al. 2002; Wilcox et al.2002; Alfaro et al. 2003; Douady et al. 2003; Taylor andPiel 2004), with explicit comparisons among methods.


A data matrix for 63 taxa was assembled comprising thestructural characters previously analyzed by GPWG (2001)and sequences of the two plastid loci, rbcL and ndhF. Rep-resentatives of all 12 of the previously recognized subfam-ilies were sampled including species of the problematic gen-era Eriachne, Micraira, and Streptogyna. The previousGPWG analysis (2001) included several ‘‘conglomerate’’taxa. These taxa are presumptive monophyletic groups thatwere scored and analyzed as solitary terminals in the datamatrix, though they included data representing multiple spe-cies or genera. In the present analysis, some of the conglom-erate taxa were eliminated by completing the character sam-pling for one or two of the constituent taxa, and by removingdata representing closely related species. These changes re-sulted in the replacement of the conglomerate taxon ‘‘Mis-canthus’’ with Sorghum Moench, and the replacement of‘‘Pseudosasa’’ with Arundinaria and Bambusa Schreb. Thegeneration of new sequence data also resulted in the inclu-sion of two previously unsampled taxa (Ecdeiocolea and Is-achne). Three relatively distantly related outgroup taxa (Bal-oskion Raf., Elegia L., and Flagellaria L.) were removed

from the taxon set, as were three grass genera (Austrodan-thonia H. P. Linder, Pappophorum Schreb., and SporobolusR. Br.) for which sequences of one or both of the two geneswere unavailable. The structural portion of the data matrixincluded the same 53 characters that were analyzed byGPWG (2001), with the same encoding of states. Scores forthese characters for the five new taxa specified above areprovided in Table 1.

Sequence determination followed standard methods (Clarket al. 1995; Duvall and Morton 1996). GenBank accessionnumbers for the complete set of sequences analyzed, togeth-er with voucher specimen information for newly determinedsequences, are provided in Table 2. These include 32 rbcLand nine ndhF sequences newly determined for this study.Twelve of the 63 taxa are conglomerates with respect to themolecular data, where the two plastid sequences were deter-mined for different congeners.

For the various phylogenetic analyses, Joinvillea and Ec-deiocolea were included individually and combined as al-ternative outgroups. Localized hotspots in ndhF sequencesprone to insertions/deletions (indels) were excluded from theanalyses, and sequence termini were trimmed to reducemissing data.

Maximum parsimony, NJ, and BI methods of phyloge-netic inference were used; the first two as implemented inPAUP* vers. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) and the third as im-plemented in MrBayes 3.0b4 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist2001).

Heuristic MP analyses for 1000 random-addition sequenc-es and tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) swapping wereperformed for the entire data matrix as well as for the se-quence data only. Nonparametric parsimony bootstrap anal-ysis (Felsenstein 1985) was conducted with 10 random-ad-dition sequences for each of 1000 pseudoreplicates withTBR swapping.

The best-fit likelihood model for the sequence data wasdetermined by using Modeltest vers. 3.06 (Posada and Cran-dall 1998) that selects the optimal model from 56 possibil-ities based on hierarchical likelihood ratio tests. The optimalmodel identified by Modeltest analysis was the transversion-al nucleotide substitution model, in which there are four dif-ferent transversion rates and one transition rate, with gam-ma-distributed among-site rate variation, heterogeneous ratesacross sites and a proportion of invariable sites (i.e., TVM! " ! I). Neighbor-joining analysis (Saitou and Nei 1987)was conducted under this model, again with 1000 bootstrapreplicates.

VOLUME 23 239Phylogeny of Poaceae Revisited

Bayesian inference analyses were also performed on thesequence data alone. The TVM model, with five substitutiontypes, is not implemented in MrBayes 3.0b4 so the moregeneral GTR model with six substitution types (nst ! 6) wasused with a proportion of invariable sites and among-site ratevariation for the remaining sites drawn from a " distribution(rates ! invgamma). No prior probability distribution wasassumed so that all trees were given equal weight a priori.Sequences were partitioned by gene and site-specific rateswere allowed to vary across partitions (ratepr ! variable).Ten random trees, generated in PAUP*, were specified asuser-defined starting trees in ten replicate BI analyses to in-crease the coverage of tree space. All BI analyses were ex-ecuted for 1,000,000 generations with trees sampled every80 generations. The first 2501 trees were discarded (burnin! 2501), leaving 10,000 trees recovered from each replicate.

