Before and after photos With this photo I have deleted the background using the background eraser tool and then I used layers to create more of the same image and then changed the colours. The colours in the background give a dancing effect which is suitable for my magazine.

Phots before and after

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Page 1: Phots before and after

Before and after photos

With this photo I have deleted the background using the background eraser tool and then I used layers to create

more of the same image and then

changed the colours. The colours in the background give a

dancing effect which is suitable for my


Page 2: Phots before and after

For this photo I deleted the green screen in photoshop, and then got rid of all of the spots on his face and in the

background by using the healing brush tool. Then I increased the contrast to show of the all the colours

better. On my magazine I could have used this photo on the front page photo as the model has good eye contact and is doing a strong pose. I did the same effect to my

real front cover image.

Page 3: Phots before and after

This is the background for my double page spread

which I made on photoshop. I made this by making a new A3 page and then

making a large rectangle and adding a fill effect to it. This is a good background

for my magazine as it gives off a dance and clubbing

effect with the bright colours and the fade effect.