PHP, QA, and Jenkins Eric Cope June 25, 2013 http://voltampmedia.com

PHP, QA, and Jenkins Eric Cope June 25, 2013

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PHP, QA, and JenkinsEric Cope

June 25, 2013http://voltampmedia.com

About Me

• I run Voltamp Media Inc., a 1-man web-dev shop

• PHP-literate since 2002• CodeIgniter since 2005 (1.6 whenever that

was)• Bitten by the TDD bug around 2006• Met Hudson/Jenkins in 2011

The Tools

• Jenkins - http://jenkins-ci.org– Continuous Integration Tool– Basic install is a quick download then:

• java –jar jenkins.war• Normal vs. LTS

– For bigger installations, its recommended to run within a java container, like Tomcat.

• PHPUnit – http://phpqatools.org– A set of QA tools– Installation is via PEAR

• Selenium – http://seleniumhq.org/– java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar

Getting Started

• Open a browser to:– http://localhost:8080

Managing Jenkins

• File System Location– Config files– Project build areas– Manage plugins• Start from here - http://jenkins-php.org/• Get the plugins

Static Code Analysis Plug-ins Clover PHP Plugin Plot plugin

DRY Plugin Checkstyle Plugin PMD Plugin

Git Plugin HTML Publisher Plugin xUnit Plugin

The First Job

• Each job must be configured!– Source Code – how to get the code– Build triggers (poll SCM, commit hooks)– Build Steps• Scripts (very limited environment)• Maven• Ant – see http://jenkins-php.org/ for yours!

– Post Build Steps• Plots, reports

The ANT Script

• This is auto-generated, then modified as needed

• Test by running:% ant /path/to/build.xml

• More at http://ant.apache.org

The PHPUnit Script• This is auto-generated, then modified as needed too• Test by running: % phpunit

PHPUnit Tips and Tricks - fixtures

• YAML files can be used within a fixture

PHPUnit Tips and Tricks – data providers• YAML files can

be used as a data provider too– Calls the provider

(returns an array)– For each row it calls the


• The YAML is different!

PHPUnit Tips and Tricks – Exceptions• Test your exceptions!• Check exception class and code

Bonus! PHPUnit and Selenium

• Make Jenkins drive PHPUnit drive Selenium!

My Issues - controller

• My current projects use CodeIgniter. CIUnit makes using PHPUnit and CI better, but setup is painful.– End case of parent controller• Correct parent class in setUp, but not in the

testMethod!• MY_Controller vs. Controller

– $this->CI = set_controller('MY_Controller');

My Issues - Selenium

• Selenium has matured quite a bit, but documentation and support is still very lean.

• PHPUnit’s Selenium2 class is much better, but still leaves much to be desired.– Click() does not wait for the page to load after a

form submission. Selenese supported clickandwait(), but I can’t find documentation…

– https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-selenium/blob/master/Tests/Selenium2TestCaseTest.php

– http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9102505/phpunit-with-selenium

Still to Learn/Do

• Mocks• Dependency Injection• Code Coverage• DRY-er!• More Integration coverage with Selenium• Exclude External Libraries in analysis || fix

them!• Better TDD / BDD