Maximum parsimony, NJ bootstrap, and BI analyses wererepeated with the conditions specified above excluding, byturn, each of the two outgroups.


Structural data comprised 53 characters. Conserved re-gions of sequence from which indels were excluded wereunambiguously aligned to 3443 base pairs (bp) of whichthere were 1344 bp from rbcL and 2099 bp from ndhF. Thetotal number of characters analyzed was 3496 of which 820nucleotide and 48 structural characters were parsimony in-formative.

General Comparisons

Maximum parsimony analysis of the entire 3496 characterby 63 taxon matrix (including both outgroups) produced 27most-parsimonious trees of 4414 steps (consistency index[CI] excluding uninformative characters ! 0.35; retentionindex [RI] ! 0.59; see Fig. 1 for MP bootstrap results). Thestructures of the majority-rule bootstrap consensus (Fig. 1)and strict consensus of the MP trees were identical exceptfor three nodes. In the strict-consensus tree, the AnisopogonR. Br./Phaenosperma Munro ex Benth. clade was unitedwith selected Stipeae; the Bambusa/Chusquea Kunth cladediverged immediately after Arundinaria; and Streptogynawas united with Bambusoideae. All three of these nodeswere unresolved in the MP bootstrap tree (Fig. 1).

Maximum parsimony analysis of the 3443 bp nucleotidepartition produced a set of 45 trees of length 4032 (CI ex-cluding uninformative characters ! 0.36; RI ! 0.60). Themajority-rule parsimony bootstrap consensus tree is shownin Fig. 3 (right). The strict consensus trees of the two MPanalyses were topologically similar. One notable differencebetween the two was that the nucleotide partition tree (Fig.3, right) resolved a weakly supported BEP clade (bootstrapvalue [BV] ! 65%) whereas the nucleotide # structural tree(Fig. 1) did not resolve this clade, but rather weakly unitedthe pooid and PACCAD subclades (BV ! 51%). Some otherdifferences will be discussed below.

Neighbor-joining analysis of the nucleotide data partitionproduced a tree with a minimum-evolution score of 1.208.The bootstrap consensus NJ tree also failed to resolve theBEP clade (Fig. 2). The NJ analyses failed to resolve thebranches of intermediate depth, i.e., the relationships among

the pooid, bambusoid–ehrhartoid, and PACCAD clades, un-like either the MP or the BI analyses. The remainder of thispaper will include results from all three methods, but willemphasize results from only the latter two.

The ten replicate BI analyses for all 63 taxa, each startingwith a different randomly assembled tree, recovered virtuallyidentical trees in which posterior probability (PP) values var-ied slightly. The similarity of these trees is a positive indi-cation that the global tree space was adequately sampled inour BI analyses to obtain an optimal result. The only topo-logical difference was in the placement of Anisopogon andPhaenosperma. Three of the analyses recovered a clade ofAnisopogon plus Phaenosperma (PP ! 0.54–0.56) while theother seven left these taxa in an unresolved trichotomy withother pooids. We note that the rbcL sequence for P. globosawas the shortest sequence of this locus in the data matrix,only 1143 bp in length, and was truncated especially se-verely at the phylogenetically informative 3$-end, possiblyaccounting for this ambiguity in the BI analyses. One con-sensus BI tree is given, reflecting the more commonly re-covered of the two topologies, and is shown in Fig. 3 (left)contrasted with the majority-rule MP bootstrap consensustree from an analysis of the same data partition.

Here we also compare analyses from the plastid-only dataagainst MP analyses of the original eight-data-set matrix ofGPWG (2001). For some parts of the trees we find greaterresolution and/or support over more characters than the pre-vious analyses, especially in the BI trees. This may be dueto fewer opportunities for conflict between data sets, a small-er proportion of missing data, a greater sensitivity to detectphylogenetic signal in an explicitly model-based approach,or some combination of these factors.

