Photoshop Layer Mask Features Non destructive (does not delete pixels) until applied Uses brush tool which is configurable Can be added to any layer (except Background unless double click to unlock) including adjustment layers One of Photoshop’s best tools Easy to use Can be used with selections If a mistake occurs then can add back in Can be saved in file when using a PSD file Opacity can be controlled

Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

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Page 1: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Photoshop Layer Mask

Features • Non destructive (does not delete pixels) until applied • Uses brush tool which is configurable • Can be added to any layer (except Background unless

double click to unlock) including adjustment layers • One of Photoshop’s best tools • Easy to use • Can be used with selections • If a mistake occurs then can add back in • Can be saved in file when using a PSD file • Opacity can be controlled

Page 2: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Types of Mask

• Layer masks – The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel

• Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools

• Clipping masks ideal for Adjustment layer

• Horizontal and Vertical Type Mask Tool

• Quick mask mode (not really a mask)

• Can have different masks on one layer

• Can move mask from one layer to another

• Can link and unlink mask from layer

Page 3: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Editing the Mask

• First set up the Foreground and Background colour (bottom left) to Black and White by clicking on the little squares above the F/B

• Can use the painting tools such as: – Brush, Clone stamp, Blur, Dodge, Burn, Smudge etc

• Always make sure you have the Mask selected when painting by clicking in the mask box (always on the right hand side of the layer box)

• To see the mask on the screen ALT click in the box • NOTE: When working on the Layer Mask this will be

displayed at the top after the file name

Page 4: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Editing the Mask cont

• To move a mask select and drag to a different layer or ALT drag to copy to another layer

• Click on chain between layer and mask to unlock the mask. It can then be moved around that layer or to another layer

• Masks can be deleted or disabled, right click on the mask and select the option. Additional options relate to Selections.

• When the mask is selected the Properties displays the mask – Density and Feather etc

Page 5: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Setting up Layer Mask

• Window>Properties or older versions Masks • This shows

– mask – Density – Feather – refine Mask Edge – Color range – invert

• Along the bottom – Load selection from mask – apply mask – Disable/Enable mask – delete mask

Page 6: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Adjustment layer

• Create an adjustment layer

– When this occurs a layer mask is automatically created

– The mask can be used so the effect does not affect all the image by painting with a black brush

Page 7: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Clipping mask

• Press ALT and hover between two layers you will get a square, when this appears click and the top layer will show a down arrow and moves to the right. This layer is now clipped to the layer below.

• This is ideal to attach an adjustment layer to the layer below and so will not affect any other layer.

– When an adjustment is created at the bottom of the properties window is a selection to clip to the layer below

Page 8: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping


• Select a layer – Use a selection tool such as the Lasso

– Mark round the item you want to select

– When you get the marching ants select the add mask. This will give a mask for that layer which you can modify using the brush and Background/Foreground (shortcut X)

– NOTE: Use [ to reduce brush and ] to increase brush size. Shift [ to soften and shift ] to harden brush

– To add to an existing layer mask Select->Save Selection change channel to Layer mask and Add to Channel

Page 9: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Quick Mask

• This is not a Layer mask but may be useful • There are two ways of using it

1. To create a selection Select the Quick mask tool using the box or just Q. Note: Now the file name at the top states that it is in Quick Mask mode. To set how Quick Mask works double click on the box. The default colour is red but this can be changed here. Make sure that you have Black set in your Foreground and paint everything that you do not want. Then hit Q to exit and you will see a selection (marching ants). You can now use this as a new layer (CTRL J) or a layer mask (click add layer mask). You can also invert the selection using Select->Inverse 2. To improve a selection Make a selection for example with the Quick selection tool. Press Q to select Quick mask and then select the brush tool and then refine your selection and hit Q to exit when you are satisfied with your improved selection. Switch to White to paint back in and increase/decrease brush size

Page 10: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Horizontal and Vertical Type Mask Tool

• This works in a similar way to the selection method of the Quick mask • To make it easy to use any of the Type tools do

– Window->Color and then Window->Character – You can now change the colour of the text using the color sliders and the

Text width, height etc.

• Right click the Type tool or left click and hold and you can select either the Horizontal or Vertical Type Mask tool

• Once start typing the screen will go red but the text will take up the background picture. When finished typing select one of the other tools such as the Move tool. This will give a selection.

• There are at least two choices here as it is a selection you can use it as a mask (Add mask). Or go Edit->Copy Merged then paste. This will put it on a new layer. You can then treat it as a normal layer and move it or double click it to display the layer styles to Bevel, drop shadow etc.

Page 11: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Refine Mask • Refine mask and Refine edge work in the same way giving the

same options (same tool). Ideal for hair selection. First in CS4 but has been improved since.

• There are a number of way to create the mask. – Use Select -> Color range or Properties – Mask edge – Then use the colour picker to select the background to remove

(adjust the Fuzziness slider for best result). – Use a selection i.e. Quick Selection tool then Add mask – Or use a selection and use Refine Edge and save as a Layer mask

• When a mask is active either: – Select -> Refine mask or Properties click on Mask Edge

• When working on a selection i.e. with the Lasso tool. – Click Refine Edge in the top bar or Select -> Refine Edge

• NOTE: If creating a selection it is best to keep just inside the object that you want to keep

Page 12: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Refine Mask cont

• First select View, best to use White or Black depending on your image to display mask

• Adjust Edge – Smooth 20 rest zero • Select Show Radius (at top) then adjust the Radius Edge

Detection to display the edge i.e. 70px (this is to let Photoshop know the edge). Then unselect the Show Radius.

• Now paint round the image edges with the Refine Radius tool, for example the hair. Click on Show Original if anything is better in the Original change the brush to the Erase Refinements tool and brush back in.

• Finally save the results (Output) as a Layer mask. It may be better to select the Decontaminate Colors, adjust the amount and then save to a new layer and mask

Page 13: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Photoshop Elements

• Masks were included into Elements at version 9 and are now basically the same as PS CS.

• Mask did exist before but only for adjustment layers. To use this do the following steps:

– Make sure you have two Layers, select the Background layer, next go:

– Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Levels and click ok without making and changes click ok

– Hold down the ALT key and in the Levels layer select between it and the Layer above. The Layer will move to the right. The Mask will now be on that layer.

• There is only a very basic Refine Edge under Select

Page 14: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Photoshop CS masks

Page 15: Photoshop Layer Mask - Wokingham U3A · Types of Mask •Layer masks –The layer mask is displayed as the Alpha Channel •Vector masks for the pen, path and shape tools •Clipping

Photoshop Elements masks