The plants from the cell have a clearly higher quality Philips GreenPower LED production module “Philips also has a dedicated team that includes plant specialists and application engineers, who provide a very unique and professional service.” Horticulture LED Solutions Case study Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai, China

Philips GreenPower LED production module The plants from ... fileCase study Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai, China. Facts Grower Shanghai Jiaotong University, Faculty of Agriculture

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The plants from the cell have a clearly higher quality

Philips GreenPower LED production module

“Philips also has a dedicated team that includes plant specialists and application engineers, who provide a very unique and professional service.”

Horticulture LED Solutions

Case study Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai, China

FactsGrowerShanghai Jiaotong University, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology


CropVegetable seedlings

LocationShanghai, China

SolutionPhilips GreenPower LED production module

ResultsIncreased yield, earlier flowering, faster (root) growth and more economical use of space.

BackgroundDue to Shanghai’s cloudy, rainy climate, seedlings grown under natural daylight alone do not produce very good results. The lack of sufficient sunlight results in low-quality, spindly and fragile seedlings that struggle to survive once they have been transplanted into the field. During the winter in particular the light level is very low and the seedlings are weak and prone to disease.

The challengeShanghai Jiaotong University’s Faculty of Agriculture and Biology has built a new intelligent greenhouse for its seedling nursery. The aim of this nursery is to supply local vegetable growers with healthy and robust seedlings all year round, so they in turn can supply the citizens of Shanghai with delicious fresh vegetables on a daily basis.

The solutionLight is an important horticultural production tool and a key factor in plant research. LEDs are set to play a major role in horticultural lighting. With LED lighting, the Growth Light

– spectral output – can be tuned, which makes it possible to apply the optimum ‘light recipe’ at every stage of a crop’s growth. This capability, together with effective heat management and energy efficiency, opens up tremendous opportunities for growers and breeders. For the commercial horticulture market this means increased yield, earlier flowering, faster (root) growth and more economical use of space. Philips has conducted over 100 field tests with growers and breeders around the globe to determine the optimum light recipe for different crops and different growing conditions. The Faculty of Agriculture and Biology therefore decided to install Philips’ low-heat energy-efficient GreenPower LED production modules in the greenhouse as the only artificial light source, providing supplementary lighting to the seedlings when insufficient natural daylight is available. The new greenhouse is currently the largest top-lighting and multilayer project in China. first and second phase of the project features more than 2400 GreenPower production modules with three different light recipes installed over a total surface area of 4600 m2. These modules are

specifically designed for multilayer cultivation in conditioned environments. Comparing to conventional fluorescent lighting, they can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%. Thanks to the LEDs it is possible to produce stronger seedlings whilst ensuring low carbon emissions. The second phase will be a multilayer project with GreenPower LED research modules. These modules are specially designed for research – using light as a tool to control plant growth and development.

BenefitsWith the help of Philips GreenPower LED, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Philips expect, in the near future, to be able to determine the optimum mode for the seedling nursery and vegetable cultivation. This, in turn, will benefit local

Philips provides the best solutions horticultural LED lighting and recipe know-how. Philips also has a dedicated team that includes plant specialists and application engineers, who provide a very unique and professional service.”

Shanghai Jiaotong University

LED makes it possible to apply the optimum ‘light recipe’ at every stage of a crop’s growth.”

vegetable production and boost agricultural production throughout the country.

When asked why the University chose to partner with Philips, Prof. Pei Zhou of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology explained ‘Philips provides the best solutions in horticultural LED lighting and recipe know-how. The service of Philips in joining with us to do experiments together is highly appreciated. Philips also has a dedicated team that includes plant specialists and application engineers, who provide a very unique and professional service.’ Philips is also committed to meaningful, ongoing follow-up, with the company’s specialists regularly visiting growers to monitor testing – support that growers greatly appreciate.

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Document order number: 3222 635 6703901/2015Data subject to change

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