Outgroup Effects

Molecular phylogenetic relationships within Poaceae havebeen shown to be influenced by outgroup selection in asmaller study of plastid DNA sequences (Duvall and Morton1996). Here we explored the effect of outgroup membershipon ingroup resolution and support in analyses of a largermolecular matrix. Twelve analyses were performed that dif-fered in the choice of outgroup—Joinvillea, Ecdeiocolea, orboth—across three phylogenetic methods and two data par-titions (Table 3). The total-evidence analyses of GPWG(2001) identified three early diverging monophyletic groups,Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae, and Puelioideae. Amongthese taxa, only the earliest-diverging subfamily, Anomoch-looideae (represented by Anomochloa marantoidea andStreptochaeta sodiroana), was influenced by outgroup selec-tion. The subfamily was more strongly supported as mono-phyletic in analyses in which Joinvillea was the sole out-group although it was unresolved in the NJ analysis. An-omochlooideae were retrieved in MP analyses with BV !71–75% only when Ecdeiocolea was excluded. All BI anal-yses retrieved a monophyletic Anomochlooideae, identicalto the findings of GPWG (2001) over the eight-data-set ma-trix. However, the PP associated with the subfamily de-creased from a minimum value of 0.98 to 0.68 when Join-villea was removed from the analysis. In MP and NJ anal-yses, when Ecdeiocolea was the only outgroup, an alternatetopology resulted in which Anomochloa Brongn. diverged

240 ALISODuvall, Davis, Clark, Noll, Goldman, and Sanchez-Ken

Table 2. Total included taxa with GenBank accession numbers for ndhF and rbcL sequences. Congeners are listed separately on adjacentlines when different for ndhF and rbcL. Vouchers are indicated only for newly included taxa. Voucher information for other taxa can befound in Soreng and Davis (1998), Clark et al. (2000), or GPWG (2001). Standard herbarium codes are listed parenthetically. BBG !Berlin Botanic Garden, PI ! USDA Plant Introduction Station (Pullman, Washington, USA), USNHG ! U.S. National Herbarium Green-house.

Taxon ndhF rbcL Voucher

Ampelodesmos mauritanica (Poir.) T. Durand &Schinz

AF251448 AY622885a BBG: Royl & Schiers s. n. (B)

Amphipogon strictus R. Br.Anisopogon avenaceus R. Br.Anomochloa marantoidea Brongn.Aristida congesta Roem & Schult.




Linder 5590 (BOL)

A. purpurea Nutt. var. longiseta (Steud.) Vasey U21966Arundinaria gigantea (Walter) Muhl.Arundo donax L.Avena sativa L.Bambusa aff. bambos (L.) VossB. multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. ex Schult. &

Schult. f.





Zhang 703 (ISC)

Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P. Beauv. U22005 AY622888a Soreng 3427a (BH)Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv.Bromus inermis Leyss.Buergersiochloa bambusoides Pilg.Centropodia glauca (Nees) CopeChasmanthium latifolium (Michx.) H. O. Yates






PI-440170 (BH)

Dransfield 1382 (K)

C. laxum (L.) H. O. Yates subsp. sessiliflorum(Poir.) L. G. Clark


Chusquea circinata Soderstr. & C. E. Calderon U13227C. latifolia L. G. ClarkDanthonia californica Bol.


D. spicata (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. U31102Danthoniopsis dinteri (Pilg.) C. E. Hubb. AY618661a PI-207548 (A)D. petiolata (J. B. Phipps) ClaytonDiarrhena obovata (Gleason) Brandenburg

U21988U21999 AY622890a Tiedye 5186 (DAO)

Distichlis spicata (L.) GreeneEcdeiocolea monostachya F. Muell.Ehrharta calycina Sm.





No voucherConran et al. 943 (ADU)PI-208983 (BH)

Eragrostis capensis (Thunb.) Trin.E. curvula (Schrad.) NeesEremitis Doll sp. nov.



