Running Header: Philosophy Paper Lauren Moore Philosophy Paper Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis EDUC-H440

Philosophy Paper

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Lauren Moore

Philosophy Paper

Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis


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Philosophy Paper

While reflecting on the philosophies we learned in this course, there are quite a

few that stand out to me. I find it to be a difficult task to address just one that I find

relating the most to my beliefs as a future educator. To be honest, for a while I started to

think my ideas on education were becoming more unique and different than the

traditional way of thinking about education. It was not until now that I realized how

passionate my aspirations and beliefs were as an aspiring teacher. There are many reasons

this society and program provides us with that give us a negative and corrupted version of

what teachers go through. However, I strive to always find a glimpse of positivity and

bring it to the forefront.

I find today, many individuals are hesitant to become a teacher because of the

government, educational system, pay grade, and so many other things. I honestly

struggled with weather I wanted to stick things out and still pursue a degree in education.

There have been many trialing days were I feel like giving up the dream of being a

teacher just to avoid any turmoil and frustrations with the profession. Luckily, I learned a

lot about my desires as a future teacher and what it will take to reach that dream. I have

found that holding tight to your beliefs and values, although challenging, is the only way

for me to endure this profession.

A few philosophies I find lining up with my beliefs, but are not limited to are

behaviorism and progressivism/pragmatism. I believe that the overall behavior of a

classroom can jeopardize a students learning environment. According to Huerta, it is the

teacher’s responsibility to design and create learning environments where students can

learn to their utmost potential (Huerta, 2009, p. 36). I believe that if there is a room full of

chaos and disobedience, students and the teacher will have a difficult time in moving


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forward in the learning process. I think that a child’s behavior is a good indication for

what is going on in their home life and also can provide on with the knowledge of the

student’s upbringing/parenting. I feel that even though it is the teacher’s responsibility to

maintain a well-structured environment, some weight should fall on a child’s guardians.

I do differ a bit when it comes to the idea of behaviorism being more teacher-

centered. I would try and incorporate ways for students to be involved with how a

classroom should run. An idea to do this would be to allow students at the beginning of

the year come up with a set of classroom rules that everyone should follow. I also

struggle with the idea of punishment in the classroom. Since we do not have a class on

classroom management, I am worried that I will not know what to do when a child

misbehaves. I hope to build upon this skill to help me become a better teacher in the


Another philosophy I stand by is progressivism/pragmatism. I believe that it is

important for student’s to learn things in a hands-on approach. How will one know if one

never tries? I feel that this philosophy allows students to experiment their ideas and

answer any questions that arise. According to Huerta, Pragmatism holds that people

should acquire, demonstrate, apply, and test their ideas in real-world contexts and

experiments (Huerta, 2009, p. 39) I believe that real-world contexts when teaching

different subject area is very important. This allows students to find a connection the can

relate with in the real world to hopefully increase their understanding in different content

areas. I also found that progressivism calls for teachers to find activities that appeal to

student’s interests and needs. A goal that I have for myself when I am a teacher is to get

to know each and every one of my students despite how challenging or time consuming it


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is. By doing this, I hope to gain knowledge about my student’s needs and interests so that

I may find activities and lessons that appeal to them.

Based on my educational philosophies, I hope to achieve a classroom with a sense

of comfort, appreciation and open-mindedness where students can leave their burdens at

the door. I want the parents and family members of my students to feel that they are just

as important in the child’s educational processes as the teacher. I want to have a student-

based curriculum that allows students to be inquiry driven. I will be intentional with how

I interact with students inside and outside of the classroom. I will incorporate fine arts

into my classroom where students can express themselves through many different forms

including but not limited to music, drama, art and dance.

I will strive to create an inclusion-based classroom environment where all

students are accepted, respected and appreciated despite what cultural background or

ethnicity may be. I feel it is important for students to see themselves represented within

the classroom. Meaning a variety of cultural diverse activities, posters and lesson plans

within the classroom. I will accomplish this goal by first getting to know all of my

students and understanding where they come from. I am determined to educate my

classroom on the vast variety of cultures regardless of whether those specific cultures are

represented through the students. Overall, this goal will allow me to develop a sense of

cultural awareness within my students not only in the classroom, but also in every aspect

of their life.

Looking back, there have been a significant amount of individuals and

experiences that have molded my beliefs about education. My family has always affected

how I viewed education since we were homeschooled for quite some time. My father has


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always supported and pushed me to stand behind my beliefs and to never stop pursuing

my dreams. I worked for three years as a mentor in higher education. This position

opened up my eyes in how I would want to teach my future classroom. I have found that

because of this experience, I am more passionate for the students that I am for the

profession. This might sound absurd, but it is the truth. I am very empathetic and

understand of others. This is a quality that I will bring into my role as a teacher.

When it comes to historical perspectives, I feel strongly tied to the idea of

multiperspectivity (NHEC, 2010). I feel that it is always important to explore multiple

perspectives of others. This allows us as individuals to become more aware those around

us and how we can live in harmony. An example would be learning about the many

voyages of Columbus and the different people he encountered along the way. This

provides students with the different perspectives of each member in history.

Overall, my philosophies and beliefs on education are still growing and

developing through time and the many experiences I have and will continue to encounter.

I will always strive to reach my goals and hold strong to my beliefs and values. This

paper has allowed me to open up and hone in on what is important to me as a teacher. I

hope to stay strong to my beliefs and never stop improving the world of education.


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Huerta, G. (2009). Educational foundations: Diverse histories, diverse perspectives

(Instructor's ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Teaching History (2010). Home of the National History Education Clearinghouse. (n.d.).

Retrieved October 16, 2014, from http://teachinghistory.org/teaching-