AY622892a Soderstrom 2182 (US) or USNHG-286(US)b

Eriachne pulchella DominE. triseta Nees ex Steud.Glyceria grandis S. WatsonGuaduella marantifolia Franch.Gynerium sagittatum (Aubl.) P. Beauv.Isachne arundinacea (Sw.) Griseb.Joinvillea ascendens Gaudich. ex Brongn. &









Jacobs 8720 (NSW)Jacobs 8795 (NSW)No voucher

Sanchez-Ken 680 (ISC)

J. plicata (Hook. f.) Newell & B. C. Stone L01471Karroochloa purpurea (L. f.) Conert & Turpe AF251458 U31437Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw.L. virginica Willd.Lithachne humilis Soderstr.



U13231Lygeum spartum L.Melica cupani Guss.Merxmuellera macowanii (Stapf) Conert






Soreng 3698 (BH)PI-383702 (BH)

M. rangei (Pilg.) ConertMicraira subulifolia F. Muell.Molinia caerulea (L.) MoenchNardus stricta L.







Barker 960 (GRA)Jacobs 8671 (NSW)Soreng 3305 (BH)BBG: Royl & Schiers s. n. (B)

Nassella viridula (Trin.) BarkworthOlyra latifolia L.Oryza sativa L.Panicum virgatum L.Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex Doll






PI-387938 (BH)Peterson 7311 (US)

PI-421520 (BH)Clark & Zhang 1344 (ISC)

VOLUME 23 241Phylogeny of Poaceae Revisited

Table 2. Continued.

Taxon ndhF rbcL Voucher

Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.Phaenosperma globosa Munro ex Benth.


L14623AY632370a Clark 1292 (ISC)

Pharus latifolius L.Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.



Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss.Puelia schumanniana Pilg.c

Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench





PI-284145 (BH)

Spartina pectinata LinkStipa barbata Desf.S. dregeana Steud.




No voucher

Stipagrostis zeyheri (Nees) DeWinterStreptochaeta sodiroana Hack.Streptogyna americana C. E. Hubb.





Peterson 9525 (US)Pohl & Davidse 12310 (ISC)

Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) Kuntze U21984 U31380Triticum aestivum L.Uniola paniculata L.Zea mays L.Zeugites pittieri Hack.Zoysia Willd. sp.Z. matrella (L.) Merr.






No voucher

Clark 1171 (ISC)No voucher

a Sequences newly determined in this paper.b Specific voucher unknown due to a clerical error.c Listed as P. ciliata Franch. in Clark et al. (2000) and GPWG (2001).

immediately after the outgroup, followed by the separate di-vergence of Streptochaeta.

Unexpectedly, the BEP clade, which is situated at an in-termediate position in the phylogeny, showed a similar out-group effect. The support for this clade decreased in bothBI and MP analyses of the nucleotide partition when Join-villea was excluded (Table 3). The BEP clade was unre-solved in all NJ analyses and paraphyletic in all MP analysesthat included both data partitions in which Pooideae wereweakly united with the PACCAD clade (BV ! 51–52%).

We interpret these results to be the consequence of thegreater divergence of the Ecdeiocolea sequences from theroot of our trees than those of Joinvillea. Ecdeiocolea isborne on the longest branch in our trees (not shown, butbranch length data available on request). Possibly this resultsin long-branch attraction between Ecdeiocolea and otherlong-branch taxa such as Anomochloa, Ehrharta Thunb. and/or Lithachne P. Beauv., although we did not specifically testfor this kind of artifact. Our results resemble those obtainedin analysis of matK sequences by Hilu et al. (1999). In thatstudy, the choice of Restio tetraphyllus Labill. (! Baloskiontetraphyllum (Labill.) B. G. Briggs & L. A. S. Johnson), alsoexceptionally divergent, plus Joinvillea ascendens as theoutgroup similarly failed to retrieve either Anomochlooideaeor the BEP clade while still preserving much of the remain-ing phylogenetic structure of the family.

The outgroup effect is least pronounced in our BI analy-ses, which resolve both Anomochlooideae and the BEP cladeas monophyletic irrespective of outgroup membership. Thisobservation is consistent with a hypothesis of long-branchattraction, an effect for which BI is less biased than MP.


GPWG (2000, 2001) identified a PACCAD clade. Here,we recommend that some of the subfamilies constituting this

clade be altered to reflect extensive research in progress.Namely, Micrairoideae are added to the group (Sanchez-Kenet al. in press) and Centothecoideae are submerged into Pan-icoideae (Zuloaga et al. 2003; Sanchez-Ken et al. in prep.).We thus recommend the use of the alternate acronym PAC-MAD to reflect these modifications. We resolved the PAC-MAD clade with the strongest support (BV ! 100, PP !1.00) in all analyses (Fig. 1–3). Relationships within thegroup were largely unresolved in MP (Fig. 1, 3) and NJ (Fig.2) analyses. Bayesian inference analyses united Micrair-oideae with Arundinoideae (PP ! 1.00; Fig. 3). Consistentwith the work in progress cited above, Centothecoideae wereparaphyletic with Panicoideae, so that Chasmanthium Linkwas in a sister position to the remaining taxa from these twosubfamilies plus Gynerium (Gynerieae) (PP ! 1.00 for thisentire clade; Fig. 3). Danthoniopsis and Thysanolaena Nees(the latter a centothecoid genus) were sister taxa (BV ! 56–61%, PP ! 0.92–0.97; Fig. 1, 3), in contrast to the weaklysupported position of Danthoniopsis as an early divergingelement of Panicoideae in prior analyses (GPWG 2001).Analyses of the additional plastid sequence data here suggesta somewhat different circumscription for Panicoideae andwe recommend continued re-examination of the relationshipbetween centothecoid grasses and Panicoideae. Other rela-tionships among PACMAD subfamilies were not as stronglysupported in BI trees and will not be discussed.


Eriachne and Isachne were strongly supported as sistertaxa in all analyses (BV ! 92–99%, PP ! 1.00; Fig. 1–3).Further, in all analyses this clade was united with Micrairasubulifolia with the strongest support (BV ! 100%, PP !1.00). In a recent phylogenetic study of another plastid locus,the rpoC2 insert, Micrairoideae, represented by Eriachne

242 ALISODuvall, Davis, Clark, Noll, Goldman, and Sanchez-Ken

Fig. 1.—Majority-rule maximum parsimony bootstrap consensus tree inferred from combined analysis of data from two plastid genes(rbcL and ndhF) and 53 structural characters. Bootstrap values appear along the branches. Subfamily membership is indicated followingGPWG (2001) with two amendments: (1) Centothecoideae are submerged within Panicoideae and (2) Micrairoideae are recognized. Ab-breviations: Anom. ! Anomochlooideae, Arist. ! Aristidoideae, Arund. ! Arundinoideae, Danth. ! Danthonioideae, Ehrh. ! Ehrhart-oideae, Micr. ! Micrairoideae, and Puel. ! Puelioideae.

VOLUME 23 243Phylogeny of Poaceae Revisited

Fig. 2.—Majority-rule neighbor-joining bootstrap consensus tree inferred from analysis of the nucleotide partition only. Bootstrap valuesappear along the branches. See Fig. 1 caption for explanation of subfamilies.

244 ALISODuvall, Davis, Clark, Noll, Goldman, and Sanchez-Ken

Fig. 3.—Majority-rule Bayesian inference consensus tree (left) and majority-rule maximum parsimony bootstrap consensus tree (right)inferred from analyses of the nucleotide partition only. Posterior probability and bootstrap values are indicated along the branches of therespective trees. Six points of congruence, associated with taxa newly added in this paper, are indicated with arrows.

VOLUME 23 245Phylogeny of Poaceae Revisited

Table 3. Effect of outgroup selection on the resolution and support of Anomochlooideae and the BEP clade in 12 analyses that differby method, data partition, and choice of outgroup. Values given are bootstrap (maximum parsimony [MP] and neighbor-joining [NJ]) orposterior probabilities (PP) when the group is monophyletic. For the full Bayesian inference (BI) analysis, the range is given for PP valuesacross the ten replicate BI analyses.

Phylogenetic method: MP NJ BI

Data partition: Total evidence Nucleotide Nucleotide Nucleotide

Outgroup effect—Anomochlooideae

JoinvilleaEcdeiocoleaJoinvillea ! Ecdeiocolea






Outgroup effect—BEP clade

JoinvilleaEcdeiocoleaJoinvillea ! Ecdeiocolea





mucronata R. Br., Isachne distichophylla G. C. Munro exHillebr., and Pheidochloa gracilis S. T. Blake, were similarlyresolved as monophyletic (Duvall et al. 2003). The positionof Micrairoideae among the PACMAD subclades was un-resolved in MP (Fig. 1, 3) and NJ (Fig. 2) analyses, butstrongly supported as excluded from Panicoideae in a sister-group position with Arundinoideae in all BI analyses (PP "0.99–1.00; Fig. 3).

In an early proposal by GPWG (1998), Micrairoideaewere suggested as one of the subfamilies to be recognizedbased on preliminary evidence. However, the data accumu-lated by the time of the publication of GPWG (2001) wereinsufficient for confident recognition of this subfamily.Members of the subfamily share similar geographic distri-butions, and with the PACMAD clade exhibit an elongatedmesocotyl internode in the embryo, although we are unawareof any unique structural synapomorphies for the subfamily.Nonetheless, the determination of missing plastid sequencesin the GPWG (2001) data matrix has clearly resolved thesetaxa as members of a strongly supported subfamily withpossible affinities to Arundinoideae. Sanchez-Ken et al. (inpress) will provide an emended description for Micrairo-ideae.


Gynerium was treated as incertae sedis by GPWG (2001)because of insufficient support for its phylogenetic place-ment. Gynerieae, composed of the monotypic Gynerium,were concurrently recognized by Sanchez-Ken and Clark(2001) and provisionally included in the circumscription ofPanicoideae. Although none of the new taxa added to ouranalysis were of close phylogenetic proximity to Gynerieae,a sequence of rbcL from Danthoniopsis, missing from theGPWG (2001) matrix, was determined. Gynerium is hereunited in a sister-group relationship to the Andropogoneae(here represented by Sorghum and Zea L.)/Paniceae (Pani-cum L., Pennisetum Rich.) clade (BV " 58–72% in MPanalyses, PP " 1.00 in all BI replicates; though unresolvedin NJ analyses; Fig. 1–3), consistent with the MP results ofBarker et al. (1995). Thus, the addition of the missing Dan-thoniopsis sequence, combined with the greater sensitivityof the BI approach, has produced unexpectedly strong sup-port for the position of Gynerieae in Panicoideae.


Additional plastid sequences for Streptogyna did not pro-duce a robust phylogenetic placement for Streptogyneae, atribe of one genus and two widely distributed species. Theposition of Streptogyna is unresolved in MP bootstrap anal-yses of structural and molecular data (Fig. 1). Neighbor-join-ing analyses of the nucleotide partition place Streptogyna asthe sister taxon to Bambusoideae (BV " 63–64%; Fig. 2).Maximum parsimony and BI analyses of the sequence dataunite Streptogyna with Ehrhartoideae (BV " 57%, PP "0.76–0.90; Fig. 3) as was previously suggested (GPWG2001). There is a minor outgroup effect here as well, withthe lowest PP value (0.76) obtained with Ecdeiocolea as thesole outgroup, and a higher range of values (0.82–0.90) ob-tained when both outgroup taxa were included.

Arundinaria and Bambuseae

Arundinaria gigantea is distinguished as a representativeof the sole native genus of Bambuseae in the USA (Triplettet al. 2004). Previous molecular studies have been inconclu-sive as to its phylogenetic position, either because of under-sampling of Bambusoideae (e.g., Nadot et al. 1995) or in-sufficient phylogenetic information (Clark et al. 1995;GPWG 2001). More recent studies with broader samplingand additional morphological characters provide robust sup-port for a North Temperate woody bamboo clade includingArundinaria, but the relationship of this clade to other lin-eages within the bamboos remains unresolved (Zhang andClark 2000; Nı Chonghaile 2002; Clark et al. 2006). OurMP and BI analyses of the nucleotide partition support anearly diverging position for A. gigantea in Bambusoideae(BV " 64–66%, PP " 0.96–0.98; Fig. 3), but we note thepaucity of sampling of Bambuseae here. In our other anal-yses, the position of A. gigantea was unresolved (Fig. 1, 2).

Arundinaria has been classified in Bambuseae in recentand older treatments (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Watsonand Dallwitz 1992 onwards; Judziewicz et al. 2000). In ourMP and BI analyses of nucleotide data, such a classificationresults in a Bambuseae (here represented by Bambusa, Chus-quea), which is paraphyletic with Olyreae (BuergersiochloaPilg., Eremitis Doll, Lithachne, Olyra L., Pariana Aubl.)(Fig. 3). This is consistent with other analyses in which mo-

246 ALISODuvall, Davis, Clark, Noll, Goldman, and Sanchez-Ken

lecular data alone produce a paraphyletic Bambuseae (Zhangand Clark 2000; Clark et al. 2006). The addition of certainmorphological characters, particularly the differentiation ofculm and foliage leaves, provides moderate to strong supportfor a monophyletic Bambuseae (Zhang and Clark 2000;Clark et al. 2006). This character and others relating to thecomplex branching of the woody bamboos were not includedin the GPWG (2000, 2001) analyses or in our analyses here.


Here we have compared analyses of three of the originaleight data sets assembled by GPWG (2000, 2001) in whichmissing sequences were determined and data were added forseveral ingroup and outgroup taxa. While this is a more lim-ited character data matrix, our trees show considerable to-pological congruence with those of GPWG (2001). Com-parison of analyses of the separate nucleotide partition withthe combined data indicated that the former better resolveweakly supported nodes (e.g., of Streptogyna, Arundinaria,and the BEP clade) and show slightly higher CI and RI val-ues as well as greater bootstrap support across the tree (Fig.1, 3). This is consistent with the observation that the levelof variation in structural characters is too high to be usefulfor resolving relationships between subfamilies (GPWG2001).

The comparison between BI and nonparametric parsimonybootstrap analyses is informative. Previous studies that con-trasted BI against other methods differed considerably in thechoice of simulated and/or real data, number and source ofloci, organisms and objectives. However, a consensus isemerging. Bayesian PP values are slightly less biased pre-dictors of phylogenetic accuracy (e.g., Alfaro et al. 2003),consistent with our results. We found the ingroup phylogenyof Poaceae to be somewhat sensitive to outgroup member-ship, both at the earliest-diverging nodes and at weakly sup-ported intermediate nodes (Table 3). We thus caution againstthe exclusive use of a highly diverged outgroup, such asEcdeiocolea or Restio Rottb., for MP analyses of Poaceae,although BI analyses are less affected by what may be along-branch attraction bias.

Posterior probability values are also generally somewhatless conservative measures than nonparametric bootstrapvalues (Taylor and Piel 2004). Our results are largely con-sistent with this observation. To illustrate, mean support val-ues from the same set of 47 resolved nodes in the BI andMP trees (Fig. 3) were calculated. The mean PP value (andrange) for these nodes was 0.99 (0.74–1.00) while the meanBV over the same nodes was 90% (51–100%). Moreover,error rates associated with PP !0.99 have been found to besimilar to those for bootstrap values !95% (Taylor and Piel2004). Thus, the more liberal PP values require a somewhatdifferent interpretation with regard to levels of support thannonparametric BVs.

The concern that missing data were responsible for someof the unstable results in the analyses of GPWG (2001) waswell founded. Our analyses of a matrix with 41 additionalplastid sequences and corresponding structural data offersupport for the phylogenetic position of taxa previouslytreated as incertae sedis, even in the absence of the other

molecular data in the original GPWG (2000, 2001) studies,and contribute to continuing progress in grass phylogenetics.


We thank Elizabeth Kellogg, University of Missouri, St.Louis, USA, and Surrey Jacobs, Royal Botanic Gardens,Sydney, Australia, for DNA extracts and plant materials.Support for LGC and JGSK was provided by National Sci-ence Foundation grant DEB-9806877. Support for MRD wasprovided by National Science Foundation grant DEB-9815392 and the Plant Molecular Biology Center, NorthernIllinois University, USA.


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